Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1893, Part One, Image 1

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Germany Inclined to Tnka a Serioni View of
the Brandes Incident ,
They Will Be Expelled from Berlin on the
First Favorable Occasion.
Political Parties Are Drawing the Religious
Lines with Great Precision.
Khihorntn I'rppnrnllnim Minutely ArrniiRcil
for til" Comliiu Trip of tli KllUrr to
tlie iteriml : City \ntl-.Sumltrs
Strllieim rp-lllll I'ull.
[ r < > iiurl < jlitriltStti > ) iJ < imti ( Ionian Itennttt.l
DKHI.IV , April 1. Now York Herald Cabin
-Special to Tin : HUE. ] Tins government is
seriously considering tlio advisability of
taking sonio retaliatory measures against
France for the expulsion of Huron Wedol
ami Otto Urandes. The political police have
been ordered to furnish a list of all French
Journalists in Ilcrlin , so th it a w.Uch maybe
bo kept on their dispatches. In order to
expel them at their Ilrs' . offonso. This will
not ho very dilllcult , as the French journal
ists here are very few In number. Count
von Minister , the Herman ambassador to
Paris , has also been instructed not to
tolerate any moro attacks in the French
press on the emperor or imperial family.
M. Hcrbette , the French jimb.isstidor hero-
lias also had to listen to sonic very stiff re-
inurks in Willictmstrasso. Ho Ins had sev
eral conferences with the minister of foreign
affairs , who previously was summoned to
make a report to the kaiser , who shares the
indignation of tile minister.
The war party , as you may well suppose ,
Is exceedingly gleeful over the affair ,
and believes that as Chauvinism is
growing In Franco , a warlike
surprise is possible if Franco continues
the same policy. There will bo three inter
pellations on the subject when the Holehstag
meets It is said that Caprivi will profit by
the opportunity to make a strong speech. At
present to hear the news one must direct his
steps to the palace.
Itiieltud l > v iHIlcin : < < I'olltlci. '
I understand that the words of
the pope to Graf von Bollestren ,
representative of the center , "Unite Sagisso
surtout Sagosso , " have not boon Interpreted
as satisfactory , for the reason that they are
considered a warning to the party to hold
together in its refusal to pass the military
bill , but thcro are moro practical reasons
than those conveyed in tin PJ ; > J'S words
which sway the center. Tlicso iiro the well
known wishes of their constituents. Never
theless there is a party at court which is
doing miv'b towards fostering the anti-papal
tendencies which recent events have given
rise to. Thcro is , for instance , the ultrij.-
Protestant party , headed by Court Pro.icher
Frommel and Military Chaplain Hiohtcr ,
who are mailing the utmost of the oppor
tunities tlio occasion offers to exeito the
kaiser against Home.
There has been a pivat deal of ferment in
the royal stables of late , owing to the prep
arations for the Homan visit of the horses
and gala carriages , which will form a part of
the royal impedimenta. The horses number
twenty-eight and will bo forwardeu to Korno
by a special train.
It is strongly denied that any matters of
etiquette have been called into question by
the Vatican. On the contrary , it is asserted
that tlio Vatican has accepted all the
details proposed by Haron Bulow with
out the remark. Additional details ,
which it is understood are still to bo ar
ranged , include the presence of von Mar
shall , minister of foreign affairs , in an inter
view nt the Vatican. It is estimated the
visit to the pope w'll ' last half an hour , and
it is agreed that political questions are to bo
rigidly excluded , ami nothing Is to take
place except a general exchange of the
usual courtesies. The Catholic press hero
loudly insists the kalsc-r is dying to talk
politics , which is certainly not the case , at
least not within the walls of tlio Vatican.
Aiitl.Somltes Agnln to tlin I'.ire.
Dr. Miguel , that now most interesting fig-
iiro In the German cabinet , who seems to
eclipse all his colleagues , and oven over
shadows the chancellor , has caused a stir by
demanding the prosecution of two anti-
Semitic orators for asserting at a puhlio
meeting that ho was tlio agent of the Uni
versal Israelitlsh alliance. This is likely to
furnish us another trial , for the anti-Semites
Dick up the gauntlet willingly , as , they have
nothing to lese and much to gain , il.ul it
been any of the other ministers who was
bringing up such a c.iso ho would ho accused
of rashli pandering to the desires of the
anti-Semitic party to obtain notoriety , but
Miguel is so shrewd that wo may bo certain
ho has some strong cards to play.
Ahhvardt no.v says ho will produce his
proof as soon as the Heichstag meets. I
doubt what ho now has proving any more
serious the last batch , but it means
another of these stormy sittings of the
Helcnstag which so annoys the dignity
of the older members , and in which
Ahlwardt so delights. Ho does not himself
seem at all confident of victory , although in
Berlin and Dresden ho still has adherents.
Desertions elsewhere are serious. One
of the most notable Is that of Dr. Otto
Boekel , an anti-Semitic member of Casscl ,
who , in his organ , the Ueiehshorols , attacks
Ahlwardt furiously. I need scarcely ad.I
that the Semites are delighted with this in-
On the Russian frontier a vast gang ol
smugglers has been discovered , running a
highly profitable contraband business. It is
said that at its head are a number ol
wealthv Jews , who have managed to corrupt
Kussi.ui official. * . The case , when it comes
before the courts , promises to bo exciting.
I | 'H a fuming .Mini.
Miguel of late has had a number of confer
ences with the emperor , who regards his
counsel as having great weight. Miguel is
gaining moro and moro in iullueaco at the
palace , where he is considered as a man ol
oviglnal ideas and a .statesman of the mod
cj-ii tjpe , and who , although bolongln
to the cabinet , remains perfectly indepcn
dent of it and its members. Ho wishes to hi
I'oiisiili red as an Independent politic ! tn nn.l
has th'is asserted himself , a clever 0110113(1 (
fHwItlon to hold as It will render him free ol
an } fiasco into which the cahinot mav fall
At the palace ho is gradually becoming thi
principal adviser of the kaiser.
Notwithstanding the cabled Ucmal thai
Miss Nellie Peters Is nbout to marry Count
Oorsdorf , seeing that the announcement of
the engagement comes to mo from the young
lady herself , I must ask her relations to bo-
llevo it. She says thu marriage will take
place at her home In the United States.
n.irE CUT rni : trim : * .
I.lttlo InforinitliTi C'nn Ho ICrcclvrd from
Kin ( Jraililo ( In Sill.
\rnpurt-jMttl \ ivntt-i Jrt-iiM ( } < > ril' i llfnn'll. }
VAM-AIIAIOO , Chili ( via Galvcston , Tex. ) ,
April 1. ( By Mexican Cable to the New
York Herald Special to TUB Bnu.1 The
Herald's correspondent in Kiviera telegraphs
that the wires to the principal points In
Hio Grande do Sul have been cut. It is
therefore dlfileult to get information of the
rebellion in that state. Contradictory re
ports have been sent on the few wires that
are still working. It Is impossible to tell
which reports are correct.
Latest Information announces that Tuva-
re/ , chief of the revolutionary forces ,
is marching toward Bago. Ho has eight
heavy Held guns and is well supplied with
arms and provisions. Colonel Pcna , with
a.OOO revolutionary troops , is again moving
on Sai.ta Anna. The forces are well armed
and Pena will endeavor to retake the town.
H is reported that General Telles , who is
commanding the government forces , is now
five miles from Hage. Ho intends to send a
detachment of his forces to mal'c a demon
stration near Pelotas and with the main
body of his troops will march on Porto Alegre.
General Tonlom with 1,000 government
troops is expected at Artlgas today.
The Castilhlstas are buying hoises from Ar
gentina on which they will mount some of
their infantry forces. General Hipolito will
fall hack with his troops on the Uruguay and
there light tlio revolutionists massed near
The Catamarso revolution is spreading to
all departments of that state. President
Pcna has demanded the immediate resigna
tion of the governor of the state who has
aske-1 for federal Intervention. Many Span
ish residents have been killed by the re-
volters. The Spanish minister has made a
demand for satisfaction.
Settling ; Kmiiithtry Troubles.
The Herald's correspondent in Buenos
Ayres telegraphs that in the Chilian protocol
Argentina withdraws her demand for a port
on the Pacific , on consideration that Chili
will accept as her limit the entrance to the
Magellan straits at the point known as the
"First narrows. " La Prenza , in discussing
the agreement , expresses doubt of Chili ac
cepting this proposition.
News of the assault in La Paz Bolivia , the
Herald correspondent telegraphs , has cre
ated a sensation among the English and
American residents tnorc. The American
foreign office bo's asked an explanation of
the affair from the Chilian minister to
The Herald's correspondent in Montevideo
telegraphs that the action of the govern
ment in demonetizing foreign silver has
caused a vigorous protest from foreign gov
ernments. Brazilian dollars in consequence
of the decree have fallen to 00 cents in value.
In the approaching elections it is believed
the government party will make gains
against the Tnjistas. The Chilian govern
ment intends to remove the Canct guns from
the cruisers ICrrazuri/ and Pinto. In their
places will bo mounted the latest pattern of
quick-firing Armstrongs. The Caiot ; will bo
reserved for arming the transports. Harvey ,
the representative of Armstrong , has Just
arrived hero to Introduce the improved
system of breech action guns.
lEiimnr * ofVar. .
VAM'AH.M-.o , Chili , ( via Galvcston Tex. )
April 1. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to THE lien ] Com
ment is being maUe upon the long visit to
Chili of a leading olllcer of the Brazilian
army. He is hero ostensibly studying the
Chilian army tactics , but the cordtaliry with
which ho has been received and the ease
with which ho gains information has led to
the belief that his real mission is to sound
the government on the subject of forming an
alliance between Brazil and Chill in the
event the former becomes involved in a war
with Argentina.
A war with Argentina is not improbable
and is not far off , judging from the insolent
attitude which the government of that re
public has assumed toward Brazil. She has
given aid to the revolutionists of Hio Grande
do Sul and is imposing needless quarantine
restrictions against Brazil. These and other
acts calculated to inflame the citizens of the
two republics have been without result. Tlio
war feeling in both countries is pronounced.
I have been told that the Brazilian govern
ment is negotiating with the Araistrongs for
the construction of war ships of a typo simi
lar to the cruiser Ninth of July , which is
being ouilt for Argentina. Orders have also
been made that great haste bo exerted in
shipping the Maurcr rillcs , for which Brazil
recently made contracts.
t'nptnred tnu Consplnitnrri.
PANAMA , Colombia , ( via Galvcston , To\ . , )
April 1. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to Tin : HER. ] A con
spiracy to overthrow the authority of Dictator
tater Rodriguez in Costa Ulea h is lust been
unearthed in San Jose. The conspirators
are under arrest and it is renorteil they will
ho sentenced to ho shot. The plot against
Hodriguoz was formed among the political
exiles who had returned to the country
under the amnesty decree issued by the die
Their plan was to capture the military
barracks in San Jose and distribute arms
from there among their followers through
out the country. A traitor in the ranks of
the conspirators revealed the entire plan to
Dictator Rodriguez and his son-in-law , Ha-
facl Iglcsias , minister of war. They permit
ted the revolutionists to proceed with their
"work. Just when success seemed certain ,
and on tho'day they fixed to begin their ac
tive movement for capturing the barracks ,
o.llccrs of the government swooped down
up in thum an I c.xpt'iro.1 all the leaders.
They are now in the prison in San Jose ,
and it Is reported that they will bo shot by
the order of Dictator Hodngue/ . Their arms
vero also seized. Ono of the persons arrested
U Jose Maria Gutcreiso , who was exiled on
tccount of his comavtion with a formei
i evolution.
C Letteis Just received from Managua , Nic
aragua say thera Is givat rejoicing there
over the report that General Bonilia has captured -
turod Tegucigalpa and been proclaimed pro
visional president of Honduras. This di
rectly contradicts the siorv brought by the
steamer S-in HI is from Amapola. When
that \essel saiied a few days ago tlu gov
ernment of IIou HUMS was s'.ill in posses-
ion of the capital and was confidant of its
ability to suppress the rebellion.
frightened uy nit Ktrtlum ike.
CATANIA. April 1. A suvero ourthqiiaUi
shook the village in the vicinity of the vol
cano Mount ICtna today. The inhabitants
fearing a destructive outburst of the vol
cano or ese ! a calamitous shock fl earth
quake fled from their homes to the opet
country and remained there , awaiting lu
great terror what further may happen ,
All Oermauy Uongratuktes the Founder of
the Empire.
Natives of the Fatherland in Every Olimo
Hemambjr the Statesman.
Friends and Opponents of the Measure In"
dined to Bo Moro Liberal.
t'imccotintuble DUrcgitnl of Orfrinl/etl Ac
tion hy l.etdrr. < ofthe Ocrmutt Purlieu
Ahl unllitmStill Itiimp.iut
Hewn I'roiii the I'.lthnrlaiul.
tO3hy Jamts ( ionlnt\ \
F'uniiHticiisHntu , April 1. [ New York
icrald Cable Special to TUB BIB. : ] This is
'rinco Uismarck's birthday. The event was
celebrated by a dinner party. It will be pub-
Icly celebrated on Tuesday , so as not to
lash with the religious festivities of Holy
Week and ICaster. Nevertheless , M.50J tele-
Tains and quite as many letters of congratu-
atlons for the prince arrived during the day ,
wnilc every train brought crowds of people.
There was also a continuous How of baskets
llled with flowers and presents. To the
great disappointment of tlio crowds of visi
tors the outer gates were kept closed , and
were even covered with wooden shutters , so
that not a glimpse of what was going on in
side the red brick walls that surround the
louse could be seen.
Mxaetly at noon the prince , wearing the
.iniform of a colonel of the guards , accom
panied by Count Herbert and Count William ,
: iis two favorites , and a guard Of honor , com
posed of local llrcmon and members of the
schatzvorelu , issued from the gate at the
back of the house. The crowd of several
thousand rushed at him with every token of
'rantie enthusiasm and friendship. The
u'incc seemed taken back , while the air
fairly rang with the cheers of the crowd.
The bodyguard forced a passage for the
irinco , who , as ho proceeded , shook hun
dreds of the hands extended. Manyof these
iire.sent were ladies. All these had come
irovided with boqucts , which they offered
lo the prince until he and these accompany
ing him had all they could do to carry them.
QThe prince walked around the lake and
then entered his private grounds , where ho
took a scat near the water's edge. When
seateil the crowd , which until then had been
cheering without intermission , began to Intone -
tone the German national hymn. This con
eluded the prince retired amid another en
thusiastic ovation.
letter on the prince received 1,000 of his
Schleswig-Holstcin admirers in the park at
the back of his house. A largo procession of
the same has been sent from the hallo each
year shyo the. prince's retirement to present
the ex-chancellor with ICaster eggs. One of
the finest gifts of all comes from Jever. The
box containing 101 real fresh plovers' eggs.
Considering the time of the year , the col
lection of these eggs caused the natives no
small amount of trouble. The weather has
been simply glorious.
HlHtmirck'H llirtbtlity mill Other KvenU ot
1'usMliiR 1 mportunctv
Hnni.iN. April 1. Today is the 78th anni
versary of the birth of Prince Bismarck and
a number of the Itorlin newspapers are
talcing advantage of the occasion to publish
congratulatory articles. The National Zei-
tung says that the widest circles of the Gor
man people remember with gratitude and
reverence- the founder of the empire and
they all unite In the wish that ho bo long
preserved to the nation.
Among the many presents received by the
great statesman was a splendid album sent
by a number of Germans in Central Amer
ica. This album contains 100 photographs
of the beautiful scenery of the little Central
American republic.
The Hismarek fountain in the market
place in Jena , in Saxo-Welmer-Fiseuach ,
was inaugurated today.
The fountain is on tlio spot where Prince
Bismarck delivered his famous oration last
summer. A great concert in honor of the
day was to have been hold today , nut it lias
uecn postponed until Thursday next , as has
also a largo torchlight procession that was
lixed for tonight. The postponement of
these two events was rendered necessary by
the fact that under the Hrandenburg Sab
bath regulations such festivities are forbid
den during Passion week.
Consulted on the Army Hill.
On Wednesday Chancellor von Caprivi had
a conference with the Avar minister In
Saxony in regard to the army bill , and on
Thursday the war minister and the chan
cellor had another conference , but the result
of their deliberations is not known.
Dr. von Ilennigo , the national liberal
leader , has resumed his negotiations aiming
to get the government to accept , In a moJi-
licd form , the proK | > sils : ho Iris already made
relative to the bill in the Heichstag. Thesa
simultaneous movements induce the bcliof
in political circles that the dissolution of the
Heichstag will yet bo avoido.l. Tim bill will
not again appear in the H'-iehstag until the
return of lOmperor William from Italy ,
whither he proceeds to take part In the cole-
bnjtion of King Humbert's silver woJding.
Ho will probably return May .
During tbu short interval of the ICastcr re
cess already passed both the government
and the party leaders have moro keenly re
alized the grave- eventuality arising from too
struggle which may Imperil some of the fun
damental ins.itutions of the empire. Thu
opirositior. organs instoidnf breathing dally
dcllanco against the government now admit. .
that a compromlsa Is possible , while Chan
cellor Oaprlvi's organs confers that the mia-
Isters view the prospsat of the dissolution of
the Hciehstug with great reluctance.
At thu 1'rit'o uT I'oieo.
The North German Gazette , thoivjh do-
flaring the reports untrue that Dr. von
Bennlgu's suggestions may yet bo approved ,
says that the government fully reeognhaa
the dangers of the dissolution. It adds tint
grave problems ruiiMiu ; tlu Interior paluy
will claim all the strength of the mlnlsry
throughout a lontT p-'ml of pjaco , bat It will
ho impossible to preserve pence if the arin.y
Is not reinforced , 'llu p.ipjr concludes Itn
article with the sl.falli.'ant sntoneo : "Oji1
western neighbors bellevo themselves to bt
stronger than we are. "
The Bocrten.oltunjj affirms , upon what il
claims to be high authority , that If the army
bill is finally rejected by the Uelchstae Em
pcror William will assent to the chancellor's
replacing the measurehy moJeratc pro
posals , nnd that only in thu event of the cen
ter party continuing to oppose these latter
proixjsals will the Reichstag bo dissolved.
Whether this bo true or not It Is certain that
n spirit of compromise prevails every whero.
always excepting the-socialist cliques.
Lack of I'olltlral Activity.
If the party leaders are thoroughly con
vinced that the Hoiojistag Is within a month
of dissolution , their 'disregard of organized
action in the electoral Held Is unaccountable.
While much individual activity Is apparent
In meetings in the various constituencies ,
nothing is doing In real concerted work by
the centrists , national liberals or con
servatives. Something llko a dcllnite elec
toral campaign has been arranged by the so
cialists , who have decided to present candi
dates in all the electoral districts , endeavor
ing thus to obtain such a grand total as will
impress the public with tlnlr
strength. The small Guelph party's election
manifesto is the usual vindication of the dy
nastic rights of the house of Hanover.
Ahlwnrdt Still K.imiitnt.
The conservatives have definitely thrown
) ver Hector Ahlwardt , the Jow-b.iUcr and
ibaler , but Irrepressible as ever ho por-
nides the country , ventilating his scandals
ivith his accustomed zest. At Stettin at a
conference on German thought in conlllct
, vith Jewish thought , Ahlwardt developed
, o the satisfaction of his audience the thesis
that all the moral and social evils nowaflllet-
ig Germany ros3 from the Jews. Ho con-
luded his address by declaring that as soon
us the Heichstag met ho would produce
iroofs of corruption under the Hisnrirck
egimo and since , Bismarck held oftico. A
somewhat similar conference that it was
iroposed to hold in Dresden has boon for-
: > lddon by the police. Another meeting
which is expected to bo a monster ono has
been convened in Berlin. The organizers of
this meeting say that Ahlwardt is now wait-
ng for the Heichstag to reassemble to pro-
: luco his documents proving that the govern
ment under the control of Hebrew financiers
misapplied public funds. The organizers
liavo had the audacity to invite Ilerr Miguel ,
Prussl'in minister of finance , against whom
Milwardt has speclflcal'y ' directed his at
tack , to reply to Ahhvardt.
ICmperor William has advised the govcrn-
nent to consider the exceptional measures
for repressing Ahlwardt , who is at present
protected by bis membership in tlio Huichs-
tag. The emperor has suggested that
uction be taken against Mm on the ground
that be is a danger to public morality.
Militate Umvllllu ? to Interl'ure.
It is understood , however , that a majority
of tlio ministers are unwilling to interfere
in the matter as his repression might con
vert him in the eyes of the anti-Semites into
a martyr to his convictions. It is hoped that
Ahlwardtism will fizzle out if it is left to ex
pend itself in unproved and unnoticed asser
tions. In the meantime it shows small sign
of vanishing. Ahlwardu's photographs or
portraits are seen in book stores , cafes and
beer collars , with his head crowned with
The Judenhetz is extending to the German
cantons in Switzerland. It has already
resulted in a petition ' ' . .to'tho Bundesntth ,
bearing &l,000 signatures , asking for the
prohibition Of the Jewish method of killing
cattle. The Bundesrat , ) ! , by-a. vote of 59 to
40 , rejected the memorial without discussing
its claims on sanitary or sentimental grounds.
Ilerr ISranilus * Cane.
The North Gorman Ga/.etto minatory
article on the expulsion from France of Herr
Brandes , the correspondent of the Berliner
Tageblatt for the alleged sending to his
paper of a dispatch connecting President
Carnot's son with the Panama canal scan
dal , caused a momentary depression on the
bourse hero and at Vienna. The papers all
concur in upbraiding the authorities of Paris
for permitting a mob to attack Herr Bran
des' iamily. The Cologne Gazette demands
that the French government give satisfac
tion so complete as to stop mab assaults
upon Germans in the future. The Vossicho
/Ceitung warns French statesmen that they
are playing with fire.
It Wns Prorogued hy < tovornt > r ( imicral
Stanley Yesterduy.
OTTAWA , Out. , April 1. The Dominion
Parliament was prorogued today after one
of the shortest sessions on record , it having
lasted but two months. At I ) o'clock this
afternoon Goveinor General Ix > rd Stanley
proceeded in state to the senate chamber ,
where , in the presence of the members of
both houses , ho delivered the usual speech
from the throne. In closing ho said :
"I feel with deep regret that the period of
my official connection with the Dominion is
drawing toward its close and that in all
probability I am taking leave of you for the
last time. Lest this should bo the cas"c I de
sire to avail myself of the present occasion
to express by abiding interest in all that con
cerns Canada's welfare. "
CoiiKiittulutrd hy ttitt Niirhriclitrn.
l ( ' l > lirl'jl < tcil tKtt tin Jtunci ( Ionian llenntH. }
llAMiiruo.April 1. [ Now VorkHeraldCablo
Special to Tin : Bur. , j The Hamburg Nach-
richten has an editorial on Bismarck , and
publishes a Ion ? fluttering letter sent htm by
the ktiisar in 1SS , " > , which ends , "your thank
ful , true and faithful emperor and king ,
William. " After stating that it would be
beneath Bismarck's dignity to re-enter the
sphere of politics , the editorial says : "Bis
marck's position on .tuo world's stage is
assured. Why should ho appear again. In
the evening of his lifo , , without reason f But
ho would do this if certain eventualities ,
which so many forcaoo. come to pass. "
Orunnl/hij ; Aciiimit the Cholera.
ST. Pr.TUHsnrnof April 1. Tlio semstvs ,
or district and provineltU assemblies through
out Hussia , are organizing special corps of
doctors ; of hospital attendants and of
women known as "nursing sisters" in the
various districts and provinces , to care for
the victims of cholera In the event of the pes
tilence becoming prevalent. Orders have
also been issued for UiOiincdical men of tha
different provinces to hold meetings at regu
lar Intervals and kce | > watch against thu
spread of cholera.
Aucidrn : to u ( Jernrm ( 'miner.
Kim. , April 1. The German cruiser , KaU-
cr in Augusta , while starting to the United
States to take part in the great Columbus
naval review , run aground while passing
through the great licit strait , which forms
the central communication between tlio Hal
tic and Cattegat , an.l whqro navigation Is
made dtfhVult by the many shoals. The
Kulserln Augusta was floated after some ef
fort , without damn re.
Another ol The H I tinny J-'renuh DncU.
PAUIS. April 1. M. Aliirieux , cx-pcrfect of
police , wo tlg.troJ so pro.nlnintly in conne.- :
tlonith thu P.tnanri sc-indals , is to fight a
duel witli Deputy Marut , editor of tin.
Radical. The duel grows out of the Panama
exposure * .
The dual between M. Andrlcux and Deputy
Marcl has b cn fought and resulted in
neither of the combatants being hurt.
Latest Cabinet Crisis in Franca the Result
of Ambitious Machinations.
In Order to Advertise Hh Independouca Ho
Defeated the Ministry.
No Peace for Oaruot While 'JQ Present
Chamber is in Existence.
Ills Account of llo\v IloVsin .Stoned Out of
1'nrU Drilled hy thu Authorities
Will Not Nutlet ) r.ermaii
I'resa Attacks.
nnnlnnfiliic / .l
PAHIH , April 1. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Bnc.J The cabinet
crisis , so long expected , came on Friday. By
a singular chance the ministry was over-
brown by a vote of the extreme left , which
las always supported it , but Clemenceau be
loved the ministerial majority so well as
sured that he desired to make a manifesta
tion of Independence in order to respond to
the current rumor that ho would be a gov
ernment candidate at the next elections.
J'ho result of this maneuver was the
nvoluntary fall of the ministry. The posi
tion of the cabinet had become untenable.
Nobody thinks of doubting tlio honesty of
the fallen ministers. Taken individually
they were honest men , but had given proof
of a notorious incompotcncy during their
term of office. They tried to "run with the
laro and hunt with the hounds" at a time
when an enercetic initiative was necessary.
Outgrowth "I Piiiiam t.
The truth Is that the ministers fell be
cause they did not know how to choose
) etwecn the entire suppression of the
Panama affair , demanded by the opposition ,
md its hushing up , as was considered neces
sary by the supporters of governmental
: iriiiciples. As a matter of fact the radicals
ese Bourgeois , who at one time seemed
called upon to play a prominent political part ,
ind France loses Kibot , who rendered good
service as foreign minister. He worked
nard for the Franco-Russian alliance. For
the moment Hlbot is strongly criticised , but
the time will come when justice will be ren
dered to him as a useful servant of his coun
try. 4
Tlio result of the crisis is diftlcult to pre
dict. President Carnet today entrusted M.
Mcline with the formation of a cabinet , but
the Chamber desires Ccnstans , because of
Ills known energy and his power to run the
elections as desired by obliging the electors
to yoto for the government capdidates l iis'J ' !
of course , is what the present deputies .wisl ?
In short , the crisis and uneasiness will last
as long as the present Chamber exists The
situation of the country requires a change of
men to direct her destinies.
DcnleR ISrnntlRB' Story of thu Outrage * .
I must , however , caution Americans
against the pretended "Brandes affair , " the
importance of which the Germans desire to
exaggerate. Brandes , the correspondent of
the Berliner Tageblatt , was expelled be
cause for ton years ho has insulted Franco ,
and because the paper ho represented stated
that Carnot's son had received Panama
money. Brandes lias stated in the Tage
blatt that stones were thrown at him and
his family when he loft Paris , and that the
populace manifested sentiments of hostility
to Germany.
Tlio whole of this story is false , as is
proved by the inquiry made by the police
and the cabinet , yet the Nerd Djutscho All-
gemeine publishedna furious article against
France , accusing her of being a danger to
the peace of Europe.
Franco Will Ke-innln Culm ,
At first the article produced a certain sen
sation , but it was soon calmed when people
reflected that it was written for the purpose
of facilitating the passage of the military
bill. France desires peace , and nothing will
induce her to depart from tier calm attitude.
'J'ho French papers will not oven reply to the
attacks of the German press.
M. Mrllno Him Selected the MumhurH of the.
I'rench Cithinet.
PAIII , April 1. President Carnet today
summoned Moline to form a cabinet. Melino
isa lawyer and an opportunist in politics. Ho
was elected a member of the Chamber of
Deputies in 187'J , under secretary of state for
the Department of Justice in ISTii , minister
of agriculture in ISSii and president of the
Chamber of Deputies in IbSS.
M. Melino has selected the following
cabinet :
Fell/ Jules Melino , premier and minister of
M. Charles Dupuy , minister of the in
M. Jacques I < . Traricux. minister of justiue.
M. Raymond Polncarre , minister of llnanco.
M. Kugeno Spullcr , minister of education.
M. Francois Viotte , .minister of public
Admiral IJouvier minister of marine and
M. Albert Vigor , minister of agriculture.
General [ voi/.illon , minister of war.
M. Dovellc. minister of foreign affairs.
M. Dupuy formerly held the post of iiilnlj-
Ister of public instruction , now given to K'.l- '
gene Spuller , the well known writer , who in
18S held the same ofllco as minister of for
eign affairs In ISS'J. The now minister ot
Justice , M. Trarieux Is a senator from
Gironde. Ho was born in ISO at Auboterro ,
is an advocate by profession and belongs to
the republican left.
M. Poincarro , the minister of llnanco , is a
deputy from the Mouse , born in ilSGU , an ad
vocate by profession , republican protection
ist and antl-rcvlaionlst. Hi was for SJHU
timp u chief of dcpartmant in the Min
istry of Agriculture.
The new cabinet is regarded ns an ad in
terim ministry for the purixiso of passing
the budget and winding up the session.
Catisu oT the ralliiro of Mt'Manui > V ( ion of
Chllui.limit , .Miuliu.
CiiiiitiAiu'A. Mex. , April 1. It is Impossible
to learn the particulars of the failure of Me-
Mnus ic * Son , the bunkers of this city. The
flrn has been es'.ab.lshoi hero for many
years ana arc uik'ly known throughout
Mexico and Te > as. Liabilities arc.
phced at tl.'JOO.OOO , but they amount
to considerably moro than tuat
IIYctuVr/or OiiiitlM mid I'd'l'il/i / ;
I'titr : ( tciurally H'nltrlu " I
1. Ucritmit * . liidlgiiniit nt the frrncli
Illimntek UN Ilirthd ly.
I.nteM Crl < ls In I'ninre t'omlderer ! .
Ilo\r to Proceed In I inimiehliU'lit.
! ! < FortuniOilerred for I litIllg right.
Daknt-i C.ittlo Itifttlerx ruptured.
l.nhor Troubles ( Iron lug serious.
3. Wiinliltiitnii New * unit < i ml | > .
Conl it ) | ! Citntiiin'it Mouth ,
> Iim.iilter < nii'ii Home limned.
4. iinl : of l.cnt in l.oriil Sti < | | . ( y.
Nnw II. Us fur iiiterVir. : : : .
5. N'rlmukii Stili : < News.
Minn DU.tsti-r 111 iVmnj tv.uil.'l.
( I. Council Illulft Ncux.
T , l.'llltlT SIluUH til SIlOJI \\llllll\lK ,
AlliilrM .it Soiitli Om tlr.i.
K. Indl nil HI liir.iiilryiiirn.
lion ll.lkrr stumU hy Ills Itcroril.
( li-rni.iii Allnlrs.
1(1 ( Opmlng tliilclt offprint ; SporlH.
tl. Omllm's Tnulr romlltliHiM lcItMvcd !
Cummprcliit mid rimincl. ; ! ,
I1 ! . Cdltorliil anil Comment.
III. llrlicM'H from the Antr-Kmim.
IB. Private Letter llnx Komi to Crime.
\Vhit : the April MonthlleH Contain.
At tin' TltoUci-H.
l.H. I'or tinI. . ull.'H Only.
II ) . .loe It. .ncCullogli on DmicNiiii.
' , ' ( ) . About llli ; Ills iif DiiriUlo.
/lon'K .Miimiuiith Tumple.
\VaUetiian on ri heriiii < n ,
Involution of Army ( nlcr .
sum. No public statement has been made.
It is belleve.l that the assets are more than
$1,000.000. The failure has caused a pro
found sensation throughout this state and
the creditors are clamoring for their money.
McManus & Son have speculated heavily in
mines in this state , and have been very un
fortunate in their Investments. The gov-
erment has ordered that a strict investiga
tion bo conducted into the cause of the fail
ure and the present condition of the institu
o ! > rsii > TO MIC. .iim ; > .
Halo of the Austrian , loilciihct/.o Dlrt-ctuil
AciliiKt : tin * > Trw \nifrlran Conntil.
VIIINXA , April 1. The antl-Semetics and
the clericals are greatly exercised over the
appointment by President Cleveland of Max
Judd of Missouri as consul general of the
United States at Vienna , the opposition to
Judd being based upon the ground that he is
a Hebrew , anil therefore an undesirable per
son for the office. Petitions are being pre
pared addressed to the president , Francis
Joseph and the Austrian officials asking that
the impei ial olllcnls shall refuse to accept
Mr. Judd as consul
Kraii'Mi'H Nilloniil IS.tnil Comln ? *
| ror ! < tlitr 1 IS'H ( jiJit nn < ! > nt i > i lle > in'll.\ \
PAHI * . April 1. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to Tun HCE. ] The French u'ov-
ernnient has decided that the band of the
Garde Ilopubllcaine may go to Chicago to
play at the World's fair. Orders have bacn
given by the minister of war that the small
est details of all questions that might arise
out of the band's participation in the
World's fair should .be carefully studied ,
that any possible inciUus.ould bo pre
pared for. The government _ of the Unite ; !
States has tm.lertakgn to uWray all costs of
the visit. It is almost certain the band will
not leave Paris till'after the fete nationale ,
that is. about the end of July or beginning of
August. Such is the opiuhn of General
Saussier , who is strongly in favor of the
band's making the trip to America.
Sir. Pinter VoncliH.ifrs No ICcply.
( Cniiurljltted tSU l > il . .Ini".i ( li.i-l , n Hrnn'tt. ]
PAUIS , April 1. New York Herald Cable-
Special to Tin : Btu ] I called on ox-Sccro-
tury Foster at the Continental hotel , in res
pect to the cable in the Paris o litlou of tlu
Herald alleging that members of the staff of
the Bering Sea commission are drawing pay
from the State and Treasury departments.
Foster read the dispatch , and said : "I have
nothing to say one way or the othertf 1 am
hero as the representative of the United
States government. Attacks of this sort
concern the government 1 represent , inas
much as they injure the authority of its
representatives. If the government will
not protect its representatives , it
must find others. In a word my official
position prevents me from replying to press
attacks. "
Holy U'ecll In Itoimt.
| Copj/rljM < v' t Uliy .famti dunlin ItenitU. . }
HOME , April 1. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to Tun BBG. ] Not for twenty
years have so many Catholics and foreigners
been seen in Homo during Holy week. The
principal churches have been filled to over
flowing. The queen visited the holy sepul
chres in seven churches yesterday and was
present this morning at the ceremonies in
the Church of the Sudario , accompanied by
her mother , Th pope will say mass tomor
row , ICastcr Sunday , in the Vatican , and
some 500 foreigners , including many Ameri
cans , will bo present at the service.
In Iflru IJUtr.-s-i.
PANAMA , March - . Fammo rages in the
Cauca valley , where the price of provisions
and the mere necessities of lifo have so in
creased within the last few days that lifo
in the middle and northwestern districts oi
the department has become almost
impossible to the poorer classes of the in
habitants. The attention of the national
government has Dccn directed to this sad
state of affairs and to the necessity of adopt
ing some means of alleviating the pitiable
condition of the fiDO.OCO people win inhabit
the Cauca valley and are on the brink of
'Squlrd AI > iiiK < lt i' t'imcirul.
GI.AIGOW , April 1. Gcoriro Abingdon
Balrd , the noted sporting man , who died at
Now Orleans on March IS. was buried in the
family vault at StUeholl today. Charlie
Mitchell w ts pros jnt , hut his pros > ueu was
evidently so .Distasteful to the relatives that
ho was not allowed to Join in the procession
Hit will llucnu-1 %
CITV of MEXICO , April 1. The publisher
teport that Manuel ( Jonzales. ex-president
of Mexico , cannot llvo but a few weeks , is
unfounded. General Gonzah-s was ueriousli
sick a few weeks ago , but ho 1m praeticallj
ntun ion : ! .MH.V
Turrlhlu Itesnlt of it Holler Kxploslon Nvai
DCS Moisns , la. , April 1. At Lacoma , a
little town south of Des Molues , a boiler explosion
plosion occurnrl today. The following were
killed :
JIHNUY KINNIS. aged . .0. and three sons
Henry , John and Peter ,
How the explosion occurred Is not known
as all who were present are dead. Two o
the bndks frightfully mangled am
blown into ato.ns. A foot and a part of one
skull were founJ iiOJTcct from the scene o
the explosion.
U ! mt a Kli'lt Coil A UiUU-oiul.
ill lifox , Wis. , April -Melvin 1 Gray , :
boy who was stealing a lido on an Oiiiah ;
train and duimcd to nave iieen kicked oiT bj
the conductor , recovered $1,000 damage
today in the circuit court , .
Provisions of the State Constitution Concern
ing the Final Procedure.
Tliero Cnn Bo No Two Wnys About How to
Trj the Accused Officer ? .
Provisions in the Now Constitution to Give
the Dofondauti Mro Show.
Jeitili of direful CniiMlitrr.itlnii Independ
ents Wiirneil hyThelr Lincoln OrjiHi
Ulirn Adjournment May Citinu
( iossili from the Capitol ,
LINCOLNNeb. . , April 1. [ Special to Tun
Bii : ! . ] With tlio serving tof the notice of 1111-
icaclimcnt , the accused state officials ceased
o act In their several capacities as the ser-
ants of the state , and the dulii. of their
Illcos fell np.m their deputies , who will act ,
ti their stead until other apjuin'mi'ii's are
uado pr the suspended ofllclals are restored
iv the rondwing of a verdict of not guilty by
ho court of impeachment. In ismuch
s Impeachment nroceedirgs are so
are that few , even among the
egal fraternity , are familiar with the coursa
irescribed by law and the constitution to bo
ollowed in such cases , it may not ba unlti-
erestimr to consider the couatttutlonal
uid statutory provisions that will govern
he proceedings from tills forward in
lie cases acainst Allen , Hastings , Hum-
ihroy and Ilill. and the difference between
h''so cases and those resulting in the cou-
ictiou of Governor Butler twenty-two years
igo when Impeached for misdemeanor In of-
Ice , the same as arc these otlluials today.
Const It lit louiil I'rnvMiiiix.
Sections 'J3 and ' , " . ( . article II , of the eonstl-
ution of ISSu , read as follows :
The lim-u : of representatives shall have the
sole power of liiipis.ii'hiiutit , but a majority of
bo miMiihjrs elated mult concur thei-uln.
mpnachment .shall bo tried hy tlio senate , unit
11 iv M-natoi-s when sitting for that pnrposo
Muill TSTiipon oath or alllnnation to do juulco
according to law and evidence. No parson
shall hi > convicted without ( hi ) cnnctirrunco of
two-thirds of the senators. The governor ,
secretary of st ite , auditor , truusuror and
mlKosof tlicsupr.'ino and district court shall
liable to Imiii-nrlimunt for any misdemeanor
in ollloc * , hut judgment in siu-h cas-s shall ex
tend only to removiil from office , and dl.-quall-
Irntlon to hold any olllco of honor , trust or
.miflt . under this state ; but th' ) party convicted
> r acquitted shall , nevertheless , bo liable to
ndlctmont , trial and punishment according to
aw. All otliar civil olIlcoM shall ho tried for
iilsdoiiieanor.s Inolllco In such manner as the
pglslatnio may provide.
Those were the constitutional provisions
under which the impeachment proceedings
of 1H71 were Instituted and con luctoJ , but
tbeso provisions were very materially
changed by the constitution of'1875.
Section 14 , article III , of the present consti
tution provides : riio senate and homo of
opresontatlves. In joint convention , shall
lave thu solo power of Impeachment , hut a.
majority of thu membjrs elected mint concur
therein. Upon thu entertalnnunt of a resolu
tion to Impeach hy ultlur ho.ivi thu othur
housu shall at otico bo natllluil thuroof , mid
tlu'tv/o houses shall moot In joint convention
for the purpose of acting upon such resolution
within three days of surh notification. A no
tice of an liiipuachiuont of any olllcer othui
than a justice of the supreme court shall ho
foilhwlth served upon tlio chief justice by
the secretary of tlio senate , who shall tburo-
upon call a session of the supreme court U
nect at the capital within ten days after such
notice to try the Impsachm ) iit. No parson
shall bo convicted without thu concurrence ot
two-thirds of the member * of thu court of Im-
puachmcnt , but judgment In cusi'sof Impaach-
niL'iit shall not extend further than the ro-
inoval ftorn oftico and dl-quullflcallon to hold
and enjoy any olllco of honor , profit or trust lu
this state , but the party Impeached , whether
convicted or acquitted , Khali nevertheless ha
liable to prosecution and uiilshiuunt accord-
lug to law. No olllcer shall \urclsu his official
duties after be shall have hoen Impuaubcd unit
notified thfieof , until ho shall have been uc-
( iulltcd.
< ; luuice In tin : Constitution.
it will bo noticed that there is a radical
difference- tlio provisions of the two con.
stilutions on this subject , as uu.ler the old
constitution the house impeached and the
senate was the court of impeachment , while
now the two houses in Joint convention im
peach and the supreme court is the court of
It may be htated that the change In this
respect was largely duo to the efforts ol
Editor U. II. Guro of the Lincoln State
Journal , whose feelings were so sadly per
turbed by the impeachment of Uutler that
ho vowed that no other state ofl ! ial should
over bo brought to justice and deposed from
ofllce if ho could help it , and as a member of
the constitutional convention of 1S75 ho
labored without ceasing to make Impoach-
mentsas diftlcult as possible. It was to thin
end that the scene of trial was transferred
to the supreme court and that the votes of
sixty-seven members of the legislature were
required for the adoption of a resolution ol
Notwithstanding these additional pre
cautions against impeachment , the prelim *
inary strps have been taken , the require
ments of the constitution have been com
plied with , and three state officials and one
ox-stato cfllclal now stand impeached for
misdemeanor in ofllce.
iv-OIIicer : .liny Ho Inipnirlioil.
No protest has been entered cither by ex-
State Treasurer Hill or his friends against
his > impeachment , as he cares but little for
that in comparison with the suit to recover
a quarter of a million dollars from him and
his bondsmen , hut ex-Stato Auditor Jlcntou
and some of his hankers are loudly contend
ing that it is impossible to Impeach him bo-
causu ho is out of ofllcit , and therefore neb
amenable to the provisions for the impeach
ment of state officers.
Sections Uttinnd l.tfJ'J , chapter 11 , of the
( Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska of IB'Jl ,
relating to "Courts of Impeachment , " treat
specifically on that point , and read as fol
lows ;
An liiipeai'hnioiit of any state otlli-L' * shall ba
tried , not withstanding such ofllcvr may have
rutlgiifd his olll'-'i or his term of olll v his ex
pired ; anil If Ih'-1 person bi > fuiinU
KUiKy judgment of removal from ell ! < * c , or ills-
qualifying such olllcer from holding or cnjoy-
IIIK any olll'11 of honor , profit or trust In tlm
Htai > - , or boili , nitty bo iiiitiiored as In othnr
rases. An Impeachment n'ulnit : nny utato
olllcer nhull bo tried and Jtidgmvnt of icinovul
from olllco , or of disqualification to bold olllce.
may be reudcicd , notwithstanding the