Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1893, Page 11, Image 11

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| Tie Weather Continues a Disturbing Factor
in Business.
| liiilnr.ii In Omiilin Motr * Along mildly
Without HoYi-lopInc Any Very Inter-
online rrnturm Snnihlni ) Wnntcd
llrrr unit llnln In thu U'uM.
Tie ) jobbing trade of Omaha has failed to
Jlovelop any very interesting features during
r.hc past week. The situation Is very much
Ithu same as was detailed ti week ago. The
Slobbers are all doing a fair business for the
[ season , nnd do not indulge ] In any fault-limi
ting , though they would like to have the
| weather conditions n little different.
In some parts of the state there Is a do-
[ mnnd for rain , and the retail merchants arc
[ inclined to move n llttlo slow until the uncertainty -
( certainty concerning the coining crop Is ru-
jmoved This keeps down the volume of
business with the jobbers and makes trade a
( little slow In some localities. It Is still early
lln the season , and jobbers are not worrying
because It docs not happen to rain in some
( localities juit when the farmers are ready
j for It.
I. ) Omaha there has been too much rnln
I md cold weather and local business enter
prises of all kinds have suffered mure or less.
I It Is noted tnnt on pleasant days the local
retail trade Is pretty good , which leads the
retailers to anticipate a good demand for
spilng and summer goods as soon as there Is
weather that will encourage buyers to bo out
on the street.
A week ago attention was called to the
compiled reports of the- last statements of
the national banks showing a comparison
between the national hanks of Omaha and
those of the stuto outside of Omaha. The
State Hanking board has now made a re
port of the state banks and It is possible to
show the Ilgures for the state banks in com
parison with the national banks of thu state.
National. State.
Ixmns anil dis
counts ; 0K)0OIO ! ) 20 $30,744,027 , M
Totals ? .V.I,5.18,400 48 $42,007,005 14
National. State.
Capital stock
paid in $12,070,00000 $11.418.001 S3
Surplus fund. . . . 2lh7,0tl 44 l.dUl.hlH 11
Undivided prollts 1,018,10701 1JOS,010 : 00
National bank
notes outstand
ing UC55,2I7 50
Dividends unpaid. .4,00718 .O.OSS . 7 !
Deposits i\,1 ) > 00,700 51 27,800,520 20
United States
deposits 173,14870
Deposits of U. S.
disbursing olll-
Duo to national
banks . 4fiK,3M ! ) ) HI C7.522 50
Bao to other
banks and
bankers . 4.418,0-1.1 08 110,144 72
Notes and bills
redisconnti'd . . 077.401 82 ( M0.f > 03 10
Hills payable. . . . 3'ia,08i : 03 878,701 Oil
Liabilities other
than thosa
above stated. . 1,011 .in
Total tVJKi8,400 4812,007,005 14
AS DUN siis : ir.
I'vcnllur I'catnreH of Onmhii'
* Snccrst Coin-
initiiiud Upon.
"Sioux City fullnro ? " sild : Mr. W. H. Hob
oraon , innnngor of thu Omaha br.inch of K.
G. Dun & C'o.'s mercantile agency. "It was
EO overwhelming in its consequences and so
largo in the anprcgato sums involved that
business pcopio have talked of llttlo olso.
Omaha people can congratulate themselves
for two facts suggested by the failures at
the up-rlvor city , first , of course , that no
such disaster has occuncd hero , and second
that no such a ono can in the ordinary course
of the city's history occur hero.
' Laying aside the advantages of situation
nnd resources whic-h this city possesses ami
which might prevent a wreck like that in
Sioux City , the capital of Omaha is not con
centrated in the hands of three or four indi
viduals. The utter destruction of our heavi
est financial institution could not carry with
ii the relative disaster which followed the
collapse of Hedges and his associates. The
tlnancial men of Omaha are not all in
terested in the same investments , and one
heavy corporation might go to the wall
without affecting business in general.
Omaha's record in this particular is phenom
enal. Kvon in the early days of her history
her tlnancial concerns and heavy mercantile
houses wore independent of each other to a
remarkable extent.
"Trauo has not been up to the average
generally this week though in groceries and
hardware dealers say orders are very
licavv Collections are a llttlo off all along
the line In most of the wholesale houses
trade is reported fair only. Among retail
dealers trudo Is iiulct , even forced sales and
heavy ad\crtlsing hills fall to attract. Thu
weather Is against the retail dealers In al
most every lino.
"Tho Manufacturers ami Consumers asso
ciation is Just now receiving deserved atten
tion from the business publicNo organisa
tion In Omaha has done more to stimulate
local patriotism and homo Industries than
tills. Ono heavy manufacturer says his
business has increased 75 per cent , largely us
u resuit of the active homo Industry
campaigns conducted by the associa
tion. The exposition , May 22 , promises
o be a cumpleto success. 1 regret to hear ,
however , that two or three local Institutions
which have been benefited by the move
ment are too busy to make exhibits. This IM
short-sighted In my judgment.i Nothing
can do more for Omaha und Nebraska than
ix llrst-class exhibit of her homo products
and her homo factory machinery.
"The wrangle over the leasing of the top
floor of the Hoard of Trade to the Com
mercial club should have been avoided by
nil means. The Hoard of Trade needs the
Commercial club worse than the club needs
the Hoard of Trade , ns some of the dissatis
fied spirits of the former organization arc
Unite likely to disc-over. "
Note * ConccrnuiK th Mm Who .Make the
\Vhrcln ( in Itoiinit.
Three weeks from tomorrow the manufac
turers exKisltlon | will open In the Coliseum
building in Omaha. During the past week
great progress has iiecn made in the matter
of perfecting the plans for the exposition ,
nnd about all that now remains to bo done is
to place thu machinery and arrange the In
dividual exhibits. About three-fourths of
the space has been contracted for and a. .
peed share of the remaining one-fourth ha
been spokeu for , though no contract has been
ftlgncd. Tlirro U no dnnucr but what the
Npnco will nil bo occupied ami n most Inter
esting cxlilblt of Nebraska Industries inudc.
The manufacturers nro Inking oven more In
terest in the move than laM year nnd nro
preparing to put In a good itcat of machinery
and carry on the actual work of manufacture.
Some of these live exhibits , ns they call
those In wlilcli tliu actual work of manufac
ture Is carried on , will be highly Interesting
amt Instructive to the public ,
The manufacturers are striving to show
the people of the state that there 1ms been
progress during the past year , antl that the
factories have grown In slzo anil have Improved -
proved their methods , thus keeping abreast
of the times , for this reason they nro tryIng -
Ing to make nn exhibit that will bo different
from , and an improvement over , the ono
given last year.Vhllu the majority of the
manufacturers nro taking hold and doing all
they can to make the exposition n success ,
there are some who hold back und plead a
rush of business as nn excuse for doing noth
ing. At the same tlmo these manufacturers
are busy because of the homo patronage
movement , and it is poor encouragement for
those who have worked up this movement to
have the llrms that have been benefited re
fuse to do anything to keep the movement
going. In the long run the tirms that do not
take up their share of the work win bo the
'osers. as the people will forgot , the llrms
hat do not snow themselves at the annual
The attendance of country merchants will
jo large , and they will become acquainted
ivltti the llrms that mak-j exhibits , while
hose that an- not represented will bo lost
Ight of. Hesldes , every buyer wishes to do
> u.slncss with the most enterprising tirm In
Mcli line of business , and the supposition Is
.ba't the firm that goes to the trouble of
Making an attractive and interestingoxhiblt
if Us goods and method of manufacture must
jc enterprising.
I'rmliu-ii I'cilnti-ri.
The llrst new grass butter of the season
amo In nn Friday.
lames A. Clark spent a few days in Sioux
Jity the past week.
Whllo potatoes are growing weaker hero
hey are said to bo llrming up at the points
if supply.
Veal calves have been coining in moro
'rei'ly ' during the past few days and the mar
ket is rather weak.
Altout a car of strawberries was received
and sold in this city , which was a pretty good
record for a cold day.
Irvine Mitchell of the Vinton , la. , I'ro-
luco company stopped off In Omaha on his
ay home from Sioux City.
Local fruit houses are In receipt of a irood
imny very beseeching letters from Callfor-
ila asking them to buy oranges.
The cabbage growers around New Orleans
struck because the commission men and
shippers wanted the vegetables trimmed
closer and sold by wciirht.
Advices from ( ieorela state that the melon
crop is in excellent condi > iun , anil that un
less some unforeseen calamity should occur
the crop will bo both early and large.
J. C. Furr of the Chicago Produce com
pany at Yankton was in the city the other
day and reported that the\ are getting good
country roll butter there at III cents.
Williams it Cross .iropromis..l a comiifii-
incnt of jessamine buds from Texas. Hraneh
t Co. did the jessamine business last year ,
but found It too wearing on the nerves.
10. U. Klmball , manager of the Creamery
Package company of Kansas City , was in the
city and reported that there are quite heavy
shipments of now butter being made from
southern Kansas to eastern markets.
The Klrschbraun-ilaskell Produce com
pany have opened a branch at Lincoln. U is
under the management of Henry Teigler ,
who formerly represented the Fremont
Iliittcr and Kirg company on the line of the
Klkhorn railroad.
S. M. Harris lias returned from a trip to
Texas and Is greatly pleased with the coun
try. Crops of all Kinds are good , lie visited
the irreat pear farm of 11. M. Stringfellovv at
Hitchcock , about ten miles trom Galveston ,
where there are 12.000 pear trees now loaded
with fruit.
A local fruit man observes that no one Is
very enthusiastic over the profits made in
apples the past season. Lust fall apples
were said to bo very scarce , and as usual
when there Is a scarcity of anything the op
portunities for losing money appear to have
been unusually good.
The Importations of bananas during the
month of March were very largo , with the
striking feature that Now Orleans received
moro bananas than all the other ports or the
country put together , The figures are as
follows : Now Orleans , 48D.81H bunches ;
New York. 284.281 bunches ; Philadelphia.
107,557 bunches ; Boston , 07.US bunches ;
Hultimoro , OU.4UO bunches : total , 1,142,203
U. Purvis received a shipment of butteryes-
terday that was quite a curiosity. The butter
was put up in prints and had the appearance
of being something extra good. When the
rolls were cut open It was found that the
butter only extended In for about half an
Inch , while the center of the rolls consisted
of some unknown white substance. Decep
tion of this kind has been reported In the
east , but this is the Instance reported
in this city.
The scarcity of butter and the consequent
hlgti prices are giving the oleo men a good op
portunity to got in their work , and they do
not appear to bo at all backward about
taking advantage of the situation. With
butter as scarce as it is ono would expect to
see an active demand , but the fact that
there is nothing of the kind shows very
plainly that the pcopio are not consuming
the genuine article.
Davenport , la. , strawberry growers are
not altogether happy , according to ono of
them wlio has been prominent as a producer
of the best berries in the market for several
years The dry weather of last fall killed
the yomur plants that were being rooted to
make a new bed for this year , in other
places the snow of the past winter drifted
olT the old beds and left them unprotected ,
and damage was done there. Some old beds
and some now ones .look well and promise to
fruit well , but a great big bounteous crop ,
enough to feed all Chicago and Davenport
besides , is not expected this summer.
The amount of fruit grown in Georgia is
rapidly increasing , and should it continue to
increase In the same proportion as of late It
will not bo long before Georgia will bo among
the largest , if not the- largest , peach state in
the union. Fort Vulle.v , ( ia. . is ono of the
largest shipping points in the state. The
bulk of the crop will be shipped toNowYork ,
Philadelphia and Now England points , ami
some fruit will bo evaporated , but compara
tively little , as the southern growers cannot
seem to compete with the California
evaporated fruits , ami most of the evaporators -
orators will probably remain closed.
- * -
Waterloo DumiicriU * Claim Hint Their New
1'oitm.iMcr U ii Iti'pnlil.can.
The old timo.Iacksonian democrats of the
little suburban city of Waterloo are all torn
up , while many of them have painted their
faces black to indicate that their hearts are
bad. Not only have they done this , but they
have unsheathed their scalping knives and
have declared that ono man must come down
from his high position , or else the face of the
palo moon will bo streaked with gore. This
trouble has all been brought about by the
appointment of J. L. Oenton as | > oslinastcr
of the burg.
Not long ago there was a good staunch re
publican handling the mall sacks that
readied tno town. Shortly after Grover
Cleveland moved into the presidential chair ,
the Waterloo democrats commenced to cry
out for a change , arguing that they should
have a postmaster of their own political
faith. There were an.\ number of men who
were spoiling for an opportunity to cancel
the great Colombian stamps and answer
culls at the delivery window , but there was
a slight row on hand , and while it was brew
ing Dcuton slipped In and picked off the
plums. Ho was duly commissioned before
the followers of democracy knew that ho
was In the field , ami as soon as that commis
sion was In his ( tosltion he took full posses
sion of the equipment of the otllco.
Tills act opened the eyes of the democrats ,
and they commenced to us > k each other what
had happened The wisest man of the town
could not tell , for all he know was that Denton -
ton was there. Now Indignation meetings
nre being held , wnilo the workers have for
mulated n petition which they have for
warded to the ixiwersthal be , residing , set
ting up the statement that Demon is a re
publican , always has been and always will
be one. They not only charge this , but they
claim that ho was one of the workers last
fall , going so far us to be a member of the
convention which nominated Dave Mercer
for congress.
Harrow Fluctuations in Grain Was the
Record on 'Change ' Yesterday.
Lower t'lRtircn from HOR * Helped tn Diul
the riurry ririnvr I'vcllng Prc-
vnllpd In Wheat Toward
the Close.
OntCAOO , 111. , April 20. Narrow fluctuations
In grain , with scant business and prices tend
ing downward as a result of rains In Kansas ,
was the record on 'chungu today. The pork
fever seemed quite abated. Lower figures for
hogs helped to end the flurry.
After a drop ofc In wheat at the opening ,
the day's fluctuation * did not cover over'c
range. The closing quotations loft May \c
and .Inly , u lower than on Friday afternoon.
Corn was vaslor and closed llrm at from ' o to
! c lower.
The business In oats wus largely In the way
of ox-clmiiglng. The close showed a nut de
cline of from ' | C to V-
Provisions acted weak with an apparent ab
sence of any desire to continue the squcivu In
pork , which shows a decllno of .TJ'ic. '
The decline In wheut was clue In part to the
fact of this being the last day of trading before
the sellers of .May can their option of
delivering thu product against sales for that
There was u firmer fueling toward the close
on Atlantic seaboard Hearings , ft Is supposed
the visible supply will .show u large reduction
Monday , possibly 'J.000,000.
estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
2UO curs ; corn , 140 ears ; oats , 'J55 cars , hogs ,
a 1,000 head.
Thu loading futures ranged as follows !
tli'i 75H
4U (
. 4IX' * ' | ,
SUM fj V.'IJ '
S9U VJ ' . "
18 TO is 77 ! * is m IS IK ) is 'jo
in n iu K Vi 00 111 17' ' , II' ' 40
111 4U 10 4TU : IV 15 1 ! ) 27 * 4
9 1124 10 054 IU ( Kit 10 I2M
10 20 IU .111 10 V < ) 10 U 10 M
II ) 40 1060 10 40 10 174 10 M <
9 75 9 C5 U I" )
75SI a so 9 Tl .I 77 L ,
SI 'J MJ 9 811 J S7U ,
Ciish quotations were as follows :
I'l.otmUnchanged. .
WIIKAT No. 'J spring , 71c ; No. 3 .spring , 08o ;
No. 1 ! red. 71 e.
OWN-No. U , UJiCi No. 3 cush , 4'Jc ; No. 2
yellow , 42cj No. 'J yellow , 40'ic.
OATS No. 2 , 2U'ic ; No. 2 white , 3-ltt3. > o ; No.
3 white , 3154J33C.
UVK No. 2 , 60e.
llAlit.EV Nd. 2 , G2c ; No. 3 , f. o. b.,45'il02c ;
No 4 , f. o. b.lie. .
I-'I.AX SEKII No. 1 , $1.12.
TIMOTHY SKII : > 1'rliiie , J3.0034.00.
I'OIIK Muas , per bbU ilH.OOilS.OJ : bird ,
per 10d lb < . , } ll.ilJiT/,10.07' ( } : hhort rill sldi-s
ilnosei , t'J.i.Yi ( U.7O : dry Milted shoulders
< b.i\edi , J'J.T.vrr 10.00 ; short clear sides ( boxedi ,
WiiisKV-lllslllIurs' finished Roods , per gi
SIKIAHS Unchninrediciit loaf , Oc ; granulated ,
5V ; standard "A , " &y-lic. (
The following wore thu receipts and shlp-
mimt.sfor today :
.slilpin t-nta.
I2.WJ : .oua
lor.ojo 2J.UO )
m.m iia.twi
KiS.OJU 157.00)
1.0X1 5. ( WO
IIHII. J.lltl . . . . . . . 4I.ITJJ V.VfJ
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market wus weaker ; cruumory , 2lK29c ! ; dairy ,
10i.27c. Eggs , steudy ; fresh stock , 14ai4Jc. (
New York MurUolrt.
NEW YOIIK , April 29. t'liuuUecelpts , 24-
GOO pkgs. ; exports , 000 bills. ; 200,00(1 ( hacks ;
sales , 4,000 pkgs. ; market dull , steady.
COIIN MKAI * Quietsteady ; yellow western ,
fU.OS'ci'J 75.
HVK Steady , quiet ; western , 088,7'Je.
HAIII.KV cjtilct , firm.
\VIIKAT Hi-culpts , 14O.6oObu. ; exports , 210-
000 bu. ; sales , 'Ji35M)0 ( ( bu. futures , 04.000
bu. spot. Spot market firm ; No. 'J red , In storu
und elevator , T&.WTSIti : ; afloat. 75'i751Uc ;
f. ci. h. , 7GVft77V ; No. 1 northern , H'Jc ; No. 'J
hard , Hl'jc ' ; No. 2 northern , 77-4e. Uptlons
were active , 'jTf'ic ' higher on pressure tn sell ;
May and trading chlclly switching with close
firm ; No. a red , May , closed at 75 ! < c ; -
iJH'iiJuly : , 7HV- .
Con.N Itecelpfs , 128,400 bu. ; exports , 10,000
bu. ; sales , 1,145,000 bu. futures , 4(3,000 ( bu.
spot. Spots dull , llrm : No. ' 2 , 4'J'tc In elevator ,
50 0 afloat ; ungraded , 5oc. Options were
more uctlvo und closed steady ut 'aQ'ic ' ;
trudlng chiefly locul. switching ; May clo.sed at
4'J'lc ; June , 4lPBe ; July , 50jc } : .
OATS Uccidpt.s , 5H.OOO bu. ; exnorts , none ;
sale's , 120,000 bu. futures , 57,000 bu. spot.
Spot , ciuiet ; white , tinner ; optlonsdull , firmer ;
Muy closed at 34'c ; June , 3l 8e ; July , a4"ic ;
No 2 white , 41'ii8.42e : No. 'J Chicago , 37'i ;
No. 8 , 30c ; No. 3 white , 41c ; iiil\c-cl western ,
37ft3H'ic : white western. 40a47V-
HAV--Modc'iate demand , llrm
; shipping. 70ii
75c ; good to choice , 854i'J5o.
llors Quint , firm.
IIHIESllull , easy : cut meats , ciulet , firm.
li.vllti Quiet , easier ; western steum closed
f 10.40 asked ; July closed $10:00 ; September -
ber closed J10.75.
1'onK-Qulet , easy.
HIITTEK Quiet , unchanged ; about steady ;
western dairy , 'JO'CJOu ; western creamery.
2G'J3'J'/te ; western factory , 'JOS'JOo ; Klglns. 3'J
UIIKKSC I-'alr demand , stonily ; part skims ,
tlU'ie ; purl skims , now , 2 > j < B7'Sc.
Kilos Quiet , stoudy ; receipts. 8,200 pkgs
TAI.I.OW I'irni , ( | idet.
( "OTTOSSUKD OIL I'll III , quiet.
I'ITKOI.IUMQuiet : : ; United closed at COJjc
| ! OSIN Dull , oiisy.
Tuni'KXTlNi : Dull , weak.
KlL'i : Kasy. iiilet. |
Moi.\SSKS Now Orleans , open kettle , good
to choice , dull , stci.idv.
ScciAit Haw held llrnier , oulet ; centrifugals
90 lest. 4c ; rellned , fairly uctlvo , firm.
I'm Ino.NJulul ( , steady ; Amorlcun , $12.75 ®
COI-I-KK DiTll. unchanged ; laketil. .
IiBMi rnuhlinged ; doniusllc , $1.05.
TIN Straits , J2o.i ( ( ) bid : platequiet. .
The following are reported u Dun's Mercan
tile agency :
Heat i let * . Nidi. , (1 , R Heckloy , hotel , sold out
IKmtrlcc , Neb. , liulney & l.udd , drugs , wll
ho succccdi'd by .1. I ) , liulney.
( iothenburg , Neb. , .M'irUs A ; Son , blacksmiths
sold out.
( Jh'iivilhNeh. . , lltirney .lolinson , hotel , mov
ing to Illue Hill.
Oinuliu , Dlnsmore Itcmedy company , Incor
porutt'd , capital stock
Snydur , Neb. , I' . Illllurbock , saloon , will bo
succeeded by U. Nolle.
Snyder , Neb. , li. Walters , blacksmith , wll
remove ,
lllrmlnshum , Neb. . I'ltkln A : Skinner , gennru
store and bunk , succeeded by K. A. Sklnnei
Jfc4) .
Dtirbj' , Iu. , C'onncr llros , , groceries and fur
nlshlng goods , assigned.
Port Madison , Iu. , Marsh & ( 'nrpor , groceries
reiiorted sold out.
lioswlcK , la. , lletz & IVrldns , lumber anc
coal , dissolved.
Sioux L'lly , lu. , H. Krefting , drugs , closed 01
Dell Ituplds. S. I ) . , Ilohni'iiison > t Co. , dm
succeeded byi. \ . K. Collins.
Mounu ( . 'Ity , S. I ) . , Klpp & Overby , genera
store , S. O. Overby sold his Interest.
Uupld City , S. I ) . , Churlcs Schuster , mea
market , sold out.
Sioux 1'ulls , S.I ) . , M. Knehner , furniture ,
etc. , closed on uttuehnient , t'J45.
Sioux I'ulls. S. I ) . , II. 1' . I'lunugun , saloon ,
closed on uttuehnient.
Slou.x Falls , S. I ) . , Warner Huabe. gave hill of
sale und chattel und reul estute mm igagcs ag
gregating } H,7)5 ! ) , recelvi'r apiiolnted.
Sioux I'alls r1) ) . , Arthur Illrd , blacksmith ,
Kiinx.14 > Ity .Market * .
KANSAS C'lTV , Mo. . April 20. Wheat und rye
are cm u basis of Mississippi liver ; corn und
outs on a huslsof Kansas City.
Wnr.AT-Dull and steady ; No. 2 hard , 00 ®
07c ; No 2 led. 7Oc.
ConsI'irni und unchanged ; No. 2 mixed ,
35c ; No. 2 white. 3G'c.
O ITS Weak nnd hardly salable ; No 2
ml.xed , 2sf3'JM'ic ; No. 2 white , 31' < 4t31'5c.
Itt'Tmi Dull and weaker ; creamery , 25tt
WJ'Jc ; dulry , l c.22c.
Kios-Weak , at 12SJC.
HK'Kii'Tt--Wheat , 19.000 bu. ; corn , 1,000
bu. ; oats , none.
Silli'ME.vM-Whent , 40,000 bu. ; corn , 11,000
bu. ; outs none.
hit. l.ouU Mnrkt-li.
ST. I.oui.s , Mo. , Aurll 20. n.ouil Un
WiiKtT Opened tower , with now and then
u llttlo rally , but continued to decline , the
close being Si" below yestiirday ; cash , 05c ;
Muy.OSSc ; July , eas&tiO'ic ; August. 70iC.
Cons I'loscd a shudn lower ; cash > 10 ? c ;
Muy , 30'4-41.30'ic ; July. ao > 4c.
OATs-Cuib , bteacly , at 3u'ii.n May , lower , at
1'OHK Dull1 Jobbing , 110.50 , Lard , noml-
nully lower ( nt MO , Dty , n\tt incuts nnd
bacon niili-t nt prevlwu ntlotatlon-i IIMIMI
boulder" , tO.fjOj lone * niurVlb * , t > 10i nhcirt- ,
* lo.25i boted , lf > c > moro. HAcon , nhouldcr ,
110.50 ; hunts nnd ribs , IHi horlMl.nT'ii
sugar cured hum- . H3.KXiH4.t)0. (
lIl'TTrn I'ncluinged. . . .
Hr.cni'illonr. . 8,000 Wil-.i whcnt , 0,000
bu. ; corn. 50.000 bu. : ouK 24,000 Int. ; rye ,
imnt'i hurley , none. .
SiiM'MENTH-l'limr. 7,000 hhN.i whcnt , 12.-
000 Im.I corn , 02,000 bll. ; o.1t1 , 2..000 bll.l
rye , bu. ; barley , notifi .
Oinnhn I'riidnc-n Mnrkrt.
The week closed with thv'produce and fruit
market pnctlcnlly unchanged from the quot
ations of the day befcnr.
Al'Pl.KS-C'hoIro shipping -Stock , $3.75 4.00
per bid.
OIIANIIKM t'ullfornhi mountain oranges ,
$2.60 ; Washington navels , $ l ; Newcastle Cali
fornia seedlings. 2.76 ; Hc-dliinds , $2.76 ; Med.
sweets , } 'J.75 ; Riverside seedlings , { 2.70.
HANASAS Per bunch , Including crates and
packing , "f2.OOR2.75. "
l.tiUo.NS Choice , $3.50Jt4.00 ; fancy , $4.00ii
I'l-.AH-lVr tii.-box ) , 12.
HKCluilco navy , J2.30a2.43 ; common
stock , H.OOft'.MH ) .
CAI.mWNIA 1'AIIIIAIlB-IVr It ) . , Z'i'&ltf.
Ct'ft'MliHlls Choice , pi'rdofl.73iC2.00. .
SWKKT I'oTATOl'.s-l'er bid. , $5 ; seed sweet
potatoes , $4.5(1. (
O.MO.NSHome grown , on orders to country ,
Jl per bid. ( iood stock shipped In from coun
try , M.151&1.25 Per bu. ; llermudu onions , uor
50-lb. crute , $2.75.
WAX IlKANs-Pcr . bu.-box. $3.50.
STIIIMI ltiANs-l'er : "i bu.-box , $2.50il'J.OO.
Sl'INACIIPer bill. , $3.
Asi'Mit'llomc ( < groMti , per doz. , { I.
I.KTTCcr.I'tr do35aioc. .
HAIIISIIKS I'ercloz. . 35iMOc.
l'Alisi.ivPer ; clew. , 35'it40c.
TenUNIONS - Per do/ . , 20'd25c.
I'orvrcilN Ooloraclo stock , $1.10 ; Wisconsin
bnrhnnks , H.VK.9.V ; westurn Nebraska , lO3)
05c ; easti'i-n Nebraska stock , 75ft85c ; early
Ohlos , . | . ( | . $1.25.
I'll : PLANT -Per 50-th. boxes , $1.50.
mn-mt , iuH : , IIAMK , I'oi'i/ruv.
IH'TTCK Pucklng .stock , 16'u > 17i" : fair to good
j'cninlry roll , lilii'j-Jc : choice to fancy country ,
Kciiis ilcneral market , 13'jc.
( iAMiMixed : ducks , Jl. ; teal , $1.25 ; jack
snipes , } ! 25 ,
I'ol'l.-iltv Choice hens , lie ; mixed coops ,
lOc ; old roosters , 7Hc ; geese and ducks ,
lo'ttl Ic ; turkeys , 10J12c ; pigeons , tl.25ftl.Sil
per dolive. .
Msrci.lANl:01TS. |
HAV The maiket on good upland buy , $0.50
In cur lots.
HONIJV Cliolcn to fancy white clover , 183 >
1'Jc : fulr to good , K'iil8c. (
VK.VI.Choice und sniull fat vents , 7SHc ;
large and thin , 3'"c. '
New York Drj ( leeds Market.
Niw : YOIIK , April 29. There was sciucely
any business In dry goods ut llrst hands today ,
the demand buliu restricted to u light mull
orderrude ! , but theie was a fulr Saturday
movement at the hands of Jobbels. lltiyers
halt all along the line' , In view uf the goods
boil''ht und the necessity for cuiitlon under
pic-sent uncei tulnttes. Ne.xt month , however ,
may change all this.
Mlluunlico .Miirkuti.
Mli.WAi-KKK.WIs. , Airll2Q. | WHEAT Steady ;
July , CH',1No. ; . 2 spring , G8c.
C'OIINI'lim ; No. 3 , 41'Jo. '
< ) * TS Higher ; No. 2 white , 35'j(230c ( : No. 3 ,
HVK 05c.
HAIII.KV 55'ic.a
I'novisio.vs l-'lim ; pork. May , $19.
'Mliiiin i poll * \Yheiit Miirkot.
MlNNKAl' , Minn. , April 29. Dull ; fair
leniand for cash heat.No. ; 1 northern , Mtli ,
J5c ; No. 2 northern , G'J'i © G3c. Hi-ci-lpts 25l !
ars. CloseApril. : . G3c ; Jlay. G3c ; July , (17 ( < tii
j7'Je : September , OH'ic. On truck : No. 1
nird , GG'jc ' ; No. I no ; tliein , G4'8c ; No. 2
northern , O'JftO'J'ii ' * . '
NK.VV YOIIK , April . - & * - steady
it 57r.lS points udvunc\closed ( steudy ut 1K ( ( .
JO points advance ; snlcs , " 14,000 bag- ; , Includ
ing : May , $14.4(11514.45 ( ; June , H 1.30 ; July ,
H4.25 ; August , & 14.20&14.25 ; September.
! 14.25114.30 : Dccenihc'i' , $14.201 * 14.30. fc.iot | ,
Hlo , dull , steudy ; Nn. 7 , 15.37''rf ' 15.50.
Cot l. > n MnrKt't.
Nr.w Oni.KANS , I.a. , April 29. Quiet ; good
middling , 7 11-lOc ; mldclllng , 7 7-lC.c ; low
mldclllng. 7'8c ; good ordinary , G 13-lGc ; net
receipts , 4,300 bub's ; gross , 4,400 bales ; ex
ports to tiri-ut Britain , 2,2(10 ( hales ; to the
continent , l.HOO bales ; Coastwise , 1,700 bales ;
sales , 2,3UO bales ; stock , 203,500 bales.
4s 2'4d per cental.
IiAHi > Klrni ; prlmu western , Cls Cd percwt.
1'KA.s ( Junudiun , 5s 4d per cental.
rhthulolplitn ( ir.ilu .tlnrkot.
I'nil.Aiini.i'iiiA , l'i. , April 29. Wnn.tT
Weak ; No. 2 red , April and May , 74tt74 > ; c.
COKN- Options Wt-ukur ; No. 2 mixed , April ,
OATH Steudylocultrudellghtnothlngclolng ; :
In futuies ; No. 2 white , April , 4Xa-10ic. ( !
CliK'hinutl .Marlu U.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 29. WIIRAT-Stcucly ;
No. U red.GGG7c.
COICN Kasler ; No. 2 mixed , 43ic ! ,
OATS-Kusy ; No. 2 ml.xi'd , 31' c.
WHISKv f.lglit ( lemundat$1.13.
I'uiuiuihit > 'ut-s *
Ntivv OHI.KANS , Ija , , April 29. Clearings ,
KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , April 29. Clearings ,
I'Aitis , April 29. Three pur cent rentes , 9Gf
27'tC for the account ,
UAI.TI.MOIIE , Mil. , April 2-Clearings ! ) ,
$2,317,302 ; balances , $50,215. .Money , 0 pur
April 20 , Amount of bullion gone
Into the Hunk of Knglund on balances today ,
0,000 sterling.
Mi'.sti'iiiM. Tenn. , April 29. Now York ex
change sc-lllng al $1.50. C'luurlllKS , i'Ji'J.H.VJ ;
balances , $7O,5GH.
Nr.w YOIIK , April 29. C'loarlngs , $114,18,1-
819 ; balances , $ ( i.95G,491. Kor the week , clour-
lugs , $5HH35G80 ! ; balances , $27,5H1H10.
I'IIII.AIIKI.IMIIA , Pa. , April 29. Clearings ,
59,095,113 ; balances. $1,549,104. I'or tin-
week , eleurlng.s , $ rt5,27 .672 ; balances , $9,2G'J.-
533. Money. 4iii4' , percent.
HOSTON , Mass. , April 29. Clearings , $ lfi- ,
000,321 ; balances. ,8UG1H. Money , G
pur cent. Exchange on Now York , 2oc dis
count. I'or the week , clearings , i9i54,5M2 ( ) ( ;
balances. $9,501,782. I'or the month , clear
ings , $427,7H1,540 ; balances , $45,5J2,930.
CIIICAOCI , III. , April 29.-Chiriii3s ; , $17,324-
158. Kor the week , $103,390,528. Kor lite
corresponding wcok last year , $ H8iG3,037. (
Sti'rllng exchange , strong ; sixty-day bills ,
$4.H5"i ; demand , $4.88'.i. Money rlcibcd at
G167 per cent.
ST. I.OIIIH. Mo. . April 20. nuiirlnHH. $3,437-
7G4 : balances , fl52ln5. Clearings tills week ,
$32,7G2,901 ; balances , $3G83G37. Ciuurlngs
this month. $1O7,7G1.O79 ; balances , * 14,278-
030. Money quiet. Gf.f,8 per centj but chlelly G
to 7 per cunt. Exchange on Nuw York , OOe.
Nr.w YOIIK , April 2'The ) Imports of specie
HI thu port of New York for thu week were
$40,719 , of which $19,712 worn gold und
$21O07 sliver. The ( exports of specie from
the port of Nuw York for the week weio $4-
401.000 of which M,9)1.5'jO ) wus gold und
M73.350 silver. Of this amount $3.011,700
gold and $ IGO,2il ( ) silver went to Europe , and
tll,850gold ( und f7,150 silver went to South
America. _
ConsldcrliiKVlmt Hii- > , | ( . | Eipcctcil th
I la nil StuMU nlMlis ) ( I'uvorilhlr.
NBW YOIIK , April 29. A./uIr amount of busi
ness wus iliino at the Stock oxchungo for a
half holiday. The tem'neV of spci.-ulatlon was
decidedly bearish , nwllig tc > thu rc'sorvus and
receivership procc'edhrjs' tu the cuso of the
Toledo , Ann Arbor , V 'North Michigan road.
Thu stock of the liittPir < Ail ( brdko 3' < pur cunt
to K ) ' < , but cluM-d at 1C ; rfdecllnu of 20 points
for thu wuck. Hlchmoll'l1 Terminal preferred
opened ' 4 percent louei'lhun lust night ut 30 ,
and after breaking to 27 , rallied to 2S'4 ' ; M'in-
hattun dropped 2U P-'r'q 'lit to 1 l"i' < and recovered -
covered to 140 ; Nutlinai ] Corchnjn common
yielded as much us 2J UPijcent , to 57 'i ; Sugar
2'i , to 1001 , ; Heading 1 ' .percent to25u , and
Chicago ( Jus 134 to 81.
Other stocks wi'io frac-ly sold , but the bears
found H mote dllllcult'tc ' ) muke thu sumu Im
pression on prices as lu'thn ' cases Just alluded
to. In a majority of Instances thu hisses wuro
)4 ) to 1 tier cent. Thcio 'wore .several rallies.
None of ihom , however , were very pronounced.
The fuel that thu lens In the surplus reserve
of the hunks , $2,077,050 , wus more than gener
ally expected , led to some- covering of short
contracts nuar the close , and prices rallied '
to > 4 pur cunt from tliu lowest , hut thu tune of
the market wus weak Monday will hu a Imll-
duy in Chicago und London , and this Influ
enced some of thu small operators , who had
stocks to sell them out. Outstanding short In
terest Is heavy In nearly nil the prominent
The I'ost suys : Considering what has been
expected the bank siutement wus tenlly
favorable , notwithstanding thednilnof nearly gold by the operations ( ) f Saturday
und Tuesday , the averugo speclo and lugul
tender holdings have fallen off only * 4.7GO-
500. Currency receipts from Chicago , which
nerosnluigu u week ago , ceased this vvuok
altogether , but thu reason for their stoppage
was the governmvnt depcislt of I4,0MIOOO ( In
currency In the bund * of Nuw York banks ( o
pay for the gold delivered at Chicago. The
local bunk ruxurves were necessarily Increased
to that uxicnt and In addition over 2OOOOOO
cuuiu iu from Cincinnati uuci ulbswhere ,
noalnut wlilch IOKII limn H.OOO.OIH ) wns dent
nlon to llcxton.
Thn government , lee , Ims nmdo licavy pen.
Rlnn dlliir ) emcnlsK'lc\rly ro Moo ted by the
treasury lo In total halnnrcs this neck of
over $7,000,1X10 , Probably , thvrcforc , the con
dition nf the Now York bunks today Is actu
ally better ! bin the re port of the-average would
! > vem to warrant. It Is time that the Attention ,
oolong concent rated on Hit-federal gold reserve
alone should be' directed to the total reported
urplus. since the opening of April , the gov
ernment's .surplus on all account < , Including
the bank deposits und the dlshnr-dn , : olllcer's
balances. hi9leCrca : ( edtlG53,3H2. A further
decrease , three ) limes AS large , would leave
the government a total balance , outside uf
funds In disbursing agents bunds , less than
$100.OOO,000. It wus probably with such u
possibility In view that Thursday'-'contingent
baigaln with the city bunks wus tniido.
Thu following ure the closing limitations of
the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today :
Atchlsun . 3l\ .Nortti'rn l-ucinc. . .
Adnms CxprcM . . . IM do | irc-forri-d .
Alton , T. II . ; tO V. I' . , lie. A lilllf. . . . n
do preferred. . . . IMI .Northwcetorn . nm
American K.virc | s. It ? do preferred . 140
Ihillhnoru A ( Hilo. . M N. V. Central . 107
I niiHdn I'ncinc . . . . M6V > i ; .N. V. A N. K .
C'Aiiniln "o'.ithorn . ii > l ontarlu A. Wt-iti-rn
Central 1'iu'lflc. . . . 77 jOrivon Imp .
Chc-B A Ohio . . . . SS' Ore.iin N r . n
Ctilc.ixo Alton. . . 14.1 | 0. S. I. . A. tr. .N . . . . us
C. H , Ay . li2k , l'ncltlcMiill . vo
ChlcnKO ( ins . iVorlx II. A K . . . 18
Ciinnolldiiti-il citu. . in
C. C. i . A St. I , . . . . I'ulhiinn 1'al.ioo ll'i '
Cottiin nil t'crl . . . .
llcl. Iliidoon .
I ) . 1. . A W . ll'J'l tin pri'ft-m-il 23
I ) . A'd . W Klotlrnnile W *
1) ) A ( J. K. Co . Wty , ilo prutprrcM 141
: i Itcu'k Inlnncl
Kile . i'JH M. I'nul
Uricpreferred. . . . . 45 i do prctc-rrcil
rort Wnyno . 153 "l. I'nul .V uiimlm .
( It. Northern pl'il. . m . du prolorrod. . . . 118
C. A K. 1. iifd . im Southern I'nrtHc .
llocklngVallc-r . . . 2i Miiiur Itc-tliH-ry. . . .
Illlnolx I' . . . 101 Tt-iin. CoalV. Iron
t. I'nul ADiihith. . 40 Ti'xnn 1'nclllc 7l
Unn. , \ Ti-x. | i ( d . . SI 'Tul. ' A O. i c-n pfil.
l.nku KrloAVcit. . 214 t'nlun I'ncltic
lu prurenud . . . . * ii'4 t . S. ICxpre If *
Luke shun- . ! ' * < W : < t. I. A I' HU
Li-nil Triift . : ; * ilo pii'ti'rrt-il. . U1
l.oiiln AHBI | . 72'i Wt-lls Porno K.xp. . lit )
Louis. ANuw Al'tiy 2J WntU-rn t.'nlDii. . . .
Mnrilnutnn < on. . . . ll.'i Wlil'c'lhiii.t 1. K. . . tilM
Mi-mii'li.v c tmVn. 40 i do prnlurrocl . . . . M
.Mlc'hlunn Centrnl. 101 Minn. \ M , U
.Missouri I'nolllc . . . 17 10. A II. ( I
Miitdln , v Olilo . ' . ' 'i ( k'tu'rnl Klcctrlc . .
.Nnnhrlllat liu'l . . . S-i Xut. l.ln
Nntlunnl Curdaiu. liljJC. Kiii-l.t Iron 111
dn pruforre-rt . . lOi I ilo proic-rrcd . . 10(1 (
N. J. I'unlral . Ill , 'lloiu.Ti't. ' . Ci-ii. . 10(1S
Norfolk A. W. p'fd . 31HTol. ] A. A. ' . * X. M. .
North American Cn
The total sales of stocks today weie I'JV.DOO '
sharei , Includlin : : Atchlson , [ > .UOO : llnrllng-
ton A : Qulncy , 3'JIM ) : ( . 'lilciiKD diis (1,100 ( ; Cot
ton Oil. 3,200 ; Distiller . ! ) .400 : Manhiittati.
3.IJOl ) ; Jllssiiufl Pacific , 3,200 ; National Cor
dage , M.uOO ; New Knghiml , 5.OOO ; Not them
I'aclllc preferred. 4,51)11 ) ; lieadlng , 42uOO ;
Ulchnmnd Terndnal , 0,500 : HI. Paul. 7,5(10 ;
Sinrur , 32,200 : T. A. A. A. N. M. , H.H50Vestoin ;
I'nlon , 7,400.
X iw Vi rU Money Miirki't.
NEW YOIIK , Airll | 29. MOSEY os CAI.I.-
Knsy in 3 per cent.
I'IIIMK.MKIICANTIM : I'Ai'Kii O'tQM per cent.
STKIIMNO KM'IIANOI-Steady , with iictual
business In bankers' bills at t4.H.)1i'l4.hO ' for
sixty days and } 4.HM'it4.HHi4 for demand.
The closing < i not at Ions on bonds :
1) ) . S. 48 re.- . IIJIJ M l ,1 I. Al.l.ull .is.
U. H 4s coup . \1'IH \ ! -t. I. . A S. K. ( I'll. M. in
. Ki St I'nul Con .
1'ttClllClilUf ' 111 . 10 , ' . M. l > . f. A I' . l u. . .
l.oultitniia B'IIIM ! ( a. 94l T. I' , u II. Tr. Hen. 7H
Mlnsourl ( is. . . . lul' T. 1 > . It ( J.Tr. llcls . 24
Tunn new ht't I > B . . 10H < Unlun I'Hclllo l t . . . IlKi-t
Tunn. now ut5fl. . . . IOU I01H
'Icnn. new net 3 . . . 74 ill. ( i. W. In * 774
c Hliaitasuiltht > rn2 < * . 102 IAICU 4- 82
Central I'nclllo Ism. 10C' ' < Alcll. ' . ' ' 19 | , ClfVS A . 82M ! <
U. A lt.i. ( 1M . 118 ' ( ) . II. .V s * . A ti I Oil
A. ll..4 < . 111. T. A C.'us' IU&
Krlw 2ds . i ( lu Con. UK 1U2
M. K A 'I' , ( ion. ( la. . IN. Ourollna lia 122
M. K. \ T. lien. 6 < . . N. Ctmiihm 4n U3
Mutual Unlun ( is. . . ! * . ( . ' . llrownscon. . . . IU.,1 ,
N. J. r. Int. Cert. . . . II' ' Tunn. ulil UB II.
N. I'nc.lms . 1.7' . Vn. ( is 14) )
V. 1'nc. 2il . 112 Vn. Ki-Mnt. coup . , 14).T.
N. W. ( . ( inxiln . .T.W
N.\V liijunl | 'r > . ' > . li'S
Huston MoeU ( Jnot.ltIIIIM.
HostON , Muss. , April 29. Cull loans , 54 7
per cent : time loansG'i67 percent. Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds und mining.shares :
Atch..T. A M K . .
American Hu.'iir. . . . lees do preferred .
do prolorroit . . . . Wisconsin i cntral. .
liny Mntn ( iaa . AtchUon 2dj .
Hull Tclppnuno. . . . do 4i .
lloitun , V Alh.iny. . . Vow Knulnnit ( i . im
lloaton A Mnlno . . . ( ioi er.\l Klectrlo 5s.
tlo preferred . ll.s \VI conilnlVnt'l It.
C. . II. Ay . Alloiier. MlnitiKCo.
Htchlmri ; . Atlantic .
( iunural f.luctrlc. . . . ItostunA .Montana. M V ,
Illinois Steel . 110 Ilutle A llOBton .
Mexican Ccntrnl. . . 101 Calumet , V Heeln. .
N. V. AV. . K . Ontennlnl. . . . . . . . .
Old Colony Franklin .
Ornunn Mbort l.lno. Kcnr UKO .
Itubber is Onceola . 81
II 125
L'nlon I'acltlc . Mini * I-V c'opper. . .
West Knit . . . . ' 1'aiunrnck .
do preferred
l.i > Mili > n KxvbiuiKC Oiuitlltlons.
LONDON , April 2U. Close :
CiiiiKoln. inunvy. I"J ll-lii Mexlcin. ordln'ry 211
Contul . dl ( < cnunt ' y 1-1IJ St. I'aul , connnon 7'Jll
N. V. I' . .10. Uts. * ; Mailman Ccntrnl. 110
Canidlan I'aclllc. SJVt I'cnnnrlvnnU . . . .
Knu ' Hf lieadlnt :
Erie. Ms if > X Mei.'en.nuw ( 4' )
llllniila ( oninil. . 105'i
HAH Sn.vun 3 o-10d ; m > nuy. 2-aj'i - pi r
Kate of discount In the open mnrket for
b(5th short and three months bl Is , 37ii per
Hun rniiirlHi-o .Mining Onotiltioin.
SANl'iiANClsco , , April 29. The olllclal
closing iiiotatlons | for mining stocks today
wore as follows :
Alia Ii Mutlcun IMJ
Ilelclier 120 Mnno 2'J
Host A llolclier 195 Oplilr 270
lluille Consolidated ( . . " > 1'otoit 2t)5 )
llulwor 25 SivHao 120
Cluillar 119 Hlurra NuvHiln 135
Cons'dCnlA Vn aw Union ConBOlldatocl 120
Crown 1'olnt 100 Utoh 20
( lould.t Curry . . . . 60 YolltKT Jacket 120
Hale ANorcroBs. . . . 110
New Ynrlt .tllnlni ; IJiKimtliins.
Nnw Vii IK , April 20. The followlns are the
closing ; mining ( imitations :
Crown 1'oliit bJ InnJuid Mu
Con. i at. A Vu 2tt Union Con ll.s
Ihinimtuko'i \ U Vellow Jncltct 110
Ontario 14JO Iron Silver 30
Ophlr SI ) Quick silver 2il
Plymouth ft ) do preferred 140J
lerri .Nevada I2U nhvor IA
St. I.OIIIH Aliiilni ; Oinilnlliiin.
yr. Lotus , Mo. , April 29.-Tho following aiu
the cliisiiiK n.Inlnc quotations.
A ( In ins . . . .i .W ( . .IK ) ( irunlto .M..t.UKj
Ati.tTlciin.N .SSSitii . (0 llopo .1.SO
tlllinetallle. 1'CO UJ's '
O.MAI1A Vi : STOUK 3l.\llKlTS.
CtiiidltliiiiK Ccncnilly Satufartory , Tliiuiul
tliuVick Cloned u Trlllo Dull.
HATflllKV , April 29.
Itecelptsof both cattle und ho s the past
week have been liberal , showing a substantial
increase ever the week previous and thu same
week lust year. In sheep there has been a
sll ht fiilllni ; oir. Thu olllclal figures aiu as
follows :
Cattle , llosss. , heep.
Uecelpts this wi'eU. . . lil.'JUO 32,449 4,701
llecelpts last week. . . . 17,505 2i,17J ( ( > ,471
Same ivcuU last year. 1M.399 28,1149 5.41H
( ' oinpaied with last year'i , receipts for the
month of April , show a healthy Improvement
of about cattle , 3.OUO hos ; and 7ooo
shecip. SD far till * year , compared with lust ,
theiehas been an Increase of 57,121 cuttle
and 47,757 hhecp , while thn clecieusu m ho
supplies uniounts to 1,12,079 head. Compara
tive receipts by months :
Months , IHU3. Cut tie. Hoes. Sheep.
.January 87,014 120,175
I'Vhrinry 03,027 79,024 : ioni4 !
March 74.410 Oli.417- 37,195
April OB,4VJ ( 100,871 24.332
Total 293,560 390,487 114,505
Months , Ib92.
Junimry 58,138 201.557 11.774
l-Vbriiary 55,503 127,449 17,020
March 01.K.5 102.334 20,071
April 01,503 07,82(1 ( 17.2H3
Total 230,429 529,100 00,748
The unusually heavy receipts and thodo
morall/.cil conilltlon of the export trudo have
caused a rather serious decllno in cuttlo
values the past wo.'k. This has been espe
cially true the latter half of the week und par
ticularly on the heavier crudes , ll'-'bt steers In
peed flush brink" MUKht after by dressed
heef men und feeders have belli their own
fairly well , while nthcr Crudes havu declined
fnnii 15c to 30c during : thu past sl.days. .
Notwltlisiandlnt ; this decline thcie uppuurs In
be a Koo.l , heullhy tone to the trade. Kvrry
one uppouis to want the cuttle alllion li mak-
inu stieiiiious ell'orts t < i buy them cheuier. |
'I ho tradu today wus much the suinc UH It
wus on the thiee preceding days. Itecolpts
weri'llberuI.etiNterii rt'iortsratherbcnrlsh | und
tiuyers siicco'dud tn taking ( ilVubout lOc on
( iverythlm ; except In occasional Instances on
llKht , well turned steers , such as exactly
sillied tin' diessed ln-iif trade. Speculative
hhlppers did consl'lerablu business , mostly
lutu In tin * day : but nil tliu dressed
beef houses wcn > In the Held und free
buyers ut the decline , ( iood tn choice 1,200
to l,50O-lh steers sold at from tl.OO to J5.05 ,
with fair to Kond 1.000 to 1,150-lh sleurn at
from H.U.'i to J4.G5. ( ' ( million to fair ll 'lil
grades solif ut from { 3.85 to (4.3O. Iliislnoxs
wus dull and dniKxy throuchoiit , but ut thu
close there wus very lltllu duaiiublu stock in hands.
Thuro wan a somewhat easier feellnK In the
cow market. ThobUpply wus not huuvy , but
the wottkntMn wn In HympathT "lib beef
Ktecm , which have born Meiullly ilccllnlnit the
pint wriik. Knlr to Rood COWM navi been noil-
Ins high In eompiirlvin with MITM , und them
bus iK'i'ii very little II uctnntlon In prices. Todny
ifiHid to choice cows nnd hclfoM unlil ut from
1376 to ( t , with fair to itood butchers'
xUtck at nronnd (3 to I3.AO. Common to pretty
trnod cannlmt stuff sold at from * 'J to f2.7fi.
Tlio calf market nim Mtt'iiily , poor to ttood Mock
'I'lllnc at fromr. ' WMo Ifi. There wus not n
particularly urgent dcmiiml for ronnh Min-k ,
but there bus beei little chnn o In the market
for this class of Mock all wook. Poor to prime
bulls o.vcn ami HIURS sold ut from 12.35 to
There has horn comparatively little trndlnu
In stockers and feeder * all week , but Unit little
hu liecii on the basis of rather shaded prices ,
Today wus no inception tn the rule , llepnlar
denleis weie Indlfleient buyers as their pens
lire full uf cattle which they would be plnd to
sell nt prices fully u < iuurtcr lower tlnin H
week atfo. ( ICKUI smooth well bred stock In
fulr Ihvh meets with u fair demand nt Rood
pi Ices , inn Inferior crudes me hard to move lit
uny price. Iteproi'titutlve sales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. t'r.
1 . 400 3 06 J21 . HMO 14 45
12 . OM1 3 H5 13 . . . ,1017 4-45
25. . . . 803 31)0 ) 11) ) . . . .1077 445
1 . OsO 4 DO 15 . 1031 t 50
7 . 002 4 00 3 . UNO 4 Ml
3 . 833 4 10 21 . 1004 4 Ml
30 . 1121 410 100 . 1109 450
2 . (430 ( 4 15 10 . 92H 4 50
10 . 809 416 19 . 1125 460
J4 . 802 4 15 22 . . . .1132 4 50
13 . 887 4 16 12 . tVJ.'i 4 60
48 . . 100H 4 15 10 . 971 4 60
10 . . . . 813 4 25 03 . 1121 4 50
12 . . . .1022 425 U . 1057 460
12 . . . . 938 4 25 23 . . . . 040 4 60
14 . . . . UOU 4 25 10 . 1031 4 60
29 . 1H1 425 27 . 1114 460
8. . . 057 + 25 27 . 119.1 455
31 . . .1000 430 40 . 1093 465
38 . . . .1023 433 40 . 1051 465
19 . . . .1070 4 35 1 . . . , K1SO 4 01) )
19 . 957 4 35 42 . 1151 4 00
5 . . . .1040 435 39 . 1133 400
4 . 1092 435 21. . . .1144 400
22 . . . . 901 4 35 18 . 1151 4 00
14 . . . . 1037 4 35 15 . . . . 1209 4 00
21 . 1241 4 35 11 . . . .1071 4 CO
14 . . . .10 : > 3 4 40 10 . 1160 4 05
18 . . . .1010 4 40 14 . . . . OHO 4 ( .6
38 . Him ) 4 10 I'J . 11KO 4 05
14 . . . .1107 4 40 18 . 1190 4 05
'JO . 1140 4 40 19 . 1137 4 05
JO . 974 440 39 . . . .1300 405
Jl . 1093 4 40 3lcfw. . 1-172 4 05
10 . 982 440 22 . 1208 470
63 . 050 4 40 . 11M11 70
jt ; . 1070 445 20 . 1210 470
JO . 1330 445 21 . 1230 470
t ) . 087 4 40 2 . 12h ( ) 4 75
10 . 1281 446 82. . . .1270 4 M )
10 . 110H 445 20 . 1200 480
10 . 1072 445 33 . 1393 490
1 . 900 4 45
1IH . l'J03 4 35 10 . . . 1311 4 75
0 . 1133 4 35 18 . . . . 1317 4 75
19 . 1214 4 40 35 . 1291 4 HO
J'J . 10S9 440 2 . 1400 48,1
Jl l-Jll 455 2 . 1450 485
JO.ii. 1102 400 21. . . . 1303 485
IK ! . 12UO 400 2 . 1215 485
J2 . 1312 405 18 . 1272 485
10 . 1319 479 18 . 1497 fi IM )
00 . . 1200 470 10 . . .1352 605
81 . 1279 470 24 . 1318 505
10 . 1203 475 01 . 134H 605
18 . 651 3 25 3 . hOO 4 00
0 "lOflH 385 2 . 1020 425
12 . . . . 890 385 10 . 882 425
30 . 670 3 H7J !
COWS ) .
1 . ' 860 2 00 2 . 020 3 25
1 . 5HO 2 00 4 . 1010 3 30
0 038 2 10 H . 927 3 30
11. . 802 2 10 10 . 072 3 35
3 090 2 15 1 . 1160 3 35
4' 742 2 15 1 . 1000 3 35
is' " ; ; ; 878 3 20 o . 1000 3 40
3 1000 325 4 . 1050 345
3 " 0.10 2 25 3 . 1033 3 60
l" 1100 2 25 2 . 070 3 50
1 . 900 225 b . 725 360
3 . 1(1,10j ( 25 4 . 700 350
1 . HK)0 ) 225 13 . 601 360
I ) . 077 230 17 . 731 350
1 " 000 2 35 1 . t > 70 3 61) )
j" 1000 2 40 7 . 904 3 50
l" . . . . 900 240 9 . 825 300
1 ' . . 900 2 50 0 . 892 3 05
l' . . .1051 250 0 . 1050 3 05
1 . 1020 2 05 0 . 971 3 70
8 . . . . 085 2 75 1 . 1080 3 75
1 . 1100 2 75 2 . 1050 3 76
4 . 845 275 1 . 1200 3 75
1 OIL' 275 5 . 950 375
i. ; : : : : ooo 275 n . 055 375
1 . 880 2 75 1(1 ( . 1075 3 75
2 875 2 80 1 . 1120 3 75
' "
O' 1085 280 10 . 099 380
l" .1000 300 10 . 1173 85
3" ; ; ; . 1013 300 0 . 1013 385
25' . . . 89H 300 7 . 1071 385
1 . 7303 00 1 . W)0 3 85
; i 870 300 1 . 1040 300
j ; ; : 1005 300 i . 1430 4 m
2 . 1040 300 1 . 1070 400
1 . . 780 3 00 0 . 743 4 00
0 .1010 3 10 1 . 1430 4 00
1 ; . . .123 ( ) 3 15 1 . 1740 4 00
J . 1005 3 25
1 010 2 50 18 725 3 05
" : ; : : 3 oo i 750 3 OB
5 ' . 472 3 40 30 07d 3 HO
l' , 050 3 40
CAlVi:3. :
1 170 2 50 3 120 B 00
1 330 3 25 3 120 5 00
1 20 350 1 220 500
I ! 210 400 2 130 500
5 114 4 00 3 173 B 00
' ' ' ' '
1. . . . . . 120 4 50 1 100 5 00
1 900 2 35 1 300 3 15
} 15'J ( ) 2 50 2 1230 3 15
: : : : : ' / ) 250 i 1200JIB
2 1150 250 1 jn-IO 325
1 1490 270 2 15(0 ( 32. )
0 1073 275 2 905 325
1 . .1570 2 75 1 1410 3 25
i i"4U 275 1 ' -HO 325
1 "I : 740 2 HO 1 1230 325
3" . 1403 2 90 1 1700 3 25
1 1--80 300 1 1H40 325
13GO 300 2 1315 330
I : ! 1220 300 1 1220 330
1 1400 3 00 3 707 3 50
1 GOO 300 1 1300 350
l" . .1040 300 2 1400 3 GO
l' . .1570 3 00 1 1850 3 75
1 : . . .1570 3 00 1 000 4 25
1 1200 300
1 1200 3 7B 1 1740 400
4 . 050 2 40 1 010 a 35
7 .100 o 00 4 507 3 40
1 700 2 50 29 510 3 5O
5 j)7 ) ( ) 00 3 720 3 50
" " "
l" 000 300 7 024 350
" 9 . . 701 3 15 4 742 3 05
1 830 3 25 1 7HI ) 3 05
1 .100 3 25 1 900 3 75
i 417 3 30 1 1120 3 75
' ' ' ' '
a. . . . . . 093 3 35 G 000 b U5
\n Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
20'feeders. H19 $3 70 20 feeders. OH7 $3 75
28 feeders. 9G9 3 90
IIcmx-Tho situation Is ns mixed us overPrices
Prices have advanced possibly 5c to lOc , com
pared with List week , owing to the strength li
iircivlslons and thu Improved demand fron
eastern butchers , and this In the face of un
usually heavy supplies. I he government's-
report of the available supply of hogs
Is a good deal like an old C.reek
oracle neither bulls nor bears can
derive nny benefit from It ; In fact
noimucun niaUe unything out of It. fr.'ich
lournuts and tin- trade generally uro in thi
same position , lloccdpts at present uro liberal
rather more Hoc-nil than u year ago , but then
Is a possible , even u probable , shortage lute
on. The low supply of nrovlslons , howevei
Is the principal bull feat me of the
Hltiintlun , us that has a tendency to
stllfen values of tln > manufiictuien pio-
ducts and conscciuenlly hog values.
Hecelpts today were heavier than slnci > the
middle of January. There wi-ie 1O7 loads on
sale- , the quality us a rule good. Whllo there
ure u good many light and underweight hogs
coming In , theie Is also a large peicentiigecif
heavy weights. The hogs too aiu running
largely to barrows sows are too vnliiubleto
Ulliiiciw , while prices comparatively high.
Prices dropped back fully u dime cm nil
grades. Thn shipping di'inund ttus decidedly
restricted and bourlsh reports from Chlcugo
produced a decidedly weals feeding In ( lie
tinile. Speculators did little or nothing , ( iocul
to choice medium weight and heuvy hogs sidcl
ut fiom $7.31) ) up to $7.41) ) , with common to good
light and mixed stiitf ut from $7.20 to 47.31) ) .
The runge wus narrow , one-half the entlio
supply going til J7.3O. On moro unfuvoruble
eastern advices thci murket closed very vseak ,
but with about everything out of first hands.
The big bulk of the trading wus ut fiom 17.30
to $7.35 us against $7.40 to $7.45 on last batur-
duy. Hi'piesentutlvo stiles :
No. Av. Sh. i'r. No. Av.
2 210 40 $7 20 02..271) )
212 210 7 20 51. . .237
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 3 ( )
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 3 (
6n noi mo 7 no < n . . ar tun t
04 1MN HO 7 30 M ) .2HO HO 7 ! > ft
71 211 120 7 30 HO. 24 3 BO 7 HA
4fl 204 40 7 30 00 200 40 7 86
0 2AH 40 7 30 00 203 i'K ( ) 7 85
14 260 7 30 72 250 200 7 Sft
27 200 120 7 30 7(1 ( 2ft 1 HO 7 8ft
24 200 7 30 00 273 - 7 3ft
77 248 120 730 70 . . 243 40 735
Or. . .202 200 7 30 112. . .220 7 35
73 . . .240 240 7 30 70. . .240 - 7 35
OH. 242 40 730 72. . .257 100 7116
00 .237 120 7 30 73 217 HO 7 3S
70 .240 240 730 70 . .250 120 735
65 . 223 80 7 30 70 . 214 7 35
01. , .23'.l HO 730 70 . 'J70 HO 735
72 .249 210 7 30 71 .254 200 7 3ft
01. 250 120 7 30 74 . .240 7 3ft
59. . .207 120 730 68..276 40 3 37' ' (
03 . .21 I 200 730 4M. . .270 - 740
71 . .224 200 730 67. . .2iU 74(1 (
05 . .263 4O 730 09 . .20H - 740
HI . 228 HO 7 30 02 . . .290 100 7 40
05. . 2U 80 730 H . .2H1 HO 740
05 . .238 HO 7 30 72. .US ! 7 40
rius ANn noraii.
1 . . 410 4 60 1. . . 140 - 0 60
8..120 060 10 . . .121 80 700
' -Hecelpts were fourdouble-decks.lwo
nsigned to n locnt killer. The other
two Ici'ids were icholce western welhers aver
aging 1)1 ( ) His und brought } 5.82' . The de
mand Is good from all sources and prices are
iiuotnbly fully 26c higher thiin u week iigo ,
Pair to good natives , f4.50ilO.oO ; fair to good
VM'sternx. ll.OOitO.OO : common ind stock sheen.
Y2.61VJ14.00 ; good to choice 40 to loo.b | ,
lambs , J5.00ii7.00. IteprcsiMitntlvu sales.
No. Ar. I'r.
426 western wothrrs 101 15 82'J
Itrrolpt * ntiil tlUpiKlllon or Stork ,
Oniclal receipts and dlsp.Klllo'i of st ik ai
shown by the liodks of tint t'ulim Stock Ynrdi
company for the iHunty-four IIOIII-H ending at
6 o'clock p. m. . April 29 , IM03.
niciu-TS. :
Kunsiis CHy l.lvc M-it'll .Mu rite I.
Ivlvs.vs Crrv , Mo. , April 29. CATTI.K Ito-
cclpls , 4,300 head : shipment1,000 head ;
market quiet ; light steers steady to 6c lower ,
In'uvv steers 6itl5c lower ; cows and feeders
steady ; Texas steers lower. Itupi-esentutlvu
sales : Dressed licet und shipping steers. 11.30
H5.17't ; cows und belfcis , f l.OOit I.HO ; TeMia
and Indluii .steers. 14.60.
lloosUecelpts , 8,900 head ; shipments ,
4OOO head ; market iiilet | ; lights 5c lower ,
heavy ficiflile lower ; all grades , J7.OOJi7.36 :
lmlk.J7.2lWl7.27'i.' ItecelptM , 200 head ; shipments ,
noun ; there wus little trading : market steady )
lambs , if 1.00.
Chlcnc" I.tic stunk .Mnrkot.
CnicAdO. 111. , April -TheKvenlng.Iouinal ;
i-ports :
CATTI.K Hccelnts , 1,000 head ; shipments ,
one ; mailed steady ; steers , JO.HOnO.oO ;
rime , J5.5Oi0.75 ; others , H.26ft5.25 ; stock-
r.s , J3.00 } .3.00 ; ToMins , J2.00iii4.35 ; cowx ,
IloilS Itccelptsl 10,000 limit ; shipments ,
.one ; marUet . 'O'.25ilinver ( ; mixed and pack *
TS t7.KKct7.50 ; prlmn heavy and butchers'
7.551t7.00 ; prlmn light , J7.50id7.00 ; pigs ,
SIIKKIIti'colpls , 3,00(1 ( head ; shipments ,
lone ; murket slow , steady ; western. tO.UlVi0
i.'J5 ; clipped Texiins , $3.75715.10 ; otherd
lipped , $1.50 5.25 ; lambs , * ( l.nil > n7.f)0.
St. I.IMIIH l.lvtl stlo lf .Xlllrlci't *
Sr. Lorn , Mu. . April 29. CVITI.K He-
etpts , 5.OOO head : shipment' , 2.OOO head )
uarket steady ; fair to good native' Mei-rx ,
3.OOT04.0O ; choice , $4.75ii5.00 ; fed Toxin
leers , range , $3.25'14.75.
llous ltcccl | > | s , 2loo head ; shipments'
, ! )00 ) licnd ; murket lllc lower : heavy. $7.10
47.50 ; packing , $7.OOfr7. m ; | | Khi , $7.10 , 7.55.
Siinm--Kccc-lpls , him lioud ; shliment.i | ,
1'joo head ; market llrm : natives , range ,
4.00'ti5.30 ; hest c'llpp'-d Texiins ut $5.
( line In Snmsh Yd Suvt-d by Cnic'ti.
Sunday afternoon the Yonnif Alcn'sChrla-
iun association service will bo addressed by
Jov. T. J. Macltay , who will taUe for his
subject "Ciono to Smash , Yet Saved by
Jrace. " The address will supplement that
of Hov. S. Wright liutlcr of lust Sunday on
3oiiij ( to Smash. "
The lari'o boy and Kirl choir of All Saints
vill assist in the musical service. The serv-
co opens iiromptly nt 4 p. m. and the asso
ciation extends an Invitation to all men to
TUB ItBAl.TV .M. '
NSTHU.MKNTS placud on record April 20.
1893 :
A J I'oppleton and wlfo to A I ) Am
brose , lot 1 , block 21 , 1'oppleton
park. . , It 1,123
fi W E Dor.sey und wlfo to C K Ityurs ,
lot 9. block 1 , U E Muynu's 1st mill
tci Valley 100
Mclinviiuk und O'Kc'ell'ee und wives to
Mciiivcick > V U'Kt-ofTii comiiuny ,
lots 3 to 20 , block 1 ; lots 3 toll , 13
to 15 , 17 to 20 , block 2 ; lots 5 toll ,
14 , 17 , 21 , 22 , 25 und 20. block 3 ;
lots 1 to 7 , 12 to 18 , block 4 ; lots I
to 7.12 to 15 , block 5 ; Iolslto4 ,
block 0 , Mctiiivnck .t O'Ki-ulTo'
add : lots UU In 32 , 31 to 39. block 1 ;
lots 29 to 33 , block 2 ; lols 30 to 38.
block 3 ; lots 20 to 28 , block 4 ; lots
10 to 28 , block 5 , Mcduvock .t
O'lveeltu's Ho-plut ; lots 10 to 21 ,
block 1 , Holmes'add ( reflle ) 100,000
11 K ( 'aily und wife to 1' S Holmes , s 40
feet lots 11 and 12 , block 2 , Sher
wood park 6,000
W \V Iteiilon and wlfo to Thomas
Herd , lot 8 block 1 , May no I'laeo. . . . 2,500
Thomas Itreen toVult" > r Ilruen-lot 4
block 3. S K Kogers mid. und lot 10
block 2. Hoggs & Illll's'Jdadd 2,000
Augusta Choilmun und husband to 1' ' '
K Iarllngo22 ) foot of n 88 feet lot , 4
block 251 , Omaha 1.100
( i M Nuttlnger und wllu to l < II Korty ,
lot 10. block O.Orchard Hill 2.800
T ! ' Tuttlu and wife to A M E Hamil
ton , lot 2 , block 7ltcdfiird ! pluco. . . . * 1,000
( ! Knnd A W { Newton to .lohn Hold ,
lot 2 und o'i lot 3 , block 48 , town of
V'llley 400
Ballon Dunking company to W ( J 1'en-
dhilon , lotH'Jl uiid22hlock 0Lmuha )
Heights 1
K \V Patrick to A I. Anthony , lot 18 ,
block 124 , Dundee I'lacu 1
Total amount of transfers 1110,094
I ) I ) . I'liA/.KB , II. ! ) . ! ( ions Kr.J s HOIUB.
I'ros. VK-ol'rcs tiuuy & L'roas
Capital Ji'sOOO ; Omaha uirl Slou.x Ulty.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks nnd Bonds.
Room 212 NnM Life Building
IinrEIlENOKS : lowtiState National Hanlf.
Hloux Ulty ; CoaimcirL-lnl National Hunk.
Kpcclul attention clvon to outsldo orclcrsi
CorruHpoiuiunuu bollcltuU
jiorvlslng Aruhltiict , Washington. I ) . O ,
April U1 , IH'I't. ' Souio I proposals will bn > u-
culvod at this olllcu until 'J oV-louk p. m. on thn
Kith duy of May. IKl'l , and opened Immcdlatcily
thorcmflur , for all the labor and materials rt-
ciiilrecl for thuriit stuno work nnd brick work
of the superstructure of the IT. H. court hous" ,
custom house und poitollloo building , ut
OMAHA , NEIIK. . in uccoriliinon with < lie
dr.iwIir.'H und spucllluntlons , ooplus of which
may ho hud nt this otllec or the olllcu of the Onmhn. Nohr.iika. E vi !
bid must bo uccomuun oil by a co tilled chuck
for a Mini not luss Until L' pur cunt of ttin
iim-jiinl of thu proptHnl. Thu right Is reserved
In rejuut any or all bids nnd to wuivu any du-
feut or InturniMlty In uny hid , If It hoduemed
in thn Intoiuttof the govurnmuiit to do no. All
proposals rucolvud aft'ir the tlnin stated will
lie ruturned to the bidders. I'ropo-als must ho
enclosed In envelopes , sealed and markiid ,
"I'UOI'OSAI.H for out kiono work und brick
work of thu HiiliurstriiutiirH of thu U. K court
home. L-Uhtom houn nnd postofllco building at
OMAHA. NEIIItASKA. " unit addroised to W.
J. idbrook : , riupcrvialmj Arohltocit.