Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1893, Page 11, Image 11

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Henvj Oountry Roatlt Interfere is-Hi Ui
Moveujoot of Qoofk
I'rnrtlrnlly I > a-
ItiiMnc * * During the Work
furriest , vilth No iClmncri of Impor-
tnntrItnitttirfo SI fn Orcniil/liiR <
MroiiR J'ull lor Oiimlm.
Atioltr w c-uk lm pasted ami still the-rc
is n. approe inblc ehiinpe In the trade coudi-
ti t s of Omahu or of the state for tlml
n.atu-r As has lieem noted for wrnie time
past tbo movement of poods from tills iKtlnt
In a lobum ? way It not very active. In some
lines there is a fuir business doing but that
is about the most that can bo ( tatd of ani
line vvhilr some are iwsitirol.v qulut. It is
not a MTuasy nutter to explain Just why
busim ss should be In the present condition
ns the c 'nnil situation throughout the ter-
morv mbuttir } to Omaha dods not appear
to present unj features that would lead one
to , inii < i pate a dullness In business. There
\ no en at scarcity of monov , as farm crops
havebfcn bringing peed prices and the
farmers , have had something to sell that has
boon biiiitrins ; in tnone.v all the sea ton
In M.IIIC sections of the state bad roads nre
undoubtedly outline a ver } important lipure
Hi.iv.v roads in Mine sections have made it
am fist impossible1 for the farmers to pet Into
t i TI dut nip the pnst week or more which is
a pte-at disad tintueo to the local retail
dcurs With the continuance of peed her the mads will soon improve so as to
IIIUK < tnvi-1 lesselimcult. but by that tir-e
tin ground will be in shape so that the
J.uiiH-rs will be able to commence their
Hprmr vuuk and from that time on the } "ill
bi bu \ in their ilclils
Tinis the same old situation that is prr-
M'titMl ( ver.v sprinp und will be until the
pi .ip.i of tin west HIT KufHi ientl.v aroused in
inlrodiiee some effective1 method of improv
ing the loads ot the wan try With peed
nmiis the farmers would bKolnpr to market
cl urine the bad sprinp weather when the.\
i .11111 it work in their fields , but under the
pit s. rjl ro td svstcm vvhe-n it is too wet to
VVI.T . t < in the fields it is also too wet to vcn-
tuir on the road
The chance to warm and springlike
-ivf-athci will haven tendencj to stimulate
the demand for spriti ? nt'd summer poods
nud will no doabt help business vei'i mater
ially in certain lines
ItnnU Clt-Hi-lMU .
The clearinps of the national banks of
Omaha foot up about the same for the past
w eek as for the two pi eeedinp weeks , U-ouch
the fust vvcevL in the iiuinUi wns consider-
abh larper " Ascompaied with the esorie-
spondinp time lat.t year there has been a
larpe ni'TcuMwhich would seem to indicate
that business at the present time is some-
vhat ahead of last jear
Th following- will show the clearincs for
i-.ii b < lav of the past week , together with the
total ; , foi jnevious weeks
Oiniibn Coiniiieirlul Club.
Business men hare boon discussincr to a
ver.v consiilcrablp extent the now Commer
cial club that is bctnp orpanired in the city
While there appears to be a wide difference
of opinion as to Just ttie line of work that
such an orpanization should map out foi
itself and as to Just how the organization
hhoulO he managed there appears to bo nc
difference as to the neccsbitj of some organ
ization of the kind
Business men v ho have taken the tiaid tc
become Informed as to the plan of organiza
tion do not hesitate to pronounce it as bcmc
the best plan ever culled to their attention.
At the present time there are about ! IOO mem-
hois who have signed the roll , and as soon
us the membership reaches 500 one of the
first moves will be to cmplov a commissioner
to look after transportation matters of all
kinds as uffectitifr the citj of Omaha.
Business men. professional men , salaried
men. atul in fact all citizens that me inter
ested in the w elfare of Omaha are eligible
to mombuship. Some of the jobbing houses
arc lalUmsr about havinp thcirtravelmp men
nil Join The club is controlled by a board ol
directors numbctinp 100 and leprcscutinp all
the dlffei cut business interests of thecitj.
The direi tois elect an executive committee
which is the working both of the club The
plnn of organization contemplates the forma-
tlon of buieaus to represent the most im
portant branches of business in the sity. As
for example the mauufactui : > ill probably
hnvo a bureau that vvill give its special at
tention to the nmmilacturinp interests
o : the city and the jobbers will
have a huieati that will devote its
energies to watchinir over the Jobbing
interests of the cit.v. Other important
interests 'vill bo represented in the saint
vvaj "Wlun n question comes up it tan hi
referred to the bureau that is especially in
terested in it and be settled there , or if it it
of bufllt lent importance it can be referred t <
the whole club
It is proposed to flt up the upper storj o :
the Board of Trade buildinp. if the same cat
bo leased , for club rooms. The.v propose tt
have u lunch counter where either a chcai
lunch or tin expensive dinner can be ot >
tained and then induce as many of the bus !
IILSS men of the cit.v as possible to takeluncl
there This w ill bring the business men to
pother and create a closer footing amour
them that will tend to make them a unit 01
all matters pertaiuinp to the advaucemeu
of the citj
A part of the floor can be divided up inti
Email committee rooms wheie diffcrcn
committees can meet during the lunch hou
and discuss anj matter that thej uiav haM
in hand
There - \ \ ill also be a reading or w iiltiui
room vv hei e business men can meet on a ]
] iointiiK'iit or where salesmen can take thei
customers when thej come to town
Those w ho are working up the member
Bhip of the club have had an architect ex
fktmno the upi > er floor of the Board of Trad
building and ] t has been pronounced to b
well calculated for the purpose.
On Monday luntti will ho served at th
Board of Trade rooms to which n larg
number of business mci. will bo iuvited , fo
the puriosc | of explaining more fully U
them tin proposed organization.
rilO.Vl 1)1 > - . tl'AMtl'OlNT.
Jtunlnn. * I.iiKt Week ( .cncrallj Ciooil , nltl
1'nmpwtk i\eellcnt.
H G Dun & Co 's Omuhu manager , speal
Ing of trade in'Omaha and vicinity , sa\s
"The Hist quarter of the } ear shows
handsome increase in trade in nearly ul
wholesale lines Dry pooas , groceries aiv
hardware have lie-en iu live during the wee !
and boots and shoes good as could tave beei
expected The lumber Uoaleis saj Oman
Irado is weak. Imt the demand out in th
Btuto is unusuull.v large Drugs e-ontinu
Bteadj and liuors ) .1 trille dull Uollootiou
arc not altogether satisfactory , and at tn
banks nionc.v is rather close , both in Omah
nnd the interior
"A luer.-antile
agency touches trad
c-lose-l.v nnd when new stocks are unusuall
- < fumei\ius or bu.ving is . th
c-alls foi Inforniatiou lurpelj iiicivuse Tli
\viikpasthasboeuthe heaviest on recon
iu this particular , showing that the rotai
Mores of the state arc anticipating u goo
season The briehte'r vve-ather has stiun
lutc-d re-'uil trade in Omaha tshoiijiiug ha
not be'cn contiud ; to Kuster gtKidi
b } unmeans. , . but most linee rt
j > ort better sales than for
mouth past There bus been som
movement iu real e-stute. too , though th
it.urket cannot be called active The brigl
prospei ts tor a strong i-oinmeix-iul club hav
uvvuUuued a tcnevved interest iu public mi
ters , and ever.vliodj now IICTCHIS that ti
latest plan of organization is probablj win
the citj has been waiting for
" ( /'takiiif on thu i > oUit brings to Bind
rptci visit ti Kaimj * c it wl prc the ( "tn
tllPI I kl Cllll > IS njn of UiP gl'Pat IHStlt jtl'Hl ' *
of HIP tvcinijKiln H mi ul ipsn fine bUil ling
, .tnl im rliiii rnmti is nnr ct the itirtst and
motii deiiehtful In thp t-.nmlr.v . Tlu.v an
louMnir IheniM-lvps thTcr \ > renewc-d nctiv-
ttv.anuihe cit > alread.v uppoars to better
ndvmitftitp J'hejr bonst'of an tnttuic of Ifi.lKKJ
people in the lmt six months mid Hre pt -
jmrint for a verj active camimirn of pnhlio
imimv > iiMMit < i As an llluttrntlon of th *
un nlmit > vvlthvrhlth thev liiko hold of
m tter afTwtin thp public good , it is stated
thnt even pnipert.v ownnr on lndei < oti'k'nco
avenue hn come cherfully to the front ,
rtwtl.v to quit tlaim to the city ten feet of his
front .vard alone thp line of the proposed
boulevard Kansas Cit.v is neither dead . .c
sleeping , as the coming six months , vvll
show '
Tallurps for the llrst quarter in Omaha
nnd Nebraska for the j e.irs lbl and 1SI
areas follows.
( nnnliH. I'nlltiies Asict llabllltle .
1S92 . . . 18 Jlll.MK ( ) 4116.200
1H B 12 35,555 01,138
Ihd2 . . . . 70 121,550 515,020
1S98 . . . 05 26S.204 3H3.71H
A comparison with the s'ltne quarter in
tsWl may ho of interest. In that period
failutcs wore ah follows'
* ralluros. A s ( . ( . Mnblllllps
Omaha . . 24 1134,100 { 104 004
Nebraska . 120 004,600
It will bo observed that the wutnber of
failures in the present j oar is very much
less than in IbiG aim isUl.
Information Ueirarillnp the. Men Who MHkc
the Wheel * Cut Kotlllil.
Kendall & Tefft have completed n spvonty-
fivfc-barrpl flour null at Havclock , the flrst
station 'his side of Lincoln
Tfie Kearnj Stee ! Bridce compan.v has
started operations under favorable auspices
the outlook for liplu steel bridges in the
west being very bright
The Lincoln Potter.v company will make
an cxh.bit at the coining manufacturer's ex
position Thej will have a potter s vvhcpl in
operation and show the methoas employed
in tnakiue bowls , Jucs. clocks , etc. This
will be among the most interesting nnd In
structive of HIP exhibits
The Kearnc.v Plow and Manufacturing
company is arrantrinc to have a small
outlit in operation makinir jilovvs at the ex
position and has applied for space for that
purpose This will give the public an oppor
tunity of .seeing , on a smull scale the work
ing of one of .Tsebraska's uiost interesting
and important industries
A dose observer remarks that if the
jobbers of this , cilv would do their duty the
manufacturing problem in this state would
be easily solved Hovve\er. instead of trying
to help along the manufacturers , thev arc the
worst enumcs that the manufacturers have.
" 1 was in a grocery store that just been
opened up w ith a new stock of goods. ' said
the speaker "The stock was put in by one
of Omaha's leading vvholesale grocers There
were two kinds of soap and two kinds of
laundrj starch , but none of them of Ne
braska manufacture. There were pickles
put up in a far eastern citj , extracts from
some- other place , two or thiee brands of
roasted coffee , but none bearing a local
name1 , a full HUP of cereals not mace in
Nebraska and cigars , that never saw a
local iactorj In the whole stock of
goods there was just one line that was of
home manufacture , and that was the Hour
which was Mild direct to the merchant bj
the manufactuiur When I asked the gro
cer why he had not put in homemade goods. "
cjintmuod the speaker , "he explained
that he had never been in the busi
ness before and had allowe-d the jobber to flt
him out with a stock of goods It is the
same all over the state , a new merchant haste
to sell out his hrst stock of goods bcfoie a
local manufacturer can pet in an.v goods , as
the jobber alwa.vj. ( Ills him up with foreign
goods to stai t w ith "
The last issue of the Paper Trade contains
the particulars of a new mdustr ; that may
lie of considerable interest to Omaha About
the onlj portion of a beef that is not utilized
at a pai king housp is the contents of the
paunch Henry .1 Bird , a former citi/.cn of
Omaha , has patented a method for working
up the so-called paunch manure into straw
paper or straw-board. A compan.v ofi capital
ists has been formed to put the new method
into practice and it is said that GV Simp
son , formerly at the head of the Hammond
Pnckinp company , and who is quite well
known at South Omaha , if one of the interested -
e-sted parties Mr. Bird estimai . that the
mute-rial obtained from each beef will make
tea or twelve pounds of good No. - strawboard -
board Mr Bird writes TUB BEE.It is my
intention to build a mill in South Omaha ,
and we are piepaied to begin work upon the
erection of a mill there at out e , if all the
pae.ters inteiested in this waste material
will make suitable contracts with us. Mr.
Michael Cuduh } , representinp the Cudahj
Packing compan.v , und the officers of the
Hammond company have stated tttit they
are w illmg to co-operate with us , but Messrs.
Swift & Co . as yet , have made no decision
cither way in the matter. There are no
Omaha capitalists interested in the enter
prise We have ample capital to build at
ever.v large be > ef sluuphtering center , and
will not seek for local capital. About $ T > 0-
( KK ) w ould be required to build a suitable mill
in South Omaha , and the product of such a
mill would be about ten tons per da > of
' '
The Kearney Plowman criticisescry
sharply those jobbcis who go about the
state asking for the business of the retail
merchants on the ground of home patronage ,
but who. at the same time , ship in from the
outside all thengoods. . Attention , is es
pecially called to the recent shipment
of a train load of Hour into the
state from Minneapolis. The Plowman savs
in part : Omaha , as the natural jobbing point
of the state , has set up the claim that couu-
trj merchants owed it to the prosperitj of
the state at large to patronize homo indus
tries In making the ir pun bases from Omaha
factories and jobbers instead of going to St
Tx > uis or Chicago This claim is Jusllj made
bj the Oraiina houses , and the Plowman
urges it on all its friends to CJIIT.V out this
plan in so far us it lies in their power But
while we do this , wouldn't it bo well to stop
a moment and ask what Omaha , as the com
mercial center of the state , is doing for the
balance of Nebraska ? And right now wo
haven point in questionSurclj thp state
of Nebraska has mills cnouph and wheat
enoiiirh to lurnish all the flour consumed in
her borders Slip makes as good flour and ns
cheap as an.v place in the land Why
then instead of shipping our wheat out
of the state and closmcr up one-half out
mills , can't Omaha jobbing houses buy ut
home instead of poinp to Minneapolis' What
inteiest bus Minneapolis in Nebraska' The
balance of the Mate feels a friendly interest
in Omaha and il is natural we should do all
we can to help upburid her , but the least we
could ask would be for Omaha to return the
favor hj helping to build up the balance of
the state
The Howard Tauninp and Manufacturing
compan.v at - 1trd street is doing in ti
small waj what n ipht be built up into one
of the largest industries in the citv , will :
the aid of a little more capital Mr. Howard
started out about six . \eurs ape with the
right to use a patent tanning method in this
state. The same method is in use in large
eastern tanneries , and has proven very sue
cussful. Mr Howard has improved upor
tbo oripinal method nud has broupht it tc
perfection He is ntw tanning diflcren !
kinds of skins , such us dog. wolf , shpnp , call
skins , cow hides , etc. They are making fui
and wool rurs , vvcxjl dusters , etc Mr How
ard is anxious to interobt more' ctipi'.al am1
open up a larger plant The opportunities
in this cit.for . this kind of busines !
would seem to lie vcr.v good. Tti <
stock yards furnish n convenient mar
ket where hides can lie bought ai
prices much under what eastern manufac
turers have to pay The manufacture o
leather , how evenis only one branch of thi
work Sheep and goat skins can ot > workec
up into rugs , for vv hich there is a peed w eat
em market Another branch of the busincs !
Is the manufacture. ! of wool dusters out o
snocp skins , wlm b is a business that woult
of itself keep a good sized fueion' busy Stil
another branch of the business would tie tin
tanning of the hides of the black and shagg ;
Oallowuv eattlet. w Inch are in good dctmuiu
f or o vereout s rugs and othei jmrjiose-s whore i
heav.v and lastii'g fur is required A Slou :
C'it.v compan.v hits been recenth onrituzci :
uitb a capital of fMO.lKKI for the purpose o
hunalintr these Ciiillowu hides ulonc Theri
arc * around Omaha u number of idle building
that would ho udmirubl } adapted to thi
kind of business There is the old Bo.\i
t i packing house" , the Harris .V Fisher pack
" i ing house\ the Carbon works and ;
number of other buildings that HIT now id )
and pomp -waste The pro Ills in a tanner ,
ure said to be very good and it would se-ei
as if there ought to be capital enough in thi
city to build up such a
Great Provision Deal Ext3Tiding Orer Twelve J
MosUis Oewlutkd.
unit I'Hlrhaiik Cri-illtpil nlth Mniil | > u-
r .MiirUi I lllc Drop In 1'ro-
% Uliin liie IVutiirc ou
'ClmiiKP Vf tprclnj.
C'IIICAOO , Til. , April 1 The creut provision
deal on the Iloaiit of Trade whlrh for t el\e
months has kept the price of pot-W , lard und
.short ribtllidui the control of two firms was
loosened up today Tudiihy A. Co and N K.
1'ullbank A. IXi. , xvho lane Rlnce Miucli , 18U2
IH-UII in cotniiiiind of the provision market ,
lm\e nbdlcated. Thev are fcattsfled keeinlntly
viththe $3,000,000 which they are said to
have cleaned up on their twehe months'
The markets for provisions todnj without
thesupiiort which thot ( Irms have b"en In
thr habit of plvtn ? them were extremely wean
There was a diopofil per luirel In pork
and ! 1 pet l < n > n iimd * In lard. When the
crowd saw that the hotf meats were abandoned
by their late supporters there was a general
rush to , reiultins In the heavy decline
referred to
A. J V < right , more familiarly referred to a
"Charley" Wright , Is one of the heaviest win
ners bj the bieuk , as he vxas among the blK-
pest wlnnerv on the pi-eat advance of the sum
mer and Inter lie wn iil o the orlplnntor of
the bis bull deal and was a partner In It , but
withdrew when he thousbt prices had pot as
btch n tlie clrcuinstaticei wan anted He then
U > k the bear * lde.
The 1 > U drop in the price of provision * wa
tin- principal feature of thp niuikuts todnj.
K\erj tiling eKe was. slmllallj allected but to
u less < li pressing ovtent than the pi o vision
deal 'loinglit , computed with the chisluc
pi Ices Thtilsday , the folluwlnz ure the looses
sustained I'oik , ! )2'S ) ' ( . lard , 85 > fr ; libs , 3'J'j
vUnat and corn ltoats : V
\\heat < ipenud a little lilchcr on some had
ciop ( laniact tepoits , but tint wcathei and
some' contradictions of the eaily it ports
started tathet flee ( .elllnc , which soou tuiidp
pil'-osweak The subsequent Im-ak In pro
visions Increased the deniesslon In eeruals
una on thu down turn theie wns hcuvy selling
of htcip loss orders mid evhaustid iniirgliis ,
which cairlcd Mu > off I'ji ' fiom theeatlv
ticuie , iuly went ofl about V There seemed
no support whatever foi May and not much
foi .lul } Puiinp the last hour the maiket
was itiiet | and closed about 'it from bottom
lie tires
( tun opened a shud-bettei. but there wete
llbfialoltciintts und prices * eon Marted down
with but llllle subsequent rtvovei3. t'nin-
inlss-lon nienhad litieial M'ilimr cudeis and on
the weak spots the loncs liquidated fieelv
.lohti It Lyoii was the laigest Individual
In oats theie was soorl trade and a weak
feelliiR , pi ices decllulns to thu lowest point on
the ciop , tin drop tielnp V and the close at
'tr above the inside figures The depression
was due to sympathy with corn and to selllnp
bj longs
llo jntiducts at times weie almost panicky.
The MMlini : wns enoimous. nlth veri little du-
iiiund , evcept to cov el shorts None of the bie
bulls showed any dlspo.ltloti to suppoit the
maiket even on the big liieaks Celling out by
the combine was guneially accepted as thu ex
KsUmuted icceipts for Monday : Wheat ,
lt'5 cars , coin , 100 cars ; outs , 15'i car * * , hoes
15.0(1(1 ( ( head
The loading futuiesninced us follows :
OI'EN I 111(111 IMW. 1 1 1.0-1. . nu ns
415 ,
1C 16 25 12H ,
i ; n1- u'i ' 10 16 Ki
10 SO 10 : > D il 40 ( , ' >
IU Ui 'J nu /O 32lv
10 221 ! 1020 li SO
9 30 6 to ' ? !
t ) O-.a 9 10 t > ft&
C'lihh quotations were us follows :
Phone-Stagnant : practical ! } unchanged ;
winter patents. 43 70ft4.20 , winter straight" ,
t3 SUSS 35 : sprlnc patents , } 3.85a4 10 ; spring
straight * 2 002.3 10. bilkers' , J2 10(2.2.35 (
\MlFAT-.So ii sprinp 73H(4j,73a.c ( : No 3
spi In ? , not thorn , 7Oc ; No. 1 ! led. 73'ftffc78JiP.
I'oiiN Lovvei , No 'J cash , 39 = , < a'J3'.c , No 3
cash IlhcNo : 3 jellow , 30c.
UAT' ' No 2 , 2Uc. No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 34
034'p. No 3 white , f. o. b. , 31@33'.c.
Kvn No 2 , 47c.
BAIU.EI No 2 , 02c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 423GOc ;
No 4 , f o b 3riit4Hc
Tl.AX ' "EEII-No. 1 , H 15
TlMOTin 5-Ll.Ii I'llnie , t4.3r.i24 40.
POIIK Mess , per hbl. , ( > i Lard ,
per 100 Ihs. , $ U 45 j.U.47ij ; short ribs sides
( loosel , is 103S 12' ' , ; div suited shoulders
luiM'di , S9 12'ia9.2& ; short clem sides ( boxed ) ,
9 75Q9.BO
\v. HISKY Distillers' finished poods , per pul. ,
fl 17.
Suoots Unchanged : cut loaf , S'l&S cj
prunuluted , 5' c ; stundurd "A , " 5c.
The following weie the leceipts and ship
ments for today.
OmuliH I'rotlnee Vlurket.
The week closed with thu market gcnorally
A I'i'LCS Choice shipping stock Is quoted at
HPTTKII The receipts continue light nnd the-
muiketis vt-rv Hun. I'.iclclng stock , 174i-.18c ;
fuir togoou country loll , 18S20C ; choice to
ANA I'e-r ' bunch , Including crates and
packing , H 7D2 5d.
HI.ANS--C hoice nnv j , S2 45.
C'Ai.ireinsiA ( Aiuutin I'ei lb. , 3c.
CAI.1H)11N1\ LIEIIIVl ll07. . . il.
C'lUMit uitlf. ' 1'er bo3 75.
CreTMiiRii1'er dor. . 75c"32.
\\hllethereurcstill some eggs bolng
sold In u i-mull wuy ut 15'ic ' , the bulk af thu
sales weie it ported at 13c
CiAvu- Tin net Ipts of ducks are large , und
the market lilies low. lluveis apptiur to bu
tlie-cl of mixed dui-ks , v hich arc veo slow sale
even at the low prices Mixed. 70'jt'JOc ; it-d-
heiids. tJ mallards , * 2.0.lii.j.f,0 , t al. * 1.
Ouil-l 1 'tflT-1'er bof3 0 > > 3.25
HAI The market on good upland hay was
| G
IllPI's-No 1 green 4c.N"o 2 green , 3c ; No
1 green , salted , 4 " . . < ; No 'J gieim , salted , Hc ;
No. 1 green , salted , J5 to 40 Ibs. , 4'5c ; No. 2
gre-en , saltetl , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 3'sc ' ; No. 1
calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , be , No. 2 veuleulf , S to 15
Ibs.Gc , No 1 dry Hint , 7'ic ' ; No. 2 dry Hint ,
S'.c ; No. 1 dry salted , dc
lleiNri Choice- fancy vUilto clover , 18(5 (
19c , fnlr to good IG&lSc.
I.l.vio.vs c'lioict , (3.50 , fancy , $4.
NKW YIOITAUII : : > Letture , 4c ( ) : radishes ,
4D'purslev. . 4diperdoz , gleen onions. 35c.
OlUMils rioilda tuncjporb < i\ a.riiit.3 ; 75 ;
russetts. S3 20 Mexlcun orunges. single boxes ,
f3 25 ; 5 t i Hi- box lots. i3 , Cuiiforii a mountain J25Uushington nuvels.N ; New-
custu Califurnla snedlingn , 5J.dlif.2.75 ( ; Med.
sweets , * 2 GDTrJ 75 Hlvorside sendllngs , (2 75.
ONIONS Home grown , pur bbl. , } 4 25Q,4.50 ( ;
pel 1 UKlii-1 , tl 50
I'ori.iiiv 'I he market U not ciulte so sti-ong
us It v\as a few du.vs ago Choice hoi ! : , ftOc ;
live joting roosters , 7T4' - ; old ioj ter . 5c :
pi-en1 and dui-ks , dn-sseet , H\til2c ; dressed
turl.ejs , 12ifl4c (
rnt vvv lil.liuiu. Per < iu irt. 25H30c.
f-wi-KT l'OTATelPer bbl. . J5 , send sweet po
tatoes J3 50
T \MU-HIVKS In hulf limes , 12 75S3.00.
YI-.M. c hoice un I Mnull fat vt-.iK , 79c ;
large und thin , 3C.e (
Ni- i ork Murlipts.
MW : Yniik.pril 1 Pwil'ii Hecolpts
G7'JOi ( pkgs.expoits 13h21 bills. , e7 , 375 sucks
suler. , d,2tH ) pkgs. , muikel ( lull , steud > , winter -
ter vvlieiit , low grudis , * 2 lt)5.2.55 ; wlutei
wht ul fair to fancy , (2 55ITC.3 G5 ; winter wheat
patents , S3.85S.4.25 ; Minnesota cleur , J2 & ( K3
3. 5H Minnesotu straights , 13 tiO4 OO , Mlniit1'
sola patents , J4.25U4 * 911
C CHIN Ml.ilcjulet , yellow vtestern , 2.06
2.75Urc Dull , stcudj . western. 592r.3c.
HAUI.I.V Dull , Hrm , weMern. doaBDc.
lUitt.rv MALI Vuiel , steudy ; western , G54
b5 < -
U HtAT Hecelpts. 15,5(10 ( tiu : nxports
140.700 bu ; suits , l.Gxtl.tKKI bu futures , 24 ,
IHMI hu spot. Miot market dull , Hrm : No ' .
red , In store and elevnttr , 744 7414c : ullout
76'(6.75liC. ' ( f o. h , 78 > tic7 > tc No 1 north
ern. MlS ( iH2c , No 1 hard , h4ic : No. :
northern. Mixitbnuc Options onened linn auc
advunced - i c on light contract dellveric-K
foreign bu > Ing und lo'al covering , ili-cllnec
" . . with the west und on realizing , closing Urn
und quiet , unchanged to ' * c up , trading fulrl ;
active. No 2 re-d , May. 75't4t7btclosing a'
75Sc. July , 77'4 < i774C : ! closing at 77 * c
OeiKN Hecelpts , 42,400 hut c-xportK , 2Ub3i
bu , bales , ItiO.OtH ) bu. futures , 21.CKIO bu
spot r-pou qulut. steady. No. 2. 50 > 4c li
t-lcv ator , il ; c atloat , uugrudc-d iniiedtOiiC
' .7 , s' i , r t , , xi 1 U' > . , N - 3 4N
ffl' .1 i Wffi Utlll II ) I 'H'V' I 'WIT li' M lllf-
US Insililt ti IlilV M IJ1-4M I IS „ il.islllgllt .
4 * 'nlj 4- < ' < - 1' . . ' 4 I 4- <
OATS' Itei'ilpls l-iji > im i x | > orm U.MH
till Hli' ( -"UNI I tin futures l.s-iitd tul
srMit " | Hit- < dull ( iptloilM dull and we-Hker.
MH ; . a.'i''rt ji.irl isinit ill ar > ' , r. Julj , 35'iir.
rlo.lni nt 85s , . sp , , > , , , 2 wbltf. 40 9
4Hc : No. 2 Chlr-iKo , SbX ; : No S. 8fl'c : No 3
white H ' , c : mixed wr iiT < * rn , 87tM9r ( : wbllu
western. l ' . ) ( t4Sc )
lUl-rnlr dvmiind Hcnn tihlppiiiK , 7OB-7BC.
peed to choice , sr > Ji Kie
HUM Dull , stvndj Mute , pornmon to
choice. ISAlUV : I'HcUlt'r'huM. ' lMfil'c
IltliNsll. | ) . eusvtt iHlted. New Orleans
si-lwtofl. 45 to 0 ) llM.,4i.fn6 ' .T.1xii . selected.
rxMnnollK. . 6ir7c : HiieJiuo Avtes , rtr } , * ) to
28 llts. 12'c. TeXHs , dry. 2" to 25 llw. , H21c
I'novisMiNs Cut mtmti , tiulet , depressed ;
pickled ln-llles. lmid ( " pickled shiiulcle-rs.
! tc : pickled Imms. TJ-'ftlSc. Middles , dull ,
tmsler : short clear. 10' , c Lurd. dull triiich
lower ; western steam rlos-t-d lit 110 324 i sales ,
260 tleie * tit Mtl.3J' ' . > ; options sales , ;
Ant II. Slit.10Maj closed ut tU.2U ; July
closed at a ) . ' * ' ' " . -ptember closetl * 9 8'i.
Pork quirt , lower ; old mess , flu , new mess ,
flwOO extra prime , nominal .
llfTTFii rirm , falily active ; western diilry ,
lHff'24r , western ereumcrv , 246fJ2c ; western
fuctolj , lHTt24c : Klgliis 31ifi,32r.
CllKcsr yulc-t. steady , putt skims , 3S1O < - .
Kdtis Tiilr demand , receipts , 2tlllti pkgs ;
western , fresh , 15c. du-k , 33&.3Gr ; goose , dOc.
TALI.OW Quiet , Hteudv ; city < J2 for pkgs.i ,
Li ) oils-Hull , weak ; crude , 42'jc :
jellow , 60e
I'l.Tiidi.Ki-vi Quiet , Htm : Washinston , bbls. ,
! 5 20 ; Washington , bulk , J2 70. Hellned. New
York , J5 I'hlhidelphla and Hultlmore , J6.4O :
Philadelphia and Itiiltimoie In bulk , $2.00 ®
2 95 , Tufted closed al GS r
Hosi.N yulet , weak ; strained , common to
good , fl 35ttl 37' ,
Trui'K.STlNH-Dull und lower at 32' , < 333r
Hlt'L 1 ; rililj active , Hrm , domestic , falrto
exliu , 8 'nftOc ' : Japan , 4-v < 3-5c.
MOI.ASSI.S New Orleuns open kettle , peed
to ( hoice , fall demand , 3lk3Sc.
M' , Hriner , quiet : fair rednll-g.
3'c , eentrlfiuuls ! Ki test , 3a.c : sales , 16.OUU
bugs centrlfuguls , 'JG test , ut U'-ic : lellned
fultlv u - liveHrmioirA , 4' * i.4'4t' , mould A ,
6 l-lG'sS c ; stundurd A. 4 13-10 < < fc5r : confectioners -
fe-ctioners A , 4 ll-loy.4c : cut loaf , 6 , fi
6 9-lfic , ciushc-d. 5'1iW.5 ' U-lOc , powdered ,
6 l-lG5'c ! ; granulated , 4 13-lli < a5c : cubes ,
5 l-lGtt&ijc
1'iullioN Quiet , steadv , American , U2.76 ®
Coi-i-i.ii 5te-ady. qnltit : lake ! 11.G6. ,
l.KAP-Dull : domestic , $4.02' ' .
TI.N Meadj , straights , S2'l.8& ' : plates , quiet ,
steadj ; spcltei , ttiiet | , domt-stlf , J4.27'i.
ltu lncis f.-itntfs. |
The following uitf reported at Dun's Mor-
cuntile ageiicv :
Oiniiha. Hedford C'ement I'lpt- , Mu'-hlni- com
pany , Ineoriiur ited. capital stock J2iil ) , < iUO
drand Island. Neb , tute Centtal CJollectlon
company Inconoruted
Lindsuj , Neb. , Peter 1' Hlede , saloon , sold
out Llndsiij , Neb , \\llllaui Yates , liverv , sold
out ( ot.tlllln Hiede.
Mipeiloi. Neb , OiUeiple \ Mut tin , groceries ,
etc suecc-oded bj Mai tin & Cillthrlst
Lyons , la. , Ver u-k i. Magnusson , haidvvaro ,
Maquoketa , la. , H E King.x. Co , groceries
und noots nnd shoes , dissolved
New 1'rovldencc , la. , Manle-i , dry goods ,
fct 1'rancls , Ivan , A. D. Ltiras , gneial store ,
soid eitit.
C'entiev llle , s. I ) , ? wanson < \ Peterson , gen
et I store , dissolved.
Duieku I ) . , I * Wlttin ij < * r , huinesn , furni
ture und buggies , succeeded by \\lttniiiier
Oettisbtirg - D . Moat A. Howeiy , restau
rant und coiife-ctloneij , sold out.
M l.o.iiMarket t.
Pi Lofts , Mo , Apill 1 WHEAT Opened
active , strong , No 2 refl cash , higher , Ci4 ° c ;
April , G4'c , Mnj , GGc asked.
Ceiii.s- old down sttsvdilv all day. No 2
mixed , cash , 35Vnvll. : . 3j4c : Mai , SbJiC.
OAls-Tollowe-d corn ; No. 2 cash , 30c bid ,
Mnv 3 lc.
I'IU > VIJ ION Demoralized , lower. 1'orlt
517. J6 Uud , 1925. Dry salt meats , loose
shoulders , lh C2ij. longs mid ribs , $9.25. shorts ,
fii.fio. llucon , parked .shoulders. J9.60 ; longs
and ribs , 510.37' , ; shoits , J10.2J' . . Hams ,
HKCBII-TP riour , 7,000 bbls. , whout , 23,000
bu ; cori 224'iio ' bu f oats , 3sUvJ bu. ; lie ,
11 ( Kit ) bu b.irlej , d.cidOtm.
MHi'MUNrH 1 lout , 4 , ( > OJ bbls. ; viheat , 17,000
bu coin , 7uOO i bu , oats , b.UiH ) bu.i lie ,
1,000 bu.i bin lei , 1 , OOO < lni
1C u IIBHR City Vlarke t s.
KANSA CITJ. Mo , April 1. Wheat nud
rve are quoted on the basis of Mississippi
river , othei grains on the basis of Kuusas
\V III.AT Weak ; No. 2 reel , GBc ; No. 2 hard , G3
G34e. n "
COIIN Jn fair denruntl ; wbttg lower ; others
urn-bunged : No 2 white , 34'5r.
OATS Mow ; No. 2 mixed , 2832S'c ; No 2
white , 31 < a3m.
llUTTEli Creiimnry , active , firm ut 25 300 ;
dulrj , Him , wunted , 18Jj:22c. :
Koci' Active , steady ; 12c ,
HECEIITS Wheat , 15,000 bu. ; corn , 4,300
bu. ; outs , none.
tntiMt.NTsWheat , 14,500 bu. : corn. 2,000
bu : outs , none
New York llrr C.oaiU .Vl-irket.
NEW YOIIKpril 1. The demitnd for dry
poods wus of the ustiul buttuduj churuclei ,
but in support of the Impiovemeiit noti-d
j-estcrdaj. The weather was so fuvoruble to
the letu'll Irude ihut Its continuunte for u
week would go fur to bring up that bram-h of
tiude to u line with the maiket ut first and
second hands , which Is needed to mnke de-
rnund regular for leplenlshments. Moie cotton
llitn-ieis were In inte-est , us were ulso makes
eif dress goods Jobbers were huv ing u full
trude , vi ith u freer movement In indigo blue
prints Deliveries of miiiiy articles In cottons ,
woolens und silks were the leading feature.
Merilmiic und Tuituu red print * , weie ud-
x aneed 2'j per cent.
British Grain Trails Kttvlvtr.
LONDON , April 1. The Murk Lane Fxpiess ,
In Its weekl } lev lew of the Ilrltish grain tiude ,
says : Apill begins with English wheat at 25s ,
the lowest pi Ice on lerord The average pi ice
obtained duilng Match was dlsi-oui aging. Al
though the Kianui.v reserves have fallen 705-
000 quarters since New Yeai s daj , jet prices
huveieceded lOd with no lecovei'y. The
Impoited wheat supply ulloat amounts to
2,6'JU.OOO quarters.
-MinlK'.ipol.f. VVlK-m .tlurktit.
MiNNi.Ai-ni.ts , Minn. , Apiil 1 Prices fell oil
Ic today Trude wus fair. ! * hurp break In
cush wliLitt , mm ket being overloaded with
two dujs' receipts No 1 not them , d3'iS.b4c ;
No 2 noithern , e > Ul > Ol-c He-celpis , 803 curs
foiiwodaj : . . C'lose. April , dJ4c ; May , OSL8c ;
Julv.WiC On tr.ick. No 1 huid , d4c ; No. 1
northern , G2'.c ; No 2 norlhern , 69QGOc.
kce MtcrketK.
MII.VV u' , April 1. WHEAT Lower ;
Julj , d7i ; No 2 spring 05c.
C'OKN Quiet , No 3 , 39c.
CJATS I iisy : No 2 while , 3434i.C.
} { L 64c.
I'uovislOsSQuiet I'orl. May , $10.25.
rhlhi'lelpliiu > > rain Murket.
I'an.ADni.i'iHA , I'.t. . Ajiril 1. WHEAT Dull ,
easier ; No 2 led , Ap-il , 72VU73C.
C'on.s Options weak ; mixed , April , 471i@
OAII C'ui lots dull und barely steady ; No.
2 white April , 3o'4l&40 > 4C.
Hull imorji drum -Mnrl.ct.
HAI.TIMOHI. , Md. , April 1 - WURATEasy ;
No. 2 red , spot und April , 72V-
Cjon.s Quiet und steudi ; mixed spat , April ,
47 > iC.
OATSQuiet undfateudy ; No. 2 white west
ern , 41Q.42C. _
Clneliinutl .Vl.irkt-th.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 1. WHEAT Qnloti
No. 2reddG > . .Ci,07c.
C'OHN Dull ; No. 2mlAed,41'-c.
OATS Easier , No. 2 mixed , ! i4e.
\ \ Hlskl Quiet ; .l .
Tolc-ilii Ciraln Murket.
TOM.IIO , O. , April I.- WHEAT Steady ; No
2 cash , G9' c. ' '
COHN Dull , steudy j > "o. 2 cash , and May
42c. %
OATS- Dull ; cash , 34p.
e'oUnn Vlnrkct.
NEW ORLEANS , La. , April 1 Holiday. Nci
lecoipts. bio ; gross , 1.MJ7 , exports to Qrou-
llrltuln , 3,247 , to the continent. 200 ; coast
wise , 5 : sales , l,40h , 04 ! spinners stock , 2GG , '
457 bales. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
secuiltlei Were Artli'u nnd Strong Allnos
Iroin stnrtto FlnlHh.
NEW Yoiik , April 1. Tit < stock inuiket vru1
active und sirong ulmo t from start to linisli
There weie free purchases to covei short-con
1 1 nets and thebujlng for the long uccpun
wus charucterlred by a greater degree of con
fidence than has prevailed for some time. Till
wus attributed to the fuct thut the April In
teiest and dlvide-nd dlsburnements are ex
pi-cte-d to lestore e-usu to the mont-j murket 1 ;
u few dnys und to the belief thut rullroii
tmslness will | H > enormous for munths to conn
on account of the World's fuir. The April. In
terest pujments have also stimulated thu In
qulrj for investment stocks und bonds. Th
profession geneiully tnkc-i a hopeful vliw a
the sltuutlon and experienced little dltllcult ,
in advancing prices toduy. The decline 1
Distilling und Cutllefeedlng of over 2 pere-en
owing to fucwthut thnt stock will no longc
tie in dcimind foi election purpo-i's the trr. ! ! '
fer biHiks buv ing rletsecl toduv , fulled to chec
tne rising tendenci of the general list.
Nutioiiul c'orduge common rose , 1" per cen
' A. Western preferred , 2' -
tot)7J4 , 1'ittsburg , pe-
1 e-ent to 42 lend , 2' per com to 43 4 ; Jerse
1 Central 2 per cent M 122 , vlaware * "uti
son. 2 jjei cunt to 132 , bufu rlJt J > r cent t
ll'-V I * cn rnl T"l > In 1\ tiff cciil ti < 1 > n t
lltl'l l.ll iiinn 1 , pi r < i nl t" 14 ' Jb.
ris i f tin i Mil r-i wa < iU | 11 ti > ( , p r nl nnd
tin Ciintizitwci. . i sji i isillv " ii mmi'l
lluylng vt < Mltiuln'id l > ) the in i-e. t * if
H4'KMiuit ' | t'ie buiik r < serve , v lo h.ivlns
liet n g < m rallv looked for \t the . i.wi inles
were 't ' to \ INT rent In-low tin lilithcM nVtm-s
mini lied , but the t mr of tininHlKel wns
Mi-one notwlthntnwllmt rttinniKiuncitwiit
that tli" fuitbi-r-turn of tl.oCHVHMl sold bus
IN-I-II cngrHRvd for xliipinetit to r.uroH ) on Tur -
dRV m M ThN nmkcs f l.MUHHKi eiu-niffd tip
to therlosi'oMnislnesi tiKtiiy The shies nf-
gM-Rntsa 17fiiii ( shires
The lveiilni ; l'o t snv sl'nllHr 10 tliRt of
Ins-t week t < uln\'s hunk slut * ni'-nt wits mticli
more fnvor-Hbli'thin hud b-en pivdlctt'd. the
HTi-lpts bv mnny hnnksof ICKHI l-nclers from
neighboring cities luivlnsr In H In fee purt
eluded the notli-e of Inquirer * . Until , ifcild
holdings were nitiiln iihstMtitlHlly iiiiclinnreil.
C\inslleriible ( lleht will be thrown on the ten-
licit ) with which this specie Is held by the
facts ( ) > vcoicd ! | in C'eimplliiller Hepburn's
March report Till" embrnces-Hit the national
bunks In the counti ) C'ompuK-d with u jc-nl
ago It appears the bunks of Chicago have In-
ciease-d their gold coin and ceitlticate hold
ings n,43G.103 , while their stork of
legal temli'is has In the sinne time
fullen oir J5.bJ'.i 342 and now stttnr * at the
unusuall ) low lUure of t5HJd.559. Now of
the entire cush holding of these twenty-
thiee banks , fully 70 percent Is In gold 'lo
uppieclulc this remarkable1 fuel comparison
should be inude with tlit forl-clght nutlonul
bunl.s of New Ytirk c'lty , whoso holdings of
e-oln and certllit-ates ut the present elate muke
utiOO percent of theli totul cash lesouici-s.
While the Chicago banks In the past Jem
huve been incti-uslng th li stock of gold by
! , ( ) ( , ) ( . and while most of the other west
ern bunking e'cnlcis tell the sunnstor ) of ex
panding gold reset \es thebatiksof New Yolk
I'll ) huve lost In specie natl ) j-'j IHM.III.III. It
cunhatdl ) be fuir. under such conditions , to
blame the lot al banks fm lefusingto turn In
voiunlarll ) an ) moieof their gold balance to
the treusur )
The following ure the closing ou itatlnu * of
the leading stocks ou the New York slock ex
change toJu ) .
The total -ales of stocks , todnj weie 17tit > tm
shares , Including Ati bison , u.lOO. Chicaco ,
Iturilngton .V Oulncj , 5,4K ( ) ; Chicuio Uu ,
7.OHO ; llelawure. l.uckawannn ASe lern ,
him ; Distllltnc , 1 , Still Lead , 6,3(10 ( : Coidage
Ib.G'K ' ) ; New England , lotion : lieadlug , 4,6UO ;
st I'aul , H.JOd. SUBIII , 11 , "in.
New Vork Monet VInrUet.
Nr.w YOKK , April ] . MONCI o > CALL
Nominally 4 to D pei cent closed offered tit
5 per cent
ritlMb.MrKCVNTII.I 1'AI'KK ( VTi7 tIM Cent.
TCIlU u E\ciiANOL-.steud. , with actual
business In ounker * . bills ut J4 HW14 HbH for
sl\tj dujs und ! 4 H7ljtt4 ( H8 for deiniind.
itosiis rirni ; stats bonds
Tlioclosliic quotations on bonds
lloston Stock Onotatlolis.
BOSTON , Mu s , Ajiril 1. C'all lonns , S'tSO'
net cent , t ime loans , 6G' , per emit The follow
ing are the closln. : quotations on slocks , liond.- .
und miningMiures- „
A T A b 1 T ! !
Anit-rltan Micar 107' ' . Wentlnc Klec pf d
Aui huuar pf d . . 100 VVIi Ce-nt'l . .
liny state t.ui 11 * Atcnlnon 2di
Hell 'lolephone . liTs At ( UNun 4t
IHiston A Albany .17 New Knxland ( m 1104 ,
Uoitun A Mnlno 17-i Uitmeral Kloc fm
llotiton A Vlalnc p f d HJ W'IB Central Is. . . .
C II A Q . W S -.llouez M C
Atlantic . . .
dvo. Klectrlc . UtMion \ Vlont . . .
Ill -ted iKuttc \ llonuni 1U
Mez i entrn1 i ai imet & lleclu . 310
N V & .v Knz C ontentilnl
( HtlCulonr . . rranklln
Oru Miort Line Kcarsitrge
" '
SRII IIU'L'O .Qulnej . ! ! ! . . . . .
I'nlnn 1'tultlc Santa lee oppcr . . ! ,
W e-t t'rcl lumuract 1G1
Went Knd pfd
Sen 1 nrk .
Niw YORK , April 1 The following arc the
closing mining quotutlons-
Crowul'olnl . . . . . . IiO
Cou. * nl A Va . , , . 210 ( sli'rru .Nevada. . . . E5
Deadwood . . 1..J -tnnilnrJ
Gould A : Curry . au Union Con
little A Mircrojs . fu v.ellow Jnckot 30
Hoiufi' ll'UJ Irou sllyor . 35
Mpxlcun . . 1..0 yulcl. Mlvor. . . 2JO
Ontnrlo . . . \im \ | au preferred IStfJ
Opiilr . . . no Ilulwcr 20
St. I.onin 'Mlnliig Mocks.
? T LOITIMo April 1. following arc the
( jnotutloiis on mining stocks :
Adamn Tl bsli 'smull liopcs f 7o
/m Nvlllu . .W > 7H Hope R 75
Illnutulllc . . 7 05 ! tl-o . 4 M
GriiulH ) il . . -S IfiCH 45 IKIItalictli . .4" ® .4J !
Uld 1u Led
NEW OIU.EAJ.S , La. , April 1. Clearings ,
I'AiiiB Api II 1 Three per cent rentes. OGf
fie for the ar count.
OMAHA April 1 Clearing- 040,701 ; toul
foi the weeU. JG 181.14O.4B.
Ni.w YOIIK , April 1 The probable shipment
of gold on Tuesday will he $1,500,0(1(1. ( (
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 1 ' 'learlngs ,
H.Bab.772. 1'c r the week , } 10,400 , 83.
IlAl.TlvioiiF. , Mel. April 1 Hearings , } 2,705-
739 ; b.iluiicei. , M&2 129. Money , 0 per cunt.
Mcvii'iu * . Tenn . April 1 New York ox-
clmnge- selling ut ll.SO. Clfuuns ; ; , J3&G.GOO ;
bulani.'ps , JJOS.271
LO.MIO.S , April 1 Money , lTi.2v ( , per cent.
Hate of discount for both short und thrut )
months' hills IVffcl'j pci e-ent
Niw : Yoitk , Apiil 1 Clearings fG5D14-
007 , balances J& 037 , 130 ,1'or thu week ,
cluurlngs. s(5 ( JG34,722 , li.ilaiu-.u.s , ! 29'J31,177
CINCINNATI O. , April 1.Money. . &SG per
cunt. Nen York exch.tngo , 11,11 , rleurlngh ,
today , J2,2sl,25t' , for the vvutlc , 412008,000 ;
lust year , 112 73S f.M ) .
I'llll.Alil.i.l'lUA , I'll , April 1 Clearings , J12-
8&nGC4 , balances U.U7CI.G&0 C'leurllig * foi
tht > week ir.4 Hjn-.CilCi , baluncos , } 8,444,205 ,
Monej. 4' , .5 u r cent.
BOSTON. Mass , April 1 Clearings , ! 10 , .
441&t.B : huUnccs , t2,311 U43. Munev G jmr
cent. Exc niiiicu on New York IDc dlis.
count. 1'or the vveeU. cloarliigs , jUO-
& 7S,117 ; balances , U0.2&2,400.
Cnic-ACio , 111. . April 1. C'leitnngs , today ! 17 , .
075.2J4 ; foi the week t93G24.J01 , asulnsl
S7,359,47& for the corresponding week law
vear Nev. York exchange , 7&c premium
Sterling \chunge. . dull ; MxO-duy bills
(4 nU . ; demand M ss'j MUIIL-J ejusior at C
per cent
Nl w YeillK , Ajiril 1 The Impoits of dpocli
ut the port of New ork for the week wen
fins COS , lit which J107.1HO were gold und f ! .
42&sllvir. The exiiorts of specie were J7 < J.Y'
Gun of which I14&.12& were gold und fGjD.'JH ]
silver. Of this amount gold und K > 1
8 > tlsll\er ( went to Kinope and J13M.2J& golt
und fl Mil hilvorwent to > outh America.
H- Loris Mo . April -Clenrings , t3,432 ,
300 , halunci-s (370,337. C'li urlngs thih week
U2 ir > 7H7i ) . hulanci't. f2..40741 ( Clearing
eorrc pondlnr weit-k last year , J.Ot.Ii373l !
b.ilunres , tJ , ' > 3b In4 C'leunngs lust wci U
t2244h' Jl haliinres fJ.fiT'J.Shi I leurilig
forMitich Jlni.Sil'J73. hulani-e- tll,7Oo.Cj'l (
Clearlrick for Mur-h ia9'J , ( uu IHd dti2 ; hul
unces tll'J939nl Ini'reitse In clear ingh fo
the mini Hi , * 'Jl > iS.311 , or 9' percent Monei
ijulet ut ( Vjf.7 per cent l.xchutiire on Nev
Yoik , 'JOc premium.
KRIIKUB Clt ) I.ltr Stock
C'ITA' . Mo April 1 CATTLK He
celpts. 3 10u head shipments 12 ( HI head
Murkrt dull steers und cows steady to IU
i i lower , feeders ett-adj , Tciuk ule-t-rb wcakti
ii.wrr Iirrssnd bpt f und shippine tr < rs
JS fii'ilfi . ' . cow < anrt lirltpm tJ'Hhian ' >
M > H k < rtuiul fe < Ut r(3 " > ii4t4 U'
I1H | His-Hlp's -iH'lii irt. lilplntM\l \ 7iHi
he id tin IHHM < t WH u nvt niul s | . < ttilv 1 \
treino ralik'4 : . * ( i . bulk ' 4H ( . ' ' > "
SHKEII5e < v ipt % , tiim heml * lilpnn nt 1
lu nit Mnrket otcnd ) : cmilltif llflii , nmM
! 8 7 OsH & 0 _
o vi AHA i.iv i : srot K \uuir : .
C ttl i Trade . \rtlvc t nilt-r l.lcbt snpplle
Hog 1'rleeo sun 1'alllng.
? ATflibcY. April 1.
Hecelpts of Inith htijts Htiri sheep IIMVP e\-
ceedtsji deHlurs mpiH'tHtluni this wc-t'k , V ut th *
ratlU'r tiioderet * run of c-nttlc' hres iM-en A ui-
prlso to HIP trude. Ccimpart-rt with JC' f C °
there hits he-en u substHntlul Increhse In all
kinds of sttirk. The1 onichil Hcures are fol
lows ;
Cattle Hoes. hcep
Ke-celpts this week 15200J4.587 H'.l.W
Hecelpts lust week 1G.H1J 2.H.7SS 7 123
Mime- week lust veur 12.2 ! ) . ) 18,303 3,0 J9
Itecelpts for March -how consldenible In
crease over those of the preceding inoiilh , and
conipHtvd vrith March. 1 92 , there liu- been a
veiv niulked Inciease In both cattle and sheep ,
wltiia slight decrease In hog supplies lor
the past thre'C months , compaied with the
same tlnee months last j IMI , receipts , show nn
lucre-use- fili.OO'l cuttle nnd 40C M ) hofis and a
fullingofl of 135,000 sheep ThooHlelul llgules
are as follows :
1H93. CnttlO. Hogs Sheep
.Intiuary H7.G14 120,176 10.01.4
Pehruary 03.CI07 70.CIJ4 : iti,314
Match . . 74,440 2 ; 00,417 37,1(15 (
Total . . . 22&.US1 29&.G1G OU 173
.In nuary 51,18B 201,657 11,774
Teln uury 6&.DG3 127,449 17C20
Mutch . Glld5 102,834 2(1,071
Total 174.HGC 431.840 49,41.5
Inrrc-ttsethli. Tear 60,215 4n7clS
Decrease 135.724
Healers- were looVlns for heavy it-cclpt * of
cattle this vveplt and on Mnntluj and Tuesday
It looked at If anticipations would bo teullzod.
1'nder tlieclrcumstunces buyers bad coinpar-
tively little dltllcultv in pounding out H 10 < - to
16c dVc-ilne In tin- tvvodnysni'0 ! tin n , bow-
rrc-r , supplies have fallen oil to itidi un e\-
tent thut buyeis found It hard worl. to 1111
oideis and not enl ) wits this decline regained ,
but price * for the week closed l&c lo 2Oc
higher ilinn u week 11 go There has been un
active-speculative demand all week und the
penerul tone to the trade hus liecn 111 in. The
detnund , howext'i bus been chletly from locul
housrs and It hits beeti the hand } Ullllng cattle
that huve .shown the most advance The
cowmuikit IIHSI beenaclhe and Mrong all
week and prices ure 2'ic to 3oc higher
limn nt the close of last vi-c-k In the toi Uer
und feeder HUP business bus been vnmi-vvhkt
reMrii ted on uccotinl of lii .lied supplms , but
prices have bpt-n well sustiilned on all gt sides
Tortaj comparatively lishtiuii was u big
surprise to de.ilei s. v bo were looking foi fully
twice usmiiny cattle H cehts were
less than hulf us h'-avy us on
lust Saturd.i ) und ln < lu.led ( jtiite a
numbei of verv desirable beevei lloth dressed
bi < cf houses anj shlpptri. wunled supplies und.
trade was an Iv t from tin- Marl On every
thing at ull tisi Tul prices rultd Bubstuntlally
Mronger , while on the more desiiu-
ble killers und best hcuvy Cltttlo there-
were plenty of instanceis of u ot
to 10c ntlviince Good 1 250 to l.fitlO-lh
st < ers sold at from S1.7O to ! j with fuir te good
l.lljt ) to l,2tM at from 14. 3O Ui S4.00. 1'oor to
fuir light und half fat stull hold all the vvnj
fi-om I3.S5 to $4 2o The market rather weak-
t-ne-a along tovf urds the Klaso und u few loud-
n mulned unsold. "
There was un uctlvc tiade In butchers' stock
aed cannuiH and prices wore steady to
n shade better nil around. Ijood to
choice cows ami heifers sold at from
$ J 7O to 14 J3 and to-nmon iintlunnlng guides
sold around ? . ! to 8J Till. The full to goo.l stutl
ctiuiiged bunds Imgily ut fiom $3 to JH.7H.
Theie wus ti good -nund from ull sour.-es for
rougb stock und poor to choice bulls and Mugs
chunged bunds fiei'ly at from JJ Id to $ ' . ! . " > .
Otlet Ings of i-.ilvcs weie not very liberal und
price" , were generally uin-liungL-u , fuir to pootl
Mull selling ut from eS to 40 Ml ,
Only u moderate business vv.ts transacted in
stackers uud feede-ls , but prices , ruleid llrmHt
ull suitable giudes Common , light und Infer
lor stutl vvusslovv sale , but nothing itiot- |
ably down , KepleseiiUillve sales :
tmcssUD uncr.
Hoos-The bog market thU week has beei
little more than a series of nn-aks. Price
have declined 5'Jc ' to One during the week am
the end 1 not yet llecelpts have been veij
llbeial , owing in a great meamiie no doubt ti
the overanxli ty on the pattof shippers p
market tbutr stutl before tin- bottom droppci
cleur out of the murket I'ai-kors , to i , thiill
the signs ol the times point to Inciuised te
celjils from now on , and have been exir.-mei ,
licurlsh in conseiUeii'-e | To add to II.e gen
Oral depression the lo.-al und eastern fn-1
meut liou-.i-s , finding u dei-icus u tie
mnmi foi iheli products , huvo cut ( low
thelrorder semi whut The feeling Is ve.r just ut present , ami It looks us 1
nothing but u choleiu sruieor some Indlcutlo :
of a very serious und tmmediute shortuge I
available xupplies would Impiove thesllua
lion The run todii ) wns not noticeably dlfforen
from ot tut of last Maturduy. und tbken
a whole the ciuullty of the oflenngs wns dv
cldedly iudtnurvut. itcutr re-tiorta trot
'nsprn tunrkcl * linpniVil tlmfc-Mi i * llKlillr.
I ut tuiyt-M mill hud clrvKledl.V the lxt of it ,
in I ii'iigM tlf ir luus at pri < fnm t lo
l'i I'tttr ' thiiu I i-ld 11) s \ir.igi lunrkrt
Viihir stupor nor sp ui t.r u j iiny
luiving tthIIK ' nl hoii < s hnd It nil th if fwn
wi > The- popular price WHS J ti f ir KO.K !
hoirt nil weight * . iMIti vuv-of rn ' I t iini c
bows i MttcrltiK up tojdf'7 i Htid SHI of far
to iKKir litht and mixed iluff nil tin vij il-wu ,
lo . .Hi Th'rtvrns H fair amount f a tivity
to tin- truthinfl th * pi it * wi-ri i lentil nt an
early hour , Ih" bulk of lhrho < i s.-lllh.- fl 45
lof ' IVO , .Mains ! 6 60 loin Hnprlduy uh If 05
t < > ! 7 15 one vm > k URO U'-prewn-aitvi s-ilcs.
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No Av Mi I'r
I'l J10 MU H ) 20 ac > nu
104 aim o an cii
04 187 40 b HO til
73 177 40 ( > 80
44 2HG lao f , 86
1C29 .104 i-xi e an 71
29 ii5 ii-o o sa 61)
01 280 440 0 40 OS
3 2S7 0 40 87
HO 213 240 0 40 7
OC ) 204 0 40 75
S3 220 f-0 fi 40 OB
03 1H ( 40 G 40 78
67 2'il l.'O li 40 30
61 212 0 46 77
ds Ji.3 80 0 45 f.-j
HU 21B 120 0 45 78
01 221 80 G 45 77
Bs 23H 2SO 0 46 67
6(1 ( 24Ci 80 G 46 04
3O1 200 0 60 00
260 80 G W ) 00
42 23 S 80 0 60 US
04 2J4 80 0 60 24
3C.Hi 240 G 60 55
( Hi 264 120 0 50 71
Id JOS 40 0 60 70
68 247 100 0 60 74
Cil 2fiS 80 0 60 36
. .UKI'- The sheep trade
ai-tiveiill week and prlct" . _
UH'iil hoimes me after good muttons and
Iambi and there Is a big call for good feeding
s-heep at sutlsfai-tor ) prices CMh ilngs touuy
were- mostly Rtot-kers , billed throtih tn l.llnnls
for feedltiu A few muttoni und biiiiiis-chaiiged
hnndo at good strong prices 1'uii t good nn-
tlvt-s , 4375 to JO ; fair to good westerns ,
$3.60 to $6 , common and stock sheep , j. ! 2'j
tot375 ; good tx > choice in to lUO-'i l.imbs ,
H to $0 neuresontatlve sales
No A v I'r
t tnilings . 75 rn no
87 wt stern wethers 7x 4 : ir.
IK ) lambs dt > ti t.O
7 bucks . . 'il 3 00
172 MocU vu'thors . 70 4 25
I'erelpttuuil I > l jiti < itiuii ol slrU
Oillelalrj'jlptsnn I dltpMltloi of st ) c ns
shown b > t'u * lM.iki of t'u UnKin 'iii'k \ KrJ
company foi-lliu tvvc jitv-foiir houis tuidlng ut
oo'cliK-kp m April 1 1H-- ; |
lll' < KII'TS
no .s. HollsLM Jl > ILS
il .idinrr Head * urn llentl e am lleud
in : .ta. . 61 1UIH 14 h ID , .Ml
nrv BUS. CAin.t. noiiH dint p.
Cinaliu I'nckinc ( 1 ( Wi. .
' 1 ho U U llauitnond Co
Swift A C'o 417 P75
IticCndnhv I'uchluj teA nn 1 iiT , !
A lltn
H ISccter \ Hi-sen ,
Vunianl i ( uri-y
J 1 obxnn 4-
lilpperB ntifl ft-eclern = ! ' !
_ _ _
Tothl . . . S.U ' . ( V. S
rhliiigo I.IKI stock Market.
Citicvao , 111. , April 1 [ Spm iui Telegram
to Tin : llrr I No chance wus noted In prices
foi cattle Onl ) about 5'Ki ' hi , ul urilved and
they weie t4iknn ut I'lld-iyV itiou-ttloiis ] , ttr
from tl 50 to ft.25 foi Infi-ilor to \tri cows
undJielfeis , fj 05 to M.VI for sto < l.ers and
fei'di rs. * 4 to Jt'i J" > for dn-ss.-d b if ami shlo-
I > lng steers and fiom JJ to J4 7. ) f u I > \itns
The hogmurUet Was IJUK t at fi un $ e. 2' to
" ' - -
- - - - - - - ,
opum-d tlrm and re-
ilined so tbiough nit.
Theie was a iiomin.ill ) stead ) sheep market
at fieitu $1.25 to id 15 foi pool to \tru ( iiiull-
lics. Liimbs weiiUiled | ul flout S515 ! to
Jd5. . Of I he -iiUU received aliout l.dllO caiuo
tllrect from Texas
U'-celpts , cattle , 1,5(10 ( ; lie s , GooO , sheep ,
. .
i r. *
St. I.oali. Live stock Murkft.
J-T Lot-is. JIo , April 1. c't-ril.L Hecelpts ,
i bin I head , shipini nts l.oii liriiri , market
lend ) . llltle doing and nochange In prices.
lloilfe Kecelpls , a.uou bead ; shipments ,
0,010 heud : m-irket we.lU at jesteiduy's quo
tations : heavy , ( GHUft'OO , nilied , tB.uOiQ
0.90 ; light , 5b.60AG.bO.
silthiliecelpts. . 10O head ; shipments , none.
Mmkot not made owing to luck of supplies.
INSTRUMENTS ulaced ou raiiord Apill 1 ,
1SU3 :
vv vnmvTV nrens
Horatio to HI ! I'otteinll2
acies of se 'J-l0-1 S 22,400
Sume to Potter AOeorsf computij.s
32 acres of n 14 } uciesofse J-ll-i2. 0,400
f-ame to C ( 'Ueoige , bu 2101J u\-
cept n 141 act Phi. . . 3,200
Ilurbura Koutsk ) to I'lst'ik Koutsky ,
lot 7 , block 110 , Niuth Uniiiliu 1
C K llru"i and wife to f II le ( trutr.vv
& 0 feet lots 13 and 1 J , block 79 ,
South Omaha. . . . . 18,000
C L Van I'aiiiu and wife lo Marguiet
Vincent , lot f , block d , I ottu e naik 1,200
Kuteilna 1'utitc and hn-lianil to
Joseph Tuchet , n ' - lot 14 , block 5 ,
Kount/eid ! ) a.Id . 1,415
II 1' 1'agan und wife to fidelity Tim-t
comiiunv. lots ail , 1)3 und Ho to 50.
Itces IMuce , 32,000
Kd I'hi inn und \Mfelo.l \ \ Kimhull ,
lot h , block 2 , Mlssouilvenuepark 500
s .1 ] ) ewe > to lolin , lot 2 ,
block4Mununlt I' C.750
Herman Culm und wifeto.l It Kitchen ,
s32 feet lot 8 , block4same . 3,000
Mcliavtick .1 O'Koellu Co. to l llen
O'Keetle , loth 7 and H , block 13il -
coudd 1
Annie I'ullk to .1 1' 1'ullk , s lot 5 ,
block 1'J , Kountre 3d add 5,000
Morrlhon und husband to A T
Taggart , lot 4 , block 1 , Dwlght .t
Lymnn's udd 1,000
.Tospiih lliownlee lo Kobeit Keller , lot
4 , block 0 , K V Smith's add. 4,000
S .1 Karr and husband 1q A K Mc-
Cuntllehs , Kurr'n sulidlvof n ' , block
3 , Isabel udd
II r Cofhrun , sjieclul master , to PitI-
7ens state Hunk < if Council Hlulfs ,
lot 13 , block 2. i-ummlt I'lace 4,920
I \\atson.hpcclul inustei.lo Mutual
Jnvestmentcompunj , lot 10 , block
b , linker 1'lucu 200
O A llennett , hhei Iff mill s ] eclul mus
ter , to Itichuid ll'Keelte , lot.12 und
10. block 2 ; lou 1 and 0 , block 3 ,
llasuill'b Iht add to Mount ljulas
Total umotin' "f tiaiisferi $110,508
The exhibit to be made at the fair by the
American Bible societj was shipped from
New York las.t week Manj rare nud valu
able volumes from tno libran in the bible
house will be pla c.l on the bhelves for the
inspection of the public at the fair Among
them w ill lie a coty of the original Kins
Janicf edition of the bible , which was pub
lished in Kill. Theie will ulso be a fao-sim-
lie of the lirst page of the hrst bible ever
printed , the famous MIIZ.I. in the bible of
14.10 , and a eopv of the Uiblia Paupcrum.
reprehentiiif ; the style of piloting from
wooden blocks bcforo the invention of mova
ble types Other rare bibles , pamphlets ,
etc , will be in the exhibit An unique fea
ture of the Bible socieu's in the exposition
wi'l ' be a free distribution ot the new testa
ment , und to meet the probable demand 2.VJ-
IhK ) copies of the .r ent edition nave been
D. DTii/wre / , H l > I ! nu > : r. , JAS r. ItoooE
1'res. Viuul'res Secy i Tr - r
Capital iruKK ) ; Omaha uoJ Sioux City.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks and Bonds ,
Room 212 NciiM Life Building
low aviate National
HIOIU City ; Co.nmurulal Nutlouul lluak.
Fjifidal attention given to.outklde ordert (
Ccrrekponaeuce kollollul i