Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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r * o. 12 pUAiiu STI : KT
1y cnrrlrr to nny prt ot the city
lllii'lnpisOnicc . No. 43
TEJ.EI f | Klt | , Kdltor . No. 23
N. Y Plumbing Co.
Boston Store Natchaug silks.
Mlltonbciger Is the liatttr , WW Ilro.idvvay
The Women's Christian association will
mpct at the hospital tomorrow at 11 p m.
William H fiolden and Miss Lllllc M. Wal
lace , both of Omaha , were married by
Justice Tex last evening.
The Union Veteran legion anil Ladles'
auxiliary will attend St. John's nngllsh
Lutheran church , on the first floor of the
Mcrrlam block , this evening
Mvrtlc Hognrs , fi jc ir-old daughter of Mr.
nnil Mrs William Kogcrs , died In Stuns-
berrv , Mo , and the remains wcro brought to
thU city and Intel red In Falrvlevv cemetery
The dog tax books wcro opened jesterday
for the first time this season , and thirty-
four dogs received the certificates of their
annual salvation Iho dog catcher makes
his first rounds next Monday
Mrs Prentice K. Ooodiich will entertain
the ladles of St Paul's guild next Tucsdaj
aftcinoon at a Kensington tea at her homo ,
D14 South Seventh sticet She will bo as
sisted In entertaining bv the Misses Glea
ton , Cioff , Gionewcgand Haltetihaucr
At the last meeting of Haw kcjc lodge , No
18-1 , Independent Oidei of Odd Tel
lows the lodge was piesented with
two gavels , ono made of mahoganv from the
mountains of Oregon , and the otner fiom
hlckoi \ gathered on the Atlantic coast In the
state of Maine
St Hernard s hospital rcichcd jcsterdav
BOtne luscious California oranges of the seed
less varietj grown in that fei tile spot which
Is gaining fiiWa as Hiveislde They aie
propagated altogether bj giaftlng , and If
those to be exhibited at the Woild's fair arc
ot.lj rqual to those leeched at the hospital
jrsterday , and they will doubtless bo oven
cholct r , those who have boasted of the
golden fiult of Sitilj will find that the
Ame'ilcaii orchard puts all otheis to shame
Mrs Jensen , whose conduct has been a
cause of grief to Mrs Aj jcs , who lives on
Sixth avenue , was before Judge McOco jes-
tcidaj inoining In police couiton the c-lmigo
of distuibing the peace Duiing the trial a
great deal of amusement was uffonled the
spectatois bj the spaikllng icpartce in
which the two women engaged , and consid
erable information was biought out with
reference to things In gencial and loosters
In paitlcular Mis Jensen was dlsehaiged
Clay McMulli-n was befoio Justice Vien
yesteiday for a healing on the chaige of
beating a small boy nameJ Hough at Crcs
cent During the couisoof the hearing it
was shown that the Hough boy , who Is 7
jcars of age. had whipped a 5 .1 car-old
brother of McMiillen's , and Claj M ( Mullen
who Is 11 , took pains to pi event , the famiij
coat of arms from being sullied again He
was dismissed after a lecture from the court
The teachei of the school which the thiee
bojs attend sajs that theio used to boa
gi cat deal of tioublo among the Iwjs fightIng -
Ing going on all the lime Hut since four or
five of them were ai tested they have tinned
overanew leif , and of late theli behavior
would be creditable to a Hock of angels
Daj & Hess jcsteiduy bold 15 notes
moio of the famous Klein tract to .Icie-
uiiiili L.vneh of this city. Over 100 ucrca
of this Hplondiil fruit land hiivojioon hold
thib Hiring , cleared up and planted to
fruit. There aio only about 1280 acre's of
it loft. Then o is no moio pi oil table- in
vestment for men of small means than
to buy a tiact of this land and cnlthate
the nover-failiiifj fiuits that llnd a
icady market heio.
Ten lnj < at tliu World' * fair.
It will cost yon less than $ , " > 0.00 , every
thing necessary included. This means
homes in private cottage , clean , safe ,
close to "i omuls and on the bcaoh of
Lake Michigan. Wi Ho to J. T. Chj no-
weth , "Windsor Park , 111. Kefois to II.
"W. Tilton of Tin : BIIJ : , or Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bainbrltige , Council Blutrs.
Domestic boap outlasts eiicap soap.
l'JllttU.\.l I. I'.t It ( tttAI'IIS.
Mr. and Mrs John Fox havoretuincd
from a \ Isit w ith relatives in Kcokuk.
r Simon Eiscman has returned fiom Salt
Lake City and will spend a week siting
his friends heio. *
Miss Mattie A Claik has gone to Chicago
to attend the World's fair w 1th her uncle ,
Mr. T. D. Page , of San Jose , Cnl.
C J. B , Samploj1 , manaccr of the Postal Telegraph -
graph onico in this city for Iho last the
yeais , lus icslgncd. to takocffeet this week ,
and will go to Chicago Ho will ne suc
ceeded by W W Ulii/o , who has been em
ploy ed bj' the companj In Chicago
GeoigoW LIpo Dr T H Laeey , Vic. Jen
nings , W O Wilt and Charles 13 Walters
vent to Sioux Cltj last Filday evening to
attend a mooting of the Hoj'al Shrineis A
banquet was piovlded the guests , who col
lected from all the western and noi thorn
parts of the state.
Bout-loins' innsio house appears to be
doing a land oillco business in pianos
and organs at 114 and 110 Stutsman.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive btorms. W. C. .lames has tlio
strongest companies In the world.
See the peerless Dauntless bicycles
nnd got our tei ms. Henry Murphy. 1C
Pearl street.
Hear Miss Neolo M. Ogden at the
Presbyterian ehuieh Monday night.
S 1 1 II Alter Ihu dm I r.
An amended petition was filed In the
district couit jestcrdaj in the case of
the state , ox icl F.n On Glcason
against J J Hathawaj- , better known as the
casein which Glcason is trjing to oust
Hathaway fiom his seat In the cltj council
The filing of the now petition is in accoid-
anco witn the Older of the court mime re
cently that a fuller statement of the Issues
should bo madoon the pait of the plaint iff
Gleason now claims that two ballots wcro
counted for Hathaway Illegally which
should not have been counted t < t all , and belle -
lloes that other illegal ballots were also
counted for Hathaway Ono ballot , he
further sajs , which should have been
counted for Glcason , was i ejected , and II
the votes had been counted propel Iv ho
\vouUha\othoontcobj a majoilty of ono
C. O. D. Brown closes at 7 p. m. after
May 1 , except Mondays and Saturdays.
Close Monda\s at 0 p. in. , Saturdajs'al
10:110 : p. in. _
Dalboy's band is leorgani/ed and is
prepared to f mulsh Ihst-class music foi
nil omissions.
A. II. Perlgo & Co. , 103 Pearl st. ,
Columbia and other high grade bicycles.
Two Tea I'urtlei
Mrs. J. C. Hixbjentei tainod about seven tj
five of her lady friends last Thursday after
noon nt her home on South First street , in
honor of Mrs Dr Abltln , wife of the now pas
tor of the Congregational church The
guests wcro mainly members of the church
und congregation , und the. event afforded a
pleasant opiiortunlty of making the. acquaint
ance of the ludj w ho has como hero to fill so
ln > | H > rlant a place In thu chinch and social
circles of Council UlutTs 'lea was served
and a most cnjojablo time was had
In the evening Mr. and Mrs Thomas Ofll-
ccrgaMiu piuyat their homo on Willow
avenuu In honor of Judge J. H , Heed and
vvlfo. About seventjlive guests were pres
ent and a pleasant evening was spent IZio-
pant lufrcshmcnts wcro ono of thu delight
ful fcatuics
Stop at tlm. Ogden , Council Bluffs , the
be fat & .MH ) hoiibo in Iowa.
S. P. Vanatta , attorney , C Everett blk.
Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist
Domestic boup beat lor hard wutor.
3rnnil Army Men Wrangling Over ths Ques
tion of Who Killed the Benr.
Wall Mcl'mldm , Jnlin Limit mid Trunk
'nimble Iend In tlio Order Nunied-
Ktldriico Oltirrd In Support
of rhi-lr Clnlnin.
All those who had nny share In securing
the selection of Council Hluffs as the place
of holding the next state encampment of the
Grand Aur.j of thu Hcnubllo are now en
gagrd In thu work of seeing that thej get
their due shato of the glory icsultlng fiom
their successful efforts.
The first to nrilvoat the home plato was
Wall Mcraddenvvho , it will bo remembered ,
vrent to the encampment with his diurn
coips , the monej to pij the expenses having
been raised bj chrulatlng a subscription list
contrarj to the older of the post commander ,
G W Cook. When McTadden leturned he
was referred to bj an evening paper as the
one who had clone mote than anj one else to
li.uo the cltj he icpiesi uted selected as the
next meeting place 'I hat cverj thing Is not
as affectionate as it might be In thu ranks of
the old soldiers appeals from a letter pub
lished last evening ovei the slgnatuie of Mr
Cook reading as follows
tui.M'll. lilt US la \prll 20 , 1HOT - I do-
slio to correct a mlsstati inent In refeieni e to
the lalslng of funds to tuKe a diniii
corps to tin ) state i IK ampimnt In tin * Hist
pbu e Mr Mcladdiu his no control of tin-
drum lorpsof thu pdNt , hi ) only hi Inn a mem
ber thenof lie had no aiilhiutty fitiiii the
mist to holli-ll funds to take hlniMlf mid two
friends to the IK ampnii nt 1 he drum i orps of
the post Has no ) In atti ml.mi i as i corps lie
did not lead our delegation In par ide , and had
nothing In doIlh M i-intng the i m aiiininent
for this city Itcvpcrtfullv. ( } \ \ I ooh ,
I'oMt ( Jotnni inder
John Limit now comes to the fiont as the
champion who won the daj foi Council
Hlulls it was his speech that
did the job Another paper which had e1 1-
dertlj gotten Its Infoiination from near the
tin one laid the success of the" fi lends of
Council UlutTs to the confident smile and the lllght with which Mr Limit
gteeted the convi ntion
Now Tiank Trimnle , the sccietarj of the
Count 11 IHulTs Meuhaiitsaml Manufacttneis
association claims to have accomplished the
deed Ho went to Spilnglleld on legal bus !
ness and stopped at ICeoMik on his waj b ick
W hen ho auhed ho found the Council Hluffs
men dcmor-ili/cd Some one had been nidus
trlouslj spreading the u 01 d along the line that
Council HlulTs di'ln t want the encampment ,
that it wouldn I be able to i.ilsu the net es-
rarj funds if It got it and that to give It to
Comi'-il HlulTs would be to insuio a grand
and gloiIons Ii//Ie He immediately went to
woik , re-oiganl/ed the fones and when the
matter came to a vote Council UlulTs cat lied
the daj In a vote of two to ono Tilmble Is
supported bj Depaitinent Commander
Steadman In his claim to the life of the
Keokuk Phil Sbeiidan , in spiti ol the I u < "
number of other claimants
Altogether , Council Ulufls fa ml v
well at the hands ot the ctuampmcnt , 'John
Limit being appointed delegate to the
national encampment at Indianapolis and J
13 Atkins a member of the ai bitiation com
In An } I'lipll
Of the schools , public or otherwise , of
Council Blntls , Uniaha 01 South Omaha ,
who will write the bo < t Cnglish composi
tion , not exceeding1 M newspaper lines ,
and send it in bj May 1 , " ) , IblKJ , we will
make a handsome pie-ent , and gi\o him
or her the choice of a line Wash burner
or Bruno guitar , mandolin or banjo ;
value , VM.
Subject of composition : Appearance
of my stoio during the exposition , fiom
May 12 to ( i , the Uoval Ilaidman piano
and other musical instruments wo carry
in strck. The ten best compositions
will bo published from time to time in
the daily pajiois , with name and resi
dence of writer. The judges will bo
II.V. . Tilton of the Bee , Colonel Test
of the Nonpareil , II. II Grimm of the
World-Herald aim It. J. Clancy of the
10i : Main btieot , Council BlulTs.
A\ here \\orrtliip. .
Congregational Chinch Ho v. John Askln ,
D D , pastor MornlngsubJeet"AGood Man's
Kefujje. " livening , "Philosopher , Soldier
and Merchant " Union meeting of the so
cieties of Christlon Endeavor at 0 80
Sundaj school at noon
First Baptist James H. Davis , pastor
Moining subject"How to Become a Chris
tian " livening ll'lho Pildo of Citizen
ship , " a seimon befoie the Patriotic Order
of Sons of Amciica and the Junior Order of
Mechanics Sunday school , 1 : ! . Young
people's union , 7
First Presbjterian Kev Stephen Phclps ,
pastor Sei v lees at 10 ! U ) and 741
Tiinitj Mi > thodist-Hov II II 13m ton ,
pastor Pleaching at 10 ! ! 0 a m and 7 41
p m. Class meeting U i0 ! Sundaj school ,
1 ! ) Junior le-.gue 4 l pworth league. 7
Fifth Avenue Mcthudist-C W. Uiower ,
pastor PJ caching , 10 , iO and 7 0. Class
meeting , 0 'M
UioaJvvay Methodist H P. Dudley ,
pastor Preaching , 10 DO and 8 Sundaj
school , 12 Junior league , 4 npworth league ,
7 Meeting of official boaid Mondaj evening
at h o'clock
Bercan Baptist Hov T F Thickstun ,
pastor. Pleaching moinlng and evening
Second Piesbj teilan S. Alexander ,
pastor Pleaching , 10 ,10 and 7 4.1 , com
munion after morning service Sundaj
school. 12. Young peoplo's meeting , 7
St John's Knglish Lutheran Hov G W
Snjdcr. pastor Sermon to the old soldiers
in the evening Sundaj school , 0 41 Young
peoplo's meeting , 7 15
Young Men s Christ ! in Association-
Meeting for bojs under 14 at U p m Men's
meeting at 4 , led bv L W Tullejs.
OI1U 1 ill ) Vppuiiml.
The follow Ing letter from Dr. K. S.
Kelley , health commissioner of Minne
apolis , contains an endorsement fioma
high and intelligent bourco of the Per
petual Maturity Bonding company of
thiscity :
DKi'AKTMKvrorllKAi/ni.Ci rv HALT. ,
MlNNKAi'oi.ib. Minn. . April 2S. Poi-
potual Matuiity Bonding Co. , Council
BlulTs , la.- Gentlemen : I am a bond
holder in your com ) any , and have ex
amined its principles. As a result of
bitch estig.ition 1 f > > ol satisfied that it
is piefeiable to anj i ther foi in of insur
ance , as theio is a fair chance of iccoiv-
ing solid benefits befoio death ; that it
lh not necessary to die , as in other insur
ance , bofoie policies aio paid. As an
investment it beems equitable to all par
ties interested. Yours truly ,
i : . S. Km.i.uv , M. D.
Ovido Musin sta"ds today in the very
foreground of the world's gieatcst violinists
linists and his supporting coniuany is
acknowledged hj llie leading critics of
the country to bo the par excellence of
all musical oigani/utions traveling this
season. Tlio company is everywhere
meeting with ga-at success. Ovldo
Miibtn is the onlj genuine , successful
violinist Hinco the days of Ole Bull.
Broadway chinch , May 12.
rrcpiirlnu' li > r Dceimulon I > ly ,
The principal exercises of Decoration tlaj
will la all piobabllltj no held this jcar
under the auspices of the locil lodge of the
Union Veteran 1-cgion Heretofore the
exorcises ha\o alwajs been arranged by the
Grand Armj i > est and this plan has been
followed for so long that the day has como
to bo almost consldeicd a Grand Armj lioll-
dajAs alrcadj stated in these columns ,
the Grand Armj has kicked out of thu traces
and given notice that the exercises this jcar
will bo of n pilvuto nature , none
of the citizens excepting old soldiers being
Invited to taUo part. 'Iho members of
the Veteran legion werenot satis-
Ucd with tul pUtut umi mo BOW
stops toward acelebration that will fullj
ruiinl anv that has ever been wltnesse-l In
Council Bluffs The\ consider the lessons of
patriotism nnllojaltj to government the
principal benefits to bo derived from the
io'ebr.itton and thej nru not willing to let
what they consider a Gi and Armj whim
prevent thu general nubile from showing its
appreciation of the services of the heroes
who laid down their lives on the field of bat
tle A committee h is iiceoullnglj been ap
pointed to consult with the cltl/ens in gen
eral , ami the prospects arc now that there
will be two celebrations on the l0th ! of next
month , one of which will bo participated in
by the veterans of the war and the citizens
generally , the other b } the membeis of the
G rand Ai m v
Como to our entoi talnment the first da >
of May ,
At Presbyterian church just over the
Come poet , come preacher , como tutor
and scholar ;
Tlio admission fee is only quarter of a
dollar ,
Wo promise jou music , wisdom nnd att ,
And all the good things which delight
the heart.
Which lies through the stomach , ( bo
( ays Panny Kern ) ,
And we believe it is so , for through
her wo learn
To cater to the wants of the inner man.
Which the ladle' ! delight to do , when
ever they can.
So come one and all , both gieat and
binall ,
On the first day of Max , to our festi
val hall.
C. O. D. Biown closes at 7 p. in. after
Maj 1 , except Mondays and Saturdays.
Close Mundajs at U p. m. , Satuidayat
10.110 p. m.
Tlio Millets , decoiatixo artists , wall
papei , pajior hanging , plain and orna
mental painting , signs. Xo. 15 Pearl St
Fice tieatments daily fiom 2 to 4 p.
m. at the Council Bluifs Medical and
bin gical institute , 2lth ( and Broadway.
llnllilliiK Tennits.
A number of the mopeitj1 owneisofthc
cltj haxe paid attention to the piocl-imatlon
issued bj Mavm Lawience with icganl to
taking out building peimits and wcic sup
piled with the nei essaij permission to build
jesterday One of those ( Issued jcsteidav
was to a man who had built his house and
sold it without going tHumu'li the ptelimi
nailcs blithe took out the pcimltrathei
thaniun the lisle of being atiested and
tinul Yesteidaj was the last daj of glace
and if the major holds to his fitst intention
ai tests may be looked for tomonow , as theie
aieiultca | number of citi/ens who have not
complied with the iiile The following weie
among the peimits Issued jestculaj
A I'Mueller , lot IHO , Tnrlej's glen , * 250
Home of the I'l lendle- lot I. block 'J ,
.ludd's subdlv , fi iniu ( hulling Ci.OOO
IraUiasoii lot 7 , block 17 , Hayllss"
1st add , frimedwellliu " 00
I'SlM ) milling lots IHand I'l block
4 , Pierce's add , frame duellliu . 1,000
1'our permits , aggrcizatltiK * 0,060
' 1 he drniKl lintel.
Council IjlulTs. Mobt elegant hotel in
Iowa. Dining loom on seventh iloor.
Kates , &J to 35 i ur dtiy. 11 I-1. Claik.
I'l op.
lively staple tutie'le and evt > rj noveltj
in the china line .it Lund Bros. New
] ) . .ittornviio fi tuned for tissue lump
C. O. D. Biown closer tit 7 p. in. after
Mnj' 1 , e\cei > t Mondajs und Sntutdujs.
Close Mc.ndaj'j at 0 p. in. , Satin dnjs
at 1UO. (
A I Inr ICollil Ito Rl > .
Do jou want to buv one.J If so , wi ite
W. B. Otikb , SihorCity , In.
Boxes and ban els of Diexcl's Bell
cologne , a delicious perfume , 2oo bottles
for lOc. Davis , the diuggibt.
Remember DeIIa\en is headquat'teis
foi Puino'b Celeij Compound.
Abk jour gircor for Domestic hoap.
A mil 11 n r Tin iitrlcais.
1 ho"Fi lends Dtainatie coinpanj " appeared
.it Doli.mj' evening in n now tnclodiain.i
entitled Oast Out In the Stieet " The itluj
was well adapted to the company nnd each
luitvvas we'll peifoimed , espt'i lallj taking
into eonsldeiation the fact the worlc was
.ill that of amatmiis The melodrama , which coined } naming Uiiough it in streaks ,
was followed bi n lively farce entitled " 'Ihat
Awful Carpet Hag" Thobo who toolt
p.ut in the entcitalninent weie
the Misses nila Luster , Maggie Linebciger ,
MaDiiesbach , Nina Oatcs , Lva Cole , Mis
U Clark , Messrs Ilair.v U.uis , A N LunJ ,
W A Ulliott , Ch.ules Llnobciger , Cbailes
Atkins and J M Scanlan ' 1 bo scene vv here
Mr Scanlan aucstrd ihe1 heavj villain for
foipeii and nailowl.v escaped be-ing sliue-k
by a bullet fiom a tovolver that was pointed
dlrec-llv at the celling , was cspcn illv effec
tive The Misses Smith and Hailo did some
danc'ing between the two parts of the enter
tainment that called foith soveralcncoics
Coal nnd wood ; best and cheapest
MibbOiui html wood in the city i ; prompt
delnory. " . A. CoNo. . 4 Main.
See the winding of the May jolo ) bj
the childien at the 1'iehbyteiian church
Mondaj night. Admission - . " >
Cook jour meals thih hiuninor on a gn- >
uinge. At cost ut * ho Gas eompanj' .
Columbian soinenif silver spoons , 2oe. ,
now and beautiful , at Lund Bi os
Mine. Helen Men ill , huiidicssin and
mameiii ui } , ' . Hooni 1112 , Murrliiui bloek.
Rpinoinbor Dcllavon is headquai toTb
for I'uinu'b Colerj Compound.
.Miniiiirhil Iln ) .
The cominlttepi appointed b.v the different
oig.uil/.itions In the eitj to take clio neces
sary steps to uppropilately obseivo Memor
ial duy me respcctfullj icijueste-d to meet
the uxeeutivo commtttco of the Grand Armj
of thu lie-public at their hall on Mondaj
evening , Maj 1 , tit b o'eloe'k , G. W Cook ,
Finest , Arihto cabinet photos , $2 per
do/.eii. As'itonV ' stiuiio. 18 North Main.
Williamson & Co. . 10(1 ( Main htrcot ,
Ini gobt and best bie.v ele block in citj' .
Anothoi * hnprovomeiit to Iho popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Musio ( Jo
For firstclass"rooms in Chicago for
'World's fair call on Ohio Knox.
A now imoico ol KngllHh tin bans ,
latest and btylibh , at the Louis.
W. J. Wallace , building materials.
Use Domestic wmp. It ib the best
IIK.miKlt lOlfKV.itiTS.
NebriiiliH In I'minUed I'mr AVcHlher Todii ) ,
Kxcrpt In i lin Kiislern I'nrt or the Stale.
WASIIINHTON , D C , April 20 Forecasts
forSuudaj- or Nebraska. Full , variable
winds ; rising teinpciiiture , exc-rpt In ex-
tieiim e.istorn iwrtion
rar South Daicola : Fair , variable winds
For Inw a Gene-rallj fair ; northerly winds.
l.ural Ki-tonl.
April ' 'U O ini tin rci enl of temperature und
rainfall , compared withconcspondlnK day of
past four j'eais
1893. 18U2 1BOI 1800.
Maximum temperature -ISO C6O ooo 70 =
Minimum te nipuriitiuu 3tio 4c ( ) coo 4C3
A\rnice tompc-ruturu 40o vjo 750 oio
1'reclpltatlon .01 .00 .00 .00
Statement show Inu the condition of tem
perature nnd piccipitatum ut Omnlm for the
daj and since March 1 , Ib'JJ :
Nornml tciiip rutiiru 67O
Dollclunuy for thoduy 170
Deficiency hlnco Muruh 1 105O
Normal pnclpltutlon 12 Inch
Dollclencv for thu Uuy 11 Inch
Uellulvncy Murch 1 04 Inch
OEOUQE U HU > T , Local Forecast Ofllclul.
Live Stock Eichtitlgfj Ha ? a Small bi.t In-
lorcstbc Meeting.
Sumo .Memln-rii 'llmiiKlit It 1'rnprr , lint
Others Cnnildiirtiil It Ilrllirry mid Cnr-
ilpil Thi-lr PoTiU C'oinlni ; lliitir.
ta In iiiL-nt .Minor M pinion *
Thorn was n rcilhot session of Mio LHc
Stock cxt'h.iiiBojestcrd.iy .iftcrnooii. H\\as
called meeting and , iiltliuugh thuiocio
unli about llftoou metnbuis present , tlio i < e-
) , itosetu spiiltvil , uiid pl.ilu If not fotulblc
iinffiiago WHS used. The object of the meet-
tip \vas to discuss seine pioposud amend-
ncuts to the tulcs ( fovuiniiiR the oxcluuige
'Iho lull \\us staiti-d rolllnir by read-
ni , ' a minority report of a committee up-
loluted some tiino ago to draft some amend
ments to the lules Ihelhst report ns .in
imendmctit to rule U Uhu substancu of the
tmcmlmcnt Is it shall bo the dut > of
o\uii member of the exchange to eh.irKO a
commission of not U ss than $ T > u for all
stock or feeding cattle pint.based hi him for
inj customer , also that the granting of re-
j.ites or tlio dlwding of commission with a
customer shall bo deemed \iolationoftho
ruli-s Ihe penalty lor cither of the above
offenses is punishable b > u line of not kss
tb.iti $ JW ( This iccommendiition seemed to
lileiise the majoritj of the members picsent
, uid the report was adopted
The next amendment In the icpott met
\\lth considerable opposition It was to the
effect that no commission man should accept
a fee irom a scalper , the punishment to be
the s ime as in the above instance Mr
Olnej and Mr Leo Uothsehlldctu
snppoi lets of tlio amendment and Messts
Ulanc-h.inl I'aikhurstand
, Waggoner opposed
it Hothschild stated th it It had beiome sn
iommoii foi spcculatois to paj a bubo of sa.s
< > a ear to i commission man who seemed a
bu\ertbatho had to do It himself or get
left He wanted the eschange to make such
an act u Mol.ition of the exchange i tiles and
In that \\a\ stop the now neccssari expense
to the scalper It was \ iituall.biiber.N , but
, is long .is one sc.ilper did it the othets would
bo compelled to do so 01 thci would not do
y business >
Mi I'aikhtnst said that such an amend
ment would not hold good in the couits
That if u man wanted to give his monei
.uvaj theie was no law to pic > cut It Wag
goner stid he had never made anv
charge to anj scalper for getting him
a customer , but that on so\eial occa
stons men whom ho had favoied
in that wa ) had left a check on his desk
after the deal was o\er and he was not like
.i man who would thiow the cheek in the
stove Blanch.ud did not believe it was
[ uoper forthe exchange as a Ixidj tot.iko
uiii action on such a matter It was putol }
a tight among the- Scalpers and he thought
thej should .mango some vv.i.v tut of the
muss themselves TCo one asked them for
piv and if .inj of thrm s ivv lit to giveacom-
mission man $ . " > orll ) It was perfectly just
Hothschild s iiou was not a lluht among the
scalpels That , while he had put haps not
men asked outiiirht , for uionej , he had been
lompelkd to follow 4n the footsteps of his
co.npetitois 01 get loft It was nothing shot t
of biihco , and it wns injuimg the maiket at
\\aggiincr niaili1'a1 motion to ha\e the mat
tot laid on the table , but ho failed and the
amendment passed
The next amendment was in regaid to
weighingbacklunipv-Jawed cattleand as the
lilies no.v stand theie is no time stated as to
whonalimp.v jivV shall bo weighed buk
and as the commission men s.ij that in man )
cases it Is Impoislblo to inspect all the stock
at the scales , the original amendment lead
that notice- should bo given and the animal
weighed back inside of two hours , and this
was amended to four houis and passed amid
considerable confusion , as seveial mcmbcis
were talking at once
There will bo another meeting next Mon-
daj when a full attendance is expected
Y nut ; 1'ioplc'H Kntirtaiiiincnt.
The benefit enteitalnmcnt for the Young
People's Society of Chiistian Emlca\ takes
place at the I'icsbjtcii in eluneti next Tues
day night The following piogram will be
icndeied by the " 'i 1C " quaitet of Omaha
Quartet ( with accomp mist ) Cheerfulness
. . . . ! \ewnmn
"T. K " Quai tut.
Quartet Mmgiu-rlte . . . .Arr. Kiut/-\\hltc
"I1. 1C" Qnirtet.
lEeeltatlon Columbia Ci urn . Hall
MIssM. iil.l : Diy.
Tenor f-olo Answei Hobyn
.Mi. .Mcl'licrbon.
Quartet ( with banto Im'mt. ) M.issa's In do
Cold , Cold ( .loiind . .Arr Kiat/
T K. " ( junrtot.
Qimrtct Ko-ebud I'ali , Macj
T K. " Quaitet.
ItccllntlonIsti'i and I
Miss I ) iv. tut Hrec/eof the Mjlit | ( v\altz )
1. iniotho
" 1 K. " Duut'-t.
liar bolo TtiiL-lo Ihu I. ibt . . Adams
Ml Conrad ,
Kecltatlon Kobuit of l.liuoln Ilnant
Miss Day.
llass bolo and Quiitot I am King
An kut/-'lhonms
.Mr. Monlson and "K T's. "
Quartet Annie l.uuilu . . Ituck
" ! ' K "Qu 11 let.
] .ec d hrotDlnctor. .
Iho 3Ili ro-,1 opual > titfon *
Di Hewiston , who has been at the head
of the miciobcopleal station in this citj since
Septcmbci 14 , IbDl , se\eicd his connection
with that depaitinent iesteidaj. Ilo will
be succeeded on Monda > morning bj Dr I ]
L Slggins For the present Dr Sigglns will
occupy the nuaiteib now being used * on the
thiid lloor of the Packers National bank
When Ur Ilo'vlston first opened the de-
paitment ho was enl : gi\en eignt employes
Allof his assistantsaiewomen From time
to time the number was Incicahcd until U
icaehcd bixt ) At the picsent time theie are
lifti-four Some of them will bo letalncd ,
while olheis have not made application foi
ic tent ion Thli teen tif those now emplo.ved
seemed their appointment through the en
dorsemvnt of deinoeiats They will In all
probabllitj be retained Those who wish to
i email ) must tile their applications beiore
Mij ; 1 MissSudlcM Claik of Indianapolis ,
Ind. who has been in the department for
about two \eais , left for her homoiestei
day , as did Miss Ora Leo of Oxfoid , Neb
The pnj loll 111 tnls depaitinent averages
about t-,500 a month , the salary of the gills
being tbOO a jcar , Ur Hewiston handed in
Ills last paj loll 'tto the 1'aekeis National
bank \csteiday 'K |
.Salon i ailn DIKH iilhlkil.
The order of Mayor Walker that all saloon
keepers would bo'ldfnpelled ' to pai the $100
occupation tax befoio their license for the
next j ear would be issued has caused considerable
siderablo comment among the liquor dealers
Ono of them saiil " " 'If the saloon men of
South Omaha bail 1'tij sort of an organization
tion and all of ihb ; 'nould refuse to paj the
occupation tax , Idur | satisfied that the clt >
could not collect it. ' As for mvself , 1 would
lather paj Jl.OOO A'jear license than WK )
license und * 100 occupation tax The high
license would rertiuSi the number of saloons ,
while the $000 assessment woiks a haidshlp
on nil of us Last j car there vvcio thu teen
saloon keepers who did not pay anj occupa
tion tax at all , and now they are going to
try to make us paj In the * 100thiu.v dajs
or moio before it in regularly due "
Major Walker has also Issued an order
that all saloon men must cm tain their win
dovvs and keep the fiont doors locked on
Alore Counterfeit Dnllari.
Chief of Police Beckett has in his posses
sion twenty counterfeit slUcr dollars that
wcro found by ti bojf. The lad was plajlng
about nbout u shed In tno rear of Hunt-
singer's saloon at Twentj-fourth nnd W > -
mun streets when ho discovered the coin , It
was w rapped In packages of K > each and has
turned u jellovvlsh hue by having been wet
The counterfeit is perfect , usldu from being
considerably too light , They all bear the
date of Ibltt Chief Beckett Is of the opinion
that a gang of counterfeiters 1s operating
somewhere , between South Omaha anil
Bcllcvuo. None of the coin has been pained
ill fie eltv of late ntlho gh n fo\v irotitha
ittto h o was ctnsi iir bio if it circulated
Ill-all IP * I rill i All in limed ,
Ticket Agent Woods iceolu'd a teligram
\estcrdajnotlfjliighlm that , after Mav 1
.he lleatilco train would he nbamlniud 'Ihls
s the IOM ! train ruining betweei. I'o'incll . anl Heatllo which leaves South
Dmaha at sos a m.iml ; arrives nt 0 07p in
.Mnijle Cil } ( I N < lp ,
The cigar makers will plaj ball todav
.1 M Ciallagher Is hick from n two month *
visit In the cast.
Miss Martha Per vthi of Gardner , Mo , Is
visiting Mis W 11 Hcrii
Mrs J. W Argebrlcht , who Ins been
quite 111 for some time Is convalcsilng
Messrs (5 W Unitami V T Pi Ice of
llapld Cttj , S D , arc-tho guests of Ur li
j Slggins
The dance given by the llohemlan Turner
socletj at Hlum's hall last night was n pleas
ant success
lr Wilson received a telegram jestordaj
.statlmr that his father , who lives In Canada ,
was dangcrouslj 111
A \erj cnjo'vablo high ( he party was given
last nigh at Masonic hall bj the ladles of the
Oegicoof Honor of the Ancient Order of
Tnlted Workmen
The Homo Circle club gave Its last part.v
of the season last night at the home of Mr.
and Mis W U. Cheek on Twenty-second
stiect The guests weic rovalH cntcitalned
and reficshed and will have * main happj ic-
membiances of the faievvoll parlj ol the
Contractor * I'lsiire t lose I'ouethcr In I'lielr
llliU on tliu XV ( ilk.
The tabulation of the bids for paving the
thieecountj roads has benn completed and
the conttacts will bo aw aided bj the
countj commlssloncis as soon as Mr
Paddock icturns fiom his castein trip
lionds foi * lf > 'JK)0 ' , ( ) vveio voted last season
with the undeistanding that the proceeds
we-io to be used for this puiposo aim that
one of the 10 ids should extend from the end
of Mllitarj avenue wheio It enteis the citv ,
one fioni the west end of Dodge and the
othei fiom Center slicet Owing to the fac t Mr Paddock is the owner of huge
propel ties in the vicinitv ol the southvvest-
ein extension , his associates think that he
hould bo licto and be lonsulted upon the
subject of mateiial beloie anj llnal action is
\\henthebids wete opened thej were
handed over to Auditor Tale , that he might
make some llguie-s showing just bow nmnj
miles of the piv erne nt could be laid with the
pioceeds of the bonds He has perfoin.ed
this dutv and at the same time he has made
a tabulation which shows who weie the
lowest bidders on each of thedltTeient kinds
of matcuals
On Coloiado sandstone laid onaconciete
base the bid of Hllcy , McDonald Penlield
is the lowest , their juices being as Inllows
Centci stieet load , fJIU4 ( per mile Dodge-
street the same , Milit.u.v avenue $ ° fi IH4
Tor paving with Coloiado sandstone , laid
on a base of liioken stone and s ind the low
est blddois are Centei stieet loul , Hugh
M in ph > , f'riOJ7' ' ( ) . while the. otheisaicin
hands of .I W I'tnnas X .Sons at $ J4'JS8 foi
the Dodge stieet and fJI S10 foi the Milit.uj
.ncnue loul
'Ihe bid fet Coloiado < s uulstono on sand Is
captureil bj Hugh Mmjihj , ihe bidding r-'O-
160 s ( ) pei mile on e-.uh
' 1 he lowest bid foi bilik on conciete is b\
Uiloj , McDonald .t Pcnileld , their pikes
being * 2.-HO per mile on the Dodge and
Militarj avenue 10ids , and S.M.700 on the
Centei stieet extension
Van Court A , Co have plans of their own
foi macadam , and agiee to laj the pivcmcnt
according to these plans at the latoof $15U"
per mile on Militarj avenue and Dodge
stieet , but thev want $1. > , S-10 on Center
'J he lowest bid foi Telford macadam Is b.\
Ililei , McDonald * c Penlleld who offer to lav
then mateiial on Do Ige street and Mllit u.\
avenue at ? 17,1U ) jier mile , though on Center
street thej raise the ptice to $ lUbOO The
same linn bids the lowest on macadam laid
on a concrete bisc , wanting 17,100 for Mili
tary avenue and Dodge sticet , with $ lbISO ,
pei mile on Center stieet.
An acculate estimate shows that bv using
the highest M iced material the piocccdsof
the bonds would paj foi six and one quarter
miles , while with the lowest priced macadam
the county cotlld laj nine and one-eighth
miles of pavement.
'JhcTelfoid macadam and that bid upon
by Van Com t A , Co differ in this the Tel-
foid has a base of scju.iio blocks of stone ,
while the Van Court macadam has a base of
luegulai shaped stones , the openings between
tween them being filled with smaller stones
lolled into place bv hea\v rollcis the weal
ing suifaee of each Is the same
Alrcadj the macadam menaic beginning
to kick , although thcio is no assurance that
thej will bo aw aided anj of the contiacts
'Ihej claim that the specifications provide
for a live-jcar guaiantyand at the end of
that time thej must tuin the pavement over
to the countj with the weal ing of the same
thickness as upon the daj when accepted bj
thocommlssioneis Thej also claim that it
is unfair to hold a 20 per cent ichervoiluiing
the enthc h\c jeais , and in sajing this thov
point to the fact that the city never thinks
of holding more than li > per cent.
Dr. Presnell ticats catarth Dee bldg
M uti in > i I inkl a 1 i.i inlrtt.
OOAIIAI.A , Neb , Apiil 211 [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bi iTonight ] closes the first
session of the Westein Nebraska educa
tional association A two dajs iiuoting has
been held in the opcia house in this citj ,
nine counties being icpicsented bv the
countj supeiintendents and teachers Moio
than you weio present State bupeiin-
UndcntA K Ooudj and wife were piesent
and icndcred valuable aid in getting the as
sociation on a solid footing as a permanent
oiganizhtum A highlj enteitaming pie
giam was icndcred , including vocal and in-
stiumental music bj local artists. One of
tl.e main fine selections on the piogiam was
a lectuio bj State Supeilnlenncut ( Joudy on
> 1H < heel Hel itlons " Another by HoLee
rien-k of Sldnoj on "A Llbeial ndueation ' '
A big snow stoi m w as raging w hen the meet
ing adjourned Ihreo inches of snow coveis
the giound and it is still falling
Council Bluffs , In ,
John Oohany , - - - - - Manned r ,
Quo \\eok Coiniucneliiz
And his merry company Kiinportcd by the
talented > ounK ae tress
Opening Monday nlKht in the urcnt nillkary
eoniedv drunia In four acti ,
New SOUKS und dancci , bettor and brl.l.ter
than ever. 1'UICES JOc. 20o und ! 0e
Special Notices.
\IMI.I. tell billow con now S room tioimu modern
' ' conveiilendn. weliloc teil Hioolllca
SA1.K A number of nlco tollaum clu-Hp
17OU on very cany payments orconthlelUi
Mcholion & Lo li.'l llroailway _ _
3M AMI (1(0 ( ACIIK tract of land ID northern
Iowa nt 115 OU to f.UUO per acre Johniton& \ an
ralli-ii .
jour barualn-KlTe-room home new
fteilSO coiner lot , block from motor near bull
lieu center ( oud outbulldlnvi grtat burutln. IjOUU
or IIUUUO Uonn anil ruontbl/Hjmt'oU Inquire at
nee oltlce _ _ _ _ _
17011 UH.ST-l'runi lit of June to lit of October
X'/jur larue cool roomi , nicely furnliued , two
carpeted only Addren 1)6 , llto oWco
\VrA.NTKO-Bltuntlon by ttug clerk , I jeari < it
il perleuce , Al reference , rettlitered la Iowa
anil South Dakota , AdiUcu N 2V , lle offlc * .
A Wnge-WorkorTostirios Thnt DPS. Copolnnd nncl Shepm d
Him or A thnin nucl BionchRls Mrs Glbb < * Relieved of Dtvn > %
ful Hcadnchcs nn.l Dyspopsln An lown School Tcnchoi * TOM"
fles Two Noted Singers Glvo Tholi1 Experlenos.
Inn rrrrnt urtlrlr , i-iitUli'd "Hutu 11 Sprr-
liilt ) , " uhlrli him intruded I lin ntt < > nlon
mill inliiilriitliiii of Istirom tlilnki r , thr M I *
( nlllln Amr-rlr in , itjiiiirnnl ri-coitnlM-tl in 11
Icmlrr HlmniM-r I hi' l.tiK'Mi ' IniiKiniKo In
ft | > nl Mi , rli > M' with tin anntc.riitdl truth * :
"It due * nut tulut tlio unrldcrj lonir In
illfti-iMrr who li the lic t mint fur thin nr tint
linrpiiKr , nnil wlir-n It llnilsniit Unit limn who
linn innile it uprolnlM ol ntio Ililnc , mid mi-
< | iu'tioimbl } ilooslt hrttrrthiiniiti ) onot'Uc ,
llio Mirhl must mull lUoll nlliUliilinr.
"Uo itiinot nu'iiii to urijiio Hint limn
Rliiinlil lin Ilkon Imrsr , ri | mhli-ol i-iili-rlitln-
( ML-hoi oni-lilrii at ntlnir , lurtliit woulilhi'
to Hilxociitn iiurmn-iillmlriliit-Mt lint UP ilo
iiieiiii to nn } th it no innn ulioulil lie " lllu lit
one ouMMillul mill | iro\iilllnir nblrrl , In the
tiriiM-rullim ol whli li hoUili-ti-riiilnoil toi-x-
relt anil It ilm-n not iimlioiin } illirerimenut
Hint 1 , ulicthcr oliiinliiK iiKUitc-riir ii\liiB
ll > r .
"All IliUniliU wdRht to our llr < l niltltrt
to iintr ii | u rlult } mill pm'i It. lloMiiejou
nrnrltfht bofmi-jnil upli ct II. "
lliPithiiMM-xirlli-iit iiil\l -i ) In iilotnl | lu-rn
In rinpluipilso l r < . Ciipi html mill * Oi < M > ird'
t'liitiu Unit th < ) ti mi apt rliilut , iinn tliut * o-
Irrtfl a ri'rliiln HUP of < HHIMIV < "I anil iniikiK
tln-lr Mmh mill prartlip liU llfn unrk , rim-
nol lii-lphiit lu'rnmo tnori-proth n lit Intlirlr
Ircntini nt tlimi th iri-ni-nil liiiUiiliprno -
tltlmii-r. 'Ilin fli-lilof mi-lilt ini ) lm lirronui
too PttriuliMl Inrii innn to hnpn to iniiKtor It
in all its ilrtiill * . DTK Copplanil mill Mu > p-
iiril'x cinil Kiii-n-fKi In the trpiitiniinl or all
ilUrn-iriof tlip IIIIKMIN miMiilirmip anil thrlr
kluilri-il nlli i lloiiH Is HIP IPMIII nf ti-nr ot
ppi nil training mill npiilil iipplUatlon.
I lii-oiilj iii > | retlini thai run Innrgt il ngiiliiHt
Ilirni IH that tliry mlvc-rtlM , hnl If thrj illil
not ilo NO tin } foulil not hope to lucim-
r mm ill pitli-nlK to Just 11 } the in In t r < ntlni ;
ll'o-iti ills 'llxi H at tlir lo iut - \ thi-v i Ilium ,
mitlinpnlillr IK IIIMII IIIUil lij tlnlr ailirrllH-
liiK , anil tinrinlln It ,
AS ( ) IU.\.M/ii-I\lK ; VVOIIKKIC.
Afli-r Milli-rlni ; for \rnri l'iinn AKtlinm mill
HriHicliItU , Mr. Hronch--iu H I hat Dm.
Cnprliinil mill Slipni it Ilislori'tl
Him III ail This.
Mr .John Hroiitrh llvcsn.1 No IbflO TittM nrc-
iinc. Counill IllnlTH mil tins IICIMI oinp'oMil '
fur I" ) TORN In thccnr-rpj ) ilrliiK slinus of the
IJ I * , roitl llosiiys "II do 'nn with citiirrli
jri > irs mo , nnd for tlirco voar" u ist untiKh nnd
Hsthm i hiixn nmdo tno wnilolicd. I could not
rpt it night , lull wiilkrd tliu Moor OFH n up lo
cot inv lirciith. My Inn.'K Moroioic. and I ho
turrllilo niLliliiK POIIh si ninuil to tonr tni < all
to pieces. I nlsod toiuli , blntkui s i s of mu
cus nnd sllinu that almost cholipd tno It
Bcciucd ns f nothing would ho left of tuv
luti s My chpsl rattled nnd uhor/cd nt
tiinvs lllu ; i hand Aflor tuo months
Mlth Ilr. Shopir I 1 inn porfoi'tlv rolloxod nnd
as wiill IIH I \pr was I Ijohovo this trent-
iniMil foi P it irrh asthma nnd lung tioublcs Is
Iho bust In the world "
Anil OiuiM'cl Ilpr r ln anil Mlicr } All Her
I.Ilo Until Ilr * Copplnnii mill
Slippird IdIllpil HIT.
Mri .T.imos Olhbs.vlfo of tlio iM'll knoun
nn\ton of 1'orcst liiun cenotpr } . lives In
riorcncuvhorL alic Is ktmun by thonhoto -
liiL'o as a model \\lfo ind mothur.
llpr&torj as told by hpr clf , Is ono of the
In bt uxnmp'cs of mint Irs. Copclaiul and
bhcpard ha\o often nrpcil the danger of nl-
lovvlnz cat irrli to declou mid fasten on tlio
system In onrly childhood. Mrs fill t > i > save :
"I h id h irdly known \ > lmt It AMIS to lm\o in
mtlrolv t.oll uny In my life until very lately
I cantrnotnU cut irrh when l nsH yoirsold.
nnd had 1 con a sulTorer from It ever nnc.c ! ,
until I a restored to ho ilth by Dra Cope-
lund & . bhopiird. I was so nervous I could not
sleen or rt-st : worn out , run down mil wc-ak
und tiroil all the tlnio My hund and throat
ucro always choked up , my huad aclicd n 1 the
tlmu and my thro it was sore and dry. 1 could
positively rutnln hardly nnythlni ; I atn on
mystoniHoh ; Uwnsn wa\8 KlvlnK inu tioublo
and I Biiircind nil the mlscrv of t confirmed
dysueptle. 1'or dnys nnd d lys I could o t
nothlnir , hut lived on fluids iilonc l't. < lor
these phjs'cl ' ins hovvpvor 1 beRnn to Impnno ,
nnd this Improvement kept up until I am nun
nearly cured , l.very one of my si inptonia Is
coiio and 1 feel huulthy. ( Miercotlu nnd weil
I ( .atniot put mv Hi mUfu nu > > 3 to thcso phj H !
clans toostroiiKlv "
The -
i\ \
H *
< Q U
Huy n popular vvlieel one that will sell at sight and make yon a
Catalogue Free. Get agcncj quick.
Ii'l-i.S. ; ( ) ( | ( ) Alain Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Special Notices.
CailNCIl BlUF'S ,
1'OK Ui.S'l llounuof ttvc roiinia 1 mrc mnlon
IB nrrei pasture on upper Ilroadwur LOW ' 111 I
leyBluS I'earl Urcet
AliSI K VLvl-4 ami loam Farm itm cltr iiropirtr
bouvbl and eolJ I'uier A Iliunii to in ill
\\rAMKI > A man , who Imi Imuwli-iliH )
il anil esperlemo In th fruit c < imuil > Kliin
bui > lnc 9 ai inaiiaitur for lnuiicll lllutTt 1-rilH
drawer. Milppi-m Allocution llufori'iico * ri >
quired AddnJ I' llosi , gacrelury , J'J 1'i-nrl
htrret CouDcll IHufTs
AI/lKSKCUDbS llOSI'-l'eiiili | ) lay It U U 10
> mri > KOuilTitluounil HlnitrB In > iock at llli
br n Merrlmii block
" \\HI.1. I Al II vMK i U KI.I-'lwo luur ro mi
li liuUMtiMiil iluru ruiim nnd oulliullilliiif th-ur
of lueiiinbrnnie A. I MauUel 7U ) ( .riilimn Ave
OII IlKS'lHluro room . * UilO "ill eilnbilihit
I urocerr utanil lornur I'th hi anil 4tli Ate II )
icrnionlh A J Manila ! "W ( .ralmin Avu
L.'Oll HAM ! rulliPtof tlnnnri moll ic u > lciin1l
lion a btrimln Ituiulro of Kmpkle Uuxir ;
llnnlwurr I o Council IIIUITi
TIUl'SK ami tut for Dale No HII Klfliam ue
11 Inquire of J 1 * Clirl.tUn , t .V II I
fcviulil liouio
tllANOK for rlfil man lo rolled , ollclt
A mil ilellvor KoudVnies IU a WHUK
UDI ! iiroCtiillTldeil erirr W dari In ilucli LOIU
ptiir Shut bur 15 nharm Hoc * Adilrjm J VV
Morne lloouit hrureU block council Illulli
. ' SAI.R tlieap , toaoi bltck rirlTlng m arei
tetm lnul i oil wafon liarnuM anil loam , tup
buf fj i road wagon Carbon Coal Co 101'tarl ilrtfl
Mr I * I * IMUo of Ibo Itlson I'lty t
siniritu w lib tliu "Conniv I'nlr' t-nnipny. s il'
"My trouble bonn lii.liimlust nh Iti siniiir'
n llnclnnutl. 1 wusdohiunc Hint mv Bin , ' '
I nit v olio H-f t tm < . nnd I could spcuU ubly In
wlilspor. 1 bail to glvnup my ptofuss'on toti" * *
porirlly. * ,
"I tool , troitinont frotii mil mm t pbv > lolKij * >
mm spc-e'lallsts In llnlTulo. New York , \\as\5 \
hiRton unit lloston , "
liirttirrcl hj I IIM Irlrltj. "j
\\fisbltiRton spoil illst whom 1 paid W -
iluj. iist'd tiiectrlelly on inj vocal conls. und *
ure-tt rupldly worstroiiiptuto'y losln.1 mj
\olt-i- . I lie cords bee IIUMI ir ily/c-d !
After tbrtio wioUa nnili r the Coiient- )
tlcntnicnt 1 urn iliiKUin usMli us "
MI ! 1'IKIi Mil
The uncertnlitly of the tone , loss of vo
mill control hiivo nnd I inn iln
lluhted I lin tiuiittniMit of tin-so pin-ilc'ill' *
Is mild , soollilni : am ) clll nr-luiis in intrUiu '
eonlr i t v\lth the tortun I h ixe bi on tlnouL'lj <
with nthurs Ihoirtly recommend them n <
n'lciitllk and tklllfnl men '
Mr. Conk' * * CIIHI- %
"My ttonblo " s lid Ili-n I ! ( ook HIP stH-onc'
toner In tlio Illson Cllj Qnurtct of Nell Ilnr4
irpss's ' I'oimtjr I'u I r. ' d iH-s bii-k Iho yrnr1" *
I'or Ihreo vuurn I bud In on nsln ; suit nniM
VT tter us u nimnl doiti bo nutli-lni : nn olistrunV
tlon In rnv broilblns Insimdof helping
It "I'oiued lo ntf-fuviito tin-disuuso
"I'lio olistrm lion Intc-iftri d Bprloui'y ' . . .
mv volc-e. and ivfti-r tro itnn nt for tno yiinri *
with various dootors 1 wits rcio nmrndeu by r *
professional frlond lo Iir. Copi-lund and
" 1 bc-y linvo prn itly rollovi-d mo und II
mo croul plonMiro to irconinicMid Ibesn
elans IIH miisiors of llirlr in and IIH com loom'
irentlomen. No onu wbo IH Itonblu I us I In
been C-HII ulToril to exporlniPiit with doctora
unknown ability , but sliniitd mi nt onc'p ,
tboin , und t bus HII vi ) vulnublo tlmo nnd iniini'j t
nnd Imvo the runs loiisness of being li
eiipnblo bands "
An louu Ii-ui hi-r. 5
Toiichlnff Rchnnl Is a to'lMimo und ( Xiictlnl
ninplovinnnl. I linnrk Is fur fiom lu-n Ilifnf ,
Tboilnst from tbos biiol-riio'ii und the pbysl
cul nd iniMitnl strulii Iniluri ) cutnrrhlta
Iroilble-s. licadnphn .mil ncivons cxbuiiHtlor ) of
Miinv ti'ui-liers nro now bi-lnir Iri-utod bv lr < )
( ouo and nnd SH 1 > ml for tlirm > und kuulrr 4
iniimlnliils Aninn. I In-ill Is Miss Altu M <
I Ubcr. u popular pnhlk' s liool tc-iclinr
ll.iml nrg Inu , \\lmli s been treated c-nt
by mull. ' hosi\v >
I snlli-rpd .ill tlio misi ry ( but . oim-s froir , <
citarrluil dl o isc ti-itil 1 tool * the mull tro "
ment of lrs ) ( 'opi-liitnl und " -hep ird I'lilal _ , _
iniido \\ondrrfii I'hnn i- In n.c . , and Is coin'a
iili-tolv npiootliu tbiMlls , HSI- from IIH nystom.K
To loiulii rs und nil olbcis Illicitly eommcna i
tbe-ho phys cluns" |
I.IMI Itlltlfl. j
C.ilurrh nnd nil onriblo disc isi-s trnated ntj
low nnd uniform rues mo Hones free l'a- <
tlonts nt u dlstnnco siicc'i'ss.fiilly United bv
mill , bend for symptom blnnk
llotli Clnsi rre lilentH.
Dr. W. II. Copeland vv is president at his
rliiss In Ilcllovno llnspltnl Medic il Collozc ,
Now X ork , vvhcie he Krudu ited. the most ta <
inons Institution of Its Kind In the country- .
Dr Shci > rd's oreilontliils urb no le-ss uliund ,
lint and iiiiiiinlllk'cl | Ilo wns the president o'
piscinas nt Hush ModliMil CollrKe. PhlOBip
( hi ) most noted medical school In the wee
Also member of the Iowa State. McOtcul Soclf
ty. und of v irlous other medical and Burgle. !
llotli Kcntlonicn. nftcr thorough hospital o-
porlonco and prautlcp. huvo devoted lh ?
lives to Iho pruc-lleo of Ihu r suoolnltlos. vvli
what but'CCHS thocoluuiiiHOt thu dully p inu
show. _
HOOMS 111 AND 112 NLW VOlilC lAVfi' '
Kxery Ctirahlc Disease Treated-
Odleo Hours < ) to II n. m . 2 to 5 p. m . 7 to
p in. bundny 1U n. in to U m ;
Special Irlolices. '
mmu BI h whole or ihulr Mil * In b nilniiltlud
tlio Loan ! of dlrci ton iiltln Ir llrrl inmillnii In Mr _
Iliey rmirvln Ihe I MvlliKo or rijvrllnnanr or I
Ilili. I iirlliir Inrorinitlloii Klv , a lij H VV Irtl
iccn lary ItKMalnM U ) whom all bid" iboulil V
ent hnfitrM Vlay .1. , IR L [ I
I . 'Oil hAI.K llliyclv , ilnu | > fur cailiorunei
paymtntiililrc V < lieu oillco
I.'Olt HAI.KI lireoJorn'j biilli aui-H oun wvi
ono year nml l o ycara , lollil color , rtultter
itock 724 H Itt M
_ _
TTfAVl 1C I ) I'nrlln with ullttlnllniu and ra | < lt > l I
II innnufuctiiro Rndlutiuiliicuiut | nti-il noTcltlc g
II J Ailaiui ills Perlne uvuuue Lounill Uluffi ' , i
fl'oll HI.K A noocl liouui mid llirm loujwi , '
J Kood liiipruruiiu-ntii ono ( ourili cm i > ruld .
rnr | enter nork Apply l < > Leonard Kvcrcli I' * ' , ,
I'oll HAI.K MID bay currlavn team mid uirrlm ,
1.V Tullry * lull earl HI Council Illu0
, Hill HAl.h ( lo'jil family her e pbaclon currla v
und liarnen lltt caib Cico ' 1 I'Uilpi ! " -
olMce , ( ounclj lllufTn. _ _ _
/"tAIUlAUl ! reuiort-d , conpooli ranlti clilina *
V Iclnanea. Kd llurku , 41 'ik/lgri grocer/ ,