Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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1 } cant to any jmrt f tke *
N V HumbinfC Co.
Coun < II Hluffs LutnttPT On Coal
OUipllo Ilountrre auJ I.ulu Oren. both of
Omaha , were tnarriwl b > Ju tkttrx yetr-
dny Gordon AVillUm * . * bo b * * , 'nt ' * Dr.
fJ d > 's hwi o , wa tttwd ? l * 0 1" l < lice < xmrl
} rstrdarooniingt for drunkeatMsts.
AH the e Wcn e in the Vincent d inre wan completed .ve terd y nd the rgu-
iijcnts of theattornej * will be ooimnencea
this morning Ttie arguments will probably
ooLpj n daor two
A motor ran off the track yejterdny noon
on Tifth avptiuc AH the nbecUi left the
tia < k bcfort it could be stopi > ed , and it was
Bfimttimr l rf'iro it could be put b ck InW
txisition s ) that travel could b resumed.
U here was no dnmsgo.
Uishc.p Hnnuiii of TlHtxlinp. I'a . of the
Kvangelicnl a-.M cialiou. was to have spo > > en
nt ihc I'nion Christian mission la t eveninv.
but n te iMrrain i weired during the f U-r-
Jiwiij ntimiunced that he had t en unayold-
nbl. , detained He will be present and d s-
llvcr an addn-KR tonight
Twt men broke the door of the Milwaukee
freight lioufce ope'n tast iiiKhl and took a
bcitli for the nicht Thrj ha < l just left a
cull for i . at the offlce when a jKillceinan
HepiKHi in and informed them that it was
not a hi.U . 1 Thcj were taken to the police
station n-i slated with vairranrj
The winur Urm of the Western Iowa
Busmfss ( ollfRp c loses todaj. and a banqupt
will lie given > j the students and ex-students
teini.'ht in the Iwc-tui e room of the college.
A sl'ort ' litcrarj program will l c rendered ,
after whuh SJPIK.T will be-serve-d ind a gen
eral gooi1 linie is antaiDated All students
nnd -studc'tits are cordlallj inrtted to bo
Miss Tannle I etncr of this ci y was
marned je-sti'rday afternoon to Mr. Trank
How a proswrcrus jounp farmer living near
Aoca. at the n-side-nae of Sheriff Haren.
} { ev li P Dudlej ofticiatitii ; After the
fcretaoiiy had been iicrfonncxi snelepaut
oinnc-r was serve * ! The happy couple left
on the evening train for their new home
ne-iir A'loca
k-l > f lal I'rrfiinirry air.
2'ic for ] 0c regular largo size 25c
battles of the famous Drexcl's Bell
cologne , the newest and finest thing out ,
Jorlllc : 10r and 15c si/e for 5c at Goo.
Davis' : : i5 gross to be told at those
_ _
A 5-cent fare will take you to Broad
way church to hear DeMotte Friday and
feuturdaj e\cnings. _
i-in * > o * n. fM/M'uc.if'ffi.
Charles A Oaraner of "Fatherland" is at
the Grand hotel.
Mr and Mrs J F Evans ha\e returned
from a trip to Florida.
Born to Mr Tinrt MrsV. . E Keller , on
< Sit Pierce street , a son
Miss Iscinan of New York is in the city
Tisiting Mrs A C Hanline
F H t-oomis and son of Itol Oak. la ,
registered at the Grand hotel j cstei-day
John T Tie-Ms and wife , whoweremar-
jfied last Monday , hae commenced house-
ceping at ices Tourth street.
Rev d L Springer of the North Eighth
; treet mission has tendcied his resignation.
to take effect on the first Sunday in April
MIES Sadie Di\is. who has l e-cu attending
school at I ake Forest seminan , 111 . is
spending the spring vacation at home with
her relatives here
John Hunthorn , who is suffering from a
seve-e stroke of apop exj , was reported
somewhat improved MEterdto morning , and
Ills relatives are hopeful of his recovery.
JZarlje l 1'otator * .
Thr e liumlrocl bushels of pure earl\
Ohio se'od potatoe * at Thomas Rish ton ,
2400 West Broadway , Council Bluffs , la.
Special sale of flour thia week at
Brown's C. O. D.
GltruLph ) HIT lloiuUmen.
Ixjttie Faddcn. who was bound over to the
f rand jury on the charge of adultery , was
given up bj her bondsmen Wodnesdaj night
nnd now occupies a e ell in the county jail
Her bondsmen. John Wndt , Albert Lewis. E
C V-astleand A Still , nad to. watch her
nil day for fear she would run awm , and
when night came their nervous sj stems
ere so shattered bj1 the strain that th"y
decided to let her take hcT medicine. Mo
C j's case was continued until this morning
on account of the witnesses of the state be
ing in Nebraska. It is rumored that McC'o >
nnd the prosecuting witness arotrjing to
settle and dismiss the case , but even if this
be true it w ill bo of no avail There has al-
raidj been so niiich damaging testimony in
troduced as to warrant his being bound over.
BourSeius Music _ House.
Fine pianos and organs for cash or
payments. 114 Stutsman street , C. Bluffs.
The date of Mis Ragsdalo's millinery
opening lias been fi\ed for Tuesday and
Wedne-duy of next week.
Wood of all kinds , cobs and coal. L.
G. Knotto i Co , " 00 Broadway.
Cltlroiiii llectlnc lOHtp nr.l.
Owing to the fact that the committee of
lOOatidits sub-committees have not com
pleted their investicatlons of the taxes , lia-
1 Pities and obligations of the motor line to
th * * city and citizens , and would not be able
to make complete report bj Saturday even
ing , the citizens meeting , w hich was to nave
been held Saturdaj , March 25. has been
IKstjxned for one week , at which time a full
itl rt willbe made bj the committee of luO ,
of the facts with reference to the motor line
end other matters of Interest to the citizens
meeting which proiidcd for the apjioint-
nxnt cf the committee
The Broadway Methodist ladies will
K \emcalh in Masonic temj > le , Satur
day , April 1. nnd the Young Ladies' Mis-
biemarj sccioty will hold a t-alo of fancy
woi k at the same time.
DeMotte's lecture , "Harp of the
Se'nsis"at Broadway church tonight ,
Special sale of flour this week at
Brown's t , O. D.
Mitrr.ic | < k l.lreji * ? * . *
The following marriage licenses were is
sued jcstcrda\
Name' and \d < ires < Ace.
j Otlu llo Koiinlrc-o , Omaha . 2C
I Lulu Cire-en. ontalm . . la
ft II Ilasvctt.Oinalm . S"
1 surah \ MctzUmal < B . 83
1 1 rank U Huue , Aitiea . 2j
llannlrO Ix-tne-r , Couitcll lllufls . lb
J C hrKt llotTinau , < \ > uwll llluir > . 33
I Mary tHoick. . Council lilufli . 23
Ccal and wexvi ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city : prompt
delivery. H. A. Cos. No. 4 Main.
If you have property to sell , list it
with me' . 1 ha\e customers for bargains.
II. G , McGce , Xo. 10 Main street ,
Mrae. Helen Merrill , halrdrossing and
manicure. Room 312 , Merriam blook.
Death of Mrs. Mcrgm.
Amelia wife of Philip Merptu. died this
morning t 1 iO after
an illness of about one
u.outh Death \vas from drops } . Mrs Mtr-
pen was 51 jears of pe. aud was a native oi
Hanoi cr and wcs united in marriage with
Mr Merge n nm jears j.po ut Ivcovouworlh ,
nun reuKixiug to toU citin as > S. The
fui.t ral wiU take jil c fro Uw SU Peter's
cburcn but the tiuve U s not jet be *
Stt p at the Ogde-n , Ouunoil Bluffs , the
ut iXi houte m Iowa.
sale cf flour this week at
.i wiib C . O. D.
Geo. S. Davis , prescription druggist.
% Fathers Prsu&re a Surprise Partj far
AmWUws Bidden M Sewsrs.
\Vliorr.T Clrln Hip , Iol. Will IU re ty llollil
the Sewer nnil Take All the UUk *
Rrtult of it l.ltll *
The dty council will hold a special meet-
Irtjr this evening for the jmrfiose of approv
ing the bond of Clt.\ Clerk /Currauehlen , who
will enter | * m hi * duties tomorrow
CUj Engineer Cook has jireired some
new plans and specifications for sner work
in various parts of the citj. and tlfsse will
also be brought before the council for udop-
lion or rejection The specifications will
corer precl ly the same ground as thoM !
which were advertised several weeks ape
swl the bWs for which were rejected last
Monday nieht
The bids by the way , are by far the low
est that have eer lie-em put in for any cltj
work 1 * . C Beslcy , the lowest bidder , to
u horn the contract would have been let if it
had been let at all , arreed to build a thirt.v
six-inch s-ewer for 1 4 % ! > er foot , and this
so competent persons say , is really o
cheap that lie viould not make a
cuit on it , _ _ if indeed he came out
even What stuck in the craw of Alder
man Smith and , probably in thf craws of
the other aldermen , for thei all voted with
him was the fart that none of the bids pro-
\idfd for the oontnictors furuishluz lural > er
\v1thwhkh to supjKjrt the sewers in oft
soil , but the citj had to take all risk of this
Alderman Smith thought he saw in this
waj of doing thinus a chanro for the con-
tractoi s to run in a larpe bill of extras. , and
lie demanded that the bias be all thrown
out and that new si > c > cificaUous be drawn up
and reudvertised. in order that the con-
trnctois miffht bid for allied amount i or
foot , takinr ah risks themselves His plan
net with the approval of the other aldermen -
mon and , althouph according to the state
ment of the cjtj engineer the plan will cost
the citj a cool Jl.OOU in cash , it was adopted
The contractors state that their ues.1 bids
will not be sj low.
MTCK AM > Tlliil
Cooil IliltioU MII lie junU In n1ort hlra *
I.nlHjrtte Aclilitltin
Anothr r victim of the Lafujette addition
bunco fjame came to Hjht jestcrday. He
hailed from Douglas county , Illinois , and was
in the hole to the amount of1.2oO IJe\is-
ited a couple of well known roil esta/2 ! men
of the city and stated that he hid fallen in
with a real estate man in Chicago whom he
questioned as to bargains in dirt The Chicago
cage man told him that ho had a mortgage
for s-ile for $ l.i" > 0 on improved prowrtj
worth t-i.OOO The projierti in question was
in Uafm cite addition to the e-in of Council
Bluff * . and , as everything set-med to be all
ilpht. he fe'l into the trap
\Vben he arnvod in the tityestcrday he
ran across \V M MiCrarj and asued him to
take him to MC his prospective property
McCrur.\ told nitn it would be wasted labor ,
but he insisted A carriaee was procured
and the two . * et out.Vhen then had pone
about two miles and a half on the road to
Manawa ai-d found the depth of the mud
continually incn-asiup he beiran to wish he
had takeu the advice that hau been offeiod
him before he started out , but he kept uian-
full.x on until he the lalre Upon
learning that he still liad a Ion ? way to jro
before he could traverse all the ( luioksands
and water between him and his land he
turned back to town
The I-ifajette swindle h is been aired in
the newspapers time and time apain. and
yet victims are continualltut nine up
Fully three fourths of the adaition is located
under the waters of Lalte Manawa and the
Missouri ri\er while the rest is so low and
liop i as to t > -.vorth absolutelj nothicp
Thelllinois man on consulting the records.
found that the W.OJJ lot was assessed at ? H > .
and the taxes for this j ear ere Ji cents
When he had Investigated sufiicienth to
find out that he had really bcn swindled he
secured aflida'uts from several real esrate
men of this citj. amonp them F J Diy and
J W S < iuire , statlnp wh it they know of the
deaL 1 he affidavits will be used by him in
tr.\mg to secure a settlement from the man
from whom he purchased the proper tj If
the settlement is not forthcoming a i riminal
prosecution will be started , and he hopes to
make an example out of some one that will
seno as a warninir to the rest of the parties
who aie one-aired in ] > eri > etrating this bare
faced fraud
Nun Vlnnderfcln Klpctrlrltr" .
A grcal discovery In electricity lias
been made. L5'ht absolute ! j destitute
of heat it , nrcxluced that bhines through
it t-olid vail us the prevent light thcoujrh
window gltts . The lijfht within a IIOUMJ
enables one putiide to i cad by it a *
though the brick walls \vcre translucent
glass. Prof. DMotte will u > plain and
illtMrnto this at the Broadwaj Meth
odist church Saturday evening.
Why let children die with diphtheriit ?
You can save them by Dr. Jetleris" rem
edy. Has been Used successfully for 35
years. Price S.1.00. For tule by Coun
cil BluflV druggists , also at 401 Cuming
street , Omuha.
For warming guest chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are just ,
what you want. Look at thorn. Clean ,
convenient , cheap. C. B. Ga and Elec
tric Light Co.
sale of flour this week at
Brown's C. O. D.
Ma * 111 * Ortkr In II til.
Superintendent Rothert of the Iowa
School for the Deaf Is restim : as comfortably
as could be expected , in view of a comjvound
fracture of one lee , resulting from his recent
fall He is not resting , however , in ono
sense , and a veo important one , too Al-
thouph on his back , and in not veo peed
condition for-work , ho is doing quite a land-
office buhiuiss Ho has had a queer looking
frame built up about his bed , a sort of dom-
bination of a p.wnnasiutn and office flv
means of a turning j > ole , within reach of his
hands , he is able to lift his shoulders and
shift his position a little , and exercise a few
of his muscles Attached to the standards
which support this pole i an in
clined board vrh'oh ho uses for a
wnlinp desk , while on each side are pipeon
holes and other comcuienc-cs for lead ) onlie
work At the head of the bed are electric
buttons , so that he can open the door or sip-
nal to auj putt of the building , while an
amanuensis t.\wnter | and telephone are
ut his command bj da > and nlciit. Thus
the crippled sapenutenlent is dom ? all the
necessarj purchasing and convspc-ndeuoe.
and performing all his official duties except
that of | r onal inspoctton of the different
departments The heads of these depart
ments. report , however , to him continually ,
and thus the work of earing for several hun
dred children is overseen almost as though
nothinp nad hap | < ened U is not a picnic
for him , however , as he is suffering at times
\erjwvorelj.and besides that is tortured
almost by the ivstleisness nuturall > reult-
iup from the captivity of one geuunill > so
active ,
Emma Kenuai'd. stenograplier , notary
dejwsitionN commercial work , letter
writing , 100 Main.
Foit SALE Ciitiens State bank stock.
Submit cash offer. E. H. Sheafe.
Ladies , don't forget that the Louis
are at : J5 Main street now. Cume all.
Murghiuallow cai atuoK at
Ilmtli on'olll Ivrruan.
Kolix Keauan , better krtow a AS Jim Wilson
Woane4a > eveujug at St Bernard' !
bet > | MUl of pural.N sis He was Uiceu aloul
the time of his wife's denttj several jean
as > j with a mild form of iut an t.\ which con i-
trew worse , until be had to be Ukci
to I fie state institution at t Mann la lie was
movfd fmn there two \enrs ago t < > the St
Bernurd s h pitat in this . -it\ where hi has
bern r\er sint * I'p to th ? time when his
maladj took him he was known as one of the '
most prumlnent sportlnp men in thecili aod |
his ( rantMInK houe wag one of the best man-
nped in Oounril Qlaffs The funeral will
takei4ace | tomorrow , the exact time to be
announcwi later
' prlnc AnnouurriiipnU
\\'c are now full.prefwred to show
you ttn of the most carefully selected
stocks of spring drwss goods ever shown
n Council BlulK If jKMgible we have
takeu more care than ever before , e ixs-
dally with our exclusive jwtterns.whfch
nri' < jompod of all the leading novoltle *
of England. France and Germany.
Among other other specialties shown
i ? our large line of plain good * In all the
latent weave * . aNo an endless asnort-
ment of medium pricwl domestic goods in
mixtures , plaids and checks.
Silks of all .the late-t make * , includ
ing kal-ki. hnbutai , china , bengaline.
phosphorus , tafletta. in plain , figures
and plaids.
The indications arc that thi is going
to be one of the largest silk seasons ever
experienced in this c mntry. We took
advantage of the same and placed a large
imjKrtation order , the lat of which ha- >
just arrived.
100 pieces new stvles China silks at
4e. inferior quality and stjles shown
elsewhere at 50c.
Imported Japaneeilks in solid colors
and tiirureat "oc. See other qualities
at We and SI.00.
Kai-ki wa h silks in bright and me
dium dark stripes , warranted to wash ,
are woven color * , not printed. Very ap
propriate for waists , wrappers and
children's dres-es. 24 inches wide at
75c IKT jard.
For Jl.OO we show the best 40-inch whip
cord and India twill in America in forty
different shades. Same goods retails
usually for SI.Ill and * l.2j. See them.
Figured crepons. in dark colors only ,
offered at our counter for o'.te. A yard
tame goods er st to imp"rt ( fiie. A bar
gain. Everj store has a "iOclineof goods ,
but our spring assortment is bewilder
ing , showing o\er ono hundred pieces
in plaids , stripes , mixtures , serges and
plain Henriettas.
We have a full assortment of calors in
the following new u eaves : Epingline ,
seleil cords , ottoman , phosphorubiege * .
whip CJids , serges at our usual low
price- .
In wool challies we have a larger as
sortment than over before , showing over
fifty of the lat-est styles in new chintz
colors imported by us from Alsace.
Imported patterns. e.\clu-ive stj les in
the now phosphorus effects , at JT.uO.
6s. : > 0. SIO.OO. } 13..0 , * ir .00 a pattern.
Seotcli plaids in light medium and
dark colors. oOc , 7. > c. il.OO. Sl.i" ) a yard.
English checks , beautiful tweed effects ,
at iOc , 75c. SI.00. 3-1.23 in 40 , 48 , 54-inch
Waterproof tweeds , full 50-inch wide ,
in checks , plaids and mixed effects ,
ery desirable for traveling suits , our
price cnly SI.25.
Ottoman in a full line of shade * , would
be cheap at 51.00 , offered at our counters
for 5c a vard.
Fotheritigham , Whitelaw & Co. .
Council Blulls , la.
N B. Kid gloves dyed and cleaned.
Agents for the celebrated Standard
paper patterns Mail orders promptly
attended to , all ciders sent prepaid.
Special sale of Hour this week at
Brown's C. O. D.
Jsrw C'Hfrs ii , Court.
The citj Is made dclcndant iu a suit which
has just been begun in district court by
George A. Holmes to collect > 3,000 for his
services as attorney in the Fainnouut park
litieation Holmes was citjattornej' at the
time the litigation was commenced , but
after it had been in progress one jear his
tenn of ofnce expired , and he names $3.000
as the amount Ms s = rvlccs were worth from
that time until the settlement last winter
Mention was made in these columns at the
tin.e the settlement was made with Finlej
Burke and Judpe Trimble of the fact that
Holmes had presented his bill , but it as
disalloweJ bj the c-ouuc-tl
S W has filed a petitiou In the
district court asking fora judgment of $1'JjO
against John Clausen for personal Injuries
received at his store on Upper Broadway A
couple of months ape ho went to Clausen's
store to U > ok for work , and ran across .iu em-
jiloj e of Clausen w ho. on learamp his errand ,
sent him to another part of the store On
the vfaj , while passing through a dark
e-ntrj waj.hefell into the elevator shaft ,
nnd he claims sustained a broken wrist and
injured spine
Itobert Johnson commenced a suit jester
da. % against Thomas Johnson to collect $450
for a board bill claimed to be due from the
defendant The latter s > wife died in July.
1SJW , but befoie her death requested the
plaintiff , he claims , to take care of her son
James He did so , and now wants a judg
ment for SS a week from the time he took
charge of the bov.
Active demand for acreage in the
Klein tract UMiries to its location ,
cheapness , nnd desirability for iruit. gar
dening and suburban property. From 1
to10 acres for sale , 24 mile- , east of post-
ofllce , by Day & Host , . 39 Pearl street.
The ttramt Hotel ,
Council Bluffs. Most elegant hotel in
Iowa. Dining room on tovcnthfloor.
Kates , $3 to SO j er day. E. F. Clark ,
Fi ce treatments daily from - to 4 p.
m. at the Council BluiTs Medical and
Surgical institute , 2Gth and Broadway.
Do you stnoke'J Ha\e vou tried T. D.
King vt Co.'s Partasras ? It's n charmer.
JusClight one.
At MoliaujV.
Manager Dohany has succeeded in secur
ing for bunduv night "The Danger Signal , "
wliirh has had suih a sui-cessful rue iu
Omaha duiing the iwst week The plaj is
aptlj termed an Jdjl of the rail and contains
manj- realistic railroad effects , including a
monster locomotive composed of steel and
iron , a ficipht train , railroad station and
telegraph oftice , a cj clone rotnrj snow plow the cannon ball eipress , which
crosses the stage at the rate of fiftj miles an
hour Miss iiosubcl Morrison , an actress of
exceptional abilitj , will be seen in the load
ing role , supported b.a . strong cast of
Finest Ari to cabinet photos , 2 j > er
dozen. Ab > > ton's studio , IS North Main.
\Villiamson & Co. , 100 Main street ,
largest and be-t bicycle stock in city.
Another impiw craent to the popular
Schubert piano. Swan on Music Co
Special sale of flour this week at
Brown's C. O. D.
\Voulinrt lErupu tin l.rqtirtt.
WASHINGTON , D C , March 2X. Secretary
Carlisle has requested the resignation ol
S M Pa net sou , second auditor of the
treasury. Patterson declines to resign
Am \ u vuth r r
An opjiortunity to S ] > end a few daj s in that
deliphuul spot , North Galveston , Tex. is
offered bj a special excursion to that i oint
which will leave Omaha , Neb , March .7 ,
1 U3. Kemarkable inducements are offered.
For particulars applj to D D Stueaton ,
ruoii. IT , Barker blu-k , agent. Oiuaha , Neb
To Cnltfurula , Ort'son mitl U'astiliittun.
The next "Philliite R ck Island" j er-
Mmally oonductod excursion to the
Pacific ct abt will leave Omaha Ma : eh
31st. with tup .additional excursions
Iea\ing in April , on the 14th andibth.
The o excursion * off or the only through
cars from Omaha to Lee Angeles and
! San Francisco. For particulars calleii
t any Rfk Island agynl or addrew
Charles Kenncxly , general northwestern
passenger | agent , 1002 Farnara street ,
, Omaha.
Strong rieawaal Organization to Bogi&
1 ,
ritmnclrrn Irotn Vnrli u 1'ortloM * of tlir
stntr sub.rrlt.g IS''OO.OIIO Cap
itol MocM-Vlan of the
I'roM | rd ( link.
DK MOIXE , la , March 38 [ Siwial Tele-
pram to TMB BSE ] Twentj-flv * men inter
ested in the batiktm ; business in the various
cities in the state met in Des Moines today
to consider the project of organizing the
Bankers lowra State bank with a capital of
tl.iXKUUO. Ex-Senator Galock occupied the
chair and V. F Newell of Des Moines acted
as secrctarj' Messrs Albert Head of Jeffer
son , J Hee < d of Ida Grove and S F Proutj
of Dos Moinc-s wereapiointe ( > d a committee
to prejwre articles of incorporation
After some dlscu sion the committee's re
port was adopted and these ofttcers elected.
AllH-rt Head , Jefferson , president. O H.
Galock. Des Moines. first vice president. J.
W Heed. Ida UroM * . second \ii-e president ;
V F Newfll , Dts Moines. cashier
The alove ofticers with the following , con
stitute the director. * Georce Fairburu. S
F. Prouty and N B llajmond. DCS Moines :
C F McCarty , Jefferson. C F Coles , CornIng -
Ing : George U Brown , Kockwell Citj : L.
Lindbarper , Oxford , J B Burton , Kellopg ,
Charles Yale , Yale , Robert Kasoii. Stranton
Cit.\.audJ A Mills , Nevada
The imid up capiUil of smOOO was sub-
riUnl at once and the bank will be-gin
jusiuc-ss June 1 in the new E < iuitable build-
"up- _
'Men limits Itn..i.
MLVERN , la . March 23 [ Special to Tun
BEE ] Considerable activitj is belnc mani
fested in business circles Hoose A : Wain-
w right have sold their lumber jard to C. U
3rcunx\ood and Ed Morse of Silver City
The\ take i > ossession April 1
J E Skadden A : Co will oi > en a new lum
ber \ ard on First a\enue
S A Foster and P D Smith of Lincoln ,
Neb . ha\e leasc d pi\3und east of the Wnbash
depot and ha e lumber enroutc for a whole
sale and u'tail jard
Hoose A : Wainw right have bought an in
terest in the A J Neime * er Lumber com-
panj of St Louis Mr Hoose has bt"ti
elected vice president and Mr.Vainwright
parchasing agent.
Tne Baptists are preparing to erect a
f 10.000 church building
A number of new residences will be built
as soon as the w cathor limits.
1 lircHH'iicil hWliitu Cii .
CEDAU HAI-IIK. la. . March 23 [ Special
Tele-gram to THE BEE [ Evidentlj a band of
white cans has been organized here This
morning John Miller roceivc-d the following
JOHN MlLLEit Wet heri'liy notify jou to
leave town within fi\c-d.ns. If not jou will
bo tic-ati'd to a linooyat of tar and fc'ithi-r ! ,
and If jour I'tnplojtT Jot's not im-nd bis wajs
and treat his wife iutu-e < lc-cc-ntl > we ill serxe
him the same waj. llj ordct of
Miller is a bartendcr-at the notorious > int
whw-e Jo jn Jones fc'tl down stairs some time
ape and was found dead the next moinlnp
and where Dannie O'Brien , the minstrel
man. was found dead a few dajs later. The
matter has causeo a great snnsation.
Co-tl.l I'lrut Clarion.
MA OS Cm , la , Inarch i5 [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE ] A nre at Clai ion last
night putted the- principal part of the town
The loss will amount to at least J30.000 A
furniture and Jewelry store , restaurant ,
millmerj- store , outcher and barber shop
were burned The e nteuts were mostlj
sa\ed , bat in a dnnlage-d condition The
w hole town w ould htn e been w iped out had
it not been for the h&ivj ram that was fall
ing there It was ttie work of an mcendiarj- .
shot an Innocent.
Om-MWi , Ja , March 23 [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE ] The man Edward who
was shot bj She-nil Lowrej ef I'nnccton ,
Mo , who -vas endeavoring to escape near
Center * ille , is in a djing condition It now ,
transpires that he was not one
of the Princeton burglars , but was
at Moulton the night the burglar.v
was committed His friends will
bring action against the sheriff and Mercer
couutj , Missouri , for heavy damages
To ICeac'i OuiHh.t.
MASON CITT , la . March 23. [ Special Tele
gram to , TUB BEE. ] At a mass railroad
meeting hero last night the citizens TCICM ! to
accept the offer of the AVmom A : Southwest
ern Hatlroad companj and give them a .1 per
e-ent tax for coming here This will doubt
less settle the entire matter of the location
of the road and the outlet will now doubtless
be Omaha.
Miikt I'aj ( or Ills fun.
Four DOI > GE , la . March 23 ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] William Crouse of Stil-
son. la , a small town north of here , was
arrested todaj- Grouse is accused of havmc
sent obscene matter throuch the mail. The
matter refened to was a lettc-r in which he
called a fellow citizen a foul name. He was
held to the United States grand jury.
former Oinnlii .Man Married In IIrooll\n
1-ii.t Mght.
In N. Y. . last evening Mr. A B.
Roeder. formerlj of Omaha , was married to
Miss Lillian A Scarles , daughter of John E
Searles , jr. president of the Havemejcr
Surar trust The ceremony was performed
bj-Bishop Vincent at the home of the bride
on S3 Marks avenue Onlj the members of
the two families and near iclatives we're
present. H is rcporte-d that the bride is an
heiress and a member of New York s 400
Mr Koeder is a native of Wisconsin and
was educates ! in Madison For seveial jears
bc'nrc coining to Omaha he was editor of a
German newspai > cr published in Milwaukee
While in Ornaba Mr iloeder represented a
life insurance compauj and was liuallj- made
general agent at Denver. About two jcais
ago he devide-d to give his c'ntire time to his
mining interes's and he has made consider
able moncj He recentlj built a fine resi
dence on Capitol Hill in Dener , where ho
will hereafter make his home
iT.lTK3 MIGHT * 1
Leclfcl tors " "d tln - ( Joicrnor Iit.aKrcf on
the < .iitji-ct.
jErrEB ov Cirr , , Mo , March 23. The
thirtj-seventh general asserablj * of the state
of Missouri adjourned toJay sine die.
The house joint and -concurrent resolutions ,
asking congress to pass Icgislition restrain
ing the federal judldurj from encroaching
upon states rights , > vas called up this morn
ing in the senate , uml defeated , only eight
senators voting for , at. This lanes the-
governor without tbo support of the gc'neral
assembly in his position concerning the
federal and state courts
Killed In a Itiiltroitl Arrltlent.
NM. , , March 23 There
was a collision between a passenger and
freight train last night at Exeter , near Ash
Fork , on the Atlantic k Pacific railroad , in
whi h i ng.uf r KoVert Yojn ? and a firo-
m n w re kiLcd The wrm.k was caused by
irregularity , resulting from the trouble be
tween the c < emi > any and employes who are
meunbers of the Brotherhood of Kailwnj
Emploj os Young was a member of that
order , so the wrecu e-annot be charged to
the brotherhood Much feeling is expressed
arootig the men against the foJeral court
for utaklne a restraining writ , returnable at
a distant day.
rcniiKjItituta Coal Miners.
1'jrr.Bt-no , Pa , Murch 'J3 The striking :
coai miners of the Mon ngahoU valley met
at MoMongahula City today and ro olvod
uBaniwously to rt main out until the oper
ators concede te the demand for 8' cei.t J
] r bashel
Sc'ein s of the strikers' families have bt en
noufiod to vacate the oompanj's houses
within ten daxs The strikers sa\ that
starvation is the onlj thing that will break
the * tri'c The rnnk "f thr strikers w ere
trtnfon'cd toda * In tlie mimrsut ihi l < > al
Hluff and Share Oaks n.tnis lh. '
struck because the superintendent
them to mine coal for the river coatrai is
t3nit IT iittri.K n n Hin.
I'onra Drlvluc 1'ark A xielntt3ii I'lan * for
> oiuc Orrilt Itnrr * .
PONC * . Neb , March 83 'Sjwclal Tnr
BEE. ] Th * Ponca Dririnc and Fair xsscxia-
tkm h s determined to offer & ? 17 IK 0 fut ur
Hy stake , which 1 * to uc known a * tin-
"Triple Fnturitx , " for fouls of 1 H bred
ralwd and de\elotx d in Mi iuri. Kansas ,
Iowa , Illinois , Wisconsin. Michiian. Mmtic-
sola. ? > orth Dakota. South Dakota Mon
tana. Wj-ominp and NcbraiRa
The stake is to be divided as follows
At summer rneetine 1SW. Jl.MOfor j car-
ling trotters , JWO for j porting jwcers
At summer meeting WO. ? 4.WK ) for 2 j car-
old trotters. SI 000 for 2-jcar-old jiaccrs
At summer meet Ins I IKJ. f > .800 for 3-jear-
o.d trotters. fl.VU for 8-j oar-old pacers
Kntrance fee w ill be tS to nominate mare
on Julj is. isftx. nnd10 January 1. Wl
when the e-olor and sex of colt must be
fi\en Entrance fco for j purling , 1 per
cent , entrance fee forS-.venr-olds 2 per cent ,
entrance fee for 8-j ear-olds , 8 per cent
The 2 and 8-j ear-olds have consolidation
purses for starters in the main stake that do
not in money
A tll ( pujment on each nomination is to be
tnndeJanuarj 1. IsM-tO-ltO
This is the largest futurltj ever offered
west of the Missouri river , and it Is to t > e
hoj > ed will be largely patronised.
( olnp nt ( itttrntiurc.
NEW YOHH , Maivh 'J8 Tne follow ing are
the results of the. races at Guttenburg
rir t race , three-quarters of n inllr : Ttlchal
i5 to 2i 51011. i linrurti r c7 to 1 > second , lllack-
lock (11 ( to 6 > third Tune : ll'Ji < .
Sfoond rac ( . four mid a half fuiloiics :
I'ol ) flora (8 ( to li won Cnpulln (10 ( to ' ( second.
AuiUI'ooi ( 2 to li third. TJinc" 57' .
Tlilrd nice thrc-t-qiiHrter- n Tiille : Mo-
lilan id to li ncn. HIiicKliurn (12 ( to II second ,
lniio\atlon i3 to li thlid Time : 1:1&H.
1'ourtli rare , one mile lllluen (4 ( to > ) won ,
? t James 16 to li second , Le--ter ( b to 0) ) third.
TimeIMD'4. .
riftli rare , fixe and a htilf furloncs : Ciaft
(10 ( to 11 won. Alarm llec < i& toUi'-eccind.Tonuuj
Dlxuiiibtu&itlitrtl Time : 1.12'4
Mxtli inrp , sinnd a half furloncs' ct Dcn-
nlilD to liwon Ole teriecniecond , Itelic'f (3 (
toDtlilid. Timei 27.
ItiKlnc ut No" Orl < ani > .
Km OULEANS , La. Maivh 23 Todaj's
races w ere run over a slow track.
rir t lace , fixe furlong. Mas V i&to l > won.
Gc-orcle llamlln iG to ll sccondItetH.1 ! ( DO to li
third. Time 1 0- \
s-econd nice , fixi furloncs- C TurUer iH" >
to li won , Cialen llmwti i" to 2 | second , Aii cl
jr. (5 ( to 2i third Time" 104 ? , .
Third nice , fixe and n half fuilonEd m
( 4 to 51 vron. I.lttle llaltic i'J to 2) ) Mcoml Hnn
(12tolttilid ) Time. 1 12 < f
I'ourth nice , sl\ furloncsBo toti Ittix . & to
IITXOH. Con Klmifx ( G to 1) ) sc-confl , Texas < Ju
Dthlrd. Time 1-17 > | .
rifth race , furlongs : Tr-imp iG to & > won
\\edceln-ld (7 ( to ll second , Kedhm i7 to &
third. Time1.17. .
( rtfir Rotliriilinri ; Kxiurxlon.
On Ajiril 4 I will run an exe.ur-.iun .
to Gothenburg at a one-fare rate- for th
round trip from any point on the Unmn
Pacific railroad.
A party is being formed at St Joseph.
Mo. , another at diou.Citj and one at
Omaha. For tickets , berths or an > in
formation inquire at my office L. Kat-
bach blcck , Omaha.
The water power and electrical use of
said po\xer and the manufacturing in
dustries at Gothenburg will astonish
vou. Ccal and \\ood are no longei
"in it. "
ii .i + ° j.'t ic.t i r > .
Northerlj Winds and sninire rroiuUcd
for b a ka 1 oiU.x.
WAsnivGTON. D C . March 23 Forecasts
for Fridaj . For Nebraska Uuht snoxx
folloxxed bj clearing xveather : northerlj
winds : slightlj warmer in norttixvcst portion
For South Dakota Licht snoxvs followed
bj' clearing weather ; northerljxxinds slight
rise of temperature in western portion
For Iowa Light snoivs : colder , north
westerly xvinds. xx Sth cold xvare
l/onil Hrrord.
Ornrc or THE WEATUEK Bcnnxr OVUUA ,
March 23 Omaha recor J of temperature and
rainfall , compared xx-ith corresponding daj of
past four j ears
1&93 Ib02. 1631 1590
Maximum temperature. 3s- & 3 = 41 = & : :
Mlnlmututempeiatuie. . 2S = 1 < J = 31 i 30 =
Axeruge tfuiperatuix33 = 30 = 3b = 42 =
rrccipltatlon .20 .00 OU OO
Statement shoxvine the condition of tem
perature and prezipituion at Omaha for the
daj and since March 1 , 1S3J :
Normal temperature 40 =
Deliclenox fet tlie dax 7 =
DeUcIencj since March 1 65 =
Nonnttl precipitation. ub inch
Excess for the duv 14 Incii
llcbclencj since .March 1 03 Inch
KeportK from Other I'olnU ut 8 p. in.
p 2
Omiiba 20il.lRbt snow
.Norili I'latte . . .Ors-now
Kearney a I Willoadr
eblc&tro . . . . . . . 04 Itiiln
SL l.ouln- i- - .tO'douily. '
-U Tanl 12 cloudy
liarrapurt . . . M Ti lauUy
K&D9U9 City. . . CJ .Oxt 4 luudy.
Denver. . . ' 1 il'artl loud )
itll I.aleC'lty J jc'oudy
KnpldCII ) . . 10 Ol Cluud )
Helena M I'nrie lordy.
C'ulmrj . . . . ( * ) Partt loudy
Uitmarck . . . U ? 1 luudy
su Ap.clle . . . ( tj I'cnc loudy
MlnneUosa . . . UU I mteiuud }
M Mnceot . . . 1 c Iciuflr
Cbejennc. ( U I'artl-loua.r
Miles eitr . . . 1 it Ip.r
1 ' 1'aitloudy
Local Forecast Ottuul
ItCurnCcldi Cauh > Sore Threat Cronr In a >
trr , WhoopirF Ccupb , Ercntbiui and Attiaiu
A certLin cure fr C nic pUon in rit > Ucr ,
ttda cure rcliif la Ldrisctc tueti. Mtt : t c t.
You wll see tae rxc > lct fS * : : after t&bi tbe
trit 4o EcM t ; " ri erir Trhtre
rottl i 60 ec- . * " " *
All klnJi ot Dyeln : anJ C can nt clun ° > n
him lnlio > t ttvln of t 10 rt. 1'uleJ mil
tHinoJ faunc-i male to Ion. jt sixI > ne *
, UurK promptly dine nn I du.i erg j In all
j partk of luu country St-nJ for ura Itt
C. A. MACHAN , Proprletar.
litcudwar. near Northwest * > a ot ,
Co not I Ulattj , J.a
psssss ; V > V4
\ js J- L - * ; $ F *
C. A , SCHOED3ACK , Propr.olor.
inQt Clentilnrr mid 7 c
Omaha oflice. Ii21 Farnam St. Te ephono 1521. Council U uff < ollca and wor.tJJ
cor. Ave A and 2oth St. Telephone 310. Send for irculars and price list.
Just reached a Hue line of
Have rctiiotod from nij ni I st ind
and now occupjtlic < tit > ru Hour.
Over 510 Hroachvay , Council
SIOO-High Crada Pneuma
tic. SI25-33lb. Road
12 \ ear * ovporieri'o , largest line
of wheels in the wo t see wholesale
or retail Renai-i-jr done. Wo can
| < hnnce vour old solid t re to A piou-
m itie Scud for catalogue.
I I COLJ3 ctCOZ.I3 ,
Council Bluffs. la.
So'o Agents for Viet or Bicyc'.ea
A.nheu&er-Bu&ch Jieer
. & - &
Anhe-UECr , BudwcicTuist ana Pile BKKRS. EITIICR ROTTLED OR IN
K13 ( > S , can lea\e o ders nt No H Mam street ( ouncil Bl'iflIo ' . a , or Tclo-
phot.e3J3. Gooas delivered or itnui \ . b JLK AGEN't. V FOR
ihat's my wife's you know wears
a cheerful , life-is-worth-living expres
sion , ever since 1 presented her a box of
She is always recommeriSingAlr/vfr'j
soaps to her friends says she is
through with experiments has just
what she needed to make labor easy ,
and ensure perfectly clean clothes.
She knows what she's talking about
don't forget it.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Dusly PiuEond Tar Soap ? & ; ; & .
lmnro 3 ] S3fjl' Elwhn
I - ' S Se .
5 * t ? * 4 ?
MA1IA ni I I' F 1' U lint e.L\i-
cor Otli < t nnJ 11e f oum u UiuU"
Will rotnemd bare the o cia-nn * ! bf o ir optl
rrtofchHrte anl. if no arrHiiel witli neil ?
< .ur . I'EIIH-.CTIOX s | > KrTi : i.KSur KV1S li.\
t-K Ibe ben'ia the wund If jojdo DJ- nee
ve will te I you o undn.r.t- wast to Uo. i.ol.
1 KC el.Cs or KB oi-AssHs H ; vt ti > l ft
I'lkm mote blue ur waiie isiclor prj.tfcwai vai
eye * , truai j L i jjiir af
Max Meyer & Bro. Co
Jewelers and Ooticians.
Turn uit > ani I Ifto Dt Mrmt
A. H. DYE a ,
ltr\.ltor , uarduMi.o" , lurturj
unit HII uork r - < j uirinr a tliuriiusli unii
liructlrul l.nuu Iril'jc ol riin lrucll ju .uul
klrrngtn ul uiHirrlal * , H > nr < ult } .
r ( I , Hot 334. I rrmont , Neb.
co > tm tlio e-npiovcr unit einp oyee
nutti nz. U s > ed us to a j aa.'e tlie i
e lsof jolb anJ m > Ji i /
better re utts Hithlbi m\cb na.
Wyckoff , Seaman & Benodicl
Tr ' . M ) V 1 il ITU PAR NAM T
HIPAnS 1ASULt3 - .
thr fUmu ch. lirtr UM tiuwr * * j'uri r
(7 tb- Mood trr nlr KUI Mlu-iul . 1
tb tirf tDt < < Uru > * lujw L tor lobou-
Lmth cf <
tali * * t < 91 U i
&w rcmlttcirf rum
, . .re by the A < HUI * h bvrrtr.c
to | * rf . jm p-o.Kir f utrucui. 1 1
nijiil ! * rte t > * loaiJ , 1 rrotM , It Manilla. Ifce. T
l-A-VS CTlEMfCii cJo 1C ( .nic IV VorV
* * * fr
r $
ClH'XCll. Itl.l 'i
In the greatest of all realistic playi
ns&iprn PI IIII
Presented xvith all Its
toiita ! scenic end Hgcwoi Eiiecis ,
Requiring txvo car * In tr-iniportatlon.
VxITII ITP-lIfe m c railroad scone * , Mon
ster iron lojouiollxe , ( snow plow.
\tf > feet Ion ; 12't feet lilzli. eroislns the stnjft
In fix a seconds.
PKIon 7T > c. Mr. nnd l" > c. beats on sale Sat
urday at better * ! Dharntacy
Prof. Johrj p.
the noted s.clent st. ! il lecture ,
Harp of the Senses. <
S.lTIrV.W.lKCH -.Til. '
Electricity , <
Mu'jn Cccntly IlluslnteJ xvilli thoSt roop-
tlcou and T.\u riincnU.
TicLeti nt Hirfi Jewe ry store.
If you are suTenng
If yau are su < Tcrinz w ib cold in the bead ,
c&turrb earuche. Jeafnoss or discbiir eb from
the ears if itu are sulTL-r 04 with dlseatiesot
the throat DR W. H. CHAMBERLIH is
u coinitetCDt ittid rflint ) ospoi luiUl In Ckiarrh
and ( life sss of tn < > eve o r and tlirott Ofiieo
u < cr He-no i. Co 's store Oouiutl Illulls , Iowa j
Special pJofcicc3. i
I OIl SALK 1 ull itt of tl mer toolt coodconll-
tloo a b&rgala Inquire uf Kmpklc bujtart
Hnrdoareio Council Ulufli
1J * ill IIEVT l.nree 10 rooru lie j witli all modern
tniiiroTemeoti on I'arL avenu1' f2i per mo&tb
e-rooiu bou e wltli coud barn new , (13 per month.
I tuculn avenue *
l-on * cuttago bo i i In Twin ' ity 1'lace , near '
Ueyi Uroi' f actury. h i > er mootu eich '
S-room cotuuei on'llilrd areauts uortb of tr n -
fir ill per month k
ii-roum c.ouasoon Arenu r neir ntbitraet.1) 4
ier month . to K. II C'Jjll .Vo T , Ualdxla
tloct i ouncil iluUj.
\\TA TEU-elrl for ceuTil boufework. 11. 1'
< > Cullohiu : nu Cth tveuae
GMlUAd.i. r.'tuOTisl oj | xi9lt , viultt rhlmneri
cleaned UHI prepjroJ fjr tha wjrt KJ
tlurke cllf bullJlDZ
IllA\ < C a largs Iut of | iraprlf loiproted anl
LiilmproTtxl for aalii to all pm ot tbu cllf.
mo > tuf It ut iuw | irlo i , foaeutil Turf cnnap if
> ou tbluk of buyioi : O'faj aol m wbit 1 cjii
oCerrou It mar na a you uunr 11 o .Mcjee.
> o 10 Mam > tra < t-
I > Jl'Da > N c'fll en loeT Hla prlaU of
tiuneli llluSi anil all ndJul'jni ulio put
ead of Hdtt VUblb
- > iv A' liK farm tn wUir ejunir Nebraska , all In
tJiulllTatlun RMM ) | M > r aem lrtt elm cltj
lirojiertj' to aictaanc * for fjol laad bond ut ile-
* rrtjilo& | of tb la&d ) OK Uur tu 0S r J&button
\ VfcB I'attvo.
ami Mtant. fttyt a J eltr propjnr
iuy and takL faxi Tltoaiii exiaaaU
MC'DEIIN ' refldooee outh * * l rn NeUatLai
Council Uluilt Uit audTJ fc farm ncbario
ill ( or couni II IKu3 r * ldi .r AOdr tU K U. ,
\\irnemUe Vtb
\TANTKl > A fOoA t'.y ktout li > to tike cue ut
. md do rtiorti. Jacob cia. .