THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTY-SECOND Y EAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , APRIL 11 , 1803. NUMHER 201 ? . TIMn PAH i I\I\P * nT'P CM T TIME [ OR APPEARANCE SET Impeached Officers Given Two Weeks iu Which to Prepare for Trial. FORMAL PROCEEDINGS IN SUPREME COURT Judge Ilrnndy'n Nulvo Itriiunt for Trull- inuny Met with u Onli-t Itrjolniler from Judge Donne Hearing Will lli-glu on the rirnt of .May. LN. N'cb. , April 10. ( Special to TUB IlF.r.Tho ] Judges of the supreme court met ns a court of impeachment this afternoJTn , the court being formally opened at 2:15 : o'clock The room was filled with specta tors , although the attendance was not nearly ns largo ns might have been expected from the unusual Interest In the eases. The man agers of Impeachment , Representatives Col- ton. Casper and Harry , were present , ns were also Judges Doano and Pound , and Hon. W. Jj. Greene , the attorney emnloyed to assist In the prosecution of tlio cases. Not nilof the impeached officials and ox-ofliclals were present Kx-Treasuror Hill , Commissioner Humphrey and Attorney Ciencral Hastings remained In the court room during the in formal proceedings , hut Messrs. Allen , Hen- ton and Loose were not to bo seen. There was an Imposing array of counsel. Judge Hroady appeared for ex-Treasurer Illll , J. M StowaVt for ex-Attorney General Loose. H. U. Stearns and J. II. Ames for ex-Auditor licnton.J. L. Webster of Omaha , Judge M. L. Hayward of Nebraska City , J. II. Webster and C A. Atkinson of Lincoln appeared for Messrs Humphrey , Hastings and Allen. The latter will also bo represented by other attor neys of stale prominence when the cases como on for formal trial. I 'or in ul I'rrlliiilmirlf1. ! . The proceedings this afternoon were en tirely of an informal character. When the court had been opened Chief .Instlco Max well stated that it had been convened today HO as not to Interfere with the regular dis trict business before the supreme court , which commences tomorrow. Judge Doane asked the court to set a time for the several parties in Iho case to appear and answer , saying that as yet none of the preliminary arrangements for proceeding with the trial had been mado. J.L.Webster stated that as ynl none of the interested officials had been served with copies of the articles of impeachment. In fact , ho said , the articles of impeachment had been inturossablo to them until today. They would require time lor consultation before they could prepare their answer. Ho believed that they could be ready to answer by n week from next Friday , and to proceed to trial two weeks from today. The at torneys for th" respondents , bo said , bad practically concluded to have all four , Messrs. Hastings , Humphrey , Alton and Hill , stand trial together , as the evidence and the defense were practically the same. Judge llroady , who appeared for ox-Treas urer Hill , stated to the court that he wished first to test the Jurisdiction of the court. If It was determined to conduct the case along this line bo would bo in line with tbo attor neys of Messrs. Henton and Loose , but If it should bo determined that tbo court had jurisdiction , then Mr. Hill would want to be tried with the three state ofllcials. Humph rey , Hastings and Allen. Ho would not. waive his client's right for a separate trial until ho had examined the articles of im peachment J M. Stewart , who appeared for ex-Attor- noy General Lcoso , informed the court that his client had no Intention of testing the jurisdiction of the court , but that ho would bo ready for trial next Monday. Judge Hroady asked the court for n copy of the evidence upon which the articles of impeachment were based , but Chief Justice Maxwell Informed him that the evidence was the property of the house of representa tives , Hroady then asked If the court could not issue an order requiring the managers of impeachment to furnish n copy of the evi dence. Jndce Doano remarked rather dryly that H couldn't bo done , and asked Judge Hroady for an advance copy of the evidence ho ex pected to produce in defense. When Tlu-y Mint Appear. After duo consultation with bis associate. ' the chlof justice made the following order : The defendant Loose will appear on Mon day. April 17. The defendants , Hill and Henton may ap pear and lllo pleas in abatement on Monday April 17. The defendants , Humphrey , Hastings am : Allen , will appear and answer as to genera hearing on Friday , April 21. Tbo arguments on the pleas In abatement will bo heard on Monday , April 21. The hearing as to the merits ot the cast will commence on Monday. May 1. The court of impeachment tlicii ndjourncil until April 24 nt 2 p. in. Vetoed IIU Own llonin III lit. Governor Crounso this afternoon vetoed the Item appropriating $2,000 for house rent for Iho cbiof executive for the ensuing twi : years , In his veto message , which was Illeil with Acting Secretary of State Caldwell this afternoon , the governor gives the reasons for his action as follows : "There Is no war rant for such an appropriation. Section 21 of article v of the constitution llxes the salary of the governor at $2fiOO per annun and prohibits him Irom receiving any per quislte of office or other compensation In the face of this prohlbltloi there is no moro authority it my Judgment , for appropriating money u pay Iho rent of a house for the executive than there is to furnish it , stock it will wines , pay servants , provide carriages am the like Tbo salary of the state ollleei-f may bo , aim in some instances no doubt , is Inadequate Yet it is such as is fixed by tin constitution , and until it is increased by i now or amended one , no attempt should IK made to supplement It by Indirection and a the same time Invite those who should up hold the law to violate it. 11111 * Signed Vrntcrilny. Governor Crounso this afternoon signet house roll No. I OS. The bill was introduce ! by Cornish , and provides for the sale of tin tmlmo lands of the state. The lands In ques tlon are located In Umcaster county , mosto the moro vuluablo tracts lying adjacent U the city of Lincoln. The governor nl3 < signed the three appropriation bills. The two important bills yet ronmlnins It the hands of the governor uro house rolls : and 210. Homo roll Sill was presented to tin governor nt 1. 4r < o'clock last Thursday evenIng Ing , and he will therefore have untl \\ednesday allmioon at the same hour t < make up his mind whether to sign or veto. J Btrcmg pressure Is being brought to induct him to veto house roll 210. I' he bill is espe cially obn > xlous to the people of Lincoln vlio claim that It It a monoimly measure o the mi'st vicious character. A mass meotiiH was held Ht Ihe court house this evening U protest against the bill , while the evening papers are tilled with editorials dcnoimciii ! the bill In unmeasured terms. Thu repru scntatlves from Lancaster I'ovmlvlio votei for the bill are receiving their full shart o criticism fur tlu'lr action. Crippled i\ci > riiuj'H t'oltmi Mill. KKAKNBV , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tola Si-am to TUB UEK. ] Friday night a man rep ivscntliiK the Aurora , 111. , cotton factor ; tame to Kchrnoy und induced nearly lo' operatives In the cotton mill hero to gi there , Forty of them icft this n.crnlng am the balance will probabi.v leave tomorrow Till * v.tli cripple tha Kearney mill for i iplu o ! weoln iipji ; new men can be so d 'rr-iv the casi. Killed Train , s , Neb. , April 10. ( Speolnl Tele ( ram lo Tut UEK.TM morning the south bound Mluourl i'-ictfc jmssenger train rar over a little child near Pauline , Injuring It so that It died shortly after. The youngster belonged to n woman owning n farm a quar ter of n mile from the track. The baby hnd wandered away from homo and was playing on the track when struck. Knrontii tit Onr.ilm , Hni.t.nvrn , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HKK. ) The government boat Alert , commanded by Captain Spar , arrived hero tonight on her way to Omaha for barges to bo used on riprap work south of hero. She will return about Wednesday. Srolt'n Action Denounced. FAU.S Ctrv , Nob. , April 10.-Special [ to TUB Hr.n. ) Senator Scott returned from his duties at Lincoln last evening. Ills oppo sition to the maximum rate bill Is very gen erally denounced by the republicans of this city. int. ' unions' C.INK. Interest In IbeCiiitu ItnvlvlmAetlon of thr \ w Vorl Presbytery. Nnw YOIIK. April 10. Interest In the Hrlggs ease Is reviving as the time for the meeting of the Presbyterian general assem bly approaches. That body will assemble. In Washington on the third day of May , and lo It the committee on prosecution of the Now York presbytery , representing the Presby terian church , will appeal from the decision of the Now York picsbyt 'ry acquitting Kev. Ur. Hriggs of the charges of heresy preferred against him. The presbyteries throughout the country are now electing delegates to the general assembly , atrtl the Hriggs case and a revision of the confession of faith are the Issues on which the contests In the presbyteries are mado. Those presbyteries in favor of tbo revision movement arc , tin a rule , naturally In favor of Dr. Hriggs. Some of the uresbyterles have elected dele gates who are pronounced Uriggs men whllo other presbyteries have adopted resolutions or overtures virtually in favor of the aban donment of the case against the accused by the committee on prosecution , lo Iho end that the peace of the church may bo pre served. The Hriggs force will contend that the appeal by the cominltlco of prosecution , if taken at all. should have been taken in the first instance to the synod , us provided hy the book of discipline. This question will no doubt bo contested vigorously by both sides , and , particularly , by the extreme ad vocates of a strict technical ub-tervatlon of Iho law of the church. The semi-annual meeting of the Now York presbytery was held today The principal business before the body was the election of seven clerical and seven lay commissioners and their alternates to the general assembly. Uov. William J. Hat-sha was re-elected and the clerks were re-elected. Kov. Dr. Mc Millan suggested the commissioners bo chosen from tin1 majority , as was usual with the presbytery. "An important case , " ho explained , "will go to the general assembly on appeal , and It seems only fair that the delegation should represent the majority who acquitted bin1.1' This reference to Dr. Hripgs brought sev eral anti-Hripgs clergymen to their feet. Dr. Kobinson interrupted Mr. McMillan's reading - ing of the names of seven candidates for commissioners with the remark : " 1 never heard of this presbytery sending a party delegation to represent the assembly. " "Out of order , " ruled the chairman. "Then I take my right to protest , " Dr. Hobinson said excitedly. Dr. Charles L. Thompson Introduced a series of preambles and resolutions giving the negative to the overtures to the general assembly on tbo revision of faith , and after a considorablu debate they wore adopted. Hofore adjournment Dr. Hriggs , risimr tea a question of privilege , appealed lo the pres bytery to secure him fair treatment before the general assembly when he would appear Ihcro as appellee. The election for clerical delegates to the general assembly resulted in tbo cboico of the following : Kevs. Drs. Alexander , Thorn- kins , Hrowii , Shinning , Hooth , Chambers and Wylio. It is regarded as a very great victory for the Hriggs men. The first four named are supporters of Dr. Hriggs and the other throe are antl-Hriggs men. The lay delegation was chosen after tbo Hriggs men had Icft Iho session and stands two for and 11 vo against Uriggs. t > itK.irn or .vo . ' . ind : of One of Iho .Most ruinous ol Shinx ChlelH. Sioux F.M.I.S , S. D. , April 10. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : HIK. : ] No Water , ono of Iho most famous chiefs of Ihe Sioux , died hero this morning of a'combination of nneumonia and erysipelas. Ho was to have been ar raigned before the United States court in a few days for murder. No Water was nearly 10J years old , and throughout his long life was ono of the most troublesome Indians tbo government has over had to deal with. Ho was ono of the chief conspirators in the up rising at Pine Kidgo three years ago , and it was at his camp that thu famous ghost dances were held. Ho has always boon an arrogant and turbulent chief , and since the death of Sitting Hull has been the principal leader of the hostlles. Ho was the instiga tor of the recent murder of four cowboys near Pine Hldge , and It was for this crime that ho was under arrest at the time of his death. There are lifty Indians in town at tending court , but none of them followed the body to the gravo. SimpendtMl thu .Students. Siorx FAI.I.S , S. D. , April 10. [ Special Telegram lo TUB HUE. ] A special from Hrookings slates that the faculty has sus pended seven seniors for participating in the recent address to the ueoplo scoring the man agement of the State Agricultural college , and have announced ( hat unless they luavu town before Tuesday they would bo expelled and would lese all marks and honors which they have gained during their course. The students mot this action by drawing up a paper refusing to attend any moro college exercises until their friends were reinstated. They also employed counsel and wired Iho State Hoard ot Kegents demanding a prompt trial of the faculty. The feeling In the cily is Intense and the class rooms were deserted this morning. Of the three upper classes nearly threo-fourlhs are now in open rebellion. .Miu-li Properly litro.rcd. . . HOT SIMIINCIS. S. IX , April 10. [ Special Telegram to Tun HKB. ] Since the torritlo windstorm that prevailed during the pasl twenty-four hours has subsided it Is learned that much loss of property and valuable timber resulted. Hon. J. L. Hurko's ranch south of town was burned over , destroying timber , fence and buildings , cntalllig a loss of about $1,500. Henry Heal's place was burned , loss , ? liOO ? In hay and machinery. The buildings on Sawyer's place now owned by J. C. Canan of Omaha , were burned. The lire came to within half a mlle of this city , bul Ihe wind subsided and Hie flames were slopped. South Diillolu Attorney Shut. HOT Si'wxos , S. D. . April 10. [ Special Telegram to Tins HUE. ] A report reaches this city today that L. H. Uono , a Huffalo ( Jap attorney got into trouble with a man at thai place yesterday and was shot. A 41- calibre revolver was used. The ball struck him in the abdomenbut only passed through his dollies. Miiveni iitn nfUcKiin Steumors April IO. At New York Arrived Persian Monarch , from Ixmdun ; Hi-rlln , from Southampton ; Salic , from Uremcn. At Halifax-Arrived-Slavonic , from Ant werp. At Philadelphia Arrived Ohio , from Liverpool. At I.ondoiv-Sighted Oranmore , from Hos- ton j Colorado , from Now York ; ICdan , from Haltlniuro ; StultRnrt , from Baltimore ; Hoi ' from Now York. N r York KxchuiiKB ( ju otnllom. Ntvv YOUK , April 10. [ Spcclai Tcletjraci to Tuu Run , -Evchango 1 was quoted as follows today : Chicago , W cents premium Hoston , 17 to 20cents discount , Ht LouU , U ( premium. EMPTIED HIS REVDLVER Two Tramps Shot by n Companion in Fight nt Lincoln. DEATH OF A FAMOUS BLOODED STALLION J. (1. I.lldd nt lleiitrlce. I.OMl.obimco Itveord of tlui lloriiKeiirney'n ( 'otton Mill Temporarily Crippled Work of it I'lirgcr nt I'uwiiue. LINCOLN , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Hin : . ] A shooting affray oc curred at the Hock Island crossing west of this city shortly after 5 o'clock this attcr- noon In which two men were wounded , one of them probably fatally. A number of tramps had been loafing about the railroad yards all the afternoon. At the time the row occurred n crowd of them were in nn empty box ear. They became Involved in a quarrel and ono of them , John O'Hrlen , was cither thrown from the car or he jumped out. Drawing a revolver he fired six shots Into the open side door of the car. Then reloading his weapon ho again emptied It into the car. While ho was firing one of the men , Thomas Moore , attempted to close the door and while doing so received a bulletin the stomach. Another man named Charles Johnson was shot in the itnec. After O'Hrien had emptied his revolver Iho second time and before ho could reload It the tramps sprang from tbo car , caught him and nearly pounded him into a pulp. They then noticed for Iho llrst time that Mnoro was wounded. The police were notified and soon ap peared on the scone. The two wounded men were put in the patrol wagon , whllo the others made their escape. O'Hrien was pur sued and after a chase of over a mile ho was captured near West Lincoln. Moore was rotiunod to St. Elizabeth hospital , where ho is resting easy , although ho is iu a critical condition. I.OIIASUO I. < T. Di'iitli nl l.udd'x 1'aniiiiis Trotting Htiilllon nt Itratrli-r , Neb. HKATincn , Nob. , April 10. [ Special to Tin : Hr.i : . ] Lobasco the greatest trotting stallion of the age , died Sunday night at the farm of his owner , J. ( ! . Ladd. His first trouble was laryngitis which finally ended in an affecta tion of the lungs , causing death. The best medical sivlll proved of no avail. Lobasco was purchased when years old for $12,500 of Nat Hruin of Hurlington , la. , his record at that time being 2:21. : His best record , 2:10 : , was made in a race at St. Joseph , Mo. , last fall. Ho has no progeny oliler than yearlings. Ills living offspring will not number over forty , all told. The following gentlemen living near this city arc owners of his colts : ,1. P. Ho.'k , yearling ; Frank Leo , yearling ; 15. C. MoMastors , two yearlings and two sucklings ; 10. C. Williams , yearling ; Ed Akin , yearling ; Carl Olden , suckling ; J. ( ! . Ladd , throe yearlings ; J. D. Patterson of Chadron , three yearlings ; P. J. Myers aid : Ed Wheeler of Ari/.ona , one year ling each. Mr. Lndd at one time refused a cash offer of $100,00 , ) for the horse and his loss will prove a very severe blow to him financially as well as otherwise. There was no insurance on his life. Hopes of NVt'Ht. I'oiut WI-T : POINT , Nob. , April H ) . [ Special to Tin : HKI : ] This city scorns to bo the political Mecca of northern Nebraska , at any rate all aspiring candidates for federal positions seem to regard the political war horses liv ing in this burg as possessing great power with the 'moving spirit" In Washington. Chief among the many inlluential democrats hero who are besieged for endorsements are M. J. Hughes , chairman of the democratic state central committee : Editor P. F. O'Sul- livan of tbo Progress and late democratic candidate for slalo auditor , and J. C. Craw ford , who is now in Washington in behalf of his numerous friends who want office and glory. Of the three aforenamed democrats each In turn has an eye open to some good federal plum. "Mike" Hughes seems to have a mortgage on Iho receivership of the Chad ron land ofllco , which is ono of the fatlcst government Jobs in the state. Ho ha.s en dorsements from all the influential demo crats in the stale. Mike is an old resident hero , and republicans and democrats alike wish him success. Kditor O'Sullivan is pretty sure to pot the postortlce in West Point for his estimable wife when the present olllcor's commission expires. If strong endorsements count. She possesses great executive capacity and will make an excellent official. It is also rumored that J. C. Crawford is nosing around after some fat government po sition. Ho fed at the government crib under Cleveland before In paying off Omaha In dians , and despite bis denials ho Is said to bo looking after his own chances , as well as his friend's , on his present Washington trip. leitli : of .NetiraHUii People. FALLS CITY , Neb. , April 10. [ Special to THU Ben. ] William K. Cain , ono of the oldest and most respected citizens in Hlch- ardson county , died yesterday morning at the ago of 75 years. Ho and his wife cele brated their golden wedding in this city a few weeks ago. Ono of bis sons , Hon. J. K. Cain , is a past grand master of the Masons of this state. Tbo deceased will bo buried with Masonic honors Tuesday. Mrs. Ualph Anderson , while on her way lo church this morning , became ill and died In a few moments , She was one of tbo early settlers of Ibis locality. HASTINII * , Nob. . April 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HIE. : ] Frank Ilatman. who served two years under General Wintield Scott in the Mexican war and during the en tire time of the rebellion , died at his home hero today. Ho has raised quito a large family , seven out of his fourloen children being now alive. Silas A. Slrlcldand post , Grand Army of Iho Republic , will conduct the funeral. i\iinerittfd : thi ! I , xTreasurer. . DAKOTA CITY , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Telegram to Tuu Hue. ] The two cases against ex-Treasurer G. W. Wilkinson of this county , now residing at Norfolk , which were instituted by private parlies to recover about SU1.000 which they allege is still due the county as found on examination of the books by an export , were dismissed today by County Attorney McAllister of this place In the Wayne county district court , where tho.y were transferred hist week by Judge Norrla on a change of venue applied for by the plaintiffs. These cases have been lingering in the courts forlwo years and have cost the county thousands of dollars. May l'ro\okn HASTINGS. Nob. , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB H i.j William Campbell's barn at Pauline was burned yesterday with all its conlents , the loss amounting to f 1,200. In attempting to save a team he was seri ously burned in the head and hands , but will suffer from no serious results. On Sat urday the insurance on Iho place expired and ho made arrangements for Its renewal in thu Homo of Omaha for ilH)0 ) , giving his note in payment of the premium. Tin prevailing opinion is that the company Is liable , r ll City Murder C'Hue. FALLS CITY , Nob. , April 10 [ Special tc TUB UEB J In the district court the murdci case against Michael Casey , who shot Ed Humbaugh December 23 last at a dance at Harada , is on trial. The evidence is all Ir and tomorrow the attorneys will begin thoh arguments to the Jury. It is believed tin Jury will not convict , as the defendant hni established a pretty good ocaso of self-do fcnse. It XViiit H SiiRi-eu. X'Ettu , Nob. , April 10. [ Special to Tin BCB , | The Young Women's Christian asso elation and Young Men's Christian assoeln lion's regular reception was given by tin two associations In the Normil hall Satur day evening. An Intcrestin ? was rendered , after whlchm social was held. The meeting was a grand fmcocss. Pawned .Merehiiutl Swindled , PAWNr.c , CITY , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Considerable excitement prevailed to day over a number of forgeries uttered by Cal Little ot this city Saturday nlffht. During last week Little notified the various slores whom ho was owing small bills tt ) it ho would call and settle Saturday night. At that time ho told each of bis creditor * he had a check for his work , hut as the banks were closed when ho received It he hud bEirn unable to draw the money. The check In every instance was for more than his bill , but the accommodating merchants were only lie glud to deduct the amount of the bill from the faeo of the check and give him the remainder In cash. At stores where ho had no account he told tbo s-ime story and would buy a small bill of goods , present the check and recolvo a roll of currency in change. The persons caught were : E. L. Vance , j * f > 0 : A. J. Fredericks. f-S.riO ; Hod Bros. . ,1 ; H. L WlUon. Jlli.M ) ; W. F. Sayer. * I8.TO : Hever Bros. . .J2S.TO ; H. Fist. Sill. 10 , and ono or two others. amountIng - Ing to about f-'JOO. The forgeries were ut tered in the n.ime of his uncle , O. F. Little , and written witjj a lead pencil payable to order and endorsed with pen and ink. Little is known to haw been practising on his uncle's signature for some time , but his real purpose was not known until today , when Ihe forgeries came to light. The po lice of neighboring cities have been tele graphed a description of Little. Ho i-well connected and has an aged father in Indiana and several relatives hero. Funeral ol Veteran. Out ) , Nob. , April 10. [ Special to Tin : BcK.l Stephen" A. Parks , onn of Valley county's old setllers and well known citizen , was buried in Ord to-lay. Ho was born in Pitt-slmrg. Pa. , in is 18. Ho enlisted In August , 1SH2 , when only 1-1 years of age , in the Ninety-third Now York , Sixth army corps , and took part In all the battles that the corps was engaged In from Gettysburg to the siege of Vickslmrgwa.s twice wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek and mustered out December , 1SW. ( Ho came to Valley cjutity in an early day and settled near North I up. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and at ono time commander of Foote post , No.ID. . He was also attached to the person il staff of the department com mander , being at ono time assistant Inspec tor general and later assistant adjutant gen eral , lie took sick about three weeks ago and died Friday evening. The funeral was largely attended , the ledges of Independent Order of Odd Follows and Ancient Order of United Workmen of North Lout ) . Arcadia and Ord being present as well as Foote post. No.10. . and the Ladies Auxiliary Keliof corps. Grand Army of the Republic. Ho loaves a widow and three children. Trial ul mi Atto'rney , . Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Buc.--T. | Judson Ferguson , who was disbarred a few weeks ago by Judge F. lieale for immoral and unprofes sional conduct was today tried for obtaining money under false pretenses. Ferguson Is said to have secured $ IVJ out of Tiplon J. Ransom , representing that ho was an attor ney and offering to procure for Ransom a divorce and the custody of the children. Ferguson didn't do either. The prosecution brought in documentary evidence to show sharp practice on Forguson'a part. Among other things was an order of the court for the custody of Ransom's children living with his wife in Illinois , all complete except for the signature of.iudgo Utfale The defense in sisted that the proper remedy , was.acivil suit and that Ferguson had agreed to pro cure a divorce and that ho inti-hdotl to act as a sort of broker for some other lawyer. I'uwnic County i.ui attou. PAWN-UK , CITY , No' ) . , April 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hni : . ] District court for Pawnco county convened today with Judge J. 15. Hush of Beatrice on the bench. The crim inal docket is the largest for ycirs and in cludes a couple of cases of tnoro than ordi nary interest. B. F. Flory , formerly a preacher , is dhargod with having forged the name of A. W. Miller to various notes aggregating - gating nearly $1,000. Flory claims that Miller gave him authority to use his n-.iiiic. The case of D. C. Tumlo charged with as sault with intent to kill G. P. Baldwin will also bo tried at this term of court. Tumlo was recently arrested in Iowa and brought hero for trial. Work of an Alltiil l-'nrser. GiiAsn ISLAND , Neb , , April 10. [ Special to Tin : Bni : . ] Charles Fisher , a stranger , ro- cenlly loft a check at the First National bank in this city for collection on a bank in Grand Junction. Colo. The amount was t.'O. The bank at the latter point returned the check with the statement that Fisher had a largo number of victims and that ho was be ing closely pursued. Since ho did not ask for money on this bank bis action cannot be explained. llontrlco Mayoralty Contest. BHATUICI : , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : Bcu. ] M. E. Shultz took the oath of oflleo ns mayor of Beatrice today. O. U. Phillips , the former incumbent , has declared his in tention of contesting the scat on tbo grounds that ho was elected for two years and has served but half his term. Some of the best legal talent in the state Ins been engaged and the contest Is likely to prove Interesting. Outwlttud thu .Sberlir. KcAixr.Y , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEB. ] Saturday night John Tout , a boy 17 years of ago was arrested for stealing a bicycle from W. B. Walker. This morning ho was sentenced to the Industrial scliool by the county judge , While waiting in the sheriff's ofllco for the ofllcor to make out the papers the sheriff was called into the county clerk's office and the boy skipped. The olllccrs think they will find him. To Supply Nebraska's Trade. GiiANi ) ISLAND , Nob. , April 10. [ Special to Tun BUR. ] Twenty-two Uundro.l acres of corn and peas will be planted Inlall county this ycr.r for the Grand Island Canning com pany. The output will bo about 2,000,000 cans if the weather Is favorable for the crop. The contracting is now closed. Five hun dred acres are In peas and 1,700 in sweet corn. UP nil t of-ii Itow , KEAHNKY , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BUB.Yesterday afternoon George Coombs and Jaines LoGrand got Into a row In West Kl-arnev. Both men were badly beaten but ; LcUrand got his head broke open with a becr'bottle. Coombs was arrested today but was too badly hurt tc leave the houso. IIU U'ork.Apiirecliiled. TILDEN , Nob. , April'10. [ Special Tele gram to THE Run. ] Hon. G. A. Luiktsrt was given a reception nt this place tonight ii < honor of his return from-tho session of the legisiuturo. Speeches were made by Lul- kart , J. H. McClauahan , B. H. Mills and others. Twelve hundred people were present. Nurluiuly Injure ) ! , BATTLP. CHEEK , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Telegram to THE BBB.-J P. J. O'Neill broke his loft leg today. Ho was taken to Omahn today to have It amputated If necessary. Mr , O'Neill Is ono of tlio oldest and most respected - spected citizens of tills locality. Destroyed by I'nilrlo I'lre. HASTINGS , Neb. , April ! P.-rSpccIal [ Tele gram lo THE BEE. ] A farmer named Wolf , living twelve miles north of Hastings , had his barn und livn stock destroyed on Frldaj by a pralrlo lirb which swept that part 01 Hall county. ltiult ol uu Old WoumL HASTINGS , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Telegram gram to THE BED. ] Lev ! Harkins , a promt ncnt republican living near Kenesaw , had a limb amputated vcstcrday , as the result of i wound received in the civil war. CHAMBERLAIN ON HOME RULE Ho Criticizes the Gladstone "Bill in His Usual Acrimonious Manner , DARK PICTURES DRAWN BY THE SPEAKER Ili > .Tnle ,1 Pi' < ilmlitlo View of Ite < iilt of Home Knit * In Ireland IIU Argument * Ably Answered by Advocates ol tlio Hill. LONDON , April 10. In the Commons today , speaking on the homo rule bill , .losuph Chamberlain satil the bill proposed to estab lish a brand new constitution for Ireland. Gladstone had asked when the controversy would bo settled It the measure was re- jeeted. The question was would the bill bet- tie the controversy ? Was not Gladstone. In too great a hurry , and was ho not too impa tient to deal with the Irish uinieulty. Cilad- stone had disregarded the right of the mi nority and treated the most inlluential and prosperous section of Irish people with con tempt. Ho proposed to subject that section of the Irish people to such legislative condi tions as would wreck their industries and expose the whole country to financial ruin. Not Ireland , bijt England , equally had reason to dread the results of this measure. Opposed (0 till ! Illll , The whole of the property classes. " con tinued Mr. Chamberlain , "whatever their religion , was opposed to the bill. Had the IH'imo minister ever known any state to suc ceed when the irovcriimunt was opposed by sv majority of the classes owning property ? Even the nationalists in accepting the measure did not admit that It was a finality. Ho challenged the Irish leaders to say whether they accepted the principles in the bill afllrmlng the veto of the crown in ad vance of the British ministry , and prevent ing the Irish Parliament from deal ing with external trade. Were these taken as llnal or wore the financial clauses rendering Ireland liable to increased taxa tion for war and other purposes unmuvtod with imperial policy accepted as llnalf There was absolutely nothing llnal about the bill. As soon as an Irish Parliament should be formed they would require it to bo patched up again. ( Hear , hear ! ] Did anybody con sider the so-called safeguards in the bill worth anything if the Irish majority was determined to disregard them ! True , the Hritish Parliament could enforce them by civil war , but not otherwise. [ Conservative choern.l The only safeguard the gov ernment had , continued Mr. Chamberlain , was the peed feeling and generosity of the Irish leaders and people , and if the govern ment had the courage of its convictions it ought to sweep away the so-called safe guards in the bill. Hut probably Gladstone still suspected the good Intentions of ttio men to whom he was maneuvering to give the government of Ireland. Those were the men about whom ho formerly said that they preached the gospel of plunder and were marching through rapine to the dismember ment of the empire. The present chancellor of the exchequer had denounced them as preaching the doctrines of treason and murder. l'Vur.4 "I tlio I.mnllnrdtt. TJio present chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster had said that if tl(0 ( police should bo placed in the hands of an elective body , the landlords might whistle for their rents and he chid if they escaped with a whole skin , and thc-pivsent secretary for Scotland had once declared that ho would r.ither re main a private citizen through this life than consent to conlldo the lives and liberties of a law-abiding population to a parliament com posed of such men. These were the utter ances ot four ministers who now led the way in proposing to establish such a parliament. [ Conservative cheers ) . Ho would not say that Ireland , if England .should bo engaged in war , would take sides against England ; but it was possible that the sympathy of the Irish might bo with England's op ponent , thereby exposing England to the risk of a simultaneous civil and foreign war. Mr. Gladstone now professed bound less faith in the Irish people , but it was a faith of recent growth. They were asked to stake the honor and dlcnity and the life of the nation on the assurance that a miracle would bo wrought , changing the hearts of many and altering the springs of human action. The danger was too great and the possible gain too small. If the bill should pass ami then escape disaster and disgrace , the government would still fail to linda plausible reason for risking so much with so little corresponding advantage. [ Cheers ] . Justin McCarthy , leader of the anti-Par- nellites. ridiculed Mr. Chamberlain's prophe sies of disaster. The Irish people , ho said , hailed the bill as a pledge that their aspira tions would bo satisfied. They would accept it as a message of lasting peace. Predictions that they would misuse it , discord and dis loyalty , would bo made honestly only by those mistaking the present mood of the Irish nation. Ho could not say that the Irish party was quite satisfied with tlio financial clause of the bill ; but. generally , they accepted the bill as an honest settle ment. As far as the Irish party could see it might prove a llnal settlement. If the bill 'was carried the prime minister would win the dying affections of millions of people. [ Cheers ] . DM IT HUH No CIIIIHO fur Pour. William Ucdmond said that the bill had been discussed suniciently by the House. Nothing was to bo gained by prolonging the debate and a division was now needed to give effect to the wishes expressed by the nation at the last election. Mr. Redmond ridiculed the idea that Ulster had anything to fear from Catholic Ireland. Sir George Trevellyn , secretary for Scot land , made an elaborate defense of the bill. Ho commended Sir Michael Hicks-Beech and Mr. Chamberlain for their frankness , "In at least settling the Irish question by some measure of self-government. " lioth of the weightiest opponents of the bill , ho said , had in fact admitted that had the bill contained a guar anty of the supremacy of the Imperial Par liament that they would have accepted it. Hut uil guaranties formerly asked by the opposition had been conceded. Sir George taunted Mr. Chamberlain with inconsistency In this matter and charged the conservative party with practicing now all the arts to ob struct which they had found soolmoxlous when used by the nationalists. Afteranswer- ing in detail the arguments of the opposition against specific provisions of the bill , ho de nounced strongly the Ulster proirram. After Mr. Hartlott ( conservative ) had spoken against the bill the house adjourned. ixni.ui : : ) TIII : 1:1:111:1.s : : , I'rciilileiit Hyppuhtu Hiitermlne * to rrevsnt u Ki-Yolntloii at Any Cunt , \Cofiurt'j1iltil \ WJ3 l > tl Jama ( litnlnn llemutt. ] PLT.HTO PLATA , Santo Domingo ( via Galveston - voston , Tox. ) , April 10. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now-York Herald Special to Tun BEE. ] President Heureaiix Is on a tour of Inspection of the dominion outposts on tha frontier of llaytt. News has been received hero that Presi dent Hyppolltc , after his arrival at Cape Haytlen , arrested I.uoron and other Domini can rebel leaders. Ho banished them from the republic. Their forces were dis armed and the leaders escorted to the frontier. Hyppollto then sent a message to President Heureux requesting him to reclp- rocato in maintaining the place of both re- publics. Ho asks that any of Manlgath's friends found In Santo Domingo bo arrested and expelled. KINGSTON. Jamaica ( via Galveston , Tox. , ) , April 10. [ Hy Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to TUB BEE. ] The commandant at Aux Cayps has been ur rested hero on a charge with General Man ( truth and others to start a revolution in Havtl. Ho has been Imprisoned. VAt.i'AUAi-Mi. Chill ( via Galvo.ston , Tex. ) , Anrll 10. [ Hy Mexican Cable to the Now Vork HcrahS-Speclal Tin IHu--Tho - to : : ) - - Herald's correspondent In Buenos Ayrrs telegraphs that all news concerning the war In Kto Grande do Stil , HraHl , is contradictory and untrustworthy. Each side , he says , al ternately claims to have won an advantage , but the impression prevails that the federals arc gainingground. Havlngcapturcd Alrgrete , the revolutionist ! ! now annoiinco that the slego of Santa Anna will bo re sumed. Thcro has been no heavy lighting during the last few days. Leaders on each side appear to bo avoiding a general en counter and only unimportant skirmishes nre reported. From the movement of the various forces H Is evident they are more Intent upon avoiding a light than engaging In one. A telegram from Santiago says It is quiet there. A regiment of cavalry is pa trolling the streets to prevent disorder. The now cabinet has not yet been formed. Auslrli Ooe.-oi't l.liin .llldd. IfVipi/i-f.iMfil / IXttIni Jitmti ( iiiiilnii licnnrtt. ] VIKXNA , April II ) . ( New York lit raid Cable Special to Tin : Hir. : . ] No intimation has been received by the United States le gation here that Max Judd would not bo re ceived as consul general. His appointment , however. Is distasteful to the irovernment , not because of Judd's religion , but because of his being of Austrian nationality by birth. Illlll'Ullie CIllllIM MleeeiK. [ rapurljlitrtl I'm li\l \ Jancn ( m Itfiinttt. } , April U ) . ( New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : HKI-Dr. : ] HalTklno has written from India tothoHusslan papers that ho has conquered cholera by the Inocu lation method. He says ho has inoculated 100 persons with positive results. Ho prom ises to glvo his method to the world on his return Irom India. Produced u Corn llloelmde. PinmiAs , NIIUIUAS. .Mex. , April 10. The unprecedented rush of corn through this port from the United States since the re moval of the duty on March ! fi has produced a grain blockade on the Mexican Interna tional road at this place and the Southern Pacilic road at Eagle pass. c.ix.ITH > . \.II. c' / ; : / : . Cliiitrmiin Curler Calls u .M'-etliit ; to Com nu ll t loul-ulUe , Miy : IO. Hr.i.EKA , Mont. , April 10. Chairman Car ter this afternoon issued a call for a mooting of the republican national committee at Louisville , I\y. . May 10. When asked by an Associated press re porter as to the objects of the meeting , Mr. Carter said : "There has not noon a meeting of the entire committee since prior to the last campaign. Heforo its final adjournment in New York it was tno sentiment of the executive committee that tno full national committee should meet during the year for the purpose of consultation , with a viuw to securing conformity and har mony of action by the party in the several states and territories. Louisville as the place and the 10th of May as the timoi were suggested , by reason of the meeting thcro and then of the National League of Kepubli- can Clubs. Mnny mcmbcrsof the committee would be present as delegates to the league , while others , no doubt , woulil visit Chicago for the opening of the World's fair and be within a short distance of Louisville about that time. For these reasons , and also because I liavo been urged by a largo" number of na tional commltteeinon to call a meeting at that-time , [ t appears to me the most opitoT- tune time for the withering of the national committee , which has been contemplated for many mouths. 1 am advised by General Clarkson that a largo number of distin guished republicans from every section of the union have .signified their intentions 10 attend the league' meeting. Independent of any special business , it is important to the party that this representative body should confer before and after ouch presidential election , if not moro frequently. " j' x\iic \Vorc-ester , Musi. , tint Scone of Illoody mill DlHgnici'Tul K < > \ \ . Woiicr.sTr.n , Mass. . April 10. Last Sunday a week , the Catholic Armenians had an Easter celebration an I Invited many Ma hometans and Greek church friends. The Mahometans observed their spring festival yesterday and asked their Catholic friends to participate. While the festivities were at their height , Domitt Jacobs , a Catholic Armenian , cut a dross with a pocket knife in a table in tlio house of George Duilowe , wherein the feast was held. This precipi tated a light , which was adjourned to the street and soon a mob of over 10'J Asiatics was maklntr thintrs lively with stones and clubs , while pistols and knives were also brought into play. They fought for over an hour , the neighboring hillside boflig covered with spectators of all nationalities who watched the lighters cut and pound each other. Word finally reached the police and a squad of officers were sent to the scene. Their appearance scattered the lighters. The pollco arrested sixteen of thorn , includ ing Jacobs , and warrants are out for nlno more. All the prisoners arc moro or less bruised and wounded. A woman , who was not arrested , had her face covered with blood. How the others fared who escaped is not known. Today in court four were dis charged. The others were each lined. After court was over the party went homo and the light was renewed , but the pollco quelled the row. * oi'/.v/o.v OF .1 CATHOLIC. Hilltop .SpaldlnR'H View of tlui Sunday Opening Question. CHICAGO. 111. , April 10. Kt. Hov. J. Spalding - ing , Roman Catholic bishop of Peorla , III. , was today asked his opinion of the Central Union's scheme , In view of the World's fair closing to work at their trades Sundays difr- int ? the fair , in order that they might have some other day during the wcok in which to visit the exposition. Hishop Spalding said : "If there Is no hope of opening the fair on Sunday I can sec no benefit to society in Sim- day labor. It would bo demoralising to the workingmen and , incidentally , to society at largo. 1 hope some means can yet bo devised through which the fair will be open Sunday. The saloons and places of vice will bo wide open , while the gates of the fair will bo closed. I fear that there will bo cause for regret that the exposition was closed. I haliovo that all museums and libraries should bo open Sunday. They act as educa tors and no ono disputes the fact that they elo\ato mankind. If Puritan customs must prevail , why not close the public parks on Sunday. If Christian ministers insist enclosing closing the gates of the exposition , working men will bcliovo the church has no sympathy with them , and the influence which tlu church now holds among them will bo almost entirely destroyed. XKH'H 1'Olt Till1 : AH.MY , Itecord of C'lmniieK in Hie. Iti'Kiiliir Survlrt us Announced Yesterday. WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB HEK.J The following armj orders wore issued today. The following transfers In the Sixth cav airy are made : First Lieutenant Frederick Hodgson , from troop 15. to troop F ; First Lieutenant Edward C. Hrooks , from troop ! to troop E. Lieutenant Hodgion will pro cced to Join the troop to which ho Is trans ferred. To Open u Now UoiiU' , KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 10. The Missour Transportation company has contracted U carry -10,000 bushels of corn from hero bj water to Vera CmMox. . Heretofore suc.f shipments from Kansas City havu boon entirely tirely by rail , and if the rontu proves satis factory It will undoubtedly bucomo a pnpulai one ( The tariff Is considerably below the u > l rail rate. AMICABLY SETTLED Jackson Park Workmen Ilavu Returned to Labor. CONDITIONS ON WHICH THEY RETURNED Rights of Nonunion Men to Make a Living Acknowledged , MANAGEMENT FIRM IN ITS POSITION Everything Will Bo in Readiness for tha Opening Day. WAS PURELY A STRIKE OF LEADERS The Men Dim Illlnsly Went Out When Or dered liy IheViilltlug IMeK-.iten Small Cnnip Inr tlui SIHUe lery ! - thbiK Now ArraiiKed. Cmt'Aoo. 111. , April 10. The great strike it the World's fair in a thing of the past , ind the men who walked out this morning will walk back again tomorrow morning and linety-nine out of every UM will work the same hours and for the same pay UH beforu the strike. For the llrst time since Its Inception or ganized labor came squarely in contact with the United States government , and wbllo ill questions of wages were satisfactorily settled. HID right of the employer to nonunion men or union men , the right oC men to be in the ranks of organl/.cd labor , or without them , was insisted upon by the latlonal representatives and acknowledged l > y the union men themselves. Cool Counsel I'revulleil. For twelve hours today the results of the lainstaking expenditure of more than $20 , HKI.OOO. the good name of this mighty nation mil its pledge to the nations ot the earth was imperilled and endangeivd. It toolc cool heads and temperate blood to guido the lisputo to a peaceful solution , but the heads were there and the blood was not wanting , mil the great white city will bo ready for Ha guests at the time and manner which were iironmcd at its birth. It was 10 o'clock tonight when the meeting of the council of administration and the rep resentative of the building trades council came to tin agreement , which is to continue throughout the entire period of the exposi tion , and under which further trouble was impossible. The men have received the formal concession of a minimum rate of wages and have yielded to the demand of the exposition officials , that they may employ any man. v > bother ho l > o or be not a member of any labor organisation. The llrst step looking toward peace was made this afternoon , when a committee of strikers was appointed to submit to the World's fair council of administration thu following proposition : "That if the World's fair council will ngrco to submit the diflorencos between the men and the exKslHrin | tonrbitration at 4 p.m. . April 12 , the building and trades council will order the men luck to work at oncd , pending tjio result of arbitration. The building and trades council binds Itself to abide by the decision of the arbitrators ; ono arbitrator to bo selected by the building and trades council ; ono by the World's fair management , and a third by these two.1 This proposition was submitted to the council of administration as the labor men's ultimatum. The council of administration was In session and promptly returned an answer that it was prepared to meet tlio men at once. The matter must bo settled soon it could bo settled then as well as any other time. To this the committee agreed , and > ho result was a meeting which for sev eral hours went over all tlio aspects of tlio case , but with two short adjournments , ono by each side , for consultation. nomu Uo-iottitloiifl. At 10 o'clock tonight the council of admin istration presented to the executive commit tee of the HtriKors the following resolutions , which were preceded by a short preamblu setting forth the existence of the strike , Ui-solvi-il , Tlmt In the employment ot work men , 01- artisans in tln < several trades rcprc- spnted by said t'xecuilvo commit too , for Iho pi-rfonnanri- \voi-U under tlio direct ehaimi and supi'i'vlslon of the World's Columbian K\- po-itlon coiunany representatives of union , or organl/i'd labor shall IHI entitled to equal consideration with those of nonunion , anil that tlui woi-Umiui hurrtofoi-o employed by said expo sition company , who Inivo this iliiy gene ml IT on u strike , hlnill not In-refiisml iMiiployinunt. li---afler | mi that ai-i-ount , II linlnx the express purpose of the council that oriianl/.i-d labor as Mii'h .shall mil be discriminated aialiHt ; and Hi-solved , further , That , tlierci shall bn paid In every artisan so employed by llm Rxpo- hltIon company at lonsl tlio minimum i-ato of wages prescrllicd for thu tradu In which bo Is employed : and Unsolved , That an authored representative , or ( k'lognlii of eiicli ( if mild trades .shall bu f nr- nishnl with a pass entitling him to free ; admis sion to tin- grounds and shall have the right to confer with thu workmen of Ids- trade at all times , provided siirh conft-rcnco shall not iniitui-lally Inturferu with or rntaul the work. ItcsolM-d. further , That tlio concussions made In and by the foregoing ii-solutlons nro MI macli > with llm distinct. undui-Htandlns Unit tluiy shall bi > accepted by said nxorutlvo coia- mlltcd as a full settlement of the pi-esont con- tloversy : Unit tinmun who Imve gonn on a si riku shall return to work at once , and that 'he provisions and stipulations of said resolu tions shall conllntif In force and be operative iluilnj , ' thu whole period of the expo-.ltIon. These resolutions were at cnco signed bv all members of the strikers' executive com mittee , representing the 8,000 or 10,000 laborIng - Ing men , and their trouble was ovor. It was a close call for the exposition , not only for Its opening , but for Its success. Tlio work of the nion who struck today is nearly over , and while they could not have ruined the fair they might , by stopping tin1 work so have delayed matters that the exposition could not have been in complete readiness liy the 1st of August. Thern was great ro'iof expressed on both sides whim the thing \v .H over , for the members of tlio council of ad ministration and of the strikers' cummUtoo alike were fearful of the weight of public opinion which would fall upon the party that opposed or obstructed the success of the exposition. Olijrcl of tbo Strike. The strike today was an attempt to union- i/o tbo fair-nothing moro , nothing toss , The lalHr ) leaders claimed that the World's Fair company had not kept faith with them , because it had refused to consider the mak ing of a new agreement In the faro of the fact that thu majority of the contra.'turn em ployed by the exposition hail alrc.idj made arrangements with the men , which wcru entirely satisfactory to the latter. Nine t\\t \ \ of uvory ten IIUMI who struck tod.iy were mil- ployed hy contractor ! , who were on friendly footing with Ilium. Two jours ago when the labor rp.resc | > iita- lives made a demand that none hut 11)11011 ) men should bo employed at the fair tlioy were asked If they would guar.intc'j tl. . / the unions could furnish men enough at nil limes to enable thu work to be prosecuted without delay. Afier taking account of stock they were enforced to cuiifesH ttint the unions v.-cro not stroiii } onongh to fur nish all the HUM. th fair would rcquiro. They were then Informed that the government - mont could not or would not diici-iminala ugalnst men becausn they wm-o or were not members of any labor orianl/alions. This ended Iho argument and thu matter was dropped by i-ommon wmsunt. There was , however , no ngrr-cmnnt that none but union men s'lOuM bo employed Two uvcUr ap ) tin ; irirn put ! n the request thut nniiuni-iD men be dh lrirged. and from that tune ll.e troublebrgtm It IB hinted , and oil tinuihur hand poalilvttly denied , that ttOin <