Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    # Vp , w wtiwr " * 't ' * w'HAp < > wtjv ' < ' * " " 11 v i nil i * *
! * * > UHtn + mnpa. * * < , - . y.i.pM * , f- .
jiroyldo for tlio imrolo nf prisoners , to pliico
the power thorcfor In the governor or the
stnto and dellnlns the duties of the governor
nnd of ofllecrs In connection therewith ,
placed on frowrninio ,
House roll No.MX ) , by WntAon , relating to
the Imprisonment of convicts In the No-
brasUn i > cnltcntlury imil the employment ,
povernmont and release of such convicts by
the governor. Imlpllnltuly twslponcd.
House roll No. Ill ) , tiyVnlson , to amend
the cede of civil procedure , placed on general
House roll No. tfM , by Hlckctts. to amend
section MKW of the consolidated statutes of
Nebraska of 1S91 , and to repeal said original
section , placed on general Hie.
House roll No. 33" . by Wlthnell , to amend
the compiled statutes of Nebraska of 1SS7 ,
Iniloilnltely postponed.
House roll No. Ml ) , by I'ortcr. repealing so
much of and that part of section 3,310 and all
other sections and parts of sections as ro-
latesto thn "Nebraska National Guard , " re
turned without recommendation nnd Indefinitely -
definitely | Kstponcd. )
IIouso roll No. il7l > , by l/jcltner , to amend
the statutes concerning "divorce , " Indef
initely postponed.
House roll No. 4II , by Drockman , by re
quest , for the protection and advancement
of the Itvn-Alock Interests of Nebraska , and
for the establishment of a bureau of llvo
Block Industries In Nebraska and appropriate
inonoy tborofor. Indefinitely i > osti > oncd.
Hnuso roll No. MTi , by Jenkins , act for the
relief of the heirs of Lucy K. Lemon , In
definitely postixjiicd.
To I.ot tlin Woninn Voto.
House roll No. ; i7S , by Ford , to enable
women possessing the necessary qualifica
tions to vote for county superintendents of
public Instruction and county sui > crvlsors or
commissioners , placed on general ( lie.
House roll No.IS'i , by Crane , to amend
Boctlon 1 \ of chapter Iv of the criminal cede ,
entitled "Violence to persons , not resulting
in death , " and to repeal said section , placed
on general Illo.
House roll No. 5129 , by Johnston , authoriz
ing the special committee , Johnson , Brock-
man and Sinclair , appointed by the house
of representatives of Nebraska to investigate
nnd reuort on the WliO.OOU state money de
posited by J. B. Hill , oxstatetreasurer , to
the Capital National bank of Lincoln , Nob. ,
to employ competent counsel to Institute
null and do all that is necessary to collect
said tsjyu.WX ) from any person or persons as
principal or bondsmen liable for said $230-
( XX ) . placed on general Ille.
House roll No. 34 , to amend section 293 of
the code of civil procedure nnd to repeal
said section as now existing , Indefinitely
House roll No. 14 , joint resolution to pro
vide for sutmiltllng to the electors the ques
tion of calling a constitutional convention to
nmcnd , revise , or change the constitution of
th'o state of Nebraska , indefinitely post
House roll No. ISM , by Suter , for the re
lief of thp heirs of Frederick Aschcnbrcuncr ,
deceased , recommended for Indefinite post
ponement and rosubmlttcd to the committee.
House roll No. fi35. by Woods , to provide
for the payment of bounties for the destruc
tion of wild animals in the state of Nebraska ,
Indefinitely postponed.
House roll No. 513 , by Ilrown , to regulate
the manufacture and sale of lard and pro
viding a penalty therefor , placed on general
House roll No. f > 23 , hy Dimmick. toregulato
the punishment of refractory prisoners con-
Jlned In the Nebraska penitentiary , placed
on general Illo.
House roll No. fiOt , by Loekner , to provide
for a preliminary survey for a navigation
canal extending from the cast line of the
state of Wyoming to or near the city of Fre
mont , Dodge county , Nob. , and there to con
nect with the proposed Omaha canal , ex
tending thence to the city of Omaha , and
appropriating funds for the expense thereof ,
indeliultcly postponed.
llm-kot Simps Muy Hun.
House roll No. f > 4S. by It-win , to suppress
gambling In grain and pork options or keep
ing open rooms wherein options in round lots
of the Chicago speculative grades of grain or
pork are solicited , bought , sold and dealt In
and wherein the ciuotntlons far thcso options
are bulletined , indotlnitely postponed.
House roll No. 533 , by Schelp , to regulate
option rooms wherein options In round lots
of the Chicago Board of Trade speculative
Krado of grain or pork are solicited , bought ,
and sold and dealt in , and wherein the fluc
tuating prices for such options on the Chicago
.V- cage Board of Tratio and other places of like
character are bulletined , indefinitely post
House roll No. 35G , by request ,
to incorporate companies to do the business
of life or accident insurance on the assess
ment plan and to control such companies of
tnla stuto nnd of other states doing business
in this state. Indefinitely postponed.
House roll No. 333 , by Dnvies , to provide
for the sinking of experimental artesian
wells within certain counties in this state ,
to make an appropriation to defray the ex
penses of making such wells and to deter
mine their location ; majority report placing
the bill on general file wus adopted.
House roll No. 4127 , by Oakley , to provide
for the appointment hy the governor of a
prison agent to aid discharged prisoners and
to repeal all other acts or parts of acts in
conflict herewith , indefinitely iwsltwned.
House roll No. 443 , by Higgins. amending
section 34fi2 , chapter xlilt. , of statutes of
Nebraska of IS'.lt , and to regulate the duties
of the chaplain of the state penitentiary ,
recommended for indefinite postponement ,
but placed on the general file.
House roll No. 500 , by Goss of Douglas , to
provide for the lease and sale of the peni
tentiary lands belonging to the state of Ne
braska , placed on general Ille.
House roll No. 428. by Oakley , to provide
for the education of prisoners in the state
penitentiary anil to repeal nil other acts or
parts of nets In conflict herewith , indefinitely
And then came Irwin's resolution calling
for the impeachment committee.
After it bad been sent over one day the
house took the usual noon recess.
Oooil Knougli to I'ass.
At the afternoon session the house went
into committee of the whole , with Sutor in
the chair , ' 'to consider bills on general file.
The following bills were considered , and
ordered engrossed lor third reading :
House roll No. 140 , by Sisson , to nmcnd
Bcc.tlcm1,317 of the consolidated statutes of
Nebraska , entitled "Public Finances ; "
house roll No. P5 , by SH.SOII , to amend
chapter xllv of the statutes of Ne
braska , entitled " 1'nbllc Instruction ; "
house roll No. 123 , by Biwkman. to regulate
thn duty of persons in cliargo of steam en-
glnon , propelled on the highways of this
Btato , wholli or in part by steam power , and
to provide a penalty for the violation of the
saiuo ; house roll No. 101 , by Oakley , to
nmcnd sections 3,700 , ; i,731 and 3,722 of sub
division 14 of chapter xllv of the
consolidated statutes of Nebraska , nnd
to repeal the original sections amended ;
liouso roll No. ' 'DO , by Ames , to protect the
health of employes in factories and work
shops , to prevent the practleo of sweating
the employes" and the manufacturing of
clothing and garments in dwelling aad tene
ment houses ; house roll No. „ ' ! , to provide
clerks nnd assistants for ihorounty clerks in
counties having over 3 , > , l)0i ) ( inhabitants and
providing for same ; house roll No. N ) , by
Oakley , to enlarge and define the duties of
certain members of the faculty nf the State
university ; liouso roll No. 142 , by Barry , to
provide for tin examination of the ofllco of
county treasurer ; house roll No. 219 , bv Sutton -
ton , to amend sections 3'iO' ( ) , 2,012 and -JuO ( ,
of subdivisions 19 and 36 of section 2Cf > 4 of
Cobboy's Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska
of 1891 , and to ropoul said original sections
HO amended ; house roll No. 278. bv Lingen-
felter , for the relief of Scotts Uluff county ,
Nebraska , ami to npproprinto $7,405.73 to
said county ; house roll No. ; tr > , by I ckner ,
to give J. Arnold an honorable discharge
anil pay for throe months service ; house
roll No * 431 , by Porter , to appropriate cer
tain moneys known ns the Merrill fund , re
ceived by the state treasurer under an act
of congress of the United States , improved
August 30. 1SW ) ; benne roll No. S , to pro-
crlbo the mode of payment of obligations
to bo paid in money.
The report of the committee of the whole
va adopted.
The following Joint resolution was received
Irom the senate :
Bo It re solved by the senate nnd liousn of
roprcnentiitlvi'.s In tlio lozUlatlVti assembly of
the it Mr of Nebraska , That astliore iiroliirL-o , tracts of land in
thli state which nro mm . holly unproductive
from the want of noccviary knon Ii'dtie.carn nnd
ictlvo IndiLstry otrmoccuiorlui ; civilized people
ple In property dnvolop tin minus ; uvull.ihlo
water * ar d hy moans of well looatod artesian i
TrelU and ditches to supply watur for Irri
gation , mlninir purposes , | x > iti'r and city sup-
yllei , in fcrlllltft , iiianuf.icluroiili'1 ' mine.
ThsnrcoKnry knnwlrilw for ilie&o useful
punxMM ran only t < < fully furnl lied by n re-
IHJ-I i > ' acmiiiM.-lcntCMdnn'Ut nftor a rpcular
" ' Murrey under ttchlcf nf a j : 'oliCl-
i who U irsll acquainted with tue
geological conditions nnd development of Nu-
\\'o tlicrnforo rrijlicst the m-emlary of agri
culture , thu M-crnlnry of the Interior and ami-
nlnfviinil rvpiYM.'iitatlvc * in c-onjtrcss of tlin
t'nlR'd NUitfs to so procure mien Koolostlcnl
Mirvpy ni lm < been mndo In Hiivurul olhor
HtntPHnml iiHxhown by map herewith enclosed
and by roportt of Much surveys.
The homo concurred in the resolution ns
requested by the upper house , and the house
then adjourned.
tJimicroMlut Attempt to Sntlln tlin Quns-
tluii of i ; trn I'ay for linploy .
IJISCOLX , Nob. , March 15. [ Special to THE
DDE. ] Toilny was the llfty-scconcl day of
Iho session ns far ns Iho scnato was con
cerned , and It was given up largely to rou
tine work. The committees are digesting
bills at n lively rate , nud a largo proportion
of the measures Introduced during the tlwt
forty days of the session have cither boon
placed on Iho general fllo or Indefinitely post
poned. This morning another largo hatch
of bills was reported and placed on iho
general flic.
The committee on engrossed ami enrolled
bills rp | > orlcd that senate Illo No. 13r , cm-
bodying the amcndincnlslo the Omaha char
ter , had lueii correctly engrossed.
Tlip old wrangle over the payment of
extra lime to employes came up. It seems
that the soc-rotary and his assistants have
been drawing doublu pay for the most of
the days the senate has been In session , and
single pay for the days when the senate was
not in session , including .Sundays. The
senators on the republican side have tried
all through tlio session to fix Iho rule lhat
an employe should receive but ono day's pay
for o.c day's work.
Senator Darner seemed lo voice the senti
ments of the Independent senators this
morning. Ho asserted that if employes
wanted to put in bills for extra time and
swear to tlio same. Iho senate could no
nothing but allow the claims. The only pro-
icclion Ihe senate had was in the honesty of
Its employes.
The scnato argued the matter an hour ,
and finally referred the whole mailer back
to Iho coinniillce on accounts and expendi
Will Work No H\tm Time.
Senator Stewart brought out his favorlto
resolution providing for daily sessions to
commence at 0 o'clock in the morning. Sen
ator Graham mot it with a motion to lay
the resolution on the table. The scnato re
fused to have it thai way , however , and the
motion to table was lest. The resolution
was then placed on its passage , but as it
made a change in the slanding rules of Iho
senate it failed to rccclvn a two-thirds ma
jority and was declared lost.
Senator Gray precipitated another dis
cussion on the employes question by offering
a resolution to tlio effect thai if employes
had beoii allowed pay for Sunday work the
amount should bo deducted from the amount
yet duo them. After another half hour
spout in fruitless discussion the whole mat
ter was laid on the table.
The senate then took a recess until 2:00 :
When the scnalc reconvened afler noon
Iho regular order of business was taken tip
and a number of houHerolls were read the
lir.-tt and second times and referred lo appro-
uriate committees.
Senate file No. 33" , by twloy , amending
the criminal co'.lo. It gives justices of the
peace jurisdiction in many cases of infr.ic-
lion of criminal law now conferred upon
county judges.
Senate Illo No. 333 , by Lowlcy , also amend
ing the criminal code In iho aamo manner ,
thn CImrlcr 1:111.
At 3:15 : tlio senate took up senate fllo No.
127 , the bill containing the amendments to
the Omaha charter , and the secretaries
began the monotonous task of reading the
It require. ! ono hour and thirty-five min
utes to read the bill. It placed on its
passage and received thirty-two votes and
the nroslitcnt declared it passed with tlio
emergency clause.
The scnato then went into committee of
the whole to consider senate files Nos. 210 ,
02 and 73 , with Senator Mullen In the chnlr.
Senate fllo No. 210 was first taken up. It
was introduced by Senator Smith ana pro
vides that articles of incorporation of street
railways must contain n list of the termini
of the proposed line and must designate
the street or streets through which the
lines are to bo run. Tno bill also limits the
length ol the line on any ono street to five
miles. Ono provision of tlio bill prevents
any city from granting a franchise to two or
more companies to operate a Hue on any ono
street and prohibits more than ono line of
street railway from being constructed on one
The latter provision met with the opposi
tion of Senators TefTt and Mattes , and the
former moved that it bo stricken out. l > oth
claimed that the effect'of the provisions
would bo to give exclusive franchises to
great monopolies. The committoa rose with
out action on the bill at 0 o'clock , askirg
leave to sit again.
The senate then adjourned , after declining
to report on a couple of bills from the finance
committee , ono of them being the World's
fair bill.
ItrvoliitlmilHtH .Surrender.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , March lii. A dispatch
from Carlzzo , on the lower Uio Grande bor
der , states that forty Mexican revolutionists
have surrendered to thushcriftof thocolmty.
Among them are Colonels Thomas Cuellar ,
Procopio Gutierrez and Julian Florcs , Lib-
rado Gutioircz , Dionislo Salazar. Gregorio
Guevara , Anacle Trovino , Jose Morales. An-
toaio Palacio , Lucia Cantu , Rafael Nieta ,
Amndo Garcia , Clomcnto Gulterroz and Es-
piridion Orliz.
I'KKSOXAL 1'All.KlltAl'IlS.
C. C. McNish of Wisner. Nob. , Is In attendance -
tendanco on Judge Irvine's court.
Prank Morrissey is still very 111. Ho was ,
however , somewhat Improved last evening.
Mrs. Crabis being quite ill , wishes friends
to call and see her at 2713 Pacific street.
Mrs. Henry Wiley of York , recently a res
ident of Omaha , Is In the city visiting
A. U. Drcxel , who for the past four years
has served as receiving teller of tlio Omaha
Savings bank , has resigned.
At the Murray : J. M. Klaess , New York ;
F. H. Jay , Kansas City ; C. M. Grles , Now
York : .1. II. IIuiil , Chicago ; .T. 1C. Unrrv ,
Iloston ; C. A. Hoalt , Winonn , Minn. ; M. U.
Neumann , Clilcngo ; Julian Uechet , Now
York ; H. T. Jtogers. C. Uuttorileld , David
D. Secrlo , Denver : W. II. Huotts , St. Louis ;
A. Do Land , New York ; II. M. HufTer , Val
ley ; K. H. lice. Cambridge , Nob. ; C. A.
Tyler , liostou ; K. D. McLean and wife , New
At. the Minver : II. D. Pettlbono. Minne
apolis : Georno W. Weldliir and wife , Port
land. Oro. ; Mrs. Halo Perrino , Chicago ; D.
W. Ogdrn , Topeka , Ivan. ; C. K. Latshaw ,
C. H. Palmer , Chicago ; M. P. Munthorn ,
Moorhead , la. ; Frank Spearman , McCoolc ;
W. C. Sulpp , Jacob Kuhm , Chicago ; John
Martin , San Francisco : S. A. Wiswell , Bos
ton ; P. T. Kimmell and wife , Dayton , O.
Ciue.voo , 111. , March 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HER. ] Nebraska arrivals :
Grand Pacific"W. . G. Sawyer , J. G. Lum-
bard. Omaha ; 11. D. Hill , Pawnee City.
Great Northern Phlllir. Swanson nnd wife ,
Hortrand. Sherman P. O. Pox , Crete j C.
U. Moore , Omaha.
1MC.IT JllSKt'lTlKS.
The contractor for wooden sidewalks has
orders ahead for 33,000 feet.
A hand satchel was found In the slrcet
yesterday by John Kills and turned over lo
Ofllcer King. The salchol contains a purse
with some money and a bank book bearing
the name of Sallie NV. l-Msh.
The junior department of the Young Men's
Christian association was entertained last
evening by games and music under the direc
tion of Mrs. F.V. . Obor. Refreshments were
served to the boys and an enjoyable time was
I-ast night 1) . Johnson , nn old-tlmo offender
nud a frequent prisoner In the city and
county Jalli , struck Gus Schultz In a saloon
row and escaped to Council Uluffs before the
matter was reported to the pollco. A war
rant will be Uaued for the arrest of Johnson.
A little S-ycar-old colored boy named Syl-
vcster Harris , was locked up last night upon
complaint of bis mother , for being incorrig
ible. The lad ha * been in the habit of run
ning an ay from homo and has caused his
parents a great deal of trouble. Of late ho
has boon going from house to house and
bogging money to bury his mother. What
ho collected ho gave to ofder buys who speut
the aio\oy for cigarcttei.
Plguro3 on Freight Olmrgcw Provided For by
the House Committee Bill ,
Talilen Unit Show Kxiictly tlio DinVreliro
llctwcrn tlio Cluirgri In the IlKwkcyw
Stain nnd Tliono 1'ropiMcil Tor
by the Itlll.
The Nebraska house of representatives
more than a week ago passed u maximum
freight rate bill. The set-to is now consid
ering It.
Tin : Ilr.u presents the following tables of
figures showing the rates proposed by the
house bill us compared with Iowa rates put
In force the 1st lust , by the board of rail
way commissioners on llko commodities for
given distances.
It will bo observed that the Iowa short
haul rates nro slightly higher than those
contemplated by the house bill up to a dis
tance of twcnty-tlvo miles. On greater dis
tances the proposed Nebraska rates are uni
formly from 'JO to 83 per cent Higher than
existing Ijwa rates. When the house com
mittee framed the maximum bill a uniform
reduction on existing Nebraska rates was
made. The figures presented below will
Bhow the exact proportion of the proposed ,
rates to the rules of lown up to a distance
of 500 miles in u manner to bo readily com
prehended by the average reader or by the
members of the legislature. They form a
clear statement of what thu maximum rate
bill means.
Existing railroad tariffs in Nebraska are
from 'JO to 80 per cent higher than those of
The figures as revised and corrcctci are :
Mcridmndisu Kutcs In CuntH Tor 100 t'oiiiuld.
Sprclnl C'urloiul Chinned In Contil'er lot ) I.lit ,
MH.r.3. "C. " "K. "
Neb. lown luwu .Nob. I own
5. , 4.20 3.50 I 2.80
10 , 4.40 8 70 2 2 ! >
15 . 4.ia 8.SW 2 3.1 j
M. , t.m 4.10 22.ftO 3.2.-I
5.1U 4.2J 2.50 3.10
30. , B.2S 4.40 2.25 3. S3
8i. , fi.10 4.5' . 3 3 IU
I'J. 5.111 4.71) ) 3.50 3. < il
45. . 5.S ) 4.E5 , " . ' 0 S.M
W. ti 6 3.50 4
C.12 5.10 4 4.03
ll'J. (1.21 ( ft. H ) 4 4. IU
I" ) . u.r.i ; 5,30 4 4.2.- >
70 . i.4s ; 5.4D 4 4.3'J
U.IU t > .6'J 4 4 40
fa. 0.72 5.IW 4.W 4.43
8.1 . U G.SI ft. 70 5 4.5 > 1
w. U li.llo A. HO 5B.M 4. lii
i . 1) ) 7.0S 6. IK ) 5.51) ) 4.7J
IOJ a 7,20 U 0 4.80
9.53 7.40 ( i.l ? 0 4.W
no. . II ) U..1I 0It 5.13
1)5. ) . IO.M 7.50 li.5l ItU 5.23
120. . 11 H G.IH ItG 5.41
1S5. . 11 ife U.Si U 5.UO
130. 11 8 7.02 C
1SJ. . 11.50 8.19) ) 8 7. 10 U 5 , 1C
nn . 12 slro 8a 7.36 U U.U1
113. . 12.50 > lf ) 8.60 7.5:1 : U/JI
150. . 13 t.U.20 J 7.7U U.50 0.40
15.1. . KI.M 0.50 7.S7 ( i.50 B.5'1
IfiO. . 14 MSI 10 8.04 5.M ) 0.72
1115. . 14 U.77 | 10 3.21 li.6U ll.M
1TII. . II 10 8.3b 11.50
ITS. . 14.60 10.15 10.50 8.&S 7 7.20
150 10:31 : 8.72 7
1S5 15.50 ,1UA.I , ; K.8'J 7 7.5 !
1M ) IU 10.73 3.0ij 7. a
105 111.53 :10.U1 : 7.60 7.81
auo 17 11 JO S
210. . 17 13 9.71 8.60 6.13
220. . 17 IS 1U.U3 U 8.U3
aw , 17.50 13. iTJ 10.35 U.50 S.'M '
211) , IS 1D.I.7 10 9.20
55t , IS. 50 10.W 10 U.50
2W. , 19 11. SI 10.60 9.60
270. , 19,50 M.KI II ll.KI 10.5Q 10.11) )
2) ) II tl.tli II 10.40
21Tj ! ! 20 H.'Cl Jl.f.O 12.27 IIII 60 ' 0.7J
3'JO. . 20 15 15 K',50 12 11
.110. . 20.50 15.50 15.60 1.1 12.60 IJ.53
' 21. lii HI 13.59 13
! MO' , 21.60 lii.50 111.50 U 13 1J.60
340. , 22 17 17 11.50 13U 13
350. , ? 3 17.50 17.53 15 13.5J 13U.50
SOT. , 24 18 18 15.50 14 II
370. , 18.50 18.M lii 14.50 14.50
3SO . 19 111 1U.50 15 15
19.50 19. 60 17 15.50 15.53
400. ! 27 20 20 17.SO III IU
410 27.50 20.50 2J.50 13 Ifi. 50
4--0 23 21 13.50 i ; 17
4u : ; 28.50 21.60 21 W I'.l 17.50 17.60
4:0 : 29 23 53 1'J.M 13 IS
450 29.50 23.50 22.50 M 18.60 13.60
40) 30 2.1 2.1 23.50 10 19
470 30.50 23.63 23.60 21 IU
4 * ) 21 21.50 ID
4'JU 31.50 24.50 21.50 19 20.60
5.0 33 23 25 19 21
Vor 1'iltricUV Dny.
It has been customary for years In this
land of freedom for the people of Irish birth
or Irish descent to celebrate in a becom
ing manner Ireland's national holiday
nnd from present indications Iho celobralion
on Iho coming 17th of March Rives every evidence -
donco of eclipsing anything of the kind over
attempted in this city or vicinity. The exer
cises , which will consist of n grand street
parade in the afternoon , lo bo followed
in the evening with iv literary and
musical program of unusual merit at
Exposition hall , in which a number
of Omaha's most celebrated artists will take
part , the entire affair will be under the au
spice of Hie Ancient Order of Hibernians of
Douglas county , nnd neither pains nor ex
penses lias been spared by the committees of
arrangements to make this occasion ono long
to bo remembered. Tlio program and line
of march will bo published later.
Movements of Ocean Mrnmrrs Murcli 15.
At Southampton Arrived Allcr , from
Now York.
At Philadelphia Arrived Lord Clivo ,
from Liverpool.
At Now York Arrived Majestic , from
Light SIIOITS Are rriMllnlnil for Neliruakn
Toilny , M'ltli Itislii 'ri-inpcrnturc.
t9iiixciTOX , D. C. , March 15. Forcasts
for Thursday : For Nebraska and the Da-
kolns Increasing cloudiness nnd probably
light snows ; probably warmer ; southeast
erly winds bocomintr variable.
For Iowa Iticreaslnu cloudiness and prob
ably followed by light snows during the
afternoon or nlghlj winner ; southeasterly
winds. 11'
1oril : ICpciml.
Omen or TUB WnVniKit HUUE.VU , OMAHA ,
March 15. Omaha record of temperature anil
rainfall , compared with corresponding day of
past four years : , i . ,
1S93. 1802. 1S01. 1890.
Maximum tomppratiiipi.28e > 1270 rooJ4O
MlnlmuniteniporatiH-i1. . 4 = > iJO = > 'JH * lo
Avrrniru teiiiuor.iturc. . Hi * 14O ! auo lijo
1'ri'cliiltatloni.M.UO T .00 .00
Statement showlngttlio condition of tom-
peraluro and prceiptyitjon at Omaha for thu
day and since March 1 , ISU3 :
Normal temperature. ' . . . . ! , 3BO
Dollclrncy for tlio diiVtW iioo
Detlelcney blnre Mareh.l iI7 = >
Normal pri'Plpltiitlou.Ni , 04 Inch
Duilcloncy fiirthediiy IU Inch
UutlcluncySlncu Marckl U 14 Inch
Jtupurta from Otlioiiil'olnts lit B p. ill.
tie : r.
fct. t'aul Clour.
DuTonport Clear.
K n n Cltjr I'nrtCloudf
Uonvor Cloudj.
ball I.nkuCHX , . .is Snow.
llapld Ctljr.
llDlenn. . . ( louOr.
I'arH l
Illiniurck cioiuir.
Uu'Appello I'url Cloud/
HI. Ylucaat Clear.
Cheyonuo. . . . Cloudr.
Mllm Cltr Hnuw.
UtlTeitou Clouilr-
below ioru. t" ° ' reported.
( iKOIiaB E. llUMT ,
Local Forecast Ofllcial.
Er-Oomtty Oommlmionor Vlg-
orotuly Djfeaih Ilia Oflloial Action ,
I'olltlnil Kiiciiiln * Srttln Tliclr Quitrrol In
a 1'oMonil l-.NriMinti'r Until .Mou
Scratclind null llriilHod Sppctiitur *
1'rovont horlom Trouble.
Lt.vroi.x , Neb. , March 13. [ Special to Tun
' The county clerk's ofllce today was
the scene of some very lively llstlcuffs In
which ox-County Commissioner H. H. Seha-
borg and Commissioner McOr.uv were the
principals. Yesterday McGraw Introduced
a resolution Instructing the county commis
sioner to bring suit against Mr. Schabeiv lo
recover an excess of salary allowed lo have
been drawn by him while In oflli-e.
When Schubert , ' was first elected the salary
of county commissioner was but f'.KM ' a year ,
but when Ihe now law increasing Ihe num
ber lo llvo went into olTect tlio stipend was
raised to $1,800 a year.
Schaberg drew Ibis salary for two years ,
and iho amount of the excess , 1SOJ , was
what McClraw was after. As noted in thU
morning's lieu , the commissioners refused lo
acl on iho matter. Schaberg's Ire was
roused , and this afternoon he stalked into
the clerk's ofllce , where Mi-r.iw ! was standIng -
Ing , and with a frown walko.l up lo llio
dimlnuilvo onimlusionor nnd demanded lo
know what ho meant by such actions , Mc
Graw retorted In kind , and after exchanging
i few compliments of a red hot nature Mr.
Sehaberg'3 peed right hand shot out , taking
AIcGraw on the side of Iho head. He kept
ils feet , however , and Jumucd for Schaborg
likoainad bull. Son'o lively interchanges
of blows followed , and before the spectators
could separate them they were rolling on Ihe
lloor. McUr.uv , whu Is a small , burly man ,
win getting tiu ! worst of it from Schaberg ,
who Is a tall , slenderly built man , when
Jouuty Clerk Woods succeeded in pulling Iho
latter olT. Both men were scratched and
tiruisad and Schabcii ; sports a gradually
Slackening eye.
Lincoln ProhibitlouUtH.
The prohibition city convention nominated
the following ticket today : Mayor , It. A.
Hawley ; clerk.I. H. Hamilton ; treasurer ,
A. N. Wyckcff ; excise commissioners , S. M.
Bended and .1. C. Dcputron ; members board
of education. .1. E. Miller and Lawrence
Fossler. Thu third place was loft
for the nominee of the women's muss con
vention. The women's' convention nomi
nated Mrs. Ueelo O. Bigelow.
City In l-.ricf.
Mrs. O. A. Adams , wife of a prominent at
torney , was badly injured this afternoon by
being thrown from bur carriage in a runa
way accident.
Frank Burke , a switchman , was severely
Injured by being caught between two cars in
the Bui-Huston yards lasl evening.
Sam \Vchn , an nitache of iho street car
company , Just returned from New Orleans ,
insists tbat he saw Charley Moshor in a bil
liard room attached to the St. Charles hotel
there , while ho was passing through. He in-
si.sls that he had a good look at the man , and
that he cannot bo mistaken.
An unknown negro was arrested by the
police today on suspicion of boinj the chao
who assaulted several women in South Lin
coln recently , but when laken before the
women tuny failed to ulenlify him and ho
was discharged
The commencement exercises of iho
medical department of Coiner university
were held at the Lansing this evening. Six
new medics were irivcn diplomas.
Latest C'aiiiil M-lu-mc.
GIIHTNA , Neb. , March 15. [ Special to Tue
BFn. ] A party of surveyors arc now at work
completing' the llhal stirvey on Iho Hen
dricks canal on Iho Platte bottoms , which is
to tap both the Platte and Klkhorn rivers
about three miles west of this place and
aboul iwo miles'above the confluence of
those i ivcrs , water rights having been tiled
nearly two years ago.
The canal is to bo seventy-five feet wide
and about eighteen miles long and will run
two power plants , ono to be directly opposite
Ashland , about four miles from thai place
and about twentylivemiles from Lincoln , to
which places power will bo transmitted.
From there Iho canal will continue to a
point on the Platlo about fourteen mik-s
from South Omaha , from which point power
will bo transmitted to that city and Omaha.
The route of Ihe proposed canal is much
more feasible than the Fremont and Omaha
nroject , the tolal expense being less Uian
. ' ,000,000 , and has the advantage of being on
the ground lloor , having filed a waler right
to both the Pintle and Klkhorn rivers prior
to the Fremont scheme.
The Hendricks' canal has been under ad
visement for the past three years and has
been conducted so quietly that no reliable
information could bo had until now. Mr. M.
Hendricks owns a line cuttle ranch , consist
ing of several thousand acres , on the Plalto
bottoms , through which the canal will run ,
and ho is at the bond of a syndicate of east
ern capitalists for furthering liii pet project
of the Hcndricks canal.
Itulimil tlio Money.
BKATUICR , Nob. , March 15. [ Specinl Tele
gram to Tnu BEB. ] The Gage county Board
of Supervisors met hero in adjourned ses
sion to make up the jury list and to look
after a quantity of unfinished bridge busi
ness. The committee on settlement with
county officers submitted ils report this
evening , ft finds that. ex-County Treasurer
K. J. Uodi'i-ick must pay to the county the
sum of100 and costs. The case against ex-
Treasurer Ivong Is dismissed.
Ex-County Clerk .1. E. Hill is charged
with an indebtedness to the county of jJl.OM
and costs and it was ordered that ho pay
interest on that amount at U per cent pm
annum from January 1 , ISiU.
I't-iiili-rvit nil lnttir stlii | ; rro riim.
FAWMONT , Nob. , March 15. [ Special to
TUB BBE.J Last night the Fairmont Musical
union held its closing mooting for tlio Konson
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Miller.
An interesting program was rendered.
Those present wore : U. .T. Kramer , -O. K.
Miller and wife , Miss Mabel Honn , B. C.
Morev , Miss Gertrude Hipsom , Mrs. T. M.
Wright , Miss Vinnio Cubbinson , Mrs. J. H.
Knshtim , B. li. Johnston , Miss Liz/Jo Chnpln ,
Mrs. F. C. Pairo , J. K. Davis , Miss Nellie
Honn. Miss Nellie Cook , Miss Grace Kush-
ton , Mrs. Alice Freeman , Mrs.V. . W. Kemp ,
.1. U. Garey and wife , .lohn Divine , Bert
Kinnamore , Mrs. Krlcnboni and Mrs. Tuttle
of Lincoln.
C'lipturuil lit Oxford.
Oxroiti ) , Nob. , March Ifi. jSpeclal Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Monday night Preston's
drug store was broken into and fJOO worlh of
jewelry stolen. Three tramps , giving their
names as Tom Nolan , Mlko Cornell and Jim
Moore , wore arrested on suspicion and proved
to bo tlio guilty parties. According to their
confession tlioy are nil-round crooks , who
have been working various points of the
slalo. At their preliminary hearing loday
they waived examination and were bound
over to thu district court and In default of
bonds will bo taken to the Beaver Cily Jail
tomorrow. _ _
Looking Into tlio lliiitlnc * Aaylum ,
HiSTiNOrf , Neb , , March 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB.J A select committee from
Lincoln , with Felton ns chairman , has been
Investigating the books at the asylum hero
since Monday. It Is generally understood
that it Is Investigating the deficit occasioned
In 18U1 , during iho management of the Institution
tutionby the officials who had to resign on
account of certain articles published in TUB
BBE. Experts accompanied the coinmltlce
and a lunch of vouchers will doubtless fur
nish a thcmo for the report to be made.
rulltlrul CoiitMt * .
BEATUICE , Nob. , March 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TiiBllBi : . ] The eitUens city con
vention met ni the Auditorium tonight nnd
placed In nomination the following city
ticket : For mayor , M. K. Shultx ; city
treasurer. U. M. Maliuna ; city clerk , E. P.
Wilt ; ixiuncllmen-at-liirge Fiist want , Al.
U Arnold : Second , John Uwyer ; I bird , 1) .
IJ. Penrodj , Fourth , J. II. UurU j Fifth , 11.
M. IVfildlngor ; SixthH. B. Hersheyi mem
bers of the Board of Education , K. 1) . Wheel-
ock , E. S. Cushman , T. E. Wilson , A. C.
Jones , W. O. Worswh'k ; chairman of the
city i-ommltteo , J. W. Asplnfcltcr. Hon.i. \ .
M. I'embcrton was chairman of Ihe conven
tion and K. O. Carroll secretary.
OIUNII l : HN-i ) , Nob. . March 15.-Special [
to Tin : llr.8.1 Tlio interest In the city elec
tion , which has lagged somewhat\lurltifr tlio
past few weeks , Is again taken up. Aeon-
volition has been called for the nomination
ofa mayor , treasurer , clerk , four aldermen ,
at-largo and throe members of the board of
education. The convention lake * place Sat
urday night under the name of n people's
TOII volition ,
BI.MII. Neb. , March 15. [ Special tn TIIK
Bin : . | -As the spring election approaches In
terest docs not seem to increase as usual.
Generally there nro from throe lo four can
didates for mayor. This year there are none.
The present mayor. A. C. .lime's , has refused
to run. Councllmanlc timber nlso hcr.ns to
be short.
Now * .Nolri ,
Hoi.nur.oi : , Neb. , March 15. [ Special to
TIIBIK. ! : ] The Board of Supervisor * of
county bus let the contract for the
erection of a two-story bru-k Jail to Messrs.
Johnson and Norlln , contractors and builders ,
and they will begin the erection of the same
Just as soon as lhofiolsout ! and thogronnd
Is settled. This will bo the best Jail in
western Nebraska , and one of the best In
the state.
The ser.ur.ble for the pnstnmstershtp
among the democrats is going on merrily.
but Iho code of rules and cumlillcationi laid
down by the president has knocked Un
political bee out of the hair of at U-nst ono
Postmaster W. A. Rhreek is now in Omaha
attending United States court ns a witness
for U'ncle Sam in the prosecution of parties
who ha\v been using the United States malls
for purposes.
The altitude of Tin : Bin : with reference to
Ihn invest [ gallon of Ihe penitentiary and in
sane asylum appropriation * Is i-ommonded on
nil sides by tin- best republicans In thin
place. The republic ins hero think the partv
cannot afford lo tolerate in Its r.inks men
who luiVH used their ofllees and influence to
prostitute the best Interests of the people In
the state , ant ( Iho general sentiment nnd
feeling here is that if the state officers ant
guilty of the charges made against them by
the legislature Ihey should be Impeached.
( Muy Cniitt-r MntcrprUc.
CI.AV CnxTKii , Neb. , March 15. [ Special
lo Tim BBII.J Clay county's exhibit of
cereals for the World's Columbian exposi
tion will be shipped today. It consists of
about thirty varieties of grain with a tabu
lated statement of the yield of oai-h.
Many petitions are in circulation through
out the county ruipuestlng tin1 senate to t.iko
favorable action on the maximum freiu'ht
rate bill which has lately passed thn housf.
Tin-so petilions anbing signed very freely.
llii' loss of bridges on the main line of the
Union Parillirillroid has caused the run
ning of : :11 their tr.iins through here , over
the Kansas City X , Omaha.
The largo demand for real estate in this
immediate vicinity has attracted many look
ing for permanent investments. At present
the erection of a largo flouring mill is being
very favorably considered , as weU as a brick
yard for the manufacture of brick.
Mystic Nlirlm-rf ) : it ll
HASTIXOS , Neb. , Maivh 15. [ Spoeiil Tele
gram to Tun Bui : . ] The Hastings oias : of
the great American desert been the re
sort of about 2h ( ) of this faithful of the Mystic
Shrine today. The city was turned over to
thorn and the visiting nobles nmdt- the host
use of their time. Sesistris tcmplo of Lin
coln bravol the Inirninc1 Rinds and came
down in full force over Ihe Burlington ,
brnigiiig all its regalia and bolus met at Iho
depot by a band and by the Hastings nobles.
Other Slmuera came in from all over the
South Plaltu country. After n parade at
half past 7. between thirty and forty novices
wore initiated to the mysteries of the ordin
al Masonic hall. The work being completed ,
the pilgrims sat down lo n ivpastof datci
and honey and other refreshments less
oriental , which lasted as long as did iho day.
hy HlshVutrr. .
BAXCHOPT , Neb. , March 15. [ Special lo
Tin : BEE. ) The water on the Loau bottom
has been rislng'for several daya along this
valley for miles , and now it is so high mat it
is impossible for persons living on the cast
sidu-of the rlv.t'1' to get to this ( ilnt'e or
Pendcr. At the hitter place thirty houses
were vacatcJ a couple of days ago on ac
count of the water covering a largo portion
of the town. Two bridges on the grade
north of this place are out , and travel from
that direction will be impossible for several
_ _
Kliul Worili for n
Kr.AUXCY , Neb. . March 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tur. BKE ] lie v. John Asicln , whc
hss been pastor of the Congregational
church hero for the past six years , resigned
his pastorate a few weeks ago to accept a
call from Council Bluffs. Ho has nindo'lilm-
self very popular with all classi-s and tonight -
night ho was ton lured a public reception at
the city hall. Mayor Brady presided and
kind words were spokan by representatives
of the Masonic and other orders of which ho
is a member. There was a largo attendance.
Dctitlt of u .Mini U-r.
FKBMOXT , Neb. , March 15. [ Special to
THE BHB.J Hufiis T. Clallin , TJ years of age ,
died yester lay of paralysis. The deceased
was born in Msssaehusotls , graduated from
Iho University of Vermont , and has spent
much of his life as n Methodist nilnlntc-r.
Ho leaves a wlfo and two sons f. L. Cl.ifli'-
of St. Paul , Nub. , and F. M. Claflin of this
city with whom ho resMcd and where the
funeral services will ba conducted Thursday
morning by Uov. George M. Ill-own , pastor
of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Alnncd HM runiily nnd IHi'cl.
CiiAi-rr.i.i. , Nob. , March -Special [ to
Tin : Br.K. ) A Gorman by the of Chris
BrunkcT was found dead ycsti-iilay tit the-
furm of .Matthew Ntiu , about six miles west
of town , having humr himself to a r.iftor in
tlio barn. He had been on n protraeteJ
drunk , abusing his family anil raisins Cain
generally for several da > s. He had just ar
rived in the county from the eastern part of
the state ana had considerable prupjrty
with him.
_ _
IIIM run ol llollint ; VVutur.
JUXIATA , Neb. , March 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK HIB. ] While Mrs. John Peter
son was washing this tjnonilng her hltle ylrl
accidentally fell Intou dlshpan of bulling
wateraml was so badly scalded that the skin
eamo oil her person , except u small plaoii on
her back. She may recover. Her mother
scalded her arms severely in rescuing the
Inili'licmli'iiM Sclrrt cnndlilatf' < .
LINCOI.X , Neb. . March 15. 'Special Tele
gram to TUB BII : : . | The independent city
convention placed the following lit-kot In the
field at tonight's convention : Mayor. A. H.
Weir ; treasurer , P. M. Loavitt ( democrat ) ;
clerk. G. W. Jordan ; excisemen. F. W.
Brown and J. B. Chapman ; school board.
Mrs. Bcllo G. Blgclow.
I'lre sit < ; -iilit < iii.
CHUIOHTOX , Neb. , March 15. [ Special to
TUB BI-.B.J About 0 o'clock last night fin-
destroyed the implement building of J. P.
who ninnet imdcn tm l
, -itln' beuollt to bo lU-ilvr-d
vfroin t ! o use of Doctor
' I'iiTce'n Favorlto 1're-
kcrlpllon. IJId you ever
v , doj slctlv woman with
\ bright ej-w , clear bldn ,
Inna rosy ciptls ) ( Or
ia hp lthV ono without
tliomf A wcniiincan
i live in full health , do
more work , bava
more plonmiro ,
amount to more ,
iby taking thi
J pr.Mcrlptlon. . "
Vi'htn tlm bodily
function ! are not regulw
tlit woman Ir tMicate.
-4 An for -
- support nery-
W ? * out. exhaut nl , overwork-
- it' Invigorating fcmte. a
Idwomen , * en
* " i > * s'd
ootlilng and ntnujtthflnlrkn110 ; i
It lejsona vain. ll' tbo only /en/ ' , t ° r
( voman'a cnroaln w . aluio Ec nnd
lira tU t' < y\tarn\lfil \ to b nelll or curs , or
the money paid for lt iitr.ado < l ,
If HUtferlui * froR CalairU try Dr. 8 K ' §
llsmsdiW ro r il U you w 't I * oiueO.
Johnson. There was some maehlnory in the
building , but all that was on thi < lower lloor
was an veil. The pniiorty | wrs Insured for
* lf OU In the Homo l-'lre of Omaha and the
policy was paid out at noon today.
llomlorvni Mrrcfiiilit Arrmtrd.
Hnsiii-.iiscv , Nob. , March. 1,1. ispecial to
TUB Bun.X. ] . l-\ Spear , a representative of
the Mlnnoa ) > olis Threshing Machine com
pany , has caused the arrest of Isaac Heglotir ,
an Implement dealer of this place , on iho
charge of stealing a ten-horse power engine.
Spear and tliu Implement man had some
trouble about a year ago.
.v/'ii.s unt TIII : .it.t/r.
Movement * In Hut llrRiiliir Scrvlco nil All-
niiiiiircil V < Mirrili\y.
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. March I.-Special [
Telegram to Tun Br.r. ] The following army
orders won1 issued today :
The leave of absence granted First Lieu
tenant Charles Willoox , ussistniit surgeon ,
February S , is extended ono month.
The extension of lo.ivo of nb.sonco on no-
count of sickness granted Major Tulllus C.
Tuppor , Sixth cavalry , November II , is still
further extended to May 10 , on account of
The results of rllle. carbine nnd revolver
firing of ihe army for tue targel isoa ,
received by the ndjtltnnt general , show that.
Company ( I , Seventh infantry , stationed at
Pilot Bulte , made thu highest "general lig-
uro of merit. "
iMit or tini riutto.
M'-mbers of the board recently : i.ixlntcd )
to examine applicants i'or promotlnn are nr-
rivliis. and tlio bo iivl will hold it.t Hrst srs-
sion today at the headquarters in Tun
llin : bulldlnc. Ciilom-l J. S Poland. Lieu
tenant Colonel Dallas Bacln1 , Lieutenant
Henry McKldcry. Captain P. H liny and
Captain J. F. ( luilfoylo compos. " the Inxml.
Captain Kay and ( Captain liiiilfoyle from
abroad are already present.
Captain K. .1. Davis , chief clerk of the ad
jutant general's department , is Indisposed
and tmablo to bo at the olllce.
Authentic Information has been received
from tlio dfiurtmcnt iu Washington to tlio
effect Hint the successful biiideis for thu
work upon Iho new Fort Crook nroi For
construction , Moses P. KeoiTo of ( hoyenno ;
heating , plumbing and gaslltling. Welshans
& Co. of Omaha , and for tlio cojklng appar
atus the St. Louis Wrought Iron Kango
company. The total cost of the buildings an
contemplated by these combined bids will bo
fcJIll.liOi ) . His expected Hull wolk will bd
commenced very soon.
'liiurn Slinlc ( < ipi < irliii : It r r
the Next .tlrotliiR.
The Live issue club hoKl a n regular meet
ing last evening , the main feature being the
election of officers. No literary exorcises
were furnishe ; ! . The members , however , in
dulged in a very iiitcrestiiiir conversation
upon various subjects , and ( , . W. Mercer re
lated some observations made by him con
cerning the Panama canal.
After tin hour pleasantly spout In tills way
oiiicors were elected , Hi" following being
chosen : J. L. Wilson , pivsidrnt ; F. L.
Hnller. Frank A. FiUpitrlcU and Thomas
Kilpatriok , vice presidents In Ih.i order
named ; C ! . A. Prichanl. secretary ; O. G.
Pope , Drs. S. It. Towne an 1 A. II. Somers ,
members of the executive committee.
UIKHI motion nf Demi ( > ardnor , it was de
cided to liavo a ShiikesiicMirinn reading at
the next meeting , two ueoks heneo , and n
committee consislimr of I'1. L. Ilaller , Wil
liam F. Baxter nnd J. L. Wilson was np-
P'.inted lo select the play and the readers ,
Secretary Wilson read a ronort showing
the work of tlio past year , the financial
standing of thn chief and other data. The
report disclosed a membership of 179 per
sons. of whom 10-J were active.
The question of inviting some prominent
r.peakeis to address the club was considered ,
Dean Gardner proposing Chancellor Can-
field of the Stale University as a proper
person. Tlio members seemed favorably
disposed toward such a plan , but no dcllnlto
action was taken.
Cliest Pains-
Palpitationweak and sore
SW&\ /'l-v lutiRV pleurisy , coughsv
lV sy J * \ co'l'5t ' ' asthma and bron-
IJ S&3 ) * " ) chilis relieved in ONF
f " ' % IfMiNUTK by the Cirnct'KA
l. . . 'Sy A.vii-l'Aiw Pi-As-m ) , the
first and only instantaneous pain-killiii
strengthening plaster. I'or weak , painful kid
neys , back ache , uterine pains and weakness
it is simply wonderful , llritafaei the nervous
forces , and hence is unrivalled ( or nervous
pains , weakness , numbness , nnd paralysis ,
licyond question the surestsafest , sweetest and
best plaster in the world.
Price ! j c ; fivf , $ i oo. AtalldnijgistsorbyjnaU
D IG ANU , CUKIlliuton. .
Last Two I'orfoimancus of
The Absinthe Drinker.
1'HICIiSItoaorrod s-'i' . " > ) ai ( .iinc'riil udmls-
SlOll 'i'lD.
t' ii'.il iir.i-u- . , .
_ _ _ _
* THKATH.E I SulntiKW ,
A V Hill PJJ [ , I , O ; ; If )
SATI.KDAV. triSlClj all 3iH1 20
13. 32 , SOTHEttN
1'ndiiHi' ' -'m lit f
J-nt'.a urn n > w m K ilu nt * > o l-jlluwlfii
iirlc-8 I'iruiii't. I.C. Ilr.t ilir o r-ai In
l-lrclo Hi 'X ) . hut SI-TCI-I runrn in i-ri-ln. i ' I Mrjt twu
rows In li-ikiriv 11.01 : 11 > * t Iw i ruin m
7jc ; unit Iho ri' In uuli-uny , * ' " '
. ' , ( ; J. . " * ' , .V.'inii'l 7fti > .
si'rX'iAi * ix-i ; \ < < I.M N r.
a NlRlits Com-.tnjjiolJiiTIitiv5.la7Evon-
ijip , jMfurch 10 , With Satur
day TiIutLtcci
With the llD'Hh-ll irrott b-oun.o I'ro.l'iHun ' of
Julius Csesar
Mr. v * Mui-o Antojiy.
Saturday INGOMA1S
Iff Hill I UU
Xo aflynneo In prli'i >
lfifsTTMra ? , " 5U
IDo. 25o 35o , 500 nntl 7So.
fill VEEX " > % HEX ! SiJNDIiY , HflRCH 19 ,
Mutlni-m Wcdneidn ) ' unit yntur'lnf. '
ny iiKMtr o. DEMILM : . AUTHOR OB
"LOST l'AHAl Ii I' : . "
Mut'noo ' Wodnebday , any seat in Iho homo
Ucent * .
AM , Tlllrt WKKK.
r.ttrr iKdjr l > lior rocJilrei two olIU illrer motftt
Icaiponni ' ) iironlr ,
, :