FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE Hi. TWENT Y-SECON1) Y EA R. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , M/ill tt 12 , 1893-SIXTEEN PAGES. ON UMBER 261. HAYDEN BROS 72-Inch wide blenched damask only 05c yard. 63-Inch bleached damask. 40c. 0-4 hemstitched lunch cloths only $2 each. 7-1 hemstitched lunch cloths only 82.fiOcach. Hemstitched nankins , ? .5 dozen. 2 yards long fancy center dresser scarfs , fiOe. fancy cmbroldoi'cd dresser scarfs , a beautiful line to select from. 8-1 bleached table cloths'all llnon , a big bargain at $1 each. 10-4 , the earno , at Sl.JI-5. 12-4 , the eamo , at $1.70. All these bargains mu = t be soon to bo appreciated. Closing out odd napkins , 81.5) ) dozen. Largo sales , quick sales , low prices , no profit , but moving ar.d reducing our Flock , has boon our aim this season , and have we been successful ? Lot our cus tomers toll theirstory. . Look at our towel bargains at 15c and 26e ouch. Exnminuour prices on crash toweling , 6c , ( ! c , 7c , 8c , Oc , IOc , 12canil 15e yard. See these white crochet bedspreads at COo , 7fic and Ofie each. Look at our table damask at COc yard ; compare our $1 damask. Mill remnants of white checked nain- Book , 2Jc , fie , 8c , IOc and 12jc yard. Domestic Bargains. Go to headquarters , where you have the slock to select from and where they make the lowest prices. Visit all the stores , look ever their block and nssortmonl. compare prices and 3on will admit , like thousinds of others have done , that Haydens' la the place for you to trade if you wish to gave money. 46-inch bleached pillow casing , 8c. 48-lneh blenched pillow casing , IOc. Ilnlf bleached pillow casing , lie , 12jc find Ific yard. * A full line of pillow casing in bleached , unbleached or half bleached , all widths and prices. A full line of double width sheeting , 7-4 , 8-4 , fl-4 and 10-4 , at Ific , IOc , 17c , 18c , lOo , 20c , 21c , 22c , 23c , 24e and 26c yard. Heady iniulo pillow cases , 12jc , 17cand ICc each. Sheets , COo and OOc for best grade of bhcoting. Yard wide bleached muslin , Co , Cc , 7c , 7jc. 8c , 8ic , ! > c and IOc yard. Mill remnants of unbleached muslin , 2Jc and -Ho yard. Yard wide unbleached muslin , 5c , Oc , 7o and 8c yard. , Homnants of bleached and unbleached ehoottng at prices to closo. \ Cotton flannel , fie , Oc , 7c , 8c , Oc and IOc yard. i Outiug flannel , 6c , 8c. IOc , 12Jcand 15c yard. Ticking , 8c , IOc , 12ac , Ific , 18o and 20o y rd. Doii'ms ' , lOo , 12e , Ific , 18c and 20c yard. Shirting , Oc. Cc , IOc. 12jc and loc yard. llomnants of shirting , outing flannel , ticking and punts goods at still lower prices. YOU can't afford to pass us If you con sult your own Interest. C SPECIAL OFFERING MONDAY. 800 now spring styles of 0-4 chenille table covers just in on sale Monday at 81.08. Among those you will see some entire now patterns. I Wash Dress Goods The largest stock of wash dress goods In this city ; the best assorted stock over displayed ; the handsomest line of Baleens you ever saw at IOc , l5c , 25c and Jtfio yard. The only house in Omaha that carries the Japanotto. 2 < 5c yard. The only house in Omaha that carries the Llama cloth at lOe yard. The only house in Omaha that carries the Japanese cloth at IOc vard. Iluydon Bros , carry the best black sateens that are made ; they carry the larcrcst stock of black saloons In Omaha tit Hta , 12jc , Ific , 20c , 25c , 30c , 35c , 37jo and 40o yard. Hemimnts of wash dress goods lower than over ; stock must bo kept clear of remnants. Now goods are coming In daily In this department. On Monday we show an entire now line of Brandenburg cloth at 25c yard. Now styles of canton cloth atlfie yard. 505 pieces of Manchester chall'is at SSoyatd. If you are _ In search of wash dress prods it will pay you to visit Ilaydon Bros , where you will find a great many jiovoltios not shown by any ether house , besides yon have the largest stock to se lect from , and last , but not least , the lowest'priccs. All Wool B'ack Dress Goods. . SPECIAL SALE MONDAY. 88-inch all wool surah twill serge , oSc. 40-inch all wool honrlotta , worth C5c , Monday only GOc. 40-inch all weol bong.illno , $1. ! i.S-inch all wool whipcords , 75o. 48-inch all wool very line serge , worth $1.35 , Monday SI. 40-inch silk warp henrlctta , the finest goods in the market , only $1.3o. 40-inch all wool nun's veiling , special for Monday , 40c. 40-inch all wool albatross , worth Coo , Mummy 4lc. ) 40-Inch all wool black and gray mixed belgo , crotio effect , $1. 40-ini'h all wool fancy weaves in dots atul small figures , $1. 40-inch all wool Gorman honrletta , beauty , only $1. oS'Iiu'h line gloria i-ilk . very - only $1.25 Drug Department Kirk's Slmndon Bella soap , 15c per cuke. Llobig's extract of beef , 20c. Liobig's beef , i nnnnd wine , 35c. Lundsfclt skin tonic , doc. Lundffoll skin tonic , oxlra strength , BSe. Imported bay rum,8-ounce Lottie,4" > e. DutTy's malt whisky , 8-5e. Dr. Pierce's ' Golden Medical Discov ery , 7.5o , Ur. Piorco'd Favorite Proscription , ' , ' , 75e. Truininor'd extract of malt , U5o. B.igo's catarrh remedy , We , Melllu's food , largo si/u , Hoc. Avor'w h'\lr vigor , Ooc. Syrup of llgs , 40o and 74c. Ptet-crlpiiotiB tilled at the lowest prices. Furnishing. 1 case of gents' unlaundcred shirts , double back and front , linen bosom and cuffs , only 'lo ! ) each , worth f > 0c. Gents' automatic lace back suspenders nly IOc. regular price50c. 100 do/en gontb' line negligee shirts rom sheriff's sale , worth $1.25 and $1.50 ; omorrow your choice "fie. 1 case of domot flannel shirts only 2. " > c , ivorth i'Oc. _ l)0do/.on ( ) gents' fancy night shirts only "o each. 1 case of children's full regular made otton htwo only 12c } per pair , worth 23e. Ladies' fast'black cotton hose , 40 gunge goods , only Ittc , worth IOc. 1 case of boys' extra heavy fast black : otton hone , full regular made , only 2.50 > cr pair , worth 40o. 100 do/en ladles' night gowna , worth 1.00 , to bo put on sale at 7f > c each. Special sale on boys' shirt waists. Special bale on extra size corsets for to- norrow , sixes run from 23 to 30 ; any jorbot tomorrow 50c. Silk Department. 24 inch Black Ilabutai , regular $1 value , THIS WHUK 75(3. ( n. ' ) . ' ! inch Black Ilabutai , regular $1.50 value , THIS WEEK $1.00. Hlack Pcau dc Soiu Silk , worth $1.75 , FOR $1.35. Changeable Silks , for waists , ONM.Y 75e 1 > e Blankets. & Wo have a good many odd blankets , single blankotn , that wo will close out Monday ut 25o each ; boiled blankets at loss than cost , as wo need the room for other goods. Comforts or blankets bought at our present prices will prove a good investment toyou. Spring Wraps , Spring Jackets , Spring Capes. Ladles' spring waists in fine Scotch gingham , In exquisite French sutcon and all the various styles of high grade plain and novelty silks. The largest stock of these goods over displayed in the west and at prices that aro"positively beyond competition. Ladies' spring wraps at Ooc , at SI.25 , ai $1.60. at $1 75 , at $2 , up to 87.76. Splendid variety of ladies' tailor made spring jackets at $1.95 , at 82 60 , at $2,9.5 , at $3.76. at $4.05 , at $5,50 up to $10.60. Ploiieo do not bo misled by the price ; the goods are actually worth $2.75 up to $38. Ladies' spring capes at $3.75 , at $4.87 , at $7.50 , at $9 , at $12.50 , up to $10. Ladles' percale waists ut37c , ut 43c , at 50c , at 09o , at 76o , actual value 75o up to $1.25. Ladies salcon waists at 9oc , at $1.25 , at 81.60 , at $1.75 , worth up to $2.60. Ladles' fine silk waists at $2.95 , at $3.75 , at 51.60 , at $5 , up to the finest made at about half usual prices. Ladies' tea gowns and wrappers in endless variety and lowest prices. Ladles' skirls at 35c , at 43c , at 50c , at OOc , at 7Sc. Ladies' sateen skirts at 95c , at $1.25 , at $1.50 , up to $1.75. Ladies' silk skirts at $2 95 , at $3.50 , at $4 , at $5 , up to $7.50. Infants' embroidered cashmere cloaks at 950 , at $1,25 , at $1.60 , at $1.75 , U$2 , at $2.25 , up to $5.50. Infants' embroidered silk clotks at 85.50 , at $7.69 , at $8.75 , at $9.50 , up to $12. $12.Children's Children's wear in endless variety at the lowest prices over namcit for iclia- blo and stylish garments. Ribbons. Ribbons , In this line wo are the lenders and have the largest and most complete stock in the city , and as the following will prove , are at bottom prices. On Monday wo will olTor No. 9 and No. 12 satin ribbon at6c per yard ; not o or 5 yards lo a euslomor. This is the great est ribbon bargain over olTorcd in the city.AUo AUo all silk grow grain ribbons. No. 2 at 2o | per yard. No. 5 at 4o per yard. No 7 at Ojc per yard. 10 per cent olT on all other ribbons when purchased by the bolt. Handkerchiefs. Hero is a bargain for you : Very fine otnbroldcre'd silk handker chiefs at 12c ] each , 3 for 3oc. Beautifully embroidered handker chiefs , 15c. 600 dozen very fine hemstitched linen handkerchiefs go ut 4e ouch. fifO dozen hand embroidered linen handkerchiefs go at 15c each. Special .stumped linen sale on .Monday. Sewing Machines Do not fail to call and 6eo the best sowing macilno | maao for , $18. Wall Paper Wo are headquarters for wall paper. White blank piinor , full length4c. | A find line of gilt and cmbooscd paper with border and ceilings to match. HAYDEN BROS Such Is the condition of tur furniture dcnartnronl. Our gooj are nil in , everything orything brand now and way wo have bought them makes It sure that the price Is low. New Furniture , New Baby Carriages , New Trunks , Valisees , New Pictures , New Easels , prices and these same lower than .ho . old. This carriage , upholstered in figured sateen , any color , bust novelty gear , bicycle - cycle wheels , p.irasol to suit carriage , cano , full slue body. This is a strong , first claims carriage and wo guarantee it toboO. K. Price $0.60. Bed I&oom Suits $11.fiO , $ Kt.50 , $14.50. Finer goods at 820 , Si3 ! , $2.5 , up to $05. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK AGAIN Our largo $2.3 suks , 24x30 hovel plato 4x0 bed , hardwood , line finish , at $19. Wo are headquarters on mattresses and springs , and cm .save . you money. When you clean house and want a now ma'Urcss , or an old one inado over , como to us. Special Picture Sale This week. Pictures at 48c worth 7oo. 85o worth $1.26. Pannels $1.25 wo.th $1. 75. Fine line of pictures in elegant now style fiamos at $1.9.5. cheap at $3. Onr Hat Department. Wo have just complete extensive Im provements in this department in the way of now fixtures throughout the space now taken by our largo stock of nion's and boys''soft and still' hats and children's goods , comprising the latest novelties from the eastern market. Thcso gcods are to bo .sold at about one- half hat lets' prices. 1 I Wo lead oil with the following great bargains : Boys' and men's stiff hats from SI up in all colors. 61 do/.on boys' cloth hats , stitched brim , 23c. In men's soft hats wo have a few odds and ends left from oOc to $1.60 , worth $3 and $4. Odds and ends in children's goods , nil nice styles , from flc to oOc , worth from 50c to $1.60. I HAYDENEROS CLOTHING Department. Children's Our new.spring stock of children's clothing is now on sale. Wo place on sale Monday morn ing in the neighborhood of JKH ) child's suits. These suits arc the best 'values we or any house can possibly sell for the money. They are double ami single-breasted , well made , style and fit guaranteed. The real value of these suits is $3.50. Just to show you what we can do we will sell every suit we have of this lot for $2.50. Our 50c are as good as ever. New patterns every day. We are the people for We are selling nothing but the best clothing made at lower prices than anybody. Men's working p\nts : , 75c , worth $1.25. Linings. The rush In this dopa'rlmont has com pelled us to add extra , help to wait on the crowds , "o > ; Our siicsia at IOc .yrirdlg pronounced to bo equal to any offor'ed-in this city at Ific ; all colors. " ' ' ' Our porcalino at 15c yard is the best ever sold for 15c yard in Omaha. A full line of fancy printed linings , sleeve lining , farmer's satin , hair cloth , duck , padding , canvas , wlirgin , crino line , wadding , collar and bolt canvas , etc. ; in fact , wo carry the most com- ploto slock of linings in the west. Lace Curtains We have the most complete stock of lace curtalnj in this city from 50o a pair up. up.Tho llnest lace curtains ever shown , 05 inches by 3 } yards , at 82. Curtain scrim , 2jc'Ho 6c. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. AND The lowest prices e.ver known. The very best I Pjanos in the market. ' New Pianos from $155 to $1,500. Organs , $35 up. Ye can save youfrom $150 to $200 on any Piano you purchase. We will rent New'Pianos and apply the rental on' the price if purchased within a year. To every one who calls at our Music Rooms we will present a copy of the famous comi : song , Ta-Ra-Ra-uOom-De-Af. . Guitars. SP&CIA.T ; Guitars , imitatio i mahogany , patent heads , inlaid ! edge and cen- er , durably made 'and of good 'tone ' quality. IjhiS week , $2.95 each. 1 Handsome guitars in solid rosewoo.1 , mahogany and other fancy woods , of jhe very best make and warranted , worth from $20 to $30- now on sale at prices ranging from $10 o $15. We Are Sole Agents For tlie World ; Famous We also handle several different makes of other well known Standard Piaios , in all styles of cases , every instru ment thoroughly reliable and fully guaranteed. Old instru ments taken in exchange , We sell for cash or on monthly payments. Call at music rooms and get our prices. HAYDEN BROS : UTTING UTTINGPRICES PRICES ON H THIS WEEK. 82 60 , worth $3. CO. If you have never boon in our men's ' shoe'department stcu in and see how much wo can save you on a pair of fine fhoos. Wo are soiling our famous Zebu skin $3.60 men's shoes at $2.60. If you have never scon them como in and take a look. You will bo surprised at the style imd quality for $2.50. Men's light cordovan $3 shoes at $2.00. These are a great bargain. Men's line mat kid cloth top dress $5 shoes at $3.45. Ladies' croquet rubbers 250 a pair. Ladies' fine "New York" storm rubbers only 350 a pair. . , . .Children's fine light spring heel rubbers aoc a pair , Misses' fine "New York" spring storm rubbers 250 pair. RUBBER BOOTS Children's best oualily pebble leg $1 35 rubber boots , $1.00. Misses' best quality pebble leg $1 76 rubber boots , $1.35. Women's best quality cobble leg $2.00 rubber boot ; . , $1,05. Boys' best quality heavy $2.60 rubber boots , $1.95. Men's bast quality heavy $3.00 rubber boots , $2.45. Men's fine self-acting rubbers , only 45c a pair. How's $3.00 $ Shoe $1.98. $ Sale on fine shoes this week , Selling i ii ' /ho no Ludlow s 13.00 make ladies' fine shoes attracts to our shoe department. Every lady knows the famous Ludtow S3 Shoes" We are selling them for $1.93 a pair , every pair war ranted. If you cannot attend this shoe sale , send for a pair. Every pair stamped "Ludlow $3,00 Shoe. " Wo carry one of the most complete lines of "SOLID COMFOHT" shoes foi ladles with tender feet. Ladies' gorge congress $1 house shoes SOc. SOc.Ladles' Ladles' hand-turned serge $2 congress shoes $1.45. Ladle * line 18-thrcad serge butter 83bhoes$2.25. Ladles' fine glove kid turned button $3.50 shoes $2.1)0. ) Mail Orders Filled. HAYDEN BROS SPECIAL SALE IN Notions. \ Wo are bound to show the public that laydcn Bros' , is the only place to buy lotions on Monday. Wo offer : Cabinet hairpins , le per box. Elastic web , 2c per yard. Wool dross braids , 2 for le. Pins , best admantlne , 0 packages for c. c.Flno combs , 2c each. Heavy rubber dressingcombs , fie each. Mnchlno thread , le per spool. 100 yards bilk thread , 4c per spool. 10 yards silk twist , le per spool. SI1U Hobs oo do/.en. Crochet silk , 1/io / per spool. Linen thread , 2c per spool. Stationery. Look at this list for Monday. 6 quires note paper and 100 envelopes , A'nrd's linen , 60o. Hurd'-j commercial linen paper , 40c poii roam. Ilurd's octavo llnon paper , 35c nor i ream. Irish linen note paper. 15c per pound. Irish linen envelopes , 8c per package. Fmcy box papctries , oc per box. Hxtra line No. 6 envelopes , 3c paek- . Fancy tablets , 3c each. Memorandum books , 6c each. Paper novels , 5o. Paper novels , IOc. Pa per novels , loc. Don't , forgot wo have rare bargains infer for Monday , Jewelry. Solid slorling silver souvenir spoons , ) ic ) , worth $1.25. Solid gold neck chains $1.25 , worth $2..50. Beautiful enameled and gold lace pins , Joe , worth $1. Gents' or ladles' scarf plus , 33c , worth Solid sterling silver hat pins , 25c , worth 75c. Something now in aluminium hair ornaments , 35c. worth $1. 100 styles In ladies' and misses' rolled- plate rings , 25c each , worth 7oc. Solid gold plain band rings , $1.25. worth $2.25. Soliu gold band rings , ongravcd$1.50 , worth $3. Solid gold band rings , OSc , worth $2. Solid gold baby rings , c each. Gents' best rolled-plato watch chains , warranted 5 years , OSc. Ladies' host rolled-plato Victoria chains , warranted 5 years , 08c. Nickel alarm clocks , 50e Roger Bros. ' silverware at the very .owcst . prices. vj Solid silver thimbles , 18c. Gents' solid gold hunting case watch , with a full-jeweled movement , Elgin , Springfield or Waltlmm , $21.50 , worth $40. $40.Gents' Gents' gold-filled hunting case stem- wind watch , Elgin , Springfield or Wai- tham. warratno.l 20 years , $12.50. Ladies' gold-filled hunting case stem- wind watch , Elgin , Springfield or Wal- thum , warranted 20 years , $12.50. L idles' gold-stilTcneu hunting case watch , $7.9,5. Ladies' solid silver stem-wind watches , $3.50. All the standard makes of watches at half jewelers' prices. Watch and clock repairing at half the regular price. All worlt warranted. Shelf and BuLders' ' Hardware. Disston s D 8 rip saw , 28-inch , 6J pts. $1.55. Disston's D 8 hand saw , 20-inch , 10 pts. . $1.25. Dlsston's D 8 hand saw , 22-inch , 10 pts. , $1.20. Disston's D 8 hand saw , 20-inch , 8 pts. , 81.05. Dlsslon's O 12 hand saw , 22-inch , 12 pts. . 85c. Disston's buck saw No. 4 , 10-inch , OOc. Socket fifinur chisels , IOc , 15o , 20o each. each.Rivet Rivet sots , 2oc. Boxwood rules , 5c. Screw driver bils , 5o. Rose conntor sinks. 5c. Hunter's nail sots , fio. Howard Allard's spiral triple bit screw driver No. A 1 , $1. Acme screw drivers , C-inch , 20c ; 8 inch , 30o. No. 10 lion smooth planes , 81.10. No. 3 iron sicooth planes , 81. " ' ) . No. 4 lion smooth pianos , $1.30. No. 18 iron knuckle joint pianos , 70c. Nicholson's slim taper Hies , 3o , 5c , 7c , IOc. IOc.Ratchet Ratchet screw drivers , 5c , 50c. Plane braces , 20o. R'ltchot braces , 45c. Draw knives , S5c. Measuring tapes , 25 foot , ICe ; 50 feet , o-w , . fetjv ; Model tool handler , 40c. Socket bcratch awls , 8c. Moydalo hammers , lljc , Hoc. Wool Dress Goods . SPECIAL SALE MONDAY. 30-Inch all wool French challis , in beautiful colorings , iJOj. 38-inch all wool changeable whip cords , in all the now shades , H5e. 40-inch changeable mohair , soino- thing now and pretty , 60f. 38-inch silk sublime , in all colors i $1.25. 38-inch silk and wool pongee , change able ollects , S5c. 30-Inch gloria bilk , all colors , 95c. 48-ineh all wool gray mixed and brown mixed beige , $1.25. 48-inch all wojl very fine serge , ele gant shades , $1. SS-inch all wool serge pl.iids , 5Sc. US-inch nil wool suiting , in all the now spring styles , 60c. 30-inch English oushmoro , in all col ors , 25c. 10-inch all wool s\tln : finish Gorman Henrietta , only faSc , 52-Inch all wool spring weight Gor man serge , $1.15. Curtains. A now line of embroidered Swiss for sash curtains. Silkallno and China silks and trim mings of all kinds. Chenille curtains In endlesj variety , 13,60 , $4 , $1.00 and $5 per pair , HAYDENBROS Groceries. Ilaydon Uros. ' best 5X ( lour , 81.26 ; best superlative , Olio ; snowltako , G5o ; rye flour , Hoc. $1 ami $1.15 ; Aunt Jntnl- ma's | ) iui cixko Hour 31oor7Jofor 12 pound package ; Aunt Sally's pan cake flour , ! > ! u or Tju 2 pound p.ickugo ; Llob'n llyenlnjun Hap jack pancake Hour , Hio or7jolor2 pound package ; solf-rlslng buckwheat Hour 3o or 7jc for i ! pound package. l''inost homo-made utvtsup , In bottles , I Co 8 pounds rice for 2oc. pounds white corn mciil , 20c. 8 pounds pure buckwheat Hour. 2 < 5c. 12 pounds pure graham flour , 35o. ( I pounds uearl hominy for JJoe. llplogim .ius go , * ' . Liver sausage , Oe , Soda crnckcrs , 5c. Oyster eraoko : s , 6c. Sweet chocolate , fie. Premium chocolate , 17'c. 20-pound pull very line fruit jolly , 75o each. Imported chow-chow , 15e per quart Imported mixed pickles , ISoporquart. Imported olives , 3.5o per quart ; they i ro very line ; would bo chimp at 76c. p All kindH of wash powders 2o per ackapo. 7 burs best laundry soup , 25e. California dried granes , fie. Imported Valencia laislns , 12Jc , Impor oil seedless raisins , 12jo. California loose Muscatollo raisins , K'c ; thcMi all aio now , and the flnost that money van buy. 3.pouml can now California apricots , put up In pure granulated sugar syrup , most delicious fruit , 17Jc. 3-pound can now California poaches , in pure granulated sugar syrup , lOe. Sardim'B , 5e. Mustard sardines , IOc. 2 pound can very line gooseberries , 8c. } " .pound can rnspborrlcs , put up in pure granulated sugar syrup , 17Je. 2. pound can strawberries , in pure sugar syrup , 17c. Tea and Coffee. Wo continue to give very low prices ou leas and colTccs. Monday wo have cracked coffee at 124c , loc and 1'Jc. Cracked Java and Mocha , i0c ! and 22c. No. 1 Hio colToo , 21o. Golden Hio , 25c. Combination Santos and Maricabo , "Tip . MI al * Guatnmaln , choice , 30c. Old Government .lava ami Mocha , 35o , It pounds for $1. Try our celebrated cocoa , it Is do le ions. Japan tea'dust , lOc and 12jc pound. Choice sun-dried Japan , lilc , 25c , 35o , 50c. 50c.Pnnfirod Pnn-firod , Japan , 25c , 35c , 45c. Uncolorud Japan , 3oc , 4 < 5c , COa Spider-Log Japan spring loaf , COo. ' English Breakfast , 38c , 45c , 60c. Formosa Oolong , OOc. Moyuno Gunpowder , Me. Pin-Head Gunpowder , 48o and 5Sc. Thcso goods are the boat and war ranted to jtilt or money refunded. Cheap Sale of Butter. Wo arc now giving our customers the advantage of the greatoHt butter ealo heard of this season. The very best coun try butter made for 20o pound ; also down as low as 12jc. Now don't pay Hoc and lOc per pound for creamery butter , but come here ; wo will boll you the finest separator creamery for 23e. Remember there is no bettor made and wo guaran tee that every pound Is as wo represent it to bo or money refunded. Apple but' tor and mlnco meat , fie per pound. OIIEI2S13 DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin full cream , 7Jc , Do and 12Jo ; brick cheese , lUo , 12o , 14e and IOc ; S\vlhS cheese , Hie. 18e and 20olimborgor ; cheese,12c and Joe ; Young Americafull , cream cheese , lUc per pound ; neufchatel , 74c per jackago ) ; sap sago.So per package ; edamihccso$1.00cuchpiiieapplocliGOBe ; , f)0o each ; American club house checso , 30e per jar , and a lot of other cheese too numerous to mention. MEAT DEPARTMENT. Hero wo handle only the celebrated goods of the Cudahy , Swift and Hammond mend packing companies , buying from them with a guarantee and soiling our customers the frame way. Strictly No. 1 sugar cured hums , Ifie ; California hams , lie ; mtgar cured picnic hams , 12c ; bolog na , head cheese and liver sausage , 5c ; breakfast bacon , 13o ; boneless rump and plato corned beef. 7o ; compressed cooked corned beef , lOo per pound ; dried beef , IOc , or any kind of salt meats you want at lowest prices. Remember thatsatisfaetlon Is guaran teed in everything or money refunded. Great Fish Sale at Haydens' ' Nice herring , 2c each. Smoked eels , 18o per pound ; a very line mackerel , lOo per pound ; flnost smoked hturgeon , 174i' . Chicken halibut , Iftc per pound ; Rus sian sardines , in spice , lOo per pound ; anchovies , 12o * ; salted eels , Ifio ; the very best smoked whitolish , He ; the best brick codllbh , 7c ! per pound ; California salmon , salted , 12Jo ; Columbian river Hinokcd salmon , Kto ; anything you want in fresh fish ; the celebrated red snapper from the Gulf of Mexico , only lOo ; fresh trout , ! te ; whltelibh , So ; smelts , IOc ; her ring , 75e ; skinned porch , 7Jc ; the best Baltimore oyntors , 30o per quart ; fresh salmon , 12c { , And a lot other kinds of lish too nu merous to mention. Carpets. Wo have some genuine surprises for Monday in our carpet department. Among them are some Lowell extra super carpets , the best all wool goods made , at Coo yard. A good ail wool carpjt Monday for A good Brussels ciirpot , SOc1. A line velvet carput , OOc , The bi'Bt Axminslur carpet , SI.40. Tr.o hist Wilton i-arpot , 81.40 \Vo also have a full line of cheaper grades of ingrain from 2 < ) < j to 4Cc. R'igs from 20c up to Iho finoU. I/.irgo fur rugf , 'ri ' Trunks and Valises Kvo ything in this line tir.H class and the price ir.ndo to move the goods. \Vo huvn miule special arrangements in the trunk unJ viUin > line for thlc spring and summer trade , niul wo mm enow as flue and as low priced hue oi goods as anyone anywhere. dM I _ _ _ je * 3