Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1893)
r m | MWW' ' [ W " ' * " " ' * - - rn''W"fl" ' " wvm i'f" ' f "TI 1 T11H OMAITA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , APRIL 3 , 1893 , 8PEGIRL. NOT10E8 , \KltTIHKMHXTrt FOH TIIKSn COLIMN8 A will bo liken until U HI p m fur thn prpnlni nnd until s 4ipt > t for thn mrirnlnil or Hunclay edition * . Advrrti'em by re < iti < 1 tlnKi numbered cheek cnn liave their answers addreMml to numbered letter In care of TIIK lln : An wnr d < 1ried will be delivered upon presentation of the rbeck. SITUATIONS WANTED. Hates , l > * c o word first Insertion la n word there alter * othlnc taken for IPM tlinn c -WANTHD. A I'OMTIOX AS Tr.SOtJItA I'HHH by experienced raalo operator. Address X Sljleo - IfiBII HI.N AH Ol I'H K A'-HISTANT and Monographer Address X Si lice 731 r\v AjTrKi ) , SITUATION. IIV F.M'imil'.NCKD younitlndy stenographer and typewriter , can operate Smith 1'remlor or Ueinln tou. Address II . lice Kd nonnH i iiAim HA\F. A LIST orhTKV ogrtphcrs nil grades , fitrnlthcd buslnom men fue 6UN Y I lie Tel Wi il3.ii.AU 81JNo"7llAI'ltKU WAN'ia A JO1I. ( .OMI'K- tent , experienced , well tducatnt > ouna mnn lieu Ml * \VA N TKI ) I'0 IT10.V A. < mi.FHMANi I'ltK J fer dry KOC ! S or management of general ctoru A 1 itock keeper eood window drcsji-r ninrrled vnqucBtlonablo references lloz < / ! , Dnfld Illy , ub. _ M17I WANTED MALE IELP. Untc.i H < a word first Inn-rtlon Ic a word there afti r NOL line taken for k''thun Sac TV TAT A ft rrir rSi irr ii > N to A "UP NVs o J'hindle tlie I nUnt ( liemlcal Ink KIIIST I'eiir I The mo t iincfnl nnd noiel tnvontlon of the ago rra c Ink tl uronuhlr In two tccomlsorks like mnclc AMIoMUper cent prolll Clients nmklnz till per wi ck Uo aim mint a krenernl agent to tnko cltnrge of territory anil tippoliil nb aui-iitx A rnru < hance to mnko money \\ilteforlerma and a rp < cl men of ernelni ; Monroa Kraslim lift lo , \ oil Ui ( mttoM 72J 1- MAN AlHilJT It , ylUK TO I.KAHN < AN J Mind permnront cmplorucnt and salary weekly iulus street .M'XJ M . TIIVhi.ivcs AI.KSMIN TO JOteD baklnir powder , \\nputnur coed < In flasi TnlllnK pins t > U month snlnry and expenfOi , or 3j per cent , eommlu'lon tend slump for reply ihlcngn linking 1'owder lo 7 \ n llurcnt , 11 WANTKII ( dMl'ISTKNT AM ) HKUAllt.K ObiislncM mnn for manaztment of buslnois which bcnrs clo-"t IntCBtUntUm Must horn tonic rnpltal For Information enll or address \\eslern Ituslne s An-nc ) .110 N U bhltc _ t"- ' T > -WAN'lhl > 'IKV UAUl'hN'l BUS. VTKADV JJwork cuort wnie None but first clam work men wanted J K lloblnson Cedar rolls la .M 7 3' 13 WAMKII A 11I.KAI ) AND CAKK I1AKKU , J-miidt be rollabla nnd sober A steady job and a rood home Inquire , II 47 , Lee oillco. MSffi l flolTuCHV SAl.hS lAN MUS I UK IWTIIII B on ecnernl line acqualntnd with the trn'to In tt o weKtcri nnd norlhni'stcrn tntns to sell direct from mill nn commission Al reference asked Address I ) 4J thin paper MiU.1 0 -sVlTitSMKN. K N KlU.KTir MKVV \ XT K I ) tree prepaid outlll Onu of our axentn has earned over ( MUM Win ! l\e years , 1' O Ilex U7I , ow Vork MW1 TJ-WASTl.l ) AT ONCi : . A ( . ( OI ) . J'cnrrlnKO maker that can cponk I ngllsh nnd < termiin r-tundy work nnd good wages Inqulro olT II I.usihe , loluiubllNch M'.L > > 7 T > -\\ANTi i sMAin Arnvr ! MAN. . .IA > urrliHii ! or dermau , about H yonrs old , ral-od In Omahn tt do colli ctlng and ollirn work llond end licflt refurenees requ'rcd ' Addrrtiit In own hand writing , ( .IvIiiK full partlcularn 1) ( Hoe V.O.I > \VANTK1) , IIOK SM.h.SM VN. MLbT bl'KAK 3VANTK1) fllohemlan 1'ostonMoro , i ma'iu WJ \ I-1 WANT A COAT AN'll I'ANTMAKKU A JJstcad } man will get steady work Jos Pnpez , Albion. Neb .M ! " _ T > - : us 11ou AUK < IIKIN : ( ! A nu.ii J'grnde po ltli > n \\i' IIOMI plnred hundreds In eood positions \\enturn llusli.tss Agiuc ) old N Y llfe b'dir ! f'4 a 30 "R WAMFII IMMKDIA'JKI.V , A IIEO I'Kltri ) aJdrupglst with tlrat-clasj recommendations In qulroUUN Hthil. ISO ! WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates , 1'nC ' a nerd llrst IIISLIIIOII lea word there fitter. Nolhlns taken lor l n than tjc vy mutt boKond rook .indluundrust 24)3 rnrnntn Jlrs J M lliumon M.-II WOMAN ' 1O WAIT ON TAlll.i : AMI HO C general housework A\ngc * do ) per week Must sleep bt homo Apply ut'JI2 Douglas MM3 -WASTI iT-A HllST Fl.ASa HKK.IIT AMI Intelligent paleslady of good appearance for Bcnteol position * " Oood nalary to rlpht party Iteferonco required Addrcps 1SU Hce S37 0-WANTKI ) , ASHOUSK KKISI'KH. \ Mlllll. | aged ludy , lor further Information call at < K > | ( ] Howard St . reference required b7J * C-MrANTKIl.AIlFS'l ( ) \MtniNO VOIl US athomo < nn mnkuf > U.neekly ( } No canTarslug Jteply with self addrcs't-d ntnmptdem elope I rys tal I reum 'toilet Co , houth lleml , IndM8SI 4 * C i.Ainna AND 1:1111.3ra : wii.u I-AY voun to (10 per neok to work for us at your own liomen. noualntlnz or CAnratsIng , xend eelf nd- clrersed unrclope ( icorgo I' Kinmond Jk < o , corner llattcry march nnd Water ittrvtt , lloston , .Muss < J J' Nril-i ; ( illll. I OH INFANT J510 CAl'lT/lj C J Avcnuo U.u S-ANTIID , lit DHAN C\M1" K.1 NOU1II . Otli street , n girl competent to do general house work. .M7 V -WANTKO , p-WANTKI ) . A 14 or ISKll OLD OUU. TO Va slst In taUnic care of n 1 year-old baby Itcf crenco rcijulrctl Apply 27:1 Jackson street.M147 .M147 4 -WANT K.I ) , flllll. KOH GI5XKHAI. 11OUSK- work , must bo n kood cook. Apply at 2047 1 edge otreot Ml .11 C -WA.NTKP. A ( .001) lilllLoKUU CiKMUlAL housework In a small family 2(12 Dodge in ; . : 3 * - ' - AND OlItLS. W15 WILL C-WAM'KD-LADUS par you from $4 to 110 per week to wark for us at your homrs ; no painting or canrassliiK : crnil elt- iddrrssrit i-nTulopo lco K Kmmons , corner Hut- ter/marrh nndatcrsts. . llotton. Mass M1M 5 * uiL run Oni , tiwrda or dcrman 21Uctrard SU 1 * C-WANTKI ) ALISKN UOOMOIllU Al.bOl.IHL for pant'jr wor < llioluxlon , 97'J I TOR KENT HOUSES. Hates , He n line each Insertion II 'U a line per month Nothing liken for less than l ! < o UKNT , 11OU61 IN AIJ. I'AI'.Ts Ob Del clly. OlioO K Davis compan ) , 15A ) Tarnam st rv-H.ATb D\\KLLIMS ! , LOTTM-Ks IN ALL J 'parts of Ibo clt ) Kilkenny i to , Hoom 1 , Con tint ntal block 724 "ltOH 1IFNT T\\O 5 ItOOM COTTAI.US ON l-'nutor lull nt southwest tor Utli and Douglas 7-1 , "rv-r OH UKNT. bhVKHAL SIltAlll.i : HOL IKS X/ot Ibth stieet anil I'opplctou u\enuu \ \ I * liarton.TKN Y Llfo HldK MiU ' [ \-TlIK . - > 11KLTUN FIltbT CLASS FAMILY J-'bnarJIne house , beat locMlon lu tbo city K B. fklnner , liill Farnam st 4G7 T-v-JlODKH.N CHOOM COTTAC5K. MKAUTIFUL JVlnnn , shade , eta N K. tornirUJ and Miami MS54 I\-G AND S-IIOOM 1IOIMKS. CcCNTHAL U1CA JVliou Inquire J F. ll rton,53li Capitol avenue nn & 1-\-FOlt HKST MODIiUN D HOOM I1OUSKS ON J-.IVlh nnd Cass streets Call at once , 4JJ Heo Uldit Harris 111) ) -von 15KNP TWO ciioici : VIMT& , JD AND M Itoors , In the I * K llor block , cor Ibtb and jBCktontlrcuts Call at 111 : Hartley street. MS.I -G-HOOM LOTTAHKS. 8T\NMU1 > C1UCLK , new , modern C. S. Kluutior a)4 ) lloe bldif Sll I ) -Oil UKNT. 7 HOOM II01 > I.S l.N OMAHA View forJO per tuonth It 212 , .McCacuo blngoU ( oU D I-S AND 4-HOOM Al'AUTMKMy , VAN DOItN block , nltli steam llcfcrenres roaulredSll > bxid M KU 1FOIl IIICNT. NBW 1 ! HOOM HOUMC , 2143 , Jl l o 10loom liousa 3i3l Cnpltot niouuo All modern. CallSj.Vlapltol avenue U 11 lloblion DOll HK.STIV C1I1CAI.O , IIV OWNKH Dt'll lug World's fair Mno room residence with modern Improvements , furnliliml complete I'Kas iintly locatxd , nitoen minute ride from fair grounds Address C K llbblos , l > Us MOWHU lloulevard , r lulcwooj , 111 MV43AS * D-FOltllB.Vr. 8 HOOM COTTAflK , UOOD IIIC pair , 110 per ruo. Including city water 117 N 97 , take Fnroam car btoctiul , 714 b. 10 981 v -COTTAHK FOK HUNT AM ) i L KNIT U UK t'OH sale , UJN 17th st Wl : D 1WOHOOM HOUSES' . UOHE1SN , IM1.F block from motor. 1)11 No Ifth M148 S' B-LAtlUK LIST HOUaeS , 1'AUI 1COS FAUNAM MUiMl' T\-F01l UKNT. SCLhRANT F1.MSHK1) g.HO.,11 JJ bouse , all modern Improvements ; rent reason- atlt ; 408 N. rd St Mill > - - OOM NEVT niUCK IIUSIDKNCK , SIlElt wooit attoue , usar I'oppleton' * residence , room brick resldeuce , H4 So. 39th street , near Judj-ollundy s.IJtW. II room brick r sldenc | n block soutUwtit corner IJd and California. liM\o. Jlsth. furnace. c etc. , IB all. tt A. tiltrr , Boo bulUUf. M101 FOR KENT HOUSna. T-k-rolt UKNT U WHIM MODKKN IIOUSK , SUIT 1'ahtc fur ro < m rj and boardsr * nt Mil llarnry treet H ( I I i < rk \ Co , ll Hartley MHO T-v-4 III OM n.A1"l I I ItiKlM FLAT a f J-'rooTi lint 1.4) ) All r uivenfeneea Opp Jelterfon rquato I oliyrls inm hie < u 17TH ! FOR KENT FtJRNlBHE'b ROOMS. llatc . iWc n woiil nrst Intertlon Ic a word there after rotlilMKtciken.for lets Uian3-c 1 ? rtllNlCHBD IIOJ > H WITH ; TK M IIKAT 151J Howard t , 3nd door 017 E-FllONT IIUOM 1013 DODOK ST. Sit ! ) ' \ -jTilSIH HKI ) ItOOMs. MNl.r. ( ! OUKN 8UITB l-i 178 10th Xrd floor left. gtO.I * _ - lil'.NT , HIOST Hot HtTITAIILK 1'OJt ono gentleman , ! UJI Davenport at M6.i7 Il HOL'-i ) ' KKKl'I Ml -LJfor umn and wife llt'iit lakin In board. 31 J N mil l'.tj _ 1.1HiH UBNT. FUIINWHI'.D AM ) UNFUH- i-Jnltllcd rooms ut IM7 Capitol avenueV 1 * -A H\V ! VKUV DKsiltAIILK MiltMSIlKi ) rooms for rent 1 ucatloii Ilia very best lull Capital arcnuc _ Mloi I * I.--- SI AS AM1HK WI'IHOIT CIIILOUF.N l or two > onng men cnnhnMin pleasant prlvato home , all convenience * 1111 Park fcvonuc fcvonucMI7S FURNISHED ROOMS AND BO AUDI Hates. I'c ' n word tlrl Insertion le n jrtl tbcrj- after Nothing liken for less tliin Vis T f TH K noLAN juTA TI sTrTTTi fTsT .r m _ 1JOUM1 WOMfS S IIOMM. L.SDS t ( .AUK OP \\oman 31 hrlstl in nssool-Ulon. Ill bo I7tli t 7.T . .1iin : Dr.siitvm.K HOOMS , unfurnished Jit ) 'utli it. 4W Iji-Ml M.rLllMMIh ! ) ItUOMU1II 1IOAHD. J modern Improvements , ijUJ per week , f > l I N 2 d strtot M7 < 1 I' T 1IOAKI ) . 1'iilVAlB HOU'K. NKWI.V H H- 1 nUlicd , liomotauio , rntuj maUcrata l.Ut Knr- iiuin JIIAU * 17 111K HII.I > IDi : . Hill AM ) IKHXii : HAS J boon ncwlr furnlilK-d anil Is umlor now in ii < eniiMit 1-irst class rooms and buard at rejfnnnblc prices . M97J * l.i-llKAl IIU'I. SOI'111 KltONT KOOSlMTII Ltlrnt class butrd I'it Dudxo t I'M ' I- i.i Mc'UM FLHMM'IEU KUONT noonsITU i. bonrd SHIN I'ltli SH ! FOBRENT--UN1UKNISHED ROOMS llato > , l c a won ! llrst In-ortlon Ic i word th fro aflir Nothing taVun for leii tlnti ixi ri41n itMSHii : itooMH isr ti.Joit , _ ton 'J N Dili street M77. A3j p-TUKKK HOdMs , bV COU.M2U Itil II A.SO VJeaTen | orth ts .M1T07 * 1-3HOUM- S 2IS1' ? iOJ JHroonn lir.'i N 3l t. tl U ) 3 to t roomi I 't ' i nn I Uini ir ( ) to 1130) 3rooni * . "th an 1 I'nclllc fuJJ Houses of nil kinds ( i IUuttJ , 2 s I7tli TFOBTRENT-STORES AND "OFFICES llDtoi , lOu ii Una cn.h I isjrtlon Jl r > J n UDO per month Nothing tiUon for loss tti in ic rDM * 1-cniu biouv nitin ; wlrte llOo Ilarnoy st. r."J f-Kll IIKM S OHK 0UTH M' I.VNOE LblocU sultahlo for nioit nuricot hardnaro or dry iiods store. Inquire HUli Uth st. S7J I-KlltUINT , 1111.4 1H > . .tllltlCIv HUII.DlNr. 1 Old l-nriiiiiu tt. 'Jlio buihim ; hns H tin-proof 10 mtntbtsomont , complctu slo ini.'icntliiK llxluros wntcr on nil the lluors. Kin.tu. . , ippl ) ut the otllco of 'I he I'l o Ulil T Kill IlKNr. ONK 'IHUElf SI'OIIY ASM ) I1ASK Imcnt brlcLMoro building 1JJJ 1 nnmii street. I one story and banuiuent bilik store bulldlni ! < tj South llth htreet Hat 4li .south lit ! ) street , ona More , 14Iu I aMlol a\enuo All In tlrst clan * con dltlon for rt nt on reasonable ttrmv InijutreofA J roptloton , loom 311 llrst .National llnnk bids. M2I4 lOUKNT VKIIV ( HTAI1 I'AKI' TIIACKAIJIJ I warehouse with u * > telephone po-tcr. und cler btrnlitj 10l7.loni s st -MJA13 r run ii KM STOHI : ito IM , nor HUWA ui > I'tcoet Inqulra John t Klick ; Co room j.'il , ( I amber of' omnieno XH 7 -1MH HUM. 1 > KMKAHI.K S1OIIK , O 115 south li III bt ItliiKiTiilt Darker block ; n 3' uhi : s i ours ? ii.i I'KII J T wo toros } IO tw fvr month Ono turo * 5.'W pir nit nth Ion. llnt f ID OJ per month Ihrta llnti fiiUO poriuonti ! Onu lint f.UOO PIT month Two lOltnuoB ( I.MW per month. McCjk'iio Imestment cotapnny. Milt 8 AGENTS WANTED. Halos , l.-ic ' a word first Insertion , lo n word there liter Nolhlns taken for less than 'Joe. XAVISO IN- TMtinont Lo of Utnb. For particulars nddrcss XI 1'loasant. Utah U7IA3 * \Ncbtirocnp tee y , t WANTED TO BENT Hates , me n wont nr t insertion , Ic a word there after Nothing taken for less than IM -i'TOig ( UOOM HOI SK I\ ! COb 1'Lh WITHOUT children , will le.iso long lime Address DM Uoo TWAMUD COTTAGIJ OF AHUUTfi HOOM , IVmodern conveniences , for fnmtly of Iwo , south part of the clt ) preferred Address D OS , lieu. MISS 3' STORAGE. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion , fl , > 1 a Una per mosth Nothing taken fur loss than 25a -oTOHAOt"WILLIAMItiUlOSS. : ISU Ilarnoy fi'H. DON ' 1 SIOIIBHOUSUHOLOOOJDS W1TH- M otit soelns our stornEO department. It Is thj best. Omaha steve llepalr Works,1 )7 Douzl is 710 M-sioittui : i on nousiiiioLD noons. . .leau and cheap rat OS 1L Wells , 1111 1 arnam. WANTED TO BUY. llatos. IVtcn nerd first Insertion , Ic a word thore- af tur AothliiK tukon for lesj than ' . ' ) C \T-K-ASII ion KUII ITUUK 1 > goods , etc. , or will neil for owner In our auction ruloi It Wells , till 1'nrmm an * J \\\\'l KDUUODllOimr : lOUCAbll WhIGHT 1 > about DUU pounds a < o o or 7 seven } ears , liny colur but white. 1'eisons & Uerrr , soutU Omaha. SIITI J _ _ KAUTII V.'AVfKOT 2 TII AM ) MASON' N strcels at once lidelltj 'Irust to , 1702 tarnatn Wi 7 POR SALE FURNITURE. Hates , mo a word Hut Insertion , Ic n word there after NothlnE takun for less than 2 0 Ol'OH 8ALK , ALL HIE CAHI-KTS AND furniture , B well as one square piano at ysm Dodico street , witT be sold In lots to suit purchaser. - - SALE. A SMALL HOUSE Or 1'LMt.NM- 0-1-011 turo , nearly cow , bargain for cash Apply 341D O BU.fcoutb Omaha , after 3 p m HIM J' -NEAItLY NKW HOUSEHOLD for ealu cheap East Hat , 2117 1 arnnui arnnuiMlil 1 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS KTC. llntcs , IHcix word Urst Insertion , Ic a word there after. Nothing takvn for less than " -M. Y > -wl"hAlVK. iNDlANOPL J ivagou , harness und good team , suitable for noTlug outfit , cheap , A. C. Unyuier , J40J N btreet , South Omaha. 14 ] IKOK SALi : . NICE BAY CAHUIAUK TKAM and cnrrtsje. U W , Toilers. 1W 1'cnrl St. , Conn- til llhigs | > - rOUHALKOUNC DHIVISC. HOHSi : , HAH J n ss rnd top biugy , also good rlillng poncy i.nd phaeton A. II. 'luker New York Life 951 1)-K01l 8AI.K , TWO Ol'KV HOAD WAOONB , Itcht , ! 5030oach. two surreys , f5UU andfltUOU , ono phaeton two extension leather top family car * rlages , Hargalns Tue t > est Iliouhamoss in Amor- ka. Druuimond CnrrU.-u Co , Iblh and Hartley 1tOU B-VLK , ONK LIOUT BAY DUIYING team Height about HlX ) . Ulrgant drivers Also onpforrol driving team , weight about I.'OO , all elegaut drlrtrs and must be sold at once fi delity Loan and tiiiuiantco company , room 4 With nrll block , corner Klltccnth nnd llarney M1571 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hates mea word Irst Insertion , lo a word there after Nothing takun for less than 2oc. -T 1 1 K .VTA N I ) A 111) ( 'ATTaCol l > A x v 6 K KK It balsa hay at 15.0) par ton , on board cars at Anirs , .Nob This price may bo withdrawn at any time _ ia ' " -roUSALK , 1'UHE. DAKOTA , UUSSIAN KLAX. thoruughly cleaned for sowing Write for sampleand prlco. llrelt-IIaktr Co , Henry , 8 I ) _ C3.A71 * Q-KOK 8ALK , ONK HALL KIKK HOOK 8AKK , as good as new , weight about lilX ) Inquire Bos ton Elore , I'Dinha. WJ-J -KSINK110Il.KHAMTUIUIlNKar ! Oil BALK A W-borsa power automallo engine and boiler , Kith 31 1 Inch Uufs. almost new ; also 2 James In l vi ater wheels , 2u Inch. In good order , for sal * cheap Address Henry llurgdorf , ( Jllmore , Neb. Qr BLOO I ) WII1TK LKQI1OHN STOCK eg , ll.Ji setting Addrrss i72V Center street. M117 li * \-FOU SALE. QASOUNK STOVE , THE DA.SQ- tler Mlf-irene lor , VJn Dodce St. M1W1 * Q -kOUIt FlIlhT-CI ABS TATIC.VT8 * Xll BALK or trade. Joseph D. Smith , Box SOT , HUlof City , MISCELLANEOUS. Ilaln IHc wnrd first Insertion to it word there after .Sothlnir taken for less linn ts THAT 1 < * KFFKCTIVK , VKT Kr. tafo and ptfssantto u > , Kurck * Catarrh Curt ) KTTIKIHTKH oiitNTKCAV rUIt nlsh you flthcr a No 1 or No 5 llomlniiton type ttrllrr In first ein-s tondltluii on rental tilve at oral I. \ > ye off , " eamnns * nencdlcl , I7U l-arunm slrett Omahn Nebraska W -Hill IIKM I.V.MI IV THAtTM TO SfIT near Hurence lake , Klu acres In all lloitf * \ lll'l 1101 Vnrnoni sln-ct M3HIA7J K-\NA.NTii : ) . IIOL'SKKhKI'KltS TO KNOW Hint we renovate and thoroughly clenn by the mart ImproTvd procaise fttitlmr l > e > 1i ami pillow * HlKliust market prices pild for nuw and uld feitth er < Illlloir jk Doup. lull anJ Darenpart Ti.lo plionol.or ) . OLAIRVOYANTS. lale ( % lOo n line vnch Insertion f I M a Una p r month Nothing Inken for less than jjc. Q-\tVS NM NM15 \ UllS V"UjA1UVOVANT 'rcllublu Lusliu-si inuJluui. Hfthcar at 113 N' IGth S-Mlt Dll M l.RnilAVK ritOl'UKTKsS , DSAt ) Irancs ctalrroynnt an I llfj reader ; tolls your life from cm ll to urn o en til oruultal on all affairs of life has the Ktypllttn breajt plate to nnltethj sapinlel nnl cm * } uiirrlau with onu you love , lotuoono como nil and 09 con Tlncc < lof her romirknblu po reri Olio ) anl roil ( Icneell" " lit i i , hourj. ) a m toJ p. m Strict lirecUirt and pltotn of rour fuliri wlfu or hut liacdn int through mill for ti Jl u ittrt aloni tl U ) All U tlcM contllnln I ciu'.i In > tinu proniullr answered MMl MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. Hutc * lUc n lluu each Insertion tl > J a line per month Nothing tnkon for Ies < than i'x w iri ssn -I UootuS. Ma 'Hcc , atcn .Oi , fluli > hur and IIPA liAtlm M1U > > 'P-MAs A ( h THKATMBVr KLKCTIIK TIIKll I mnl tintiM scilp nnd hilr troituicnt ininlitird undchlropoaisi. Mrs I'ost UVg b Ulti.lihuell bIK 'p-A iiiir\to MAM PAriiriiKiiw i - HIre J-oiKace rc.Mit In CMimhn 10 percent coinml slon Apply nt dl 2 \ 1.1 fo Hldg city i Au-os 11:1 toufii ) < A bruiir : ditu Jtoor , room 7 uiassaKQi Alcohol , sulphur and 191 lmth . U'iJ i * PERSONAL. llatcs l o n word tlr t Insertion lo n word tocro after rsothltm takaa for les * thnn oc. -uvof "isA'uMiHriiY "fviffsn TO "MAHHV quick well , hoiioribly , bond lOc for Mntrluionlal > ewfi Mor tir mitluJ In plain aoileJ enrulopa .Mcrcur. 2ijOtlnt , .NC.T \ ork MJH A\3' \ U-rrT'riii < our AND PHESKST AT COWAN s photo ntuilln SI21 nnd JIS1 i liinlnc "t nnd rou will tto entitled to 15 nrlsto cihluut photos of yciur- pf. | silt edie cinl . nnd onoBili ) nrUlo for 1 1 'O , without this fjtA ) . for ten ilnyionlr Taken In nil Llntle of wuatlier Comoono como all MSJ1 A27 -\VlU.IAM. IFOL 1,1 , sMOKE K1N ( ! I.OLIS , 3 for Z > c , all will bo foriilven Imcr. Tohuoi conlit llroxnblW Kith and DouKlns 8Ji A 27 | 7 VIssT M blll Tc. WII.I. < 1'U.N DllI'Ss \J mnklnc parlors April 1st lu ( outlneutnl block , room ii , tlrtt tlnsi wort and eatlntnutlun irunr- unluoil 'J45 Ob' MUSIC , AUTAND TjANGUAGES. llntcs lOc n line each Uitortlon $1 M a line per month .Nothing tiknn for less thnn 2V ; \ ' - IM.TrMlLCh , UA JOlBl JUlSAt-lllUl , ' IS.Ululiro-iila OK MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. llntcs 100 n line ench ln < nrtlon $1 .VJ n line per month Nothing tikon fur IOM tnnn5c r-IOWK-1 HATIM UDELITV ' 1HUST COM puny 170' Furmtu street 7ofi AY Lh.STUAULO VN \ lllOsr CO. UEtf I1I.DO T3J AYv \v- C h HAllHlbO.V. 9I2N Y Mi E. 711 ly MOUTH \OK LOAN'S LESS THAN 7 1'Bll "I cent , Including all charge * Cliarlos U Itilnay unua.sat bank bid ; . 745 \ \ \\AS1KDATONCK , LOANS ON IMl'llOVEI ) ' tmnha property , low rutoi 1 Ululltr 'J rust coinpnny 17irj hurnimst 'M \\T mtsr.v &KCOM ) Aio.tra GK LOA.NS ON ' ' Omiliipropflrty ,1. on farms In adjacent coun tics Send full description Alex Moor ,4Ul Uea bldg 740 \\r I.OA > S ON IMl'KOVKI ) AND UNIMPUOVBI ) * * clt ) property WIXW nnd upward * 6 to O1 percent J\o dolars \ \ 1-aruam builth Co.,15th und Uarnoy 741 \\r-7 I'KII CK.NT MONKV NKT ii on Omaha city property .No cxtni charges of nuyklndbrjnyliluh rates ? Money Is cheap \oucan tot full bonctUot low rutus from Uloba .rust to Itth and Dodie 7 < 7 W-OMAHA SAVIM.S 11A.NK MAKKi UKNS on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or largo sums for short or long time No commission li charged and the loans ara not sold lu the east , but can always bo found at the bank on tbo corner of 13th and Douglas streets 743 Vy-1 AM ) y YI3AU 1.0ANS ON CITY AND FAILM li mortgages Itccd Jc tolby,341 Hoard of 'Irndo. rw _ \\r-MONKY 1O LOAN OX OMAHA AND COUN- ii ell liluffs real estate and Nebraska and Iowa farms tit from Smo GH percent Interestwith no ad ditional charges tor commissions or attorneys f eoj. W II. Melklc. l t .Nnt I blink bldg. timaha 4J ) \\T-MONhV TO IAAN AT LOWKsT HATKS 11 Tbo O F D vls Co , 1J3J Farnam str.iet 7IJ \\r-ANTHO.NYLOAN AND'I it T CO , 318 N Y ii Life , lends nt low rates for cholco security on Nebraska or Iowa/arms or Omaha city property yrMONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'ltOVHD CITY i property , low rales A C. Frost , Douglas blk , 7J7 \\r--MOSKYTO LOAN AT IXJWEST HATES ON 11 Ipmrovcd and unimproved real estate , ! to A ycirs Hdellty Trust Co. 170.'Farnam 7AJ AAf-LOANS. O G WALLACE , S12 BHOWN BLK. 1\ 74J \\r-f > 00 000 TO LOAN ON' IMI'UOVED CITY AND ii farm properties , 0percont und up Kpecla ! at tentlon to Inr o loans on business property I'mal , " * IKio 1-arnnm street. MTIO 4 * ir HEAL KSTATU LOANS , PAUL , lOOS FAH- > nam PAWNBBOKEK3. Hates , lOe a Una each Intnrtlon f 1 50 a line par month. NothlnE takan for last than -'jc 1 SONNKN'lini.U. D1VJ10ND DHDKICU 1MI ' .DouKlaist Lotnsrnonej on diamonds watclioi , etc. Oldpoldandsllror buasht Tel loij 153 MONiJY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion , 11 W n line per month Nothing taken for less than -'So I DO\H WANT MONEY' X T1IL 1 IDKL1TV LOAN ( lUAnANTBE CO , HOOM < M 1THNELL IMJOCK l ! > 4 fcOUTH 15T1I , CO UN Bit UAUNUV ST. TOH ' \ AWT OK \ SMALL ' DOLLAB3\ UF. WB MAKK LOANS OV KUHN1TUKK IIORSK4 , CAKKlAtiKB WAHKIIOUSK HKCKirM Oil I'Kll bON'ALl'1101'KlirYOK AY KIM ) OUU TKHMS WILL MEK1OUH Al'l'HOVAI. Yon cm pay the money * back at any time and In any amount you wish and thus reduce the cost of entry- Ing the loan In proportion to amount you pay. IKOU ewe a balance on your furniture orother persorat property ot any kind , we will pay It ft for you and carry It as long as you doslro , - YOU CAN IIAVK lOLtl MONKT IN ON 1C IIOUIl FllOM 'tllR TIMK 1 OL MAKK Al'l'LirATIO.f No publicity or removal of property , so that you Ket tlio use of both monuy and property I on will also Und us In from 7 to U p. in 753 X -I'linXIlAUU , 51 DOUt.L\bllLK. lui. DOIMJi 751 : X- WILL LOAN MO.NKY ON ANY KIND OK SK- curlty strictly contldcntlaL A K Harris , room 1 continental block. 75J Y MONKY. 40 , CO. 10 DAYS CIIKAI * IIATK : and easy payments , on furnltnra , pianos , lira stock , etc. , without delay or publicity , cash on hand Dull Green , rooms , Marker block 755a -CALL AT TUB Ol F1CB OF X I. . . . . . . . . . * . ' OMAUA IIOUTOAQ E LOAN CO. INCOlirORATKD , " " ' ' " " " " "IF You 'WANT'MONK v , You can borrow on nOESEHOU ) KUHMTUItK AND 1-IAN03 IlOltsKS. WAHONS AND CAUIIIAOES , WAllKUOU.ii : UKCKilTtl. MKKC11AND13E , Oil AND OT11KU sECUItirV We will lend you anv amount from I101X ) to II.OW , ON THE DAY YOU ASK FOH IT without publlcltr or removal of property , You can par the money back In anv amount * TOU wish , and M HT time , and each payment so made will reduce the cost ot the loan. lleinember that you have the use ot botb the property and the money , and pay ( or It only as lone as you keep It. There will be no ozpunse or charge kept out o the amount wanted , but you will receive the tal amount of the loan. Ilsfore borrowing elsewhere call and see ui and you will Ond It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOItniAUt ; 1XJAN UO , SOtl SOUTH ItiT 113THKKT. first floor above tbe street. THE OLDEST. I.A1U1KST AND ONLY INCOIU'OH ATKD LOAN CXXUl'ANV IN OMAHA. 7M BtJBrNE83 CIIANOES. ttatpi. IIV a line rarh lAiortlon. II M ) a line per rnont i Notlilnit taken ' / | p s thsn JV ) . VI I T.IC IQMI'LKTK Illlt l STOCK AND I store nituri-K at Wfitrrloo Nvb . nintnptorr orm < lo the rUhl party .Tflny ilruz store In town -.nqnlrouf Jlcrer & Itsjiuke. or Katt Novtns I o Omaha _ ii If Wl _ V-W" SALK. IlLAt h.c > flTll "HOl'i Full IMU I tlculars address D IX I oley , Iloupcr , Lr-llltfO STOUK rOll.hAIl : . ( , OOl ) lOU.VKIt L location If sold nt onM will el ! at a llbvral Iscunnt , luvoloj abiutfl til lo JJ.OJ ) . AddrsM I ) 1. Dcu Yl * MALK. MKHriUVhT * 1IDTKU WAllOO. 1 Neh Ufty miles west of Omaha. Three story rick HrttKH , ami lixi'nit'nt. . ' > ) bo I rooms , 1 tororoom , WxlOJ , I store ruoui Sl l ) J Inrcj snm > U < rooms nml I irca dining room IDxU 1'ropprty cnn for ItM per month t'rlc ; flaOOU , terms , niXI tnl OOl cnsli balsnOT S yoir * lima Hnt'st ocatlon nnd only tlrst clns hntol In the city , l.ood casons for selllnB Fcr further ifirtlcnlnr * call on or address W II. Dlollnsan , Jr.aliotf , " Neb 631 A3 * _ _ V * "U SA1.K , A l,0i)0) STOCK OK (1KNFIIAL A mercbnnills } and loasi of luilldlnt ; uxplrln * April I , I si I with gnod trade , ox niln Dodso cjutitr Neb , coed rcn ons for elllnK out ( an lie furnlMiol. wilt ntcopt part real slate lnl nc h n ito id chunco for a live hnsl- nesi man Address J i , rromont Neb M&Tu V-I-O" SAI.K. GOOD CLKAN ( IKNr.llAL tTO ( 1C JL about flux ) , forty inllui from - lom I Ity ( food town blir Urrltory annual bil'lnpss UHSUW 1-or cish anj bnnkablo paper Owner olnit In wholo'.ile bulness I ) . Henderson. Carrier 10. ' lies Molne , la Msil 4 VJollALK , Ullal CLXS3 IIAKKUY A.VO J restaurant llnlldlnt : n Iwu story tirlck , llr-t lasslnovcr rospiut c n bo rented or bauUit on oed terms Address J H llcckcr. ( .reto Noli U.M-6 _ _ _ V-W NTI' | ) . 8 THoitou < 5ii m SINK.MKN J with eipltnl to oreanltu u bulldlne nnd loan lo , or particulars iddruas L 9 , DCS Molnes Iowa IIS I 4' \r-HitSAi.i : ou iitADK. AS ii-TAiu.isnii : ) biKincts , small capital required Address 1)01 , lee MlrtS" V -1 IMC lIUSIS'l'Ss OI POIITUMI 0\\l.N lld I the ilcnt'i of .1 -borrln tbo hnrncsi business lilch ho conducted no sncce sfulty foruiorothin wcnty fl\o jcars. N now olTvred for tile Ibis Is without question ono of thu most desirable bur ness stands In the state Address K H llarnard rcmont .Neb Ml IW 8 V"-1IL-I\1 > 9 Ol'I'OI Tl SI11KS Kl.sVLK AM ) L exchange. Call or nrlto for bulletin \\est ern llusluiss Aitency. 310 N \ Life HUlz117U4 Y loit bALP , IIAIIDU AUK Srnltn AM ) TIN shop food lin lno ' . K"od loeitlun and cheap cut , but i have other bnslnesi lo look after Ad dress Lock I ox luoo , Lincoln : < ob Mltil 6 FOB EXCHANGE. Hates , lOc n line each Insertion , $1 00 a line per month Nothing taken for less thin SJG V 460 ACltks OK CLltAlt LAM ) INos ' -'tbcbe t winter wbest dl < trlcti In K'lns sto ex hnnijc1 for 10 or 2J aero tract near Omaha city Imlti Will pay cash dlliorenca If proparty li coed Address , irlvlnj ; price Hnd location , o Jtl Iloo sloCKOFilK.VmtALM'US'r ; WILL akc real estate X money lloxtt trankfort , Ind TJ < J r/-I OWN 103 tAltUS IX Siil > tKA , KANSAS S f. DnkoluMI1 sell cheap , or excn mja for tods , horses and caltlo AdJ box 7J , Frankfort , Inl TM y WILL I\CHANOK : voii moot ) CI.UAU IIKAL ' -'e'tato btolO Kentucxy roiil horses , ono line 'Qriheron ntalllon nnd souio wa oni and a mnle cam -\dilrcss Ilex HJ Fremont .Nub M7. > 1 / - - \ OK TIl\lK. l-Oll l.O ) l ) KAIIM /-'or caih JjOOJ htirdnaro stock In nuw erowlni ; own In Texas W Hodce , & > Tax ton block , Omaha r i MVK ) 4' V-41WU ACIIKS t HOI C .SKIIIA-UV ! L\M ) and cash for inerLhandliCLllox 2J , Koitrn3y Nel > MIS AM' _ _ _ _ _ _ yiuoo cnoirn CII < AU < Hn : MA ; uc /Jturi' . qnallt > euaranteel 13 03 to ( lAO ) What iavo you to olur In exchao o11 Ilex 3 , Kearney , leti M = ! 47 b * rTO rxciiANOK roit TIOTKL n HMIT'IIE , A/clty property or Missouri tlmbor land Addrois ) SJ Hue onicu M'JIO Ad * y-l-Olt L.XCIIAMiF. A 10 HOOM MODE11N AJhouso near HatKcom park \ \ ants u cheaper lOine : U McCaKtie. bulldlnu HSkrj 4 y JLOTSNKAU MCI 14 INSTHUTP LIGIHI.Y 'Joncumbered for trade , or will sell \cry chenii. \MIIIains \ Mlttan , McC uo building opposite lOstotllce ' . 'at ' J y WASTBI ) TOKX HA.NdHUNKM I'MIIKHhU / lots In Oniabn for pair Uorsea. carriage nnd Imr less , or cither Wrlto to Or apply ut room i the Madison , between t > and 7 30 p ni t)32 ) i * FOR SALE BEAIi ESTATE. Hates , lOc a Una each insertion SI * Q a line per month hothlng lakan for loss than 2oc T LKbANT COUNKH KOU iTns 111K N C 'TtTrr l-Ji-q. JI3.UUO. hnndsomereildenco , W ft. lot , tlM ) . Ine farm Ii rallej gut , fxCW K. K. Darling , liarker jluck 757 I OltiALK AHMS. CRXTHAL AND KASTEItN .Nebraska. K UGarvluACo SliODly blockV713 V713 17O11 BALL , IlltS FIVE VIIAME HOUSES. M7 TO -L 61 Iso irtli ttr'iCt , and two In alley , n bargain forsomoono For particulars cnllatlll2 Ilirney Ktreet Mb.M A M HAIlllAl.N'S. TWO \VFLL Ull'ltOVKI ) farms of IMacres each , Jolnlne In central Nebraska braska , only thrco uilloa from coed town on li A M II It Houses , stables , itrnncrle * rrlbs wells , windmills nnd over half In cultivation Itcnted to good f aruierH 1'urchnicr will get one-third uf crop HIM ) pel acre 1'urchajor will b allowed expense of Investigation \\llllami & Mlttan , third Boor McCague building , opposite postultlcc tbl J | ? OH 9M.K \IK.AI.N SAUIIMCK bALK IIV J- nonresident , four 50 foot loti tn lrlgz < 1'lnoi add lots 5 and G , block 7. on Dodse St , near 47Ui &t nnd lots Jjand2S block II llarney st near ( ! dbt tor special price and terms addrosi ownar , I" C. Johnson Ulli Cbnmbor or Commerce , Chlcszo , III M2U Alii- A FHW OF THOsK DOIMiK ONLY .ic-os left at the low price ot JIOJ per acra \YrlKUt & Lasbury , ICth and Howard streets M5IO FOIl SA1.K HJI.Ij LOT , 50 by I2J ft. , NKW MNK room house with water conveniences , peweraco and gas. lot value , t..KUOJ Improvements , ; .WJUI , convenient to street rarj nnd school , 2U minutes walk from court house , choice location Owner needs $ SO)03nnd will toll for little more than hilf Its valiie , Interest nt n low rate on balance In quire 5J8 N .I'M t after Cp m 4G1 pTTAOE JOll&ALK TUB UNKsT 1 HIM. IN x /lheclty for tbo money That elegant 7-room cottaco we are } nst oomplotlnz In Avondale park. Ono mlln from pnatolHci ) furnacp. bath mantel , gas sewer , hot uud cold water , sodded yard trees , stone walk und paved street. Only SI.UJ-JOO Terms easy lluy now so we cin finish to suit you Udellty 1 rust I o. 170. ! 1 arnam M57J If INK LOT \\ITHIN TIH5 MILK LIXIIT FOIl A (1 JOOUO , nnd In Avondale parlc nt that where foO.OOU 00 will bo expended for Improvomenls before July 1 , uhlch will add it ) per cent to thn valiio of these lots \Vncleslroto sell H of the Hurt street lots before Mny 1 , and am speclnllndiuemnnt will make a discount offlOJOJ per lot to the first six purchasnrs , JHWOJ cusli and fXJ ( J on or before nvii years IfthlsUnt n bargain where will yon find one1 7 houses now bolnu built In this beautiful addition , close to cnrs schools etc I-et us show you this property at once Fidelity Tru st to 170 ] harnainst W ! QTO CK HA.NCH , 90 AC11KS HoWAItD CO NEIi. OfCO If quick J. I ) Stlres , Columbus , Neb CM a ! ) SA1.K-HOU8K AND LOP IV NOIfl II TAUT FOIl of city li.uaoa Terms IIW 00 c h balance f I5.W per month 'IheRF Davis Company ' .T.ttl 4 17OII bALK OK i\CIIANCB , ONU OFTHK 11EST -L suburban homos In Omaha Will take u western Jartu. It. 212 Md'aguo bldz \\iil I7OUSALE 1 HOUSES , LOTS PAUL , 1C05 FA11NAM. MI45 Ml * 8-HOOM 1IOU3E , 2 IOT-S. , 5IIOOM IIOUSK H acre , H price Address 52:9 Center street | MISS Ml > _ _ _ _ BUKMIAXI I'LACI" IS THK CHKAI'EST AND best acre property on tpu niarkrt today The motorls running right up ( o the addition , wl'l have paved road nil the way from the city I'rlco KM , ) i to H lown , balance I'D 3 and 4 yearn at 7 per cent will nlvo deed and nkitrnct J A Lovgron , 503 lirown lllock , 1IIW J' K ACKKS LAND RCOJDO , HALF I'ASH S ' 'acres Innilfl 1 WOO. f J 00 caih , balance terms to suit , 4H uillo ot uostoaioe , J II 1'arrotte , Doug Us blk MIDI 3 _ fPKN Af'KKa. 4 HLOCKS FllOil STATION NEAll L Omaha , faflO , cash lab , \ears time XVm A'el on , Hoom 3. llnr or block , u 9i3 1 * DRESSMAKING. Hates , IDc a line o h Insertion , tl W a llnj per month Nothing taken for Jess than * " FINK Ing nt moderate prices nt'tba lilies Tailor Dressmaking college , Mme Corbett , 501 lirown block J1903A4 * _ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. llntes , Ida a line esch Insertion II 50 a lint per month Nothing taken for less than 23c. VOU.NOL\liKS AND i GB.NTLKMKN CAN SOON 1- acquire a working knowlo/Uo of shorthand and typewriting at A. C. Van aant's school of short- hand. 513 .N. Y Ufa building M5M _ UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS llatos , lOo a Una racn insertion , II.K ) a line p r mouth. I othlngtaken tor "ess than Sio. cobs. deco d. latar wltb M , O Maul ) , unds taker and eaibalmer. 31 } 3. 18th st ; 1st. CXI. COO SCALES. Kates. IHc a word first Insertion , le a word thtre aster. Nothing taken for less than 3ic AN"I > SKCONIMIANO hCALK-1 ALL klodi Address llorden & Sellock Co LakeMt , CAUTION Examine "Tho Donsmoro" nnl you will buy none oilier. Tlio Wor/if'M d'ronf of f Ty ; > cMvrJfor.o nro nlwxjr * Ji'o SB ! to show lu MoRonth Stationery Co. , 1U04 Fnruntu St. , OmnUi , ( 'is OrJ ) ; of th ) Aj ) " Ills unnocesiiTT U > mention the nolnuof porlorlty v s U Is now so uo I'KHOWII Its Record of Success IB Its Best Flo- commomlntlon. u lion It uns uiit on tiio in irnut rival ? sail It \\onld not \vdir THUD li is qhowu tli ni wrung Inntory piriloiinr mil h s nro\on tlitittlif S nUh lTumU < r l"niiilb-r : .ml si coviixi rvi'ivuir Kit r.v u IN- AM ) ItiHAY IT1 AMls 1 All AM. coMi'i. riruii- THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor 17th n.ii'l 1'irn mi t . < > m ih i , Nob. II H MA\ llhMinaner BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo Building. Oinalia , Neb < yo-\i3 nxiimlncrsU S Pat Oftlce Advloo frs HIPAHS TAC5ULI- . ' ; t - uf thoMomach.imrand liowiU purl fy th blood , luv r fp U.U1 plftclUBl tne ln mmirtnelimmnfortllloi.- coiFiitatl * n dyn > * p la , foul th bcftlni h ewtnura IrSJ cf i intAl OcpresjtOll | vt | mplcj ivillo" oam i inrnr" bland or a riLi-iiVlij no t. mm h IITT- tti-uies to pcrtonr tlicirprotii 1 c irons ? nT i t ovircAtU. ! * arrb , nentiMlby tnl lif our alter gs-c' m i ) > rl-t. I > - mini 1 i.Tnr < ( - H-rurl. ; IT ' ' ' , iLOO.irrnneatt N-w ! . ; ' 1'rupasaU for tlio l.rcrllon ofn 1'iirt uf the \ \ } ninliii ; st itn rrnltclitliirj. ojlod propo-.ils will lie remit od by Hio Wy- onilni : tnti" llmrdnf t'liirltUs nnd llpfnrm until the 1st dtty of Mny , 1H03 , nt 4 o'clook p in of ild d i > , for fin nlslilnir inntorlals nnd CTOCI Ion of n portion of the > \ joining st tto pi niU'iiti ity . it U.i linsyotnltij ; . In com- lUi.iin-i' with tu' ! proIslon - . nnd limit itlons of Mi-t Ions 1' ) nnil JH , rli iptc-r 30 , session I. IHS ls8 , \\joinlng , and cli iptcr 17 , bosston Luns 1893 , Wjomlns I'l ins , spocltlcntlons and Instructions to ltd- di'rs may bo seen .it the ollli o of thu sccrot iry of tlio bo.iid , ChojonnojoinIliK. . All bldili'rs will bo n united to furnish with hts or tl.olr bids ccrtltic'd cliocK , pnjnbln to the sccrc-t u \ < if llio bo ird to the amount of $1 000 , which chock will bo forfeited to tlio state in the o\ enl of f.iliuro of bidder to enter into contract within ton clnjs and execute a bond to the st tto of WjomiiiA in not loss than the amount of the pioposil of such person or jiersom , whlcli bond sli.ill buapprotud by tlio boird The Hoard of Charities nnd Iloform rcscr\es the rlsht to reject nny and all bids. In nwardlnj.t contrail preference will bo ghcn to tn.itoi Ills and labor of this state All bids must bo staled and endorsed , 'Pro posals for the erection ot the Wjouilng state penltentl.iry " Tor fuitlier Information apply to the secre tary of the boiird nt ( 'ho\cnm > . \ \ joining , OTTOt.HAMM. ClIAHLEs W liL'KDICIC , fa. T TAinNKM. , Board of Cliai Itics and IJcfonn. ( Attest ) fc. T 1'AKWnLh , -ceretary. Chojenne , Wyoming , March 27 , 18)3Jl30d7t ! . . . U S IN'- cllan Scr\lco 1'lne Hldge Aconcy S. I ) , March 30. 1893. be'iled proposals , endorsed , "Proposals for Piold .sped * , " and addressed to tlio undersigned nt 1'iiw Rldgc Agency , Mi m- non county , hi 1) , will be rocolicd nt this n-rency until 1 o'clock p in of April 20. 1803 , fet furnlsliliiK and dellxeiliiK at this agency about'J5.3GU 11)- , --ood oats. 20.WO HH hood corn , 57.000 llw wed potatoes. 1,200 Hi- , seed nhi'iit , 730 lb < nlfnlfa 3.000 lb > ( Jormnn millet - lot , 730 Ihs tlinotln , 7J7 Ibs bltlo prass , > CO Ibs suijtir bi't and 50' ) Ibsitstr c'nio seed bald seed to bo Brown In t ho soctlon of CDIIII- try contiguous lo the place of Uoll\oiy. Itld- Uer will bo required to stulo spocitiiMlly In thosr bids the propo > ed pilco of eurh nnli'lo olTIetedfor UulUury undoi a contract. The rlRht Is rvserxcd to reject any or nil Mdor nti } p-iit of any bill , If deemed for the best In terest of the i > or > leo critTim i ) CHECKS Each bid must bo accompanied by a certlfled checK or draft upon some I'nlted Mutes de pository or Mihtmt national bank In the % klnlty of tlio ix'sldenco of the bidder , tiiudo . .ible to tlio onler of the conitiils > loner of Ii.ij . nlTaIr > for at leust & per cent of the amount of the propo il , nhlcli check or diaft will bt > fotfelted to the United Mates In case nny bidder or bidders recelliij ; n n aw ud shall fall to promptly r\t cute u conn act with good und stitHclent suii'tleb. otherwise to be re timed to the blddei. Diduccoiiipanled by cash In lieu of ucertlllcd check will not becon- sldeted I'oi .1113 furtliei Information apply to TAI'T OKO IJ'.ltOV 11UO\\N , L' S A.ctlns Lulled Muter , Indian npent MJldJlt lUOara ! . Cblcnio liipraii 15.5) ) p m biou.v tirv A 1'Acmc ArrlvoT" Omaha' ' I epot 10th and Marc ? fits. I Omahi It ) ami blout lltr 1'asaennar 10 JO p in I 6.85 p ml . . . 'L I'aui Kxpress liW ) J. m Leaven I BIOL'X CITY A I'AClHf Omaha I Depot. 15th and Uolmor rtti t > 45 pm | St I'aul Limited Leaves I OMAHA Asl I OU1S Omaba V P Depot 10th nnd .Marcy Sts T5Tp m -t. Louis Cannon Hall Leaves U , S1 I1 , M AO Arrives Omaba Depot Ibth and debitor Sts _ Omaiii ft 10 ami hlour CHr Aocommo slion a US pm 1 15 pmlblouz Clly Kzprar * ( Hi Sundnyi 114) pm 6.41pm . Bt I'aul raited . . itliiam alSpm ItancrofU'assanifor < Kx Sund yt S 4) p m Leaves j K K \ MO VAJTilSY lATFlvoi tmaha1 Depot 15th and Webster ati | Oma1 ! ! aW am . . Deadwood hspres < _ 5 J p ui POO amUKz. Bat. ) Wyo Kip ( Kt Mon ) pro t.iOpmi , . Norfolk ( Kz Sunday ) . . la i t am 5.45 | im | . . .91 I'aul Kzpress _ . 1i am eaves CHICAGO A NOUTH WKSIKIIN , Arrlvei Omaha U 1 * depot. IQtb and ataroy Ms I Oinaa ! Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshiug to the taste , nnd nca ! gentljr yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowcle , clcnnsen the t-ya- tern efibctually , dispels colds , head aches and foveis nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of ita kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tuolo nnd nc- ceptnhle to the stomach , prompt in its nction nnd truly bouoficinl in its otTocts , prepared only from the most healthy and ngrcenblo substances , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all nnd hnvn made it the most popular icmody known. Syrup of Figs ia for snlo in 60c and § 1 bottles by nil leailiug drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for nny one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAl UlillSVILLE. KY tlV YUdX , N.t. Are those ignorant pretenders who , without any qualifications , any nbility , nny experienoa , any skill , claim to possess the power to cure all the ills of ha hutnaa rao3. But thair want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would-bo dupes , and thesa conscionco- lessquaoks ara soon consignol to th3 oblivion they so richly merit. In stranja and stro-i-j coitra3twit'i those miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted leaders of their profession Who , during the past 27 years , haA abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the worst forms of those delicate - icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terras of NERVOUS , GHROHIO AND PRIVATE DISEASES , Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pagoa , "Know Thyself. " Consultation frea. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , 119 S , 14th Streal Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA. - STEB. that's my wife's you know wears a cheerful , life-is-worlh-living expres sion , ever since 1 presented her a box of WHITE RUSSIAN She is always recommending A'//t'j soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments has just what she needed to make labpr easy , and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky DiamondTarSoap J nnd Jlmlse * The County Fair affords an excellent opportunity for the pick-pocket to Ret your watch. If you would be proof against his bklll , be sure that the bow ior ring ) is a This wonderful bow Is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases , which are made of two plates of gold soldered to a plate of composition metal. Look equally as well as solid gold cases , and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years , Always look for this trade mark , None genuine without It. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask any Jeweler for pamphlet or send to the manufacturers. KeystoneWatch Case Co. , PI1I1.AUQLP11IA. A CHANCE SHOT , TlinStrnniro .dotting Mnn Hrlntr n AVr t cm Storr. The ntration looking mini tmt In ono coi nor of the omokiii * ami hadn't much to av whllo the ilrumuu'r nml the west ern unl ptttito iiiuiioru toll IIJT thrtr storlfx , says the Detroit Kioo I'I-C-HS. Ho I'outi-d. howo\op , aftoi' u peeulinrly lH.H'ulliir oiio litho tlrumiiK'r. "Tlmt romlniln mo. " ho * nitl , "of some- t ) lii ( that happened < nw in a inlidn town in the -eklus { tluriiiR the KOI d old tliui's when oMsrjthtiijf atm out tliero. Like every other niuntoipulity hatl iiiunn us and gioonloH , toiuhs nml tenderfoot. Otu < if th < " * c temiorfietMU the most e uaitllv follow , in some wa\s. 1 o\or s-itw. and hdho had o\or oniue ti Biioh a place I oouldn't umleMaml Ho was afraid of txorybsdy , and a bo > e mltl bulltlio him. hut hoMH brljjht- inlndod. with a line turn for hustnosti , aiul \ \ ahoiiost. . A pltoln a Inrror 11 him anil ho wouldn't take a drink of wii"kj ) iiiitler any qiieumstaneoihieh , by the \\ttv. lu'Miirod eoiisidorablo ojur- aj'i1 In uN e t-o it did , : ii loa- . in it iiftorutudi tinned unt , for one day ho refused t ) drink \\ilh the unlio-t , most duiifiorous mnno had and ti low en- stiod. The touch whipped out a plst > l mnl \ \ vild hi\c killoil the follou. hut some no oatipht hia.'tn and the ether man \\ont down on his knees and . In-cnod for his life. It win no peed , hin\o\er : the tonsil vas dr'tuk ami \MIS dotorminoil to kill him , and t ) pio- \i-nt an oiion niurdo.1 smno meg \ - j'o-.ted that they ll rlit it out in the Miei't , and a roolorMH put into thu htindi of tlio toiidoi foot. Ho diilnt kno\\ how to baiullo the tfim at all. ami \\hilouneniiinidiD\\oil himnhnt t' ! four or Ino 111010 held the tuuth Then they were put ut ten pare- , and a moio abject , fet'.irod hpoL'imen I noxor m\v than that tomloi foot. Ho c mid hardly stand up nml his pistol \\obl > lfd abjut as if it woi o swun j tt a string1. The tough onjiijod itmuio tlmn anjhmlj else , foi * ho felt sure of his \ietim. After ho had wntehod the t-hi\ oringiotuh a mo ment ho pulled up his ( inn. and at tlio -amo time the tendorfnot pulled his up and tried to aim it. Then biuip went the tnujh's ( dun and almost simultaneously followed the ioioi t of the U > tidorfoot'- > . The toujih dropped like a shot o\ , and the tenderfoot throw nj ) hisri rht hand and howli'd with pain ami fear Wo i u-diod up and found the toujjh dead , with a 1ml lot through lib hem t. and the ton- diMfiiotith his * HiigeiB and hand biuistdaml hleoding1. hut n > t borlously injuied. The bullet fiom the touL'h'rt pistol had struck the tri jroi of the ton- dot foot's ami duchurged it with fatul re-mlt. " The htrangc-lookin"1 man had appar ently no moio to sa > and his listeners looked at each othoi ciuostiomnglj The di'ummer couihod ( stispioioubly. "Maj I ask.1' ho t-aid , "Imu it ha- ] pened that the tough's bullet didn't talco the teiulei foot's linger oil before it i cached tlio trigger of the pi-t < 1J' "bimplo enoiigli.1 lepliod tinstrange - looking man , frankly : "he didn't ha\o his linger on the tiiggor ; he hail it on the trigger guard and he would have been pulling on it jot , to make the gun go oil , if luck hadn't been against the tough. " The strange-looking man i elapsed into his former bilenco and nobody had the check to try to toll any moio stories. Morn Clmrrli [ ilrtvt to llUi * In Xcirth Oat- veston. NoitTii G ti VCSTOV , Te\ , April 1 It will probably be but .1 short tune until the load ing religious dcnoinni itlous lepiesented lioro will eaih possess thiir own chtin h edifice. The Noitn ( lulvcsuw assooi.ttu.u has , it Is sjid. olTcicti to uornto to ttio several deuoin- uiutions siti'3 for ihtiivh etliliccs piovidiii the biiildiML's are anil substantial nnd \\otk to commence uitliin si\ months Isortli Ciaheslon li.ts nlrcidj one linnd- some chuivli. ami thu fact that mtira .u-o m project is the best cUcloitcc of the high char acter of the Itulusti iy \ COMPOUND LOUOMOTIVES. Novel Iiiiiiruieiiiftitr. Deilsoil Ity Krcncli Ill cndcavoi ing to improve on current types of compound IccMiiiotivcp. the en gineers ) of the Noi Ihcrn railway of ' France have brought out a highly n'ovol engine of the eight-wheeled typo , having four coupled drivorts fcfen feet in diam eter , and a four-\\heoled truc'c with fortj-ineh wheels. Theie are four cylin ders two low-preistiio cylinders , 110.9 inches in diameter , inside the frames and connected to the crank of the mam driving axle , nnd two high- pressure < ; ylinderKt.l inches in diameter , outside the frames between the tear truck wheels and main drivers , and connected to the i ear drh ing axle. Four connecting reds , lour sets of etog-rheadh and f mr sets \ahegear are thus lenuired , and the complication of parts makes ac cess to the in-iide gear morothan usually dilllcult. There aio no equalising springs for any of the whccltf , and the ti tick is of the centor-pin typo without lutoial motijii. In cninmenting on this design a lailway journal claims that * uhilo the cngino'no doubt rido- > easily , as tlio high and low jircaiuro eiankd are diametrically opposite nuo unuther , the i-aine end might ha\o been attained by far bimpk. ' means ? . It is Mated that if the high piessuio cylinders wcio placed clj-o to the low pro - SUM- , one hot of valve goa"ing and on > \al\e would borve for tlie two c.\lindei.s , while the long oxpo.ul eNhaust pipe from the high to the low picture cylin ders would bo dispensed witii In thii c Jiinrctlon it in of some intcre-.t to note thi latest rosulth < iltaintd ) with oun- pmiiul 1 < eomtitlvos in this cjuntry Dur ing September. Octobe:1 and November of last jctir the Cincinnati , New Orleans & Texan 1'ucilic lailway made a boriua t'f cumpaiatho toitj between a bimlo ] and a compound ton-wJucl kcomotivpof the same general tj ) ) e mid make. TJioy \ \ < MV bith luiilt about , a year agj by the Haldwin works.The Dimple Ice3- motive had 02-inch wheejH , 1881 MJUH'-O feet if heating htirfaco and welgljcd 111.030 pounds , v.hilo the compound licoinotixn had uvinch wlu'cls , ! . t bquaie feet of grate surface , 1,8.I htiiro feet of heating bti1 fitco and weighed 120,000 ] > oun < li. I'aiticular caie was taken to lia\e tincjiiditions und r v.hifh cai h If'cwuotno ' woikocl as neatly as jo-slblo thu haiiio. 'i'o this end tbo 11 tuns wi-ie increased and di cleaned a1) in u n as available means would allow , t'tc huino engineer and fireman handled both engines and the running time over the load was made as unifoim as posfi- bie The suerintendent ] of inotiso power , .lanio-t Meghan , toporUthat with uno t n of c < ml thu r-lmplo engine inudo - ' " > 1 miles , while the compound made 10 f. miles. Ten and one-half pot cent of the i-a\ing hhown by the latter o\or the foimor ia assumed to bo 11110 * to ita greater heating surface and the remainder - dor to the incri-asi-d latio of expansion. Fi-Jin tills ho calculate ! ) that hud all thu locomotives of the road been compounda the annual having would have been about $ .V,000. ) lius > people hu\o no timo. ana pic no iiu'liruiUou to mo pills tlutt ui.tka tlionisKk n day for overydoso tliey tivko. 'l'luhavo . learned that tlio USD of Do Witt's hlttlo Uarly Ilisors does not interfere with tlx'lrlie.iltti lj causln : , ' nausea , pain or jrli > - in ; , ' 'i'liese llttlu plhs uro perfect in aolioa anil results , ri'iuHuiiitf tlio stomaih nnd bo 'U bo that hrndai'has , cl Illness unit lassitude arc provcutod They ilcanno the lilood , clear thu ivmipU'xIdn ami tone up Ilia sVHtoiii. L U of liualttt In thcfco little fol < lows.