r-t " " HMAMA nAir.v nn\i.\"iM \ > inA v At A PPM 17 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Had Orop Report ? Materially Advanced the Price of Wheat i COLU WAVE RUMORS ALARMED SHORTS rent n re or I In ? Corn Mnrkct U'nn the Clinr- ctor or tlm .Mot I'lnciit from lint JlniuU UecclptVrru b'u- uiunlly Small. CIIICAOO , III. , Mnrrli 1C. Ilnil crop rciiorts' chlclly from I'ctitrnl Illinois.Missourimitl Knii- sas tniitt'rlully ndviuiced the price of wheat today. Tliu cllitio | kept buying Miy : , not very aKKrtsilvi'ly , Imlrnoiixli to kuep tliu shorts lit n riuliiT nurvotis fnimo of intiiil. The closing wits ? 4cJilKhor for May. " , lilRliur for July tliiui IhucIoxtiiK ycHtnnliiy. Corn N tip llu. Pork mill laid cadi lOc and rlhs Gc. IlcNhlrs the crop diuimuo reports , news ciiino thut another cold uruvu In on tliu wnv mid ti-nipi'riitiut" ) In the southwest nlarmltiKly low. I'ahlM started olTa Mmilu better. Do- niPNtli' imirkuH w ro nearly nil stronger and Hit ) oHVrlinci of wheat rather light. Tliu Cin cinnati I'rko Current' * wuukly crop xuniniary Admitted roiislduruulu daniaKu to wlieat. The oncnlngMIH from Uu to ? c higher , nnd with Nome IIiH'timtluns prices worn tidvanced riotn ' 41' to lc more , then held stonily , and tlm closlnp was within Xi-nf tlm top. The feature of tliu corn market was thu Rrinllt ' 'Intruder of tliu movement , from llrst liamK Hie recelptH belns thu Minllc-t : of the crop. Country shlnnurs havn not had tltno to Ftiirt , mtieh Rriiln hlncu the recent resumption of east hound frulcht tralllc and dealers liavo nntl'-lnati'il .small arrivals all thl- wool ; . These fni't.M , lo uthcr with a show of llrmiiesslnothor markets , caused a small fractional advance from yesterday's clowns prices , though the nmrl.et wa.s decidedly narrow and unlntoresl- Ing Whllu tliu ported ruculpts 'oil 2i > cars fcliurt of expectations at GC. thn estimate for tomonon U also small an d ( ho local Inspec tion largo. Only 1H cars contract i ado were received nnd the regular m.'TKer. gained P lllllo on thu Indications of a fair demand for corn to KO to store at figures a llttlo closer to thn May price than at thu heKlnnlnj ; of thu week. Covering of May shorts hy ntlo.-vii trader was thu noiahle e\ent In Hie oal.s cnmd. Thu were not law. and as oilier srnlns Fl.oimDull hhls anil shade under tlio asked prlca ; wlnier patents , I3.70S4.20 ; winter slrnlghts , M.30fo3.36 ; sprlne "patents , J3.H556 4 IU ; spring straight , i2.60tt3.tu ; bakers' , WIIKAT No. 2 sprint ; , 7347.l ? ci No. eprlng , nominal ; No. 2 roil. 73'iffs7334C. COIIN No. 2. 41 W42c : NO. 3 cash , 3'JSic ; No. 2 yellow , 4 lye : No. 3 yellow , 40c. UATB NO. 2. 31c ; No. 2 white , f. o. h. , BCiasoyr ; No. 3 white , 33c. KVK No. 2. Hue. UAin.KV No. 2 , 02c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 44@50c ; No. 4. 33ft.I4c. Fl.AX SiiKlt No. 1 , $1.20. TIMOTHY riKF.n-1'rlino , SI.30. 1'OIIK Mc.ss , per 1)1)1. , $17.47Sai7.no. ! Lanl , per 100 llw. , iHU.10ftl2.lu ; short rlhs sldei ( lixf.ii ) , $10.12'JT610.1u ' ( ; dry Milled Hliouli ders ( ho.xudi , O ; sliort clear sldo.s ( boxed ) , . . . WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , par gal. , HUOAIW I'licliaiiKed : cut loaf , G , ® 5.vc ; granulated , G'ic ' ; standard "A , " oc. The following were the receipts and ship- nieniH for today : On thu Produce exchange today 4ho butler market was strong ; creamery , 20tt'J7'/ic ; dairy , UOiS'J&c : . E * ' i easier ; strictly frtuli , New Vork Markets. Nr.w VOHK , March Ifi. 1'Yoim ' It--colp'.s. 2-J.HU4 pkgs.j o.xponts , 23,243 bills. , 7,405 Micks ; sales , 25b)0 ( ) pkgs ; market steady ; low grades , $2.20J$2,55 ; low grades , fair to fancy , * 2.253.25 ; low grades , patents , $2.85 ® 8.25 ; .Mliinc-ota clear , t'J.OOff.a.OO ; Minnesota slralghts- t'.UO4UO ) ; Mlhncsotii patents , 4.255. ( > 0. I'oitN MKAI/ Dull , steady. IlAiti.iv I'lrin ; western , C HAIII.KV MAI.T Dull , bteady ; weslorn , 05 © 85e. 85e.WIIKAT WIIKAT lii-coliits , 21,700 hu. ; exports , 00,4(17 ( hu. ; sali-s , 6,440,000 hu. futures , 112- 000 bu. Hput. Spot , market llrmor , fairly urtlvu ; No. 2 red , In store and eluvalcr , 7&J < 4b 76'ie ' ; alloat , 7f > ' } ! iA7lI4i' ? : f. o. b. . 7ll' < (77ic ! ; No. 1 norlliern , BUyor83e ; No. 1 hard , Bi1j87r ( ; No. 2 northern , H1VW'-'c. Options active , ittCUc on reported ihimiiu ) to crops , firmer cables , higher on shorts covering ; lirm vrllli the tradi ) chlelly switching ; April , 75' < ! 0 70' e , closing at 70 > 8e ; May. 70 U-lC.4j.77 7-llie. closing at 77 ? c ; JuiiL1 , 77 ? ffl7b ! c , closing at 78 > kc. Uoiix llrcelptH. 20,400 hu ; exports , C.4HO UU. ; sales , 220,0001)11 ) , futures , 4 . ( )00 hu.spot. ripols dull ; No. 2 , fi'JiuA'/J'ic In eluvntor D44J54lCalloat ; iiiigrniled mixed. & 2fJ54He ; Btcamcr mixed , 02 > icNo.3 ; , t > l&b'2c. Options VLTO dull and 'it ; hlgheiMvlth wheat and the west , closing llrm ; MayIKy8Gl'c. | closing , 61' < e ; July. SO'.fttilV.olosIng , Dl ec. OATS Hei-elpts , 40,350 hu. ; exports , 10,281) ) ; Miles , 150.00(1 bu. , futures , 202,000 bu. spot. Hpots nctlvK , llrm. Options tinner : April OHIV.Miiy , 37W3HC. cliHlng 38o ; spot No. 2 vrulto , l3 4-J'ej No. 2 Uhlcaifo , 41V : No. 3 , 3H > iCi No. 3 white , 43Ic ! ; mixed 3U4i41c ( ; whltu westurn , 424i40c ; May urm , fair demand. HorsQulel.easy. . llniKS Active. I'IIOVIMIONS Cut meats , weak ; pickled bel- lles10'itlO _ ' ( 4cpickled ; shoulders. " lckleil hams , lil S'iaVc ; middles , llrmer. Lmile lirm ; western closed at f 12.20 asked ; mile , none ; option sales , 750 tierces ; March , 112.20 ; May , K12.20 ; July. Jl t.UO ; Seplemlier , I11.25.U 11.SO. closing in hl.35. 1'orU. quiet. HiJTTEii Kteudy ; we.stein creamery , 2'J4fl SH'iC. ( 'iiKKMK-Dull. ' easy. Kims ( Jood iiemand , llrm ; recelptH , 10.577 pkgs. we-tern freili , 17'iUl74'c ? ; duck , 32o. TAI.W W Qulot , weak. I'KTHOi.KU.M Tlie iinirkut opened steady and i the tonu remiilned the same ihrtmchimt. Thu I opening price 04TiC , hlghesl , lir.o ; luwest G-l'.c , nnd closed at Ojc bid. I'ennsylvaiila oil , SJKII sales , none ; April options , sales , IHI.lMio bbU. ut U41iiti5c ( ; l.lma oil , sales , none ; -JLio bid. Total sales , 30,000 blil.s. ItosIN Quiet , steady ; good (1.40&1.45. TlIlll'KNTINK- , ilrili ; ai3ijC. ) Iticu l-'alr ihimanil. MOLASSES- New Orleans open kettle , good to Cliolce , fairly actlvu tlriu. SriniiItuw , siiMidy , moro active ; Niiles , 231 hlids. Muscovado. HU tekt , at 2c ; 22,000 bugs ci'iitrldigals , DO test , at 3 5-10U3 ll-32c. and U.OtHI bags molasses sugar , 81) ) lest , ut She ; re- ttned , dull , steady , I'm IIIO.N Dull , btently ; Amor lean , (12.75 ate 16.50. roi'l'Ell--Quiet , easy ; lakn , J11.75. I.KAIi-Kfriut domeslli13.95. . TIN- Straits , 21.10 bid , D21.25 usked. OniHlut I'roduce AUirkcl. The receipts continue very light for some reason and the initiket l necessarily iiilut. | Al'1'l.es ( . 'liulcii stock , * 4. 1IANANA8 I'ur bunch , Incliullng crutch and ' packing. IJ.OOit2.70. IIKAN8 I'holco navy. t'J. < 5. IIUTTKU-I'acklng slock , ir > ai7c : fair to y roll , Ibauoo ; fancy roll , la kinall I'Ai.iroiiMA I'AiuiAoK 1'er lb. , 3c. t'EMtnv Tor dor , 40o. C'ltANimililts TIT box. } 3,25 , ( UlcuuutitA 1'er dor.r- . Kaua TUo receipt ! were llyht and while * Rood runny denier * wore offering nt Uc Mime were trylim In del n little mnrr. ( UMi : Mallard nnd redhead tluekx. ln.H-t ( ) .1.5(1. ( tenl nnd mixed. 1\.ir/J.n \ < } . - .mail gceie , .j. | fnnada uee e. | n.iHn 7.0O. tlitAl'H KitriT I'er1)ox ) , 13. HO. llAV , - . . . . . . . . . Hum-No. 1 grot n , 4c : No. 2 grenn , He ; No. 1 urecii , called , 4'ic ' ; No. 2 green , willed , il'jc ; No. 1 green , milted , 25 to 40 HIM. , 4' , r > ; No. 2 green nailed , 25 to 40 lb , , 34c ! No. 1 veal , calf , H lo 15 llw. , He ; No. 2 venl calf. 8 lo ID UN. , ric ; No. 1 dry Itlnl , 7Hc : No. 2dry Hint , OHC. No. 1 dry salted. Gc. llONKY-Uholet' to fancy while clover , 18& lUci fair lo good , lOftiHc. I.Mio.NK-Cliolct' , J3.50 : fancy , f4. NKW VRIIKTAIII.KH Lettuce , 4V ( ; radishes and parsley , 45c per do/ ; . ; green onions , 35c. OiiANUHsI'lorlihi fancy , per box , 1J3.60 ; russetts. 13.2ft ; Mexican oranges , single boxes , M.2.V 5 lo 101)0lots , f 3 ; California mountain oranges , $2.50 ; Wnshlnglon iiaU'ls. Jl ; New castle t'allfornlii seedlings , 12.70 ; Mod. sweets , J2.7.V. Klvor-dde seedlings , $2.70. ONIONS Home grown , per bbl. , } 4 ; Spanish , per date , 12. O vsTinis Per can , lO'MSc. 1'OTATor.s-Colorado , II 2021.25 ; choice na tive stock , Mil We. 1'ot'i.TitvThi ) market N very poorly sup plied and poultry of nil kinds U very scarce. Choice live chickens , OSilOc ; diessed , ll12c ; geesu and ducks dressed , 1 l < Q.12c , STIIAWIIKIIUIKS Per iilart | , iir/daOc. SWF.KT I'OlATOKS-'I'er 1)1)1 ) , , 15. TAMll'.llINKS in half boxes. 12.75 .3.00. VIAI.Choice : and small fat veals , 7 < a9e ; large and thin. 3SGc. lliislncss Clinngeii. The following are reported at Dun's : Alliance , Neb. . . I. Helms , confectionery , sold out to T. .1. Wallace. Ansley , Nob. , ,1. A. Payne , meat markut , suc ceed ed'by ( ' . O. Plxley. Cliester , Nub. . Mrs. K. It. Kiibrlenison , milli nery. succeeded by Mrs. K. 11. Illekenlooper. Crelghton , Nob. , J. P. Johnson , Implements , burned out. Ited Cloud , Neb. , It. Cummlngs ( Mrs. A. ) , les- tntirnnt , sold out to Tuir Sutton. Aureln. la. , lly llebbel , general store , gave hill of sale of half Inlercst. llawkeye , la. . 11. ! ' . Sclirlver & Co. , general store , attached for$2ono. Independence , la. , 10. C. Mllle , hardware , gave bill of sale for JS.BOO. Meservy , la. , ( Illbery Thompson , hardware , attached for W08. Panama , la. , Oeorgo Ducsel k Co. , gnioral store , attached. Qulmby , la. , M. Kenton .t Hon. hardware and furnltuie , gave bill of sale for 11,741) ) . Qulmby , In. , William Harm's , restaurant and hotel , gave bill of sale for } 300. The following are reported at Ilradstreet's ; Omaha , Nelson & I'etuison , meat markut , gave hill of sale for $300. . Ansley , Nob. , .1. A. Payne , moatnmrket , sold out. Aurora , Neb. , W. W. Kails , billiards , etc. , sold out. lloelus , Neb. , Niels Jensen , general store , sold out. Danbury , Nob. , C'ass & Parson , general store , dissolved , Fairmont , Neb. , Solomon .t Nathan , dry goods , clothing , boots and shoes , moved to Old. llartlngton , Neb. , fieorgo Carmuck , saloon , sold out. possession May 1. Imperial , Neb. , Jacob Itlglcr & Son , hard- war" , sold out. Lexington , Neb. , P. I . Potts k Co. , groceries , sold out. Norfolk , Nob. , Conley k Grant , saloon , dis solved. Plymouth , Neb. , H. C. Grebe , harness , sold out. Plymouth , Nub. , J. M. Wlldhaber , general store. Mild out heiu. Scotia , Neb. , F. Stanncr , meat market , sold out. Scotia , Neb. , K. K. Lincoln , meat market , soli ! out. Cheyenne , Wyo. , E. A. Slack , publisher , now Cheyenne Dally Sun Publishing company. In corporated. Cheyenne , Wyo. , Hohnstedt k Wynn , second hand goods , lecelver applied fifr. Casper , Wyo. , llostleman & ICimliall , drugs , dissolved. Aurella , la. , Henry Ilebbel , general store , gave bill of sale of half Interest for J4.GOO. Clinton , la. , Davis & Glrard , groceries , dis solved. Ciillope , la. , Tryo k Wade , hardware , sold out. Davenport , la. , K. II. Shannon , cigars and tobacco , sold out , Panorn , la. , II. S. Thornton , restaurant , gave bill of sale for f 150. Sheldon , la. , II. II. Houtelle , hardware , sold out. out.YYnshtn , ( a. , K. Dal/iel , hotel , sold out. Wasbta , la. , J. U. Laltarren , liotel , sold out. Washta , la. , Cano Perry , meat market , sold out. _ St. l.o n Is Market * . ST. I.ot'is , Mo. , March 10. Flour Slightly better ; no quotable change. WIIKAT Opened llrm , Improved to the close , which was I'h&lUc above yesterday : No. 2 red , cash , G4V < c ; March , G5 c ; May , closing G78c. , . Cons Dull , c higher ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 37Mc : March. 37"ie ; May , 3'J4'c. OATS Hotter ; No. 2 cash , 31Uc : May , 32Jfc. PHOVI.SIONS Very dull , unchanged. Pork , In job lots , if 18. Dry salt meats , loose shoulders , $0 ; longs and ribs. { 10,15 , ; shorts , $10.20 ; strips , j'J,50 ; boxed lots , 15c more. Ilacon , shoulders , jlO.50 ; longs and rltis , M1.12'i ; shorts , ill. 37H ; strips , I10.02i. ! Sugarcured hams , f3.50. iX'lMl'T Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 39,000 hu. ; corn , 214,000 bu. ; oats , 51,000 bu.j rye , none ; barley , none. Siiii'MKXTK Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat 12,000 bu. ; corn , 111,000 bu.j oats , 30,000 bu. ; rye , U.OOOlni. : barley , none. Hi ; rrmi Unchanged. ltitn ; it City Market * . KANS vs CITY , Mo. , March 10. WIIHAT Higher ; No.2lmrd.02 G2icv COIIN In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 34c. OATS Weak ; moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed , 28S.28ic. ? ItimT.ii Unchanged ; creamery , 2427',4c ; dairy. 10(7l20c. ( Kliiis-Weak , 13c. Itr.cKii-r.s Wheat , 50,000 bu. ; corn , 5,000 hu. ; o.it.s , 2,000 bu. Hiui'.MKXT.a Wheat. 30,000 bu. ; corn , 0- 000 bu. ; oats , l.ooo bu. New Vork Dry ( iuniU Market. NKW YOHK , March 10 , The general demand for dry gools : al tlr.st hands was unchanged , but theio was a fairly large business In slaplu ginghams as the result of a change of i',0 In agents' prices of leading makes , llleachcd cottons were quiet , but there was a fair de mand for brown and colored cottons. Articles for nexl season am coming Into Increased In terest , Including c"tton llannrls , on which ngents am ready to take orders , although prices have not been settled In detail , Oiualiu Grain. The following prices are based on delivery at Mississippi ilver points : WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 7c ( ) bid ; No. 3 spring OOiJc bid : No. 2 hard , ( H c. OATS No. 2 white , 33'ic ' bid ; No. 3 white , 33V hid. I'oilN No. 2 cash , 38e. bid ; No. 2 April , 384c ! bid , 39'4c ' askeil ; No. 3 or bettor , casli , 38c bldsNo. 3 or better , April , 38 c bid ; No. 2 , white 30c bid ; No. 3 white , 3H1C bid. C'ollcn .Market. NKW VOIIK , March 10. Options opened l > arely steady , unclnnged to 10 uolnts down ; closed steady at 51S10 points down ; sales , 22,250 bags , Including : Starch , JlG.8OiJ10.yO ; Apill , * 10.50May ; , J10.3oaiO.40.lune$10.30 ; July. JlG.16ftlll.20 ! August , * 10.10 ; Septem ber , iMG.OMSlG.H ) ; October , f lU.Ob ; Di-cember , * 15.'JOai5.'J5. Spot Itlo , dull , steady ; No. 7 , If 17.50. Milwaukee .MitrKets. MII.WAIIKKK. WIs. , March 10.HEAT 1'lrni ; May , G5T e ; No. 2 spring , G5c. COIINUulet : No. 3 , 40'ic. OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , 35 < 235e ! ; No. 3. . lUiti.r.v G3c. ItVIl 54'sC. PuovisioNS Firm ; pork , * ! r.y , (17.07i ! , Liverpool Markets. I.IVKIII'OOU March 10. WIIKAT Steady : demand poor ; holders olfcr moderately ; No. 1 Oillfornla , OsftOs Id pur cental ; red western spring , ( is 3di Gs 4d ; No. 2 red winter , Os GiKiiOs 7d. C'OIIN 1'lrm ; demanil fair ; mixed western 4s 2d percental. 1'lilliiilelplilit ( iriiin .Hxrktit. I'uii.ADEi.riiiA , Pa. . March Hi. WHEAT Strong ; No. 2 red. March , 74SJ74'4c. COIIN Quiet lint llrm ; No. 2 mixed , March , 40' . f60c. O\TS ( 'ar lots steady , under moderato offer ings , but local trade ijulet ; No , 2 white , March , llnltlinnrn Grain Mnrket. lUi.TiMOiiK , Md. , March 10. Dull and tinner ; No. 2 red , bpot and March , 72c. 72c.COIIN COIIN Dull ; mixed spot and March , 47 ! ( c. OATS--Flrm , No.2 whltuiiastcrn , 41c. Clnrlnniitl .Murkrlx. CINCINNATI , O. , March 1C. WHEAT Quiet ; No. 2 red , GHc. CoiiN--Sronger | : No.2 mixed. 42 < 342 ! o. OATS Strong ; .No. 2 mixed , 35c. WHISKY Steady at < 1.17. Toledu ( ir.iin MurUet. TOLEDO , o. . March 1C WIIKAT Active ; higher ; No. Ucash , GH'ic. Coiix Dull , steady ! No. 2 cash , 42ic. ! OATS Quiet ; cash , 3&c. Colloii . > | xrkil. NKW Oni.KA.NH , I.ii. , March 10. Market firm > ; good middling. 03-lGc ; middling , 8 lU-l&c : low tulUUlluv , U V-lUcgooU ; ordinary , b 13-lCc ; uct \ receipt * . 1.047 hnli'xi uroii wrcliiii , t.ftol Imlcii sules 5,10u balesi stoi-k. 2'J.'Jt ) t bales , HTOflCH AMI IIONIIM. Nrcurltlr * Subjected to n Hear Atliicli nnd Prices Vlrlilrd I'rnply , Nuw YOIIK , Mnrrh 10.The slock market VM again nuhjecled lo somu severe nltncks from recoitnlred hear quarters and at Intervals ( irlce.s yielded under the pressure. The move ments taken altogether were exceedingly erratic and It was noticeable that wlrllu MIIIIU shares sold readily , othurs were consumed slowly. Kven tlinsajyhlcli at Intervals seemed lo bo positively weak , closed without material net losses. The greatest decline for the day In any of the actlvu stocks was Ilurllngton which left off ? 4c lower. The general Jlst showed de clines of anywhere from 1 to 2'i , Chicago Clas , Sugar , General Electric , the grangers. New Vork Central , Canada South ern and Now Kngland In thu lead. New Ki - land was unfavorably n tree ted by the announcement that an attachment for tloo- iiot ) had been procured against the company by a New Vork llrm of commercial dealers for coal supplied the company , and the New Vork Central was depressed by thu knowledge about the proposed Increase In the capital stock of the company to * 100,000.000 to pay for Now Vork terminals In this city and llull'alo , for block signals and for oilier pur poses. The one stock above all others which dis played unmistakable strength was I'nlon Pa- clllc piuferred , which has evidently secured Inside.support pending action on thu prouosed salu of Chicago .V Northern Paclllc slock with a view to liquidating the limiting debt. Northern Paclllc preferred rose 1\ per cunt to 40'j. ' Kumors were In circulation to the elTect that the anthracite companies weie shading prices and hackawanna , lleliiwnro k Hudson and Jersey Central all sold at lower IIitures , hut Heading held stubbornly firm during thu afternoon , whun It became plain that theru was to bu no manlpiilatl in of thu market. Thu bears became timid and the bulls somewhat aggressive. In a comparatively short lime prices moved up li to 3 pur cent , thu latter In New Kngland. Jersey Central riHi > l' ' pur cent , Migar l' per cent , l.acka- wanna and Chicago Gas li per cent , Hur- llngton A : Qulncy l't per cent , and General Klectrlc and Missouri Paclllc l'i percent. In the late trading theru was a icactlon of ' to * 4 per cent from thu best figures. Krlo securi ties wuru wuak on rumors of a now Issue of bonds , while Itlchmnnd Terminal stocks and bonds moved up on a story , which wassubse : quently dedled , thut Mr. Mini Spencer's report on the company had been accepted as favor able by Drexcl , Morgan k Co. The supposi tion was that the latter would at once come out with u plan of reorganization. The mar ket closed steady In tone. Thu Post says : Theio are not yet , In the local money markets , signs of a let urn to equilibrium. It latino tliu maximum rate.- ! scored for all loans are In u measure fictitious , or almost resprescnt tlio bids of needy bor rowers with Indlll'erent collateral. This was shown yesterday afternoon when a consider able block of money uas ollured at round rates on the Stock exchange. Thu continued stringency In the commercial paper market proves that thu banking com munity as a whole Is still strained. The out look Is better chielly because of the return of funds from near-by cities , where local money rates have perceptibly eased oil' . Chicago Is still a holder of New \ork funds and for this thu situation Is doubtless responsible. Thu future aiMIon of thu money market therofoio depends considerably on tliat of foreign mar kets , meantime the federal treasury continues to enjoy Its respite. Gold from the western banks Is not coming lit as fast us had U-en expected , the gain In thu reserves being llttlo over * 10O,000 a day. An easing on" In money rales , willofcuur.se , mean Immediate losumptlon of gold exports and this , In turn , would wlpo out thu treas ury's gold surplus In a twinkling. Thu following aru thu closing quotations of thu leading stocks on thu Nuw Vork Stock ux- changotoday : AtchUon .surtnern 1'iicillc . . . AtltmiB Lxpress do pruforrod . . ' . ! , ' < Alton , ! ' . II U. P. . Dun. A Unit. . I.S'4 do plolerreil . . . . Nortliurestcrn . III ) ' Atuurlcaa Kxprcss. . Hi : do preferred . I'Wi Unltliuore A Ohio. . . 91Hi N. V. Central . 104'M Cnnnila Tactile N. Y A N. h . HJi Cnmidn Southern. . . Ontario , v Western. * Contrnl Pacific Oregon Imp . CUes. , V Ohio. . . . . . . Oreifoa Nav . ClilcnKO Alton 141 O. B. I. . A U. N . Q U. * Q 141M Pacific Mail . Chlc.ino litu 611 1'C'orla , Dec. A IS. . . . 14 ConnulldntcclUiui. . . 132 ISA r. c. c. A. st. ij 47 1'ullman I'alaco . H'U ' Cotton oil Cert Ituadlnir . Del. lludsun Ittcumund Terminal 1) . U AW do preferred . II. A II. ( i pl'U 61JJ lllolirande W . D.AC. F. Co 31 ! * do prjferrcd . KHttTcnn Hock Island . Erin 20 St. t'aiil . ilo preferred 41 Oo preferred . Fort Wiiyno IM Si. 1'aul A Oiunlm. . . M ( it. Northern ufd. . . do preferred . 115 C. A.K. 1 pfil Southern 1'acllle. . . , 31 Hocking Valley , . . . Sumir KcHoorjr . Illinois Central. . . . Tcnn. Coal A Iron. . St. I'llul A Dulutti . Toi s I'acltlc . Knn. A Tex pf'd . . . ail Tol. A o. Con. iif'd. . I.ako Krlo A West. . . 2I Union 1'acllic . do preferred 741 11. S. Express . I.nkn Shore W. Ht I.A I- . IU 1.cm ! Trust do preferred . 21 l.ouln. A Niish Wetli Karco Kxp . . 21HI ; I.ouls. A Nuw Alb'y. Wi'Blera Union . 3tuiihi.ttr\n Con. . . . . . . .M Wheeling A I. . K . Mpmphls ft rtiaVn do preferred . .Michigan Ccntrnl. . .Minn A St. 1. . Missouri I'nclna . . . I ) . A II. O . IWA lioblle A , Ohio ( ioncrnl Klectrlc. . . IOIK Nnshvlllo Clmtt National Linseed . . .14 H National Cordage. . C. Fuel A Iron . . . . 6U > * do preferred do prcfcrrjrt . 1U5 N. J. Central 1 1 1 : IIomrMlcTex. Con. . . 1U5ss Norfolk AV. . pfd. 308M Tol. A. A. A N. M. . . ss North American Co 8M The total sales of stocks today were 377,000 shares , Including : AtchUon , 0,000 : Chicago , Ilurllngton & Qulncy.0,400 ; Chicago Oas , I'J.OOO ; Cotton Oil , : il,700 ; Delaware , Lacka- wiinna Western , 2H.300 ; Krlo , 13-UIO : Hen- oral Electric , 8,300 ; Missouri Pacllic. 15,000 ; National Cordage , H.40O ; Nuw York Central , 1,000 ; Now Knglnnd , 1,400 ; Northern Paclllo preferred , 10,101) ) ; Northwestern , 5,000 ; Koad- ing , 34,000 ; Hlchmond Terminal , 7,000 ; Kock Island , 7.HOO ; St. Paul , 3'J,000 ; Sugar , 'J'J.UOO ; Union Pacllic , 5,800 ; Western , 11'JOO. X w York Money Market. NEW YOHK , March 1C. MONIIY ox OAI.I , Firmly active , ranging from 4 to 0 percent ; last loan , 4 percent ; closed offered at 4 per cent. PniMK.MEiiCANTii.K I'Ai'Kii C7 per cent. STKIII.INO KXCHANOK Steady , with actual buslncss-ln uankurs' bills at 4.H4U for Ixty- diiy bills and4. li' < ft4.8lli ! for domand.- liOVKii.NMKNT HoNUS Steady. State bonds neglected. Tlio closing quotations on bonds : U. S. Is ren HIM N. 1'ac. Vds UU U. S. 4s coup 112' ' . , N. W. Consols Kid U. 8. 4i B rci ; W N. W. Deben. 5s 101 I'ucinclii of 'uV 10.S St. I , . A I. M. ( Jon. S3 101M I.ouiBlanant'ped Is. t. I. A S. K. < rn. M 10 * Missouri tta t. Paul Con I''IJU Tcnn. new sot Us. . 101 St , IMX A P. Ists Tcnn. now ol & 9. . . 101 I' . P. h. (3. Tr Ucts Tenn. nor sol s. . . 75 T. I1. It. I ) . Tr. llets. Cnnada ro. * 'd.H 101 Union IV.cIllc Ists. . Ccii. I'acllle Uti IU7 West Shore I ) . A K. C. 1st * If. ) H. C. W. Isti I ) . .1 II. ( i. 4s Atch.4s KrltCinds Atoll. 24s , class A. . M. K. A T. linn. C . 8IH O. U. A ri. A Cs 101 M. 1C A 1' . den. 9s. . 41 do SdsSj. \ \4 Mutual UnlonCs. . . 103 II. AT. C. 6s 10IIV N. J. O. , IPU Cert I1U II. A.T. C. COD. ( is. . . 1U7 N. 1'ac. Irts ux-lnt. Ilnston Stork Quotations. I1OSTON , Mass. , March 10. Call loins : , percent ; time loans , 0(30(4 ( ( per cent. The follow ing are thu closing quotations on stocks , bonds and mlnlngxliurcs : AtL'hlson ATopuka. WCfltlDKll. KlUO. . . . Aiueilcan riuuar. . . Wmttnit. Kleo. pfil Am. Mi liar pf d. . . . HO ] WI . renl'l. . . . . . . . Hay State ( > ai . . . AlciilKon mi llcll Tvlupbone . . . Wl lAU'lilsjn o lloston A Albany . . l.MNow | | liiiKlnncl ( is HU Hooton A Maine. . ! 7IWjiciiorni ; tilvc.fa HUWW lloston A .Mainep'fd Wl . Central U . 811 U. , 11 Ay S41 AlluilOt 11. C. . rilclibur.'ll. K Atlantic nen. Kleetrlo lllIU lloslon A Mont. . . . III. rtoel U3 iiutte.V. notion . Mox. t entra ! Cnl uuet A livchi. . . 305 N. V. A .V Knit Centennial . > ! . did Colony Frnnilln . Ill Ore. Short I.lno KentiarKO . Illu llubbcr 40 ascooll . silt fun tHt'k'o IS 132 Union Pacific J5W antt Fo Copper. . . 132A \\oit Ki.it Ult ! lamaracn . WcjtJJm p' t'd KI Sun I'ranciseo .MlnlngQiiotafIOIM , SAN I'liANX'isci ) , Cal. , March 10. The otllclal closing quotations for mining stocks today were us follows : AIU 15 kloilcan IX ) llulwur \t \ > "Phil' 183 hvlchur W I'utusl Ii5 llttt .V Ilolcher . . . . Ill ) av lfO Ki CholUr M ? \ TTA .Nevada IU Con. Cnla , 4 Va. . . . 2Ji L'nlon Con ( U Cronn 1'olnt W Utah 10 ( inulit it Curry. . . . 70 Vcllow Jacket 34 llnlo i Norcro . . . 105 Com 6 Niur ork tlliilng IJiiotHtlniis. NKW YOIIK , March 10 , The following are the closing mining quotations ; Crown I'uliit VU 'I'lyuiouiii ' . . . , U Inn , Hi. , V Va 23.i i.-kir.l .Miradu Rl Deadwood l : ) , ( iouldACuiry 7U Lnlon Con , . . 70 Halo A Norcro'is. . . , 1UO \VlluwJaokbt . HouicUjko 110) lion -liver . J. 3j .Vt-xlcan m yulck Miter . JJ Untiirlo rte preferred . HW ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Opl'iirlT. . . . . . . . . . . . I7J ! Biif i r. London kjnannaf liuh . \C \ < ip\irltjMtil \ 18'tl liuJa-nci fiiirrlon llennttl \ I.DNIION , March 10 , [ New York Herald Cablu -t-pccl-il to Tin : llKK-l-Nrw business has been entered Into .very sparingly on the Stock ex change , hut Jn xomu directions there has been rather u free closing of ouUtunillng accounts Consols uru l-.O lo 't per cent Uitlcr and Indian rupeu napitr 'i per cent ; foreign Kuvernment securities close same * i what Irregular , but homo railways was very tlrm , tboujrli Ucallngv have WH rn ft muiiil * enlb. Lxiitjn Sniitliweilcrn ndviinceil 2 tier cent , , London Norlliwi-Murn t prr cent and neatly mUothcri 'i to i < per cent. I he inuikrt for AmerViiim wns iiinto dcmor- nllriMl. closing lint. Large miles have been made In connection'wltn ; flic Liverpool fulluro < iml tired and dlsgtistHl holders ronllrcd freely. New \ork Central fell 4 per cent on ( ho | irox | > jcd l ue of tuirjltloiml capital stock Wit- liashilPbenluremiri'lJi.iiereent . lower.Waluish prefer 'iice 1 , ChlcriHi.V ( , MllwuuVeo P , per ' ' , find Hourly aH'oiiiVrs ' { in V per "ce'nl. Norfolk it Western picforimce , however nil- vuneeds percent. nii < l.plilladelphlii & HeadIng - Ing ' per cent. Cafiadlnns were also dc- iiro.ssed In .sympalliVJ Canadian Paclllc . _ 1 per cent lower iinrnJrand Trunk Issues from 'i to U percent. Mdvlv&liordinary preferences are nnclifiiu'ril. Among other securities All- sops Improved 2 per unit. Mining shares were very quiet. Call money was In fnlr demand nt 2 per cent hut dNcimnt rules weru dull , three months' bills were easily placed lit 1 ? percent , I'llliinchiloli > . OHI.EANS. Li. : , March 10. Clearings , r i-04,105 , KANSAS C'ITV , Mo. , March 10. Cloirliis : ! , Jl,84l,073. Nt\v : YOIIK , March Ifl.-Clearlngi , $145,520.- OUO ; balances , J5,24'J,203. ' lUt.TUiniiK , Mil , , M-irvli 10. t'Mirln ? * , $2- 347,787 ; balances , $133,771) ) . Money , 0 per cent. Pllll.ADKM'lllA , Pa. , Marcti 10. Clonrlims , Jll.471,408 ; Imlunces , iH,7H3'J12. ' Money , O'i per cent. CINCINNATI , ( ) . , March 10. Clearings , ! 2.- 210.125. Money. (1U7 ( per cent. New Yolk exchange , 25c discount , to par. MKMPIIIS , TOIIII. . March 10. New York exchange - change selling ut Jl.50 per $1,000. Clearings , J345.044 ; balances , J102.503. UO.-ITON , Mass , , March 10. Clearings , $10- 014,015 ; balances , J1OM,777. , Money , 5T' " ] ier cent. K.xchango on New York , at pur. ST. l.oi'H , Mo. , March lO.-Clearlngs. $3,001.- 372 ; balances. { 403,578. Money oulet , ti7 per cenl. Kxchango on Now York , OOc premium. > CiilCAiio , III. , March 10. Clearings , $18,371- 230 ; New York e.xchango sold al par. Sler- llngovchangn weak ; sixty day blllsf4.84J4do- ; mand , $ l.80Ji. Money llrm at 5'tf)7 ) per cent. PAIUS , Murch 10. Three per cent rentes , 90f 05c for the uccounl. The weekly statement , of the Hank of France shows an increase of 25,000 francs gold and 1,450,000 francs silver. LONDON , March 10. The bullion In the Hunk of nnglund Increused .t'142OOU during tlio past week. The proportion of the Hunk of Kiigland's reserve to liability , which last HCCK was 51.82 per UKnl , Is now 01.21 percent. OMAHA MVU NTOKK MA'IIKKT.S. Hovelpts Still Ititlow i : | u otitliiii , Only F.ilr , with Lower Prlet-s. TIHIII.SDAV , March 10. Hecelpts do not tncrcusu us fast as dealers expected and llie four il'iys supuly is still something short of lust week , when receipts were by no means heavy. Durliu thopist four days there huvo been received 10,125 cattle , 10,092 hogs and 4'J'JG sheep , as against 11,482 cattle , 11,041 ho s and 0,810 shoi-p for the suiuu period last week. The supply wus not at ull liberal , and whllo us u rule there was not much eh uuo In , the generul quality of the onVrings , there was a noticeable scarcity of cattle weighing upwards of 1,250 Ibs. This fact , dull markets cast and this being Thursday , which Is always an oil" day with shippers , reduced the speculative demand to the minimum. Local dressed beef houses , however , were all rather cattle hun gry , and , thouiipplv was limited , they weru good active buyers at slightly llrmer prices. The business of the diy : was fairly brisk , nnd , with tin ) exception lYr the arrivals on a be lated train , thu suplj.wus | ) , practically ourof llrst hands b"fore nooji. Theru weie hardly enough cows hero to sup ply thu local demand , an I tradu was active , with thu moro deslrabugrades | selling psrhaps a shade stronger ttilin Wednesday. 1'alr to good stun" sold fr"iijy"ilt about steady ptIces. There was a very Indl.lTorent demand for the common and Inferior grades , and prices ruled as low as at any time this .season. Thu same was true as to rough flock generally. Oll'er- Ings of this class of stock continue unite lib eral and prices are fully 23c to 50c lower than u week or ten days ago. ( iood to choice veal calves \rere In acttvotlemaiid and strong , but common large calves were rather dull. Whllo on nccounrnf the bad weather Ihero Is very limited ilrmaiul from the country for feeders regular dealers appear to have good nrdun anil sales 'one of first bunds today looked as high us urany time laiely. Hopru- sentatlvc.sales : , , No. Av. Pi 'i' ' No. Av. Pr. 1 . 830 f 3 50 ' U2 . clODO t4 'JO 1 . 1040 350 0 . . ' 1215 4 20 1 . 1000 305 28 . ' 1087 4 20 1 . 1070 375 11 . 1072 420 1 . 050 375 2 . 1085 420 2 . 855 3 75 41 . 1073 4 20 1 . 750 375 1 ! ) . . . .1001 420 10 . 850 300 10 . 1113 420 29 . 819 4 05 09 . 1028 4 20 23 . 905 405 19 . 1100 425 11 . 989 4 10 19 . 1083 4 30 13 . 'JS'3 410' 20 . 1133 430 2. . . .1055 4 10 18 . 1089 4 35 40 . 1117 4 10 20 . 1200 4 35 231 . 1072 4 12'J 14 . 1133 4 4O 19 . 1048 415 20 . 1224 440 7 . 904 410 8 . 1253 445 .MIXED. 0 . 1103 4 15 COWS. .1 . 800 150 1 . 97d 275 1 . 910 1 00 1 . 1120 2 80 2 . . . . 915 176 I. . . . . . . 1000 280 7 . 008 200 1 . 730 280 5 . 924 200 2 . 1015 290 9 . 540 200 23 . 850 285 2 . 1030 200 23 . 792 285 1 . 1150 U 00 1 . 1000 300 1 . bOO 2 00 11 . 970 3 00 4 . 922 210 9 . 022 300 1 . 880 2 15 10. . . . 885 3 15 7 . 831 2 15 2 . 1003 3 15 14 . 805 225 13 . 1023 315 1 . 1000 225 2 . 1040 325 2 . 975 223 23 . 11)43 ) 330 20 . 938 230 23 . 909 340 5. . : . . . 850 235 3 . 1153 3 4O 1 . 950 2 35 10 . HOU 340 3 . 1073 235 10 . 1000 340 1 . 1000 240 19 . 839 3 5O- 9 . 1021 3 45 5 . 1184 3 55 2 . 975 250 0 . 1O10 300 8 . 873 250 2 . 1090 305 21 . 901 2 ( JO 8 . 11H7 370 15. . . . 997 205 27 . 959 070 18 . 405 3 10 35 . 857 3 CO 9 . 992 345. 0 . 803 380 CAI.VIS. 2 . 330 275' 5 . 110 525 1 . 280 300 ' 2 . 135 550 1 . 100 4 00 2 . 145 5 50 2 . 2W ) 500 1 . 130 000 0 . 221 5 25 HUI.I.S. 2 . 1335 150 ' 3 . 1353 205 2 . 890 200 1 . 1240 275 2 . 143O 225 1 . 1200 275 1 . 2010 225 2 . 1500 285 1 . 12nO 225 1 . 147O 285 1 . 11)20 ) 225 1 . 1470 290 1 . 510 2 30 1 . 1:120 : 3 00 1 . 1000 230 1 . 10SO 3 OO 2 . 970 235 13 . 133H 3(10 1 . 1200 235 1 . 170O 300 1 . 930 235' 1 . 153O 320 1 . 1450 240 2 . 1115 325 5 . 740 200 1 . 1020 325 1 . 1300 200 1 . 1140 325 1 . 11)20 200 1 . 1471) 325 1 . 1570 200 1 . 2030 360 2 . 1O05 201) 1 . 154'J ' 376 1 . 1490 205 STOCKKHS AND KKKIIKItS. 35 . 601 300. 17 . 532 340 1 . 380 3 ( lO * * 22 . 032 340 1 . 440 3 ( H > * B 2 . 60O 345 2 . 690 IK ) ? ) ! B . 752 3 OO 5 . 010 3 afffg 4 . 840 300 27 . 795 3 tlffis 9 . 080 305 i . 750 : i wra UTJalKCATTi.E. No. Av. twj' No. Av. Pr. licows..llll ( 3j * ' 22sSteers.l231 350 4steers. . . 917 43HV 39 steers. 133S 4 OO 71) ) steers. . . 1080 4 G"T ( 92 steurs.llOO 400 Hods The murkutlpencd ) slow , weak and unevenly lowur. Heovlpts were only moder ate , anil thuquulltyiiis a rule very good. There wa.s u limited shipping demand , and local houses , both packers and fresh meat , all wanted some hots , but as eastern leports weru all bearish , llie feeling heio was weak ; prices were anywiere | from 5c to 15c lowur than Wednesday o > iiill gradus. The fair to good medium wuljM anil heavy hogs sold l.irgely at J7.25 aii/f.jP < . and tliu fair to good light and mixed sni/T ; mostly at from f7.Hl to t7.20. On borne 1)1,1,0 ) , , arrivals thu market closed stronger on iic'count of thu stiength In provisions , and uniMoud hioiight the top price of thu day , ( f 7.36. Svyno very common ml\ed hogs i-o Id as low as Jb.'JO , hu It was practically fiom a 7.20 ti > T7.3U markut. the big bulk of the hogs selling at that range , as against fiom t7.25 IOT7.40 Wedno.sduy and J7.-15 to $7.55 one weuk ago , Iteprcsentntlve sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 08. . . .187 280 JO 90 U0..248 80 } 7 25 6. . . . 174 - 710 74. . . .232 10O 725 69..1bl 40 7 K ) 00. . . .240 80 726 3U..187 - 716 (10. . . .233 - 7 27'i 21 . . .2OO 7 20 Or ) . . .253 80 7 3O 75. . . .2il : 120 7 20 5M..295 300 7 30 7M..210 HO 7 20 73. . . .270 80 7 3O 77. . . .210 - 7 20 77. . . ,271 24O 7 30 4. . . .295 - 7 20 01) ) . . . .247 40 7 30 78. . . .231 4O 7 20 70. . . .234 bd 7 3 ( ) 60..22B 120 720 01. . . .239 bO 731) ) 00. . . .210 100 7 21) ) 6K..200 - 7 30 ( ii..L'63 ll'O 7 'JO ( ) f > . . . .23M - 7 U 73. . . . 210 Hill 7 20 74. . . . 287 80 7 30 7U..204 bO 7 VJIi 77. . . .209 - 730 53. . . .359 2hO 7 25 00. . . .243 - 7 30 _ ( ) . . . . 2HY - 725 47. . . . 231 - 731) ) 70. . . .203 40 7 25 lib. . . .237 80 7 3O 30 _ 239 41) 7 25 73. . . .234 200 7 30 7&.VM7 , - 7 23 OH. . . .219 MO 7 30 CO. . . . 245 100 7 25 , 00. . . . 270 - 7 35 ' 70. . . . 242 bO 7'2o IMllB AND HOUUII. 2..140 0 25 tuner Only three loads were received , of which two were billed direct Ion local sliuuh- lerer The other , u dmiMo-dork of tory eood western owes averaging lor > II. . . uiutiuht. 11.00. Thn demand Is good and tin1 market not quolahly changed ! I'alr to good na tives. f3.7ftfl6.OOi fair ll ) ( food WiMorn . $3.5(1 ( ( Mft.Odi common nnd Mock nitron , 4'.2.9Wn.ui ! good to choice 40 lo loo-lb. lamUs , Jl.oOttO.OO. Heprcsentattvu .sales : No , Av. I'r. 180 western owes 105 tl 00 Itccclptt mid DUpixllKin of stock , oniclalri'iMlpUnml dl < | < ltlon of slu.'k ns fthnwii by the. booksof thu Union Slnoh Yards company for the twenty-four hour * ending at 5 o'clock p. m. March 10 , 1893 : IIKCEII'T.S. DISPOSITION' . Clllrugo Livestock .Market. CiiiOAli ( ) , III. , .March 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; HKI ; . ] 1'heio was no life In thu cattle trndo today and prices were no better than yesterday , though the iccclpts were light for the day and for thu week. Shippers did not want many cattle and 1 cul slaughterers were not ut all hungry. Sates weru slow at from f 1.5O to J4 lor Inferior to extra cows and bulls , at from $2.50 to $ } . 10 for stockers and feeders , and al from f3.75 to JU.10 for common to extra steers. Only a few loads of Texas cuttle ar rived. They sold at full prices. There was no symptom of a fuvora hie change In the hog market until near the close. It was Hat as on either of the preceding days of the week. Thu principal Hostou buyer was out of the deal and theie was no competition among locul puckers. Prices went to from $7 to $7.3 ( > for light and to from f7.35 to $7.70 for heavy grades , which Is a decline from tin * host prices of Ihu day before of from 15c to 2 c .mil a de cline from that day's closing prices of Oc. Most of the hogs sold below $7.50 and a very considerable part of them below $7.15. The close was llrmer tliun tin ) opening , but there was no advance. The sheep market was from lOc to 15c lowur and [ I dull. Shippers were Inactive und local slaughterers did not buy with their usual free dom. It took n cnolce iirtlcle to bring more I than ( $5.20 , and there was not much trading at a ' higher figure. The demand for lambs was weak also nnd prices weru ditto. They were quoted at from if 1.50 to $0.25. Hecelpts : Cuttle , 11,000 ; hogs , 15,000 ; sheep , 0,000. ' The Kvenlng Journal reports : CATTI.I-Hecelpts. 12,00i ) head ; shipments , 2,100 head ; market sleady. Top prices : $5.)0 ! ) SiG.oo for extra steers ; medium and good , $4 'Jii5.50 ( ) ; others , * 4.2.Vft4.80 ; Te.xans , Kl.iil ) 44.20 ; stockers , $3.50f&3.85 : feeders , il.UOJJ 4.50 ; cows and heifers , $ a.Si > it4.1O. lions Hec.elpts , 12,000 head ; shipments , O.OUO head ; markut slow , steady ton trllle higher ; mixed , fO.70fli7.45 ; prime heavy and butchers' weights , J7.5ua7.05 ; light , J0.003 7.25. SIIIIKP Hecolpts , 12,000 head ; shipments , 2hOU head ; market easy ; natives , } 4.5Kii ( 5.50 ; westerns , $4.855.25 ; Toxaus , $4.GO ; lambs , $4.50S0.15. KiitiN.is City l.lvn Slock Murket. KANSAS Crrv. Mo. . March 1(1. ( CATTI.U He celpts. 2.00J head ; shlpmeiKs , 1,300 lieud : market quiet nnd steady ; feeders and Texas calllo weak. HepresOnlallve sub's : Dressed beef and shipping steers , J3.GOfil.95 ; cows nnd heifers , Jl.2ovi3.80 ; siockers and feeders , I3.a0ft4.2f ) . lions Hcei'lpts , 5,100 head ; shipments , 700 head : market dull , lOc lower ; all grades , J5.UU ffi7.37' , ; bulk , $7.OO < i > ,7.2j. Suiii' : : Hecelpls , 1,1100 head ; shipments , none ; market fairly active , steady tc strong. Hepresentatlvo sales : Muttons. 11.25tt4.90. St. I.ooU I.lve Mock Market. ST. Louis , Mo. , March 10. I'.vrri.i ; Hecelpts , 2lOO : beud ; shipments. 1,8OD head ; market steady to strong : fair to good native steers , } a.20fa4.t3i ) ; no good Texanon s'llo ' ; common to fair , J2.00S3.10. HOUR Hecelpts , 4.HOO head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; market KM lower ; heavy , * 7.10Sfl 7.50 ; mixed , J7.OO1J7.40 ; light , I7.10SJJ7.30. SIIKKI * Hecelpts , 800 head ; shipments , none ; no market. I ) . DFiiA/.BB , II. I ) . H m.Vi.lr. . JA * . F Pros , Vleo Pros Sooy k HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital $ i\000 ; Omaha anJ Sioux Olty. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. PRIVATE WHIRS. OMAHA. nEFBHKNOES : lowaStato National Hunk , Slou.x City ; Commercial National Hank. U m u tin. Special attention given to outsldo ardors Correspondence solicited ANTI-VICE PETITION. llav. T. , J. Mncliny Tolls Why Hn Did Not Sign tint Document. OMAHA , March 10. To the Kditor of TUB BEE : To my great surprise I sco by a morning paper Unit I advisud ftiy parishion ers of All Saints church not to sign the anti-vico petition. That is not correct. I did not sign the petition myself , and when requested to announce the mooting of the petitioners at the council chamber , and re quest the attendance of nry people at said meeting , I did so in the morning without any thought of what I was doing , but before evening service the inconsistency of givii out. such a notice and making such a request truck me forcibly , and I honestly told my evening congregation after making the de sired announcement that I felt it due to my imn sense of integrity to say that I had not signed the petition , and then very briefly gave my reasons for not iloiug so. The reasons I gave were in subtanco ns follows ; Such movements are spasmodic , and accomplish llttlo permanent good. They aimataceompilshlngtoo much. They would wipe out of existence rvlls which are Inher ently permanent In thoexistlnif conditions of society. You must change thu conditions ere you can remove the evils. I believe that the present system of con trolling the gambling houses is the wisest and best course that can bo followed. To close them , or attempt to close them , en tirely would bo to scatter the evil hro-idc'ist over our city and drive it into places where it would thrive more luxuriantly than ever. I believe that our city will comp.ire favor ably with any eastern city of the same slzo or larger. I saw muro drunken men on the streets of Hostou last summer in one week 'than I have seen in Omaha during the past year The difference between eastern and western civilisation is that the vices which in the east are Kept carefully concealed are in the west more exposed to tlio light of day 1 believe that our mayor , commissioners and chief of police are honest in their efforts to control and suppress the vices aimed at in this petition , and that their sober judgment In the management of this crusade against vice is worth more than the well meant , though injudicious , efforts of thosy who signed the anti-vice jietitian. iliid this poll tlon been less sweeping in its nature 1 should have signed it gladly. These are the reasons I gave at the time , as well as 1 can remember them. 1 was aware then , as now , that my action would bo criticised , but coming so recently from prohibition-ridden Iowa , where to * ten vcars I saw the folly of such sweeping attempts at correcting vice by legislation , I could not honestly sign the petition presented to me. Perhaps I ought lo have kept sllcn ; e , but to ) WANTED Total li < ur of CITIES COUNTIES. SCHOOL _ ' DISTRICTS , WATZR COMPANIES , DT.R.R.COMPAMIEB.ete forreipondfice tolleUwt. N.W.HARRIS &COHPAHYBankers , 103-109 Dearborn Ctraet , CHICAGO. IB U/all Street , NEW VOKK. 70 t t 9t. . BOSTON. jjlvr out the notlri1 III riirivh ( ViKl-it > jieopU' to ilii tint nhl U 1 tlm ! < > ! do fn.v , If , secnu-'l ' to t.if i bi < lutli toit. > i > l'uiui ! ! ' ' critical without the rxpmtmllon that fol lowed. Yours , inc. , T. J. MACK.XY. M'llh Hrhln'iiutnn'H A llnn.i Cure Is no wal'luij for results. ll net Ion is liiiini-diattvillivct nnd certain. A Miifrlo trial iolivia'tho most skeptical. Trial packnifes five of druc'fUi * or by mail , ad- ilnjss , Dr. U. SchllYnuiim , St. 1'a.il , Minn. a UONTRAOrOKS CONFER. Work of the St , l.onU Idnvfiiilou lti > purt il to Onmhn HnlldvrH , At tlio meetiiij , ' of tlio Omaha Hulldrrs and Tnulers oxchiingo yesterday Secretary \V. S. Wciluo tnnilo the followluu report of the national convention ut St. Louts : Tjio session was opo'.ied by nil address of wi-lcomo by the mayor and the rosponsy and annual address of the president of the con vention , the latter dealing prlnclpaly wlths tliu uniform contract , the apprentices and III trade school questions. The usual commit tees having been npiMlntcd , the guests were taken in carriages and shown about tlio city. Thu second day's session opened with the report of tlio committee on creden tials , from which it appeared there were ninety-seven members In attend ance ami twenty-four cities tepresciite.l. The report of the secretary showed a mem bership of thirty-two exchanges , who hold property aggregating J.OiKi ( ) ) ( ) ) , and the re port of the treasurer disclosed receipts lor the year of $11,1)15. ) : . ! " . and disbursements of . 'JIi ! . Ill , leaving a balance on hand of iMK ) . The committee on uniform contract submitted a form such as was read at our monthly meeting and recommended that members refuse to sign any other. The com mittee on lien law thought it inexpedient at this time to suggest any general law relating to liens. A resolution endorsing tile building of tlio Nicaragua canal was defeated by a close vote. A vote of ' thanks was extended to .1. I'lerrcpont Morgan for his gcnerousjglft to the New York trade school. The members were invited to make their headquarters , while at the World's lair , at the Chicago exchange. Then followed the reading of the reports of the secretaries of the various local ' ex- eh'ingcs , which In the main touched upon the progress imulo during the year , tht > care used in admitting members , thu concessions made by material men nnd the work of trade schools. 't'ho day's events ended with a visit , upon invitation of the local exchange , to the theater. The morning session of the third day was devoted , without results , to a discussion of the code of practice recommended by the association for archl'ects and builders , and the afternoon session to amendments to the constitution , which related principally to olllcers and dues. A resolution that the na tional secretary he notified of local disagree ments and that lie in turn instruct all local exchanges not to furnish estimates ni'tll the local body had reported an adjustment of the disagreement was laid on the table. The consideration of 'i resolution to admit Cana dian exchanges was postponed. Local ex changes were instructed topnut'JOO copies of their secretaries' reports and transmit them to tlio national secretary , sixty da\s pri'ir to the annual convention. The convention then voted lo hold Its next annual meetiii' ; In Uoston In February 1MU , and elected the following olllcers for the ensuing year : President , Ira ( ! . Hersev of Hoston : llrst vice president , Hu.irh Hisson of Baltimore ; second vice president , Charles A. Hupp of ButTalo ; secretary , W. H. Sit v ward of Bos ton : treasurer , George Tapper of Chicago. The Invitation to hold the mid year meeting in this city ex tended to the National association by the Omaha Builders and.Trndurs association was duly presented by Secretary \Vodgc , and fully discussed ; but upon full considera tion of the matter it was decided not to hold a .midyear meeting. Should ono bo held , however , Omaha's chances of securing It are good. At the close of the proceedings the St. Louis exchange gave an elaborate banquet , at which addresses were made by the governor - _ ernor of the state , the mayor of St. Louis ami other distinguished persons. Air.Vedgo speaks in Haltering terms of the manner in which St. Louis entertained the delegates. Take homo u box of Hakiml's linocniul- ies,10thund , Capitol iromio. Nonu bettor. JUDGE DOANE , DISTRIBUTOR. Democratic AHphlriintH ( or Pu < tnHlcps Now Know Whom to Mother. Judge George W. Doane of Om.iha lias been tlio busiest man in Nebraska for sov- days. It is not on account of the extraordl- nary pressure of legal matters , however , that lias causcu this rush of judicial talent. It all happens through an innocent , llttlo tclcirram that emanated from Washington the other day to the effect that Postmaster General Bissell had decided to appoint all the democratic candidates for congress who an List fall and wjrj defoito.i as members of his advisory committee In the work of distributing the patronage. In less than live hours after this news had reached Omaha hungry oflico seekers began to call upon .ludge Doane. They catno In platoons , in brigades and hi regiments. They came from the rural districts , from ovcry point throughout the district where there is or will bo a postolllco. Speaking yesterday of the matter , Judge Doano said : "I have received nothing onlcial to confirm the report which was printed In Tin : BKK to the effect that all democratic candidates for congress at last fall's election l > e > allowed to luivo n volc In thr distribution of HIP federiu p.itroii.iiti1. l".t 1 have been almost over whelmed by applicants for oIMcc J Imvo been tumble to attend to anything cUe for several days unit the ImMnm 1ms brcofna HomethhiK of it liulfuincc , for. UK 1 have said , 1 hovi ) no iHMiriuieo as yet that m.v roioiu- mcndatIon will huvu tiny mure weight tlmii th.U of any other democratic cltl/en I have taken the time , however , to IOOK OUT the recommendations nnd the Dcrinnal qunlllUa- tloiinof these who Imvo sought me for thin purtioso ami have recommended these who 1 thought wcvo suitable persons for tlm ofllees they were ilr.Hlnnt.4 of obtaining " Speaklne of the Omaha iMvUoftleo the jtidgo said that ho understood that there were several candidates in the Held , hut owing to the fact that Postmaster Clarksnn's term will not expire for over a year yet they are not milking , an aggressive move in that direction us yet. "When the time comes I supiHiso there will bo n number of candidates .seeking the Omaha oflico. " in this connection It may not bo out of place to remark that if there Is a man in Omaha who can spring a longer or a stronger petition than Mr. Charles Conover lias already in nls desk setting forth his illness for the position of | > ostmnstor that man will have to got a move on himself. Mr Conoyer has done his work quietly , but he has dona it thoroughly , just the same , nnd If petitions are going to count for anything the one ho has will come pretty close to knocking dowu the fruit. Sick headaches promptly cured ny Bivmo-SelUor a bottle A line upright piano , used only six months , at litilf m-ico. Ford & C'litirlton. liiOS Doiljjo. BIDS ON POSTOFFICE. SurprUo Aniline Cnntrneliirt Ahnil Some Kxreptloimllv l.nw I'iciirxi , The bids for the gr.inito an-l brick work on the new postolllco are the cause of much comment among contractors who are Inter ested lu such work. C.mlr.ictoiM who bid on government jobs usually llgiiro matters pretty finely , and as a rule there Is but very llttlo range in their offers. Imagine the surprise of the contractors then when the bids were opened and It was found that ono llrm had a hid in that was $ . " > ) . ( : ( ) lower than any other bid and * 1'JIJ ( ) > ) below the aver- ago. The bids of twelve linns averaged. f.lSCi.000 and the lowest bid was $ J7tOJU. Kxpcrt granite men are of the opinion that the low bidders made an error of about. ' . ' 0,000 cubit feel of granite in the esti mate of granite work. This at the usiint cost of SI per cubic foot , vthieh granite is worth In the wall , would just about ac count for the discrepancy in the bids. The. next lowest bid was.f.t''i.OOO. l.uw Itili * i\iMir : lun. My fourteenth special oxcurston lo Houston , Tox. , vlu the Santa Fo route , k-nvos Omaha , Monthly , March : > < ) . ISM. Aihlrpsrf K. C. I'ltttvi'MHili" ) building- , Omaha , Nob. SIIIHV llnekln Accident. ITirry Str.itght , a mjtor cair.lu.'tor on tlio Hnnscom park line , was seriously In lured in an accidint on Thirty-second street jester- nay afternoon. He was coupling thu motor to a snow plowwhen he was caught between the two cars ami had his collar bone broken and was otherwise b.idl.v brulsu'l. run wir STYLE pill is of Dr. 1'ierco'n invention nnd is full of Improvements. They are used by overyoim high livers , bad livers , those whoso livers ore sluggish all find relief in Dr. 1'ierco's Pleasant Pellets. To iiEOtN WITH , thcso "Pellets" are tlia smallest , nnd easiest to take. They're tiny , sugar-coated , nntl-bilious granules that ev ery child takes readily. SECONDLY. They're perfectly easy in their action no griping , no disturbance. THIRDLY. Their effect is lustiny. KoiMTHLY. Put up in gloss always fresh. FIFTHLY. They're tlio elieajx t , forthoy'ra giuirantenl to give Bntlsfnction , or your money is returned. You pay only for tha good you get. j LASTLY. They nbsoliilelu euro Constipa | tion , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , Sick or Bilious Headaches , mid nil derangements of the liver , stomach and bowels. SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , Sout'n Opiariai Itc5tCnitlo Ho nnil liecp nnrtet In the wo it. COMMISSION HOUSiS. _ _ Y/ooil / Brothers. Ilvo Stock Commission Morcliunti. Eoutli Omaha Telephone , ' 1157. Chlcaz JOHN I ) . IIAI1I.4.MAN . . , I . , . . . . " " " * „ " WAI-TKII K. WOOD , I14"11"0" .Market Ilcporti br mull anilwlro choittMf , nlaliuil upon upjHIoalloa OMAHA AWNINGS A'I3 ' TENTS Omaha Wolf Bros. & Co. Tent-Awning . . , COMIMNV. .Maniifn.tnror > of touts , HUKSK COVKiU , uwnliui. ol n. . ; ui nnil II I.I Karim-n HL 7J > n. liiili itruat. BAGS AND T. . VIM -S BI3YCLES , Bemis Omaha Bag H. 0. Daxo3 , COMPANY. Importer * nnil inia fri. Illoyclemolil on tnontlilr lluiir sack ) , burlap i , iwlno. pa maiti I'JJ N.l.'ilh. DQOT5 AND SHOES , Morse Coe Shoe Company , Salesroom nrt OIIIco-1107 HO'J-llll llownrl 't. ructory-IH9-IIJI-ll2i : Ikmnnl Ht. \Ve nro tlio OM.V .Mniuifacluror , of ISouli und Sliuui In tlio ctnlo of Nekraika. A Ki'iiurnl liivlliillon l uxteml.'il to nil to Inspect our new fnctorr. COAl , C3KE. 1 CJRNICE. Oraana Coal , Coke & Ea.l3Cornic3 ? Works I.I.MK CO. , litril umlnoft Ufn. imtranlial Iron coitl.S K cor. liilli aii-1 cornlo. > 'l rliw uipi , lueulllo ikvliK'tK. ul3 1I1U-IIU DoUJ.-it. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith ftCoMiKIIpitrloi-KoslDry Ci ) , Dry uooili , notlonj , fur. Notion ! . KJUl' fur.ll li- nlihliiK vuo.l9 , ornjr li.c.ir. lll.i lull llllittiiJ llj FURNITUnE. Omaha Upholstering Beebae & Runyan CO. , upliulitoroJ furnl * FUllNITLWtt CO. , Urtco lurn.llrt 1101 NIohQUi \TboUiklo onl/ . od 13tb Sit. Rector & Wilbulmy' ' LobeckS Linn , COM PAN r , Denier.1 ! In liinla Corner I0lh nn.I Jaoisoi iULeianluB' lO'ls IIUI Douirlut it. HATS , ET3. IROH WORK ) . W.A.L.GibbonKomahaSafeaniIni } | WORKS. nt . c&ju , triw 1(03li. Snfoi.viuilti. jail work , ploTos. mllteni , 2t.l Iron < liuttur < am ) flruoi mill llnrney ats. cap.tj. An Irojri , v OAT- utl llt'i ori'l .IrtL'kuri. LUMBER. John A. ChirlB ) R , L Imporleil.AniHrlo ml'ort lard-rool u ii'jir , i l.lllJ OJIlUMt. Mil * I 1- carpjti .in 1 [ i ir ] koaoatiuat n J Jal u/ Moortnif , vrhltullii.'ii. Uth ami i LIQU013 , MILllNERr . Prick I. Oh rfilder & Co liup.irtin 'in I Jobbers \VbolcBnlnllTuoriloaliiri nt iirllliirr. notlona. Mall or | jrj p 0.11.1,17 1UOI Karnim Hi < M-US. Hill St. PAPER , am. Carpenter Paper Co. | Standard Oil Co. , a full ilonl of prlnllnK , wrapping : ti t Hull no 1 mill lubrlo-i. i ( wrlllinf p.ipjrj , curl uapcr , ola elli , n < la crane , elo. Branch & Co , , | Jas. A. Clark & Co. , Produce , frnltt of nil Duller , ch9M4 , p'jiillrr ' HDI ! iiaur kill ill , njrilert. air M. Mih .si , STOVE REAHJ. OmahaStY ) ) Rnilr | M.ADlii'jA _ ) ) ? Co - .Mntiufaeturer * of ink and waler allacluaiali doun , hllndi aa for ur kind of ilore luouldlnn. brtndh o made , 12UT JJaugUi Ut. net , -