8 THE OMAHA DAILY HI-IE : FRIDAY , MAY f , ISO ! * . WAS IN CLOVER FOR A DAY Bohemian Laborer Plaja a Oonfidenos Game on His Countrymen. DRUGGIST A , D. BROWN'S ' DISAPPEARANCE Hpcnt III * NiiliKlnnco In Itlotoim Living mill III * I'ninlly WliMJiinil Women Proved Ills Itnlii Police MoU-n. A Hohemlan , who , in broken English , gave his name as Mike Hcncs , will spend the lext thirty days in helping to get the trccts Into presentable condition as the csult of a partially successful conlldeneo nine of which several of his countrymen vero victims. Mike landed In Omaha Wed nesday with a hunger for luxuries which uls means were not sufllcicnt to provide , and proceeded to be merry at the expense of his rlends. The field of his operations was among his countrymen , the Bohemians. Ho first made tlio acquaintance oft Jim Hoyek , to whom ho represented that ho was from Soutli Dakota ; his father iiad a train load or two of hogs on the Smnx My market , and ho himself had shipped several car loads of cattle to South Oinaha. Being flush , as he said , ho felt inclined to do the metropolis. The only thing lie was anxious about was a big check which lie carried on his person. Of this he was alrald the long lingered gentry hero might relieve him. His newly found friend was overawed at this and solicitous that Mike should strike one of the best places keut by a countryman , so ho took him to Frank Francl , who keeps a boarding house on Fifteenth and William streets and introduced him to thu proprietor. A room where h" might repose all by him- . yelf was set apart for the big ranch owner and everything made comfortable for him. In the afternoon Benes conllded to the landlord that he was also on another mission in the city , that of bringing to Justice a mur derer and all around tough man , whoso pic ture ho exhibited. This man had stabbed a woman to death and then robbed her. Ho was hero as a constable to take the culprit back to the bloody scene of his crime. On his orders a policeman had arrested the murderer , and ho would ho magnanimous and hand . 1)0 ( ) of the &HK ) reward which would fall to him to tlio humble Omaha patrolmen. As ho had only largo hills would the proprietor advance him until supper time STf Of course the landlord would , and he did. An hour or two later the two , Mike Benes and Jim Hoyek. appeared at John F.Kara- sik's place on Tenth and Dodge. Here Benes requested Iloyok to Introduce him as his brother. This done the drinks went the rounds. Confidingly Mike told ICaraslk , after this , that ho was very much afraid his companion was a bad man and would rob nim ; that lie did not feel safe to exhibit his roll of $20 bills. Three dollars would carry htm through till supper time , when ho would return and pay back the lom. : Nine o'clock came , but the rich man had not returned. IJy this time it occurred to ICaraslk that ho' might have been swindled , and ho started out to Hud the cattle baron and an ofllcer of the law , whom ho located at Mctz' hall. The return trip to ICarasik's place was made and this individual satisfied that every thing was in good order. Several more drinks were taken and then the cattleman took a hasty leave with his second landlord leading him a close chase. The sudden con tact with a wagon stopped Mike In his flight and ho went to the ground , with Uio irate landlord standing over him , and ho was soon handed over to the police. In police court &l.-lfi was all that Benes possessed. Ho claimed to bo au innocent farm laborer who did not , know anything done by him the night before. ' Thirty days labor on the street was his sentence. ItKOWN HAS I.KVANTKI ) . Kportivo "Amen A vim no UriiKClst Sud denly IHimppt'iirB. The drug store at 3U15 Ames avenue , formerly occupied by A. D. Brown , is closed to his former customers , and a printed notice on the front aoor declares that the stock and fixtures are now in the possession of the American National bank. The owner , so the story goes , left Sun day for Lincoln , according to a letter which ho mailed to the partner of his joys and sorrows rows , an estimable lady whom ho basely deserted and left without money or means of support. I In tlio missive ho inclosed $7 , saying that it was Half of the whole amount , which lie possessed , and that the drug store would be closed by Monday night. Very shortly after this was received the bank took possession of the stock. About three years ago Brown did a nour ishing business in his line and saved several thousand dollars a year. A year or so ago ho took to manipulating the pasteboards in the gambling houses , since which his cash and time were spout at these resorts. Wine and women also contributed and hastened his downfall no that now moro than ono creditor is mourning his departure. Last Sunday afternoon , when leaving his homo for the store , lirown Informed his wlfo to be resjdy when ho returned for her and they both would goto the Ames avenue church , of which they arc memoers , but she waited In vain for the husband that up to data has not returned. Brown's people are said to bo residents of Nebraska City. Pop Abutting Ills Mntlirr. William Nixon , a youth 18 years of age , who has been maltreating his aged mother , was lined 150 and costs by Judge Berka yesterday. Tlio testimony showed that ho had not only used the most obscene and abusive language toward her , but that he had also shamefully beaten her. Tlio mother bears now upon hov wrist a mark made by him three weeks ago. He has a situation at the Union Pacific shops , but contributes nothing to the mother's support , she being dependent upon a daughter , who earns $7 a week and whom this sou has compelled , by his tyrannous conduct , to leave homo. His actions are thought to bo partly instigated by a woman , w llh whom ho is infatuated , and her mother. Ilcnuivml Mnrtirngc-d Property. A charge of removing mortgaged property from the state was placed against Harry Jones some time ago , but his whereabouts was not discovered until information was received yesterday that Jones had taken up his r.bodo In bleeding Kansas. Tlio Informa tion agaiur.t Jones was filed by John U. Den nis , manager for W. J. Broatch. The offender's presence hero Is also re ported to bo dcaired by Max Meyer , W. T. Seaman and others. Detective Vizznrd will probably leave in a fo\v days to convey Jones back to Omaha. Pollco The rhi > vgo against. Henry Ehlen for sell ing liquor on Sunday was dismissed. William Wi tson , charged with keeping a disorderly house , was lined f.0 and costs. Ellen Foster was lined $50 and costs for harboring in her house of prostitution a girl under IS years of a o. K. McOloud and Jafnes O'Brien got Into a R diniculty last evening undercut to lighting. Ofllcer Boyle gathered them in. Jake KutholU , a boy about 11 years of ago , has become unnmnagcablo and his father has taken steps to place him In the reform school. The drsijvtinn of Charles Peak , a private of CoinpAiiy C , Second infantry , from Fort Omnlm was reported at police station yes terday. A complaint hiw been sworn out fur the ar rest of Michael T. Burke of13'H \ Farnam slrep fof keeping his saloon open on Sunday , Bcrtlo Mann wa > r.d HOOi nnd costs yesterday for harboring young girls In her house of prostitution. Sue- appealed the case to the district court. Alexander Taylor , who li chnvgcd with huvliiKihot at 10. Evans on Aprils with in- tout to kill , had a hearing yesterday and was bound over to the district court intlio * um of 11,600. ITrank Trurabull , the alleged embezilcr , yho made an uiiiucc j > ful attempt to kill himself on the Jrnlti Wednesday , has been convoyed to the county Jail , as his condition was moro serious , Judge Ilerka Issued a search warrant yes terday authorizing the police to search the bulldlngat the northwest comer of Sixteenth and California streets for ! U worth of car pets and chairs belonging to Mary Dwycr , alleged to have been taken by .loseph White. . Frank Trumbull , who Is charged by the World Publishing company with embezzle ment , and who while In the custody of an ofllcer took morphine with suicidal Intent , waived preliminary hearing In police court yesterday , satisfied to await the action of the grand jury. George Monroe is an Individual who Is evidently strh Ing to go into the wholesale business. When found yesterday by an ofllcer ho had In his possession an entire bolt of overall cloth , which had probably been taken by him from some factory or wholesale establishment of tlio city. At the instance of an ofllcer of the Asso ciated Charities Charles Carbaugh was arrested , on a charge of threatening to kill his better half while in a beastly state of Intoxication , .ludgo Berka yes terday opined that * ' - ( ) and costs assessed against him might have a tendency to cure him of all future illusions. Detectives Savage and Dempsry found sev eral lawn mowers yesterday , which had been stolen some time ago by Mat Uyan and Pete Murray from the hardware stores of Lobcck it Linn and W. Lyle Dickey. When the articles ivere found both men had evidently departed from the city , having escaped dur ing the day while at work with the chain gang upon the streets. A II li ; ! ' I. ni-r Usually has a bad live. ' . He Is bilious , constipated , has indigestion and dyspepsia. If there is no organic trouble a few doses of Parks' Sure Cure will tone him up. Parks' Sure Cure is the only liver and kidney cure wo sell on a positive guarantee , price $1.00. All druggists. _ Tin ; \VurltlN I'tlr. A great white city ! Buildings largo enough to seat hundreds of thousands of people at one time ! A park two miles long , varying from a few hundred yards to a mile in width , and fronting the lov- licst inland sea in the world ! Flowers , music , strange people everywhere. That's the Columbian exposition. Don't miss it. It's the greatest , grand est , most unique spectacle this earth of ours over saw. And the Burlington route will take you there comfortably , quickly , cheaply. See the city tickts agent at llM ! Farnam street. lie will tell you all about trains. Excursion rates every day. AMENDED THE PETITION. Another Clmrgn Added td The c Alro.uly KilHtliiR Against iloliu 1C. Hill. The counsel for the state has amended its petition in the case against ox-Trcasurcr .lohn E. Hill to recover the money lost by tlie Capital National bank failure. The change consists in inserting a section charging that Hill during his last term of oflieo , and after the execution and delivery of his bond , unlawfully and contrary to his duty as such state treasurer deposited in anil loaned to the Capital National bank of Lincoln , Neb. , located and doing business in the county of Lancaster , the aggregate sum of SJJMi.iHH.OO and over , and to the Merchants National bank of Omaha in the sum of $ M.r ) > 10 , and to tlio United States National bank of Oinaha in the sum of $ ir > ( , l,7-lH , thereby converting said moneys to his own use. The said moneys were so deposited and loaned from time to time in sums less than the aggregate sums , but the plaintiff is not inlormcd and has not the means of ascertaining the pre cise dates and amounts of said several sums making up the said aggregates and cannot moro particularly set forth the same. John Kills of Gage county , who is one of the bondsmen of Hill , and therefore one of the coaofendants in the case , has objected to the Jurisdiction of the court , claiming that thu action is upon an olllcia } bond and arosq wholly in Lancaster county , while suit has been commenced in Douglas county contrary to the statutes , and that Ellis has resided in ( .age county for the ten years Inst past , and still so resides , and has never resided in Douglas county , and no process of summons was ever served against him in this county and the court has no jurisdiction over him. Captain Hill lias also raised the question of Jurisdiction , and recites that the notice served on him is void for that reason. He further states , through his attorney , .ludge Broady , that according to tho"allegeV'bond , a copy of which appeared in the lilingsof the state , ho is not holdcn to the state for any shortage that may have occurred , in that his signature does not appear on it. District Court Dulngg. The Jury in the case of the state against George H" Smith returned a verdict finding the defendant guilty as charged with grand larceny. The ease of Rogers against W. U. Homan is on trial before Judge Ferguson. Tlio set tlement of a number of mechanic's liens is the issue. Curtis & Sackctt and B. F. Masters have locked burns in Judge Davis' court over the possession of a horse which the former seized on a liveryman's lien , and which w.is subsequently replovined by Masters to satisfy a chattel mortgage. The attention of the criminal court is oc cupied with tlio cases of the state against Hello Arnold and Eflio Saunders , a couple of colored damsels , who arc charged with re ceiving stolen property. The property con sisted of sonio underclothing that was taken from the store of David Altman. The cases arc being tried separately. Judge Scott and a jury are listening to the evidence in the case ot the Franciscan con vent of Eau Claire against the city. The case grows out of the change of grade of Hamilton street , the cut in front of the con vent grounds being llfteen feet , and the suit is itn appeal from the award of tlio ap praisers who fixed tlio damages. Turks' CiiiiKli Syrup Has been so highly recommended to us that wo now ask our friends who are suffer ing with a cold to give it a trial , and if it does not give satisfaction your money will bo refunded. Every bottle is sold on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents and fcl.UO. All druggists. Iiisiino 1'ntli'nt Khcupetl. A man who said his name was F. B. Sal mon entered the store of Meyer & Uaapkc yesterday and demanded $5 with which to send the following message to President Cleveland : The Lincoln Insane asylum Is In the hands of i00 ! erlinliiuli.tnUen two yi-urs ago lust August , under command of JiiTto C'niwfonl. James hoys , llowmun , Kogers and otherMiNo In com * niand , I.OUR 1'ottii llamlln ami oilier * , nighty * ono In number We. nave heen tlio.ru ono year and tlnee-qtiarters. I accidentally escaped today. Police me vrlmlnalstalso thuio.IMi you would have soldiers surround at once aoo in number , \vluch are bore. I will sue the commander this evening If pnssllile. I' . 11. SALMON. The attention of District Court Clerk Muores was called to the situation anil ho at once telephoned the asylum and learned of the escape of Salmon , who was a Douglas county patient. An order was secured for his arrest and ho will be sent back to tlio Institution for further detention. in no. Kutlcet oflrc Itntu or Icis under thin liciitt , n/ty rrnlx ; nir/i iiilifftlunitl lint ten mils. vbrNli-l'hnrli'nC ) . , lit 2:15 : p. m. ThurMlny , used an year * . ruinM.il Saturday at' ' ji. m. , from roildiiiuv , 401 North 10th street. WILL NAME A COMMISSIONER Commercial ( Hub's Freight Bureau Will Boon Hnvu a Head , MR. SKINNER'S ' CHANCES FAVORABLE [ rotulillltlc * Arc tluit UP U'lt ! lln us CiiiiunlRiiloiinr Kiiinn l < t : in to Ito Worked Out Aililltlotml Hull- ruiul Xvwi. It is ninonc the iirobnbllltics thnt within the nuxt ten days the Oinnlm Commercial club will ilcoldo uixm a freight cointnlssioncr. As thu maximum rate bill Is to ( 'Q Into cfTcct In thu very near future tariffs on all com modities will have to bo rcmljustml to con form to tlio provisions of the bill and it will require the service of a trained tariff man to keep the railroads from discriminating against Omaha and In favor of interior points. The three candidates most promt- netly mentioned for the position are Mr. Malioney of Sioux City , Mr. Utt of Lincoln and Mr. W 15. Skinner of Soutli Omaha. Mr. John S. Knox , trafllc manager for the Cudahys , lias also been highly spoken of , but , as lie does not want the position , It is thought Mr. Skinner may undertake the work mapped out by the elub. Mr Skinner , if chosen , could , with the power given him by a compact organization , such as the Commercial club aims to bo , re vive Ills scheme introduced a long time ago in the West of the Missouri Freight Ifcito committee of districting the territory con tiguous to Omaha and Kansas City so far as the live stock interests of the rival cities are concerned. Mr. Skinner stated that ho recognized the hard work that would liavo to bo done by the commissioner for several years , but was willing to undertake the task should the special committee appointed to select a com missioner dcciJo that ho was the man for the position. "The adjustment of maximum freight rate incongruities will be one of the perplexing problems that will llrst confront the com missioner. " said Mr. Skinner. "From New port on the line of the Klkhoru. hay , which can now bo brought into Omaha for $1 l.f.O , under the maximum freight rate bill will command S , an incongruity of the most pronounced kind. I3ut what is most surprising in the making of the bill Is the fact that on many commodities the freight rates are higher from points midway between given lines than from interior points west of well dc- llncd lines. These conditions are Incongru ous to say the least. Of course , the rail roads will take advantage of these slips to make the law as odious as possible , should it bo hold constitutional , with the hope that the people will grow so tired of its obnoxious features as to repeal the measure for a more conservative bill' Chlciigi ) Tlmt < lncrcHHficl. The announcement made Monday that the Milwaukee would lengthen the running time of its eastbound trains for the purpose of taking care of the World's fair business applied also to all the Chicago roads as they will lengthen their running time to sixteen hours between Omaha and Chicago commenc ing Sunday. The following changes will take place on the Hurlington : Train No. i ! will leave Omaha at 4 : liOarivmg in Chicago at 8 : t0 ! No. 0 , called the Chicago special , will leave at 13IB : a. m. and arrive at , 4:10 : p. m. No. ! will leave at 11:43 : a. m. and arrive at Chicago cage at 0:43 : p. in. No. 8 will leave at 7:17 : p. in. , arriving at Chicago 3:40 : p. m. All three trains , except the last , will carry sleepers. The service from Chicago will bo as follows : No. 5 , leaving Chicago at 5fiO : p. in. , will ar rive at Omaha at U:50 : a. in. ; No. 3 , leaving at 11 p. m. , will arrive at. 4.-2Ti p. m. , while No. 1 , leaving at , 12:4. : ) p. m. , running via Loufcvillc. will roach Denver at 0:55. : There w.l 11 be no material change in the service between St. Louis and Kansas City , but quite decided changes are noted between Denver and Omaha. No. 3 Instead of leav ing ut 8 : 0 will leave at 10:10 : p. in. , and ar rive at 4 , practically the same as now. No. 0 instead of leaving at II a. in. will leave at 8 : > , and arrive at Omaha at 13:05 : a.m. in stead of 13:10. : The Hock Island and Northwestern will also lengthen their running time , their train ar rangements not yet having been completed. The Hock Island will probably leave about 4 o'clock. ltull\viy : Noun. Mr. E. L. Lomax is confined to his homo with a cold. Mr. S. H. II. Clark will return the last of next week from St Louis. It is understood ho left for Boston yesterday. Quito a party of distinguished Union Paeillo and Missouri I'acillo directory , in cluding Mr. George Gould , will arrive in Omaha the last of the month to inspect the properties of the two companies. There was no change la the rate situation from Colorado points yesterday , the roads intercstca in the light going on between the Kio Grande and Santa Fo awaiting the action of Presidents Jeffries and Keinhart before the knife is plunged any deeper into the vitals of the systems directly interested in the war. Illch , Keel lilooil As naturally results from taking Hood's Sarsaparilla as personal cleanliness results from free use of soap and water. This great purifier thoroughly expels scrofula , 'salt rheum and other Impurities and builds up every organ of the body. Now is the time to take It. The highest praise has been won by Hood's pills for their easy , yet elllclent action. Sold by all druggists. Price 35 cents. A .V A UIA VKM K.VTS. Comedian Nat Goodwin appears at the Boyd tonight , tomorrow afternoon and to morrow evening. "A Gilded Fool , " Mr. Goodwin's great success of this season , approaches preaches nearer to the level of legitimate comedy than anyth'ng in which the popular comedian has over been seen before. The story is simple and interesting , with a serious interest , which makes it very dra matic at points. The action is" quiet and dignilled from beginning to end , though fairly bubbling over with merriment. Pathos is made good use of to enhance the humor of the play by necessary contrast , and hero the comedian shows his versatility by proving that he holds the feelings of his audience as completely at his ylll as ho docs their risibilities. A subordinate llttlo love story runs through the play , affording Min nie Dupreo , the bright llttlo soubre'ttoof the company , an oppartunlty to exert her fascin ation over the spectators. The mounting of the play Is described as very elaborate , and every detail of tlio pro duction as perfect. Mr. Goodwin has made such a lilt InA Gilded Fool" that ho has given up all notion of appearing in any other play during the present season. It is claimed for "Tho Fire Patrol , " which will bo presented at the Farnam matinee next Sunday , that it Introduces a scene that Is entirely now and novel , viz : The interior of a gold stamp mill in Dcadwood , S. D. , where the ore is brought from the mines , previous to being smelted , with the big ore crushers in actual operation. Incident to the play there is also a genuine tire patrol wagon and a scene representing I'nlon The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used m Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , miuaro , Now York.'UUy. ' In a snow storm. What moro c in iift asked for In the way of realism I W. W , lllttnor , who will bo re- tncmbcred as an Oinaha boy , plays the leadIng - Ing part , and will lib welcomed by a host of friends , There arc three 'things worth saving- Time , Trouble and money and le Witt's Llttlo Karlv Risers will save them for you. These llttlo pills will save you tltnr , as they act promptly. Tlmywill save you trouble as they cause no palm They will save you monevis they economize doctor's bills. The Douglas County I'orsorwl league will moot.-nt Get'inanln hall Fri day evening at 8-p. m. J. 1' . Ll'NI ) , President. A Hargain Cottage and lot , northeast cornet''Id and Capitol avenue , one block from Hitfh school , only &V > 00. Hicks , 305 N. V. Life. Bee the celebrated Sohmer piano at Ford & ClmrUon.Musfc Co. , 1508 Dodge. In MMircli ( it I'm.OIK Mi'tilU. New and rich llnds in gold and silver mines are being made dally in the Kooky Mountains. There are thousands of rleh minus in Colorado and Now Mexico ice waiting to bo found by some lucky prospector , but it requires time , patience and some money , also a knowledge of mineral , to properly prospect a moun tain range for any of the precious metalH. The Kooky Mountain Prospecting company , incorporated under the laws of New Mexico , is going to bend out two export prospecting parties in search of gold , silver , or copper. They will travel with pack animals and remain in the mountains until snow drives them out late in the fall. To raise the money to keep those par ties in the mountains wo have decided to give away a small portion of our stock. The shares are $500.00 each , and cacli share is subject to three assessments of one dollar , and if we strike one rich mine this summer one share which 1ms only cost $ , ' 1.00 in assessments is worth $500.00 or moro.and if we should discover a group of rich mines and establish a big camp , one share of our stock is worth a small fortune. Send stain ] ) for one share and full par ticulars. Address Kooky Mountain 1' . Co. , Espanola , New Mexico. .Mclirl IMutu Improvements. Through sleeping cars between Chicago cage and Now York and Boston ; superb dining cars between Chicago and Buf falo ; three trains in each direction daily ; a now passenger depot at Chicago cage , corner of Clark and Twelfth streets : a now ticket olllco at Chicago , No. 101) ) Clark street , the heart of the city these are some of the improve ments that the popular Nickel Plato road is making or has made in its facili ties for serving the public. The new train service will go into operation early in May. By the wav , the Nickel Plato road is now soiling tickets to the World's fiiir , good returning until No vember 5 , at low rates. tiK rcrimt ? . The following permits to build were issued yesterday by the inspector of build ings : 1'rcd II. Lowe , 5104 North TttPiity- tlitrd , dwelling . $ 5,000 IVi'i'iiou HiTiicy , 3HUO Ninth Seven teen th , colt ago . 600 Six minor pcrmit.s . Eight penults , aggregating . $ 7,3i5 ! Kutlior Strep Than take in any other form Is what many people thhiK , and Parks' tea is made for just these folks. It cures constipation , and though not a cathartic , moves the bowels every day iMl druggists. ' -i- _ _ All-ii. RrUwoliI lln nl. Mrs. Ethlyn Griswold , wife of S. II. Gris- wold. died suddenly yesterday morning at her homo in Lancaster , O. The deceased was the mother of S. G. V. Griswold of THE HUE , who left last evening to attend the funeral. Of p ° rfect Of great strength- Economy In their use , Flavor as delicately and delir-inurl , * ns tha fresh ' * " * THE FAMOUS J. HEED WUIPPLE , Recently said in an interview : . . . "From the time of introducing LON DONDERRY 'in my hotels its sale has been one of constant increase , this in. crease being 100 per cent , greater the last year than in any previous year. I believe more people are now drinking LONDONDERRY than all other waters combined , . . . I cannot say too much in its .favor" Sold wherever -water is sold. Largest water bottling establishment in Amer ica , if not in the world ! &i _ _ _ _ _ Londonderry Litfeia Spring Water Co , , M. x. n. ClMBLKHll riCMNBt CO..SllhllBAflM.tlIt < , ll > M. .Mail. Distributee Agents for Oinaha. KENNEDVS CAUTION. KENNEUY'J EAST INDIA BITTERS Are NKV.'CU Soil IN 1IU1.K , ONLY IN BOTTLES WITH TRADEMARK LABELS I ? yeti are Determined To have the small-wing Collars you cannot do better than to ask for our makes. We manufacture a lame vari ety of them , in both the Cluolt and Coon Brands. ClUeii Coon Bnnd , 2Sc. Drand , 20c. Have you heeded our pointers and tried The CDonafota Shlxt Vet ? Do so the next time you buy , and you will thank us for the sucgeitian. ' CLOETT , COON 5 CO. BLACK I CHEVIOT I Is popular-thore's no denying it. Goods may come and goods may go pattern makers may lie awake nights thinking up new patterns dyers may die or iginating all sorts of new and novel colors and shades-leaders of fashion may decide that light or dark colors only shall be worn but the hold of the black cheviot never seems to let up on popular favor. There's never a time when a black cheviot suit looks out of place. As an all round-combina tion "every day and Sunday too" suit there's nothing like 'em. Today we make a notable offering of these popular UITS In our men's clothing department piling up in sep arate piles four hundred and twenty-five elegant suits of soft , unfinished , all wool , black cheviot in sacks only in all and any sizes from thirty-four to forty-two ( and a few heavy weights who wear forty-fours can find soms by playing the early bird act , ) cut full lengths , cut in style , linsd with fine lin- ngs , wall and proparly tailorized. They're the sort < SS of suit that it usually takes a dozen dollars to own- It took our buyer just fourteen seconds to buy the lot at the price he got 'em at , and it won't take you more'n a minute to own one at the price made on them for the week , ICO CUP3 utnr -BEST AND GOES FARTHEST- Unrlvallcd for Digestibility , Stroncth , and Dollcacy of Flavor. Perfectly Pure. Haven't you fooled along- with that old clo ck about long enough If it's not too bad we can fix it. Otherwise , we can sell you a new one. We show every kind of a clock on earth. RAYMOND , FIFTEENTH AND DOUQMS , OU1IIV. DrDOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. Tlio eminent tpoclallst In narvoui , chronic , prlrnt ) . blood , ulcln ia 1 urln rr rtlimn A r3ul ir nn 1 roKlitcrud Krmlimtu in m v.lK'Inj , in illplomvi ai I uartlfl.ttoi will * : oiv. I * atlll tro ttlni with tin itrj itjit nuccjaH catarrh , luit m iniuu I , no-nlnil woikujsi , nUlt Iou3i nil anil form of print ) ilmioi. .Vn o.l , S'oir trJiumrU for Ion of vlt il . ' . uni'jli vlilt mercury n : ) pivrjr. I'.lrtlai to numir lutrj u I ut In ru bycorrmpouili'ncu. Mudlolno or Initr.rn intt * int lif mill o01,1 'm sal irolr piocjl. nu in irn to Imll- CHtecontentsoraend jr. Ono por.sotml Inturvl'nv proforrjl Conmllitlo.i fro3. Ci > rrji > o itljnjj Htrletlr prlvntu. IluoK ( > ty torle of l.lfo ) sant froa. Ollloa hour * , J u. ui. to J p. m. auilwj : IJ a m lilj in. u.itl btnmpfOT circular. PROTECT AND IMPROVE YOUR SEQHT. Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best. EYES TESTED FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. U. F. PONDER , Mgr. OfflflHA OPTICAL CO. , 222 S. IGthSt.J B B In our forf line you lin\'o yoiirfi/jo- tt > icn > i > li tnlfDii nl oi/r sf IK//O , IIH your I'r/enilmi'lll / o our FrlvinlH , wlion limy KOO your fiorfuor mntlo hy HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY , AT PQPUU1 PRIOJ5. -315-317 SouthlSth Straii. 1HBBBBBBBH OMAHA J DR. McCREW THQ SPECIALIST. In imkur)0h | ) < l in the treatment of nil PRIVATE DISEASES and allWeakneityrii and Disorder ! of MCn IB years experience. \Vrito for cir liit and ( jui-btloQ liit free. 14th and I'a-iiara BU * Omaha , riib. A D Quart Hottle J 01 - D Hermitage 75c. 0 Should be kept in the house all the time It is pure whiskey and is re tailed at the same price pint that we ask per per quart. Wine , Liquor aud Gl an C ) , , HC-lia 8. 10th St. , Omah-k iaaa a aacn czia acne. FRIDAY. ! a Special Sale iq OUr J ! -fl-8-E-M-K-N-l - - - - - - - We arc doingn Irgf bus' ' ness this season in our hous ; furnishing and china depart ; ment in the basement. In order to double our usuc Friday sales and pppulari/.l this department to a sti greater extent , we shall ori , Friday hold a special IO Per Cerjl piscoUij'i ' Sale WO On TnisDiscouptforFr'dayOply ' We except from the above discount Rogers & Bro. triple knives and forks , Rogers triple teaspoons , Rogers triple table spoons. No discount on these goods. Price cut , however. Knives and forks.ni'rdoz. . $2.95 Teaspoons 99c Tablespoons $ 1.96 Souvenir Spoons Free. , With a $5 purchase or ovej we will present our patron with one of those beautifuj World's Fair Spoons , which were left over from last Fri day's sale. * The spoons will be pre sented with purchases in house furnishing department ONLY. T , KIJ3J3OXS , > A 1U1313 OiVSJ The rush at our ribbon de partment docs not cease. All- our silk ribbons , Nos. 5 and 7 for 5c i yard- Nos. 0 and 12 for IQc a yard. < Nos. 10 , 20 and 22 lor Have captured the day. will add to the above for a few days a lot of plaid , stripe' and fancy ribbons , Nos. 16 and 22 , at 25c a Yard. Worth in all fairness up to' 5oc a yard 4 Make it a point to see thesoJ goods. Get your umbrella recov cred while you wait , as good , as new , only