THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE TWENTV'-SEOXND YEAR. OMAHA , SCXDAY MORNING , APRIL 2 1893 TWENTY PAGES. NUMBER 29 H D H H H ALL TRACES OF OUR LATE FIRE REMOVED. Every department now ready for business with the largest stock of popular priced clothing in the city. No fancy prices at the Continental Men's Clothing , Over 500 styles of Men's Suits now on tmrtables the , best .produc tions of this season. JL- " # ALL POPULAR PRICED. GOODS. i & For instance This week we will 1Jf& sell MEN'S FANCY CHEVIOT SACK SUITS at $10 which will surprise the intelligent buyer. Samples will be shown in our large show windows on Monday. TEN DOLLARS That's what we call popular priced particularly when you can pay $15 for the same goods in other stores. Sev eral styles all at $10. Medium and light home spuns and cheviots all at $10. Made in our own workrooms and worth $15. This week only $10. M JIB Another sample of popalar prices $ 1 * % CLAY DIAGONAL SUITS at l V & $15 three-button clay diagonal frock suits- tailor made and trimmed with farm er's satin. The straight price on this suit is $2 ? , but as another positive proof of the CONTINEN TAL'S popular prices we will sell these suits this week at $ 15. Boys' Clothing. Boys' double-breasted suits are the thing this'season--everything double- breasted from 4 years up. BOYS'SUITS LONG PANTA LOONS at $10. CONTINENT AL boys' clothing has always been popular. The prices this season will make us more popular than ever. This week we will have our sale of DOUBLE-BREASTED suits for boys up to i g years old at $10. At this price we will show you some of the finest. No fancy Iprices at the CONTINENTAL- POPULAR PRICES BIG SALES THAT'S THE STORY All new goods That great fire sale of ours scooped all the old ones. BOYS' SHORT PANTS SUITS Just to swell the crowd this week we will sell some suits at $1.75 to $2 , AND which are worth double. Come and see them NO SHODDY or satinet at any price. They are not popular. Furnishing Goods , > The great popular priced furnishing goods department of this city. New stock. " New everything. , . 1 * i -We carry the Manhattan shirts KJ11JLJ. Lo m regular white goods. FULL DRESS , CHEVIOTS , OXFORDS , MADRAS GOODS. UNDERWEAR We claim to carry the larg est underwear stock in the city foreign and domestic goods , all popular priced. LOVESzzAll the reliable makes in stock PERRIN'S , ADDLER'S , FISK , CLARK & FLAGG'S. SHIRT WAISTS We carry the STAR shirt waists and sell them for 75c and $ i , and have colorings which can onlv be found in our stock. nNECKWEAR 250 dozen of the best > 5oc neck ties ever shown in Omaha , on sale this week. BOYS' BLOUSES. White and fancy trimmed twenty different styles FAUNTLEROY BLOUSES displayed this week at $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50. Last sea son these goods were regarded as a luxury. This season we have them at the above popular prices Merchant Tailoring. ' ' Second floor Is all ready for busi ness Its capacity has been tested to the fullest this season already. - POPULAR-PRICED MADE-TO-MEASURE GARMENTS. Is the secret of our growth. We em ploy only the best workmen and give you suits at $35 to $38 which you would have to pay $45 to $50 for in exclu sive tailoring shops. Hat Department. The TOURIST is the popular. Every one will wear a TOURIST this season. The old stiff derby is a thing of the past. Ten different blocks now in stock and new ones coming in every day at $2 and $2.50. We have the TOURIST for boys like this. $1.25 $1-00 TAL CLOTHING Corner Fifteenth , and Douglas Streets.