Till- ; OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY , APRIL 7 , 1S93. THE DAILY BJfiE CO1.-NCIMU.UKFS. CH r.C.I-a PfO. 12 1'EAW , STRK.rr. I i tnrd 'r rntlcr to nny putt nt t'.ie city II W T1I.TON. - MAXAOlMt lln lni' * Offlre No. 41 n't ' I n ttriVB i f ; | pht Bdltor > > o. 38 3llf > Ull MlSXTtU * . Y riuii.lnt.p . Co. C i-l ! . i. lilufls I.utntit'r Co. CorU btrirer ts the hatter , MB IJroadwRy. .T A Pratt of C'rscrtit was rle * toil Janitor of the court house \oxtcrday to lill a vacancy. I'luirJcs Allen \vns llntd I10..V ) in jwllro CGjrtyi'Stcttlny morning for boinc drunk at d rt-Mstliii : an oftlccr who tried to arrest him He will board out the amount In the clu jail Ihc Bet-can Haptlst church will comrnem-o n s. rii a of meeting ! ! this evcnlnir. Kev. A\ . C 'ihriihr-rd. the wclljknown evangelist. will assist In the work , which will be carried on for several weeks. T V siricsof Unity Guild entertainments at the Masi.nU- temple thilt closed lust nlpht have licrn very entertalnlntr. The music null Htrrarv last ovonlni ; drew a large crowd uml was wrll apprccintcil. IrftirVijpo has been prantfil u dlvorro fr-nn hrr huslnml.G. M. Wedge , the prounds brini ? true-It v and nonsuppnrt. They were marrlt-o in April , I "HI. The maiden name of tin plaintiff was Irene A. Hujthes. The fninim-rviall'llgriinsof America will pivr > tin lr second anniversary liatuiuct and reception tomorrow evening at the Grand hotel The traveling men will be out in full fdrec ami a irood tltni ) is looked for. Airs .1 .1. Fr.ilnev filed an informatl-m In Gupf-rini i-ourt Wednesday evening charging lier husband with getting drunk and kicking In the ilmr. He was arrested about mid- mtrJit and will have n hearing tomorrow inclining. Di ra T HofTman died yesterday mornliip nt 0 .Mi o'clock , ngod JJ5 years , after an illness of nine days , at her residence. 170-1 Third avenue Tinfunenil will take place Sunday moming lit 10. : ' . ( ) o'clock from the Evangeli cal church , of which she was a member. Immediate ! ) after the return of J. U. Ful ton from I.cwiston. 111. , the reiiort was cir culated that he was tried for obtaining inoncj under false pre.U'iiM-3 in a lightning rod uc-al anil discharged- Fulton now denies this and sa.\s he was lined J-'jOO after plead- in ? iruilty. The annual meeting of the Iowa State Sund.iy School association will be held at C'hariton for three days , commencing .luno 20 Kev. J.V Oeiger of Marlon , president of the association , is making arrangements for a series of mass meetings in the larger cities of the tate to aid the work of Sunday school extension. The KOI-K Island depot was entered by burglars Wednesday night , and when the ngrnt opeiifd up yesterday morning he found the ticket case had been broken open. Noth ing was missing , however , a few coppers Dial were in the case being untouched , and it Is supposed to have been the work of some one who wanted a place to sleep. Charles flail , the boy who stole a lot of pens , stationery anil other articles from the Washington avenue and Avenue U schools. was brought up in police court yesterday morning for a trial on the charge of larceny. C S LeflYrts was there and identified a lot of mahogany-handled tools that were found In the lad's possession as ticloi.gitiL' to him. The boy pleaded guilty and will be sentenced this morning. William Olls.ivcr , who lives on Eighth street near the corner of Fifteenth avenue , went home last night staggerlnir under the weight uf a largo Jag. Finding the door locked against him he proceeded to break it in. and when he cot inside commenced to abuse the members of his family. His wife called at the police sta tion and swore out an information charging him with disturbing the peace , and ho was placed under arrest. Charley Lunk , a white man , and Luc Fraree , a woman whoso complexion would have made a new cook stove turn pale , both of Omaha , took out a license yesterday for u Job lot of matrimonial bliss. They wandered up to the oftlcc of Marshal Templetoii , whom they asked to make them one. He was un able to gratify them , and referred them to City Clerk Xurmuehlen , whose license as a clergyman had -just expired. They were finally married by Justice Vien. You Will Ncril Thriu Soon. EVIUIH lias" the larfjot iiSMirtment of Oxfords ever shown in Council Bluffs or Omaha. Prices from tlio cht-apest to the hiulicpt , and all new and stylish. Don't fail to examine them before you buy. For warming puest cnambcrs , bath rooms , etc. , our as heaters arc just what you want. Look at them. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas and Elec tric Lifjht Co. You Uill IS < > riciiKrd "With the bargains you got in shoes at Evans' now store , ' 8 .Main and 21 Pear fatreutH. JMKAO.V.II'.uc.itni.ti'iii. . Hon. R. M. Knox' , wife and son of Hoop- Itane , 111. , arc visiting the former's brother , Qhio Knox. Mrs. A. W. MrUtughlin and Miss Clara Van Camp of Omaha , Mrs. Ell Plummet- Lincoln and Miss Annette llantlal of Bridge port , Conn. , spent yesterday afternoon with Captain O. M. Brown. Prof John C. Freeman of Madison , Wls. , who appeared at the Chautauqil.i a couple of years ago In a deb'ite tin the Shakespeare question with Ignatius Donnelly , was the pjc-st of W. E. Aitchisou and family last Wednesday. Talk about "bac-kb.mus of stool" and "tfrit of emery , " and you talk ubjiit the promoters of the Council BlulYs Insurance ancecompany. . The bread that they cart upon the \vaterh in faith and hope that it would return is heaving into Blgnt. All KiiiilH. Oxfords at all prices at Evans' new ttore , 2S Main street , U7 Pearl. It will pay you to examine them before buying' . JOO pays round trip and all expense for 10 days at World's fair. O. P. Mont- gi mory Iil7 4th st. Do you PmokoV Have vou tried T. D. King & CO.'B Ptirljnjis ? It's ji cluirjuer. Just light ono. Murr Ifil N > i Longer. Judge Decmer dissolved two sets of mar riage ties yesterday which had become wearisome to the people who had them on. Lars Michaolson was given a divorce from Mary Ann Michaolson , the ground alleged being adultery. The wife made no appear ance. Ho was also given the custody of his four children. Ella Hobinson applied for a divorce from L. II. IJobinson.who she claimed has'deserted ' her. The defendant made no appearance nd she was given the divorce on a default. llnn't Pull To see the bargains that Evans offers in all kinds of bhoes before you buy , " 3 fatreot. At the World's fair will 1x3 n 7 1-3 oc tavo organ in piano case. See duplicate nt Bouriciuti Music House. No time for a millinery opening at Louis' ; but oh , sucn beautiful goods. 2. Main btroot. _ Wood of all kinds , cotw and coal. L. G. Kuotts & Co , 700 Broadway. MnrrlH | ; L.CCII | I > H. The following marriage licenses were is sued yesterday : Nil me and Adores * . Ace. I I.e > l WrlKht , rottawattnmie county . 2'J 1 Klanor.Mi-rormluk , I'ottuHuttuiulocounty 2C I Charley I.unk , Onmlin . 17 1 hue I'mnce , Uiiinha . 21 The Millers , decorative artists , wall paper , paper hanging , plain and orna- lui-ntal i aiming , blgns. N o. 15 Pearl St. Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , the Icbt W.OO IJOUMJ in Iowa. b. P. Vaimttu , attorney , 5 Everett blk. V'TMI'i' IMHV1I r/M1\TPtf III llt I'l Nh\\S \ \ HIOM COUNCIL BUMS Trouble Into WLloh a Smart Witness HRS Tumbled in Fader&l Oonrt. HE TOLD TWO STORIES UNDER OATH C. .M. P.nlnndil of I.UCKII Ill-Id tip for Trull- IjliiC UneViiy llcfiiro the lira nil Jnrj nnd Another \V f Itcforr tlir Court. C. M. luiinflold of Ixgan w s the victim o ( n bfld memory or else a innn with a cinch jesvterday in federal court. Dr. C. 15. Max well , a physician of I-ocnn , waa on trial on the charge of selling whisky In violation of the Internal revenue laws , and ha had U-en indicted partially on the testimony of Knin- ticlil , who swore that he had purchased liquor of the doctor on a number of occa sions. When llainficld was put upon the witness stand In court he seemed to have forgotten entirely what he had told the grand jury , and denied ever having bought any liquor of Maxwell. This aroused the suspicious of the court , ami on the evidence bcine brought forward in b'.aek and white , Just as it left the lips of lUintield in the Jury room , he ordered the olllcers to take Il in- Held in charge in order that he inlcht be given a hearing on the charge of perjury. When the cnsc was investigated a little , certain facts came to light that indicated that some one had done some work not down on the program. Hainllold. It seemed , was not of a very stronc mind , and some of Max well's sympathizers had gone to him and threatened to have him arrested for horse stealing unless he testified in court differ ently from what he had before the grand jury. How much truth there would hnvo been In this charge had it been made is not known , but It had the desirea effect on Haln- Held , as his testimony showed. When the case came up for a hearing he was dis charged. The jury In the case of John Grant against the Union Pacific Uailwav company wrestled wilh the verdict all day long , and late In the afternoon came in , reporting that the vote stood ! i to 3 in favor of the plaintiff , and they were stuck. They wanted to be dis charged , but the lourt thought they had not been out long enough to Justify him in nllow- ine a disagicement. He accordingly sent them back to their room with instructions to try it again. There is a coed prospect of their disagreeing , however , ant ) it Is hichly probable that another trial will be neces sary. sary.Fred Wise and Alice , his wife , were among the swarm of bootleggers who came up for a hearing. Wise had been carrying on the restaurant business and had compelled his wife to run the bar. After the trial they were both found guilty and a sentence was imposed , but part of the man's sentence and all of his wife's were suspended during good behavior. The grand jury made its final report and was discharged. Six indictments were re turned , all of them bootleggers , excepting one. whose name is not made public yet , as he is not in custody. Mary Heller of Avoca was tried on the charge of violating the internal revenue law. A number of witnesses were put upon the stand and testilied to having bought liquor of her a number of tiiuts. As one witness , whose testimony was more objectionable than the rest , was telling his story , the people in the court room were somewhat surprised to hear her call out in a stentorian voice. "You're a liar. " She was immediately called down by the court. At the conclusion ol the testimony it was found that the jury had not believed that the witness was a liar , for a verdict of guilty was returned , and she was sentenced to a term in jail. 1C Drtttntlc-,1 UlrrclrH. Just received by express. You should place your order at once and get in line. "Dauntless' ' bicycles are the stuff. Don't fail to see the best machine built before you buy. Union Transfer Co. , 1II04-0-S-10 Main street , Council BlulTs. TinOriinil Hotel , Council BlulTs. Most elegant hotel in Iowa. Dining room on seventh floor. Rates , S3 to So per day. E. F. Clark , Prop. ' Jt Will 1'iiy Vou To see what you can do at Evans' new More before buying your shoes for spring. 28 Main and 27 Pearl streets. Sun fit Monte Cr ftto. The "Son of MonteCristo , " which is a new play written expressly for Frank Linden , held the hoards at Dohar.y's last evening. It is a continuation of the well known drama , the "Count of Munte Cristo , " made famous by James O'Neill and others. Like the lat ter , it is a dramatization of one of Dumas' famous novels , but unlike it. there is an ex cellent vein of comedy runninir all the way through it. Last evening's production proved it to be much stronger in action , more startling in situations , and brighter in dialogue than its predecessor , which is say ing a great deal. Mr Lindon's capability as an actor was never more fully tested than last nisht , when he played the title role , whilehis daughter. Miss Edna Earlie , took the part of Eugenic Danglers , in the same charming manner that has characterized all her pre vious efforts before Coundl Bluffs audiences. Of the many i > ointsof interest the French encampment under the walls of Constantine , the grotto of the island of Monti * Cristo and the terrible swonl combat , are perhaps the most thrilling. The play is justly termed by the eastern prtts a "dramatic thunder bolt. " Next season Mr. Linden will devote all his energies to the production of the "Son of Monte Cristo , " and last night's perform ance indicates beyond a doubt that it will bo the most successful season ho has ever known. ' Damon and Pythias" is announced for this evening. The play is one in which the Knights of Pythias are always interested , and the prospects are that a large number of them will witness the performance. Word was received last evening from Omaha to the effect that a number would bo present from that place. Don't fail all ye people to see yo old folks concert of musick at Trinity ' church , Friday evening , April 7 , a't earlie candle lighting. Coal and wooti ; best and cheapest Missouri html wood in the rity ; prompt delivery. H. A. Cox. No. 4 Main. Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p. m. at the Council Bluffs Medical and Surgical institute , 20th and Broadway. iicotfd : n l'li } > iriin. ! The city council met as a board of health yesterday afternoon for the main purpose of electing a city physicuin to take the place of Dr. II. II. Jennings. There were four can didates in the field , as it api > oaro4 from the tirst ballot , Jennings receiving the votes of the two republican members. Dr. Macrae , jr. , II. A. J. Cook 1 and J. C. Waterman 1 , on the lirst ballot. On the second ballot the two democrats who had given a complimentary vote to Cook and Waterman came into the fold according to schedule , and Macrae re ceived five votes to Jennings' two. Dr. Jennings submitted the report of the state chemist on the Manawa ice which was submitted to him last winter for analysis. Where the reK | > rt has been all these weeks no one knows , it having been allowed to drop out of sight as soon as the men who wore engaged in selling the objectionable Ice agreed to stop cutting. The report showed that several quarts of bacteria hail been strained out of the water and .added to the collection in the office of the state chemist. ; t was decided to make an effort to nnd a place suitable for a garbage dump. Another meeting is to bo hold Saturday nveniug. when it is hoped that something definite will be known about the matter. Finest Arista cabinet photos , $2 per dozen. Alton's studio. 18 North Main. Williamson & Co. , 100 Main street , largest and best bicycle stock in city. Another improement to Iho popular Schubert piano. Swant-on Music Co Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist. tat uu lluth Miss. , April ti. A double - . It r < t 'rtil ' fr.'in Strong utatluii Ti > tii.is Hia'llcv was , i''Hiltcd ba net : m farm h.in'l. ' Daiin Mr * iv nnd liradlr.x shut him In self drfciisr. killing him. Dradiey wus probtil-iy fiitulh beaten. ittnnx .i.\n ntntitn It Wn n Tlri-Miuifi l.iHic-Drn" n-Oiit Bt ' . OUMMC Ct.re AHKXA. Nnw ORLEAN * , ! . . . April 0. Antty Uowen. of this city , and .mek Burke of Texns. fmitrht tonlcht for the llehl- weiirht rlmmplonHhlp of the south and a purse of t , r > 00 , of which JftK ) went to the lowsr. The fleht commenced at S :30 : , when the men shook hands and retired to their cor ners to commence the first round. The men advanced to the center of the ring and IJurko In getting away slipped and foil. Bowen landed a good richt on Ilurko's check nnd the latter clinched. Howen landed nls right on the ribs and IJurko was thrown over Bowen's head in a clinch. Hurke was fouuht into his corner and when the round ended Bowen was in the lead. Hound " - In this round both men landed good rijhts and Burke was fought to the ropes , where ho clinched. Burke was al lowed first blood , but wns fouehl to the ropes with heavy right and left banders on the body. Hound 3 Burke scored a good left hand punch on his opponent's neck and drew away to avoid punishment. Burke was again fouibt to the ropps and Bowen landed two heavi rights on the he id. Hound Burke landed a good punch on the head In this ro'ind , but got a similar hit in return. The men were fighting in a fair way and the audience cheered lustily. Bowen landed two face blows , one with right and the other with left. From this time up to the forty-eighth round the fighting as tame , but few hard blows beinir struck and honors easy. In this round the gong saved Burko. The referee several times cautioned Bowen for foul fight- Ing. In the sixty-second round the audience accused the fighters of faking , ami many un complimentary remarks were inado on their actions. Tinl.lllpiltl.llis tit tile I'.o.vd. What shall bo s-iid of them and their per formance the 1-illpatlnns , who made their debut at the Boyd last cvcninsr ? They have talents of the highest class , and their work is artistic to a degree seldom reached by artists of normal physical development. This is true , but tnc statement is altogether Inadequate as descriptive of their work i'.nd themselves. "The Pupil in Magic" is the name of the play , which the program de scribes as "a grand spectacular comedy drama in four acts and nine tableaux. " and at once be It said that the people of Omaha have never before at home been given the opportunity of witnessing an entertainment which , being unique , is so beautifully at tractive and so pleasingly interesting as tliis work of Carl Hosenfeltl. The story f It has one a beautiful com pound of Goethe and Hans Andersen. Little Fritz Wilse comes into Nuremberg to be a ] > - prentlced to his uncle , the toymaker ; he meets a beautiful young lady who bus called to look around the wonderful automaton toy warehouse ; worn out he goes to sleep , and dreams ah. what dreams ! dreams that take him through palace halls and into the icy fastnesses that keep ward of the north pole and but the play is indescribable ; it must j be seen to be appreciated , and once seen it cannot fail to be appreciated. The scenery is beautiful , and there arc mechanical effects introduced that are re markable. One scene , "Tbe Wandering Woons , " it is called shows the distracted Fritz rushing ihrnuch the forest in search of die liebe mutter , and depth on depth of wood is discovered till the spectator seems as much lest , in admiration , as the dear lit tle fellow who chases the flying trees. It is a triumph of stagecraft. This is but ono scene. The automaton toy shop , with livinir toys , Is not less wonderful. The principal actors are midgets , but each Is an artist. Franz Kbert is a comedian who will compare favorably with the best come dians on the stage today : indeed , his art is freer from evident eflort than that of most of them. Last eveninc's audience went wild with enthusiasm over his acting andjrccallud him again and again. He is a picture to look on nnd his every word , look and gesture arc Informed with the purest spirit of comedy. Ho looks a perfect animated picture of Kep ler's Puck. His one act of pantomime in the second scene , portraying Puck all dressed up and vinously careless of consequences , is something to see again and again. The other little people in their respective parts are almost as perfect , and all in all no praise can adequately meet their merit's desert. The ballet is one of the best ever seen in Omaha , the malority of the ladies rivaling tnoso "dauchters of the gods divinely tall and most divinely fair. " " " The Pupil in Magic" has features that appeal to old and youni : alike and is an entertainment the critic can unqualifiedly recommend to all. "Merry I'oblilrr" at tliu I'lirnaui. "The Merry Cobbler" comp.iny began an engagement at the F.irnam Street theater last night that will continue for three nights. Neither play nor people arc up to the standard of previous attractions , but the performance is amusing and includes some very fair singing. The cast includes three children , whose acting is one of the best features. IlomcMIc. Mrs. Caroline Orloll of Chicago was .shot nnd killed by her husband yc t rdar. Everything Is quiet at Antlers , I. T. The In dian factions "ill neither light or disband. A telesram received at Washington , 1) . C. , from Valparal.so say.s that there is DO truili in the story regarding mattlal law in Chill. Three /.ulu braves each nearly seven feet tall , have arrived at Chicago. They will art as guards to the diamond e.\hlblt Iiom South Africa. The l < cked-out carmentciittersof New York htivo taken advantage of the recent dc-clslon of the courts and have I-ssiu-d notices of a bo cott acalnst the linns with whom they art- having trouble. Iiurln ; ; a heavy windstorm at n > nver , Colo. , yesterday the lirlfk cornice uf MeGovern's undertaldn ? establishment was Mown down hlttlm : Mr . lli-rtlm MiTiirliiml anil Injuring her so badly that she died a fuw hours nfter- wuids. At ? an P.errmrdlno , C'al. , yesterday , Jesus I'uene , a Mexican , murdered his ml-trcss and an IiL'cd white man who had attempted to pro tect hur. The murderer In attacking another man iviis knocked senseless u 1th a ttone and captured. Jim I-ee Tate and Will Omer of Hlurgls , Ky. , were arrested yesterday as accessory to the Oliver lillllns. ( UorgiDelanev , Trunk Holt and ( Jeow P. Henry were Mlppi-d out of lUurgls by the olllcers and were taken to Morgan lust ntehl to prevent violence. The Danish steamer llekla. with the ex hibits of Norway , Sweden and Uunniark on board , bosldus n Ih Ing freight of 80U people , Is now eight days overdue atthuport of Now York. On Murch 27 .shi ; na bpokon by the Trench liner La Normandlo in uildocean dis abled. The fishing schooner Laughing Water ar rived at tin1 IVU.wure breakwater last even ing , having nn board twelve men , survivors of tin ; fishing schoiiner Ueia-tii of Gloucester , Mass. , which capsized yesterday nmriiln : In a squall of wind thirty inlle.s oil llaintgal.l. \ men were drowned. The report * of fulled States Marshal Paul TilcKe of Texas , whose term of otllce expired March 27 , show that bis deputies , assisted bv the ITnlted Slates troop- , and local authority's have captured seventy-five of the Mexican bandits on the lower Ulo ( irandu border dur ing the past four months. Toreign. The bill to raise the Trench legation In Washington to an embassy ni Usued yester day. day.The The volcano of Collinas , In Mexico , husngaln resumed active opuratlons , ami the surround ing bus MilTerc'il from countiy severe earth quake shocks. In the Kngllsli House of Commons yesteiday Mr. Gladstone , In u speech alxinndlng In his toric facts , moved the second reading of the lUsb liuuie rule bill. The motion was opposed by Sir Mtrhufl Illcks-lli-ach In an Ill-iiuturcd uml Imd-ti-inpered speech. The typhus fever epidemic In ? an Luis I'otosl. Mi'.v , is rapidly decreasing. The dls- coxery of a new remedy for the disease Is a tea made from the humichllt plant. If given lu the early stupes of iho fever It never falls of a euro. The ren.urkable remedy Is being uswl In the lm plfilsof that city und in the City of Mojilro. In the Hungarian Diet yesterday Count Aphony , thu leader of the party of the loft , nmdu a hpi-eeh. In Iho courseof which he re ferred to the fact that Kmperorrrancls Joseph had not U-en In the Hungarian capita ! for five months : In fart , not Unco thu frt-cdom of thu city hud been conferred on the great Hun- garluu patriot , LouU lvo utu. HOW SOLDIERS , .EIGHT . FIRE Buildings at Fort Robikiwn Thraat oed bj a Prairie Dlaij. * FIVE TROOPS CALLED INTO ACTION Much Viiluiblp Proper ! ) llcllrvnl to llnvc- Hern I > c troi-il lntcrr tlniniiniil C'omcntlmi of I lie P. K. U. nt l'lntl niouti. ! Four Homxso.v , Nob. , April C. [ Special Telegram to THE BCE. ] Just before noon a tire broke out in the wood and coal shed in the rear of Quartermaster Sergeant Hactor's quarters. It burned like tinder and only through the prompt action of the bucket company was the dwelling saved. The troops had Just returned to their quarters when the fire call again sounded. This time It was a prairie lire sweeping down in dangerous proximity to the nost. The six troops of cavalry were mounted and away In a very few minutes , each man with a gunnj sack which he wetted as the troop passed through the creek. Five troops foueht fire for three hours and returned. The I troop is still out. They are supposed to been on the reservation from which direction im mense volumes of smoke can be seen. Immediately after stable call and be fore the men could get their sup | > er , another alarm was sounded. A cale had sprung up filling the air with dust and smoke and the fire was coming directly toward the cavalry stables. All went out on foot and fought for an hour and a half and conquered , but it was a close call. The fire originated in an old shack In a canon north of Lake ranch. A report reached here tonight that the buildingsoii'thc farm of Mr. N . C. Hutchings , Jive miles west of here , were completely destroy ed. Pmlrlp I'lreXpir HyuiinU. H VAN-MS Neb. , April C. [ Special Tele gram to Tnc BEK.J A prairie lire which started from the neighborhood of Alliance as far as can be learned , passed through this section of the country today , doing a great deal of damaire to stockmen and destroying their range. The full extent of the damage Is not yet known , as the lire is still in pro gress. ANNUAL P. i : . . CONVENTION. Itcrpptliin of tlu < Krlrffiite * Ono of the IVaturrs of the Mrrtinc. PLATTSMOVTII , Neb , April 0. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The fourth annual convention of P. E. O. opened lu the court house of this city at 0 a. in. The beautiful P. E. O. colors of this society , which are so tastefully ar ranged in the business houses of the city , elicited the admiration of all and the enthu siastic welcome to the visitors was the most cordial ever known in the state's history of P. E. O. At the top of the grand staircase on enter- Inc the court house the first object that ar- ested the attention of the delegates was a cilt star with the loiters "P. E. O. " in black. The decorations of the convention room in : hc court house are y y beautiful. Fragrant Eastcrand calla lielis. hyacinths and other lotted plants arc grouped artistically with lialms about the i-ooin. On the cast wall of the convention room is fastened a large star made of the two P. E. O. colors yellow and white skillfully combined. The windows are draped with dainty s.ish curtains of the two colors , and the effect of the whole is graceful and pretty. The convention was opened by an address by ttie slate president , Mrs. Lulu B. Patrick of Holdrege , in which she gave an outline Df the year's work in Her usual happy way. Worthy of especial mention in tbe morning s session was the address of welcome by Mrs. Mary Mason HouseworthJ'which was re sponded to by the state recording secretary , Mrs. Jenny Holtzinger Bryant of Omaha in a delightful manner. A chorus of welcome was sung by chapter F of this city , and was an attractive feature. Mrs. At wood presides at the organ. Mrs. McNauL'hton was anirainteJ reporter for the convention. Today the convention has been in exec utive session tand this evening at the Pres byterian church it held its opin meetings to which the public was invited. Mis. L. B. Patrick , who is G. C. president of the P. E. O. society , of Holdrege and Mrs. B. F. Bryant of Omaha , arrived in the city yesterday afternoon , and are the guests of Mrs. O. H. Suyder. Mrs. Henry Herald is entertaining the Misses Gorby and Mon ger of Kelson. Mrs. Follmer of Kelson and Miss Shelton of Holdrege are visiting with Mrs. C. C. Parmelo. Miss Ella Wright is entertaining Miss Hutchcnson during the convention. Mrs. McKaughton and Mrs Briggs of Superior arrived in the city yester day and are the guests of Miss Dura Herold. A lormcr Plattsmouth lady. Mrs. W. H. Baker of Council Bluffs is visiting with Mrs. Kcllie Agnew. Mrs. Crawford of Lincoln is the guest of Mrs. S. H. Atwood. Mrs. Dr. DilTenbachcr of York is the guest of Miss Gering. Mrs. George Dovcy is entertaining Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Allan of Omahu. Cinintynt Contest Dcrldcil. BLTTECITT , Keb. . April G. [ Special to Tun Ben. ] Kews was received here Wednesday evening that Judge Marshall had rendered a decision in favor of Butte City i" the county seat case and in a short time the band was out , bells were rung , anvils fired and the musical cr.iclc of the six-shooter was heard upjn all Miles. Every Butte City man tried lose.1 h > w much noise he could make , and to say that he suc ceeded expresses it mild. Tills settles the bitter county seal combat that has been eoing on for the past two years , und means much for Butte City. Several new enterprises that have been waiting for the result of this case will now be rushed. Saturday evening patriotic citizens of Butte City will celebrate their victory. Icith : ul a 1'iilU County CltUrn. OSCEULA , Neb , April 0. [ Special to Tun Brn. ] Another of Osccola's representative citizens passed to nis final rest yesterday morning when Thomas Hcairan died. Mr. Keagan had been in il' ' health for two or three months , but no serious result was ex pected until lately. His death was a shock to the whole community. He was a member of Hising Slur lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows , and had held the office of noble grand. The funeral occurred this morning from the family residence on State street , with the cemiionies of Odd Fellow ship. ' , ; _ WKt'H Itl-hl ll'ttfllll AC . plOil. GHAM > ISLAD , Kcb'1 ' , ' .April 0. [ Special to TUB Buc. ] William' . King , the newly elected city treasurer , was appointed by the city council last night to fill the vacancy in the city treasurer's ofllre from now until his term of otllce begins , which will be next week. The resignation of ex-Treasurer West was accepted 'id the same resolution , and the work of finding out what liabilities are to fall upon the various sets of West's bondsmen and what the shortage really is will bo commenced attnice. kt Hustings. Cr-NTiiAL CITY , Neb. , 'April G. [ Social to THE BEE.J Among other good things this city has enjoyed this spring has been a course of lectures. On Friday evening ol this weeK Hon. E. E. Ferris of Hastings will speak on "Christianity and the Law. " Following him in the lecture course will be Kev. J. W. Kobinson. pastor of the Methodist Episcopal tabernacle of this city , on "Life in a Kebel Prison and the Way Out. " Work -Nclirnkku NEIWASKA CITT , Neb. , April G. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.J As L. C. Day was returning home from the western part ol this city about 10 o'clock tonight ho was ac costed by two men near the corner of First avenue and Fifteenth street. One threw his arms around him. rendering him jiowerless while the other went through his jvx-kets relieving him of about ? ? * 0. Day was thrown into the gutter and loft unconscious. l > uknt County I.ltliritluii. DAKOTA CITT , Neb , , April G. [ Specln Telegram to THE BEET ] Another turn was taken in the district court m the case of Da kota county ng < Un t U WVikit ) -n rial. wherein the plaintiff n-em to r-.v\rr 1 1 : > WO claimed to In- due the co mty from the rx r.'iiMircr A i-hatu'c of venue \\m granted n t week upon n , > pliat inn uf the plaintiff The Judge referred the cuse ton.ne county before .Unite Jnckerm. The pliilntlfl rwinestod the court to Ink ? the CHMI out of , liMlf' | ' JarXson's hands und to some other court except Judtre Klncnid's Thin he held if could not do. nnd the county attorney in- ormed him th t IIP would w to Wnyno Monday and dismiss the case. Odd I'l-Himn lit Hinting * . HASTINGS Keb. . April 0. [ Spwlnl Tele- ; r tn to TUB Br.E.l This evening the Odd 'ellowsof the Hastings district assembled o the number of 400. Grand Master Weir if Lincoln presided. The evening was spent u team work , various loi'gcs ' of the district exemplifying parts of the ritual. At the conclusion a sumptuous banquet was served. Crr-liuin Paper Mild. TEKAMAII , Neb. . April G. [ Special to THE Ben. ] The Gresham Review , which for icarly two years past has been owned by S , c. Woodruff , wss today sold to Joe Mahaffey , who has taken possession and will get out ils lirst paper this week. Will Haw , who las had the Hevlew under a lease for a year iast , has stepped down. Tllltii : Til.HlKHIKH. Mitclilr ol n YiiiingVoiimn After Her N < - Horn Iliibe. FUAXKVII.U : , Pa. , April 0 Ida Christ , nn unmarried woman of this place , yes- onlay afternoon strangled her new born > aby and threw it in uu outbuild- uc. Neighbors becoming suspicious the coroner's Jury was notified and investiga- ion resulted in establishing the girl's guilt nnd she subsequently acknowledged the rime. Last night she was found hanging n her room having committed suicide In con sequence of the exposure of her shame. Niw : YOIIK. April 0. Mrs. Francis Eddy , id years of age , whose address Is unknown , oday committed suicide in a vacant lot at 3no Hundred and Thirty-ninth street and it. Nicholas avenue by taking carbolic acid. ler 7-year-old daughter , Gladys , was with icr at the time , and she coaxed the child to akc some ol the stuff also. The child may recover. Coiix-iitlun of Dulls ruction. FiiEErouT , 111. , April G. The annual con- ercnceof the Dubs faction of the Evangelical issociation of North America convened here oday , Bishop Stanford presiding. Kesolu- ions were passed reaffirming their faith In their side of the controversy , and appointing i committee to confer with ttie Esher siile of the church concerning the propertj rit-'lils if til" churches in the Illinois conlercnri The next conference will be held at Barring ton , 111. , the first Tuesday in April 1MU I'ortliP Ti-iii mlsslsslpil | Congress. SALT LAKE , U. T. , April 0. [ Special Tele- jram to TUB BEE. ] Governor Thomas tins iftcrnoon appointed the following delegates to represent the territory of Utah at tin- session of the transmlssissippi congress , tu jo held at Ogden Muitduy. the SUb. inst 2. C. Goodwin. Henry P. Henderson. John ilcnry Smith , James Deyine ani ticuive ync of Salt Lake : FreJerick J. Kics ( . O C Leonard , David Ecclts. L. B. Adams an i William A. Lee of Weber county. M > stcrlou * l > , | * ; incr. 'Hie wife ofJ. ( J Uithbun , a merchant of Shelby , Neb. , reported to the police last light that her husband had been missing since the middle jf March About that turn- le came to Omaha to visit his sister. Mr * W. C. Jay , . ' ! ! ! ! Meredith avenue sii ce caving his sisUr s house Mr. Hathban bus lot been seen , an 1 Ins family s.ispccta fnul > la.v. All of ttie missing man's affairs are NATURAL FRUIT FLrWORS. rnHlTl Of perfect pisrlty- Lemon I Of great Etrength- Orange Economy In their usa. Flavor as dslleately and deiieioutly r.sths fresh J3 HOTOP , Beet Calf Shoo in the world for tba price. W. L. DouglOSEhoeaareaoldeverywhere. Everybofly should wear them. It Is a duty you owe yourseU to gel the beat value for ycui miinoy. Economize In your footwear by pnrohasluBW. L. DouglnsShOOS.whloh represent tbe beat value at the prices ad vertised above , aa thousands caa testify. JCir Take No Substitute. Wltf nnrn ' < > of fin nil. Kone penutne without V. I Doucla ? name and jtrico etamped cu bottom. Ixnilc for It when you buy. . . . - V.w , , W. T T - lr.- -V.-- SMbr Muslins Wi-bliere , Krlloy..ctleer.S . ; Co.c J. Cail < iOi. E lua SvnsonU-nutz Nowtni\\.Kl'en : GV. South tlniiih i. Special COUN3II Bl'Jf ? ' > . I7OH HUNT-The Merpon hotel ul 1017 south Main L itreet. Inquire U. Ixirccr , at hotel. J OH SAI.U Kull n-t of llnnvra tools. Eoail < mil tlan : it barititln In.julio of Kinpkle tiu.-jri llnrOnuru i o. . Conncll Ilium GAHU.AriiSremovcxl. cesspucis , vaults. chlranoTi cleaned. Wi-ll prepare J fur tag wjrlc. fJ llurko CUT bullilliiL' . * . . clrll vnvlnaar. Illno print * ot J.Council lllulla nntl all udilUluni ; nl > u pauura.- ) furVJU head uf Block U."JUth nvvnue. r -A'111 : fnrui lvirodnr conntjr , Nctira > ku , nil In Jcultlvutlun. f.'J.OO per acre. Hrm-clni * cltj property to exchange for coot land ? eml ui do- ( rrlptlon of the land yoi : hare tu ofter. Jobntton A. Vun I'utlun. nnd lot for ialc.Nn. . 1:1.1 riftli orcnue Inquire of J. 1 * . Lhrlhtlnn. C. \ It , I. , frricht house. A C'HANCi : for rlL-it man to collect. > ollclt. Vuncl dellvpr ioud&Vtitet ; f3 ! tt week , nnd profits divided every .H ) UUJTB , In htnck com * l.any. Murt buy 15 eharc-9 ttocn AdUrrm J. V. Morse , lloom S , Krerett block , Council llluff * . V id loam. Farm an1 cltr proporir bought aal kold. I'aur H Tiio.aai , Co a neil \\rAXTKI ) , puDltlon hjf mrty ui bookkeeper or ' ' cashier ; bent of references , siddrciii il 1 , IH-o oftiee. \ \ ANTED A comiielent clrl ; mum he u rood 'I cook. Mr . W. A. ilnurer. 831 ia UTcaue. I7OH SAI.lt Two nl.-ecotlai-e ho-j e on Avenue -L o , near 2Vlh utreet ; > li roonu. tiuj- window , cloi-etii and inntrjr : lurire lot. vuter In yurd Will tuke ti aiuli payaient cK'Hn nnd balance In lni > tall- menu. Ix > utte0 \ Tonle , S 5 Tear ! ttreet , Council lIlUITi. I7OII SALE-Wo oner for ule on t y termi a do 1 tlrablehomo on Mith nvenue. one block I ruin electric ludtur ; houve of flvo loom * , cloketi , cltjr water , larce brick cellar , front and tide porciien. Will lull at lex than actual coit. LoucroA Tciwle. S341'efcfl lril , Council llluai. \\rANTKD-Kltber t > ractlc l undertaker or man 'I wboli wllllnfto learn thutu > lne > . Huglemuu prelcrtcd , W. C. E U'i , undertaker. to be in C'IH ! hipi * . nnd tm fur th' % Jtsii | > | ) t.irniiiiran Ingitvii I .liiclttr .liirkmni lUm-il. j \VA ntvi.r < iN. 1) ) < . ' , April r , - A ilitnu r m hiiiuir df > luiUv Jai-kitiiii . > f tint'nltoil Slfltiw Auprrim1 i-"iirt WAH xiven tonlifhl by lion. Victor Itnujrlimnn of I'redrrlcK , Mil. The diners were : VU-c I'tiMiiloni Stpyrnnon. KwiTtnr.v.l SUrllnff Morton. Hon 'flioiitiis R llnvtml , nmbn Riilnr t < i ( trwtt llrllnln ; linn. Don M. Dlrkiufcun , St-niuon IVimiinn ami Ulnekburn , .ludv'o MrCxuna ? atul uthurs. n ; ; .i nt 1:11 i-intuv i > rx IIVIII Itnln or Slimy ThrnitiliiUt Nrlir.cUn Toilnj. WASIIISOTOS , 1) . O. . Aiirll -l-'orccnst * for Friilny : For Nebraska nnd tlio Dnkotas Ononslomil ruin or < no\r ; witnls stilftluir to iiorthwo.Ht ; iiiiu-h ooUlor. cxivt't In ousturn IKirtinns of ttio U.ikotns. For Iowa Ouoasloiuil rains , sulftliiR to south winds ; waniu-r in southern portions. l ncal IEirortl. Orni'Eor HIE WKOTIIBII lU'itrvr. OMMU , April 0. Omaha record of toiuporaturoand rainfall. comiurcJ with oarrespjudlti ? < la.v of past four years : isna. isna. IHOI. .Mn.Nlintitn tcintiotnturc. Hto oys tvjs MlnlliHiin tciiinoraturo. . 4 3 tt-l S 80S 63 = Avt'i-iicv tiMnpvrattiro. . C < 4 M 4'J- 00 s I'riTipiuitiiiti . oo .en ) .00 .on Statement showing the condition of torn- pcraturonnd pivjliitatlnn | nt Oiiialn for tlio day and since March 1 , IS''J ' ' : Noriiinltctnucrature. . . . . . 47 s I'\cis for the ( Inv . 17 ItrlU-lptii-y slnoo March 1 . 7 = .Noriual iiri'i-lpltiitlciii . to Incu licllcli-nr-y fortluiliv . M Inch Ut'ilcluncy March 1 . 73 IIK-II lti'niru | Innn Other Points lit H | i. in , . ? I I STATION'S. Omnlm SI . ( U I'.irt Cloudy .North 1'lntte ii UU 1'art Cloudy Kearuc.r .Uu Cloudy Chicago .Ul Cloudy. ft. lx > ul 61 .UOiClvar. M. l' ul 70 . ' Ituln liarcnport 70il .00.1 loudy. Kansas City JM .Ou't'icnr ' Duiircr , Wi | < loiidr. 'nit l.okcClty ti' llnplilClty tt > Helena HIMimrck M. Vincent Cheyenne .Miles City ( ulveton T ItiuU'uU- ni'c ( j 1 : llr.NT Lurai 1 It Curti Ccldf Coughs. Sore Throat Croup. InSa- enia , "CVhoor-icj Coufh , UrcnchiUl and Asthma , A certain cure for Consumption in firit etapti , end & cure relief in advanced ttftgei. Hit at oss. You will tee the excellent fleet after taking th : fir t dose. Sold I'T dealrrt everywhere Loire bottleMil. . - . - . , T | * i 11 Both the method ami results vrhcn Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plensaut and refreshing to the taste , nnd nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head- nches nnd fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrnp of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects , prepared only from the most healthy und agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for ealo in 50c nnd SI bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hnnd will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it , iJo not accept auy substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAKCISCO. C4t. ItiUlSVlUl. Kf AftV Ydnir. N.V. /nCT / UITAI ITV1"1" v"-ir "nlcM't ' ro LU5I ViiALIII-/-\u'v--u1 / \ imfy IMr < l. thp irrent llmdo , I. , imvlj . < , ' Id with writ- . K'li ciiuruttttr of rnrr. Kmiipf < > | .tit ( ri' ( > . Adtln-ftl Orlfiitul .Mrdlrnl Cu. . t ? ri.'rauuU ri.tr. ltli > ( o , III. DOHATOTfBTRE c ot .vc / / nt.i JOHN DOHANY MANAGER. \-TMt WKKK v OMMEM'I.SO Monday , April 3rd. Tlic Triumphant Ainiispinonl Event , dls- Mm of T And his fascinating il-iupMcr. EDSft EARLIE LIIIOON , TimSI\Y ; PVF.NlNi. ( Boo of Monla Crisfo Ctiungo of plity i-m'ti ovcniiiR. GRAND SATURDAY MATINEE Y.\VT winning prices liv , 2iii- and XK. HAVE YOU SEIEIKL The King of Scorchers ? Made by the Centaur Cycle Co. of Coventry , England , The oldest and strongest cycle company in the world. Ro'ad King Hustler Road Queen Athlete Kingman Glideaway Scorchers , and other Mermaid Medium Umpire Grade Wheels , KINGMAN & CO. , Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and medium grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery. PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , KANSAS CITY , DES MOINES AND OMAHA. S. M. WILLIAMSON & CO. , Council Bluffs Agen Work C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. , Clcnninrr nnd Itc Tin I siting OF GOODS OF EVKRV DESCRIPTION. Omahti ollico , 1621 Farnam fit , IV'ophono lo-l. Council Blulfs ofllco and work ] cor. Ave. A and l0th ! St. 'i'elojihono 310. Send for irculars and price list. Just received a fine line of GOODS. THE TAI llnve rfniovnil from my old uuw occupy the outiro lluor. Over 510 Broadway , Council PARTIES WANTING Ai27ieuser-73ascjfi Beer Anhcuser , Budwoisor , Faust aao Palo DICERS , KITIIUR BOTTLKD OR IN KKjS ( , can tutive orUors at No.13 Main Street , Ctouncil BluHs , Iowa , or Tolo- phouca.i3. Goods Uolivorod promptly. SOLK AGKNCV FOU ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING ASS'N. , of ST. LOUIS. 3