r THE DAILY BEE TWENTY-SECON D TEA It- . OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH II. 1893. N'UMliER 260. HOSIIER WELL PROTECTED Inquisitive Attorneys Will Not Bo Allowed to Examine the Bank's ' Books. SHIELDED ON ALLSIDES FROM PROSECUTION Indictment on Which Ho U Uriel Sulcl toIle Ilo Wortlilrns Homo rurtlnunt ( .juotluiiB Candidates for tlui Supreme Court Coinml lon. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE Una ] Attorney L. C. Burr of this city , who represents so many of the creditors of the defunct Capital National bank , received word from Washington to night , through Receiver McFiirland , that ho would not bo permitted to mnko use of the books of the broken institution In making uphlscaso against Moslier. Mr. Burr is considerably exercised over the manner in which everybody who has had any iwsslblo connection with the case has sought to shield Moshcr slnco his enormous pecula tions were uncovered. The United States district attorney , the bank examiner , the re ceiver and the authorities at Washington all seem to have formed a combination to lire- vent any of Moshcr's victims from having access either to Moshcr or to the records in the case. Somn Sit-iilllciint Kurts. It is a sitrnillcant fact that the Indictment under which Moslier is now held under arrest is not worth the paper it is written on and could bo demurred out of court by any lawyer of ordinary ability. It is claimed that the defects In the Indictment are so apparent that they cannot escape notice , and It Is broadly asserted that these very defects were placed there with a de liberate design. The real indictment is a lengthy document covering sovcnty-ono closely written pages. Upon this indictment Moshor has never been arrested. It has never been filed in court and the miestion very naturally arises why is It kept so care fully In the dark ? This is the question to which an answer is so earnestly desired by Boveral hundred thousand people throughout the length and breadth of the state at this time , but the answer is not forthcoming. Candidates lor tint CoiiimUidoii , The various candidates for appointment on the supreme court commission will submit their Indorsements tomorrow morning. The candidates who now occupy the Hold are as follows : Hepublieans Hon. C. H. Marploof Omaha , Hon. E. F. Warren of Nebraska City. Hon. , J. G. Hyan of Lincoln , Hon. Amasa Cobbof Lincoln , Hon. R M. Bartlett of Omaha , Hon. F. G. Hamer of Kearney , Hon. J. T. Hays of Norfolk , Hon. W. II. Field of Lincoln ; democrats Hon. E. Wake- ley of Omaha , Hon. W. H. Munger of Fre mont , Hon. F. S. Martin of Falls City , Hon. J. II , Broady of LincolnIndependents ; Hon. J. M. Hagan of Hastings , Hon. William Leeso of Lincoln , Hon. J. W. Edgcrton of South Omaha. Omaha is rcpresntcd by a goodly array of legal talent pulling for the statute revision bill as representatives of the Douglas county bar and incidentally working in the interest of the candidacy of lion. C. H. Marplo as a probable member of the supreme court com mission. Among them are Messrs. Mciklo , Hansom , Gurley , Heed , Churchill and Web ster , 'fy The governor's veto of the Judiciary bill was submitted ji'st at the time that the house was talcing a vote on the question of submitting a constitutional amendment to do away with the vote power. The vote had just been taken on roll call and the clerks were footing the result. When the message was read it was greeted with applause and the very members who had been crowding the amendment turned at once and voted to sustain the vote , us the ground on which it was based was the very ono on which they had Just been arguing , that is , public economy. ' I'rninlsr * to Ito Pleimunt. A lively session is booked for tomorrow evening , when the house holds a special run- together to consider the report of the peni tentiary investigating committee. The ecu- aured parties are working hard , personally and through their friends , to prevent the adoption of the report. They held several consultations today and are considerably ex ercised over the situation. The special investigating committee that unearthed the steals nt the Lincoln asylum lias now turned its attention to the Asylum f ( , the Incurable Insane at Hastings , and J ftfor that place this morning. It is Inti mated that the state of affairs there is oven worse thai ) ' 'at the institution hero. Inas much as th" work of the committee will bo brought to a close by the slue dlo adjourn ini'iiv Of the legislature , the search will bo vigorously prosecuted whllo opportunity af fords. It Is given out tonight that impeachment proceedings , vlll bo instituted against the stito oflli-'rs who were found by the Investi gating committee to bo guilty of malfeasance in ofllco. Church Howe has boon a very sick man. Ho has a severe attack of la grippe and was .threatened with pneumonia , but is better to night. WITH CANAAN IN SH'.JIT. Democratic Orumi ( irlnders Do Not Propose to Ilo Sliut Out from the Spoils. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 13. [ Special Tele pram to THE BCE. ] The Democratic State Kd'torial ' association hold a very animated session at the Windsor hotel in this city this evening , about forty memlers being present. t.n The primary object of the gathering was to take some action to further the Interests of ' i\io \ editorial brethren who are seeking fed eral positions at the hand ? of the newly in stalled president. The announcement that . Cleveland wuild not appoint democratic ed .tI itors to federal Ia positions was stamped as a fake , but it was unanimously agreed that if the report turned out to ho true the demo- cratlo party would receive Its death blow. The action of the democratic mninburs of the legislature In voting for a ixipullst Unlit-it States senator also came up for some discussion. Ono or two members of the as socmtlon were Inclined to register an em ptiatlo protest against the action , but a piatemcnt from Hcprescntatlvo Casper , who was present , calmed their perturbed spirits. The following resolutions were adopted : Whereas. The Associated press dUpntchos of this dnlo L'Uo out what purports to bo tin utterance of Mr. HUsell , postmaster general , regarding the appointment of editors to fed eral positions bc-caiuo throiiKh such appoint . ' ' ments l.'k'veliuid't , ' preacreiii-or sull'ered on ac count of the charge that ho stiKUIUed the \Yherofis. This association one-lions tlio Until fulness of such purported utterance ; u rid Whereas , The publisher * of democratic iiuni > papi'iN Imve performed u hibor of love for jrvnrt- , iimllthout liouv of rnwunl have lulKired for denick'ialic1 asreudeiu'y ; iird \\herciis. \ Tin * seal bus ht > i > n n-ai-hi-d and jiiiiny wlitois arc. candidate * for poMmustor- Mi'tm uml .itl-or frtlciitl pialUou * ; then-fore , Hi-M.lv- . That this association docs recom mend lht > appointment of siu-h applicants fwmnimiiiiMliv ranks of the faithful editors of Ihi-hUte. bollcvlnK ihiiuhey will faithfully uiu well perform tlu duties of Mich positions end In u manner thut will not Interfere with their untie * Ji editors , or fchow tile Justice of the charge of n subsidised press , but further , tluit Unit the emoluments derived from nny up- polntlvu otllce will tend to Htretutlien and Improve - provo the paper and will conscuuuntly bunt-fit the democratic party. ItcMilvod , That wo favor thn election of United SJtatcs.senator * by direct vote of the people. llesolved , That this association approves of and heartily endorsed the action of I'omjtusH- man W. J. llryan In onpiHlng the Issuing of bonds for the purnhsu of K M. IU. ' olVfd. That this association approves of and heartily endorses the notion of thndnnm- eiatlc iiii'iiibers of llin legislature who voted for \V. V. Allen forl'iilted Slates senator lt-olvcd. That we IHIovc that duiiKVials who liuvo held olllce under ( . 'lorrlaml'x former administration should not lie barred fiom appointment under tin' present administration ! Kesnlveil1'liat wo npprnvo the actions of the legislature In InvestImtlnv the public In stitutions and we favor the appointment , of a e iminlttee by Iho legislature to take charge of the prosecution of OKI tldovcs. Itesolved , Tlmt this association does earn * estly leeomtiiend that ,1. I ) . Calhoun lie ap pointed postmaster of thu city of Lincoln as n reward for his loim and faithful .sorvlce.s to tin1 ( li'iiincrui'v of Nebraska. Uesolvcil , That wourn opposed to the Issu- Ina of passes to delegates Instate convention.- ! . Itesolved , That the democratic editors of Nebraska most ln-artlly approve of the course of President Cleveland In the selection of ono of our cltl/ens , lion. J. Sterling Morton , as secretary - rotary of agriculture. Kesolved , That a copy of this resolution bo forwarded to thu president and to lion. J. Hturllng Morton. Ccdnr ItnplilH Cltlzi'114VII1 MM lie the Saloon n raying Institution. Cniuit ItAi'iiH , la. , March 1. ) . [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hen. ] W. I' . Daniels , who was elected mayor of this city by the demo crats , in his inaugural address this afternoon said , among other things , that it was his in- ten lion to compel the saloons to contribute their proper proportion to the expenses of the city government and that disorderly nlaccs and dens of all kinds would bo clo.sjd and kept closed. Ho also s-ild that the people ple had recently indicated that they did not w.int a repetition of the enforcement farce of a few years ago by which costs ruuniiiK into the thousands were piled up for the tax payers while the number of convictions and tlio amount of costs collected were ridicu lously small. It is stated that during six months of the enforcement era SoX ! ( ) in costs were made for constable fees alone in cases which were dismissed without coming to trial. Pol- ! City Alilnzo. DES MOISES , la. , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Fire has been raging all evening at Polic City , fifteen miles north of hero , and at midnight is still spreading. The Chicago & Northwestern depot , an elevator and much other property has been destroyed. A special train from this city took DCS Molncs firemen to their 'assistance' 10 o'clock and another train has just gone. Further particulars are not obtainable. Culled to ISVImiHku. LEMAUS , la. , March 13. [ Special Telegram to TIIE BEE. ] Hov. D. U' . Funs of this place has accepted a call from the Presbyterian church at York , Neb. , and will assume the duties of that charge the first Sunday in April. Hov. Mr. Fans has been the pastor of thu Presbyterian church at Le.nars for the past seven aril one-half j ears and has built up a strong church. I'iru at Crt'ston. CitusTON , la. . March III. [ Spsclal Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] A Jlro broke out in a row of wooden buildlrgs at 5 o'clock this ovonlng. The department's prompt action saved a disastrous conflagration. The loss by fire and water is about &JU30. Victim ol u Mad Day , OsKAi.oojiA , la. , March 13. Albert Law- rcnco , who was bitten by a mad dog Decem ber 20 , died today aftnr a week of suffering. IJtlO Ol' TR.lUKlllKS , Murder , Sulrlilo mid Accident Xnku Oil' F.vu I'i'ople. NASHVIM.E , Tcnn. , March 13. As a result of a feud of long standing between the Winters and Jones families Thomas Jones this after noon shot and perhaps fatally wounded An drew Winters. It occurred in the court house. Old man Jones had been killed some days ago and .loo and Andrew Winters were charged with the murder. The prisoners' attorney today secured a continuation of their case , and just as the prisoners were leaving the court room Jones mot Winters and fired. James Bindurant , a bystander , received ono of the shots and was seriously , but not dangerously , wounded. Jones has been arrested and considerable excitement prevails. DCI.LVIM.C , Tox. , March li. ! Otto Sanders , on returning from workiinissing his wife and two children instituted a search and found them in a well on the premises. Thochildrcn were dead , and their mother , who had < thrown them Into the well and then Jumped in herself , will dio. No cause for the act Is known. DALLAS , Tex. , March 13. A News special from Forney Hays : Last night whllo Miss Jo Ella Boler and Wilson Moore were roturn- ' lug from church , walking on the railroad I track , they were caught on a trestle by a ! train. They started to Jump. Miss Boler's foot caught between the ties and she was horribly manglci1. Her mother Is prostrated with grief. I'ltlKSTtl. father Truney SIIJH He Will Sun lllslmp O'l'arrell ami Mgr. Satnlll. SWEDENsnoiio , N. J. , March 13. Turbulent and exciting scenes occurred In this little town yesterday and at one tlmo there was every indication of a serious conflict bo- tween the the followers of Father William Treacy and those who obeyed the command of the church. Some fifty members of St. Joseph's , parish who elected to cast their lot with the disgraced priest were dramatically oxco.nmunlcated by Father Leahy. The belligerent priest urged his followers to stay by him , promising to accept responsibility for their acts. His whole address breathed defiance to Mgr. Satolliand Bishop O'Farrell. Ho read Satolll's letter to the bishop in which is pronounced the excommunication of the priest and hisfollowers. . Father Treacy counseled his followers to await a reply to his appeal to Home. Father Loahy wes rolusud permission to go through t ho church by the law officer In charge. Father Treacy says ho will sue Bishop O'Farrell and Mgr. Satolll for ? .V,000. ) Denlli Itoll. Dmr.oiT , Mich. , March 13. Colonel Arthur Hunkin , whoso son , McICeo Hankin , the well known actor , retired from the stage some time ago to manage his father's prop erty , died in Windsor , Out. , this morning. Fors ovcral years Colonel Hankiii has been a conspicuous tlguro in Canadian political. military and social life. The deceased leaves considerable property to ins two sons , McICeo and George. Tlio latter is u play wright of some note. At-ui'iiY PAKK , N. J. , March 13. Henry Kerne 11 , the famous Irish comedian , died in Bloomtngdalo insane asylum at 5 o'clock this afternoon of paresis. Ho first mani fested signs of insanity last October. Mr. ICcrnell was in his 4'ith year , and leaves u \\ldowand two sons. His wife Is better known in theatrical circles us "Queenio Vas- sar. " o Complimented Seimtnr WASHINGTON , 1) . C. , March 13. Ex-Sen ator W. L. D.iwes , whose continuous service of thirty-six years as representative of the statii of Massachusetts cndexl March 4 by his voluntary retirement , was complimented by his associates by n dinner tonight-at the Arlington , It was tendered him by the members of the senate , irrespective of party. Cat tlo Drill or Some .Sl > ( < . CIIRTEXSEVyo. . , March 13. The Hillside Land and Cnttlo company of this city today consummated n snlo of Its much and cattle to Lessor Franklin of Chicago for$115UX ) . This Is the largest ranch sale that has been made in Wyoming for nearly ten years. COMMUNE DAYS RECALLED Public Intjrest and Excitement in Paris Ovar t'jo Pauinn Oaml Trials. DEPUTIES PLACED ON THE WITNESS STAND M. ICuurRsoH , I.ilo Minister of .lustier , Denounce * tliii TVuMinony of Mine. Cottu KtrltlUK IH'lliiRili ! * In llui Court lloom Other Witnesses. PAIUS , March 13. Angry crowds gathered around tliu court where the Panama trial is In progress this morning , reminding 0110 of tlio days of tlio commune. When the court opened tlio judge issued n summons for Bourgeois , late mnlstcr of Justice. A number of deputies of various shades of political opinion testi fied to the accuracy of the statement that Yves-Cuyot was the source of the report that Constans had communicated to Prcsl- dent Carnet in council at the Elysco a list of the deputies Implicated in the Patmmii briberies. M. Goliard testified that ho know the sec retary of Henri Cottu , and it was nt the Instance of the secretary that ho saw Police CommlssaryNichols with the view of effecting an arrangement between thu government and the Panama directors. This interview led j . to the discussions which took place be tween Mme. Cottu anil M. Somoury , chief of the detective department. The witness said that bo acted entirely on his own responsi bility in bringing about the Interviews. M. llourceols Taken tie ! Stand. M. Bourgeois , late minister of justice , next took the stand amid murmurs of excitement on the part of the audience. M. Bourgeois spoke with firmness and energy , and showed a disposition not to believe anything that could explain his position toward the Panama canal case and the defendants. He es pecially repudiated all the insinuations contained in the evidence of Mme. Cottu. Ho denied having authorized anybody to net in bis behalf. Ho said that he had only permitted Mine. Cottu to see her husband from motives of human ity. "I never heard anything , ' ' exclaimed M. Bourgeois , "of the interviews between Mine. Cotlu and M. Soinpury until the state ments were made in court. The insinua tions , " cried M Bourgeois earnestly , "are simply Infamous falsehoods. I never gave au order calculated to induce the officers of justice to shirk their duty or to do anything contrary to the law. " Judge DCS Jardincs Mme. Cottu does not say anything against you. M. Bourgeois I read the report of the trial , and therefore I am here to deny the in sinuations. The Judge The report was-pcrhaps inac curate. The Advocate General If the personal character of M. Bourgeois had uecn called in question without my being able to defend It , I , who. perhaps , owe my placi ) hero to him , should not have hesitated to resign. " [ Pro longed murmurs of approval greeted this avowal of loyalty , and were j-ormall.v checked by the presiding Judge. ] M. Bourgeois then resumed : "I do not know what this now maneuver moans. I do not even wisli to know , but I feel it may prejudice the disclosure of the truth and give rise to the idea that Justice is not free. In leading my ofllco to protest , I wished to say that I would not allow Iho accused to become accusers nor the minister of Justice himself to bccomo accused. " These words , uttered with firmness and dignity , caused a manifest sensation In court. * M. Hurboitx WantH Information. M. Barboux rising , said : "I do not forget that M. Bourgeois was only yesterday the minister of justice , and I ask him respect fully to say what maneuvers ho alludes to. " M. Bourgeois ( sternly ) I do not know , but I am conscious of them. M. Barhoux Nobody hero doubts the sin cerity of Mme. Cottu's evidence. Charles do Lesseps hero arose and in tones that rang through the court room , ut tered : "M. Bourgeois attacked me a little while atro well , monsieur , hero I am face to faeo with you. What have you to say tome mo ? " Do I.esseps folded his arms and looked defiantly at Bourgeois , while a violent lent uproar among the audience greeted this sudden ebulition on the part of the leading defendant , whoso conduct up to this time had been at least within the rules of orderly procedure. Judge dcs Jardincs Indignantly spoke up : " 1 cannot , " ho said , "allow these dialogues. The law must bo recognized by all. " Tlio j audience calmed down and M. Bourgeois proceeded to reply in deliberate language to M. Barboux. "I have not the time , " ho said , "to discuss the truth of what M. Barboux chooses to say , but I affirm , in portion , the evidence in which I was called In question. M. Somoury was not aware of the facts. His statement did not dispose of the charges against me. Thore- fore I am hero to rebut them. The whole f affair is the result of a maneuver , tlio authors of which 1 do not know. " Mmo. Cottu Ueenllctl. Mmo. Cottu was then recalled and declared that Goliard had told her he would see M. Bourgeois in regard to her , M. Goliard followed Mme. Cottu on the stand and confirmed her statement to the effect that ho had told her ho would sco M. Bourgeois , but ho added : " .Nobody author ized me to say so. " M. Bourgeois arose and exclaimed : "If any ono knows that I acted contrary to the dic tates of honor , let him speau. " At these words the uproar in the audience was renewed , many taking part with Bour geois and others with his accusers. When the hearing was . resumed M. Solnoury was recalled , ilo made a long statement to the effect that neither M. Bourgeois nor any other minister was in any way responsible for his interview with Mmo. Cottu. Ho himself had originated the idea of a conference with her and had arranged the meeting without communicating with his superiors. For professional reasons ho had deemed it best to keep the matter secret. Ho believed that ho was only doing his duty in trying to get at the center of the scandal. The charges that ho had threat ened Mme. Cottu , or had promised her any favor In return for Information which she might give him , were utterly false. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * ixcmn : I-KINOU : I > KI > UTIIS. : . Mine. Cottu'n Testimony the .Sulijoct of 11 Lively Debate. PATHS , March 13. An hour before the opening of the Chamber of Deputies today an excited crowd had gathered at the Palais Bourbon. When proceedings began the stranger's galleries were full and hardly a place on the floor of the house was vacant. . The business in hand was speedily fin ished and Armand Dospres , republican , made the interpellation , of which ho had already given notice , concerning the govern ment's knowledge of Solnoury's interview with Mme. Cottu. The testimony given by Mine. Cottu , ho said , had shaken the whole republican party , it indicated that things had been concealed which should not have happened , or if tliev had happened , should have been brought to litrht at once by those in power. The enemies of the republican party had found In Mme. Cottu's testimony an excuse for accusing the government of smothering the investigation of the Panama scandal , when possible , and when not possi ble , of utilizing it for political purposes , The necessity of a frank statement was apparent to all. Had or had not the gov. ornment Instructed M. Solnoury as to his course with Mmo. Cottu I M , CitvalKima < ! li eretl. Cavalgnac , republican , was received with cheers as ho entered the speaker's trlbuuo. Ho deflnpd briefly the peculiar position Into which the government had buen brought by Mmo. Cottu'a testimony and exhorted the ministers , as they valued the prosperity of the republic , to speak b'ut fearlessly the whole truth. If thpjehargcs made by Mme. Cottu wore true , ] no said , the sooner the truth was told the better , for the possibility of such thlnu's as these related on Saturday In the court of assizes would betray a state of affairs too abominable to bo endured. When M. Bourgpoli , ex-minister of Justice , walked to the spcakoVs tribune the hush of expectancy was nliuost painful. Ho began huskily , but quickly clearing his throat , shouted : "Those charges are absolutely falso. I have been before the court and have answered everything. I now have the right to hold up my head. There Is nobody to gainsay it. " After the npplaiuo and cheers subsided , M. Hlbot said that M. Bounrcots had vindi cated his own honor. Ho himself would now vindicate the honor of the govern- ncnt. The story told by Mme. Cottu , he said , was false : was distorted. M. Lotibet had told the premier thut M. Solnoury had ) Dcn requested by an Intermediary to grant an interview to Mmo. Cottu. M. Soinoury had understood that Mme. Cottu wished merely to ask that she might be allowed to sco her husband. fjiubet had authorized M. Solnoury to re ceive her , supposing she had no other busi ness In view than arranging to visit M. Jottu. Heccntly Mme. Cottu had requested that she bo allowed to have an Interview with the prefect of imlice. Was this an other subterfuge ? Did tjiisvoman wish to lay a trap for the prefect also ? Protests from IIontiiiilHts. | A storm of protestations ofshame" and ' falsehood" from the Boulaugists and royal ists rendered Inaudible the premier's next words , The Boulaugist deputy , Mlllevoye , shaking his list at M. Hlbot shouted. "Is that French honor ? I refuse to listen to such calumnies against a woman. Your lan guage Is a disgrace to the French tribune. Shame ! yourself. " Several other Boulaugists also rose and pointing at the premier called upon him to take back his words. ' M. Hlbot waited patiently until the 'ills- order passed and then saiti ho felt satisfied that the government had been remiss m no duty. Perhaps if the irovernment hud not ) ent itself to so many compromises It now would not have sp many enemies. It had devoted itsplf earnestly and honestly to the best Interests of the republic , which was now being as sailed. The republican institutions in Franco and the men 'who ' would not see the disruption of the great state which had been twenty years In maturing ought to rally in all loyalty in the ministers' support. Launuy and C.ivaiijniie followed , and de clared that the government had shown weakness in dealing witji the frauds and it apparently had no desire to throw light on the Panama scandal. Do Boissuriu said that Mmo. Cottu's statement was undoubtedly part of a plot against the government. Hivot. a republican , thereupon moved that the Chamber in the Determination to let justice take its course and bring the truth to light , approve the declaration of the min istry. This motion was accepted by M. Loubot and was passed' by a vote of 297 to CK.VTIt.VI. AMKIUCA INVOLVKD. Revolution lit Honduras r.inhlo to Ilccome n Serious AlHilr. ICopyrlfjMfcl lSllt\i \ Jilirid Gimlnn Hcniiztt. ] PANAMA , Colombia , ( Via Galveston , Tox. ) , March 13. [ By Mex'iiari Cable to the New York Herald gpecial to Tns BEE. ] Poll- carpi Bonilla's course appears to bo the win ning one in Honduras' , bflt tlio present indi cations more than coi.flrm the statement cabled the' Herald a wouk'ago , that nearly the whole of Central America will bo in volved before the struggle is cndco. I have just received a dispatch from.the Herald correspondent in Tegucigalpa which says that General Torvencia Sierra , chief of Bonilla's army , has won a great victory. At the head of the forces sent against General Vcsquez , commander of the government troops , General Sierra attacked the advance line j ] of the enemy's army. General Vas- quoi's force was driven back after a desper ate flght , mid Sierra's victorious troops pressed on toward Comayagua , from which point General Vasquez is conducting his operations. The Herald's correspondent says that the slcgo of Comayagua has already begun. Meanwhile Gcnsral Bonilla has established the headquarters of the revolutionary gov ernment at Amopola. , It is reported that President Ezota of San Salvador has sent arms 'and reinforcements from that republic to aid General Vasquez , while a strong force of Nicaraguan troops is stationed along the Honduras frontier , ap parently about to march to the assistance of General Bonilla. This leaves little room for doubt that the whole "of Central America will become involved in war. Critical In Venezuela. In Venezuela the situation is extremely critical. The congressional elections which have 1 been held are very unsatisfactory to Pietri's candidacy for the short term despite the assistance given his supporters by the Guzmancistas. ( Just before the election the Crespitos ( and adherents of the Gado party forced an Investigation of Piotrl's adminis tration I of the treasury. The result disclosed unlimited Jobbery and corruption running up into the millions. As .1 result of the discoveries Pietri , Colinn , Hodriguez , Alvarez and Anuralo were forced out of the cabinet. ' A now cabinet has been formed with Vellutliil as premier ; Guena , war.iUnda ; , finance ; Barrios , education ; Aveledo , agri culture ; Valcnilla , governor of the fcueral district. Of the old cabinet Pedro Is min ister of foreign affairs , Mclnoz Tebar , public works ; Baptlsta , posts and telegraphs. Indications now are that Guana wl'.l bo the candidate of the Gado party and the official parties for president for the short term. Ho will bo opiKxsed by Hojus Paul , conservative , Guzuuincistaand Colina , liberals. The elections for congress were mockeries. In many districts there was bloodshed. In surrectionary sentiment prevails and an archy is about ready to bo proclaimed. Von Cliprlvl In Determined. BEIILIN , March 13. Dfispito the radical re quest for his resignation , Von Caprlvi ap pears determined to fight on until the last. It is understood that even should the com mltteo again reject the army bill on Tliurs day ho will take no decisive steps , but calmly wait until the measure is sub mitted to the full house , when ho hopes the decision 'will bo reversed. The kaiser bus had a prolonged conference with Caprivi , and other of his generals recently , and bos reiterated his de termination to carry the.bill through. With a strong willed kaiser and u resolute opposl tion a serious crisis seems inevitable. The conservative premier , Anhalt , In .opening the Diet declared that the financial burdens consequent oft the commercial treaties and the constant increase of the military charges were becoming unbearable and there must bo an amelioration. Mr , ( ihiilatiirii ) In III. LONDON , March 13. Mr. Gladstone's symp ' toms are those of influenza. Ills fever has risen somewhat this evening , and ho suffers from oppression of the lungs. Mr. Gladstone dined with I ril Kimberlcy on Saturday and left an overheated room at midnight. There was frost , and Mr. Glad stone was chilled through when ho left the carriage. Mrs , Gladstone Is attending her husband constantly , and refuses access to the ministers and Mr. Gladstone's personal fricjids , ; Today Mr. Gladstone's appetite has been fairly good , _ j Will Indemnify the .Mlnlonurlon. MAIIIIIII , March 13 , The marquis of Armljo , minister of foreign affairs has ad vised United States Minister Snowdon that after consultation with colonial authorities , ho will see that the American missionaries expelled from Pouapo are Indemnified. CRUSHED BY. PILES OF ICE Much Railroad Property Along the Missis sippi Near Davenport Damaged. ENORMOUS GORGE FINALLY BROKEN Diamond .Ion Witrt-hoiinn Destroyed by thn Klood Work of DrirthiK .Moun tains of lee In Other Localities. DAVBNPOHT , la. , March 13. There was a general movement of the Ice Held In front of the city during the night , hut the gorge a mlle below was unbroken at noon. On the Uoclc Island side of the river , from Seven teenth to Eighteenth streets , blocks of ice were piled up forty feet high. ' The Diamond foe warehouse was crushed and the Buvllng- on and Kock Island tracks on the river front vero blockaded by Ice. This afternoon the Ice went out without lolug any further damage. The stage rose to fourteen feet at the time the gorge broke mil then began slowly subsiding. Tlio iver is reported clear for twenty miles ibovo. IN NI\V : vomt STATK. Serious Diimiign tit Itonilnut Sclioncotiidy < H rrllowi'if * KONDOUT , N. Y. , March 13. The Ice gorge n Hondout creek below Kddyvillo gave way ibout 3:30 : this afternoon and lot a tro- nendous amount of water down the creek. The boats In the rh'er are surrounded by tightly wedgcil Ice , and It will bo tmuoss'iblo : o roach them tonight. Many people oil the joat had narrow escapes , but no loss of life s reported. Many boats were badly ttum- iged by the rush of water , and It Is thought $100,000 loss will Do sustained. The insurance is light. SCIIEXECTAI > Y , N.Y. . March 13. Last night ; ho Ice in the Mohawk gorged against the Fitchburg railroad bridge and Hooded that part of the city occupied by Westlnghouso mil the General Klectrie. The iitst lloors of the Edison company , aggregating 'iglitccn ' acres , are under three feet of water. Four thousand men are made idle by the shutting down of these plants. A mile east of the city the foundation of the New York Central road has been washed way , stopping all the travel between this city and Albany on the main line. Passen gers on the Central are sent around by way of Troy. No trains are passing over tlio Delaware & Hudson , and all the exhibits which the Edison company were preparing for the World's fair are practically de stroyed. Tlio loss is estimated at over $500,000. AI.UANV , N. Y. , March 13. The freshet in the Hudson river is the highest since 1883. The lower part of the city is under water. Hailroads and street cars are blocked. Wilier In the Platte. L.v PLATTE , Neb. , March 13. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The reccit ; breaking up of the Platte has caused the most rapid rise of that stream that has occurred hero for years. The swollen current is , carrying the slush and ice along at a terrific speed. It Is a very fortunate thing for the Burlington that the Missouri Pacific bridge was bull * above the rickety old structure used by the Q. or it would now bo traveling down tlio Mis souri. A largo quantity of the timbers from bridges that wore carried out further up the Platte arc now passing and a largo gang is kept constantly at work on cither bridge keeping tlio ice and timbers from lodging against the piers. The names of the two men who were drowned yesterday were Ed Burgess and Andrew Botvid , instead of as reported. Both were single men. Burgess was from Atchison - son , Kan. Botvid's place of residence is not known. These who witnessed the terrible scene say that both men could have been saved if a boat had been at hand , Sno\v In Minnesota. ST. PAUL. Minn. , March 13. Snow fell last night , covering the ground. There was con siderable wind during the night , but the snow did not drift enough to interfere with traffic. The snow was heavier in other parts of the northwest , being reported very severe in parts of South Dakota and heavy In some portions of Minnesota. Stlllwater reports all street cars blocked , and similar reports arc coining from other points. While the storm has been centered over Iowa , the snow fall was confined to north eastern Wisconsin , Minnesota , the Dakotas and eastern Montana. It was still storming at 0 o'clock tonight with no indication of clearing up before morning. As yet the railways have not ueen affected seriously. ICnrly Sprlnjc Prospcets Hllghtcd , CoLEitiDon , Neb. , March 13. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The early sprirg prospects , which for the last week have been so favor able , were dampened by today's blizzard , which has been raging all day with con- stantly increasing fury. Yesterday the sky was clear and everything Indicated that winter was over and spring had opened during the night. The wind blow strong from the southeast , bringing considerable rain with it , but this morning it suddenly changed to the northwest , precipitating ono of the worst storms of the winter. Stock Is well housed and feed Is so plenty that no loss will result. AVitters Subsiding In Pa. . March 13. The floods In the eastern section of Pennsylvania arc abating and no further damage of a serious nature is anticipated. In the mining regions a number of mines have been Hooded , throw ing probably 4,000 men and boys out of em ployment. It is expected that mining will bo resumed In a few days. At Heading today two houses In course of erection collapsed in consequence of their walls being water soaked. Four men were severely Injured. Wilier at I.cavoiMTortli. LKAVESWOUTH , Ivan. , March 13. The Missouri river at this point rose thrco feet from G p. m. yesterday to 8 u. in. today and 1 is now rising at the rate of four Inches an hour. Several hundred feet of the recently constructed dyke opposite the city Is sub merged and it is feared that most of it will bo swept away. Much damage in other di rections is also feared. Hard on tlui ICiUlro.'xU. Sioux CITV. la. , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Ono of the severest blizzards of the season Is raging hero to night. There has been much snow and a high'wind prevailing all the afternoon. The storm covers a largo part of South Dakota. Railroad trafllc is interrupted. Linemen Drowned BitADFOiii ) , Pa. , March 13. J. U. Maroney and John Joyce , linemen employed by the National Transit company , were drowned in the Susquctmnna river at Waynes this morn ing while stringing a wire across the river. Will Ki-piilr thn lTrlilir. CoLfMiit'tf , Neb. , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tiru BEI : . ] At a citizens' meeting this forenoon Supervisor C. A. Spelce was authorized to repair the Platte river brldgo as soon us practicable. I'ort Deposit Now Out of Dancer. Wii.MixoTON , Del. , March 13. All danger from a flood at Port Deposit , Md. . Is now , averted , The water Is reeodiii' , ' from the streets and the pcoplo are b'u' ' " ) > ' their homes. Olio leu Corgi ) lln-ak * Mum , Mich , , March 13. The Ice gorge ; nbovo Lyons has broken and passed down the stream. No further trouble Is expected. Collided In n Mllt rd. Dui.fTit , Minn. , March 13. Two switch engines on the St. Paul & Duluth mad col lided near Lake avenue at noon. A blUzard had been blowing hero nil day and the engines came together in the storm. Six men were injured seriously and Eugene Fargo fatally. M. Uelnor bait a bono broken In his wrist. Andrew Young and Arthur Clark were badly Injured , and two others had their legs crushed. Knlamiiroo on u Torrllde Te ir. KALAMAZOO. Mich. . March 13. A report has Just been received that the dams at How- Ir.ndsvllle , south of here , and Plainwcll and Otego. to the north , have gone. Thousands of acres of land are inundated. Many lives and much propel ty are no doubt lost. The Kalatmuoo river was never before known to bo so high. FIRE AT DILLONVILLE. riamen Itemovr n Portion of thu IIMorle lint Almost .Abandoned Town , A little before 3 o'clock this morning flro destroyed the ice house at the end of the motor Hue near the Union Pacific transfer depot on the Iowa side. No damage was done the depot. The loss Is nominal. tt'tUi SOT bl'ltlltlZ Chlcnco Swlti-liini-n TiiUo 11 NcnMlilo Vlow of the Situation-lt.tltroid : Note < . CniCAoo , 111. , March 13. It Is certain now that the Chicago switchmen will not go out on a strike , they having roturno.1 an answer to the general managers today. The switch men were somewhat astonished by the array of public senilment against any strllco at this time , almost every paper in the city having declared that the attempt savored too much of an attempt at extortion , because of the immense amount of trafllc Incident to the World's fair. Besides this , the general managers were so well provided for a strike that there was but a small chance of the men being successful and the switchmen were smart "nough to read the signs of the times and see that they had really but a small eluiuco for winning. Eastbound shipments last week were f > 3- 0 0 tons , against 47VH ( tons for the corresponding spending week last year. Of the week's traffic the Grand Trunk carried il.iHH , the Lake Shore 0,1'Jl. the Pittsburg & Fort WaynoH.lSSJnnd the Wabasiifi.fMl ! tons. The roads are now rapidly getting the best of the freight blockade , and expect that in a short time they will have things cleared up. St-ituiiient from the Krnillii ; ; . PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , March 13. The re ceivers of the Philadelphia ft Reading rail way and the Philadelphia & Heading Coal companies issued a statement tonight of the current liabilities and assets of both com panies on February 10 , 1S'J3. The statement will bo Hied in court tomorrow. The total liabilities are ? lS37d,8 8 , and include the following items : t Total floating debt , $11.807,347 ; due for coal purchases , . * l-17i > , lft > ; duo for materials sup plies 1 < , royalties , etc. , $ UiSOG'.ll ( ; duo con necting roads for freight and tolls , cars , ser vice , etc.$1,711,033 ; duo for rental of leased lines 1 : , taxes , etc. , $1O.V > , ! MO ; duos unpaid on coupons and interest , $5-1 l.KU ; unpaid wages of January. 1893. 374HOUO ; accrued wages of February , 18'J3 , to date , $1,350,000. Tlio total assets amount to 515,770,7i > l and include these Items : Coal on hand , 1.107,839 tons , at S-1.50 per ton , $ ! , ! ) S5i75 ! ; duo by sun- dry parties for coal sold on thirty and sixty days , § 3,801,820 ; materials on hand , SJU33- 44'J ; due for freight and tolls , $ dK ( ) ; ) ; duo by connecting roads , § 7.200 ; due by parties on account of current business , $300,000 ; bills receivable , SSU/JlKi ; cash , fcJD.'JIO ; total , ? 15- 770,704. Excess of current liabilities over assets , .S2i'J3.013. ( llns No Connection uith tlm Coal Combine. Jnnsr.v CITV , N. J. . March 13. President Maxwell of the Central Hallway of New Jer sey this morning tcstilled before a master in chancery that ho no longer had nny connec tion witli the coal combine and all agree ments between it and the other companies had been canceled. Documentary evidence to this effect was also presented. Surveying Tor : i Now Kullro.id. DETUOIT , Mich. , March 13. .V survey is being made for nn air line road which , it is said , will bo built between this city and Toledo some tlmo this year. The now road will bo called the Detroit & Toledo Short Line. The object is to afford this city con nections with the Pennsylvania and other roads which do not enter Detroit. Df-rlnrod u Dlvldi-nd. NEW YOIIK , March 13. The Oregon Hall way & Navigation company has declared a quarterly dividend of one-half of 1 per cent , payable April 1. 0\ Till ! I'lllCNIDHXT. Knlulanl Visits thn Whltu Iloimc- Iliiwnllmi Gossip. WASHISOTOX , D. C. , March 13 , At fi-10 : this afternoon President and Mrs. Cleveland accorded . n special reception to the Princess , Kniulani , the meeting taking place In the Blue parlor. The princess was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Davies , their daughter and I a lady friend. The call was entirely of n social nature , and lusted probably a quarter of an hour. The visitors were charmed with tlio cordiality accorded them , tlio ladles being captivated by tlio pleasing manners of the wife of the president , and the princess said subsequently that Mrs. Cleveland was the only lady that she over fell In love with. During the day Mr. Davies , unaccom panied , called on Secretary Gresham. This \islt , like that of the white house , was purely social. Mr. Paul Neumann , the envoy of Queen Liliuokalan ! also called on Secretary Gresham during the afternoon. Dr. Matt Smith , the Hawaiian minister , does not regard the appointment of n coin- mi , sion with much favor. "If a commission is appointed , of course , wo will accept it , " he said. "It can servo no good purpose that I can seo. All possible Information Is at hand , and nothing new can bo gleaned. Delay - lay Is all I can sco from the appointment of an American commission. The case is being Jeopardized in the meantime by this delay.What Kiilulanl , ] > oor child , can want , I don't know. She cannot assume the , throne , for her aunt has not abdicated. I don't see how the United States government can put her on the throne and Ignore the ox istenco and prior claims of the queen. I am dreading some personal quarrel between us and the English sulors that will give the latter an opportunity to step In and assume an aggressive attitude. In case the United States refuses to annex Hawaii the pro visional government , in my opinion , would struggle to maintain the Independence of the islands. " JUlHiii THll-l"f > 1HHT.S. Ho Experts to lln Appointed CnmmlMloncr of the Land ( ( Hire. YANKTON , S. D. , Mawh 13. [ SprclalTelo- gram to THE BEE. ] Judge Bartlett Trli | ] ) of this city , mentioned us having in prospect the appointment as commissioner of the i/encra ! land oflleo by MfT Cleveland , in reply to a question as to whether or not the appoint ment had been tendered him. suld that ho had nothing to say for publication at this lime ; that ho has been requested by Mr. Cleveland to express his opinion of various offices and had responded to that request , When asked if ho nliould accept were the ofllco te.iu'crcd him he said he was not In a declining position until the tender had been actually made. Ho claimed not to bo stir urlsod that the mention of his name should have appearcil in connection with the com inisslon'Tshlp. hut said Mr Cleveland might chaugo his niind at any moment. Judge Trlpp regards the office as dcslra bio and more easily filled than any of the administration offices. MAYOR SPARRING FOR WIND His Vott\Tcinporarily Stays the Auti-Vico Ortisade. T HANKERING FOR A VIRTUOUS GLORY Vinils Tlmo to f hliik it Over mid Commit. tlio Clly Attorney rruvittiiri I'rom- Isrd Another llenrlnc Sev. oral \Vrelis l.iili-r. Only a few of the signers of the antl-vleo totltion were present at the meeting of thee o and Police commission last nlirht. 'hoso who were there ovldeuUy expected : i leclslon In their favor , but In this they were igalu disappointed. i\s the original resolution was lost at the ast meeting , Mr. Gilbert , in order to bring ho matter up , offered the following : Itesolved , That the petition of the cltlrens of Diimlui nddivs-ed lo the city council for ho better enforcement of law , toxether with ho accompany Inn Instructions of the city oiincll to this [ poiird toec that a reasonabfu mil substantial compliance with the law tie -iifoived In Omaha , lie and the snmu nn > n-reliy leferrcd to th chief of pnlleo with irdcrs to comply ulth mnl carry out .such In structions ami to do all In hl.s power to asslHt 'ho mayor In the discharge of his dntle.-t under In-charier In this ivcaid. uhtfh provides that "shall take care that the ordinances of thu Ity be compiled with , " and tinder the crlmt- inlcodo In this regard , which provides that ii- shall have full porti-r ilu the eltyi to i-n- orceor cjiuse to be enfoieed all laws of thu itnto for the punishment of offenses. A vote w.is called for Immediately after the eadlug. Messis. Gilbert and Smith voted ' i.ve , and the mayor and Messrs. Coburn ami 'lartman voted no. The mayor then arose and said that ho vanted to explain his vote. Ho said that ho { new nothing of the resolution until it hail ) ocn read and that It Hi-cmcd as if it was the ntcntiou to throw all of the responsibility i pen him. "I am willing. " said Mr. Bemis. "to fnco my Issue fairly and squarely , but I don't iropciso to vote for any suet , resolution until have had tlmo to consult with the city ittornoy. lie Is well posted on the laws anil mllminccs , and it is only right that I should jo given time to consult him. " Mr. Gilbert said that ho had drawn the csolutlon and that ho had no Intention of throwing the responsibility onto the uayor alone. "Well , it looked that way , " said his honor. "How much time will you wantf" inquireil Mr. Smith , addressing the mayor. "Until I have time to think the matter over and talk with Mr. Council. If U cornea to mo ami belongs to mo I will settle it very juickly. If it belongs to this board the iiembors , who have all been here longer than I have , ought to bo able to settle it. " I'ellUon Will Comu The mayor deelu'-cd the motion lost anil ludge McCulloch asked if that was tlio final lecision of the board. Ho was Informed that it was not and that it would bo taken ip again when a full board was present. Mr. Ilartmnn goes away today for two weeks and Mr. Smith will also bo absent , so it is probable that It will bo three weeks it least before the petition will come up UCaln. During an informal talk whlnh followed Councilman Prince said that in order to hid out just what was going on ho had vis- ted the gambling houses iifid that ho had not seen u drunken man or a minor hi his trip around. At ono placoho had seen thrco Irunken men refused admittance. The ; laces were kept clean and orderly now , ind the detectives could go in whenever they wanted to. Another thing Mr. Prince referred to was the fact that bank clerks mil young men who formerly visited the liolcs in the wall did not dare to go to such places now. Uoutino business followed. Chief Scayoy recommended that reserve * Olllcers Salter , Prescott and Arnold bo promoted meted to regular patrolmen. This was done. The chief also asked that ten patrolmen and. live reserve oflkvrs be appointed to report for duty May 1. No actiou was taken. The attention of the board was called by the chief to the fact that the appraisement notices issued by the Board of Public Works were served by policemen and that ho needed all the men he had now for regular duty. Ho asked that steps bo taken to have , other city otUcials do the work. Kefcrred to tin ) mayor. James Janccok was appointed a special policeman with a boat on South Thirteenth street from Marcy to Vintou. Ofllccr Bruce was allowed twenty days leave on account of sickness , and Pipcmau McGuire of hose company No. a was given his ton days annual leave. The invitation of W. U. O'Shaughiiossoy , secretary of tlio Ancient Order of Hiber nians. asking the board to participate in the celebration of St. Patrick's day , was do t-lined , as was also the remiest that a detail from the tire department ho allowed to par- , tlcipate in the parade. Chief Galligan was , however , instructed to let what men off ho could If they desired to take part in the pa rade as individuals. A resolution was passed declaring that 'vacancies In any grade will be filled from the grade next Leiow when suitable ap pointees are found In It. " SOI.ItlKlt TUKXH Lawlessness Among Soldiers Causes a Clash Hot ween Civil mid Military Authorities. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , March 13--SpecialTele [ gram to THE BEE. ] Tlioro was a clash hero yesterday between the civil and military au thorities. A private clti/.cn was attacked and robbed by a soldier near town. The soldier was arrested and was thrown into jail on the charge of grand lar ceny. The stolen property was found In his possession. Ho was arrested by the I'nlted States marshal. Colonel Holland dispatched a squad after the offender , but the sheriff de clined to surrender the prisoner. 'J lie detail appeared a second and a third tlmo with a written request from tlio commandant for the offender. The sheriff held a consultation with the United States commissioner and marshal and decided out of courtesy to ac quiesce in the colonel's demand. Th's ' was with the understanding that the man should , have a trial for larceny. Soldiers have been more lawless than ever In celebrating the March pay day In Clioyenno. j/.iv Titv IT ui'iin An Hxlrn Legislative Session Likely to He- open Wyomlnjj'H Senatorial l'l lit. CHEYENNE-Wyo. , March 13. [ SpecialTele gram to THE BEE. ] Two of the leading newspapers of the state have como out in ad vocacy of a special Bcssion of the legislature , and many public men are in favor of It. Scarcely any of the politicians bellovo that A. C. Beckwlth , who was appointed by the governor when the leglKlaturo failed to elect , will bo admitted to the United States senate. The extra session would bo somewhat differ ent in complexion from the regular. A demo cratic senator was unseated the last day , and has slnco left his party and went to the popu lists. There would bo an equal number of democrats and republicans and six populists Doth republicans ami democrats would hope to capture iho prl/.o , and the fight would bo exceedingly warm. John Charles Thompson would bo tlio candidate of the democrat ? and F. E , Warren of tlio republican : ) . Tim I'lru llreord. WiLKEsiiAititE , Pa. , March 13. The West End breaker at Manaqueta , operated by the West End Coal company , was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss Is estimated at 10,000. covered by insurance. Nearly 300 men will bo thrown out of employment. LYNN , Mass. , March 13. A fivo-story block occupied by the Lynn Cycle company ami Maurlco Flynn , shoo manufacturer , burned this morning Uss. 10,000. DnNALtJjONVii.LE , La. , March 13. Fire in the business portion of the town destroyed (35,000 worth of property. Insurance " ' "