THE OMAHA. DAILY HBE ; WEDNESDAY. AI'llll. iiB , ] 8)3. ! BPB01RL NOTICES , IV m KM * MFST1 Will 1IIKHK ro l\wn i nInk. n until U'Hip m for Ihn rtrnln nn Inltli i tii ' r the morning nnil hutnJ 'ilHHin I Ailvi-H cm t > r rritifi | > tlntii numbered rlirtk can invr tlt < tr nt nwrrs mldrcM.Ml ! > n nn.nberril Iptlor lento , f Inr lltr Answers so addressed will bo I ellvcicd ui jti uri'sentiillon of tlie chock SITUATIONS WANTED. llnlti i r n word tlril Uifrrllon Ion word lhere > tr I > elli i'B ' takrn f < r lititlmnttr t WAS'll'K in KXrKIHKMKI > Vi I'M ! t.ADV , BY position UK ien.i.rapli.r " " ' ' [ ildrcf i > M VO lien Otllco C outicll lllult < ft IV A I'O-iniiN AS liHAIN HI 1 Kll. NO OlUKi'- IVtlonlinndmm 111 in tier 11 * well iiood references 1 ilrtresB lock box 31. Davenport , Nub VH I1' ' lA SI WIMi IN kAMIIIKH IIV WlfrSsMAKHl. J\H fcri'Uro Hived Addnss K 51 lleo lJV l _ U WAS'II 1 1'IHIIIU.N IN IIK.IAtl OH f/Vwn < li in p K' eery by nilin IS tojcrcn- " Ad BlrrM I- J 1'ee Hill \ 111N WANTKD IIV i.M : > VIIIKM I'll cam ) \\rltcntonco s ! I'i'u lllro ' .M 2V' t ttAVIHIi HY A0l NO MAN. I'OsI'llON AS AbookkiupiT ur ( lenernl olllcuwork Aililrcri t n ) lice t A CiiMI'l'IKNI AND KXPKKIIINCKO Ho > K /Vkn'por nnd general accounlnnl will bo open for , Mm 1 ruftrtucfii lAdil > I l'e ' M10JJS * _ Y < I Mi MAN 01- < . < I'll ' IIAHI'I" IIKhllllM uniilt tin n" tine ntflmunt 1 * | > < 'rlrn > ncl Ad- lrc i ( ii I'uo M'J-Ji2S ' WANTED MALE HELP. i , Itnlen iur n < i"i't tlr t HIM itlon , Ira word there Sailer Nt ibinu taki n Jor IIM thnn Zfc ' Oil ' HMVI--ION ' 10 AUHN'IS'IO nMI'M I n" ni < lii nilrnl Ink I raser Pencil ' 'Ilii'limM < mliI , in I nutel Invention of tlio IIKI * i I'.riKes ' ink tl "lunuMy In t " foonds Works llko tuenH1 AO lo ' * l11 f unlpriilll. Auents ninklnu I Hit ter ci k \v " B ! ' wrint a Kenorat ntent to taku Hinrneof IHII nory nnd npiolnt snh iiKents A rare I chnnro to make money Write lor ti run mid a M cclmin of criisli'K ' Morroo Lronlnit Mfit ( o , 1 1 ill 1 n rns n \\is t'JI JO' | UA 'lll' IKAM'.I.INf ; ' Al.KSMKN ' 1O /fci' linklni ; nnwdiTopiitoiir KOO < | < In sliia" olMnRimii JHUiionth mlnry iinil pxp-fnnes , or S3 I'lior ' edit rdiniiimMun ti-ml "tiiiiip 'or reply lilcnun llnkinn l'o der Lo . "d Von lluren "I , | llll.IU.-0 " ' > - ' : ' 1 I > t-KK I" IKnl' AUK TI'MNT A 1IKJII I Jigrniliiionlllun Wo IIHM-plnccd liunilroili In iood | i Kilinn Wculurn llusliiun Aiifnof. an-N 1 I ilulmlj ; Wl * ) 1) H TOt WANT A ( .001) ) PAVLN,10II W1UTK J' the Hnwks Nursery I o , Milwaukee , \ \ 'lsM1WMI' M1WMI' TJMANVANTKD 11) S < HLAND rnl.l.KlT J ln country Apply nt Sinner oil 10 1511. lioimlni M riO1. ! Mil "i ) \V AM I'll I MIIK.I'/UC MAN 'IO I.KAIIN I'our illy Uitliiefii Fx | I'llrnrc iinnrtissary uud inlnr > to rmlil varly Apply ISHi I ouulas 1JVAN'IH > IIAIINKS-S MAKiil : ON HH1DL15S J'lind IlKhi harness I reinont Snddlery Co Mo- inont Neb 8j-m T > ( AIIINKT MAKCHS WANTED llT11K ST JJJofOph 1 ornlium tg Co , M Joseph , Mo _ WANTI'P KUATAND3 AN"lt < MAKKHS llornl fnllirs Inui I llv I 1 Inuulro at ttio [ | . n after Inosday iimrnlnjr J M av \\AV1IIIMI.N Tli'lllAllVKI. J'flTriJ'W ) I'K 'inoiuli 1 in * t WolllnKlun. Madison. U Is I WNIMi MAI , II IAN AND \ KNTIULri .I'iul9t | nuiHt be A I nlth uooil prlntlrif ulso pinnli viimpanUx lull Kood. to play tliimik'h my lUiniKiMnont iirrult Address 1'rof Illsliop lierl ilan W > . > M1I7J27' 1) WAV1ID INII'.l LKJLNT MAN OK N\T | I'appciiraiire for oiilrlitn porltlon ( all Idween Fund Un m nt 4DI Koo Iildir MWT7 7 1)AN1 I'D T MLOH 'IO HI PA 111 OLD J'clolhesnt Iti'i I nnulni III23V - * AVAST AT O.Nf'l' HKLIAIlLi ; MKN B-WI OTcrywlii re Inial or Iravellni ; , to advertl o find keup our sliow nuds tacked ni > tn towns on tinm nnil fences ntiinit pnhllc roadt Steady work Inyour own inuntr > 7iliila month iiiliiry nnd $ I " ) a day pxpeniesilupoiiltud In > oiir bank when ulnrted ] ranco ( icrman Kl ctrloCo , Hot 801 , ( tnclnnatl. O. .M1II7 21) ) ' T > AN'IID A DLNKHAI. AIH'.NT Ml' P I'linvo nuiii I tapltal nhlllty cxpeiluiico , and K > od roferuiiLt * foe ad In anotlier loliimn , "Iron Mlthoot tire \ < ldress ( li'implon hulf heatlnn I bit Iron t o Kansas ' lly , Mo 1IH Ji. IJ-MKN \ \ AN'll'D SALAHY AN I ) h.M'KNSI.S J JPiiriunnriu pliini Apply at once , llronn llros Co Nursery men i hh atro , MID'.iail ' * T > WAN'i I I ) I WO lIM'HlllINCKDSALhsMKN , J'ono for dry oDds nnd oni > for clothing Inure L tntl store iood salary for irood men. Intiulro at corner JUlh nnil drni" MrcolH , In grocery store bo L tween I and 2 o clock p in MII7 i'o * WANTED-FEMA103 HELP. Itatei. me a nerd first inseitlon , Ira i\ord thcro- llnlter Nnthlng taken for lesg than 2 > ic : v"wAN'ri ii. i i rpT/FiTvr iilmrToH ( iiv- -'urnl liousowoik In niiull family , 100U bherman Bri-SHIll'l MAIvKI'S ' WANTKll. KINOAb.MEAD RV ( iHlo _ _ nirt'-onth lllh nreel 81i ) - WOMN llll'K AND DIMMj HOO1I Ollll. AT jiilcl Kvnns O'Neill. Neb. BJ7 21i * 1-WAMK1) tADII-S OH % OUNi MtN TO lv take Unlit 'jlensant work nt tlielr own homes , | fl W lo M 00 per < lny lan be qnlitly niude work Iveiit by mall no ramnsslni : For pnrtlculnrs nd i ( .lolic M fu ( o lloJtoS. ) ! . lleston Mnss Fs Ftabilnhed 18 * ' MSU M2I * onu. i-i u < iHNrii\L noirai ? C ; ork fiimlly of four 2JIO l npllal a\e Mi WANTI II. A 1 IHST CLA .S DIU-bsMAKBH I * clnborit. Ml ) 13 Ml * CANTPD LADII'S AND IIKN'II KMI'.N. Wl ! will pay you $ i Oil to t2 ! 00 per week to do strictly Iliomo work for us no t an\a4lni * nnd piompl pay- [ inent ti F I innioni \ lo , llnttermarch and \Vntorstroeti 1 lloston , Mans .M'JII , 20' ' - 1\\0 MIUM. I.AD1I.S OP (1OOD CWAVII'D- addrtss to dlstrlbuto 8Oii\enlrs Call at 214 V Il5th street MU7J 27 - A Ollll ' 10 DO ( JKNKUAL HUL'SI'WDHK , 0A 2115 South lllh -WANI'KD. I.IHL AT IdlO ailKUMAN AVK , G | ' Mrs J M ( miimunn ilKU 1' CWANTliD , HCMA1.K SI I'DKNT .Nl'IISH AT W C A llo pltal corner 'Jlh street and fth l.irenuo , ( ouncii niuiTs 20 -1 WANTTD CliMI'K'l'HNT I IlloTlilllL. (10011 . . wagcn U.I7 Hoitiro street 111 23 AMU LA AVIIHY , SOUTH IIBM1 , liul , POT M imyitlPOO a week lo ladles for Inrlllng etc at homo lleply nlth stimpetl envoi lopa MIU12t > * V WANTKD , sli1NO ( HHLS , ulii .SOUTH HTH -'street ' Ml'jS 27' FOR RENT HOUSES. Hates lUc n line each Insortlon fl W a line per [ month Ni tli lu taken for less limn " 6c J ) rl'U I I NI ltorsi'r 7N"ALL"pClt'rs of- ( .in 'line I lm\lsi.onipan ) . IJOo I'ninam st i-.ij ' DKH Ill-NT TWO ft KO < > M ( oriAdl.s ox mot tor r al tit southwest tor utli and liouulas 8J7 t k n IIOOM iniTAiiis. : STA.NKIHD ctitiLi : , J- ' now , modern f l.liiiitter. Wl llee bldu k'Ji AM ) 4 111 OM APAHTMi.N'IS IKIIIN block Klthdi'iini Ittitervnccs rv > iulredSU ! h IM M fJt _ _ rv K > H HKNt ! I\-IIOOM MODIUN HOINK , JL/KSuonth ( I ill st. , clo o to builnoss rniiter , tlvo- loomio'la.o O. ' Miulli Jltli t . neur motor UIIH. j rents roas < > l- ) Inuiilro ( il ! Soulh I7lh si MIU7 110HHKM 10 IIOHM llor&K , ZIOtI DOl ( iLAS l-'strrct I niiutio oflorlti Moer , cor loth and ruriinm JJ5 1 T-J 8 IKHlM III' ' ! SU. fi-HOOM COTfAOK. ALL .1'modern bemillful lawns , shade , do. .V U cor. f 22nd and Miamnsts & , * .j DLAituI I 11' IIOUBUS. PAl L , li r7'5.llSr MUIMI' n-MlllHKNl C ItOOM COITAIJK. I.OOD III ! . puir f 10 per ni'i. Iniliullne city water 117 N 37 , [ tnku farmin iar Mnvliel , 714 t > . ll , Ml i > VIS lll\l I 1 IN s , ( IUTAIliALI. : City Kilkinn > , \ Co , K I , Cunlliicnltl block _ _ D iiiioM 1 1 ATS is MW : jioDintN HHILD" InK central U > iatod , f.'J UOnndi5UO per month Kelkcnny A > o room I , blk J-l.i M7 " " -4111011 rlT Jlir4"TlOUlTT7."AT. $30 ! 7 -'room Hal s-.u All luiivenluiicoa Opp Jellorvon ( fquaro I'oiiiris. tid ( IIICPKO 177M ' , D I3 llui M Hl'MUPIMi HOLMf , atrocl ou tha proprietor. M57U MI * BH H HrNl HM ) O\1K $ IIOOM HOlJSli near llansi om ps.rk t < 500 , also elegant brick liotisononr l'nrka\enu unit PuclHo all moderr Ironvviilenucs pnrlor illiiinu room mid kitchen ot | tauie door t w w ) lllckt. Ju4 N. V Life blJk- blJk.M6I8 M _ | i-v-toH HE.NI Tinii'K tviiooM uoi > is. : con I J nor of MIOUII nuJ 13th ilrett la good repair [ Innulru nt Hioutli ! 1Mb , l.lnton bloik Johr llniiilln , ncenl U7.-J ) -n AM ) 9-IIOOM Ilol'SKM. CKNTHAL LOCA /lion Inqulrw J K llarlou. 3uj | Capliol avonua IIK.NT MMIIOOM 1IOI-SK. MODKH. ' ement Inquire ( S ) North JUHi SH Mb03 Ml D-8 ItOOM IKl'.K MODKIIN lONVKMKN'l for liutlnen or wholesale rui'n Apply 1111 Soutt llUtliitreel. tj | D -HKHKNT ) LI.KIMST S ItlKnt HUl'SB AIJ oiodftrn Improvements , No | < M N SJrdilreot DB B TTKN KlOU ) iiuuicuN uoi hie GOOD tloni r ul uioderal * . U n. bklnn r , 16 U Karnai UUIT FOR KENT-HOUSES. D-rOHHKM ArTKIl MAV IIOOM IIOUMB , hnlh nnd clly water , Illii llorenn itrpi-l. In- ijulrn Koliert Hunter , llee otllce. MnM TTTis i < 11 K i ill ot sWoitT HMNT ON PA UK avenun I months from May li. Kvpry rnnven- lencn Address * 31 lleeolllce ' . Ji2S' 0-MODKIIN MIOOM HCHSK , riAi. HATH , furnace , laundry , etc , newly pnpered S.i s IBlh .M'J71i.7 n-rOU HUNT , MoliritN IIor i : . HLKriANT location IfurnUhi'il' . lo parly without children , K ho will board owner forrcnt Aildicss V 2i ! lieu Ml'3 JU1 D-HJIl HUNT , rUI.SMIKIt HOI'ifK. OK 1 ] rouuii , rnrnHiu il near huh , after May I A sin , 1007 tnrnuui st. W7 D-A VKHV IIKHI1IAUI.K 6 HUOM MoL'SK. nearly new , wltli barn. Mncleod , till N Y Llfo. DUVK ANII HIinciM llnl'xris. HO DC AMI II' , W o llnrtnmn .S W cor J'lli nnd lii-rntur ( .nil nflcr 6 p ni MIUI RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Jj'-.SMi'l'I.V H'llMSMI'.l ) HIONT IIOOMVTIII -Jnlco\i' , modern convenience ! ) 313 .N JJrd St. St.SO SO ! I ? H UNIbllKI ) IIUOMM WITH > TKAM 1IBAT 1-Jlur KUMtloiiic'n only , Iil3 lluwnril st , 2nd Moor on E-M'll.S'l lll.U IU10.MS toll IlKNT , 1I9NOIITH lllh ntrci'l * ( > ? 25 * -NKWLi t'UUNIHHKD HOOMS. . ) N 211) . l'Al' AVK M1I7JIS' I-MISS , I lON.NOUOK 4IUI AMMII7 INDIAN \ I'nio. IhtmKO , has plciisnnt rooms III prlrntu ru lili-ncc-i - for Wurlil 9 rulr visitors , fcoutli "lilu , one hlack friJin I. Btntlun. lornn rcuionnblo llcfi'rcnies i xelinnxi-a MUJ" JU J-'IUO I rilSlsilKI ) I oi ) M * . J unly. 'DID llnvi npnrt street J-MJH HKN'I Nil l.l.HJHN'IsllKD IIOOM , i 1'M'J ' Dodiri' street MWW FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. V ? 'MIL DOLA.N.VJ AND ill N. 13 Til ST. I -VOUMl WOiilCNS IIOMK UMIKII ( Alii ! OK i Woman's Christian association , 111 So. 17th st.Wl Wl WITH HOAIID , 211U DOUGLAS sT MWI Ml1 , ' li , KlIllMblll'll HUINT IIOOM Wll'll HOAllU. L Jluiluriicouvonluncuv J.'O .North 1'Jth ' i truot M'J7 ' < 27' l -IIOAIll ) , I'llIVATII llOUdlJ. NKWl.V H'H- inlstied , homo tublu , ratus tnoiliirnto I'/4 rurnain 1 rcilMSIlKI ) HOOMS Wll'll 110AHD. SIOJ iDutiKlns P57 'Jj' K HAST rilONT IIOOM WITH Al.COVII. 210 salii utrcut. M'JIT I.-DIWIIIAIII.I' TIIONT IIUriMS Wll'll IIOAUD ; 1 muilurn rcsldi'iico , iili'UMUilly Incntuil llpason. ublo teriui llufctciiLus. V4a7 lliniioj strcit Mil. ' W \ fUAN'IKII rl 'JiiNIIKMiS'IO ; : ; ItOOM AND 1 I'unril In prUntu fnnilly Southwest part ofcltjr. Aililrc t JJ Mll'l 28' FOR KENT-vJNFURNISHED ROOMS Hull s. IS rn word llrst Ininrtlon to wonl there nltor NuthliiK taken lur leni than 2Jc G J Nlli : IIUUVICIIKAI * OOJ NOll'l'll MllliM7 IJI'll " < - . ! IIUOMS , I ITY \ \ VTISI ! IN llllL'dK , 1114 S J 17th , betwucn Juck'oiiiind I.oavun\\ort'i ' streets lii. ) 211 * f < -2 HIOM' UOJMS , III11CK , 1W9 l.l.AVHN vJworlh nt ilUSl , SO' OFFICES Itntra , lUc u llnu cacti lii'oitlan } 1 . iij u line par month Nothing : taken lor It'is than - > jc 1-1 Oil 111 M'lolti : 1 > N u 11TU > T , LAXtt block , siiltnMu toi incut inaikut , harilwmu ur ( try Kooili ntorc Inrpilro u > \ S I , t > i it iul 1 It'll ' HhM' , DM ! TIIHKt ! STOIIY AND HASH inont lirlck Htoribullilliu IDJi Inrnain street : one rtor > anil b.isnme it brick ntoro bulMHii ; , 4lr > hiiiilh Mill strei't II it ll'iinitli llth itroul , ono More , till , 1'itplUil avpiiuo All In llrst cla1 * con dltlon Tor rent on loaAunable tuniM IntinlrcorA J I'oputoton , room Jll L'lrtit National Hank bhtc MJII i KIR UIN ; r. 'i in : i'ni.iv itmi K nt II.DINI ; I'.ilii I amain st 'Ilie Imlhlln , : lias nllivproor ( iiiunt lniHiMiiLMit coini'leto Bti'itm lioilliiK M\turo * , \V UT on all thu Hours , tns , ote Apply at thootlico ot 'llio Her. ' .Mil I OH ICts\MTIINhhL 111.K.\\UI-1IANS AiT I .Wl .MS I-Kill HUM' , ClIUlri'VT SKCO.N'D H.OOH 1 hnsliiPiis corner III Oranlin , Ulobo buiUllriK. IIth , nnil DoilKi * ( ilnbo Loan \ liustco .Mdl'J ' HICMHAIIU : iH'ftCKS IK' IIMAN III.IH K. K D \\eiul in liulltllnt : li th ninl Dounhis fc , 23 AGENTS WANTED. Hiitcs , mo n wonl Urn Insertion , Ic n word there after. Nottilnif laken for lots lhin > c. -AdUN'IS , K1TIIKH bKX. DO VOU WISH A ' iroort iiosttlon toltlnK our ' llrcnd I ako , V raring vnlvos , also "C.irvor" ' No capital neoilecl. riooclt Itfht anil attractlvo Proltt leO porcont. Clnusa fcliuar Co , Kansas t ity , Mo MI70 MIU * -.l'N'iitAI ( < AOKN'IS W A STUD , SKI.UMl ' now artlelos to iteiilers , CTtlitsUo territory , no competition , no capital required I'UO to .WU per cent pioilt. Columbia Clieuilcul Co , J'J7 Meili nlek bt , ( lllcaKO , 111 .M1U5 20 * WANTED-TO RENT. Itato' . l'c a word llrst.lnsi'rtlon. Ic n wont thora nfter Nothing taken for less than ic K-l t HNISIir.D HOL'hH. I.KNTHK\lTN AND \vlli ) without children , will pay rcasonnhle rent for KHIUU for Biinuuor mouths. Address F7. lloo ollke M980 2' . ' STORAGE. Kates , 10c a linn cacti Inscrtton , $1 50 n line por. month NothliiK taken tor lots than 33c M M'ullAlrllj 1011 HOtHKHOLD ( iOODS ; I clean undchonp rules II. Mulls , 1111 larnani , M-lIKAlINC.STOVliS STOHKD IIUIHNC. SIJ.M- liicr. sppclal atorncu for household Roods , lei. IM ) . 1JU7 Douulas. Ouiahahlovo llupatr works Mlb7 M-STOVI S hTOHKD AT HRAbd.NAHLK HATKS at Hughe : Move Hopnlr Works , an H I Ith st WANTED TO BUY. Itntos , IHc n rtord llrst Insertion , lo n word there after Nothing taken lor less than 'ic -\T-i'AHii ion KuiiMiuiii ; . uor-iuofj : ) 1 goods , ( fc ui will suit foi owner In our auction sates ItVollt lllllurnaiii 'ti.i FOR SALE -FURNITURE. Hates me a word llrst Insertion , le a word there alter .Nolhldtf laken tor lest lhan 2 > c \J hall furn'lturo ' . 'i'l Caldwcll street "dil .II * 1-OR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. llatos. Hji' u word tlrst Insertion , lea word there- alter Nothing tulten for lc s than iM NAmuKriBAM I and carrlugt ) U W lilllcja. 10J IV'iu'l HI , Conn clljmitls _ Miwl i > ton s\i.i : , FI > I : uiiiisu TONY , I'Kii I feclly cirntlii \\lll cell cheap Call onorad- droes H U , laylor , ( W bouth . 'Jth street W430 POR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. tlates Hie a word llrst Insirtton , Ic a word tbori niter Notlilni ; tiiken for less tluuiLT'C -'I j 11 ! bT \ N DA 111 llTX'FT LlTcoM I A N Y O r F K il tttcd ha ) at 15 00 ppr ton , on board cars at Ames , Nub 'Una prko may bo withdrawn at any time ' .VO Q-ioi ii ruisi-iLAss TATEMS FOH AI.K .or trade. Joseph D btullu , patentee llox 207 , lllis I n gJil.Nob 10. MI * Q-HHICK I-OH bALI ! CHKAl' AT SITU AND Dorcas. 3 15 Q-roii hAi.i : , A I'Hissii cow AND CALK AT iifidebller it QKOH SM.i : , I WKSION DYNAMO. 1NCAN- desiont III ) > olt > , SO Utihts , 1 Mieary nrcdnnuio. will tnil for UU tncnndu cenl lamps If desired , both inuchlnes In hood condition tniiiha llletlrlu MfK Co , oil S Uthtlruol Telephone lltil Ml 27' Q -IOO ? SO 3.'I > SrilKKT KlillS UtOM TWO OK tha belt tr ln ibrown lechorns , fl 00 per not Unit JIIOI M _ /"V-KOll HALK , PIIKSIIKLL IIKii > \ OUNQ ViJcow llh calf alllrnwn and 24th Sts MIOUO''S * MISCELLANEOUS. llatei. me a nerd tlrsl Iniortlon lo a word there after Nothlnu taken for Irit tha -\\ANTKII. . llnUSKKKKPKIti ) IO KNOW llthal wo renovnlo and thorouiihly clean by tha mod Improved procooei feather beds and pillows Highest market prices paid for new and old leath ers Illllow \ Doup , tub and Davenport. T l phone IUJ ( jkViaM If-'IVPK.VMUTKHSrOH HUNT WKCAS KUH J Vnl h you cllhcra No 'ior.No i Hemlnuton lypo writer. In flntclau tondltlon , on ronlal ( llvo ui a mil. Wyctorr heamnni & tlenodlcl , I7U Karuani street , Omaha , Nebraska HPU 1)-rilll HKNT ID ACHK8 WITH SMALL COT , Vtato cldie toclly 8 HlckiW5N Y LlfoWJ WJ W OLA1KVOYANTS. HnlPii. lOcia line Hitch Iniertlon , II i ) > line per month Nolhlnflnkon tor le < Ihnn V * CMil's ) lt M 'lKlUAVK I'H 'uranco clalrvovanl and llfo reader , telln your llfn from crndln lo uravo cnn bo cotisulled on nil nRnlm of llfo hn tlin coli'lirate.l rnyptlnn urunst plalc lit unlto thu separated am * cause m.irrlnk'o with one yon love Cumn ono conin nil , nnd bn convinced of her remnrknlilu | io uri Ottlco nnd rixldenro 417 " lllh st hours 1) ) n in to Up m Strict llfo churl and phiiln of yiur fulnro wlfo or husband runl Ihrnuen mall fnrfiOtJ. ( hurt alone , ! 3liU All loiters containing I conls In stamps proiuitly | nnswered _ iill ml * LllTl H 7N N I K. V W AlVHKN , CLAIHVoYANT , Oreltablo business modlum tilth year al H'J N irth. S J7 MASSAGE. BATH , ETC. 'I' J'AHAMK SMITH. 60J S 13 I'll. SND f'LOOIl , 1 IlooniS Mn ssse , vapor , alcntoi , steam. sulnhur 1 10 nnd sna bulbs M'JIJ ' 'tJ' > tMi : rAiisoNijo'rji.A8 ) s-i UKKT. ni > 1 lloor. room 7. niassaKO , alcohoK sulphur nnd na laths M8.U Hi' _ ' PEKSONAL Hates me a word tlrst Insertion , Ic n word there- nfter NolhlriK lakun for less thin . ' ) , ' tunl baths , sc.ilp and hair ircaltuont , nianlcuro and chiropodist Mrs Post.JI'J ' f IJth.Witliiioll blk 1KM _ -WILLIAM , IK VOt LL SM UvK KI.Nt ! LOUIS , 3 for 2)C , all will bo forulven 'Iraey , Tohao conlst , llrown blk lith nnd Douxhis 33 ! AJ7 U -Cl'TTHIb OUT AND PHJiSKS r AT C'OW VN S photo studio * .ind JIJ1 CnnilniI nil I you will bo entitled to U urlsto oiblnet pUolos of your- nelf , Kilt od oirds , and ono StlJ nrlilo for II UJ , mthout this SiUO for len days oulv 'lakun In alt kinds of we.ilhor Como ono cnmoatl MiM A 7 U-IIAVK oU ANY SIONLY' 11 HO. XNDYlUI wanl lo put It out on the boit. first morlKi c no curlty In .Nebraska In sums of (100 to fl.UDJ nnd net six per cent Intcroit , eomo to us. 1 lioro Is absolutely no risk Never had anything butter lloBus A , lllll UTS 1 urnam st ( WOMil iTHUD : PNDK CKIDDoirio SAY WOULD - "lay Watted till II ,0 for ) ou Am anxious about you. lluvo sout lettoi to DoiiKlni Dick Mill 27' "MUSIC , AKT AND LANGUAGEST" Hates , lOe a line eat h Insertion , $15' ' ) a line tier month Nothing t.iken for lots th.ui 2 > o \T < i K ( JKLLI'MIKIK , IIANJOlST&TTsACHKIt' , ' 1810 ( ullfornlu street Oil -MISS MALI i : A i triLK , TIACHIH : : OK T vocal and Instrumental music can aecommodato n few more pupils 'lornm rei'BOnablo. btndlo at Mercer hotel l"5 ! , W MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE. Hates , lUc n line cauli Insertion. $1 "XJ a line per month. Nothing tnkoirfor le s than " 5c W pany. 1702 K.irnnm slreot. iX \v r-ci'iHULOAN : A. Tiiusrco , 111:1 : ; nuxi UIU \T-tX h. UAIlltlS-N. 913 N. V. Ul'K. Oil \\-MOiinj\rii : i , > AN > 1.1:33 : THAN 7 1-1:11 * v lent , Including nil ehareo-i hnrlea \ \ . llalney , Omah.i bank utdu 913 \ \ - - - \ \ AN rill ) AT OM'i : U > AN3 ON IMl'llOVKD ' ' ( linaha proiorty | , low ratt's Fidelity Trust company , 17UJ I nriinui st IVJ \\r-l."ANSON IMI'ltOVi : ! ) AND I VIM 1'ltOVKD rltyjiroyeity ? * ( > 00 i.nd upwaid .5 toi pel cent No delays \V Fi mini hmltti \ Lo ,15tli and llarnoy 1114 AT1"OMAHA SAVINliS HANK MAKCS LOANS * * on real estate at lowest m.irket ntoi Loans made In tm.ilI or lame sunn for short or IOIIK tlmo .No rommlsilon It charged and the loans are not sold in tlio east , but cnn alwnys b" fnuiut at the bank on the cur'iir of 1 Ith and Douglas his 9lij \V I AND. \ i\ll : LOAN'S ON CITV AND 1 AHM us Heed A. belby , Jll Hoard of Trailo UI7 \ \ -MONKV TO I.OAM ON OMAHA AND COUX iv rll lllutN ro il potato nnd Nobrjuki ntnl town farini nt from 5s toO per cunt Interest , with no nil illt ion n I cluir " for coiiiinladlonsoriittorno ) s ( ooj \ \ II , Molklu. 1st Nat 1 bunk hliU. Qm.ilii 'JH 'IO LOAN AT LOWEST HATKS 'llioO K Davis Co , IVj ) Knrnam street 'Jll \\r-AN I'HON'V LOAN VND I IllN I' < t ) , IIS V. Y. < Life. lumH nt low ratsi for cliolao security on NebrasKu or Iowa furms or Omaha city property SP.'O I'-MOMIY ' 10 LOAN ON IMPHOVl'.O CITY I property , IOH rates A. C Krost , Dotulas blkVil Vil W MONCTO LOAN AT LOWI1ST HA1KSON Initiri ved and U'llmproved real estate , 1 to 5 > cura. Hdellljr I rust Co , . I7UJ P.trn 1111. Wi -LOANS , O O WALL VUK , JU UHOWN 11LIC > Vti V HIAL KM'ATK LOANS , PAUL , no > PAH- l nam. MUIMI * \\T-OMA1IA LOAN' , V TIIL'-T ( OMI'ANV. KITH * i and Don lis loans money or. city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest 3IJ " \ \ I'lllVAin HJNDS roil LO.\ ( ! AND OIlT < * time , real estate and commercial loans Wo buy paper and write tire Ininranco Mcl'loud & Connott.'JUISN. V I.I to. 27. ) Mi r AND SKCOND MOIlKiAOi : LOANS ; Wfor low rates Alev Moore , 431. Hoe bliU SIW ) MOoJEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lOo a line , each Insertion $151 } a line per month Nothing taken for less than &c X WILL LOAN .MONKV ON A.NY KIN'D OF 81 ? curll } , stilctly confidential. A. K. Harris , room L Continental block. ; r > ; X MIINKY , 40 , UI , 'M D\VS. CHKAl1 HA'I IM and easy tinyinonts. on furniture , pianos llvo stock , etc. without delay or publicity , cash on baud , llulf Ureen , room . Darker block. U.'J Ar 1'HUCHAHD , 51 DOUGLAS ) It DOIK1K A ' -CALL AT THU Ol'KICB OK ; OMAHA MOHTOAUE LOAN CO. : I.NCOIirollATKD i . . i'iv You WA.NT'SIO.N'KY ! Von can l > orrow on HOUSEHOLD hUHMTUUK AND I'lA.VOS , IIOU4KS , WAONH ( ! AND CAllllI AOKS. WAHKHOUSK KKCKll'IS , MIJKCHANIH9E , OH ANOI'lIKH SKCUHH'V , We will lend you any amount from { lUOOto JI.UOO ON Till : DAVOU A K FOH IT without publicity or lomovalof firoperty. Von can pay the money bick In any amount you wish , nnd at any time anil utc'i payment ao made will rodiuo the cost of the loan. llemember that you liavo ttio use of botti the property and ttio monov , and pay for It only ns loim as ) on keep It 'I hero will bo no expense or cliargo kept out of the amount wanted , but you will rocolvo the full amount of the loan lleforo borrowing oUowhoro call and see us anil you will find it Kreatly to your advantage OMAHA .MnUK.Alii ; IO\N CO. , , ! ! hOtTH Iblll hTHKKT Urn floor above the street. 'I 111 ! OI.HKbT , LAHUKbT AMM > NLY INCOHPOtl. A'lUDLOAN COMl'ANV IN OMAHA. )0 ) \VANTMOMY : % TlimillKl.lTY LOANdlJAIlANTKnCO , IIOOM 4 WITIIM.LL IILOCK. Til I5TI1 , COHNKH HAIl.NIIYST MAKi : LilANb ON 1'UIISITUHK HOLSK3 rAltlllAf.HWAHKHOUSI ! KKr KII'M OH 1'Bll SO.NAL I'llill'KHTY " ! ANY KIND / WILIiI /TOO / OMDl OUIl IMt.MH U ILL Ml.l'.l'0llll AI'I'IIOVAL You can pay ttie money back at any tlmo and tn an ] amount you wlsli unit thus rtiduca the cost of carry ing the loan tn proportion to amount yon pay It ? I'Oll ewe a balance on your furniture or ether poivonal property of auy kind , wo wilt pay It oil for yon and carry It as lung as you desire \OlllANII\VlCYOUUMONI2Y ( N O.VIS HOUIl nioM Tin : TIMKOIIM \KK ATI'LICATION No publicity or removal of property , so that you Bet the use of both money and propjrtv ' , i.M BUSINESS CHANCES. V-KOll SALK. lOMPLKTB 1)1111(1 ( STOCIC AND 1 sloro tlxlures \Valcrtoo , Neb Satisfactory terms to the ruht party . only druirstoro In town Knqulreof .Meyer A Itaapko , or KuU Serins Co On R'IJ _ IHI \ ' rillt SAl.K , IN A ( JOOII TOWN IN NOHTH Nebraska , n stock of general mcrcjinnillno. con slstliik' of dry KOOds , boots nnd shoes , clothlnK anil liroct'rlcs 1 will tell the stock for rash , half cash and land or on tlmo lo suit the purclmsnr If fiocur- Ity la good. Price , } 05UO Address i : 61 , Omaha llee _ _ L V tOHSALK A STOCK OK riKNKHAL MKH I chiunllse of about frt.OUU to $7,0(10 ( , In a itood town In Nebraska Apply lo Kllpiitrlek Koch Dry ( .00,15 Co , Omaha Neb 05i ) V-1IOTKL SALK , IIO.H7I , SHKNANDOAH , IA. IL .Mii7i MI5 * _ V-VOIl SALK , \LOON UL'ILDISO AND FIX 1 turcnon N ilreot Inquire of J W. Slpo , S41S .N street. South Oniaba MO \ r-KH HAI.B , I. KM ! HAL l-TOCK OK MIISK , 1 can Klvo possesulon of location C. 1C. Young A Co , i-henandoah la 118'JS : v V-K'H ' 8AI.K , OM ALCOr.M'OIKYUTHOUHLB , Xwlll sell my Jerelry store , rtxlurea and tutfo aboul IJ.&JO , I'slabllshed In U74. located In KOOd lown. 41 miles ea l of < imnlm. dolnKnirood bust- n . will niand cloio Inspection , liberal terini Adaros Watch Inspector. Mi llerer A Uro Co ' KOH SAI.K , dOOIl CI.KAN STOCK OK UKN. ernl nidsr , aboul II OUO 00. In bcit lown la south ern Neb uflOJ populallOQ Must neil on account of poor hralth Addrcai 1 * . O llox I , llubbell. Neb "SOI J7 BUSINESS CHANCES. V-l WANT A.V AJKM.'Toil ( A ( loOD STKKli I wind mill Aildrp < K Hi. lieu. MTli ) Mi' V -"ALOOV toll 8AM ! CHUAP ADDHK.- 1 M H Dunn. Long 1'lno Nub MWJ Mfj * V-A NO. I CIIANI'K Cell A IKX TOIl TO KV 1. unite In practice anil Ihc ilru buslnoss Musi rome well rurommnndml Also xood openlne fur cpnoral mordiandlsa itoro. W J Hussolt , hnrloslon Neb M575'7' _ _ _ " Vw \NT m. FiiisT CLASS MKAT ctiiTKu" L nho can tnk eh.irite "f rrieat markel nil I malt auolt , mu. t ImvolWiiOHoltO.iUOO'J. lo like an In orest. Address r J , Dec MbOJ ? . > V-WA.NTKD. i wo LIVII IIUSINKOS MKN TO L take nn Interest tn n company i-Mabllstiod llvo cars , tour partners mini want lo oilond , wo mvo already len thousand Invested Address K I , leo CASH UdNl'- ! WILL UK (1IKS TO any ono nho will build a 75 Inrrni Hour mill at Axtell , Neb Cor Information address A Deck Iniiii. Atli-lt .Neb _ .Mij'7 ' 87 _ _ Y11" 8M.K CHKAl' . HK TAUHA.NT IN I1OOII 1 locution Dolni ; riood business Inquire (411 ( H ( till * I. MJIO.-S' Y-01'l'nHl'LMl'YTO IN VI'.ST S.MALI. AMOl .NT Lofeapltul , funruntroil dividends 8 per cent. 'osltlon of umnaitcr of otllco In coiinectlon. Ad lre < s K f > lleo IM ! itl _ Y-A ( lOODoKHCKMAN1 WITH fKXW to fo.OOO I can take rtock nnd hive snlnrlcd position In an old established and eronliiK retail btislnt'os In tnialia stock will pay good dividends Cull on or address ( I u WallacJ , llrown bloik , Omnhii Ps5 53 Y-ANV pin iciAN WISIIIMI TO J his location should correspond nlthrooin Me auuo blilit. Omaha .MOW FOK EXCHANGE. Hates lOon Una otoh Insertion ( I "il a line pur month Nothing InUcii for loss than . ' .M- y-i'O Acitm nK cLnui iANiji iv"o\l : oK / ' tlio tiest winter wheat dlitrkti In K HM n to ox rlianuu fin I'J ' or 'il aero trnrt near Oinnha city Imlts Will pny onsh dllTero ion If property Is Rood Address , ulvlnit prko nnd loeatlon , o 'u , lleo ' 'di y"- ( Li'v "STUCK OK HUVKIIAI. Mixn , WILL / taLe ronl eslatu \ money HoxZJj , t raukfoiLlnd _ _ _ 2 _ I/-I < ) \\N IOO TAHMS IN .N KllltAftK A. \NSAi /-Jaad D.ikotaVlll sell cheap , or ofehiiniio for uidso ( horscsandcatllo Aild bo 7il , t r.iukfort , In 1 l f _ _ ' / I ( XIII At HlM i lluli'i : .NhllllASKA LAND /-Jandcash for merchandlso. lloxL'l , Ku.irmr , Neb. _ _ HAM ) MADKlKiAHH toll L\ND AND AJcnsh , jjlVo pnrllculars llov il Hearnoy , Neb 273 M5 _ y-MKKL HAY Pittas ' | o THADi : toll HALUD 'Jliay M Oppenhelmor , Ciilbcrtsou. Neb ) S.'ii 2J' _ y Tou SALI : on 'i HAIJI : i on coon \v itsi IHN : / land hotel and opera house ; botti newly tlttnd and lurnlohcd ; dotnin KOod business Henson for selllnu , nant to KO west Addrens U C. Harris , I.CHl , la M'J.'J 35- I/-WA.NTKI ) , A hKlTlON OH TWO OK CHCAP /Jlniiil on the MHiourl bottom In Iowa or Nc braxka In oxclrinci' for peed lots Address ( 23 Hoc otllco , Council Hlulls .M'.W I'J y nut \LiiAMiK i , iioi'si : i. HUOMS ON /JMilitary avu , near Hamilton 5i feet front Will sell on pa > ment * Ifl'xIS'i on .kith and Hamilton , clear , to exchanKO forlmpnned property. 120\IW tjrneiouth Omaha'JSth nnd I sts , clear , to VTLlllllKl * il ncres 2 miles from rouncll IllulTs to oxchaoKi' ns part for Improved placu Clear Int on ( iimlnif t , Carthiifc'o cornor. to ex- clinnttn for Improved lot pieces clear property to oiihanno for stock of hnrdunre Ciraham , . .U , Mc ( IIKIIO HldK ' .HI M . ' ,40) ) Al III : HANI H S L. WlOMlMi , UNDLH lirlcallnu feneeil. i rocs fenced Rood buildings , near railroad station.V 111 trade tor rental prop- ert > ( ninlin nnd assume uiodertitH enoumbra'uo , or for Nebuiska lands U ( W alhuo , llrown block , Omaha Uij 24 FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE. Hates lOe a linn each lni"rtlon , $ l iO n line per month Nothing taken tor less thnn''ie ( OKMlll I Oil Hi- . lill-.M , l i ; f r , $ IS,000 hnndsoni.'resldenco'I ft lot. JIM.OU ) , lluolanu , ll mllob out , * t > OW K K Darlliv , Hnrkor block V fITIAIIK FOH \LB-TIli : HNKVl' TIIINU IV v thecltr for the money I hat plenum 7-room UtiiKo wo nrj Jmt coiupldtlnx In Avoodilj park Ono Tnllo from postottleo rurnaei , bath mantel pan hewer , hot and cold water , HOdK'l yard , treof ctono wallt and paxod street Only JI.OW 00 Terms asv. lluy now so no can tlnlsh to unit you hlellly Irust l o. 1703 harnam M rtl FINK LOT WIl'HIN TIUO MILK LIMIT Will A fl idOOU , and In Avondulo park at where iuO UUU 00 will bo expended for improvements before .Inly I which nl I add iJ per cotit to llio valiio of IhesH lots Wodoslroto nell Vi of the Hurt street lots before M ly I , and as a upoctal Inducement will maku adlicount ofMOJU ) pur lot to'h'tlrs' six purchasers. JBHJO ) cash and fWJ 00 on oi before live ) car < II this Isnt a barrfnln where will you find one1 7 houses no v belni : built In this boiutlful addition , closi to cars. Behoofs etc Lot us show ton this property at oooj fidelity Trust Co , 1WJ Kiirnam st. 6'Ji 2-HOOM HOUbr" , 3 LOT6 HOOSl HOL'S-3 3acro , H price Address 5 ! J Center street M Ml * ' . lll.ULK' III MYP.IIS. IIICIIAItllX I'lLDIlNl LOI'a. .iddltlon Putmin Cramer , IJOU Dodxo t 1'AHMS" " Wl ! HAVB Till : IlIlHiUSl' LIST LV L the Unltod Htates We liavo cnoiiKh to till every pnRoof the lleo or Wor'il If you want an Iowa or .Nebraska farm , come to headquarters | 'OI.-KS , t lllll , HIM Karnam st 13D Mil U HOUHKS , LOTd TAL'L , I'M ' KAIINAM Mill Ml * ] ? Oll HALK LOT 50M21 I'KKl' ( TO ALLiVl : i only two blocks from paved street nnd fir line I rlcoJoOO 00. H cash , batnnco In ono , two and three years Apply 1UU Karnntu stieet M75J or rn nioiuiA : ; AVI : nnd only } M ( X ) per foot , between Mason and eltlc streets Vlrizlnla ave only 115 par foot ud Joining property hold at $70 to SI00 pel foot : ,1 sales made In one week Hdollty Trust Co 170J Fnnmm 17011 bALK. IIAIKIAIN. SAdtlKKi : SAL15 IIV nonresident , four 5'J ' foot lots In llrU'u ' I'laco mill , lota i nnd li , block 7 , on Dodk'O street , near 4Tth street and lots 2ii and 2a. block 11 , llarnoy street , near 42d street Tor Bpuclal price nnd terms addrens onner , K. ( .lohnsoii , 13li3 Chamber of t ominerce , ( lilcnu-o III. M779 M3' I7lll"SAI.K ) AT A DAHiAIN , AN KI.KOAM' I homo In Louncll Illulls with about two acres of uround , nicely Impnnuilllt take land or ether ttood clear propeity In part payment at cauli prices Address I 13 lloo nnlco. ( onncll Illuffs 2.1 i rw SAM : , HOUSK AND LOT CHIAI' : , AS 1 owner Is about to leave ttio city. Inquire at 420 North JUtlit .M81M M I.IAHM 01 n AOKIN is HAIIIII ON COUNTY , -L Iowa > UO ncros pasture land , ,1U1 acres corn land , on thn Buyer bottom. No better corn land any nlioro , fair Improvoroonti. will rent for fl OOd a jcarMII take some California or Improved Omaha property. 1'rlco , $ IJ ( MO. C. K Harrison , IMiN V I I to % 'J'Jfi HA U ( ; UN. HNU KIWIDKNCi : LO I'd ON DodL'o st lots .I n.Kl 10 , block ( I. Kllby I'lnco , corner , JI.OW ) for both. W. T ( IrnlinuiMc''aiiio l .lllSAliK ON l'A\ MUSTS , CIIICAI' , HOIISi : , 6 I rooms , onth and I'lnKney stroota Lots U and 1U block l > Kllliy plaeo corner DodBO strtct , Sl.UUO , irodorn house Kount/o place , for sale nr exchange for cottaie of U or 7 rooms Ciraham , JOJ McCuRiio uulhllnK _ IHI SS \\rANTKD III YKHS hOll SOMi : OF THK HOT ' farms In Antelope anl lloono ( os . also several oral llnu Hindu's f or sale Address J II .McSalr , Klliln , Neb y > i . ' 7 * Al ANTKD TO IIL'Y ( ) Mi : 8 1'Kll CUNT NOI'KS il secured by inortiiaBOs onOmalmrlij or DOIIK Ina county property HotilA Hclby , JJi Cliambor of ( .omnierco MHO 17011 SAL -MIAI.L AIlM. ALL IN CU1/I1VA- I tlon i mlles from railroad junction Address I' l ) . 110X8' ' , , Arcbor Neb MUV7 3V * 1 > 1I ) 1IAIIJAIN-1 IIAVK JUST HAD l'lACID I In ui > linnds for quick Hnle tlio tlvo room cot ta o and lot , nortlioast corner of 2Jd and ( apltol avenue only ono block west of lllnh school 'Jlils Is the cheapest choice pleeo of Insldo rettdenco property In tlio city. If you wish In consider till purchase of this property i all and see me at unco Hicks intent. JOJ N V , I.lfo bulldliiK MllnsO LOST , Hates , lie a line each Insertion tl ! > ' ! n line per ni * ith Nothing taken for loss than'Jjo TOST. A IILACK LKATHhll ! ( ) ( KK1 HOOK JJcnnlnlnlni ; n key anil a llttlo monoy. lost on Mir nnm st , Lot llth and llth nnd Hotlk'lHM sts , name Insldo ( ' H Frederick bultablo reward Hat store 120 8 I Jth st ' Wl 25 1OST-A hll.VI II CANK , HAND IIKAHINO Till ! Jname of Louts I" Aloo. flH ( reward , return to Alee 4 IVnfold Co 111 boulh Ijth bl MlUO/b1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINO. Hates lOo a line each Inmtrllon fl W n line per month Nothing taken fi | lm ) than J5c "V'CIl Mi I.AIHKSN'l ' IB.N'ThBvl ' AN SOON . acqutroa working knowlol B of shurthinl anl typowrltlnKat A < ' Van Sint a nchulof sliort hand , 513 N V Llfu Vypewrltori to rant M5bO PAWNBROKERS. Hates , lee a line each liuurtlon II .Via line per month Nothing taken for less than lie l BUN.Nr-MlrTilrT DIAMONII iTllOKiil , I30i " .Dousl.ii it I nns money cm , etc Old gold nml silver bought Tel liH WS UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER3 Hales , lOo a line uach Insertion il 50 n line par monlh Nothing Isken for loss lhan Wo p w itAKKii ( ToTnnTiiLY WITH""jNaT iT JA"- V .cubs , deceased. Inter ultli M U Maul ) , under- aker and embalmsr. JliS Itith it tel 03(1 UJ1 DRESSMAKING. PISS A M 8HKKTS DHK.S'-MAKKII ' , CONT1 I nenlal block , room ts. hatlifactlon euaranteeO. U71MJIV SCALES. _ llati-n , lVn ( Itnncnth Inivrllnn II.M line per month NothliiK tnkon fur loss than 2V- Lake st ,1'lilMuo MwtJ TIM : iicvi.rY , IN.sTWML'M'S placed on record April 25 , 1SU3 i WtltlUNTV lKlil)4. ) ) A I. Patrick and wife to W It Urltfht , loli 5 12 and 1.1. block 1 : lots-I tttul 5 , block' ' , lltnlliiKton I'lace i 0,300 John O'Donnell ntid wife to 1'tniiK Mratbncker , 'J ncies commoni'ltn ; tit u point 7.'J7 chains o of no corner of seso 35-1(1-1 ( : ) . . . COO Same to same. 1 itcre cominciicln at a tiolnt -ITcbaliHeof same . 300 S l < Nalnmii to snin Mitilei , ttlullv lot O.lilock ft. Albi It-tit's annex 380 \ ' \ " . 1'iili-lcU toV II Wrliihl , lot 3 , 1,000 S II llatike and linsb.iml to - ' lot C. , block 0 , Ithcr View ptik 820 W I. I'larke ittiistcei to M A Clnrko , lots 10 and 17 , block 0 , 1ther View ndd 1,000 J II W.nklns A ( o to A A Wrlnlil , lot H , block 3. McliuMick.V O'Ueetlo's add 'J.050 gt'tr CLUM limn. William Morlson to C M andV U MotlMiti. lot H , block 1 , Lake's ndd. William Voice ami wife to \ \ N Voice , lot 7 , block'-'J , Omalia H 1'Williams and > \lfoto .1 ,1 Ken- neil } , lots4 and5 , Sinltli \Vlllliuin mill PIIIH. : J Q Hurdler , 'pedal tnatter , to I.owU Investment company , t'i ' lot 4 , block 103. nmtiliii 1,100 U A llcnnett , sliei'ltr. to Montpeller MI\IIIL-S lltiuK anil Tinst company , 14ll\'J ( ) feit In t'i\ lot t'J Ins ! sw 1,055 D II Mon oi. ni i-lol In , 'liincol > , to I'm tslnolllli sl\ln.- . bulk , lot 1 , block U , Ivount/e Place nr)20 Tot il minimi of fi msfi r ? JO.U'J i\amliio : "Tho Donsiuoro" tnul you wi buy noi.a \l' r/ / ' fi'i- 7'j-/ > ou'rfor.o nro always plo'Sol to show it. MoRoath Stntlouory Cu , , lUUi Fnrnnvni St. , Oiimlia , Ha unnocp sTrv to mention tun mint * it purliirity nossosniil liytlio us It istio.v so v.a I known. Its Record oF Success is UR Boat Ro- cotnnionclntion. \\hcn , it was mi t ( in tlio oi.irkut riv.tK salil It would not I'nnn li is sho\vu \ thoni w ions 'Ho ' very pirtlctinr mil lins niuvoii III it the S nltlt I'icmlur IS Plin HOT nml sriioN'iK-i' TviTiWiti n : 4 LV 11 IN- VI.M I I ) . ASM ) l'll\ ' ) I P srVMS ) 1 AIJ AIITADoI ALL COMPI.TI I'oK- THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO C'or lith nn'l r.mi.un sts , Diniha , Nob. K II MAN III W Mirm.'iT ARE TROUBLING YOU. Well , como and Imvo tlio n priming 1 by o ir optician rteof eh ir n , an I , If no 'imirr , HttoJ wltli njiilroC [ itir'M'ISKKI'.Cl'ION' .Sl'ICOI'VClilHor iVK : (1L\SS- ( fcH-tho bent In tlio rt'orl I. If youdo not IIBO I tfltmoi no will loll you -o and a IVMJ you what to do. UOf.D M'KWACI.r.S or IJVIJ ULA-j Ks I HUM < l UI' . IMaln , smoke. , blmi or whlio l tssaj , for protuuitn tU4 ro u jjo i n ilr a t Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. 'DISORDERS ' _ - . And nil tin * train of KVILS.KAkMCsSht. . IIKIIILIIY iT : ( . that ao eoniiiuiiv them In m n Ql ICULV ant I'KHMA- NKNl'LV CLHICD. Full Ml'llUNUTIl and tone Klvon to every pirtoftio body I will SOT 1 BO eurely p.iekodl Flll.l ! to nnysulToror tlio prescrip tion that cured mo of these troubloi Addrus ) , L ' IIHULLHATT1K ClIBKK Mint BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitor. ! . Boo Building. Omaha. Neb xainlnors U. S. I'at onioo. Advloa trj RAILWAY TIME GRRD Loaves L1IU AO ( , IIUHLI.NiroN\j ( ( Arrlvia Omatia liopot loth and \lnson Su 4 lip uii . . . Chicago Voitlbulo 8 O1) ) a m ' .ibOn m . .Chlcnuo ICxprem . . . tula m J240K m . . Chicago ICxpress. 4 M p in 0 50 p m . . .Chicago A Iowa Local 60J p m 1 eaves 1IUIU.INI. ION ft MO IllVhll l Arrlvoi Omaha Depot 10th an il Mason Sts Oinaht fol5 a nT . Denver lixproii . . . . 4 0. p m 1016 am Deadwood Kxpross 40 * p m 4 Ml p m Denver Kxproas . . . . il li H m 4sO p m . . .Donvor Limited 12 M n m ( > 'M p m HastliiKi Locil . . . II17 p m a 1 a m Lincoln Local ( KtcoptSunl II VI a m K L. , sT X c ll Arrival Omaha Depot loth an 1 Mason St. * Omahi ii 50 am1 . . .Kansas City Day Kxprods "TOJ p m " 45 pm.K C Night Kin vli U I' Trans ti 4J a m Uljpml . . . . St Liiuls Kxpross . C 10 a m ti I'ACIHC hrora i A Marcy bis Last K.xpresj . ti W p n. Vustlbulo Lxprutj . . . . I 10 p m s V n in iiotiig CiliCAtO. it "T A. r \ O f i i jest j iron ! \\est | inlon Depot lOtli and Marcy - U I Wast 1..II pin . . Danvor Llmltod . . . | I .IJ p m _ 45Ui jn .Hansas l Ity ( Kxcopt amid ly ) | 7 Ui p m roivVTl O'VIo"I'A'cTi'li , ' I Arrlvn Omalia I Union Depot 10th and Marov Sti , | On > h > _ 7 5) a in . . . . lloHtrlca r.xprjsi i : ti p m P.bO n m . . . ! ; „ , .vjr Kzprjii 4 Oj p m 'i 1. } p m . . . . Overland Klyer . . 70) ) p m 4 ! , * > p m llcatrlco.V.triiubi Anon iimi I. V ) p in n 4J p m Paolrtu . . . . 10 I ) A m ( J..H1 p m . Dunvor Ptst Mill . . l i ) n m Ix'nvui cTTiCAiji ) .MILoi I'AUt. lArrlvo Oicatn II P depot an I Marcy H I Oniiha 70 , PM. ( lilcaiO Ktprjn . . . l J O in ILiD anil Chicago Kxprosi . . S3' ' ) p m l.envei l bioUXTlfl' " * I j Arrival Omaha1 Hopol 10th and Marcy Mis. Omaha 7tl n ml..Sioux t lly I'assungor. . 110 'Op m &J5pm | st Paul Kxpross | jOOOa in BIOU.\CU'Y A I'ACIUC. 1 Arrival" Dopol , 15th nnJVobster St | _ OmaJia " " 6.45 p ml bt I'uul Limited | i2j ) a in Leaves OMAlTA"H"LOUIs Omaha U P Depol , 10th and Marey ts I puiqlu. ' " 400 pm . . St Louis lannon l ! > ll | U"l > pm ( ' , bi' . I' , M Ao lArilvoi Depot 15th anj Webster "H I Ointttin . hloux i Ity Acoainniodatlon I ' . 'Ui ' p m I 15pm bloux city rtxprD ( ix bundayi I.11 p m 6,4 % p m . . HI Paul .niltod . . . l 'jji am S 15 p m Hancroft I'assongor ( Kr Knnd'yl I S li n m Leaves i F . i : A JIO VALLKY Arrival < muhnl Depot I5th and Webster ts Omah * tUN ) am . . . Deadtroud l.xprei I & iJ p m POO am iKx. Sal ) Wyo Kip ( Ki Mon 5 "J p ui 6JO pin Norfolk ( Kx Sunday ) | U 'Ji n m 6 45 p m . .st Paul Kxprois . ' j i a ni Leaven , l HltAdO.t NOHIII WKS ! KIIN , ArrlvoT" Omalia IU P depnl :0th : and Marcy rtts I Omaha ISO am ( Kx Sun'yl Carroll Paisunuor ' W P m 1040am . i hlc.ixo Kxprun . dOi p m 4 05 pin . . Vestibule Llmlteit 9415 m 7U ) u in Kntturn Flyer . . . . . ' ti P m ( j.3n pin ( Kx Hun ; Chin. Pasi iKx Mon l 'nt ' am LeTves " JIICSOUIU PACIFIC Arrive" Omaha l ) pot 1Mb and WebiterSts _ _ _ ( fmnln I 10 p m' bt. Lou an ipress TOO a m IbOO pn.l 2 > t. Ixiuli Kipreti ' 505 pm 6.10 P uil . . .Nebraska Local I ' .I W tt at Dozr..v hiTTi.Ka OK THE GENUINE < JOIIANN ISOFF'S Kxtract \ ) EQUALS and TOHIC Properties ore flask o ! ALE , without being Intoxicating. It exalts tlio energies , Bthuulnles the nutritho powers , impioicj the uppetito ami aiils digestion. It ciiu bo used for mini , woman or child. Matchless lisa tonic in convalescence. Pur. ; § are Wrncd ac mst Impcnl * tlon ari ui npumtment. Insist upon the * ' r.enuir " ' c i must Inve the signature oi "JOHA t.i I W on t.jgneck Uicl. ' I WAS BIG. I WAS TAT. I PE1.T MEAN. I TOOK PILLS. I TOOK SALTS. I GOT X.EAN. HnnclBomo VVomon Cnn Uoso Wolgh Fast. Homely tVlon Look Better If Thin. Try Dr. Edison's System. No Dieting. Bnncl worth Twloo the Nlonoy. Ofllcnnfll. M Iliirton , Iliirilwnro. U.vry Sta tion. III.I in II , Mil Dr. IIillsoii-Ho u Mr : 1 inn well p'nisod with V our triMitinuiit of olo-ltv. I'ho l > vnJ li worth t lcollu ) inoiiuy it cost , fur eonifoit 1 h ivo roiluL-eil my woi ht ton pouniU , ] \ \ uUhl' > now. anil 1 did wulili Jl'i. Vour < truly , 11. M. lllliiTON. They Are Doing IVlo Coocl. l.nrlvllt.- Mny 31 1S3 ! Lorlnc A Co Inrlnso I Iind ? ! > l for hlc'i plcno Miil inu tbonlliur t bnttlm of Dr I ilium a Obui- lly l'lll < 1 Imve usoil lint ) un Illilnlt liuy nro ilolnf tlionork. b M. 11 VI m . 1' . O Hot 7j Talk So Much About Your Pills. IVorln , III , InnuH ISJ ! Dear Sir * After hoar I UK onu of my lrl"inli hilk .10 ni ui h ibout ) our Obuilty I'llls nn i ttnhouMIt hull durltliiK trnin thoni I Ihlnk I tll try Ilium uiyiiilf 1'lonsc suiul mu J botlliM C i ) I ) . .111.1 obllu , ' . J Moulin. IW I'oiry Street Fool Better antlVVolgh 13 Pounds J-osa noilien. Ind So , > t. H. 1SU ( Jondoinon Inctoncil Moml > ou it for whU'li you \rlll plHjiio Hunil in u til i oo tiottlos of ttio otiosity pill * Amtiiklnu the fuurth bottle unit fc'iiliiry much ltiT nnil wolxli II poiimH luii th in when I luklnif tliuui I will contliuio your treat iiont Mils J C McCos'N , tuiuli &l\tli Strojt. An Inillvliltml ivhiHU lic lil li ft-cl lintli should ft foot Inc'ios " ItJJ uDt tu Indies " ITU Dr VillsonsTys "It nay bo wotl to point out that In my oxpnrlnico which Is necessarily very consldcrahlo tunny troublioiiioHkln itUoisei * ncli , uci'Hzoniii , Ju/one | MirlaM , ntlcarlii ou , uro prim nrll ) ciniol by iib-ilty und nt thu tut nnd n Mil In reduciil bv thu lillls an t niieilly I rult Sull mul tha nctlon of the l > ind thiMO ulfeoiloiu liavo almost mauK'ull ) ilUiippi'art ! t * ' 'I ho Olii' lty Krult "i ill I * used In connection with the 1'lllH or lland . or both. I'nn toiinpoonful Inn tumbler of water m koi n delicious soitv. Tastes ilka ch\nip it no The h.i ns co l fj ,0 c.icli for any loiKtli up to 3ft Indies , bn for ono lanor tlmn Jl luclioi add 10 cents oxlia for ovch 11 MlUonnl liicfi. 1-rltoof b'lult Salt. $1 03 Tills f I Wl Tor llottlo or .i llottlos lor $1 01 cnt by M ill or Kxprosi Cut this out. ind kejp It andsuuil ( or our f ull ( S column ) irtlcloon nboilty MENTION AI > 1)HI > r.XAOTfA' AS01VHN Loring & Company. 2 Hamilton I'l , Dnpt 2ii , lloston , MIM , lt" > State St . Dept 'I , Chicago , 111 , 19 W.2ml St , Dapt ' , Now Vork City. For sale in Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. ABOVE ALL OTHERS. " To the Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co. : "Have tested your LI1HIA WATER 'm numerous cases where acid is not \\cll eliminated from the sys tem , and find that it acts e\cecdingly well. 1 believe that many cases of uric acid diathesis , \\hich gives rise to Rheumatism , tioitt , and sooner or later that form of kidney and bladder dis ease dependent upon Uric Acid will be creatly benefited by a free us > of the LOXDOXDF.RR Y LI I'll IA ll'ATEK , and to such would recom mend it as a table water. If liquors arc to be used , no water is at once so agreeable for diluting them and so pre- \entive of the bad consequences following their use. LI Til IA ll'A TER is the water above all otheis for the man who lives well and drinks wine. " food H. M. JEIINKOAN , M. D. , I.ATE PROF. OK StriionKV OK MEIJ. UUPT. BOSTON UNIVERSITY. Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Ca lASIII A \ II as It I'c rklrih \ ( u.J- < illii.r ! AC nix , V Kllhy St , lloston. M iss I'AXTON to GALLAGIICU , DNcrlbutln ? Aiients nr Uintilm. F S weetheart s race that's my wife's you know wears a cheerful , life-is-worth-living expies- sion , ever since 1 presented her a box of WHITE RUSSIAN She is always recommending A'tr&'t soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments has just what she needed to make labor easy , and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , ChlcnKo. Hill-11 * niotnnml Ton Vnnn Tlio Poop far Cut * UUSk ) UlftinOIUl lJoQflp UuumU .ad JIr Ue TALK DIDN'T ' BUILD VIADUCTS Immadiato Prospect of Hopiaoiugtho WooJoti Structures is Not Bright. RAILROADS II-WE IGNORED INSTRUCTIONS No MlKMtlon I'nlil to thn Artloii of th * Coillirll In Orili't luc Vlmlncl * on I'lf- tcpiilh unit slvlretilli StrrcHI'lio > o\v Charter l'i < > \ Mum. When tlio SKteottth street viaduct wai condemned the ai'tlvlty and sentiments of city ofllel.ils K.IVO iinvii for \\O\M \ \ \ that llio tlmo-worn anile.ttho l-boalou slruo- tut'o would bo ropl.icod bv ouo more lit keeping with tin1 ucnural prntcutlons of tlu > city and K-33 dau urous to | iuhlto s.ifoly It was also promiaeil that a viaduct would hj constructed at Kifteenth street , but both projects uppoar to have boon lo t slubt of The city authorities liustli'd throush thd preliminaries and then sat ilown to .nut have bcc'ii resting cer since. During the early dnj of Maivh of l.iit .Veir ; the ordinances dcelarinii the neei-Hsit\ of n now \ induct o\erSKtui'iitli street , from Lcavciuvortli to I'.iclllc , and ovir Fifteenth from Lvtivcmvorth to I'ucllloeru passed 'jy the council and upproxod by Muv > r .Icmis. Plans and spcellleutlons for tin1 M.I- lucts wore then tnndo by the cngiHci i and ivoro approved of b\ him and I he Ho nil of ' 'ulilieVor1ii 'I'hev were then transit , it teil o the council and an ordmaiu'o a pass"d lulv ' . ' 1 , and approved July - ! by Ma\ur , iomis , npmwiiijr of the plans and spivitliM Ions for the Sixteenth stioet viaduct The same action was rcgaiMing the Kit "couth street \iaduct. the oiiltniiiico IMMIIIT > as3cd August an and upwoM'd by Major 'Jumis ' the fullovUiiK day. No\t eamo the appointment of appraisers , o dotermiiio llio damages to auutting prop- jrty. 'I ho .Sixteenth .street appraiseis were \V. O. Sin Ivor. Alfted Mlllard and Adolph \leycr 'they made their icport September 7 , finding no dani.igis. and It adopted > y the council. 'I ho l-'irteenth street bo.vrd van composed of .lohn K. Kl.iek. ( ioni-go J 'aul and II ( ! Clark Their report was Hubmitted October il , showing d.images in he sum of < llMI ( ( It was not adopted at ineetiiiof tlio council but \\.is at .1 sul > - eqiient session L'ltv laigineer Uosowatcr tlion forwarded o the Union I'.icillcaiid Hurlington the pi.ins mil spe ( itieatiotis for tlie vitiducls , together \ilh copies of the charter covering the con- struclion of viaducts In his rupert nflho natter he si3 "Though the city has taken steps to soi tire in iron viaduct ot width and character i > m nonsurate with the present reqnii-.iinents of important thoroughfare. , and nrdcivd ho railway companies , as required b\ law , to construct it , to proceed with the new "irk. nothing has beou done in tlio prom- sea. Ignored } > y tlio Hiillro nil. T li'ive olllci'illy furnished copies of pi int mil specillcations to both the Union I'.n t'lc ' mil the U , Sc , M railway coinpinles , with tlio request that they inform no when tliej could begin upon said work , init so far have received no wont from the nanagcrs of either company. In my opiui m the provisions of the present charter are not such as will enable tlie citv to effect hasty viuliict construction if the railway com- i.inics are to do this work In other words , .her.iilw.n companies being unwilling nolh- UK' short of tedious litigation and dilators Lonstruction under ni.indainus proceedings ' .in accomilish | the work It is my belief .hut the only satislactory and proper method to carry out the purpose ol the law Is to nncnd it so nt to give the city the right of [ iroi ednro both in the ordci Int ! a'ld the t on- struction of viaducts under contract with the lowest responsible bidder , w 1th tlie fur ther light to make a tax levy upon the prop erty of tlio iailw.iv companies in advance , based upon the estimated cost ot such vla- duct bv the engineer , with the further right of maltint ? a si.ppleineiitarv levy cor recting tlio dilToronce between the actual ind estimated cvcst. To prevent dcl.ij s in in- lunction or otlior dilatory legal proceedings it should bo further provided that cases of this character shall have piecedenco o\er all others both in the district and supreme courts of the stato. " CMiurtcr Mutlo Stronjjor. While Mr Uosowator's suggestions ro- ardlntjaiiicndiiients to the i harter were not taken advantage of , tlie section govern- inff this matter was anmndod , extendiiu the powers of the city and ivniininx a portion of the iiutellnitenessof the pioisions. . I'nder the new charter thu companies are required to construct , reconstruct or icpair any via duct , and it is made a misdemeanor of the failure or refusal of the company to proceed within the time spei ilied , and a line of 100 may bo assessed for eauh offense , and even day's f.ulute or refusal shall bo adjudged a separate oiTense in addition to this the city has authority to compel by mandamus proi ceilings the construction or reconstruc tion ot an\ viaduct , and upon the further re fusal of the toinpanies to piocccd the coun cil can order tlio constrm tic.n to proceed either by contract or in any other manner designated ordiimmo and the cost shall be assessed against tlie prcpett.v of the rail- load company , and shall bo aalid and sub- sistiiifr li > n against such propetti. A count ilman who no\er mixes with cor poration schemes said that the inattor was built ) ! pel milted to rest until the depot ques tion was settled , and as soon as that e\ cat occutred the pioposition to compel the orer lion of the Kifteentlt and Hlxteenth viaducts would bo taken up and pushed Ac- ( online to his idea the councilnien w ho favor acceptniK tlio proposed terms of sottknient with the depot company would use as an argument in its favor the fact that the t Ity was forcing the rallioad companies to con struct the Iwo \ iaducts , and that it would bo no moro than just lo make n liberal settle ment with thoni upon the depot question for thatieason As a consequence ho dues not desire to inanufacturo argument for tlio depot fellows , and while he is interested in heeing tlio viaducts consti ucted he believes that the best interests of the cit\ will bo subsenedin permitting the matter to rest until the depot settlement is disposed of It is ttius thu viaduct nrittor rests , and until the proper authorities ascertain what steps the railway companies propose toi t iko nothing can no determined as to whether the two viaducts will bo built this } oai or some otncr icar. Now j our blood should no punllod Take Hood's S.usaparilla , the best spring medi cine and blood purillcr. Hun Mono ) I. fit The statement that the HoarU of Health h out of funds and that the appropriation baa been ojihaustcd Is incorrect Thuro still remains - mains to the ctedit of the health fund $ iS.VJ ! 72. and Or Homers believes that tbli sum will meet the expenses of the boird until about the 1st of October with the pros cut force being continued , and in case an unfoicscen emergency does not arise When the annual appropriation was made $1(1,000 ( was set nsido lor the department of health , and in the thteo months preceding f.ltev : ! fit ) was expended. The monthlj pay i rill of the hoard at present reaches # 1,011 ( ! U and the incidental expenses will foot up $ . ' 00 A lllKli latin- Usually has a bad liver. lie is bilious , constipated , has Indigestion and d\si > epsia. If theirIs no organic trouble a few doses of Parks' Kurn Cure will totin him up Parks' Sure ( ' uro ib the only liver and kldne\ euro we sell on a positive guarantee , price $1 00. All druggists. _ Without notifying any person , with tha exception of a few of his Intimate friends , T. .1. Maboncy qulutly departed for Milwaukee , Wis , a short tuna since , where one week ago Monday ho was 'married to Miss Helena IJpps , a sister of Mrs T H , Mtnahaii Tlio bride Is a beautiful and accomplished voung lady , and Is qulto well known In thi.s city , having visited hero last summer. Mr. and Mrs Mahoney are now In Washington , where they will remain until the early part of next month , after whlrh thev will return and take up their rcsidcnut in a homo that Mr Mahoney hat already propanxl , .