OMA11A DAILY HIM : Tl'KSDAY , Al'llll , I , ls ; j , lOJUIERCIAL AM ) FINANCIAL May 7.i8\t ! , Opened fiomnr/lmt Holow Sfttnr- ilay'i ' I'lgnr ' , DCALMS IN PROVISIONS V/ERF. / PUZZLED iijV ro flrnnlril liy Nrrvmu .Mnrhul xtllh I'rlrrttit ( In ttntloiii mill 1'luo- lil.llloli" Tliriiiifltinui llm I'1/ \Vrr Nnmrriii Ciin 1.10. 111. , April a.-W'ictU ' opened fnr Muy frii.i . V. to 'if limtr than .Saturday's- i liisii ) ! r.iid rc'Odidfiu ' imni1. Iliun lici'timo Uron-n-rand pricesweie l end liy m'.vuncod 'if , then wtT..i-ncrt mid rlovil Moady. Tin1 wi ( lUm s- > ! ' the mart WHS duID the reported talline. . riiuvd by thn biiKik In prox-Wmis. Tho/ivlllliei caused Mi'.no urn aniline ni.miu tljidi'is and Imlirtii'd Homo'i'lllnjf. I lilt good liiij Inc fur May turned lliu uiiirl.ul anil cniHOil Hi" ailx-atice. lladu-op u ports WTO received fiom llm Mmilnx-e .1 mid finin"iif Illinois , uid hull- HUH \\Viitliov continue- KIHIKIH and Ml - mini tit fimmitilc. There win sonic tnll. of u liuH'sh Illinois stale eiop ii'iinrt , xvhlcli Isrx- liecti-u in n day nr lv.o Tin' futures Mild \xlh- In ' . - , 1ml tinilllTcrcnco widened l-ilur. The vl-ilblc supply decrease wan Ie-s than Rcnor- ully leportcd. A year a o HIP tlio deereiisc uniimiili'd tori7oiO ( liti. This total simply xMisrepoiled tit 77GI , OOil Ini undlijear ti-jo nl 34,1171.1)001)11. ) The tceclpts-for the north- nest condlinc lawr. In cum tin- initial traiis.ictlntis weic at Hlioul tinpri if llniil 1 nidi's of Saturday , and tin- local ciowd In peiiciul bloke I IIP prlic 'if i/aicr a V adxancc xxas n.ade , the rally sellcis turnliiK buyeis , due to Ur1"1',1 "r " dceieii-e In tin- vlsllilisupply. . This aihancc did not hold honcxer , tin- upturn lirluslm ! out morescllinitotdci-s under "lilch Hie iniirkul MiKKi'il had. fiom 't to ' , ! . milled mid ' ' ' ' V,1'1 ' with from > i to H.C advance for I he day. I In- local crowd app.-iienlly continue lo ho d bear ish xlcws , anil on any adxance an1 Inclined to sell , mihxllhstandlin , ' HIP heavy decline for Mime tlnip Inn U. Tlii- law stocks and slack inquiry for Hi. iltuei tftadi-s Is the princi pal depression factor. There lihcial dpiilliia In oats'ml ' t IP lliictiiailoinxeic conllncd lo ' ! ' , and the Host ) was uliout tin' SIIIIIP as on Nilurdiiy. HIM pioxlslon tiinrkPt was u pu/7le ; each product had to stand on lt merits and at tlnipslt npppnipil to hasp no iiii-ill. I li" nun- kct opened nervous , xxlth the pi Ices at HIP bottom tom lijnite of HIP bad liipiil. siiutdiiy. In the uflpriiooii HIPIP was a fair ippovpiy. I lit- product closed for Sept IIPInt -i small "d- xame , iecoxcilnj:3lcto40e ) fiom this lowest point 1'iiilt made a irooil lecoid , biilatthe mine time HIP nmiliil Rot In uvular and tiade MuiKy \\hlle lard held well , polk and libs pot M ii'lilri.'tl. | IMHX Htun kept I'omliiK out from all qiiaiteis on the way-down. Tlio po-tliiKof HIP falluio of the two concerns-Simon * .V Co. and Miod- Kl-ass both HioiiKlitto have lieeu hint by thu Mump In piovlslons Saluiday , achled to Hie hliakv coiidltl if the market. Simons was thouihi lobe a loser of 7,0(111 ( tleices of laid mid "imilarasswiis said to IIP In tin1 ( tup foi a luiKP amount of Htun held for Ityau ol Du- biiiiue . . , l.stlmaled iccelpts for tomorrow me : 4Ii ( ) rursof wheat ; coin , 235 i-'ais ; oats , U1& cms , and rj.iHiohead of lotfs. 'I'hi'ii'Wlll bo no session of tlio llomd of ' 1'raile lonioi row election day. Thn icadliiK futures ransi'd us follow * : Wheat No1. April . . 7H ( , " ' * . May . . . . 7s 1 77'f July 73 ' j -JU 73' ' < Corn No. 2- Airll | . . il'.l Sluy . . . . 4Ui ) ; .Inly 11)6 OutB.Soi. - Jlny .lunu .IVJX July , W ) & VJX Men I'orU. liny lli 16 Iti 40 1672H 15 ro 11125 July. . . IU25 lu .171 * 15 Ml ij h I.anl - Muy . . . . U 10 ! ) 75 U 40 li i. ' > SI 65 July . . . 1) ) l.'i U Li 431 j ' .I 40 fccpl 'J OU II SJHi U 45 9 00 V 47 ! ' 8 87'4 ' ' .I 12' ' liny H 05 'Jl 52V , 8H4 * ' .I lliti ) H77' ' < , H 77' ' , ( 'anil quotations xxere as follows- : I'l.ot'USteady , unchanged ; winter uat- ruin. W.7V& - " < ) ; xvlnter stialghts , (33 ( 3D ; Mirlnn patents , J3.8riD4.10j hli'ulglil , f'J.GOi3.10 ( : baiters' , J..10U.3r. ( . WHEAT No. l ! siirlnif. 74V74 l-.V ; No. 3 Kprlng , noi-thein , Iiha70c : No. il.icd. 74fi < Tiiric. oitN-lcny ; No. , < ' ! - < - > 3 yiillnw , 3nft3'J4i' ! . . . . OATS-NO. _ . U'Jc ; No. 2 xviillo , f.o. b. , 31' ' , GustNO. ; . 3 xviiitf , f. o. b. . ao'iaa'Jo. IlYB No. 'J1HC. . ItAlll.KV No. 'J , ( iac--No. 3 , fVo. 1) . , 39S04CI No. 4 , f. o. I ) . , : 55J-IGc. TiMOTin HKiiD-l'ilmell.illi. I'OIIK Mess , per bbl. $ l..801M.-.82'i. I.ard , per 100 Ib-i. , JU.il7'st'J.40 ( ( ; short libs slde < ( loose ) , iH.7'J'.f4H.fiti ) dry sailed Himulders ( boNodl , f.l'Ja4&'J.'J5i ! ) short rlour sides ( boxed ) , jy.G05tU.Ci5. WIUHKV Distillers' finished KoihN , per ; : . , 11.10. , , , HudAiisiinehaiined : cut loir , o,6/.rj34ci ; granulated.j'ni1 ; htiiiiiluiil "A. " " : . The following xvoro tliu lecelpts and shlp- meiitH for today : Flour , libl. < . Wheat , bu. Corn , liu. Until , til. live. Ini. llnrlcy , ti On tlio I'roduco e\i-hii-'e : today HID butler uitukel was steady ; eieamery , i'ja30 > .c ; ' ' . easier htih'tly fiebb , 13' ilalry , _ i2ac. ! lU-s , ; COHc. Oiuili.i ) The follow Ini ; price * are based upon delivery nl Mississippi rlxer points : WllnAT--No.ilspring , 71c hid ; No. Ssprlns , fidu bill ; No. iihard , Gle bid ; No. 3 haril , Otic bid. bid.llVB No. 2. f'2c bid. UATH No. - white , 31 " , a hid ; No. 3 xvhlte , COUN'-N'O. 2 , cash and Aiull , ilOcbid ; No , 3 or better , cash or April , 3r > ' { c bid. Amoni ; HID sales xxeio 11 cars No. 3 or bet ter corn , upper Mississippi rlxer points , , April uhlpment , 3uUu. HOX11I ) NOTI-.S. Thn announcement In Tin : lliu : that Chief Oiuliilnspi'CtorTlioiiipsoii had leslKiiedi-reiited no little kin prise among the ( Main men on the boaid. They weie uxxiiiu tlini Mr. Thompson liiidbeen consldeilni ; a ptoposltlon to go Into the uraln for himself at St. houls , but * ere not expecting his resignation. Il was re- Jiorted on the lloor of the e\cliairo yesterday that the gox-einor had Intimated that he XMiuld appoint as Inspectoi the man who had the endorsement of the grain men. A peti tion xx-as at once .started asking the governoi to appoint Mr. Thompson Inspector , the xialn men liellevlng that they could piexall upon the gentleman toglxe up his Idea of going Inti : business al St. l.ouls. Now Yiirl : IN'KW YoilK , Apill 3.- Kl.ofUKirolDts. . 35- COO pl < Ks ! I'xports , 10,2011 bhl * . , -js.'joo sacks ] kales , 10,200 like * . ; niaiKel ( | iiiel , steady ; xxln- tor xx-lieat , low Armies , $ _ lijt2.r ( > ! j ; xvlutni xx heat , fair tn fancy , SJ.fiM'U.O.xlnierxlieal ; ii.itents , Jil.B.ji-t , I.'J.'i ; Mlnni'sot-i olear , J'J.nojy U.50 : MlniiCMila stial , ! ; ; . ( ( ) ( . . ) ) ; Mimif. Mila patents , f l.-2rjiC4.UO. ( t'niiN MKAI. Dull , sti-ady ; yellow xxeslern J'.G5U.2.7& ( . Uvi : Dull , nominal ; ui'sti-rn , r > s lVi' ( . llAlll.KYI'll in , uilli't ; xxesiein , liOj ,75c. ItAiu.i'.Y MAl.r-llull , steady ; wcstem , G.1B OOc. \VllKAT-Hecdpls. 7,750 bu. ; exports , B3.00C bit. ; sales. liu. futitie- , , ' -M.lHUl-liii spot. Spot market fairly active , HtrmiKOi : No 2 led , In Htoieand elux an r , 7 l't,741lc ( ; alloat 76o ; t , n. b. , 7fi'i < il.70\c ; No. 1 niuthein , Hlc : No. Unortheiii. WV. Onlltinsuie dull , open- liiK nt ilSc. decline In tlio v , us t nmleatlur udvnncliiK on di-cie.-ii.ed sUn'Us. lepuils o ! cmp damage , Ihnier uest and local covet Ini ; closing linn and unchanged to 'u' ' loucr ; No a led , .May. 74 l&-ir < ct75V' florin/ 75' , c : June. 75 ui(7U1c. ! chiilng al 7 < > J c ; July 7G I > lliu77 VC rloslii-i at 77'jc ; August , Ti > , Ct774c , clii-inuat 77Jic ; M-ptiunlier , 77 l-5c ; closing at 77 ' c : Dcoember , MH 'uHl'c. Slocks of ui. tin 111.lore and .illoat Aptll 1 : Wheat. H,3lU.10 ) ( ) bu. : corn , aHD.U'J'J bu. : onls riG3,53U till. ; l > c. 74.lii : bu. ; barley. 177,151 liu.i mall. 1 10,041 bu. ; pea- . , 4.3'JS bu. CoilNliocoliits , 27,300 bu : iHMrls | , 3h3 ( bu. ; sales , H7.UIH ) bu. futures , 117,0011 bu bpot. Opeiuil xtcakei. clnxed lliini > r. f.ililv ac tlvu ; No. 2 , fxl'tw&l'ii ' ' * In eloxalor. 5'lUi ( 52c ! alloat ; unKiadeil ml\c < l , 5oC(5U9c ( HtvniiiurrflilM'il , lt4'J'tc ; No. U , 4h(64N'c Options deciliK-d 'I'lft c , advanced Vt'Vc a- folloxxliiK u IK-HI , ind the xxest , and clnsei steady nml ui'chi.imed to % c donn ; tiadln ; dull : April , - -JWUUUi1. < isinat 4Ultc ; Max 47"W J7'.c. elosliiKat 47JC ; July , t7'i ( lM'c oloslnu at 4hic. ( OATS -Itecelpts , li2,30O ! bu. ; exports. H ! liu. ; snlei. , 15U.OOO bu. futures , rj..OOO bu spot , easier. Options dull ami less active May. 34 > ! < rl3V. closlm ; nl 35c ; July , 35c fnot : No. 2 xUilte. . | 0 < r(40li > t No. 2 Chi CJizo , 32'ii'I No. . " < - : No. 3 while , 3'Jii30 iC inlM-d xvestcin , 3U4J3HV ; xvblm xu'steru. 41 - HAYI'alr demand , linn ; sliljipln - , 70t75c coed to choice , M5ijiU5t : . lloi-rt gulet. lllULrf gulet.easy. I'lioviHlONii I'ut inenls quiet , weak jilcklL-d bellies , UMHOi c. Middies , < ] iio | ( weak ; short clear , U\c. I.ard , iiile | luxxer clu i'd u Hi-fMI M I'.uft. | . . inli-n. In. In . Ailll | , I ! ) 76i k l M ty r-Kl | ill t" 7,1 , Hike. It Jill v l 7'i iiai'il , Heilrinbelclii | > cd ill | 'i nil mi i-ii rcMiii-d iiilli-t | n\ ( .r i-ntiiliiHil. I in : in Cork. dull. XM-nk Ml" * , IlH ) bum-Is , iiifit JI7 fin ; new ini-s * . fix il.u'ii1 < ct : dairy. IH (24c ( ; wes-lerti rreainerj , ' _ rnern f ii-lnty , iH'.Jlci llhtlin , 3143 ' rnri.Ki ; ( jtilet , iteadyi purl sklni . nWIi- KuiK ) . t'lrtii on iperiilntlve dotnand ; te- rHpls , l.4IHIpk ) | xteslcrn , fn-sh , lbttirj < (0 | dlli-k. 'J7ir.iOci ( : KooM' , 4057400. TAI LOW -yuli't , 8iendy. ( 'OTTOMIISKOUlti ( jUll1 ! , WCIxUj I'Mtlll' , 4U'iC nKki-di yelluvr , 4H'tr ' Hiked. I'KI IKII. r.l'MMarket tulrd Mronx tliroinrli- ( ill t t liu tiny on a reslrlcted xolnmnof Ijtl * ! * ni'.is. l'eiin ylvanla oil , May up * tlon . tali's , ' _ 5tOO ) bbts ; openlint , iUc ! ; IdKli- i-stVOc ; lowi-st , HOu and fhivliiK , 70c. Lima oil salui , nilnu ; 'M > d bid. Total sulet , 2uiJUO bbls , lii'sis' Dull , Rlrndy. Titll'i : > TlNt : Dull , lltnier at 33'3331c. Hit irirm : , fall demand , Moi.A M N x Ol leans oprn kulllc , good loehnlcc , llrni ; fit Illy active. Mtii.Mi Unw , llrmer , quid ; fair lellnlnir , 3'if3 ' 3-llic ; cclilrlfin'als , ! ) ( i test , 3MfO 3 11-lGc ; sales , 6,0ill ) tons ; Muscovado , H'J ' test , nl : i'i'e\- lilii rcllni-d llrmer. fairly . Ilvo ; off A. 4 U-liiwl lil-UIci mould A , 3Vi stiiiidai\l A.-l'jilfi 1-ltic ; confectioners. lli < w 1 15-H.c ; cut loaf , 5 7-lf/r.Vc. ; crilsbed , 57-1(1 ( ' (1" > S'iinuilmil ; , ti't'Vi 5-H'ic ; ill nlilllutedI,1 , < t.5 ( il-llic ; ciibiK , 5'WMj Ti-lDc. I'KiIiio.N-guh I , steady ; Ameilcan , ? 12.70-a 15.50. CowKitWeal. . ; lal.e. M 1 & 0. I.KAD-Mendv ; domesllc , Jl.OS. TIN I'livj : sti alibis , J20.U5 ; plates , itilel | , steady ; pelt.-r , slintu ; dunu'sHu , 14.30. Oin.ilin I'roiluce Xlariii-l. Thn xveel. openediXNilli a fair inox-tMiirtit of country produce , but xUilioiil much chanse In the matUel on Iho leading lines , liny Is low and nppenrs to be In ll bt ileniand. The mar ket Is u not ed n lit He lower. Potatoes til u com- In j In moie fteely and the market Is lower , In fact HW 15c loHer than II XMIS txx-o XM'uks HKO. A irmid many earjntids have been iccelved iluriii } . ' the past xxeek and Hie market Is well Illlcd. Onions me nl > o ituoled easier. Al'l'l.iy Choice shipping f.loi'1 % Is iiuoted at M.fiO. llfi-ri-.u Tlie iccelpts coiitlniie IlKhl nml the mnikulls xeiyllim. I'.u-kln ; stock , 17.'iilHc ; fair toKooii country roll , IHii/JOc ; cholcu to fain-y country , 2iV.Mc. ) II XN x.v - ' bunch , Includlns crates and packing , * 1.75r 2.50. lliANS"'hnlceiiax-y : , VJ.45. CAMI-OUNIA ( ' .xnnxi.i : I'ei lb. , 3c. UAl.ll-'OllMA ( 'I.I.KIIY IVnlllA , SI. ( 'uxNlir.ltllltS"l'er : bos. $3.75. Klis--ieneial inalkel , lllc. . ( iAMiThemaikel : Is slow and dull. Ml\ed , 75f./0c [ ! ; i fd huaiN , W ; niiilliiiils.t2.00a2.60j ( JUXl-il''iriT-lVl : bo$3.00 3.20 HAY -The maiket on ( ? oed up. and hay was J5.75. ) t gieen , 4c ; No.'J green , 3c ; No. t gieen , salted. 4'-c : No ' _ gieen , salted , 3'5c : No. 1 green , bulled , U5 lo 40 His. , 4'ic ' ; No. ' 2 giecu , sall"d'Jo to 4O Ibs. , 3' ' r ; No. 1 xeal. i-alf , 8 to I. ) Ibs. , He ; No. 'J xealcalf , 8 to 15 His. , lie : No. 1 diy Hint , 7'sc ; No. U dry Hint , 5'jc ' ; No. 1 iliy salted , lie. llostv : i'holci1 to fancy xx-ldle clover , 18' > i lUc ; fulllo flood , lOtfiAltV. LKXIONS-I leiice , iril.SO ; fancy , ? 4. N'KW Yr.fiMTAlii.KS Lettuce , 40 , ' : radishes , 4tic : paifth-x , 4Di' pi rdo. ! . ; gteen onions , Hue. On x MI -Florida f ancy , per S3.5033.75 ; russet I s , } ; i.-.Tj ; Mexican oranges , single boxes , { 3.-J5 ; 5 to ID-box lots. } 3 : ( ' .ilifornni mnuntalii oranges $2.50 : Washington navels , ? 4 ; Now- ' . ' . M-d cast le California seedlings f'J.OOW'J.75 ; sweets , W.GOV-i.75 : Ulxer-lde seedlings , J-J.75. gioxxn , on outers- conn try , ft per bbl. ( iooil stock shipped In fiom country woii'd ' piobably not bung oxer Jl.'Jo per bu. on this mat Ket. PoTXTons Iticeipls lat-ge. Colorado stock , J1.HM1.15 ; Wisconsin luirliaiiks , 'Joc&M.OO ; xvesiern N'ebruiyOo ! < ; Jl.UO ; casteiu Ne braska slock , 75TiUOc. ( I'oi'i.-inv Choice hen83tOe ; Ilvo young tooslers , 7ffcHe ; old loosteis , Oc ; geese and ducks , ilrL'vi'd , lligl.o ; die-sed tuikeys , 11 ! " H i n xwiimtllliN I'er ( mart , 'Jri ilOi : . SWKKTl'OTA'loib--lloi ! bbl. , * jM'edswect ; po- taloe.s. t3.5O. Tv.Mliui.M.s : half boxes , < -.75Tf.3.00. VKAI l hoice and small fat veals , 7i2.0c ; huge and thin , 3ft Ge. I'UOWCK I'OI.VrKllS. "When I takes olT lie hat I buy.s 2oc cbeaperl. " is HID xxay an enterprising peddler explains Hie object of his politeness when entering a commUston house. Countiy shippers fieiitently | complain that they are x-lctlnil/i d liy fiaiidulent commission linns. It has fnqucntly been pointed out that shippi r.s an- lee leady to Icnxe old and xxiill know n houses and consign their produce lo some new house concunlng xihli'li they know nothing excepting that the said new house talk- , big and quotes high prices. It may beef of Interest to shippers toieadof the methods of one of these fiaiidulent commission houses that opeiated In Cincinnati. The house In iiuestlou opened up lust Octo ber lu Cincinnati , employed six typuxx-rlters and appointed as agents In the surumitdlng towns of Ohio , Indlanaand Kentucky country stoiokecpers , postmasters , in llroad agent sand expiess agents. They sent out cliculars quot ing big pilccs. Then they commenced liuj Ing poultry , game and eggs for the Thanksgiving trade. They did a big business for a few weeks and turned up missing ou Thanksgiving morn ing. It was suppo-ed that they \\eic thanking the lord for Bending them so many victims. They did not form any aeiimintance.s | among thu merchants and weie not known on the stieet. They bought good clothes from .swell tallois and diamonds and Jewelry fiom up town parties- . Their x Ictlins were all countiy dealers. They htixe since worked the same game In New Oilcans , got ariested and man aged to get out of II and have not been heard of .slnci ! . The National League of Commission Merchanls has been formed hugely to aid lu up such practices. St. l.ouls .Markets. BT. Lotus , Mo. , April 3. I'l.ouii Nothing doing ; unchanged. WIII.XT : Weak and loxeiearlv , lint tallied , closing about unchanged ; No. 'J led , cunh , Ii4'jc ' ; May , ( > ( > e. COUN I'aseil on" slightly ; No. U mixed , cash , 35V- ; May , 3l'rJ.e. OATS Dull , lower ; No. U cash , 30'tcMay ; , 3" V' . . . , . . , , . Illill lilt rirm , unchanged. New York DO ( lood-4 Miu-kct. Nixv : YOIIK , Apill 3. Thu trade In dry Roods was fair to "onic articles for both near and future xvants. A good business xx-as , reached In cotton llannels , diess goods xxool llannels , damasks and Ince curtains , silks also meeting xvilh a good demand for next season. I'rlces , bowexer , of cotton llannels and | | | , have not been definitely settled. Nexx busln-is for cur- lent needs xuis moderate , lm > ers being In clined lo hold oIV for the pic-ent. The lower end of the cotton goods market xvas peihap a tillle easier in tone , though agents xxere not pushing sales , rial fold cambrics continue to sell at full pi lees In spite of the decline of pi lilt cloths , lioods ate scaice for new trans actions. Thoie were no price changes. ISnslness I'll inii"i. The follow Ing me reported at Dun's Mercan tile agency : Omaha , Kussell , I'ratt & Co. . gasfltters , etc. , dls'-olved. AtUliison , Neb , , W. I1. O'llrlen , general stoic , closed on chattel mortgage. Illalr , Neb. , Hans Ajer , Saloon , will ilUcun- tlniie May 1. Itlalr , Neb. , Matthleson Ilios. , general storu , closing out to ivtlre. rremont , Neb. , W. L. Walsh , confectionery , sold out to C. L. Olds. McCook , Neb. , IJ. M. Cheney , drugs , suc ceeded by I ! . M. Cheney & Co. Ocluxla , Neb. , .1. S. Oglesby , grain , etc. , suc ceeded by Kusher.x. Co. KiiiiKis City .Markets. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 3. Wheat nml ryi ) aru quoted on the basis of MUslssIpp rlxer , com and o.its on the h.isls of Kansa1 WI'II-.AT Haul steadv ; soft almost unsal able ; No. 2 hard , die ; No.'J led , Ii7'ic. Cons Weak and .unchanged ; No. V ! while 3 I'if. OATS--NO. i ! mixed , 3h38/c. ( ! ( liltITKK Creamery , 'Jjifyuc ; daily , ISH'JIc llmis Actlxo and tinner. UKI-IIMS : : Wheat , l.OUO bu. ; corn , 10OU ( bu. ; o.iIs , none. Miii'iiUM-s Wheat , 11,000 bu. : corn , 5,00 ( bu. ; oats , none. Cotton ; . Niw : Oiti.KA.Ns , La. , April 3. Weak am iiicgiilar : goixl middling , U-liic ; mhldljng H 3-li ( ; low middling , 7' e ; good oidinary 7 U-lGc ; uel lecelpts , 4M)4 ! ) li.ile- . ; gro-.s , O.OH bales ; shipments to the continent , 400 1 > lie- , ; stock , 'Jiiri.tiOO b lies. I'lUUles Hleado ; sales 77IU ( ) li.iles ; April f7.Hjlld ) : llay,57.U44/i7.ori / ! .lime , jH.DlfiiH.o. .lillv.JS.o'J ; August , * H.lit ) ; September , Js.OGd .i)7 ) ; .Nox ember , * a.07 jB.iW ; December h.OU. Mli.xvAi'iciiK , Ws..Apillil.-WllixT-t-teady | July , n7c ; No. 2 spring. U5c. COUNljulet ; No. 3. 3 iiit3Uc. OAi's ljulei ; .No. 2 wlilio , 34Q35c ; No. 2 32m iKc. H \ui.ur Glc. Uvi : 64o. ' I'ltovisiONH Kaslcr : | x.rl , Maj , Jlfj.82'J. ( irnl i Mirl : < i > t. HAI.TIXIOIIK , Mil. , Ajirll 3. WllKtT-Stuady No. 2 red. hpyt. 72 i'.7'J"c. foii.v-Kasy ; mixed | ( , , April mill May , 4 6i47)je. ) OAISbtondy ; No. 2xvldtu western , -Ilftl-Jc No. 2 mixed txe.sloin , 37 > (38c. ( Nixv YOIIK , April 3.Opt Ions opened hlciidy und unchanged to 10 points ctu-eU barely luaUy ul 1O ; 0 yoluu Uonii \ Mlli'-l I" ' "i" l > nu Itli lulling \llll | I Mny. li > jv.rln ai , .lunr , lit. | r..r li , TI. 'ulj fin In , Auiriist , Jitto wepicmlicr tl li. In. I ) ci-mber. H'iNti , .liiimaiy. ir..7D. Hpol II lull , sli-iiily : No 7. J17.J . " 17 37' ' , itiiliK \\liiMt .MurUi'l. . . Minn. . April il. Trnilliiil wni IlKlit umi xxlllniiil sptH-lal featnrei Kooli'Hu I'tish XTlieiil. No V norUiern , sotil ul oiii | > iei ) No. li HOI-HUTU , fitlltniif. Ut'celil | . 701 eiii-s. ( Jliwct Aitll | , lU' oi May. Dili'i. Inly. Oj'ii1. On iracK : No. 1 liaril , ( Hi' ; No. 1 liortliellt , O'i'i No. 'Juortlierii , riliHi ) ( , ' . I'hllailrlplila llriiln Mirl ; < i-t. Pnii.Aiir.i.i'iiiA. I'n. . April 3.VIIK.T rirnii No. U i nl , April , 7B i < * 7l'ii ! ' > . t'ollN Options xxealii mheil , ApllliT'itfi 48t * . OATH -\VeaK ami loxier ; No. 'J xvhllp , Apill nml Muy , il Cliieliiiiutl 'Mirl : < i'M , CISCI.VMTI. ( ) . , April 3. WIIKAT I'aoyi No. 'J leil.l.CMindue. l I'ou.N-Sieatly : No. ! 2 mixed , 4'Ji § . OATH -Kaslers No. 'J ml\el)3liIJ31i ( ) : . WIIIMKV t.'ulet ; i-V lower. Toleilu drill n .Mnrket. TOI.KDO , ( ) . , April 3. WIIKAT Active , Ilinii No. 'Jcaslipi 11,001(1'- ( Coii.N-liull , sietulyi No. i ! , cash anil May , 4li' ) . OATH -Dull ; i-asli , 3li' . Vlillilo ( iniln Supply. Nlixv YOIIK , April il.-Vlsllile irinlti supply : Wlieal.77uriri.itHiliu. : eiinirj,317 lioiihii.iimtt , 4,53Hillii.j ( ) ( tye , 01)5,000 ) 1)11. ) ! ll.ll ley , 1,110- 000 liu. AMI ItOMIS. On the Stoi-lc i\eliiuiKi' : Quite u Iliilllsh I'l-eliiiR I'reMllleil. NKW YOIIK , April 3. The \\eek opened xxllh Hie liulllsli feellni ; In Hie aseemlaiit at the Slock evrlianjre , especially In the ease of the tndiislilals Ntoi'Ks anil Ne\x \ KiiKland. Al though eel tain dex-elopnienls xxeie favoiahle to the hears who hammered the market at In tel xals , Hie trend of pilcesxxas npuaril and mine sharp net Kiilns wein reoorded. Al the start Manhattan furiilshed a sensation by Ils drop of ten points to Ifon ) Hi" aiinoum-emenl made al the tneellti of the r.ipld transit com- mlsslon on y .tuiday that I'erlaln eapllallsts- ntimes nut menllnned- had voluiiteeted to fur- nlsli a lat e sum of money In fiirtheianee of an umltMKtoiiiul transit ellenle. The lueak In Manhattan had piaelleally no effect on the list. Neither did Hie rumors alum ! Impemllnc tarce Kohl shipments nor the ad vices fiom the uest that theiallioad eiiKlneers In the ease of the Aim Ailior & Nullli Mli'lilmUl sli Ike xxere delet mined to Ilsht llm matter tea a eoneliislon. MiKar yielded I1 , , pcrcont , American Cotton Oil , i ! per rent ; lienetal Klectru1 , 1-ic , and l.ackaxtanna , 1 ' per cent. Most of the east ern mid ixi'sii-i n trunk lines after mox In up U to ' , e yielded ' ( to 1 p--r cent. In the mean- tlin" a lirlsk Inipiliy ptexalled for many other stocUs and the tally \xis : a--lsieil liy a slight lecoxery In maiij Insti'ticcs. ( 'oiilaii' , Lead , XVhlskj , Chicago , I'lexeland , ( Iliclnnatl .V M. l.ouls , t'nlteil Mules lull.'r ! , I'lttslntlK A. Weslein ptefeired and Nuxx l.ntlaiidadx-anced ; anyxxlieii1 from 1 to 3 per cent and llnally Chi- IMKO flas catiK1 to the front , sellliiK up from HO'jto ' 03 ou heavy liuyliii ; for both the lone andshoit account. The xxhole maiket 1m- | > : oxed In sympathy und Indications xvcre not xxantlUK that opTatois luivo taken the bull side and a re luc lined to'.vaid annresslve tactics. Tlio linusiiclloiis .ipKirgiitcd 3l OH4 1 .shaies , of which I-SM.IVIO shaies xxeie listed and the inarKet i-iosi-d sti ady In tone. Tin ) follow IIIK are the closlnR ou nations of the leadln.j stocks on the New YorLbtoiiU c\- change toi.ay : Thi'tolal salt's of stocks today xvcrt-3'JO.HOU shares , Including : AU-hlson , 0,800 ; C'lilcaKu , Hiiillniltoii A Uulncy , O.HOl ) ; Cldi-aso Has , J'-MUO ; ( Iii-sni | ( > nkil& Olilo , ! l.rjlO ; Cotton Oil , UliH ) ; Dtdauaiu , IjaoUawanna & Wi-stoin , 7.300i I ) , t' . I' . , 30,201) ) ; Krli1 , S.fiOl ) ; ( U'iii > i-il : r.lcotilc , 3,700 ; Mtuiliiittaii.7,700 ; Missouri I'll- rltli' , n.300 : Ni > xv Kntflanil , a.'i.OOO ; Northi'in I'aellic piori-uod. 4,51)1) ) ) ; UoadltiK , 15'JOO ; Ht. I'aul. 10.35U ; St. Paul & , Omaha , r..jOO ; Sugar , 33,300. N'mv York Jlnnov M rh 't. New YOUR , April 3. MONBV ON CAM. Quiet , 5 to 7 pel-rent ; last loan , 5 per cent ; closed oir.-red at f > per cent. I'uisir.Mctu'VNTiia ; I'AiM'.u-G ® ? percent. STKUUNU r.\ciix-oi : I'lini , with actual liusluuh In uaiikors' bills at f4.HO' < @ 4.bG" foi hl\ly days and 44.b7U4. y for diimaml. ( lovt.iiNMUN-r HONIIS llavo been steady ; state bond- , have been neKleeti'd.- Thoi'iosins iiuotationson bonds ; cx-lul. ItoHtnii Stock Quotation * . ItiHTON. Mass , , Ain-ll 3. Call loans , fi'J-fSG ' percent ; time loanGBG't pur cent. Tno follow lii'aro thecKsliUUJtatioiiion | htock-s , bond' and niinliiKxhaics : 74. | i ( > rtl.iHHliri | < inllin ) I'.inkll M per M IKMI prplnluin I I MwIIIIK. . April fl. ( Ivnrlnit * , tl01l.l7. ) . 4iii biihiniv * . . ( & iml IIMTIM.IIIK . , s. ti03fniS Momy. f. II \ \ \s\ . April iU-U\i'juinixe. Hrnu on tin * fulled Hlutps short l hf Kold , I 'u1 premium. I'lin.IIKI , I'lMA , nL April ! -Cldirln < , * 17- : i7U.U4fn balanceJJ.VOJ.OU : > . Moiipy , 4' , ( r' wr MKMI'IIK , Tenii.m'ApHI rt.-Nmv York PX- rlmiiKP Ki-lllmt aMl.M ) . CleiiiltiK" , } 7 < JHHl6i Imlmicps , IOH,87i : , ST. l.oi'N , Mo. ; Vitfj ( n.-niMirlnir .f4.Hna. . nriTslmlances. M'4i'iMoney ntilet at ( W.7 per cpiit. nxcliatiKd on New York , UOcpu1- mlum. HnsTdN. Mass , ' 'AbMI ' n. Clparlnas J'J1- ' * rc.7fl'jti , : o-iiaiifp * . ii.7iiii4.-i. : ! : Monuy rt PIT pent. i\oliatiKO : ol | Now York & 'uiV dis o. , N'KwYoiiK , April il ( . .ipeclal Tpleaiam lo I'lir llii.1 : : Kvclninttowas ittopil | | as followx today : Clilca o , 7Dc pipintunii lloston , tic to Hc ) discount : M. Minis , eec ptomlum. CllltMiio , III. , April I ) . ClearniKs , } 'J2OOI- 0ii. : : Ni-w York PM'hanKP , tiDiiiipinluni. . Slprllm ; pxchanue , dull al JI.Ht for sl\t.\- day bills and if I. HH'I for sight. Money easy at 0 . percent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O.MAIIA I.IYi : STOOK MA ItK K I'-t. of All orts lit fairly Steady 1'rlcc-N. MOM\Y ) , April II. lecppts ! | of all kinds WPIP lluht u\en for u Monday , ll bter PVPII than thu limited sup- piles of a week au'o. The ollerlntfs of cattlu WOIP of a very mls- cvllmipoiischaractor. le-s than half of HIP stoeis on sale could bo used , by lliu dtessod beuf nipii , but there WPIO spveralery do- slreabte loads In the yards , IncludltiK a couple of bunches of liayfed westeins. lluyois P\- ppcted that theheiuy inn' that failed to ar- rl\u Salurday would ho liero to day , and a aln their evpectatlons weie not leall/ed , Speculative shippers were a Illtln shy on account of HIP easier market In Chicago , but dtessod beef men , although an ticipating a llbetal run Tuesday , weie not going to be fooled again , and bought quite fiecly tit steady to sttong prices , tiood to choice l/jfjll lo 1..HKI-II ) . Ibexes > -old litfiom $ l.7fi ( ) ? > , with fair to good 1OW > to l.'jntl-lb. Mtppisat fiom f I ! ift to M.OO. Coninion light stull sold down to $ ! 1.70 , bill sales at under ifl.lllweie > .OIIICP. The moxement was flee and ex ery thing -old In good season. Offerings of butchers' stock and cannets' \\pri ! meager , and conslsU'd mostly of odds and ends. The d"inmid was genetal and good as far as It went. I'rlces as a tiile weip stionger anil it did not take the limited supply % cry long to change hands , tiood to choice cows and helfets void aioiind t'A. ! ll ( lo ? .VJi > , with fair to good stun" Imgely at fiom t'J.fiO to fil.J. ) . Common and canning glades M.IU at finin .f'J.'J.'i down to Jl..Ti. Hulls changed hands al about steady ptices fiom fr'.MO to til,1 ! ! . There weie only a few cahos olleiedaml prices weie geneially unchanged. Kouultir dealers did the bulk of the feeder buying today , h'tesli ollerlngs weie more llb- eial than usual and trade was a Irllle slovs , al though git Icis generally were well .sustained. KeiiresentalUe sales : i > IIHCF. Pr. M 40 4 40 4I.I 445 4 45 4 45 445 4iO ( 400 4 CK ) 4 (15 ( 4 75 4 IK ) 4 IK ) 4 05 4 ! I5 5 ( HI 5 05 2 ST. : uio : i oo : HK ) : ioo illiO : ino : i no ; t IB : ire : ITO a 75 lib ! ) ; ibo a DO MII.KCK9 AN'H bl'IUNOEUS. 1 cow mid calf . 520 00 1 cow r.nd calf . 25 01) ) ! ! cows and calves each . ! ! ( ) IK ) 2 cow s ami calves o.icli . ! W 50 2 springurs each . ! ! 0 00 1 springe. ) ' uxtru . i . 42 00 CALVES. 2 . 120 500 1 . 120 550 1 . 200 5 . .0nuu.s. nuu.s. 1 . 11SO 2 40 1 . 1100 285 . 1140 245 1 . 1 00 200 T . 1:11:1 : : 2 r.0 . 2 . 1485 : too 2 . 505 2110 1 . 11(10 ( ItOO 5 . iom 2 in i . inai a 25 i . boo 2 b5 i . i.vjo aar hlOCKBUS ANM ) I'CCDCItS. 1 . .170 250 2 . 7 ) 850 a . nsa 275 i . .wo HSO i . 7 : ) a oo i . 520 a 5o 1 . 7iO : a 00 ' . ) ! . 71l ! 70 as . 5io a 10 20 . > , m aoo 1 . 5TO a 15 25 . UJt 400 a . 757 a 25 WYO.MINO cAin.i : . No. Av. Pr. 21 steers . 11011 a , ' COLORADO OAITU : . 1 steer , tnlling . HMO 250 0 feeders . tl % a SHI 4U feeders . 1010 4 ( Ml III cow . & ) 2 5J ( 2 cows . DIM ) 2 7(1 ( 5 feed ji s . SSI a 7(1 ( 21 feeders . h > S7 a Sl ( 18 feeders . ; . 1122 4 0. ' 12 feeders . 71(1 ( ii 5(1 ( a hay fed . 1217 4 lli : W1 feeders . 7II3 a b : 1 stag . 1200 2 7.1 24 cows . 045 2 a feeders . btlO a hi I feeders . 1010 4 o ; IDAHO CATn.U. 10 cows . ltli ) : 2 OC II stags . I2T5 a 0.- 1 feeder . 1 ! 0 a ( It 10 ! ) cows . 101 1 a 21 Moos There were hardly enough hogs here to make the 111:11 : ket , and the way Hut fewload > . lecelvedsold Is no Indication that oven 1101- mal receipts could ha\u been disposed of sc rcadll ) at the same p > h'es. Theiun was tin lightest In ovei a month and tlio | ' | as a rule was po ir. r..istein markets were In bad shape , bill ficsli meat men and speculator- picked tin the few boi-'s heio at about Satur day's pi Ices , fiom it > . 4O to JO. tin for common light to good lieaxy liogs. Theie WHS n. > out side demand whatever and the feeling wn > weak on all sides. If more hogs had liuen In n they would undoubtedly ba\e hud to -el lower. As It was the trailing was oxer hefoit the middle of the fnumoon. the bulk of tin hogs selling at } < -Uiand jt > .61) against ft ! . 1.1 ti iO.5 on Satuidayr and # 7.l.1 1" J7.10 a weel. . ago. lipprcsentativo salps : HliKKl1 Of thu seven loads received foiu xxeru billed dlieciio.s\vlfi _ , \ I'o. and not of fered ou the marker. " Tne others xveie no xery desirable stock. ! The demand was jroix and pilces iiiolably | Him. I'alr togoodna lives , J.S.7fi'ii5.1fi ' | d'll' to good xxesteins } 3.50'5.10 ; common and stock sheep , $ 'J.1 tic3.75 ; goo.l lo cholcii 41) ) to 100-11) ) . lamDs Jl.lHKsiO.OO. Itcptcstntallxe sales : No. Av. 1'r. 50 cxvcs- W J2 f.O 100 oxvcs OJ 3 N ) < : lilriii | > l.ixo Stiielj U-irki-t. C'liiCAili ) . 111. . April -tspvliil 'IVlPcran lo Tin : ItKn.l-Theie was satisfactory acflxltj In tlio cattle Hade and thu lone of the ma ike was III in. It wan not particularly Him fo : I common guides , but all piopeily lalt.'d lol < ! weie piomptly at lull price * . Thequal lly wa not "tip lo guide. 'I bete vus onlj lieieand Hieii-a liead that xa i Ine , and fnv sales weie made at over i5.-J5 , thoil-'h htih-tlj llrst cliiks 1.5OO-I1) ) lo l,7OU-lb beexes woiih baxn hioiight from | : i.l.'i lii li.'J.'j. Theilressei beef shlpp. rs paid from $4.'J5 lo f. for most o their purchases ami fiom J4.5O 11 i.VJ.'Jwa the iiingu tor the bulk of Hie cuttle laken fo shipment allxe. tjiiolallons tanged fiom * l.l > i tutl.-Ofur cuws und ht-lleia , I rum J-.OCi li Jl. ! ' ! fnf. ( ill Ui Is utld fi I ( l > H .III I flnu M 10 ! ( ' ' „ ' i fiiri-i'iiiinoii im xiruiii t 11 \.i-1 ul- lli'wi ir 111 drmiiii'l ' ul ft HI ' in tl 7 i I'rli-is foi liuir. . x.i n lint uuile M lnx t r Ih-iii He y XM u In-i Motidnv hut tlii v IT k nii'v ' t'i' of sluMxItit ; Hial udiicliiin tin lust lioirsoii loda ) s mill kel 1'lii-iii.t at ( > * 'i. anil Hi"al majority of the * ties helm made below ju HI ) t'ointiion Ineholi'e light lions sold tit floln ( i-.IO to tn.flo , mixed and m < > dlum at fi-nin ftl In lo Jii.75 , und siiaUhl hciixy lolHtti fiom lo jn.Nfi. I'ewsnles xxele 'lepilled alMive til 75 , the plex ailing prices beltnc fiotn fii 'J"i tiiH.rCi. The sheep market v. us Hi-ni. Tlieie xximu goiMl demnnd. bolh for lix'til nml eastern ac count , nml t rail Inwas mi a lusisof from f l..Ti tofii.15 fet poor lo choice sheep und fiom } 5.15 toJI'.OO for poor lo extra lambs , \\lille that xvas Hie t tinge of limitations Hie lit rater part of the sheep old ul fiom < j.7.i | lo * 5.3U and riom { 5.75 to M.U ) hi.imhl mint of the lambs. Itecelpts : Cullle. irton ) headi hogI I l.OOO head ; stieep , l..iino head. The CxenliiK .lournal leporls : C\TTI.K-Kivi-lpts. a.iioo lii-iili shlpmonls , 3'JOO heail : slow , x\eai < lo lower ; good to choice sti ets K > .5iH5 ) 7O ; no extras mi sale ; nallxe cows ami heifers , $5.-Jo. lions Ijecclpt-i. 14.0OO head : shipments , 7,000 Ill-Mil ; market lli (5c ( lower ; common and mixed , fi.niK ( < Mi.riO ; pi line heaxy and butcheis' . fO.5iC.75 ( ! ; Ilithl , t5 'J5Tlli.iO. ( Sitm'-liccclpK I'J.ODO bead ; shlpmenls 12.000 head : in.u ket steady ; natives , { 5.50 610.50 ; Texans , } 3.UUl.b ( ) ; lambs , $4.75U'.50 ' : westerns , J5.15. Iteei'lpttiiuil ll < piMtiiii { ol st ( > i-c. ! Olllcliil r' Mpt < a-rl ( lUp xllloa of slo' ' { a shownby tinbon'mof the I'nloii Slouk company for Hie fort v-el.'hl hours ending al 5 o'clock p. m. April 3 , 1MU3- CATTI.K. | IIOIIH. HIIKI'I' . I UOIts * s ,1 MI.S Cnr > . Ill-niliCnri > .Illeuil Cnrn | lit < nil' ' < 'nri > I llcaJ. mlM \ \ K | i ) iil'TjTii ! 4 ] Til DISPOSITION. Kaimns City l.lxit Stock Marliol. KANSAS CITV. Mo. . April ! ! . CXTTt.t : In- ! culpts , 'J.Ml.i head : slilnmenls , 'J , ill in head : mat ket fall ly act he : choice sliders line : cows sfead ) In In. ' lower ; feeders ( inlet : dte-sod beef and sliljiplnc steers , fi.HilT : ( , > . 15 ; cows mid heifers , i l.H.V'ti. ; 7H ; 'l'e\as and Indian steels , ji.75f' : l.'J.'i : stockeisand feeders , * . < iji | < > . ( ! . : ) & . lionsItecelpts , y , innhead : sliipmenls , l.ano head ; nni ket opened steady. lll"Kic lowet ; all guides , * : i.loui.ijO : bulk , tii.'J.'ntOMn. SIII.KP Uecelpts , : i. Ci li I head ; shipments , nonogoodlull' ; active and slrotu ; others quiet and stead } ; muttontl.'ol'j.'O. , . St. l.onls l.lxestock Market. ST. l.oris Mo. , April a. CAW.IIti'relpt : * 2,71)0 ) head ; shipments , 4tui head ; market steady on all clases : fed TeMin steels , JI.IID. lions -llpeplpts , 'J.l'nO ' head ; shipments , 1,400 bend ; in'iikel lower ; heaxy. ; ml\ed , Jti.0lii0.40j ) light , JO.10 Snr.RP llecelpls , 2,000 head ; shltimints , none ; mat ket stiong ; glass TexanJ1.5 ( > 'i.o 5.00. - o I ) . I ) I'nBB , 11. I ) . Itonrnc r. , .1 * s | - \ : I'res. VIce I'ros tiocy .t Troas. HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital ? r > .oO ) ; Omah.i an 1 Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. Pill V ATE Wiltr/i Boom 212 Dei M Life Building OMAHA. UEI-'EUKNOKS : lown State Nation-it Hank. Sioux ( Jlty ; Co.niniirchil National ll.uiU. Umutia. Hpcclal attention glvou to outsldo orderss Corrubponuuneu solicited There xvill bo a clisniKC of bill at tlio Bojd this ovenitifr , Miss Kllslcr aiipe.iritiR In her roiuantio comedy ilr.vma , "l gypt Albn. " Miss Kllslor assumes three distinct charac ters in this play , llrst as tlie family drudgo. second as an K < ; ypti.m princess , umi lastly as a m.u'ble statue of ( lalatca. As Iho latter , < r- > sler poses motionless on n pedestal for txvcnty minutes. The play xvill be staged and dressed appropriately , ar.d tltu support- iiig company is an exceptionally strong' one. "The Voodoo" Is likely to prove ( juito a suc cess at tlio FariLiiu. It continues till Wednesday. The Liliptitiiins , who make their initial ap- poar.uico in Omaha next Thursday at Uoyd s theater in the ' -Pupil of Maple , " their best spectacular play , have the merit of origin ality. Tlio company is headed oy nine midget actors who , measuriui ; only from ! 2S to lib inches , are s.iid to bo pcrf.K't artists in o\-ery sense of tlio word. They are sup ported by a largo company of actors and singers anil an excellent ballet , composed of sixty youm ; and handsome ladies , adds to the brilliancy of the performance. "Tho Merry Cobbler , " which finishes the week at the Farnam , opening Thursday evoninfj , has been xx-ell spoken of by the press of the cities it hus played in this sea- PUT UP in glass vials , hermetically bcalcU , umi ulxxays fresh is the uy Dr. 1'ierco's i'lua&uiit Pellets como. AVheu jou take a pill it's an important point to have them biiuill proidcd they ImVo egual btrength und efllcac-y. You'll lindxliat , you xx-nnt in theto little lixer pills of Dr. Pierco's. They'io put up in a better wny , mid they net in ft belterax - , than tlio lingo old-fat-liionod jiilU.Vlint \ > ou want \xlien jou'io "nil out of boit " - grumpy , thiek-Iitndcil nud tnko n gloomy viexv of life , is these 1'ellots to clear up your systun nml start your mcr into henlthful action. Sick v V Headache , liilious Hrndache , J4Constipition ( , Indigestion , Hil- ious Attacks , and all iltiaiiRe- ment.s of the lix-cr , itcinacli and l > o\-els , are prevciitul , le- liex'ed , and cured. They'ie the ehruiiri't pill you cnn buy , for tlu-vic guiruntoeil to pivo Rit.sluetiuii , or jour money is returned.ou pay for the coed vou cet. Furnishes She Bcsl and Cheapest Method rt F'RE.PRDOFING ' HOUSES. Wiiir ( "r . ' ol I.atlilni ; , rrnclngi Slalilo I'lxturi-K , olu , N.V. . IJVI'.VNI > K1 > CO. , No. WJ Twenty Sixth S . CHICAOO. M Ku vinii . . MI i i It'll .in I Mire , tone yon xvholoHystem. uuruuvi-r ) nervous ironhlo with Nerve noans "invi < jitulilu dUcovory ul m.uuens jiowci. ( 'hex- renew youth , restoru x i-'iu , nlxo t : oxv of hn-i t i. don bio cup.icily foi work or pie sore , \\oniciriil for oveiwork und won v. NJ il liy mm Nis Jl lmtwn weeks' supp x , of by mull , NK.tVU 1IKA.N LO , llulfa .o , N. V. ton II hint an tiKeri'siin r | inl ) Inliiiduci" it number of clt'\cr rhlldle'iniul ' th"Kpei hlllliM lutiiiducoil uro Nald to balxixi' th Mr ( leniyi1 Kcunini x\ltl ilellM Illiistrutpil le.-ture. Kussim I'nlitu nl \ , ' \ - Hi's. " in I'lxposlllon hall Thursday cvvntiiK , The lllus'.r.ttlons be. found life sccui-s ( hut ho personally xxltuciocd. and which ho Is mi competent to Kraphleull.x dcv'rlbe. Keats can IKI socuieil In iidxaucc , at popular prices , at CMuiHC V ICddv'n , Thpanunimcempniof the jnttmlVa uer Ntithl"xxhlch Anton Senll , the ( jrciitViiniiPr - Inncoiiductorof the Mpti'iipolltanoper.i house , Now York , hns ittr.itited for Wodncsda.x ovenlii , April I'J , under the auspices of the Apollo chili , and xxhlch xvill be hold in l-Xpo- sttion hall , xvill p n s.-nsutloti in u.usl- I'ul and cultured circles. It is ccrtalnl.x the uraudest proifiitm sclipiuo ever offered In Omaha ami Air. Soldi ma.x expect to h.ivo a Httlnir rotuiii for the ccnerous and iiox-el feast he provides Mr. heldl not only pre sents OIIP of the jrivat slnjiers of Ameiic.i , Miss Kmma .Inch , but cn apes sixteen more. The plan of prosenllujr In rlmmoloplpal order entire scenes from Warner's ( 'i-o.itcst music dramas involves an entire irratul opoi-.i company - pany of piinclpal singers to Interpret the scenes. Thin Is why Mr Soldi brimrs such an arr.iy of sopranos , altos , " tciiui1 * and bassos. Tin1 j.1-aud scene from the "Walkuro1' rciiili'os | ton female x-oices , xvlth Miss .Inch as Slonlindo. The "Parsifal" l-'loxxor ( ! lrl scene requires seven sopranos , ilvo tiltos and ono tenor. Other jrrcat nox el- tics are also faithfully presented. The sale of seats xvill begin Snlunhiy. April s. at the music .store of Ford A : Cluirlton , IWh Dodge street. "llnl-lla ! A great man once said in spc.iklm : of a rc- maikahly fertile spot. "If , xou tickle itith a boo. It laughs xvitli : i harvest. " This Hitj ing is indeed true of North C.ul- vcstdti. for the fruit groxx ing lauds of this region yield , In response to cultivation \xhich Is mere plaj romp ired xvitli the arduous toll of farmers in northern climes. Immense crops of PUIIIM , plums , llgs. atraivberries , etc , etc. Those "ripples of merriment" on tlio part ol the rich soil are perennial crops wore never known to fail Tin1 fortunate fruit groxx-ors laugh , too , at their good fortunes ; manufacturers who are prolltlng by the splendid sources and ship ping facilities , investors who see their del lars multiply anI investors who have found health in this mild and equable clime Join "n the mere making : and it Is xvithal a laugh- ing. happy , prosperous community. If you : iiij interested in North Uulveston as a1. ) hu'ostitiont or a homo , or both , apply for full particulars to I ) . 1) . Smcalon , Uooiu IT ISarker block. llnildin IVrmlls. The following poruilts to build were issued yesterday by the Inspector of buililinns : W.V. . Welch. 'I'wenty-sexenth ami Cumins , addition to dwelling . f l.&OO Calheiliio Itoss. Thltty-llrst and U.iv- enpott , lepalis to dwelling . 1,000 C' . II. ( .ioodtlch , HIT raikaxenite , ad dition . . ! ( ) ( ) .1. II. .Mi-'l'ai-'ue , l.'il'J rainam , tepalrs. & 00 ( 'Inn IPS I , , ( iyjrirpr , Soitlli Twenly- elghlh , dwelFlng . n.-Mh ) Same.Simtli Tneiity-elulilh , < lwelling. 3.000 II. II. Kolilnson , i.ri4H ! ( ' .ipllol axeniie , lepalis to dwelling . l.fioo 1 our minor pel mils . u5 Klexen peimits , aggiegallng . f l'J,4'0 Itloonilni ; Orclmrdrt. Xointi ( ii.vr.sinTo : ; . . April 2. The pear orchards throughout the Iruit belt in the country adjacent to North ( ! al\es- tJii are now in full bloom and present a lovely appearance So great is the number of strangers noxx"seolne" the bolt that rail roads are running special exclusions from the cities of Calxcston and Houston at round trip rated for those ho desire to sue tno orchards. The following murringo licenses xvere is sued hi County .lud e I-'ller yesterday. Name and addles- . Age. I Otto I'lambacK. Mlllaid , Nell . -Jl i Katie Hull , iikhotn : , Neh . 10 ( Christian I'hrlsloll'eison , Omaha . -I ( ida : Knyh , ( Jmaba . 1'J Are V iu Troubled With Khrnumtism' . ' "After rcturnitiB from the hospital last February 1 commenced using Chamberlain's P.iin Balm and have uex'cr houu without it since. 1 liud it removes paints soon as It is applied according to directions , l-'or rheu matism 1 have found nothing to equal it. " Joseph W. Young , West liberty , Ohio , Coun ty , West Virginia. The most cunning art , as well as the highest scientific use , to which wood can be twisted , turned , wreathed , warped or carved is that when fashioned into an ideal violin. Thought It Was Comsumption. A ( M < ( < Mniuliii ; HOM Catiirrh ( Mien Ml tiilr < i ru- Tiibcreiiliir lll < i'ic. Mils Allco t irtwiljlii llMM nidi he ml. tor , Mts. Idliev Smith HI IUH lon\rn\\tirHi ir 1 1 , Omnliit. Blio It n brlithl and li'iiukoi-ip- ni't \\o nan uii'i tel aPI y tir.iplilo siurj of hur fpi-i nt llliii > hn sdys : "Mv fut In r's fni'illy IsiMtiPiiinlillvo , mid this fact li.isalrt.iysmad'j muo\p > el and fuur Inui ; trouble In mv OVMI case. So when , lust Aura , I began lodui'llnp. I bellPM'il I h nl ixmsii'np- t'oit 1 lived tliun In Nt \ \ Itnvcn , ludrluvrn in i 'mnfl | ; i > li ( i in ln'il mi' //iii't' n i ID ' in f/Htf / roi'vijf/ijif.riii ' ir ft i' > nu'lii unless I look ri * Ivo moans to proxcni it Mmrxnt Himi.lit 1 alro ulv h id Hi s d's ' < > ase fmiuroi 1 1 > t > r -nil v > HIM iiiun i IP. I of it MISS ALLIi : f\HT\\ltlllll1. 1" ! i I IM I S\\OllTlt STllKLr , "My first tioub'i ' * rlionm ttKm of tii joints and mn-i l f..nnil then I took u fri Infill cold Hut suit lo.l "ii inv liin.'s. I be n ' ( consh i ml my lun s Uecamooro umi iny bieath shorl , with p.ilnn tlnoii''h HIP rh..6 mid aronnil my hoait. My appetite 'rfl u o [ ot teirlblv wi-aU. mid my lle'h s'm\ ' \ un tnd aw.iy. fii 'itc ' I , I liml iillllii /i/iis / a' ' i HIIHIII' ' MI. IwonltoSt. l.onla for my he.ilih. b it g it no hc.ltoi , and tliun u.imu to Om.u , i \N > < > i I Ilistsiiw IT slum ml I wixlnu pit iblo > nu- dltlon. Mv''OiiKli. heellc fpNor , p\lr > UK IH.M- trallon. umi other lima symptoms. m < < ni to in } ' mind , thu piosonco of luliri uin us. iso , lint Dr. Shi p .id iittcr eaipful PMimln t'l m. told me 1 li'id < Ki'iiMC/ ( / lui in-Ill il i it'ii ill i ml upon that dlujjtio-ds lie wpnt to won. Tin ef fect of H'u ilni"iil was mm Led from the it ml , and n stea ly irulii In uvorv w.iy noi co- able. I h ivp k'.ilnt'iU'J pomrls mid m\ sin ni-'tli ! s Piitiroly lustnrod. My coiuh'inn sun-ucss In HIP lutijs ate i DUO ; I can In e itb poi f < Uv mid thetu is no limit to my appetite. 1 HIM IT was liutlei In my llfo. ami for tli s porfpi't ro- cult I cnn tli'ink tlm | > liys el'in who re torod inc. after It hpi'inod lo mo , as wi-ll us to my f rlomlH and f .nullv doctor , that there w as > ury llttlu ground for hop.- . " LOW RATES. PATAUUll AND AM. IT HA 111.1' . KS riJi'.ATKI ) AT l.OVV A\D ( 'MI-iUM ' itATis-MiiciNi : : ! ) > ruKi. TA ni'N rsr A DISTAMT. hi I'CMX-IM'M.Y Till \TI-1) iiv .MAIL.IIM : ) roit SYMIMMM III/AMC ill I nn 1 IIJ N V. I.iff U'.d. . Oin llm. Olllcc llonrx ! l to 11 a in : J to . ' ) | l into 8 | ) in. siui'liij 111 a in to I-1 in. Union Stock Yards Company , South Ojnahai ncstrmtlo Ho nndSheop niirUot Ii ilia wail COMMISSION IIUUSE3. Wood Brothers. 1 I.ivo Plooli Commlf-don Morolnnts- Fouthl. iiinlr.i Telephone 1157. Clilcaia JOHN I ) IJADHMAN , I . , WAi/rnu iwooi ) . [ a"-1-1" Mi'ot It ipjfl i liy in i ail vij cuajrf I r B u.l IIM ; ) i np ; lo.iitu u IS IsliileTSi Imaericrs and Wholesale Hum ? Sealer Mash S7JOSBJPH , A/O. Write us for prices on Whiskies both in bond and tax paid. OMAHA AWNIH3S AN3 TEHT5 Omaha TeutAwnla.Wolf . Bros , & Co. , tOXll'AXV. Miiiiafnc-lurarn of teats ii aln. ! < . etc . ' , UI mi I iioiiaii f nviiii' . . . TUi x li.lli slrojl. ' . III ! Kurni'ii 't. DIOYCLEo. Berais Omniia Bag Ill 0. D1X03 , CO Ml'AW. lluporlurt hiiil uniii-frs HlcycloisoM on m it'll7 tlimr Hack * , Ui.rliiji ; , iwluo. jmytn i iti U ) N I5LU. S AID SH3ES. MorssCjj Shoe Company , f-nlosroom uriJ Ollhe IID7 HOI III ) llownrl-t. ' . . Iliiwuiil st. lu'-t r.t Ill'.i-HJI-ir.M \Vu nro Hitosi.x M.iiiuf.itururi or lluols uu I S-hoL's In till ) Htato "f Sflr.i k i .1 in-mTUI Invllutloii l uointil til nil tu Innpact our ui-nfiictiiry. KirKendall , Jon33 & Anu1 , Hand-Saw.1 niMI'ANV Whulimlo hllOK ' 'O , h luH.n'ion nifrn. n jnti 11 * M i 1111(1 rilllbiT KJJill. HJi- Itubbor Mhoi Co IIJ.- loll ) llnrnuy nt llOI-IIU'i ' II irnuy HI COAl , CaXt. C3RNICE. Omaha Coal , Co(3 ! & j Eigla Coralcj Worts I.IMrt OH , liir.l Hi ) lull Mfri filv.iuliol Iron luiil. S I ! cur lulu nu I curnloi wl ul nv oip < , luuuulii Bkrliiiti ! ou I11U-1II-J D'KU1 st. DRY GOOtl.5. FURN1TU1- . Omaha Upaolsterinj Itoayan CO. , ugi'.iulit rul furnl- KUIINITUil.5 C'J , Uraca luru , HJJI1JI Mchuiai ill.Yiiuleialj ualjr. nnJUt.i at * . . * m t. rm * HAR3.VA-IE Rector & Wll&eltny & Lotoft & L'li ' COJII'ANV. , , Dealers lu Innl rirj , Corner lUth mi I .I.iciij.i nii'i.union , to ) j ' em IIJI Djiul.u ii HAT , ? , CfJ. ma i wa.j : < ; , WALGlbbn&Co. ) OmahaSafanllMi \Vliolu * i WOltKs- Hills. c-n | , mr i * K Sntot v.uilti. jilt ivj c t 'lovi" ( . iiilttoni , Iron nil .atom n 11 Hr , . > i lind II irnuyta L-IIM < An lie > ii V u ir on. Ill i nil 11 , K < , i LUMdH , PAPER , OILS. Carpenter Papar Co. Standard Oil C ) . , C'nny n fdll riUnu of ITinlliiL' , vvrupiiln , tin 1 Itulliiul find lutjriiitii/ H ritiiu l > iMrj | , car 1 uapur , tu oil i , axiu uro uu u t PR3JJCJM.MIJ5I1I. ! . Brancli & C ) . ( Jas. A. Clari fi C ) . , 1'iuducc , fr.iln of all llullar , cliunj , "ill , IMjiillry unit miM. klrulu , i JI7 H. l.ltii STOVE RtPAIIV I 8SH. < \ . Dili _ _ Omaha Sh/ / ) M.ADl.VYiC ) ) \V , < IIK' . iluru rupulra .M-inufHOtururt of tiuli nml water itluciimunlt iloor i , lit I u .I i Hinl lur 11117 Mud uf iluirj iuiiiilIla < tiran'li u { uiaUu , i.M ) Uuu l.j aU Uco , l.'tu aul UarO.