Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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NO. 12 I'KAtlti 8TIIE6T.
i y rr.rrlor lo uny p-ut of tUo olty
It \ \ . T1I.TON , - MAXAORU
llln 1ni'MOIl ! \ . No. 43
. .
fxw.t Keillor No. 23
SUXUlt .Mtt.NT/O.V
? f. V Plt.mhinp Co.
CV'itiill UlufTs Lumncr Co. Cdftl
G. W llnuich nnd Ju'.Ui Hare , both of
On alia , were marrloil yostprday by Justice
A iniotlntr of the World's Pair association
wi I be In VI t'lM afternoon at 8 o'clock In
> \ omen's Kxfhanpo room. The attendance
of each member , ninl all ladles lut''restod ' , Is
All members etf the Choral union ai" re-
eiiustod to nu-ot thin evening in theYoutn. . '
Men s r.iriitian association rooms to snake
tirrati/e'mcnts for joining the Apollo club In
their May festival.
Charles PhrMLinson , the upper way
blacnsir.Ith. tiakt a line of ? . ' ! in Justice. Pox'n
court callrelayfor biting oT ! Frank Peter
son's c.r He announces his determination
to give Peterson an extra dose of grief the
lust time their paths cross.
The Council HlulTsHiwInga'soristiein held
Its nnnmnl riueilug Momlay nk-lit and
electc'l ' the follow injr officers for the coming
ye-ar Pr sldent. F. A. IJuclunmi ; vice pre-sl-
drnt H \Vk-khasn : socrctary , , T M. Fen-
loti tre. smvrV. . \\Vcellcld ; e-oimnn-
elrre.Il / Haaslio ; commodore , A. W
\V 12 n.ilnhrl'lpe. as assignee of the llrtn
of 1 fl KnvtSiVcOi , coinmenecd proceod-
, _ in s in the sunerlor e'ourt yesterday after-
im n jon to ivple viu the safe and ether ofllco
furnlciin of the firm which ho cl.iuns wore
not cnvrifl \ > \ the bill of sale execute-d In
favor OT the Carbon Coal romp my by Kuotts
Just befe > r ( the assignment too't place.
The funeral ot Mrs H. I , . Thomas will
cccnr tomorrow rooming at It o'clock from
the KSldrniM1R2I Tenth avenue , Hev Cor-
hallj ( ilile'latlng. The funeral party will
leave th union de | H In Omaha at 12 KU
cVloi'U fur Prospect Hill , wheio the Inter
ment will take place. St. Joseph. Mo ,
papers are rcejuustcd to make a note of this.
A lecture was.srlven hist evening under thu
auspices of St. .lohh's luigllsh Lutheran
churih. In the room in the Aler-
ri'itn blo ( k , by Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Uur-
uett of San Franclbco The subject , -rK--
turcsiiue Europe , ' ' was handled In a very In
teresting and instructive manner , a largo
number of storeoptlcon views serving to
Illustrate sorno of the moro important scenes
whhh would bo witnessed by ono who set
out to take a pleasures trip over Kuropo.
Thurt-was a largo audience present , and a
neat sum realized , all of which goes to
assist the church org.inizatlou.
St. I'nlrlfK'M IUy Oti-lirntlon.
At St. Francis Xaviur'w church a lec
ture on Ireland will bo given by Kev.
Patrick Smyth , nnd n concert by St.
Franc'iH Xnvier's * choir , in which Mr.
Jules Lumbard eif Omaha will take n
leading part. Several choice poems
from Mooro's melodies , together with
fcome patriotic selections , both vocal and
instrumental music , will make a delight
ful evening. Mr. Sims , organist of St.
Paul's church , will preside at the organ.
Admibsaon 15 ! cents.
For wanning guest cliambors , bath
rooms , etc. , .our gas heaters are jiibt
what you want. Look at them. Clean ,
convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas and Elec
tric Light Co.
Ladies , don't forget that the Louis
are at 2o Main btreet now. Come all.
Mrs. II , S. Jones Is visiting friends in
Judgn McGee Is expected homo from Wash
ington , D. C. , next Saturday.
Miss Allco Freeman of Iowa City will be In
the city to assist in the St. Patricks concert.
W. J. Jameson , who has been in Chicago
for several days past , Is expected hem this
Miss Cora Fornsworth has returned from
Nebraska , whcro bho has been sick for sev
eral weeks.
Mrs Augusta Lohan of Chautauqua ave
nue has received some Injuries , the
result of slipping and falling off a porch.
AV. J. Wallace , who has been with the
firm of Aultman Miller & Co. , has started in
business on his own hook , as manufacturer's
agent. His office is In the opera house block
George P. Camp nnd L. T. Shugart left
Friday afternoon for Claries , Neb. , to hunt
wild pccsp. A letter was received hero yes
terday announcing that it had taken them
until Saturday night to go the UK ) miles.
The floods and high water caused the de
J. A. AVlatt was called to Silver City yes
terday by the death of his father , which oc
curred there on Monday , nt the ago of bO
years. The sad event wut > very sudden. Mr.
AViatt not having heard of his father's ill
ness until he received the telegram announc
ing his death. _
Why lot children dto with diphtheria ?
You cun save thorn by Dr. JolToris' rem
edy. Has been used successfully for .1 , " )
years. Price 8.5.00. For sale bv Coun
cil Bluffs druggists , also ut : M01 Cuming
Btreet , Omaha.
Tlu > Orniiel Hotel ,
Council BlulTs. Most elegant hotel in
Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor.
Katos , $3 to $3 per day. E. F. Clark ,
Prop. _
Harry Gallton , a 10-year-old boy , arrived in
the city yesterday noon from St. Ixmls
nnd headed directly for the police station ,
whcro ho delivered a note to the chief fi-oni
Ills mother , asking that her son bo assisted
In ( hiding his father , who , until a week agent
nt least , was living hero. Mr and Mrs. Gal
lion have not been living together for six
years. A short time iigo the latter became
ill and was unable to take care of her fam
ily She according ! ) corresponded with hoi
absent husband and she claims got his con
sent to take care of his son. Gallton is n
pnlnter by trade , but is not known to the
l > ollco. _
hn-cl rotuttim.
Thrco hundred bushels of pure Ohic
bccd potatooi at Thomas Rishton , 1MO (
West Broadway , Council Bluffs , la.
Foit SAM : Citizens State bank stock ,
Submit cash offer. E. II. Shcafo.
Stop nt the Ogden , Council Bluffs , the
best § 2.00 hoiifeo in Iowa.
Cruslif'il Hr > vvor' root.
Oscar Brewer , a young colored man whc
Is well known about town , tried to board t
westnound motor yesterday afternoon oc
IJroadway near the corner ot Twelfth street
In some way ho got his foot underneath th <
rtMieel and it was badly crushed from tin
instep to the end of the foot , one of his toei
being cut off. Ho was taken to Mrs. Pra
lor's place whcro ' ho was attended by a phy
Coal and wocxl ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. H. A. Cox. No. 4 Main.
If you have property to sell , list i
with mo. I have customers for bargains
II. G. McGee , No. 10 Main btreot.
Do you t-moko ? Have you tried T. D
King it Co.'s PartairasV It's a eharmer
Jubt light one.
I.lrrll r .
The following marriage licenses were is
sued yesterday :
Name- and .uhlres-i. Ac
.1 .1V II 11. OnlcU , la . 3
I i Annul' ( juioU , * Julok , In . I !
( ( ! . \ \ Itaiisch , Omaha , Noli . 3
j Julia llure , Oiuulm , Null . 3 Kennard , stenographer , notary
depoitlniis , commercial work , letto
writing , lOti Main.
Fini-st Aribto cabinet photos , $2 pel
dtAii. Abbton's btudio , 18 North Main
Alarehmallow caramels at Dricsbach's
How the N6w Oounoil Will Be Organized
Next Week.
Quo Wrtrr.intii 1'rocceillnen t He Ceim-
HK'iittsI by tlin Dnfi-ittcil Cunillelntc
I.ajt Night' * Meeting eif that
lluily Itnutlnc IluiliicM.
The first meeting of the now city council
will ho held next Monliy evening , and at
that time ; tliu aldcnnsn whoso terms of
oftlep expire will give up their scats to their
successors , all of whom have eiuallfled by
taking the o.ith of office. The mayor will
also read his mess igrnt that time.
Mr. Hathaway , who came out best In the
drawing las.t Saturday ulzht. took the oath
of ofllce Immediately after the drawing , and
will take his seat with the rest unless some
thing happens to ] > rovent. That this some
thing will happen , however , Is pretty
curtain , for the county attorney 1ms
been requested to commence quo war-
ranto woecodings to compel Hathaway
to show by what right ho performs the
duties of the olllco. Upon his declining to
do so thn Job will bo left In the hands of C.
Q. Saunders. the attorney whom Mr. Glea-
ison bus engaged to look after his interests.
Mr. Saunelers Is out of the city , so that H
cannot bo loaincd from him what his plan is.
From his friends , however , it Is learned that
between now and Me ndaj the quo warr.into
proceedings vvlll bo ro-nraenced In the dis
trict court i
The council held Its last meeting last
evening , with Aldermen Ur.rvcs. Jnntngs ,
Mujne. Smith. Tlbbltts and Van Brunt pies-
ent. The business trans icteel was mostly
what hael been left over fro'n the preceding
meetings , and what had to bo gotten out of
the way so as to lo.ivc the field clear for the
lie w council.
Bills foi- the citv election to the amount of
$ -257.10 for polling places und registrars ,
judges' nnej clerks' salary were allowed.
The report of the canvassing board was
read. As the total vote for the various can
didates was re-ael and the long row of demo
cratic majorities was built up before thu
eyes of the aldermen , the republicans present
tv. IrleJ their thumbs and smiled lonesome sinlle.s.while Alderman Smith who ,
in an unguarded moment had called for a
rending of the figures in full , looked as
thoiiL'h hi ; wished ho hadn't.
Chairman Van Brunt of the finance com
mittee , rejwtod that the polltax collector
had received S-30 IX ) more than ho was en
titled to , by 'taking 20 cents per notice
served , whether the party notified paid up
or not , and also 10 per ce-nt of all the money
collected. This , so the city attorney said ,
was illegal. Mr Mcl uvn stated that he
had done as .ill predecessors had done for
nine ye-ars A motion to require him to re
fund the amount claimed to have been over
charged was lost , the two democr.its voting
ajc and the lour republicans no. A subse
quent motion to allow him the amount VVMS
also lost , the etemocr.its voting no and the
republic-ails a > o.
At this ptint Aldeiman Jennings intro
duced a resolution pa.\ ins a llattei ing testimonial
menial to the ability and honcstj of the four
outgoing aldermen. Mai ne , I'.u-e , Van Brunt
and'-raves , anil the esteem in which they
are held by their colleagues , ana containing
a delicately eonceivcl insinuation that they
would bo glad to meet them on the other sHe
of Jordan , if not again in this world. The
resolution was adopted by the three other
aldermen , after which the council adjourned
sine die.
A Miimmiitli Kme-lopo Order.
The largest order that has ever been
given in the state for envelopes was ' pnt
east a few days ago by the United States
Masonic Benevolent association of Coun
cil BluiTs. It called for 200,000 printed
envelopes of a special pattern. This was
the second order given within a ycar.tho
first last fall calling for 100,000. How
long thcto will last is a problem that
would not bo diflleult of solution if the
mathematician was permitted to watch
the work of the mailing machine that
drops UOO letters a minute into Uncle
Sam's twenty foot mail Inx that has been
constructed for the especial benefit of
the Masonic people.
Where do thee letters go ? Into the
hands of the thousands of certificate
holders of the great Masonic Fraternal
Insurance association that has paid the
wielows and orphans of eloceased Masons
over i" > )0,000 in the last six years. Noth
ing succeeds like fane-cess , and there is
nothing in the history of successful life
insurance that eimparcs with the splen
did record of this young giant of the
west. Its success is not duo alone to
splendid and brilliant management , butte
to the faultless plan upon which the
association is founded , giving every cor-
lificato holder an impregnable guaranty
of protection in all its phases to himself
and those whom ho is seeking to protect
by his love and providence.
The World'- fair year gives something
more than promises that it will bo the
reel letter year in the history of the asso
Active demand for acreage in the Klein
tract testifies to its location , cheapness
and desirability for fruit , gardening and
suburban property , from ono to forty
acres for sale , two and one-half miles
cast of postoilice , by Day & Hess , 3'J '
Pearl street.
Sisters Kxplaln.
COUNCIL BLurrs , la. , March 14 To the
Editor of THE BBC : Camilla Larson , who
was sent to the Clarlnda State institution
yesterday , was in St. Bernird's hospital
since the night of the printers' b ill , D-vom-
bcr 28 , when she had lost her mind and was
brought to the sisters by a polk-oman about
4 o'clock a. in. During her stay here she had
spells of violent insanity. In the last attack
of It her father called at different times , but
for the sake of his own feelings we refused
him admittance to the Insane department ,
fearing ho would feel badly to see his elaugh'
ter in that distressing state. Ho came again
on Sunday , when she was somewhat better ,
and she asked him to talto her home , which
ho did , and misconstrued our kindness In re
fusing him admission to see her before
When the i > olieo called us up at 2 o'clocli
Monday morning wo refused to take her on
account of her relatives as Jong as thci
would not take our advk-e. Dr Th > uiav
under wtioso mod leal treatment she has
been , knows welj there was no truth in the
assertion that she was not properly cared
for. In her sane Intervals no one could be
more respectful and grateful to her attend
ants than she was. Siyrens op MCHCY.
lu\ntiiHtu Tilt * Splrmllil lmc > .ttii'iH Op
An excursion for North Galveston , Tex
will leave Omaha March 20th. ISM Specia
inducements. For particulars a , ply t <
Agent D. D. Smeaton , Itoom 17 , Barkei
block , Omaha.
Bourieius Music House.
Fine pianos and organs for cash 01
payments. 114 Stutsman street , C. Bluffs
Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p
m. at thu Council Bluffs Medical am ,
Surgical institute , 20th and Broadway
Mine. Helen Merrill , halt-dressing am
maniuurc. Room 312 , Merriaui block.
DUtrlct Court Jury.
The following Jury was selected ycstonla ;
to servo at the next term ol the distrlc
court , which opens April 4. Thojurymei
aruordoicu to present themselves fordut\
April 21. Gergcn Peterson , First ward ; N
W. Williams , "First ward ; W. C Dickey
Fourth ward ; Edwin Wllkius. Sixth ward
J. Guilfoylo , Fifth ward ; D. W Foster
Third wjird ; Henry G. Miller , Senond ward
J. O. Spauldiug , Second ward ; \V A. Me
Ancny , Fifth ward ; Oscar Hunsel , Fiftl
ward ; Ira Martin. Silver Creek ; Henr :
Lowe. ItockfordV. ; . Bochm , Keg Creek
John Downs. Norwulk ; Lawrence Kernoy
Ilardin K M Hoitfh. Ncda M F Wll
Hams. HarclDfll , W J Darrington , llonmer
Josfpb Hancock , Garner , Wnllaeo Walker-
Crescent , Adoljih Wunker , Mlnlcn , John
Wulff. York. John Coilo , Leu is , Hubert
Miller , Washington.
ritiii : itttiixii : .
MrrrlmntA lltprpusl hrimrlvrn In Its I'lirnr
UN HiMirllt t i Council lllun .
Will .Vccnt motor faros , cause the retail
trade to be drained o.T to Omatn ? Tint Is a
question which has bean dlsjusjel pretty
freely of late , anl tliDS3 Interacted In main
taining the present 10-cent rate have been
Industriously and Ingeniously endeavoring
to frighten thu Council Bluffs people by the
bugbear of loss of trade. A few express the
opinion that It would bo better If the fare
was put up to Jl , so as to prevent Council
Bluffs folks from golne over the river to buy
goods , but they readily admit that the time
of walled cities and enforced patronaco Is
past , and even the pessimists , when forced
to face the question , have to admit that a 10-
cent faro does not keep anybody from going
to Omaha to buy goods if lie wants to , but
does prevent many who work in Omaha from
living on this side.
A hasty canvass was made among the
merchants to get an expression of the real
feeling in the matter. The result is given below -
low , and those who are familiar with the
names and standing of the shiners need not
be told that they represent fairly the real
sentiment of the business circles. There are
others whoso names do not appear , not be
cause thev are opposed to a 5-cent fare or a
free bridge , but because they weie not seen
by those who circulated the paper. There is
but one answer to the question as to how
Council Blutls merchants feel in regard to a
fi-eent faro or a free bridge , or both. It Is as
follows :
We , the under'.lBiied , bjllovo that a 5-cent
fuie to Omaha or even a free brlilu'olll Imlld
up ( . 'ouncll ItlulTsaml iniitet tally Increase tin-
ale of im'rrhiimlNe In this ell ) : Thomas
Metcalf , Council HlulTs Carpt-t com
pany , K. } ' . . Adams , J. II LOIIB , .X K. KtnpKle ,
T. 1) . King A , Co. , I' . W. Spetnmn A. llio.-
JarvU \ Vliucompany. . John Mcrcen , K. 1) .
Amy .1 Co. , Chiulus Arnd. ( . 'ouncll ItlullS
Lumber company , Cole Hun. , J. C. Hlvliy , 1) ) .
W. llnshiifll , Council lllutls 1'iilnt , Oil and
( ilashcoiiiuaiiy , Kll Itrnnn , Dumielte & . Cj , .
\V. e > ly , ( Jeorco Mrfall. K. lV Ilaker , J. C' .
I'Haven. ) W. I' . Kitep , Taylor A. Common ,
Mi'tealf Hro . . J. I ) . CrocKnell , I' . II. , liiciiie- |
mln & Co. , Cole & Cole , I'loni'or Implement
I'omp.iny , Council HlutTi Kiirnlttiie company.
ViuelerA Iin. . I. . Klrlit , IVter Tholl , Ci ' < TSi' !
lllaxslm , I ) . II. Mi'lUm-ld & Co. , IMur ItwU ,
IVii'gov > Moon1 , llarli1 , IIiail Co , Svvanson
Music I'oniimnv , .1.11 Atkins , N. \ \ . Wllll.inis ,
J..nlli'i. . llr. I'V. . lloujthtnn , fieorge s. Davis ,
(5. i : M.vers. .1. K tnyuerV. . N llomor. 1'otli- , Whlti'lnvv & Co.V. . A. CoJ. .
Muclli-t. Liltmevvi'g , V PfhoenUi I. . S T. SIc-
Atee , IV'tei-on X ! ( 'lilossln , O. II Ilronn. J.
II. wiiiltli. Crystal Mill and drain company , 1' .
( iiinmmde ( ! ecrii' lloaglaml ( liranchi. .lames
A. llutcrstoclt , I' . II Hvans Olu Ktisinilssen , J.
H Dileshac'li. charl"s 1'rolistln. John Clausen ,
Hell & ton , W. II. llfadley , h. Klnm.'hun , W. N.
VoungV. . I' . Morris. P. C. DP Vol.
All alumni ( or North ( iiiWeAton.
An excursion for North Galreslon. Tex. ,
will leave Omaha March 20th. Ib'J.t. Special
inducements are offered. For particulars
apply to Agent D. D. Smeaton , Uoom 17 ,
Barker block , Omaha.
The Council BlulTb Insurance company
has over oOO local agents besides the
force of traveling specials , and each is
talking abjut and advertising the city
every dnv in the year. The leading eit-
iicens and the biiaincbS men of the city
rcali/.e that they are helping along
their own interests when they patronize
this kind of home enterprise.
Charged with Tdurllnn.
William Baucrkcmpcr. a jirasperous young
fanner of Lewis township , was arrested and
brought into the city yesterday by Constable
Baker to answer to the charge of seduction.
Anna Damit/ , young girl living with her
parents in the same township , is the prose
cuting witness , and she has n 7-days-old
child for which shu holds Bauerkemper re
sponsible. The case will bo heard on Fridaj
before Justice Vien , and In the mcintlmo
the defendant is in Jail , ho having been un
able to give bail up to last evening" He has
made no denial of his guilt , but swears up
and down that notning on earth , not even
the penitentiary , will induce him to marry
the young lady.
The guaranteed cure for all headaches is
Bromo-Seltzer Trial bottle lOe.
Williamson & Co. , 100 Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Music Co
Geo. S. Davis , prescription druggist.
TELiiilt.l I'll 1C JIltUM'S.
No lives were lost In the iccent floods at
Kalamazoo .
Thrun , the alleged life Insurance swindler ,
hasli'-en arrested at New Orleans , La.
Hallroad travel In the vicinity of.Iihpemlnz ,
Mich. , lm > been blockaded by dccn sno\v foi
for the ] nihl thiee davs.
Itabbl Mmon Isaac rrankoNtcIn of Cincin
nati , O. , Is accused of cheating a Polish Jew
out of if.1 by a confidence gume.
A bill pi-ovldlnc for licensing peddlers that adopted by the assembly of Minnesota
contain ! , an exemption In the case of old kol-
People like to try new
things , but when they
have satisfied curiosity
by trying some of the
new preparations , they
gladly go back to the
old reliable
Liebig Company
Extract of Beef
used around the world
by millions of families
for over a quarter of a
centuryand constantly
increasing in populari
ty in the United States.
For Improicci ninl Economic Cooktrj * .
For Delicious Itefrt-Hliiiic Heel Tea.
as usual at the next school election
but for many candidates. They give
a unanimous vote every day m the
week in favor of
because they know it has no equal as a
labor and temper saver on wash-day.
The "White Russian" is-a
- great soap to
use in hard or alkali water. Does not
roughen or injure the hands is per
fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics ,
JAS. S. KIRIC& CO. , Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap ,
tllPM who. when unnlili * In do other work nrr
tobo permitted in peddle v'vds In MlniH-sotu
without imylnit Ili'i'tisi.
1'mf. IliHTniii ot tin' Wy.itnlnit university
Ins | HII uiMilnt | ) < ! surJTidttuh'iit - of the
\ \ toinliii ; aitrlrulturiil t.xliihlt at tinVorld'n
( air
The anti-rnri1 trnrk jveoplr pmtmlily coured
n vletorv In the I'lcrtloii at l.lndi-n. N. J. ,
todny , ckftliitf a full nunlttfoiKO town roiu-
The iMiurd of directors ot tin ? U'tilgh Valley
Uullroad eonipiinyesterday nfturnmin de-
elnred alu-irterly dividend of 1 < tier cent ,
payable April 10.
Irfjill * Nettlehorst , well knonn tliroucliout
the north est as a proniliM'iit tnenihTot nev-
rnil ( lertiiati ooU'tles , died lust night ot
llrlghts disease.
I'lineral isrvlct's worn held jeMerdny over
the remain * of the lute LnUe Selinoleioft by
tlui Cincinnati , ( ' . , Order of Klki. Ills leinalns
will be taken to lloston for burial.
The lower homo en thu Minnesota leelMa-
turo has jmsscd thuJac-olxon bill , romiicllltu
rallroinN to transfer cars from one line to an
other at Junction points without extra charge.
The work of Kettliitf exhibits Into the World's
fair buildings and linttlti ; the big show In
slmpe for I he opening on Miiy 1 , Istoliepushi-d
from this time on as It has not been donu be
At a meeting of the Ininrd of directors of the
whisky trust nt 1'eorln , III..yesterday , It vvns
decided to pass the dividend this month. The
money Is needed to meet the competition of
new houses.
The general sales nsunto of the Anthracite
Coal trust have announced thu following re
ductions In lite price of coal : Ten cents em
plate , till cents on egg and chestnut , and 00
cints on stove per ton.
The three men arrested on suspicion of hayIng -
Ing murdered and robbed n Chicago linn In t.
lidiils about two veoks a o have been Idi'titl-
llo I as the men who commit ted the crime by u
cuuple of colored women.
Allalrs In the Ann Arbor strike lematn
piactlcally unchanged , though settlement
ele ' < not seem far olV. The stilUers them
selves and the ulllcurs ot the hrolhuihood te-
maln ictlcent on the subject.
The Alabama National bunk of Moblleelosed
Us doors liv direction of ItanU I\amlner !
Campbell. Hepo-ltors will be paid In full , but
the capital stocU ot the bank Is.Initialled to
the amount of tG'J.OOO , or auemt 4percent. .
( leneial \ \ healon at H in Antonio , TeIs In
recelplo f Infoiniiitlon fiom I'ort lilnggold ad
vising him thailof the levolutlonlsts siir-
lendered to the tro.ips on Sunday , and havu
been placed In jail.
The runners and Traderhink of Mont-
cnmery t'ity , Mo. , was entered by burglars
Mond'ty night. Hut vault helm : blown open and
robbed" iJ.DO ) . The vtiult and ! -.ifo are
niiarly a total viieok. The combined loss to
the bank will be iu.G'Ji ) .
I'loieiico T. Donovan , e\-memhor of the
state board of mediation and aibltratlon of
New YorkDr. Saiah H. Clia e and a midwife.
named 1'rederl ijue Hlemer. weie Indicted for
manslaughter by thu grand juiy jestei-
elay. They are charged with causing the death
of > largaietM onranl.
The American I'emale Itase Il.ill club , com-
pixeil of nine young women and Joseph llruck-
ner , manager of the team , of New \ ork , Imvo
bK.ught suit for damages against the Spanish
government fonoitgh treatment revelvrelro-
cently at the hands of a Cuban mob , In whli h
he and thu gills buiely escaped with their
Judgments were rendered yesterday In the
M-cond district coin I of A\yomlng npaliist
Johnson county In favor of John M. Davld-
MIII of Cbe-yenne for $ aUH : K. A. Italian ! of
Denver for J3UU audit. \ \ . Ilreckens of Chey
enne for } GOO. Tbu three named were the at
torneys for Johnson county In the prosecution
of the cattlemen's case.
Many of the Michigan streams which for the
past few days haru been out of their banks are
subsiding. In many localities thu water Is
still very deep , and much dumiiso Is being
caused every day Crops have been Injured
along thu rlvors' banks and It Is said that
many farmers will be able to prepaiu their
giound for planting this year.
Dispatches from H'lst Africa announce Im
portant German successes. In Tabora.
Moslem mobs have taken possession of
C.'usar.i , and havu murdeied and robbed hun-
diedaor Armenians.
Many anarchists were arrested today by the
police. The police secured a huge amount of
anarchist literature and e.\ploslves.
Thu llurlln polltlc-il organs are urging the
leaders of the p.irilc * to waste no lime In preparing -
paring an appeal to th6 country on"thu army
At a special meeting yestoi day of the Dublin
synod of the 1'rotestutit church of Ireland
ntsolutlons wcru adopted condemning thu
Irish homu rule bill.
Thocaptalnof the stuamshlp Teutonic re
ported ut Uueunstown , yv torday tint lio'had
taken a long southerly course , but had i > uun
nothing of the steamsiilp Naronic.
Thu Hritlsh and flu natives ami the moun
tain tribes In thu vicinity of ( 'Mitral , In the
Pamir country , have lately had suvural lleree
engagements , all resulting In victory for the
English. "
The trial of Chailes do Losseps and his fel
low defendants was resumed yesterday buforo
the court of assizes In I' , ils. Hut little addi
tional testimony was handed In. lloforo ad
journment the huiirlngof witnesses was con
cluded and the counsel for the prosecution
began their aigumcnts.
Tlieio was another exciting scene In the
Tiench Chamber : if Deputies yesterday over
the debate on tlic Panama canal scandals. M.
Doroulede came very nearly prucl-
pltatlng a riot by the languagu In
which he attacked thu goveinmcnt.
In thu Senate a .similar scene was en
acted , but that body on a eiuestlon of confi
dence ! sustained the government by a vote of
JUU to & 9.
K.irly Vegetables Arc KarlloU at North
( alveflton.
A spcclcl excursion to North Galveston ,
Tex. , will leave Omaha March 120th , 1MK1.
For inducements and iull ivirtieulars apply
to Apent D D. Smeaton , Hoora 17 , Barker
Mock , Omaha.
Clironic , Nervous ,
Private and
Special Diseases.
25 years experience
Treated nt f.100 a month
und nil medicines
All Other Troubles Treated at
Reasonable Charges.
Call on or address
Omaha's Newasl Hotel
( CHooim alt ! ,
( Cl oomintfJ.OJpar ( Iif.
! U Hronij with Hath l JT ) ) |
:0lloum wllli llatu a M.i ) tuli ) ur l > r.
i ii
Modern In I'.verv Ki-inort.
.No\vly JluniUlicd Tliro.ij.'jout
C. S. ERS. Prop.
The only hotul In ttie c ty with hot and co'd
w.iter , ivn-1 sio i n nij id In ovjr/ m
Tubie mid dining ro ui serv.ce unsurpassed ,
KATES $2.60 TO $4.00.
Special rates on application.
1 Full SBT
OZ * T13I3VII ,
Ttlb extratr4 In inornlns
.Sew oneilnt'Jrtoi ! nflfrnoon
taiuoituy I'vrlcct Ut guar
Hrd Floor ,
Faztou Blooli >
IGthantlFarnnm Streets.
Ulovator on IttU bt. Telephone 1U > J.
04TCIITOT1IOMAH1' 81111'SON. Waihlngton
FA I tW I dn- * ' No n"-1' Ie > unt" C"1Uob"
i n i uu i
vulnet w JnTeQlori Uulde
( , w Io [
Faille's ' Oeierf Gompoonil Head and Stiouiders Above Coiiv
petitors. Word from
mm , Wm < > 'Mm '
fl / l 'Wffll %
* $
Physicians prcsoribo it
Because it jnakes tioople well.
Nether remedy was o\er so generally
recommended by the nit'dicnl ] ) rofcsslon.
Prof. Edvviud E Phelps , M.D. , LL D.
Of Dartsinouth Ceillotre. who first pre
scribed it , was ono ol the most eminent
of practitioners.
The formula , which has boon freely
given to the medical profession , has
been indorsed from the first ; for Paino's
celery compound is not a patent medicine -
cine , n sarsaparilln , or nti ordinary
tonic , but is the trtio remedy for dis
eases arising from debility of the nerv
ous system.
It is n positive qure for dyspepsia , bil
iousness , liver complaint , nou'alpin ,
rheumatism , all nervous diseases , and
kidney troubles.
Says W. E. Anthony , M. D. , of Provi
dence : "I have used Paino's celery
compound , nnd the patients expressed
themselves as much pleased with the
effect experienced from its use. As : i
tonic nnd restorative , it seems to meet-
the indications in cases of debility , such ,
as n rule , as are the sequel of the grip.
1 shall bo pleased to recommend its use
wherever it is indicated. "
E. H. Judklns , M.D. , of PortlandMe. ,
says , : "Physicians do not praise patent
or proorietary medicines or prescribe
them for their patients. Honest nrncti-
tionors , hovveve'r , when proprietors fur
nish the formula of u medicine , must
frankly test it merits , if it bus any , and
not hesitate to express their opinions of
it. This 1 have been doingin my prac
tice with Pnlne's celery compound.
Knowing of what it is composed and the
high reputation of its discoverer , Prof.
Edward E. Phelp * , M. D. , LL. D. , of
D irtmQuth , I gave it u thorough trial
nnd found it to meet every want of the
maladies for which it is recommended.
"While 'burning midnight oil' myself
I found it a very valuable Fystctniu reg
ulator , I might siy renovator. To rheu
matic patients it lui ? poved : of great
set-vice , and in the alarming greivvth of
serious nervous nll'ectiotis in the 10th
century , I cannot but sav when people
have to keep dtsing , lot them tiKoso
helpful and harmless a medicine iin
Paine's colony compound , for _ it is of
much benefit in this class of disorders. "
Snys J. II. Lindsley , M. U . of Uecd\
Ferry , N. II. : ' 'I li.ivo used Panic's
celery compound , with th most nappy
res-ubs. I ca-i cheerfully recommend it
in nil chroniccascs , such as rheumatism ,
nervous nlTcctiona , eta. also in cacC3 of
debility from long-continued fover- , and
general debility from whatever cause.
1 am daily prescribing Iho compound. "
From Lewis Blundin. the vvo.ll known
physicianwhose is in Hulinovillo.Peati. ,
conies this to.alitt.onial : "It fives mo
great plcasjro to say that my former
expressed opinion of P.iino's celery
compound has not been altered by its
continued use. Wherever my prognosis
nnd diagnosis of u case indicates Us use ,
I freely lecommcnd nnd prescribe it ,
with faith in its goud Jesuits , und I am
never deceived in them. I find it to bo
a grand lemedy. I urn much pleased
with its tonic and nervine qnulitics. lu
In my own case the co 1 tissues of the
kidneys wore radidly breaking down
nnd I was fast drifting into confirmed
nlbuminaria , or Bi ight's disease , when
Paino's celery compound nt once ar
rested the decay , nnel I lind myself on
the r.ipid rand to permanent recovei v. "
C. E. Cole , iM. U , the mcdicui direc
tor of the Prairie du Chieii Medical In
stitute , Biy"I have used consider
able Pnine's celery comp 'tind in my
practice during the past four years , nnd
I consider it the best preparation of its
kind on the market. I have used it
with good results in the bilious disor
ders peculiar to this climate. "
Just received a Tine line of
Huvo removed from my old stand
and now occupy the nutlru lluor.
Over 5'K ) UrotuUvay , C nincil Hhifls.
See : High Grade Pneuma
tic. S25-33lb. ! Road
12 years experience , largest line
of wheels in the west , see wholesale
01 retail. Honniring done. Wo cun
' -hango your old solid tire to ap'.ieu -
m.itic. Send for catalogue.
CCXL73 < & COZJ3 ,
Council Bluffs , la.
? " Solo Agents for Victor Bie-yclcs
It Is used to euro vou u pr ejj-
less , pure , p o is.uit , IIKC VT I-
INU treatment. Thn won lor-
ful. swift. sl'KB I'lTlll' , fjr - .
I'ouflis. Uutiirrh llronchll s , f
AstliniH , Consumption , II-iJ-
ncho ( sick or nerve m. NurJ eTRSuMpW"
vous 1'rostr.itleui llrljnt , rcli : 2jJ 'JSWiftJi *
hlood ! Ncvfonurn'v' EustloL.K f"jg .
step ! In f.eot. n new
Uxvee-n Ilnau" und 4 ir.uls OKNCIIATOII.
rUUEl Oa.lorwrllo ,
Euito SJlit eclr
If you are suffering
Xoe-il .
If you uro butTorlnc vrith cohl In Uio he id ,
caturrh , earache , Uuafnos or ( lUohir : es trim
the ours ; If you are suffering with ilUansesof
tliethrouU DR. M. H.CHAMQERLIN1
aex > mueteiiitandrulIiiblosp cluHt In euinrra
and Ulsoahos of tlio eye , oar and throat , Odlre
over Ueuo ti Oo.'i itorc , Council 11 luffs , Iowa
ImprovaJ SifilElrnhrj / ,
Cor Oth St and 11 Avo. Council Illuffs.
Anil all ( lit train ot
KVllA WKKNK4biDKlilLITV : , KT " tlal ac-
reirapnnT tliuru In mm Ut H KIV anil I' H.MA-
NUNTI.V ttltKIl full yntUNIiTlI anU tons
glvcMi touvi-rr Pirtof the boor I will cn < ! do-
urulr packed ) I'llKf. to snjr luAarer tiie preicrlii-
tlun that curi-d u e of llit-nu trouhlun Addrvdi , 1 .
Prom Hodgdon , Me. , James V. Tabor.
M. D. , writes : " 1 w.ll certify in refer
ence to the great relief obtained by the
use of Paino's celery c'onpouud in the
nftei'-olFeets of the giip , Irregular mo
tions of tbo heart , numbness of the
hands and feet , p.utiil loss of bruin
power , and in kidney troubles. Not only
mj p-itiunts , but both Mr-i. Tnbor und
myself luive u ed it with good success. "
And by the same mail comes n letter
from Mr. Alb-srt Wool of Ilavorhlll ,
Ma&s. , whoso likeness appears above , In
which ho says : "I was troubled with
the asthma , fo some five years , and
nt times found it very dillkult to
brcdlhe. I took Pnine's celery r.oin-
I ound , which has entirely cured mo.
After taking two bottles I derived great
benollt I am now nen-ly 01 years old
but can wall ; 113 sp"y ns a. young man. I
was also troubled uDontwalking ; my
my feet woulo burn very b.idlv , but that
feeling nil left mi after taking the com
pound. I nm vcrv simvt today nnd my
f.iiends all speak of wh , t a change there
is in me. They ask mo whit I have
boon doing to look BO well and I toll
them that I took Pnino's celery com
pound. I have recommended it to ft
number of rnv friends und they are us
ing it. "
ljJ. . fl. Jacobs of Burnham , Mo. ,
says that nftor suffering seven weeks
with lumbigo ho utcd two bottles of
Paino's celery compound and was cured.
"Paino's celery compound. " ho says ,
' is n very valuable compound to mo ,
nnd I use it in my pr.iutlco. "
Washington correspondents have re
cently given Pnino'e celery compound a
great deal of ultontion binco the most
wonderful cure elTefted in the cose of
Gen. Hamilton. The medical journals
of this country have given more space
in the last 'cw yca'-s to the many ro-
mnrkablo cases where the use of Paino's
celery compound has made people well
than'any other ono subject.
All kinds of Dyuln : and Oio-mlni done In
Khn hUliost style of tie ! irL I'udoJ uiU
tiilnud fabrics mule to lol : us Ko.l ua new.
\Vori \ ; jiromptly ( lone nn I do.llvorol in all
) > urtb of the country. Send for price 1UU
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor.
iircadwiiv. neur Northwestern > o ot ,
Co / IOIIIII ft4 , ' III
iJ < OIl SAIl -rull bet uf tliners tools , cnod condi
tion. H bargain Inquire of Kmpkle-buuKart
llardwnru c.o. Council Illunn
/ lUACItlialn liAw on cuu llr , Ne-h . at M M. UU
" In Frnnttcr $ 5 W Improved UJJ acres In nuf-
fnlo county. (17 M ( ion J I > J tlirjj miles fruui
Illoomlnntun , 1 rnnklln ooiinty. fj I , ( in ot'jjr
f&rmB for Rale Johnston ,1 Van I'atioa.
pAUAtsror mtle. 73 by JJ3 f e. on rruaklla
22 acrus betwosn Klnt st and franklin ari.
I'o i ulnttlnj : properly In tii'J o ty. tZJ.iWJ.
'Iwo lotiopo i lto riilrdit cUjJl , ( I,5J )
eno lotln VMIiton Terr.ioo MiJ
' 1 lire'1 loll cor Main yt nnd < 2tli nvo IltiJt Bill
foi Implement liousu In thi olty. ll.ilj
Uiu.-eo.V 1'owlo 235 I'oarl it.
1 < 0'\i UU well Improve , ! f.tnn In Iowa nl fij. < fl )
ncri's ImprorudiU H.irJjn au I fruit farm near
Council lllnlTs , tyj HplunJII II ) acre farm near
e.lenwoud , j ) . Faimi. cnrdun uud fruit Uad > ( jr
Bule. Johnnton , V Van 1'attjn
ij1 ill KKXTMtfO \ 10 room lion HO with all modem
Improvement ! , ou I'nrk nvunuo , ti ner month.
B room liouiu with need burn , nun , tli vet month.
I Incoln nvnnuc
Four cottaxo ho'inua lu Twin City Place , near
Kry llros ' factory , ti per month ( inch.
& room cottnuei on Tiitrd avunuo , north of trana-
f r ill per month
.Vroora cottage on Avcnui e" , near SOth itrprt. t )
I or month. Apply tu K. II. OJell , No 7 , llaldnrla
blocU , Council nlutn.
\\TANT15I ) l'u ltl in liy a younif lady aa ulcuo-
* tirnplior bookkueper or both Has hud ox *
pcrlenre. Aildrux f , . M , lit Illdiro ttrcut.
touucll Ululla.
AllSlUACTdiind loins Karoi an1 city ptjyit'.r
bought anJ lolJ. 1'Jiay X 1'ao.un , counjll
GVUIIAOK rniDval , c : pools , Taults chl'nnjys
cluiined. Well prepareJ for the work , UJ
llurko city bullulnv.
IIlAVK a larua Hit of propsrty. Improrvd ami
unimproved , for oliilii all parti ot tuj city ,
most ol it at low prlcj * ; none of U very cucap. If
sou think of buying , entnu and uo what I can
oner you It may tare you uioiuy II. U. McJeei.
.No. IO .Main strettt.
1OH UICNT furnlshut rooms for man nod wlfa
Atldresn It V. Hot ) out ee
II1 Jl'Ohu.N. clrll e-nvlnccr , llluo prints of
J.Council Illu3s and all additions ; also ps.stur gi
for WO bead of sloct. IW > litu UTCUUO.