THE OMAHA DAILY HKK : 'K ONUS I ) AY , APRIL 20 , 1M)3. ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL In the Wlioftt Pit at tlio Start ( Jabloa Were Reported Steady , PARDRIDGE VMS A BUYFR ON THE BREAK In Uio llml tlm Market Olinod Cnmpurn- tlvvl > HU-iidy lit a Slight Itnirtlnii finlii Instill ) l'rlcrslocl < ii mill lloiuUi CIIH-AUO , 111 , April 2flThe reported break ing of the I.uropt an drouth m idu the wheat market weak hero today t'ompircd with last night July win at left off with a loss of'IP Com Is down 'If. Pear of a squoero In the urovlIon marketrosutted Iiiallvoly Jump In till ho.- productpotk finishing with a not advance of from 07'n' to 70 , ' , laid fiom 27'ic to lid and rlhn from I6c to 'Jut- In the wheat pit at the start , cables came Btoiulj nml there w is a good dual of bull nevvH but the trido MOIIIS hi situtlng and cautious animation Hut denial nnd th" niuket lucked nialuf anything seitolls In the continental Blluuion weru tulegraphud. Kiln was tope - po ed iv < r there Kun-cy , X L'haudler had MX soiling orders from sninebody.imitlns'ln nearly l.otio.ont ) hu of Inly win at , vvhhh had a depressing etli el I'uiililil/i was a good imjer on the break Konnitt Hopkins also bought frei ly Tin of Inly all day , bul cliqin w us a good buyer and seemed do- Bhoucd no aggressiveness Hlniusiif getting as much as It could without can iliw i xcltumcnt Later in thu day , ii-ports of gi m ral rain on the continent of llurope and In Kansas and the report of the falluie of the J , mini ) ( link of Atistialla encomp isi d thu dispnsil Ion to sell fully In the end , however , thi iniirki t ( Init'dcompuallvoly stead } al a Blight icuetlnn fiom Inside prices Tin Im ul iicelpts of 00-2 , containing fully 1 in not ) liu contract wheat , was a bi-at aiiriinnnl In view of tliu gieat Ineieuse ol In I hlctigo Hi tin wet k The n porls to the end of the third vviiktnprllshow 7' > OOUI ) bu and ( initiate that 11 iiio ( ) ( ) ( ) bu contract wheat his been boiuht fin May delivery The closing pi Ice- uf vistiiilny , aftir some llui Illations , wen mlv am ed ' , ! - , held stc uly and thu close vv a- fiom c to 'ii- lowei than vesl'rdiy I lie Setili ml" r fultlio Is uttiacllni : more atten tion whlli May Is m-'lei ted I'ho ioin mill" l.el mli il stimt for in hour and then willed I'll Instead of 350 a- oils , Tin ru i ipts wi le had hu in xiiu led and eompaud with a wee I. . ago tin n were hu less contiact eon In nKiilai i hli .u'oeh v ilors The weither was unfavorable , which In- dm id the i ov clings of some shoits , v\hii h pill the pil. . i up fiom 't' to'jc The we.ikni . ss ol the later trndln , uncut had an ellict upon nnd sonic ol Ihe op i itors , who b'llevo thi ; Mlllillon h-L'ltlimli ly vv irrant lowoipilcos took ndv IIIIIIIL'O ot thu i ulj advance to sell Tin liriie fiom'ii-to V , 01 until li Mruelt the limits of privileges vi Inn huvliu against the s-iino i lucked the downwuri tei.deiii . y I hi ( stlm lies for lomoiiow com ing In llght-OH c usad Iheelli el of Increas Ing v iluis , but the niuket showed fiom lne ti HI loss for the day Tin re was a good business lu o ils In the win of eh uuliiK fiom M i > to lune , biivlng Mn < and si Illng June A we iki l feeling dovclopci nnd pi Ins reudid fiom ' ,1 to 'ic ' , a sll.rli ifillv followed and the close was quiet with i net Inss nf from 'a' ' to MI' . , HP 10 weie UOil ( ) hogs at the V "ds mil tin v vvi ie n polled hlaher , occndonlng u bull Ish filling alining tin provision sin i ill Hoi and tinxlily union , ; the shorts Hie liille lcemul fullv co'nl/nil of the d uu'cis thi ; Dlaied tin nisi Ivis In by si Illng slim t In Hi Inn of lliultid stocks liny knew tint the , limit viijthltuto fun If tin big pickiis wh iimmrinlly uuitiol Ihe small supply , shotili ceam to Inforbi it in. : and when Instiiid o foi hem nn e the > found themselves con fiontnl with hostility tin li neivousness vva lasilv iiiiounted for Altogether II was a de cldi illv I usy dnv , although tiado was liiiull ; tthtil ciiuld be ciillid excited Closing pi lee wen the highest of the ( I ly nstliniitod ncelpls foi tonuurow : vMioal SOD ears corn , UO , oits.'JO , hog- 22,1100 hi lid 1'hu leading futures ranged as follows. Aiiriti vs opt N mini 1 I OSK \ is \ 724 .JJM 4 , , , 41 4IH 41 44H 21)4 ) ' S7M 7W im IB 20 18 11 17 t ! , 17 Ui 18 d , 17 8. t IS 4JM , 17 H ) lb 20 18'JO lb 10 18 U7 10 to 10 ' - ? ! - 10 Oil 10 It * * D Wl 10 70 10 40 10 15 10 174 10 IU IU U ) 10 .10 10 U 10 l' < 9 75 P71 O'lO t 75 9 70 a wilt 1) ) LTV a w U 1.7 V 60 10 UO a 75 Ctish quotations were ns follows : ri.oun Dull , stiady , unchanged. Will-AT No 2 spring. 71 He ; No 3 spiln f o b , ti5fi471c. No 2 lud , 715 e. I'OHN HlKlui No i ! , 41c ; No 3 cash , 40 No ! 1 yellow , ll(7t-c ( { OATh No 'A UH'iC ' , No 2 white , f o b.3l < 2i.r : > e , No 1 white , .lU'jdi.lSc- ' KM. No J , DU- lt Vltl hi No 2 , C2c ; No 3 , f o b. , 1G&GO t\lt ! , f ii ll .IHfilHC 1'I.AXSKH ) Nl ) 1 , Jl 13 TlMDllli si H ) Prime , It 10H1 10 I'OIIK Me , s , pi i bbl , MH UrU182n. 1m pur 100 Mis f 10'JO ® 10.25. short rib sld iloosoi , jU'iO'a'J ' )5. ) diy sailed siniuldi1 ( boxidi , t'J 7rjilooo ( , shoite-leai sldus ibo\u < riO25OlO50 WIIISKV Dlstlllon.1 Hnlbhed goods , per gi StliiAlis Cut leif , Cc ; gianulated , b\ Btandard "A , " 5 : l-lGc The fo'lowlng ' vvoiothn receipts and sin jiicnts for today Oiimlm ( .lain. The follow ing prices aru for dullvury al Ml clsslppl liver points Wiinvr No 2spihig , d7c hid ; No. 3 sniln r,7c bid No 2 hard , dOc bid , No 3 hard , & bid Jill. No 2 , Blc bid O\TK NO 2 white , 30'c bid ; No 3 vvhl BOc bid Con.N. No 2 cash or May , 37'ic bid ; No 3 better , cash 01 Maj , 37c bid , No. 2 whll SH\c bid , No 3 white , 3Hc 1)1(1 ) Nun York Vtiirkt'U. NEW YOIIK , April 25 ruint Itecelpts , K OOOpkgs . exports , 24.OOO sacks , sales , 11,0 pkgs iniirUi t quiet , steady COIIN Mi Mr-lJulet.Mo ulv , yellow weatei 12 05512 75 Kit Nominal , western , Oti(2GOc. ( II Mil I l ynlet tlrm IlMti.n MMT Dull , stuadr WHi-AT-Hicelpts IdJtioo bu ; exports , 12 000 bu , sales , 5.7H.riOUO bu futures , 128,0 bu spot flint market modeiately active I c\poit lower , VTI | | | options , No 'J red , In sti iindelevtitor.7&l > c. , 7tIi77'c ; f o 7u'4 < 377V , No 1 northern , HJc , No 1 hat H5'jC No 2 nortliein , HOc Options were h iietlvo , jiiegulai and ' " 5i.1 c lovser on uas ! cahh-H , large trading here mid at the we vlth hvv Itching and local si alplng , forelgm vveio only moderalo hovers , No'led , Mil 7.r)7-li ( < ii7ti'4C . i losing ' , ' , ' , ' , i Jill ) , 7N > | ( T(7 ( ! closing ut 7MV , AilKilst 7llJ'l70' ( ccloslng 7UVleceinbeiHJ'ic H4't elosliiK at H , ) ' COIIN Receipts 1,1(1DOO ( bn exports , 31) o bu ; sales , 71&.OOO hu futures. HI7.OOO 1 dpot Spots fairly active , llrm , No 2 , 4 ! ) ' < 4U'iC In elovntor , 44'i4Hc atloit , stean mixed 40i , No 3.4H jUIH'.e Options wo ( airly active at ' i 'ic lower , as followli wheat and thu west , closing limit May , 4' 49 , c , eloslmt 49c : Julj , 5ortroi > , c , closi & 0i- , August , riO'iWSl , closing M\v OATh Kecolpts , 4-J.OOO bu ; exuorts. 200 bu. . sales , 4H5.0OO bu futures , 5'J.IMIU I fpot .spots dull , tlrm. Options fait active. May 34'44l34'1cclosing 34' c. Jui 34'HC31'C. Closing 34UC , July. : i4ii < t/.14' closing 34'ie. No 2 white , 4 ( > ' , ( ailc , No CbleiiK'O , 38'iC , No 3 , ,17c , No 3 white , 31 G4IX" uiKed vvefctern. 37H4t3Uci No 3 vvhl ai)4,47et. ) | , llA1'alrly active , llriii ; bhlpping , 71 good to choice. H5 iUOe. Quiet i llrm. 1'asy ; quiet. Quint , llrm ; domestic lloeccs , 2 ! 82cs pulled. 3 a37e ; Texas. 11 Wile I'ltovisiONSCut meatb , more netlvo a stronger pickled bollleN , ; 12i mlddltM llrm qulut ; hhortclear. t07fi. Iaril , hlglier.e-ii In bettor demand Options , dull ; westt Dtemii closed at f 10.50 ; sale * . 1,500 tlerc-us fl0.32ttit0.50 ( ; optloi i > , iles , 250 tierces ; M cliiMil iilHO 50 ; July closed at $10 G5 ; s ( teinlH'r , tlO 70 , closlnu at $10 75. Pork , iiul tinner- old mess , tlH 75 ; new mess , $11)'Jo. llt'iTLii Quiet , unsettled : western dal 2XuU7ej ( western creamery. 274i33o ; went * Juctoiy. 20itJ7ci KlglliH. 3J'i 3Jc. ( 'iirriiB Old , btuady and fairly active ! pi dd ) , biii'J'ic ; part bklins ( now ) , 3QHc LEUil-lull uuU rathe-r weakthruui out , I'l inxrlinnln ll IIMI ! * nlr noie- May . . lowi-t and rlosltu , tlsi , Ulna nil Kalis , noliei JU'l. I , III , loin ) Mill H , 1 HOI II ) | i | , | , llttus IJillit , oasv , ri'i-eluli. innuo western , freih , IBftlOijc ; tlui-h , ' 'Oc ; Oik- OikTAl TAl txiw Qulov , stondler. t irTTiiwhKDOit. yult-t , limn crude , yi-llo * , 4iutrr UIHINHak , quiet. TiTiti'KNTishiak , nominal at3Sljc. ItiCH-Kmy , dull M'l , > S4M-tpuii kettle , good to cliolco , xte ulv. SriiAU-Kitn , firm , fair demand ; fair running , 87-11(0 , centrifugals , Hrt test , J\o ; sales. 2,700 bigs nnilasses sugar , 90 test , 3 > ( c , and a ( argo ivnlrlfux ils , ) (1 ( test , at 3 O-lOo , ru- llned | | i inor , inoderalo demand , oil A , IH'iiOi ' * . I'm IHON btoady , quint , American , $1276 IU 1 5 60 CoiiKitWeaklake ; , $11 I.I..MI Dull. TIN -steady ; limits , } 20 00 hid. $20.00 asked ; pi lies , qulot , stuadj spelter , Him , domestic , il 15 Onitli i Produce Mnrlci't. The m-nei-il in irket was quiet , owing to tlio cnntlnimm-o of unfixoiibln weather , which discourages ill business HCtlvlty I'lio mar ket upon thu whole was rather h irrun of now features Hiittor and eggs were itotdy without any tiotli i able chanio. The condition of the e.ulern egg market c uises a rathi r weak feeling among thr shlnpeis , hut not enough to make any i h inge In the market. I. Uo poultry Is not sosliong as It his been for some time pist The receipts are not tinge hut the demand appears to be a llttlo slack Some good cooiis were still uniold In the afti rnoon , which his been an untisuil oootirron during the p ist week Sellers were still Inclined to hold foi 12- for the best hens , hut ill it would h IM' to be considered an out side mice and hurldly stfu toqiiotowlth the maiket In Its pres nt condition There haio In-i n sii ral eirsof potitoes In during tin- past few days but prices temaln about steadj There were no fresh arrivals of strawber ries to tpo ik of .NO shipping of any kind Is done In Ailum-mson Sunday , which mikes the loceiptsof hoi rlos on luesdiy very light On \\edn-sday the roc-lpts are expected to be I ugo , and all the fruit houses aru looking for liberal consignments iniitT- ) A I'i'i.nsChoice shipping atoek , } 3 70 ® ! 00 per lilil srn iw ni'iiiti i -Arkansas , ? 4 0035 00 OitvvusCalifornia mountain or.ingoi , JJ r > oV ishlngton n i\i Is , f I , Newcastle Cali fornia soedlin.'s , JJ 70 , II dlail Is , f J 75 ; Mcd sweets , fJ.70 : Khersldo seedlings ? J 76 II VN \3-roi hunch , Including crates and P'u'klinr. * ! 7 il250 - . ( ) ! , - , , - , $360aiOO ; fancy , $100 ® x ini.r\iiL'M3. I'ris-l'oi bn-boxl 7l > ii > aoo. \Ns-Choko navy , iJ30JJ45 ( ; common stock , ? ! OOliJOO ( \i troiiNiv Cuilnnt : 1'er ll > , 3c Cm uvini.iis ( holdperdu / fl 60J&200 s\vt hi l'orvroi.3 1'or bbl , $5 , seed wwcot pot H till S , f 1 " ) O tNiiNh ) Home grown on older * to rotintty , II per hhl ( , ooil stoi k shipped In tlom colin- tiy , { 1.15'il 21 per bn , lleimuda onions , uur 60-lh nate , JJ75 SIIIINII llf INS -1'or hu box , 52 OOS3.00. SfiN\rii-l'i i hhl , { J jo Asi-ximifs1 Home gionn , pei do11. . lit rrui i"l'i i do35'iitiic HAIMSHIS I'ei do/ . .riiiii ! l'\llsn | -1'ei do35 40c- Toi- ONIONS -I'oi doJodJoc l'iT\Toi. Uoloruto stock 11 10 ; Wisconsin buihanks , 9Uii/V ; westein Nuhl iska. OOclJ JlOO.eistoin Nebiiski stock , 70QOOJ , oaily fl J'j I'll. l'l\Nl -I'or 50-11) boxes , $1 2311150 IIUTll II , nitIS , U\Mh , I'OUI.TIIV HtTTl u I'.irklm : stouk , I'ltllfall logo ) ! coiintrv loll , lOifiJJc choke to fancyoountiy , J3 cJOc l'i , ( is lloner it mirket , IT r ( > i\ir Mixed ilui ks Jl , toil , il 25 , Jack snips il Jj lSt ) I.TIII I holco hens lie mixed coop , 1O till , old loostt-is , 7 < as- , geese mil ilu-Us lo tlli , tut kev. 4 , LOiilJo ; pljuns , $1 J13 > 1 00 perihu live. II w The m iiUetongOJtl upland h ly , $0 In car lots HONIClinleo to f inc-y white clinei , 18S lOe , fail to good , 1 ( > rise Vi M , cliolco and small fat voals , 73c ; laie ( and thin 3 ' ( > ' St. l.ouU Murknts. ST I.noiS , Mo , April 25 Pi.ouil-Qulet unclmngi d Win \r Opened firm , hoc-imp unsettled then weak at Vii'ji * below } ostcidiy. No ' . led , cash d3'if031jc , .lulj , OO'jc August , 70'4c ( DUN \iiy dull , wiakened with who it oloslmi ' ( liii ic lowei , No J mixed , cash , 37c Mil } 37V , Jul.30V OAr-4 Dull , loAor , No 2 cash , 20'4c , May 30- , 1'itovisiONsHigher and strong , but vert little doing I'nik , st mil ml mess , ( niMvi JlHOO hud , Jlo Dry silt meats , loosi shoulders. J1O8S : longs and ribs , if 10 70 shorts ? ! I , hoxi'il , 15c hlghei II icon , pickei slioiihlers , Jtn J5loiiLand libs , { 10 70 shorts ill Huns. 130i lie Ili'Ti I it scan e , much higher , choice st p ir atoi oio iinei v , .Ufo-Lle , iliuli o ( ll.irv , 'JUUJOc HhChll-rs-t lour , 4,000 bbls , wheat , U.OOi bn , corn , 70,000 hu ; oils , J7.000 bu. ; ryi 2,000 bu , b irley , 2.0OO bu Siiii-viEsTs-riour , 13,000 bills ; wheat , 1,00 bn ; corn , 81,000 bu , oils , 4,000 bu. ; tyi 2,000 bu Iliixlnrsi ( luini.- , . * . Tim following were reported at Dun's Mui cantile agoncv Heaver l It } , Neb , It 1" Maple , confection l r } , i to , succeeded by I' s Hrent. Pali Hold , Nub , U & . Itamlall , publlshci dei eased MiCook. Neb , r.lllott . \ . Claik , restauran hiicnided by 1' II Tlllott Sli itton. Neb , .1 I ) Douglas .t Co , drug suei coded by II A Dunliar. \\iltiin .liinctlon , Ii , Charles Ilacon > \ , Co gcni'tal stoio , dlssolvid Smith t-hoie , s D , lames I'oslor , gcnuti store , suci ooded by lolin Voeckel. Sioux Tails , s I ) Nowil.v. Manvlllo , wholi s lit' Hulls etc , r < poiti d sold out ( aibonVo , T 1' Shannon , diugs , icportc told out _ Kiinsis I It } Market * . KNSCin , Mo , Apill 25 Wlll.VT Hisi No 2 haul , UHiMi'sO ' , No. 2 led , 0.1'jltib4c. CDIIN ' 40 to ' i hluhei , No 2 mlxud , 35i No 2 while , -tO'-rr37c ' Ous I'm hanged at 2Sc IIIMTI u I'm h ingLib steady , ; creamery , ' a.lOc , d iliy. 1H51JIO Kdiis-rnch.inged , steady at 12'Jc. UlCllll'isWhL'it , 11,000 bu , corn , 2,001 oats , none siiii'Mi.Nrsheat , 7,000 bu ; corn , 2,01 bu , oats , none. Liverpool UiirliolH. lai ritrooi , , April 20 WIIIMT I'lrm , tie muiid fall , holdeisollei sjurlngly ; No 1,1 lld&ds , nerci nt il , No J rtd , nlntor , CsC OSOs U'id l.ecolpls of wheat for the p ist thn da } s , H7.000 ciutals Including 78.0UO Amu lean t. DUN Ptead } , demand moderate ; mlM WLsiein , 4s 3d per cental Uicelpts of Amu U , in coin foi Ihu p iht Hutu davs , 14,000 LUI tills I'oitK 1'ilme western Hue , 88s Od per tluio Tuitl-KNriNfc. spiniib J3s Oil put cwt. Ciillco Market. NKW VOIIK , Apill -options opent buoly steady at 0 to 10 points down ai closi d steady at 5 to 15 points down , sili 34,000 bags. Including April. $14 7O , Mn * 14 35W14 60 , Juno. $14 30 , July , f 14 J0i(114 ( 4 August , $1440 s ptoinliii. JltJ65Dl4l Octobur , * 14 J0ill4 H ) . Decumher. * I4 30 14 41) ) Spot , Klu qiiht but steady , No J1050 , sales 3,1)1)0 ) ) b igs of No ; 10 200 bags of Costa Kl < t on spot I , | .Mnrkitt. Ml.NNr Vl-Ol is. Minn , April 25. Tr.ulo w ; fair todav , selh rs had to make concossloi during the latter hilfof the cession lux demand foi cash wheat No 1 niutheinso at OG1lt > l" e , No J northern. 04c. Uecelpt JOOcars Close. Apill , lJ' i. , May , C3'.c , Jul O7'i On track No 1 haul , 07' , c ; No. northern , US'nNo 2 noi them , OJGiuJe. llilu.liikeu iluikitts. Mil w M'Uhv.Wls , Api II 20 Win. VT Stead Julj , 08 ' i , No J spilng , 07c. I DUN Mn. iily , No 3 , 41c. O\rs I'liin. No 2 white , 34"'S35c ; No. 3J'r33'iC ( ! IUIIK1 OOc Klh 51 , ' , c. 1'UDi tsio > s I'll m , I'ork. May , $18. riilladelplilii dr.iln .llarlcet. I'ltHu > : 'i.rill1'a , April 20. WIIIUT Lower , No 2 led April and Mav , 74va74 ti.- . C'DUN Mi.uly , No J mixed , April , 4U'4 ' 40liC , \Ts-Cai lots steady , with fair dumau 1'uturcs dull and unchanged. Moot Market. , I'a , April 26 Wool quli urhcs nominal and unchanKid llOsiDN Ma-- , . , April 20 I'lio demand f > wool continues moderatu and sales conllncd kiuall lots , i'rlct'.s aru unchanged. Hiiltliiuiru drain llnrknt. HAI.TIMOIIH , Mil , April 20ViifcT Has' ' April , 76WO. CoiiN-rirm : Aprll,40 e OAFS ( julut andstuady ; No 2 white wester N iv York lrj OooiU Marltiit. NI.W Yoiih , April 25 - With the absence western malison I'liosday thu demand for d goods was veiy light , ttansactlons on thu sp bo I n K few and unimportant. Tnlfilo drain UarKvt. Toi rno , O , April 25. WIIKAT Actli lower. No 2 cash , TO' c COII.N Dull , loner ; No. 2 , uuh , 4'J'c. O \T8-CJuIet ; cash , 32c. Cotton Mnmut. NKW Olll.lA.sfl , I.u. . April 25 Quloti go 7MJi lulddlluB , 7'ic ; low wl illlnit 7 ft Ific'i Kood urdlnnry 7o. not re- relpts fi nil baks ( truss. 7.1J3 bales ex- iott-1 in ( in at llrltaln , owi halesi sales , 8J&0 mleii stock , 'JJ'J ' , lU'J hales. HIOCKS AM ) HONDS. Much flriuor Tonn Ch tritctorl/ed Driillnt" In the Hrrurlty lliirket. Nr.w VOIIK , April ! 25 - While the itook mar ket was by no mo in * active. , a much ( Inner tone characterized the dealings than of lito and prices weru distinctly upward Thn bears fought the tlso stop by stop and at Internals succei'ded In bringing about reactions of inoro or less Importance , but each decllnu brought In buying orders and sulm intlal rallies ensued - sued Toh do , Ann Arbor .V North Michigan Continued heavy , with a further docllno from 2t down to 17J ( The weakness was duo to forced sales by operators who could not stand the risk of further losses , also to the alleged cnihar.issmont of an of thocompiny , who from time to tlmo has Issued laigo num bers of pilxlleges with the view of stimu lating the Interests of outsiders In thu stock Whether thu putsmulo by this olllclal will ho hnnorid or not Is still an open question The heirs tried louse the break In Toledo , Ann Aibor Noi Hi Michigan and Dlstllluis ag ilnat the m irket , but they were unsuccessful The drop In Distillers w is occasioned b } advices from the west th it the proposed bond Is uo will be hotly contested by LUI lain of the stock holders New I'.ngl mil broke from IJJ'f lo 20 on sales of stop eiders but rallied to 313i American I'ob icco jumped 1 per cent and leaded 2 per cent I'lio general inn of stocks Improved ' > to J pur cent , with thu Industrials In the le id lc id lose J percent to 20't Sin > ar * per cent to 1O4 and deneral r.lectilc J'i ' percent to loo11 There was L'I KM I buvlng of thu grangeis c lucago , Huillngtoti .v tjtilno } was ospi daily strong , selling up 4' pei cent to Ol't I Inal silos ttoio at a to u lion of > D to 1 pi i i out , but the undei tone of tin' n arket w as ill in Taken altogether a more confident fuel ing prevailed owing to the i aslor condition of the mono } m irkot , theshaipdicllne In foreign exchange the probahillty Hi it there will ho no expoiuof gold bv satunlay's steamer nnd a glowing hcllif that thu admlnlsti-itlon will authorl/e an Issue of bonds If It should hu uxpi dlent to adopt this course 1 he Test s ws In round nunibois thu New Yolk dealing housu b inks hold J70.000.000 gold Of this amount It is cutlous to note exactly one-half Is held by eight bulks out of the sixt-four It Is but Just to s ly , how- cvoi.tliat these same eight Institutions , ux- actl } a } ear ago , held Jlo.ono.ouo more In gold than the } hold to I ty and that hencu wlillo lining In some c ises for the heavy ship pers of gold , tin } h in home at le ist i reason able slian of the se ison s withdrawals. Thu ptcpomh'iani e of specie holdings In the h mils of a very few gUts to a slnglu ogiotip of b inki rs N li tual uuittot of thu situation Thu following are thu i-lustm ! quotations of Ihu lu ulliig slocks on Ihu Nuw Yoik Slock ux- ch ingu today. ton A. ( julney. 10,100 , Chicago lias , 0,000 Oulaw.uo l.acUawaiinaesturn , 3,000 Dlstllllnz , 14,000 , tienoral Illiclilc t > ,300 Mlssotnl 1'iclllc , 7,000 , National l.uad , 7.100 Nit Ion il I'ordago 0,300 , Now l.ngiand 210H ) , ItuiillnU.OOO ; Richmond I'm nil- nils , 4too , Itork Island , 4 500 , M I'aul , 15 , 700 , sniur 18,000 , Toledo , Ann Alhoi .1 North MIt'hlg in. 2 J OOP. \ \ i slui n Union , 8,100 1 New York Monet U irkol. Niw YOIIK Api 11 J3 MONEY ON OAI.I.- iisy ut 4iiO pur Lout , list loin 4 ; closoi otlered at I , I'niMP MmcANrn , ! ' I'APMi-GitfJlO percent si tin i NII UxciiMit.VoiiK with uctua huslness In buikeis lllls at f J 8'i4iJ4 til'i fo sUtv d lys mid f I H7V < [ ,4 HH'f fill dein lllll tm LiiNMfcNT llONDs bteaily. btato bond dull The closing nuot.itlon on bonds : I ii iiineliil Noti'H. KANSAS CITY , Mo , April 25. Clearing Oiti.r.A.NS , In. , April 25. Clearing J2.271.410 I'Aiiis , April 25. Three per cent rentes , 0 < lUc for thu account. NKW YOIIK , April 2.1. Clearings , H38.270 775. bulimies. tJ.728.-rJO. OMMIA , April 25 Cluarlngs , { 1,451,21 Mime do last weuk , Jl.070,7.15. llAi.TiMiitiK Mil , April 25 flouring JJi50OJ5 : , balances , JJBb.657. Money , 0 pi cent 1'llil.Aliki.i'illA. 1'a , April 25 C'learluR fH.UJ2.Jja ; balances , Jl.OlU.OJO Money , 1 4Lt percent. CINCINNATI , O , April 25. Money , G7 p cent. New York exchange , J5 < tlUc pruiului t'Uiirlngs , * 'J 107.350 L Hun. i.s , April J5 Tlio statemunt of thu In purlal II ink of licrniany hhows an Increasu I bpeclu of 1 J.'JSO.OOO marks. MKUIMIIS. Tunn , Aiirll 25. Nuw York o change helling ut 11.50 jiruniluiu. t'luarlnv I3J1.200 , balances. | HO,3l3 UllIOAOO , 111. Aurll 25.-fleanngs , tl7.07 HU. Now York uxcuaugu told from yar to I1 dlm-iimit "terllmtr-h-itui dull ea < yslxfy- ilnr "UK )4 H7il | < urt ni MN > Mom y. active MruiiKiilbii ? pen viiU HT l.ot-1 * , Mo April UA Clenrlnif" . M HM7 - OiH ) Imliimcs , IMIM.I.IJ Money quiet. 0f 7 pi r eent nu-hatiice on NVw York , uoe premium IKWON , Mass , A'nrll ll5.-Cli'nrlim . 117.- H90lWi Imlances , ifWI.411 Money. Oa7 ner cent KtchaiiKc on Jsuvr York , 3 17c dis count. OMAHA I.IM : srncK M.vuKisri 1 Cuttle HecelptH I.Ijil'a ' unil 1'rlern lllBher- HIIRH AI | > Uo t'p ' Ac Un. TflHDVV , April 25 Tlio receipts today wuro far bt'low general expectation and show a decrease fur thu two tillsot the wiek of about 1,000 head ascoiu- parud with the llrst two dajs of 1'ist week. There was a good local Inquiry and thu mat- kot ruled active and a good dime higher on all "tillable olferlngs t'owsand heifers were In good duuiand with thu supply luirdly oulllclcnt for Ihu needs of the to irket Inferior grades sold stronger , owing to the moderate simply and thu pens were cleared earlj In the day HUMS AM ) 11EIIT.U1. 12 740 3 70 1 . . , .1140 3 25 .1010 4 20 1 . 1200 3 50 bTOCIvHUS AM ) 1 . . 330 3 35 6 . . 4HB 3 50 4 500 8 30 3 . . 483 3 (15 1 . . 620 3 50 4 740 8 70 5. . . 7BH 3 50 \ > J STUIIN CATTI.R. No. Av. I'r. 5sUcrs . 1000 f3 00 35sttclH . . . . 1144 4 75 lions Thuro was a good demand fiom al souui-s this moinlng and prices stiunglhenei lOr to lOc There is a good Inquliy at pieseiil foi light and medium weight hogs ami thesi are stilling light up to pihos on hetiNlei giadcs Silos i iniKOd from * 7.'J5 to $7 40 , will the hulk at 47 HI to 7 35 , ag ilnst a tango jos- ti idaj of f7 10 to 7.25 , and hulk at f7 16 U 1720 Ueprisi3iitall\o sales Siirn' Only : i few Wilds wuru received an thesu sold le.ullly to local houses. The mm let continues llrm ratrtugoon natives. Jl 00' 050 , fair to good westerns , JJ 70r < tO 00 : com mon ind Hock sheoit , la 5OT44.00 ; good t cholcu It ) to40-lb laniin , JlOOtiOJO. Keprt suntatlvu stilus. No Av. Pr. 180 native mixed i.t. . . . 87 1100 U4 native vvutheis . . 111 5 10 Keoi-lpta unil Dlnpinitlon of Stock. Olllclal receluts and dlaiHMlUon of stock a1 shown by the hooks of the Union Stock Yard company for the twenty-four hours undine t > o'clock p in , April 20 , 1803. men i-i t- . CATTI E I1" illOllhCH * Ml Care Head Care | llcml Cars I III' lit , 31.71 I.Uw slock .Murkrt. CillCioo , III , April 25 l.Spcclal Tulegrai loTllt lltK.1Ihu cattlomarkut was htrongi for buch kludk us k'u tu lucal butchers unit cat lien Tim nunply wan fur nhortof the needs of Hi IHI twoilassus of Iniyi rt , and iomHtl- | Jlotl therofiire was lively loiv and hoifi rs sold largely at from IJ 7S to M 7 ; > , and from W to | irt ) were lie | Hiilar | ) pilces for hulls The maiket fur lir ithoti < deoerlpthilK averaged fuim lOc to > c higher for Monday. There was nolmprove- m ni in lhi < steer market It was qulel nnd art lysle uly Tin. decline of le In the Ixui- on market yi sterility checked tlio uxpirt emanil and as fiv cuttle were wanted by astern Hliipiien ihe sin-ill supply did not i em to caiiseany Inconvenience IJiiDtatlons ange from Jlr > to $135 for poor toextra owsand heifers , at fiom JJ 75 to * ! 05 for lockers and feedeis } 1 15 to SO 10 foi dtossed ieef and shipping steers and fiom tJ to M for ahes Texas cattle were ag-iln In light sup- dv and sold hlghei , quoted at fiom JJ 10 to * " > Hogs wire In active demand and were Hong Tiny sld , 5c higher than xestcrday nil although the later feullng was less llrm he advance was nut lost Heavy hogs sold at rom t7 ft a t < > J715 , prlnclp illy at from $7 70 0 J7 HO , and the sales of lightweights were ingely nt from J7 ( H ) to J7 70 with J7 10 to 7 77't ' the langu of quotations At no pre- lous time this jcarhavc prices for light and icavy weights been so oloso together ' 1 hero s now piactlcally iiodlllereuculii their selling nine The sheep and lamb markets were strong , oed stock general ! ) i selling a trllle higher , hiiuuli the tango of quotations was thu same is before | , , , , | , Wprt. s il iblo at from * l 50 Dlil.25 and Iambs weie wanted at from * 5 25 o7 Most of the trading In sbu-p was at ioin f ) Ufj to * ) 75 and lambs sold I irgely at iotii Jii 26 to tfl 75 llecelpts t'attle , 5,000 , hogs , 18,000 , sluup , Thu Kvenlng Tout nil repoits : Cmi.K Ueceluts , ti.OOO head ; shliuuents , ,000 heid , market steady , medium steers , r > 25fl5 40 , others , | 4 hOtU UO , Toxaus , J.I 25 ri4 16 ; cows , f J 0jJ4 ( ) 25 lloos Hecelpts , 1UOOO headshlpinents , ,000 , mat Kit hilsk and higher , mlxid and i.u-Ueis , t7 50a7 70 , hoaw and hutcheis' \elghts , } 775a7 5 , light , $7.7Oit7 75 ; pigs , 7.4lii7 ( .0 sitrr.iItecelpts , in 000 he-id , shipments , ODD head , miiket active -it lOifc'JOu hlghur , lipped 1'exans , J4 504 b5 : other clipped , 5 1035 71 ; weslein ewes , fOOOitGUO , Iambs , u 75-747 - 30 Kiinsis Cltj Ilt stuck Market. K\Ns\S ( ITV , Mo , Apill Jjt'ATTI.t : Uo elpts , 0,000 heid. sblpments , 170iiliuid ; narket actlvo and ste uly to l"c higher ; tuptescntatlvo s lies Dressed beef and ex- > oil sleirs , f I'JO i 5 00 , cows and heifers , 1 75UI .10 , stoi'kcrs mil feudi-ts , { 1200.1 15 llous Itecelpts , 11,200 head , shipments , J.300 head , mirket actho and lc5iJ5c ( ) , eneially lie higher , oxtienn r iiuo of prices , 5 Oort7. U ) , bulk of sales , J7 15i67 J5 SMI i p Receipts , 4,1(10 head , shipments , " 00 , maiket actlvo anil , muttons , 5 4a5 ( ) M5. st , I.onm l.tvu stouK Market. ST Louis , Mo , Apill 25 Cvni.n Ue- elpls , 5,500 Dead ; shipments , lot ) head ; m-ir- ietstuuh , fair logood u itlvi steels J. ) 003 . ' . ' ) fi d l'i vans , t. ) 2rii4 51) llous IteculptM , 4 JO1) ) head , sblpments , 800 head , maiket opened 5' < MOc hlghur losed with adt.imc lost heav v J7 2DQi7 U5 , nixed , * 7 lj&7 ( do , lljrht f72Oii7l,5 SHI i'i'-Keeclnts. 4 40O head , hhlpments , lone mat kut 111 in , iinch mgeil Nivv York l.ltn Stoi k Market. NKW YOIIK , Apill 25 II ) hXKs-Hecclpts , ,00 head ; no tiadlng , dressi d beef llrm atMiS ) ' , c foi native shies Shlpinents ted ly , 100 it eves and 'J.COOqu uteisof bei f Hecelptsof ahes were 4O head , sold at Td 50. Sntn1 Heculptb , l.uuohead , maiket stuady , inch ingid lions' Itecelpts , .1 fioo head , mitkit nom- nally Him at fO 50 1 , uo ) .l ) PllA/hl , II I ) 11)1)1IV , ( V II01IB. 1'res. Vko I'rua dajy \ . 1' HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital $ i",003. Oinah l and Sioux- City Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. Room 212 New M Life Building OMAHA. Iowa State Nation il It-ink , Sioux City ; Co nmurclal National ll.iuk. Um ilia Special attention given to ontsldn orders1 Coirusponaontu sollcllu I TOUND HER "N-EVVY. " CHiiillilHtn for the Ki'tormM ' bin , ! I'linls u Kcliitite Looking lor Him. Mr Chccriblo , In Dickens' immortal talc , "Nicholas Nlcklehy , " vi as given to lom.trk ing that London \\'as the Ktcatost place or earth for coincidences Omaha may not b ( equal to London in this lospect , hut this town has a prcttj liberal share of coinct domes , nc vcithless bcciitar.Cl.ult . of tlu Rescue hall \\utlc i.iu upon a i.ithui stiikint ? 0110 the oilier day He loatncd that thcto v\oro t\\r small bo.\s in the district court that won about to ho bent to the rofoiiu school am thinning that no could Jind homes for iiiun ho asked the judfjo to allow linn to bccomi tcspousiblc for their cat o The tequesti \ K ran ted and within twcnh four houis lu li id secuicd a K'ood home foi 0110 of the lojs Mond.iN a well diessed lady called in Uescuo hall and wanted to sec the othei homeless boy When the bov appo.ued hi iccognUiHl the ladj at onio as his mini from Canada and the mauling was quito .if foetiiiK Tholul\ wo ilth.\ and was tittuilj unav\ are of the fact that licr sisters ihil tlicn in Omaha were in so pili.ible a coiuli tioit until she atii\od and lo.unui the true state of affaiis The boy's fathei is dead and the motliur has boun unable la % l\o hoi children piopcr cato and thoj II.IM bciomo incoriiKihle. The lad > ft 0111 Canada was onlj too fjl.-xil t ( ( 'ivo the ua\ ward hov a KOOI ! homo and In will for Canada today aicompaniuil hi hlh betiofactor 'i'hoisit of the aun from Canada w as purely act iduntal She hai no idea of the disticsslng condition of hci iolati\es until she i cached the city. * Itiither Steep Tlh.n t.iKO in.inv ether foi in Is what mail' ' people thinic. and 1'arks' te i is in ulo for jus these folks It cuiosconstip itlou , and thong ] not a catliartic , mo\os the bowels every day i ; . % rs. ' 1 ho Uostonians begin their loin ; looked fo engagement at the Hoid this ovunlng , pro bunting the universal favorite of tholr run uttoito , "Itobln Hood. " Judging from tin demand for seats ut the box olllco jcstcrd.ij thu house will bo crowded to ils capacity And it deserves to bo , for no comio opera 01 ganliatiou lodav in ibis country equals th Uostonians in musical merit or hlstiioni talc-ill , and the in inner in which thoi opuias are staged , furnishud ami costumei commands .tho highest praise Toinotrox c\oniug Do Kovcn and .Smith's latest pied uct , "I'ho Knlckerbocliors , " will bj given and for Pi Way evening the opcias , "Tho Ogahillas , " is iinnouncod ' Itobln Hood" will llll both Ihu mrUiueo ant o\enlng bills on Saturday "A Hreezy Time" at the Parnntn lonlgli for the last time 'Jho usual Wc-dnc-bda matinee iic-rfonnanco will begin at J .to Duncan U. Harrison sajs "Tho King c tlio Tutf , " which will Introduce-.lack Mi AulilTo as an actor to Omaha pl.iiguei Thutbday oveuinp at thu rariuin. is aliou the host pleco ot dramatic \\oik ho has dense so far it containb all tliuhcnsalioual fu , tines of the best diama , the an fec-cnlo olTccts of the spc-cttuiilat , the p.ithi nf the emotional and lollicklng fun cnoug for half n doic-n farce coiiiuilas Tickets for Manager Ho.ul's bcnetlt at nliiMily going Hlto llio proxoiblal giiddlo One of the best , if not I lit ) bust , ol Duma comodluswill bo piosuntc-d and thodatol .Ma > 1. TITO I.Hhorer * I.IMII Ihi'lr lUi > . ST I/JUis , Mo , April ! Two l.ilwror working on the Dull line noir Iist St I/ul lost their lives this morning lo a dirt CM which thoi had turllj emptied toppling o\e onto thuiu. Matthew LuiU was luiocku Into tlio river nnd ilroivnrd nnd Siuiuirl Trainm tilnloiuM to ttio iilanlts. d > Ing licfuro WANTS A DIVOR03 Ills Ulfo Mttiln Him Do thr lloiuenork , After twcnty-lhnv voars ofpildoti llfo I'rancls M I'uiutiiliis has called on the courts to stner the bonds thit htuo bound him In his petition he nllpges ho Is n man ot good moral habits , but that his wlfo , Altco , has led him a lively llfo Under oath ho declares that for two \oars after the t-cri'inon.N was performed iho v\as us good u wlfo as OUT walked the f.iio of Ihoeirlh , but then she ch insjcd and made Ihlngs lively mound the home According to thoslon told l \ the inpors In the case , Alice commenced to neglect Prancls. and as the jeiis rollel ahmir the neglect became more appn mil unlll eleven \eaisago. when she tefused to wash and mend his clothes , compelling him to do this humiliating work The washing ami mend ing Prancis could have stood If Alice had stopped at that , but she did not , and never will , so ho alleges , if he con tinues to allow her to make his house her homo JCot min\ months airo , ho avets , Alice declined that she would glvo him no peace , neither night nor da\ , and as oviilenco that she meant Just what she sntd , upon Uvo occasion ! she. put poison In his eolToo foi the putposuuf sending him to the other woild Com t lloiisn Diiingi. Judge Walton was on tlio bench long enough jestordai to grant a lestrainlng order In the ease of Uiley ngulnst K tndeen Hoth ptiticsatothe ownersof lots hi Wai nut Hill Sandecu wants to open an alle.\ hotwcon his propcrtj nml that ovvnod bv IJlley , but Itlloi objects , hcnco Iho Injtinc lionThe The piintersh iv e t ikon possession of the sheriffs olllco an 1 w ill put II in a moie pi o- buntablc appc-.u-anco Cotintv .Itulgo l llc-r is in high glee over the fact that thoc-ounli commissionet.s 1 ave inci eased his tillowanco for i let-It hire f > 0 per month At this time the judge Is unde cided as lo whether ho will hlro ono fsO clerk , or put in two at s italics of ? H ) per month each .ludgo Walton was engaged jesterduv In heating aigmneuts in Ihe ease of Olio Heal unil fifteen otlrt'rdofemlanls , who want to en Join the c-iti from gruling Pierce stieot at the Intel section of Twotit\-fuurln .1 wrs/j i ; . > /s. "The Soggarth"a huioie Irish melodrama , was luesc'iited fet the Hist time In Oniilia bi the HIJou Stock compinj nt Wonderland on Monday and proved a gioit plcaser \ \ hlle not abound ing w 1th stat thug oil in i\es , it is Interesting from beginning to end The plot Is laid in Iieland and duals with the land-holding question , the lights of thn peas mtrv and their opptesslon by Ihe land- lotds I'lio leading chu.u-ters are in the hands of Kalph Cumming mid'0 ' Leigh , who leceno splendid suppoil from the b il- anco of the companv The spiulalt pro- giam is given bv ( iieen Andeison and ( iteuti , a clevei tno of vocalists , humoitsts ami buck d.iuceis , and Koiiugaul L > slu , a lellned teim of quick change ehit.ulei nt lists Thu reduction in pihis h is .USD helped atti ict latge utidienees to witness "The boggai th " _ I'm UK * Congh sj nip Has been so highlj icioiumended to us that we now ask our fi lends who tno suffer ing vv Uli a cold to give it a , nuJ if it does not give s uisfai lion your monej will be refunded lj\erv , bottle is sold on a positive guarantee 1'iico 50 cents and $1 IX ) All diuggUts. _ Dlell ot I'm nlj N ! , . Coroner Maul received a telegram Debtor- day containing the sad news that Mis Maul's father , William Solid iv. had died at Hanover , Pa . early that moiiiing The deceased ceased was d jears of age and was sunken wilh paraljbis last Puday with falal lu- sulls TwpntjenrnABO. . When wo first IntioducedWild's Line leum" wo had to explain that this remark able composition of gtound coik mid solid- Hied oil w.ib the softest ami best floor i over- ing m ido Now that people know its ad vantages wo have only to caution them to sec Hi it "Wild's Linoleum ' is piinted on the back so tliat they can bo sin o thev are huj - inir the oiigmal make , the handsomest and most durable- S.ifu In Port. Dr.TiioiT , Muh , Apiii 25 The steamer IJadgcr , which was last ropoi ted in the Ice near Detour with 300 Italian laboreis on boat d , has ai lived at Chebovgan minus her head gear , vawl and pit t of her dcc-U load of cedar , but with all on boa id well Mmlier TiiUes it iusj. : Mr C W Moshcris still at the Millud hotel and savs he will tumain tlieie until his trtil is i ailed In May Ho nld vestrnlav that } he ill 1 not Intend lo givi bund f , r lun niv" | Hainice but would remain at the lietil in charge > ifa deputy maishil HeMKicklig ( oiiiewliiit more mealtitlvc than ho vv.ik , vv hen he an Ived It-iini I'lilcipo a wei k a tv This nia > b occasioned bv liio fact Hint lit finds h s moans of leeieatlmi in Omnh * limn in tlte cltj bv the Inko. guw sinriiK , ' Istii'FMtsu , Mich . April'J.'i It ha rnovvcil 11,010 i r less for the past live dais and lunV . bermi n and miners are gieatlv hanipi red ID then opci.illons. J l. 'J ' CURES c'J ; " ' " * "MOTHER'S FRIEND" fcX ollcrod ililld hcarlnj ; U"in : > n 1 hnio liruu .1 in Id wife for many jc.trs ntid In ia > h inin vlipre - Mother's I rlcnd" hmll" i niiHfd It hat an iinipli hril wntiilon And i < n UM | intiili fiilliTing It l-t Ilio t'rst rrnicd ) f r rl lnir ul the tircust known , an. ; * * nrt1i tlip l > l < iifortliat alulic. Jilts. M M.lUu i ni , Monlg"HK'rj AH. "cut h > expro" , rhirqcs pnpiid , on tircipt of I itic.fl fiOjicrunttlo HRAnninLD RGUULATOR co. , I B ild by all druggists , AH.A.NTV , 11A , < It'4l t e n IU. I * . l srltlts , Consult lit ? snrKi'on. Gnduito of Hush al C i ozo dON- st i i v I ION lull ) 1 ir the troituient of PRIVATE B3S S S Wo euro Cntnrrli , All Dlsoiini oCtUa Noso. Tliront. Ouost. t > iomoii , nml i.ivcr. Blood , Skin nn I Kliluo ? Hssoi , FViiinlo Wcakiiossoi.oti Muiihooil CUHED. I'll IUST l.A H stllll' purmvtniiir cur * I win out tliu u o of knife 11 until rj nr c HUH n < * Alt ninlndie of n prlvxtjur dulUiiu tiAtar , of cltlni ponltlvuly cured ( nil on or adilross nltli stamp for tin nUri Iftat Hook nnd Itcilpei \\r \ \ onln ? Xr Pi I/I. / oUUlLi w. oLtl s , OMn \ , M it. i I i > . II u It * tin \tri * ( "l in iiiornm ? N * u u * Un r tlrfliroul kaini lay 1'erd'i t lit k' itniei 1 DLR.I.1 SU-il Floor , Puxtoii lllouk- lUthnuilFnrnuiu Strooti , riovntor un IHU bt , iMep ioaj lUs , 11UINU 1111"llll YOU SOUTH in i Union Stock Yards Company , oil Illf South ail fleet Cnttlo llo nndIi.'op market in ll > 9 woit. CQMMIS3I01 HOUSES Wood Brothers , Jl\o stook Commission More mnti So ill ) ' malm Iclephunc II > 7 - i lucaja JOHN I ) U\IHMAN ) i , . „ „ . . , „ . . * tt' " er \VAl.lrllt I. )0 ) i Market roportb by mill mid wire chucrfally Uinlshuil upon i.ppllu ilion 'THERE ' IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS. " BE WISE AND USE OMAHA H\T ) V Rector & Wjlhel.ii/ L1 n , I ) urn In li iril T irj n | Corner lath iint IIIUL I I 11. < t > 1 > l Dill IIJI Djil.1.13 it HAT ? , Efl. IRQ I WO Hi. W.A.L.Gibbn ) SCi. Onuha Safe .nil ; ) ! S llO lints # ) , safe * Tanin 11 i wirlc IlllttUllS III Irun nlmUuri n 1 llm u unit llurnoy i rtpui An Ira i t j ir- fit ut'i an I I i ki ni LUMBE ? . John A. Wal6"l3ll " , Clivle ? R Imported \mnrle m ! ' n l llnril u o i i j ij Inn I oj n Tit till v 11 C Ir iil ill , ir | l j kuuujtu nit fUi < l > , Mln / II HU wutlullu 13. Kill mil Jjulu Frick & H3ro3rt , 1. Ob3cnil3r b Co Impiuir , in I l miri \\lioluBiloll iiio uf mini i' " r notitii. . Mull 01 I .ri v u iiy 1001 l-nrntiu it- ( ) > .li i I 11 M. PAPER , OIL" . Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil C ) , , ( nriy a full of l > rlntliiK , vrrnpitli Itotliioi anil luoriciti ) wrlUim | iiiir | < . imjitr alt < llll , nXlU KfHt 0 1)19. PR03J7- C\1',1U5IJI Brancli & Co , , Jas , A. Clark < S C ) . ( I'toduco , frulti of all lluller rln > Jll. puultrw unit ti 11,3 , klniln nynturi II 1 IJlh t STOVE REAnt. SVSI. 0)11 ) OmahaSton Rjpiir \M > ltKJ , item ropuln Mnnufncturvri of m u anit walDr atlaolirutfntt Uouri , til I n it i aail fur auy klud uf iiiouliluui brmr.U u ( > , 12U ] fic , Kill nail U vt