Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 OMAHA DAILY HK3IS MONDAY. MAlini 27. 1808.
Rov. Tindall Prcoclioi to the Uhitcd Ameri
can Mechanics.
Duty of American * l < to Aini-rlca
Our.Softool 8yntnm .Mint Not Ho
Tnuippreil With Illlilo
In the Suliool.
Hov. D. K. Tlndnll , pastor of the Scw.irtl
Street Methodist church , iireachedii special
jermon last ovutilng for tlic Order of United
American Mechanics , whoso members attended -
tended In n body. The text w.ts from I. Tim-
jtliy v. , 8 : "Hut If any provide not for his
tnvn , and especially for those of his own
house , ho hath denied the failh and Isvorso
than an Infidel. The preacher sail :
My text says nothing of the tariff ques
tion , nor do I know that It 1ms any reference
lo the McKinley bill , but protection in the
best Reuse is taught herein. Christianity
lias seine word for every phase of human life
mid conduct. The text unqualifiedly holds
that wo should loolc after ourselves , fam
ilies and relatives. Thu word Infidel hero
used means an unbeliever or a heathen.
Hence the professed Christian who ne
glects his household and relatives is worse
than a heathen.
The same applies to looUlnp after our
country , which Is our homo land. Self-
preservation is said to bo the first law of
nature.Vhllo I am not in sympathy with
the cry , "America for Americans , " 1 do be
lieve that much more stringent immigration
laws will have to bo enacted to protect the
Interests of our homo laud.Vo all well
know that the most serious of all problems
which confront the American people is that
of immigration. Greater care must bo given
concerning citizenship in our country. A
better class of citizens and n longer proba
tion is greatly needed. It looks like poor
policy to cut off the peaceable Chinese and
hoist the flood gates to Southern Kurope.
Our duty Is first of all lo our own land and
people to those born on these shores and
ihoso who have already become elti/ens
ivltli us.
1 believe also In patronizing homo Industry
Hid those institutions which have made us
> r helped make us what wo are as a nation.
I'hero Is nothing selfish in this. Anything
: lsn Is worse than heathenism. There is
ilso nothing clannish or boycotting about it.
It is Methodist discipline , common sense ,
human nature it is olblc.
I'atrlotlum u Christian Virtue.
We put a premium upon patriotism , and
Justly so. How we honor the old soldier of
Iho rebellion and I say it is highly right.
Then should we not also remember our own
tltizens , the people who have helped to make
> ur country what it Is , socially , commcr-
jlally , industriously , religiously.
Jesus honored the nation which brought
his humanity Jute the world when ho chose
Ms apostles from the Jews , and it was cer
tainly no injustice to the heathen or ( .Jen-
[ iles , for while the apostles were Jews in
( heir commission they were given to the
world. It is right enough for Mr. Cleveland
to choose tils cabinet ol his friends provided
they bo competent for the places. Then cer
tainly it can bo but right that we , people of
tlio United States , should first loolc alter
the interest of our own people. Jn this way
lluillo be the better enabled to look after
those who como from afar to bo eltliens
among us. America is our home and , all
Ihingsconsidered , it is the best home of
rarth , and wo must stand by it ,
eve it , foster it , protect it and
hand It down to the generations to fol
low , even better than wo received It from
> ur fathers. It Is what our country is that
amices It of all lands the best place to live.
Gentlemen , I honor you for another tenet
r f your order , that of caring for the sick and
Iho dead. 1 am not hero to use this pulpit
Is a bulletin board for secret orders or a
life Insurance society , but I am here to em-
phasl/o whatever Is Christian or humanitar
ian wherever found. AVhat is more so than
raring for the sick , widow an i orplian ? I
believe In standing by each other and in
helping , each other. . Wurh inoro of mutual
helpfulness is needed. More of the milk of
human kindness Is a deeply felt want. This
world Is not so cold toward them who can
nclp themselves a little , and hence mutual
co-operation will servo us well.
1 believe in the right kinds of brother
hood. . Within , the last few years
I have seen itnd felt the practical
workings , the btothcrly kindness , of Odd
Fellowship and seine other benevolent insti
tutions. 1 do not believe in secret orders or
nnvthing else taking the place of Christi
anity and the church or that will keep us
from doing our whole duty toward all men ,
but I do most heartily approve of brotherly
kindness of families helping families , and
Iioclotlcs , neighborhoods , states and nations
and Individuals helping each other. More
heart , fellowship , sympathy , a better under-
ttandlng and a hhrlicr appreciation among
men and nations is a crying need of this old
tin-cursed world.
Touch Not the Public SrhooU.
Gentlemen , I IMjo your society also for its
relation to the public schools of our land.
Any person or institution that Interferes
With our public school system to Injure it
lays'j to the root of our country's wel
fare and prosperity. I feel called upon to
oppose all such. I take no stock in any in
stitution or sect that opposes our public
school system. This Is a free country for all
law-abiding citizens , but only for such
Those who arc out of harmony with our
laws and Institutions ought to go clshwhero
for a homo , or seek in a proper manner to
change or amend them. No church , Mctho-
illst , unptist or Hoinan Catholic , as such ,
has any right to oppose this helpul ami
time-honored institution of the public
echool , or any other feature of our govern
ment of so great a blessing , l-et those who
do not like our public schools Jump upon the
saloon traffic of our country and pul
verize It , and they may have heli :
nt the business. This will furnish them
employment for some time to como.
Wo bellovo that the bible should by all
means remain in the public school. Wo suj
remain , for it Is , with few exceptions
already in , and that it is already in is an
evidence that it is the judgment anddi-sin
of our people that It should remain. It Is
the only true standard of morals. Home
people seem to think that the bible is a dair
geious book anywhere except In pulpit ot
homo ; that Its very presence elsewhere Is
but an evidence of weakness or dishonesty
Others think also that it is not manly or re
quired that Christians .should continually In
prisslng the bible Into or upon the pu'blu
Bchool , just as if that Is not the way tlw
all pond is accomplished "lino upon Hue. '
I believe in standing by the public school
and not turn it over to its enemies , just ai
I do In Christians helping to purify politic !
Instead of holding hands olt In holy horror
Wo must stay bv iheso matters and see then
through. God bless every institution look
iig to this end.
Practical Clu-Utlnu U'c.rk In On.i of the I'll ;
The broken valley which extends soutli
cast from Hanscom park along the track o
the Union Pacific railway to what was onci
Bhecloy station and the Sheeley packtn ;
house , long-siiu'O abandoned to the owls am
bats , Is not known In classic circles as IMrl
Vale. " The whole section is a rathe
densely populated village , but i\\ \
parently it was an unknow :
factor In the social hfo of the city , and , fo
that matter , unknown In Its business an
political life except to a few capitalists wh
Si now the section as "Uupont Mace , " and t
the enterprising boss who voted his "pockc
burrough" for what he could get for It.
The southern part of this district partlci
larly is old ami densely populated. It wa
founded by pioiu'itrti in the p icktng liidustrj
Its streets wore laid out at all angles , grade
as nature left them and without sldewalki
The nearest church was a mile distant , th
schools were of the poorest sort , and two c
three saloons and dance halls which ran rli
BUVCII days , or at least seven nights , in tli
week furnished society and culture ( I ) fi >
the youth of the district
Some years ago members of St. Mary
Avcnuo church hunted out this hamlet an
oijtunlml there a mission Humlay schoo
holding their meetings In the old fr.ui
bchool house. The hchool had a strugglln
and uncertain existence , but when the si-hoi
board rof.ise < l to further permit the use (
tbt icbool buildluf for the Sunday scho
IntorMfcd momliors of Ht Mttrv'n Avcnuo
church at once began to plan for the erection
of n chapel to atvommodnto the school. Per
two ymrs tie | cfiapcl was u mere shell , with
out plastering or any com for tv but It nerved
to shelter the teacher..ami a few faithful
scholars who hung together ,
D During the past yonr. through the earnest
personal efforts of N. W. Carldiuff , supcrm-
trndcnt- the school , now llfo has been In
fused Into It. The chapel has been plas
tered and decorated , walks have been put
down and much has been done to minister to
the comfort of the scholars.
The most gratifying feature of the work Is
the Increase of attendance and the Interest
taken by all the residents of the nelghlwr-
hood. Encouraged by this Interest , Mr.
Carkliuff has succeeded In collecting mater
ial to open a reading room In the chapel , and
the feeble Sunday school of a year ago has
now become a veritable Young Men's Chris
tian association. Games have been provided
for the boys , abundance of the best current
literature is on hand and the chnpel has
been made homelike and comfortable.
The readluif room will bo opened on
Thursday evening with a free entertain
ment , at which the following program will
bo given :
iMiino Duet Selected
Misses Illttle and Mvrlln PolJriilT.
The I hippy Tanner Schumann
Donlilo ( JuiHfl. :
Ilecltatlon , "Thu Uallniiy Matinee".Hunlotto
Miss llro'.vn ,
"The llrook , " Solo Dolores
Miss llullixk.
'Cello Solo Selected
Mr. Wllber.
"A Slumber Song" P.M. I.ohr
gnat tut.
S'olo Selected
Miss Di'iin.
Iteclfatlon , "Ivor Olin Dtiutte" Anonymous
Miss Hi own.
"Spring Vcrduio" Op.'JO No. 1,1'orcsler
I.adlc * Trln.
Address Iti-v. S. Wright llutlcr
"Como Lot's Sing a Merry Mound"
from M.inisclitier
Double Quartet.
UlllllST' * IIUMAM 1'V.
.Minister Wtio Muy lie U.illuil to the
rriMlijrturiui Church.
Hov. T. C. Patterson , pastor of the Pres
byterian church at Tacoma , Wash. , Is an
able and eloquent divine , and members of
the First Presbytcrhn church of this city
desire him for their pastor. Uev. Patterson
supplied the pulpit at the First church yes
terday and discoursed onThe Human and
Uivltio Power of Christ. "
Ho expounded Christ's earthly career from
the time of birth until the crucifixion.
Through It nil Christ appeared both as hu
man and divine , and by his acts and deeds
nxcmplllled his humauitv and then his divin
ity. There is a tendency , thought the
speaker , to overlook the human power of
Christ and too much of an effort to regard
him only as a divinity. This is wrong , for
ho came in the flesh and form of man to save
sinners ami ho performed his 'duties in the
human as well as in the divine way. The
lesson taught should no mole closely fol
lowed by preachers and Christians and souls
will be iiiOi-o easily brought to God.
The sermon was a review of conclusions
reached by a mind familiar with the biblical
history of Christ. From each conclusion a
lesson of duty to Christ 1'iiis was drawn and
imparted by Hov. P.ittcrsoii in language elo
quent and forceful. From the lessons
Klcjticd was the to jelling of character to bo
developed by man , the sympathy an.t love of
Goil for his children ami the homeward jour
ney of eternal and everlasting hippinsss to
those who believe iu and practice His tc.tch-
DrninmurH us Cliristliiiia.
The afternoon meeting at the Young Men's
Christian association roams yesterday was
for the special binsflt of the tr.ivolin ; men ,
and a considerable number of the fraternity
were noticeable among the audience.
The speaking was opened by Mr. J. A.
Pattci-hon , who made a stirring address. Ho
contended that the traveling men had been
grossly misrepresented by men who claimed
that they were the worst lot of men on
earth. The day was past when it was neccs-
.ary . to bo tough to bo a successful salesman.
There were any number of men traveling
out of Omaha who were among the best , men
'n the state and at the same time were
uirncst and devoted Christian workers.
The traveling man had more opportunities
fordoing good than men in any other pro
fession , and the sumo hustling qualities that
made them successful in business made
them equally successful In their elTorts to
make their fellow men better.
Urlef addresses were made by several
other drummers , and solos by Mrs , Glllaui
were interspersed among the speeches.
Turks' Cough Syrup
Has been so highly recommended to us
that we now ask our friends who are suffor-
ng with a cold to give it a trial , and if it
does not give satisfaction your money will bo
refunded. H\ery bottle Is suld on a positive
guarantee. Price DO cents and $1.00. All
_ _
I'ollcu ruri.friiiliK. |
Yesterday afternoon Ofilcer Foley arrested
J. W. Sanders and Elllo Sanders , both col
ored , for complicity iu the robbery of D
.Utman's . clothing store.
Three boys named Alexander Venerable ,
Heed Yates and Willie Haley were locked
up yesterday afternoon In the city jail for
shying rocks at a motorrnan.
Max Ueber , a saloon keeper doing busi
ness on North Twenty-fourth street , was
arresod yesterday for soiling liquor on Sun-
There are three tnmgs wortn saving-
Time , Trouble and Money and Do Witt's
Little Early Htscrs will save them for you.
Thcso little pills will save you time , as they
act promptly. They will save jou trouble as
thcj cause no pain. They will save you
money as they economize doctor's bills.
To Ciillfornlii , Orug.m ami
The next "Phillips Rook Island" per-
somilly conducted excursion to the
Pncilic orast ; will leave Onmliu March
; ilst. with two additional excursions
leaving in April , on the Mth and 28th.
Thc < o excursions olTor the only through
cars from Omaha to Los Angeles and
Sail Francisco. For particulars call on
any Uock Island ajjont or address
Charles Kennedy , trcnoral northwestern
puss-ouRer agent , 1U02 Farnam street ,
A Till. ! of Two Cltli-s.
Omaha to Chicago is a one night's
You can leave hero by the Burling
ton's No. 2 , the voiitibulod Flyer , at 4:1.1 :
p. m. , and reach the World's 'fair city at
8:2.1 : the next morning.
There i no more c nnfortable train in
existence than the Four Forty-live. It
carries slcopiug , dining and reclining
chilli * cars ( seats free ) , Is vcatlbuled from
end to end , and is gti'i-llghted by the
clearest , cleanest , safest inetlud of ear
illumination in use.
The Uurliiigton's city ticket
location , is at K52I Farnam st.
Auction Cmuly , Cum Auction.
At 1'eyuke Candy company , llth anil
Ilowiml , Tuesday , 10 a. m. Kntlru stock
of candy , gum , cigars , paper bags , glass
jars , show cases , crackers , etc.anything
In tlio candy line , no limit , no leservo ,
in lots to suit deal's. ' : . Sale promptly at
10 a. m. I { . WELLS , Auctioneer.
Take hnnie a Inxof UaUlulT's fine cand
les , lUth and Capitol ivonue. None better.
See the celebrated Hohmor plan > at
Ford .t ClmrUon Miibh. IX. MOc.
l.oirrrl'rlcru In Honin l.liiim the feature of
the UVck.
The market on the tondlna kinds of coun
try proJuco has shown seine ohntws of Im-
iwrtance during the pnt ; wook. The lluctu-
( itlons as a rule havti not been large or sud
den , but there has been a gradual change In
Game has experienced the greatest chango.
At the close of the previous week It was re
marked that ducks wore arriving more freely
and were not all cleane.l up. The heavy run
continued with tnoopeniiu of the past week
and the market broke under the largo offer
ings. Dealers generally undo great efforts
to shut oft receipts , but still the game kept
coming until the market was fairly glutted.
As n result the prices were the lowest of the
season. At the close of the wool : the receipts
have dropped down to a joint that has en
abled dealers to clean up their stocks Iu good
stmpo and the market will have a tendency
to recover if shippers do not flood U again.
The receipts of good country butter con
tinue very light , but It does not appear to be
a very easy matter to force the market up
to any very appreciable extent , owing to the
price at which creamery stoclt is" being
offered. There Is a fair amount of poor
country butter arriving and the market on
the low grades docs not show any change.
The egg market has declined since a week
ago , owlntr to the more liberal supply and
the lower eastern m iricets. Still eggs are
bringing good prices as compared with a
year ago. The demand Is good and the re
ceipts move quite freely.
Poultry is not much lower than It was a
week ago , but the demand Is not so good and
the feeling on the market Is weaker. Very
little dressed poultry Iras bean cumin. ? and
the weather has been most too cold to ui.iku
the live poultry sell well.
The fruit market has ben rather qulot
as the weather has been too cold to stlmulat
the demand. Fruit dealers would give moro
for a good warm spell than most anything
else just at present.
I'roilnru Pointer * .
Charles Y. Knight , editor of the Minneapo
lis Produce Bulletin , is compiling a directory
of commission firms in all cities of JO,000 and
I. U. Horwlch is receiving the congratula
tions of the boys In the produce district on
marriage. Ho has been absent from his
desk for the past week getting ready to
commence housekeeping.
Omaha is about the only large city in the
country doing u good produce and fruit com
mission business that does not have a prod
uce oxehtngo. Visitors from other mar
kets wonder why the commission men of this
city do not get together. Every market that
has orgauUe.1 an exchange has found it very
A. S. Han ford of the Hanford Produce
company , Sioux City , la. , is an enthusiast on
the subject of poultry raising. He declares
that it will In a few years bo one of the lead
ing Industries of this section , and siys It is
now much more important than most people
believe. "There is nothing that pays the pro
ducer better than the raising of poultry and
the sale of eggs and chickens , " ho said to a
Sioux City Journal reportnr recently. "It
will not bo long before the great corn and
hog country will be equally great as a butter ,
egg and poultry producing section.
Iu spite of the immense numbers of eggs
and fowls produced annually in the United
States tint product 19 still insufficient for
our needs , and the customs returns show that
Americans Import not less than &MUO.XM ) (
worth of eggs a year , paying for them ingress
gross about 0 cents a dozen. Three-quarters
of these imported egus como from Canada ,
and it is a curious fact that China sends us
about'ioO.OOO do/.cn of eggs , valued at about
fl-,000. and coysumed for the most part by
John Chinaman , who docs not seem to mind
the long journey taken by these native
"As before staled , " says the Los Angeles
Times , "the whole trouble with the present
combine appears to be that it was not gen
eral , even at Hiverside. Jt is Impossible to
keep up prices on a slow market well sup
plied with fruit from another source , while
a number of growers are shipping independ
ently and seine persons even contracting to
cut under association prices , whatever these
, prices may be. Among others , Mr. Everest
of Ulversule , who owns the largest navel
orange grove in the world In full bearing ,
has been shipping all along Independently of
the combine , through a commission house.
It was inevitable that a fabric founded on so
unstable a foundation should fall. Growers
should profit by this experience and try to
organize for next season's business on a more
solid basis. "
During the latter part of January every
one In the business was aorry that ho did
not have moro eggs to take out of storage
and sell for i5 ! cents , says the Minneapolis
Produce Bulletin. The chances are that he
had a good many the year before , awl that
he came out of the small end of the horn
with them , but if ho had not let this loss
have any bearing on his action last year ,
what a line harvest ho would have reaped !
Now comes a time when lie lias another
chance to lay by In store in hopes that the
conditions of last season will be repeated ,
and every one , the chances are , will lay away
such a quantity that when the time comes to
take them out the market will bo flooded ,
and there will bo a good many mighty sore
dealers. Nearly every ono that the Bulletin
has talked with on the subject has expressed
his desire to put away all the eggs ho can get
hold of this spring. The chances are that
the conditions next year will be altogether
different than they have been this , as it is
seldom they are the same two years running ,
and while it is not the intention of the Bulle
tin to do any preaching it will suggest that
when the storage eggs are taken out next
winter holders need not be surprised if they
find themselves souped.
Auction CnJuly , ( iuiu Auction.
At Peyelce Candy ojinpany. llth and
Howard , Tuesday , 10 a. m. Entire stock
of candy , gum , cigars , paper bags , glass
jars , show cases , crackers , etc. , anything
In the candy line , n-j limit , no reserve ,
in lots to suit dealers. Sale promptly at
JO a. m. K. WELLS , Auctioneer.
Tim Apollo dull .Miy :
Final arrangements have now been com
pleted by Apollo club lor the appearance
hero In May of Mr. Walter Damrosch and
his celebrated New York Symphony Orches
tra of sixty-five mcmbo.'s. This orchestra is
second to none and is the largest company of
musicians traveling outside of New York
and vicinity.
In New York Mr. Damrosch and his artists
are very popular. They have been having a
very successful season. An organU'ition
headed by Mr. AnJrow Carnegie and others ,
as this is , must be all right and this is
further evidenced by the nnguilieont music
hall eroded for its use at , a cojt , of upwards
f $1,1100,000.
Accompanying the orchestra arc several
eminent soloists : Blauvclt , u very charming
soprano of iho Patti , style ; Joseil'y , pianist ,
who has few equals in his line ; Hoicking ,
'cellist , a master of that , most beautiful in
strument , and Uradsky , violin soloist and
concert master , who came tram Vienna last
year especially for this orchestra. It is said
that Mr. Uradsky is paid the lirgest salary
of any concert master in this country or in
Europe , that is < . " > 000 for a scries of twenty-
eight weeks and In addition $ IOJ for every
solo that ho plays.
The Apollo dun chorus will b. * augmented
for the occasion to JKJo voices , combining the
vocal societies of Omaha , South Omaha and
Council Bluffs , a'nd the program will be
made up of selections from Ixihengrln and
other popular words , which am now In re
hearsal lor the World's fair festival.
Thes > ' concerts will bo given at Exposition
hall. The prices for saats v.111 bo reason
able , probabli not ovi-r * l anil $ l.f > 0 for the
best seats. Opportunity will bo given foi
pcuplo to subscribe for season tickets in ad-
1 ,
Hie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Atuuionia ; No Alum
ol 0 ed iu Millions of Homes 4o.Years the Standard *
vauco , and surely t-fco demand ought to bo
ui < nt < runs.
The scheme forfujnlnt festival with Dam-
roach nnil Sousa ortiilil not bo arranged owing
to the tnsuntulent/Mnpacliy of our only avail
able concert hall. fTho managers In New
ork , Mr. Hlakelfiyi and Mr. Heua thought
that the receipts'uonld not bo made largo
enough to cover thojlmmmiso nt of the two
organizations In combined concerts.
1'rogriuii of tlio Ou * * r Sot Tor Trlnl In the
Dlttrlct Coilrt.
The call for today as follows :
LAW UOO.M nH2 ( , itttiH oorr.
31-271 ( IreentfcWcr /.under. .
34 > 'Jii ! ) Niagara Sho.i Company vs X.ilnilor.
'J7H1UOnmlm Kual ICUato and Tnut com
pany VM Itoilofor.
irr-ioi- Omaha Real Kitato and Trust cotu-
pany v.s Shaw.
27-lG2-Omalia Kituto and Trust com
pany vs Hulter.
U7-103 Omaha Itoul Ivitato iitul Trust com
pany VH Kraxscow.
28-2H3 National Mfi ! Insurance company vs
North llrltlih Insiirani'O company.
80-114 Whrlan vs Omaha llrowlng assoola-
30-120--Mutual Loan and Trust company vs
UMHH-Klnkrail vs Jones.
30-1U7 Allen vsCirotti' .
30-202-Karly Times Distilling company vs
30-201 Hnio vs Hrolte.
30-32-Klrst National bank vs E. M. Httlso
31-lH.-rialln ( vsStonohlll.
31-223 Talcott vsStonehlll.
31-200-mack vs Slonehlll.
31-301 Hilt-mi ! vs Splule.
31-305 Vornljrock furniture company vs
32-U8 Murtln vs Omaha Struct Railway com
3U-178 Sorensen vs Grand Vlow Itrlck com
3'J-27G-Omalia Driving Park association
v.s Upton.
32-337 Cirnhani Paper company vs Todd.
32-3r > 3 Mnp vs Murphy.
32-373-Wllson v.s Mcl'arland ,
33-01-Turry vs C'oirmun.
33-00 lli-t/ul v.s llciini'tt. sIsorllT.
33-'J37 Smith vs llluu Vtilluv Dumber com
33-305 Moore , administrator , vs Omaha
StfL't-t Hallway company.
33-38'J Wuod vs I'hunlx In uranco com
34-01 Kninzun vs Martin.
34-347 Pray vs Omaha Street Hallway com
31-100 Hardy v.s Chicago , llurllngton &
Qiilncy Hallway company.
30-1'JH C'arnus vs lluimrod.
30-311 Mlllspaiigh vs Umaha Strndtiinant
27-230 fiver vs Trlvps.
31-208 Uaiikln , administrator , vs Omaha.
3l-2iO ( Wll-on v.s Saiindui-s & Murarltind.
31-300 1)111)11 ) ) v.s Hi-own.
31-32'J-Moycr vs llodaon.
25-211-Cast VH million.
27-03 .MidlandJuaranty ( company vs Vlan-
27-301 Wusturn Elcctrli : Supply company
v.s .Invites.
27-330-nallaKher vs
27-387 ( iteen vs Hatilter.
28-12-l-Uo\vilrery vs Mcl-'arland.
-140-Hay vsSacuett ,
2S-172 Aniet-lcan Water Works company vs
28-170-Pool vs Nichols.
2H-215-Worley v.s Faux.
28-240 lirantliatii it Shoemaker va Mc-
Cloud Iitvu Stock Coiinnlshlon cntnpany ,
28'Ji'jMurray ( v.s C'liiinlliKliiiln.
2H-27G Hanker vs Chicago & Northwestern
Hallway company.
28-203-Melnlro vs Press.
2H-305-llellman rs Omaha.
24-103 Sweesoy vs Slulit.
LAW IIOOM NO. 0 .lUUlli : OQ11B.V.
20-303 llornstInn v.s Kline.
3U-l- Ktilko.
3Ulnjsley vs
30-10-loii'laf ) vs lllanchard.
30-08 Pitts vs Trim * .
30-110-ciementH vs Wosterliolm.
30-no-Ilalln vs Johnson.
20-34 Hanson vs Missouri Pacific Hallway
25-107-Wllllams vs Pnecht.
27-203 Itorbacti vs SlilehlJ.
20-08-Iaruy ) vs Knluht.
IQUITV : ROOM , NO. 0 .lunnr. nnpr.wct.ri.
32-3 > 0-Omaha Coal , Coke anil hlnio com
pany vs Jones.
32-374 HnieckorbvsHriieckei't.
32-252 O-ilerhomlt vs Voejrel.
32-181 Union Trust Co. v.s 1'lala.
O rut Ufa I 'CliuiiKniifls.
Throughout thcrvrorld , attest the cfllcacy
of SchlfTiiinn's 'AstHma Cure. It cures \vlicro
others fail. Ask any di-uppist or address
Ur. U. SchitTiimnn , St. I'nul , Mliin. , for a
free trial pacltape , naming this paper.
" rrtMi'H rurini'ii. ' KxrurHlon to Gothcnburf-
to view the great water power tlitit Is
now completed at that city , is attracting
tlio attention of every manufacturer ,
business man and speculator , to see for
themselves what ean be accomplished by
water. April 4 is the day. Ono faro
for the round trip. Tickets can be
secured only from \V. II. Green , room
217 , Kurbuch block.
A fine upright piano , used only six
months , at half price. Ford & Churlton ,
1508 Dodge.
There 'la ono Iliiny
is a constant source of gratifica
tion to the discoverer of Johann
Hoff's Malt Extract , and it is that
its salutifcrous properties are now
so far famed that he believes no
ono is practically beyond the
reach of its benefit. The only
sting of regret is that he cannot
say it is within everybody's
means. However low in price a
commodity nr.iy be , there 'arc al
ways , alas ! some who cannot
afford to layout much in what
the poor call " fashionable reme
dies. " It is hard to live , we know ,
but Johann Heft's Malt Extract
has ceased to be a fashionable
remedy exactly. That it is a
popular remedy all will admit.
Rather is it a medicinal neces
sity. It exalts the energies ,
stimulates the nutritive powers ,
improves the appetite , and aids
digestion. Purchasers arc warned
against imposition and disap
pointment. Insist upon the
"Genuine , " which must have the
signature of "Johann I-Ioff" upon
the neck label Eisner & Mcndclson
Co , olc Agent : ; , New York
csil >
Kr-MAtDkil *
It Is used tucuro von -
less. pure , p oiMint.lllth V I'll-
INU treatment. The woml r-
fill , swift. tsl'IlK I'Ullh for
1'ouKliB. Untarrh llroii'liUU.
AhlhniH. Oonsumiittoii , lloal-
asho ( Hbk or uurvo n > . Nor-
VOIIH I'rcm ration llrljiit , null
hloodl Now uimrsy' ' htintlo
strp ! In fuot. a now unrsou.
-UXVL-CII Hook" and 4 tr.ula ( : IATUIL
KUlii:1 : Cailorwrlto
Suite tJlU o colilliU , Omaha
TIONlNthu bpm liinnv roineily lor Clil'U. '
CmiRlm. ColdllronuliItU , till ) drip nn
I'or tint iliilillitutiMl anil tliimo with trrnU
liirviIt Is a perfect | -i\Illlllljr. It lllt'onl * ,
tlm crt'iitatt nillurto
mill ilve iitriiiKtli to
toMEN. .
I tiflUt itioii linvlii It Ironi your ilrnuulftt or
Ki'ocrr , TiiUr no Kitlittltiitu , Writu lor our
hoolr , 11 Inch ire ncnil Iri'r.
run IIUITY MALT \vnisiuv co. ,
ItucliiMlcr , N. V.
llll. p. I , . p ur.l < ; . Consult UK Surgeon.
Griiihr.ito of Hush Modl'il Colloa' ; . ( i o\-
sui.TAllu.N ritKK ) . I'jr the troatiiiciitof
Wo euro Catarrh ) All DNoavat
Noso. Throat. Chest. Stem loh ,
it'll d Liver.
Blood , Slcln null Klilnoy Blsoasoi ,
Female Wenlmossoj , .Lost Muuhooil
I'li.H * , l-'lSTirA. FISSUUK , pormanontlr cural
win out the moot knife. lluiitura or cnmtlo.
All ninlndlc. ) of n prlvato or Jcllcitu nature , of
cither ex. positively curiM.
CiUI on or ndiirc > 9. ultU stamp for Clrculri , Froj
Uook and Ueclpcs.
Dr.Scarles & Scarles , '
Next Door to I'ostnlHco
Are NK VMH Sol.I
" "
We nuke a virltlr from tt
riiEArr T to the MOST KLLUAM
ocil > STI.Y l.iitrumentj.
IJvrpy IiiMi unieiit fiillf
. '
Endontd bij tht BEST Playeri
Send for Cnlnlngiie iir.i
mention the Instruments f-o
think of
E DO A BIG mail
order business but we do
not ship less than a dozen
quarts a case. You may ,
however , have the case
assorted to your wish.
1 case , dor. , qts. , sweet wines ,
assorted , $ . ' { .50 L
ditto sour wines ,
assorted , $2.50
ditto beer , r
assorted , $1.75 f =
Tlio auovo prices Ineltuln paculir.utc
Los Angalov
Wlno , Liquor and Glgai' Co , .
lit-IS ! ; S , IGtli St. . Omaha.
t&B3St&ySFttK &WttK $ f2ii3SZff&l
Cures coughs , coKls , asthnn ,
bronchitis , debility , wasting dis
eases aivl all s.Tofulous humors.
Persons who have be.'ii taking
Cod-Liver Oil will be pleased to
learn that Dr. Wilbor has suc
ceeded from directions of several
professional gentlemen , in com
bining the pure Oil and Phos
phates insuch a manner that it
is pleasant to the taste , and it-5 ef
fects in Lilngcomplaints are truly
woirlerful. Very many pt-isoiH
who e cases were pronoun el
hopeless and who Ind taken the
clear Oil fora long time without
marked effect , h ive b en entirely
cure by using this preparation ,
lie sure , as you vain : yoir
health , to get tli2 genuine- .
Manulacturc.1 only by A. Ii
WILBOR , Chemist , Boston.
West north or south at home or
abroad no house that you know of
sells boys' clothing as we sell It
not one.
at all times unapproachable values
there isjuie week in each fifty-two
which we devote more particularly
to the boys than any other this ,
the week before Easter. A special
500 i i
i i
will he offered to "TheNebraska's"
patrons today in two distinct lots
CO- '
at pjjces that will "suit" dad's
c II pocketbook while we suit the boy.
& >
62 ,
BB >
there are three htimlrcil nobby
fancy cheviot suits with pliiitcil coats
ages 5 to I/I the three dollar khul
o and two hundred line all wool
fancy cheviot suits ayes 5 to1
with doiiblu-brcastcd square cut
coats. You expected to pay three
fifty for just such suits.
a >
Tllli JKVYUt.Ult.
7 * NGRAVING steel engraving the only de-
'partment of the kind in the city monograms
address dies crests on the choicest station
ery 100 engraved visiting cards , $1.50.
Financial llcl'crcncc : Nat'l Hank of Commerce , O-naha.
No DETENTION from business. No Operation.
Invcstlzntootir Miilliod. Wrllton f nnrnnteo tonbup- ,
lutolr t'urii nil kinds nf HI-'I'TiniEof hotli iixoH.wltU-I
nut Inn nso of Knl/o or tyrinxi. ; uo n-attur of how lunu
307-308 II. Y. LIFE EIDG. , OMAHA , NEB ,
Horn ] for Circular.
The Best Truss Made
lacuiifnltqtiiinorts tliu iibilaino > iiml civn-
iroascs the rnpttiru BO-is to lir.a ; the lirokun
mrlBtoKutlur anil utro.-tii cure. I'rivulo ro.rn
'or llttlns tritssni. l.ily In utun liiiuu for
uify ciHton.ors.
ir ; J il ln..r ' jine-iti u 11 Hioplloi
114 .S 111 i St. . imn'o.t ill >
'rpDlilfiit "I
i ( ( in cl'll'-iini ' : Five. )
1'Il.r.S. rrsTt'lA. l'ISlhllpornvinontly :
ur.'d wltlimittlii uiu 'if Knife lUstiini urc nnlln.
All u.ulndk'K i' f u oiivaio < irU Icite nnluio , uf
> lllior if'x iinmtivuir cuiutl.
TltK\T3liM : IIV MA 1 1. . A.Mrcni with
'tump ' for iiani'-nlnrn lilu will bo u lln iilitln
* Ha * J ' l . < Hiiuliu. .
nv"l < i | > ' I < > lluz i
( VPll.runiii Hn'l ' ii'iro tli" n um nln 1 1 lir " 1" op'l ! 11
< ol clmrK . nn I. II 111 u" ir , . ntlu I with tt ) > ir < if
uur-l'KUIfM'l'ln.N ' n | . . JiTOi.Kl. . if KVrt if . \-J < -
i.i . llu vv.iri I. Ii y.i i 1 1 not noj I itlm ; n
i ! Will IL'.I ) ' J U llll I .1 I ' 1JJ X" I > .m tj in. '
I'K.frACI-- ; KVK til.A-iSrfS " "
. ' " .1 ' C I , > .IU * I J
Max Meyer & Bro. Co
Jewelers and Ooticlans.
I'aru aiu uua FUuaatHrj t
Griidunto Itollcvuo Hospital Mod cal Gullogo ,
Now York City.
' 'OK AM ,
Chronic , Hariroai ,
PriYata anj
Spe'cial Diseases.
2.'i yu.irs oxiiorluuoo.
Tro-ito.l at V 0l a month
and nil
All nthur tronh'iis trvitod at icinsonalil *
elmrfips. COXSL'M'ATION I'UKh. Oahonor
ucldro < n
Omaha's Nowast Hotel
( Glluora * atif.U | ) Jr .Mr.
101 uomi attl.3J pjr .Ur.
IClioomi tritli IHth at II. ) ) par I if.
10 lloomi ltU ll&tli nttl.1) ) tu )1 5) pir I if
In Hvrrv ln ! | irc't.
.Nvly rurniiiliuil I'
Tin ) ny ! liutul In the u ly with liot and cold
i wi.tcr uii'l ' siu.tni h' ' > .t In ut/ar/r u n
'luti. | > nl ( liiiuu rj ' u 11111 irjma4 :
KATES $2.50 TO $4.09.
Eiiuolal ralnion ippiluailon.
Q. PILLOW AY , Prop.
7 WIT A I ITV BIl(1 ViKir < iulfklr ro
I VI I ALII I itorert. NITYOU. litlimjfc.
fi iUrJy | curi-4 C/
IN It AIM ) , thocrrat Hindoo liemtdjdulil with writ
trn KUnrunUe l rure. * > ipla > ent Ire * .
UrlcuUI Modlc l Co. , ti n/ Mil > I'lxt ,