. ' * n ! . . . tvvuPffi , - _ . . , C * & & * * ( ; 0 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 15 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bolliug of Bom's fiong Wheat Upstst Prices Yesterday , PORK , LARD AND RIBS CLOSED WEAK In the Corn I'll Prices Wrro llrld Within Nnrrotr Mnilttnnd Hulil OIT I/ito In the Day hut llocurormt the Decline. CntCARO , 111. , March 14. The Rolling of ionic long wheat today iinot | prices right In the teeth of a cold wave. Tin ) ilucllno from top prices amounted to ljc. O'om D.I red with last night limitations arc MC olT for M.iy and ! tc for July. Thnrolsnochango In corn. I'ork l.s down 17 < tC , lanl luc and rllHue. Wheat tnadu u spirited upward movement at the start and for a short tlmu was fully 'id nboro thoclodng llguro of yoitorday for May , but only'icovur for July. The b.isls for this strength was understood to ho the cold weather In tliu west and H.mlh. It was cold through out Missouri and Kansas , where fair vcathar was promhud tonight , with thu ground bare of 8I10W. Home of the .states reported fresh damage mid said that the crop was now passing through the jnost trying part of the season. It was suddenly reported , anil generally bo- lloved , that the ellquo was taking advantage of the firm market to sell big loU of May. As hoon as this was generally suspected tin- crowd mude n rush and did the .samo thing. Cotlliselmiin ft Pay led the rush. With Ibis rush of olVerlngs there was n quick break. Hut while the disposition to sell was very gen-Miil , them was about the MUIIO unanimity In buying July and the discount of that month on .May was considerably narrowed. Ciop damage leports were divided In their rxpM'sslon of the amount of actual damage clone. The opening was about He higher than yesterday's clo-.lng and with some little fluctu ations May advanced ' , c more , while July re mained unchanged. Then followed an easier feeling with prices declining l'ic for May and only V for July , the close being ' , jc lower for May and ' c higher for July tliun the closing figures of yesleiday. In the corn lilt theie was complaint of ribsencc of outside oideis. I'rlcrs were held wllhln nariow limits , and after a short period of Initial strength sold oiv , c , followed by a feeble recoveiy. The developed weakness seemed to be due clilelly to a lack of support , us tlii-io was no pronounced pressure to sell. Oats weie weaker In sympathy with other Brains and also due to the fair selling. Prices receded from a c to 'ic and the mat-Let closed quiet nt near the Inside figures , with a not loss The provision market at the opi-nlng was higher for pork and ilbs on light receipts of liogs. l''n-e ' olVerlngH , however , sent It down with a run and this wasconirlhnloil to by the weakness In gialn. I'ork was the product most allected and at the tap of the bell tliere was no telling wlmio prlce-i would go. Una leading packing Institution buying lard freely um ! some order * coming In to purchase ribs , the market reacted , but slumped oil' again near tbo close on lack of business. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 180 cars ; corn , 131 cars : oats , 103 cars ; hogs , 15.000 head. The loading futures ranged as follows : OI-II.N. lllll'l. ' LOW. CI.OSB. VKS'V. Wheat No 3. .Mnrcli. . . . * 7.1 Muy . . . . J 7UU July. . 73 72 Corn .No. 2 Mnrcli 41 ij 41WI1K Mny 4 < 114 " ? July , 4154 Onls.VoS.-- 4S0) Jturch. . . . S0) ( SOK Mny 3)J 3.13J S3U JHLC 3J Mrns I'urk. . May 17 75 17 7i 17 22H 17 40 17 75 Mny 12 10 12 IU II U ) 120-1 12 10 July 11 : ! ) iu a.'i ' II 2iV Copt II Ui lu M IU SB ) II OH ] ( hurt lllbs. . Mny. . . . 10 3) ) in : u 10 or. * 10 15 10 20 Cash quotations were as follows : Ki.onn-Jnlet ( , unchanged ; winter patents , t3.70iM.20 ; winter straights , * 3.noai.)5 : : ) ; Hirln | , ' patents , M.8r,7 < ; .1.10 ; spring straight , $2.GOu-3.10 : bailers1 , t2.10ai.3ri ! UATS No , 2 , ati c ; No. i white , f. o. b. , OD'ic : No. 3 white , f. o. 1) . , 333.3&C. UVK No. i ! , liUc. llAiit.nv No. 2 , (52cj ( No. 3 , f. o. b. , 40300c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 374S-II3C. I'IJAS SBBIJ No. 1,11.20. TIMOTHY SKEW I'rlme , $4.28r I'OIIK Mess , per bbl. . H7.2iXS17.22 ! { . Lard , per 100 Iho. , ni.9l > ail.92''t ; short rib sides ( loose ) . flU.15iftlU.17iJ ; dry salted shoulders ( boxedi , J'J.'WVS'ay.G.'J ' ' ! short clutir Hides ( boxed ) , I10.60S1U.55. WHISKY Distillers' finished Roods , par sal. , fl.17. StiOAits Out loaf , 5Ji'35ic ' ; granulated , 5 ! > c ; Btandard "A. " f > o. The- following were the receipts and ship ments for today : On the I'rodnco exchange todav the butter market was ( Inn ; creamery , 20'uV27e ; dairy , 2OO'25c. Kgits , easier ; strictly froh , Omulm drain. The following prices are based on delivery at. Mississippi river points : WHEAT No. 2 Hi > rliig , 7O' ' Jo bid ; No. 3 spring , COc bid ; No. 2 hard , Ole bla. OATS No. 2 white , 33 c bid ; No. 3 white , 03c bid , 88 ic asla-d. C'Olt.N No. 2 cash , 374'c bid , 38c nsknil ; No. 2 April , 3Hc bid ; No. 3 or better , cash , 37'ic bid ; No. 3 or hotter , April , 3Sc bid ; No. 2 white , 09c bid , 4e ( ) asked ; No. 3 white , 38c bid. Among thosales were the following : Five curs No. 2 wldtiioaH , 33 ? c ; 50 cars No. 3 or bettercorn , Maich or April shipment , Toledo termn , 3Kc ; 20 cars No. 8 or b.ittercorn , March bhlpment. upper Mississippi river point , 37'ie ' ; 50 earn Xo. 3 white oats , Omaha terms , prompt fchlpmcnt , 33c. A. Kochlerof Geneva was on the board. OeorgoHcollof Iteatrlce was looking over the market. J. M. Bowell of Hastings was among the grain men who visited the Hoard of Trade. Omaha I'r diic Murltct. The receipts ot the lending kinds of produce were not large and the market was nbojt hiuady. 1'ouitry lias been scarce for some few ( Inysiuul tirni prices are maintained , llutter In also Him , owing to the scarcity of strictly choice country roll. Quotations given below will show the prices prevailing on thu market t the present time. Al'l-t.r.s I'alr togood stock , $3.7531.09. IIKANS riiolco navy , $ -2.-15. IIUTTKH ( iood butter Is scarce , the great bulk of the receipts being made up of verv common stuck that Is only good enociih to sell to the puckers. 1'iicklng stock , 1017c ; fair to good country roll , 18Q20c ; occasional small lots of extra choice roll reach ' 2o > ( i22c. ( Ui.inin.MA OAIIIIAOK Per lb. , 3c. UKI.KIIV Per do40c. . CiiA.NiiKliutKS-.lei-sey Capo Cod , per bbl. , 19.50 ; boxes , U3.0083.50. K ts ; The market was about steady at 13'/i n -It Is really too Into for rabbits and they.iri not selling well. Quite a good many duck , a M coming In , us well us geese. Mallard duck * , 43.50 ; teal and mixed , $1.75if.2oO ( ; email geese and brants. $3.50u4.00 ; ; Canada L-eese , 40.00 7.00 ; small rabbits. J1.25 ; Jacks , 13. 5O. llAY-Stcmly at J5.5tHM3.00. HoNKY-ChoIci ! to fancy white clover , 18Q i fair togood , IGQlHc. I'OUI.TUVThe market was stronger on chickens owing to the light supply and good stock sold readily at lie for ( tressed and at BifilOc for cholcu live hens , Turkeys , 12td)13c ) ; geese and ducks , 11 ® 12c. 1'OTATOKHStocks In the hands of commis sion men are very light. Colorado , tl 10 ; cholcu native stock , 75 85c. f TliAWliKiutiKS Per quart , 25S 35c. SWKKT POTATOES There ao a few In the iniu ket which are selling at 4,50. TAMIKIU.NKS- half | MOS , M. VKAir Choice and small fat veals , 7O9c. largo and thin , 3yGe. HANANAN PIT hunch , Including crates and packing , 2.0iva2.75. OiiAi-i : l-'ntriT Per box3.75. l.r.uoxsChoice , J3.50 : fancy , 14. Niw : VKOKTAIII.I : Lettuce , radishes and parsley , 46o per dor. . ; green onions , 40c. NUTSI.itrgo hickory , tl.50 ; black walnuts , PI . ( MVfrtl .25. O.vioNri Homo grown , per bbl. , J4 ; Spanish , IKT critic , * - ' . OUANIIIS Florida fancy , per Imx , (3.25 ; rusM'tts , f3j Mexican oranges , single bo\cs , (3.25 ; live to ten-box lots { 3 Uallfornlu mountain oranges , f'2.50 ; Washington navels f4j Newcastle California seedlings , (2.75 ; iled , sv. eetn. (3 , Ov-'TKits-Porcan , lOqaSc. IliiiiD Nil. 1 grci-n , 4cj No. 2 green , 3c ; No 1 given , salted , 4io ; No. 2 green , salted , 3'c So , 1 gr 'i-ti , Mulcd,25 ( to 40 Ibs. , 4 ic ; No. V f-n Jilted. U5 to 40 lb * . . 3 > t < - ; No. 1 von L-ilf , u. to 15 llx. . Be : No. a veal calf , 8 to 1 ( . , . ,0 : S. , ldrrlllnt,7 ! cNo.2dryll : lut.&itt No. 1 dry nailed , fa' . _ Cotton Murknt. NEW Olif.KANM , I.ii. . Mil IX 1 1 H.-ICasy ; gooi middling. U 3-10c ; middling , U 18-10ct low mid iil < ng bO-IOc ; fuotl ordinary , H3-10c ; net re Ctl U , b 615 tiAluij grow rcccluu , 0,110 bales export * to Orcnt llrltnln , 0,700 b lrsi 1,001) bulem stock. 291,48H bales. Kuttiros , Mpndyisiiles. Hi.&oo ha-sj ! Murcht9.4n'l' ? < . & "i April , tH.fiOWH.lWi May. IH.OH : Jum'H.74i Sep tember , is.ny hid ; October , ld.4G bid ; Novom- bcr , fH.to bid , tifvr Vork Miirkrti , -rf.oun-U.'CPlnts. . NEW VOIIK , March 14. - - 10,1 ! ) ' . ! pkgs.l rxp rt , 3,33:1 : bbli. , llUfl2 ! sacks ; snli-s , 7.HOO pkgs ; market dull , weak. COIIN MKAI. hull , stonily. IUitiKV--litII , firm. HAIII.KV MAI.T-Steady , nulct. \Vlir.AT-lltTL-llltS , 88,475 bu. ! exports , 1,19'J lill.j sup-s , 5,805,000 hu. futures , 104- ooo bu spot. Hinit market dull nml weaker , with ontloiiH. No. a rod. In store nml clovii- tcr , 7Qia,754c ! ( ; afloat. 76i ( < fl.7&"te : f. o. b. , 75 Wlfict No. l not thorn , aUfttsl c ; NO. 3 hunt , H3"1&Sr > Uc : No. 2 norlhurn. 751t7fic. Op tions were active , opening linn at H'iJUc ad vance-on steady cables and llrinur wu , fell 'i'il'.eon ' thIncic.asu on pasingn , largo United Kingdom Import * , Unlit clearances , In- crcaseil rei-idpu west , heavy Chicago , late cj\- Ijlus depressed and longs toill/.ing : , foreign homos bought freely at the di-cllne , chli-lly tlio late months. I'rlccs ' rallied later and closed stonily at "lffiic ? under yesterday. No. I ri'd May. 7 < ) ft77c , i'.losln < { ut 711' c ; .luni ! , 7lVi&77'iC ! ' , closing aV 77t' : July , 77 U-ltJ ® 7Mtc ? ; , clinlng.it 77 Vc. COUN- -ll'-ci-lpts , 37,050 bu . exports , lii.lSO bu.iml ; s , IS'Mion ' bu. futures , ao.otju bn. spot. Spots Uo luni-r , linn quiet ! No. 'J , & 3' < e In L'lovator ; ( i4c ! iillo.it ; ungraded nd\cd. MIUW 54Hc ; tiiinu-r ! niUi-d , ti'J'ii'i ' No. 3 , 51'ie. Op tions opened ! | c up on di-crmiso In pfissugn and local covering , declined VAjUc with Chicago , closi-d dull and unchanged < ic lower : May ( JOU-10ftilc ! , closing OO'ic ; July , 50 11-10 Me , closing fiO'c. ( OATS-ltecolpts. 33nt > 0 bu. ; exports , SOI bu. : sales. 25tio ! ; Int. , futures ; 52ooi ) bu. spot. Spots dull ; mlM'd lower. Options dull , weaker ; April. 38'ic ; May. 37'.ie ; July , 38ic ! : spot : No. 2 while. 140.4 IV : No. B Chicago , 40ir ; No. 3 , 3Nijc ; No. 3 white. 43T > l3'4c ; inlvi'd western , : } 'Jtt41c ; whltu wcbtern , 42 M'AV I-'alr deiiniiid , firm ; peed to choice , nir , < ! ir c. lliil'S -Qidt-t , fair demand. Wool , ( , ) iili-t , linn ; dume.stlc fleece , 2132c ; Trsns , I'tc'Jlc. I'KOVISIIINS Cut meats , weak. Inactive ; ptckli-d > iiotilders , Oisa'jc - ' ; middles , iUlL-t | , tteiiK ; short clear , lll'Jc. lird : , quiet , lower ; western steam closed at Jl'J.'JO ; sales , none ; option s.iles , 7.D ili-rces ; Muit-li clo-.cu at ifi'-VJU ; May , fl'-M7'i ' , closing at Jl'J.17'i ' : July , tll.-JuUll.'Hi Jll.fili. I'ork . , closing nt , quiet , old nie.s.-i , tlO ; now mess , J1U.&U ; extra prime , nonilnul. Hi'i-mi Modeiate deinnnd , firm. ( ' . ) skims 3Q.10c. : : : - - , ; part , Kims l.urgu recelpt.s , lower ; receipts , 10- 20U liligs ; western fresli , 1(1'c. ( ' TAI.I.OW ytilet , weaU ; city 12 for pkgs.l , C > c. CorroNHnnii Oil.--Quiet , weak ; crude , 45'iJ 47c. : yellowr 7c. UosixQuiet , Htoady. Tl'iii'c.vriNK Utili't , steady ; 3ri73ii Sc. I'ETiioi.KL'M Tliu markul opened strong find rices advanced from t5fl to Ollc on light of- erlngs , but toward the closu nn easier feeling iit-viilled anda reliction to ti5c ensued. Thu penlng price was li5c , highest ( Hi , lowest (15 ( , losing at 05c bid , Gii'fc asked. I'ennsylvanla II , spot sales , nonu : April optl.m sales , h.onu bbls. ; l.liini oil , sules none , but the ild prlco was up to 2t'se ) ' ; total sales , 48,000 ibis. KICK Kalr demand , firm. Moi.Assr.s Now Orleans open kettle , good to liolcc , fairly active , firm. StKiAU Kaw , more active : steady at tlio do- line : fulr refining. 2'ic ; cuntrlfitgals , 03 test , i ft-lGc ; ri-flned , quiet , steady. I'm IIION Steady , quiet : American , $12.75 © 5.50. Coi-i-KH-Htcady ; lake , $11.85. [ .KAD-Dull : doniustlc , $3.00. TIN Closes strong ; Straits , $21 bid , $21.15 isked. IlnslncsH ClnuiKcs. The following are reported at Dun's ; Arlington , Neb. , Muiislleld & Scliniell , meat larket , succeeded by H. Mtiiisllold lluncroft , Nell. , C. M.Vhltiuy , Kenoral store , negotiating to sell out. Burr , Neb. , U'llllam I'rancls , Iiiiplumonts , nccec-dcd by I'rancls A llrown. . llriiiilirNeb. . , Itowmtin .t Dills , Implcmcnt.s , succeeded by .1. I ! . Itowmiin. Donlpban , Nob. , WtMtfnll & Sweeney , meat mirki't , succeeded byVIch& llarnxl. ( ienevti. Neb. , I , . M. Sargent , groceries , suc ceeded by William Ueld. ( ireuley Center , M. W. Decker , livery , sold out. Lincoln Neb. , W. H. Miller , dairy , gave bill > f salt- for i&O. Staiiton. Neb. , Miss F.tta Kwlng , millinery , inccecded by T. & M. Krlckc. Scott vllle. Neb. , McUowen > t lllddlo , general store , .succeeded by J. I , . Ill-Idle. llode , In. , .1. W. Lelghton , hardware , gave ) IIIot sail ) for $2,708. Dunlitp , la. , Tavlor& Co. . hardware , M , N. Taylor gavu bill of sale to-$2,410. North Kngllsh , la. , J. V. Lutton , gcnural store , assigned. Osccolu , la. , Ciinipbell & Co. , meat market , succeeded by M. K. Campbell. Kulfo , la. , H. Qnlvey , "Talr , " sold out. Sondiirant , la. , H. Iscmlngcr & Son , general store , .sold out. Casper , Wyo. , David Oruhain , hotel , sold out. Parker , S. D. , A. J. Vafcd , hardware , re ported closed by creditors. Wutortown , S.'D. , II. S. Kletcher , drugs and stationery , sold out. The. following are reported at Ilradstreol's : South Omaha , Neb : , James Manual ) , saloon , gave bill of sale of furniture- fixtures to : i local browury for $450. Waterloo , Nub. , I , , W. Dentongroceries , sold : > ut. Sidney , Neb. , Lloyd llurger , blacksmith , etc. , stock sold by mortgagees. Vllllsca , In. , Arthur Atkinson , notions , now iMklnson & Dunn. Grinnc.ll , In. , Kp.'iuldlng Manufacturing com pany , burned out. Traur , In. , Halter & Itoylan , groceries , sold out. out.Hancroft , li. , Mrs. Agnus Wilson , general storisold out. > Klkudcr , la. , Friend & Chessman , saloon , dissolved. Swaledale , la. , E. J , Whittle , general store , idlll Ollt. Wuvorly , la. , J. II. llolfman , hardware , sold r > ut. Sioux City , la. , Kuan & Co. , drugs , gave bill if sale for * H,070. Sioux City , In. , M. D. ICean , drugs , gave chat tel mortgage for $3,500. llodu. la. , Miovlln & Dorluln , grain , will ad mit partner April 1. Carroll , la. , Kempker & Ivempker , groceries , tow Ivempker & Martin. Dlckmis , la. , John tlrubb , general store , gave chattel mortgage for SIKH ) . De.s Molnes , la. , J. T. lllddlo , market , gave bill of sulo for450. Storm Lake , la. , A. Dusenberry , groceries , oiling out. Castiina and Whiting , Ta. , National Union company , gave bills of sale of stock aggregat ing 421,400. Nt. l.miln M.irkotfl. ST. I.otris , Mo. , March 14. Flour Weak and buyers holding on" . WIIIIAT ! ic lower ; cash , G3. ' c ; May closed at GGtc. COUK Cash and April lower ; cash , 37c ; April. 37 ? c ; May , better , 3U'Sc. OATS Higher ; cash. 3lJc ! ; May. 32\ie. ! \ 1'novisioNHDull and easy. I'ork , In job lots , S1H. Iurd , lower at f 11.17i. ! Dry salt meats , loose shoulders , if'J : longs and ribs , $ UM5 ; sliorls , $111.20 ; strips , U.M ) ; boxed lots , 15c more. Ilicon : , shoulders , $10.50 ; longs and rlns , $11.124 ; shorts , $11.374 ; strips , $10.024. Sugar cured hums , $13.50. Ilurnai-Unchanged. KKCKII-TS 1'lour , 10,000 bbls. ; wheat , 41',000 bu. ; con , 107,0001m. : oats , 58,000 bu. ; rye , 8,000 bu. ; barley , 10,003 bn. Sllll-MKNTS 1'iour , 8.000 bills. ; wheat 25,000 nil. ; corn , 141.00O tm. : outs , IG.OOJ bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu. ; barley , 18.000 bu. Liverpool M'.irltrH. LlVKiit-ooi , , Mnrch 11.-WllKAT Dull ; hold ers offer freely ; No. 1 C illfornlii , GsiiOs Id per cental ; rod western .spring , Os 3daOs 4(1 ( ; No. a red winter , Ds 6ris ( 7d. Uecqlplsof wheat for tlio past tlireo days , 105,000 contals , In cluding 72,000 Ameilcan. CORN Kasy ; dttmund pnor ; mixed western , new , 4s2"d purcentul. Receipts of American corn for tlio past three duys , OV.lo-.l centals. HACOS Long and s'iort clear , 55 lb $ . , 51s percwt. ; long clear , 45 His. , 52s. LAUD Prime western , OOs purcwt. Kansas City MurkcU. KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , March 14. WHEAT Dumorallr.cd ; No. 1 hard , ( ililOic. ; COIIN lllglior ; No. 2 niKed , 34c. OATS In poor demand and slow ; No. 2 mixed , 28(32'Jc. ( llUTTWi Unchangud ; creamery , 2427 } c ; dairy , KVii-Uo. Kc.us Declining , 13c. KWUIITS Wheat , GO.OOO Du. ; corn , 8,000 bu. ; outs , 1,0001m. Snii'MK.NTS Wheat. 92,000 bu : . corn , 11- 000 Im.j outs , 1,000 bu. . WIs. . March 14. WiinAT Lower ; May , O5'c ; No. 2 spring , G4c. Cons Steady ; No. 3 , 40'Jc. OATS-Sleady ; No 2 , white , 45c ; No. 3 white. 33tin.34c. IIAIU.KV 03c. UvK-53'Jc. PitovisiONS-Lowor ; pork. May , $17.40. X w York Dry ( ioniU .Market , NBW YOIIK , March 14. New business In dry poods continues quiet at first hands , though for some articles the demand was s"\all. \ More Undo has been reached hi prints , ginghams , wide sheetings , white goods and luce curtains , Including some M } ten at concessions unusual at this btago of the season. lUlllmm-e ( Ir.iln .Uarkut. IIAI.TIUOIIU , Md. , March 14.-WiiKAT-Fairly nelly , slower ; No , 2 led , spot and .March , COUN Easy ; mixed spot and March. 47ic. ! OATS Steady : No.2 whlto wrstern , 41 e. Toledo ( train .llarkut. TOLEDO , O , , March 14. WiiKAT-Cash , net- cbiiN-Steady ; No. 2 cash , 42)jo. ) OAT8-julctica ( > li.a5c. Wool .M.irki-t. nosTOX , Mass. , March 14. The demand foi wool lias been quiet and sales are aiostlj \ In small lots , I'rlecs remain steady. Terri torial wools sell at 55'r5Cr > for flnej 53'tlMJc fcr line medium nml 4H50c for nic-lliim : Toxin , Cnltforiilii and Oregon wool , In snmll slock and Moitdy. I'ulled winds arn In fair domain ! nt 30ft3fle for supers. Anstriillnn wool htotidy , firm1 prlmo carpet wools sell steady. Mlnnrnpollii VVIieit Afnrknt. MtNMCAi'OM.4. Minn. , March 14.-TheriMvas quite u break this afternoon and a rully at thn close. Session rather quiet. Cash market dull mid prices easy. No. 1 northern sold nttil'-ic ; No. a Vortliurn , 59c. Closet March , tU.Vc ; May , 04bJuly ! G0 jc. On track ; No. 1 hard , O.Vi No. 1 northern , 01e ! ; No , 2 northern , 50c. rhlliidi-lplilii Ornln Mnrkot. t'lm.Atir.M'iiiA , Pa. . March M. WIIBAT Kulejl weak , but closed firm ; No. a red , March , . ( ions -Options , weak and lower ; No. 2 mixed , March , 4U.W > 40ie. | OAT.SJulet < and weak ; No. 2 white , March , 4KS414C. C'ollro Market. NKW VOIIK , March 14. Options opened steady , uncliaii''iMl ' to 10 points decline ; closed steady , r > to 10 points down1 Miles , 11,500 Imirs.lnrludlnu : March , $1(5.05 ( ! May , * lti.4Da 10.50 ! Jllliu , * 1G.4Q : . . . July , J10.nOTillO.M5 ; S ti-muor. S10.3iiftlG.40 ; ( Jctober , J10.30. pot Klo , quiet ; No. 7,117.75. Cincinnati Mitrkets. CINCINNATI. O. , March 14. WHEAT Moderate - orate demand , steady ; No. 2 red , 70c. ColiN lliirely steady ; No.2 mixed , 41c. ! OATS -In good demand , strong ; No , 2 mixed , 35c. WHISK v Steady at $1.17. STOCKS AND IIONDH. American Sugar \Vn the Sensation on the NEW YOIIK , March 14. American Sugar proved to bo today's Sensation on the New York Stock exchange. The prleo opi-m-d at 103 , rosu to 1)3' ( ) { and then , under a steady outpouring of Ions stock , dropped to 03 % . The dealings aniotinted to l'JB,350 shires , In a total for the entire list of 320,45'J shares. Blocks and blocks wore tliown : overboard , and one Hrm iilono sold 'Ji.O'JJ ' shares. Tlu story current yesterday that ait-Injunction would be sued out to restrain th.j . D lym.inl of this extra dividend on the common stock was emphati cally denied by oillclalsof the company , who took the opportunity to rcltyrutu their state ments In regard to the program financial condition of the property. This dlil not allay the apprehensions foil by Miiall holders of sli'iivi , however , and the pressure continued rl'jht [ up to the close , the final ( | iiotatlons being only ,1 p'jr cent above the lowest. The enormous liquidations In this stock hud llttlo lullm-iicu on ibu j.'onoriil list and It was not until the anthracite coalers cave way that there was any material decline In the Iriiillii' , ' shares. The coalers yielded 1 to 2'i percent , I.acka- wanna leading. The depression was duo to the announcement that the sales auentw , at thler meeting this afternoon , had decided up-in a reduction In prices of coal of from 10 to 00 ceius per ton. The statement of the receivers of the Head g company was looked upon a.s better than revloiis reports had Indicated. Reading , In oiiimon with otherslocksImproved ? to 1 per ent In the early tradliu and Distilling and Jattlefeedlng moved up 14 to I5.i p-r ecu ton eports that the Olrectori would declare the sual dividend. When It was learned that the meeting had ot been held for lack of a quorum , thu stock oit all of Us early advance. New Knglund was oticeably weak and yielded 2 pur cent , al hough details of the annual meeting In Itos- on bad not been received up to the close of usiness. ( Jenenil Kleclrlc yielded 1'4 per ent from the highest , but otherwise the losses were slight and Atchlson , the Crangors , Union 'uclllc , Louisville & Nashville , the eastern runk lines and the Western Union left oil' ractically the same as on yesterday. The arket closed weak for the Industrials and : oilcrs : and steady for the general list. The Post says : Tlu statement of the Head ng receivers gives a good deal of Interesting nformation. By using the Heading's now amiliar practice of entering unsold coal at he market price as actual money , the assets ake a better showing than had been pre icted. It should , however , bj nuodless to ob- t-orvo that 1,000,000 tons of coal Is not cash on and , and Is not even a "quick uSset" nor Is Its possession by any means a talisman to charm away the Heading's perplexities. The action of the salei agents today would cut oven this asset by nearly 4300,000. The very argo amounts ionic ifH.uOO.OOJ duo from the unsettled purchases , rentals ami wages , for the past two months suggest an Issue of re ceivers' certificate * as Inevitable. Hut what will doubtless ctilelly Interest students of the McLcod Invasion of Now England is tlio re ort on the Heading's llnuncierlng east of the Hudson. The following are the closing ( imitations of the leading stocks on the New York Stock ex change today : AtclllsOll MjriMLTM i-actiiu . . . Adunis ICxprcas 155 do prefcrrt'il Alton , T. 11 U. 1' . . Don. A lillir. . do preferred . . . . I'M Nortliwunturn American Kxpress. . 117 do prufurroil 'uHlmoru A Ohio. . . X. V. Central 1U8 Junnilu I'ncl tic. v. . . . N. Y. AN. h Cnnniln Southern. . , 64 Ontario AVc tcru. 64Wit Contra ! 1'iiultlQ Wit UroKon imp Chen. & Uhlu 2'i' ' . , Orcvuii .N'uv Lhlcnxo Alien 141 O. B. 1 , . A U. N l.s c. u. A y 1'nclHoMnll Chle.iKO ( ittJ I'vorli , Dec. A K. . . . Conaolldateil ( ) n . . . 1'lttsburB 16U . l. ' . C. A : at. L 1'ullinaii I'.ilaco im "otton > .ll ( 'ort Kuaillny Del. Untlion I2W4 Itlchuiunil Terminal 1 > . I , . AW do preferred I ? . A u. (1 pl'cl Ml Ulo urundo W I ) , .t > ' . K. ( .o ' do iirefurred llantl'cnn Itock Inland Krle at. i-aul do preferred Kort WayiiL- t. l'.ml A Oinuha. . . ( it. Nortliurii pf'il. . . do preferred 117 c. it K. 1 pf'il joutliL-rn I'liclllc . . . necking Viiliby. . . . juirar Uetlnury Illlnoli Cuntrul. . . . I'eini. Coiil A Iron. . bt. l-iuil .V Dnlntli. . I'uxnt I'aclllc ' [ Can.Tu.x pf'il . . . Tol. A O. Ccn. pf'ii. . 7 ? Like KrloX SVost. . . Union 1'ncltlc , < ilu profcrruil U. S , lixprea l.nko tilioru \V. St. IJ.A I' 11 Li'-nil Trust do preferred 23 l.oills. & Nusti \Vell 1'nrto i.vp. : . . 14054 l.ouls. A New Alb'y. Western Union. . . . . . Miinluitnii Tan Wheeling A L. 1C , . Memphis A t ImVn do pralurrud " : liliin : Cuniral. . 101 Ulun A fct. 1. ! ( HOIirl I'.IClflC . . . 1016I I ) . A It. O .MobileOhlu 6ISi ( .enoral ! octrlc. . . * NHslivllluClintt Nntlon.il I.ln&ccd. . . National Conl IKC. . C. Ku-1 A Iron en du preferred lUtl do preferred IDS N. J. I'ciurnl in : lions. A Tex. Con. . , Norfolk A W. pfd. . Tol. A. A. Si N. M. . . North American Co The total sales of stocks today wore 320,500 shares. Including : Cnlcago , Burlington & Qnlncy , 4,800 ; Chicago ( las , 0,400 ; Delaware , Lackawanna & Western , 18,700 ; Distilling , 21,000 ; ( ieneral Electric , 5.300 ; National Lead , 3,100 ; National Cordage , 4,400 ; Now Kir.-laml , 15,400 ; Ueiullng , 41,100 ; St. Paul , 10,000 ; Sugar , 118.200 ; Western Union , 4,700. New York .Money .Market. Nnw VOKK , .March 14. MO.NKV < xv CAM , Was active , ranging from 0 to 15 per cent ; last loan , 0 per cent ; closed oll'ercd at 0 per cent. Piii.MiMtitOANTiir. : PAI-KII G&7 percent. STI'.HI.IMI E.XCIIANOK Steady but < ] ulet , with actual business In uaukers' bills at $4.843) ) 4.8t'i for M.xty-day bills and J4.bGS4.80u for demand. ( iovKitNMU.N-T lloNDS Steady. State bonds neglected. The olo-dng ( [ tiotations on bonds ; I.mulcm Hiiunriul llevluiv. | Coj/rl ) | Mfil Ml tiyJit-nci Giinlm tttnn'tt \ LONDON , March 14. [ Ncw York Humid Ciildo Spcclil to TUB llKK.l The progress of settle ment chiefly engaged attention on the Block exchange simply from n general disinclination to enter Into new engagements , A heavy full- lire nt Liverpool cau-u'd severe losses , several members of thn. if look exchange losing SDIIIK thing near JLT-0,000. Aiuuilcan railway shares opened steady. troirsol.s closed unchanged , rorclim govcrntnoiitJ' ' securities have shown considerable. flrmiu"is | having heen supM | > rlcd by n strong tono'difcontlnental bourses. An advance of from 'I1 ' ! ! ! ) " . percent wasI'stah- llshed In Kgyptliirt"Vonds. Krench rentes , drcek , Itiilliiti , I'nrlUguasiSpanish and all Turkish sceurltlcrf. Argentine Issues met with considerabler.attention and sterling loans closed 1'4 ti4iif-r , cent higher. Ituenos Ay res provincial loans also Improved 1'i pi-r cent and lluunos Ayrs ( Vilnius bonds ( to ' 4 per cent. Hrazllllih bonds are 'i to 1 percent higher. Homo railways wore very little dcult In and closed somewhat Irregular , but the changes rstiibllslrrjir"ar - quite unimportant. Americans after IjMilg fairly good all day , closed dull. IMilludulphla A : Heading , which atone period iidvanced on the receiver's re port eloso at u decline of ' 4 per cent. Norfolk .v Western preference and Jonver ) preference have also given way'i ' per cent and several others'i to % pur cent , Canadians leave olT Hat on forced realisations , Canadian 1'a- clllcmid ( Jrund Trunk Issues having given way fiom "i to ! i per cent. Mexican first prefer ence have f.illou 1 par dint , ditto secoii'l pref erence Jfpereent , and ditto ordinary 54 pur' cunt. Money was In good demand. Short loans were charged 1'i to 2 per cent. The dis count market was also tinner ; two and three months bills were quoted at from 1 ? to IU per cent. St. I.mils Mining Ouututlons. ST. I.ouLOIo. , March 14. Tliu closing quota tions were as follows : I'lii'iuelul Notes , KANSAS CITV , Mo. , March 14. Clearings , $1,750,000. Nuw Oitt.KANji , Li. : , March 14. Clearings , $2,824,107. , I'Alll.s March 14. Three per cent rentes , 97f JO'ic ' for the account. Niw : YOIIK , March 14. Clearings , $141,705- 525 : balances , Ji,01,5)5. ( ( ! ! ) OMAHA. March 14.-Ulearlngs , $1,000,099 ; same day last week , Jl.252,772. Hu.TiMiMii : , Md. , March .4. Clearings , J2- H8.-,134j balances , 8110,315. Money , 0 par cent. l..viN ; , March 14. Amount of bullion gene Into the ll.uik of England on balance today , i.33OJO. l'im.Aiiir.riitA : , I'a. , March 14. Clearings , 811,030,3iiU ; balances , $1,789,095. Money , 4' ' ( per cent. MKMI-III.S , T.-nn. . March 14. Nnw York ox- cliange selling at * 1.50. Clearings , $412,238 ! balances , $10'J,783. CINCIN.VATI , O. , March 14. Clearings , ? 2- 144.350. Money , llgbl at 0'j { > 7 per cent. Now York exchange , 'J3c discount to 25c pre mium. IIOSTD.V. Mas ? . , March 14. flo'irlngs , $17- r.OHlo7i balances , 41,027,300. Money , 0'-57 per cent. Kx 'liaiigo on New York , par to 17c discount. Sr. l-onis , Mo. , March 14. fJIoarlnjM. 14,312. ' OO.S ; balances. if3l,488. ! ) Money quiet , 0i7 pur cent. Kxcliango on Now York 75o premium. CHICAGO. 111. , March 14. Clearings , S10.7GO- r > 9'J ; New York exchange sold at par. Ster ling exchange dull ; ( > 0-diy : bills , $4.85 : de mand , $ 1.87. .Money strong at 02 > 7 pur cent. OMAHA 1.1 VH STOCK MAUIIKT ? . Cuttlo TradeSutlers u Further Decline llHga Kocover Slightly. TUIWHAV , March 14. Receipts of all kinds were considerably below - low the average for a Tuesday. Receipts for the two days foot up 4,001 cattle , 5,440 hogs and 2,758 sheep n lilnst 7,032 c-itlle , 0,817 hog.s and 3,220 sheep' ' Monday and Tuesday of last week. The general cattle market was slow , with prices hardly as goiuf as on Monday. Ofl'or- Ings were not at all heavy and the duality , to say the least , was"mi more than It has 'jseri ' lately. There sooriii4l to be a fair speculative demand , althoughono or two of the regular dealers were out of the market. Local houses all wanted" their usual quota , but on account of unfavorable . eastern advices al buyers 'Were ' bidding lower from the start and the market rather weakened as the day advanced , . There were Instances where sellers had to take oil' fully a dime In order to effect u sale. Good 1,200 to 1,450-11) . beove.s sold at frorrM.40 : to S4.00 , with fair to good 1,050 to l,250-lb.-steersat.Jrom $4.10 to $4.50 and Inferior light stutf and odds and ends at from $3.00 to $4. About everything sold. Good cows and heifers sold fully as well as on Monday at frbiu $3.25 to1 J3.05. , Common and canning cows at fro.w . $1.05 to 52.35 were slow sale and certainly no stronger , while the bulk of the fair to good.stutr at tiom $2.40 to ? 3.25 was about steady. The movement was free. Kougli stock of all kinds was In IndllTcrontdcmandand ahout25c Io40o lower than a week ago at from $1.85 to $3,85 for common to choice bulls , oxen unit stags. There was no change In tbo calf market , fair large to cholco veal stock soiling freely at from $3 to 40. 40.Tho The stockcr and feeder trade continues dull and If there-was any change to.lay It was In the direction of lower prices. The weather , u veryjmportant factor In tills branch of tbo business , lias been extremely unfavorable of liiti- and tills with the lower tendency of beef values has reduced the volume of trade to thu minimum. Representative sales : DUKSHUD HKKV. 2 08ft 3 in 20o 7HO 3 39 4'JO 3 in o . 4H1 3 40 ia. ; ; ; 012 a 'jr. i 070 3 40 7 . . . 431 3 an 27. G C > ! l M ) ' ' ' 700 3 23 3. IK13 3 75 i. . ! . ! UGO 3 30 8 oia 3 86 , 1 1000 2 75 1 ll&O 3 10 O.\IN : , 2. . . . .1770 3 60 Hixifi Hecclpls worn hardly wlmt dealers were looking for and the market hud n chance to recover from the dcninrallratlou of Monday to a certain extent. There \fiis a compara tively fair shipping demand nml this with thn mom favorable innu to custom advices caused a firm opening , which Inter developed Into a 5c advance on about all grades. Conimotilsh light and mixed stuff sold as low u4 $7.20 and $7.25 and a couple of cholco lii'uvy ' butcher weight loads brought $7.15 and { 7.511. 1'iilr ti ) good hogs of all welghls , however , sold a' , from J7.30 toi7.40 as against $7.25 to $ fi.3j Monday and $7.00 to $7.75 a Week ago. Kepvesuntutlvo sales : Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. 1'r. $7 00 04. . .255 100 57 35 80 7 10 72. . .255 100 7 35 7 20 70. . .213 120 7 35 40 7 20 01 . .2 7 120 7 35 80 7 20 74. . .100 7 35 80 7 20 71. .249 80 35 100 7 25 08. . .22(1 ( 100 35 7 25 05. . .20(1 ( 40 35 240 7 25 OH. . .224 120 B 5 7 25 Ot. . .242 40 7 35 120 7 25 70. . .204 " 7 35 80 7 25 74. . .202 10 7 35 7 25 01. . .238 7 40 40 7 30 00. . .251 40 7 40 40 7 30 03. . .313 120 7 40 200 7 ! IO 71. . .243 7 40 40 7 30 05. . .250 HO 7 40 80 7 30 04. . .245 40 7 40 7 30 40. . 25 7 40 720 7 30 53. . HO 7 40 7 30 71) ) . . . 120 7 40 7 30 21. . .240 7 40 80 7 30 25. . .271 7 40 - 7 30 02. . .255 7 40 80 7 30 70. . .23S 40 7 40 80 7 30 74. . .251 80 7 40 - 7 30 53. . .345 40 7 40 100 7 30 57. . .207 7 45 120 7 30 20. . .348 7 50 40 7 32' } 00. . .208 7 50 200 7 35 - the six double decks thowero r-celved live were hilled direct to Swift. The others were good wes - ern ewes that found a ready r.alo at $4.05. the demand Is active and the market quotably - bly stronger. I'alr to good natives JJ.75'i o.itOi fair to good westerns. jH.noito.Ui ) ; com mon and suuk sheep , t2.23&3.70 ; good to choice 40 to 100-11) ) . lambs , S4.0USO.OO. Uep- rosontativo sales : N'o. A.V. 1'r. 80 western ewes . 1(12 ( $105 88 western ewes . 103 4 05 Kucclpts mill IHip.Mltiiin of.M.iuk. OMIclal roselpts and dlsp nltlon of st- > . -ic as shown by tins lojks of llm Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock p. m. March 14 , 18U3 : IMSI-osmoX. D. IPUA7.EZ , H. 1) . It'lOISJr. , JA4. V II lOilH I'ros. Vice i'rat tiuuy & Trjus HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital $1",003 ; Omaha anJ Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. 1'UiVATE wmrcs. Room 212 NewYoii Life Building OMAHA. lowaStato National H-ink. Sioux City ; Co.iunorcial National Hank. Omiiliu. Spoclul attention given to outside orders CcrresponJoneo so.lolled Live Stock .Market. . CHICAGO , 111. , March 14. ( .Special TolcRram to Tin : llKi.l Good to choice steers sold quite as well as on yesterday , and fat cows and heifers were fully steady , while for common roiuh stjors and oil' grades of cows It was bard work to llnd buyers at former llKiires. The outlook for the remainder of this week l.s for moderate receipts , and it looks as though the market mljht , grow stronger. Today's trading was on a basis of from * 3.75 to .JO. 15 for common to extra steers , j'J.DO toJJ.GO for stockers and feeders , $1.00 to iH.UD for Inferior to extra cows and bulls and from $2.10 to $4.UO for Texas cattle. The lie market was ( Inner on llgl > i grades , and the poor class of mixed were not wantcdial any consldeiablo advance , but good medium and heavy weights la'norully sold lOc higher. The demand was not hi any means active , two or tlueo local packers bclnt ; conveniently out of the market , but there were buyers for all the oll'erlii s. The close was firm at from TUB KBD ILAG IS FLYING. MA- 11V nnitutioiij and aimulutlons of CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER HILLS uru boinir Bold , find it it ) our duty to raise tho' "dunjjor Bitftml. " illiKD THE WARNING I You ciinnot lie too care ful ; you o.uinot scrutinize too closely. Whonyou ns. < fofCAKTKU'sLiTTi.K Liv- Kll ljnrs , you want " ( A-R-T-E-U--S. " DON'T 1113 IMPOSED ui'ox , see that you Kot "C-A-U-T-E-R--S ; " refuse nil oth- ord , take nothing but the tfonuino CAK- 'fKit's LITTMJ LIVKU Pihi.s. A roiiTivK UUKIi'i it SICK IIIAO- AOIII : . Smiilll'lll Small Unto Small 1'rlco Can't Pull Out ? Why the Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases , made by the "Keystone Watch Case Com pany , Philadelphia. Itpr < > tectstiie Watch from thejiickj pocket , and prevents it froni jkopjMiig.Can only be had ' withcases _ _ witli this trade mark. Sold , without extracharge JforthisJo\v ( ring ) , througli Watch dcalersojily . Askj'our jeweler for pain , phlet. or senltojnfikerrt. Union Stock Yards Company , Soutti UcilColtlo lie andShjop market In thi wait. Wood Brothers. Mvo Ptosk CoinmUilon .Morchunts. tfoutUCniabu Tolcphona 1157. Culca/o JOHN I ) . HAOHMAN , ( .M..er. . "ttn * e" WAI/l'KIl K. WOOU. f Market Honor ! * by mall aaanlro c'Joorfully Dliticd upoa application C (7 ( 25 to > 7f > r > for poor lo prlnin Il2ht.nl front H.Mto \ $7. HO for mixed nml inrdlnm. and from 7.ti ) ) lo tl.m for h- ivy l.htht sold mostly at ti.W , mid fn-in ? 7.7.'i to J7.H& were | lu < popular prlcot for heavy. Tiniiuallly was fair-rather ntxtvn the recent a > erii i < Tliisheeii market was Mroinr. ttMid auiilltlp selling higher than on thn day before. l.umlH were dull at n .sinarl di-cllne. Quotations for the former are from fl to tnt > H for piKir to cholco and for the latter ( nun tl.&il to J0.30. Lxtra sheep weru quoted at from t6.7."i to til. Ki-celpts : faille , . | ,5Wt hogs , lO.UOUi sheep , 4,000. The Evening Journal reports ; I'A'rn.tUecelpts. : . -l.ODU bend ; shlpmenti , 2llOO head : miirket stoadyi good to choice Kteers , * ; > .ouitr.73 ! no o.Mra on the market : otlu-rs , tt. < iiitl.l ) ! ) ( ; Texans , . st | > ckurs , t.7&444.1J5 : ) ; cows and helfei's , 'l hiiisReceipts , 10.000 headshtpmcnto , 7,000 heail ; market active and steady to Id.'jher , mixed and pnck'jrs , } 7.4'iii.7.75 ' : prlnio heavy and butcheis' weights. $7.rttVi(7.UAi prime light , $7.40il7.4ri ; pigs. } 0.03B7.'j : ) . in * . . . [ in , 4.01)0 ) lu-nili shipments , 1,0110 lieiul ; market I6j 20c lower ; natives , I f4.S5art.GOi westerns , } 3.101j 5.3f > [ Toxiins , } $4.55 ; lambs , Jl.503.0.10. 1 Kiinsii * City Live Stork Mnrkct. KANSAS C'ITV , Mo. . Murch -CATTI.H lo- ! celpts , 4,200 head ; sbliments | , 700 heads thu market wus niort--u-tlve and sloadv to strong. Uopresontiitlvu sales ; Hteers , $3.7035.35 ; cons and heifers. } 2.25a3.UO ; .stockei.s and feeders , $3.35V.4.35. lions Kccclpls,5.4001ifad ; shipments , 1,300 head ; market active and GRIGu hlghur ; all grades , fG.GDftG.lvr'i ' ; bulk , i 7.3iKif,7.)2. : ) Suiti--Itecelits : | , 2,2i > 0 ; slilpments , GUI ) ; Hie nnirkel was acll\o and slrong to 10c Iilfther. KeproM-nUllvc sales : Multons , Jl.70. St , Iunit I.UeStncU .Market. ST. Ioris , Mo. . March 11.- CATTI.KIlecelpts , 3 , ( > 00 bead ; shipments. 40O head ; market steady to strong ; fair togood native .steers , J3.0IUJ l.fiO ; fed Texas steers , J3.25141.30 ; grass fed TCMIS steers , t2.75'iJ3.50. lloiis-lierelpts , 3.HOO head ; shipments , l,3i ( ( ) head ; market 1V ( higher and active ; heavy , * 7.iO'u.7.7f : > ; packing , J7.2Ott7.05 ; light , c7.25t7.50. ( Snpp-Uecclnts , 300 liead ; shipments , 200 head ; market linn and unchanged. .V7v' .s run Tin ; .i .ur. Colonel .lolin .M. Wilson to Ha .Minion llrlKn- iller ( li'lleiul. WASHINGTON. O. C. , March 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hin. : ] It was rumored at tliu War department today that Colonel .lohn M. Wilson , corps of engineers , now HUperint'Midcnt of the Military academy , will be appointed a brigadier general in the army , vice General Uarr , retired. He came to Washington last Saturday in response tea a telegram , and returned to West Point last night. Ho has had several interviews with Secretary Lament. The gcner.il Impression is that Colonel Wilson will succce.l Colonel Krnst , in charge of public buildings and grounds. The following army orders were Issued today : Captain Alex H. Taylor , Nineteenth in fantry , having been found by an nrmv retir ing boird incapacitated for active service , is granted leave of absence until further orders on account of disability. So much of special orders , January 27 , as directs First Lieutenant Jesse McCarter , Fifth cavalry , to join his proper station ( Fort Leavenworth ) as soon as his services in the Department of Texas can be spared by the commanding general of his depart ment , is so amended us to direct that at the time specified he proceed to Fort Kill , Old. , and report to the commanding ofllcerof that post for duty with troop It , Fifth cavalrv , during the absence on service of Captain Walter S. Schuylei1 , Fifth cavalry. Second Lieutenant William II. Ford , Third infantry , will , as sean as .practicable , re port in person to the commanding oflleer of the United States cavalry school at Fort Leavenworth , ICan. , for preliminary instruc tion preparatory to his detail as a student oflleer of the school. Ix-piirciiieiit of the 1'litto. General IJrooko returned yesterday from Washington , where he tool : a conspicuous part in the inaugural parade. Captain P. H. Hay , formerly judge advo cate of the de ] > artmont , but at present sta tioned at Fort Washakic , where ho has com mand of a company of Indian soldiers , is visiting in Omaha. Ho is very favorably impressed with the ability of the red men to become good soldiers. ' 41 will pit my company of Indians against any company of white men in the army for the perlormanco of any duty prescribed in the service. If 1 had to meet ttn enemy , white or black , or any other color , I would take my company of Indians in preference to any company of white men I know of in the service. They are born lighters , and they perform every duty con nected with their service with a promptness and energy that is quite remarkable. Indian soldiers are a success where the right kind of men arc placed in charge of them. It will not do to let boys or inexperienced men undertake to control them , but men of the right kind will lind them as will ine and capable as white men to make good soldiers. Ulu-iinmtlsm Is a symptom of disease of the kidneys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parks' Sure Cure. That headache , backache and tiroJ feeling comes from the sumo causa. Ask for Parks' Snro Cure for the liver and kidneys , price ? 1.00. All druggists. l um or CITIES COUNTIES , SCHOOL _ _ . _ ! DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , ST.R.R.COMPANIEG.ela Correiponcli-ico nollcltcd. N.ra.HflHRiS G CGfiPAHYBaikers ! , (63-165 ( Dearborn Stront. CHICAGO. IS Wall Strent , NEW YORK. 7O Stain Ht. . BOBTCM. Lived Are these Ignorant proiondora who , without tiny qualifications , ty ability , any oxporiowoa , any skill , claim to possess the power to euro all the ills ot the human raco. But tholr want ot worth soon boso.nos apparent to thatr would-bo dupes , and these consclonco- lossquacks nj saon cousi noJ to Uo oblivion they so richly niorit. In str.\n 3 ail atrDa.f contr.\it\vit'.i thcso miserable boasters is the quiet , dlgnillod yet courteous dumoiinor of hose noted loalora of tholr profession , Who , during the past 27 years , have abundantly demonstrated their ability to ollbct speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the wornt forms of these delicate - icato sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of i .1. HERVQUS , AND PR5VATE DISEASES , Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation fcai. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , , , 119 S , 14th Streat , Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA , - NEB. 1J 1 Ilt. P. I , . SKllll l' > . Coiisnltlns tiiirpeon ; ; Oraduiito of Kii'M Mpdleal Collezo. ( CON- M i.r\ lo.N l''iii' ; : ) . For the treatment ot V/o cnro Catarrh , All Dlso.\ioi oftho NOHO. Throat. Chest. Stoiuuou , Bovrola aud Livor. Blood , Sic In and Kiduoy Dlsoaa , FciualoVeaUuossoH , Loit Mauhooil CURKD. I'll.KJ , FI3TLTM. KIPSIIHH , permnnoitlr curoj will out tliu lisa of knife , llk'.ttura or cauitlo. All innladlci of n prlratu or ilullc.ito ii.-Uuro , of cither nox , poaltlruly CMira I. Cnll on or ndilress. llh > lamp for ClrcuUrs. Kre * Hoot sin ! I Dr.Sc.ulcs & Koxt Moor to ICIovutorx , u'iirohoii < it)4t luotciry MIM ! ull work rrfjiilrmir priititlriil Uuoi-1c > ( l -ii of roittti'uutluit and Htrun tli ill jnaturliil1 * , a Npnuiulrj * . 1 * . O. Hex aH ; , l-Vuinutit , Neb. OMAHA AWNINGS AH3 TEIIT3 Omaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bros. & Co. , COMl'ANV. lliiliiirncturom of touts , nwnl u'l. ole. . 701 ttuJ IIOIIBK COVKIH. ' TUi H. liitli stroot. Knrim'n ! BICYCLEST BAGS AND TWJH-S BQQT3 AND SHOES. Horse Coe Shoe Company , . 1111 llownnl St. -ira Howard St. Wo nro Ilio OM.V Mnnnf slurort of llootinnd SliucjH In Ihu titoof : S'ub > > u4H. Aiti-ncrm InTltiUlon UuMi-nd.-d to nllto Inspect our nt-w mctorjr. Klrkendall , Jonas fi Am ) ? . Hand-Sewal COMl'ANV. Wholimla HIIOKOO. , buoli. ! io-j | mfri. n jnti Ilimon iinJ rubburtfuu.il , UJi- Uubbur Sliul Co. . IIJ.- | : ilU Humor Jt. IWI-llWIlinior St. COM , B3KE. CJRNICH. DRY GOODS. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Baebee & Runyan CO. , upliolitereil furni FUUN1TUIUS CO. , Uraca ture , ll/Z 1101 NldhoUJ HU aa 131U 3t | , Rector & Wilhelmy I Lobeck & Linn. COM PAN V. I Uoaleri In hardware ni.j Cortior 10th nnil Jno'oou f laucii.ititui' tool *