THIC OMA11V DAILY ATK1L , 1R03. THE DAILY BEE1 omen. NO it I'KAIO , STKKKT. ly rnrrlrr 1o nny pirt of the city 11 \ \ TII/TON MANAOr.H IltiMni Olttco. No > it HONF" I I N.llt | ) vxiitm No ; 23 K Y PlumbltipCo. C cuiril Bluffs Lumber IjO Coat Mrs HV Tllton and Mrs A. P Hnn- ilittt have issued Imitations for o muslcule tc lie glvrn at thr home of the latter rioxt Sednesday four freight rars w ore broken Into In the Northwestern .v ards last Thursila > night and n 1 t of shoes , fancy wines and other mer chandise was stolen There is no clue to the thieves Mis Hlirabelh Holder died last menlng at 7 45 o dock of pneumonia at her lesidcnce , Jiftl Klnroln avenue , aped fell j cars She was ill three } ( ars The funeral notice will be ( jiven later. Mrs Trcd Miller , who lives at 2037 Hamil ton street In Omaha , wasdrivlnir In the east ern p.irt cf the citj } esterda\ afternoon and lest n pui so containing ? ( > " m cash aud a natuber of valuable papers Jnpencer Smith c-omment ed a suit In the fijpcrior courtashoit time aeo to restrain the- count } trt-asuier fiom levj Ing on u piece of property Ijlng east of the city foi taxes Hwastii'-d MtOe" Saturda } iind a decihlon has been rcndeied in fa\or of thr plaitiUR Ihe remains of Georce A Ilicliox. the nped tratcling man who died at the Grand hote-1 last Nox ember , were taken out of the \ault.itrulnlew jesteiday afternoon and Intoned in Commercial I'lltrrlm'h lot in \\alnut Hili i-emeter } , under the auspices of thelOenl count il. The count.stipenlsors will commence their regular April session today H H Jlendikkb the Janitor of the court house has demoted the best part ol the past week cleaning up the room in which tliey lire to hold their mectinps , which now looks lice thr inte-rioi of a conservatory with its windows dews decked with plants and flowers BcutiieeC eldest daughter of Mr and Mis .lamps Buchanan , died of tliopsv.M'Ster- la\ morning at J 15 o'clock , aftci an illness ofilvcwe"ks at her icsident-e. 1110 Averuc ( ' aged IS yeais The funeral will place this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Fiist I'rcshj terian chuu'h , Kev Dr Phelps oniciatinp Ofllrer AVeir tried to send in n call for the patiol wagon Saturdin nipht from box SI. at the corner of Fifth a\enue and Eighth street , when he found that some miscreant who had a reason for not wanting the patrol wagon to come to that paiticular part of town had plugpod up the hole nle-elv with solder Until it is repaired all calls will have to b" turned in fiom M , tlnee bloeUb north The father of Blanche. Mulvany is circu lating a petition asking that his daughter ho taken out of the state reform school where hhc- has been for about six months , so that he can take her with him to Kansas , and help her reform At the tune of the trial it was learned that the old man had been guilt } of the mist shocking depravity to- wind nib daughter , and it is not likolj that the couit will allow her to be put hack into his pow er for the purpose of allow ing him to jeform her Ill-Ill ) III Ojit-lllnc. There hat been an umnoidublo delay in iimin .in for the openinp of Clinton S Bj orb'new shoe store ut the stand lornierlj occupied by F. II. Evans on Broudwuj It wus Minily impossible for the manufncturerb to make the quantitj and character of poods that Mr. Uj orb required in the short time demanded , und rather than open with an incomplete- it wab deemed best to postpone the opening until about April 30. Then look Out for u btock of bright new goods fromthe best makers in the 1 world , a stick that w ill giv e e\ cry class of trade everything demanded in foot- Ir. nnd nt price * w ell , just wait and BOO what it moans to buy n big stock atone ono clip from the factories. You will find that it means a ' great deal to the public und the customer. Ladies , don't forget that the Louis ni c at 2o Main street now. Come all. W. A. Me-Aneny lias leturned from a trip to Kansas Cit\ , " Mrs C G Saunders returned Saturday coning from a % . w ith friends in Delta , In. J I"1 I'otter has returned from St Louis , v.'hcie lip has just completed a course In medicine K W Hillwip and wife of Corning , visited the Kobe-leah degree lodge , Independent Older of Oad Fellows , Saturdaj evening Having sold our old icebox , meat bloe'kb , etc. , at No. 387 Broadwnj to the iMcrchendorf Meat company , we wish to announuo to all of our friends and jiatronsi that we aio still handling the best meats in Council BlulTs , and invite un inspection of our now market at No. 5iii ; Broadway , the neatest , eloancst and most eomplelo market in this or any other citj MUTZOAII& RANDLETT. -\iii 1\lll J > t-etl Them Soon. Evans lias the laipest assortment of , - Oxfords en or shown in Council Blufls or jfl Omaha. Prices from the cheapest to the f highest , and all new and stylish. Don't fail tfi examine them before you buy. Doliiinj'h Tonight. The dramatic son of genius , Frank Linden , nnd his charming daughter , IMuu Earho Linden , vith n supeib com pan j of dramatic celebrities , will inaugurate a week's en gagement at Doluinj 's next Monday night ait the popular prict-s of 10 , 20 uud ! )0 ) cents , v ith the predecessor of romance from the celebrated umol , "The Count of Monte Crlsto , " bj Alexander Dumas As an expo nent of Dumas hero and dual chnractc-is , Mr LJiidon has but few rivals * lu fact oulj one , and that in the person of James O Neill Mlsn Linden In the leading feminine roles is endowed with ttie inheritance of her father's remarkable talent , and besides being ono of the most beautiful women upon the American - - ican stage , is conceded to be a coming1 shin ing light , artistically bpcatdng As customary , ladies will be admitted free Mondaj night If accompanied with an iscort , aim beats reser\ed at Sellers' phar- inacj & Randlott wish to announce that on und after April 1 they will have ut their i c-btuurant , r > ± > and .127 Broad way , a full und complete line Ml all cakeb , plain und fancy , for leeoptioiH , parties , etc. , and invite the Indiesof Council B lull's and Omaha to cull and examine. Williamson & Co. , 100 Main street , largest and Ix-st bicycle stock in city. KlsHiMl unit Mnili * I'p. Hour } Ciittins , u well-to-do farmer of Boomer towiibhlp , couinieiic-ed a suit in the district court about two weeks ago for a divoreo frotu his wife , who , ho alleged , had induced him to sign u deed of all his propcrl } h } holding an axe ovei his head , und doing other things which he did not think quite regular Ho and his wife weie in the cit\ last Saturda\ , calling on their friends and conducting ihe-inselveb In the most affection ate manner possible , and it is learned that the dhoive suit has gone as far as it will ever go , unless ( ilttius changes his mind ngain The case U to he dismissed at the tt rm of court whk-h opoiib tomorrow , Mrs. Ulttins has allowed him to conic bat-It home , and everything is tjuiet on the Potomac. Ilon't Tiill To bee the bargains that Hvunb offers in all kinds of blues before you buy , " : > Main stieet. The MllleM'H. deooiative artists , wall paper , paper hanging , pluin and orna mental painting , blgns. JCo. 15 PearJ St. Geo. 8. Davis , prescription NE\\S \ \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS John Hood Sherwood' * Qnott for Bail IB So Tar Without Howard. HIS SENTENCE A BLESSING IN DISGUISE During nil Vninlrrlnc Hr llnil tlie AftiTtlnnii of Tnn VOIIIIR kiul HHI ! lUiRHcod to Mnrry Itoth of Thrill. John Hooil Klicrwood , ther onvieted forger , lias iK-en makinc heroic efforts to pet a bond , but so far has met with the coldest klnu of cold i epulscs from the men ho took for his friends , and the probability Is constantly Krowlnpthat before the ten dajs are up which weie piven by consent of County At torney Oipan in which to pet an appeal bond he will ho packed off to Tort Madison to 'spend tttentj months learning a trade There is u pirl named Mabel Atbern llvlup In Omaha and employed in the Western Union tcle-Rrajih ofllce , to whom Sherwood was engaged to be nuriied She has dts- plajed the most saei if'uing loyalty to him She has visited him half a dozen times , mid has ex en pone so fal as to offer to marrv him biforo he leates for Fort Madison , if lie w Islies At the time of his arrc't Sherwood was cli- paied to a iount : ladj living in an eastern state and well known here A linp which he hud sent her was returned shortlj after he was arrested The-i weie to h.ue been married a month fi0111 that titne Since the later developments tiansjired it looks to u man up a tieeery much as though Shcr- wood's forjri-r.v and the conviction that re sulted was a trodKtml to him , for with two Kills holding a lltst inortp.isre on his hand and heart ho would certainly ha\e been con- sideiablj the worse after he came out of the conflict Both of the \ ounp ; Indies , it is said , were eompleteli infatuated with 1 im AT THI ; c Iti-niitlful Kcsiirr < < Ltliiii li.n . \ | ] ( ] Ij mill ( iruTrtll3 Ohser t-il Yesterdaj was ohser\od in the various churches in the usual manner. In nearlj everj ehureh sjiecial preparations had been made to render the sen ice unusually at tractive Elaborate musical programs , piles of lilies and \ lolcts , sermons on the"rcsur - rettion , ' and hist out . means least , inj nads of faster bonnets w hich I ad hr.u e-d the daiiKer of beinp blown to pieces b.\ the belated March pale that did business all duj lontf. showed beyond question that the fes tival Sundaj of the jeal had armed in all its Rloii The Conpre-Rjtional church was beauti- fullj adorned , the pulpit platform beinp decorated b\ two larpo mounds of Easter lilies and bloommp plants , while in front was .1 circle of potted plants Above the imlpit was a beautiful Jianpinp basket of sinllax and roses The new pastor , Kev Dr Askm , pi cached an appropiiato sermon , in which ho eloquently pictured the true re lationship of sueh a vision as Saul had of the lisen Christ to the piactical activity which afterwaids characterised his Hie - ionicvery practical and forceful lessons were drawn to the effect that eveo one should lecopnire the dual duties of knowing and lovinp At the close of the inormnp service the bunua.i school held a special Easter ser\ie'o entitled "The Princ'o of Licht " It consisted of re- sjiousUo readings , music , recitations and some unique cxeicises ccnteie-d about the plcasinp decorating of a rude cross , which by the close w as wholl.\ hidden "beneath a combination of mottoes , words and letters framing appiopriate acrostics Intliee-Aeu- inp the choir pave an Easter concert The music throughout the services of the daj was\erj line , haiinc ; been preiared ) with evident care and executed most enarnnnpl.v The 1'rc.sbjterian ehureh was also hand somely decorated by the hands of the ladies of the concrepution A row of Easter lilies surioundcd the edpe cf the platform , filling the. Inrqp audience room with a deliphtful fraprance On the table in front stood a white cross adorned with violets and trail ing vines The uudienee filled the room , and about two bundled chahs in the juilors were occupied Dr Phelps preached an elo quent seiliion on the subject of the icsurrec- tion. The music was especially line , the solo , "I Know that Mj Kedeemer LHeth. ' , fiom Handel's Messiah simp 03 Mrs Wads- w 01 th , bcmp one of the finest and irlost ad mirably rendered selectionb which she has e\er sung before a Council Bluffs audience At the Episcopalian church the main feature was the singinc of the surphcod choir ForRO\ weeks reheaisals ha've been poing on under the diiection of the choirmaster , J II Snnms , and in jester- day's performances the results e > f their unremitting studv were seen The program rendered was the same us that published in TiinSixuAi BUG. The services at the Tirst Baptist , Berean Bantist. Fifth Avenue M.-thodist and St John's English Lutheran were participated in b\ the ehildien of the Sundaj schools , the programs bCiup verj interesting The Count of Moutf Crlnto. This wonderful melodrama is to bo pres-eutod at Dolmny'tt Uioater Monday evening : . Tlie e-oinjianv is one which is ] )0jiilar , not only in price but on aeeount of itb merit. Frank Linden , as an ex ponent of the dual ehai aetort > of Dumas' fa e-inatinjj cvuniiosition , has pained no little ropututi ; n and is fully capable of Mitibfj ins the expectation of all. lie is supported by his charming 'daughter and a woll-balanuod eompany. As usual with popular pi-h-ed com panies , ladies , when aeejmpanied by un e oort , will be admitted free Monday night , if &eats aie reserved at the usual plane. _ II ll ) . .Too Welch , proprietor of a tnelr line , is to be before JuJgo McG e this mornin ? to answer to the charge of assault and battery , all because he was a little too anxious to protect his dignity from the attacks madu upon it bj' a small boy U jcars old , who works for him at his .stable at the corner of rifth a\cnuo and Tenth street Aecoidmg to the storj told bj a man named Uickmun , w ho claims to be an ej o witness , Welch w ent into the stable at U o'clock je'terdiij morn ing and found the boj there The boy made some i mai ks to him in u jocular wa\ , but Welch wus not inclined to be jocular Stretching out his hand he laid it upamfet the bide of the boj 's head with sm h forceas to ln\ hint out cold and stiff on the floor Hickmai : w : s somew hat wrath } , und looked around for a club with which to administer a lesson to the musculai haclinuin Not finding ; : club of the kind he Wutited he concluded that the next he'st thing was to look lor a policeman When Olllcer Martin arrived at the stable half an hour after the affair had taken place he found the bo.\ Just re-coveiinp from u fit of unconsciousness that had struck him about the same tune as Welch's list He w as ct J weak , however , and appealed to Iwxo but little knowledge of what was coing on about him Welch was locked up on u chaigo of assault and batten the informa tion bring filed Hickinun . He pine tends for his appearance in police louit this morn ing , when his \ietim will appeal against him if he has suaicientlj reeo\eicd from the ef fects of his collbiou w ith Welch s list. You Will ll ricnil With the bargains you get in bhoes at Kanb' new btoi e.b Main and - Pear bti eels. Tree ti eatmentb daily f i era i ! to 4 p. m. at the Council Blutlb Medical and Surgical institute , 2ith ( and Broadway. At the World'b fair ill Tl-3 w IKJ a - oc- ta\o organ in piano c-aso. See duplicate at Bouriciiis Miibic lloiihe , llurpluilrt it .1 iiroirrj. The grocery store kept by Johnson & Olcbon on Broad waj , iioar the comer of Eighth street , was uutorod b.v burglars Sttturduj night. When one of the proprietors vislte > d the place jesterday monilntr ho "found that homo ono bad effected entrance bj the rear collar window , ana had innuo a vartiul ui-\cutory of the slock , taking wliat- pvrr rnmc liatidlMt Thr los IR pstlmntcd at about KT > aithoupl It mav pru\e largtr than that when the proprietors havt had an opiKirtunitj to make it inure thorough ex aminatlon Weselll'atks Couph Rvrupona positive guflrnnteo to cure1 nil throat und lung troubles. It 1ms stood thoU'Btfor nmniHrsiandto . - dnj Is the lending retm-d.s for the euro of colds , consumption and all di nse * of the thnmt Htid lunis Price W ) cents und f 1 IK ) . All druggists Do you smoke ? lla\e you tried T. D. King & Co.V Pui'tutriiH ? It's a ohm-nntr. Just light ono. Finest Arlbto cabinet photos , * 2 jtcr dorem. Asbton'b btudio. IS North Main. Coal and wood : best and cheapest . Missouri hard wood in the citv ; prompt | delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 4 Main. j The ( ll-Hlid Ilotil , Council BlulTs. Most elegant hotel in Iowa. Dining room on seventh iloor. Kates , S3 to $ o per day. U. F. Clark , Prop. If you ha\e property to soil , list it with me. I ha\e customers for bargains. II. G. McGee , No. 10 Main btreot. All KinilK. Oxfords ut all priceb at Evans' new btore. Mam htieet. UT Pearl. It will pay you to examine the-m before bujing. Driith of tlnr\p. > Dunulir ) , J Huney Donahe.i die-d at b 3.1 o'clock last evening , aped iJT and 11 months , nt his icsidence , IttJO Thlid inenuo He has lieen a sufferer fi era the di cad disease , con sumption , foi the just sixteen months. He- went west for se\eral months in the hope of beneiltinp his health It was useless , how- o\er. for about a week ago ho returned home , his health no better than when he- went awaj , and with the consciousness that lie come home to die The case is ren dered all the saddci bj the fact that two other mombeis of the fiimllj hu e been taken off bj the same disease within the last tw o j ears and u half The funeral w 111 take place tomonow from the lesidence. } lvDr Phelps olllciatlng The hour will be announced later For warming gucbt chambers , bath rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are jubt w hat you w ant. Look at them. Clean , comenienl , cheap. C. B. Gas and Eloc- ti ic Light Co. It Ulll I'HJ Ion To sec what you can do at Evans'new stoic bofoio buying your bhoen for bpring. 28 Main and 27 Pearl btreetb. Another impiw emcnt to the popular Pchubert piano. Swan ou Music Co Mmo. Helen Merrill , hairdicbsing and manicure. Room 312 , Merriarn block. Wood of all kinds , cottd and coal. L. G. Knottb & Co , 700 Broadway. Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , the bebt $2.00 house in Iowa. l iiir and Southerly to % \ 'Ht * rlj Vi'lnils for NehnisLit. ' WASIIIVOTOS , D C . April 2. For Ise- braska Fair , southeilj to westerlj winds. For Iowa Fan . southwestcilj windb ; shghtlj warmer in eastern portion i'or South Dakota Fair , southerlj- westerlj winds , blightlj- cooler in extieine w estcru portion Local Kerorcl. OrnrrorTHE WEATIICU BintEAU , O\UIIA , April - Omaha record of tenipcratuicund rainfall , compared with coi responding dajof past foui jears. 1891. 1892. 1891 1890 Maximum temperature. 77 = d'JS 38 = 44 = Mlnliiiniiitetnijuiature. . 43 = 3S = > 32350 Aveiairc tt-mperatlire G0 = 60 = 3. ) = 40 = I'lc-clpitutlon . .00 .00 .00 05 Statement shawinc the condition of tern- icratureand precipitition at Omaha for the laj- and since March 1 , lb',13 : S'orinalteuiperatuie 4& = 1'xresslor the cliiv 15 = Dc'llclency since Muicli 1 71 = Normal prc-clpltitloii : . . . 09 incn Dollcioncy fortlic dav 09 Inch Sunclnj In Ne-n York was an almost Ideal MII In ; ; clay. In tliu ln\i"tli'itlni ! Into tlio inothods o { the Chinese ut I'ortluncl and on I'uRel sound coni- nipnccd by iit-c'ltil Tri-nsuri A'je'iit Isoit's It Is Mild .some sensational revelutkinsill bo lauile At C'le-\olund , O. , the1m v In the case of 1'at- rk-lv Muiiin , clmiRL-d with nuiidc-rot Thco- cluro ISliikeslieand.I uiiics | 'ort t unitdati - dlet of murder In Hit- second dugiue. Tim crime-was coinnilttfd last C'lirlstmas night in the houseof lllaki-slei- Clime'i stie-ut A ieiiiHikuble journey was ierentl > brought to a Miief-sful close by ( . 11 lluiiullon of ( . 'hlcuiro , iJ ! je.irs of lift- who aiiUt-d at t-eiittk last nlcht fiom Alaska Jlr tiaM rst-tl 1.5OO miles on snou shots up \ ukon iHct in Olaka and ovei the divide to I'hlikoote In the dead of wintoi , lieinc thp ( list whin man who hast'\ei crossed thenc- mountains at this sea son and lived The- coming wedding of Miss Cornelia Martin of Nt-n Yoik to tliu tail of ( 'ruvc-M Is announced - nounc-ed Tin- wedding \\lll take place In tirat-e c-ltuieh Tuestlav Apiil It tit noon le\ ! . Diilllain H llukiiiKtiin will pt-rform the eerenionj ami lllshopl'iittt-rwlll prtiliiiune-ethe bt-m-dlc-iion ' 1 he rail and his bride \\lll sail ' tor J.nsland bj tht- month or.Muj , wlit-n his ' niothtir will Intruduc'u the ne-w eoutitess of C'ravuu to London sot-u-tj Tinsti'iuashlp t-e-Kurinea of the i United ' tiite-b und Hiazilian Atall Me-umshlp linu luis In on bt < lrvl lit he-r .New otk dock by United Mutes Marshal .luc-olms on judgments it-ftuered uRHlnst the etinipanj bj huMial linns that ( uinislietl thtmwith punlslons Tin-slennu-r tiuethei nlthlit-r ulster ships of tht Minici line , the Alliance , Advance mid VI- ; ilanc-ia , will bti soltl at public auction tosat- IsTj the \ inlous eieditors Tilt munlfipal court of the Irish National leaRUt and tin rt piiHunuitUe'.s of M-vt-rul otbei liisli sin letie-b mt-i at NtYolk jester- cl.ij and took prc llinln.iiy steps to ui range for a blganinestj niee-tlnc lo lit- hold in that city In tht neai future. 'J he purposu of the nu-tit- IIIK will be to tn t- this go\e-tniiii-nt to dennind ot LnglaiiQ the treedoin of Irishmen now ecm- llnedin KnKlinh piisous ehaiKtd with bulng e'oneetne'd In theUjiiuiultt ! cont.iiiuej ] In Lon don beverul } ears ago C. 1. . L. .U There will bo u meeting of Omaha Central Labor union this exenliip at the southeast corner of Twelfth and Furuain , at G.IK ) Buhiuess of importance All iiiembera are requested to bprebcnt. . OMAHA CHRISTIAN1 CHINAMEN They Have n Sunday Bohool Glass of Nine teen Members. TESTIFYING TO THEIR FAITH IN CHRIST ( rli-fttlnl llrc-tltrdi ' Ing anil ' .pciik nt tlie V. M. C. A. MtmU.v AltiTiiiiiiii Mi-ctlnj ; Thouch Converted TinC'llllg to Their Cms. It is a fact not generally known that there is In this city a Sunday school class com posed entirely of Chinese oung men w ho lia\e embraced Christianity This class wus organized in Ibbo , and until ISW ) the tusk of coinersiou seemed hopeless At that time- two of its members broke the Ice , as it weie , and became Chtistiaus Since then the class has stcadll ) giown until at the present time it numbers nineteen Owing to the fact that thej had filst to learn the English language , the work was dinicult , each pupil requiting a teacher. This obstacle ovei e-oine. their progress was rapid The le- cehe instruction evei\v Sundaj afternoon at H o'clock In the basement of the Tlrst Pies- ujteriau church , and the public is at all times welcome to the tecitatioiis It was this class , lemfoieed b.v YungChee a student in Bellevue college who is stud.v iiig to btcome u nilssionarj in China , that held forth at the- hall of the Young Men s Cluistian association jesteidaaiteinoou Sccretarj T \ \ Obei , assisted b\ Howard Kenned.v and .1 Patterson condiii'U-d the services and the usual oic-lifbtra fuiuishe-d theinstiumc-iital music , John Brown var.v- ing it w ith a violiiircho solo The sp'-cial features weie the singing an I 'he speaking of the Chinese Tw eh e mem bers of the eluss sat upon the lostrum diessed like Ame-iitans but wearing the In cvliable i lie The.v several ssiies in chorus , and a quartet consisting of Soouv > uie Charlie Wong , Lee Goon and Gim Lee sang a religious song with Chinese- welds whun was quite a novelty to the listeneis and w ell rendered Tahm Kvvaie de-claimed in good English a missionary ode and Yunc ( . 'he" the chief speaker of themfternoon addressi-d the gathciltig in English foi about ten ininute He was somewhat confused bthe main faces he saw before him but pluc kil.v stood up and talked until he had said all he had intended to saj He told of the beginning of missionary work among his country men in Omaha , what it had accomplished , and pointed out the great need of missionai\v work iu his native land Till ; SALOON. lift * Criiiiibli't / > lhfUHH < g Its lufluriirc on Hum1 , Sdiirt } and JTf > litifK. The subject of Kev. T E Cramblct's sermon last right at , the First Christian church was "The Saloon , Its Influence in the Home , in Society , in Politics " The house was filled , and the sermon received close at tention The text fras Proverb xx , 1 "Wine is a mocker , and strong drink is raging , and whosoever is deiened therebj is not wise1' In substa'nce Kev Cratublet spoke . . & follows r A tenuene. ) is manifest in cei tain quartei s to generalize in denouncing sin Manj call attention to e\Us in a pcneial waj , but are caieful not to paiticulaiue. Tl.e dumaiul is for specific attacls oi ( specific sins This alone will bung the dv-shed icsults John the Baptist alluckul the spei lal sins of the luling icsjitctable classes of hisda > , and w hen Herod was readj to gne up all but one particular sin the great informer attacked nlm on that single point and went to the dungeon and the block for it The one gieat , fronlingiin of our time is intemperance , destiqjlng moie lives and souls and homes than all otheis combined Gambling and the social evil ai e its allies It paAes the way for tht'ni both and nourishes them from Hist to last The gieat fronting sin ought to be met bj the church and the ministry with a special attack equal to its own tiemeudous- iiess The saloon , notwithstanding the rev enue its brings to our public tic-usuries , is a prodigious waste of mouei The liquor business considered from an economic bland- point is nu enormous failuic One billion dollars annual ! } ic its cost All the meas ures that ha e thus fai been tiied ha\e been powerless to curtail the traffic In lbt > 0 the amount of intoxicants consuiued was six and two-fifths gallons per individual In Ib'.K ) it had inei cased to fourteen and one- half gallons There is more drinking now than when liquor was kept in eerhome and ucc'c-ssible to all There is much moieof excess now than theu The increased activity of mod em civilization is attended by increased nervous disordeis , and nervous people aie exposed to double danger from intoxicating dunks The } tire moie likel } to deslie stimulants and they aie the more e-asil } in jured by sui-h. The use of intoxicants is more daucerous for this geiieiatiou Hum foi an } piecediug generation The saloon is responsible for four-fifths of the crimes camimlted in our couutr.v. Judge Allison Is nuthorit } for the statement that there is not one man in tw cut } tried for muider but that can show drink to ho cither oirectlj orinducctl } the cause The- blowers and distillers ha\e$1,000,000- 000 nnestc-d in their business The various leagues of liquor manufacturers and \enders expend annual ! } last sums at our state capi tals in the dictation and control ot legisla tion They direct the primaries in legisla tive and munuiual elections Their repre sentatives are in all cit } councils and public otlices The saloon as an institution in all of its in flucnccs is contran to the law and the spirit ot national prospe-rit } and individual happi ness It must be destioed The battle is on. and cither this land 01 the salnou must go down. We need agitation and education , education of conscience in the light of the truth of umveisil brotheihood No man w ho loves ins countr.v , his home and his God should woidoi act doaught tostiengtheii the lion hand which the liquor power is using m the social and political affans of our couutr * . a lor u I > xm SAS AJ.TOMO , Tex , April 2 The United States muishalship of the westei n district is now vacant , the commission of Paul Fricke haing expired Mat eh lT ! He still occupies the ottlee , but caniiol under ttie law issue an\ new processes. The necesslt } of an im mediate appointment is ver } urgent , us the active semce of a large number of dcput } marshals on the loner Kio Grande border in puisuit of Mexican outlaws is needed Just at this time There if rd se\erul applicants foi the olnco. " Agreei ! to fV CiiKAtio 111 , April J Three hundred painters emploj ed - V the World s lair grounds struck jcsUtrdaj lor 40 cents an hour , an inciense of 5 cents The men be long to the union and i < the btiiUe was not authorized bj that butis < President Higgm- botham deelaie-s ltmtUu ) matter will pioba- blj be settled tomorrow There will be no strike , as has been ic-pprtcd , ol carpenters at the World's fair grounds tomorrow Both sides have agieed to arbitrate Ailoittml liiHiimiulor I.mllcM. The Iowa Legion of'Honor ' at its biennial session ut Cedar Falls lust week inudo some important changes , olio being the admission of ladies into the oidtr and ilie.\ are allowed to take out insurance to the amount of $1.000 or fci.OOO Tins privilege is open not enl } to the sisters und whcsot mcmbcis bul to an } and uli Highest of ail m Leavening Power. Latest U S. Go't Report ( -WIMP IN HIGH PLACES. It IB not il range that some tiootilo do wrung through ignomnco othoia froinn ( aUuru to in\osUjraU- to the right or wrong of a matter. But it is strange , that individuals and firms , who are fully aware of the rights of otheis , will persist in perpetrating fiMuda upon them High-toned , wealthy manufacturing firms will otter and ( tell to ratail mer chants articles which they know to be infringement * on the rights of proprie tor ? , and imitations of well known goods. Wo want to Bound a note of warning to the retailers to beware of such imita tions and simulations of "CAKTUK's LlTTLU LlVKIt PlUS. " When they are otTorrcl to you , refuse them ; you do not want to do wronj * . and \ou don't want to lay yourself liable to a law suit. Bon Franklin said "Honesty is the best policy. " It is just as true that "Honesty is the best principle. ' .to Ursiitest on sa and Land end cent tnuip Col a 100 papa COOK BOOK f'rit-oa low. Faro sumptuous "Ble-B every , \ tlivy. ' l\ See ' vnur ilealor. for prices 1'uko no other. MILTOK ROGERS & . SONS , Agto. . Omahn , or Majestic Mfg. Co. .St. Louis. C 01 AC II. JOHN DOHANY MANAGER. EA'TEUM ' K Monday , April 3rd. The Triumphant Amusement Ttpnt , dls- son of TliosuiH And his fusi muting d uishter , EDtiJ EARLIE LIKOON , inB Alex I'nmus ' eroutest loniaii- tlc eOort the OountofEllionteCnsto Chaluo of plu } cat H I'tcnlng GRAND SATURDAY MATINEE L > er VMIIUIUS pi ce K ) icand.Uc. SpeciaS CDUNCIl BLUrf3 , ALE full et of tinners tooli euoilcniUI 1POU tlon. a bnrcaln Inqiilru of Ltupkiu ahu/ur Uurdwareeo Council 111uITB J ? ) ll HUNT Lnrco 10 room housp with nil modern Improvements un I'nt U H\cmu > , i.'i i'i ' > r uionlh B-routu lioifsu nltli Rood li.irn new , SIS nur month l.lntoln Bvonno Tour cottHfe lie lies In In In Cltr IMacc near KI'JB llros factory hi nor month uncn fi-rnom cottiaux ou'llilrd arunuc , north of tram frr f U tier month 5-room cottage on Avenue C , tieir 20th atreot M | Jt r month Apply to U. 11 OUellNo 7 , UalUnlu liloct round ) c sno3li vaults chlm cluunccl Well | irepjreJ lur thi wjrk. Uurkc tltv IHAVi : n Inrg' list of property Improved nnl unimproved for etlo In nil irirts ot th j city mo t of U ut iow prices , soaie of It vary cheap If yon think of buying corns anrt B3 what 1 en orferyou It may nave you money 11 G Mc po , No 10 Main street ' JUD JN. civil en lnojr. Hluo prluta of LI' . ( ouncll ItlutT anil all itrUlltlnns nUo forjJU heAd of Block . VJJbth uve-nuc i- UK farm In rudar county , Netiraskn nil In cJcnltlvatlon f.'JUO per acre Hrnt class city property to exchange for pee 1 land ? > c > nd ui de bcrlptlon of the luud yoi. have to oftur Jounaton A. Van 1'atton clrl wanted for Eunerul honnonork in GOOI1 quiru Mrs Schllcutur JU. Lincoln AVL- TAVTEU Cilrl for Kencral liouse-nork U r e'ulUbun 2110sixth avenue > Ladlss to assist me la ray worl. ' ' Oood pav Addruss Jirs C. K Lune , o5 Avenue U , Council ItlulH nnd lot for ale. Nn 1SI3 I Ifth nvenue HOUSK - of J I * . Christian , C. i H 1 freight IIOUBO ACHANCB for rlcat man to collurt nollc-11 und deliver coudh \ \ in.cs ( U u wculi und profits dlvUU-U i-very 1 < 0 na ) ti In Rtutk com imny Must liuj 16 uliarca Htock Aiklio-B J x\ Mor e , llooin 6 , Kvert'tt block , Council lllutl" JUt"KV ! cow younK wanted In trpde for 8pnd me IIUK , : ) und line harness , 111 uav clitlor unce In Liinh AddrtM 1IV8 , Ili-e. tOlt HUNT tlientoro liulldln , ' No V. ny , three riioum uhott und luice liiirn on | ia\ed ullej. 1. A llctint ! liM rranklin iivonun \ liMll vc'Isiind 10 , n Farm an 1 ciw propir mU suld l-usoy A. ruu.ii.ii euua i \T.ANTICI > Munition liy m n with exjiiTlun Krotery prert-rrcrt tltlu'cn 1) 'i llmtitllto l ANl I'll A trtiotl prt-pamr None otlit-rt net cl I iiiil | | ) , to Miss Uiu'Mlali inllilnt-r > pailLrn \\rANTI I ) puHltiun U ) I nil y ns hioLUi"'iiur or I > ' raehlor bent ol rtforeiicei. Address 11 1 Ileo ottke. Js ibs , Hi Inch el iitical cunr U tht ) finest Kind wheel inthoxMrUt SI HiHI h l.rnde I'liuurnu tli Latest 1 in In the uestU hulesalt and Itctall , H'liO f n eitt'tlosnc All kinds of le- Ii'iirlng done COLE & COLE , 41 Main street. Contiell lllulla OUR EMPLOYMENT DEPT while costlnz the oniplovor urn ! cmp nyea nuthluc. h is euabiud us to'o tliu Inlur- cbtsottioth an 1 i i better results \ \ nh tu inich na Wyckpff , Seaman & Qene icl aist ! I'M-kllll-llt Of MI.DK At , AM ) t Itf.lCAl. KEW ERA1 DISPENSAKY. it oimuliuilon Pr * * . ) PILES. nTll , \ ris-t'ltn , permanently urea Klllinut the ute uf knlfa lUaturu uroauttlc All uialuctleH uf a unvote or de.lcalo nuturc , of olthnmux iiialttv tr cured IltKA't.MI.S r llMAIL. . - AdJre with imrtlculuTl which will lie teuttln iilalii I' O , llix UI , lib & litUt.Omaha , Neti Eastern Prices --ON- - - - SPRING SUITS $5 i Our $6.50 all wool cheviot sack suit in brown , gray , oxford , go in this sale at- $5 Our $7 and $9 all wool cas- $5 simere cutaway and sack suits 15 well trimmed , gotten up to sell at $5 $7 to $9 , all in one lot at- 1 We will keep these goods on J5 ! sale until April 10th , to give vfJ ) ) everybody an opportunity to see i5 < Jk them. Sizes 34 to 42 , Mail $5 ' orders filled at this price to $5 Columbia Clothing ; Co. , 13th and Farnam Streets. HAVE ! YOU SE1RM Made by the Centaur Cycle Co. of Coventry , England , The oldest and strongest cycle company in the world. Road King Hustler Road Queen Athlete Kingman Glideaway Scorchers , and other Mermaid Medium Umpire Grade Wheels. KINGMAN & CQ. , Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and medium grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery. PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , KANSAS "CITY , DE-i MOINES AND OMAHA. S. M. WILLIAMSON & CO. , Council Bluffs Agen CitiJ B eaiyi pije Works , C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. Cleaning ; nnd lGnnisliln < r ' ' OK GOODS OF r\T'l'RY DKSCKIPTION. Otnnlm onic-c , IWl Farn-im St , To'ephono ' 1521. Council B'utTs ' olllco and workj cor. A\e. A und "lith St. Telephone 310. Sena for irculars and price list. a fine line of HLNQKISH OOODS. " * * "T THE TAI II i\r romoM-d from my old Blind i D ind now oucupy the entire lluor. Over 511) ) liroadway , Cunnll IllufT-j. PABTIES WANTING AnheuserI3usch Boor Anheuser , DudwelBorTiiust ana Palo BCl'R'5 , KITHER BOTTLED OK IN KUGS , cun leave orders at Na U1H Main Street , Council Bluffs , lowu , or Telephone - phone a a. GoodB delivered promptly. BOLK AGENOV FCW ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWINQ ASS'N. , of ST. LOUIS.