THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : THURSDAY , AI'IUL 18 , 1693. 8PEOIHL NOTICES. " IIVHKII-I MKNTtt Toll 'JIIMK ioi.lrM" * A wl'l lie taken until 1ZWJ | > m for llifl evening and until s .op m for Ihu morning and inndsrcdlti on * Artvertl ir Iir nquesting * mimherfld rhwk ran li RVO thi-ir answers addicted to i muiberrd Icltor nrsrot.f ItirlirK AnswrM so addressed will ba delivered ti | ; m uicsontatlou o ( tlio ehork SITUATIONS WANTED. Hales H c a word flr t Insertion. li n word there after Nothing Hiken for leu than 1f _ AI.OM Y * A 1IAIIII HA VI' A LI nrF' : rKN ographers nil crniles furnished business men free ( , H.N \ I Ho 'Jel M3. > UVi All A -WANTI'D ' PiilMANI8N'l : HTl AI ION WITH 1 Vgood house by rotnpf tent , experienced gentle man slcnoeriiphi r , tinning marhlne l'r t of refer ences i : d I lay I finals , la , 770 11' \ IIAKKII HIM A-fio > TWANTED'HY"Tifisr Jv clans brcnd nnd eako baker and crnnmcnlor Address F J I'coolUco. Wi 13 * fill A I KIN WANTI'.D , IIV M AltlllBD MAN with eight jt nrs oxrrlenct | > s ( ravelins sales inan An ) t < < il line llrntuf rrfotonres Address I' o box ' i. chuyler Neb IV - ' ' kll SlIII'l'IM * I LKIttt WAN Id A-I'M'MllirM rufurutico furnished Address 41" N 2 tli avenue M5U IT * -1-oai'lION AT OM'i : IIY OI5.NTI.EM AN VV stenographer ; toiun experience , good rufiir rnces A rid n HK V K7 lire M5.I7 la' \V AMID MALE HELP. lluus IVr 11 woril ttrsl Insertion , l < n word tbero alter Nothing tnki'li for less than i'n. HSAl.\ll\ OH ( OMMIXMON ' 10 AdENIS'lO handle tlin I'ntcnl ( lidnltnl Ink I raser Pencil 'Ihemcist unoful und novel InieHitlun of llio nun 1'rasei Ink thoroughly In two IM conds Works Ilko innglc < > uio IV per tent prollt Agents miking IfiutiM w < ek \\n also want n ion"rnl IIUPII' to tnku < hnrm of territory nnd appoint sub nkonts A rnru ohnnto lo makf ) money Wrlto lor terms find n KpctitiH'n of erasing Munroo Lraslng Mfg ( o , Y .li I u i r"-v > Uls till JO' j WA'Tln rilAVKI I.NH l-ALKHMEN 'fO J /.HI [ bakltii' ( lowdnr.oputour goods In glass rol "ng pun fc'Ji ' month salary nnd i xpcnses or 25 ] IT cent cc.mmlsMon hend wtnuip lor reply Ihlcsgo llnklMk' Powder Co. . 7li7au IJiiroii M , < ulcago MJiJ M 8KB T-TTF" \ OH"AIflTTKI KIM ) A 1IKJH I'grille position Wo Imvc tilnrpil Inimlrpdii In iood positions Wtrtirn Huoliiuss AKIMIOY Slli N \ hltobldt ; ' . 'U u30 ] I-I.AIIII'U | AND UO'KMKN UN 1 III * II K. JI 1 Mly f > xtuifon In Soutli Dnkoti HOPI ft75uiul f.tU f n D puns Krnmer \ O Huaru 1 Bbor Anen cy , 01 Soulli Mill slice ! M < ; i 17 * BIIYOt WANT A ( lOOIl I'AYIM. JOII WHITE the Hawks Nursery ( o , Milwaukee , WIsMlfiMV 1) \ \ AN'I 1 ! IIAILKOAD LAIIOIIEHS Kill 'IHE JJII A M extension near Iliad" oed South Da- kola good wages free pa--s llonntreu ' ' " I ahor AgercyM \ \ 1 iirnam stiect HDI.NlIh'l A.NIKD , A COilPIU'ENT I'Kll- son who untie rstands tlentlslry Addreis K U , lie no Mice M12J 1 ; J'MAKEUS WANTED J. II McDONALD , I.Mh st 4M It ! pAN I LI ) , A MUST CLASS t ( IA'1 MAKKll AT I > oneo by ( II Ilarnes , Ilmtln s , Neb steady work 4i.l U * tt -\VA.vri.i > . 'iiiiMMUi. Mt&r UK A cnl tailor nddress i : 'i. llee 44h U p-WAVIEII A Illir ( I.A'-S , KAI I'grocery rnlesmiin to take the route of Iho late iiooigo 11 Molt , would Ilko a uiiin V'ornuulily liimlllar with that piirtltulnr roule mint have a man of rxr erlence no other lit cd appl } . tan oiler uu ext client position to right man Address us at < urroll , Letts , 1 Ictcher Company , \\holesalo < lrocers M4W 17 | > lAILiltiAMKI' . 1\\O HIlbT-tLASS J' coiitmakers nt once , * tcady work niid good pay at N Nlllscu , Merchant 'lallor , hiemunt , Nfb MI7i , 11 * I ) llll i , l LI HKS UAN'IKI ) \MIOLICSAI.E Dllnn llrtt class exprrlenctd llll t It rk only men who are rapid and act uralo ami huvt ) bten em liloycd In billing for lurLU iiiircunllle hounes need answtr L.OOI ! list's and steady work to proper persons Address E 81 , llee Mlu > IJ * | > WANTI'I ) LUATMAKICII. I700fll 00 , FA III. JJp itld on arrival N' Ulolm llrokcn How , Neb 4lu 13 1 > WAMKD I IIC-T CLASS I'LUMllKIl , AT J > oncc > Id.'Of upllol nvo W.IU n-WAN'irn MI. in JAM'IOII , .MLST iTii -1 ) tlrst class man and trustworthy Apply at I'rank J llnmge 51 Mi 14 _ _ ( ,101) 'IA1L011S- , STI.AinVOHK AND K pay. tOKOOd men o. T Lumlceii , tnllor- 1on Neb E-WANTED , LOCAL AtlENIS IN KVEUY town In Kansas nnd Nebraska to sell vinegar on commission Address box 211 , M Joseph , Mo MfQIU * II-MAN WANTED TO SELL AND COLLECT J 'In country Apply at Singer olllco , ISIfi Douglas M&OUM11 1) , \\AVII.II i NEiK.r.ric MAN 10 J.EAUN l > city buslneps Kxpcrlence unnecessary und alary to rlkbt party Apply liVA.S hli. 1-illbT CLASS II.M'F.HIHNCKD Jjdry oods salesman : must understand dress tioods Ihorouiflity , and come well recommended Huston More c malm 021 H } WAN 11.1) , CAHD bld.N WH1TK11 1IOHTON JMore , Omaha Ml li 1 } WANT1.D. HHST CLASS faUOU SALESMAN , Done speaking llohemlan preferred tltiston I-tort ) Omnlia 5 1 It B WANTKI ) , A CAHHlAC.iOOD WOHKMAN at HO' . ' Dodpc st 531 U T > THAI I LINO SALESMEN MENEllAL J } gt iits und con\ussors looking for largo salar ies big t ommlKstons or enormous protlts se'llug an nrtlcle of rare mtrlt anil protected by a patent , fchniild comiiiunlcato with the undersigned atonco \\oasfclgnlnrgo territories and protect our repre- Address 1 actory , 178 and ISO Commer- clal street 1 ynn Muss ! * BWANT15D , MUHT JAMJOllMUST HE AN experienced , llrst class man and trustworthy. . \ppl > til I rank J llnmge M5UU It _ - WAN'IH ) , A COOD COAT MAK.EII AN 2513 N 1- slreet Smith e malm M530 15 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates me a word tlrst Insertion , Ion word there after. NniliiK ) lakon for less than 23c \ \ o MANt > WAir ON TAIII.I : AND"DO cenural liousenork Wnien tJOU per week Mutt sleep ut home Apply at UI2 DouRlas. MhnS C" \ \ AN'I hi ) A LADY TO AbM.T US AT 1IOMK In mnllini : und addresstDR clrculurs 1-ortermii si nd uddicpfcd and Htani ) cd envelope llerllm lent tccrctury toulh llend Ind M.'j . ' 4 * I-WA.VIKI ) ( .Illli I-OU OF.NKUAL 11OUSK . work small family I.lit North Hull ft 2U /I-WANTH ) C.1HL toil ( iKMIHAL v work aniLt be good cook Apply 1\H7 Dodge Direct MM1 \ \ \\EKKL\ lUTl.Nt , AT liotufl for tiIcn 'Jollet company , bouth llend. Ind NO camnsilni ; lloul ) with addressed slumpcil envelope. MJoo 14 * CuM I'h 'I hNT I OOK WANTED AT 3IU NOHTH I8lh strut JW li' ( \ WVN'IFD , 1\\Q ( illtl b.Tlli.Ki : IN FAMILY , V Apply No \\orthlMBton I I'lace , opposlto llruwnull hall near - 10th street ibt 1 \-V \ , VN'lEl ) A ( .1111. toil l.EMHtAL V work , 11131 Douglas bt MtsiU- ( \ \\ANTED K.M'inilENCED HOI SKMAII ) , v/rrferenccs required , Inqulro Mrs ( lee li Lake , 2.W7 Dodzo 4W U * l \ \\ANTEI ) tOMI'hTBNT WAIST HAND V and un apprcntlca girl at Mrs. A Hlco's room , 15 llushnmn blk 4'U 18 * /i WANTED LADhlENocitArEii AUK 20 V to . 'j years , must be Intellluent , accurate nud d icated ethers will please uot apply. Address 1C 40 , llee 53. | J- ( \ WNTKD A f-ECOND tllllLMt ALSO SEE V to the children good wages paid lUl S .10 ave MC-18 f1-\\ AN I I'.l ) , ( , tU ) ) COOK AND SECei.M ) ( Hill. V May I to go In thccou.itry for the summer Ilest of wages Call I''vlii M Mary's n\e 575 14- AN ICM'EHIEM'FD . . . . Any other positively will not do K. 1' Walker SJi K lUth st f. j ] \\ANIED AoMl'KTE.NT I.UIL 1'OH tjEN V era ! IioukUworL In family e > f iwo Apply at 5-1)1 ) Vnnimu sircol > I5H li' _ p \\ANTICD I.IUI. 1-1)11 OE.NEHM , IIOI K V work sumlllauillr , no wnshlnK , must have tlrst class referencB IS2l I'ark avenue. Mill 14 * i WAVIKD ( .osii'i-ThNT ( iiui. roii OEN- etal housework , wutis4W ! W5 toward ht M5.W 15 FOR RENT HOUSES. Hates , IDon lluemch Insertion ( I M a line per month Nolhlnt ; tukou for less IhanMc. TT-l-Oil Iir.N'l IIOUSEB IN ALL i'AiaS O F J-'clly 1 he l ) r. D Us compauy , 150 ; 1-arnam st H'i _ _ _ _ r\-tOH HIM' , TWO 5 UOOM COn'.MSK ! ) QJJ /motor Call at Southwell cor Uth aud Douelat modern ( . H KUutter. SOI lice blilg D-FoiiuN" wo IHOICI : n ATS. ID AND Jdlloors Inlliti i : Her block cor IBlh and Uckacin nrctU nll ntl llZlUriiey street MStfl TtOOM for 1(1 ( per moclh It. ! U , McLntfuo bloir _ OiO D -ANU - -HUOMAl'ATlTME.N'W D011N block , wltb itcam , llvr renes rtqulrcU.blO S d _ M D-H1UUKNT 8 IIOOM fOTTUir. , listr ttO per mo , Including ! ly water HI N SI. tske Faioaoicw btoelnl. SUt Jt l--LAMC > K LIST HOUBh8 , I'AUJ , UU ) FAUNA V * ' JJlJiMM FOR RENT-HOUSES t Olllllltlf'I DFtiAT'MIWni.I.IMWOTTAtIK' ' ALL I'AltTS clly Kilkenny A Lo , II I , tunllnenlal block tAlt. > ! AND CITY LOANS WANTED , MONEY en hanil Lar u ll t of IIOIHM for rent , ( .eo W I' ( onle room li , ItWI M. MM ) II D rioimTi.ATs fx NKW MODKHN nr H.I Ing ecntrnlly lo-oted ( MIMindtnuu per month Kclkennjr , V Lo room I Continents blk MUM ? 1 \-Hil IlKNI MfllKIIN"IIOOM HULSI'.S ON -l/M-lli anil CR S strcols tail at oncj , I'l llee Illrti ! HnrrM 111) ) 11-IUiOM KI.AT. fll. V UOOM H.AT. l T- J room tint l.0 All runTcnloncui Opp Ji-nuri on Iqunro I obertn. | ii8 ! < hiiouo 1T7M * -llilHK Hill IIKNlTi HOCMH. ALL NhWI.Y papered liuiiilto nt Urt t-oulh Iklb 43SII ! * D-ioit iTiK.ST , TTv"uojM : MUIIKIIN MOI * K iiZM koulb r.lh l cloru to builncis cenlur tlvo loom roilAKd Mi d'Miih nth i > t near motor line rciils rjaioiinblB In ( ulrj (111 ( aoulb I7tli tl .MIJ7 D-l , III OM IIOL'SI' Mi Nt.All MASON school Inquire loli Am tit SJnd st I \-l-OHHENl 10 UOOM HOUSE , 2101 DIH ( ILArt l-'streel rnqulro of Morlli Meyer , eor loth nnd 1 artiiim l > 5 loiritEN'i , 81IOOM CuTTAt.K , Vtlt.NITIjHE lor-.ale cheap tH N IVtli st , 41" " 10 * -i IK OM'IOITAOE To" ilk NT. WELL AND cistern water ISUO per month I immure for sale chonp 'J02 * Avenue D , t ouncll Illurti MI7I D-NKW HAT 7 IIOOMS , MOHKHN IMI'UOVK- iBcnSs tnyiiihBt la is * D-KHt IIKNT8 UOOM I OT1 At > KAI.L MOIIKHN conronlpitcpii SI' " IStli it. 5IT li lt S IIODM 1101 SK. i , ItdOM COITACIK. .M.I. J-'inoilurn bountiful ln niliuilo , ( tc M 1. tor IVMcl nml Ml.i . inn sit tilt DMI 1 , IIOI HI * 8 UOiiMX M'AH .12(1 AM ) ropploton nvcniu1 with linll , tmrlor IIIK room kite lii'ii , fvt\ nut room pitiitrict , four nice' bu < l roomi , il < m Also plcenut hrkk lieu o nonr I'nnirnm pirk with reception riioin pnilur ilinlnit ronru klldiun pnuti ) , lour Iiiinl9ouio bed ronmti balli room cto.fjUUU lllixsjUj.N I I.lfu bliltt M3JI 17 | \-l. AM ) S 1K10M HOI'SI'.S , CKN'lllAL Lor V J'llon Iniiulro J F llnrton.'jjlj Lapltol avenuu. 511 IJ * FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. llntcs , l' c n word llr t Iniorllnn Ir n word there niter NoihliiK taken for li > s thnn tic " ElLltNlsllEI ) IIOJMSirlt -TKAM HI'AT for xeutlemcn only , I51J Howard tt , Sud Uoor OJI I4'-l-OIl IlKM , FIHINl UOOM 8U1TA1JLK l-Oll Ijono ( .eptlemnn .ll.'l l > ivenport bt \IUi7 J/- 3 I UllNISlIKI ) ItOOMM HH )'I Ml Jfor man und wife Kent taken In board. 311 N Kill lib Hl-HJltMaHElAUNl'LllM-HEUliiCAI > AVK. JJ MI1JM9' JJ-H HMSIIFI ) IKIOM" . MODKUN COVVKN- Ifnct's pleasant loiation. outslilo rooms ( tufj , fit DO nnd SIJUO li * "i DuiUa street , MI72 U * E-l\Nci I IIIIM'-IIKI ) ItOUM-1 , tKMi.iMKN only iOlO Davcnportstreet MIOJ i-MKI.\ IIM-IIII.II HIONT ItOUM111I J-Jnleove , modern coincidences JIS N 2Jrd MaJ2 aJ2 E Hill HUNT , H HNHHKI ) UOOM SOI7 Hartley Ml 14- _ . ' - III M 1O Hi I'lllil.K IIOOMS I olt l.lillir IdiousokccpliiK 1S2I I apltjl nvenuu M > ! 54 | * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Itntet l * c a word tlrst in erllon , le a word there after Nothing take'ii lor less than Jjc I ? lilt ; DOLAN , at AND211 N. I8TH 3T. TOO _ J7liOlNOOIKNo ) 11OJ1K , UNDKIl CAUK Ol * J- Woman s Christian association , HI so 17th st. Wl _ _ ij1 HOAI'.I ) I'ltlVATK HOUSK , N'KWI.Y FLIl- nlshed , home table , rates moderate Mil Kur- littin itHA12 * F-ltOOMS WITH IIOAUI ) J. MC- I t UMMIl : ! ) * 110 NT OU HACK - rooms with board , i-ood locution , near buslnes center , bath jas , low chames fi.'O North l' ' < th street MI7I 13' l.i-l I UMbllKI ) KOOMSMIIl 1IOAHI ) lll'F 1 urenccs 2214 I nrnam _ 144 14 * 1-NF\VI.\ 'jUMSIU.D ItOOMs WITH HOAIll ) , iMINJMli J142J 15 * SOU'IH FilO.VT liOOM WIT H - ilrtt class boird I' a Dodt-o st 49J 14 * -VIJIIV I.AIK.K hOUTH UOUM , MLUI.V 11 II- JL nlshcd , with llrst class homo table , at 2JU' ) tar' nam , also two tnble boarders m5)5 ) 14 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS Hates , IJtfo a word llrst Insertion , Ic n word there after. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc -3 NICK UOOySCHu' 103 JJOUTlsTH ST. _ - . .Hidi ; G-'l\\0 I.AItCli HOOMS , HIItNlbHKI ) Oil UN. f urnlthed ; ono north nnd one south front : ! 5S3 llnrney _ _ _ _ _ M611 14 * G-.1 KOOMS S W COItNKll le/TH AND L1SAVKN worth streets M643J8 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES ItBten , lOc a line each Insertion. { 1.50 a line par month NothliiR taken for lets than 25c FOUH bTOHY IIIUCK IlUHmNa. sr wldi' 1407 llnrne ) st. _ < nr > 11OH ith.Nr. sionn ON s HTH t-T , I.ANGE block sultabln for meat market , hnrdnure or dry Koods store Inqulro tOuS 1,1th st MM T hOlt 11KNT , THK 4-STOilV 1IH1CK IlL'ILDINli lnr | nrnam st Iho bulldlUK has a tlrejiroof co inont basement , complete steam hoatlui ; tlxturew , water on all the Moors , ens , etc Apply at the olllco of flhe lloe _ yio T 1-011 HKNT ONI ! THUHK-Sl'OKY AND HASH J ment brick store butldlni ; 10JJ 1-onmm "trcet ; one story mid basement brick slore building , 415 houth lllh street lint 415 . onth llth street , ona store , llli , Cnpltol avenue All In tlrst class con dltlon , for rent on reanonnblo terms Inquire of A J 1'oppletou , room Jll First Nulonol Uuukblde. M2U r-01iHCESWlTHNELL L SW MS AGENTS WANTED. Itatcs H < o n word llrst Insertion le a word there after Nothing laken for less limn 2jp i-Aor-Nis. IJTHIII : AE.DO you \\ibii A ' peed poslllon soiling our llread Cake * c 1'nrlnk' Knives also "Carver ) No capital needed Goods llu-ht and attractive I'rollt 100 per cent , tluuss Miear Co , Kansas ( Ity , Mo. M4TO Mil ) ' WANTED TO RENT. Hates , IHc a word tlr-.t Insertion , lo a word tnero- after NothlnKtakon for less than ' > c K WANTED TWO Oil TIIllKIt HOOMS H'U nlshed for houseke-eplni ; Any location Not over Jl. ' OU per mouth Address K U , lleo olllco. M545 13 * K-\\ANTBD T\\OOHTHIIIK rooms by marrlcil couple Uefercncesexchanged Address K 42 , leo M5IU 14 * STORAGE. Hates , lOo a line each Insertion , II SO a line per. month Nothing taken for less than25c M fuTiAuLL"VlUUAM ] wu W-bTiillAQK Mll HOUSEHOLD ROODS , clean vnd cheap rates It. Wells , llll larnam , UUJ M-HEATlNtJSTOVEh faTOUF.D JUIUN ) < . fcl'M- nier , special itorage for household Roods 'lei. I > c0. law Douglas. Omaha Store Hepalr works M487 WANTED TO BUY. Kates , mo a word ilrnt Insertion , lo n word there &fler. Nothing taken for less than XSc , XT CASHoH 1 > Roods , etc. , or will sell for owner In our auction talcs. It Wells , llll harnitni Mb V" WANTKI ) , A SECOND HAND I1OOIC CASK , 1 > waluut or uiahOKHuy. Addrcts U Ja , liee FOR SALE FURNITURE. lutes , me n word tlrst lutortlon , Ic a word there- aflar Nothing taken lor lets than Me. 0-FOU8ALB , ALL CAIU'FTS AND FUUNlTUnK of a 10 room home Must bo sold at once 2.W Dod0 ( M4I8 li _ 0-tOH HALB CI1KA1' NICE KI1CIIEN AND hall furniture , X'it Caldnvll street H9 l : * iOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. limes , IHc a word flrit Insertion , lo a word llicro- after Nothing taken for less than :6o. T"KAM nml carrUto. L. W 'lullejs. 1QJ 1'earl bU , Coun- ell Ulutli 1FOII SAI.R. A HOOD I'HAETON AND 1IAU- - > nest for only { 40 W. A. 1 > Tukay. B18 N V I.lfa I'ldit ' J87 U _ 1rtlll 8ALK. A MCE 11)NY CilBAP. I-TO90 1 A r Tukeytll8N V Llfellldt ! MI 14 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. UaUs me a word tint Inscrtlun , Ic a word theri after Noililnit Ukun for leu luan'-tSc Q -BIUCK FOH tALU" i'UBAl * / "fill AM ) Dorcas. t its FORSALE MISCELLANEOUS. _ Cnntlnvni , -uTAsiAt ATTIK'U'MV ' baled hay at MM per ton on hoard onrs nt Ames , Neb This price mar bu withdrawn nl any lima , WU _ -Kt'll HIISTCLASM PATHS M roll HALE orlrade Joseph D Miillli , llox * )7 ) UlslngClty , Neb 10U Ml * -FOHSALh. 1'UIIF. . DAKOTA 1UI8S1AN H.AX thoroughly cleaneil for sowing Wrlto for samploand price llrctt-llakcr Co , Henry S I ) IRJ-ASI' r\-KJIlSALK , THOHOfdllllllElixT IIKHNAllD Wand ( Heat I ane pncplo * pedigreed stock ; extra Hue bred , two months old Lull Hotel Del lone , or address J. l , 1 uril 10) lourt avenue DCS Molnes 4JU 12 * ' -1.000 CATALl'A TUKE : * WHOLE ALI ! I niaha Heal Kstato and Trust company room I , 1'eu building MIB5H Q -mil."flI.tOI ) WlllTi : I.FHHIIN ( STOCK eggs , tl Si setting Addrcsi o"J ( enter Mreet _ Q-IOH SAL.K , t.MtllK UNB WA'I I'll liOtl. half bluoilliounil. Imlt urcfliounil clcnn , Intclll Kent , owner li'nves tllr Inqulro Urnnit t entrut liotol Anil U * QKOIt S.A1.K , O.NK MMIhK SI HHKY HAH ncm iicnrljr now unil one nluK'u ' linrnuH , clicnp HKW Cnpltol uvunuu _ 'I ' MISCELLANEOUS Hates. lle n word first Insertion Ir B wont there nftur Nollium Inkeu lor lc' i than S5e -"w " jMiK'nuH 10 KMIW Unit we riMiovuto nml tlioroiiKlily clcnn Iir thu luoiit Itnprovod protcjsua featlifr buil-t unil iilllown lllulic' t iiiurk t price * paid for new nnd uld funtti ct > Illllnw A Doup , lllh unil Dnveupart Tele pliono I Wl ' -TVi'nw HI i mis i-ou HUNT WKC-AN nl li you c'ltlif r n No 2or > o 5 lUiulniftnn type writer In Mrsl rlii-i ( ondlllon oil rontul ( , lvo us a rail \ \ y < kolTiMinmns \ Uunedla , 171. frnrnnm utivi't , Oiauhn .Seliriukii sir ) | ) -OM fAUl'hl' , UUU H.hAMNO ( O.-'ib iLllilcniio MA.3AU * 11 Kill ItllM. LAND IN' rilACrS TO SUIT , II near I lurcnco Inke. 100 ncreIn all HOKIM .V Hill I41H l-nriiiiiu street MSalA J K-n \' . A uUj I'AIN IN Tim i'ir ot llio ftoiniicli , promptly relived by taking hnrek.i Cntnrrli Lure All druKiil tti .ilCK LOW 1011 SA1.B AT A'lU'J Ivinekson .M4S1 18" K icntsAi.K nouDiiAM ) MAPI : inticK ON rori at HHlaviie Neb 11 'J Clnrko 3111 llonrd of'Jrnile Uiunhn MJ94 li C L AIK Y VO Y AN T3. lintes lOc n llnu cncli Insertion , $1 SO a line per month .Nottilntitnkeri for tats than 2oc C Mllb NANMK V WAUllKN. CI.AIHVOVAST , Orcllnblu business modluni tlftli yonr at 11V N irtli M C-Mlltf 1)11 M I.UHUAVK I'HOl'IIHTfS'.DISAI ) * 'trnnco rlnirvovnnt nd life render , tells your llio Ironi crndle to ifrn\u cnn bu consulted on nil nltnlrs of life hn tlio celebrated t yptlun breastplate plato to unltu the aep.irnted nnd cause mnrrlnKo with une you lo\o Lome one rome nil , nnd bo convince 1 of liorrcniarKnute i > o ers O.llce mid rolileniu 417 s lllti nt uourn II o in to lip in Strict life chnrt nml photo of your future wile or hu bninl nenl through mall for $3 UJ churl itloup , i.'OO All luilera contulnlng i cents In stumps promptly iin ueret 'M III' MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. HatPi Iir 11 line c-ncli Insertion ? l M a Hue per month . .Nolhlnt ; Inken fet le s thin . ' > o CAlt-ON 1IJI DOUOLAsSI ItKln , iltl ) J Moor , room 7 iniissaiio ulcoliol sulphur unil soi l > nlb . MJ 11 * _ M'-VADAMH Mnil. Mi S UFH 2SIIAOK , 1 Itoomla sa.'e , vapor alir'-oi , ateam.rluhur I -10 unit sea batln MJ7b 15 * PERSONAL. llnte IHo n wordtlMt Insertion Icn word there after Sothln laken for less than Jjc quick well , honorably , send lUc for Matrlmonlnl Isew * .Mernur ui tiled In plain ajalod onvolopj SIcrcur , 2i3bth st , New York Jl'iH AIS' -CUT THIS OUr AND I'llKSKVl' AT COWAN'S photo studio SI.M nnd 2lil LitinlnK > t ind you will bo entitled to 12 arlsto cfulnot photos of yimr- self , ulltudxa cudi nndoneSxIU ntlito for JI ' . 'J without this fjOU for ton days only fakon In nil kinds of weather Lome one coinonll MS21 A 27 -WlI.l.IAM IlTTotJl.Ii 4MOKK KINO l.OL IS , 3 for S5c , nil will bo forclven trncy , Tobso conl-t llroirn blk unil lloujl is 8Ji A 27 U MAS--Ai : TUKATMKNT. H1.KC1 UK * 1 IIKK mal baths scalp nnd hnlr treatment , mnnleuio nnd chiropodist Mrs I'oaWIUMi 8. lotU , Wlthuell bit 103 _ U-AN IM.l'BTItATKl ) MAIIHIAGIC I'APEH , rich nut ! aplcy contnlnliiK hundreds of nrtver- tliciuonts of wvnltlir , buautlf ill womennud hand bomn nienxockln correspoiulciits send for frcu copy Kindly Inclose stamps llrowu 1'ub Co , 'Jemplorimrt Tolerto ft. 14 18 * I'lUKH I'KHMANKNILV CUUKI ) UV A BliiKle painless treatment Diseases of the rectum n specialty lr ) A , J Cook , Annex ( Jrnnd hotel Council 11 lulls M3JI 21 MCTSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion , f 1 50 a line per month Nothing taken for lots than 2Jc V ( j"ir OELLKNIIBCK , 1 1810 California street MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. Hates , lUc n line ouch Insertion. (1 W a line per month .Nothing tnkcn for less than "Ac puny , 1703 Farnam street. wj W < i. Tiiuarco , UEISULDQ UIO T C. F UAHUIS N. 012 N. Y. L1FK. 911 \\r-MOUTtJAGK liJANS LESS THAN 7 I'EIl cent Including nil charges. Charles W llaliley , Omaha Nut bank blilK 013 W WANTED AT ONCIS LOANS ON IMI'HOVEP ' Omaha property , low rates. Fidelity Trust compauy , 17U3 1'arnam st , Ku ) W l.OANSON IMI'llOVED AND UNIMl'KOVKIl city propertyfJ.IKX ) and upwards S tol.Hi pel cent No delays. W hnrunmbuiltli A. Co ,15th und Harnoy 014 \\r--OMAIIA SAVINGS HANK AlAKE'i LOANS on real estate nt lowest market rates Loans made In small or larco sums for short or IOIIK time No commission Is churBcd and Iho loans nre not sold In tlio east , but cnn nlways bu found ut the bank 011 the corner of Uth nnd PoiiRlas us Ulo \\f-l AND 2 YKAH LOANS ON CITV AND FA KM 't morlKaees ItcedA helby , 311 Hoard of Irado 017 \\r-MONKVTOLOANONOMAHA AND I'OUN > ell lllutts reil estate nnd Nebraska and Iowa farms at from 5 to C percent Interest , with no nd dltlonal chnrK ° s for com missions or at tor neys lees. W 11 , Metklo 1st Nat 1 bank bid * , Omaha. VIS IT MONEY 10 LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. T IheO I Davla Co , ISJi Furnaiu street SID VlT-ANl 1IONY LOAN AND TltUsT CO , J18 N. Y. ' Life , lends nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property WO IT-MONEY ' 10 LOAN ON IMlMIOVhD CITY l properly , low rates A. C. Frost , Douglas blk 'J21 W MONIH TOLOAN AT IXM\KST UA1ESON Improved and unimproved real estate , 1 to 5 years Hdellty Trust Co , , 17U2 Farnam Wj "W-LOANS , O O WALLACE , 313 1IUOWN HLIC " MrHEAI. . KSl'ATE LOANS , 1'ACL , 1 ( FAH M nam JI1H5I1 * \\7-OMAUA LOAN A. T11LVT COMPANY , ICTH < i and Douglas loans money or city and farm property at lowest rates of lutercat 21.1 \\f-1'HlYA't E HINDS FOn LONG AND SHOUT it time real estate and commercial loans Wo huy paper and write tire Insurance llcriouit & . Connett , " 045 N. Y Life 574 M5 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lOo a line , each Insertion , f I 50 a llnu per month Nothing taken for less thanluv. ! OMAHA MOUTGAUE LOAN CO. i INCOHl'OHATED. ' ' ' ' . YF'YOU'W ANT'MONEY' , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD hcIHMTUUK AND 1'IANOS. HOUSES.YAO.NS ! AND CAUUIAOES , WAHEHOUSB HECBins. MBUUIANDISE , Oil ANY oniEll SECUIUTV , We will lend you any amount fromflUOUIotUXJU ON THE 1)AYOU AUK FOH IT without publicity or removal of property , You can pay the money back In any amount you wish and at any time and oici payment so made will reduce tbecost of the loan. Ueinrniberthat you have the use of both the property and the money , and pay lor It only as long as you keep It. There will bo uo expense or charge kept out of the amount wanted but you will rccotvo the full amount of the loan. Ilefore borrowing elsewhere call and sea us and you will tlnd It greatly to your advantage OMAHA MOHTtiAKH LOIN CO. , SOU bOUTH 1 TH S1HEET , tint Boor above the street TUB OLDEST , LAIIOEST AND ONLY INCOnrOfl- ATEDLOAN COMPANY IN OUAHA. . _ 9J4 X-l'IUTCHAHD , M DOUGLAS IH.K.I6 4 IXJDOK m X WILL IrfAN JIONKY ON ANY KIND OF 8E curlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block , UT7 -MONEY , 40. CO , 50 IUV8. CHEAP HA1KS and easy payments , on furnlturs. plsuot , live stock , etc. . without delay or publicity : cash on hand. Dun lirtsa. luom > , llarker blook. IC& . MONEY TO LOAaSCIIATTELS. . ( ' ( iiltlfiiifil. -DO YOU WANTMll.NKY . TIIF. UDMLIl'V l AVUlAUANTt-KCO ( , IttHIM 4 WirilNKI.I , IILOCK. M sou in urn. COUNEII HA UN KY ST TflO \ AHT OB \ D11 ALL DOLI.AB3\ \ OP. WE M\KK LOANS OV trilMTUItG JIOII1F.9 rAIIUIAIlEWAIIEIIOI'SK HKCEllM'S Oil 1'Ell BONALI'HOPKIITV Oh A.N\ KIND / WILLI DO WELL , /TOO / /DI 3ALL ONDI nnar. OUH 1KIIMS WILL MKI'.T VOt U AI'I'IIOVAL You can pay the money back ut any time and In any amount you wish and thus reducu the cost of carry ing the loan In proportion lo amount you piy IF lOU owe u balance onour furniture or otlior personal property of any kind , we will pay It oil for > ou and curry It as long ai jtiu desire \OUCA.N lAVill ( | \10NKY IN O.VK 1IOUH FHOM THE TIME ML MAKrf AI'l'l.lCA'l ION. No pulillclty or removal of property no that you get Iho use of bolli moner and propjrtv Wl BUSINESS CHANCES. Hates luca line cneli lii"ortlon ( t M n line per mouth r-olltluK taken for lc"s thnn * > c. Y-IWIl 1ALK. tOMl'J.lirK IHIUO STIICIC AN'I ) 1 store fixture * \\nterloo. . Neb Satisfactory terms to the rlxht party only driiE store In town 1'nqulreof. Meyer i. llaupkc , or Knu Nevlns Co Oiuahn ' .HI VANONK \VHHINO TO KMI MII * iv 1111 : I fnrnlturo nnd tindertnklni ; business cnn hear somethliiK to their Interest by addressing h 6 this oltlco 'J4I 12 * Y HAVI" Cl felOMltlt Klt I OM'IIUU.ISd IV lerest In national bunk of $ 'oWOU-J ( to f iCOOJOO In enstcrn .Nehin-kn t uslomor wllh Ju 000 and lon , { evporlenco want" caxhlershlp In prl\nti > bank un'tern MMiraskn Ciistomers for subitnnllil bank Interests of every character lufor nation held confidential Ample references \\rlto for particulars ( , U Wallace , llrown block Omaha M4M 14 * vou SAM : , bAi.oo.v 111,11DINH AM > II\ lures on N street Inqulro of J W Slpu 54IS N street , South Omaha MO AT ( . ( lit SA.K | fjouo ( IHOCKltV S'lOCK A.NI ) i fixtures Jlest stand In city , good for moat market also Address K 35 , llee M5IO II- V WAM'K" PAIITNKK IN TUB HKAI. K3 JL tale , low nnd abitrnct business Addrevs 1 * 9 , Ilco ! > 0 17 * Y WAN-run. A PAUINHIl1TH CAPUA ! . TO tnku lialf Interest In allrstclass drnmntlo I o with star of established icputatlou Address 1 ! 41 llee jJO 14- FOB EXCHANGE Hates lOoa line each Iniartlon ? 1 5) a line par montli. _ Nothing taken for less thnn 2. > c y 4SOAcuiov LHAi f-i the be"t winter wheat ill'trlcti In Knu" n to ox clmtiKO for ID or 21) acre trnct near Omnlin city limits Will pay cash difference If property 1" good Address , gU Inc price nnd locitlon OJo , llee JOi Z-CI.KANSTOLKOF OKNHUAI. .M1)3K , take real estate \ money ! Iox7Jj , trankfoit.lnd y-l 010J KAIIMS IN NKHIIASKA , ICANlAS /Jaad Dakota \\lll sell choip. or etchaiiKO for mase , horsesnudc.ittlu AddboxTG , ( rankfort , Ind HM. y-IOOO ACUKs I HOICK SI3IIUASKA l.AVI ) /'and cash lor mcrchandlso Uov 'J Kearney Neb M3I3 AS3 * y-IOO.OOOHAM ) MAUKtlt.AUS toll I.AM ) AND Jcash , give particulars Ilex Zl Kearney Neb 278 .M5" y-Cl.HAIt NUllllASKA 1AH51STO I..XCIIANOB / foromnlm city property 1UOOOO acres for saloon on Ktnall cash unymeutstupleton I.nnd company 414 lleo bulldlns MM 13 * Z 2,100-ACHK IIANCII , KASTHUN WYOMING , one of the best in that chnntry under Irrluntlou , unfnlllne water , Koud bulldlnits fenced \\lll trade forKOOd dmahn rental property nnd assume , or for Nebraska lands , c , U \\aa | | < ) C llrown block Ibth and Douglas y-rOIt SAljE Oil KACHAMOIC , A KINK 4 -J > torv brick business block also three nice two story and bnseuieiit brlik residences nine rooms each In DCS Molne" , la \\lll tak wild land" or Improved farmt Mather A L > ravello , Cedar llnplds la M4CS 17 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. llntos lOc a line each Insertion , $1 Ma line per mouth Nothing taken for loss thnn 'So. PLUG ANT COIlNKIl KOH HKslDKNCK , 11) t'f 1 Jsi | .JI8000 hniidsonnresilience. . Wl ft lot , J1SOOO. llnefnrm 12 miles out , ! tl ( KM r 1C liarllnx Hnrker block suu CDTlAOi : KOItSAI.K-THK FINKVr 'IHINO IV tlioclt ; for the money Thnt clcennt 7-room enttiiKe wo uro just completing In Avondale pnrk. One mlh ) from postoltlct * turriacn , bath , mantel , KUS sewer , hot and cold water , sodded yard trees , stone walk nnd paved street Only f I OOU OU Terms cast. Iluy now so wo can finish to null you Hdellty trust t o. 1703 tarimm M570 EI.HOANT ilODKHV COrTAOK KAST ANf ) south front , corner lot , fine location , not far from Milton Hovers iluo residence , * J.W C K Harrison ' .112 N \ Life 457 13 AHNH LOT WII'HIN TIIW MII.K LIMIT KOH Sl.JOOOU , and In Avondnle park nt that where fSO.UOU 00 will bo expended for Improvement" before July 1 , which will Add 2J per cent to tbonlne of the"o lots \\ei1ealroto sell H of the Hurt street lotn before Ma ) 1 aud as a special Inducement will make n discount oftlOJOJ per lot to the llrst six purchasers tWDO1 cash and JKIJIHJ on or before HVH jears Ifthlslsnt a bnrualn where will you Hnd one7 7 houses now belne built In this beautiful addition closa to cars schools etc Let us show > ou Ibis property at once Fidelity Tru st Co , 1702 Karnam m Mi J10CK 11ANCH. W.O ACIIKS , HOWAHI ) CO. , NE11. Jftt.OUO If quick. J. D Stlros , Columbus , Neb * Cob a23 IUOOM HOUSE , 2 I.OT.-i. A UOOM HOUSE > < I aero H price Address 5i2U Center street .MM Ml * F OUSALK HOUSES. LOl'S I'AUL , 1WJ FA11NAM. M145 All- LO ACIIHS ON M1L1TAUY AVKNUK , OI'l'OSITK ( < raminercy park Address K SDraworII clly Wl lil I'OIlhAI.E-LOI 9 11LOC1C18 , OIICHA1U > 4I1LL 'lenns to uult purchaser Address IJ. C Chey- ney , Moux City la. S4'l 14 LFANT ! I-'AIIM OF 153 AJIll'S ADJOINING the tow. of prliiKtleldsixteen miles from bouth Omahii no better land In the state , only JU an at re , will bo sold soon C K Harrison , VIS N Y I.lfu 457 U If OH bALK-LOI'S. HUM 1C 10 MM Itl. IIICIIAUD -t&'judcns addition. 1'utuian Cramer , 111 Me CaKtie bldB 451 mil * LOT2 IILOCK 17 STEVENS I'LACE , JTOO P F Harrison , UU N Y Life 457 13 S. ( HIHCB SALK I.OTb IILOCK 14 WEST KM ) . - cast front , between Dodco ard Davenport , price fUWOO easy terms llulohlnson & Wcad M487 17' SMALI.IIOMKS YEIIY EAbYl'A\MENTS LOTS worth fl r < XOOfor7fiOOO ) smull cash payment and loiiRtluielo those who will build , a tptclal bar Kalii HiU Corby street , wortn ? 2WO.UO , only JI 60000 U U Wallace , 11. llrown block , loth and Douelas MIU5U 10 ACIll-H VIUH1N SOU. WI'llI IIEAUT1HJI. trees , lies well six miles from town , f 12j an acre C F Harrison , Vli N \ Life < i/.l / 14 LOST. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion. II 50 a line per month. Nothing taken for lest than 25c OST. 11I.ACK M'AMKI. 1't'l' OWNEUS NAMK on collar I'leanc return and KVI reward J. J Marshall. IK I I'nrnam 518 13 * TOST WATJ5U Bl'ANlKI PLP , MAC , WHITE Jbrenst and feet , with collar CMS 1 eave at Mullen & McClalu , ltl& ) HowUrd street , und net nlcesllvor watch orcash M51J li' UNDERTAKERS AND EM13ALMERS Hates , lOo a Una each Insertion , Jl W a line per monlh NolhlnR taken lor less than /I W HAKF.Il ( FOHMKULY WITH JNO 0 JA- v. . cobs , deceased , later with M O Maul ) , under- aker and embalmer , JI5t > liith Tst tcl CJb Wl SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Hales I Do a line each Insertion il M a line per mouth Nothlnii taken for less than 5c. yOUM , LAD1KS AND ( JESTLEMBS CAN SOON -L acquire a working knowledge of shorthand and typewriting at A c Yan Sant i school of short hand 513 N Y Life building MM PAWNBROKERS. Kates , luc a line each Insertion tl M a line per month Nothing taken for less than Sic T SONNENHETia DIAMOND IIIIOKBH , 1303 ' .Douglas st Loans money on diamonds watches , etc Old gold and silver bought Tel 155J 'Ji'i POUND. Hales , lOo a line each Insertion f 1 50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than Me iJ'OUND-SOM MONEY OWNKll CAN lIAVis same by proving property and paying for this ad Address KM llee. M5M 1C * SCALES. _ _ _ llBtei , lOc a line oseh InirHlon f I 50 a line per month Nothing taken for lets than Zic , TUKW 4 SKtONDlIAMICALKS , AI L KINDS 1' Address L'ordcn i bdleck Lo Lake st.Chlcago KNOWLEDGE IS POWER FUTURE UNVEILED llr the world's most famous medium , Mrs Dr. F Mliermnn of llrltlih fime , known ns the Clilld Meillum of KiiKlnud while etilrunn'il will reveal every lildden mystery In life linn tioen pronounced lul'uroto mid America tlio erentoii UrlnK wonder of thu prfsenl nue linilcritiunli iho science of thu Persian and Hindoo umsilc , or uiiolont iliirai-work- In it. nnd prcniros rerptlin tallsmnns whloh will overcome > our enenilo < remove family troubles , restore lo t ntTectlons , make man tagos v/ltli the one von love no fnllure remove evil Intlucnce , baitliublts. curea witchery , tlt < mil nil lonK staiul- liiK "nil niysti rliui" ill < e.iH' < wlllnlvocorreit lufnr- inatlcm on lnwsiilt < plrkni'is , ilcatli , divorce" , nbsent friends , e\erythltiK never talllnir advice to JTOIIIIR mon on innrrliijj and lie to ilioit'J u wlfo for hniilneH | | : , aid whnt butlnoii he < t nLiptuJ for speedy riches , mock spiculntton n special ! ) . re cover" lost , Htolen or burled proper.y. I03U * trci'iires nnd mluenls nlso lve * tndlspiMiinble nd\lto to > OIIIIK Hdle" on love ournhlp'ind mnr- rlnKe If vonr loicrls trne or filio The mysterious and ucce < sful mnniur In which she trjatu mutter * of thu utmost obscurity ha" Riven such universal siillsfnctlon that her name Imi bccoaio prerb In thoniands of houso.iolds mile hipp ) by ber aid nnd advice Madame juiaranto ? ) perfect satlsfae- tlon Perfect satlsfnc Ion xuaranteud liy mall Send stamp for Illustrated clrc ulnr with special terms N 11 sineo Mr" yhorman H nrrlval liuro nlio hi" learned Hint a number of so eilled tr.tncu mediums nudclairvoyant" him * been here coptlnt ; her ad vertisement , nnd sumo had the and icily to us3 her nnme , Undonlitedly for tun purpoie of KilnliiK nn iinliiHt prollt from h-r world-wldo repnt-itlon Slept have been taken lo find out to whnt extent the American laws will allow unprluclp ed people to trade upon another B repntntlu i 'Ihli It the inndam sllrst vlsll MRS. DR. F. SHERMAN. 310 N 10th M. , The Midland Hotel. r\unliio "Tho Donomoro" mil you will buy none olbor 'J'lio"or7 < /'s dioitos < /.v/f 'rlor.o nro ulwaia ploisol to show It. Mcgontli Stationery Co , , 1301 Fn.rnnm St. . Onialia. It Is unnocossirr to montlon the nnlntsof porlorlty uosseisad bj-the nq It Is now so wall Known. Its Record of Success Is Its Boat Ro- commendation. When It was uutontlio ni.irUet rivals said It would not wear. Tnno li 13 shown them wronK Inovory partlcn nr mcl IIM nrovon that the S nltfi I'roinlor IS I'HC HKril' nnd sruoNOisT TYi'CWiiunit r.vttn IN- VHN I t.l > . AND TODAY I P bTANDd I All AlinADOKAliLCOMl'JiTITOllS THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor 17th and Tarnum Sis , Uniuh.i , Nob. U II MA * . III'W. M mazer BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors. Bee Building : , Omaha. Neb /years Examiners U. S. t'at Olllce. Advloa fra , OUR EMPLOYMENT DEP'T whllo costlns the omplovor ami employee notlilnz. h is enabled 113 to nclvanco the Inter ests of both , and nlso our own , by buaurlai better results with the machine. Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedici TEI.EIMIOVT : i-jj. nu I-AKNAM st RA1LWRY TIME GRRD RN INDIftNLETTER. _ Methods of Communication Among tlio Indians , The rirlutT iitn of iiiqnptirc.-TtinilRlilil r. lin' 'c-d In.MllmnT. lloxt tiulltn 111 * , tor ) In Ifr i" lr < r li I. tt < r from im Iu Ulan about Kltkiipoo liulluii SaKun. The sign liinKUitRO n ( tlio ImlHna Is A voiiikntul IhliiKTVo Inillmis ( 'Iffrrcnt tu their spcooli in a ( fcnnuit uiul u Sp'Uiliml \ \ 111 rrmllly coiniiiunlcntc M llh cixeli ntlior. Ills tlic lik'turciijui' of rUiiitu IK-O to nn IiullnnniMicsilnKn roiiiicllnml without pi alxlnif n v unl , makingM iiioutilng olrnr to nil iHi-Kcnt lij tlBin IINtoiii'.HanilnU written roininunlontl n < nioiuftiloln iili'tuipi Tlio tnmlly ItUtoty or n chief n ill bo p ilntpil on n It-iu'c Tim frillo\\ Inn H u ipvuliuuli ot tills muthoil ut COIIIIIIIIIlldltlllll Tin1 "li-ttri" wm xMlttcn b.\ KnII.NAII. . * n K , "Thi'nun w 1m knowt cctotH , " u l\lok > upon Iiiillun Mctllolno Man. . n r X ay * < 'V/'y' ' & $ $ / ' \ li ' ; INHUX I.rrrrnitTIIITINO. . 'Jliu nbuMi IcttiM ttunalatiH in follow s " 7'Ae Intliaiit oftr to their white biothert flowers , Jemei , toot * nml ttiii * . made ti < / thi IKII , the itnif , nml the iriui fnatuie ) If tin white brother Is sicH.thl * > < ill male him stronger than the bear who will full brfjte htm" "SXOWA" U n , imilielno wont meienlnjj iron 1 til liptt , anil slKiilllct "oi" < t medicine " lloio nif tiltMlmcie ilutumeiita of a no. bit1 von of a uriuid nuu. Kxory wuul t < tine Ctitlln , the lilghfxt nntlioritj- the In. ( Hum unil lu > llM'il iiintini ; them fnr yt'itu , m s "tluMMiiil tif nn Imilun e'tin ul- V u t bo lolled upon , " anil he N rl ht. IITO H innof of the gciuiino Miluo ot Klckit'ino Intllnn'H ! ? n H"resiilettorfiiiiafnrtHffercnt ) otiice. Tlio follow IIIK It ( nun the I'lOfoHHor of l'li > slolotloftl Lhomistiy ut , Yale College , nml this sc'lentltt mjs "Alter n rhemuat &ialytlt of Indian Saytca , IAnd , tt to It un Erliatt of 1'oots , tlnikt ami llzibi of ralnabtt lienicdiat Aition mill no Mtnernl or other Oeletcnoui Admix- tutd " * * O Ileeil the tonclilns of tlie e Iptter . TuKi'TMitntoN K-ineilv In m'liinn. If jour tlooil It linimic unil > oiu sl.ln IH inuiKcil liy l > luiiili't blotchei anil bulls ; If jou liuv e ilull iKilns In \ our bat'l ; lunl icicle , If iiipclltu ] Is jiooi , if jon ill ) not ( jet sonnil , icfieslilnj ! glfcp , M ) iiec'e'f-'niv to j-ntii hcitllli anil Ktii-iiKtli , 1/ou aie tn l > tm- on Those , nnil olhci s > laptonn aru the % \ uiiihil- iiiittno Ai OIHC > otn self , nnil ill I VP off the enemy- Ann MHii-Llt wltll Klc.ku | > oo Iiullun Sifr- wn liulltl uponi system b > ll-i 1190 mil nil il IIIRCI ! < moiled Kleknpoo liullnn s i wn nnd other Kick. nptio Itull tn ineillelncis contain only the pioilucU of the llelil nml foiifl , n.itniuM own vcKOltiblc guiwth of loott , bulks unit lieibitiml of nce'ettlty uio fit-u fiom all nitni'inl poUons wlmtcict , becnn o the linlium lmo no Itnonlcitga of them , do- pemlliiK whollyupo * niitiue'it liihoiiitory foi lliolricsouiceutul upon iklll , lioin of ccntuilus of oxperlcnce. o 4KICKAPOO INDIAN SACVVA It sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers Only , $1 tier Bottle , Gfor$5. Are these ignorant pretenders who , without any qualifications , any ability , any experience , any slcUl , claim to possess the power to cure all the ills of he human raoa. But thair want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would-bo dupes , and these conscionco- lossquacks ara soon consignor to the oblivion they so richly merit. In strands and stroi ? coatra3twith these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted lead9M of thalr Who , during the past 27 years , hav abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the worot forms of those del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHRONiQ AND PRIVATE DISEASES , Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation free. Call upon or address - dross , with stamp , Drs. Belts & Bails , 119 S , I4tii Street , Cor. Douliii { St' , OMAHA. - NEB , BDNSILENE ONLY CERTAIN CUIIE FOB iitlnn , Ulrrlnn Il3pliceini-nl , riilllniciirilio \Vi ii I , | Ilrildnchc , Jluc Uiichf. Ufallnu Ituun I'nlii * , JNei-Miu. l-roilralloii ntitl l > furrnl lli-lilllty positively rulloveu nnd all 1-cmalo Complaints iirrnuinrntlj cured by this wondeiful remedy Ills Woman's Best Friend. ( lives prompt relief for Inillirntldn. l.Urrnnd Klthifj'I iiiiililest Irritability , t-'leeple < nes , 1 assltude , Dlirlne-.s talntnevs. lie , arising from IMrrlnr Dlxirden. Price K 00 per hot , contain , fngono month 0 treatment J boxes for f > 00 liy mall poMaco pnlil sprurnly sealed In plain wrap per henil for FHKK llliOli. liiialnalile la eTrrv i uninn , I.uily .Itfents \ > anted. noitll'N .M I'.Diri.M ; CO. iteuialo Depart- incntM'hlcnKu , III. SOLD by K'uhn & Co , Cor islh anJ DouRlaj Sts. . and J A lullor it Co Cor ulli anJ Duucl s St , OMAHA , Nl'll | by Paul G Schneider ; n Broad way ani 6 Pearl St. . COUNCIL ULbTI S. la Jlako yoiii inooil rich ind nurc , toiin you wliulo sy U'in cnronvt-iy nnrvout inuilile with Nerve Boons , n nun \ et ihin disiovnry of inur\elcus power I'lirv renew youth , rostnro \lRor , fuo L-inw tit hi'u l , < lo iliio e-uiiuoity ( or work or plensiiic \\oii < lerful for ovorworU und worry oul by ( lniiUt-i tl t Imx two weekV supply or tj ) u > ui i ; UEAMO , llullulo. N Y WHAT DID KILL O'COSNELL ' It Was n Blood Olot ou His Brain Resulting from Some Unkiiown Cause. YOUNG TRUMER PRACTICALLY EXONERATED ltr iilt of llio liMinlrj f thp t'oronrr Mnilr \tdtrnlnj DIM torn I inililt < to Mute l'o ltl > rl > Ulnit Ornnloiuul the I'ntiil l.i-piliiii , Tlio ix ) t-i ortcin cxnmlnntlon nude yes- tertlny upon tlio body of ov-Justii-o i ) I ) . O'Conucll of Cloiitiit-f inei'luiit iloxclopml tluil death \ \ as I'uusotl by u clot of blood upon tlu > lu.ilii , orif'lii.Uni in the uiptuio of : i blood \ossol. AcoordliiK to the testimony at the Imiuost , haid feullug has existed foisotno tltuo be tween tlio Trumer faniilj and the deceased , which started with n doff light. Hoth pit ties mo in the neighbor hood ot Tenth and Atlas snoots. Trumer's animal jumped Into O CVmuell's yaul to do battle \\lth the latter's UOR but was sc-ut iiouic with a pish In his ICR In- llli-ted b.O'Connell The Tiunu'i-s eneit lou-iipo. nii'l on Clood 1'nuaj last , father and son made their appearance before the dead man's house "to do him up if ho would only show himself on the s > treoc , Thedldnutcairj their threat into execu tion tit that time owing to O'Connell refusal - fusal to iifi'oiniiiiniatu the men tUmiing for i : > l 'liiitnrr KuocItiMl Him lliinn , The Hist chance ofTered them was AVednes- tlnj uicht , April 5 , in n 'aloon tin South Thirteenth sticet , lu-it | l > \ Ptvs Sunke.\ , where ICd Tiunicr 'JI ji'ar > of .tpo who is eonsldeicd sntnowhat of a puj-'ilist , K-INO vent lo his peiit-uii wrath liapphiiiK un- coniplimeiiliiii eiiithets. whlih llnally ended in his landing a powerful blow on O'Con- noil's head , foiling the latter to the floor lit such a 'iiauner Unit IIP. sttuek the wall and water service before his body i cached the lloor lie howe\er , soon ieco\eied himself and asked 1J. T Lt vis janitor of the Poitest school , and a man naiiii > l i.usim to aeconi- panj him home , as l.o fc.ued another ailuclc from his assailant The two icspmidod and loft him onl.N half a block fjom his own door , which ho i cached safel.s O'Connell enteicd his Itnuso and sat down upon a ehait. but had not been theio nmny nilnutob when he fell to the iloor in an un- tonseious condition , in winch ho remained up to the time of his death Ur Uilei was called ne , t moiniiifr , and seeini ; that theio was no cnance to sa\e the man s life , except to use the ttephine , he called in Dr Sum mers , and with his asslstanco an oiiejation was pel foimcd hist Satuiday 'I he patteut condition seemed to be somewhat impio\od theieby , but Mond.ii he breathed hH last \ cidlot of tlu < .liir.i. The phvsltiahs beinc unable to state 'ho ' exact cause of the inpUnc of tlir blood ves sel w huh accounted for the blood clot and icsulted in death and theio oeiii ; ; noisiblu e\ulenecs of a blovon the inside of tlio skull , the Jtiiy returned a voidiit Undine , "that from the tistimons of the phvsu iaiis , the de eased came to his death from a clot on the biain. tla cause of which we ate un able to determine in the case " YOUIIK- turner is missing from his usual haunts. althouBh the detectues for the last few dajb ha\o inado diligent seauh for htmThe The family of the dead man , consisting of a parahtic wife and the children , the oldest of whom isonh Ifi.cats . , and ior.\ small for Ins ape , beieft "f their onl\ support , are almost in a destitute condition Thnj ba\o no money with which to burj their protec tor , and were It not for kind neighbors who bine piomiscd to see. that the deceased U ph en 21 decent but ial the county would have to take chat pc ol tlio remains It is a sad ca e indeed to enter the poorly fuinished dwelling and sre the mother , baldly able to leave her chair , with the childien clinging to her for support -which she cannot pho them Kind hearted neighbors will probably provide for tiuinodiitto ixants , but what of the futute' O'CouiiLll. ! though somewhat dissliatcd | in habits was well thought of l > i those with whom he eamo m contact. . Insajinp that Hood's Satsapaiillti c.urei its propriotoi s make no idle or cxtiav.xgant ; claim. Statements from thousands of tc- liublo | > eolo | ) of what Hood's S'atsapariii.v has clone for thorn conclushelj piovo the /act / Hood ! > Sarsaparilla clues Hood's Pills act espccialU upon the liver rousing it from toi piditj to its natural duties euro constipation and assist digestion OMAHA'S GOLDEN FUTTJE- ; . W. A. I , , r.lbbon Kxpt-etB to hon llulf a Million IN'oph ) In This C'lt ) . Tliat \\illhavon-population of half a million in twenty years la the sanpuino pre diction of W A Li Gibbon , president of the Omaha Hoard of Trade. In discussing the matter jesterday ho said"I icmembor very well a ju edict ion I undo in this same line fourteen jears ago At that time I lueuicted that inside of ten .MM is Oniali.i would contain 1UU.OOD jieople The city li.ul at that time bomothinp like HO.CKHJ souls , nnd some of m.fiUnds . said that the jiredictioii was altoRC'ther tooahsiudto ro- pard as piobable I told them the prophecy was all tight and the census of IS'.iti ' not only Teiillediuj prediction but went cncn40,000 better And I feel now just as confident that we sh.ill Irive heio in twenty \ears a population of half a million as 1 did then that wo should ha\c in Ib'JO a population of 100K)0 "Our ptescnt depicssion has reached its lowest ebb Did joue cr leilect tljal a turn in the tide of comn.eui il affatts seems to take plaeo e\er.\ hcuncars' . lean loolc back to ISUliiml see the luitli of this btato- mint demonstiated all along clown until the piesent The heipht of our prospeiitj was i cat lied in Ib D So\tn ji ais have about elapsed and jou will see a chanpo this \ear It ma ) notbe\er\ noticeable at the begin ning , luting something like olio docs who Hist rises fioin a sick bed It goes slowly at 'irst ; ind gradually giowr. until din inp the last two jears the most prosperous times occur. Ihe tide will piadnally chanpo this jearforthc better mid in 1WW it will have reached its highest point Then it will be- Kin to piadualh iciedn and pho way to another peilwl of dopicssionVhj bo\eu M'.us IM the limit 1 cannot sa\ , unless it ro- ( liuies about tint luiglh of tlmo to icsloto oontldeiice to llio people nnd todestio\ after it is oncu restoicd Thu rule exists just the same " A Child llnjnj * The pleasant t.noi1 , pentio action an I Booth- ing enc > ct of Si u ji of Figs , w hf-n an need of a 1. ix , i the , and it the father or mother bo cosliu or bilious , the mostpralirNiii-r iesult-i follow its us > o , bo it is the iji.1 family lomedi I'liuvui ami every fan ili oluuld hao u bottle Till : ICKAI.TV MAICIvl.l. INSTIlUMUNTd ul-ioud on rc-ji I \n.II 12 , 1BUJ- V fl I.untrr mill wlf" lo t'hlo.ijo , St I'aul \ Mlnnrapolls Jttlhiny : i oin- piuiy , tintltv 'i lot 13 , Mix-k 0 , nil Jut ill , liliu 1 , Oil , lot T , block 7-1 and pan Inls a and H , blorU 5 , I'lorciu'e t COO \ \ illluiii , . * rti In Kli litirtl f-li.irii. lnt > 1. 3 , 4 G , lilocK 0 lutsH , 0 , 11 , ia , 14 , Iilorl ! 1 , Mycr > , I ! and T's udd 25 S ] ' and liuslj.iml to II V > ( , il- lliis , i > G7fit t of b JJffftlut l.lilivk I' , I'msjii-ct 1'latr 1 lli'iity Deitrsun .incl wlfu lo ( J 11 lit li ke , r c 'iho lUirll ' 4.040 Ira Van Camp und lfo to Ouialia A. > ouIlnM slum ItalUny coi | iany , tU fci'i on ouch sliloof ccntur of track illM - Jl-lrJ-13 . . . . . . I1' A HroKiin ( special jimster ) to Otan- Itu NI\ Inns llnnk and 'J riul com pany H 41 foot lot -t und D , block 0 , Mryuis It and T's ndd . 1.0B5 to West n 41 feet lots 1 Hud o , bJuck 6 famine 1,885 Total nmoun < 'if transfori J " 6i737 Sufferer * fiom cmiphx , soie throat , etc. , should tri Hrown's Hronchlnl Troolies,1" " a slmplo but .sure i tmecty. bold only la boxot.