Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1893, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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A Grand Bale of $40,000.00 , Worth
Brc's Goods and Silb.
Jfcver IlcUire AVrro U In "turli n I'liftltlmi
to OHcr tlie lllRlirdt Onulo Im-
purtcil .Sr Dri-nit ( looiU nt
hiieli I.osv I'rlcci.
51.50 SILKS , 29c.
An Immente lot of extia China silks.
India silks , wash Mlks , pongees , change
able bunihs , and all silk plaid suiahs.
worth up to * l.f > 0 a jaid. they aio soiled
by water on the edges , will go tomorrow
at 2'lc.
An elegant lot of ciyMal bengalino
silks for ttminings { and diess waists , in
new greens , tans , blow us , navjs , leds
and changeable. A largo lot of all silk
BUI ahs in now shades , just the thing
for famj waNls and linings. Klegant
patterns in 112-inch di apery silks and 21-
inch impoi ted printed Shanghai silks ,
all new pallet ns for diess wear , all goaj ,
4bc a jaid tiuiioi row.
22-inch gninet black gies-giain silks ,
21-inch all silk Ljon rhadames , 22-inch
Fiitin Duchesn ) and peau-do-sole , IIO
pieces all new shades and eolois , im
ported all silk ihadames , the now silk
for dress sseai , also all new shades of
heliotropes and pinnies , goat H cavaid.
$ J OOIMl'OUTi : ! ) Dl iss : CJOODS 2.C.
* Ono case -10-inch all wool impoi led
summer novelties , in fancy mixlmes and
new dies iols , just the thing for spring
sscar , ssoith $1.00 a yuid , for this sale
Another lot of those elegant all wool
impoi ted soiges , in blacks , icds and ness
colorings from the steamer ' Uitj of
Paris , " go at Il'.lo ' a jaid. Thoj aio an
exttaoidinai j bargain and j on cannot
nlTonl to miss Miom.
$2.00 ruiNcn : HLAC-K ooooi , : , c A
VAHI ) .
Tomoriovv , fiom the steamer "C'ity of
Paris" we place on mle 10 pieces ofIP -
inch wide llnest all wool silk finish lii'ii-
rietta evei impoi ted in this countij.
while they last , a 7."c.
GAIN SJL'AHi ( : .
10-inch all wool India twilled serges ,
nesert-old less than $1.0(1. ( 10-inch all
wool Arnold's silk llnish Ilemietta. 12-
inch two-toned India twills and US-inch
two-toned spot novelties in ness cheviots
all go at 'I'lc. '
KIGIIT KitoM TIII : CTSTOM noubi : .
fiO iiccos of the latest and most desiie-
able novelties in pointille. shadow and
jaeiiumd velours , hide-scent dots on
chungcahlu beiigaline. bilk and wool
Fccded olTeels , whicoid ] ) , ottoman , pop
lin and diagonal giounds , and 40 pieces
LngliBh hnpackiiigs , English olios iots ,
two-toned diagonal and check suitings.
Ficnch Aina/ono cloths in all shades ,
woi th up to ? 2 . " ) ( ' , go tomorrow at < > 8e ,
OSul.lTi and $1.18.BOSTON
N. W. Cor. loth and Douglas Sts.
A I I SS Itlll lllllH.
Elegant icsidenco with lot l.VJ feet
deep , $ l > , .r > 00 CO.
Lai go lot 00x170 feet , noith of Ilan-
Ecom pink , S4.KOO.OO.
Modem built houe , No. 11210 Popple-
ton as enuo , $7,200.00.
Nice lot not th of Han'-com park , onlv
$2,100.00. HICICS , 305 N. Y. Life.
Cloud Court hotel is the Chicago head-
quaitors forNebriibka people dining the
Woild's fair. For ciictilais address B.
J. Scannoll , 1st Natl. bank bldg. , Omaha.
For Mile , elegant giovo opposite Ru-
Ecr's bummer giuflen. Call and get
pi ice. llickf , , 1105 N. Y. Life.
Mine. Ilickman's b innets grow iiot-
ticr as the season advances. Call and
ECO them. Something now everyday.
Samuel Hums has boon urged to con
tinue his "t-iilot sot sale" another week
and will offer :
20 sots at $2.25 , formerly $15.00.
20 bets at SH.UO , foi morly 8 < i.OO.
20 sots at 35.00 , foi morly $0.00.
20 sots at $7.50 , formorlv $12.00.
20 Ects at $12.50 , formei ly $25.00.
Itrsrisolr ln > Co.
Oflleo 1500 Douglas st. Tel. 1,219.
Washburn's Superlative for bread.
The 180i ; improved Now Piocess gao -
line range has an asbestos oven , a per
fect baker , economical and Indestruct
ible. Miltru Rogers & Sons , 1 ith and
Farmim shoots.
\VorldV fair souvenir coins ef ISil'l foi
Bale at Fit ht National batiK.
c- -
Di ink pui o water , the Herkofold water
filter is got m proof. D. O. MuUvvan ,
agent , 101 1 Ilossaid htreet.
Washburn's Suerlativc ] Hour the best
- o -
Moilli ilrcl Oit-hs slilnlils
Will euro profn-o sweating under the
arm. Shields and medic-ant $1.00 per
pair. Lady agents v\anlod. Medicated
Shield Co. , Umlington , la.
Dojou use Washburn s Suporiattvc'
* > vvi ill } I Vet
Pobltivelj cured. 11. 00 per bottle. Agents
v tinted. Medicated bhield Co. , 15ur-
llngton , In ,
The Mil-sos McAnt-land having lented
a private icsidence iu .Chicago during
the World's fair , are pi opined to i out
rooms. AddiesJd5 So. Ith avenue
After May 15 , 0,1 Hryant avenue , Clil-
The impiovod 1MI.I Now Pircess is the
original osapoiating giibollno stose.
This is the fourth jear. Moioinii ethan
than all olber makes combined. Milton
kS : Sons. 1 Ith and Tainani streets.
< > iri-irn I annum1 KxriirUiHin
Become more > popitlui every trip. On
theaiiivnlof the exclusion of April i
at Ciolhenbnrg , Neb. , the pin tj svas met
bj A II. Iladlield , jnesident , and Gen-
curl Manager Kennan of tJio CJothen-
burgWa'or Power ciinpany , together
with the Comml-ieial elub of that city ,
and was taken in carriages and driven to
all points of intm est , stopping at the
mouth of the iiinal where a largo steam
diedgo boat was being placed to
widen and deepen the canal seas
as to Inciease the power many times its
in e.sent capciciU . The next stop Aas at
the artificial lake of 120acics ; then to
the power house > , whcro all the maehin-
ei j was running and a splendid dinner
was being cooked bj electricity , and
vs hero tbe onllre paity was fed for tlio
llrst time In their lives with Ibid cooked
by electricity. Tlio party consisted of
bankers , mot chants and business men of
loss a and Nebraska , and every one of
them had something good to &av of
Gi ecu's third Farmers Excursion
leaves Omaha April 18 for Gothenburg ,
Sidney and the Uelmont canal. Ono
fine for the round trip. Tlckots can be
secured only of W. 11. Gicou , 5217 Kar-
bach block , Omaha , Nob.
Grand Opening of Dry Goods , Oarpots , Drap
eries and All Their Departments ,
A Ilarlr f 7I.1O Saturday Morning Our
1'rlcniU mill CinituiucTH llrenn
to Arrlsn mill I'ur-
t hunt ) OuoiU.
And nil day long our stores wore
litotally thronged. L'VHRYUODY
WAS DiLIGHTiD : with the ariange-
mont of our various stocks , of the qual
ity of all our goods , of the exceedingly
loss-prices we die asking for them , and
of the piompt and ourteous tieatment
of our sales people. NO RESTRICTION
or LIMIT placed upi-n anjthlng wo
handlo. You can have all j on want , and
furthormoie , everything is sold under a
full gita'iantco to pleii'-o ormonejie-
fitnded. Many woio unable to bo
waited upon owing to the great
rush. To the e sse wish to say
that our opening continues * thiougli
Monday , April 10. fiom 7 a. m. to 1) ) at
night. Come early in llio day , if jou
can. The prices w ill i cumin Iho same
in unlimited quantities as long as the
goods last. Goods will bo sold dining
all tlio time and Iho stoic will remain
open continuously fiom 7 a. m. till I )
] ) . m.
See our elegant drj goods stock on the
main floor annex , the pleiiMintest sales-
loom In Omaha. See our shoo depart
ment in the annex.
Our drug and pie ciiption depail-
Our stationery , butter and egg and
meat department.
Our jessolrj , silverware and cutlery
depat tmunt.
Our jewelry and watch repair de
partment. Hi ing us jour Swiss watches
and line jewelry and get our prices.
Don't make any mistake on the location
of our jewelry repair department. Look
for tlio number. Lntiance at 1500 CAP
He suio and visit our cai pet. drapery
and p.nlor goods department , Ud lloor ,
take elevaUir. In fact when at Ben
nett's visit all their departments , it will
pav von.
Continues all day
1502 to 1512 Capitol avenue.
.Mrs. lIciiMon'h .SfH Store.
The ssotkmcn arc making a tiansfouua-
tion hi the store rc-cciill.s vacated by Ht-niii-
sou IJieis A sislt to it scstciil.ij loscalcd
the fact that ss hen finished next svcek It
ssill bo 0110 of the bushiest stoics in the
citj. A now fiont is bcMtiR put in , the in
terior , walls , shelving ami cdliiiciiro bcintr
pointed pure white Altogether the pi no
when completed will bo a veritable "day
light stoic. "
See our line of the .lessctt filters and
eooleis. Milton RigOiS & Sons , 14th
and Fainain stieots.
Wanted A good safe : state make , si/o
and pi ice. Addicts E 22 , Bee.
i >
The improved 18SIU Now Process gaso
line lange has many new features. Bui'-s
burner drums , cast iron heat collectors ,
needle valve points , Goiman silver ;
never will rust. Milton Rogers & Sons ,
11th and Farnum streets.
Washburn's Superlative for pastry.
( in pots.
Chas. Sh iv crick & Co.
1200 , 120S and 1210 Far mini St.
All kinds rubber goods at Sherman &
McConneH's pi cscription drug storo.
Tlio 1803 Impioyed Now Process gaso
line lango. Milton Rogers < ! c Sons , 14th
and Fninam sticets.
Mit ! Sellout.
At Omaha Commercial college fiom
7I0 ; ! to S:30 ) : regular business branches ,
shorthand and typcs.-riting. Rates low.
Circulais. Addicss Rohibaugh Bros.
Mr. Joseph II. Reading , the author ,
will speak at the Chinch of the Good
Shophoid Sunday evening on Africa , in
which he has made lecont explorations
BaldulT's pitro ice cieam , wholesale
and lotail , loth and Capitol avenue.
The ) Tut Dp u Men Sclii'Mir but the I.
Is on Hit-in.
Since the passiiL'o of the Omaha charter
by the liKlslntuio both Major Balcombo anil
Major Furaj , the iise-p.nablo membeis of
the Ho ml of Public Works , have been in a
very gleeful mood , and becaubo of the fact
that somobuJy sidetracked the chatter
amendment w hlc-h legislated them out of ollle-o
nuxtJubj The whole ainmulmunt ssas unt
sidetiacUoil , howcve-r but Iho llgutes 1S6T
now appear wluno Iho d-Uo 1MU appeared
when the charter was pissed bj the senile
The house amended Iho provision in that
win and Instead of three meinbcib of the
bo.nd bciui : appointed the 1st of Juls of
this .soar but ono will be appointed , and ho
ssill bo the biicicsior to Chairman Bilk
bausrr In addition to kc oping thein&olvcs
in omio the foxj uiajois have had theii
dullcs increased , anil ono of them will bo
sesse-r connnissiemei and Ihe- oilier slreot
inininisslonur at u saliii of t-MKK ) each , in
stead of 1,0(10 ( as thej annuallj pull out of
the troasuis uosv
All of Ihibo facts have caused both of the
majois to feel picttj croud , and thehuvo
be-e-ii ijuiollj laughliif ; in their sleovcs at
these who weio coilaln ot Imislating them
out of oniio Instead of tiuittliii ; the public
sBisicetln-v will lontinue. and tlii-shnve
been veii plcasaiitlj idiitoniplating the
extra $1,000 ] icr .sear the-i weio to iccelse-
Hut them has. something dose-loped that will
in.ilto them feel lathci as if thes have ( 'ivca
themselves Ihe ssoist of it. and while thes
will continue in ollico and be compelled lo de
vote their entuo time lo the public sci sice
thci ssill not draw the conteinplnled $ , ' , ( ) M
per scar , but will haso tocontcnt theinsulse-s
vslth Iho s imo cumpeiib itlon thov iiuw ie-
eelveltKH ) peri ear 'Iheio is a provision
in thoionslilulion of this ( 'icat stale Unit
sajs that the compensation of an > public
oliicer sh ill not bo inc-ie ised or diminished
duiiut ; Ihe term of his ofili-o That se-ttle-s
the two inajois as fin as inurabcci
silaij is conccined , and the only way
forthumto capiuro the coveted sum ssill
bo to lesion and tuKo the chances of in
ducing Ma.sor Ilemis to leappoint them
Major ruiai'i , Icua expiies In July IbOt and
Major Haliomho's In IMO , and the Inciease-
salai.s as provided In the chailor will not
niate'ilall/o until thej huvo stepped clown
and out
Citv Attoinci Council said that ho ro
patded the provision In Iho constitution its
being so plain Dial it looks as If the Ivvo
majors will bo compelled toss can ulonr' will
the $1XX ( ) per scar or resign and huvo them
seises u-apitolnled 'Iho attorney thinks
thej oveiieachcd Iho least bit.
Two Iilnhu llllllli-Cliisr.l.
POHTIASII , Ore , April & A speclil from
Wallace. Idaho , sajs the Caur d'Alcno
closed jcstciduj owing to a disagreement
between the men vsho own It Thoj wll
dissolve par-tnei-ahl | ) , II 11 Hall , cashier
nnd eounis. Uoasur .r. lias nttachoJ the
funds to sixmo the county deposit , abou
* - , > 0Ooa The sheritt has taken charpo as
iccelscr under an order of Judge llollcman
The deposits aio ll 'lit. The
bank at Wardner , owned bj tbe sumo part
tiers , Is also closed.
TIII : ui-civr ! : HTOIH : .
A Durrtliiff Array ( it Itiircnlim Tor Miniilii }
unit nil .M-it VV'rrlt.
Wo arc Fiu'i'lllclng lamps , glassware ,
crockerv , tinwiue , woodeii'siue. pic
tures , fiatnes , jewelry , poeketbocks ,
etc. . elc.
Wonderful values In housekeepers
goods. Tooth pix , He package ; toilet
paper , lie package : cake turners , 2c :
lliu shovels. lie : burners. Itc : funnels , 3c ;
corktcrows , He : potato knives , 3c : bast
ing spoons , 'lc ; mouse traps. lie : lamp
chimneys , He ; ( I teaspoons , He ; 3 table
spoons , 'lc : egg heaters , He. salt shukeis ,
'to : wile strainers , lie ! cake cutlers , , 'lc :
Mint glass tumblers , 'lc : glass creamers ,
! ! c : glas sugat s. 'lc : glass sai'co dishes ,
3c. Big Biid Cage Bargaim tc ! ) for
regular 75e cages , ( We for legulur $1.00
cages , 8uc for brass cages , worth double.
Have jou bought your baby a car-
lingo vet ? Have > on soon our strck ?
The Wliitnev is the king of them all ,
and at our price jou can't alTojd to have
an\ thing else. Wo can suit you in any
pricecm riage you deslu1. Special rale
Mondav. of another lot of tlio-e elegant
plush lined cabs we sold so many ( f last
week : i'S.SS is tin1 pi ice and tbej can't
bo duplicated for 'fl.l.OO. ' We me ic-
eeiving ness novelties everyday , and a
visit to our stoio will ptovo inletesting
and prolllable.
Mr. Aug. Wiboig of 1727 S. 10th
stieet desiies to return his sincoie
thanks to his nelghbois and friends for
the intoi est manifested by them in his
locont beieav ement at tlie loss of his
son , Aug. Theodore Wiberg.
S ilocmlu opi-iV .Nullio.
A meeting -aloonkeopers will beheld
hold Monday at 2 p. in. , Pabst hall ,
1210 Fat num.
Jinsett water tlltors and coolers. The
finest line at the loss et pi ices. Milton
Rogers & Sons , lllh and Farnum.
o .
l.itw II ito Kx , urlon.
My seventeenth sjn-c'ial excursion to
Houston , Tex. , vi.i the Santa lAs route ,
leases Omaiia Mondaj , Ajiill 10. IS'1,1.
Vddiess R. C. PattersJii , 425 Ramgo
juilding , Omaha , Nob.
Fiescointr and interior ( lee-orating de
igns and estimates furnished , llcniy
n , 1508 IJjuglas stioot.
Peacock is Iho Sold onlj
bj Jones , opposite postolllct. .
W. T. Seaman , watrons and carriages
Try Washburn's Superlative Hour
Cooking nui'lo easy ssith tlio 18t.'l ! Xoss-
Pl'OCCbS ITllsOlillO 111111(0. MUtOll U 'gOl's
& Semi , 14th anil Turnnm stie-els.
John IE. lliiiiilltiin IK Winiloil lij Ills
I iiriucr riirtniiH.
About 5 o clock jcstevdnj afternoon John
K Webster of the Hun of Webster < x.
Howard appeared befon the ( its prosecutor
and rally d a complaint to be filed against
his former paitner , John H II.million , foi
embelcinent and defrauding the linn
' 1 he special evso cited in the complaint is
that Hamilton dellberatclj c-hanped a lire
insurance policy from > - , ( ) ( ) to fcl.r > 'H ) and col
: cetcd the ilifferctuo in ptemiunis , amount
iiiR to some s.2iO , sshicli ho appiopuated to
liis ovsn use
An otticor called tssiec at the r.irnim
street lesidenco of Mr Hamilton last ulRht ,
: mt the cm tains sscio dosvn , the eloois
.oekcd and all of the lights out. H was evi
dent that the insnii.inco solleltoi' had
tumbled" and had t ilten a Hip to 1-ake
Mann w a for his health
Hamilton ssas InsoUed in business dlfll
cullies some limo iifo and seseial chaises of
n similar natuic woo made Mirainst him '
I'ho m liter was settled at the time , how
ever , and no legal action taken.
Killnl l > ) u liurgl ir.
Nouioi k , Vu , April S [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HIT j John Dollaul , a member of the
Noifolk city council and a sseallhj' mei
chant , was shot in the throat bja buic-lar
attempting to enter the icar door of his
stoio Ho died sslthin ton minutes llio
man escaped and svas pursued bj a police
man nnd citizen , ssho llred at him Use times
ssithout effect Ho returned the liio ssitli
great deliberation.
TJlL < llt.trHIl , JllllUFj.
H Is stated thai lie-in j Vlllardhas resigned
from the dlnctoij ot tlio Xoilliern I'auiflc.
Slight ( "iilhiiuake shocks Inisi ) been foil
thruiiKhoul Ness Me-xleo dining lliopist fusv
\V. O Itlpppy , ssbosbol .lolin \ \ . Mackcy , sv.m
an.liquid for trial In s in I'r.iiii.'lsco , Cal , jcs-
Tlio 200th annls ers u3 of tlin establishing of
a pilntln ollieo In Now v oik City celebrated -
brated yestmtlay.
lti- ] > orts from tlio stonn svbtib swojit osei I'rlday , show that a KOOI ! deal of
Uiim.iKO svas done.
The annual b inqnt'l of tlio Ho.uil of Trade
and Transiortation ] svas liold at Now I'orU
t'lty last osonln , ? A distinguished party vvas
In iitte-nd uico
( jltoston Independents , icport siys aio dls-
Kiisii d sv llh 1'oui tli Asslstanl Maxwell's vvoi U
In icinoshiK postmasters , and .no spilously
thinking of making a public prolust.
ThouIs mi rlniiui ! In tbe state of the ( hoo-
lavv war. Tininlllll i are at ( loodl mtl , up
p irentlj iiiiliu : ! no move. Thi-y keep tbcli
plckotsout as If liny i-xpc'CUd an attack
1 lie amiounii-inent Is nnidu ol tlin t nguse-
nientof Miss Mm Ion I'holps , the- only ( l.uu-li-
tri of \ \ lllliinulter : I'lu Ipbs , o\-iiilnlstor to
( ti-iniany , to Hi I'l.insou Itollienbiii/ , under
state scirJlar ) of ( Jonn.uij
\\llllinn T llalbs , i x-iiostmaster and tin-
Ii-adlnKi'outriu lot and bulldi i of ( ' .undi n , S
J , failed ji-sti MlnHis II ibllltli . me pliu t-d
ut tua.tmti of vvlilili fjH.oo ) Is secuie-d Ills
assets anil | le-ed at f 117ooi )
C'lara Monls , the actiiss , lius icce-Dted an
In sit at Ion fiom tin win Id s i on io > s of u pio-
sintallvivvoniin svlihb will moot , at the
\ \ ( ii Ids full on M ly 1" ) to UJ. to speak on tlio
hlibjutoni.ino tlu-Mii i- . "
I iiknown pulUs 1'ild.ij nlKbt Ibed into HID
house of O c u ( , ill lies , so\i n miles norlliof
( laikssllltI'cx and Instantly killed Vhs
( iaK'ii'j ' Two niontbs ami luillncj neilsiul
notliefiom white caps to | i-tsi > UKconntiy
fllixanilii itlon tilalsof \ H Button , the
svarolious - iei clpls for 'i i of l.oulss Hie , Ky ,
and llookki epi i Hen hei , was hnlil icstrid.ij
nioinlnx sim | | | | W11N in > | ( | or in ti , , , sinn Of
f.l.fjOO and Ili-i-i Im In tlio Mini of J.O.UtK ) lo
aiHvsei bi fine the rand Jnrj
IItlli Plla I nwitc , acid 11 3 v irs , lias ab-
st lined fiom food foi tlililjnlnidass Ahout
six weeks , i'o IUT little Inotliei dliil . | nc
tlit-ii tlio little Kill b is lofiiMd to eat , saslni ;
she v iintul to dlu and git to her biotlie-i.
\otbliu' can piodiu-e her to p.utaki- food.
liio at ( > o'clock lust evening bin nod about
two-tlilnlsof tlio fair uiounds stahli-s at st
l.ouN Mo.iMilsllij a loss of { 5(100(1 ( ( Us it
mill lioisis In the stables were gotten out
In Mid d ) but Vatican , valued at $1,1)00 ) hioku
awaj ftom bis kei-pe-rs , ian h ic-k Into Ids sta
ble and urs hut nod toih'iith
An altcinpl was made jestenl ly morning to
blow up the pli klo factoiy ot I.utli HUM ,
I'ltt-.hui , ' . I'll Simo ono who had ai-i-e s to
HUM iirfinei loom , aftei I imp-Tin ; ; w llh i u ues
on the hollui , tuind the watei oir , Ic-asln-
the bolh-is ( by The engineer happi-ned In
the room Just in time toasc-u a most hoiilblo
ills istc-r
Dlstilct siipoilntonduit SVIUiim snmm > is of
tbe I.ehlKh Vallci ( oil c inipiny enlorcd tlio
DoiiancDhh ifl at Ullkesbairo , i'a. , lati vt-s-
toiday afteinoon foi the purpose of explorlni ;
a nuinhci of vvoi kid out chamheis In ihii
lliivvkK } vi In 1 ullliiK to appc-ai after several
hoiiis.anaichlnc pmlj inleied the inliieand
formed II on llio and t-ainuels body burned tea
a e rlsp ,
\V A llil.ei chlc-f eiijliuci of thu I'niniinii
iiillioad , aided bs uroipof assistants , Is
niauln a siirviy of the pioposed line thioiiuh
Texas Tlio 10 id will start at Vletoila , I'cv
svhei D connect Ion sv III he made svltli Ihof-uiuh-
i-in I'acIIUand follow the Uulf coast to
lliovviissllti-and ( licm-o aloni ; the coast to a
point below Ttixpan , Mex . w hero a di tout will
bo made- and the line built to the City of Me x-
Anita Miutlne/ and a man named/.ui-iiedo
WITH Killed In a diunkcn light at Puc-blo.
Mexico , ji-stei day
Kldi.ud Sinaidnn , n boot and shoo nmiiu-
faeliiiei of 'lliri-o lilsi-ib , Out , has asslsncd
Dlricl 1 abllltti-s aiu placed ut about fl&0OOO
and bullrect nt lloo.oou morii and small as-
iots. TUo fuctoiy ouiuloyuil UOO lo3tX > Uunds.
These Arc the Zbrcos Which Will Make
Omnbtwv Great Oity.
they r.iiiliiriiu tliwTrliiclilm | of tlin Oinuliit
Cnmmi-rrhll null mill I'lnlRn Their
Kiitliuiil utke Co-Opnrudoii In
Jtt Mor ! < .
The Commercial club of Omaha expci I-
cnci'd a genuine surprise last evening A
mass meeting had been called foi 8 o'clock
At that hour piooably not moio than twentj-
live pitsons weie piesent. 'Iho speakers
who had been invlteddo address thomeellng
had failed to appe ir and the1 leadcis o ( the
movement felt a littleblue. . 'things took a
tuin , hovsever , about llftj otheis soon eaino
In , a number of sthrliur speeches worn made ,
which showed the actual nccesslt.v of speed j
oigani/ition. and sshcn the inootin1 ? closed
Ihe inmost enthuslism prosailed The
meeting turned out to bo a success to a 10-
mai kable decree
The meeting svas called to older by W A
Jj Gibbon , who said that the object of the
meeting ssas lo Impiess upon Omaha's clll-
, ens the need of united elToit In matte-is of
sital Intel e-st tothocitj. Omaha hud pi cat
natuial advantages , but to udv.ince , to hoUf
even what she had , her eltl/cns must
uiganl/c It had been said that ( jicat e-om-
meiiial ccnteis weio but gioat business
oiganl/atlons and ho bcllescd It A com-
meiclal head was needed and the cltibssould
be such a head The c-ommeiclil club ssas
tlio litest , most appiosc-d and most effectual ion for building up gieat com-
meici il ee-ntcis Cert lin i ondltlons existed
in Omaha svhieh svould be dangerous to
the future of the cits unless- modified 'I lie
club ssas built upon a luge basis and Ihe
dues sseio small lo Induce huge and lopie-
tcntatlse ine-mbeislilp lls soclil fealuio
was a nece-ssits and would piosea tosver of
stiongth AH classes svould be biot hl to
gethoi at the- noon lunch nnd an oppoi limit1
given to meet meich.ints from all pails of
.lolin L. Webster next look tin1 floor and
sail union meant sliength He saw
the1 neeeidts of some1 indui ement to enible
the business men to spiead out In a business
ss-aj- ' 1 lieusvi ic mans Ihinj's that could be
impiovcd upon in Omahaflic city should
bo made moro aUi.utive The stieets
needed c le.inln { and better p iv enient With
all our bo isling. he had not seen so mans
pooils pivod stieKs in anj ( its of its si/o as
in Oiniba ' 1 hej sscie actuallj' uns.ife in
manj nlaees 'Ibis club'i > inlluence could
ovcic-omo this ( ondition
Inducements to liadu slioulc. be held oul
Hastcm p'ople should be made aciiiaintcd |
with what lies In the Kieat northwest A
gicat packing industrj had been loc.tted
hero Iho lumber of Ihe noithsse-st should
be used instead of that oft Michigan One
foil ! th of Ino people of the United States
lived ssest of the Mississippi ilser In tbirt.s
jeais 0 ( ) JlK ( ) ( ) ) svould Use ssest ot the Mis-
souii ilser If Omaha sei/ed the oppor-
tunlts now-o'lcietd she ssould be without a
lisal excepting New Yoik. I'hlladelphi r and
Chicago This club should look otitosei
this gioat prospective development ami belli
Omaha to attain the place which lajs within
her icach
G M Hitchcock s lid that so m.inj tmdc-i-
lakinps of the mime kind had been under
taken tliat he was almost timl'l about em-
b.uktnir upon another If it was eeitaln
that Rood could be accomplished he would
hc.iilllj Join in the movement Ho beliesed
in the gicalness of Omaha and the lecent
depression had not shaken his faith Ue-
piession vsns in fact a crucial test of a ells's
solldilj Omahu had passed through Iho
ordeal better than anj cits of her size in the
noithwest He did not belies o in talk but
in work Wink should bo assignol to com
mittee's , and'Sliould stand bj their
lecommcuditions The freight commissioner
should bo gisen absolute jtosscr The club
could accomplish much good.
John U Knotiatllo nmnagor of the Cud-
ahs lon-pany , ssas called on Ho said th it
unttj of action the key note Indi-
Milu ils and committees should bo hide-pen
dent Too miiiiv weie bent onlj upon their
own aflaiib and made no sierillcc for the
general welfai-e 1'iotection lo what we
alreadj had should be assuicd Other
cities had the same oiganualions undsscro
golnu iivrht to the fiont Ho hid recentlj
asUcd a concession from the railroads sshcie
Kansas Citv vsas interested The i illroads
had decided against him because thej-1 ould
octler aflord lo lose his trade than to lose
that of Kansas Cits because Kansas Citv
ssas united And ho could not blame the
ralhouls either Natuial resources weie
ne-cessai v , but men were needed to develop
them , bloux City an excellent example
of what united onergs could do Twentj-llve
or thiitj' of such men as inado bloux Cit.s
could make of Omaha iu ten jcaisacilsuf
.VMI.QOl ) people The piesent club was just
svhat svas needed
Clnis ll.u tman had been to Denver , and
It looked to him as If Omaha was "not in it "
They had the finest hotel In the United
btatcs How did thev got it ! Ono man pi o
posed lo build it if ho could get suppoit
Hobosranand inn out of money. The citi
zens bought real estate which he possessed
and this be took to complete it Thej all
came co his icseue. Ho hoped oveij ono
present would Join the club
Dan Kartell wanted overs ono piesent to
sign and to secuie another signer svlth him
Tlie club > sas intended lo tiling
the business men and western mer
chants together Ijiich wholesaler could ,
after ho had sold a bill of goods , tuin the light ovei to some other whole
saler and prevent his going to some other
town Ho thought a membeiship in the
club , whit h could bo obtained foi SUQ , svould
do moro good than a s I'esman on Iho load
Mr Pan ell took out membei ships foi ten of
his s ilesmen , lints manifesting his spnit of
lojallv to Omaha It ssus the impression
thai if ov01 j other business in in of the citj
ssould do as vsoll tlio elub svould soon bin e
" ,000 membeis , and Omaln svould soon boone
ono of the most piospeious cities In the
United States
JndgeNoseph H Claikson's speech hula
ling about It svhieh captivated the beau-is
He h id he-aid a gieat mans prophecies and
seen oi aniitlon .liter oigani/ation fall Ho
had i omo to leain something of tlio purposes
of the club and vsas now willing to join
heaitaud hand in the vsoik Ho wouldn't
talk anj' moie , but vsould svoik and then and
Iheie bee.imc an ucllse member
Chaiiiiiaii Gibbon llie-n supposed a else
If a meichant had tsso maikots open to him ,
ottering the same advantiges , and ssero
icecived coldlj in ono and ss.u-mlj in
the other , ho would go lo the
latler Oilier cities oven ssent further
and ofTciod inducements sshieh he did
not want the repoileis lo ic-peat
U was a fact that other cities sseio taking
business from our voiy ( loots The sleeps
old citj-of Ht Ixmis. as some people called
it , had been aitinillj full of busois simo
1'obruaij' 1 llu knew how it was done
Tills club loulil do the s ime thing The plan
here piopnsi d not a thcorj , it ssas , u tu
allj in piacllco in oilier place-j Ho wanted lo
sco subuihan train scisico established
sstlhin a i.idlus of 100 miles of Omaha , so could - In '
people c-omo cverj'
their trading and go home at night Mr
( ilbbon told ono thin ? sshlch startled all
those piesenl and moused them to the true
danger H ssas ttuso dangers which the
club pioposed to remove
At the close of the meeting a largo num
ber of signets ssero seemed Mr. Ailhur
hhlvcrlck of Hhlserlck Co lookout a mem
bership tor eseiy salesman In his establish
ment. Ho ss anted his men to bo able lo tnko
busers to the club. Introduce llicin aiound
and make them feel at homo when they
came to Omaha
I'mlj Kit-nine Klri'B.
A small bla/o in the base-mint of K. II
Williams' stoie on I'mnam stieot called out
the ( lie dcpaitment atOoclo k. 'llie-iowas
no loss
The icsllenco of W. H Pond , .V.I South
Twents-IUth stiect , caught the last night
and ssas damaged to the extent ot about f.MJ.
Murdrr I'lilloHH mi .Anil.Semitic !
VIENNA , Apill 8An anti-Semitic mcetlnt ,
ssas held last night ats\hieh Deputy Lueger
leader of antiSemiteslolcntly denounce !
the Jews. AXtur the mooting u merchant
mined SosvaM nftneki'd I.uegerwltn n knlfi <
Sowultl killed ono of hueger's friends who
amo to his assistance and ssoumled an-
ither l uegerssns not hurt Sins aid wast
aucsted. Great I'xclt'tncnt pros-alls
Inm llnnly 1'iitlrt I'nilpr ' tlin SS'hroln iiuil
.Meet * III * llfiitli.
James Hiady , n rourteenth street block
satchman , fell under the heels of n South
Omaha motor train alxnit II o'clock last
light and had both legs crushed. Ho died
dsldo of half an hour
According to the stori told by the train
iess-and other witnesses , Urady jumped
onto the motor car of south bound tialn
N'o U and stood on the lower
step. As the ear tinned the
uis-o at rourteenth and Hoss-aid sticets ho
ittcmptcd to step on to the trailer and fell
Jotli titicks of the trailer i.inoser his legs
ust below the knees before the ti.iln could
10 slopped Won ! was sent to police lioul-
liurters and the pitiol wagon sslth a
stretcher ssas sent to the spot
The injined man was placed In the
w.igun , which slatted for a bos
iltal. but before a block had
wen coseied Dr Dibboin found 111 U his
Ml tout was dead , and so the bodi ssas taken
.o the morgue
James Council ssas the conductor In i barge
of the liain and \\illiim Hlalr ssas on the
Tiont end 'these men sas that the tialn
tutned the curse \orsf slowl.s , as is the
custom , and that stepping fiom
me car to another , slipped and fell be-
ni'.ith the wheels Conductor C'onnell svas
Inthemotoi car collet ting taioswhen the
liain tuini'd the coiner and did not see
Hiads until he had fallen Council
'i e.ul.s depressed ss hen ho heaid that tlio
man ssas d"id
Coionei Maul ss 111 hold an Inquest todas.
riictieie.ise'd ssas founeih a memlier of tin1
: i\rul ir police foico and h is a hi other , John
Urads , ssho is ness serslng thecltj as a
pitrolmin The dee-cased leases a widow
md tsso chlldieu
Minor A < i lilt nts.
Jack Williams , u laboier , fell from a lum
ber pile in the Chicatro Lumber compaiii's
sar is last night and broke his j iss , besides
injuilng his spine Ho ssas taken to his
homo at 1710 Williams stieetin the p.itiol
A dumken man , who ss us too full togise
liLn.ime fell fiom a motor train at Sixteenth
mil Hossaid stietts last night and ss is
slightli biuhed
Alrxanil'iiiulil shoot.
A coloud saloon poitcr ssho goes bs the
rminoof Charles AlcMindoi and is emplosed
at 1'ied rn'.ler's saloon got on the ssar pith
at 'J o'clock ttiis morning and shot a hole
thiough William Lsail's Ic'g The ssound Is
a slight ono and will not amount to much.
I'he negro escaped
A lloii > III ( .r.iy.
A eon espomlont. wi itiiifr to the U.ilti-
inoio Sun fiom lontifoincry cininty ,
iiirrate- ! > HID follow in'st ; , n'i of ununie-
waulod nut of ifalhuiti'v :
"It sstis utter tlark on the seiMinl day
nt Ue'ttj liir ) { , ' , ss'lien Gencriil G. H.
Slum I'd bi iif.rtlo w i este'il u line of ss-oi ks
from tlio uneinj at Culp's Hill. Miiny of
the onuin.s foil us they tutieutud from
Llio'-o ' works to tholihcooml line anil u
lui'tfc miinbei of ssomuled lay botweuii
the skirmish or picket lines thatweio
established fo" the ni rht , and could not
bo succored , boino of them sulTore-d -
soiolj from thiibt. ami their e ios for
water ssoie iiiteous. The moon was
bright , and the position in a lai-fjo oak
woods. Amoni ; those put on the skir
mish line from company A. . Second
iMar.\land icjjimont ( William Mmiaj's
conipans ) , was William Taj lor from
GeoijjoUwn , ] ) . C. , who occupied a po-
Hitiou immudmtuly on my right. I
was homowhat perplexed to under
stand why the enemy's pickets just
in front of us flri'd ho much , until
Taj lor culled to me , 'I'vo boon trjing tone
no to that follow out theto , but osen-y
time I yet from behind my tree they liio
on me. ' At length , just after they had
Ihed at him , ho called out : 'You fools ,
I am just trjing to gho one of your own
men borne water1. ' Notwithstanding ho
had been drison back at least a do/en
times , ho made another1 essaj' , and this
time , to the credit of the enemy , ho was
not molested. IIo went to tlio man , who
lay consideiablj' nearer to his oss'n
friendb than to us , and returned bafely.
"Such an act of humane heroism
ssould base immortali/ed an olllcor of
high rank , and this private's gallantry
should not go unmentioned. I ha\o
never seen or heard of Taj lor since the
close of the ssar , and know not ss bother
ho is alls o. I have often spoken of the
incident , but thought it hhould base
wider circulation and permanent iccord.
Hence tliih to \\idclyrcadpapcr. .
All his eomindos weie fond of old 'Hill
Taj lor ; ' he was a good follow. "
Tlio "No U" Wheeler & Wilson w 111 not
bieak the thread nor impair the stitching If
inn in the wrong direction Sold by Ueo W.
L ine-astcr it Co , 514 S lUth stiect.
Kx-Auilitnr I'lisi'V Doliinrn.
111 , > pril 8 i\-Audltor
Pas-oy today filed a demuncr to the suit
brought aeainst him by the attorney general.
The demuirer declares the allegations In the
bill uncertain and vrguc , and that the plain
tiff undci takes to get up moro than one
cause of action
> ( Yolk IIxi | IIIIIK < < Omit itlnns.
Nrw Vomc , Apiil 8 [ Special 'lelegiam
to Tnu Bi r. ] IXeh.ingo svas quoted as fol
lows today Chicago , 'JO cents piemium ,
Hoston , 10 to 17 cents discount , bt Louis , 1)0 )
cents ptcmium
KI : i r
Messis Fred Dollono and I'd Rlley will
leivc todaj on an extended tlip thiough the
Miss I'mina Powois , ono of the recording
clerks in the count } court , has been III ( lut
ing the past week.
Mr and Mis Ii.i M Mopes of this city 10-
tinned last osonln fiom .i four months so-
jouin on thel'acille coast
Mis John Groses has gone to San An
tonio , Tote remiln for soseril ssceks
She ssas accompanied as far as Kansas Citj
by her husband , Clti Cleik Closes
Colonel Wainer A Hoot , ssho is connected
sslth a Dcnsei mining , SS.IH in the
cits em onto to Chicago Colonel Hoot Is an
old time newspaper m in of this city
Allen W. Tout gee , the eelcbiaiod nos'ohst
author of "The 1'ool's Hi r mil , etc , passed
thiough Iho eIts jesteulaj Mr Touigeo
lias wan bed the sunk of Ihe Nebiaska
legislatuioand said th it ho apptoscd the
course puisuoain matting a tlioiough clean
ing tipof state institutions Ho BOS ills
theonb lemedi apolltnal pirtj has when
beset bj alshoiicst men
At the Mercer W A Irons , Ness Yoik ,
MissTenio Hendii , Haitfoid , Conn , C K
Aughlnb iiiifh. Hrtltlmoio , W S Hillings ,
Chi-ago , .bis L Hradlos , St Louis , C A
Hailes , J Keenaii , Walter Keenan , Lo Hoi.
Ill ; Lewis Haitlett , ht Louis , A J Van
Hngeis , Now Yoik , U C1 Gouldlng , Kear
lies , Mis L A Hales , Auioi i , H H
Wallace , Tekamali , W H Larned Haiglei
Neb ; Lose Kellj , Hutihisun Kan H H
btescns , Westein , Neb J MuipliOntailu
Oity Jnil Will Not Bo Moved from Iti
Priseut Location.
Ihulilril A tliiu Tiiki-n lit Iho MrctliiK C'alli'd
Tor l.imt Mclit ID 'on lilcr tlu >
o In st ) anil tbe
ItliU Ullrrril ,
The council very deeldcdl.s settled the fact
last night that the cits Jail will remain In Its
present nuaiti'rs for tsso .seals moic Aglta
tiou for the lemosal of the jail has uiti life
for months and scseral times It his
looked as If nessipiaiteis would ! > o
proslded , but tlio simo les ill has
attended each scheme , and the councilmen -
men base pretts gencrilli gene on ricoul no
fasorlng the cltv erecthm a building of lls
own for Jail purpises The bill ssas slatted
hi the ; leading of a petition fiom Uewcy &
Stone , A J I'opplolon , and sesenl.s-llso
otheis objecting to the location of the jail at
nicscnlh and sluels
Mr Hascall mosed that the proposition
of the Hoard of IMucitlon olTeiing the
Uodgostreet Jihool to Ihe ilij for Jail pur
poses , the i itj to p i } r > pet i cut pei for
nlneti nine , seus upon a fMMHK ) sahmtion
and to deed to the bonid the clt.s lot nt Ninth
and Howaidslieels owned by Iho city , be
l ejected
Mr Klsasser submitted an amendment
prosidlng that the proposition of the bo.ud
bo accepted piosiding the lent for the
Ihst ten jeais oieunanci sh ill not be ml-
Mr Munro was opposed to shifting fiom ono
place to anothei and declined that when the
cits made Imptosements. as it ssould be com
pelled to on Ihe Dodge sitiool. il should bo
upon ground osstied bllio clt.s and bo por-
111incut He did not fasor leasing ssitli anj
such a stung alt.u bed as llieio SMIS to Ihe
Hoard of Kdue.ititm s pioposaion Mi Kl-
sassci saacndmcnl w.u los and Iho pop-
ositlon ol the bo nil ssas icjecteil.
'I he other bids sseio lead and Mr lias all
mosed th .t tbe mil be called
and each conm ilium expiess bis
luefciemo for quiitus for tbe jail
J'he motion svas not seioiulcd , and Mr
Jacobscn m ule a motion to lejiot all bids ,
which ssas seconded bj Mr Hossell
Mr Jacobsen said it would test $ 10 ( KK ) or
flJ O')0 ' ) to lenioso tlie Ja.l and IK up an Liner
gene'i liosjiital , and he sxas opposed to 10-
mosiiu fiom ihe lucsenl ijuiilcis foi so
shoit a penod He believe d that the Jill
should lem.iin ssheie it is and steps should
be tmmedlatels liken lo submit u pioposi-
lion Ibis fill lo llio people to soto bonds for
Ihe eiccllon of a j ill and in manner a
suitable j ill could be sci mod
Mr Hossell pntei tallied the s\me
views , and said that the test ol
heating the buildings pioposed ssould amount
to iiiou1 than the of tbe pcscnt piem-
ises H > spending il IIOJ in sentil.iling the
piesent Jill it cm be piu in good condition
and as It ssould i est alnut t" OJJ u mosc , he
f ivoieit icnewln the lease upin the piesent
preipi- and take steps to eiect.iliil Mi
Mmiio of the s ime mind and Mr Specht
inquned of the cits attoims ss lather the
Sf ) OOJ icni lining in the citj hall fund could
be used to eiect a j nl
Mr Council icplied that the mones re
miming in the cits h ill lund can be used for
the election of a jail , but if it leiiuiied an
expenditure execeding $ JOK)0 ( ) it ssould be
nciessus to submit i pioposltion toasotc
ol the pconie authori/lng the expcmlituie
Mr Hascall aid | Mr Llsisscr
the jail be removed , and Mi McLe.uie , Mr
Saundeis , Mr Prince and Mi Wheeler
spoke in fasor of ictainiiig the piesent
Huilding inspector Till.s said that the
piesont quulcis could bo venlllated bj
cleetiie fans at a cost not to exceed Jl.OOO
Mr Jaeoctsen's motion to reject all bids
picsailed by aoto of 1" to. )
Mr Steel oiTi id a resolution authorl/mg
a lease of the Dodge slieel school for a term
of ten to twenij fisoie.u.s , live dismti lestcd
loisons ) lo appi.use the propsrt.v the citj lei
] i ly 5 per i ent OP such s.iln ition , and In case
the school bond desiies the citislotat
Ninth and Hossaid slieels , it ss ill be leased
on tbe simo teims In suppoit of his reso
lutiou Mr Steel slid that he h id conseiscd
witlisomoof the membeis of the Hoard of
Iduc ! itum , and thought such a proposition
would meet vslth their appios-al.
M- Mum o , Mr Klsisser , Mr Hascall and
Mr Iln veil opposed the lesolutlon and Mr
Wheekr ofleied an amendment autlioiizmg
Iho police committee and building inspector
to take the necess.u s steps to nnpioso the
ventilation and sovsei.igo of the piesent
quuteis at a cost of not to oxcee i tl.'OO
The citj attorney ss..s itistr ucted to nolifs
the ovs ner of the building in llio Jail
Is ness located th it the cits ssill lenevs ils
lease for tvso
jMasor Hemis vetoed a lesolution ouleiing
Iho pisementupon Txjiust s'icot , fiom Tit-
teenth stieet lo Iho Missouii 1'acillc tracks ,
for the reason that thecost would laigclj ex
ceed fT.'i the amount approprl lied and
the manner of doing this ssoik should liist bo
determined bv the c.itj engineer Iho solo
was suslained and another lesolutlon was
intiouuicd emboajm the suggestion of the
iii.ij or.
U H Osorall sent In a claim for damages
for niisonal injuiies sustained bi falling
upon the sidewalk on Capitol avenue , and
requesting that negotiations for a settle
ment bo entered Into Albert H .Snjdcrsvas
in the simo fix , and sulToied bj reason of
being tluossn fiom his sv.igon because of do-
feclise condition of Webster stieet , bclvvecn
Thirteenth and Fouitocnth slieels Holn
claims ssoio refciied lo Iho elti attorney.
Mr Hick had a icsolulioi'that liedcsned
to inlioduce , but a motion to adjourn pie
vented The lesolutlon called foi the pur-
ilnso of a photometer for the eleclilclan for
testing the .uc lights The Tiist ss.ird
couniilman lucked it .1 \\.ii In his jiockct and
ssill iniroduco it Tuesday esining He
stated tint be di siud lo establish the fact
that he docs nut wear the tin potation collar ,
and Ihe resoluliou is Ihe pi oof
ltrldj'liij ; ( ho 1,111-lisli Clniinn I.
Meist of our i eatloi-b will roincmboi1 ,
MIJS Harper's Weoklj , the state of ab
ject dismay into which a large part of
the people of England woio plunged by
llio ptopojal to pioico the bed of tlio
channel between that country and
Fumeo sslth a tunnel. Tor a time it
bcoinod as if the ci-ntinj had been
tinned upside down , and Englishmen
weio living in dread of "H Jiiapai to"
ihoj t jok a sillj plca uio then in using
the Italian Knelling-and expected to
400 the ins inciblo b id.v guard chat go out
of the black hole on Ihe const and the
imperial arms follow , to laj waste the
land , captutc tliomon and caplisato the
womi'ii The faet that a djnamlto cart
ridge which an englishman could cany
in his back neikot would block a
tunnel bojond lepah * for months ssas
not given a m unentV , attention The
giulloof the ins loliito'-e'ii was tin oatoned.
The thought was intolerable. Hut
now it Is giiivclj iiioio-cd ] to bridge
thoehannol ; and though thih is apt o-
jeet as old as tlio English inilway sjf > -
turn , it has boon ve. j elab uatdj devel
oped bj I'lcnch and English uigineois ,
aided bs bir John Kosvloi ami bitHonja -
nun HakeM1 , de-i iu'is of the Foiih
biulgi , and His esnleiillj tobojiieb'-o
Tlie only I'ure Cream of Tnrtar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
bed iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard *
in good faith and w itli hope of HUCCOBS.O-
It is in tended to be nrarly eighteen tnllce'0 '
In length , testing on K < vontv.two piers , ,
alternately 11110 and Kt'10 feet apart , and * ,
eonstrttcted on the cantilever prlnelplo.n-
Hut if Kngllslimen wet o alarmed at a tun l
nel , what will they miy to a brldgo that
requires six do/en obstacles of a moat
formidable kind to the navigation of the
channel ? Hut then
Kngllsh panic is n
most uncertain phenomen m , ctuito na
apt to bo mihsing when It would bo r a-
sonublo as to bo very unreasonable svhon
there Is no occasion for it.
! < < : vw > , ,
* * ' < & & .
p $
; \
Mrs , R. H. Danes
6020 taftlas Sireef.
Only perfect ] \
cold dry air re J
j y frigerator , ha / ,
" ing perfect cirf
cu'aiion ' , s i 2 |
walls to' pro *
tect the ice , aitf
tight locks ;
will not sweater
or mould , hard
wood , antique
finish ; made in
all styles and
sizes , movable flues every
place inside.
Easy to get at and clean.
Less ice needed than for any
other refrigerator.
Costs no more than cheap
SoldOnly in Omaha by
Solo Agents for XcbrasKii ,
14tli and FarnamStf
.IE ladies' who have
\ JL tried it all say that
= our Port Wine at 250 a
bottle is as good as they
have been paying ding
stores $ i for , and that our
5oc Port is infinitely bet
tcr. Try it yourself.
Port Wine ,
( iiiiirt bottle.
Wluo , Liquor aud Cljjar Co .
11C-I18 B. 1GIU St. , Oiaali k
Hie Lulu-
hr.iteil N < n-
clian eahlu
a n il n y e
Glasses for
hale in Omaha
aha by p/JEMT" JUttZHJl