Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Plenty of tlio Yellow Metal in the West
that Oau Be Utilized.
Treasury OlllrlaU Ilitvn Confidence that the
Uc.ruI U I'HUtcil mid Am Wall I'lrnied
ultli the rresnnt .Hlluntlon-
< inhl in rircillntion.
WASIIIV.TO.V , D. C. , May 3. Secretary
Carlisle van at the Treasury department at
an early hmir this morning , ami from the
iTowil of vMltors which was present In Ills
room during the day It vriis apparent that
the public was well aciuilntc ( : < l with the
fact of dis return. The trip which ho took
waa evidently beneficial to hint , for
ho appeared brlpdt and frco from the
expression of earn which was noticeable
when ho u'ft the city. Probably the
Information which ho obtained on the gold
situation was pleasing to him and relieved
him considerably. A reporter aslted him to
day whotlu'r. after looking over the condl-
tlon of KO\I \ in the west and his conference
with the C'lirajro banker ) , there was any-
Ihlng to sa > rpgarilltiK the llnnnclnl situation
' "Thero Is notli-
tion Mr t'arlislo replied : -
i\K \ to ! > < said , as affairs arn in a most satis
factory ntaio and the department Is not
anxious ' 1 tirro Is plentv r > 1 sold , which can
be utilized. "
N. . . ho aildcd. "I made no absolute ar-
raiiRpmcnt whllo away for the acceptance of
Kold by thr treasury. " The secretary said
this In a turnof confidence , winch was si -
ulllcant th , t the administration was well
pleased with the present situation , anil felt
that it fould meet whatever demands might
bo made on it.
An onirlal statement of the pold In the
tieasur.v made to Secretary Oarllse for use
nt the cabinet meelinif shmvnd : Gold In the
treasury.lul.UUO ' ; Kold in tiMnslt , > r.G,00'J , ;
total USr.HX ( ) .
There Is smut * talk of Sorrotary Oarllslo
iroiiiK to New Yorlt for another conference
with tlio bankers there , but nothing positive
can bo learned about it. Tlio total noli ! In
the country , as estimated by the treasury
jfllowl i in illation statement , aBKrvfratcs
* r > i.000. : ) < K)0 ) , of which > l8,000,000 is in circu
NI.SH ; HiCl-iTlt.\TIN. :
Constitutionality of thn ( Icviry l.nw Will
SIMIII lln 1'iiHHiMl Upon.
WASHINGTON , 1) . C. , May ! ! . The proceed
ings to test the constitutionality of the
Geary Clilneso exclusion act are being
prosecuted bi the Chinese Kix Companies of
San Francisco. This conference of the
federal authorities to expedite the hearing
was secured by the Chinese legation through
the Departments of State and Juitlro. The
Chinese residents of the United States , to a
very largo extent , are subservient to the
Six Companies , and followed the advice
given by its olllclals in all matters. Tlio
companies advised the Chinese not
to register , as required by the Geary
act , and the Chinese minister ad
vised the subjects of his government
to respect the law. Within the past
tivo days there has been a breaking away
from the Six Companies to some extent and
the applicants for registration at San Fran
cisco arc- more numerous than can bo ac
commodated by the present force. The col
lector has asked the Treasury department
for additional help. As was stated yester
day , there will be no arrests made for viola
tions of the law until after the supreme
court has passed upon the measure. Should
the law bo sustained , It is said there can be
nothing like u general enforcement until
congress makes an approprlat'on to meet the
accompanying expense.
The question of the constitutionality of
the exclusion law will come up for argument
in the supreme court a week from today ( the
10th list ) For the Six Companies Mr.
Choato of Nmv York and .f. U. Ashton will
apnoar ; for the government. Solicitor Gen
eral Aldrlch.
Why AVcrt ) Tliuy Nut Invlti-il ?
WASHINGTON , I ) . C. , May II. A prominent
democratic secretary wr.s yesterday Inquir
ing of the oftlclals hero why It was that the
cx-presldont and the ox-vice president of the
United States had not participated In the
naval review and the opening of the World's
fair. The senator called attention to the
/act that it has always been cus
tomary to invlto ox-presidonts and
sx-vico presidents to national affairs of
this sort , and recalled the circumstances
that Mr Cleveland and Mr. Hayes , as ox-
l > resldents , participated in the Columbian
exercises In New York last October , and
that Mr Cleveland was invited to the dedi
cation 'of the World's fair but declined.
Whether Mr Harrison or Mr. Morton wore
invited to the naval review or the oponlng
of the World's fair Is not definitely known
here , The facts , of course , are plain that
neither of them attended cither ceremony.
The query Is , why then ?
Olirlstliin MIodoimrliM In On roil ,
WAHIIIXUTOX , 1) . C. , May M , The danger of
on uprising In Corea against Christian mis
sionaries in that country has passed. News
that mobs of natives In Xeoul had threatened
to exterminate the whites , was received by
the State department some weeks ago by
cablo. Protection from the United States
government was requested and accordingly
the Navy department sent the steamer Alert
from Shanghai with orders to remain until
t affairs assumed a peaceful aspect. Admiral
Harmony cabled the department that the
Alert arrived at her destination April SI.
Yesterday another dispatch was received
from him stating that the Alert had re
turned to Shanghai. While nothing concern
ing the condition of affairs was contained in
thodispaUh , it la certain that the Alert
would not have left Corea If serious trouble
existed. '
President Clnvitluml I'lcamul ,
WASHINGTON , L ) . C. , May a. When asked
tonight for an expression of opinion regard
ing his visit to the World's fair , President
Cleveland , through Private Secretary
Thurber , said "Wo received a very cordial
welcome , and everything that could bo done
was done fur our comfort and pleasure. It
was mi occasion which I shall always remem
ber witn a sense of genuine pleasure. 1 was
much gratified at the enterprise , skill and
tastodisplaced in the arrangement and up-
nearanco of the buildings , and the results
thus far attained bespeak to my mind a
great success for the World's fair. "
AriniMl with lUiuu ) OrtMlrntoi.
WASHINGTON , IX C. , May a. The health
officers at Astoria , Ore. , tod'iy tologr.iphed
that the steamer Danube had arrived at that
l > ort from Hong Kong with ( SOU Chinese on
board , These I'hineso were destined for
Portland Ore In the course of his medical
oxamlnatioii ho also examined their papers ,
niul ho expnsses the opinion thnt nearly all
of the COO Chinese have bogus certificates.
Assistant Secretary Spauldlng at once
telegraphed the lolkvtorat Portland , Ore. ,
to exercise the greatest caution in examining
the papers of this batch of Celestials.
It Is : i Itlistl.tli l.iuv ,
WASHINGTON , O. C. , May a. It ls learned
Int the State department that the refusal of
1 the Russian consul In Now York : to reeog-
[ nlzotho passport issued to Mrs. Schwartz
I by the State department on the ground that
labels a Jewess , Is In accordance with the
I laws ot Hnssla. If Mrs. Schwartz should
make complaint to Secretary ( iresham. she
I will of necessity bo Informed that ho could
[ do nothing In the matter , because the rules
iKOvernlng the Russian consular oftlcos pro-
[ hlblt them from countersigning any p.ipur
[ intended for use in Russia by Jews.
Death of u Dnitrd StiutM ( Nniiiiil.
WASHINGTON , a C. , May 3. Mr. Hall , the
I-vice consul at the United Statesat Winnipeg ,
I Man. , has Informed the State department of
I the death Friday of Mr. James W. Taylor ,
{ consul ul that place. Mr. T'lylor bad been
Jill for some time , Ho was appointed consul
[ at Winnipeg from Minnesota in 1370.
I'ffitnrtMl by Onirn .Saekf > r * .
D. C. , May a. Secrotarlot
iGrcsuam , Lament and Herbert resumed
their official duties today and were overrun
with ofllco seekers during the entire fore *
noon. The special cabinet meeting In tha
afternoon gave them a brief respite- from
that ordeal. The financial situation and the
Alleged Cuban Insurrection were among the
topics said to havu been considered at tha
cabinet meeting , No official Information
has been received of the tilting nut of Cuban
filibustering expeditions In this country , but
It Is understood that , as a matter of precau
tion , orders have been isiueil to the revenue
vessels In the vicinity of Florida to cxerctsa
great vlgllancu In the preservation of the
neutrality laws.
I'hllnctelpliln'i New I'oitmaiter.
WASIII.NOTO.V , D. C. , May 3. The president
late this afternoon , after the cabinet meet
ing , settled the Philadelphia postmaster
controversy by appointing William W. Cnrr
postmaster at Philadelphia , vice John Field ,
resigned. Mr. Carr was strongly recom
mended by Chairman Harrlty of the na
tional democratic committee. His chief
opponent was Mr. John Huggard.
A Child r.njoys
The pleasant favor , gentle action and soothIng -
Ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need of
a laxative , nnd If the father or mother bo
costlvoor bilious , the most gratifying results
follow Its use ; so that It is the best family
remedy known and every fnu.lly should Imvo
u bottlo.
This * Is the night of Cnuio's lecture.
ii comer > r//i/i/ .
< : < > mniM l < > lirrA Iliind Down Rnvnral Opin
ion * In roiulliii ; Ciisen.
LINCOLN , Nob. , May a. [ Special to THE
HIB. : j 'loday the supreme court commission
gave out the following decisions :
Arnold vs Badger Lumber company.
Krror from Lancaster county. Reversed In
part and unirmed In part. Opinion by
Rynn , C.
After uiiswor day , If a defendant Illci a
pleading , In the natiiie of a rro-vS petition ,
against his co-di'fetidaiils who have not ap
peared In the action , such co-defi'iidants can
be cuiiclinlcd In riNpt-ct thereto only by their
appearance , or after the service on them of a
notice In the nature of a summons us to such
pluadlni ; .
Riverside Coal company vs Holmes.
Krror from Lancaster county. Affirmed.
Opinion by Irvine , C.
Tim statutory usHlgnmPiit In n motion for anew
now trial of 'Vrrnr.s of lnw occurring at the
trial anil duly exccploit to" Is sufficient to
present for icvlevv I he rilllmr of the court upon
itilHtniirrrroir teniH Interposed befoio the In-
tnidiictlim of any evidence.
2. In an action for daiiia ns for refusing to
deliver poods In pursuance of a contract of
HICTlirrn : | no consequential danr.iKcs are
claimed , It Is not nece.ssary to allege the mar
ket \nliin of the goods.
it. The failure of n jury , In assessing the
amount , of recovery , to ulluiv Interest upon a
.sum due upon contract Is not pr > f-ented for re
view by the assignment. In a motion for a new
I rial , tlmt the verdict is not supported by suf-
llclenl evidence.
Palmer , Rlehman & Co. vs Rice. Krror from
Douglas county. Affirmed. Opinion by
Ryan , C.
A contract to accept drafts , ( hereafter to bo
draun upon certain condition- , can he made
the liuslof lecovery by the payer of Mich
drafts only upon Miowlnx full and exact com
pliance with each o.aid conditions.
il. A party who contracts In writing to
accept and pay such drafts as shall hu drawn
by a parly named , In favor of another party
named , upon compliance with certain condi
tions. Is absolutely liable upon ilruft.s drawn as
contemplated , lm > spcctl\e of the condition of
the tjrneriil account between the drawer and
the drawee at the time nch dr.ift Is made.
Phillips vs McICaig. Apneal from Lan
caster county. Reversed and remanded
with Instructions to enter decree in favor of
appellant as prayed In his petition. Opin
ion by Rugan , C.
The party's true name was Mary Ann Allely ,
and hho held her real estate by conveyance uf
recotd under the name of .Mary A. Allely.
Held , that a judgment against her. Indexed
and docketed In the olllce of the clerk of the
district court " .McKulg & C'o. vs May Alloy , "
wus not construction notice to a purchaser of
thr. real estate from Jlary Ann Allely.
J. The Indexe * In the ulllcu ot the register of
deeds disclosed conveyances as follows :
" to Mary A. Allely , deed. Mary A.
Allely to Hooper , mortgage. Mary \.Allelyto
Vlckars , mortgage. " Held , that Vlckars , by
taking a deed of the teal estate from Mary A.
Alluly , so described In body and acknowledg
ment of HIM deed , but slinird .Mary A. Alley ,
was not thereby charjreil with notice that a
Judgment Imle.vd In the olllce of tlie-clerk of
the district court against May Alley was
against Mary A. Allely.
Gray vs Disbrow. Krror from Douglas
county. Alllrmed. Opinion byRaganC.
In order to review the proceedings In the
trial ot an equity case by a petition In error a
motion fora now trlalinust , bo tiled , as In an
action at law. Carlow vs Aultman , 128
Neb. , 07L' .
Henry Coatsworth vs McDurdy. Appeal
from Lancaster county. Affirmed. Opin
ion by Irvine , C.
In a suit to close a mechanic's Hen where
other Incnmlmincors by answer disny the fan In
necessary to create the lion , It. Is necessary for
the mecbanlc'b llnncr. In order U ) t'stabllsti hU
lion as prior to snc.h other Incumhraneos. to
provo such facts , Including thn time of com
mencing labor , or of furnishing material.
'J. The omission In u petition to foreclose a
mortgage of the averment thut no proceedings
have been had at law for thu collection of the
doibtsecil.ied thereby , miHt bo raised prior to
tlio rendition of a decree , as It relates to mat
ter In abatement , and Ls not to a fact alTectlnj
the validity of the mortgage.
3. Whether a petition niav at any time bo at/-
taclied because of tlio omission of such aver
ment by another Inctunbrunccr , .seeking to
foreclose his Hen in the same action uuaere.
Henry & Coatsworth company vs Starr.
( Two cases. ) Hy the commission. These
two cases present precisely the saiuo ques
tions nnd worn submitted upon the same
bill of exceptions and briefs as Henry it
Coatsworth vs McCurdy , and are afllrmod
for tlio same reasons.
Jones vs Stevens. Krror from Douglas
county. Affirmed. Opinion by Ryan , C.
When a real estate broker is employed to
procure a purchaser of real property , he Is en
titled to compensation when hu has s"cui'cd a
proposed purchaser ready , able and willing to
buy tbi ! property on the terms and conditions
Upon which the said broker was nulhoiUed to
procure such purchaser. This rlsht to
compunsatlon will not bo Imp-tired by
the subsequent Inability or unwillingness
of the owner to consummate such a sale on the
terms prescribed.
' 2. Tin ! picslding jndst ! , of necessity , Is
vested with a sound Judicial discretion as to
limiting the crois-oxiinilnatlon of a witness ,
and wheru tlm siiinn question has huen three
times propounded. It is not error to prohibit a
IlUo qiii-stlon to be again askttd , under penalty
of fotbidding further cro s-e\aniinatlon. No
exception thereto having been taken , there Is
In this court no review mile question presented.
Maggard vs Van Duyn. Krror from Lancas
ter county. Afllrmod. Opinion by Irvine , C.
An appeal from the county court to the dis
trict court should bo dismissed upon proper
motion when the transci-lpi , was not tiled
within thirty dayn fiom thu date of Judgment
and no reason Is iluiwn for the delay.
'J. Atlldiivlts used on the hearhuof a motion
In the district court cannot be considered In
the supreme court unless embodlud In a bill of
Piles of people have piles , but LJ Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
The Truthful
It requires no learned experts
or scientific experiments to
establish the fact that DR.
TRACTS are not only the strong
est , but positively the sweet
est and most delicate fruit
flavors. If housewives will
flavor a cake , pudding ? cus
tard or cream with Dr. Price's
Extract of Vanilia , Lemon or
Orange , and a smaller quan
tity gives a more natural and
grateful taste than can be im
parted by any other Extracts ,
is it not an incontestable
proof of their greater excel
lence ? In every case where
ft Dr. Price's Flavors arc * used
they give perfect satisfaction.
Thieving Dackmen Sent to Jail in Default
of Bonds ,
Bnlnrlei at Mombrrs of the Police nnil rlre
Drpnrtinentt Will iTolmblj- > a In.
oronnpil Itecmit Ilecotiimenda.
tlom of Mnyor Wolr ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 3. [ Special to Tun
BEK. ] Tracy and Kcnncar , two hackmen ,
charged with having driven A. Osterlow of
Havclock , a passenger , out Into the suburbs ,
knocked him down nnd robbed him of his
roll , were arraigned before Judge Brown this
morning. Osterlow was Intoxicated at the
time , and after they had secured his money
ho grabbed it , and In the struggle
two f5 bills were torn In two. The con
vincing part of the testimony was given by
Chief Cooper , who said that when approached
preached concerning the robbery Klnncar
told the officers that If they would go down
with him to the house of n foma'o ' friend , ho
would got tlio money and repay Ostorlow the
amount had been taken from him. He
claimed nt the time that Tracy had put up
the job and was the chief executor of It , but
as ho had turned over part of the torn bills
the court hold him along with Tr.icy In 100
ball for trial at district court. They went
to Jail in default.
Deputy Sheriff Langdon returned last
night with Andrew Dibble , alias Charles 12.
Hrunncr. the young fellow who secured $27
from J. II. O'Neill , a plumber of this city , on
a draft ho had evidently stolen from the
malls and which had been sent from North
Hend to Charles K. Urunnor of Omaha. The
forgery was not discovered for several days ,
ami Dibble had taken the opportunity to tly.
O'Neill happened to bo in Wichita on busi
ness the other day , and was talking to a
business man in bis ofilco when Dibble
walked in. Tlio recognition was mutual.
Dloblo took to his heels and ran with O'Neill
In pursuit. After dodging through several
alleys and streets ho was overtaken , and
came bade without givliur any trouble.
1o ItaUo SahirloH.
At the meeting of the city council last
evening Mayor Weir submitted a communi
cation recommending that the salary of night
captain of police be Increased from $03 to $ " > 5
a month , sergeants from fO."i to $7. > , patrol
men to remain at $00. That the salary of
chief of the lire department bo increased
from $100 to $125 , captain at headquarters
from 570 to 4& > , other captains from fOTi to
$75 , with several minor increases , firemen to
receive 0."i a month. Ho thought the change
would bo beneficial to both the llroand police
forces , as better men could bo secured for
the various positions.
I'i'rclviil liivcfltlgntton *
The councilmanic committee to investigate
Water Commissioner Percival's conduct has
as yet held no meeting. The charges as
made so far are to the effect that hu con
verted city lumber to his own use , used
workmen paid by the cltv to repair his own
house and discharged an employe of the de
partment for voting for a member of n politi
cal party opposed to that of the commis
sioner. The city attorney having reported
that the city could appropriate money for
the purpose mi expert bookkeeper will bo
employed to go over the books and make a
report on the finances of the department.
City In llrlef.
' 1 ho grand Jury began the work of examin
ing witnesses this morning. Auditor Kugeno
Moore was the first man called , and as ho
was accompanied by several books it is sup
posed that Mr. Uenton will receive consider
able attention at tlio hands of this body.
Deputy State Treasurer JJartlett was also
Judge Lansing this morning overruled a
motion of defendant In the mayoralty con
test inaugurated by R. H. Graham against
Mayor Weir to make the plaintiff state
exactly how many ballots cast for him were
not .counted , and issued an order that de
fendant answer by May 111.
The county commissioners this morning
granted the petition of the freeholders of
Havelock to incorporate it as a village , hav
ing more than 'JUO and less than 1,500 in
habitants. The trustees elected arc J. K.
Hutcheson , Chirlos S. Sabonlrigen , C. R
Uullard , H. H. Kcpnoraiid Georso Anderson.
John Stetson's Hoston Globe Theater com
pany , which has been presenting "Tho
Crust of Society , " disbanded here today ,
the season having closed. The performance
last evening was somewhat of a burlesque ,
which Is perhaps explained by the fact that
in sumo of the more serious parts the pop
ping of campaign corks in the wings could
bo distinctly hoard. The members of the
company continued ilio celebration after the
show , and departed today for Now York.
Piles of people have piles , but Da Witt'
Witch HazolSalvo will euro them.
Cut the Mujurs Down.
The Judiciary committee of the city council
has reported thut Major Ualcombo as street
commissioner , nnd Major Furay as sewer
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with regard
to Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil. The difference
between the oil , in its plain
state , is very apparent. In
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion there is no after effect
except good effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
is the best promoter of flesh
and strength known to
l'rpird lijr Bcott 4 Howno , N. Y.
Nurse ,
TroaH all kinds of diseased , Internal and ox-
ternul. Gunrautcos In every onso. Money ro-
fundcJ In all ousos whora patient u dlssatU-
fled. No reultr : fee clmr oil. I'otlonU [ my
nlmtovor amount t > ioy cuu afford ( or treat
ment ,
I6ih and Capitol five ,
CrouiiBo Block , Uooiiia C , 7timl8 , Omiihiu
t. . S. UJJJ * < JS17'OKV. OMAHA , XKIt ,
Capital . ' . . SI 0,00 ( ) < )
Surplus . . . $05,01)1) )
( mceriaml IMraoiorj Munrf W , Vatot , prail I ) \
U. U C'uthlii * . Tloo i > r * Uaij a S. lUurloi. f. t
tlorio.Jolm.'i. Colllai J. .S. it. Patriot ;
llttJ , caibler.
commissioner , are not entitled to receive ivn
Increased salary , and tW appropriation ordl-
nanco tin * been passedhllowlnt ; their pay nt
the old rnto of $1,000 per ( .year.
Major Hnlcombori3 hot in the best of
humor yesterday ov4r the council's nctlon
In rofuMiig to nllow UIQ increased salary ,
which ho understood Tyasto RO In along with
Increased duties. Ho nns not decided what
atop ho will take in the matter , but con
siders that ho Is entitled to the increase ,
nnd may tnko steps to recover It. Ho said It
looked to him ns If tlicrCouncll was making
flsh of ono and llcsh of , Another , Inasmuch as
Clerk Groves was allowed his increase ,
while the two members of the board were
given only the old nlloSvnncc.
Piles of people havo-.pilcs , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro thorn.
This is the night of Crime's lecture.
It Vfn Vary Scarce nnd Hmico Conies n mil It.
The continued hot weather of last summer
la responsible for the lawsuit of Uasche
against U'oymuller which was on trial
in Judge Hopowell's court yesterday.
The plaintiff was in the cold storage busi
ness in the winter of 1SVH ) , nnd
contracted with the defendant , who
was at that time n member of the
Omaha Ice company , for the furnishing of
2.000 tons of k-e. Ho fulled n few months
later , and the Ice company also turned over
Its business to another concern. During the
following summer Ice became very scarce
and the price kept pace with the thermome
ter. A great deal of Ice was being shipped
out of the city , and Boscho called ui > on ttie
Wcymullors for several hundred tons of Ice
nt the contract price , and the latter de
clined to furnljh it as they were out of the
business and their successors were held for
their contracts , but alleging further that
this contract was void because payment had
not been made according to Its terms for ice
already delivered. Suit is brought to re
cover the dllTerence between the contract
price and the price during the hot weather
on congealed frigidity.
District Cuiirt .Notes.
The case of Htimport against the Nebraska
Savings nnd Kxctiango bank still holds n
Jury iu Judge Ogden's court.
The Jury In the case of Wheeler vs. Drexel
returned n verdict for the plaintiff for the
full amount of the claim with interest.
The Jury in the I,0X ( ) ( ) damage case of Dr.
Denise ag.iinst the city returned u verdict
for the defendant after being out an hour.
Martha and Anton Korcnson have Drought
suit against Dr. Ira Van Camp In the sums
of 10,000 and * 5,000 respectively , allegins
malpractice on the part of the physician
during an Illness of the former , which ro >
suited in making her cripple for life , besides
causing her an Immense amount of mental
anguish. Anton avers that it has already
cost him $012 for doctors bills and has de
prived him of the services of the mother ol
thrco children.
This Is the night of Crane's lecture.
' Trnvi'llnu Men Incnrpurnte.
The articles of incorporation of the Omaha
Traveling Men's Social club have been Hied
with the county clerk. The capital stock Is
$10,000 in 500 shares of * ' . ' 0 each , which will
not bo held by any but members nnd no
member shall hold but oni > share. Business
may begin when thirty sharcsaresubscribcd ,
and they are to be fully paid up when Issued.
The incorporators are Harry .S. Wollor ,
James W. Lusk. Dalton litsioy , I. . . Huggins ,
M. U. Kibbo , M. M. Gaudy and Jv !
This In the night of Crane's lecture.
SPRING nraOKS. Wood lmmor , Bkln Immon.
Bcilp humors with IOM of hnlr , nnd every
other humor , whether Itchlnp , btirnlne , Meedlna.
§ caly , crusted , pimply or blotchy , whether Blmplo ,
ccrofiiloiiK , or Ijeredltnry , from Infancy to age , nno
now npectllly , permanentlynnd economically cured
by tlmt greatest of all known humor ourca , the
A BKIK and Hood purifier of Incomparable purity
Jl nnd curntlvo power. An acknowledged upeclflo
of world.wlde celebrity. Kntlrcly vegetable , afe ,
Innocent , nnj palatable. Klfecta dally more Krcat
curen of skin , Bcalp , nnd blood hiiniorn than all
other exln ami blood rcmt-dlra before the public.
Halo greater than the combined uct ) of all other
Llood uncl eklu remedies.
Bold everywhere. Price , 91. POTTEB Dnuo
OS-fiend for "How to Cure Spiluit Ilnmori ,
lilood Humors , Skin Iluuion , Bcalp Humors , "
The Qlenarm
Ear pcan Hotel , offers quiet and convenient quarters ,
tmoderate price * . All World's Fair Lines within
twoblocki 15 mumtrsto either Exp nilioiiorbusinciu
center , for five cent fare. Newly and handsomely
furnUhed and decorated. I'.levator , Illectric lights.
Suits of rooms for families. High CUsj Ucitaurant-
Rntes , $ i.50toi.50 per day. Address ,
H. E. Cor. Indiana Ave. Sc 221 St. Chicago , 111.
Refer to A. F. Seeberccr. Treat. World's Colum
bian r < cK > sti ! ° n and 1'rci. , Market National It auk.
Chicago , Illinois.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
< f Itooms at f'-.M per ,1 if.
tClloomi ntfl.OJ par ( Jar.
ICltcomt with llatliutil. ' ) ) pirttr.
lOltuomi wltll Hath attti ) to 115) yr Ur.
Modern 111 lOverv l ! | i rt.
Newly I'uriiljliud Tliroii liijut
C. S. ERB. Proo.
The Midland Hotel
Cor. till It mid l > leii > > o Sfs.
Opposite Jefferson Square
Klriicinstin every rmpcot. llnllulns and
furniture entirely norr ,
American plan , } , ' < Xjicr liar.
Kuropixm plan , f 1.00 pur day ,
Spoulal r.itcj by thu nftok.
M J.Tt'KAKCK , Prop.
Tno nly hotel in too o'ty with hot and cold
wnter ixnd steam in every roe n
ittbi anJ dlum ; roe n scrvico unaurpatial
RATES $2.60 TO $4.00.
Eocclul rutua on uppiloation.
Th Antharltlo * of the n < mr < 1 of Ittth
< U voflnino Importnnt Intnrmnttnu About
tlio I'rennnt Condition ot tin' Tropic.
At no tltno In tlia history of Now York Olty
have there tonn o many doalhi from pneu
monia m nnw. The official ( Inures show thnt
Hourly twlco as uiiny iloaths from this cnuso
nro occurring tnnn fur the last Ovu years.
This Is somothltiit torrlblo.
Ip. ) John T. Nnitln. IlozUtrnr of Vital ? IMI -
tlos. pnys thnt ihU Increase In iluo to the Innu-
oncu of tf rip. lie ( .ays that xnu tuny bo cnlUtl
CDldotnlo just now. nml thnt In tin1 majority
of cases Brip U nvlul. rontrlbiitlng cuiiso to
{ iiuMtnionla ntul nil itniiRoroiti pulmonary
troubles. At this time of thoyotir , when we
nro chanting over from winter to goring.there
Is always n low onlcr of vitality ; u ro.totlon
from the strains of tbo scnson. Tlio blood does
not llnw no full or rapidly ; thestroncth is less.
For this reason Krlp bus n much better chance
thitu at any other BO SOII.
This Is n time of ycnr when people need tone
no careful nnd too much linpnrtnnco cannot
DO placed UDOII l.ooiiina thn blood warm nnd
In cumulation. You must brlnir about n reac
tion If you wish to avoid the piln anddmcr :
of thoho troubles Iu time. There U but ono
wny by which n reaction cixtt bo brouclit
about nnd that In by the use of n pure Htlmii-
lunt , preferably whiskey. Hut tlio grout dif
ficulty Is that tliure nro few whiskies which
nro pure The only ronlly pure and reliable
whiskey known to the medical profession or
the world Is Duffy's Pure Malt. It nostussuj
qualities known only to Itvilf. Itwlllbrlnit
about n reaction nnd prevent cold , pneumonia
nrtlioiirln whnro muny so-ealloil itluiuliints
would fall , It has saved more lives utul re
lieved more sutTorlui than nnvthlni : of n simi
lar nature which was over known before to
the world
Is Out of Order
or Sojt Water is scarce ,
don't worry yourself for a moment-
go right ahead and use hard water with
and you'll never know the difference.
The clothes will be just as white ,
clean and sweet-smelling , because thf
"White Russian" is specially adapted
for use n ; hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago-
TaTSoao. " - " ' " vV
Diamond Hvn-
Dusky . , ? . ,
With Nerve Ho na. new M > uniiiblu discovery
of marvelous power , positive- euro for nil
nerve truutilns , aucli as nervous prostration ,
sleeplessness ik'simndenoy , pnltisln buck anil
side , slok headache , dyspunshi , loss of appe
tite , etc. Wondi'ifnl HOMO tonic , makea rluli ,
pure blood , tones entire system. $1 a box.
onoufrli for two wcek.s. At druggists , or by
mail , Nerve Iluan I'o , IlitlValo. N. V.
Just In Our Importation of
Exclusive Style i la
Sprinc Wooions.
Paxton Hotel
FrWo will tent ) jrou th m nolnu
rtncb Preparation CALTHOO
! . nd a legal Euaraiitoo ( bat
\/l'llUS ] will Itvatort. your
[ nilli , Atr nsili and Vigor.
I'tetland faYif satisfied ,
Addreao VON MOML CO. .
\M \ lijmU , Clo < i ill , Oklo.
Chronic , Newm ,
Privatj ail
Special Disci333.
of both
Men and Women.
All othur tronhlrs trnntod at reasonable
chars-is. CONSULTATION I' It HE. ( Jallouor
Tooth extracto-1 In morning
Newotios liiinri.0,1 rftjr eon
. M < ieiaj. ! I'urfcict at uar
Pnxtou lilnok *
16thandFiiriivm : Stroott.
ICIOTntor on 16tti St. Telephone ) iim.
If yeti are Determined
To have the small-wing Collars you
cannot do better than to ask for our
makes. We manufacture a large vari
ety of them , in both the
Cluoll and Coon Brands.
ClUeit Coon
Dnnd , 26c. Brand , 20o.
Have you heeded our pointers and tried
Tha monarch Shift YetP
Do so the next time YOU buy , and you will
thank U3 fcr the su
iVlla fiijcl it ; to their lijicrcol to Siyspcct )
the assortitcit siou/ij ) by
' 'last ; year's * ' goods here.
T\fo old Vrirjtjjiiijgs Worked ii > .
Everything fresh nijtl J93Js style.
Sa mples and Measurement Blanks to Nonresidents.
207 207
So. I5th , So. 15th ,
Some good reasons why house
keepers like Ingrain Carpets :
More reasons why you should see
ours before you buy :
Temporary store directly opposite
burned store on Douglas , between
14th and 15th.
Can be supported and rendered
loss painful by using a
Wrlto us for measurement
in &
an in itniiiiiiiin-i
Donlors in Physicians nnd Hos
pital Supplies.
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb.
Y7.II.1MIKKK.M.n..Nn,4IIiiinm : > iGt. ,
llnuT" " , llins. , ctitt/ consulting jthvicin of tHt
ri-Anoi ; > v iKi > i < ; AJ. iNhTrriJTK.towt , *
wan awarded lli aiii.i ) uriui. by the XATIONAL
Mr.niu.iI. A vcc-UTI"Nfu , tliol'ltl/.i : IXtAYon
Kihwittitl Vitality , Ativj V > Alrrrouimid I'tiyit * ul
1'etiiitly , ami nil Jilita ,1 and ) f > riJn i of Man ,
a young , the nMJle.agitl and oiii
Conciliation .n peroon < ir by K-ttrr ,
froipcctiu with WJllmonlalt , KUKK.
I.or o book , NUI KNCK Ol > ' I.IKK , OK hK.I.I' .
I'UKSUHVATION. 300 pp. , ] 25 Invnluablrt pru >
icrl Uouu. full ialu oaly tl.W
t\\t \ \ Pillows.
\loinizcrs. \
Invalid Cushioos.
lliiblicr Gloves.
Water llotlles.
Snry/p/i/ lutli-iiiin-iiln ,
'IIIXl ll < ll > lt III Slll > l > IIOH ,
114 Smith ir > th. St.
Nuzt to Poktouloo.
A iimllcnl work that tolls the ci\uae .describe *
thin'Rii'lc , iiolutfl the remedy bcJentlncullyth *
inofct valuable , artutli'iilly the inoit beautiful
intMllrat lunik over I > IIIIKI | | - < I , W tiaRrn , nvi-ry
n.iicn buu'rlu a half loiiu IllUktrutlun In Hutu
Subject * ircntcd NITX u In'blbh Ii.iiuilrix-y.
Sit'rlllty. lJ"vi > ! opmoiit , Vuijcotrli1 , Thu HUA.
li.iMd/lliiiMi Inli' Marring < < .
A'lvry tintu * trtritlii Irnntr ihr tl nttil Tntttit , < t
the I'.nln t'nct * . thf ( Hit titeieti iitnl Knr 111 J
roifrtriaf Mftllenl fnencr at it. iiltnl tit Mar 5
rtetl Itt'f. tvhit uou/'i ttlontor ] > nnt Julllc
( iii-l aniiilfuturf iittfulii. ihmild urlla fur tliii
irO.7)H7. ; . l.mi , * iiOOK
It will Imnniit m-K. uiiili'riial. w hllo Iho nil
tlon lantii. hlat n o , and If niurrlcU or ftlugte.
Atlilrt-Mi the piililuiiurn ,
wvwERIE MEDICAL CO. , BuHilo. N. Y.
* wvw