Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1893, Image 1

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LcpuhtorB DBe Pay Has Oca-Kid
Life in Lincoln "Wearisome.
Ojixiin-n1 cit DIP Maximum Ilatr I'.lll Scr
Ch nrr to Throttle thr M
l ffe-ct of MMjoriIXmblt Art-
ing Rule I'll otluc.
Lrscot : Neb . AtirH S [ Special to THE
Ben - Hotel rotundas were more < iompletely
CcM'Ttud today than on Sunday nmce the se..sirii , kurislativp recess This was not
u me UJ < tf > tbe fact tbat it larger number
of the legislators than usual went home , and
tbat ftvcnJ who were too far from beme to
makt the tr.p at this time went to Omaha. !
but it was partially owing to tbe effect that
tht prolonged sptmiou has had ou the pooktt-
bunks of the members It is now ten davs
Biuc-i the members oeasad to draw pay from
the slate for their services , and they
halt been compelled to curtail
cxH' As lone as they were able to
p.ui f5 a clay from tbe state treasury , life at
tit a hutu was none too rich for them , but
nrw u cbanpt has come over tbe spirit of
thUr dreams and a secluded room at u
mod'-st hpure ana ham aud pggs over a lunch
ccjtter are regarded as sufficient to excite
tbe legislative brains to proper action
T1 is changes the louucing places of many
cf the ii'tn b'srs from quarters where they
wt rr fait i-iar figures during the earlier days
i f ib ( session aud many u little conference
is u w bl'd i11 some one of the roinis in the
uppei stories of the business blocks in the
central jiortion of the ciU instead of in the
rotunda as was formerly the case.
Tlir.t Mil hi Soon HiI'uriulnp. .
The fait that tbe bouse adjourned until
Tuesday induced some of the members to
vib.t their homes , whft have not made a
practice of lea vine the city during tbe Sun-
clay recesh and it is believed that some have
pone who will not return It was announced
by several of ilium s-ome days ago that they
could not remain lonrui than this week , and
thut when the\ went home it would be for
C/iod They urged as a > vn * on not so much that could ill \ afford tlie continued expensp *
as that their absence ftom home was inter
fering senoublv with their farm work , -which
might makr it much more expensive for
them than tbe simple cost of another week's
re1 idence in tbe city
It is a fact that some of the railroad mis
sionaries have Ik-en very dilicent iu foster
ing tLis idea and are usiuc every induce
ment ut tbeu command to stee : members out
cfthccty hopinr aud trusting that they
nun nex-er come bad ; It is one of the moves
in the desperate game the railroads ureplai-
ing to prevent tbe enactment of the maxi
mum rate bill into a law
Kallrcmd * ? 'lH3 Ing * It f > um.
The members of the railroad crowd , al
most without exception , profess to bulieve
that tbe\ are beaten and would have the
impression prevail tbat they have given up
the fight , but thev have not tnvei it up and
-will nut pive it up until tbe wrnature of the
"tf ppvcrnor bas been affixed to tbe enrolled bill
Even then it may lequiro affirmation ut the
hanus of the supreme court liefore they be
come fully and thoroughly con-
Tiiifod that the people of TCebraslca
Tuny buve something to say ns to
Vuilroad regulation. Opposition to the bill
ut present is manifested ulonp four lines ,
filibustering in the senate , an attempt to
adjourn the senate sine die. ui > attempt to
udjourn the bouse bine die and an attempt
to run on' so many of the anti-ruilroud mem
bers of the house thut when tbe bill comes
back from the senate the railroad contingent
wul lie able to show a majority arainst con-
rurrcuce in the senate um"ndmeuts
Tlie continuance of the first until tbe
friends of tbe bill pave -up in despair , or the
adjournment of either house before tbe pas
sage of the bill would prove tbe death of
the measure w bile the successful accom
plishment of the latter would lie equally
effective m avertmp the much feared result
The best information obtainable is to tlie
effect that tbe roads have little to hope for
in the senate along eitbei of the hues that
they have mapped out The eiphteen votes
for tht lu'l are solidlv against adjournment ,
and it is stated that ordinary falibustering
iuthutbod\ be unsuccessful from this
time forward owinc to tbt determination
of Senator Thomsen to stand by the
other friends of the bill in fonv
inp matters until the bill is
actually on its passage He states
that he inude his last move in connection
with the other side ou Friday , aud that his
vote on every motion will be uguinst further
dtluy There is little probability that the
roads will be able to force-an adjournment of
the house although they succeeded iu pledg
ing fern votes for it. Tbe scheme that
promises best for tne railroads therefore , is
thut of scattering the individual meml > ers , so
its to have a railroad majority w hen the bill
isrecuved fiiim the senate
Can Their Attrmlunrr r.c OoinjietJrd ?
In this connection an interesting point has
been made When the scheme w as sprung
borne of the independents asserted that if it
was.attempted they would demand a call of
the house uud briup bad ; the absentees
This was met In the statement thut it
cioLaJiiH lit done as tbp sixty days had ex
pire 1 and n member could not be brought
butKU serve w itbout pay The mutter ws
cu. . M. to the uttuiitioD of Speaker Gaflln ,
i wlK. said th it be hud board it suggested
auJ iiaJ given it MUD ? consideration HP
b'J.t id . ' .ut he was unable to determine Just
wLaT t1 r tesult of such u course would
bf I" thought thHt if u cull of the
hi'jscvs demanded he would reooguizeit
and w i uU send for the absentees Thu if
n rat _ T bo u us disposed to resist the w arrant
iuTlc lianas of the berpemit-at-urius he
coti'J-disf u lid tbe matter would probably
p/ > tbr suprttuK. court , us was done during
th' s'-sioy < if the -rump' legislature What
the OLtrii.ic would be he could not imagine
Tt'-L-wi' ' ) be no occasion for anything of
that l.lnJ bi.wever if Lieutenant Governor
JklaiT-s repeats bis ruliug of last week , when
he intertwined c-umulauve uiotnms to excuse
bpnato-B iii YOU * to escuM ) other senators
cm u ijiiti in tn udjourn under the pirviuus
tjuesnou If tlM-ste tuctics are ncuiu ullowud
tr lie 11 'i-awt it is ull day w ith any legislu-
ti jtlat it. ukijwtiuiiable to tbe lieutenant
L r s sidr of tbe senate
AnntliiT I Iiuuiliittnt.
It .s u iiiistuktm idea tiiat tbe senate
unien uni rts cannot be concurred in without
a cous * tutmuul maJKirity as a majority of
tbr m iibcrs voting it. buflicientto uwept tbe
u tt it f the seuatc It will thus 1 ? t > een
that th ( rkilroad minority in tbe lower
Injsc vib be aide to knock out tbe bill if &
ftw T tbr auli-nuli'nud nieiuliers can b"
prtvuJ ' t'lKiu ' to bratiMiut when the thw
c-otT" s * . v oncuiTcut u lion and it is. tbnre-
l > rc n pt'iitue that all the fruuidt , of tbe
b. . .n c a lu-r IK.UW itnmuu ut tlieir Jiufct of
t' " . f the bill it , u > IIP passaci
T' c < 1iiubu cbarw lint , l * u utlowod to
pet ir tc n hole where it will buve to remain
til 'uuMr th-iu w pt of the rai'road Wli.
us f * tj4epond uitK in tlif house are utang it
os u . U U. ikrevtoit tbr Duuirlat. oouuty tiwi
t.i.gcr t ! i-.iu < Htttoeiitiiig to imui ( + di J < ' ud-
) r -"run' M TUe rui road tirowd ib tr > Uig M >
"ffs T 'in1 ! i > \ nksui'iuir ttu LljuplHs oouuty
n " > r i that if U ry will KM > UII in udjoum-
ITi-tl c h.vusr ut otK-e MU extra t-dt.iou will
hu-t to t > p ( Killed to paac tbr pett-.tml upnro-
piiu'i .11 . In . und Uist tbr charier will b ? tu
t jj" 1 ju MK i-uP
, \ ttiirnrj fur thiItufiuib * .
The in ; H'.ucb i hUl * o9kils went to
Oinat a tins afl rua it. uua tt is reported t. < ure skirtiiisbiui ; fur uttoruey * to
Irwk ' < r i lit ir defem * befur * tb * supreme
H IK t-Utlod thut bt-TeiiU of .be prom-
t * atturupys of Omaha uud Lincoln bavn
uu ) been retained , uud that a big hole
be made in the ruaki of the best legal
talent in the state by tbe time tbe impew-hcd
] > nitk . have ooncjutft'fl their sekvtlon Due
BMiry has it tbat each ufuctal Avill haw three
lawyers to look after his interests
UK stated that tbe committee will report
at tbf arxt .sesukiu of ttH * IIOOMtbe enttonoe
ugabist ex-Auditor Bentou.und that it is such
uswill certainly lead to hif. impeachment.
BontoiTs atUiriie.vs claim that he cannot be
impsucbed for the reason that ht' is out of
office , and cHte tbe bwtion of the
btatates relatinp to the trial of
impeachment cases ugainM ex-oftlcials.
as pmridiue only for the trial of officials
after they have resigneJ from o&loe after
havinp lK en impeached while in office , or
TAiosewhose term has expbt4 aft i im
peachment but l > atore tne impeachment case
was tried They held that impeachment
itwjW cwinot cVaie ( after tbe term of office
has expired
Couldn't Itlntrili.jd.
It is repirted that Assistant Attony
General Somers rcnt to Omaha last Thars"
day lurht on the 11 o dok tram , and made
midtiirht visit to the residence of ex-Gov
ernor Boyd His mission was to induce tbe
governor to come to Lincoln to assist in pre-
ventiur the adoption of thp impeachment
resolution , by telliuc him that unless
be did BO the name ol the ex-pover- |
nor would be drugced into the matter i
under some pretex i or other it svi happens
that the ex-governor is not the easiest man j
in the -world to bulldo ? " , aud after listeniuc
patiently to Somers storv. which partook
semen bat ef tbe nature of a threat , he in
formed him iu language more emphatic than
polite that he would do nothmc of tbe kind
He said tbat he had nothing , to fear ,
at every public act of his would
stand the light of day. and tbat while he
might have made mistakes be did nothinc to
Inch any reasonable man could take excep
tion He also informed botners that by ap-
pointiup honest men to office he bad saved
the state many thousand dollats It is
understood that the point to which Somers
referred was the approval of the .official
bond of ex-Treasurer Hill two y eat sago ,
after tbe same had been approved by ex-
Governoi Thayer. and which was declared
by < ludpe Wukeley only two days ape to be a
peed one
The bluff did not work , but it is being
talked of tonight by snme of tbe members
wno are trying to kill time until t be return
of their fellow lawmakers as not perfectly
in harmony with tbe letters of tbe officials
in which they demanded impeachment , after
it was apparent to every one that it was com-
inp and could not possibly be staved oa any
* rt ntor - ISuildltic lu New Aork Destroyctd
Duuingiiic Porpst fire.
New YORK. April 2 Tbe seven story
brick-building 708 und iUl Second avenue
with a frontage of oiphty feet on East
Thirty-eiphth street , which was formerly
occupied bj the firm of W Duke , Sous A : Co ,
as a cigarette factory , but more recently by
the American Tobacco company as a manu
factory of clears and tobacco was destroyed
by lire early this mornmp .lamps B Duke
places the loss at MOO OIK ) This loss is wholly
covered b.v insurance Between 5UO and fiOO
girls were employed in the buildinc Tbe
news of the disustei bud s'-atx-ely reached
the managers of the company w hen arranre-
ments were made to send them all to Balti
more , where they will imd temporary work
in tbe factory ol Gail. Ax & . Co The em-
ploes will leave for Baltimore tomorrow
The building -was recently boucbt by
Eucrene P. Holbin of Orange N J It for
merly bftlonged to tbe Rhmelauder estate
The stock was valued at f\0 ( \ ( Ml ) , tlie ma
chinery ut SMO.OO'J uud the building ct
flOU.KK ( )
A fire brolie out this morning on the sixth
floor of tbe Tern pie court buildinc and ex < .
tended to tne two floors above tiefore the
firemen were able to pet it unBer control
The buildinp is occupied b.v offices uud is
owned by Eugene Kelly The dainae-e u-
estimated .at ubout tllKlj ) ( , covered by in
The Telegraph Are publication omees were
destroyed. The subscription baoks aud lists
were saved. Tne journal will continue unin
terrupted in new headquarters The origin
of the fire is uiilmow n
Drm'Qrc , la , April 2 The Harris Rap
house burned this morning. Loss $10,0HJ. !
insurance about half. Three firemen were
seriously injured
RicuMoxn , Va , April 2 A disastrous
fire occurred last night near Kirksville The
buildmps on Fourth street from Mam down
both sides were consumed , except tbe rail
road depot and Mapee's warehouse Eight
or ten stores , hotels ofiKes and tobacco
houses vrere burned A large quantity of
leaf tohucuo was also destroyed A hiph
wind w as blowinp and there were no ade
quate means to stop the flames Two colored
men \i ere burned to deat h.
MII.I VILIX. N J , April 2 Tbe hie forest
fire south of this city , which started yester
day , burned fiercely all last night , but is re
ported to be under control this evening A
special tram with a paup of section bauds
left this city for the scene of the fire ubout
11.50 last nicht uud by back fares kept the
flames from the ruilroud tracks , but did not
succeed in putting tlie main fare out. The
principal loser b.v the lire is John Fries of
this city The fare in the vicinity of Mount
Carmel was started Thursday and was sup
posed to have been extinguished"yesterday. .
but started up acain today and the high
wind bus aided m spreading it This after
noon it was within two miles of the city and
the burning umbers sent up clouds of bmone ,
obscuring the sun
Pi.EAhA.NTvu.i.1. . N .1 . April 2 Forest fires
have been burning in this neighborhood since
Fridaj morning among the j mes At 2
o clod ; this moraine it leaked as if part of
this ba ough would be destroy ed On the
west siae of tbe town tbe dwellings were
suvod by women and children pouring wutei
on the walls und roofs of tbe houses , while
tne men fought the flames Lurpi- cinders
fell mtheiery heart of tbe borough In
West Pleasantville two liunses were de
stroy ed Another fire is said to be approach
ing from the direction of Absecon No
estimate of the loss has been inude
WATEiiruiui. N J , April 2 Tiiree of the
seven forest fares in this vicinity are still
raging and it is estimated thut during the
nast thirty hours ? 2TillUJ worth of property
bas been destroy od
Sad lUidofu rii'umrc Party'K Trip ou ] . & ! .
lou hatruln.
Nrv OIHXANS , La , April S By the ever-
turning of u sail Kiat on Luke Pouchatruin
this afternoon , five persons were drowned
MlaaE ? AONEs und lAMIE TLVXN ,
Several others who formed the party nar
rowly escaped u similar fate The party
consisting often people , all residents of tnis
city , had pone to Milueburg , a pleasure re
sort on the lake shore , for a picnic Aftei
lunch a bull w b projiosed A cat-ricgod yawJ
was hired from a boatkeejier uud the part )
started out In tacking the yuwl careened
and her occupants strove to right her by
getting to tbe opposite side TLis capsized
tbe vessel aud all on bjard w ere thrown
struggling into tbe w uter The screams of
tbe women attracted the attention of u party
of men who were fishing some distant *
nway. aud they put off to the rescue ut once
\ViuiHBi G Menemich. one of the fishing
party , saved four of the occupants of the
yawl uud two others ware save by his nom-
paiumis. Th four victims of tbe uocideut
sunk lielnre their eyes Search was at onoe
mudt > tor the bnjht * of the druwned , but up
to midnight none had been found.
( jo > r .sr.
Auirrlrau and P.nctUh Cliutujiluni. in
at HtiUuuin.
Kououn , Int. . April S 7'he great cheat ;
oofUfet between Emauuel Laskur. tbe Eng-
lUb churnpiou. and Jackson W Showattar ,
America'b pride will Iwpiu in tins city oti
next \VeoiHtoday and wiC cwcklKt of u berist
of ten games up for a purse of fi ( WO aud tbe
championship of AJnerjca The cxmU'St is
exptvted Ui cousumtfrom four U > MX weeks
and is considered the must important cbess
contest Einoe Paul Morphit' brilliuut career
in this country durmr Is * ? , ' and ' 38.
Motion of Lancaster Oonnty's Attorney in the
Embszaleinent Uases
Vf. II. and.luhn T. Horctu IlflcHtrd ou One
TliutiHaiid IXiHari xt-nority Oorhaiu
lliatk Still lu ,111 K
of Othrr l.H
. Ivt-b , April 2 fSpadal to THE
BEE ] Tbe motion of tbe uonnty attorney to
pompeV. ! . H. Djrpaa , charged with em-
bezzleinent In connection with the bRUdii&g
of cell houte funds and .lohuT Dar an. W
D Sewell. .1 Dan Lauer and Frank O. Hub-
tiard , rharced with defrauding tbe state out
of various , sums , by means of forced and
fraudulent vouchjrs for supplies lurnlahed
the iniane asj lum , to rive bjnd for their ap
pearance at tbe May term , wui ' .astaiued
jesterday morning , mid tbe defendants
brourht into court
Sen ell was released on $1.003 bail fur
nished by 0 A. BuckstaK the txvo Darpans
on fl.CWJ each , funiishod by C O Wbedou.
Hulibard on fl.Oll.i gn'uu by Simeon D Park
and F 1 Foss and Lauer on J.1.0M furnished
b.v D G Gourtnaj und W H Red Gor-
ham F Berti , another of the siccusud , is
still in Jail and he was therefore not re
quired to appear His attorney filed pleas
in abatement in tbe various indictments
acaiust Belts tettiuc up the old cround of
illegal draw me of tbe jur.Tbe cases are
set for hearinr the hrst duj of Mu.\butit
is doubtful if they come up as the demurr'jr
to tbe pleas in abatement has not bean over
ruled yet. as par program and on whicb the
county attorney expects to po to tbe supreme
court for a decision as to the lepalitj of the
grand jurj
Tbe status , of tbe cases acaiust these men
offer an additional incentive for thorough
legislative prosecution of the men wh/ > are
known to tie connected wilh tbe notorious
rinp which bas been looting tbe state treas-
urj for years Last December tiie rrand
jurj returned indictments a gainst William H
Dorpau , Dan Lauer John D.ircan , Frank
Hubhard and several members of the peni
tentiary und insane asylum ring
It was expected that tbe cases arainst the
indicted parties would be called earl.x in
February , but two months have passed and
nothing has been done County Attorney
AVoodward in an interview printed in a local
newspaper in this citj this mormntr states
that uothinc is likely to lie done until the
vulidit.i of the indictnie-nts can be tested in
the supreme court He gave it as his opin
ion that a new pratid jurj would have to be
drawn and the whole work done over utruiti
He stated further that he has not pressed
tbe cases at the present term for tbe reason
that it would cost Lancaster county ild.KK ( )
txi tr.\ the meL under the indictment , and all
this expense micbt b ? useless as tbe su
preme court would doubtless hold finally
that the whole process has , been irregular
Mar.F . Leach asks for a divorce from
Robert , w aom she married m Lincoln , Octo
ber fi , 1891 , on the grounds of desvrtion ana
nonsapport J > ew trials were refused in
the state apainst O'Connor , Pollard , as
signee. , vs H'iff et al. Ripgs vs and
, laiisen vs Stuthcit The jur.i in the case
wherein A K Giifiith appealed from the
j-fl.ri'lO.award of Rock Island appraisers of
Ins vropertv in Salisbury addition pave
plaiutifl P9.ii 'J.
F \V Krone secured a temporary order
restraining Mayor Weir from sipniup an or
dinance piviuc tbe Lincoln street railway
possession of an alley in tbe j ear of plain
tiff's property , claiming tbat it would shut
him out of access to bis property The alley
is located in tbe immediate rear of the com
pany's power house
f imu.HT
bh InliTi'i-lh of That Cltr ti > He Krprr-
mnled at Oinaha'B UrpiislMon.
itSET , Neb. , April 2 Speciul to Tnc
Bcc ] Mr. O C Holmes of Omaha , secre
tary of the Manufacturers and Consumers ,
association of Nebraska , has been in Kearnei
for a couple of daj s . to secure Kearney
exhibits for tbe exhitutiou that is to be
triveii in'Omaha bj the association the lattei
part of Maj
The Kearney Board of Trafle will have the
cit.i repressnted b.v a miniature canal with
its various manufacturing industries alone
its banks together with the overflow and
power house
Most all the manufactories will be larcelv
and appropriated represented , and , so far
as possible manufacture the articles on the
ground The Hub Printing company will
exhibit samples of the work turned out of
its biuderj and perhaps hare some parts of
tbe bindery in operation
The cotton mill company has acieed to
nave a loom in running order , and will make
cloth from tbe raw cotton Ubevuper mill
company will illustrate its process of mak
ing paper from straw , tbe flour mill will
grind out flour electricity as it is done at
tbe mills here and the plow factory w ill
have a branch factory in full operation
The citi7ens are becoming quite enthusi
astic in the matter , and if any city in the
state pets up a larger or better display than
1 tie Midwuj Citj they will have to ppt up in
the morninc to do it *
All manufactories in Kearney are at pres
ent doing a much larger business than was
at lirst anticipated Tbe iiapei mill is now
running da v and niirht. employing twenty-
five hands and using up twelve tons of straw
daily The process employed in this mill is
entirely new and onlj eight hours are re
quired In convert the raw material into the
manufactured product readj for shiurnent
The eompan\ has nearly a thousand tons of
straw on hand and the dailj output is & , OJU
pounds of paper
The broom factory established here about
a month utro has now three WTappers at
work and wi'l ' put in a fourth su in The fac
tory is now wo : kiur on a car lot foi Paxton
& Gallapber of Omaha , besides supjujt ing the
home maz ket ,
The w-ork of enlarging the canal to forty
feet wide and eirbt foot deep will commence
next week This increased size has been
found n" estary to accornmodiite the present
demand , to sa.i nothing about future prot.-
] K-ctB , which are vcr.i flattering for ihe use
of additional power
A company of capitalists from Hastings
were in Kearney a few days airo inspecting
the canal and its beadgates for tbe purpose
of getting ideas -which might help them in
the construction and apphcation'of the pro
posed canal
{ lofctid the Com cat iuu ,
HASTISBSV , Neb , April 2 | Spsaiil to
Try * Bci : J The fln > t annual convention of
tie Sixtn district Societies of Christian
Endeavor was brought to c close today , the
meetings having been eminently suwessf ul.
much interest being taken b.v the large
number of delegates present. Sunday
morning a consecration waver meeting was
held at V o cluck , the serviue being led by
Rev W C Stevenson of MoCook The usual
Easter nervines were held in all churches ,
the Endeavorers attending- wherever they
pleased At the afternoon session Mrs. O.
M Needham of Albion -wnb in charge of the
Juuior hourV D Hart of Mindeti Simla :
on "Bible Study Est-eutial to Spiritual
Growth , " Sacretary F F Carrutheis tf the
Hastings Young Men t Curistiau ansuciutiou
foUowuip ithWhy Should 1 Be a Ft r-
eim Missionary ' "
Tbe union prajer rowtine in the evening
was led by L E Lucas. Hf C. A BUiinr
of Omaha preaching a sermon to tbe ccuveu-
tlsu. Prof C A Murcli ol tUe Plul-l *
tute of KtHirutj ivas in charge of tbe
oaastcraUm. mid after tbe uukl
f Uicnks the oonventHiu a l > Mirn iL
N * rif lit u > rliritkLa < iirl.
flT Si'iuvofc Neb , April i lSp cial Tele
gram to THE Bcc. Fridaj about i K > 6 a
young wan well dresbed called ut tbe houst
of G W MesBinger of Bordeaux and m-
quired of Miss Libb.Piatt a youup lady 17
years of ace who was stopping ut Mr Mcs
s ucer'n for tbe Aaf. If * Mr Meisinper was
ut home On lieinc' informed in tb
nocative he then listed for Mrs Mes-
sliurer and Iflarnfnp bolb. were absent be
demanded monejvMr Mpssineer huviuc re
cently sold his fwiu fcf ft d > K' ' whicb was
supposed to be Rtnnfwhei-e aKmt the house
Miss Piatt slid she woulil make a sa&tvh for
tbe moupj Rh J < iW tbetratiper to wait a
moment and go upstairs and s > ee if
she uould find thSpupucwoa bidden treHsure
Slip waf Kbsdnl fnuD tbe roam liut a moment
when she rrturm-d t * find tbe stranger
wherp she hud lef t4m Instead of the HT.tMO
she shoved a nix shorter in bis face and or-
deri-a bun to leave t ones , -n hien b * did in
a hurr.i Tlie imtuv coutrhas turuei
out iu search Hiif tracks are well oorered
and no clew can 1)3 b > an j
XT , Neb _ , April 2 [ SjMJcial to THE
Bnc 1 The repisti-aliou for the cdty election
this sprt f is 1.-S91 , being 217 more than the
one IHSI ftffl.
Tbe nuiBliar of teftohers enrolled at * tbe
session of tbe North Nebraska Teachers'
association held in this city l * t weak was
Bin Five years : icn tb iv1m ( imialisr of
teachers enrolled fi r tbe tmtirs Kwfcewas
olii.v 27S
The remains f the mether of Mrs Tberon
Nye and S B Ortsot. were laid to rest yes
terday afternoon Pred Nye of ChV-apo ar
rived iu time to attend his grandmother s
The remains of Dr } Davids-m. who died iti
the insane asyium iu Hastings , were brought
to this city jesterdar and were buried b.\
tbe Masonic fratermty this afternoon The
deceased was ( ! 5-\ cars of utre and leaves a
wife and two sons , who reside in this citj
Tbe churches in the city were decorated
with flowers and evergreens and special sci-
vices were held iu commemoration of tbe
resurrection of Jesus Tbe Knights Templar
attended the Methodist church in a boay
and heai'd a very able dis.-oursp by Rev
George M Brown , who took fo : his text ,
"Jesus and the Resurrection "
Kleclfd > f , .
, Neb. . April 2 j'Sjie.cial to THE
Ben J At the rernlar meeting of tbe Ash
land High School Literary sonety last Fri
day evening the following ofllcers were
elected for the c.iniiug term President ,
Miss Grace Jaspernoa ; vice president. Miss
Veda Wilson , secretary , Mr Elmfir Hays ;
treasurer , Ada Da Boise . critic. Miss Inez
Arnqld , serpeint-at-arms : , William ROSB-
Mr .lames L Middleton was married to
Miss Hattie Clarke Tuesdaj evening at tbe
home of the bride's uncle. Ben S Clarke ,
by R v C P Hackney. 7'he wedding was
stricth pnvate and after ceremonies wore
over tbe couple left ftir Harlan , la , their
f uture home
Little Flora M iys the 7y ear-old daughter
of Mr and Mrs Levi Mays while out
riamg with her parents ' -was thrown out of
the wagon and seriously liurt
FIIEMOXT. Neb , AjiriJ . [ Special to TBE
BEE ] The following is tbe mortgage record
of Djdre count j for March Fi.rm mortgages - *
gages filea 85 amouut , * SU , S'l , released. ! ! ! > .
amount. HU 70City 'mortgages filed , " 11.
amount. fil.-sH ! ! S , released. Ji "amount. $11-
ili ! < s8 Chattel mortsrnpcs filed 1- ! ' ! amount ,
S ± iS76.H : , released , "in , Amount , f7 150 i2 !
rlr. Thlrf wntptirrd *
A. Neb. A ] > rilj [ Special Telegram
to TIIE BEE j Judge "VOieeler held a spociul
term of court yesterday.for the purpose of
recoivinsr tb" plea ot.cuflty of iitnes Dicker-
sou , one of the jeweljy thieves He was
benteuced to one year icJ.bepenitentiary. .
X. Ne3 , Aprfl 2 rSprsaal Tele
gram to THE BEE ] By 'the accidental dis
charge of a shntruu lust evening John New-
halfen , aged " 24 , was shot and instantly
ClnictHW Mllllln't. Treatment of Leek < - aud
Hit. J'rliuicth t t Adiiilr < Hl.
PAIUS , Tex. , April S The more tbe action
of the Choctaw tailitia in the pcndiup trouble
is looked into the worse they appear Some
thing new is cropping out every day AVhen
Judpe Gibbons.TTnitedSlates commissioner at
AuUers to went the military camp last aun-
day and asired him to give him a list of the
parties wanted tbej Supplied him -with the
foliowmp names
AVilhs Jones Albert JacKson , Torbson
Hamisou. Andrew AMHiiams , Isaac Reuben ,
Morris Bond. Cale Tbouins , Crawford Nail.
Sam Holdlield. Cyrus Aaron , Cephus
AVilliams and Elias Lomonda
These they claimed to have processes for
Tuesdaj w hen prcsseH to name those for
whom they had writs , they said thev onlj
hud a writ for Willie Jones but tbej wanted
Albert Jackson , who thej claimed had taken
Jones from the light horsemen
Just before attacking Locke's house they
were assured b.\ several that Locke bad not
seen-Jones in two nufiths and knew nothing
of his whereabouts
Albert Jackson uiid liSs fnends deny that
he took Jones from tbe light horse company
They saj Jones made his escape ana went to
Jackson's hoaBC , nb.o broke the sbackels
off him Another rather strange
thing is that on Tuesday Elias Loving ,
who was to have been shot at tbe Pashuia-
toha court ground for the-murder of Granui
Covutt who was reprieved by Governor
Jones went to Locke's camp and asked to
tip armed and joined Irts forces He told
Locke that be had been with tbe militia , but
had quit them and wanted to light for
Locke He was sent awaj , as he was re
garded ns a spy sent there by the militia
Agent Bennett has just left Goodland
beafinc propositions for settlement to be sub
mitted to Locke It cannot be learned what
the terms are Tht matter will come to a
head tomorrow
Udltlir ofiui VduilnlKtratiiui I'ujirr llii-
prlMimul tor l.llii < l.
CITT or MEXJCKI , A'oril 2 The El Darao-
crsta , an anti-administration newspaper ,
has li m very Mia ami out jxken of late in
utterances against curtain pnlicies of the
A few duj s ago it-contnined a severe criti-
( isiu ooucerning the administration of Justice
in the criminal brandies ef tbe federal
court" The autboritifs oonBiderea tbe crit
icisms to have bum uncalled-for and war
rants were issued fur arrest of Turido , tbe editor and Fernando RCIJHS , the
foreman of tbe n ? vspai > er
Tbe two m u IIB > C been sentenced to
prison on tbe charge "of lunl aud are now
conimud in Belem.
To Cnlnulw Mi'Litio.
, Mei , Apr8 S A. J Creete , an
extensive land owner of Mexico has just
completed a tour of the state of TamauUpas
aud has located a WfflJKO cre tract ol land
there for an Englishi Tadiuate It IB tbe in
tentiou of this syndiytte to i-ecure a con
cession lor this land , tram the * government-
It wiQ then h ? wJetswKl with English psojile
and the cultivation of oranges aud other
fruits undertaken tin an pxteuuve st-ale
Ni-u Jtatlriiad.
SA. * AVTCIMA , T IL , AjwH 2 The worl : of
constructing the r irtlaud , Montwey & , Gulf
railway IE ) ) r ipjwsiig ] rt idly. The onn-
traetort. uiv MOW working on llit ParUanl
cud of the line and expout to have the hue
cjuipltiUHl to Bro ruBViU , Tec , within nine
months The cxnifctrurtiou fi tbe rottd froa
Coi < f > m > CuribU w ta Je P A in tbe near
future setuus u > lie Huttured. tiir rhurter hat-
iUf betui obiatmt * ijutl tbr iuK > t sary inousH
la Hubaiitiett Bvbborilwdue \ the AiCenuit
f-nuaut * through whvb tbe road IE u. passe
Simriui-uu ofOiiruu NtcKUHirK Ajirll S.
At Havre ArnveJ La tSiiunj > upn < ITJU.
New Voi-k
At Muviile Arrived Ftate of
fn > m New York.
t New York Arrived La
frua Havre
* il 1L1V uLitiinllLui J OlnLI
He "Will Be Given an Opportunity to
-Nolhlni ; TJI Ccrtuin Al.nut Mubonry S -
iic the District > hli > Otlirr
J'edcral tXliciaU MBJ iit-rtr Out
Tlii-lr Trrin.
x BniEir or THE Bnn , 1
PiirKTCorrB SriiBKr , >
ix. D C . April 2 j
It was riven out today that no more im
portant appointments for Nebraska would
be made under some months , that there
will be some minor pla.-es filled , like special
agencies , clerkships and possibly n land
officer or two , but that district attorney , a
collector of internal revenue and u collector
of customs will not b ? named uuier some
months It is the intention to psrmit all of
these officers to serve out the four" years of
their commission where there is a tenure to
their offices , tiad where there is no tenure to
give them four years of service , with the
possible exception of District Attorney
It is conceded here that a democrat will be
in Mr Baker's position before the middle of
May No one knows this an-v better than
tbt district attorney himself , aud knowing
-it , he recently said that he intended resign
ing about tbe first of Mm If this is under
stood and not controverted by Mr Baker he
will IKp rnntU'd to keep bis office but if he
persists in a rvinc out his lour years wtacfc
do not expire till ubout next .luiiuary , he
will probably be removed
These ure democrats iu Nebraska now who
are petting up a bill of charges with tbe
intention of having Mr Bnker removed
They have given notice to tbat effort Mi-
Baker is charged with dorection of duty in
tbe recant Lin oln bank failure and with
having run his office in such u manner as to
pet the prcatest amount of fees , etc These
churces will tiot be proven : they will be
simply made m general terms ana iu blanket
form The intent is solely to give tbe
attorney prnet-al an ojijiortunity to ask for
tbe distn-t attorney s resignation , and if he
does not resitrn he is to be removed
Mrrolj AVuut HII Kxcuhc.
Some excuse must be assumed for forcing
a vacancy iu the office It is to be filled by a
democrat ns soon us possible It is stated
here iu the Inchest democratic circles that
Mahoney will not bt Baker s successor
It is believed that tbe senate's extra ses
sion w ill come to an end within a week from
tomorrow uurl two weeks at the farthest
The appointed .senators from Wyommc.
Montana uud Wusuintrton will br seated and
by something more than a party vote The
majority tbat will seat them will be large
It is the prevailing sentiment that all st'Ues '
are entitled to a representation in tbe
United States senate at ail times whether
by election btbe lepislature or appointed ,
it makes no difference , the fact remains the
same This seems to determine tbp hair
splitting technicalities of the lawyers who
-construing the law in the pending
When tbe s-nate adjouriis and half tbe
forty-live senators in the city go home tbe
president and-his cabinet will ret some time ,
for there will then come relief from a fedinc
tiiatjit.uny-moment thakeuatqginay call for- , ,
information"vlflch -will require time and
Wneu there is time there will be prepared
n list of Nebraskaus w bo are to be given a ; > -
puintmejlts. and tbe president will bj u to
digest ttitan The state will be given a mis
sion or two of small cous'tqucuMe aui a con
sulate or commercial apeucj at some foreign
Armj Oillpen. Can't Serin.
It has been definitely determined tbat an
army ojflcer , either upon the active or re
tired list , cannot be assigned or detailed or
apnomted as such to ill the office of commis
sioner of pensions without a special act of
congress The federal statutes specifically
state that when an army officer accepts an
office from tne poverumeut ( meaning di
rectly an office receiving confirmation oy the
seaate ) he ceases to become an officer of the
armj Tbe same is true of ar officer of the
navy. This settles the proposed transfer of
tbe pension office to the War department
without special action by congress in more
than one respect
IVeKtrrii IViihlout * .
The -foliowmp pensions granted are repelled - I
polled :
Nebraska- Original Robert McICibhaa.
Henry Determan. Charles Stare , William
Lancaster , John Hartley , John iMCoheld.
Hetir.\ Crooks , H H Grosvenor Additional
Meuo Shaul.George B Claugh In 'casc
Joseph L Wripht , John Hill. Daniel Swal-
ley. Reissue John B Weaver Original
widows , etc Nancy Kyner
South Dakota- Original Chester West-
cott , James Preston Additional David R
1' . Ball Original w idows. etc Florence
Iowa Original John Nutt. A O. Mudge.
F Jones , Samuel Oxeureider , Elisha Myriok ,
Frederick Whitley Ransom Allen James , R
Raffetj. William F EarlyFi ederick Wickei
John McCoy , James E Patton , A Holbrook.
Ulysses Kinsev Additional Joseph G
Wheat. C. Phillips. Jonathan Elrod , John
Rush Brown Reissue Dan Fike Original
widows , etc "William E Lucas ( father ) ,
Maria Lillibridce. F P Horrid : 'fatberi
Survivors of Indian war.s Robert P Wilson
John R. A\ bite
Nebraska. Original James M Headlej ,
Patrick Kelley. Additional James H Val
entme , Charles C George , John Pollings
Original widows , etc Melist-a Pulton ,
Margaret Morrison L W Maiinmn ( father )
Iowa- Original Benjamin F Hill. Hiram
S Eddy. Jacob Jacobsou , Michael Ehmke
Additional William B Arnold , Clatirclms
Reed , James R Speire , Henry Bickles ,
Richard Cnsbman. James Maiden , Michael
i.ewis , Oshea Pelton , Daniel Malunstor ,
William J Miller , Madison Epperson
Fletcher Orris Levi Biib.v Restoration
and incmiRe Harrison Weitzhoimer Re
newal und increase Daniel W Mead 1 *
crease John G Risbel. Ab-ahum Suyers.
John H Hamilton. John H Hay-Jut on. John
M Woodward Reissue Solnmon Weaver ,
George Glider , John Moutpornery.
South Dakota Original Christopher
Christopherson Additional Alder S Guin-
upe , Columbus Hatch Oricmal widows ,
etc Lydia E Lauphear , Thomas Read ,
( father ; , C Miner P s > H
Kcll ioui. Vlrwf Nn Ground for Ilit-cDiiilnu-
tlnu in thU Cdiintrj.
WASHISGTOS , D C , April 2 Cable ines-
bages from Vienna stating that thev .anti-
Semitic organizations and other tudies in
that city are vigorously protesting against
the reception of Mr MaxJudd of
a Hebrew citizen of tbe Unitsa States and a
native of Austria , nominated and confirmed
as OOUBU ! general to Vienna , have nec
essarily rttculled tbe Keily incident pit-vious
to ttie present administration , in uonttoutioti
with that same country .
The anti-Senutic feeling , it will be rec-
ollttrttid. plujced an iu.poriant uurl m the
refuBal of Austria to recaie Miftlstfir KaUy ,
and revolted in tbe practical suspension of
aiplomutu i-eiatiaus butwaeu tbe two couo
ti-iOB for o-ver a > ear
Mr AiitbonA M Keily. a citien of Richmond
mend , Vtt . firt > t belocUHi by Pr ivl nt
Cleveland aui uis uacretur.itf Mute. Mr
Bujkrd us uiuaster to Huh , but was de
clared ier jnu uuu grata by tbe Uiup of
Utili on iMtuouut of very Ktrouj oiduiunk be
fead poWicly etprwtspj uk to tbe overthrow
of tbe ttwijhiral p iwer of tbtIK | Kbj tbt
I Uili a * poiniuiHut. . H < ijuiup : as ini : iwuu
to It.ii ; ( IL U.i * < ilitWtiu. : iMiilig inutit known
Mr Kf j.v wih u'mu ' * ! imni uuu.i.i a > m
us tuiuibtt r lc
Huruuntori-d More Trouble.
another wjuaiij fatal object wn v-an
Mr MtLauc theu our uaii-
l tcr to PrsiK-e. . rsblvd Mr Bsynri May K ,
ls < * "Umt Mr KdUjr'K iHHrttten hi Vi * u
wxmld \ < f dink-ult. U not IminHwd W . in ottnse-
gamice of the fadt that ills wife was a
' "
Jewes *
To this iutimatiou Mr Bayard replied
that Mr Krily bad already ( .Riled and that
the United stales cx > ald not rainstitution-
aily udmit. ctmsiaer or discuss any
disqualiiiCKtum of its. officers based upon re-
liplon "
tbe wirre'ttKiiidenct1 this
was .iaptilatiUd Hitxirdiug to a dinjimWh from
United Staves Minister John M Francis.
dated Vienna June 17 lv > 5. the stiiUiaiout
or the minihtp.r of forei affairs that "the
allept > d fwt of his < Ktuh si wife was a Jew
ess did not influence the ludgiueiit of his
mujesty 'b gorerutnent in tbp premisrs , ' bat
it had been guided by the fuct that a
"fneudly government , a near twitrhbeir , had
objected to him. as the Unitua States' rejire-
bentativc at its wuri. "
Kl'Kll ItctHIIPIl tilt t.tlU'K.
Mr Bayard , however , pej-ssistnd in
holdinr that .the fact that Mr Kelly's
wife was a Jewess was the oon-
tralunr influence In u disjiatch to
Baron SchaoSer. tlie Austi'ian representa
tive at Washington ofab.iutthe same date ,
be said "The only objocti'iu assigned by
Count Kalnokx to receive Mr Keily being
the rolipious faith of tbe latter s wife , was
answered by my note of May 11 "
i- The upshot of tbe v hole aflair was that
Mr Keily WHS sent to Egy pt as one of tbe
Judces of thp international court there ,
which position he still retains that the
Austrian minister in Washington was given
indefinite leave of absence , and tbat tbe
United States did not appjmt auothnr min
ister to Austria until tht government of that
country itself made the first advances more
than twelve months aitorward
In view of these facts stutidinr out so
prominentlyin the diplomatic twresp-md-
ence of the United States , it is. li < Buir asked
v bother the .selection of u Hebrew citizen of
the United States for tbe important p isitinn
of consul general m Vienna was intended to
renew tbe former cause of discussion , or
whether it was merely an accident.
Itt'Hnc * < & Arlilt rat nri , Vumirndoi thpGov-
enimont'i. IolUin.
WASHTSOTOX , D C April 2 In view of
the statements , which have appeared during
the last two or three days concerning allow
ances made to different persons employed in
various ways in the preparation and presen
tation of the United States case before tbe
Bexinc sea arbitration tribunal , the secretary
taryof state has sent to the consul of the
United States in Paris a dispatch from
whi'-h the following is ijuoted .
"Neither the State nor the Treasury de
partment is responsible for mischievous pub
lication Tbe administration will do cvery-
thinp in its power to maintain the casp of
tup United States and to support otir apent
und consul before the tribunal of arbitra
tion. "
ntircun OtllUult. Must Eipluln
C'lUlK 111 OoirilptllChK.
WAKHIKOTOX , D C- , April 2 As a result
of the controversy between Mark W Hai-
rintrton , chief of tbp weathei bureau and J
B McLauchlin , chief of the executive di-
of the bureau , Mr Harrington has de
manded of Secretary Morton an immediate
aud full investigation of the administration
of the bureau
McLauhlin ; was suspended lij Harrington
fw insubordination and recommended to the
secretary for dismissal McLauphlin rc-
j.iondojd Ijj Jiliug ( iharpes ef corruption
airuiiTstJlHarTifigUmfJirbe-x. stlgntion is cx-
imcted liy the management of the bureau to
be made at once.
Little lUihlnrhs lor tiic sruutr tu TransKct ut
WASHINGTON D C , April 2 The coming
week iu tbe senate will witness the continu
ance of the debate on tbs cast's of the sena
tors appointed from western states , witri the
probability tbat before Saturday the rote
will be taken. There now ajipears to be
little , if any , reason why tbe senate cannot
adjourn as Boon as it is notified by the presi
dent that ho has no further communications
to send in. It is passible , but not likely , that
the Roach investigation may bt called up by
the republicans this week
r.ustcr.rn 11 < > at U Msliliifton.
WAsnrx&tos D C , April 2 A perfect
spriuir day filled the churches this morning
with Easter worshiKirs | and the streets
this afteruoiu v ith promenaders aud made
tbe fashionable thoroughfares brilliant with
beautiful costumes
Tbe principal religious event of the day
was tlie cel"lr.i1iou of pontifical high mass
at St Matthews by Mpr SatolU , tbe papal
delegate to the United States
President Cleveland did not attend ser
vice , but Mrs. Cleveland , accompanied by
Private Secretary Thurlierwas in her ac
customed pew in the First Presbyterian
church .
CinifrmKinuii'h Injiirlfh.
WASHINGTON. D C , April 2 Mr Alloa
Hooker , .sou of Congressman Hooker ol Mis
sissippi , ho.vas seriously injured last night
bj iieing struck by a cable car. said this
evening that his father was resting quietly
and was perfectly conscious
Tne attending surpeon said Mr Hooker
stated that he could not discover any fracture
nor were there any symptoms of internal in
juries With careful and quiet tieatmeut ,
the physician believed that Congressman
Hooker would recover
mltleu ol OruiplH Must Ausw pr lei
u DtiUlicratMurder. .
, Ga. . April 2 Anna Woudden is
locked tip at the police statum charged with
murder and Muctie Moore is 1 \ ins dead in a
little house in Bell wood from the affects of a
pistol Tiliot flrod by tbe Woodden woman
Tlie two women were at a dance Thursday
night near the chemical wurks. wAiah is b >
twoeii the city and Bellwoni The dancing
was gomr merrily along v , hen Anna Wood-
den asked tbe woman the ufterwarflb killed
to step out of tbe hoube and tbp royuebl wub
promptly oompliod with.
In an instant a pistol shot startled tbe
dancers und Mattie Moore felt witb n bullet
in her side Tbe woman who had done the
hbuathur then left the place und was later
arrested und brousrht to tbe pahee btation ,
where he has since bsen kept
Friday uicrht Muttie M iare sint for Po-
lioeman Barrett and told him that she lai-w
she was going to die and wanted to make a
statement abaut tne shooting She then
said tbat the noman hud called her outside
of tbe house and snot tier without a word o ]
warning Anna Woouden has made u state
ment and by her own ndraissuu the killing
was a deliberate murder
"Mattie Moure " she said , "told stories on
me and said my character was not gaud and
1 heard ubout it und p-ot a and weu !
oveito tbe dance As sma as 1 her ]
told Imr 1 would shoot her if stu tvei- said
anytiunp about me uc.uu
"In u lew nnnutf * 1 beard tbat she had rt
peut d tne suny and 1 culled her out imc
shot her 1 was mad but in u lit tie while 1
was t > urry fur what I hud done and Kturtw
for tbe station houw ? to give tnybulf uj . ' '
111.IX'Utli HulL
HA vo vcu N II . April 2 MurjLni
Bartlett , -wife ol p-Pr H > Klent Barttott o
Dwtwuiuth college , died suddenly tUit , morn
ivg. Uw children are IJrof Ed wain J
BartU&t of Dartmouttt college : Alice , tbe
wife of Her p. A Stinwm , D D. , of K * > H
York ic itly of St Louifc i ; Rev "VnUiaw
A. Baitl tt of Ubiroeo tid Saaiuel C Bart
lett Jr of Aidc.vjr hecanar.v , itKH-ntly of the
l.nrouif to A
Apn ilhi cJuKi utiJ ilu'hes
and tbcar < Ue > er. left MaUrid
toaa. fur I'ticupo They vii proctjodm
und Louauo.
Government of Pern Threatened l > y Ik-
Dictator Pioroto.
! ! ; < Hllng ChlllV AVnr C'lulinlli - I'rulp-
fcloiml ApltHtor'i. IMpliimutlr Skill K Itc-
parclcd iii. > ( ( . , . , jr.i lur tlit > Itt-
rOnWi07irtlffWl > yJani Gordon /lrnrir't.1
PANAMA , Colombia ma Galvtwlon. Tvx\
April 2 [ By Mexican Cable to the- New
York Herald Riiwlul to THE BrrLx -
5ietator Plerota ol Peru is atill ; u Panama
t-atchiug for an opportunity to ivturn to
hat oountry and enrage owe iimrt in tha
immnppttient of its policies He lius sent
gents to Peru to inaugurate his eatn-
aieti for tbe presidency Tht i eiUi n
oes not take place -until Apri ,
HW. howe'-ur , and it is helmed that
Pierota is really prepurmc t < > attmk und
verthrow President Morales Bwmudw lx >
ore tlie expiration o ] his lepal term He is
eilitr closely watched hero by detectives
Although the- elect 101. will not take pluco
01 inorp than a y car. the party leaders , t f
> eru are already onramzinc fut the struggle-
.eneral Caecres it , tin official eawidate
o suoeoed Dr Berinuder. Di Canevaro is
he candidate ol the oivilista party luiil
Jierotu is the inns ! favoiod tt.thr . demo
cratic jiarti , Tht democratic partj has the
totter orgauizbtim but us leadei-s ara
iwaiting the nomine of Pienita It would
if unsafe for Chat gentleman to return m > w
mle&s he goes at the head of an army
n many quarters it is bioatved
hat he is really preparing for MU b -M'nsu- -
wnal return to the luud ovei whuh ho
nee rnlud
\ \ lifii lie Ik Moil Needed
Pierota is n dauntless soldier , an able
statesman and a great upitator It is be-
ievod by his followers that he is. the only
man who would be able to deal
uccessfully with Chili in October when
he settlement of the wai claims
prow-hip out of tbe strngch of Un
cars upo will ha e to be made } 'eru icust
ben definitely announce whether she mends -
ends to pa.i the inillnus of indemnity
demanded \ Chili foi ibe payment cf
\ hich she holds the provitit es ol Arieu and
? oeua Until the war d"bt is paid Peru can
not reprun possession of these provinces with
heir rich mines and preat sources of
Meanwhile it has b"eu announced that
Tbili intends to exact from Bolnia the payment -
mont of J10 ( kKKK ) ( ) out of the f 14 ( hKi ( hK ) in
volved in the Dreyfus t laiin In ex < haiiRt for
, his payment Ctnliail ) code to Boinia tbe
'eruriau nroviuees of 7'ocnu and Arica. but
will retain possftsuin of tbe pnivinces captured -
tured from Bolivia duriup the via1
This arranremeut is regarded as a triumph
for Cbiiian dipiomao It has , produced
treueral mdirnatiou in Peru ] t is the more
rritatinp bocuu.stihe Peruvians are not
itnverful eiiouch to present Cluli from talr-
nr the action khe imnttii. * Ti in tuiR tuit
he mouej with which to paj the debt und
redeem the provinces , noi has she the rnili-
.ar.v or naval forces to prevent tboir trans
fer to Bolivia
ix > i :
- < i 'lull.ts iuOmirrjtUun at CJlivut IH'dar - foi
April 2 The flDdalists mot in
oouTeution in Gnent today , priucijaUy ) to do-
ttrmiue the uttitnde of their jii.i ty in caste
universal suffrape should -be refused them.
This morniucr 1.0(10 ( French sutualists , led by
tbe mayor of Roubadix and several town
councilors , left the train amid the bhoutt. of
a crowd , which surrounded the station and
inarched in a bed > to the eonvuntiou hall.
On all sides thej were greeted -with the
cry "Lion ? live tbe revolution" . Alter
discussing at lenirth the advisability of a
poueral strike the concruss this afternoon
imssed resolutions = ubstautiallj in harniouy
vritU previous ducluratinns on the subject.
The it'solutniiib w ere to the effect that
there-should be no peneral strike in Belgium
in case the restrii'tiuns upon the sufirape
should be IhLitod Parliament to the ques
tion of ape and plurality of votes for heads
of families If how evoi , Parliament should
prant pluralitj of votes to property owners
and holders of univers > itj dip omas the pen-
oral labor council should tie t harped to order
at once a strike of all laborers in the coun-
Ai > ril " Despite repeated denials
it is certain that the action to increase the
peace effective ol the Austrian army is being
urped The increase of the arne to 824.IHJO
bus been postponed indefinitely , the poTern-
mont has decided not to relin
quish entirely stime of its features , the
Lauwehr is to be reorganized according to
tbe two-year fc > stem , und each of the twenty-
five infantry ropunents is to reoeive un addi
tion of 144 men The liuld artillery , mor&-
over , will be streuptheiied with twenty-eight
new batteries Tbe augmentation of the
twenty-live infantry regiments will cost
l , < hKKK ( ) florins The total cost of initiations
to the chanpes. i estimated at abuul iiQKKUO ( ) [ >
BEKIIS , Airil 'J More than 4 000 men T
took udvantape of the mapnincent v cather
to visit rnodricusuhe today Since early 1
inormnp crowds nave pathered before Prince
BismaivU'6 home Among the first persons
from whom Pnuee Bismai'ck TO-
eeived conpratulator.v messages yes-
twday weie the Empress Fred-
uricslv Prince Ci-orpe of Prussia , the
iaup of Saxony , the rticcml of Bavai-ia and
the prand dufre of Baden No mfssago vus
sent bj Emperor Vlli u l
llifl Subjxrt .AVill lie Huudliul l ; for * ' "i
Ycon ; , April ii Mr E. Eller.rAudcr4
SJD returned tudai from a trip to Charles
ton , S C , and incidentally to Washington ,
where lie had un interview with T'r"sid < 'ut
Cleveland and the meirbars of the cabinet
" 1 bimply called on the president and his
cabinet oftlccrs , " said Mr Andei-son 'to pay
in.x respee ts 1 conferred v\itb Representa
tive John DeWitt AVarnw on tbe lariff My
visit there had notniu ? to do w ith BHCUTIUIJ
patronage or petting apiioiutments. Tlial is
not in m.\ line
"Yon know that tin Chicago convention
declared that protection was wnrng AVe
believe this und my conference with > lr.
AVuniHr was for the purpose of devising
Mime meant wherebj this great und atn-
portant subjwt ma.i be pi'opprl.aiscuhsed
before congress mtifts Ttoe tariff should bo
hubjertod to a ] > ubii ( ills -UHsion titlure cou-
prexb is ruadj to go 1oiirk. . Mj'Vamer
and J f.imt > ) . \ talked o\ur the tU'iis to ba
taken in biich a discufcsioii M > trip to
'Washington had no
JMrfc. Uuht-cll IlurriHiin ntl Iinucl'tt-r
In tin Ari'icli'iiL.
Xcw YoHU. Awil t The. hhwlt wbiih
little Murttttma Unrruim exporieucod fmm
btdw : thiTiwn out of her baby carriage b.v the
jiole of a bHvj exprcto wagon , whicli also
knocked dowu Mr * UuM > ell B Harrison in
front of tbe Fifth Avtmtu. ' Ut Ul on Friuuy ,
a Msntiuc effect ou Wie child
e Murllici.u hu - buac uudergoinp fcloo
tromuit'i.t ' fur iiervoufc prustiutnin ,
whu h full'iweJ ai- attack uf fccarie' fp IT .a
tbe whiu nouhi
Mr Hamsun > a.\s his daufbter s firnk itina
' -w iU aeiB' he * r movk. to tue home of her
I prattufalher , benutor bauudcrt , in Uniubn.
i ftiu.