Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1893, Page 13, Image 13

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Vote Vote Vote
1. HJV. T. .1. Mvckjy , minister.
2. Hose Hrndy , teacher.
World's Fair sale.
Mon'a 3. Mr. Tlllotxon , carrier.
I. Hd Hnmpshlic , ( IroniMii.
' OGc sdrgcs at 40c ,
Underwe'r fi. F. Crnnn , minister.
0. May HOKUII , teuchor. , mixtures , Prices as you like them.
cninel's hair mix- 7. M. Lfihmor , ttuuhor.
.Urcs , silk thrond 8 II. Hcllinc. inin Inter.
No. 7 silk ribbons only 6c.
bul tirlppan
0. Ada Hopper , teacher.
10. Hov. Turklo , ministor.
BOc Save money nt World's Fair sale.
II. J. P. D. Lloyd , minister.
12. Hov. .1. Williams , minister.
20c damask towels , 12Jc.
13. Hov. W. K. Kimbailminister.
11. Mr. Andoison , carrier.
Progress is our motto.
A'l silk 15. Hov. L. M. Franklin , ministor.
10. Hov. Puslio. ministor.
$1 75c.
quality serges ,
Ribbon 17. ThnmiiH Croft , c.irrior.
18. F. .lorifoiHon , carrier.
is record breaker.
Every day a
Be 10. H. C. Davis , carrier.
20. Uov. Durven , minister.
05c challis , 49c.
21. M. ColToy. carrier.
22. Miss Street , toachor.
Wo want your trade.
23. Alfred"Clark , carrier.
21. Kuto Hun per ford , teacher.
Men's Daisy fast lOc crash this week , Olc.
bluck W. Claru Kldur , teacher.
20. J. WnoJruft , carrier.
Every item a. pockotbook-oponor.
Hose 27. Hov. S. W. Hutlor , minister ,
28. liishnp Worthin < ; ton , minister.
[ worth 35c 60c cream damasks. 39c.
20. Mlsa U M. Hrnnnor , teacher.
2Oc 30. II. ! ' . Gunner , carrier.
Bound to double our sales
31. .1. T Uoss. minister.
32. Mary Alter , toachor.
30c Turkish towels. 19c.
33. Father McCartlij , ministor.
31. II. H. Hoed , carrier.
Wo study our business.
Crochet bedSpreads
33. Hov. Murray , minister.
30. Anna Fees , toachor.
Spreads 8-day clocks , warranted , $2.98.
37. Uov. T. K. Cramblott , minister.
38. Mr. Stone , carrier.
Now is the time to buy.
30. I * Thornputo , teacher.
40. P. .1. Corcoran , carrier.
Good wash boards , 5c.
41. Charles Nelson , carrier ,
12. Alice Fuwcott , toucher.
Silverware in basement.
43. Nora Lemon , toachor.
11. Doun Gardner , ministor.
jovol'fl Oxford so Heavy glass goblets , 4c.
45. II. Garrett , teacher.
ics stand'd books , 10. P. F. Harvey , policeman.
by DickonsThack- Boating the record this week.
47. Hov. Trodon , minister.
orny , Scoit , 48. James Clark , currier.
Good wash tubs. 49c.
40. Gcorpo Armstrong , carrier.
60. .lames Cook , carrier.
19c Vote for your favoi ito.
61. K. L. Iloutr , carrier.
52. AnnuPoxvers. teacher.
Best garden hose , 9c foot
53. Hd Fisher , carrier.
51. Anna Wilnmn , toachor.
A vote with each 25c purchase.
65. Julia Nawcomb. teacher.
25 per cent - olT on 60. Uov. Uotwoiler. minister.
aii out- Largo glass water pitcher , 19c.
67. Agnes McDonald , teacher.
Dress 58. Hov. F. Foster , ministor.
' Best stock of carpets in Omaha.
Trim'ings 50. J. M. Stafford , currier.
00. M. Gees , toucher.
for this week only 6-4 pillow cases , Oc , worth 15c.
save 01. Emma Whitmore , toachor.
02. Prof. Allen , tojioher.
| 2S Per Cent The 03. Uov. public Uobort likes enthusiasm. Wheeler , ministor.
(51. ( Rev. J. Gordon , minister.
Boys' shirt-waists , 21c.
05. Hov. K B. Graham , minister
00. Charles Bloom , policeman.
World's Fair week nt Morse's.
07. Mr. Murtlo , policeman.
bound 08. J. Miclmolson , carrier.
Jloth boyks ,
Pear's soap , lOc.
n this lot uro Co/- 00. A. A. Koysor , policeman.
ion's auyings , brief 70. S. Squires , tc-uclior.
Buy dry goods this week.
biographies , 71. Kale Urochhain , teacher.
72. Hov. Mann , ministor.
Pear's Attar of Rose soap , only Be.
73. Uov. C'onwny , minister.
2 for Sc 74. Uov. W. K. llenim , minister.
Largest stock of cloaks in the city.
76. Hov. J. P. Johnson , ministor.
70. W. Wostorgaid , carrier.
Best $1 glove in town.
77 J. U. Stoln , carrier.
78. W. W. Duncan , carrier.
Men's colored Largo sales mean small profits.
70. Uov. S. M. "Ware , minister.
Shirts 80. Hov. .1. M. Wilson , ministor.
Don't fail to vote.
laundered , with 81. MlssM. W. Christiuncy , teacher
collar and culls ut- 82. C. Hose , currier.
tuchod Buy your dross goods now.
83. C. Himillurd , currier.
98c 81. I'M Kelly , carrier.
05c cashmeres , 49c.
8 > . Uov Savage , ministor.
80. K. Bowers , currier.
$76,000 stock of dress goods.
87. Chlel Galligun , llromun.
b8. Dick Marnoll , poliooinun.
Silk warp honriottoa , all grades.
1000 yards black
Junior Suits
regular price "Oc
Neat gray
checks ,
Cheo'fod ' brown
vorth lOo
this wool ;
rah ! for the Merry Month of
And the Opening of the World's Fair.
This week , with the advent of May , the greatest WORLD'S FAIR. SALJ&
event the world has ever seen takes place at Chicago.
in honor of that great event. We are proud of our
The wide world tribute to America from the
! country , and prouder still to be able to give patriotic )
four corners they come to do her honor. Such an
Americans a chance to supply themselves with goods
event is unparalleled in the world's history. It is soul
to wear to the fair. If you are going , and need a new
stirring and we celebrate the occasion by holding a '
gown perchance , come to this World's Fair Sale and
grand special sale of dry goods in every department
supply your wants. You will be a gainer thereby.
to last throughout the week We call it our
A p o c k e t-b o o k
A sure sell
'Boys' ' Shirt Waists
er. Just re opener.
ceived , i case
of ' Beat the world.
5-4 pillow cases , 2-
66-in. bleached
Fast colors and de.
damask , good inch hem , made to
value at 650 , at
47 i-2c. sell for I5c.
We have been doing some lively me rchandisiner latelv a nd appreciation of our'f " r P . , ,
JLois of Enthusiasm
ifforts by our patrons only stimulates to greater endeavors in their behalf. Ours is the
World's Fair enthusiasm of youth ; ours the determination to win the highest honors in merchandising. Everybody Voting ,
Voting Contest In pursuance of the above sentiment , we have prepared a goodly sale of dry goods for the
1st Tliis Week , entire week , and we propose to win golden opinions as leaders in Dry Goods from every 2D THIS WiiliK ,
lady in Omaha. Read the list carefully , tyery item is a pearl of the first water and a
Rev , T , J , Mackay sure money saver.
Teacher Dodge School ,
Hector of All Saints Church
16th and Farnam Streets.
OUR GREAT VOTING CONTEST is creating much enthusiasm. It
is no trouble to vote and you may be the means of giving somebody unbounded pleas
ure. This contest means a two weeks trip to the World's Fair at our expense to the
person receiving the greatest number of votes , and ten days to the second best. 150 corsets like
A line of ladies'
With every 250 purchase you can cast a vote for your favorite minister , letter carrier
night dresses with
cut , that have sold
new style of trim- rier , teacher , fireman or policeman. This week the popular clergyman , Rev. T. J.
iing and round Mackay , leads. Who will lead next week ? See the names of those who are in the race , as high as $2 ; price
yokes of , tuck
embroidery trimmed , arranged in the order of their vote. to close , for this
that are well worth
Our World's Fair voting contest is proving very successful because it is based upon
$1.50 ; price for this week
week , $1.00. the great human law of doing something for others. You should lend it your support. ,
All the Week. 20x44 inch bleached damask towels ,
Fast colors , considered extra value
Grand special lot of dress goods , a
arge purchase of all wool henriettas and at 2oc ,
serges , in all the new spring shades , re- '
A World's Fair PInminer at
Bailed always at 65c ; make your selec
tion this week . . . . /t Ck 12c
You may think a ies , and connois
dry goods store i3 seurs say wo have
not the pluco the choicest stock
Jacket similar to cut , curpota.
to buy to bo found west
of finest kersey , correct .
If everybody of Chicago. The
Daisy Fast Black
rect style , fan pleated thought so wo public can bo depended
Ladies' fast black
back with butterfij would have little pended upon to
)1 lose , double heel and
use for $50,000 give credit where
cape ; the kind af garment ; oe , worth 250 , for
worth of them , it is duo. When this week ,
ment that sells for $16 ;
The whole of you want carpets
World's fair
during '
our fourth Hoot- wo are interested Ladies' fine lisle
week. thread hose , fast
is devoted to carpets - to show you.
black , double heel and
pots and draper toe , worth 650 , for
$ . this week , 400.
Vote Vote Vote
80. W .1. Muhor , ourrior.
00. Uov. K. W. Allen , ministor. Ono case hdlos1
Boys' clothingdspurtment , 2d floor.
01. Charles iS'owton , carrier. pmiv.o
! )2. ) McG row , t'ltrrior.
Blenched muslin , Do quality , 5e. Vests
Oil. M. Dolltinl , polieuinuu.
ill. Gus Williams , tlroiitnn.
Cleanest store in town.
05. Kdv. H Shnrply , minister.
00. Mr. Miller , tlremnn.
Rogers' spoons , OOc n sot
1)7. ) A.V. . MeXub , minister.
1)8. ) F. Haker. toucher.
Choice Hnvilnud china in basoiuont.
00. .1 W. Dlsbnnv , carrier. Sample line of
100. .John pniley , llrenriu. stamped
Got our prices oil carpets.
101. Uov K.ither Smith , minister. Linens
102. ( irunt Fox , liroman.
1OOO yards black silosias , Oo. o r embroidery
10.1. H. M. Squire , toucher. ruy cloths , side
101. U.V. . Overall , carrier. ) o u r d scarfs , a
Waterproof India silks. esi thun cost U
103. Kmina Mcl'ltntock. tunchef. mport.
100. Miss K A. Alexander , tonchor.
All shades of velvets.
107. Uov. .1. Frusur , mlnlstor.
10" . ( ! oo I. ( lilbort , pollcoinun.
Waterproof silks nil the go ,
100. Miss A. Hanson , toucher.
110. Miss A. Loiitf , toucher. '
Cloth bound books , 2 for 5c. ladies' jersey
111. Father .lunette , mlnlstor.
1112. A. Sipwort , policeman.
Umbrellas covered while you wait.
flnost combed
11 ! ! . 1' . F Hanson , carrier.
EJJJ cotton
111. Mr. Truej , carrier. pttun
Man's colored'shirts , 08c.
115 Miss K. C'arnov , toucher.
110. U. A. Miller , polieuinuu.
Ladies' summer vests , 5c.
117. .loo Lunc. llreinan.
118. MissC. Miison , lenchur.
Get your umbrella recovered , $1.
110 Charles Nichols , liroman.
120. i'atlier 1 [ oilman , minister.
No trouble to show goods.
121. A. Ha/o , policeman. tidies' fine
122. O. Tool , toucher. tinn lisle
0-8 napkins , $1. t
12i. ; A. Freeltind. Vests
121. MissT. Qimnn , teuchor.
Wo are soiling linens cheap.
12" . .lohn Parker , carrier.
120. Uov. .1. T. S. Her , minister.
05c damasks , 47Jc.
127. Mr. Lonurd , carrier.
128 .1. II. Uuasoll , policeman.
Linens are on the move with us.
120. Hov. Parks , minister.
I.'IO. Hov. Pntorson , ministor.
See our white goods stock. Ladies' French
11. ! ! K. M. llai'tman , teacher. mlbriygun
1H2. Miss Arnold , teacher.
15c pongees nt 0c are cheap. Shirts
131 ! . llolon Lionel , toachor.
131. Captain .I. Muruhy. tlromnn. with Enpllsh
Wo buy from the manufacturers. voko , band and
1 ! ! . ) . M. .1. Hvnn , toachor. drawers , wort h
130. C G. Fiink , carrier. $1.50 , this sale
Fast black hose , 9c.
137. .1. P. Powell , minister. $1.OO
138. Matilda Fried , teacher. .
Think over your wants.
130. t'hurles Uoynolda , liroman.
110. V. lievnn , policeman.
The science of dry goods
141. D.uiiol Sullison , carrier.
142. Hov. ( ' . N. Uiwson , minister.
Vote for your m'nistor. Ladies' silk
143. Alice IIu\cnt > , teacher.
141. C'hailcs Loinmo , flroman.
65c serges at 40c. Vest
14f ) . Mrs. C. U.'Duval , teacher.
110. Miss A. Drake , teacher. colors croum , corn
Vote for your teacher. ma black , worth
117. .lonnio Herbert , teacher. SI.25 , this stile
148. .1. U. Shields , niiniHtor.
Remnants of dress goods cheap.
140. II. Kulor. carrier. 7Sc
160. George Prescott , policeman.
Vote for your letter carrier.
151. Rev. ISwhlng , ministsr.
152. Hoy. Uodgrctts , minister.
Black silesias , Oc , worth 20c.
153. Miss D. Vale , teacher.
151. Miss Burnett , toachor.
Vote for your flroman.
155. Mr. Hurkotl carrier.
160. Miss McAra , touchnr. '
Everything in linings. Ladies' silk
157. Mr. Newman , currier.
158. II. C. Cook , policomun. Hose
9-4 sheets , 05c , oxtrn.
150. Miss K. Morton , tenohor.
100. Miss M. Moriarty , lonelier. evening shades
Vote for your policeman. also tuns , slutos
101. Hov. .1. G. .1. Glauber , ministor. bronze , cardinal ,
102. Captain II Clemens , fireman.
See our Nebraska window.
10 ! ! Chiiso Monroe , policeman.
104. J. Wood , carrier.
Save money on dry goods ,
llii. Mrs .1. Webb , teacher.
100. Mr.V. . Wliito. policeman.
Special sale corsets , 50c.
107. Thos. l\v\or , carrier.
1 ( > 8. Miss H. Van Cnran , teacher.
Labor is the price of success Children's caps
1(10. ( Alls ? N. Turner , toachor.
170. Miss K. Vincent , teacher. bonnets , otc.
$10 portieres at $0.25.
171. Miss S. I' . Ptlman , touohor. A sample line n
172. Mary Myor , teacher.
less than cost t
Wo belong to the nimble 0 ponce kind ,
173. W. S. Lester , liroman. nuke.
174 Ted iJuminln ( S , policeman.
How's this ? Ladies' vests , 5c.
175. Hov. .1. Crocker , minister.
170. Hov. W C. Copland , ministor.
World's 3air week salo.
177.V. . Cummings , policeman.
Welcome to May ,
as Sonrlo
ILnttcr , Doctor Ra
moan , otc , "oc an
50" novels for
iO-lnch bleached
unnot bo matched
for IUEB than Oo
World's fair iali