THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , MARCH 8. 1803. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. " UVKIITIHKMKNTH FOll TIIKSK COLUMNS A nlll ho inkrn until 13 30 p. m. for Iho evening and until 8 ' p. m , fur Iho morning or Hundur edl- ? < o"ndverll omont taken for leu limn ! 5 ccnla for tlionrtt Insertion. All advertisement * In llieic columns IK eonta n word for tliu flrnt Innctllon unit 1 crnt n word for each aubtcqupnl Insertion , or II.M per line per montli. Tcrnn. cn h In advance. Initial * , llunrcs , jmbola , etc , rach count ni n word. Advortlfo- mcnn murt run con oc Uvclr.dvoltlncra , br re questing n numbered check , run IIHTO tlio letters nddrrMed IOB numbered letter In cntaof Tiir. | ) IK. : Ananc to nddrcsicd will bo delivered on the pro * tcnlatlon of tlio check. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SITUATIONS' WANTEDT" " J'iijjYKBHI'.S MADK AT IIOMK , f4l WIIAI'I'KIIS , j\tl. Airs. Onkler , VCCX. Sltli. Uilldrcn'iclolhlnij. 72U , -WANT1III , A POSITION AH h'IKNOHIIAPIIKK Ibf experienced inalo operator. Address X 51 llco -WA1STKI ) , I'CBITION ABOVTICK ASSISTANT A and stcnoitraplier. Addiess X M llco. 721 - ) . SITUATION. 11V KXl'KHIKNCKO A-WANIKI > U'iioitrat > licr nnd typetriltnr : can onrrsto Hinltfi I'lcinlor or llcnilnxton. Address , II if. lice. UW - wno HAS wniiKicn is PI.ANINO A-MAN mill and nlio U rni nbloof lunnlnx wood itork- Ing machinery unit taklnic tue plnco rif foreman In rmitl plnnlnK mill In thu best town In fouthcrn Nelirnika , AdilreiB II CO , Orualiu lice. MW2 10 _ M : ALE HIT LP. T > -HA f. Alt Y K COMJlsSUlN : T ' 0 ACIKN TS TO J'linndlo din I'nletit Uiemlcnl Ink Krnscr Pencil. The mo t UFBful and novel Invention of the nee. Krnrct Ink thoroughly In two econrts. Work * Ilko manic. rW > to Utl per cent profit. Aucnt. mnklnx tHI per week. We nl > o nant a itcnprnl agent to tiiku ilinrna cf territory nnd appoint rub audits. A rare chance lo make mom-jr. Vtillu for terms and arpccl- men of ernslni ; . Monroe KrnnInK 11 f Hi Co. , YiUl. I.a < ror > o , Wl . " > * * _ _ TWA.vFKI ) - FI118T CLASS SAI.KSMI'.N TO J'acll rjcclnslvely , on corainlmlnn , a flrit cln.ii line of toilet witter * , porfiiuioi nnd soaps Coed territory nnd llborM contract opnn for right lunn. Aildresi. with references , 1'nlmcr Mf ? . Co. , Knnias City , .Mo , Ali 3 11' _ _ 7J-.MAN AUOIIT 25 : QUICK TO IjKAUS. CAN J 'llrid permanent employment and salary wonkly. lilll DouKlan street. M' ; JA ( -WAN'IKD , TWO KXI'KltlKNCHU 8AfK9- J'men for Nebraska and lown nlno and liquor trade , Address 1. D , llco Onicc , Council lllarfs. M10C IQ -tj-WANTKIJ , 3 VKST AND 1 GOOD 1'ANTH I'mnkor. lloyal Tailor , IUI 1th street , Bloui City , In. J1W9 8' -WANTKI > . A FIIIST-CI.AKH SAI.KSMAN TO ' ll a specialty for n nonresident uiniiuiHctuiiuK liouso. Kiiierlcneeil pnrty preferred. Itcforonces required. Address C 1.1 , llco. MW7 8' - ) , AN IN'IKLI.HJKNT 1IOV WITH A B-WANTK1) Boon horse to carry n route on the Dally noo. Apply at lleo olllce 3M : p. in. 'A ! DUO _ T > -WANTKI ) , MKrilAN'ICAli IlIlAtJOllTPMAN ; JJono competent to prepare patent onico draw- Inns. Western lluilnoss Axoncy. JIG .New York l.lfo Ijilllillng. Hi B _ -j > _ WANTKI ) , OKKICK OI.KIIKH WHO AltB J 'quick and accurate nt Ilinireii : men "ho Imvo licen connected with wholesale houses or corpora tions whuro activity In trork was csiuntlnl to hold l > oaltloii. Applicants must not ba mnehlnes but men who nro nmbltlons and wlih to advance on their merltK. tlood salary to olcrkB posscmlng nhovorinullllcnlloiu. Addrcn C. Iff , lloo. IIP * . HANlJ I1AKKII. I'lasi ! state wages. Single lunn preferred. Steady Job the yenr-pround to light man , Kurmnn's bnk- ry. 1' . O. lloxH7 , Vork. .Neb. 111 1U * _ " -SAlKaTlKN"wANTKI ) KOIl I.1NKNS , ( il.NO Immn and print dppArtmcnti rofcrcnco required. 1 ho Morse Dry tioods Co. 107 8 _ [ y -WANTHI ) , A HUUAHU * AN'I ) HIICCKSSFUI , .1 > business man for inannKerlnl potltjon ; mint be bo nblo to fflvn llrst class ruferenecs UK to business ablllti sonio capltul required. Address 1140 , lion -WANTIil ) . MISS TO TUAVKI. , ISO TO $ ' 00 I KK month , btono Wclllneton. .Madison. WIs. T -COAT AND VANTH MAKKIlVANTKD ; OOOI ) J.'imv for good work ut U II. Merer , 121 Mouth 10th street , Lincoln. . * > 'ob. MUl ti * _ -n-HAKKU AND fO.NFKCTlONKU WANTKI ) J'nbout April ti. A Rood reliable , sober , oxue- rlunecd work.-rnn , Address , rtntlni ; nire , nntlini- nllty and wtgeB , Including room and board , to llox Will , Vnnkton , H , I ) . MI2 M * _ BTF. l' K I ) , KKNTIiKMAN BTKNOOUAIMIlClt itl.'l N. V. I.lfo building. M131 8 WANTED FEMALE HELP. /"tWANTEI > , GIIIL FOH (1ENEHAI HOUSE- vJworkjininll family , 1357 North 13th St. 785 C-WANTKI ) , GIIIU IN b.MALL FAMILY. 3113 Woolwortli Avo. 651 C -WANTED , LADIES AND OIULS. WE WILL .pay yon ? 4 to (10 per week to work for ua at joi r own homes ; n'o pnliittng or canvanalngj send aclf addressed envelope. George F , Kmmona & Co , corner Batterymarch und Water streets. Boa- tonjMn a / IIIKST OF WAGKS TO COMPKTKNT OIIIL ; vjinu > t be peed cook and laundress. 2408 Fnrnnm , .Mm. J..M. Thurston. _ 8 M 8 WANTED ; GOOD Glltl , FOIl GENT.IIAL C hounowork ; good wages. Mrs. A. P. Tukey. No , S54I Chicago Btreet. _ i)85 ) 7 I -WANTKI ) ! ( IIIIL FOIl HOUSEWOHK : NC _ C wajlhll'K. _ lM > SJSfrilnunj _ fSfl 8 * CWANTKI ) , GOOD ItllK ! H.MAKEHS , 5 GOOf white goods makers. L. Wlnebvrg , lOOtl Dodge Btreet , _ Ml In ) 12' C 1-FIHST AND tilCCUNDlllUL. MU8. F. 3. TAY lor , 13SI1 llowanl. _ _ MfXi 1" - , FOIl GENKIIAL HOU EWOIIK : GOOI C cook. Jno. A.McMiano.2G12 Knnuira at. 113V * - SALE CHEAP. NIOE ItOUS-tHOLD KOIl 0 qltnre , used only two months. 2KI Culdnell. 118 K - IN FAM C-GlllLtOHOKNEItALHOUBEWOlIK lly of two , cottage ; must b neat and good plait cook ; call moruliua ; CO I S , 18th at. 120 80 -QHIL FOHGKNEHALHOUSKWOniC APPL1 at 1444 North I6tli atroot. AlliHllI' -LAD1K8 WHO DO WHITING FOH ME A1 home uinko II6.UO weekly , lloply with self-ad ilreaaud stamped envelope. Camlla A. Avcry , Bo : A , South Heml , Ind. MI8IH * " FOB BENT HOUSES. I-FOH HKNT. HOUSES IN ALL PAKT8 OI .D , city. The O.K. Davis company , 1505 Furunm at D-FOIt KENT , 8-llOOM MODEUN COTTAUt with barn , nice lawn , bath , cittern i all conven lrnce > .K5.tii ) . Apply on premlnoa. 6J3 S , $8th uvs l Tenortli cam ona clock noutli. KM DFLATS. . DWUI.l.lMiS. COri'AlJEb. IN Al.l pnrtaoftlm city , Kilkenny A Co. , llooui I , Con tlnental block 724 D - HUNT , TWO fi-UOOM COTTAGES Ot notor. , Call at xouthwcBt cor * Vlh and Douglas TV.-FOH HKNT , NEW 13-HOOM IIOUHK , 25H J'also 10-room liiiune. J13I Capitol nvanno. Al modern. Cnll253U Capitol nvonuc. U. 11. Hoblion 431 D-C-HOOM COTTAGE ? , HTANFOHI ) CHICLE now , modern. C , S. Elgutter. 204 B o bldg. 311 -LAUGU LlVfTlOUSES. PAUMCOo FA UN AM M373 MIS' "n-COTTAGE , ill ) AND CLA11K. INQU1U1C 151 -L'Jnckaon. D AM1CHICAN HOUSIC , SI20 DO ( HI LAS ST. , K par mouth. J. M. llrunncr , 412 Uco building. M011 M8 * DKOIl HKNT. CKNTIIAL1.Y UOUATKIl 1IOUSH modern Improvement * , 703 N , IVtli at. MC5I -HIX-HOOM COTTAOIJ AT .so. ills a. WTII BT fSU.UU. Hvo-nmm cottaso. No , 513 H. 33th at. , n 110.14) . ( } , 1. Urccn , llarker block. 703 -roit nr.NT. COTTAHKS.II u. , ALL sioi > Kiir > mM | T r. e. front , moduru , JM03. Kldellt TruaK'o 1701 r'arnnm. gll J JtOOM COTTAQK , 1TIC WEHSTKU 8TIIBK1 MWl " -nLOUlTlIOTKL , I'UT lN"iTllST-CLKSS Co7 1dltlon. . Ik Woodvrorth , or Wulthana' Aeenci \VhUnollblock. Msftll' BMAT.L TnUSK , Kllll.NHriTil ) . J35. NITTI rrlon Unit , 305 Month 13th street. M933 TV-KOIl UKNT , FUIINIHIIKII HnUMK. 1'LKAi J.'atit location , nniplu lawn , line shade trees. 24 : 1'lorco atrt'et , 11100 10 * TA-KOll 1 ( KMT , MOIHIKN V UOOM 11OUSKS O .1/SVlliand CMS atreota. fall at once , 4M Ilc lllrtkHarris. . HO D'KOIl HKNT. DKHUIAIILK G AND 8 ItOO' hoiiica. Inqulro2iiia Capitol aye. M1J5 I4 FOK KENT rURNFaHED RQtJMS -iiooMi TiuAui ) 'IF ' iKsuiii ) . _ M 130 Mb- 17-3 Fl'HSISHKD HOO.Md TOP. GENTLKMK Jjonly , K2I Farnnni strert. M3 S * TAUI VISITOHS ci.uiTo J.4 ChlcaKO olTura accomiuodallons fit Iho e trcmely low rate of II per day. WHto for proipu tin K. W lurlrl.lgo , 4W Inter Ocean bulging i'l cago. 111. MKV b1 E-BTKAM HEATED HOOMS Tu N IIRU FO liouteketplug. UI4 Nlcbolaa. UU&lll * E-NICKI.V nniMsiiiT ) iicxiTi SUIT A in foron or two iionlUrcan. 2C1T llarnir atrei JJIOi IU ENKWI.V Vl'UNlSIlEl ) , A1O L'.NKUHNISHE rootut. WJ 8.1 Jth tre l. Applf room X ! d Boo < _ _ _ M94I 11 E-W.KA8ANT FHONT IlOOji VOK OBNTlT men , modern conveniences ! board If desire WOT Caaa. use H < ' ' gtmNISHED'ROOMS' BOAIU P"TllKTo7arM8AJ < UtII.S UTU8T. IIKKT , rv 11MHHKD 1IOOUS WIT Utopia , HIV , ITU Daranporl Bt 101 ! > FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Cnntlnu&l. _ TWO NICKI.Y FUHNISI1KI ) FHONT HOOMB 1 with board , Call nUICrt Dounlm. M8S38 * _ t- YOUNG WOMBN'H IIOMK. UNDKIl CAHKOF X1 Woman's Christian association , HI Bo. 17th at 727 _ HANIISOMCLY FUtlNISIIKI ) FHONT room , nlao few table boantera. Mrs. Thompson , 2309 rnrnnill MilU * _ ISKVI'.HAI. . PKURONS CAN 1IAVI1 KXCBL- 1- lent accommodallonii In prlvatu family , very reasonably , near Hotucom pnrk. C la. llee. tal 7 * \f FOll HK.ST. NICKIiY FL'HVIHHED HOOMS 1 with board at the Wcbslcr , u'1 and 5lfl N. hub. ireot. MIW I4 > FOB BENT-UNFUBNISHED BOOMS uoJIP , I5.ll N. 2IST. VO ) N. 5l t , ( S 00. 2 to 4 rooms. Itith nnd Hnrnoy , V to 1 13.03. 3 rooms. 7th nnd Pncltlc , KIOO. llouics of nil kinds. (1. F. Butts , 20 S. 17th. 837al _ G-FOIl IIKNT. 4 UNFUKNISIIKI ) UOOM ! * , SUIT- tible for housekeeping , moilcrn Improvenient.i ; rcntchcnp. I7UI Webstar atrcet. .MS'il G -FOIl L1011T IlpL'SKKKKPlNd , * UNFUIl- nlslied rooms , 13.11 ts. Wtli street. ina i-UNTUIlNISimi ) . TWO SOUTH KHONT 'rooms. f.m Douxlns. .Ml'JI 10 * FOR BENT-STOKES AND OFFICES r ONKVoilTraTOIIV IJUICK ttUlt'MiscTnVKKT J-Kldc. HOO lli\rneyat. n r FOIl HUNT , BTOIIK ON H. 1STH KT. . LANOK Iblock. suitable market , hardware or dry oodiMore. Inquire MM S. 13th t. 879 ' [ -Foil UKNT , THKI-STOKY IIUICK 1IUILDINO IQlnFarnnni st. The building has n fireproof ro ment bii'omcnt , complutu sto m liontlng tliturcx ; water on nil tlio floors , n ' . etc. Apply at tlio nlllco ot The lleo. Dill AGENTS WANTED. T-AOlCNTrf WANTBI ) . MALE Oil FKM.M.I5 , TO " accept n good petition with us. to sell our "llrend , Cnkc unit Paring Knives , also carver. " Illitgcst Inducement ever ollored. Not npltnl ro- qulrcil. Adilrens wltliHtnmy , Cluusa Shear Co. , P. u. Uox M ; , Kansas t Ity , Mo. mOll-mU * f-n.OU TO 15.09 A DAY. $12.50 OUTl'lT FltKH. ' Work year round for man or woman. Wrlto at onco. Kicolslor Portrait liouso , < l N. Clark St. , Chicago. . MI23 M8 * T WANTED , AGENTS AND CANVAS3SUS ; ' ' household artlclo : quick seller ; good payi wrllo for circular and terms. Address Morgan Mfg. Co. , halamnioo , Mich. M128-10 * T-WANTED.3 ItKLIAIILE SALESMEN TO SKLL ' lubricating oils ind RreascH exclusively or an aIde Ido line. Address Blcrlliu llellnlnK Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. .M1Z7-3 * WANTED TO BENT K IF YOU WANT YOUH HOUSES HENTEI ) list with J. 11. Parrottu , Uouitlas block.M831 M831 A2 K WANTED FUHN1HH1CIJ UOOM FOIl 3 OKN- tleraen. Address C 17 llco , 10'J 3 * -1IOAIID WANTKI ) 1IY A LADY IS PHIVATE family , good location , convenient to Sherman nvonnc car lino. M132 II FOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS. L-IIO . BTOUKS. HOTELS. FUKN1SHE1) hot ! \VcMmns , Wlthnoll block. M'JUJl * SfdBA'GEl SiKJ M-DON'T al'OUH IIOU3I5IIOLI ) no ) l)8 WITH- out noDlng onr atornRO dupartmont. It U the best. Omaha gtovo Uoualr Workf,1SU7 Douglas. 73C _ INI STOUAHK KOIl IIOUdKlIOLI ) OOODS : olcun inn ! cheap rates. It. Wells , 1111 Kurnaiu. WANTED TO BUY. FOll"FUll.'liTl'IlB ' ' llOUSEIIOLD 1' goods , etc. . or will neil for oivnor In our auction aalca. It. Wells. 1111 Farnam. Z'J'3 ' TV-WANTED TO BUY FOIl CASH. GOOD UP- 1' right piano , mfist bet llrst-clnss.ln good order nnd very cheap. Address , giving 'full particulars with prlco , II 51 , Don ullieo. 80i FOB SALE 0 - SU.E. OFFIOH FUUNITUHH , . chalra , typonrlters , eta. 833 N. Y. Llfo Building. 4S3 FOB S ALE MI3CELL ANEQTJS. -M18ALK AN North 21th , South Oaialm. Neb 077 10 * - STAND A HI ) ( JATTLU ! COMPANY O FFEH 0-THE baled hay at S5.0J per ton , on hoard cars at Amea , Nob. This prlco may bo withdrawn at any time. 73.1 NEW FIHE-PUOOF SAFK CHEAP. A Wl. BIS 15. Q M1IUM 10- -KOIl SAM ! OK Til A 1)1 ! ! ONU ACIIK WITH QiKOIl hcnuerr. Address H.,5'J Center street. Omaha. 4S'JM11) ) < Q-FOll SALK , FINK ST. BEHNA1ID PUPPIES aired by the famous Champion Victor Joseph. Addreaa < 22 , llco. MEUO 11 \-KOll SAT.K , A ( JOOI ) HOLSTKIN MILUII COW , fchcap. Milton Itojera , No. 831 couth 37th atrcet. MM I 11 Q-1HCYCLE FOHtlALK ; A I1AIIU AIN. GOOD AS now. (50.00 cash. Apply 3l'J ' N. 15th strcot , Omaha. MI23U * MISCELLANEOUS. R -WANTED. WOHK TEAM FOH THADE , A good farm for sale , n farm to rent and furnish cattle with U , a C room cottage to of U very cheap for cash. Murahall , room ' .NO N. Y. Llfo. n-LADIBB AND GENTLEMEN WHO WANT TO -iX ; > ropnro for the stngo find opportunity , Tonne moderate. Address U 18 , Beo. 112 b * CLA1BVOYANTS. S MKS. NANNIE V. WAKHKN , CLAIIIVOYANT. reliable business inodluui , fifth year ni 110 N. ICth. .34 _ S-MHH , 1)11. M. l.EGHAVK , PHOPIIETICSS , DEAD trance clairvoyant anil life reader ; fells your life from cradla to grave ; ctn be consulted on all affairs of life ; has the celebrated Egyptian bronst plate to unite the oc unrated and cause marrlag * with ono you love , fomoone come all and oe con Tlnccdof her r markalilo pOHcra. Offlca aud roil- donee417S. llth at. , hours 1) ) a m. to 3 p. m. Strict Itfo chart and photo of your future wlfu or hus band aunt through mall for JJ.OJ , clmrt , alone , IJ.UO. All letters containing 4 cjnts tn stampi nromotly nnawerud. MSSS-l'J * MASSAGE , BATH , ETO. W-MMKnKA J nml baths , acalp nnd hnlr triintment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs.PGat,31V > S.15thWlthucll blk. 735 'p-MADAMH SMITH , 403 8. 13TH. SND FLOOH , - iItoom 3. Mnaeage , alcohol , sulphur andaea baths. UJ'J 11 * _ 'r-MME , CAlieON , II2I DOUGLAS HTHEET , 31111 J floor , room 7 , niussngtvaluohol , sulphur nnd aeo batRi. 653 U PEBSONAL. U-1F YOU HAUNKSTLY INTEND TO MAIlllY quick , well , honorably , send lOo for Matrimonial Newa-Mcrcur , mailed In plain seated envelope , Mercur , 'Hi Bib at. New York. Tjimll' -PKIISOKAU 15. A. J. . ALL YOUH MATTttllS have been Hxod up , Hoturn homo at onco. A. 8. Joseph , M1U3 10' _ MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. -C..F Y corner 15th and ilarnor. Hurney street entrance KI4 \T I1ARKY WILLIAMS QU1TAH AND I1ANJC < teacbur , 1G23 Faruauj street , Hoom I.M2tX M2tX > Mil MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. r-LOWK T KATI',9. K1DKLITY TllUdT COU panjr. KU1 Kurnam atroot. T38 \T MONIJV TO LOAN ON lUl'UOVlSl ) CITl i property , low rntcs. A , U , frost , Douglas blk ; 37 \V-MONEV TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES ' V The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam itroet. 741 ' I III. .111-1. . .11. . HI .1 I -.l.ll.l I \\r-CENTllAl.LOAN Jt THUdT CO. UEK BLDG V > 73 _ _ \\r-ANTHONY LOAN ANDTIIUST CO , S18 N. Y Life , Icndj at low ratea for choice security 01 Aebraaka or Iowa fnriui or Omaha city properly. 740 _ \V-MOHTGAOK LOANS LE33 THAN T PBI " cant. Including all chargva. Charles W. llalnuy. Omaha Nat , bank bldg. 715 \V FIHST A BKCONI ) .MOUTOAfiK LOANS O\ \ ' ' Omaha property A on fnrrua In adjacent ooun liei. tjrnd full de crlitloa. | Alex Moore , < OI Bo * bill ; 740 _ _ _ \\r-OM AH A.l.OAN A THU8T COMPANY. IOTI ' and Uonglaa , loans money on city and faro property at luw rates of Interest. M3U3SH3 \V-MONKYTO LOAN. K.SOO PHIVATK KABT i ern money , on Improved Onaha or Co , lllun real eitatn ; ooo or moro loam , Addreis A II C care of rarrlerNo. 11. Oiuiha. 353 \Y-WANTED ATO.NCK. LOANS ON IMPHOVKI > Omaha properly ; low r l i. Ftdolltr Tru company , 1702 raruamat. 730 \\r-MONKYTOLOANONOMAIlA AND IX1UN i ) ell Illuni rrol eslat nod Nebraska and low f arraa at from 6H to t\t par cent tntoreat.wltb no ad dltlpnal charges for rommlnloni or attorneys feei W. U. Mulkl , 111 Nafl bank bldg. Omaha. 450 nr-i AND "YKAII WANS ON CITY AND KAIH * > Jiiorlgacea. lleJ & f-olby , J14 Hoard of Tradi 73.1 lUPltOVED AND UNIUPHOVrT ' cltjproDtrtj-.t3.UOO and upward * , t toTper cei del ra. W. Fro iu bmlth A CC..1JU. cud llarne 14) MONEY TO LOAN BEAI < ESTATE. N , v N. . \\r-7 t'Kll CKNT MONKY NKTTO IIOHHOWKIIS > i on Oninlm cltr property. No entra charges of nnr kind , Whr pay high ratca ? Money l < cheap. You can get full beneiltof low rates front til olio Loan and Trust Co. , IClh nnd Dodge. 717 -OMAHA SAN'INIJS HANK MAKKS 1.OAS9 on real estate nl lowest market rates. Loans mndo In small or larcn aitma for abort or lonff tlmo. No commission l ! charged nr.d the Innns nro not nolil In the east , but can nlwnys bn found nt the bank on the corner of 13th and Douiilas streets 749 \\r-MONHYTO LOAN AT LOWKhT HATK9 ON ' Ipmroved nnd unimproved rent estate , ! to A years. Kldullly Trust Co. , KOJ 1'nrnnm. 7.K1 " \\r 1XANS. 0. U. WALLACE , DM IIIIOWN 11LK. " " ' "BIONEY'TO LOAN CHATTELS. X -CA LI. AT T1113 O K HC K O ? ' : . 051 All A MOllTQAtlK LOAN CO. ' ! ! INCOltl'OHATEI ) . i ' ' ' IK YOU'WANT'MONKY , Yon can borrow on HOESEHOLO KUIINITUIIK AND PIANOS , IIOIISKS , WAIIONS AND CAIlUIAflKt , WAUU1IOU3H IlKCEIITS. MKIICHANDI3K , OK AND OTIIKll SKCUIIITY. We will lend you any nmonnt from IO OOtn ll.OW , ON TI1H DAY YOU ASIC KOIl IT without publicity or removal of property. You etui pay the money back In nny muounts you wluli , nnd nt any time , nnd ouch payment ao made will reduce the cost of the loan. Hi-member Hint you have the use of both the properly and the money , nnd pay for It only ns long ns yon keep It. There ( till bo no estpenso or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but yuti will receive the full amount of the lonn. Ilefore borrowing elsewhere call nnd * co us nnd you will llnd It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOIITUAUR LOAN CO. , SOU SOl'Tll ltT ) HBTIIKKT , first tloor above the stroll. THE OLDEST. LAUClKhT AND ONLY INCOUPOIl- ATKl ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 751 DO YOU WANT MONEY ! X T11K FIDKI.m" LOAN OUAHANTEE CO. , UOOM t. W1TI1NKLL HLOCK. 3I ! > K SOUTH I5TII , COllNEIl HAIINKY ST. WILL \ LOAM \ tOD \ ANT \ \ \ ' BUM LAilOB Oil SMALL FIIOM \ TKN \IOLliAn3\ \ \ UP. WK MAKIS LOANS OX FUUNITUIIK HOIIHKS , CAItHIACSKS. WAIII5I10USK HKCK1PTS Oil PIII- BONAL PUOPU11TY OF ANY KIXil. OUH TEIIM9 WILL MEET YOUH Al'I'llOVAL. You can pay the money back nt any tlmo and In nny nmonnt you wish , nnd thus reduce thocost of cirry. Ing the lonn tn proportion to amount you pay. IK YOU ewe n balance on your furniture orolhor personal property of nny kind , wo will pay It oil for you nnd carry It ns long as you desire. YOU CAN MAVK YOUH MONICY1NONK IIOUIl KIIOM TUB T1MK YOU MAKE AI'PLIOATION. No publicity or removal of property , ao that you Kct the ii'o of both monay nnd property. You will ulso llnd us In from 7 to' ' p. in. 753 V MONKY. 4'1 , CO , 110 DAYS. C11KA1' UATKS -iVniul tasy piinputs : , on furnltnrt- , pianos , live stock , etc. , without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Dull Orccn. room f , Marker block. 75jn X J. E. VAN G1LDKU , H2J7 , OMAHA NAT'L Illv M15J M'J' X PIUTCIIAUU.M DOUGLASHLIv. ItfA 1)01X113. X WILL 1.QAS MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty ; clrlctly confidential. A. E , Harris , room I. Continental block. 753 BUSINESS CHANCES. ONI . Y D it u ? ! ; ai TO uff'li. Losiof health cause of Belling. U will bo good plnco for u doctor. Address A 2 } , lloo olllco. 140 M 8 \r-FOH SALK Oil EXCHANGE. A PATENT -L right for Nebraska , out of which a rustler can maku money. Address , 213 McCaguo llldg. 617 -FOIl SALE , SMALL OIIO'JEUY feTOUK AND hiilldlnRchc.ip for cash. Addresi W. II , Hous ton , Neb. 'MS1 ! ' . ! V FOIl SALK ; COMPLF.TB IUUG STOCK AND 1 Btoro fixtures nt Waterloo , Nob. Satisfactory terms to the rUht party ; only drugstore In town. Enquire of Merer & Ilaapkc , or Katz-Novlns Co , Omaha. 1)31 ) \r-AVOCA STEAM LAUNDUY FOIl SALE OH 1trade. . Address C. Follct , Avoca , la. VS3 11 -FOIl HALE. MAHHLK & ETON ] ! BUSINESS ( Joins a n.CXX ) buslncia. Grod < locatlon. Aildree : OK , lieu. MllBu U * V 11USINESS CIIANCliS IN NEI1UA8KA AND i Iowa. No charge to cash buyers. Van Patten lluslness Exchange , 555 Hoard of Trade. Omaha , Neb. MIDI 13 * Y WANTED , CAPITAL TO OPEHATB A MAM- ufacturlntc bu lnC9 > ; 25 per cent dividends ; no risk. Address O 1U , Hoe. M'/Jl 10 * HAHDWAItE , J1.300 , AND IMPLEMENTS , $310. F. I. Uall , Crcston , Neb. Mllti 14 * FOB EXCHANGE. Z-CLEAN STOCK OF tlENEHAL M'O'S'K ; WILL tuko real estate & money. lox2'JJFrankfurt , Ind ; 7W _ rISO ACHES OF CLKAIl LAND IN ONE OF /-Jtho best winter wheat districts In Kansas to ex change for ID or 20 aero tract near Omaha city limits. Will pay cash difference If property la good. Addretu , giving price nnd location , u 2U , llco 205 r/-l OWN 100 FAHMS IN NKIIUASKA , KANSAS * Ji Dakota. Will sell cheap , or cxchaugo for mds. , horses and cattle. Add. box Til , FrankfortInd 758 y$3,600 T.I JI.OOJ IN DIIY (1001)3 , HAT. * . CAP3 , /-Jboots. shous , notions , etc. , for daslrablo No- hrntkaland. Address Ford A Pack , Slromsbunr , Nob. .MVti'J Mil * > -GOODOMAHA HENTALPHOPEHTY TO EXchange - ' - change for property In or near Los Angelea , Cal. Give number of your property and UOTO time. Ad- drosa llox 1OJ , Loa Augolon , Cal. 1123 ' 0 Z-IIUSI.NE8S PItOPiSttTY FOIl GOOD FAUM land In Nebraska or lowu. U. II Peterson , llli B. lath. _ MOS1 .M2J rFOH KXCHANG . < < ) ACUKSOFGOOD CLEAN Mlnaourl timber land , clear nnd perfect title. SO ] N. llith St. , Omaha , hob. 6.11 8 < rFOH K.XCHAXGE , IIKST PAYING CHOI1 /-Jhouso In Omaha. Address C 7. Boo. M9IO H * V MODE11N HOUSE , KOUNTZK PLACE , 10 ' - exchange for snmllcr house , 4U feet on N , 24tl for lot oramnll house nnd lot ; 50 feet on motor Hue , Hamilton , for enle or exchange. fJrahnm. 30 ! Me ague block. 117-U -FOIl EXUHANGE. A FINE HOADSTEH , FAST for equity In lot. W. T. Graham , McCaguo block 117 u _ _ y-f'.t.M/O WOHTHOFI.ANDTO EXCHANGE l Oll ' -'dry goods and clothing. F. I. Hall , Creaton. Neb M123 H- _ FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. r ACHES NNB-ACKK ; LOTS. NEAH Uumaha.wlll be placed upon the market March 15th. No rnorttrugca or tnxoa upon thla property , nbstracl free. Within 15 minutes rldo to 24th and N streets , Healthy location , good residence place , line chance to raise vegetables , poultry , eto. Terms easy. Per sons.V llorry , South Omaha. 313 MI3 A -FAHM LANDS IN NEIlllASKA. KANSAS ANt iVSouth Dakota for sale on longtime , onay terms and low rate of Intercit. Liberal commlsslou to ugents. Send for catalogue , U. llnyos , Mannnei MuacatlnaMortgaen and Trust Co. . room 2 , ltH So. I5tb atrcot. _ M4IJU M13 17AUM OF 460 ACHES IN CASS CO. . SPLENDH -L land , good bulldlnys , good orchard , living water (35.00 per acre. C. F. Harrison , V12 N. Y. Life. 1638 _ rp WO DKBIllAULIt 1MPHOVEI ) FAHMS FOKBALI XSTOacroaln Douglas Co. , 15 miles west of Omaha 430 acres In Washington Co. ,12 miles north of Omaha For prices and terms apply to W. 1) . Mlllard Omaha , Neb. AI515M18 _ FOIISALE-ITAKMS , CENTUALAND 12ABTEK > Nebraska. K. C , Garvln A Co. Shoely block. MTU _ 17011 SALK,2iOO ! tilOlCE : IOWA AND NEIIUASK/ J- farms , if you wish to buy. Ball or borrow mono ] on farms , writs or call. Uoggs & Hill , Omaha Neb. Itl Mj _ OUSK OF T HOOMS. FULL KAST FHONT COU nor lot. near car line , ll.bOO.OO. C. K. Harrison . Y. Life. US88 E LEU A NT COIlNEll KOll HKSIDKNCK. 131 Kl sq. , IS.OUOi handaomoresidence , 1'J ft , lot , I1OOJ Una tarm U miles out , fU.OUO. F. K. Darling , llarke block. 757 _ I AIIMOKHI ACUUS NKAIl SO. OMAHA. SMAM -L bouM ) nnd barn ; 115.00 per aero. C. F , Harrison UU N. V , l.lfo. M38 'I'UK 1IK3T AND CHEAPEST KAHM NKA1 J-Ornaha. ICO acrea at $ iW per aero. 20 acres alx mile * from court house with 2.00 ( year-oldiirapu vines , 1,000 trull trcea. eta This I a very i/rutty place and cheap , nt I'-iX ) per acre. We have homes and lots of all kinds and at al prices. Monthly payments. Omaha Heal Katate and Truat Co. , Hco building. MIUH \\rASTKU , GOOD QUAUTKll" IN " BAlll' 'l county. Wonted , god quarter Io Cau counly. Wanted , cheap half aectlon tn Kuruaa county. Wanted , cheap half aectlon In Dawaon cou nly Vfentrxl. 6 or 10 acreR for cash. Wanted , 40 meres near Omaha. Wanted. Rood quarter In I'awnee county. Wanted , peed quarter In Cumlnf county. Wanted , IU ) acrea near Umaha for cub. Wanted , iiood quarter lo Htanton county. Wanted , farm for lot and cuth. Wantu.l , ICO for 0 acrea Dear Ornaba. Wantrd , IWJO at 8 per cent. Wanlurt. IJ.OttJ at 7 per cunt. Wnoted , bonae for clear lot and caab. C. K. UarrUoo , 811 M. Y. Ufe. 11993 g FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. r " ' ' ' " " " " - Conl\\i\tfl. ( \ \ \ M'WOSNAPS. LOT 4flXIJ7 WITH OOOI ) 11OUS1C , J-cast of Proapoct llllPrvmctery , at 110.00 per Interest. Also/pll lot on paved street , onorullo west of posloniro nt about one-uatf Itl vnliio. y.lttlc , llrown tllu- 858 QIUO CASH WILL SKCt/IlK 100 ACHES F1UST 4pcla 8 lami In raslerit 'ri'Bbr.iska , bnlnnce long tluio , 0 per rent Interest. llTlre O. K. Davis Co , IMi tarnamat. -1 1D5.M10 IJHMl HALK-HOUSK AXK'LOT ' IN NOHTH PAHT 1. of clly li,500N. Terms $ ( OO.CO cash balanca 115.00 per month. ThoO. 1" . DaVK.Cutnpany. V73n 4 -Ij'OllSALKOU HXCIIANGH , 53 FKKT ON MILl- 1. lary avenue , 1H block north nf Hamilton ftrott , houao six rooms. ( IrahnsnAM McCaguo block. _ _ . 117-9 iron BALK , 40 ACHES fc MILES FIIOM CITY AT A A bnrcnln. Graham. .Mci'DRllo block , 117-9 LOST. OST-LAIIIKS' BLACK MOHOCCO POCKETbook - book ; 2 bills , n Marquise ring and card. Mils Ilosa Hale. Holurn to thla olllco nnd receive reward. MIWJ 8 STHAYKD-MAHCH 1 , FIIOM WMt AND O strecti. South Omaha , eray maru pony , hrnndoi ] "M" oil shoulder. Geo. Harrla. MIMH' DBESSMAKING : iJASIIIONABLK HOIIK3 AND EVENING COS- lumen. Inqulru nt1H \ Cnpltol avo. Mtttf3 10 * 1MNK DIltSSMAKlNG AND LADIES' TA1LOU- -L Ing at moderate prices nt the LnJp | * ' Tailor DressmakliiK college , Mmc. Corbott , 501 Brown block. M'.i03 A 4 * SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITINCJ. SIlOltTllAND BY MAIL WITH ANV OF THE standard typewriters at botui ! . Great chance for thORO cither lu city or country who cannot attend n regular shorthand school. Addro * * Ynn Stint's School of Shorthand 5IH N. Y. Life , Omahl. MSV I SECND-HAND TYPJSWBITEBS BoLKd A IIA11B , DKAL KKS. All makes bought , sold , exchanged , rente I. Iil3 N. Y. Llfu blilit. Tol. Bi3. 1C7 M'J UNDEBTAg SA DEMBALMEBS CW. BAKEH ( FO HUE HLY W ITU J Nl ) . G , J A . cobs , doconaod , Iat3r wltb M , O. M mil ) , undo taker and ombnlinnr. 3H r < . llith t. ; lot. CiH. liuO PAWNBBOKEBS. T BONNKN1IEP.G , DIAMOND 1IHOKEH , l.VJJ ' .DouKlaaat. Loans money on diamonds , watches , etc. Old gold nnd silver bought , 'lol UW. 150 TIIIO UKAI.TY MAKKKT. NSTUUMENTS ulaood on record March 7 , WAHHANTV ItRS. ) .1 N Lemon nnd wlfo to Mary Trolol. part of o'i lot 4 , block , 0 , 1'urk 1'lnco 3,500 Ui > urKO anil Morton ( Joulcl to Nulsoit ( lould , uUO rods of n 40 rods no no , ( > -lfj-ii : . 5,000 Louis Koblowltz und wlfo to A T Ayres , H'i lot 23 , Nelson's add . 1,700 1' O Lloyd to K T tliiyduu , lot 14 , block 4ThoriilmrK 1'lacu . GOO Fanny lltulucck and husband to Vaclav I'l'tiKii , nyt lot 22 , block 2 , Dvorak's ndd . 312 Arllitir Knstto W II Kunncdy , lot B , block 0 , Matt hows' mil ) . tOO O.scnr .Maii ur to Oni Mol'otirt , w',4 lot 10 , block 2 , lloppu's Itoniiriza Mlb. . . 700 Jt > l > | H ) ( 'lirMonsuii and wlfu to Slim llonnlson , lol 4 , block 4 , Cluvulund Place . 1,200 ,1 MYt > storllcll to (3 Ii Doro , lot 8 , Missouri Aveiiliu I'lacu . 8DO 0 U Wilson and husband to W T drii- hain. s 27 foot lot 11 anil n 13 fuct lot 12 , block 1 , Patrick's add . 4,000 I ) I'Ansull and wlfo to Adnllna Jahn , lol 11 and 12 , block 4 , Mutthowa' Hiibdlv . 45 Lt-avltt lltirnhani and \vlfo toK M ( iuntlt'iiian , lot 1 , block 2 , iltirnham I'luco . COO QUIT CLAIM lKiiS. : llallnu llnnklni ; Co to Omaha and Mn- rolii Itt-alty I'D. o'i \ lots 7 nnd 8 , block 1H , ( Vntral park . 1 Sumo to same , lol 33 , block 1 , Itrlggs * Plnco . 1 A M Walton and wlfo lo K A Ilt-nson , Iols2l and 22 , block 23 , Benson . 1 DKKI1S. 1 .1 Dunn ct al ( referees ) to Edward Callahaii , middle 22 foul lot 2 , block 177 , Omaha . 2,800 Total amount of transfers . $21,810 If you don't want to buy a Densmore Type writer , don't examine it , Mnxenth Stutloa- cry Co. , laot Farnnm St. , Omatiii , Nob. " Improvement the Order of lo ! ; Aje. " It Is unnccossnry to mention the points of su > norlorlty uossossod by the ns H'lawow so wo Its Record of Success Is Its Boat Ro- commondntlon. , , when It was put on tuo innrKot rivals said It would not wear. Tlmo has shown thorn wrong Ino very particular and has nroveu that the Smith I'roinlor IS THE I1103T nnd BTKONOEST TYl'EWIUTKK BVEK IN- VENTKD. AND TODAY IT STANDS FAK AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor , 17th and Fariium Sts. , Omaha , Nob. E. H. MAY11KW. Mnnaser. RR1LWRY TIME GKRD Leaves tlllCAUO BUHI.INGTON & Q. Arrlvo Omaha Depot 10th und Mason BU. Omaha 4.45 p m . . .Chicago Vestibule m D.50 a m . . . .Chicago Express 11.39 a m 12.10 n m . . . .Chicago Express .M p m C.M p m .Chicago A Iowa Local li.UO pm Loaves BUIILIMi'JON & MO. HIVIII. Arrlrs Omaha Depot lUta auJ Maioa riti. | Omahl 10.15 am Denver Express 4.a" > p m 10.15 am . . . . . .Doadwood Express 403 p m 4.60 pm Denver Express 9.3i am 4,50 pm Denver Limited 12.30 a m C.50 p m Haitlngi Local ti.37 p in 8.15 am . . .Lincoln Local ( KxcoptSun ) . 11.M a m Leaves K. O. ST. J. & C. 11. Arrival Omaha Depot 10th and Mason Hts. Omaha 9.50 am . . . .Kansas City Day Express . . .I 0.1X1 p n ! D.45 p m K. C. Night EXII. via U. P. Trans C 40 n m 11.45 p m til. l.ouls Express. | li.tO am Uolnic I CHICAGO. U. 1. A 1'ACIKIU I Krom East. I Union Depot 10th ft. Maroy Mts. | Knst. 10.00 a m .Atlantic Express. . KM p m 4.40 p m .Vestibule Express. 1.10 pin fi.35 p m . . . .Vlght Expruis. , 8 M a m Going | CHICAGO , It. 1. & I'AClrlu ; f From West. I Union Depot 10th and Marcy ats , | Wast. 1.20 pml Denver Limited I 4.3J p lu 8.60 a ml..Kansas City ( Except Sunday ) . . | 7.05 p m IXJOTUS I UNION I'AUlKlu I Arrival Omaha l Unlon Depot 10th and Marcy 8ta. | Omaha 7.53 am Beatrlca Exprasi. 6tu p m f O am . .Denvur Kiprois. 4.05 p m 2.15 pm . .Overland Flyer. . 7.0 ] p m 4.15 pm . .BeatriceiStrmsbz KxgxSun ( ) . 12.3. ) p m C.43 pm Pacino Expreis 10.11 a m a.30 p m Denver Fast Mall . _ . Leaves I ClllOAUO."MTi7r raT. I'AUU lArrlvu Omaha | U. P. depot and tlnroy Sts. I Omaha T.OJpn.1 Chicago Kiprosi | ' ' a ns IU'0 am | . . . . . . . . .Chicago Kinross U.S1) p m Loaves I BIUUX CITY * PACIKIO lArrtvoi Omabal Depot. 10th aud.Maroy 8U. I Oruahn 7.10 ami Sioux City.Passenger IIU.-'Up m 6.35 pm | . . . . jiu Paul repress llO.lAl a m IA-STOI I hlOUX CITY'4' ' PAC lKIO. Arrives Omahal Depot. 15th anaAVabster Sts. I Omaha 5.45 pm | . . . .St. I'nul'ljlmlted ' ! U.l'i am Leaves i OMAHA & tiT. lXUla. ( Arrives OniobalU. P. Depol. IQtfa and Marcy 8ta. | Omaha i .U ) p m | St. Louis Cannon llnll. 112.85 p m Loavca I C..bU P , M. A O lArrlvos Omaha ) Depot 15th anil Webster Sta. Omalia Both tlio method and results When Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the Btoinnch , prompt in its action nnd truly heneficinl in its effects , "prepared only from the most healthy nnd agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs 13 for snlo in EOo and 81 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on baud will pro cure it promptly for nny one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any eubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. Kr. HEW YORK , H.t. I WAS BIG. I WAS PAT. I PELT MEAN. I TOOK PILLS. I TOOK SALTS. I GOT LEAN. Handsome Women Can Lese Weight Fast. Homely ( VIon Look Better If Thin. Try Dr. Edison's System. No Dieting. Band worth Twice the Money. OITico of II. M. Burton , Hardware , Gary Sta tion. 111 , . Jan. II. 1MK Dr. Kcllson Hoar Sir : I am well pleased with H. M. HUIITON. They Are Doing Mo Good. Karlvlllo. III. , May El. 1633. LorlnK A Co : Incloiod find ti.50 for which please end mo tlio other two bottloi of Dr. Kcllion's Obes ity Pills. 1 have used ono nnd think tboy nro doing tbowork. ti. M. lUl.ur , P. o. 1)0x75. Talk So Much About Your Pills. I'oorla , 111. , Juno 19.1693. Dear Sirs : After hearing ono of my friends talk so much about your Obesity Pills nnd the benefit hols del IvIiiK from them I think I will try them myself. Pleaao send mo 3 bottloi 0. o. I ) . , and oblige , J. iloiuu. " . 40U Perry Street. Feel Bettor andWelgh 13 Pounds Loss ttoshcn , Ind. , Sept. 18. 1893. Oontlomcn : Inclosed I ecnd you ( I , for which you will pleuso send imtthreo bottles of the obesity pills. Am taking the fourth bottle nnd feel very much better and weigh Ki pounds leas than when I began taking thorn. I will continue your treatment. MUD. J. C. MCCONS. South Sixth Street. An Individual where height U 6 feet I Inch should wcUn 176 pounds B foot 8 Inches 100 6 foot 10 Incbei " " 170 " Dr. Edlton nays : "It may bo well to point out , that lu my eiporlonce , which In necessarily very considerably many troublesome skin dlsoases such , asecieran , nzone. psoriasis , utlcarlii , etc. , nro prim arily c.iusod by obesity , and us the fut and Hash Is reduced by the pllla and Obesity Fruit Salt and the action of the band these atfevtlons hare almost magically disappeared " The obesity Fruit Halt 1 used In connection with the PlllB or Hands , or both. Ono toaspoouful Inn tumbler of water makes n delicious BOda. Tastes like chauipalgno. The bun 8 cost l3.M nch for any length up to 3(1 ( Inches , bu for one larger than ,111 Inches add 10 cents extra for each uddltlonal Incli. Price ot Fruit Salt , 11.00. Pills tl.60 Per Dottle , or.'I llottlos lor H.OO. font by Mall or Express Cut this out and keep It , andnoud for our full (9 ( column ) urtlclo on obesity. Loring & Company. 2 Hamilton PI. , Dept. 2(1 ( , Doston , Mass. , 115 State fit. . Dept 23 , Chicago , 111. , 40 W. ' . ' 2ua St. , Dept 2i , Now York City. My Sweethearts Face that's my wife's you know wears a cheerful , life-is-worth-living expres sion , ever since 1 presented her a box of WHBTE RUSSIAN She is always recommending Kirtti soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments has just what she needed to make labor easy , and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it. JAS.'S. KIRK & CO , , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap w niTCllTPTIIO . . Wathlnctot I A I I" fl I tO - O. No atly'B fuo until pat. la ob I n l Ull I writ * for Iut alur4 UuU CLEVELAND'S ' FUTURE PLANS Hoko Smith's Paper Prints Some Informa tion That Appears to Bo Ex-Cathedra. HE IS STRONGLY OPPOSED TO FREE SILVER It l < Claimed TluU Appointment * Will Nnl Ho Sprnllly .Miulo .Vnny Mrmlicr * ot the "Tin llrlpiilo" Alny ( lot Left. ATLANTA , Ga. , March 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKK. ] The Atlanta .lournal comes out with explanations of the policy ahead of the country. In a leading telegram from Washington , signed by Hoko Smith's editor. Mr. Richardson , there is warning served upon the olllce-secklng brigadiers as fol lows : "Ono thing is certain ; appointments will not bo speedilj made. This is nec essarily so because of the great number of applications and the clash of Inllu- ciicos. " This news is backed up by an editorial in which it is stated that "on the question of civil sorvjco" Mr. Cleve land is even more explicit than ho has ever been before ; his declaration that appointments to olllco , instead of being the rewards of personal activity , should go to those "whoso elHcioncy prompts a fair return of work for the compensation paid to them" Is cited as fair warning to the "pie brigade" that this is going to bo a business adminis tration and not a huge partisan machine. Prominence is also given to the fact that , ho "president served distinct and em- ihatle notice that ho would hammer ivlth his veto any free silver bill that : ongress might pass and there will bo ho crucial test of the administration. " Having thus interpreted the presiden- ial mind upon the question of olllco looking and the establishment of a gold standard , the editorial declaration is nado that tariff reform will bo ituloll- litely postponed. The reasons therefor are stated as follows : . There are serious impediments to the speedy realization of a full measure of tariff reform. The finances of the gov ernment are in a precarious condition , to say the least. The Harrison adminis tration had to avail itself of funds always U'cvioitbly hold as reserves to enable it o make both ends meet , or to show a 'avorable balance in its financial state ments. Whether this was legally and properly done or not , it was done : is a measure of necessity. The ques tion then arises , are the reve nues of the government now sufllcicnt to meet expenses imposed by republican extravagance ; ' This question must be settled before the precise measure of tariff reform that may bo safely under taken at this time can bo determined. In some instances , doubtless , a reduction of the duties would bring in more reve nue ; in others it would have a contrary effect. Then there is the implication iirising from several reciprocity treaties already entered into. It remains to bo seen to what extent they will reduce the revenue , and whether the benefits to tlio icoplo derived from them is sntllcient to ustify the continuance or extension of the policy. Lifc is short and time is ilootlnR , hut Ilood's Sarsaparilla will bless humanity as he URCS roll on. Try it this season. * L TO SEUHKT JJUIHES. lilll of Intercut to limmuiro I'coplo Now llcfurn the IllloU Legislature. riUNOKiKLD , 111. , March 7. [ Special Telegram to THE BKK. ] Every frater nal society order and every mutual in surance company will bo interested in a bill which has passed. the third reading in the senate. The bill is for an act to regulate the organization of lifo insur ance companies. It is raising u storm of indignation. Members of benevolent or ders like the Royal Arcanum , Ancient Order of United Workmen , National Union , Royal League , Foresters , Knights and Ladies of Honor , etc. , have just learned of the provisions of the bill. They realize if it should become a law it would completely destroy the organiza tions. This is especially true of these benevolent associations , but it also ail- plies to old line companies as well. Ad vocates of the bill have claimed that it was aimed at old line companies exclusively , but provision ] cover "all corporations , associations , fraternities , partnerships or individ uals. . " The fact is that it would injure the fraternal and secret benefit orders much more than insurance companies. The bill would require the immediate increase of funds of fraternal benefit orders to the extent of $25,000,000.The rates of cost of all the societies would be changed by this so that the members aged 00 years would pay $48 per year for $ 00 of insurance and other members in proportion. The constitution , laws , rates , etc. . would have to bo changed by the grand lodges or state bodies of orders , and , falling to do so , they would bo driven out of the stato. The bill re quires the lodges to report in minute details the name , ago , etc. . ot every member. This would double the ex pense of insurance and would give the public full records of all the lodge mem bers in the entire United States. The character of the bill and its provisions in detail may bo gleaned from this brief outline. The benato will soon consider the bill. Timber I.iiiul , NOIITU GAi.vr.sTox , Tox. , March 0. Sixty miles from this place lies the largest timber belt in the United States , which contains one-third of the uneut timber In the coun try. This easily reached and boundless sup ply of building material is another factor which is helping to make North Galveston the industrial center of the pulf country. Possessing , as It does , every advantage to ho desired abundant agricultural and nnuui- faeturlnp resources , u mild and healthful oil- mate , any amount of building and paving material , uncqualcd transportation Incllltlcs , etc. it cannot but become , iti time , a verita ble southern metropolis. SomoTnlk n ( n I'oitnlblct ITprliliiK ot Natlvo SAN FHANCISCO , Cal. , March 7. The bark Carrie Bark arrived hero from Honolulu last night and brings advices from the Associated Press correspondent there up to February 22 , No outbreak of any kind has occurred , though it lacks but little of being ono tdnco the old orflor of things was overturned. The fortes of the provisional govern ment number 850 men and other com panies are being formed. The men arc armed with Siirlngileld riflos. Bulling- ton sight and Winchester carbines , and have seven or eight dismounted uicgr gnus , four field pieces ready for action and one Catling gun , forming a Imtterj that would prove an insurmountable barrier against attack. The American PATEMT BUREAU. SUES & . CO.Sollcllor3 , Boo Building. Omnlm , Nol < yenra EinnilnonU. S. Pat Olllcc. Advloo froi PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! vessels tire the Mohican , the Boston and the Alliance. .1" nn Interview Admiral Skorrltt of the Mohican said that he thought , with n few exceptions , the white people of the Island would bo found on the side of the Americans In case of an outbreak. Captain Good , commanding the bar racks under the present military organ isation , said yesterday that while thcr was some question as to whether a gcn oral uprising ( , f , , , , tlvo Hawaiian * couhl bo incited , it was not because they lacked In bravery , but rather Unit proper lead ers were wanting. O untuning , lie said : "Sunday last 1 learned there was u project on foot for Queen Ulluokalanl tt go to the palace. To my mind this would mean an assumption at once of roval authority. On Monday morning I Issued the order if the deposed queen attempted to enter the palace gates without a pass duly signed to refuse her admittance and If forcible admittance was tried to arrest her In double-quick tlmo. On yesterday John S. Sheldon , one of the editors of Hawaii llotuma. was arrested , charged with contempt of legislative council , because - cause of published attack on provisional government. " TnUo advice I Stop cotiKliliijT nt once by tlio Immediate two of Or. Hull'sUouiihSyrup. Ono bottle will euro you. sroitTisu vt.un V.IHK imvisiux. Jockey Chili * Ilitvotho Illjclit to Acceptor llccllm- Any llntry. NKW YOUK , March " . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : UKIJ. ] The Coney Island Jockey club has again gained a point in its litigation with Horse Owner I'M ward Corrigan by a decision handed down by the general term of the supreme court. After Corrigan had succeeded In his light to have his horse Huron run in tlio Futurity stakes of 18)1 ! ) , and the horse came in second in that race. Mr. Cor rigan was unable to collect the second money. Ho then brought suit to recover the money , and in thatactlonalso bought to have rescinded and revoked tlio notion of the board of control of tlio racing association , excluding him from enter ing any of his horses on any of the tracks which they controlled and that ho be allowed the same privileges that are accorded other horsemen. Tlio jockey club interposed a demurrer to the com plaint at a special term of court , but that demurrer was overruled on the ground that complaint presented a legal cause of action , namely , to recover the second money in the Futurity stakes of 1801. Ft-Din tliis decision tlio club ap pealed to the general term of the superior court , which now reverses the action of the lower court and grants a judgment for the club on the demurrer with costs. Tliis confirms the right of jockey clubs to accept or decline cntricsi Sclilil'nmim'H Antliniii Cure Never disappoints. Instant relief and coin- fortnblo sloop assured. Ask your druggist , or address Ur. U. SchilTinunn , St. Vuul , Minn. , for freu trial package. Mention this paper. SPKCIAI , io\v HATIS To Mobile , AIn. On Monday , March 13 , my third ex cursion will leave Council Bluffs for Mobile , Ala. , 1500,000 acres of choice farming and fruit growing lands along the line of the Mobile & Ohio railroad it from $1.50 to 8,1.00 per acre. Stop-over ) riviloges tit all points south of Jackson , i'cnn. For further information and a descriptive land pamphlet , call on or write , T. 11. IliCE , Room 201 Morrinm Block , Council Bluffs , la. UnlBi'il 1'rlci'H of Lumber. MlNNHAl'OLis , Minn. . March 7. { Spe cial Telegram to THE BKB.J The board of directors appointed at the annual neoting of the Mississippi Valley Lum- > ormen's association has decided upon H'lcos to govern the lumber trade in tlio uturo. The rniso in most instances will jo from CO cents to 81 per 1,000 , , accord- ng to the kind of material. This raise only affects certain classes of lumber. The change summarized is as follows : Prices on joint and scantling timber : iavo not been changed und will remain the same. Tlio A and B classes of stock joards. all 4 and (1-inch ( coiling stuff and i-ineh coiling ; all lirst , and second clear inl ? , liniid 2-inch , 12 , 14 and 10-foot ; third clear in It , U and 2-inch , 12 , 14 and 10-foot ; finishing lumber , shingles and lath , pickets and battens remain at the price as formerly. There arc three things worm saving Time , Trouble und Money and Do Witt's Little Early Kiscrs will save thorn for you. Tlicso little pills will save you timo. as they act promptly. They will save you trouble as they cause no pain. They will save you money as they economize doctor's bills. I.o\v lliito lixctiraloii. My thirteenth special excursion to Houston , Tex. , via the Santa Fo route , leaves Omaha Maroh 13 , 18K ! ) . Address R. C. Patterson , 425 Ramgo building , Omaha. o Iliillroiiil 1'asHitH Aru I'lonty. CiTV , Mo. , March 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKK. ] To Hiich an extent are railroad passes dis tributed at the capitol that in sovoa weeks only ono ticket for St. Louis has been purchased , and that was sold to Governor William .1. Stone. At a meet ing of Missouri Pacific directors held in Now York a few days ago , it is said that a director moved that the ticket iigont at JelTerson City bo recalled and the local ofllco closed until the now in hands of the legislators , families of the state employes and their friends have been exhausted. A railroad olllcial stated that the reads operating in Missouri are compelled to give away about 100,000 passes during tlio session of the legislature. Passes are demanded by almost everybody who comes to the capitol on business. The Kreatest pain nnnthilator of the ngo is Salvation Oil. It always cures. llniimrkulilc , If Trim , SllKHMAN , Tex. , March 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bui.l One of the most remarkable freaks of spiritualism comes from Trenton , near this city , which equals the anticipations of tlio Indian , mentioned recently in tin ) news papers , who is to nut hiuibolf to sleep. allowing a crop ( if barley to bo planted and harvested ever hi * grave and to re tain lifo. Charles Swec.t , a Swede 05 years old Js nmv at work tunneling into the side of a wide roi-k bin IT on the farm of K''illy i'.nrns. aiuMwill prepare an in clined receptacle against which to loan hiscu.'lln. ' Jfo will submit to bo buried alive. James Brown is to watch the Bopuleher forty days , at the urn ] of which time Sweet is to walk out well and hearty. The c.ofllii is to be sormvi'd up securely. To quickly relieve neuralgic headiichu. U'fiO Ilromn-Hcl/nr. Trial boltlo lOo. IVII IIcliT * t u lu ST. I'liTF.itRiunto , Muroh 7 A re markable story of the fortune left at the beginning of llio century bv an Knglish Jew named IA-V ! , resident in Bcsaarabia , to bis widow , and deposited by her in the Bank of ICnglanU in 1803 is published. The fortune Is said to have been uu touched Mnco then and to amount now to 00,000,000. Miss II iimerlck , nn American , IB &aid to have proved her right to ono forty-fifth of the sum. ' ' 1 IIP eating of meal" means the bulldlnff up of llcsh , hcuo and tissue , 1C the moat b4 "Hex" Brand Extract of Uoct