Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1893, Page 8, Image 8
VPMM - . . H * " " HP ! T .1 THE OMAHA DAILY 1HE : MONDAY , APRIL 3 , 1893 , . LESSONS IN LIFE AND LOVE Bpocinl Easter Services at Many of the Omaha Churches. THOUGHTFUL SERMONS ON CHRIST RISEN The Ilpiuirri-ctliiii nml IU McnnliiK Cnrrfnlly Impounded Tliio Sti rlttl Mualc a Not- nl > lo I'cntnrc Clnirchm llruiitlllcd wit U riiiiitn Hiid The Hastcr mornlnR dawned with fnlr promlso In Oin.ihn , nml n brilliant day ful- Illlctl the morning's pros igc. ' 1 ho sun sliono vv firmly. Silvery specks of cirrus floated to the 7Uittli , nml nil the : uuro slti vvns ile-op 'Iho sweet travail of the bright geMmlmil time wns ovitlotit on clt\ squares nnd paiks , nnd not nil tlio swirling dust-clouds toulil brown past chci-rlnir sUht thu tender vcrn il of the gracious grass grow ths The city churches , nil ducked In pure vvhlto ( lowers , whoso level blooms niiihtbj taken for u-irtli symbols of tlio nusrel trum pets that heraldcl nnd vvelcimol theilajn Loid , wcio filled with worshlpsts , mostof whom must haVe "felt indeed Chiist had risen again" Nature and man wow surely nttuncd'to worship Tlio obsetv.uit philosopher hail food for cogitation in the evident lack of Hister mil- Hnci'i in chuich and on the stieot , compiled with iho displ.ijs of other jeirs Ho ini''ht also draw u gracious moral ftom the fact that the evangelical churches , so called , rivaled the Catholic nnd Hplscopal chuu-hcs In n.istertidodecoritlon Hardshell Hip list , roek-ubbcd Calvlnist and uncompio- inlslng Methodist churches vvoio tilled with flowers nnd foliigo tint would luvo sur prised , with a surprise not pluasiirablo , the elders of twenty jears ago The 1'iosb.v- tori in church in the city , whoso pistor usuill.v scorns to think I'lesident ML Cosh Jias said tlio last word on docttlncs , eccles iastical govoinment and Bervice or > lor , h id a dove Hotting ON or the lilibulked pulpit A very notiblo nnd Instructho fact this "hold ing" of Histur bv these ohuiches The world mo\es ' 1 hoiiiuslc , too , was notable rntsi viiu'iinmsr. Itc . Crunn IlUiniirsft of tli Ton or of ChrUt'H KcHiirrrctlon. The first Methodist chinch never con tained a larger auJienco thin that which assembled there \cstcrday morning to unjoj the faster ser\ ice Tlio decorations of the cditlco were simple nnd beautiful Within the chancel tailing on tlio lower pi itform th it surrounds the pulpit stood n mlnlatmc foiest of magnificent Hasten lilies Hchlud nnd nbovo this foie- ground of wliito nnd green stood the pulpit desk , exquisitely wroithed with s'nilix , nnd still fni ther b ick and above this the choir gallery gieetod the eye , dress" 1 in clusters of lilies and strindsof giccn O."or the clci- tronlcrs nnd the or mist's mitror on the front of the l.ugo organ were fcstoonlngs of smllax with a few fine blossoms of Kastcr lilies T'io ' effect of the entire decor ition was pleasing and mo lost , in pi-rfect accord with tlio character of the ser\ ice ISriiitiful Music. Mr. Thomas J Kelly opened tlio son ices with nn organ voluntan , which was followed by nn anthem , "Oh , tiie Golden , Glorious Moining , " bv Le.Ieune Tlio choius ot about forty voices sustained thoeiloitsof thoiiuir- tet choir in ntrj satisfaclori manner nnd ga\o the oriranist nn oppoitutiltv to pio\o the capacity and cxcellcnco of the Kroit In strument over which ho presided Thociuai- tet wis to bn\o been made up of Mr Broclc- cnrldce , tenor : Mis Martin Calm , soprano , Miss Victor ! i Kooncy , contralto ; nnd Mr L B. Copetnnd , biss The tlueo Hist n lined wore present , hut Mr Copeland was un noid- nbly absent during the morning sen ice There was on this account a noticeable doH- cioncy of ba s In the singing , but aside fiom this defect tlu ; woik wns exceptionally ef- fectl\e. The clioius woik was inspiiing nml rofleetcil ciedit not onl\ upon the indi\ldiul singers composing it but upon Mr Kellj , the organist nml diicctor After prajcr by the pistor , Ilov Fiank Crane , the anthem 'Chiist our I'asso\cr , " by Schilling , was beautifully sung The chorus woik in this anthem was something of a revelation to tlio audicnco and estab lished the coiiMctlon where thcioisa large 01 g.m In a chuich tlio audience should not bo content to let the single eiuartet do nil Iho singing The rending of the scripture lesson by the pastor was followed by a solo , JC"1 now that My UedeemerJjUetli " from Handol's Mes siah , sung by Mis Calm The lady stis tninod her excellent leputitlon as one of tlio most imprcssl\o soprino singers in Onrilia In the sermon that followed the nudienco listened to some plain , foiciblo truths bear ing upon-thu "Power of Christ's Ucsuuee- tlon. " Die dominant thought In the excel lent discouiso was tlio necessity of haIng a living Chiist dwelling In the heart us a part of ones life and e\eriday conduct A l.Ing \ ChrUt Ncxdud. "There is too mneh pi caching nbout n dead Chi 1st , " said the speaker. "Too many pco- plo arc looking towaid the cioss nnd the crucltlv simply as a means by which they may escape the punishment of hell They do not seoni to understand tlio true ineinlng of Christ's resurrection They have never got bejond the scene of the ciucillxion Thc\ have .not reached the open door ot the sepul- ehcr ; they ha\c not seen the risen Christ" The sermon contained many eloquent and stirring pass iges and was hi limning full of oxhoitntion intended to eominco tlio audi cnco that \Italpu-tofCliilstslifoand Intercession for hum mltj was In His icsur- rcction. Without the continual piesencoof the Ihlng sniilt of the Master in the heaits of men all Hlbsuffenng would h.uo been in Mllll. "Iho man who has no use for Jesus Chi 1st excepting to bo si\ed from future punish ment in the wet Id to come. Is n sneak and n hypoci Ite. " said the diino "What is Chi 1st tojou ? Is Hoa 1Hing spliit dwelling iUhlj In jour hijait from dnto day , leading \ou Into wnjs of tutUi and ijghteousness , or me jou'slmply looking to some ilcnd crucilK or dopcndlnjr upon tlio assistance of some pi lest and Imping to slip into God's mpicy at the last instead of rci eh Ing the punishment that your deeds would lightfully bring upon jou' If jour Chiist Is nothing but a dead ciucilK or the utter usclessiuss of empty wouls and professions then mny God h.uo mercy 01 jour benighted boul You aio uciclv- ing yourself by ti'ilng to deccno God Tuin to n Ihlng C'uist Get His great lo\o Intoour hciit and feel the wondeiful.puiIf\ , uplifting iwwtr of a real , li\ inn savior w ho w 111 w alk w ith j ou from dav to day nnd le id j ou Into job un- spuakablo , both in this \\oild nnd in the world to come , " The attention gUcntho sermon wns pro found and its effect inusthmo been gratl- fi Ing to Iho speaker. Mr. ICellj ga\o a very acccpt.iblo orcran solo as an offortoiy selection , whkh wns very mui h enjoj ed The choir nnd audicnco joined in sluing the superb old h\ inn "Coro nation"nnd thu benediction biought the 1m- pressho sei\lco to n close A spec ! il musical piogram of exceptional merit wns gl\cn at the evening service. ST. M VKVS AVr..MJifltNflUiiA'IIUNAI. : . Itov. ISutli r IMvclln ( pun tlio 1'lrit 1 > ly unit ll liuport. At the St. Mary's A\c'tiuo CongiCffatlonal chuivh the moining service and sermon bore on 1-istcr , baptism and church nainlssion nnd thn Kacr.iment of the lira's Supper The pulpit suiTounded with Knster lilies mul cnllns , smilax was twined around the font , and roprs of it were pendent fiom the ehnnecl s"ricn , the o.Toct being very plonslng llio musknl part of the sor\lco was so- IccteU spoulally tolmsplio with thought of tha m jut nuimi > ntoui event when captivity was mndo cupllvu and the H.nloroftho worl I ItlHKrout atonement complctod , burst the Uindiof dc.ithnnd ixiso victorious. The church ( juartet , under the able and enthusi astic leadership of 1'rof. Gahm , has assumed n lending pluce among the church choirs of tliu cltv Prof ( Inlim's organ prelude was Sir Michael Costa's great " 'rrlumplml March , " nml It was Insplrlnglv run- ilered The anthem was Sliullov's "Christ the Ixml Is Hlsoti Today , " hcautlfullv Btitig by the ( | imrtet , Miss Coon evincing u llncly sympathetic strain in the solo ' 1 hu offertory vvns lino's "The Hrlght faster Morning , " itini' an a solo by Air Weir , vv lioso line tenor did full Justice to the music and tlio verso. As an organ recessional Mr Calm gave a masterful Interpretation of the HiillcluJ.ih chorus from the "Messiah , " Dur ing the pralso service Nealo's bountiful hjmn , "Tho Day of Kcsuritc'tlon , " was sung to the Insplilng "Missionary Hjmn" tuno. ' "Onw.inl and Hart ing-Gould's stirring Chrlstlnn Soldiers" was also sung , the eon- gtcgiition joining forvcntlj and unatilniously In both Three little ones were received Into the cluncli through the s.icratncnt of b.iptlsm and over u score and a half of ndults wcio admitted and given the light h mil of fellow ship bj the pastor , who 8xiko | Inspiring wouls to each A notovvorthv faet is Unit the agi s of those taken Into the communion of the chuich i.mged from four months to four si ere ami four je-ais The baptisms and the eerenionj of admission took up so much time that the pastor s setnion was per force biief , but it was inspiring Itcv Hut- let's text was from the narrative of the llnii- Ing of the empty tomb bv the M.iries as given l > i St John , tlio ninth veise of the twentieth chapter of the gospel foi as jet the dis ciples know not the seriptuies that ho would ilso from the dead " It natuiallj suggested striking cotnpirlson of the tlrst faster moining with theleister nioinings of these The apostolic fol low 01 s of Jesus did not expect the rosurtce- tion , his followers ted ij met to com- memoiate the fact of Christianity 'Hie test of fellowship with Jesus Chiist is not ctoilo , belief , it is amor , love This constitutes the fteeness , the emaiidpitlon , that charaeteri/es c ntianco to tlio rhuich of Jesus Chiist-belief is not demanded , men are UKon into it not to exact a faith but to eiecta faith "Come , loirn of me , " "Come , and je shall know the truth and the tiuth shall make vou hoc " Men s beliefs don t hold shut the doors of God's gloat ptuposes 'Iho hoareis wcio exhoi ted not to hesitate to enter the fellow ship of tlio chuich , because there might bo things they did not know Love of the Jlirist piinciple love of the words ho spoke is Mink lent for fellowship r. riiii.ovii\ : c VTIIIDK.VI : , . rinoii 113 Itcv. Mci.iiiiulilln nnd Instruc tion l > ) Itr" . MuL'irthj. 1'aster services at St Philomena cathe dral jesterclaj weroof the usuil impressive ehaiacter The intoiior of the chinch and the altar were decorateil profusolj' with lilies , ferns , rose geraniums and festoons of sinllax , making a scene nttiactive to a de gree The laigo cdilico vvas full to over i flow Ing manj weio obliged to oceupj chairs in the aisles 'I he- mass sung vvas Rossini's grand Hill in No 1 in i : Hat , with H-v P J McCarthv , the p is tor , as celebrant. Itov MeLaughlln do icon , Itov WillHin Kellj subdoacon and lo idor and Miss Swift as organist The music was supcib , the sinking of seine of tlio soloists being most praisovvoithy As an olTeitorj the "Ucgin i Ctuli" bj Wcincr vvas given as a choius and it vvas a partiouhirlv line Intelpiotation. as was also tholvjiio elc'ison at the beginning of the mass Too much cannot be slid in favor of Miss Swift , the oigmist. as her untiling clloits have bioiight St Philomena choir to a degicc of cAce-llcnej surpassed bj' fo-v The soimon of the dav was dc'ivcred bj Kev McLaiichlin in a practical manner , with no ovcilowing ( of oiatorj , but in good , pointed speoeh The loveic-nd gentleman spoke of Ulster as the greatest of the Catholic chinch , cles ilbingit as the linalc of the incain.uion of our Ixnd tlio day on which wo should give Untiles to Him who suITi-ied to redeem mankind Ho spoke of the w oiks of Christ as in keeping with His chaiactei as Ho lived among men Ho like wise pointed to the resuiiection of the Son of God as showing His almitihtv power , for Ho b.v His own power had ilscu from the dead , thereby exemplifying that which Ho pioinised before Ho UieJ , "Theieforo I shall liso again " Hev McLauehlln eloscd by exhorting all to lead Chiistmn lives , that their Easter Sund.ij might bilng that Joy for whieh it is Intended Mass being over , Ilov J P MeCarthj g.u o ashoit instiuc-tion , pointing to tlio sigtuti- canto of Easter Sundaj' to the piattieal Clinstian as a day of jovful thanksgiving , thanksgiving thit comes from truly contrite heaits He concluded his bilef talk by w ish- ing all the blessings of the E istcr Sundtij. A vvoiil may bosald In praise of the com mittee on decorations , Mrs Carej' nnd Mis. Hennessej' , lor gieat exertions must have been put toith , as the wicaths and pedestals ofllowois which graced the chancel and the vanous altars wcio tiulj VVOIKS of ait Al together E ister Sunday ut bt Philomena was woithj'tho oceasion and ono long to bo icmcmbeicd. VMI.SII ritis YriitiAN. : ConUMitlnn 111 Its VlliHt and Sllunco In Its ' Cliurcli. As the bells of Eastern morn wcio ringing forth their Jojou ? peils and summoning to glad win ship devout and sinful alike , the little Welsh Prqsbytoil in church of this cltj seenied buried in woe. It stool silent and alone Its congregation , toin asjnder bj in- toinal dissension , rominsJ awaj , ana1 its pistor. who had announced the usuil ser vices , held them not. The door vvas locked The sunlight , sticaming through the coloicd windows , fell upon empty seats and onlj the occasional knavvln ? of a mouse disturbed the silence of the pulpit 'I he pastor , Hov J Morlais Richards , hud said that ho would visit the 10 IK ) o'clock In the moining and if no one vvaspiescnt lie would live minutes later ic- luintohis home If he did appear at the appointed tlmo , It is picsumcci ho found -verj few and possibly none ol his paiishioneis piesent , for at 11 o'clock not u soul was to bo seen A few minutes liter , , how over , solitary footsteps weio heard at the mar of the chuivh and presently appeared a single member of the congregation Ho had been ti j ing to effect an entrance at the rear door and now came mound and tiled the lock of the front door with a key th it would not lit He said ho had ailived a little ) late Had he found the pastor tliei o lie w ould have hi oltcn open the door and allow ol services to bo hold. " 'llieio arc just Iho membeis , " ho said , who have caused all this tumble Thej pio- tend to bo deacons and tiusteesof thuUiuich and about three weeks ago demanded the pastor's icslgnation Ho said lie would con sider the matter , but befoio he had time to do so they vvi-3to him n letter peieinptoiily dismissing him fiom thoehaigo ( Jnohundaj * evening alter sen vice lie load the letter to his eongiegalion and was bj a ma jot it j vote asked to icmaln Subsequent lo this he saw lit to tender his losignation , claiming that bj the terms of his contract ho had the il ht to ii'inain thivo months longer "Somo of the pastor s fi lends , feeling that ho had a peifrct light to icslirn whenovoi ho please'd , voted to accept his resignation and thus enabled the opposition 'o cirrj its pjmt Not sitislled with this , however , thcso live turbulent spirits determined that ho should quit the chuich immediately , and being in possession of tlio kojs thoj. have locked it up " \\ohavnbeen holding our praj or meet ings ou Wcdnoadajtiiina Tlieso pal ties have uudcrtiken to eliingo it to Tuesday evening beciuso thoCjmrjdoiiinsoclutj saw lit to meet on Wednesdijs and actually came here last Tucsdaj ove-ning and he-Ida piaj or meeting further , It is our custom totakoupat statol time a a collection for the pastor When the las , collection was nindo Iho opposition i of used to contribute a cent Tiiej are suit'ly proceeding In u high handed manner and ought tu bo summarily dealt with If they don't Uibk out they will jot get themselves Into trouble " Having thus sKken | , the faithful member paced slowlv down the lonely street iiul noon dlsappenreil , leaving the occasional passer by to wonder why the devout congregation failed to celebrate on this the resurieetlon morn. _ AT THINirV. < lrcnt Throng * .At true-tod i > y th Orcnuiuti to tlm Kplncopnt ( 'Hthodrnl. I argo crowds of worshipers attended the enilj morning 11 o'clock and evening ser vices j esterday at Trinity cathedral , a great many people not being nblo to got Into the church at tlio II o'clock service , which hits come to bo the pirtlcular service of the day , although why It should bo so Is matter for speculation. In view of the magnificent choral service of last night. 1'aster Is fi aught wltn the sacredness of assoclitlon To the great grown up woild It present with the beloved p ist It comes attended with a throng of memories and perchance tlio wor ship It Inspires Is because of that sncicd past which memor.v has Idealbed , more than for the comfoi t it biings The floiist and the. milliner am ) the diessiniker and the human heait and evcr.v tiling that is joung and ovcr.v Ihlmr th it is old arc In league with Histei dnv everjthlng tint his bicath praises the Uord And It was this splnt breathing the audible scent of mjiiiid flow ers from chancel , laicdos , choir stails nnd bishop's chali that pievniled ut Trinity cathedral jestcrday While the lloial decorations lacked possi bly the elaborateness of last jear , lilies , which uro among the piimcvnl litanies of leliglon , were there In piofuslon. Easter and annunciation lilies nodded quietly to 'he deep swells of the oigan and accorded pciicctlv with the beauty of the cathedral nnd the sacied svmbolisin ot the day There were tulips on tlio biptlsm il font , while the lectein nnd litany desk weio completely hidden ftom view with these first I loners of spring Itlshop Worthington ofllci.ited at the 11 o clock caching n strong sermon , taking ns his text the vvoids. "Ho is lisen. " drawing from It many beautiful thoughts In p isslng Dean Gauliier w as the epistolar at the moining service , Hov Mr Tin c-.v. head mastei of Woithington lull , Lincoln , the gospelar "Music of i he Morning. Of the music much could bo s lid In praise , tlio choir and choius of ladles' voices ac quitting themselves with a gieat deal of ciedit , icliectiiig the thorough tiaining ic- cclvcd at the h mils of thediicctor , Mis , J W Cotton The opening anthem of the 11 o'clock service , "Awako Thou that Steepest , " from the "Daughter of Jairus ' bj Staincr , was sung with line feeling , the bojs pittlcul.ulj acquitting themselves in a piaisewortlij manner riom a musical st in Ipilnt however , the bis anthem by Tours. "God H ith Appointed a Uav , " was eisily the gem of the mouiimr service Magnillccntlj bilanced. with antl- pissigcs of gic'.it sweetness , it brs.ithccl foitli the Jubll ition of which tcr is tlie clowning gloiy At the ollcitoij Mis Cotton s ing the old , vet alwajs now- solo , "I Know that MKedeemor Lucth , " bj that gie.itest master of chuich compos ! lion , Handel Sung with gloiious feeling , the siloist being in excellent voice , it fell upon the tic.uls of the laige audience like a benediction The evening service , which attracted quite as iaigo a congiegation as the moin ing , but made up mainlj of strangers to the puish , was pmolj an anthem sei vice , Dean G.udner dcliveiing a short address fiom tlio chancel also taking as Ins text , "Ho Is Kisen " 's " in C" in uig- uiated tlio set vice of song sung with incfta- blo sweetness bj the b > j cnoir , and then fol lowed a masteilj bit of musical composition by Chailes Vincent , "As it Uegan to Dawn , " taking the dramatic situation of the two Marjs meeting at tlio sepu'chrr where the Lord lav and the icplv of the watcher at the door of the tomb ' Fear not je. for I know that jo seek Jesus Hois not lieic. foi Ho is risen " Although the singcis had been working hard all day thcj seemed to feel the gieat possibilities of tlio work and attacked it witli delightful confidence that they had mastered its inti icaclcs of note and phrase Mr Lumbird sang Shellj''s "Hesurrec tion" beautifully , the deep tones of his flue piofundo filling the cditlco with a glory of sound that von him manj.eoinplimcnts after the close of the surv ices Mi. Wilkins sang the offcitorj solo "My Hope is in tlio Hvei lasting , " by Stainer , whoso compositions have won for him a lead ing place in the c lunch world. Although suffciing fiom hoaisencss , Mr. Wilkins sang with line elTcct , using his voice with mu- sicianly tact , getting the Dost possible re sults fiom it Glorious "IIMU'lnjuli. " But the triumph of the day was reserved for the close , Handel's "H.UMujih Choius , " n rniglitv composition filled with divir.o har monies and given with all the ability which has been a p lit of the choir since Mis Cot ton became its choir master Uniting one or two false notes noticeable in the IKMS and an inclination to flat in the upper icgister , it was a perfect icndition , nnd never tcndcicd bettci in Omaha It would bo n great mistake not to mention Master Windsor Dohertj's solo "Christ UKcn" by Moid sung at the childicn's sci vice Master Dotiouv has a wonacr- fullj sweet soprano voice and ashclsusingit with iricat Judgment bids fair to bo an Omaha Cavauaugli A maiked feature of the services joster- ilaj atTiinitj was the number of people at communion , quite 410 paiticipating in the solemnisation of the Holj Eucharist. With the efforts of Dean Gardner supple mented bj the ofleilngs at yesterday's services indications point to the lifting of tl.o cathedral debt -a debt which has been nn incubus on tlio parish since its inception No small pialso is nlso duo Mr J. II Butler the oiganist whoso work jcsterday was vvhollj acccpt.iblo lounding out the day bv plaving a blight Toccato suitable foi festival occasions AM. SA1MS laMSUOI'Ar , . Io\o Is I.lfi't and Chrlst' Criuo Is tlio Door of llriumi , The Easter services of All Saints Kplsco pal chuich were well attended and were as impressive as they wcio appropriate Tlio sanctuarj looked extiomelj- beautiful with itsdecoiationsofilowcis and plants , gifts from the membeis of the cougiei'atloiT Laigo numbeis of Easter lilies , pilms , smi lax and plants with beautiful flowers bloom ing nncl budding , were placed in becoming position about the altar and sanctuarj , be tokening the Easter daj and its meaning to the Christians preset ! t Tiio musical service was fine , the church choli was in good voice and expression and the music wns appropriate and of the best Following was the piogiam. Processional hymn , 10. ) Victory IhrlstOur 1'assoxui . 1'laln chant .lublhito . . . Snllhai To Duuni .biillfvni IntroltAako I'D My ( iloiy . Iliirnby Ollc-rtory anthem Now Is Christ Klsc-n ( with llalluluhih choru > ) . blmpor Communion si > r\Ico ruurs ICeci'islomil Ten riioiiMind Times 'JVn 'llioiisind Dykes The bormon of Hev T. J Mackay was not lengthj , out it u as eloquent and fervent In Its poitiajal of trio meaning of the Easter celebration Tlio text was Mai k xvi , II am -I "Who shall toll the - us nwnj gical stone of the sepulchcr , and when thoj looked the stone was tolled awaj " , Uov Mnckaj said that the Easter lessoi Is of the heal t and not the intellect , that love U the lifo nnd is immortal Tlio love of Jesus Chiist is tno ladder leaching fron p.ulh to heaven and his giavo Is die dooroi heaven Palth U love , and tlioso strong it that will live again , fur the soul sijsso The Easter otleiing was am ; JTie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. ia MilliTiu of. Homes 40 Year * the Standard. amounte I to oveMfl IlK ) . n larger sum than the rector askeil. ' 1 he evening si-frtt-o was what Is known as ' 'I ho Glorious O.ToWng , " ami was a concert given by the solloinrs and tcichors In the jundaj * school , NT. MATrrlllAS OHAl'KI. Ktcrnnl lliippliir Only Mrciirrd by t'rcinrn- Iliiiinon llnrth , The Easter services at St. Matthias chapel wore not especially elaborate , but were Im- iresslve The tatiuilful service of the Epis copal church was. rendered and follow ra by n short dlscoursu by the rector , Itov. W. J. McNabb. The speaker dwelt upon the birth and resurrection of the lledoomcr and the lin- wrtanco of the lesson which was taught If hero was to be n lesurrcctlon of iho body in the life to fomo there must surely lie a icsur- recttjii of the spltlt In the present world. I'lioto could be no eternal happiness unless the neccssarj preparations were nuido In this life Thcio was no attempt at drcoration of the chapel excent the altar , which was beautl- led bj1 n gcneious burden of Easter lilies , n the afteinoon n children's choral sorvlco was held nnd the Leiiien otTerlngs formally levotcd to sacred uses i r rr < Mbytrrlui. ; Thochildicn of the Westminster Prcsbj- .orlan Sunday school observed the festival list evening with a song and recitation service The auditorium was beautified with fragiant flowers and blooming plants ind the exercises were rendeied verj iiettily. The World's 1 iilr Cannot i cmaln such without thebloomln ; ook and radlint complexion which health ilone impirts Paiks'tei , bv cleailng the blood of impuiitlcs , makes tlio complexion regain the hue of youth All druggists * Sco the colebratccl Sohinei1 plum nt Foul & ChiirltJii AIuslo Co. , 1303 Dodjro SOUTH OMAHA AFFAIRS. I'ollllcH th ITppi-rin ist Ttipla In tin' * Aliicla Cltj. Pivonka's hill on Twenty-fourth stieet nnd John N. Hurke's hand b ill couit In the Third w.ud were the scenes of Sabbith daj democratic rallies Tree beer and campaign enthusiasm were on tap in equal proput- tloni The result of the election tomorrow de pends largely upon the actions of the busi ness men nnd icspectnblo cHi/cns If nil w ho ( tcsuo to see good goveinment in South Omaha for the next j car will do their dutj as men and citbons bv voting their sent ! moms , the citi/ens1 ticket will come out vic torious , but if they sulk at homo and lefuse to vote the present Judicious man icement of an end Everyman who refuses tooto vhtuallj casts half a vote for the opposition The voting pi ice of the First precinct of the 1'list w.ud has been changed from the Mack block on Tvventj-foulth stieot to the Jeiry Dee building on Twentj fifth stieet between M and Nk Hon A L Suttou is in the cltj- Eisterscivicss at the v.uious chinches weio well attended , and vmo moio than ordinarily impressive The less devout , however , could not help noticing the gaj' ar lav of Eister bonnets on exhibition Tlio ion of voteis closed Saturdaj night The exactnumber registered is not jet known , but it is certain that it will ev cecd all foiincr registration It is claimed that nnny men who took the oath and placed their names on the list aio not legal voteis If that Is true election day will see much ch illcnging nnd m my anests , as the people who desire to see a fair expiession of the will of thomajoiitj me doteunined that no ftauds shall be committed Claim Tlio > Weru Deceit < ? d. CiiAMiiLiiiAis , S D , Apiil [ Special Telegram to Tun Rr.B. ] Comtmssionen ap pointed by the prcvsidcnt had secured the nccessarj number of sifrnatuics of Yankton Sioux lor the relinqulsliment to the govern ment of n portion bf iheir resciv.ition , but the Indi ins now claim that thioutrh ti liken they were induced to sign the tre itj an I w ill send n delegation of chiefs to Washing ton to prevent congress ratifjing it. There nto thico things worth saving- Time , Tioublo nnd monejind Do Witt's LittloEulv Hiscrs vvill save them for jou These little pills will save jou time , as they , act promptly. They vv ill sav o j ou trouble as they cause no pain They will save jou money as thej' economize doctor's bills Trro I'ower to ructorlo * for n , term of years is wlmt Gothunburf , ' ofleiH. O\vnors of steam power renll/o what Unit means to compote with. Gothenburg has unparalleled manu facturing iidviuituges ; is biirroimdcd bv ti rich mrming district which in 1802 shipped from Unit point 800,000 bushels of grain : a dulightful climate , with 270 days of Mtiishino each year ; Gothenburg lias every prospect of becoming u city of 12,000 inhabitants within tlneo jcurs. Go see for youisolf on April 4 , when Gteon's Fanners' exclusion will take you there for ono fuio for the round trip , 'rickets can bo secured only of W. II. Gieen , 217 Karbtum block. A fine upright piano , used only six months , ut half price. Ford & Churlton , 1303 Dodgo. Tnko homo a box of Balduff's fine cand ies , 10th nnd Capitol Hvonuo. None bettor. Rheumatic Sciatic , sharp and shooting pains , strains aim weak nesses are relieved by the CimcuRA ANTI-PAIN PLAS- TPR , Quick , original and unfailingit instantl ) relieves weak painful l.idnejs , back nehe , uterine , pains and vvcaUnesscs , coughs , colds nnd chest pains It iidi/izfj the nervous forces , and hence is powerful m the treatment of nervous pains weakness , numbness and paralsis. Price , jjc ; five , $ i oo. At all DrugKists or by mail. POTTER DRUG AND CIIEM. CoRr. , Iioston. CuTARS. MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS. * ND DRUMS. We mike a variety from t4 * OIIFAI 1ST to the M08T XLLI1AM nil IOHTIY HvlruNieiiti ITJ : In > lniuiciit fulll fW iiriuiiliil. OUR LATEST AVD BEST THE LEWIS BANJO , [ ndor eit bj thl BEST Flayer j Stnd far Ctttalagut nr. < went/an the Jiiatrvtiieiittj'vi tltini of purchus'nrj. IODH C. HAYNES & W JUl-U'J'O.V. < OMAHA OPTICAL CO. , , / , 1 > . I'O. lilitt , Mtinuifvr. 222 S. IGth Stroot. Commorolal National Hunk Ilullcllm JUST WHAT1T MHANS. _ Tim Itriil Cuilan of n Coltl r.tplnlnril find How Ilinj It M In Stop It KvcrjrTlmr. Notliliu U inoro common tit tills oixnon of tlio vcmrtlitui tlm uxpronloii "I Imvo n liiid cold , " lint It inoiim soiiH'tliliiir fur morn sorl- cms tlinn li Rcnur illy sutnicucil It mount IhAt the ucr < mi who Imn taken cold loin nbiilntntn in huiiltli , VVIiy ? llac'iillsc ! a pprion In Rood liuultli oiiillv rotlits cold , lint lot tlio honltli llnKu little , lot lliostomueh becomedoniiiRd' ] , In I.tlio . iicrvtiii flyitain uut on tut nnli'r , inn1 a ulilll U entity tnke-ii. It KOOS to tlio weak spot mid u cold la tlio result. Now of Ml ciiisuint cold prolulilo fitl iic , or woiirlne'iti , li tliu mint umiorul , A 11 roil nmn whocjincs liomo tit nUlit from a lout : iiuy's work or u wo try worn in whoici hoitioholtl du ties uro wo irlnit "n I toirlnp , uro tlio cominon victims of n i-olil. H Insurious liojiiuso every tlnio u frosli cold l tiikun tliu body U inudo woikcr. HO tluit grip , pnouniotiln. coiiMimu- tlon mill otlior WiislliiR illso.iscs tltul iin o isy foothold. Hut you nsU , bow sluill colds nnd tliulrdun- K tous results bo pruvcntud ? ! I'hoio Is only line wny. Kuoo tlio blood In u himllhv clreu- hitlon , tlio stomach In Kood tsorklni ; order mid tlio nervous systmn Rtroiti ! an I uotlve To do tills u pure illiiuiliiMt iniisr bo tnkvti pii'fcr i- bly , uuio whNkv J'lu ru mo m my so o iliucl whiskies In tlio market , but there is only out ) pure , mudlidnal whisky , nnil tbit Is Duffy's pure limit Thovorv fact It Is so strotulv ruiomiiicnilcd by iilivslcliins , tirofo sloniil men and nome'ii us vvo'll UH by tlio Kinds of ix'oplo who USD It MH u menus of koopltiK lionlthy mid \vol' ' . proves tli's Do not no In duced to try tiny sou'iilluil.l ill Inferior wluskoy which your ( irnit'lst or itioccr inny rccom- niondr Insist upon uvtlltu wh it you risk for Thoi c'Is nothing OIBC > tliiitcan iiocomnl sh Iho object. ABOVE ALL OTHERS. " To the Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co. : . , , , _ , "Have tested jour LI 1 HI A ir/J/7iA'in numerous cases where acid ih not well eliminated from tlics > stern - tern , and find that it acts exceedingly well. I believe that many casub of uric acid diathesis , which gives rise to Jtliiitinatisin , Gout , and sooner or later that form of kidney and bladder dis ease de-pendent upon Uitc Acni\\\\\ \ \ \ prcatly benefited by a ficc us ; of the L OA'D O ND / : K A' Y L11H IA WATER , and to such would recom mend it as a table water. If liquors arc to l > e used , no watci is at otti e so anccable for diluting them and so pie- \cntive of the bad consequences following their use. LI 1 HI A IVA rhK is the water above .ill others for the man who lives well and drinks good wine. " FUOM II. M. Ji uvroAv , M. D , LATE Puor. or buiun uv ot Mct > . ULI-T. BOSTON UNIVLUSITV. Londonderry LitliialJpring Water Co , NASIIl A. N 11 Clms II PorUIns.V Co wo lin : ARcnts , V. Kllby M , I ! stun M iss PAXTON & GALLAGIIHR , Dlstrlbiitltii ; Agents forUin.ilia CAUTION. fcAST INDIA BITTEliN Arc MlVl'K ' oil Ih 1 LI K , ONLY IN DOTTLES Wl m Searles y Searies nil. r. I. . SIJIKM.S. Consult nK fcurgcnn Or.idiuto of Kush Collp o ( K > \ - sUl.i'All l'Kii : : ) . Tor the troiitniont of Wo euro Catnrrli , All Dlson oi Nono. Throat , Chest. Tstoniioh , Bourolj niulLivor. Blood , Sic in and Kiclnor Uisoasoi. Foiunlo Wenhucsso ! ! , l-.ost Mniiliood CURED. 1'II.KS , KtSTUIjA , FISSUllE , pormaoonllr curjj irltf out tlio use of knife , lluiiture or cauitlc. All mnlodlus of a prlvito or ilollo.itu nature , of cither SOY , pusltlTUlr cnroil Cull on or address , with sump for Clrculurs , Froj Book and Uoclp s , Dr. Scarlcs & Neil Door to I'oatoRlcs , HAVE oranges WE . at all prices from ten cents a clo/ccn up. The low priced ones are good , but the 500 ones are bet ter. We handle perfect fruit only. Oranges , lOi Do/en. Muscatel. 2nc Quart. Not less thnn uox of ornnics shipped. Not less th in case ) ofvltio shipped Ur iy I'-u tuul pao .liii o\liu. Los Angeloi Wiuo , Liquor and. Cltjar Co , , 110-118 S. ICth St. . Oinalii. CD Full SJ3T Toolli exlracted In morning l > \ ones Inierttd aft ir oun tamuilay I'crful lit uuar onlueil 3rd Floor , Fnztou Blaak. ' lOtlianclFnriiaiu Straoti. I'loiator on Ict'i M 7elO | > liuii9 lUSi UUIM. THIS WITH VOU LOST VITALITY . I IIAIMI , tliu treat Hindoo Ilrmedr Bold with nrll < ttn ( Uiirftnlr * ol eurf. Hample nrnt Ircr. Aildre > . Oriental Medical tg , t 1 iai > U n e , Ulc t t W. gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsi r k ff ST is a man that will walk into some body's else store this week and pay ten or a dozen dollars for a suit of clothes before ho visits "The Nebras- ka" and he'll own up to it , too. To g day we offer at * ? I ' 3 v ZS vas < 8 * as handsome a line of popular priced suits for men as ever were grouped to gether. There are not a great lot in each lei but there are lots of loTsT There are both single and doubTcT breasted sacks round and square cor ner sacks black , brown , gray , blue , tan , tobacco cheviots , worsteds , cas- simeres fancy , plain , mixed checks , stripes , plaids some bound [ to sell ] and some not bound [ bnt they'll sell just the same ] . Th se SU.L at'e in every sense of the word worth ten , eleven , twelve and thirteen dollars. 'Till we close next Saturday night , unless wo should close out these clothes before , we will close out these suits at IIAVMOM ) , Tin : JMVCI.I : L GLASS the most exquisite designs If you have never been in oar "cut glass pal ace" you have missed half jour life It is by far Mie most beauuful sight in Omaha New impor tation just in. RAYMOND , FIFTEENTH AND DOLTIL.A4 , OMAHA. CUBED or WE REFER VOU TO 2 500 Fioancial Ilcfercocc : Ml liiDk of Comni'ii'co , , 0iialia. , No DETENTION from business. No Oporatlo'n. Investlciitoour Method , Wrltton uuraiiteo tonbio- . lutuly Ciiro nil kinds of Kt'I'TlUiEuf both Bdxca.wlttw nut the use of Knlfo or Byrln ci , uo n alter of how lone' ' standing. standing.EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER GOMNV , 307-308 N. Y. LIFE BLDB. , OS1A"A , HEB. So nil fort , rculnr. Beat Calf Bboo In tbo world for thoptloe. W. L. DoUqlaSBUOcgoroBoiaeveiywhoro. Evoiybody ubould wear thorn. It la a duty you ewe youruolt to eat tbo beat value loj your money Economize Iny oar footwear by purobQBlng W. L. DouglasShOoswbto& represent tbo beat value at tbo prices ad- voitlaod above , BO tUousnnda can tostUy. VTnlto No Sul ) tltuto. J > a newnrooffrniul. Nonoirenulnowllhout W U Pulat name anil iirlco ttampecl ou bottom. Ixxik forlt Hbcnyoutmy W. I > . llniioln * " -"cktnn.nfnfK. Sold by Minims VVobticro. Kelley Stiver , V Co , ( ' I Onrlinn 1 ! Ins vnsoiijl u it * .NowinaW ' t l/'on cy. b'ltith Onmli.i Capital $100,000 Surplus $ (55,000 ( i nircrnnnd Olrjclon Ilenrj 'V Vitii nml In II C milling vICJ | iruilUu : C H Mlirlor / llor.o Join ) ri Colllni J .S il I'Jlrlaj , l/j ti I KcuU , caibier THE IRON BANK. I AND WOMEN AT ONCE , < ? 'h r l tl * " i llnji ) > 1 it ] re tti ( u * , Aelreiti Icilii * Lie uui | r nle I nut cr , an 1 iuiroducrtl cur IT J t aly cmut-jnirnt "ALARY AND tiPtH n A unUTIl I r u Vim TWO \v r I to cnmp lent nertont Don I < VUy a tnoincnl but write t MEDQ.EIECTRO PAP CO . Cincinnati , Ohio THEATME1TO. TOR Abb Chronic , Narrow , PrlvaU Special Diseases. 23 ye irsoxiiorlonoo. DISElSiS OF WOMBS Trontorl nt i01 i month * jtpv and all i'iu lluiiiua * * " fiiriilshinl All otliur trnutiips trnitr-d ut iPiKOimbl * clnrKil t'O.NSLIjlAl'JON 1 KI.I. Cnliouof udcln ) a DR. SBYMOUK } I'D' ' ' ? DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NE Uow do You Like Your COLLAR lo Fit ? So close that it stlcls Intu the back of your neck when \ou try tu hulcl ) our hejd irrct , or do vou want it to be alwjjj easy uncl ccmlort- able le every pc4ttionf 11 comfoi t , elegance andduralilllty is the combination jou are seckinc , buy our new collar ol the ilupu ihjrtii in this cut. Ctuett Brand 26o. Nirenti , Medium width , Monlclac , Very Wide. Coon Brand 20o. StonOn Narrow. Oikntf , Midlum. Clulon.Vetr Wldt , CL.UBTT , COON & T..r. T..r.DR. DR. EVicOREW THE SPECIALIST , la tuari > aB oil la th treatment of all | PRIVATE DISEASES and nllWaakneiiycu , and Oliordert o ( Mur | | ISyarinxpcrhmc * . | | Write for rlrcnUri and qucjtiuii lint fre < I