Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 rill'J ' OMAUA DAILY H12K : MONDAY , APRIL 3 , IBM.
Two Women at Janscn Accused of Being
A "Wlteli Doe-tor" Nciirly Moblii-d Mlrncu-
loim Cure * of MtriiiiRcc. fniin Mlnnourl
UliliiK Series orcircimntidicc * .
A belief In witchcraft has prevailed at one
time or another among every nice , and it is
not strange that remnants of this common
superstition still linger hero and there. A
cnso In point eamo tip in Nebraska only n
few days ago. nnd it lias not only the element
of the curious , but Incidentally some remark-
bblo features that border on the marvelous.
"When the Hock Island railroad built its
line through southern Nebraska a few years
ngo it located a station house out on tlio
broad , fertile prairlo twenty miles west of
JJcatrlco nnd named It Janscn , after I'otor
ilnnscn , a neighboring farmer. The lonely
Imllding soon attracted a grain shipper , who
was joined by other settlers until .Tanson is
jiow a prosperous village of t00 ! or 300 souls.
Most of the inhabitants are Germans and
llusslnns. simple folk who have brought
vdth them many of the habits and super
stitions of their old country life. Many of
them understand but little English nnd talk
even less , but In the main they are Indus
trious , well meaning people. Among them
lives John I'ruder , a mild mannered old
German who earns a scanty subsistence for
liimsclf nnd family by laboring on tlio sheep
ranch of J'ctcr Janscn. Ho lives with his
wife and granddaughter in a humble cottage
of three rooms. The onlyonoof the three
Who understands English is little Frieda , a
I'lrl of 0 , and this child has been the Invol
untary cause of a remarkable train of clr-
A MynttirloiiK Mulndy.
' Just before the holidays Frieda was taken
111 nnd confined to her bed , and until ten days
ngo she was the victim of a most mysterious
nilment. She was subject to spasms in
which her lingers were cramped until the
nails were buried in her palms and the tees
were turned under her feet , She lost sight ,
hearing and speech , and her little figure was
racked with u variety of involuntary con
tortions. She was entirely helpless for
hours and days , and for. one period of eight
weeks life was sustained by pouring milk
down her throat. At other times she ini-
ngined she saw visions. Sometimes It was
nn angel , then a rabbit and a aln a woman
in a white skirt. One physician ventured
the opinion that the child's liver was af
fected. Another at Fairbury said she was
suffering trom typhoid fever and eliided the
grandparents for bringing the. sick child
seven miles to him , A third physician
frankly admitted that hu did not understand
Frieda's case. The circumstances of her
sickness are vouched for by American neigh
bors of respectability who can have no mo-
ilun tn lnlifr MPOROlit. t.lm TTintPiv
The little girl s strange case naturally be-
rnino known to the whole community , and
lifter it had Dallied several doctors one of
the superstitious old women suggested
that Frieda had been bewitched. In support
of her theory she urged that tlio inside of
the bed upon which the child rested be ex-
fcmined. Acting upon tins suggestion , the
J'rudcrs opened the tick from time to time ,
nnd there , curiously cnoi'rh , they found tne
leathers matted into peculiar shapes. Once
it was a wreath. At other times there were
llowers , a pigeon and bails. These were
also seen by reliable witnesses. In ono of tlio
balls were somu pellets resembling peas. Mr.
Conrad Bruer cut one open with u knife ami
| t gave off an extremely olTensivo odor , but
lie was unable to tell what it was.
Souklng the \Vltch.
The superstitious neighbor suggested thtlt
Ihcso feather objects bo binned , saying that
the witch would bo the iirst person to visit
Ibo bouso after the burning. The tirst caller
happened to bo n Mrs. Miller , who came to
borrow a pair of spectacles or to recover a
) > air she had left behind. Her husband bad
nt ono time made a vain attempt to sell
Prudcr a piece of property , and they readily
accepted tlio conclusion that Mrs. Miller was
bewitching thu child in revenge. The story
uf witchcraft soon became a topic of every
day conversation among the simple people
nnd founn many believers. The children ol
the town became affected , took fright at
their shadows and dreaded to go out after
News of the affair readied n farmer
named William Noltcnsmcyer , formerly of
Missouri. Ho advised tlio Pruders to send
for John ICrinberg of Warrenton , Mo. , and
told wonderlul talcs of the cures wrought by
him. Erinbcrg promised lo conic if his faro
were paid , but the Prudcrs were too poor to
raise even that small sum. Finally Mr.
Jlrucr , out of pity for the suffering child , ad
vanced f 15.
Mr. Erinbcrsr arrived at Jansen Saturday
morning , called for Mr. Bruer , and they
vent to the I'ruder homo. The stranger
looked at the child , said ho could euro her ,
und asked for a room in which ho could bo
nlouo. An adjoining room was given up to
him , but what ho did in there is unknown.
\Vhcn lie eamo out ho was perspiring , as
though ho had undergone some great physi
cal exertion. Throe times that day did ho
Kivo the child this "treatment , " us lie
called his private operation. He neither
touched the child nor guvo her medicine ,
imj it is supposed that ho devoted liimsclf tc
jirayer whllo in seclusion.
M bl-nc ! the "Witcli Doctor. "
Durlmr the day there were niutterlngs ol
111 will among the simple minden foreigners
nnrt at night a comnany of twenty-four , or
ganized with a loader , called at the Prudcr
homo and announced that they would nol
tolerate the presence of a witch doctor
Tlioy wore not admitted to the house uiiti
they had threatened to burn It to Hie groum
If the dnor were not opened. When crowclei
into the little room their spokesman notltled
Krinberg that ho must leave thu lown the
next morning or they would prosecute him
CTho stranger from Missouri was a peaceful
ivhito bearded man of 70 and was evidently
frightened by tlieso threats , hut when Mr
Bruer and other intelligent citizens , satistlei
Hint ho was at least doing no harm , prom
ised to protect him , ho agreed to stay. .
Mr. Erinberg gave little Frieda three
"treatments" Sunday morning. , and in the
nflcrnoon she was about playing with the
other children of her ago. Sunday night she
was nt the house of Mr. Bruer until i :
o'clock , romping merriry with his children
though she htut not entirely recovered bc.i
speech. >
Thiyfiobof Saturday night hold a nicotine
Kutuui/ami determined to tnr and fcathei
Hirinberg that night. Their plotting was
overheard by a boy , who notified Prudcr's
friends , 'llioso gathered in force to protect
the old man , and his enemies were fright
cued from their purpose.
AnotlmrVomlrrful Cure.
Among the business men of Jansen is Mr
3. W. Marshall , a grain bu.\er. Ho has a 10
year-old son , Floyd , who suffered for olgh
years from two running sores , 0110 on eael
side of his neck. Tlieso were so lanro ilia
it was possible to stick a linger into the carl
ties they had made in the llnsh. Putrid pus
oozoti from tlio wounds at almost ovcri
breath an.l movement of the muscles and bu
for padding of cotton would have saturated
the boy's clothing to the waist. It was
ueccssary to dress tlio sores several times i
day ? and the little follow sulTorodJgroatpain
He had been treated by Omaha and other
idi.'slcinusat an outlay of many hundrci
dollars , but without much relief.
The euro of Frieda Pruder naturally be
eamo the talk of the town , and Floyd Mar
Bbull asked his father to take him to Mr
lOrlnberg for treatment. The father had no
faith in thu old man's imvcrs , but llnallj
consented to call on him just to satisfy the
lioy. Mr. Erinberg looked at tlio hid In
tcntly for a moment , chut toil with him a foiv
minutes , told him to bit a good boy and sale
bo would Ut cured. In this case the old mai
did not retire to another room
'nils meeting occurred about 10 o'clock las
TTursdsy morning. When Floyd eamo to his
mother at it In the afternoon to have his
neck dressed she was surprised to find tha
Ibo sores had stopped running and the
wounds seomrd to ba closed , A lump as
Jtrpc at. n goose egg that had been gather
injr on ono side of the neck for three weeks
jirevlou * bad also dlsapuemred. Hardly able
10 bollave herejei and not wishing to ralto
fatso hopes , Mrs. Marshall tmtd nothing to
her husband about the wonderful change
until the next day , when tlio sores had en
tirely closed and tlio discharges ceased.
The Kvldcnro lnitl | iiitnblc.
These cures are close ti | > oii thu miraculous ,
and yet the testimony Is nbovo suspicion.
The condition of these two children was
known to almost every person In thu little
village , and when examined last Friday by a
representative of Tin : Bun they were un
doubtedly free from their former aliments if
the eyes are to bo believed. Little Frieda's
ilguro was somewhat thin and her volco was
weak , but she walked about the house
smartly , smiled cheerfully and conversed In
English as intelligently as the average child
of her age. l.lttle Floyd was plaj ing about
his father's ofilco ana evidently was an ex
ceptionally bright and well mannered boy.
In place of the sores there were two sears on
his neck , each about ns large ns a silver
lunrlcr. The big lump had left no mark ,
ind there was no nUn of pus. Tlio boy held
ils bead as though the neck was stiff , but
ic said ho full no pain , and there was no
other evidence of nuv ailment.
Mr. Erinberg gave no explanation of his
lowers further than to say that ho should
lot bo thanked , that the cures were elTe < ; ted
> y God working through him.Vben writ-
en to at his homo ho said he could euro
ricila without coming to Jansen , but in that
cnso her ailment would pass to some other
ncmbcr of the family. When ho examined
.he child he said some persons have the
lower to a fillet others In that manner by
living them something to eat. 'ITio believers
n witchcraft thereupon crncluded that Mrs.
lichard Furleigh , the wile of the village
lacksniitb , was the witch because she had
given the child some sausage to eat.
Neither Mrs. Miller nor Mrs. Furleigh ,
though suspected of being a witch , was
1 bo MyMi-rloim llcnlrr.
Mr. Erinberg is a farmer at home. Ho
ipparently practices a faith or magnetic
treatment and also has some peculiar
superstitions. When Mr. Bruer offered to
ay him for his trouble he refused , saying ho
reared it might result In harm to himself
if lie nsod his powers to make money. It
was oniy after much urging that lie accepted
0 and a return ticket. ! rom Mr. Marshall
lie received nothing because he had left
town before that gentleman know of the
euro of his son. When asked to treat Mrs ,
Bruer for rheumatism Mr. Erinbeig said ho
could not cure all diseases , and rheumatism
was one of those which had ballicd his powers.
On leaving hu said lie would return to Jansen
uh never needed , hut ho must be notillcd of
tie nature of the ailment that he may
determine before starting whether ho can
effect a cure.
Mr. Bruer , to whose compassion this ro-
markablu train of events is largely duo , Is
a well-to-do man who owns several farms
and now has a general store at Janscn. He
formerly lived on a farm near the residence
of Dr. George K Miller , Just west of Omaha.
He is a man of intelligence and integrity and
verifies tlio stories of the two children. His
home is almost next door to that of the J'ru
dcrs , and he had personal knowledge of
Frieda's caso. He has no explanation of the
manner of her cure.
Mr. Marshall is a business man whoso
manner inspires confidence at once. Hu was
formerly in the grain business at Kpringlield ,
n few miles southwest of this city , and has
many friends and acquaintances In Omaha.
He is not superstitious and takes no stock in
"faith cure. " Ho even doubts that Mr.
Erinberg affected his son by tlio short con
versation they had , nut ho knows that the
boy is cured , nnd tie is us much mystified as
any one.
It is beyond dispute that botli children
were suffering from serious ailments before
Erinberg visited Jansen. It is equally true
that since his visit their diseases have left
them and they are apparently in good
health. The reader may make his own
guesses at tlio mystery.
Discount ItntugVoro Onlto ICiiay IJurlng
tlin 1'iiHtVoli. .
LONDON , April 3. Discount rates were
easy during last week atyt per cent for
three months nnd 1 % per cent for short.
Stock exchange payments and holiday re
quirements brought about a brisk dcmanc
for money , borrowers having obtained as
sistance from tlio Bank of England to ihc
extent of JC.UOOOl ! > 0. All foreign gold do
maiuls are still met by arrivals in Iho open
markets , while n fair amount continues to
iiow into the Bank of England. The silver
market advanced throughout the week. The
heavy curtailment in remittances eastwan
in the last few weeks lias strengthened ex
On the Stock exchange during tlio week
a remarkably firm tone prevailed in every
department and prices generally were bet
tor. Although this was chiefly duo to the
demands of operators for closing their ac
counts , it must bo admitted that there is a
very hopeful fooling that business will ma
terially improve after Easter. It is doubt
ful , however , whether the revival will come
immediately. Tlio change will probabli
come slowly.
Consols rose one-half of 1 per cent , be
twcen making-up day , March 2T , and Fri
day. March .11. Foreign securities were wel
supported during the week , largely on ac
count of the various loans pending. Argentine
tine securities rose l1 ' per cent , Bnuilini
and Mexican , one-half of I per cent. Eng
lish railway securities wore greatly stlmu
luted by favorable traftlc returns nnd ricl
prospects arising from ideal holiday weather
Southwestern railway secured a gain of one
fourth of 1 per cent and nortchrn deforrec
" per cent. American railway securities
were steady , but tlio imtirovemcnt is all that
was desired. Canadian Pacific cainod one-
fourth of 1 per cent and Grand Trunk guar
antccd one-half of 1 per cent. Mexican rail
way rose one-half of 1 percent. Mine shares
were active.
On tlio ISrrlln
BBKI.IX , April 2. The market was some
what nervous throughout the week am
many railway and coal shares showed a do-
elino in the final quotations. Tlio final quo
tations were : Prussian Rocuritios , 107.75 ;
Mexican ( is , ( IS ; Deutsche bank , UK.SO ;
Bochumcr stiares , IHO ; Hnrpcnor shares , Kll ;
Kubles , 131 ; short exchange on London ,
iill.'l'JW ; long exchange on London , 'JO.Htt ;
private discount , 2'j , ' ; Vienna and Buoda-
Pesth bourses , the upward movement of
prices continues and many newspapers con
tinue to warn investors.
On tun I'arls lloiirsu.
PAUIS , April . Prices on tlio bourse dur
ing the last week have dragged. Uallways
have specially been weak on account of the
sales made for savings banks. Three per
cent rentes declined 2. > centimesCredit ; Fon-
eiers , 11 francs ! ! , * > centimes ; Uio Tiuto rose 10
francs ; Argentines , 11 francs 2o centimes ;
Brazilians , 1 franc 00 centimes.
On tint I'ranUliirt UourKn.
FiUNKFoirr , April 2. Prices linn during
the past week. Final quotations : Italian
5s , ! ) : l.25j Russians , y.t.OO ; short exchange on
London , ' . ' 0.42.
I'LVUKV lUH'.l ( iritl.S.
They Itlilo nn OhJtM-tloimhlo Callxr on u
Four DOIIOR , la. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun DucJ. William Fritz , a young
man living in the village of Clare , for some
time lias been urging his attentions on tlio
pretty daughter of a well-to-do farmer. Ho
was repeatedly given to understand that his
visits were unwelcome but ho persisted in
forcing himself upon the family. Fritz
called In thu evening when tlio girl's parents
were not at homo and as he had been drink
ing made himself especially obnoxious.
The girl ordered him out , but ho refused
to go. " She then called her two sisters to
her assistance. The three girls tied the
young man's arms and secured a stout hick
ory rail. Fritr was perched upon it nnd
whilu two of the girls carried the rail ono
held their victim in position. Fritz was
given n free rldo toward town , while all who
saw the strange procession applauded the
plucky girls.
.Struck n ln of Coal.
FOIIT Uonoe , la. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BED.Chicago ] it North
western employes whllo boring for water
near Dayton struck 11 live-foot vein of coal at
a depth of ISO feet. The vein is a very valu
able ono and will bo developed.
DrourneitVlilln Hunting.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 2. At South St.
Paul today Joseph Pnttcrmack and Ills 12-
year-old son were drowned whllo out hunt
ing. They tad ventured out in u leaky boat
which sank under them. PatUtrtnack leaves
a family in reduceU circumstance * .
Suggestions na to How Best the Coveted Po
sition May Bo Cornered.
'our I'.ipnrt mill llowr to I'rojuro iinl : Ad-
tire * * Tin-in Wlnt Thny Minuld
Cont.iln Soinn ( looil Ailvlco
Inn OrnrriilViiy. .
WA IIINOTOX , 1) . C. , April I. [ Special Cor-
espondence.J "How shall I prepare my
Mpers ! "
This Is n question ovary Nebraskan asks
ilmself a dozen times or moro when ho
mkcs up his mind to apply for an oHlco at
Washington. And it is the ilrst thing nn
olllce seeker should know. It often occurs
that the president or ono of hls cabinet
iftlcprs gives a position to a seeker simply
icc.iusc hi ) shows an aptness in prcp.irlng
lU application papers nnd arranging his en-
lorsemonts , and it frequently occurs that a
competent manner woman who is well en-
lorsed and dcssrving misses the position
sought because there is no ability for order
or arrangement shown in the presentation of
: > apers.
In the ilrst place every petition and letter
should bo type-written , if possible. This
facilitates the work of reading and often in
sures their reading whereas If it were in
manuscript n strong argument would bo
thrown aside.
lion to rick Your Job.
As a preacher prepares his sermon from a
text , the applicant should ilrst prepare his
or her application , making formal applica
tion fur the position sought. Tills would bo
more appropriate if written with ink and
pen , as the ofiicer Avlio makes the appoint
ment generally wants to see a sample of the
applicant's handwriting , and if the applica
tion is type-written the natural suspicion is
that tliu applicant is deficient in penman
ship. The application should bo addressed
to the president , If the position sought is
illled directly by the piesideut. If tliu office
is given and controlled by a cabinet officer
that officer shoeld bu addressed.
For Instance , If you are seek
ing a postolllco you should address
your formal application toHon. . Wilson Bissell -
sell , postmaster general , Washington , D. C. "
If it is a position in the general land office ,
thu Indian service , or any other brunch of
the Interior department , address yourself to
"Hon. Hoko Smith , secretary of the in
terior. " If you arc anxious to get u position
in the customs service , tlio internal revenue
business , life saving , revenue marine or
other branch of the Treasury department ,
don't forget that "Hon. John O. Carlisle ,
secretary of the treasury , " is the proper
otlicial to address. Or if you want a place
in the consular or diplomatic service- you
all want to go abroad , of course "lion.
Walter Q. ( tresliam. secretary of state , " is
the way you should write it out.
Do not be tedious in writing out your for
mal application , for the president or mem
bers of the cabinet will not read lengthy ap
plications. Don't relate a tale of woo. If
there are any "extenuating circumstances"
which appeal for your preferment lot your
congressman , senator , chairman of state or
county eommitieo do that part of it , and ver
bally , if possible , for all papers relating to
applications for olllccs go upon the public
files , and some day your enemy may get hold
of your "tale of woo" and publish it in tlio
county newspaper ,
\Vrltn V Alter This Fashion.
I will suggest n crisp form for application :
Omaha , April 3 , 18'J3-IIun. Walter Q.
Gresliam Secretary of State , Washington , 1) ) .
( . ' : DBAII Siu 1 respectfully apply tor the po
sition ( if consul to Juriiialmn , tyrla , now occu
pied by Sidah .Merrill of Massachusetts , who
was commissioned February 'J7 , 18U1 , and
take pk'aMiro In referring to ncconpaiiylng
endorsements , which 1 have scheduled foryour
convenience. The luttur of Judge Joshua
Jones ( No. 13) ) will ndvlsu you of my life , char
acter and capability. Very respectfully ,
Lucius li.
Don't write a lot of stuff about your father
having been a veteran , or your mother a
relative of tlio Smith familyof Pocahontas
fame , or of having saved the day at Peacli
Tree Creek. Leave all these details , includ
ing your age , appearance , education , busi
ness experience and qualifications , and
other facts which will argue in your fa\or ,
to your endorser , Judge Jones. It will ap
pear with much better grace , and then if
your letter over should turn up in your home
paper or in u future campaign , when you are
appealing to your constituents for their
franchise , self-laudation will not embarrass
you. Certainly anything which your friend
may say in your behalf will not bo charged
to you , for you are not supposed to know any
thing about what ho lias written until you
have received his letter of endorsement.
Don't get up petitions , tor they are out of
date , and petitions have little weight. Ask
your friends to write letters.
Arrange your papers in a comprehensive
und attractive manner. Make it possible ,
aye easy , for the president or the cabinet
officer to get at tlio gist of your recommen
dations in a twinkling and not lese any of
the good things which are said of you. An.
olllcer often picks up a pile of letters or n
budget of petitions from the biggest man in
the state and , glancing at ono or two of the
documents great men nearly always write
almost illegibly - throw them all down in
disgust. Appointing oflicers have not thu
time or naticnco to road a tenth of tlio let
ters addressed to them in the interest of ap
plicants for office. Generally the president
or a cabinet officer seeks the letter in tlio
budget of some man personally known to
him. Arrange your papers so that at a
glance lie will sec what you have and so ho
can pick out in a moment just what ho wants
to read.
Thin Siivct I.otK of Tlmo.
After you have written out your formal ap
plication nnd secured all of your endorse
ments , place thorn in envelopes of uniform
size and number thorn one , two , three , four ,
etc. , simply giving tlio number on the out
side and placing the liguro at a uniform
point upon tlio end of each of the envelopes.
Then fold your application in a w.iy to bo
easily opened , nnd of the size of the envel
opes. Place them all in a bunch nnd slip a
rubber band or two around them all , keeping
your application on the outside of the pack ,
on the top of tlio bunch. Then brief them
all , beginning with an inscription like this :
Application and Kndor.emL'iits of
luclus 1 , . Lucullls
Uf Omaha , Nitb.
Consul to Jerusalem.
Under this caption place in alphabetical
order , making a paragraph of each name ,
list of your endorser * , anil at tlio end of ouch
numo givu the number of the envelope in
winch bis letter can bo found , thus : "Col
onel Qulntius A. Mornn , No. 5. "
The fin t thing -which iho olllcer to whom
you have addressed yourself will do whan ho
gets your documents , if ho is ready to act ,
will bo to open your noplicntion letter. Ho
reads that quickly und saays to himself that
you are to the point , und that you go right
at business. Ho then opens the brief , which
you have placed around the package like n
jiicitot around a lawyer's pack of briufs. His
eyu glides down the list and ho discovers the
name of onu of your endorsers whom ho
knows ; perhaps , or whoso title attracts his
attention , and lie pulls it out of tlio package
and reads. He has seen a list of all en
dorsers , comprehends all , has read those ho
wants to hear nnd your application is soon
passed upon. Your case has been presented
in its best light.
Don't Olvu Vcuirsuir A oy.
It is frequently advisable In applying for a
position , in the foreign service especially , to
enclose a photograph of yourself that is if
you are a well appearing person ; but do not
look us if you are too well satisfied with
yourself. If you are cultivating a fancy
moustache or beard or wear ultra fashions
from itho corner haberdasher or have ono ot
those solf-satislled smiles , go don a business
man's outfit and borrow a studious and
earnest expression and have a nuw photo
taken. There is a picture of nearly overi
man in the foreign service in tlio consular
bureau of the Department of SUito. It is
not necessary to tlio u photograph ; it is
blmply n matter of tasto. I would advise
against the photograph plan in any other
than tlie State department.
In applying for iKudlion in uny branch of
the government there are some things it is
well to bear in mind. Always go right to
tlio | xlnt In what you say verbally or on
paper. Ciovermnent officers like to keep up
the appcarupco of being busy , if they uro
really at lolvire Cabinet officers
nnd the president aVi'/ihvays busy , nnd no
mistake. I/earn nlMJ ) ' > ut the position you
want before joil make application i don't
wrltoorgo loan oflleur ' "Just to inqulro. "
You queer yourself by displaying Ignorance ,
for It Is suppose , , y m know what you
want nnd how to get'it. Ascertain what
the position you xtoAl is , and where ; who
occupies It , nnd who hp Is , where npmdnted
from , who got him the place , etc. Half the
ofileo seekers ask/for iilaors which have
cither Just been filled by men in their own
party , or whloh are .occupied by men who
nro to be retained , or posltloni in the classi
fied service. Leurfr'whether there Is likely
to be n change. BiiiFHira you know what you
nro about , Hint you.aro right , then go ahead.
Men often make soiiftiiy blunders in apply
ing fur places that they stamp themselves as
Ifiioramuses , when in inct they are bright ,
nnd have only overlooked the importance of
being forearmed.
lloxr to Unt Thorn" ! hrrc ,
"Shall I carry these papers to Washington ,
send a friend , or trust them to the malls , ' "
the ofilco seeker Is almost sure to ask him
self when ho has prepared tils application
nnd endorsements and has madr ready to
entrust his future prosperity and happiness
to the administration at thu national capital.
U depends upon tliu office yon seek , your re
lations with the man or men whom you de
pend upon to pull you through , and the gen
eral conditions. If you are seeking a jwst-
ofiicc. and there is not much opposition or
rivalry ; If you are asking lor a posi
tion abroad or away from homo in
tins country and do not personally know
your congressman or senator , send your
papers by mail or by a friend. If you know
your representative in congress , and are
anxious for the place go in person. Your
personality will often turn the scales in your
direction. And then it often happens that
you bat-omo a burden to those who can con
trol the appointments and they will give
them out to get rid of you. 1 would not ,
however , advise any one to hung around and
try to become n bore. Many a good man gets
that Idea Into his head and soon gets ofilco
out of it by being plainly told that ho
certainly hasn't much business at home , or
ho would not stay so long in Washington.
Sonii ) Tiood Adrlcu ,
When you 1m o your papers all ready It is
much the wisest to forward them to your
congressman and see what effect they havo.
The returns will indicate pretty well whether
you are to bo considered fairly. It is always
best to have a regard for your time and the
comfort and Intelligence as well as the Im
positions upon your representative In
Office seeking requires skill and patience.
Few nro rewarded , many disappointed.
Office holding does not pay. and it is well not
to stake too much upon your chances , and
not feel lost if you fail in your efforts.
Failure to get a federal office is generally a
blessing In disguise. In seeking ofilco don't
foruot that tboro is a civil service
law which rojulres examinations for
positions paying from S'.IUO to SIKOI )
a year. In securing places worth JlluO to
fl.suo annual salary you must apply llrst
through the civil service commission ,
and after examination wait till you are
called , should you pass favorably. Once in
these positions you are not apt to be put out
for partisan causes , and after all it is the
best tiling in federal life if ono intends to
hold office for business.
How Ho Manipulate * tin I'nr.ivni-ablo School
When it comes to line work in controlling
school boards Colonel'Smcad of Toledo does
not have to take a badk seat for anybody.
Tt looked for a while as if the ICelloni school
would bo the last'ork Colonel Smead
would do in the line qf heating and venti
lation for Omaha fcfr many a day. But
Colonel Smead is Ida old a fox to be scotched
in his liolo. The' , first move in ills
campaign to capture the school board's
work for this year was to quietly
inaugurate a plcasant'junkct early last full ,
xle made up a select party of members of
the school board un'dei1 pretext of exhibiting
tliu superiority of hfs system of ventilation.
He extended his hospitality to the select
committee as far as'Toledo and other places.
Why the same instruction could not have
been imparted at the Ivcllom school in this
city 's ' not down on tile catalogue.
Wheivthe Junkotiifg trio returned homo at
Colonel Smoad's expense , none were louder
in the praise of the Smead furnace and the
Smead dry closet than the members who hud
taken the pleasure trip.
All might have gone well were it not for
the fact that the repeated tests made
nt the Kullom school failed to verify
tlio boasted claims of Colonel Smcad
that the Ivellom school was perfectly
ventilated. At least six tests have been
made nt that building and in oaeli instance
a number of the rooms have been found radi
cally defective. Tlio principal of the school
has likewise testified that there are rooms in
the Ivellom building where tlio foul air was
not removed ns it should bo by the Smead
ventilating system. This stuto of affairs
would give any other man but Colonel Smcad
und his friends a black eye In his
endcavors-to get tlio ten or twelve thousand
dollars worth of furnace work still no-'cssai y
to bo done in tl'o unfinished school buildings.
But Colonel Smead's resident agent and
friends arc men of resources. All along they
have felt that the stumbling block to a favor
able report on the Kellom school and Smoad
success was duo to Architect of the Board
Latenser , who so far has refused to endorse
the ventilation of the Kellom school.
A still hunt was consequently inaugu
rated and the architect was given to under
stand that his choice lay between endorsing
Smead or waiting up Tuesday morning to
11 nil his head in the basket and Architect
Ellis occupying his shoes. At least this is
the program of Smead and his friends on the
board mapped out at a private meeting held
a few days ato.
Architect Ellis is willing , so it is said , to
do what work is necessary to finish the ten
buildinirs under erection at a salary very
much lower than that paid the present archi
tect. This is the bait offered to tlio board
on the line of "economy. " But us Colonel
Smead and Architect Ellis are old friends of
long standing it follows as three follows two
that Colonel Smead will have no difficulty In
the future of satisfying the board of the ef
ficacy of his boating and ventilating plant ,
should the program of the caucus buadontcd
by tlio honorable Board of Education.
OiniilitiiiH : i Coimiirtvltil ( 'onii'r.
Omaha lias made remarkably rapid strides
of late years in the advancement of her
commercial Interests and today holds a very
enviable position in the struggle for
commercial supremacy. What has been
itono already nnd * .vhat ought to bo
done to still further our" business .interests
will IMJ discussed by prominent citl/ens at
Monday evening's ( limiting of the Current
Topic club , the loading speakers for the oc
casion boinsr Mr. Thomas ICIlpatrlck , head of
the firm of tlio Kilpntnck-Koch Dry Goods
company , and C. F. W llur , president of tlio
Kichurdson Drug cmrtpany. Business men
are especially invited to bo present.
J' iW/M , 1111.1 PUS.
E. V. Clark of fienoa ds in the city.
George 1 { . Colton of David City is in town.
O. W. Crawford ca-Mo in from Gothenbury
' ' ' " '
F. J Dornn of Norfli 'Platto was In the city
, u
George 11. HastingsAttorney general , and
A. It Humphrey , voiumissionor of public
lands and buildings , arrived in the city yes
terday afternoon.
At tlio Mercer : tfufiam W. Munsoll , W.
Weinbcrg , New Yorfc.W. ; L. Conlay , Minne
apolis : H. D. Kelly , Chicago ; Howard Crill
nnd wife. Chirks.
At the Murray : E. M. Murphy. New
York ; K. C. Po'ik. Rochester , N. Y. ; A. E.
Campbell , Lincoln ; H. Phillips , Chicago ; S.
Heinlman and wife , Tempo , Ore. ; F. A.
Shufclt , Chicago ; Ben Patterson , S. Frank.
Clevclanl ; Charles J. Froebury , S. Trenne-
wicli , Ouluth. Minn. ; GeorRO E. Gardner
Troy , N. Y. ; E. A. DeBlals , Now York ; D
H. Benjamin. L'ticn.-N. . Y. ; H. Noel. Chicago
G. H. Koblnson , St. Louis ; E. J. Hunluy ,
CIIICAOO , III. , April 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tnr. BEK. ] Nebraska aVrivals : Brovoort
T. J. White , Lincoln ; James Ashton
Omaha : J. 1C May , Fremont. Grand Pacllli
Ed McConnlck , Omaha. Great Northern
A A. IAH ) , Nebraska City. Klcholleu Bet
Holmes , Omaha. Auditorium Joseph Gar-
neau. Jr. , and wife , E. S. Gatch , J. B. Shcoun
W. D. McHugh , Mrs. John U Webster
Omatm. Wellington Will Collins , Omaha
Palmer E. E. Bonneil and son , Lincoln
Samuel Kali , Omuh * .
Estimates of tlio Expansa of a Moilost Visit
to the World's Fair.
\VondiTfiil lYluutor.t | | > li t-i Itu AiutiiiK tlio
Kxlilhllt Director Iliirnlmm'Autljr
Cook Trciiiriidoim Mollvn Power
Notes of lUlilhlUitml
CIIICAOO , 111. , April I. ( Special Corro-
SlKUldeilCl'.J "Wlllll Will It COStf" Is llll-
luubtcilly a question or deep concern to a
arge tunnbor of pro.pL'utlvo World's fair
Presuming the questioner to bo Intent only
upon st-elii thi ? exhibition , gottlng maxl-
mum of return for a minimum outlay , not
over fastidious as to slojplng nccoinmoda-
tlons , exeopt as to cleanliness , and not epi
curean ns to meals , the answer Is f M.s : ) for u
ten days visit , to which must be added rail
road fare. His bill of expense will bo as fol
lows :
mmodatlonsat $1 pnrnight $10.00
Admission to the grounds , at 5l ) < % 5.01) )
Meals , 'J purdity.outslde grounds , utJOo. . n.oil
SldcMious In Midway I'laisanee 5.25
One ride on each pleasure .scheme 55
Total .W5.80
Hut ho must be a stoic who hopes to ac
complish the feat ; impervious to every
form of seduction and allurement. Ho may
yearn to quench his thirst with a si ] ) of nec
tar tendered him by dark eyed liouris of the
Orient , the chic daughters of sunny Krance ,
the plump frank-Ins of the Father
land , the rosy-checked barmaids of
merry Knglatnl , or the embodied
'loveliness of the Columbian maid
posed behind the sod.i fountain ; lie may like
wise yearn for a glass Of water , hut be may
not satisfy the yearning. So , too , of the
ripening fruits of the trouics and epicurean
viands spread in queer and quaint pavilions
and served by a quainter race in their
native garb and manner , nnd of the count
less souvenirs from every cHmo ho may see ,
but he may not buy. Ho must bo ever on
the move , ns to ait down involves an ex
WlmtTliiTo U to Look At.
In answering the question in the spirit in
which it is asked , an exact understanding of
the feat sought to be accomplished by the
visitor must bo had in order to approximate
the time required. The enclosed portion of
the exposition covers over (500 ( acres of ground
and contains fifty-two exposition and state
buildings , besides the buildings of ninny
foreign nations , and the stock exhibit. The
ground lloor acreage under roof is 101.ti.
This does not include the eighty acres em
braced in Midway 1'laisaneo , with its many
attractions , for which extr.i charges are
made. Ten days would possibly sulllco for
the ordinary visitor to gel a fairly thorough
view. lj ( > ss time' would involve weariness
and discomfort.
The following is on the ten iViys 1mis :
Sleeping accommodation1at J1.33 if 13.50
Admission to the grounds al 5il rents. . . . 5.00
Meals , broaliflist 'J5cents : mid-day In the
grounds 75 cents ; tea 'J5 cents ; $1.- " > . . l'J.50
Out ) fiitnincu to ouch of twenty-ono sldo
shows on Midway I'laisanee iit'-ii cents 5.23
One rldiMin the eluvuted road leOne
One ride 011 the electric boat U" >
One ride on the sliding railway 10
One ride on the Ice railroad 1O
U'so of thu lavuturv once each day at 10
cents 1.00
Use of camp.stool eacli day at 10 cunts. . 1.00
Total J3H.KO
If the visitor rooms beyond walking dis
tance of tne grounds he must consider trans
portation. From the business center the
round trip can bo made by cable or elevated
lines , for 10 cents ; by sto.ini ears or steam
boat , " 0 cents.
iiNhn : Uray'rt IVoiiilarful Invention ,
Of all tlio wonders of invention to bo seen
at the exposition , perhaps those in tlio de
partment of electricity will presout the most
striking and interesting examples of the in
genuity of man. Hanking with the tele
phone in its importance to the business world
and the general public is a little instrument
called the telautograph , to bo soon in a pa
vilion built expressly for it within tlio walls
of the big electricity building. tlio in
vention of Prof. IClisha Gray , one of the
greatest inventors of the ago and the man
who is entitled to the credit of inventing tlio
telephone. This little instrument per
forms the novel act of writing
over a wire , nnd has been proven n success.
Tlio itrrauiretucnts for its workings are not
unlike those in a telephone exchange.
Uriolly , and without attempt at technical
description , the telautograph is somewhat
smaller than a typewriter. Two tire neces
sary , n transmitter and a receiver , at each
end of a line , the length of which may bo
from San Francisco to Boston. Thus a man
may sit down at a transmitter at the Golden
Gate and with nn ordinary lead pencil write
a note to a friend in the Hub , and simultane
ously another pencil at the distant station
reproduces the words in exact fae-similo on
another piece of paper. The second pencil is
not touched by human hand , out is operated
by electrical mechanism. Tlio handwriting
this marvelous mechanism reproduces is
that of tlio sender of the message , so accur
ate is the working of the little machine.
That is the long and chort of the telauto-
Director liurnlinm'R Kdurntotl A ] > p tlte ,
One among many of the causes which loJ
up to the existing differences between the
national and local exposition directories , dif
ferences which not only threaten the success
of the fair , but which have already delayed
and hindered its completion , may bo found
in the epicurean taste and patrician's appo-
titoof Director of Works Daniel H. Uurnham.
Besides being an excellent architect Mr.
Burnham is an excellent feeder. Besides hav
ing conceived the Wliito City , Mr. Burnham
conceived a refectory , both conceptions be
ing on a scale of unsurpassed splendor. The
execution in both instances followed close
upon the heels of conception , nnd had the
same energy been displayed in carrying for
ward tlio one as the oilier , tlio White City
would bo completed. But thu refectory got
the start early in tlio race. The refectory
was completed months ago , the Whlto City
is to bo comuletod some lime.
This refectory is a model in Its way , as are
all of Mr. Burnham's creations. It is pre
sided over by a "chef" an ordinary cook
would not do who was transplanted from a
crack down town hotel , wlioro his stiut'iid
was f .IHM ) u year. Assistant cooks and
bakers , witli a full complement , of waiters
nnd scullions of irreproachable podltrree and
style , were secured and the establishment
was duly Installed in a cheerful section of
the public service building. Hero tlio direc
tor of works fed in state , and with him such
of the greatest of the fair autocrats and dis
tinguished guests as ho may invite. No
mere ordinary department director , assis
tant director , commissioner or clerk ever
crosses the sacred threshold.
Fives thousand dollars a month is the sum
required to maintain this unique feature of
a World's fair. Thu bills are duly audited
and paid out of thu treasury of the ICxposl-
tion company.
Last November when Director General
Davis removed his headquarters from his
down town ofllco into the administration
building on tlio grounds' ho was mviteii , by
Director of Works Burnhnm to tnku his meals
in the refectory. This lie declined to do ,
choosing rather to nay for his meals ut an
ordinary table where his associates and
Immediate assistants take theirs and pay
for them.
Out of this refusal sprang n coolness a
break which has never been healed.
Truinondoun Motive I'owur.
The Allls engine , the leviathan of ma
chinery hall , tlio power Unit will sot in
motion the countless wheels and shafts and
which will bo started by the president of
the United States , is being set in place , and
it will require live weeks of constant work
to .finish tlio job.
The great Corliss engine of the Philadel
phia exposition , the wonder of that ago , was
of MOO horse power. The A11U engine can
duvulop II.IXK ) horse power. Thu online alone
weighs ! tt5 tons. From fifteen to twenty
ears will be required to bring it from Mil
waukee , where it was built. A man six foot
tall can walk into onu of the cylinders. >
Corea is thu iiiost exclusive of nstlonall-
itlcs , the sent orthu most despotic govern
ment on earth , where death follows tlio
mure mention of the ruler's nauiu by onu of
"the masses. " From tins antithesis of the
land of the free comes a full exhibit of
products , fabrics and implements , the col
lection and arjangemcnt of which was dl-
recteJ and supervised by the monarch pur-
( tonally , who contributes from Ills own pal
ace * many featured , embracing native court
costumes , weapons , shields , pipes and
Nolr * iifthnSliow.
Over iHM car loads of exhibits were re
ceived , unloaded and distributed to the
buildings , last week. This work Is nil done
nt night. Sixty-three tracks lead up to the
grounds , There are thirteen miles of track
within the enclosure and WO cats can be re
ceived and bundled dallv. Foreign exhibit
ors have lieen prompt , whllo American ex-
hlbto-s ! have been and are still dilatory.
The time for receiving exhibits expires
April 10.
Nearly 701) ) paintings , eimpHshig th" Ger
man art exhibition , are now belli * hung In
the art palace. The collection 1 * the most
complete ever sent out of Germany. v
ICnglnnd's nrt exhibit , comprising over SOi )
paintings by world-famed artists , is re.idy to
lie placed upon the walls. Many of the p.llnt-
Ings are of immense slue.
The painting progresses rapidlv. \ \ 1th
the exception of the transportation and fish
eries buildings the exterior walls will
be of a ere.uny white.
Over ti < h ) oases of Belclum's magnificent
exhibit have already been received.
"Hu/rl Klrkc" ut tho'ltciyd ,
That , it was Faster evening WHS evident
nt the Boyd theater last evening from the
small audlenco that had assembled to sou
"Hazel Klrke , " but Miss 'iJJnlo Kllslor and
her company played the good old dr.ima n.s
perfectly as if the house had been crowded
to its capac Ity. ltdeseivcdto be , for the
plnv is nn excellent one and the company
presenting it at the Boyd is a notably capa
ble one. every member of Ha tried actor. Miss
Kllslcr's Hiuel lias all of the old power to
comnel the sympal hi.-s of her audience , and
there is nnlhlng now to note in the perform
ance. And yet there is. Miss Kllslcr last
evening wore for the llrst tlmo several tunv
gowns , creations of "Winds ir" of New York ,
marvels of the dress-building art.
Mr. ( J.V. . Gouldock , the favorite actor of
two generations , played his old part , which
he created in this country , Dunslon Kirlte ,
and in his acting showed all the line power
his fame rests on. Mr. Hobcrl Drouet , Mr.
Frank Wcston. Mr. Charles F. Hates and
all the other members of the company ac
quitted themselves admirably. The play
was well staged , the now scenery being a
notable feature , and so staged and played
"Ha/el Kirko" is a drama that can never
lose its popularity.
"Tim Vondoii" ut thu I'tinuim.
The "Voodoo" Is the somewhat enigmat
ical title of a very clover farce comedy which
opened a four nights engagement at the
Farnam Street theater yesterday afternoon
and evening. The performance varies In no
essential particular from the usual enter
tainment of that sort , but is enlivened by
exceptionally tresh and sparkling humor and
some very pleaslm ; singing and dancing.
Tlio cause of all the trouble la Mrs. Gilly
Softsoldor , an ultra-superstitious female ,
who falls under the intluonco of Mine.
Diablo , a voodoo nogress , and imbibes tlio
belief that by means of seven hairs from
Michael O'Br.idy's red whiskers she can win
the capital prize in the Louisiana lottery.
Her efforts to O'Brady and secure the
much coveted hirsute adornment develops a
succession of laughable situations , of which
tlio members of tlio cast are clover
enough to make the best use.
Mrs. Softsoldergots O'Bradand , his friend ,
Michael McMalion , mixed and the result is
no end of Jealousy on the part of Mrs. Mc-
Malion and Me. Koftsoldor. Mr. Thomas li.
Murray has abundant opportunity to display
his inimitable powers in the character of
McMalion , and he has a capable ally in .lohn
G. Sparks , who assumes thu part of O'Brady.
The superstitious female i-j well acted by
Miss Ada Uothnor with marked success tn.d
her dancing specialties also found favor
with the audience. Miss Kitty Beck , as the
"B.iby , " .Jennie McMnhon. was very pleas
ing and her dancing in the llrst act captured
the houso. The other characters are in ca
pable hands , and an excellent mixed quartet
rendered n number of songs in a commenda
ble manner. The entire performance is ex
tremely funny and affords a very pleasant
evening's entertainment.
Court Calendar.
The call for today is as follows ;
32-373-Wllson v.s Mcl-'urlund.
33-51 Terry vs ColVnian.
33-397-MeVey v.s Swift & Co.
31-330 Kens VH Iirner. :
3'J-'J7 Methodist Episcopal church vs
32-4'J llelndorlT v.s Omaha llrowing associa
31-3S3 Omaha ( -onl , Ooko and Llmo com
pany VB 1'iltchard.
S'J-l'Jl Anderson v.s Carlson ,
3:2-130 : Mevcr vs Maguard.
32-1 H4-loyNton ! National bank vs Wood-
3:2-101 : Chicago Bowing Machlno company
VS I'OstlT.
3'J-'J41 Katrorty vs I.po.
3'J-lMH Krelic vs Yaeger.
27-03 Midland Guaranty company v.s Flan
.2H-140 { Saeuotl
- liy : vs ,
2H-17U Ainerlcan Water Works company vs
iH-'J15-Worloy ! vs Faux.
28-245 ( iranttmm k Shoemaker vs Mc-
Cilnnd Ijlve Slock Commission eompany.
JB-'JUIt Mctitilie v.s I'ress.
U4-1U3 Sxn-esuy vsHluht.
J7-31JD .Inmes ( jlddell vt , V. 11. Johnson.
20-3fi3 linnihtlno vs K'llno.
30-ll-Iim'4las ) vs lllanchard.
30-08 1'ltts v.s Travis.
3U-110 I'leiiicnts vs Weslerholm.
30-110-ltalln v.s.lohnson.
'J'j-)4 ' : llan-.en v.s Missouri I'acllio Kallwuy
'jri-l'jYB-Wllllams vs Hpeclit.
U7-'JU3 llorbaeli vs Slilolds.
lU-3H-arby ! | ) v Knight.
33-U37 A. 1 > . Sinllh vs > llluo Valley Liunbor
34-34'J John i'ray vo Omaha Street' Kail-
way company ,
10-3rO-miilii ( ) : National bank vs l.'reyhail.
31-149-lTnliii Stock Yards National bank
vs Stoddard ,
313411'laco v.s Mcl'agno Investiiient com
31-383 I.ei1 vs Johnson.
31-i'Ji-McICell : ) vs Paul.
3-J-15-Smith v.s Allen.
3'J-17 Smith vs Kurt/ .
3'JKlWlthrow vs lloltslandor.
3'Jloiilsonrl : 1'aclllo Ualhvay company
v.s Wort.
3'J-113 Traynor vs ICIlborn.
3'J-l'JO llanluhen vs Montgomery.
! t'J-13H llor'liuid ; vs Thompson.
31-50 ( 'Hl/.ens Savings bank vs Cowln ,
Sputtlng Mr fi't fur C'liiiilnrtoi-N ,
The motor and cable car conductors are
reported to bo on the anxious scat because
they claim that there is a now spotter in
town who is keeping eases on tlio men who
operate the boll punches. Homo of tlio con
ductors claim that tlio stranger answers to
the name of Matthews , although he goes
titular various aliases. It is said ho is the
miri who worked Sioux City , discovered
alleged robberies there and caused the dis
charge of 100 street car employes. Ko far
none of the Omaha conductors have been
Arrcsloil on Siupl clou.
Detectives Savage and Dempsey arrested
Charles Austin and John Miller yesterday
on suspicion. Tlioy are nouso cleaners , and
alter working at a residence near Seven
teenth and Clark streets Saturduv a .
tlty of stuff was missing. The detectives
Vantlln Of perfect purity
Lemon Of great itrength
Orange Economy In their ma ,
Roao.t .
and doileloutly M th fresh fruit
think they have amvUod the men who did
the a
I. OK I Her UlnmnniU.
UntcAiio , 111. , April a. The wlfn ofV .1
KnlKhtof nubuitm | , la. , Kt'iu-ral solicitor of
the llllnoU Central railroad , UmlMHM worth
of diamonds today whllo walking on Mlchl
Ran Iwulovtird with her hustmml She wns
nlrnld to lunvu the diamonds In her room
and \vri ; | > i'hi ' > T thorn up , placed them In the
IUM-ICPI of her cloak. When she returned to
her room the diamonds were pmn H Is supposed -
posed that In pulllin ; her handkerchief from
her tnn-ket she- pulled out the diamonds and
dropped thorn on the street.
Saved His Life
Scrofula Impure Vaccina
tion Bayonet Hope
JJttt Wood's Santaitartlla Jljl'cctedn
JVr/Yet Cure.
Trenton , N. J.
"We nro M sure that ItooJ'sRarsaparllla.wot !
our son Joseph's llfo as that tlu > ami shines ,
l-'lvo years ngo on hoard ship our three hoys
wcru vaccinated. Joiopli hail a very sore arm ,
BO bad nt ono tlmo that we wore afraid It would
have to bo taken olT. At length It seemed to col
v.-cll , but about two months alter , ho began tn
complain of soreness and pain in the vaccinated
orni. Ho had occasionally shown some signs ol
eciofula , hut nothing surlons. Ills arm , how
ever , grow worse and worse and became swollen
nnd covered with sores. The Inflammation and
sores nlso spread nil over hi lioily , and bo
was a mass of coi ruptlon ,
Pltlablo to Behold ,
A misery to hlnm'lf and almost breaking our
la-arts - \ \ lib angid-di over hi' dreadful condition.
Many n time did I > vi h lie MIH ilcinl and out
of lib misery.
"Tho eruption was especially spvenilwU of his
ears and over his head and llio lower part ol
Ills face. Wo had to cut oil all his hair wo
could , as it was Inipoitlhlo to comb through the
inass of hard crust and matter. I'hyslclana did
him no good , and three specialists at the Eyu
und iar Hospital said
Nothing Could bo Dono.
They said It was a blood disease caused by
impure vaccination. Ono night I happened
to bo reading in a paper about Hood's Sarsana-
rllla , and dei-lded to try it.
"Whllo taking the first bottle , Joseph did not
grow any worse ; on Iho second , wo noticed that
ho was linprovlnc , and , slowly but surely , the
ineilldno drove away the disease and won a
complete victory. The scales and scabs began
to fall oft ; the sores gradually healed upland
Sarsaparilla -
new , smooth and healthy skin formed In place
of tlio disease and corruption. Of eourso It took
time , but Improvement was steady until nt the
end of the year the disease had entirely disap
peared , nnd Joseph stood n mrong unit lirnl *
tlir bar * Ho is nt school and progressing'
rapidly in his studies.
"Wo anil all the neighbors regard his euro as 11
prrfrci miriulr. " JATiiirt : llAHi'r.U , heater In
Koebllng & Son's Holllng Mill , residence , No.
614 Division Slroet , Trenton , X. .1.
HOOD'S PILL3 euro Constipation by restor
ing UIP peristaltic action of the alimentary rar-al.
; A'/iir I Eilllo
3'r/i.B.irKK. I Eiuiov
.itj Miil.inoo.
Ass'stod by
EFFIE C. W. CoulJock ,
ELLSLER An < 1 her own company.
.Sunday and Wed'day . Hfl/r / ( HuT
A grand scenic nroJu-'tlon llllLUU IIIIIIIL
Tuesday and TilT&'R.T'El ' ' ' 'lrU "mu
WoJiiosiliiy KvoJJ'J'Ja/JUia i , , omnlia
The sale of scats will opnn Hatnrdav morn
ing. Prices : Kirst lloor. 5'Je. T' ! mil fil ; bil- ;
conv , Hk : and " * iu : niatinoo prlcos , ft'Jz fur any
beat In thu thuatre.
Prices : 2.e , i
rn' . ; ! . ti.uu
and H .V ) .
Thursday , April 6.
I'lrst auiiunranco In Umahaof Ihu w-mdorfnl
itndon y iiiidtfelrunipuiiy. tlio
Iii tholr hesthiieetitculfir pitiv
The Pupil in Magic
As presented for nmro than 1000 tunes In
this I'unnlry.
u ( iriiiui it.iiu u. inn rcMipin. Hiiniunt
Sctnm-y < iiirmMiii(4 ( CottnmitM. Nuvid ICI-
li'ctx. Iran * l.ljirt and llio llt'or Sunul I
The snle of coiils will open Wodnosduy
inoriihi , ' at I ) o'clock.
I3c. 25o 35c. 5Oc nnd 75o.
The uiiiuilali o Irish ( ormMlaii.
rili | | > < irt"ii hv un I-.xuulluni ( .oinimnv.
M.itiiifu Wodneaday uny HO. . I i'i cents.
laiiii ! | ( iiiiiinlnu-
ARiii-t I'uilnr. ! AND
Austin's AuRtrnlinn Npvolty Co.
Soiivouii-H Every JDny for tlio Li\dion.
The nly liutul In tlio o'ty ' with hot and oo'd
water HUH siu.iin ho it in uvnry r 11 n
Tiibipanl illninx roti.n ituri'iua nai < iriiasjoi
KATES $2.50 TO $1.00.
L > cclal rates on application.
D. SILLOWAY , Pror > .
Omaha's Ncw&st Hotel
lOItoonn nltJ.W t > ur itir
lU.oonn nllW ( pur ( li\r
JOHoomi null Haiti at ! . ' ) ) part if.
10 lloonu wltta Hath at J J ) to II i ) pir 1 tr
MoUoru in Kvry Ifntiicct.
.NiMVly l-'iiruUlind
C. S. ERB. Prop *