BEE TWENTY-SECOND YEAU. OMAHA , MONDAY MOUNUNG , APRIL 10 , 1803. NUMBER 29f . MEN WHO MADE THE RECORD Individual AcoDmpliiunwnt'j ' of Mombsra of the Late General Assembly. LEADERS AND DEBATERS OF THE BODY [ 'rumltiL'iit I'lsm-OH Among tlm I'lirtlc * In llolh MIIIIHCII Work mill TulU Hint .Mmpocl Ilin CoiirHU nf tinM"nlon. ! . LINCOLN , Nob. , April 0.- [ Special to Tin : HKI : . ) The legislators have gone , utul two immense bundles or manuscript In the hands of Chief Clerk Johnson uinl Secretary Ed- wardstlmt { will soon be transformed Into the printed house and state journals , and the rolls of signed nnil unsigned bills In tlio of- llces of the secretary of state and of the c-xccutivc , are all that Is loft to plve material ity to Hie miMiiory of the duiurtod law- niiiliers. Many of thorn came lioro nonentities and returned - turned homo umlellleil and unchanged. Some of them never claimed the recognition of the chair during the fourteen weeks of the ses sion , and their voices \vero never heanl ex cept as they were eulleil upon to vote. The greater nutnbcr of them paid close attention to the discussions unpaged in hy the talkers of the twin todies , wore faithful attendants on the sessions and In the main vbtcd con scientiously. Their record will only bo found in the oft-recurring list of yea and nay votes. The percentage of those who figured prominently before either house was perhaps as larjro as ia usually the case In legislative bodies , but what might Ijo termed the second class was smaller , whllo the tiling class , or those who were not beam I from at all , urns much larger. At least half the sena tor * were- seldom or never heard on any meav iuio , while in the house this percentage was slightly Increased. On.tiMi of tlio Si-mite. In the senate , the leaders of all debate and party action on the republican side were Moore of Lancaster and Tofft of Cass. I owloy of Seward was occasionally heard from , and was always accorded respectful attention. I'opo of Saline frequently claimed recognition , and was an entertaining talker , but did nut carry his point any oftener than Homo of the senators who had less to say. Dahcoclc of Douglas , Mattes of Otoo and North of Platte bold the points for the dem ocrats. North was the political Mstorian and orator , whiles Mattes was the parlia mentarian or point of order man. Hnlo of Madison was seldom heanl from , while Thomscn of Dodge sat Just behind him on the right of the main aisle , and succeeded In keeping himself looking pretty , as became a senator occupying that conspicuous position. Hoth voted for the railroad bill contrary to their wishes , Out out of deference to the de mands of their constituents. Uale , Harris , Stewart and Darner did the greater part of tlio talking on tlio inde pendent side of the senate , although Dysart I and Mullen did not allow themselves to bo loft very far behind. The latter was chair man of the railroad committee , and as such was largely occupied on important work in the committee room during a part of the session. It was something of an event when any senator aside from those name. ! asked the floor , Lobeek made one short speech on the railroad bill , but the passage of tlio bill in splto of his protest seemed to discourage him , and ho was not heard from again. Senator Clarke was present less than one- fourth of the session , his absence being dur ing tlio time when nearly all the doHber- ativo work of the body was done , and consequently quently found but little time or opportunity for oratorical attempts , but he availed him self of the chance that olfered when the railroad bill was under consideration ami made himself famous oy the stand that bo then took in favor of railroad regulation. T mlcr.s of thu 11 HUM. . Ill the house Davies , Keelcloy and Howe forced the lighting for the republicans , closely followed bv Cornish , Watson and llaller Hieketts did the work for the Douglas comity delegation and was always able to command attention. Ho know when to tulle and when to ' keep still , and when ho talked hi knew what to say. Ho showed himsell to be an excellent Judge of human nature and thus successfully asked favors that could not have been secured by any other member of the delegation. Locknor achieved some prominence towanl the close of the session because of his apKiintment | on the Impeach ment committee. The democr.i'.s in the lower house had but one copious talker ami that was Casper of llutlcr. Ho was possessed of a charming frankness , and ho had an apt way of saying things that impressed one as being particu larly applicable just at that time and place. llo found a valuable ally in Var. Housen of Colfnx , who indulged In no oratory but who talked business whenever ho talked at all , and who did as much hard work and to whoso efforts as much as to any one member are duo credit for the achievements of the house. There were several members of the Inde pendent fai'h who were unable to curb their dcsiro to lie heard many a time and oft. Porter was their recognized leader , and was given the important position of chairman of the railroad committee. Harry was also at the front , and during tlio latter part of the session was kept busy with the work devolv ing upon thu chairman of the Impouchment committeo. Stevens- and Illrglns were always readj to participate In a discussion , while Scott. Sodermnn unit Suter were in cluded in the ranks of the pushers. Other * Who Attracted Notice. Horst was one of the talkers , as was also Hhodes , but they lust prestige among the members of all purtics because of the fact that while posing as anti-monopolists they weio not disposed to give up enough of the time to allow other members who desired to air their views a chance to bo heanl. Rhodes was imbued ith an Intense dcsiro to pose as u constitutional lawyer , but it became so un popular that toward the last of the session lu > yielded to the prevailing clamor and con tented himself with walking around with the lonstltutlon under his urm and saying little about it. Kessler wns one of the republicans who made a strong fight for the stock yards bill , and also | H > sed as a champion of ' .mmicipal suffrage , while Lingonfoltor of tbo inde pendents courted prominence only as the advocate of a bill for universal suffrage. Woods made friends of all the members because of the unfailing regularity with which he moved the previous question under all conditions and circumstances. He was the wit of the house , and his dry savings frequently convulsed that body. Nowbcrry was heard from occasionally , but thogrcater part of lilt time and Interest worn centered In the welfare of the that was substi tuted by the railroad committee for the bill that was given the protection of his name two years ago. Smith of Holt ought not U bo forgotten , as his foghorn vuico would not permit such a thing if ho were still here. 1) ) rn > i-it May Cri'vp lu , The attention of the governor Is called tc the fact that much of the work done during the closing hours of the legislature wii > moro or less tangled up in the llnal rush ami the chaotic state of affairs In the enrolling moms was such as to suggest the probability of mistakes. The regular force of clerks hail been paid off , and believing the session practically at an end at noon had taker their departure. . When the agreement was Jlnally reached on the approprlatloi bills it was of course nccessar ; to have them enrolled , and ttu clerks In the various onlccs about the stall iguso were pressed into service to do tin work In order that tlm bills might bo prop- crlv signed bistort ) adjournment. Tlio en rolling 'rooms were Illled with interested par ties , unolig them being Hill Dorgan and a number of others whoso presence on such an iceaslon was not one to inspire conlldetico. In the hurry of llnal adjournment some of the bills were not compared with the en rolled copies , and it Is stated that in some instances "mistakes" crept in. Inasmuch as the governor tins the | > ewer to strike out any item , It will DO seen that a careful compari son would not only reveal anj errors but that they can be corrected. Itcdiivtlon in Appropriation. 'I'hogeneral appropriation bill , as it was llnally passed , calls in round numbers for * l.r.00,0 < > 0 , or * : ) ,1.000 less than was appro priated by the legislature of two years ago. The reduction was fill.XX ( ) as the bill origi nally went from the house , but tlm senate Increase and the result of the conferences Increased the bill about $ l'J."i,0'JO. ' Of this amount the house agreed to SWXK ) as a matter of Justice when the bill was llrst sent bade. It subsequently consented to the addi tion of SIO.OOO for tin- state militia , of which amount $1\UOO vi ill bo paid back by the gov ernment. The appropriation for the secre taries of the State Boanl of Transportation was restored , us the board Is a Iieccsslty under the now rate bill. The supreme court commission also called for $15,000 moro than was Included in the original bill , us the com mission was only n dream at the time the bill was formulated. A11 IT , lor > Clinical ! . The republican senators are after the scalp of Commissioner General ( iarneau. They have all signed a communication to the gov ernor setting forth the fuel that they voted for the World's fair hill with the understand ing that 11 did away witli the present board of management , and they hii\e also sent In a protest against the continuance or reappointment - ment of any of the present hoard. The word "any" is written in capitals and is heavily underscored. The senators ask for the re- appointmentol H. It. Greor. who was super seded by ( iarneau. The petition and protest is also signed by about fort.of . the members of the house , including representatives of all parlies. tilt.ITr.PUl. Will I'/fi ; JM/.V. Hrenrhlng SIumrrHS.ivo Several Ohlii Iliun- lelH from Destruction. POHTSMOVTII , O. , April 9. The residents of Nunvoo , Union Mills and Friendship , this county , lifted up prayers of thankfulness this morning at 'J a. in. when a heavy April rain began to fall. For the past two weeks a very strong and dantrerous forest llro has prevailed west of the Scioto river. Tbo origin of the lire is unknown , unless caused by farmers burning brush. The lire origi nated In the Washington township lumber region Monday and has been gradually spreading. Theuath rendered desolate by the llro is sixteen miles long by four miles wide and over $50.000 worth of ties , poles , tanb'irk , cordwood and s.iwed timber has been burned. Saturday the hamlets of Union Mills and Friendship were surrounded by lire. By Saturday niL-ht ram saved them. At present the llro is smouldering and an other rain will quench it. The losses , roughly estimated will exceed $ ' > 00OdJ in timber , etc , that lias been burned , not counting the score of farm buildings swept away. Mills Allumc. Cnii.i.tcoinn , O. , April 9. The terribly high winds that prevailed the past three days fanned the llames of various disastrous llres throughout the hill hinds of Hess , High land , Pike and Chcnango comities. No rains of consequence have fallen for a month , and the dried leaves were like a tinder box. Thursday afternoon the fire started in differ ent places and the strong wind gave it great headway , making It impossible to conllno it in any manner. Tlio .wind calmed at night , which loft tlio fire to creep slowly along or litiish what had been gone over so rapidly Tlio red lines of lire stretch ing across the hills for miles with the burning of the dead standing trees lit up the whole country. Friday tbo wind blew moro tcrrillo than before and what had been left or protected in the tinnier was en veloped in the llames. Since then everything that would burn has been licked up by the llames In their mad course and all efforts at resistance failed. The dense smoke still en velops the whole country. No deaths are reported and the irrcat destruction was con- lined to the timber lands , but hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of young timber has been lost. The g.ilc had expended itself by Saturday noon and the lltful rain that fell Saturday night , extinguishing the tires and clearing the air. XKKi > stir in : i-tioroan ii'iir.n. Now Ituculiitloim In Kegnrd to ilio | [ cils- trutloit ol ChlneHc , S.vx FKANCI-UO , Cal. , April 9. Instruc tions which were received from Washington yesterday modif vine the Chinese regulations by dispensing with photographs and requir ing only one credible witness , came as a sur prise to the treasury officials lioro and all other persons who are directly interested In the Chinese registrati in act. Collector of Internal Revenue Quinn , in commenting upon the modification of the regulations , said : "This new Instruction is a great sur prise to mo , because heretofore the govern ment has required us to employ every pre caution to prevent improper registrations. Tlio very best safeguard against fraud in the future has been the photos of the appli cants. Without their use. it will bo a dlfllcult matter to secure a complete identi fication. The importance of this will be felt later when the certiticatcs are transferred to Chinese who have been smuggled into this country. The change , howcvir , will relieve us of considerable labor , and wo will bo enabled to register about four times as many applicants in the same time we do now. .lust what has caused the department to make these changes I do not know. Regu lations for enforcing the law are issued by the secretary of the treasury , and subject to change by him at any time. Just what effect this will have upon the Chinese 1 am not prepared to say. The\ , have alwuvs ob jected to turnlshiug their photos , and many have given thai as a reason for not register ing. The Chinese are controlled by the Six Companies , and until thov consent the num ber of registered will lie small. If they should decide to como In we will do our best.1 Gee Gong Tong , the necrotary of the Six Companies , when Informed of the change made In the regulation , declared that it would not cause the Chinese to register. They would continue to oppose tno law , and only cease after a decision by the United States court. King Owlanglco consul , when informed of the news Irom Washington , said : "Con sul general and m.\ self have not expressed any opinion or used our influence with our people for or against the Geary act. Tills change in the regulations Is unexpected news , and we do not know whar. iiitlucnco bus brought It about. It will remove one of the most objectionable features of the regis tration act , and may cause a larger number to apply for certificates of residence , but of this 1 am not certain. " To Succeed Phillip. . llriioUx. BOSTON , Mass. , April 9- There are now two candidates mentioned for tlio bishopric made ovacant by the death of ICov. Phillips Brooks. They are Uev. Dr. Morgan Dlx of Trinity church , who is called a con servative , and Dr. Giver of St. Bartholo mew's church , who is known as a hroad churchman. These gentlemen have hoi'n In formally selected by adherents to their views , and will probably bo voted for in the convention to bo held Wednesday , May 1) ) . \ \ iArurpt \ a New I'o'ltliiii , JICKWNVU.I.E , 111 , April U. Dr. ( illlotte , who has had charge of the State Institution for Deaf and Dumb for thlrly-cight or forty years , will resign as soon as the boanl of trustees meets this week. Ho will accept a itosltkm as superintendent of the Colorado institution at Colorado Springs , and will go as soon the school year closes hero. SECRETARY MORTON'S ' VIEWS Ho Talks of the Impeachment of Nebraska State Officials. COMMENDS THE LEGISLATURE FOR IT l.uw * Hint Should Ito Ami'iulcd Tlio Tim ing of OlIlrlnlH Under HiniiN Con- duintird OIlfcpM Should llo Klcctvil lorTIiflr Known llonc ty. WASIIISOTOS Btmr.AU op TUB BnG , ] B13 Fouu-tKBXTti STIIUF.T . , > \VASUISIITO.V. D. O. , April 0. , i Secretary J. Sterling Morton talked freely today to Tut : Uii : : correspondent about the Impeachment pro.'eedings In the legislature of Nebraska against a number of the state officials. " 1 am not at all surprised , " said ho , "to sco the impeachment resolutions pass the legislature without opposition of cense quence. It has been plain to mo for years that some of the state officers were corrupt. During the last campaign I announced from the rostrum nt Fremont that if the connection - , nection between the state treasurer and the Capital National bank of Lincoln were broken cho bank would fall. President Mosher wrote mo a leading letter , Imploring mo not to mention sti'-h a tiling. Ho said it would break his bank. I replied that it would not harm him if he were honest. To my mind ho gave away his case and ad mitted the truthfulness of all of my asser tions. The fact is the state treasury was holdingup the banlt. When the funits were demanded the bank failed and the treasury , vas found to be looted. I expect a number of impeachments before the Nebraska legis- ature Is llnally through. The good work ought to go ahead. Sorr.v Tor the ItondsiniMi. 'I am exceedingly sorry for the bondsmen of the officers who arc Impeached. " continued Secretary Morton with a sigh , "for it is an iwful thing for a man to lose his hard earned money by the corruption or reckless ness of friends. Some mm will bo ruined. H is not often , however , tint bondsmen are made to pav. It is not once In ten times. I loubt if once in fifty a bond stands good for a loss by defalcation. They have a way of .citing out of it. Generally the bondsmen lire given notice of the trouble and irct rid of their realty. I wish the system of giving bonds to secure money in the hands of public officers was abolished. 1 don't believe in re- juiring treasurers , disbursing officers and igcntselected by the people to give bonds for the faithful performance of their trusts. Wo should select men lor positions requiring inancial integrity wlio have established for honesty , and who are known to bo honest. Then there should be an ac counting to a severe criminal law. oSlioiitd Hit letlt : With Sf\ov < > ly. "If a man defaults when he is trusted ipon his honor he should he dealt with by an iron hand. H seems ridiculous to elect a man by the franchise of the people , to re quire him to pass the crucial test of a cam paign and after election require the s'imo citizens who selected him to give a money bond guaranteeing that tie will not steal ; it reflects discredit upon the acts of the people. It is inconsistent with our forms of government. It is easy enough for any man elected by popular vote to give a bond. If necessaryhe has only to Inform a banker that his deposits are at the bank's disposal and the bond N forthcoming : but what guaranty is there for the people in a bond as it is nowadays made f If wo would trust public officers moro upon their honor , select them for their honesty as well as their capability and popularity , and then rix laws for punishment , not guaglng defalcation by dollars named In a bond , wo would natur ally elevate the standard for men who set oflice. Now it is not a question of integrity as much as a man's ability to get elected. People say his bond secures the state or the government ; it doesn't. It fixes a premium upon dishonesty by naming the limit above which an ollicer can steal. A cabinet ofllcer has no bond to give , and yet ho disburses much moro money than a state treasurer , and none has ever defaulted. I don't believe in llxing a standard for ono officer thai ci ! nnot bo adapted for another. The bond business is a farce. " Thought Their Tlinu Hail Como. An amusing illustration of the trepidation among tlio clerks' in the departments was furnished at the Postolllce department today. Postmaster General Bissell , in hie' desire to reorganize republican clcrksout of ofllcc , docs not wait for the cumbersome red tape methods Hitherto employed , but sends down a list to the appointment clerk , and then sends for victims on his list , and notifies them that their resignations are wanted. Hence a summons to thoanpointment clerk's oHIce has como to bo regarded by tbo Post ollleo department clerks pretty much in the light of the visit of the sheTlff on the morn ing of execution. Yesterday morning the twelve clerks In the appointment division were horrified , one after the other , to hear the electric bell in each man's room summon him to Appoint ment Clerk Fenton's office. Those who dallied a moment to arrange the papers on their desks were startled by a second ring ing , louder and lonirur than the lirst. There was a rush along the corridors and the clerks in the other rooms , hearing tbo bells and seeing the victims on their way to tlio iriiil- lotine , looked up In sympathy , and then speculated how soon their turn would come. The twelve clerks Hied Into Mr. Fenton's office , an > l the latter looked up in surprise at the Invasion. They explained that they had been suinmnnud hastily. Mr. Fenton re plied that he had not called them , and that the da.of . their executi'in ' had not therefore arrived. Meanwhile the bells were still ringing. Mr. Fenton looked arounu for an explanation un.l found it in the person of a portly visitor who , in order to impress his ! eloquence uH | > n Mr. Fenton the moro impres sively , had sat down on the keyboard in Mr. Fenton's desk which connected the electric wires with all the bells in the rooms of the different clerks. The clerks were too grateful for their es cape to make any reproachful remarks to the innocent cause of their terror , but Mr. Fen- ton invited him to get on" the table. . .Miilnttimliii- SeimtoV liinly. Visitors who while in Washington pro pose to view the United States senate should bo careful to remember always the awful solemnity of the spectacle on winch they are penult ted to gaze. Visitors to the house of representatives are permitted almost all free loin from restraint , except that they must not bring dogs into the galleries , and must exercise self-restraint when chewing tobacco. But in tbo senate galleries the ut most decorum must always bo preserved. No person is permitted to lay an overcoat or wrap on the railing in front of the scats overlooking the semite chamber , nor are men permitted to hold their hats beyond the rail ing. There is an awful tradition that once u | > on u time a man who carelessly leaned his hand over the railing , dropped the hat ho held , and that it fell upon the head of a sen ator , who was sitting upon u sofa Just be low. low.Tho The other day an old lady had been sitting in ono of tlio galleries for half an hour , tryIng - Ing to follow Senator Turpio's speech on the disputed salts of the appointed sena tors. After a while she grow tired and picked up a newspaper which some other spectator had left behind him. She r.'aJ it about two minutes , when some senator , glancing ut > in the gallery , observed her aw ful tireaeh of decorum. The chief of the pages was nut Hied of the crime and a mo ment later a messenger was hurried up into the gallery to notify the old lady of the enormity cf her offense. She was so morti fied at the publlo reproof for a moment's thoughtlessness that she led the gallery , but the dignity of the United States sciiato had been vindicated , P. S. H. lt'AN TltACT SUCIKTV. It * .Hl\tyiiBhtli : Amnfiit Meeting Held I.iU : Night lit Work. WASHINGTON- . a , April O.-Tho Wash ington mooting of the sixty-eighth anniver sary of the Aniene-in Tract siclety was hold tonh'ht In the Luther Place Memorial church. Hov. J. O ( Uutlbr , D.D. , pastor : ox-Justice William Strong , president ot the society , presided. An' eloquent sermon was preached by K-JV. David .fanes Burroll , D.D. , pastor Mirblo Collegiate of New York , on the need and value of tin ) homo mission work of this great mission iry society. The missionary secretary , Kov. William Klce , D.D. , gave a synopsis of the annual report , calling1 attention to the four special features of the society's work. To provide a depository of evangelical non-sectarian literature in the various lan guages of the world. This Includes over I'- 100 distinct p lollcations In lf-0 languages. Of these , In sixty-cight years HO.OOO.OOO vol umes have been circulated , besides more than 415.0011,000 tracts and 'J-JO,000,000 copies of periodicals. A system of gratuitous distribution of its literature to Christian workers to aid in reaching the people with the gospel. These grants are made throuzh pastors , mission aries , Young Men's Christian association , Christian Endeavor societies. King's Daugh ters , chaplains and volunteer lay workers. There has been expou.led . ' ,400.00' ' ) hi this work during the society's organization. Union missionary eoliwtago , a system by which there have been employed on an aver age about ITfi missionaries annually who have made more than M.l.'O.OiH ) family visits and circulated about 15,700 , 000 volumes among the scattered and- the most needy spiritually ot our population , including iinmlinMiits and Indians. Its for- el-.Mi work in which its grant to the foreign missionaries of evangelical churches , cash and clcctrotj PCS for printing and illustrat ing Christian truth in the languages of the people among whom they labor. The ex penditures in this department have exceeded jTT.'JOO. Tlio report for" the past year shows re ceipts from all sources in round numbers of 6370,000. There have been employed IStS col- poi tcrs laboring in thirty-six states and ter ritorieswho have made 140.0JO farnilv visit ? , in over 100,000 of which they conducted re ligious exercises. ' . They circulated I'JL-I.VJ volumes. They found about 1'J.OOO families without any religious books except the bible and nearly 7.000 Protestant families without the bililo. They found over'JS.OiU professedly Protestant families who never attend church. They addressed .1,419 public re ligious meetings. The grants for the year amounted to about iK.YOOO. ALMOST Itr.ADY TO AI > , MiilN. Hnil of the 1'rcHriit Se.ii.iuii of tlm Semite Driiu-lng Ncur , WAMIIXIITOX , D. C. , April 9. The sciiato has practically completed its work and is now waiting for the president to bring the session to a close. Alt idea of passing upon the questions involved in the appointment of the three senators from the northwest has been abandoned and that matter will to left fir disposition at the next session. The grounds for this course are , llrst , that many senators are still undecided how to vote upon the propositions Involved. Second , many others dcsiro to.address a full senate , and third , the llnal and .conclusive reason that thero'ls not a voting quorum in the city at present. It is said that about Tucs.lay the senate will appoint a committee to wait upon the president and ask hint If ho has further busi ness to lay before the body. It is assumed by the senators generally that the only real important matter that remains to bo com municated is the nomination to the court ol appeals of the District of Colum bia , for unless this is filled be- fo.'o adjournment there Is likely to bo a ( ( deadlock in the business. Although the impression prevails that nearly all the foreign missions have been filled the records ( Inclosed the fact that no < iomlnations have yet been made to twenty of those important places. The list is Argentine Republic , Bo livia. Urazil , China , Colombia , Ecuador , Hayti , Hawaii , Italy , Hussia. Corea , Liberia , Paraguay and Uruguay , Persia. Portugal , San Domingo , Slam , Sweden and Norway , Turkey and Venezuela. Most important of these is , porhaos , Uussla , and it is surmised in some quarters that the delay in making a change there arises from a desire to await tlio possible action of the Husslan government raising the grade of its Washington mission to an embassy , which wilt admit of the nomina tion of another ambassador by the president in that case , lint in the malority of these cases there is good reason why the places cannot bo illled by appointment , subject to confirmation when the 'senate meets again next session , and therefore the impression prevails at the capital that the present session will adjourn some time next week. ttKl.UilUUS VUXdllK.'iS. Tart Hint Will Ilii Taken In It by Ih ; , lcwe nt the World' * I'ulr. NBW YOIIK , April 9.-Hov. Dr. Joseph Sll- vcrman , who was appointed on the commit tee of arrangements for the Jewish religious World's fair congress , has just returned from a mectihg of the committee held in Chicago. "There is , " Dr. Silverman says , "some misapprehension about the part which the Jews will talco in the religious congress which will be held during the World's fail- in Chicago. Some have thought that all these religious congresses were inadvisable on account of the possibiliey of their giving rise to religious discussions of an acrimoni ous nature. "Una. r the arrangements that have been made such contingencies will bo obviated. Every denomination will have its own religious - ligious congress of national or international ehni-jetcr , at which iuiiers | will bo road and discussions held by tlm same denominations. No two religious congresses will como into contact. "Hcsldes these independent religious congresses - grosses there will bo n parliament of re ligious lasting several ijays. In this parlia ment there will be jio open discussion on any topic. Arraugomiiuls have been made , however , that persons desiring further in formation upon the subjects treated by the respective representatives of the denomina tions may consult them via private rooms set aside for that purpose. ' "Tho .lows' religious foongross will he ln on Auirust is and extend for several days. Eminent divines of ICumpo and America have been Invited to ie , l papers on various subjects. It will give an opportunity for correcting many of tbn misapprehensions that are current aboul Judaism and also for refuting many of the false statements of the anti-Semites of Europo. This last is ono of the most Important benefits that will accrue from the Coluaibian World's fair , not only to Judaism , but to all tminklnd. Lost Their Trnm nnilVugon. . CASIT.II , Wyo. , April ! ) . [ Special Telegram toTim BEI : . | The party of surveyors out with Colonel A. M Gibsjii yesterday near the White Ash coal mines mistook a road used last winter to cross the river on the ice for a ford and drove In. The wagon and team were lost and as yet have not been found. None of the party were injured. The suivoyors are at Dcssjiner waiting for a team to bring them back to town. ot SttMiinrr ? , April I ) . At New York Arrived Umbria , from Llverpoil : SiMiidla , .fro-H Hamburg ; La ( jiisw-ouno. from Havra At Bremen Arrived -Dresden , from Haiti- more. At London Arrived Maine , from Phila delphia. WAS CAUSED BY THE BISHOP Anti-Masonic Riot in Peru the Outgrowth of a Ohurch Circular. PRELATE OF AREOUIPA AT THE BOTTOM IIli rnixmlr Atilnit : Secret Order * I.cud * to tlio Intcrimtlniml IHIllrulty .Moll At- tudu ( lie ( lovcrntncnt llulldlnc ill Smiting ! ! South American Nous. \CnpyrtyMttl \ l/ni hu Jam'-i finiilmi Itcnnrll. ] LIMA , Peru , ( via ( ialveston , Tox. . ) April 0. ( By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald Special to Tun Uir. : . ] The wound ing of a consular agent of the United States , which Minister Hicks reported to the Wash ington government , occurred at Mollendo , Peru , on March ! ! 5. Acting under Instruc tions from the Herald. I send the particulars of the riot during which the consular agent was Injured. 'I'ho trouble grow out of tlio atitl-Masonlo demonstrations which have lately boon mule in Peru under the direction of the ilshop of Arcguip.i. Masonic rites were he- ing observed at the lodge room in Mollendo on the evening of March 25. A portion of llio musical program was performed by the iCstudiantma America company , which was on its way to the Chicago exposition. Dur- ng the ceremonies a mob attacked the jullding. Many stones were thrown , and those were participating in tho. rites were Irivcn from the linlge room. Hnvlng driven out the Masons the mob sioke.l llm lo.lgo room and burned the building. The furniture in .ho room and the instrument : ) belonging to the Kstudlniitina America company were ro- noved to tlio street , piled in a heap and .hen burned. A few shots were llred during the melee , one of which wounded the American con sular agent. Kmllio do CaseorUi , In the eg. It is said that the riots were caused by the action of the Masons in gnoring an edict against their ceremonies which was issued by the Uonian Catholic iiishopof Arenuipu. Thesub-nrefcct of police. \vlio made no effort to protect the Masons in tlieli riot , has been dismissed by the govern ment , and will bo placed on trial. Kopjrts from Mallendo say it is quiet there now. Thr < > : ueiHMl Hovoll ill lU'iitidor. PANAMA , Colombia ( via Oalveston , Tox. ) , April' ) . [ Hy Mexica.i Cable to the New- York Herald Special to Tun Hur. ] Kx- citement has -been caused in Guayaquil , ICcuador , by the discovery of eighty cases of arms which had been landed there without the knowledge of the.govcrnment. The own ers of the arms had loaded them upon a ves sel bound for Tumbex. Peru , but under cover ofnljjht the vessel returned and put the arms on ICcuadorian sail. This' incident has aroused the fear of the authorities that a revolution Is being planned , and that it was intended to deceive the government by pre tending to ship arms out of the country , bring them back and keep them in hiding until needed for use in the proposed revolu tion. SiTtireil a Coaling Station. The American minister to ICcuador has signed a treaty with that government under which the United States ) : as been ceded an island for a coaling station. A telegram from Cartagena says that President Nunez has received a cable dispatch from M. Monchicourt , liquidator dater of the Panama Canal company , thanking him for bringing the canal compli cations to a happy ending by signing the contract for extcnuing the concessions. In extending the concessions Colombia has in creased her debt ° . , OlK.000 ) francs and has assured the liquidators of the validity of the contracts. A half million francs must bo paid this year. An inventory is to bo taken of the canal properly , including the rolling slock. The old bonds are to bo retained until new ones are issued , and as a guaranty of the new contract. All disoutcs which hereafter arise are to be settled through diplomatic channels or by submission of the question to the supreme court of Colombia. CblliN Political TroiihliM , ' VAU-AUAI-O , Chill , ( via Cialvcston Tex. , ) April 9. [ By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald Special to THE Bii.j : : A dispatch has just been received from San tiago which says that an attack was made on the government buildings by a mob. Tlio mob was driven away , but in consequence of the disorders martial law is reported to have been declared in the provinces of Santiago , Valparaiso and Aconeaqua. Meanwhile President Montt has requested the members of his cabinet , who resigned on Friday , to meet with him and tranacts impor tant business until suitable men have been found to take their places. The task of forming a now cabinet will probably bo un dertaken by Isidore Krraguru. The prefect of police and commandato of arms have tendered their resignations. 101 Ferro Carrll says the resignations have been followed by the discovery of a quantity of arms which had been concealed. * lliuy ItitvolntlonliM. The Herald's correspondent In Illo tele graphs that three transports have sailed for Uio Grande do Sul , Brazil , carrying ,000 soldiers to tight the revolutionists. Colonel Salmada has joined the revolutionary forces. Tlio Herald's correspondent In Artlgas says that Pina's division is marching toward Uruguayan ; ! . General Hippolyte is near the Uruguay border with ! i , . " > 00 men in his com mand. A fund of 2,000 centoj has been received at the federal headquarters at Alogroto. The fund Is to bo used In carrying on tlio war. Baron Lucena sent SOJ centos to the revo lutionists. There is trouble batween the states of Catamarca. and 'Santiago in Ar gentina. The chief of polluo of Catamarca followed souio of the rebels of that state into the state of Santi ago. There ho was cast Into prison and his release has been demanded by the governor of Catamarca. Huron Branco bus been appointed the rep rcsentatlvo of Brazil in the arbitration of the Mlsslones questions. m\n.s : HV IIKIUANDS. ItoiiKb ol mi Ami.Tlo.iii Travtd- hiK In .Mexico. CiiuirAiiin , M''x. , April 0 The mineral mule train which arrival hero last nt ht from the 15 inlrli3 : district , In the western part of the state , brought the llrst news of an attack of the brigands rnudo upan an American ir.imo.l L. F. Tcndick , formerly of Colorado. Mr. TimJick an I serv ant set out froni ( Juiiyanris , lu the state of Sonora , about three weeks ago for an over land trip the to Balipotas district , where lir- contemplated investing in mines. When within about sixty miles of Halipotas they were suddenly attacked by a band of ten brigands. Mr Tcndick and his servant at tempted to defend thenibulves but were over powered and beaten Into insensibility bj the outlaws Mr. Tondldt % .vas robbed o ! a large amount of money and both burros which the in en were riding were taken. After hours of severe suffering upon recovering his senses , Mr. Tcndick sought accommodations nt the homo ol n goat border on the mountains , while his servant made his way to Uallpotas and secured the necessary assistance to bring Mr. Tendick to camp. The authorities were notlllcd and are in pursuit of the bandits. MIIXH'AN rilOt.lCS ! AltOlNKD. Dcli-ntlon liy tlip AutliorllliM uf i Young \Vonmii Who WUIiiMlto Tiller n Comeiit. CITY op Mi\ioo : , April 9. Theiv is con siderable excitement among the Catholics of this city over the alleged retton of the gov ernment oftlcials In forcibly detaining Miss .losusa I < opo ? , a young lady ami daughter of a prominent merchant , who left hero last Tuesday fur Lafayette , La. , where she waste to enter a convent as a nun. The reform laws of Mexico piohlblt con vents and no woman H ullcwed to take the veil. Miss Iopehowever , de lred to enter a convent In the United States and her wishes were acceded to bv her parents. She left here via the Mexican National road and had gotten as far as Satlllo. over 9IK ) miles north of this city , when the. train wasbo.irded by police ofllcors who took the lady oiT and accompanied her back to the City of Mexico. The authorities hero claim that the brothers of the youngli-.dy were opposed to her enter ing a convent and ordered her detention , but Catholics claim the arrest was upon orders of government authorities because the prisoners were attempting to violate the convent law. U'rri'iieil liy mi iirlllilkc. : : | : . Iiii. : UADi ; , April 9. A severe earthquake was felt in many parts of Servia yesterday. The \illage of Veliki Popovltch was tumbled into ruins and several inhabitants were Killed. Deaths in wrecked houses are re ported from other villages in the kingdom. llrrlni ; Sun Arbitration , LONDON- , April 10. The Paris i-orrospjn' dent of the Daily Telegraph says that the Hering sea arbitrators have decided to give their judgment as to the admlssibility of the Urltlsh supplementary report to evidence on next Wednesday. On tint I'.irU Konr r. * P.uiis , April 9. Prices on the bourse dur ing the week were firm. Variations in the main were unimportant ; it per cent rentes declined 25 francs ; Uio Tinto , 75 francs ; Credit Fonder advanced 2' ' . ; francs. lloth \ \ ere. lEe.imlilldint. PAHI * , April 9. The senatorial election in the Department of the Dromo toJay resulted in the choice of M. Liurcn. runnln g against M. Piivou. Both are republicans. Sci/cd nn Inland. PAIIIS , April 9. The governor of French Cochin China telegraphs that the French troops took possession on April of Kulion island. The Siamese withdrew without offering any resistance. XIHI YUliK'S H .ITKIt t > fl'l't.r. Costly Work to Tree It from Cmitiimi- . nntlonVliole Villii : , " < M Destroyed. Nr.w YoiiK , April 9. The war for the purification of this city's water supply con tinues. The objective point just now is Urewsters , a village of-100 houses and proba bly 1,500 inhabitants. A number of these houses have been condemned and will soon bo food for the torch. In the main street there arc fifty houses without any system of drainage. These will bo allowed to remain About fifty houses on stilts along the east branch of the Croton , which drain directly into the stream , will have to go. Probably nowhere arc the residents so concerned over tlie'situatlon as at Carmel , another village contributing to the pollution of the water supply. Here the houses are of a superior class and many of them have been occupied by the present tenants for decades. A special plea has been put in for the school house , but it will bo of no avail. It is estimated that lifty houses in Carmel alone will bo destroyed ( ultra CnnilKiiinunt ot Them Itcnuh ChlniKo ICnrnuto to Aimtnos'i , li. : CHIC too , 111. , April 9. [ Special Telegram toTnn Bcc. ] A lot of moonshiners , coun terfeiters and criminals of other ilk from Alabama stopped over in Chicago yesterday on their way to the United States prison at Anamosa , la. This morning Captain Ma- houoy received a telegram from United States Marshal White of the southern state to have the patrol wagon in readiness at the union depot to receive the prison ers. They arrived at Ilfi5 : over the Alton road and were locked up- at the Desplaines street station , whore they were hold until 11 o'clock tonight. All were typical southerners. Their costumes were made up of large hats , Jeans trousers , flannel shirts and largo boots. Encircling their waists were cartridge belts with re volver holster on each side. The moon shiners declared an injustice was done to them In sentencing them to the peniten tiary , but they take the matter as a joke. l.verclRt : * l y tlm MnrmonH. SALT LAKE CITY , U. T. , April 9. Largo crowds thronged at the gates of the taber nacle today , but they were not opened , an almost unprecedented tiling. Everybody ex pected a largo and fervid service , but none at all was held. Instead the regular cere monies were repeated In the temple this fore noon and this afternoon to two separata squads of 2.150 people , comprising delega tions for the first time of "recommended" saints from this city. Heretofore outside states have had the monopoly , but today about threi.-fourths of all who passed through wore from this city. This morninir ono of the heaviest and nastiest little hliards of the Reasons fell in this valley with a dashing .snow and alkali sweepings of wind , but most of the day was clear and pleasant. I" I.yiirli Him. SAMNKan. . , April 9. John Hudson , sup- jiosed to bo the negro who last Wednesday so brutally treated Mrs. .1. M. Frost and crushed in her baby's .skull , was arrested tonight and partially Identified by Mrs. Frost. A mob of UOi ) excited citizens sur rounded the jail tonight In nn endeavor to lynch Hudson , but at lliO : ! o'clock dispersed , saying that they would assemble again In the morning and .ml > - : . < Hudson then gave a satisfactory -story clearing himself of the charge they would surely string him up. Trouble Is feared , as the mob scorned deter mined and the sheriff Is bound to preserve his prisoner for the law. Until Young I..iillcH on Tlm * , I'tiiiTMND , Oro. , April 9. Miss Edith Day returned to Portland this morning over the Southern Paciiic , hiving completed her 10,000 mile railroad journey through the United States and Mexico in sovontoun days and fourl03ii and one-half horn- ; . Miss DJO little loft Chicago at the same time and trav eled in an opposite dlre.-tlon. Sl.o traveled the entire distance according to s-uiodulu. HO TOV , Mass , AprilMiss ' Hossld Mitchell arrived in Boston from Now York at 0:15 : jcsionliy morning , promptly on schedillo time. At : 'M she was spending to wards Chicago , \\hero her Journey ends. Mm'Mrreil Whllo Cnrmitu to Church , G.U.VKITOX , Tex. , April 9. A News special from Llviti'-'ston says : George Snow and Arthur Gainer were going to church wit It J. W. Peeble-j aivl his daughter , Miss IJmina , when they were mot b\ Arthur Fields , who lulled Snow and shot Gainer four times Gainer was nut seriously hurt. Fields was shot twice ana his wouuus are fatal. No cause tniown , Results of the Meeting of State Boards of Health nt Now York. DID NOT RECOGNIZE HIE GOVERNMENT In Their riium to 1'ruviMil HIP Comlni ; of C'liolrrii They Mute No 1'lnre tor the Nntliiiml Authorities- A Tew Otliilonn | , Nnw YOIIK , April O.-Tho fnll.iroof . the conference of delegates from the state boards of health , which has just finished Its session In this city , to recogul/.o the national government as a factor In enforcing quaran tine regulations has left many of the mem bers In an unhappy frame of mind. The proposition to pay a number of the in- specters In service between state lines mder the United States marh-o hospital id-vice failed of adoption , the disappointed ones say , because there was not time enough o make the light for It against a compar.i- Ively small portion of the conference which opposed It. "I believe that a large majority of the con- erenco was In favor of sharing the respotisl- illlty with the national government. " said > r. H. H. Hakerof Mtchiiran , the treasurer if the national organi/atlon , to a reporter. Ml is something which is in perfect nccowl vitli the law recently passed by congress , ind unless the state authorities maintain lU'irantlno provisions which nro considered imple , the- national marine hospital si rvico will assist anyway. " nature to Iccniitl/.e thu rinviTiiillrnt. "Why then did the conference vote not to rccognl/o the national government. ' " he was asked. "Because a few of those present made such a hot light against it , " ho said. " .SOIIKJ of the delegates were very much afraid thai the rights of the states were to be infrinirej on. Wo had so ninny other things to do that there was no time to light it out. " "Do you think the resolutions passed by : ho representatives of the states in thd Mississippi valley will bo carried into ef fect ( " "I do. Secretary Carlisle will bo asked to ippolnt , a commission to visit the Kuropeau ountrics from which cholera seems most Ikely to ho imported , to ascertain what is thoe-nditlon there and what is the apparent ( auger to this country from it. I do not think Mr. Carlisle can refuse to do this when ho considers that all of the great states in the interior are represented in the request. " "Do you consider the results of the confer ence satisfactory ( " "With the exception of that part which liiul to do with the question of rccogni/.inij the national authorities , 1 do. It has somu value , In that it has brought the health oftlcors of so many states into direct con sultation with the surgeon general of thu Marine hospital. We want a barricade/ igainst infectious diseases drawn from the Janadian line to a point far enough smith to include the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. Wo want an inspection service on every trans- mrtatlon line , and wo have it established ; for a considerable portion of the distance. " Minncitotii'H Sjxlein. Dr. Charles N. Howctt , executive oftlccr of the health board of Minnesota * aid that among the most important precautions to betaken taken was a svslem of notifications from the health officers at the port of New York to the health boards In the interior. Minnesota liail such a system. Whenever tin immigrant lands from an infected port or an infected ship Wo are iiifoi'mell whether lie Intends coming to our state. Dr. Jenkins sends us by wire the time of departure of the immi grants , tlio number in the party , and the ilisoaso with which they may possibly bo contaminated. Our state pijs : the telegraph tolls anil is glad to io ! it. " "Is this " not expensive ? "We have a cipher which enables a great deal of Information to be sent in ten words. " "Can you trace these immigrants on their nrrival in Minnesota ; " "Wo can trace a great many. " "Havo you prevented the'spread of con tagious diseases by this system ! " "Of those wlio came last year there were sixteen cases of sickness on arrival. They had measles and diphtheria. They were : i& once Isolated and placed under the health regulations and no further spread of the dia- case resulted. " : : , " > .sro//.v. Hold Now York I'ohtulllcu Tlilovcx Mnko llli.Haul. . Niw YOIIK. April 9. Thopostofllco author ities are much exercised ouer a robber1 ot registered packages , which occurred early last week , between this city and Babylon , L. I. Every effort was made to prevent the details of the affair bucnming public , and it is only now that an Inkling of the robbery leaks out. At tbo postollleo oftleial information was denied. Mr. Jenkins said : "In time every thing will come out and it will be a good story when it does como out. " The history of the robbery is that Monday afternoon the train which leaves Long Island City at half-past o'clock , and to which Is attached the mall car which carries the reg istered mail , took out two registered pack ages , valued at $10,000. Thesu packages , it Is alleged , were rilled of their contents at some point between thg New York postodlca and Babylon , but just where and by whom is what the authorities would like to know. The loss was not discovered until the pack ages had reached the point of destination. The packages are brought from the Now York postolllce by a special wagon , to which Is detailed in addition to the driver a special clerk , whose duty it is to see that the matter is safely turned over to the agent in charge. of the railroad mail. The latter in1 t re ceipt for the packages and keep them until called for by the cleric of the mail i ur. who must in ins turn receipt for them in a book for the purpose. The registered matter passed through thcso channels last Monday as usual. Tin ; afternoon train mail car was in charge of Clerk Lincoln. When he received the pack ages they seemed to bo all right , he says , and thcrowas no external evidence that they had been tampered with. It is asserted that the authorities have a certain Individual under surveillance and that before another day has passed ho will bo In custody. XKir VOltK'ti l.lmitmmnt ( ioveriuir Slieehnn Inlri' Illnmclt In IIH Dun-Hum . NEW YOIIK. April' ) . Lieutenant Governor Slieehaii returned from Washington today after visiting President Cleveland In the interest of certain Now York appointments. "I went to see the president in regard to offices vacant or soon to bo vacant In Buffalo and the wcr.tern part of Now- York , " said Mr. Shciihan. " 1 am not a member af the state committee nor have I any par ticular interest In Now York City * otlices , but in HulTulo thcro is a col lector of the port , an internal rovcmio collector , u postmaster and several other otllccsin which I am Interested. I called on the president In company with Senator Murphy. Mr. Cleveland told us that ho had arranged to ire to Delaware , but would ho pleased to sco mo Monday or some other day. I will return to Washington later in the week , probably Friday. " Daniel S. U'linont , secretary of war , waa also In the city. " 1 am In town to see Mrs. Lament and tbo children , that Is all , " ho said. " 1 have no appointments with politi cians nor do 1 know anything definite con cerning Now York City or state patronage. " Api > Inlit. Ilni.KNA. Mont. , April -Governor Kick * nrdn has appointed n full delegation to the transmlssiaslppt conyi'dM , nil of whom nr * . pledged to attend ,