Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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ly rnrrlcr to any pnrt of the oily
lltuMnwOffice J'i2
* '
t . ri'iinKrti . jNRlll j- , | ; rtUor .So. \ 33
N Y. Plumbinp Co.
Council BlufTs Lumber Co. CxwV
Mlltonbrrprr I * the hatter , MM Hroadwn.v.
Hcvlvai mcctliK's every nlfrht this week at
Oderton s mission.
'Hie munev that bus panned thronph the
sheriff's oflico during the pust ionr has
amounted to fH'T.OW.
A m.irrhipo lU'ensuvns issued yesterday
to Jnrc'j 11 Bowers , aped Ml , mid Mary A.
Carter nged 40. both of Lincoln , Neb.
The Ladies Aid society of the Conzrota-
tloual churi-h will hold their regular bull-
ness meeting this afternoon at the residence
of I. . . W Hoss.
The 8 ] > rinir term of the Western Iowa col
lege OIKi.ed jtstcnViy with the largest en-
rolluicnt at this season of the year in the
historj of the institution. '
Mrs I ! \V Til ton and Mrs. A 1' . Hanchett
have issued invitations tor two musk'ales tit
the hnme of tin- latter , on Fourth street , on
Wcdiu-sduj nnd Thursday afternoons.
The funeral of J. Harvey Uonahuy wil
take place tills afternoon at' ' : ! ) o'clock from
his late residence , corner of Third avenue
and Twelfth street , Hov. Stephen I'hulps
onU'iatini ? .
The April term of the district court opens
this morning , with .ludpc Deemcr on the
bench. The bar docket , which Is Just out ,
contains a tot-il of 7110rases , of which twenty-
one are criminal , l ! > . * i equity , and Ml law.
J .T Cunter died yesterday afternoon at
12 ; ! 0o cluu of brain fever , aged HO years ,
after an illness of three weeks. The funeral
will take plan- tomorrow afternoon at the
rchidei'rp of liis sister , Mrs. IJ. Austin , 1509
\Vcsl Broadway.
Two build in ? permits wore Issued yester
day. Jubn Callaphcr took out a permit fern
n frame hnuse costin-r * 1.000 on lliph street
between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets.
William T. Wilson secured a permit for a
frame house to cost $1,065 In Fleming &
Davis' addition.
The CJui'.d ' of Saint Paul will moot at the
home of Miss Duquette this afternoon.
Those who entertain are : Ml&s Duquette ,
Miss Kutnswortli , Miss Jessie Farnsworth ,
Miss Foster and Miss Meld. Miss Neple
Ogden and Miss Anna Patterson will furnish
the music Tbe members and their friends
arc cordially Invited.
Rome of the residents of the Fourth ward
who have children attending school arc api-
tatinp the plan of havinp the yard at the
Bloomer sc heel paved with brick. The soft ,
clayey soil becomes a paste of mud after
every heavy rain , and as a fall in the mud
means a new suit of clothes for the young
hopeful , the taxpayers are In favor of the
Idea of paring for economic reasons.
The annual firemen's tournament will beheld
held at Sioux City , June Kl-li. ( The last two
days will bo taken up with races and
.coupling contests. Teams are expected to
1m enlisted from Nebraska and Dakota in
addition to those of Iowa. The board of
control has appointed E. O. Soulo of Iowa
Falls superintendent of hose races , Marlon
Johnson of Audubon of hand engines and
Frank Cain of Atlantic of ladder climbing
and hose coupling.
Amonir the people of Council niuffs who
arc interested in the World's fair none are
more so than the inmates of the
county jail. Sheriff Ha/en has placed him
self where ho could hear without bcinp
seen and has overheard them talking about
the harvests they expect to reap when they
reach the World's fair. Some who have
been taken to the penitentiary recently re
marked that their one chief regret was that
they should bo obliired to miss the oppor
tunity of holding up the more or less verdant
people who will visit Chicago durinc the
The success of the series of meetings
which has Just closed under the auspices of
Messrs. Allen and Birdsall has encouraeed
them to make arrangements to continue the
meetings for six months to come. A syndi
cate of cieht men hus pledged Mr. Bird-
sail's salary for that length of time. A tent
Beating 000 has been procured nnd will be
aioved about in different parts of the city ,
meetings being held live nights in the week
until October. There were sovcnty-threo
confessions and twenty additions to the
Christian church otherwise during Uio re
cent meetings.
The second anniversary banquet of the
Council Bluffs Commercial Pilgrims will be
given next Saturday evening In the Grand
hotel at 8 o'clock to commemorate the or
ganization of the order. A reception com-
mlttco. consisting of twenty-four members
of the order and their wives , has been ap-
jKiluted and the preliminary arrangements
arc In the hands of 15. H. Haworth. .1. W.
Pcregoy and 13. C. Glcason. A. W. Johnson
will preside at this banquet as master of
ceremonies. Tbe entertainments given by
this organization in the past have been nota
ble for the air of good fellowship that has
prevailed , and this will undoubtedly prove
no exception to the rule.
The Order of Railway Conductors gives n
hall at the Grand hotel this evening , which
promises to bo a most notable and enjoyable event. Mr. ClarK has prepared ex
tensively and elaborately to make such ji
success as to reflect credit not only on th (
house , but on the order which gives the
entertainment. The league club rooms wil
bo open afternoon and evening for the use ol
the conductors and t'.cir wives. A uuinbci
of prominent railway ofllcials from abroai
have signillcd their intention of being pros
ent. Dal bey's orchestra has been cnfagei
for the occasion. The affair havinir for it !
object social enjoyment rather than lluancia
gain , the residents of Council Bluffs shouli
take pride in aiding by their presence ii
making the occasion a Joyous one.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
Stop nt the Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , tin
best M.OO huiibo in lowiv.
JM.'K.SM.N A I. I'.llt.l till.l I'/J.S.
S. D. Kohrcr has gone to Chillicothc , Me
Born , yesterday morning , to Mr. and Mrs-
Kd Kelly , a daughter.
T. J. Mahoney of Omaha was in the cit
yest'rday attending United States court.
Mr and Mrs. A. C. Gniham returned yes
tcrduy from a pleasure trip of severa
months to Florida.
W. C Nason. who has been confined to hi
bed for nine weeks with a broken limb , e >
poets to be out in the course of a week.
W. A. Coulter , who moved with the Wells
Fargo oflico to Kansas City , is hero for
day or two preparing to move his family.
Mrs. Stovers lias returned to her homo ii
Norwood park , Chicuiro , after a visit of tw
weeks with Mrs. Scaly and Mrs. Nicholu
on Fourth street.
Prof. Hoose , a well known educator c
Lincoln , Neb. , has moved to Council Bluff !
nnd intends to establish u normal schoi
hero in the near future.
G. H. Jackson. F. B. Warner , I. M. Tre ;
nor and James Patterson have gene to Clii
ton to atteiU the grand lodge of the Hey ;
Arcanum which meets today.
Orlando Kirk has returned from Chicai
nnd will spend a week with his friends her
Next Saturday he leaves for San Francisci
where ho has secured a position in the dri ,
Among the prominent railway oftlcia
from out of town who are expected to a
tend thoCotutuctois' b.ill tonight areW. (
Brown of St. Joe , W. I. Allen of Chicagi
J. H. Uoucgan of Crcston , and W. J. Lav
renccof llorton. Kan.
S. P. Vanatta of Platlsmouth , Neb. , h :
decielc-d to locate in this city and has opeiu
law odices In the Everett bloc ! : . Iowa is i
land of strangers to Mr. Vanatui , ho havir
practiced in this state for twenty years at
pained prominence while located' in Sioi
K. P. Fitch , special apen' . of the Oaklar
Homo Insurance company , hits resigned ai ;
accepted the ] iosuion of assistant secretai
of tho' Homo Fire Insurance company
Omaha , with which company } -.o was fo
rnerly connected in the capacity of chi
Piles of | Kxiplo have piles , but Do Witt
Witch Huzol Salvo will euro them.
Wood of all kintltt , oorw and coal. J
G. Kiuotta i Co , 700
VtMtfC * PlWtll PMI'VPIf ! 1 ! TMW
. |
Mayor Lawrence Makes His Annual Rupert
to the Oity Uonncil.
OnUtiindliifr IridrbtcdncM llritiirrit by More
Thnn Ten l'r Out All .A llulrs nf the
C'lt.v In footl Coiidltliin-Uork ol
Worthy Ollli Mil Ccininif nded.
The city council hold Its rvpular monthly
meeting last evening. Considerable Interest
was taken in the meotlnp as the meeting : In
April Is the one set tiy law as the time for
electing certain of the city ofl'cUls and hear
ing the mayor's inoss'ipe. The coani'il cham
ber was well tilled with citizen ? . The mayor's
message read as follows :
To TIIK llo.NdUAtii.r. COMMON C'ofNcli. : ( Jon-
tlerniMiIn my address to th:1 council upon IN
orgunlmitlnn I Intimated that I would soon
present adult lonul matter for your coiT'ddcra-
llon. liy law It lieconiestlic duty of the mujin
to icpurt to thsi council on the llrst Monday of
April of each year concerning the municipal
ult'Hlis ot the city , and to recommend such
measures as he may deem advisable. In pur
suance of the ftilllllnient of this duty I "ill
now addresi you on several topics that 1 deem
worthy of your consideration. 1'lr-t , I will
again refer tu thu litianclal condition of the
city :
The amount of the outstanding
bonds of the city , bolh general
and special , was on the 1st day of
March , IN ! ) . ' $774.900.00
ficiieral fund warrants 110,4H2.5'.3
Water fund warrants 43r.lU37
Judgments against the city 8,235.00
Total $043U2H.85
Cash in treasury 31,331.87
Leaving a total Indebtedness ,
less cash on hand J911.89704
The amount of outstanding bonds
of the city on the 1st day of
March , IBUU.of all kinds was . . . . $731,300.00
Intt'resi bearing general fund war
rants D9.11H.2
\Vutcr fund warrants 43,0)8.17 )
C'ash In the tteasury , less amount
leservud for the extinguishment
of wan-ants called In 70OG7.QO
Total for 1H93 J801.547.25
Decrease of Indebtedness from March 1 ,
IS'J'J , to March 1 , 1893 , SI 10,349.70.
Very SutUfictory Showing.
Although the aggregate of Indebtedness Is
still large , yet the gratlfylm : exhibit of a posi
tive decrease of illO.34U.79 in on ? year Is
highly encouraging , especially In view of the
exp"iise Incurred for the con .traction , Im
proving and fnrnUhlmrof the public buildings ,
and al-o for the settlement and liquidation of
the pai-U claims and litigation , amounting
to an additional sum of about S24.000. Till"
sum siiy-jia alsg be vlrnnlly placed to the
credit hide of the bnlanVe sheet.
In connection with this subject I would
_ _ pectfully recoiiimenLto the council that
the ordinances legulatlng the manner and
time for the payment of special assessments
should be so amended that In thu future the
Interest on these assessments should bo pay
able si'inl-annually , or at least annually ,
lleietofore the bonds payable from the fund
arising from special assessments have all
borne semi-annual Interest , while the special
assessments for their payment simple Interest
only , payable at tin-end of a serie.s of years.
Thus a deficiency must arise each year until
the last payment Is made. 1 desire to call the
Immediate attention uf thu council to this
matter , as It N urgent that this defect should
OP remedied prior to the further issuance of
Improv-meni bonds. Tin-city attorney upon
a partial Investigation , made tit my
ictjucst , is of the opinion that annual
Interest may also be collected upon all
assessments made heretofore. If , upon further
consideration , such action should lie decided
legal , 1 would urgently recommend Its adop
ICnylnecr's Depart men t.
I desire to call the attention of thf council to
the report of the engineer , particularly to
that pot lion of It relating to the sewers.
Tim recommendations made by him merit
your earnest considciation. 1 bollevo If you
concur In his repot i and the works recom
mended tic consummated , that we slmll yet
have a fairly good sen or system. No depart
ment of thu city government has caused me
us much anxiety as thai of the sewers. A * I
deem the working of this department a
iiuiltct of vlial importance , 1 have for
the past year given this subjccl the
closct.t . scrutiny und can personally confirm
the report of the engineer , that the sewers
during that nmolniv < < been maintained In thu
best possible order , having been , whenever
necessary and when possible , cleaned their
entire length. 1 noticed with pleasure the
englm.'pr'.s Intrcnious device for keeping open
the mouth of Indian creek , his dr.'ig doing the
work flleclually at a far Icsa expense than
under the old method. The thanks of the
community ate duo to Mr. C'ook for his zealous
and untiring labors In the perfoimance of his
duties , lie has-been ever ready and anxlou *
to assist In economising ; expense for the city
whenever It could lie done consistently with 11
thorough performance ot his necessary labors
Indlun Creek Urldgrs.
Two new bridges have been constructed ovei
Indian creel ; at u cost of $1,41)4.50. ) All othei
bridges have been carefully examined by tb (
engineer and havn been repaired where neces-
Miry. All are In failly seed condition , exccpi
those of Se\enth and llrynut streets. Thesi
will probably need some repalrsjn thoneai
future. There Is the sum of S4.767.40 remain
Ing In the bridge fund. Unless the counci
should deem it advisable toconstiuct a brldgi
from Main to Mynster street , the use of but t
small portion of this fund U llublo to be neces
Miry during the present year.
Public Library.
lly the report of the trustees of the publli
library It is evident thai this Important In
stltutlon continues to Increase In value am
usefulness. There have been added 1,47 (
volumes-of niNccllanroiis books during tin
past year , and 124 government publications
Increasing the number of nilscelluncou
volumes to 11,544 and United States and lows
publication- 2,004 volumes , maUlnir a tola
now In the library o [ 14.1U4 volumes. Many o
the books added the present year are ex
tremely valuable. There have also beei
lately added sixteen different monthly perl
odlculs for gent rul circulation , and by ih
late action of the trustees the back spr le
also of all the bound magl/.lnes , comprisln ;
twenty dlflcrent pcilodlcul- , have been uddei
to the circulation list , thus nflordlng access t <
this desirable literatim ; to all who ma
deslio It. _
The library roams are pleasantly and con
venlcnlly located , they have been lately ap
proprlately furnished. The rooms used a
reading rooms are extremely pleasant , look
Ins out as they do upon llayllss park , thu
affording a delightful resort lor all who ma
have the leisure and time for mental riiltuit
1 would reccomend that a siitllclent levy b
made to sustain and promote the continue
growth of this valuable institution.
rtibllc llrnllli.
At a late meetlm ? of the council 1 referre
to the report of the city physician , which Ir
dlcutes that probably no healthier city tha
I'ouncll lllutls can bu found on the com Inen
Hut In view of the danger of a visit froi
Asiatic choleia during the present year , ever
means known to sanitary science should Ii
adopted to avert this threatened disaster. Th
gurhaire qtinsilon Is agitated In nuuilyeter
city In the country. I would respectfully ca
the attention of the counrll to this Impurtui
matter , urging their Immediate decision as t
whether or not the ordinances now In force t
sulliclent to meet the exigency.Vouldlt m
bu advisable to appoint a health Inspector fc
four or six months , whosu duties should be t
closely Inspect all parts of the city , cspedali
the alleys , yuitls , cellui-sand vaults to file u
necessary Infurm'itions and to aid and assl-
In the prosecution of every Infraction of tli
s rulcsof the lloutdof Health or the violation c
the health oidlnance.sV
As the Inspection of tueut and milk bears
close iifllnlty tii the public health , I woul
hero recommend that the pet son s.'lcctcd fi
the ottlcu of lif-peclor of meal and milk shonl
icqulicd to possess a seleiullli : Unowledf
of thu subject and that the cliy should fui
nish all the ncci-ksarj apparaius for the etllei
clous discharge of his ollf-lal duties. I wonl
also i-ccommend that he should b required I
Inspect the dairies irom v.lnch the t-upply i
milk for the city's coiisumplh n Is derived.
Not long since disease tiievailed to such u
extent among the chlU'icn In u neighbor ! !
city that a rigid examination was made of tl
condition of the dairies furnishing the mil
for thut c.llv. A horrible state of alfalrs wt
s disclosed. " Many of the cows wore found dl
tcased , neaily all wallowing In tilth and mat
supplied with stagnant and IK llutcd wnle
Thorough remedies wer.- applied ami thei
followed an Immediate abatement of infant !
disease. I do not think we have H similar sla
ofuttaiis nor anything approaching It , hi
still absolute certainty In the matter mlsl
bti desirable. I would also it-commend UK
tothe duties to he perfoiinetl by the meat h
specter should be added the Inspection of ve
rtubles exposed for sale In the city.
City .Murilml.
The report of the city marshal shows that 1
has collected and paid Into the hands of tl
city clerk MO,234.15 , This has bern accoi
pllslied In u great measure through his cm
getlc and efnclcnt attention to his olllcl
duties. I desire to avail myself of this opix :
tunttv to extend to Marshal Templcton ai
his deputies my thanks as mayor of the cl
for the valuable assistance rendered by tin
to the police department. No petty jealou
has muiri'd thuoltlrlal action of either t
marshal'sor [ MiHei'departmcnt , but on the en
trary the iiiemburH uf each have In un eini
gency mutually assisted each other wl
beany good will ,
i would itcuuiiuuud that DO nccvfc&ury Ii
plow ti. < Hi tl.i' ur ft'i ii. lal , mvlii'iin ' will
p , "nit ll , , | | > < l ll' In el' ' . I-I ( Mil . - til !
iloliiM-rntiiin ) | < l Ittiwi < rr ( " * > ! -ue-d ITI
di-tcrii.lniiij wlmt l hr < s .ii ) ' und nhil'Mcut"
Irt-t u art a- e xmt'il ' n < I In our private
rnpiii-iiv in , cr nidri pui'll ' < - wiirk for tm-ro
fibuvr in f < r the Kintltlraiicin of parties | > > r >
funnily int'TesK-d. however merit tin prfssule
the Utter inny fon' upon IK. In cwn ItKliin
[ K-rmlt me lomtd llmt I | M > | | I > < > there Is much
rnootiniKPtiiPiit In the pri'Tnl Mltiiatlon.
We liitvt % a pnnp.'rous rltv whoop
rrowlh Is stonily nnd unlnlefiuptiHl ,
| HIH-C SIII | { a gn-at nun.tier of dp-
slratilf home * , tnlle-of pnvnt street * lined with
an i\biindmireof I'li-fntil liaile HIM ! oriiRineninl
trees ; lipmitlfull and plrtiirt * < iquo pnrks , en-
clmtitlnit drhes and mor. ' lovely suburban
surroiiMilinz- liny rlty In the west. The
city al ) pis esHes t went j-seven cburcbes ,
inHtiy of them line sirurture * . n public M-hool
system un urpas pd for e\ri-llencr , with sev-
entern wluxil edlllrcs , erected tit a cost of
neatly J2iMooo. An c\ccllenl xyHtem and
supply ehvtilr lights , an etllclent and well
equipped ( he ( fi-i-trtment | , and a wat > r system
rapitlile of supplying with a'lundanre of water
a city of lOO.UO'l ' InliHbltutits. AKalnourrlly
Is a icreal railway center , situated coinmodl-
ou lylnthe hcait of the continent , on the
most Important highway leading from the At
lantic to tin ? Pacific. In ea-y comiiiuiilrailloti
with all the gicat rcnteis of civil-
Katlon , and. It might bi : adcl--d
only a fi-w mluuti'-i distant from
a city of still greater nmznltiidr. These advantages -
vantages natural and ariiilri'd. | ImM' rivaled
not only a beautiful icsldenre city but they
tend to foima meti-oiiolllan one also. AMicrc
then can be fouml a more deniable place for a
homeV I.i't us In every po < sble | way strhe to
promote the welfare of our cherished city. We
are In the light path , for notwithstanding de
sirable and valuable Improxemi'iits are helm :
constantly inside , still within the psist yearour
current expenses have been i educed , our
taxes have been reduced , our Indebtedness
hugely reduced and the \alue jif our city wai--
i-anls Inrieased tiom 93 to i > 7 cents. Let us
pcr l l In following the same cour-u , unde
terred by the clamor of noisy demagogues ,
who are nearly always Influenced by personal
mollies-forit will certainly lead to a souii
and Independent tlnanriul conditions and ulti
mately to the gtrali'st prosperity.
N. 1) . I.Aitiir.NCt : , Mayor.
On motion of . .Icnning.- was decided that
2.000 copies of the mayor's message be
printed for circulation over the country.
Pollee Terre Named ,
The major read thu following appoint
ments to the police force , which were ap
proved : Chief. ,1. M. Scanlun : captain , L ) .
Malt by : clerl : , B. B. Gardiner : patrolmen ,
I. M. Murphy , \V. I'eters'in.V. . K. ICemn ,
H. Ueucli. .1. A.Viatt , D. L. Weir. G. L.
Martin. F. Covalt , George A. Hayes : patrol ,
driver. J. Sandel.
On motion ot Tibbetts It was decided that
hereafter all purchases shall bo made
through the chairman of the committee in
whose department the articles are to be used.
Her. J. O. Lcmen petitioned for n sewer at
the Christian home. Heferrcd to the sewer
committee nnd tne engineer with instruc
tions to report an ordinance at the next
Keys Brothers presented a resolution ex
empting them from the payment of taxes for
the year isSG on their factory. It was
Charles Nicholson and Captain Hapaljc
were nominated for chief of the lire depart
ment and on the llrst ballot Nicholson re
ceived seven votes nnd was declared elected.
Four candidates were in the Hold for street
supervisors , F. H. Guauella , A. K. A very , C.
II. Mitchell and G. AV. Cook. Four ballots
were taken , but the four votes that Guanella
had at the start failed to crow. The elec
tion was postponed until next meeting.
P. G. Mikesell was chosen polltax collector
by a vote of 0 to ' over A. J. McClarcn , the
present incumbent.
John Kvtrs , George Drake and J. K. Abies
were nominated for meat inspector. livers
was elected on the lirst ballot , receiving five
An ordinance making It a criminal offense
for any one under 10 years of age to board or
alight from a street car while in motion was
read and referred to the city attorney.
An ordinance establishing a prado on Fif
teenth avenue from High.street to Fair-
mount avenue was passed under a suspen
sion of the rule.
I'nlon I'.iclllr THP .
An attorney for the Union Pacific Hallway
company prescribed a communication with
reference to the taxes due from the company
for the east half ol the Missouri river bridge ,
ottering to compromise and pay off the taxes
of 16'Jl , amounting to SO.3 , and the taxes of
IWtJ , provided the penalty on the taxes of
ISUK amounting to WHO. was thrown off. .On
motion of Jennings the offer was unani
mously rejected.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
Having sold our -old ieobax , meat
blocks , etc. , at No. sill" Broadway to the
Mo.schemlorf Meat company , wo wish to
announce to all of our friends nnd
patrons that we are still iVundlinfj the
best incuts in Council Blulls , nnd invite
nn inspection of our now market at Xo.
52't Brand way , the neatest , cleanest and
most complete market in this or liny
other city. MKTZOAK& RANDKUTT.
Mutz ui * & Rundlett wish to < unuounce
that on and after April 1 they will have
at their restaurant , 525 and "i27 Broad
way , a full and complete line of till
cakes , plain and fancy , for receptions ,
: mrties. etc. . and invite the ludieol
Council Bluffs and Omaha to call and
Von Will Ncril Tbrin Soon.
Evans hus the largest assortment ol
Dxfonls ever shown in Council BlulTs 01
Dmaha. Prices from the cheapest to the
lii < rhes.t , and all new and htylish. Don't
fail to examine them before you buy.
Supervisor * in Session.
The County Board of Supervisors met yes
terday morning and commenced the business
of the April session , which will probably lasi
during the entire week. Most of the husiues :
transacted was of a routine nature. Tin
apportionment of taxation on railway prop
erty was accordance with the find
ing of the state executive council , whiel
fixed the entire levy at Sl,5'-0,040. The bond ;
of a number of Justices of the peace and con
stables were approved.
T. J. Evans appeared before the board as i
member of the ft-cent fare committee np
pointed bv the commutes of 100 last week
and requested that an investigation be madi
of the charge that the driving parkwhich 11
owned by the motor company , is excmptct
from taxation on the ground that it is agrl
cultural land. He called attention to the fac
that the land was only used for horse race ;
and similar entcrtuinments , and though
thought that if it was exempt from taxatioi
there should be a change. Ho also askc (
that an investigation bo made with a viev
to ascertaining whether a strip of land be
longing to the motor company west of Fcrr.
, addition , 400 feet wide , had been assessed.
N. Jenkins , a farmer of Lewis townshin
and a number of other farmers have peti
tioned the board to establish a now roai
along the river south of the city , the eli
road havinc been eaten away by the rivci
together with a lot of Jenkins' land.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt'
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
For warming pucst chambers , bat ]
rooms , etc. , our yas heaters are , jus
\\hutyouwant. Look at them. Clean
convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas and Eleu
trie Light Co.
The KirHlid llutfl.
Council BlulTs. Most elegant hotel i
Iowa. Dining room on bovcnth ( loot
Rates , W to $5 per day. E. P. Clark
All Kind * .
Oxfords nt nil prices at Evans' no' '
store , US Main street. U7 Pearl. It wll
pay you to examine them before buyinj.
If you have property to sell , list i
with me. I have customers for bargain :
II. G. McGee , No. 10 Main street.
Coal and \vooi ; best and cheapoi
Missouri hard wood in the city ; promt
delivery. H. A. Cox. No. 4 Main.
A Wi-ht iiul I'nrk.
The park commissioners met last cvcnln
there beinp present A. C. Gniham , L. A. Cn
per. S. B. Wadsworth and J. W. Porepo
After Grahatn had been elected presldeu
Wadswortb secretary and Casper treasure
the board pot down to the business of tl
eveningwhich was to take action with rcfe
enco to the west end park. Colonel A Coc
ran's proposition to give a block and ii half
property In Cochran'B addition was a"cepte
uud M. F. Hohrer uud L A. Casper were u
a rotnmlH' * t- to Little .
itid i' ini'lttc ' the arrat.L'inmitft for the tnttis
fi rf fi' pvpcrlv '
The report of J W J'rrt-Ro.v l.tdt year
treasurer Mi > ived emu oil hum ! to the fol
hnviniatn I'.mts ( icnpf.M fund , H.Wiss ( ,
park .sinking fund ( umt Hid pnrk ) . $ jlT4.Ut.
flic rrixjrt w approvWI , "
PIN'S of | K-oplo have pllos , but llp\Vltt's
witehhiuel salve will etotv tliein.
It Will Oy.Vuii
To s > ec what you can do at Evans' now
store before buying 'your shoea for
spring. 28 Main an < J liTiPoarl streets.
The Millers , decurniivo artists , wall
paper , piuwr hanpllirv"plain and orna
mental painting , signs.tNo. . 15 Pearl St.
Free treatments tlalij1 from 2 toJ p.
in. tit the Council BlufTJ , Medical uml
Surgical institute. 20tli and Broadway.
At the World's fair will Ix ; a 7 Kl oc
tave organ in pluuoea e. Scje duplicate
at Bourleiiw Music House.
Prank l.lmlou at Duliuny'H.
"The Count of Monte Cristo" was pre
sented last evening at Dohany's theater by
Frank Llndoti and his well known troupe of
artists. This play , which probably has
fascinated more people than almost any
other that might be mentioned , never seems
to lose its popularity , and when the curtain
rose last evening the house was tilled to its
utmost capacity. Mr. Linden and his daugh
ter. ICdna Karlic , taie the part of Edmund
Danlcs and Mercedes In a very capable way
and to the entire satisfaction of the audi
ence , which expressed Its appreciation of the
climaxes in hearty applause. The support
is fairly good. The same company will re
main a uoek at Dohany's , presenting a new
play each evening. Popular prices will pre
vail. This cubing the bill will bo
" . '
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
VollVI11 11(1 I'lf.lMMl
With the bargains you got in shoes at
Evans' new store. 2S Main and 27 Pour
ifGO pays round trip and all expense
for 10 days at World's fair. C. F. Mont
gomery 217 4th - > t.
Do you smoke ? Have you tried T. D.
ing & Co.'s Pui'tagiis ) ? It's a charmer.
Just light one.
Mine. Helen Merrill. hairdrc * ! ng and
manicure. Room 1)12 ) , Merriam block.
nilh Trial.
The case of John Grant against the Union
Pacific Railway company is enjoying its fifth
trfal in federal court. Grant wants j.0.,000
damages from the company on account of
the loss of a leg by being run over. The
case has been tried at every term of court
for the last two years and a half , but has
invariably resulted in a disagreement. The
costs have run up to several thousand
Among the bootleggers who were sen
tenced yesterday were Henry D. Marker ,
James Bennett and O. P. Smith. Each one
was given u generous term in the Polk
county Jail and a good sized line.
Piles of pcopls have piles , out Do Wilt'
Witch HarulSalvo will cure , them.
Don't Full
To see the bargain- that Evans offers
in all kinds of shoes 'before you buy , 23
Main street.
Finest Aristo cabinet photo * . 82 per
dozen. AsMon's studio. IS North Main.
Another improvement to Uie popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Music Co
Williamson ACo. . . 100-Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Ladies , don't forget that the Louis
are at 2o Main street now. Come all.
S. P. Vanatta. attorney. 5 Everettblk.
Geo. S. Davis , prescription druggist.
I , rii Attnulnncr , H ( Jo id Time und n Hlg
1 iincl.
Those not already knowing that Om.iha
Letter Carriers association would give its
fourth annual ball last night were apprised
of it when THE BcB > ras serenaded yesterday
afternoon by the carriers' band of sixteen
pieces , which afterwards paraded the princi
pal streets.
The affair proved to bo a decided success ,
financially and socially. About UOO tickets
were sold , nnd the floorof Exposition hall was
crowded to such an extent that hardly suffi
cient room remained for the dancing element
to swing partners. The hall had been table-
fully decorated with flags. Under the folds
of two largo flairs erc the words "Welcome
Loiter Carriers Association. " and "IM ) ; ! "
appeared over the stage , upon one end of
which a United States mail wagon had been
The programs for the occasion were
both neat and tasty , and the ladies ,
it was noticed , took no little pride in them.
Supper was served from 11 to 2. The pro
ceeds of the ball will bo partly devoted to
the purchase of a set of instruments for the
band and partly for the sick benelita of the
letter carriers.
Postmaster Clarkson lent his presence
awhile in the forepart of the evening.
Charles H. Creighton. as master of cere
monies , with D. W. Tillotson as his assist
ant. L. S. Mole , J. It. Stein , F. H. Munroe ,
D. W. Tillotson. C. H. Easier. Ed
Hoag , A. P. Brady , A. Noonan. C.
W. Kalteir and C. H. Creiehton
were the committee on arrangements :
while J. W. Brown , F. Klenkc , A. P. Brady ,
M. C. Tracev. E. N. Bowles , James Clark. G.
E. Hurst , William Owens , J. U. Stein ,
Thomas Dw.vcr , William Maher and M. T.
Caffey constituted the floor committee. On
reception were : L. S. Mole. Ed Hoag , C. H.
Basler , C. W. Kalteir , W. A. Bowman , J. P.
O'Connor. G. .1. Klefl'ner , J. H. Stafford , W.
W. Duncan , C. E. Gunner , H. L. Liugafelt ,
A. J. Latey and W. W.
Grrmuii Army Onirrri Think Thrr Have
Secured n Clreat Prlzo.
BCKI.IN , April ! i. A commission of nrtillcri
experts has been testing for several days at
the Jctterburg anew explosive which is in
tended to replace ultimately gun powder in
the German army. The explosive is a brown
fatty substances of the consistency of frozen
oil , then exposed in ordinary temperatures.
It retains the consistence up to 112 degrees
A spark does not set It off. When used in
guns the explosion is obtained through con
tact wiih another ehemji'al compound. The
explosion is almost unuocompaniod b.sniukc . ,
and the dc'onilion : ii.inconsiderable. The
recoil is very slight ( rvep when the heaviest
charges have been used. The explosive does
not heat sufficiently , tp . cause difficulties in
the way of rapid firing , and cartridges once
used are easily reiiUcd.
For tne present rillu , model of 18SS. the
new compound is not available , but If future
tests be as satisfactory , us the recent ones
it will bo introduced generally in thu artil
lery branch of the sprvice.
Four models of ne > v army rifles having
many advantages over therifle , now in ust
have passed successfully the trials of tm
small arms inspectors. , It is the inventioi
of D. Weiss of the Gera dynamite factory.
Mfslcun Kdltor ImprUonril.
CITY OF MKXICO , April 3. The El
Democrata. un anti-administration news
paper.u few duyn ago contained a severt
criticism on the administration of justice
tico in the criminal b.-unches of the
federal courts. The authorities con
bidered the criticism uncalled for , urn
Turido Moheno. thooditor , and Fernandi
Rojas. the foreman of the newspaper
have been sentenced tn prison on tin
charge of libel and are now confined ii
Around the \Vorld on llor ebnc k.
SAN ANTONJO , Tex. , April 'I. .lohi
Heed Whlpplc of Boston , Mass. . am
II- William U. Sellers of llavurhill , Mass.
22 ami 2" yrni-s IV | < M d\-l\
i'i aclit-d thin t-iU U'N'nlaon hurm--
back. Inn ing ! | ' - i-ntlri' jnurnrv
frnlll B > l-t"ll 111 Hint tluUllirr. Tlii'Irlt
H.mti'ii. . ( Mi-iVr M. | si ! . anl , , .Hm , . h\
way uf Mobile , Ala. Mr. Whlppii-'n
hornninth - the entire dictnnco. The
youtnr men made the Journey for the
benefit of their health. They are now
ruggi' : ! and strong and will return to
Boston by the train.
Smooth Scheme to Ohtaln Money.
DRNVKIt.Colo. . April 'I. ( Special Tele
gram to THK Bin : . ] Charles Norton and
Stella Jones , b.ith colored , were nrroatetl
at ManiUm yesterday for stealing $2,055 *
from J. A. Petri of "PhllHtisburg. N. J.
They wont from Phillipsburg to Chi
cago. where they remained untils two
weeks ago. A negro named Dobb.
learned ol their crime and irot Norton to
draw il.OOO out of the bank on the pre
tense that the police knew where it was.
Norton gave the $1.000 to D.ibb * for safe
keeping and the latter b mght him two
tickets to Denver. While walking on
State street a man claiming to IKa detective -
tectivo stepped up to arrest. Norton.
Dobbs told him to run and he would
light the detective. Norton ran and the
other two grappled till he got around a
corner. Then they went elf together.
Itcv. litivliaiiHit Committed to. lull.
LlTTLK Hone , Ark. . April 3. Rev. S.
II. II. Buchanan , defaulting treasurer
of Arkansas insane asylum , was brought
hero yesterday morning from ClurKri-
villc. His bond was Used at 5.10.000.
ailing to give which lie is committed to
ail. Buchanan's shortage is something
n the neighborhood of S 13. 000. He was
ndictcd by the Pulaski grand jury on
Domestic. -
It developed that l-'orger Hutton's of l.ouls-
llle. Ky. , debts will reach and may go over
The twenty-first animal seslon of the Stock
growers association oV Wyoming has convened
it I'lieycnnc.
At Oakland , Cal. . yesterday , Carl Hock shot
and fatally wounded bis ex-mistress , Amelia
Eowc , and then killed himself.
Antonio Colvetta was fatally Injured , and
\\ootlicrltiiliansliadly hurt , In a row that
occurred at Louisville , Colo. , jcsterduy.
Affairs In tint vicinity of Antlers , I. T. , Mill
continue In a strained condition , but as yet no
deed has been shed. A big light , howevci , Is
At Jonesboro , Ark. , Sunday night , white
caps , attempted to discipline ( icorco llhicli.
Pheli- leader , \V. .1. Metcalf , was killed , lllack
linibclf was fatally injured.
The am.iial meeting of the Cblcaco & Alton
road was held at Chicago > esterday and the
etlrlng directors and old hoard of ofllcers
were re-elected without a dissent ins vote.
The estimated cioss cumlnf" of the Hock
Island road both east and west of the MU-ourl
Iver for the n.onth of March ate } l.Ci ! > H-
007.77 , against $1,713U47.S2 for the same
month lust yeur.
It Is slated authoritatively that Colonel f. C.
3ihln will be appointed cenpial nmniuter of
ho Arnnsas I'ass Railroad company. William
Jiven of the Morgan , Tesas A : New Orleans
road Is to be general superintendent.
The members of the Western I'assencer as
sociation llnlshed their meetiiiRyesterday and
left several small points of dltlerence to t > c
adjusted by the peni-ral managers , who will
meet today to settle on the World's fair nin-s.
It mis derided by the cutters and gaiment
workers of New York at the meeting yestei-
day to Icaxo the ijuet-tlon of a general stnl.e
unions the tailors to the dlsciction of the
United llrothcrliood of Tailors , which will
meet tomorrow nlnht.
A. I ! . Sutton , the aliened whisky ware
house iccelpt forserof l.oulsxllle , Ky. , made
an assignment yesterday totho Columbia 11-
unnce and Trust company. He names among
his assets 141.OOO bands of whisky , but does
Dot state \\1iere the whlskj i < stored.
The stockholders of the Panama Hallway
company held their annual iiinetiiiKyesteiduy
and elected directors and otllri-rs. John
Newton was elected president , Kdward Sim
mons vice president , Ernest 1 , . Uppcnhelincr
'reasuicr and Howard A. Drake secretary
Tlio World's fair board of control yesterday ,
at the conclusion of the conference with
lepieseniatlves of the carpenters union , re
fused to MKII the new union scale. The
World's fair people also declined to arbitrate
as to whether noiio tint nonunion men .shall be
employed on the grounds. -
Judco McConncll Ht Chlciico yesterday de
cided the habeas corpus casesuron ht oy the
Esquimaux at the Vtoild' * fair Kf.iundK. He
niadt * an/mliT conilniilnu the rase so Ions as
the -iilmaii.\ ] \ were not allowed full lliierly ,
and allowing ; them to come Into court without
anew petition upon beln ic.stralned In any
Arthur A. Ilboy , Jr. , filed u petition In the
probate court at Chicago , 111. , yesterday , ask
ing that a conservator he appointed for his
father , Arthur A. hlbhy , the senior member
of the packing house of l.lbby , McNcill ft
Lthby. U Is. charged thai Mr. l.iohy Is men
tally dlsordi-ied and Is incapable ot handling
his immense business Inteiests.
shcrlfl Comic- and live deputies yeMcrday at
tempted Thomas , lieorge and William
McCarthy at their re.sidencc , twehe miles
fiotit Under City , Ore. t'pon knocking at the
door the .shei-ilf was covered with Winchester
ilfle" In thu hands of William McCarthy , who
disarmed tinsherltT , who was held by the
step-son of William McCarthy until father and
uncle made tht-ir e.icape.
At lliearmu il mnetliK of the stockholders
of thu International < \ . lireat Nui-lhfin r.ill-
road yesterday the following director.of the
road went elected : tleorge .1. Uould , Kdwln
( Jonld , S. II. II , Clark. II. It. Kane , A. H. How'
ard , Ira II. Evans , I1' . A. Itlce , James A. llaker.
Thu new directory elected the following olll-
cei > of the reid : : Ueorpe J. ( ioiild , picsldent ;
S. H. 11. Clark. llr t vice pieMdent ; II. It.
Kane , hfcond vice jirisldent ; A. K. Howard ,
secretary and treasurer ; 11. II. Henson , us-
bUtuut secrelary and treasurer.
The duchess of I'lfe , eldest daughter of the
prince of Wales , gave birth to a girl lasl even
ing ,
The Paris Temps states that Italy , following
the example of llussln and France , will raise
tier delegation to the dignity of un embassy.
It Is stated that the late 'Squire Ablngdon
of England , wtiodlcd recently at New Orleans
hus , in his will , bequeathed all hU property to
Mrs. Langtry.
Active steps are being taken toward estab
lishing an extensive dynamite factory at the
City of Mexico. At present all of this class of
explosive Is Imported from the I'nlted States.
A yacht currying eighteen persons- , capsized
In the Crouch , a short distance from llurnhani ,
I'ngland , this afternoon. I'lve persons were
drowned. The rest clung to the yacht until
they nero rescued.
as usual at the next school election
but for many candidates. They give
a unanimous vote every day in the
week in favor of
because they know it has no equal as a
labor and temper saver on wash-day.
The "White Russian" is a great soap to
use in hard or alkali water. Does not
roughen or injure the hands Is per
fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Dusky Difjnond Tar Soap.MB1fn < ith.em8ot.'tnh.floft '
while costing the ernp'.over and omp'oyce
nutlrni. h .B enabled us to uJvance the Inter
ests of both , and also our own , by securin ;
belter results within * mach ne.
Wyokoff , Seaman & BenedJc !
i Attorneyi'it-lrw. Prac-
lice In the stite nnd
federal courts. Itooni *
block , Council muff * , la.
Ride Dei un
Thlscnt ropresentsour "corchsr : wplilil. HO Ibs : sevemtvlc-s. our ladles' I'neumntlo l
beauty. Wo have wliut j on want. Correct principles. I'oi reel material. I'oucel alignment' '
Correct construction. I'vorv wheel fully warranted.
Dust proof bearings. Ideal t'.m elier. or Morgan .t Wrl.'ht tire . .ill whoo's strictly flrst-clus
it rite for catalogue und prices , or e til and se.i u .
] ; ? { )1. ) < i.S.10 Main Street , CmincU IJliiITs , Iowa.
IF Y' '
Gasoline Stove ,
Bicycle ,
Refrigerator ,
Carpet Sweeper ,
Or , which is of primary importance just now ,
To have your Stove stored for
the Summer , call on
Chas. Swaine , 737 Broadway.
TfrlE FJ-VEi ? ,
" 8 Ibs. , OG Inch eliptlcal eenr , Is the Dnest road
wheel in the world. SUKiHIjrh Urado I'nounia
tic. Largest llneln the west. Wholesale and
I'ptail. Send forcntulosue. All kinds of re
pairing done.
41 Main Street. Council Hint's.
Ilut poili , hams , lard and hnrin , whllf way
up In ( , are cheaper lit Meschcn jorf's market
than any otlior place In the city. The place to
pet your meal Is where you net the best and
the mo < t for your money. J eel ; at these prices
and iccollect that everything ib the beat that
Kwlft& Co. slaughter :
Shoulder CloJ , free of bone . 5o
PlaleBoil . 4c
Boneless Corned Beef . 5o
Sirloin Butts . Oc
Holsof lleef . i . On
Sirloin-'trlpi . So
HirloinSteak . lOo to 12Ho
Port ) rhoub8 Steak . 121:3 to I5o
Kibftoast . SotolOc , . . . . . .Ooto,7o
She lderSteal : . 7o
VealSte\v . Oc
Veal Boast . 10c
Veal Steak . 12(50 (
Mutton'Stew. . > o
Mutton Legs . ; . lOc
Mutton Chops . IS'io
Sausage . lE'io
PonrUutts . . . 12'ic
For.rl.iJlns , whola . ISSjc
Pork Chops . , . ir > c
SallPorl : . 12 > jc
Lard . lOo tollc
Hams . liiHc ta 17c
Sliced . XQ o tjQSo
Sliesp. v.holo . 80
Poultry and Fish always o i hand.
Ko oth'-r ra i rke t ca i dujlioits th 333 'ir.c i i
and mind Ihis is for 1 10 best Moats in llij
. ,
Wholusalo and Retail
333 BROADWAY. Council Bluff3.
All kinds of Dyelnj and Clean in done In
she highest style of iho art , I'a'led unJ
talned fabrics made to loot : as goaJ asno.v.
WorK promptly done ann doliverol In all
parts of the country. Scud for prica list.
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor.
llrcudwuv. near Northwestern 'a ot.
mono Krnuiuo withoat tirnti tlttinim lutfst
Improved i > tilo. Is usuii.1 mi ( < Im < den > fla'i '
Btroiii ; but bl h urato atiJ c.otei perfot-tly tUt
rave * 'AA eer ci-nt nutrlll i it o eiu-itn I nil du-
ncrlpllTecirculnr on iipplU-atluii AiKSI''t WANT
KlIn OTCTJ county In llnt'.S. Adilri'is. I'll AKLCS
t ) N. Main - > t. Couni-il
I.lniltetl SUiflt of Ilio I'tnc t Iti f/io
B , U. Fur.1 tins opon-d a wliolciale liquor itnre nt
No. 17 I't-url ulrcet. Council Itlufli. anil bai | iul la
a Inrco aud wtll nrlrrted stock of wine * , hranillea.
whUklE tt. ete. It It n tact worthy of mention that
Mr. turd 1 * llie fortunitit poj enter of ncurlv forty
tiarrfls of thf llnrtl wbUkv In the Unite. ! Maten.
In 18SO he bought ? venty tlv * lurr-l > of Kontuckjr
< . K. C. Taylor Mliltky nnd It wan not until nbout
three yrarn aiu Unit he | ila i > d Un Kondi on tlic
mnrki't of tills ktoi-k ho liii loft nbjut fo-ty bur-
relB , and expert * all pronounce It uti'olulely tbo
finest wblike ; In the rountry He tells II inulnly
to families for medicinal ii'o. as It l too robtl ) for
Ibe regular trade It In wortu orer IIP p-r cilloa.
Tbcre Is not another tirandot such nhliky In the U.
S. Ills noci of tiramlioi and trlnui com from the
famous ] < eland Manford rlncyurdi In ( allfornla
and have a tiUli reputation for eicelloiice and
_ _ And all th i train of
company thorn In men VL'IIami I' : IIMA-
.NK.NTI.V I'UUKII Full HI'ttKNiriI and tone
Klvrn toevcrr pirt of fie boly 1 mil semi i o-
curoly p cii-.l Kit'.1C to any tuderrr the pretcrlp *
tlon thai cured inn of tbesn troublm. AdUruss ,
r. PAN8LB , ft
Ii * Gw ] Sauaritin. W Yean' Cipsrience.
ftraat Uio following Diseases :
Catarrh of ih ? Dead , Thront , and I.angs ; Kf
casesofthe Kyeand liar. Fits a id Apoplexy , HearS
lsecse ! , Liver Uouiulalat. Lldncy Complaint ,
Karvous Debility , Wlf-ntal Depreo-
cior. , Loss of Manhooc ) , Somlnal
Wonttn ss. niabctosliright i Dl > caw ) , St.Vltus *
tonce ! ricu&atUm , Patalyfls , White Swelling.
Berofuin , Fever Bores , Cancers , TUIDOra
end Fifttula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drowlnc a drop of
blood. Woman with her delicate orpnna re
stored to health. Dropsy cured without tur.plns : ,
Special attention clvcn toircalmcnt of alt
lilood taints arlslns bv OSCBMWS or vleen.
Surer and c-heupcr than u trip to the Hot
ISorlnL'S. ? . " < ) to f.VKi forfeit for any failure tq
euro without , mercury. . '
TapeWorms removed In two or three flours , orn .
pay. Hemorrhoids or I'llea cured.
Will cave life and hundreds of dollar * by calling
on or uUng
Tbo only Physician who can tell -what nllp
a pomouwithout .isklng a queitlou. J
All correspondence Etrictly confidential. M dielnfl
tent by express. Addrew all lutters to
G. W. , . .
EROADWAV.Council Bluffs , la.
Sen' ] 4c fianips lor confiacntial rouly.
Money Lu.nel on I ) .1 nori U. JOt ,
II K bargains in unredee
cou'ni * .
1'OK SAI.K I-ull et of tlinpri luolj. coo < ] cDntll.
tlou. a tinrimln Inquire of impkl3hujtiirt
llaritivaro I o. . loum-ll lllutti (
G K rrmuvuil. cjHMposm , vaults , clilni
\\c-ll iiroparoJ lor tua wjrk.
lUnkc v
, a larijci list o ( propirly , ImprOTad nj
unlmprovuil. lor Kilo l'i nil pirti ot th > > citr
nioit of U ut IOAirlcji | : jinnufll very oliuap. It
you think < i ( burin. , und out \\h\l 1 ota
I'lTcrj-ou. ll mij'JVJ yea miney 11. u Me .OB , '
No. 10 Main Mrcu't
LI' JIJHS\ . civilci'lii9jr. . Illuo prlan ot'
Council llhitlf uiil all uilJItlon * : nlmi puturujj
lorVJU lieail otjtt ck .i.MUlti avcnun
, uO A' UK farm In''odur county , Netirusku. all lit
'culllviitlon. tiJ.n'J \ > er acre. I Iret cla clt/
propf-ity lo fkctuiiKo fur pee 1 Umlenit in il *
M.-ritlon ! | < if the Ian.I jor uivj : tu oner. Joliuitoa
\ Van 1'uttc-n.
v TANTKU ( Jlrl for Kenerul housework U
I'ltllalmn. 'MU'-ixtli iivoniio
' nnd lot for sale. . .No. i > ii .
Inquire of J. r. Christian , J.
frncht house.
A CIIANCi : lor riKit ninn to collect , solicit ,
J Valid ilcllrer poods.Varon fl u week ,
and profits divided every HO flays. In stock com *
liany. Mui > t hu > 15 shares stock. Address J VV
Morre , llooin it , hM-rrtt block. Council 'Huffs
I HUSKY co < r , youn , wanted In tri > do for | ieed
IHK tiuixy und tlnu harness , \V1II par dliTer *
ence In cusli. Address ll'Jd , Ufa
I 'OK HUNT , thattoro bulldlnK No. Mi ) Iroad <
i. way ; three rooms abort * , and lart'6 barn
In rear , on parcel alloy. U A. iiorlnu , SW I runklla
avenue _
Alls' ! H OTband louns IMrra an-1 cllf proinrtr
bouKbt and sold. I'uiojr A Tuomu. Council
\ \ ANTii ) . position by lady as bookkeeper or
TI ( ashler ; test ot references , Address II 1 , lie *
ll blc > ile tor ku.e cbeiip. Only ridden tlar
1) . n. Jluk-bvj , U , 1 * . TntmUr , t'ltjr.