Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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ivo i 1'KAitL STKIET.
} currier to any prt of t'l * o *
11 \ \ T11.TOX. - MANAOKIl
llMlllM"fIflk-e 512
i > tirvt h ' *
I HOM.S , . 2
NlBlll f > , , M , , NO.
? Y J'uiTibbip ! < "V > .
C c iii i ) Illuffo Ijjntni-r Uo Co t
MiilontxTpw Is the hatter , Wtt Brondwaj.
iiuildmp jMTiniti amounting to fZ.CKKt
wire I : sued yroterday
There Is talk among n. number of young
jncn uf tin' ritj of orcnniclnc cricket clubs
IViuik H.'uclt and MHF.VHiiado of Schuylur ,
Isiti wort married yesterday by Justice
.Icsse Chiipman utid Anna JCowbraskcy.
b"M ) of Lincoln , were married by Justice
1'UiJi'stcrday. .
Tiniiioict , of't'tilty truild BBVC n pleasant
partj itiM i u'lilnp at the Masonic temple
Uanriiie as 1 lie malu feature of the even-
Ttii \ ulcnrp In the pnireedltica brouprht
b\ tin i wiiinrfcof 1'eter Beck to ( IBMV
A A\ oed ousted from thr nsglcnooshlp was
heard bJuileo Dormer yesterday ftftpraorm
H huIKMI decided to hold the annual
we i imp of the Yount ? Men's Christian naso-
i latKm on Suiuln ) "Venhip. April 'JH at bhe
1'irt.t rri-Mi.x terlah chufh President \V
M ar'Khi'nr of the Apricultural collcee at
Ames ill be proaeui und ftVivcr the ad-
cl ! " ; . , if the cvenine
dii 1 nilav cronlntr at the Conprepatlnnal
tt in h parlors there w ill be a World's fair
h nl . < ! vcn b.v the young ladies of Miss
! - ! ! m i Sunday hrhool class The admls-
s n UK hiihnp refreshments m the mldwaj
j > ti in in c and o chance to ee numerous
ii' f i-xliitiim. will lHnul.cents .
.1 irlt'i' I lectrier heni-fi the divorce ease of
I ,11 i , Ci.irt ; nf Neola against \V ( i Clark
. .Ms'rua.Uile.v . . Clark , father of the de-
fi nil.iiit and the justice who married the
< oupu about nix tmmtlis uiro , appears as ut-
t < .rii . ( \ for his dauphter In-law The do-
fi list n ade no appearance , and the divorce
VHS pranted by default.
The members of the Board of Supervisory
tonK a trip yesterday forenoon to Lewis
ti iif > | south of the city , to invt-Btipitc
with a u - \ \ of ah.-erLainlnp what could be
( linn \\itli reference to the new roaa whirli
tin resuU-iiib of that part of tbe county
wnnt laid out The Missouri river has cut
off madb for whicli the county has bought
land on a numb of occasions and the su-
pcrvisjrs are casting about for some waj to
w-i'ure the laud before they buy an } more
fm minis
riirtation" was the plaj at Dihany's
opera house last eveninp. presented by
Prank London's company There was more
of the comedy element in it than in either of
the plays on the preceding nichts. and the
audience laughed and applauded rigorously.
Tnuipht "The Ron of the Count of Monte
Cristo" will be presented , while tomorrow
nipht tlie play \ \ ill be Damon and P.Mliias "
Mr Uinaon is an enthusiastic member of the
Kniphts of P.Mhiat , , and the members of tbe
iiiii iote ( of tbe order are making preparu-
ti nis to attend in a body.
Pilti of people have piles , nut De Witt's
\ \ Hi h lltui'l Salve will cure them.
rip wild our did icebox , tncat
lii.ii UN I'llut No. .VIT Broadway tn the
M.lifiulorf Meat c'lmjmny. le wish to
ii' 'i 'imce Ui all of our friends and
| nii intlntl we arc still handling the
tiit I'K'iittti Council BlulTh , and invite
iin m-n'ction | of our new market at Ko.
fi lliruudwav. the neatest , clennent and
iniwt roiniili'te market in thib or anj
Other CIH. METZOAn < 5crt.\NDLETT. ;
All Ivliulh.
C\foi'dh at all prices at Evans' new
store. : > Main btreet , 27 Pearl. It will
i jiiijou to exuinine them before bu4\ing
| Tlie warm weather will Htion set tin
V soda fountains running , n. A. Balrd ii
the fifbt in tlailjld , and is already sorv'
ing ice uruutn soda to the thirsty poojih
at > cents a glass.
S'io jia.vb round trijt and all expend
fur 10 days at World's fair. C. F. Mont
gomery lil" 4tli st.
1-1:11 ' .OA A i. r.ii.t Gtt.irn > .
L. C. Patterson leaves tonight for Burlin ?
tun to visit friends.
C F Meilink is in the city rcprescntiiij
the Toledo , O. , Bicycle company.
Mrs W A Coulter and Miss VIdu Coultc
left lust e\eninp for Kansas City , where the ;
will make their home.
Mahlon Brown , formerly of this city , i
running an an express , messenger for th
American Express company between Chi
capo and Memphis.
Frank Shinn of Carson has returned Irena
a month's western trip. He spent mobt o
the time iu California and in Salt Luke H he comes back better satisfied than eve
with lo a
I. F Chirk and Georpc H. Steinman , th
present proprietor and manapcrof the Gram
hoti 1 eypect to i-cliuqulsh the establishmen
about May 1. Who will be their successor not IKM.MI decided.
C h Clark , now of the Milwaukee .lourna
and fur . \ears comiected with the Comic
BJuffs jiress. says in a personal letter : "
am the father of a nmpnificant boy bab.\
and as 1 have a sueet linear-old girl , th
huj is ripht in line. "
Secret a n ,1 C Koseand wife of the Youn
Men s ( 'liristian assoeiation leave this cvon
inp for a visit of live months at the home c
the former in Wisconsin. Mr Uoso hn
been iu poor health for a long time past , an
his ph.sician ha . ordered him to throw u
hts work and take a rest. On their way t
\ \ isconsiu they will stop ofl and visit friend
In Des Monies for a time.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt'
'Uitch Ha/.el Salve will cure them.
40 ItUlllltlfbN Itll'J cll'B.
.lust rwi'ivcd by exjress. ) You nhoul
place > our order ut onto and get in lint
"Daunt less" bicycles are the ntuiT. Dun
fail to see the. bo.-it machine built bo for
you buy. I'nion Transfer Co. , HHM-O-S-l
Mum street , Council Bluffs.
It Will I'liy lou
T 'M'e\\hat you can do at Evans'ne
biuro In-fore buying your shoes fi
t-jn iiifi. is * Main and li" Pearl streets.
Coal and wooci ; l > e&t and cheupe :
Wibsouri hard wood in the city ; prom ]
Oeiivery. H. A. Cox , No. 4 Muin.
The following marriage licenses were i
bued , \ esterday :
Jxaini'iuul Vldro < i . , \y
, ) i-ssi t'liuiiuun. | Lincoln. Nub . . . . ' .
\niia New hriikkpy. Lliipuln , Neb . . . ' .
Thomas W. Duncan , Council Bluffs . . ' .
i Aliri 1. ICued , I'ottuwuttainte county . . 1
I raiil , Ilendt. Srhujlcr. Neb . . . I
' Murj lluade. M'buj'li'r , Neb . !
i \ \ Hum rl.einjmr , 1'iittawattnnilo county !
\ tiuicUuniiiK , I'ottawattumlo county . . , '
Piles of pwiiue have pnes. but De Witt
Aiti h Ha/el Salve will cure them.
Tlir ( irunil Hutu ) ,
Council Blttllh. Most elegant hotel :
Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloo
] iuteh , Sit to So per day. E. F. Ularl
1'rop. _
Tlie Millers , decorative artists , wn
paper , pajior hanging , plain and oni
mental i uniting , t.igun. No. 15 Pearl
Do you buii'lcu ? liar vou tried T. 1
King & Co.'b Purtasrobi1 lt' a charmc
Jubt light one.
Oeo. H. Da\ib , prescription druggist
You Cannot Cote
to Curlolmd , but you can huvo
V 'ongl l to you. Procure a butllu of go
tMie importud Carlbbnd Surudol ria
atd : dn-siilve n tuiiBpoonful of it Iu u tin
Kerful of water. It la tbe bust natur
niiorlout and alterative extant Nothli
IH "just as good" when you can get tl
genuine Imported articlo.
vrH'o pn/ni r/n'vni in rnv
Willism Bttiurkemper and Hit. Difficulty
with Aoni
ltdth U'lllliic tn HiUVililril , Imt llrnmnd.
Mini Ciiiulhluti * Arlvlilih Semi tn
lie HII HttfctiiHl Iliir to the IVr-
InriiiHiirp otllie CtTfiiinny.
Wlkium Bauerheniner , a young farmer ot
Lewis township. Is having hard work patch
ing up bis dtnicultles with Annie DamiU , a
you i ic woman , \vtio claims that he Is the
father of a child u month or so old He was
arrested Home little time ago on an Infornm
tlon charging him with seduction , but the
case has been continued from time to tune ,
with a view to effoctluu a settlement The
youup man tins declared all aUuip that he
would not marry the pirl. but yesterday
afternoon he chanced his mind and went to
the court house , where ho tank out a license.
Armed with this he returned to Justice
Vlen's court room , where he announced his
willingness to become a married man.
Tlie young woman then took a turn at
holding off and refused positively to talk
ahout a marriage unless he would sign a
bond to Insure her against his running aivaj
as soon as the ceremony hud he-en per
formed She said he had mode his boasts
that us soon as he wus married hi- would do-
son her and she vvuutcd to guard against
uuy littlt- uncertainty In that direction by
making him virtually turn his property over
to her Bauerkcmper objected to thin kind
of an arrangement , as his wife n isrht make
thine * so excessively lively for him that he
would have to leu VP home. and. iu that event ,
b.\ the terms of their agreement , she would
come into poascssion of the property. "I
would us soon tie married to the devil for
five years as make au arrangement of that
kind. " said he
1 Well , " replied the bride prospective ,
"Its that or the peniteutiun ; lake your
choice "
So William thoupht he would take a few
chances on the penitentiary. He waived ex
uminatiou and wus bound over to the prand
jury , giving a bond of 1.000 for his appear
ance. It looks very mu.-h to those who have
been familiar with the ins and outs of the
case us though the pirl is bent on petting
hold of ul ! of the jounu man's property.
He had already offered her WOO to com
promise , but his offer was rejected , us she
was iu search of larper paine.
AN ( Tiuit orrici : IN SICIHT.
UttortK AMU lie Ma ill ! in ii-rt a CIO
The Board of Health is to hold a mcetlnc
this af tcr'joon at - o'bloek. at which an effort
will bo made to elect n city physician tc
succeed Dr II. B. Jennings , who has flllod
the onlce for the past two years. The onlj
fault to pr > found with him is that he is ii
republican , but with the present city council
that is otiouph to condemn him. Some ol
his friends have urped that he be retained
and have reminded tlie democratic aldermei
that when tbe republicans had a majority
hibt year thej divided the offices xvitnoul
repurd to politics. But the reply is alwu.u
made that the democrats are not in olllce foi
their ncaltli. and that it is not their fault i :
the republicans didn't boa it wheii the.hac .
a chance. The probal.lliti is that Dr
Jiniiiurs will be let out , but wUio will be hi !
successor is a matter of conjecture as yet
The tuo candidates meuiidiied most promi
ncntly arc D. Macrae , Jr . and .1. C. Water
man A J. Cook and W. K. Keller arc alsi
candidates for the place , but as C'ook is i
populist and Holler a republican their candi
dacj is not regarded ver.seriously. .
Another thintr that is to come before tin
meeting this afternoon is the question of up
pointing a health inspector whose duty i
shall be to circulate around the city , lin <
any nuisances or unhealthy nlaccs and maki
the owners clean up , or prosecute them !
they fail to do so. He is to have full polio
power. This work was in the hands of tin
city matshal up to a few months ape , bu
was taken out of his hands because i
was claimed one man could not do all th
work that was required. It was malic i
part of the duties of the police force to lool
after the cleanliness of their beats. Now i
is proposed to put the work ha-k into th
hands of one man and pay him a salary fo
assisting the police and the city physician.
Piles of pc-aplo have pnes. tut Do Witt
Witch HnzulSalVD will care the A.
For warming guest cnauibers , bat !
rooms , etc. , our gas heatora are jus
what you want. Look at them. Clean
convenient , cheap. C. B. Gab and Eloc
trie Light Co.
iiiin't run
To see the bargains that Evans oiler
in all kinds of shoes before you buy , 2
Main btreot.
Don't fail all yo people to soc yp ol
folkb concert of muuick at Trinit
church , Friday evening , April 7 , a
earlie candle lighting.
Mis-s Bella Robinson will have the d
rection of the Orchestral club concei
Ol > M' m < I.otturk.
The federal prand Jury pround away a
day yesterday with its acciistoaied vipoi
and returned twenty-cisht indictment
against various parties , all of them , cxcep ;
ing two , accused of bootlegging. Tnose tw
exceptions -were Mrs. Alice Franks , wife <
a man who is employed in one of the hrii :
yards , and Willie Nelson , a small boy wh
was arrested sooie time ace for sending a
obscene valentine to his young lady tcache :
This is the crime for which he is now ti
Mrs Franks is charged with writing a le !
tcr to W. R. Shaw , who lives at the corni
of Fifteenth street and Eiphth nveiiui
which had but little literary merit , but hoi
evidences that the author had a heart Mr.
was almost oaten up with a , soulfi
vcarning for the society of Mr Sha\
That would have been all ricrht , had n <
Mrs Shaw discovered the letter in her hu :
band's effects one day whili ho was awa
from home She immediately raised an ti ]
roar and put the missive in tin hands of tl
federal authorities No name wus signed 1
the letter , but Mrs Franks was induced 1
back an envelope to Mr Shaw , and tli
handwriting on the two envelopes matchc
each other to a dot. She was indicted ve
terduy and put under arrest , although sli
stoutly maintained her innoueuue of tb
charge preferred against her She was n
leased on tier own recognizance until noj
Tuesday morning ut V oVidock , when the ca :
will be tried.
The charge against Mrs. l > \ or of senuii
an immoral letter to u man in ( ilonw.ud vv.
ignored by the grand jury and she wus di
All the afternoon session of the foder
court wus bpeut by the attorneys in makn
their arguments in tin ast of John lira :
against the Union Pacilic U.iilway compun
The arguments will bo completed ana tl
case will go to the Jury this morning.
Piles of poopio nave puce , but Do Witt
Witch Hazel Salve will cure itiem.
You \ \ III Kit Plim-ril
With the bargains you get in bhoes
Evatib' new btoro , Main and 117 Pea
At the World's fair will be u 7 1-8 o
lave organ in piano cu-e. S e duplicu
ut Bouricittb Music House.
The Orchctitrul club uoncurt at t ]
First Baptibt church tonight will bo
musical eVont.
No time for u millinwy opening
Louio' ; but eli , Hien beautiful gcrodb.
Main btrcut.
OoiumlttfcH U 111 Id-port.
Another meeting of the Cosimipolis cl
. , will he held at the oourt house next Sat !
1 da } evening ut b o'clock , us was uftrcttd
j the rocout nu > etlnp of the committee of II
B | The committees which were appointed
, look uj > the various phases of the Usues 1
the tni > torr < mip in and the
\Mtrt repaM tn n , Vi'ct > t f.itr wir lie i > uity In
report and their reirls | ill unJuubU'dlv
i utuiii a rival ilcnl th it will > K ititereitinc
ti the | iuliln ,1 N t'uH-tiU wi.l he i-hulr
man. hud the exwiitive and juiln inry enui-
mittwn will m ke their ivjiort * t 'iid > 'S the
eommlttw npHitnt | d tc confer with OnmhK
tmrtleti Thinirixirt wtll lie psiUK-lBlly
iniermtlnv for the Omnha i > eople r ' b -
eoiniiiF Hwnketird in thr lioceiwity of n lower
fare nearly us mrn'h n * the jteople of Couticll
Bluffs Ati opportunity will IKjrlven for the
Introduction of resolution * by any one who
denim ) . SK | > vh < "t will Ire made by .ludee
W. ( T. .luines. . .lude-i Ctenrpe Carson. W W.
AVnllace. .laivb Sims. Frank Keys. S S Kel
ler , N W. Williams. S Furtuworth. A. C.
Keller A Whltelaw. D J. Hutchiimon. Lu
cius Wells atid others , tht-w jrentlemen hav
ing been selex-ted on account of their repre
senting the more conservative class of busi
ness men. There will undoubtedly be a
large attendance.
Tlll.ltJ . ItltlT tO 11(1 MlllllNHtlRHlllf. .
NOKTII OAIVCITOS. Tex. , April fi The
steamer II A Hawley. jr. , rex-ently pur
chased by the Trinity Uiver Navigation com
pany of Dallas , passed through North Galveston -
veston Tuesday morning on her way up the
bate Trinity river , whence she will work
| her passace up the river to Dallus The
i steamer Is for the trade between Dallas and
Oalvestou. nnd her purchas" is an csrnest
indication that the Navication company
means business in the matter of dealing the
obstructions and optmiup the lYinity river
for half a thousand miles of navigation from
Gulveston bay into the interior of Texas
The navigation of this river means n proat
deal to North Galveston. us it will op"n un a
near-by market for her products with rates
by water.
Metzgar & Rundlett wish to announce
that on and after April J they will Iwe
at their restaurant. .125 and 527 Broad
way , a full und complete line of all
cakes , plain and fancy , for j-foeptione.
parties , etc. . and invite the ladies of
Council BlulTs und Uumhn to call nnd
examine. _
Yon Will Xertl Tlmm soiui.
Evans has the largest assortment of
Oxfords ever Known in Council Bluffs or
Uinaha. Priee ? from the cheapest to the
highoct. nnd all new nnd stylish. Don't
fail to examine them before you buy.
Free treatments daily from 2 to A p.
m. at the Council Blutfb Medical and
Surgical institute , 20th and Broadway.
Finest Arista cabinetphotos. . $2 per
dozer. Ashton'p Btudio. IS North Main.
Williamson & Co. . 10G Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stuck iu city.
Another itnprox eraent to the popular
Schubert piano. Swansou Music Co
Secure your tickets this morning for
the Orchestral club concert tonight.
Wood of all kinds , co&s and coal. L.
G. Knotts < Sc Co . 700 Broadway.
Slop nt the Ogden. Council Bluffs , the
best ii.OO house in Iowa.
S. P. Vunatta. attorney , 5 Everett blk.
A genuine novelty will be oilerod the
patrons of Boyd's tbouter tonight , when tht
Lilliputians will bo soon for the first time in
Omaha The c impauy , consisting of about
Hill people , enjoys an excellent reputation
-The Pupil iu Ma ic. " which will be the
bill durlnp the pient eugapement. has
been presented more fiun a thousand times
iu this country and had u lonsror continuous
run iu New York , Chieairo , St. iiouu
and San Francisco than any othei
play of the same class The mam
parts are In tbe hands of the nine clevet
midget actors , who are supported by a larce
company of actors , singers and dancers Mr
Franz Kleert will be an ideal Puck. He is
the smallest and funniest imp ever seen on a
statre Miss Ida Mahr , the little soubrette ,
is one of the best comic opera interpreters.
unJ not less talented are M. A Zink. Miss
Bertha .Ine er und tlie other Liliputiuus
Tlie scenery is brilliant. The costumes tire
novel and tasteful. One of the features ol
this entertainment is the ballet composed oi
a large number ol handsome young ladies
It is au entertainment for vouug and olc
alike. A matinee will tie given on Saturday
at U o'clock.
To the Farnatn Street theater commcnchif
tonight and running until Saturday evening
with matinee Saturday , comes -The Merr :
Cobblei , " a comedy -drama in four acts. Tin
play deals with the chara-ter of a Germat
nobleman , w ho. through a scries of unusua
circumstances , is forced to become a cohblei
in New Orleans. From a cobbler he rises t <
his true position as Baron vou Altenhcim
the events leading up to this giving rise ti
many sensational climaxes. The piny ii
handsomely staged , especially iu the thin
act when the lawn part > is held. Dttrin ;
tliis act a number of specialties are intro
duced in which several members of the com
pany take part. "The Merry Cobbler" ha :
several thrilling scenes and is teeming will
comedy. .
"The White Squadron , " A Y. Pearson'
patriotic drama , will be the attraction a
Boyd's on Sunday evening next Tlie stor ;
of the play is laid in Brazil , and the recen
congress of nations at Kio Janeiro for th
time of the principal events. Tbe mountini
and costuming is on the most elaborate ordci
it requiring four sprvial cars to transpor
the scenery , costumes , mechanical and elec
trical effects used. Six llamas procured ii
Peru are shown on the stupe , also u sacrci
ox from South America. During the uctioi
of the third act 150 people arc used upon th
Tames A. Ueilly iu his new play "A Gei
man Soldier. " is a strong rcftiinder of .T. K
Eminott , and sings his way into the apprt
ciatiou of evci'N one who hears him. Hi
play , however , is said to he stronger tha
most of the dramas which are grven to
lyric stur'A German Soldier" has a plci
of much Interest and requires not enl ,
ability in the cast but presents extollon
opportunities in the way of scenery. Som
ol the stage soilings uro remarkably beaull
ful. Pliiy und plu.veis will open a four night
engagement ut the Furnam Sunday.
Mr George Kennan has made his lif
work the amelioration of the condition c
suffering prisoneis in Kussmu convict mine.
He tells a wonderfully interesting story , bu
when , as in the case of "Kussian Polilicu
Exiles" , he illustrates his dramatic narrr
live with the rare views by stercoptieou an
calcium inrht that he secured at Imminen
risk , in Sioena. the effect is heightened to
wonderful degree. Such will be the entei
tainmcut that Mr Kennan w ill give thi
evening at Exposition hall Reserved seat
can be secured todas ut Chase & Eddy's.
The advance sale of seats for the Pud <
rewski recital at Boyd's' ' theater Wednesda
evening Arpil lit , will opun at Max Meyer ,
Bros. , music store un Monday morning at
Hi'ulth , ! Ii anil 1'lruiurr.
North ( iulvbBton. Tex. , combines every uc
vantage which appeals to the iiuestoi
homcseeker or invalid.
The soil is peculiarly rich and fruitful , an
fortunes ran be made in growing pearl
puuiis , strawberries , etc Mauufacturei
will llnd it u factor } silo without an equu
us there is an abundant supply of raw mi
tcrlalb rear ut hand , und the city has e >
( client 'and ' und water transportutio
facilities. Lver.v breath of air inhaled i
this delightful clime is u pure inviguratln
tonic and the temperature is the mos
equable to ho found anywhere Sea bull
ing tuny be enjoyed many mouths in tl
D D Snicntou , room 17. Barker block , tl
North Galveston association's local ngen
will furnish full particulars regarding th
coming industrial city. The address of tl otiicc is. Bo * 1KB , Minneapolis. , Mm
lntiln' ! Npw Cltj Otfirlali.
BUFFALO , Wyo. , April fi. [ Special Tel
Cram to Tin : Bir. : ] Following Is ihe rosu
of iht ) election Charles Burrlt
mayor ; Joe Shurin ; , trustee , throe year
unit John C Vuu Dyke , trustee , two years
There were two tu-ketb in the Held , fusio
1st and iiopulist upaiiib. the citizens. Tl
latter \\ou.
Tor btrenptheniuB and clourinp the voic
use "Brown's Bronchial Troches " " 1 lur
1 commended them to Irieuds who were pu
lie siieakers und they have proved extrime
serviceable ' Itev llear } Ward Beechcr.
Wedding" at the
llrlili * niiil Orooiii Mnkv HpiwluAll ( Inoil
Thine * I'oiiiliie tin- ( Iriioin'iiVnj -
. \IIHII | I'I Clii' < ; i > uiifl OIMMI-NM *
turcil Interruption * .
The Salvation artny barracks were
crowded to ihe doors lasi evening ny an
audience eager tc witness the secontl wed
ding publicly so.enmlrud by the army lu this
city. While the exercises fell considerably
below those of a month ago , so far as outer-
taintneul was concerned , Ibose who wit
nessed them seemed to enjoy them heartily
and did not go away disappointed.
Major George French opened the proceed
ings by calling for a song , "Marching to
Glory , " In which all Joined , the brass band
and haudclappiug accompanying the sing
ing After prayer and n sone led by Adju-
laul Harris , Major French said "Some
people wish j oung couples who are nbo t to
pet man-led many happy returns of the day.
1 don't believe In that Once , or ma.vbc
twice , is often enough to pet married. One
wife is nil a man < wi manage , und u little
more too that is , if se's any pood. 1
wouldn't have tny wife like a door mat
L.OVC und respect your wives. "
"That's rhrht ! " shouted Sergeant Major
Gln&smun iu tones thai pierced lo the
furthest comers of the church , "in our
house there are cither two tie/udb or none at
all. I help my wife to scrub the floor and
she helps me to preach thf gospel "
Captain Sh.ittuck came sniilinrly forward
wlt.h his banjo and si-tip "Oh. What n Happy-
Day When Jesus Came to Slav. " the cap
tain at times wnllzinp and Captain Blake of
Hustings joining in
Mrs Trench then rend the articles of mar
riage ana Oliver R Gilbert und Alhortinu
( Bertha ) C Keosters. the younp couple who
wore about to be married , accompanied by-
Nils Matthisson nnd Stella Brobcrg , best
man and lady , smilingly stepped forward.
ApiH'iirnnci' of Ilrlilf Hiitl ( Iroom.
They were attired iu the uniform of the
army , tbe bride wcariuii u large white sash ,
upon which appeared in large letters the
word "UeJeemed " Her face was somewhat
flushed , but the pronui seemed no more dis
turbed than if U were an every day occur
rence. He did nol speak loud ciiouirh lo be
heard , however Mrs. French said "louder. "
Ihe crowd laughed at the groom's disi-om-
llture. und just then somebody's dry poods
box went over and added lo Ihe general
Tbe ccrcmonv was gone Ihrough , Mrs
French addressing herself lo the groom and
the mujor to the bride When the ling had
been plucod on tbe bride'b finger , und the
couple hud been pronounced one. the aflec-
ttonntc husband deliberately hold his little
wife's blushing face mi to his and left a kiss
upon her cherry lips Cheers und a storm of
uppluusc followed , and 'he scone closed with
u chorus from the whole caucregutiim *
Mr and Mrs Gil1 ort then favored the
audience with a vocal duet , accompanied t > . \
puitar nnd banjo Mis Gilbert then spolse.
say ing'
" 1 am satisfied with Jesus anil 1 intend to
continue in m } labors for him 1 do not pro
pose to let this union of tonight interfere
with my serving ihe Lord Situ e joining
the army 1 have always fell happy 1 have
not bc"n In the dumps for two years "
"Well. " shouted Sergeant Glassman.
you're liable to have them in two weeks ! "
L7j"Hu ! " said some oie , "the sergeant knows
from experience. "
Mr. Gilbert then arose and addressed the
people He s.iid :
" 1 am glad to be hero. ( Cheers. ] I oflcn
wondered , when in Ihe wilds of Montana
working us u cowboy , whether I'd ever set
tle down. Yon know the bible says thai U
} ou llrsl seek God all lliings will be added
unto you. I soutrht God in the Salvation
army , and thinU all things are being added
unto me gradually. 1 cot tired of vice and
the devil , relied upon God and started in
business for myself with $10 iu ray pocket.
1 went inlo debt a lltlle "
"Yes , ami you'll never pet out of debt
now ! " broke in the Irrepressible Gl..ssinan.
--out 1 am all rizrht now "
Here Major French caressingly placed his
arm about the young groom , but the major's
wife objected.
Another ( 'umlliliitr.
Captain Blake of Hustings was called upor
for a speech. The cuplain hud been very
quiet all evening. Evidently something was
troubling him. A month ago he was tin
liveliest one in the room , but ihis time looli
little Dart in the proceedings He simply
said he had told his lieuleimnl as he wi.s
leaving Hastings to turn loose and whip tin
devil , and he said he would. It was gener
aily thought thnt the ceremony was a surious
mutter to the captain Rumor has it thai
he's the next cunJidale upon Hie list , und i !
Ihis is true his soberness may oc accountec
for. If he allows it to grow upon him. how
ever , the people who attend his-weddinp wil
not see Ihe rollicking , galloping captain Ihcy
saw a mDnlh uiro.
It was announced thai Major French wouk
speak tomorrow evening at the First Bap
list church on General Booth's great socia
Comrade Sommers , who was married j
month npo in Hie same place , -was on hand l <
see how it seemed to be a spectator.
As the audience was leaving home hood
lums threw a stone throusrh one of the windows
dews , but without injuring any one.
Mul.u l'i | Your Mind to Go.
A special excursion to North Galveston
Tex. will leave Omaha April 11 , la'J3. Re
markablc inducements are offered. For par
ticulars apply to D. D. Smeaton , agent , roon
IT , Barker block , Omaha. Nob.
JM.V / { > % OFJ. > KM > C'A'JS/J OPT.
Uvndereil I'nvoiiNcliiui , ! > } u I'uiieb fron
, ) in : DuiilKU ut syracukc , N. V.
SviiAcu E , N. Y. , April 5. In a glove figh
near here last uighl D.iu Donovan of Clove
laud wus knocked out and has not y ot recovered
covered consciousness Donovan's oppone.n
wns Joe Dun fee of this city , who had neve
fought before. For the ilrst five round
Dunfeo did ull the work , punching hi
man ut will and nearly hnd him knockei
out in th ? .second , but was to
tried to take advantage of the opportunity
In the sixth Donovan went to work and wu
lighting furiously. Donovan having the bes
oi i : The round ended none too stiou tosav
Duufee from delcauj In the seventh , ho
ever , Dunfee rallied .and banirud Donovan ul
over the ring , kiuxiiiiiis him down soxcm
times. Alter the last blow be was unable t
move. He was picked up. taken to u hou
and two doctors sumnrnnei , who nave bee
working over him ever since without aui
to bring him rounft. His nose is hadl
broken nnd his breathing is very difficult
Donuvuu died duriug the afternoon will
out regaining consciousness
"AH Aliunril lorNortli ( SalvcHtoii. "
A special excursion to North Galvcstoi
Tex. , will leave Omuhu April 11 , 1S1I.1 lit
markaole inducement * areoflered For pn :
ticulars apply to D. D. suieuton , agent , itioi
17 , Barker block. Omiilm Neb
Fui ! of Pains
Aiht s and w caknesses.finc
in ( .flllfKA AMl-I'Alt
the tirst and on ) ;
tt.cnglhcnnig pbbtcr. Ii
CINE MINI ii. it relieve
acl.inp si'les end hack
hip , kidney end uterine pains , strains am
w eakncsics , rhtumatit , Rciatit , sharp and ncrv
ous pains , coughs , tohls onil thcst jiains
Odorous with Imlsam , * ] > ics and } ) ine , it i
the sweetest as veil as surest , safest am
bcftl plaster in the world.
Trice350. . , nre.St.oo At all drujgUti or by milj
POTTCI DRUG AMD Cacu , Cutr. ,
Ul.bntl'lS I OK .MIl.ANC IIOl V
\ l.mljOnrp Unit t wo Hlnl 1 wwitj ( < l rii
Ilrr-Thr llmt o
A futmnis dth't r otic jrn\e n lnd.\ two
nnd twetit.i fic Mili | > iipmnst nieiiinc-hdij
One wns n briirht fire : nnollierVHH to
retnamlier Kll th jilensant ihtnp * s ld
to nod of her , etc.
"But where deiireisloti. IrrlUliility ,
Ktid inel.Micliol.v ] > er' lHt. " he unld , "llie
tsui-e I * not ( * o t-utie.-HclKl. 'i'hero I * evi-
( iotil serious di lurbiuice of tlie tibious
orcnnixHtion. The bruin HUdtho net ves
lire not pelting proper nourishmentiind
there is u wenVitiOhs nnd eenenil debil
ity ; then tHke I'nine's celery onmtxiuud.n
A brain that doe not pet suttlciaul
tiouri litnent Htid its proper bnth of oxy-
CK > I , moves shicirixhl.v t > d onpout'HCOB
ncuto nervous dicordcrh.
The e forcwnrnlnjib of nervous break
down tiirt ; ttottiotlmt's vt-ry plKiu. Haafl-
uche Is another of tho'-o fortunate symp
toms , which lire of n chnruoter to innlto
tbomselvcs. fro fell ut , to force tbt > attoii *
lioti of thttied brain-worker.
llrnln \ \ in Ii unil lit rr oil , .
Brain work nnd overwork.
When tbe Washington express , con *
talnine clisUtipuibtiL'd olllciuU , recently
crufehod into u freight t'-nin ' , the on *
pinoer feud the blpnfilfc wonply.
Lui-Uily , most s-erious bodily ills are
preceded by wurninps. Tbe difficulty
lies in fnilinp lo rend correctly the slg-
tials of distress thnt ntitu-c bun PR out.
The bond is < often the s-enl of uupicas-
uul sensations ! hich tire not headaebe ,
but which , us the flgti" of inuntftl over-
drivinp , lire of even more s-crious mean-
inp. A socbe of weight on top of the
ho .d , u feelinc of constriction of the
foreheiid.nre very significant and should
be heeded.
In the lives of most busv men nnd
women there eomo pe iode when it IP
nocessarv to pe furmn teed ; deal of labor
lu a short lime.
Acute braic exhaustion following u
Sipell of sharp work of this sort in an en
tirely dllle- out condition from the break
down which results fiom u loup-con-
tinued Ml ruin.
Yea s have proved that there is noth
ing equal to Taine's co'.ery compound
for tnuetitir { nn unexpected strain upon
the system , or forj-estorinp the proper
tone lo the ftigpod-out and tired bodies
Mortar ! Murti .ilortiir !
"Mortar ! More Mortar : '
This in what you henr these spring
dn.ys from tbe tops of the new buildings
poinp up on every hand.
The bui dors are ut workapaiu. Walls
arepoinp up , repairing und reconstruct
ing is ccen on nil sides.
It's tbe ti'no when changes are nlso
taking place the most rapu'ly ' in the
body , and when the system is most sus
ceptible to improvement.
Thpfaggod-out body needs reconsirucl-
ing like a house , and dernunds more
bricks ar d tnortar to build up tissue. en
rich the blood and feed tbo bruin und
In charge of the Sisters of
Tnls roiiowiiod Institution is iit uutucl on tl.u
hlph bin ITs biiol ; or mid ovcriooKlni the city or
Council 111 nil's. The hpiclniib grounds. 11s
high location und Pplnmlid view , mii'.e U n
mo t nlc-mlns ictreat for the ullllctcd. AstutI
of eminent ph } slulans : inl u lur o corps of ex
perienced nursua minister to the comforts of
the uuUents. ? | icclul care Elven to Inly pu-
Tcrinb Moderate.
I'or jiarlR'tiiurA appij' to
Frank Stpcel. - - Council Bluffs , Iowa.
With Nft ii' HP in. ni'W vocciuule mscovery
of in MO.niljiuttcr. ( . pis'ilic euro fur a I
uor c IroulilHi. urh u1- nfrxou1irnsti itlou ,
sleep cis-nchs , ue iiiindfii"t , pau.f. in lice , , an I
B de. sick liencl iclip i'y pepsm , ioss of nppo-
tltf. etc \\oii'lorfui neivt * ionic , in ik-js , rl n ,
liurc oloo.i. tonO" t-yMou. H a bo.\ .
enouih f ir two WiPkst dm ci"ts , or Ly
mail , Nerve lloan 1 o . lluflulu N i'
Bnuii'hli s A 'h-
ina. C'ou".nnpil < w , llfad.ichu.
( sick or utMvouH , Survous
I'ru&trutlo i
A Wonderfully Success- n IMF.
ful Treatment. miM.'
( JjiyKeu Iloo'u" iinu 4 trmlb IltEE' ' ( Ull O
Suite 510 Shooly Bidi ,
1. S :
Capital 5100,00(1 (
Surplus S05.0Jn
( niccri and trctorj \ UDnry , V r ' ? i Tt
II C I'ushlni : TIClirjiUjai , C l ll iri-j
Home John s ci < ttiu * J S ii { ' .iir.jx . .3
lli'ed. caatite'
Agents Wanted Everywhere.
und ctiKturi Uen-oy- ua cua prmliK1 pt'rltt !
rointni'tiMn Kt'i-i" b ) * li.icr.tin m iki Ln
lire in live minima utu uqu tlly wo I outi4rUa ur
kittt ruul Out * PUCKUV : * ' ( Mhiltii : i centM insutlirie n
tu out * tun if ciitl ( or furtuur lnfuitual > ui
nil nD ur a td rti win mamp
40G S. 13thS. Omnha.Neb ,
\Ji V Ana u I tti" UUID o
" Ks UEi'H.llV CT tum in-
cumimi ilnuij In mi > n VI K'f.LV und I * IIMA
SENTi \ i l un Hill MIU.SI. I'll und tain
pivi-r i u < * rr pHft o I Uni ) 1 will ceil tno.
iMtruir | m > k't t 1- lit t to uny MiiITHrur tut ) | irtM irlp
tli-Ii tlitt ! i ured inr of llit' t fnunlc * AUtllOB *
A UUrtllL t I , * MIL I lltlK Ail U
40t ItU'lMiVUul
Money l.u .nnJ on I amoruls ,
II K hur uiiibiu uuinilutiuiHa
Attorneys-at-lrw. I'rac
_ tlco In the biultt nni
uourtk. HODIUS &K > --b-U ,
liloclt , ! UJuft , la.
Ride Du un
Thlgpnt ropresputs our' ( iin-li * ! w l.'ht inl'm < ten itvli1 * Ourindit' * Pticu'imtic Is
liontny. We bnvc tiut mil nt < nrrcci prim Ip'ts ' ( urrect nmlerlul. tmrert nltciuucnl oointfiii'tlnti Fvorc w heel fully n.irr.inti'1
I'list ' oroof ln'Rrlnis Ideal < ini-ber nr Mo'-u'i \ \ rl-ln lir.M , ! ill wliuu s stru'ii J firet-cluss
W r tc for cat ilo uu und pr < vs or i I nn I t. i us.
l.WMi.S.lo Main Street , Council lUulK Iowa.
Gasoline Stove ,
Bicycle ,
Refrigerator ,
Carpet Sweeper ,
Or , which is of primary importance just now ,
To have your Stove stored for
the Summer , call on
Chas. Swaine , - 737 Broadway.
' . E *
CO ! JVC / / . 117-1 / / S.
Monday , April 3rd.
TiieTrlumi.h.ini Ainuscini'iit Exunt , dis-
tln ulsliBd son of Tliesois
And his fascinating dntighter.
Tllfn l AV LVEMXG.
in of louts Gristo
| Change of play eucli cvonltu.
Ever lBiilnr i MCIKb 'Jfi' u-itl .UK-
Hut pork , hums , lard and liii'-'in , whlh \\iv :
lip ID Ci art' cli * .ipi-r ul Mrst'iirmlorf s in Ucl
tliuu liny othi'i piaci lu the i'llj Tiii > plaf'io
Ci't y nil iiifiit whi'tt1 ytiu ri1 ! the h * > st atid
tin- must fin > oin iiiiui > y l.inili ut Ili-t > prn' < > >
und ifciillf that ( .i-ryUilng is thf bf-,1 llmt
Swift A. I f > . sluushtei :
Should-r C.oJ , free ofboao . 6c
PlateBoil . 4o
B-raelesb Corned Beei . 5o
SirliunButts . Oc
ii.lboi lleDf . , . Or
Sirlom trip . 80
MrlomSteak . IDo to 12Sc
Port rhousB atoak . 12'etol io
hi > ) Roast . SetolOc
Shoulder Roast . . . , . Ooto7o
ShoulderSteali . 7o
VeulStP\v . Oc
Veal Roast . 10c
Veul Steal ; . 12'4c
MuttonSte.v . 60
Idutton Legs . I0n
Mutton Caops . 12 ' , c
Per Butts . IS'-jO
Pont lJ ns , whole . l"'io
Pcrlt Chops . i ic
SiltPork . ISSa
i-a-on . I6o
Lard . 10ctol4c
Hams . . . . I2'.sc to I7p
Shred . ! iO c ti25o
ShU'p. whnle . . Bo
Poultry and Fibh al-wayt o i hand.
No othur ra'1 1 k ' ca duplicate th J3 r > r c 31
and mind this is for tie best Mod's in ins
. ,
Wholesale and Retail
333 BROADWAY. Council SlufFs.
COUHC1L BL'JFPj STS\11 \ DY3 Y.'Hi '
All Uinus df [ i > > 'ln : nn I C'lo-ui iu ilmic In
ntii * lilIn-i htyln of the nrU 1'ulol mil
tiilninl ( ubrics iiialo to lu u : us mo 1 . no ? .
\\ori ; proiniuv diie un i ( lullvrrel in nil
purtb of ihi' countr > M'lul for iirlca iUL
C. A. TdACHATf , Proprlatar.
ueur Norilnvlorn 'i ' ) ot
inu.if K nunif w lluiul hrait lllllQi ; * ) ultr luteel
Imiirovi'd * tyle t utmtlti niinu hn ditop tlttnirt
Uliinf tiui h It'll ermi : n1 uloiui perfinnlr tlflit
turo 1 iiur iwnt nuirUloiu oiuiuiinu 1 ull < ! < -
nc'ripLivecircular OD uppllcntitin AUUNT * VVAN1
t-i < tn f Brj ruuotr lu the I b Adilrrii CIlAKl.E !
, b.ilL'LTUEl.-.b ( J h Main SI ttiuLCb lliun. In. c
" - Ilis . fifi Inch ulljillcal UOM. li > the flnuht road
wheel In the world. tl'idlliL'h ' ( > rnil I'nimnui
tli Ln.'cst lincln tliu ui"t. \ \ iinii'duiu and
KctiUl. Send furrittalociiuMl Klndb ofre
p limit ; done
41 Mlilli Sir ut , toiuir I II ullh
t I 'i L \ V l * A fcd. j * -li ilB
Jfc * Good Samaritan. 90 liars' Experience.
a 1:1:11 A L
oAlil" OK M
f treat ihe following Diseases :
Catarrh of the llead Throat nnd tiingt ; K >
easts of the Eycniid Lur Fits n id Ajioplexj- Heart
Disease , Laver ( Joinjilal t l.ldney Campluiut ,
Korvous Dsbllity , KSental Depres
sion , Loss of Wi an hood , Seminal
Weakness , Wi b'tBi Unchtsin ea j,8LVltn t
fiance UhouSmtism. l-aralyfiB. White BwtllliiB ,
Bcrofuia Fc\er Sorc , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In removed without
the knife or diawinc a drop of
b'oorj Woman with IHT delicate orpr.ns re-
Jloied to health I > ruiy cured without tanslue.
Bliiicml utiuntloii phen to treatment nf all
Mood tulnts urUIn ; by I'Scc-i'tes or vices.
r-unir nnd chuuprr I him u trip tn the Hot
f-tirlius * 5o to S.VHi fin-toit for unv f allure to
euro w illitnit mercury
TojiffWoniiK removed in two or three nouro , or no
I y. Ui'iaorrhnUB or 1'iHs cured
Will eavc life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
Tlioonlyriiynlclan wlio can tell -wlmt nUt
a jiiTmin witliuut UhiR u question.
All corrpj ! > oufleucc strictlv connflentinl. ModiClat
seat by unircss. Address a a loiters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D.
BT5OVD\VAV.Can3il 5 iT. , ti
f-t'iid 4o Rlituips for rciiilldential riin'y.
7.// i/rc > < ; Stock cil' tlie Jr/iir sf in Ilitt
\ \ ' < irltl.
S II Fnr1 Sins < iien"d | u vrli olt. > al liquor nloro at
No n rvuii nirxvi. rnii'Kii liiutti uTid tiHB imt lu
c lump iind "I'll nuli'diti ; ucH < iTHKI lirnndlaii ,
< \hlht.l > 'n ulr It It it Inrt trurtli ) nt mnntlun Unit
Mr Hird In tlie furtun.ui > | i i i-h ir ot iitiurlv forty
hirn U of Ihe tln < > nl whistr In the t'lilt d Mutri.
In liiii hr hiiiiKlii "Tyntj flru lurr ! uf Ki'ntuckr
> I ( TAJ lor nhlnkr ivud It ivun inn until ubuut
thri'O n-nrii M.K.I thnt hn | ilnn > d ih > - RIHIIIV on the
tnurknt cil thl-i vloi > k he lm luft lib nil lurtj hur-
if'n ' und ux'iurtt * nil iiroiiduiii'u U ui > toluU'l7 the
tl icni nhl knr In th uuuiit- } lli > * u\\t \ \ > It nmlnly
ii fnnilllox for m dlpiml | nilu > It li * t u ciiHtly for
iln > rp ulur truilB It In nurtu OTIT f in p r k'nllon.
I htiic l nut aiiotlnir hrutidul mic-h < Khl k > In the U.
11 Hturk of brninllitK nnd lni" > r > mi > from th
ti.iii'iun ' l.pland tarl < lrd vtnorurdn in ' nlUurnlii
null hu\L > n hitch rppututltin for cxrellencu und
I,1 'U HUNT Thu MiTpcn liutpl ul lor couth Moln
Ktrei't Inquired l.oivi > r nt holi'l
- OH r > Al.E Pull ma ot tliiiiom tuoli Kondunirtl
tlon n liurc-ilii Inquire of Emptlu
Hnrtlwitro < o Council UlutT *
Gllll Ad K. rninoviHl rii. ! i vuultH chliiitu > 7i
rlunnod VVoll | irt > par\ij tlie wjrk I'M
liuikp ( 'Itr linllmni ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
KI' Jl'D.t.iN. ulvll cn-lmur llluo prlntu ot
( ounuli Illun * uucl all a union * , nlbu pattura. *
lur.VKJ ol utiick U.M btu vvrnuu.
, ,0 , A' HU fHrin In "mint cauutr Nplirunku nil In
'ciiltlviulon fJl.'XI pur uum I Iml vlaim rltj
property In HXi'Uaniro for iiio t Inndoiiil in iln-
ncriptlnn of tlie liinil yoi. tiuvu to on r Joliumuu
A Vnn 1'uttnn.
-lIullSK und lol fur alc. .Sn Bia nflh UVCIIUH
11 Inijulru of J r UirUtlnu. L A 1C I. ,
IniiKlH lii > n > u
A t'llA.SCi : 1oi rlirit man to rollttU. nollolt ,
-'Vi.nil Ocltvur k'imrtB VVnrce n : n nm'k ,
unil | irciiu ; illrldtid rrvry In ) ( my . In Muck roni *
punr Mnot tiu ) III Htiitiu * hUii't Addnitk J W.
Mumc. Ituoni 6. l.vcri'U liluck , Council lllunn
IiUHY cow. yonnc Minted In trrrte fur mirud-
ine liuRL-y nail tlnv liurnunn. Will HUT diner-
ciiLf In on ill Xlilre.i D''B. lli > .
1'i'lt Ul'N'T. thBHtnr hulldlni ; No tM llroud-
I niiT , thr < > rooniB iihotc. nnd lurtru hnra
In nmr , on patud alley 1. A llurlnt. WO I runklla
UTUIIIIO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\H151 HAL"I'B und luiiu farm an J city propgnr
lioueht BUJ Hold l'u 07 A TUuoin , Oouaull
\\TANTRI ) , poHlnuii hr i l > ookV iK'r or
< < vhihlur. be t of r f ervu Addru U 1 , Ilia
AtrANTED-A vpuipulent elrlmuit _ liu a food
cook Mrt. W A r , 831 id aveuuv.