A V TVTAl > niT 1ft 1.QOH Republican Senators Who Will Servo on the Various Committees. HESULT OF THE CAUCUS YESTERDAY Chnlrmn liln | AlloUeil to Thorn rillnd- Heimtor Sl wnrt of Nuviiiln Homored from the Commltteo on Appro. lirlntloin-I.Ut n Completed. WASIUXOTOX , D. C. , March 15. The re publican senators went into caucus this morning to receive the report of the com mittee on minority chairmanships nnd members of committees , but were unable to complete their work before the assembling of the senate. At the afternoon session there was n debate of some length on the removal gf Stewart of Nevada from the appropriations commltteo , and the opinion was practically unanimous that ns Stewart woula bo the recipient of : i chairmanship at the hands of the majority ho sliould not bo permitted to remain on so important n committee as that of appropriations ns n representative of the minority , ho therefore resigned und leller of Colorado was substituted. Minority Itrpro The minority representation on the com mittees is us follows : Judiciary - HourWilson , Teller , t'latt , Mitel. . I'll. MbraryWolcott. . Manufncturfs-lllifRlns , Oulllnffor. Military Airalra II uwluy , Cameron. Manucr- MlticR nni'l Mining Jones of Nevada , I'owcr , Naval Affairs Cameron , Hale , Stanford. ' ' Orc'anl/aTl'oii , Conduct and n\oridltiires | ) of Iho Executive Dutiartinont Wilson , 1'roctor , raieiiiHDUon. . Platt , Wilson. Ponslons-iJlioilp , llnnsbroiigh , Galllngor , Postorilccs and Post Roads Mitchell , Me- Mlllln , Wolcott , Olxon , Wushburn. PrlntltiK .Mnndcrson. . , , Private Land Claims Halo , chairman ; Toiler. ll\on. ) \ , . . , , , Privileges and Elections „ Hoar , Mitchell I , Public HtilldliiBs Stanford , Morrlll , Quay , B1"uMic I.ands-Dolph , PettlKrow , Caroy. Du- ) ' ' ( - ( , Stockbrldgo , PottlKrow. " ' ' "tntatto'ns'vrlth Canada Hoar , Halo , Dolph , UovlhlVm of the Laws of the United States Kuvoititlonary Claims C.iineron , chairman ; Frye , Aldrlch. On Uulo . Rules-Aldrlch , Miindorson. Terrltorlrs-Plntt , Davis , Carey , Shoup , Transportation Hoiites to the Seaboard GnllliiKur.Siiulro. Mitchell , Aldrlch. Paclllc KatlioadsDitvls , Carey , \\olcott , Mc- Indlan Depredations Shoup , Chandler , Pot- 1 HoScc't Coinniltto to Investigate the Condi tion of thu Potomac Hlvor in Kront of Wash- Inirton Krye , chairman ; .Sherman , Proctor. To Inniitrn Into All Claims of I'ltl/i'iis of the tlnltod States Apalnst the Govcrnnient of Nlciiracuu - - Ilnwloy , chairman ; fatowart , Woman finlTrnKO Hoar , chairman ! Quay. Additional Accommodations for the Mbrary of Congress-Morrill. chairman ; Olson. The F'lvo Civilized Tribes of Indians-teller. ° Transportation and Sale of Meat Products I'latt , chairman ; Power. To Establish tlio University of the United States-Proctor , Sliermiin. Dolph , Wasliburn. The QuadrocciUimnlai PettlKii'W , Shur- mnn , Ciimuron , llawhiy , Wilson. Cullom. To Invi'stlgato the UeolOglcal Survey wol- Chandler , Mandorson. 1'orest I'li-sorvntlon Teller , D.ivis. Corporations in the District of Columbia Aldrlch , chairman ; McMillan. To Invi-stlKato thu Trespasses Upon Indian Lands 11 Iggins. In Stntvnrt'8 Place , The republicans contented themselves with removing Mr. Stewart from the appro priations committee. lie remains ns n rep resentative of the minority in other commit tees , and is the mincing member of the minority in the committee on irrigation homl reclamation ofuld lands. Mr. Teller , ns will bo seen , ( 'ives up his place on the com- mlttco on privileges nnd elections , of which ho was chairman and would bo the ranking member , and goes to the foot of the list on the appropriations commltteo. Mr Higgins is substituted for Mr. Teller > n the elections committee. The republicans retain , all their members of the committee on judiciary by reason of the fact that it has ; boon increased from a total membership )0f nine to cloven. a i itooiuuiNis. Committee AppolntinnntH ns Made by the Unmorrntii Agreed On. WASIIINOTOS , D. G. , March 15. The open session of the seuato today was comprised within the space of half an hour. Mooting at noon and disposing of some morning business usimd ness , an oxecutlvo session was ordered , and ( while in executive session ) a recess was , taken until y0so ; ! ! ns to give time to the republican caucus to complete its party assignments to commltteo places. When the senate reassembled Mr. Gor man , acting for the democratic majority , offered a resolution declaring the construc tion of thu standing and solrct committees , and the resolution was ngrced to and the senate then adjourned until tomorrow. A communication was presented from tbo Interior department In answer to n resolu tion of last session inquiring ns to whether , permission for Sunday concerts in the pen sion oftleo had been given. The communica tion states such permission had liben applied for and had been expressly refused , and that the building had not been used on Sun days for such purposes. HtirkwItli'M Credential * I'lloil. The credentials of Mr. Upckwlth , ap pointed as senator-elect from the state : of Wyoming , were prescnto 1 by Mr. Vance and wore laid on the table , to bo referred to the committee on privileges and elections when presented. The vice president laid before the senate the resolutions of the Massachusetts legis ! lature favoring the annexation of the Ha waiian islands. After they were read the suggestion was made by Mr. Sherman that they should have been presented in execu tive session. They wore laid on the table , nnd then the senate proceeded to executive business , n list of nominations having been previously received from 1'rcsidont Cleve land. Soon after the doors \vero closed a re cess was taken until ! iiO : ! o'clock in order to afford the republicans nn opportunity to com plete their committee lists. When the doors wore reopened Mr. Gor man immediately offered a resolution nam ing tlio committees of the senate. The reso lution was agreed to and the scu.ito then ad journed until tomorrow. Rnndiiy Opening of tlio Uorlcl'H Fair. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 15. The propo sition embodied in a bill introduced In i the Illinois legislature to open the Illinois state exhibit nt the World's fair on Sunday , which it is expected , may result in the opening of the entire fair on humliiy , has attracted I lit tle attention hero so far. An explanation of this apparent rcmlssncss may bo found in the fact that few of thu senators and repre sentatives who have opi > osed Sunday open ing tire now In the city , lint the real friends of the fair here look with disfavor upon this last move , nnd their views were expressed by Senator Culloni today , when ho said that the Springfield bill would not pass , And further , that continued agitation of > the Sunday opening pro ) > osltloii would certainly result in disaster to thu fair. Snfo In Thrlr I'olltlrul Oplnloni. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 15. Secretary Carlisle today made the tirst enunciation of the policy that will govern bis-action in the matter of appointments in the lighthouse and life saving service. The announcement was made hi connection with the applica i l tions for ] HslUoii3 In the lighthouse service : ' 1 ho secretary writes : ' In reply I bee to inform that you the po sitions for which Mr. Green nnd Mr. IJurgur apply are not vacant und no cause for thu re- movul of the present Incumbents is known. It TIM been nmHi the f Hey of the depart ment and of thu lighthouse establishment to cncourniro nnd Iniuro n high stnndnttl nmonit tlio members of thu service during compe tency nnd good behavior and by promoting them nnrt transferring them to better sta tions ns reward * for good service , t mess some incompctcncy or neglect on their part Ii shown they are not disturbed In their tenure In ofllce , . . . . . "No lighthouse keeper will bo disturbed by mo In his ofllclal position merely because of his political opinion. " ci.ivirAM : > ' .s OAI.MIM. : I.'plicnpnl UMiopiTnlk with Him About the Chine-no Ktrltulnn Act. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 15.-"You are \vcry much In the minority , " said Mr. Cleveland - land this morning when Ucprcsentatlvo Houltof Ohio'called with n friend nnd an- nounccd that neither of them were looking for office. The majority was represented in undiminished - diminished force this morning and Mr. Cleveland wns very busily occupied until lunch time. A very dignified delegation was Introduced to the president by Hancroft Davis , the re- cordnr of the supreme court. It was com posed of four bishops of the Kplscopal church , Ut. Ilcvs. Parot of Maryland. Potter of Now York , Whitakcr of Pennsyl vania and Hnro of South Dakota. They wore shown Into the private parlor of the house nnd the president and Secretary of State fircsham Joined them there. The ob ject of their visit was to discuss with Mr. Cleveland the Chinese exclusion law with relation to its bearing on American interests in China. They said that strict enforcement of the law would be apt to endanger the property and lives of American * . They told the pres ident that they came to him , not ns repre sentatives of the church , but as citizens , nnd they had no suggestions to make , bu had simply come to confer with him , and Mr. Cleveland s.tid in reply that ha had to enforce this ns well us tlie-other laws of the country. The bishops admitted this , but suggested that It might be i > ossiblo to miti I- gate in some degree the severities of- the laws in operation. The president told them ; he would do all he could , and the interview terminated. Marshall Knmsdoll of the district , who has only recently returned from his trip to In diana , hither he accompanied President Harrison on his return home , called upon Mr Cleveland for the purpose of tendering ' his resignation. The president asked many questions about Mr. Harrison's homeward trip , and spoke in warm terms of the many courtesies which 1-ad been extended toward himself by his predecessor. Ho also rdn cratulatcd Mr. Harrison upon the choice which ho had made in the form of recrea tion , and said that ho believed duck snoot- Ing to bo ono of the most enjoyable of sports. MISTAKES I.S ICrrora In Appropriation IIIIU Ciiusn Scrlom Trimlilo for tilt ) ( iovcrniupiit. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 15. U is probable that the clerks nnd some other employes in the bureau of engraving and printing , not directly employed In the production of green- backs nnd other government obligations , will have to take certificates of indebtedness : instead of cash for their salaries for here balance of the current fiscal year as the re sult of an error In the enrollment of the deficiency lod" ficiency bill , by which the word "thousand" is loft off aftcr-rth appropriation intended to bo 37,000 for deficiency In the pay of clerical and other help at the bureau of engraving und printing. It is presumed that the em ployes will not be dropped from the rolls for the balance of this fiscal year , as they arc necessary to the working of the ; bureau. It is said at the appropriation committee room it is likely this will no con sidered a case wherein the government ofll- ccrs are authorl/.cd to create nn indebtedness under the statute ' providing that no govern ment olllccr shall'Incur nn indebtedness for the government except to save life and prop erty. It may bo held that the employment of these clerks is necessary to save "prop erty. " The clerks will then bo given cried tificates stating that they have rendered service to the value named. These they will probably bo able to get discounted by local money lenders , who will got reimbursed at the next session of congress. Several other errors in the enrollment have been discovered in the pension appro > priation bill. An appropriation roof &i'o,00i ' ) ) was Intended for fees of examining surgeons. In enrolling the word "five" was loft out , so the item road "three hundred and thousand dollars" cada deficiency of $5,000 from the proper amount. This will not bo serious in view of the smallness - ness of the amount and of the fact that it was made on estimates which in any event may bo too largo or too small , and which can bo remedied next session before the money actually appropriated is exhausted. These are but n few of the mistakes that have been committed in the enrollment of appro | priation bills and others are expected to corao to light every dnj. BIOIITOX MKANS liU.StNKSS. Ofllco * In III * Dopnrtmcnt to lie Almllnlinit Washington NoldB. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 15. Secretary Morton of the Agricultural department found tlmo to familiarize himself with the duties of nearly all the employes of the i de partment. There nro several places that 1 are regarded by him as sinecures and ho does not proiwso that the incumbents shall much longer draw a largo salary without giving the government u fairer return. He has concluded that several of these positions are not essential to the success of the depart ment nnd will shortly notify the incumbents that their places nro vacant. The secretary ho intends to his says run department on a business basis. The presidential postmasters sent to > the senate today comprise all of the cases now complete and ready for action. The post ) master general has notified senators and members of the house of representatives that ho will hereafter require in addition to tliclr recommendation some local expression . of the patrons of the oftlco as to the fitness of the applicant. Secretary Smith today directed that all orders heretofore issued by the commis sioner of the general land ofllco , making cases special , bo revolted. Hereafter cases : before the general land oflico will bo taken up nnd disposed of in their regular order. Hear Admiral David II. Harmony has been relieved from command of the Asiatic state tion nnd ordered home. Some tlmo ago ho applied for retirement , and his request was granted. Hear Admiral Irwin , now com mandant of the Mare Island navy yard. Cali fornia , has been ordered to relieve Admiral Harmony. The gain in the treasury gold was f'iOO,000 today. NOMI.VATKII nv ci.iviiAM : : ) . Mc.Viloo of Now ilrriny nml Kdwiiril n , Whit ney of Now York I.urlcy Onux , WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 15. The presi dent sent the senate the nominations of Wil ] liain McAdoo of Now Jersey , to bo assist ant secretary of the navy ; ICdward D. Whit ney of Now York , assistant attorney general j also a number of promotions in minor naval nnd army offices ns follows : Passed Assistant Engineer Charles W. Uae , to bo a chief engineer'Assistant ; Engineer William II. Aldurdico , to bo u passed assist ant engineer ; Captain Charles \V. Williams , assistant quartermaster , to bo major nnd quartermaster ; Captain James i N. Wholan , Second cavalry , to be major ; Cap tain Kramer , Sixth cavalry , to ba major ; Captain Ezra P. Ewers , Fifth Infantry , to bo major ; First Lieutenant Fred W. Sibloy , Second cavalry , to bo captain ; First Lieu tenant Benjamin H. Cheover , Sixth cavalry , to be captain ; First Lieutcii'int William H. Uowen , Fifth infantry , to bu captain. Flntt IMItor to ( ict There. Mr. Cleveland also to Jay sent to the son * nto his first batch of presidential jx > sl- masters nmt the first was that of Itobort U. Drown , to bo postmaster at Meadvlllo , Pa. , Itrown , In audition to being the first ap pointee to a postonico. has nt the outsat broken a rule said to have been laid down by the Postofllco department that noxvsptper men sliould not Ira ni > | > olntcd to office , Urown Is tuo owner and editor of the Messenger , a democratic weekly published at Meadvlllo. Brown has also shown his ability ns u "hustler. " The republican Incumbent of the office , nppolnted almost four years n o by Harrison , was removed , nnd abut three weeks before his term was out Mr Harrison sent the name of W S , Itoio to the senate for the plftco. Urown hoard of this and came down to Washington post haste , iirmod with letters of Introduction to democratic senators , Ho succeeded in having the nomi nation held up until the republican administration went out of txmcr nod then used his inllucnco to secure his own nomlna- Other postmasters nominated were Ste phen Smith. Tamil , Ia , ( Charles II. Long , Tlpton , la. The president accepted the resignation of Governor W. M. Stone of Illinois commis sioner general of the land office , to take el- feet on the .Mth lust. Mr. McAdoo was a member of the Forty- eighth nnd Forty-ninth congresses. Ho is nn Irishman by birth nnd not yet 40 years of age. In the house ho trained with the pro tection wing of the democracy. Edward 1) . Whitney , nominated for assist' ant attorney general , was nn active member of the nntf-snapper organization. Ho was ono of the protesting delegates sent by the anti-suappurs to Chicago. in mount WlllSnll for tlio IMiimU on u Hi-fret Mlsnlon. WASIMXOTOX , D. C. , March 15. Ex-Hep- resentntlvo Hlount of Georgia loft Washing- ington last night for San Francisco , accom panied by Mr. Kills Mills , confidential sten ographer of the State department. Ho is , It Is confidentially asserted , bound for Honolulu lulu on a secret mission , an appointment which required no confirmation by the sen ate. ate.Tho The selection of Mr. Illount for this mis sion indicates tint Mr. Cleveland Is not yet satisfied that Hawaii should bo annexed to the United States , but ho has not made up his mind to oppose it. Mr. IJIount will make a very thorough in vestigation of the situation and the presi dent's future action on the subject will prob ably bo governed by his report. Mr. Hlount und Annoxntlon. As chairman of the foreign affairs commit tee , when the matter first came before the house , Mr. Ulouut took a very conservative position , refusing to commit .himself on thu subject of annexation without further in formation. More than a year before the overthrow of the queen a delegation from the Hawaiian legislature came to this country without public announcement , seeking some indica tion from this country of what support the revolutionary party might rely on if they would overthrow the old government and establish a provisional government as has been done. The ultimate object , as they then disclosed it , was to seeuronnncxiition to this country , as they did not hope of success in the permanent establishment of a now gov ernment. Mr. I31ount was among the few persons with whom they talked , ana ho then refused to commit himself to any plan of the sort. There is no doubt , that since the overthrow of the queen ho has had some suspicion that this government may have encouraged the i revolution und might possibly bo accused of , I having a part In the establishment of the now government of the islands with which wo nro asked to treat. 1 The question of how the overthrow of the government was brought about , and whether the provisional government actually repre sents popular sentiment , will , it is under stood , bo thoroughly investigated First of all , the fact will bo established that this government , pending the ratification of Isn treaty giving fie right to do so , will not in terfere in any way with ttio affairs of the islands , except i'f need be , to defend them from foreign encroachment , the idea being that n government claiming to represent the people of the islands must bo strong enough : to maintain Itself If wo ore to treat with .t. The probability is that wo will do nothing .t.to maintain the provisional government against any other governmental the peoploof Hawaii themselves , that might bo. or seek to bo established. Hut if it is found that the provisional government is really the chosen government of the islands and is not de pendent upon the support of the United States for its existence , the proposition for annexation may bo favorably regarded nnd an amended treat.v may bo sent to the senate at the nevt session. However , apart from other considerations the desirability of annexing the islands will bo investigated. Why the Trcnty Win Withdrawn. It is said that the administration early re ceived Information which wns deemed to robe reliable that the overthrow of Queen to - kaluni and the establishment of a il government were the result of a plan formu lated by the sugar producing elements of mho Islands and which was furthered in an Francisco. Upon receiving this on the withdrawal of the treaty was deter mined upon. Cipher dispatches wont out last night from both tlio State and Navy departments for Honolulu , which will go forward on the steamer Australia from Sun Francisco today. What thcso dispatches contain none of the officers of either department will suy. NO MOKU "OOMrimiNTS. " Secretary Morton Can't Sand Out Docu ment * With III * Card Inclosed. WASUIXOTOK , D. C. , March 15. More than 00,000 bulletins nnd reports already wrapped for mailing in the Department of Agriculture will have to bo unwrapped and rewrapped [ for the purpose of extracting from them the customary notice to the effect that each document is sent "with the compliments of" or by direction of the secretary of agricul ture. The last sundry civil bill contained 1 u clause prohibiting this information being given. "It is law , " said Secretary Morton , "and wo will adhere to it closely , although for my my own part I think it woula igha good thing If documents thus distributed gratuitously from n department of the gov ; ernment should inform the citizens receiving them as to their source and intent. " CarllKlo'it Klnunrl'il Sdiumo4. WASHINGTON' , D. C. , March IB.-Tho Star says : "Secretary Carlisle expects to have ready to submit some financial propositions by the time congress meets which will form the basis of an agreement between congress and the executive on the financial problem. Gentlemen who have talked with bun on the subject say that ho has a plan pretty well outlined in his mind which will involve a complete reorganization of our financial sys tcin. It is said that it will include the repeal peal of the law compelling the purchase roof silver by the government nnd will provide for the deficiency of currency by providing for the ropaal of the state bank tax and the issue of currency for banks under state ; charter under the general supervision of the general government , the security and cur rency provided for under the laws of the state , reouliIng the auproval of the govern " . ment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No TrimUlo nt IMno Itldgn. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 15. The Indian bureau has received information from Captain Drown , acting agent at Pine Hidge , that the report that an Indian named Pawnee is about to lead an attack against the Indian police prove * unfounded. Pawnee , Captain Hrown says , is living quietly at his home on thu reservation , and no trouble is antici pated. Cook's Imperial Champagne lias stood the test for thirty years. 'Ihero is no better sparkling wlno made. It's extra dry. Cloftml to Snucend . ) uy ( lould. NEW YOUR , March 15. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Pacific Mail Steamship company Edward Lauterbach was elected a director to fill the vacancy ney caused by the death of Jay Gold. DRY SUNDAYS 'FOR ' , , OMAHA Polloo Will Watch the Bick Doors of the Saloon " ) irv NO PRIVATE BARS FOR"'HOTEL GUESTS Anil Sunday I'rMcrlplTon * for intoxicant * Are Under the Jlan Strfetor Itcjrulntloni for Mumbling I'fAee * nnd Dl - rrputnble'ifb'uie ' * . iv The saloons , gambling places nnd houses of ill repute will bo subjected to a police surveillance oven moro rigid than heretofore , and Chief Seavey declares ho will make an honest , determined effort to carry out the instructions of Mayor Ucints. "With reference to the houses of 111 fame , " ho said to n BBB man. "I think they nro under ns complete police supervision ns is possible. For the east three years these matters have been kept well in hand by the police department , nnd that wns never moro true than nt the present time , Not long ago I issued jrdcrsi to my men to arrest any woman who appeared in the windows of the bawdy houses or in any way attempted to solicit patronage from the street. Thcso orders were rigidly enforced. Last Sunday I scuta special olllcer , who spent the afternoon - noon in the burnt district nnd kept close watch , to see whether this rule was being obeyed. During that time ho only saw ono woman and she came out of ono of the houses dressed in street attire nnd went up town. "There is once in n while a landlady who attempts to get outside of the district pro scribed bv law. In most cases she is do- tcotcd nnd arrested , and in fact these in stances occur but seldom. In obedience to the instructions of the mayor I shall detail an ofltcor to make a thorough search of the city for cases of this kind and when found I shall not only cause the arrest of the women but also of the owners , agents or lessees of the building which has been rented for such purposes. I have made n thorough personal examination of a number of other cities and find that this evil is under Inr bettor govern ment In Omaha than in any other city of its size in the west. I do not say this because I ntn chief of police , but because it is n fact which any unbiased person will confirm. " Sunday Liquor Soiling .11 list Stop. A delegation of hotel men nnd saloon keepers called upon the chief of police yes terday to inquire as to his understanding ' of the law ns applied to them and of his isel probable action in tlio premises. The hotelmen elo men claimed that they had n right to pro vide their guests with liquor in their rooms on the Sabbath day , and the druggists thought that it was perfectly legal for them to sell liquor on n physician's prescription The chief read them the statute governing ' the liquor business , whifh declared that it should bo unlawful to sell or give away any vinous : , spirituous or malt liquors whatever iym the first day of the week , and informed them thnt in obedience to the instructions of the chief executive of tho'city ho had no 10fl ucourse but to enforce thb law as ho found flit. . rThis means that the liottsl guests must pro- vide themselves with n 'stock of drinkables over Saturday night Tjr go without. For some time past the bars' 'at the leading hotels : have been run wide opcti all day Sunday , the rear door being left open , but according to the now order of thlngsithis will bo strictly forbidden. * . , In discussing the alleged violation of the Sunday law the chief'said there was no doubt that there were saloons which dis pensed liquor every Sunday , and in Justice to those proprietors who did observe the law , if for no other reason , the law should be enforced. But the police department was handicapped in several ways. There was nero allowance for funds With which to secure evidence against thcso people , and with only twenty-live men to watch 'J. > 0 saloons it was difficult to watch all of them nil of the time , Tlio violations of the law were for the most part in the outlying distriets. where there was but little police , protection. Some roof thcso saloons paid men for no other purpose than to watch outside and give warning ISOof the approach of nn olllcer. When the ofllcer : arrived all suspicious signs were gone , hong curtains raised nnd apparently everything was as it sliould bo. Hereafter , however , a squad of men in citizens clothes will bo deTailed - Tailed nnd a systematic inspection will lobo made of every quarter of the city. Hard Nut to Crack. Another question which is pertinent nt this time was raised in an interview which was printed in THE BEE several weeks ago. It was In regard to the practice of the : liouses of ill fame of selling liquors at all times of the day and week without any license whatever and without molestation , while the saloons , which pay a license i of $1,000 a year , nro not allowed to soil after midnight or on Sunday. It was claimed that this was nn injustice to the saloon men and that the law which applied to saloons should also bo enforced as against the moro dis reputable resorts. About four years ago a law was passed covering this point and a determined effort wns made by Chief Scavoy to effect n convic tion under its provisions. Officers in citizens clothing were detailed to collect evidence against a do/en or so of the leading bagnios nnd scnrch warrants were issued with which thcso houses were searched and a largo amount of liquor confiscated and removed 1 to the old police station on Fourteenth street. The dealer Who sold the beer to the bagnios tried to replevin the liquor , claiming that it belonged to him and had been loft there in trust. Every effort was made to effect a conviction , but tlio defendants were released in each case and a suit wns inaugurated against Chief Seavey and his bondsmen for dimages sustained by tlio arrest and confis , cations. The case was tried in Justice court and n verdict rendered against tlio- chief , who appealed the case to the district court , where it is still undecided. the Crusaders. "Why don't some of thcso people who are ngitntlng this question take hold of it them selves ? " said the chief tills morning. "Tho law is that any property owner can swe.ir , I out u search warrant and proceed to search one or all of thcso houses for liquor. All Ihe has to do is to get out a warrant and it will become my duty to see that it is carried put. I tried it on my own responsibility once and made a dismal failure of it , bumgunable to secure' . ! conviction in a single case and com ing out with a big lawyer's fee to pay nnd possibly heavy damages when the suit ngainst me is decided , It is easy enough to ask why this nnd that is not done , but the difficulties will bo hotter understood if some Of { 0 most clamorous reformers would try it themselves. " ii Advertising Started ltr liforlt .Undo It I'op- nlnhrt Dr. T. P. Hubbcll , wijjf'ls ' engaged in the drug business at Wolcott , Vt. , says : "Ad vertising started the naly. on Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy hero , jwt it now sells on its merits , and all who use , it speak highly of it. " When with-n troubled - cough or cola , give It a trial am ) you , yrfll bo moro than pleased with the result , . It Is also n certain cure for croup in children. 00 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Marrlugo Llctnueg , The following mari-lago" licenses were issued sued by County Judge Kller yesterday. Name and Aduioss , . ! " Ago ( I Fred A. Pjorron , Omahn , ! ! AL 3 I Hannah Larson , Oniahal . . ! i2 I Edward „ . Pound , Hot Hiring * , S. D . . 32 ( Iottlo Kciton1 , bmlllion , Mo . . i2 ! i John Iiauc-rfins , Newman's Grove , Nob. . . . 42 1 Mury Plert > on , Umtilni U2 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. OB CARHFLM , Do careful of your ninmiorn , they I miles to your brci-dlnt. lie careful of your IhotiRhtii for tlioy form your life , lie careful of your rwllono , for they roronl your cliuractor. Ho enroful of ynur nsioclntoij you ro judged brtliocominny you koop. Ilo cnroful of your family nnd your friends ! thuy nro tlia bott ilfts the AtmlRlity o.in give you. you.Ho Ho careful of your lienltjit it U a blosilnn that can never bo tuo highly valued ! U Is sim ply priceless. Ho enroful of the first sl ni of n cough , cold Or MToaknossi tlioy tire tliu fororiuuu'rs of ills- onso. o CJirnful In what WI\T you counteract a cou2h or n colii. und roinuinuor tlioro In noth ing which does It HO well ns a pure stltnuIuiiU lie careful Unit you sccuro tlio rlcht silinu- Inntiiml boar In inlud tlmttlui best authori ties ugrcothntnotlilnK oauals n uuro whiskey , Ilo ruroftil that you soeuro the purest nnd the bo and rcinembor thnt doctor * and scientists agree tliutnowhlsUuyequals UulTy < 1'uro Malt. lit careful that you taKO this erp.it prepara tion promptly. tinU In n systematic manner. Kenioniberlliat n "stitch in tlmo saves nlno and that your health and happiness may depend - pond upon It. Ilo enroful that you nro not' norsttadcrt to tnUo somothlim olsu which may he called "Just us Rood" by your ilrneirlst or itrot'or. IiisiBt upon Imvliu Duiry's I'uro M'llt. which Is the only puro. mculclnal whiskey In the market. nil. r. I. . SKiltM" : . ConsnltlnR Surgeon. Graduate of Hush Medical . College. ( UON- I > S FICIK : ) . For the treatment of > ANO § i $ iQSQl it&da-t $ Wo euro Catarrh , All Dlboasos of the NOBO. Throat. Chest. Stomach , Bowels and liivor. Blood , Slcln nnd Kidney Di.ion.ioj , Female Woakuossos , Lost Manhood CURED. 1'11.E3 , KISTUIj * . FI9SU11K , permanently cure 111 nlli out tlio use of knife , ligature or cauittc. 111f All nmladlos of n private or delicate nature , of clltier ox , positively cured. Call on or iirtdress. wltu etamp for Clrcultn , ITraj Doolt and Itcclpcs , Hr &Cmrlfic im Sontu iflth St. , . OUlllLb , OMAHA , NKH. Nnit Uonr to Tostoltlca CAKT BE CUB.BD. If Dr. Schonok's trBatraont ani euro of Con sumption wuro something now anil untrlo'l ' , people ! mlirht doubt : but wlmt has provoj It self through a nicoril us old us our grand fatti er s , 1110:1118 : just what It Is A Specific for Consumption r.nd for nil alueasoa of tlio Limps. Mo treut- meiit In tlio worldcan plnco so iimny uorma- nent cur&s of Consumption to Its croult as f r. Schenuk's. Nothing In Nature acts so directly and effectively on tlio Inns inonilir.ines and tissues , nnd so quickly dlnposo * oftuborcles. congestion. Inllnmtnntloii , cnlils , cousin und nil tlio needs of Consumption as Dr. Schenck's Puimonic Syrup Wlion all else fulls it conies to tuo resono. Not until It fulls , and only after faithful trial. When any ono Uuspond. It has brought tlio houoloss to llfo anU health. It lias turned the dospulr of ton thousand homos Into Joy. It Is doing ft now. It will continue to do It throughout tno asos.Jr. . Schtndft Practical TrenHtenn CnnwnvMnn , .MwrnntJMomncft Ola- easa mailed frcttn all ctDplicmts. Dr. J. ! ! Schcnclt iO Son. I'Mladtlpltla , P * If Your Cistern Is Out of Order or Soft Water is scarce , don't worry yourself for a moment go right ahead and use hard water with WHITE RUS83AS\ \ ! and you'll never know the difference , The clothes will be just as white , clean and sweet-smelling , because the "White Russian" is specially adapted for use in hard water. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago , Dusky Diamond Tar Soao. So llr.nd p * rj [ TRADE HAItlC lUEdKTERID.J MADK A WELL MAN OF ME" INDAPO' riiiu.itK.tr HINDOO REMEDY rilQDUCE ) , THE ABO\K IIKHUI.TH In BO 1HY8. Curua all > Nclvein llii'Hf , Knlllni ; Jloimiry , 1UI11IV , , , , \veAknt' . . DIIUI | J IVI'I' If r i- i-fi. ) tc. , anil oulcLly but mil clyrenturn l.o > t tiinllljrln ) hlorounif. Kaiilv rnrrleil 111 veit | < orkct , 1'rlcr , 91.(10 n 1'iickao. . hit fur * : , .IH > u IIh u wrllli-n BIIUI" liMlertiiciiru or inuiii'r rrfa-irtt. Han't J t nnill. . prlncloli'ildruci'l't rrllon nnyAfnifu/'mfrufton In- flit or , liitTlnu ; IMIAI'O nouo other If lie lm no vet II. w will veiulll liy nmll upon rrrvlpt uf prlo , i'niiii.lili't In ronloii cnvrloiio fiio. Aililrrn ilrlcnlul Mi'dlrnl Co..fill rjjmoiilli I'laiT , Cliliutfo , 111. BOLD by Kulin & Co. , Cor. islh ami Douglaa Sis. , ami J. A. Fuller & Co , Cor , ylh and Douglas Sts. , OMAHA. NF.U , by 1'aul d Sclmcider , 5:1 llroaiiway and 6 I'earl St. , COUNCIL I3LUFF& IOWA , and olher Leadinc UruKKUts. RIPANO TABULF-O rigulntpv Iho rtomach , Uttrund bo-reU , purl-X fT tl.o hlix * ! , ant Mlo KU. . | fneclual i j ; tLii Ittsl mt illclno kiiov > n lor liillou - / , ni . contllpallou , dJ | p = .U. foul 5 l/ri'nlli. t J > i-i , hosrlliurn , lou of * appetite , ii-dnuil o prvMlon , I AIUIUI o dlueilloii , plmplf J , wUow rnmjlti t > Clmpiirn bljod.or a ftlluro l > y li > /tomw'h , llrfrcr U : J * t luiM toiitrform UKlrprtL rfimcUon _ . _ _ l _ r n o l'rtMl'T inMUlBroii.il i w-nii . , CllKMICAl , jC0.7ll > Fprue < > . J > CIT Vote wlillo coUlns the employer and ompioyoo notlilnc. h is on.-kblod us to advance the Inter- cstsof both.and also our own , by socurln ; hotter rejutu with ttia machine. Wyckoff , Seaman & Beneilicl .VB KJI nis P SPRING We take a great deal of pleas ure in the announcement of the arrival of our recent pur chase of all the very latest high class novelties in suits and overcoats for wear this We have not only bought largely of the best manufac turers in business suits , but dress suits of the finest fabrics made up in the very latest and most approved manner. We into the trade arena this year fully equipped and confident of winning the majority of points contested for. We do not ask fancy prices but sell you the best to be procured for the least money. Spring Overcoats and NOW ON DISPLAY. Columbia Clothing Company , 13th and Farnam Streets. Just in Our Importation of Exclusive Styles in Spring Woolens. Paxton Hotel Building. TRINIDAD ASPHALT FOR Street ; Paviijg , Efcc. , Etc. REFINING and PAVING PLANTS On Hand and Furnished At Lowest Prices. Experts in refining and pavine supplied. THE TRINIDAD ASPHALT REFINING CO. * SO WnllStroot , NEW YORK CITY. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD \V. n. I'AItKIcn , M. IX , No. 4 Ilninncli rt. , UKTOJ * , ; j3as.v e tittf coninlllny phyilcian of tht iraa airardnl tbo UOLII MKIIAL by the NATIONAL MEIIICAL AsiociATjnxfo. thnl'KIZK KHRAYon rthnatteil \'itaHtf.Mtvf'v/f \ > 'trtouiunii I'tiyilcal Villtlty , nnd nil Ditto „ and IFVutntM of Jfvn , fllinro thoyoun , the mlJillt uged nnj alii. lilm\ ! Conmliatlon In person or by letter. { JUI11.U I'rosjcctito , with tcstlmonlnlo , FKKK. f.nrno book , SOI KNCK OF I.TPK , OK PV.t.V- I'HKSKKVATION. SCO pp. . 125 Itnalual.lo pr * rlntlonn full a H. on'7 ftl.uO bv In.in. Mili l Agents Wanted Everywhere. THE RENOWNED COAL SAVER Pavoi one qunrler of your coat bill , pruvunt * soot anil clnilon , Oo tror > coal itai , producji purfoc ( combuitlim kcopi boiler Hunt cloin iiiikm liot Ilro In IIvu minutes , ncti oquallr neil on li-inl ni on oft cunl Ono packauo cuMluv & conU U ullloli-it ( lo trout ono ton of cunl. Kor ( urlhor Informalloa ull ou or adilroii with attinipt L. S. EIiLSWORTH & CO. , 406 8. 13thS. OmahaNob. MARVIN TRUSSES The Best Truss Made Doeanso It supports tlio abdoinoi nnd com presses tlio rnptiiro so us to urlnz thourokon parlstegotlii-raml ufTautu cure. I'rlvnto room for fitting tmssoj. l.iJy ; In attendance for Indy customers. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , Surgioal Instruments an.l Modlcril BiiDplloi HIS. nth Sc. , ii3xt I'oito a jo Omaha's Wewesl Hotel COR , 12TH AND HOWARD STS. ( Oltooinn at f..W pur il iy. ( Ollooms nttl.UJ par ilar. ( OUooins mill natli at $1.0 } perittr. 10 KOOIDI with Haiti nt U .Y ) to JI.5) p jr < l r- . OPENE1IJ AUGUST Isb Aloilorn In Kvory Itcxprct. Niuvly ruriiUlinil Throughout C. S. ERB. Prop. Tlio only hotel In tuc elty with hot and cold w tor , and ste un ho it In ovar/ roe in Tublo and dining room service unsurpassed. BATES $2.50 TO $4.00. Special ratCH on application. D. SILLOWAY. Prop. THK ORLE. IlItATED NON- OIIANOKA- HIK fal'EO- TAOUS end Eycgluss- es for Halo In EYEGLASSES' ' OMAHA P/ICHTSOJU1Y2I I8 ii y Max Neyer SL Bro. Co. , SoloAROiits for Oinalui. AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. A medical wor' * that tclla Iho c/iuva , ilcterltiM .iioenivtii , imluHlliBrmicdy. hclontllV ! llyilioe in < r > t valualilc , nrilnllcnlly ilio limit licaullliili ! medical book otrr JiUbllAticdi HO , itogPBevery Q ii.ucu bcarltiK nlialf tonu IllllktrcUon In llntB.S fiulijocliiireato'l I NcrvnU' Debility , Iiiilintf ncy , Kti'rlllty , Dcvrldpincnl. Varlcnccle , The Hut b mil , Tliote Ititoiidlnit Marriage , etc. Kvtry manwhowivMknmr IheOraml Truttti , the I'luln t'niIt , Hit ( Hit Kcliti nndKria IXf cintrtriofjlnllc'il Frlence m ni'l'Hnt to tlnr- rltil Lift , who mntlil nlone fur rnsl .anil mvtilfuturei'llfalli.nhmtliturllt fur tliil \\VOSDK1UVL \ \ LtTfl.KMJOK. It irlll bqnont froo. uuiterfrnl , lillo tliohdl onlaMi. AddrfHthuHiLllfticr ] . < KIIIK MKDIOAf. CO. , ItuIInlo , NV. > > n < wv 1 > " * A. H. DYEB , Klimitorn , unroliniuiK , rnntnry tiiillillnir * , mill ullvnrk rciiilrlni | ; n Iliiirnueli uiul liruutlcul kniMTlvili ; < i ul oiimtrnullou uilil of inntnrliiK , it puciulty. 1 > , O , llox J31 , I'roiiiDiit , Neb.