Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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'Wheat Advanced on Rumors That the Gov
ernment Would Issue Bond. ? .
Fluctuation * Towiml tire C'lcnoVrro llrlult
iid the l.nut Quotation Within
Ono Cent of tlio T | t Stock *
mill Itoiuli ,
CnrTAdO , 111. , March 7.-Wheat turned
Btrnng this aflernoon on a rumor that the gov
ernment had decided to sell bonds for the pur
pose of replenishing the supply of gold coin.
The si I null us continued lulls etfects even after
the receipt of a contradiction. The market
early had been very weak , but the last quota
tion wai ' | 3 higher than yesterday's closing
prices for .May. July closed ! ( c lower.
Torn was dull but llrm and Improved ' f ! .
rtovlslnris suffered declines amounting to'25
In pork , ITi'iC In lard and 7c ! } In rlb.s.
Nearly everything seemed to bo against the
price of wheat at the start , the weather was
sprlrig-liko all over the country , cables were
lower and weak. The New York slock market
was again demoralized by the high premium
for money from 25 to 50 per cent and the
amount on ocean passage Increased H1H.OOO
bu , In addition to all this there was an in
crease of over 500,000 bu. Ill the stock of con
tract grade during the lastwenk.
conditions the trade was off and the tendency
was downward. On the decline short * wcro
fair Imycis and there was some Investment
demand , but the selling pressure was too
strong for this demand to check the weakness
The Impending government reports of storks
in farmers. ' hands nml uncertainty attend-
itnt It were also distressing factors. It was
while matters were In this condition during
the hour that the sharp rally wns caused
by the H-port aflerw arils denied that the gov
ernment would Issue * 50,000OOO gold bearing
bonds The opening was about from V to 'in '
lower , ruled easy and then advanced sharply
5.0 for May and ' for July , receded again ,
recovered and the closing wax slightly within
Ic of the top.
Corn traders wern again dl'-cii'.s.liig HIP pos-
fdhllllv of the government supply report to ho
Issued Into this week showing a less quantity
In farmers' hands limn had been supposed.
On this talk there was some display of buying
by a few well known houses. With this action
and the fact that the speculative offerings
were but moderate , the shorts weie dis
posed to cover and prices advanced &o , subse
quently ruling easier. The fact was mildly
emphasized by some favoring the bull side
that the local stocks of contract grades de-
crenM'd 4HH 4 bu. for the week ami are now
67,005,205 bu. The quantity on ocean pas-
Biieo also o.iJilliltod a decicnso of HO.OOO bu.
There was a moderate trade In oats , nnd
prices held within a range of ? uc. Closing
mles were lit about the same as ye.sterday for
Mny , but a net lo.s.s of Wo on September.
1'rovlsloiiH were considerably unsettled
today , but th ! average was decidedly lower.
The market opened weak on slightly Increased
receipts of live hogs at the yards , realizing on
Mop loss orders by the commission houses , the
uneasy feeling In Wall street , line open
weather and the fear of n strike by the city
switchmen employed by the railroads center
ing In Chicago.
The shorts were the principal buyers. They
quickly nb orhi'd the olt'erlngs and ( lie mar
ket advanced rapidly. After a slight reliction
a feeling of prevailed. The volume
of trading was light.
Intimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
120 cars ; corn , 100 car j oats , 120 curs ; hogs ,
120 bend.
Tlio lending futures ranged as follows ;
7.1 731 , 734
Hh 7 1
4 IM 4JH
i4Kex 404
sow 30 3 K
13 20 IS 43 IS57H Mi
12 BO 12 FS 12 M 00
II BO n sn 72 h , U 0 ' '
11 17J * 11 G'J > ta 11 K 70'
10 25 IU 37) ) 10 20 10 .10 40
Cash iiuotatlons were as follows :
KuuMi-liaroly steadv ; winter patents ,
I3,704.20wliilerstralglits : , $3,30513.35 : spring
patents , J3.H5T < 4.10 ; spring btrnight , f'J.OOiftl
B.10 ; linkers' , $2.11X0,2.35 .
WllllAT No. 2 spring , 73t73 ! ic ; No. 3
spring , ( ilTr05c ( ; No. i ! red. 73'/i&73ic.
Con.s Higher ; No. 2,41c ; No. 3 cash , 37ifc ;
No. V ! vellow. 4 Ic ; No. 3 yellow , 30JJ3UKO.
OATS No. 2 , aOJir ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 34 ©
85'ie : No. 3 white , 31ii32c. (
HYB No. 2 , 50c.
HAIII.KY No. 2. 02c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 44 < 353c ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3318Jc. !
FlMXHlJKlr No. 11.20H.
TIMOTHY Sri5i : ) Prime. Si. 424.44.
I'OHK-Mess , per bbl , , * 13,05ai8.07' ( ' { . Inrd ,
nor 10O Ibs. , J12.75 ; short rib sides ( loose ) ,
10.30ffUO.32'J ; dry salted shoulders ( boxedi ,
I9.75C60.87H : short clear sides ( boxed ) , $10.70
(310.75. (
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
BUO'AU Unchanged. Out loaf , DJjQS&c ;
granulated , & ' c ; standard "A , " 5c.
The following wcro the receipts and ship
ments for today :
Onmlm ( iraln.
The following prices are for delivery at JHs-
Blsslppl river points :
WIIKAT-No. i ! spring , 71c hid ; No. 3 spring
D8e bid ; No. 2 hard , 02c bid.
OATS No. 2 , 33'ic ' bid ; No. 3 cash
03'/c , St. I.ouls terms. >
COHN No. 2 cash , 3HlJc asked , Toledo terms
No. 3 or better , cash , 38io ! asked ; No. 3 or
better , .March , 374o ! asked , April , 3Hc bid ; No
2 white , 40c asked.
Among tlio sales wcro the following : Tei
cars No. 3 or boltercorn , March , Omaha terms ,
87'ic ; 25 cars No. 3 or better , April , I.cmlsvlllo
terms , 3HVC ; CO cars No. 2 corn , March , Umaha
terms , 38c.
Otimlm 1'roducu
ThoRenernl market was Billet , with no very
Important changes In prices. GUI no In tin
way of geese Is coming a little rnoro freely , bu
wild ducks are still scarce.
Ai-i'l.r.s Stocks held
are ut S3.5OS4.00 foi
fair to choice stock.
HKANS Choice navy , $2.45 ,
HuTTKii Common packing stock , which con-
Btltutes the great bulk of the receipts now ar
riving , goes at U'lMc. Tnlr to good eounto
roll. l8 < B20c. A few sales of small lots of extn
choice country roll sell to the retail trade a
KANAKAS 1'er bunch , Including crates am
packing , $2.0tva2,75.
UAi.ifoiiMA CAIIUAOK 1'er lb. , 3c.
CKI.KUV r'or doz.lOc. .
CiiANiiKUiiiKH Hull and buglo. $10,50 ; Jer
soy Capo Cod. JU.BO.
Eons- l3'&Ua. < .
( IAMB The reejlnts are oxtromcly light
Mallard ducks , ita.GO ; teal and mixed , * 2
geese iind brantx , i3,504.)0 ( ) ; Camilla
f eeso , * 0.00 < a 7.00 ; small rabbits , 11.25 ; Jacks ,
( iliAiT. Kniirr Per box$3.75 ,
HAY- The best would only bring 10 , and No
2 was ottered at { 5.50.
limns No. 1 green , 3iSc ; No. 1 green pulled
4MC\ ! ' . - Fro.on Baited. 3 > < c ; No. 1 groer
salted. 25 to 40 lls.,4Ue ) , ; No. 2 green nailed
25 to 40 Ibs. , 3"c : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 10 Ibs
7 ct ISO. 2 veal calf , H to Hi Ibs. , 5c ( ; No.
dry Hint , 0 < a7ic ; No. 2dry Hint , 4GS'e ; N , , .
tiry salted , 5Ift > c ; part cured hides H per con
per pound less than fully cured.
" HONEY Choice to fancy white clover , 18 ®
"oo : tturtogood , ICffilHc.
LKUONS-Cholco. $3.50 : fancy , $4.
MAl.AiAllAi-is-Uood ( ] : shipping stock.J8.50 ,
NKW VKdirrAru.KS-l.ottuce. radishes ami
parsley , 46c per doz. ; green onions , 40c.
jj T --I.iirgo ( hickory. $1.50 ; black walnuts ,
GNiiNS Hoino grown. $1 per bbl , ; Spanish ,
per era to. 12.
OliANOKS Klorlda fancy , per IKIX. f3.25 ;
russetts. 3 ; Mexican oriirigos , single boxes ,
J3.25 ; tlv to ten-box lots , $3 California
mountain orangej. $2.50 ; Washington nuvols ,
14 j Nowcastln California seedlings , $2 75 ;
Jled , HWOO-.S , $3.
OYSTKIIS for can , 10fi38c. (
VOULTMY I'holcu small chickens. OffilOc ;
live choice young hens and roosters , 7iO8ic ( ! :
old roosters , live , fX3ic ( ; dressed turkoyw. 11
W13c ; geese and ducks , llftrjc.
POTATUS : Westorrr Nohntbliastock Isquoted
at H6ftU Cc ; I lull urd : Colorado , 1 : cholo
native , 75 HOc.
HWKKT POTATOKS There ao u few In the
market which are soiling at 4.50.
HTiuwilniiuirrt IVr24 pint case , { 4.
TANOKIIINKS half l ) xes , J3 ,
VKAI , Cholro and Hnmll fat veals , 739 , : .
largo and thin. HHdc.
Itoporln from Mohllo are thoHumuiiH these
from New Orlunn * iu rt'gariU the bcarclty of
A ili'lfKntlon of ronitnhiilon men wont dowrr
lit l.lriroTllHitordny to look nflor the Inter-
lit ti < iitl-l/uUorluo Lilt. They propose
to do what they rtnn lo aid the dairymen to got
the hill through.
Thn Miillln .V MeClaln company ha * loused
the Nuhratka Cold Mioragf comp-iny' build
ing on Howard street and will do it cold stor
age buslni'ss' In addition to their commission
Another HhlpniBiit of the butter mentioned a
short tlmo * < go , as bring made up mostly of
water , was on the market yesterday. No .ship
per need be deceived by ft in any one can oo
that It docs not look like good liiitfr. It has
a greasy look and tln're U no grain to It. IU1-
xldes If It l handled and HID surfacu broken ,
water will run out of It. A butler intn remarked -
marked that It had th" appearance of salvo
rather than butter. The butter will bore-
worked today and then It will be possible to
tell just what the shrinkage amounts to.
New York Market * .
Niw : VOIIK , March 7. 1 ' 1.01111Heoelp'x. .
4H.GH7 pUgi.l exports2,275 IjhN. , 20,275 sacks :
Miles. fooo pkgs ; market very dull and
steady ; winter wheat , low grades , t2.10H2.55 ;
winter wheat , fair to fancy. $ ' 2.rifJ.HO ; win
ter wheat , patents , $ J.4.25 ? ; Minnesota
clear , t2.50fl3.5ii ; Minnesota straights , $3.ti03 >
4.0(1 ( ; Minnesota patents , W.25U5.00.
llAtu.KY I'lrin and quiet ; western , G0 80c.
HAKI.KY MAtiT Dull and steady ; western , 05
( SHfiC.
WIIHAT Kecplpts , 51,025 hti.i exports ,
147,301 liti.i sales , l.Ortj.OOO hu. futures , 8,000
bu. spot. Spot market m jderately active for
export. UliA'iu ' lower with options uteady : No.
2 red In stein and elovaK r , lW VlU > iv ; nlloat ,
7Hin,7H'ic ( : f. o. b. , 771i6.79Hc ( : No. 1 northern.
H3 > ( ( : No. 1 hard. BHU'ilMH'ie ' ' ; No. 2 north
ern , 82ifilH3e. Options were dull and 'nH ? o
lower , closing steady : opening weak and de
clining 5c on the Increase on passage , lower
cables , Increased receipts west and light
money , ( - "acted't'1 ( ' with the west and
shorts covering ; No. 2 red , M'irch , 7 ( > 1c , cloi-
Ingat701c ( ; May , 7H 1.1-ira70'c , closing at
7'J'jc ; .limit. 7'J ' , ' ' ( HIC : , cloilni , ' ataOc.Iuly ; ,
tiOVitni 1-lfii1 , closing at file.
Co UN Keeelpts. H.IKIU bu. , exports. 14.20H
bu. : sales , rir.O.OiM ! bu , futures , 10,000 bu. spot.
Hiiol.s , strong , very ( lull ; So. 2 , 53453'je In
elevator , 64'ic alluat ; uir.-raded rnKed , 51'JC'O
5tc ; steumi'r mixed , ( V 'i'&iitti-ir ' ; No. 3 , 5lM
52c. Options opened at ' 4C decline and weak
as following wheat and on the Increase on
passage , advanced "io with the west and on
co\erlng , declined ! ( c on local ri'all/.lng , closed
dull al S'iVi'C under yesterday ; May , ni ni'vc ,
closing at 51 'to ' : .lime , Oti'ic , closing at 50' c ;
.lulj , . * n5l51c , clo'-lng al 51 ' , c.
OATS-ltecelpI" , 'J7iOO : bu. : ovporfs , I . 1,020
hu. ; sales , 40,000 bu. of futuren , 03,000 bu.
spot. Hpots dull , firmer. Opiums dull and 't1 ' ®
'ic hlglier , sleady ; May , : mf > : ) S < ic , iloslng : at
3H'n" ' spot No. 2 white , 4-"j' ' ; No. 2 Chicago
cage , 3Utc ; No. 3. 38c ; No. 3 while , 31 ® Ilijc ;
mixed western , .IH'riUO'ic ' ' ; whlto western ,
HAYI'lrm to
- - , moderately ncllvoj good
choice , 7.VMOc. )
llol's Qulot , weak : state , common to choice ,
105fc22'ir ' ; Pacific coast , 10' " > 22'si ' : .
II IIIKS - I'ulr demand , sleady.
Wooi C/ulot , firm ; domestic fleece , 27 < Ti32c ;
pulled , 2iK37r ( ; Texas , K Jlc.
Pnovisio.vs Cut meats , less ai'tlve , llrnii
nlckled bellies , llifrillne ; plakled shoulder" ,
lOc ; pickled hams , 1 I'O" middles , qiik't , easy ;
short clear , 11 He. 1/ard , dull , lower ; wester n
.steam closed at J13 asked ; sales , none ; op
tion sales , none ; March , (12.03 ; Miiy.tl2.Uu ;
July , { .12. Pork , quiet , weak ; old mess , $10.50 ;
new mess , $20.
IIUTTKHI'lrm , fairly active ; Eights , 27'ic ;
Jobbing lots , 2Hf.
CIIEESK-- Moderate demand , steady ; part
skims , 31 ? 10' Jo.
Kiis--rirm ( ( , good demand ; western fro h ,
TAr.r.ow Quiet , lower ; city ( $2 per
pkgi , c-'ic.
COTTONSBKD OirQulot , firm.
PhTiioi.r.f.M Market opened qulot. Later
on a pressure to sell was developed andtlio
price declined from 04' < c to G2c. At the elo-o
the market was steadier again at 03c bid , and
G3'ic asked. Pennsylvania oil spot sales none.
April options sales , 70,01)0 libN. at f,4.G5c. ! ;
Lima oil sales none , 27'ic bid. Total
sales , 70,000 bbls.
Hosr.v Dull , llrm ; strained common to good ,
J1.45 < LU.47 ! & .
Tlllit'LNTINit'lrmj : 355c. (
KictI'lrm : , fair demand.
MoiiAsstis- Now Orleans , op"n kettle , good
tocholco , fairly active , llrrn , OOifllHc.
Sl.'dAH Uaw , dull , steady ; rulhrud ( julet and
Pin Ilio.v-Dull. steady ; Scotch , S18.50 ®
20.20 ; Amerlcan12.75'iiir.50.
CHPPKII Dull ! hike , * l 1.75.
I.RAIi-Dull , easy ; domestic , M.82'J. '
TlN-Stron/i Straits. iJJ.85 | iilutas , steady ,
nwderiitely active.
St. ( . .milAIur ! < ots.
ST. Lotus , Mo. , March 7. rt.ouu Steady ; In
I > IUT demand.
WIIHAT Opened 'jc lower , closed firm ' { © JjC
ho i w yesterday ; No. 2 red cash G7c ; March ,
07 U ; May 70ic.
Conx Opened \c \ off , closed UffiHc. higher ;
No. 2 cash , 37ic ; March , 37 ? . c ; May , 3'J'i ®
OATS- Very llttlo doing ; No. 2 cash , 32'/ ;
May , 33Kc.
KYI : AMI llAiiuY I'lrm , demand fair.
TIMOTHY SIKI : > M.flOQ$4.riO.
HtTTTUit Weak , unchanged.
Kotis Lower , 14 ' 5c.
COII.N MKAI - Qulot.
Kiicnii'TS I'lour , (1,000 ( bbls. : wheat , 27,000
bu. ; coi-i , Kt'J.O'JOIm. ; oats , 32,000 bu. ; rye ,
and barley none.
SilU'MKNTS flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 11,000
hu. ; corn , 107,000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. ; rye ,
l.OOObu. ; barley none.
Liverpool .Markets.
lavKnpoor , , March 7. WHEAT Quiet :
demand filr ; holders otter moderately ; No. 1
California , Gs HJdSiGs mjd ppr centa'l ; No. 2
red winter , 5s 7 ! d@3S S'jd. Keceljits of
wheat the past three days were 143.000
centals , Including 137,000 American.
COIIN Kasy ; demand poor ; mixed western ,
old , 4s G'jd pi'r cental ; mixed western , new ,
Is 3d. liecelpts of American corn the uust
three days , 41,800 centals.
LAHU Prlmo western , f > 3s Gd per cwt.
i : Sr-riitTS 25s 3d per cwt.
Wool 'Market ,
PliH.Anr.l.i'iiiA , I'a. . March 7. Quiet ; prices
firm ; stocks light. Western line or X and XX ,
2G&.27C ! medium , 337fc31c : coarse , 33Q35c ;
Montana , lV322c ( : territorial. 1321c.
Ilos'rCN , Mass. , .March 7. Thu demand for
wool Is good and prices are llrm on all grades ,
Torrltoi'.v wool sells freely on a basis of 55 ;
OOc. clean for line , 54fa55i : for line medium and
about 50o for medium. Texas , California and
Oregon wool steady.
Ciitton Mnrkot.
NKwOni.KANS , Ia. , March 7. Futures sales ,
GO.bOO bales : March , M.U5 ; April , * .08&H.9U ;
.Mny , ? a.07uBO.OH ; Juno , SO.M&'J.IG ; July , * 9.20
< Tfl0.2l ; August , ? 8.21 ; Hoptomhor , J9.093r.0.01 ;
October. JH.02UH.04 ; November , fS.87H.H ! ) ,
Very llrm : now grade , 0\o , ; middling , Oc ; low
middling , SJjc ; good ordinary , ? e : net re
ceipts , 4,442 bales ; gross receipts , 4,872 bales ;
sales , 3,000 bales ; slock , 31fi , 157 bales.
I'lilliidflpblii drain Mnrknt.
Piiii.AOKi.t'iiiA , Pa. , March 7. WIIKAT
Opened weak , tlrrn ; No. 2 red , March , 75i ! ©
75 > ie.
COHN Options dull ; No. 2 mixed , March ,
OATS ririn , fair local trade : demand for car
lots , nothing doing In futures ; No. 2 white
March , 4liit4'Jc. ! (
MliinitnpollH Wheat Marital.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , JIareh 7. Very little
life to wheat today. Opened weak all around
cash market very diill ; No. 1 northern GIB
MIMYAUKHK , WIs. , March 7. WHEAT Firm ;
May. 07 ? c ; No. 2 spring. Me.
COHN-Steady ; No.2 , 3H'i1&30c ,
OATS Klrm ; No. 2 whlto , 34)c ) ; No. 3
while. 32iG33'ic. ! ,
HYB 54\jc.
Colluo AI\rkrt. :
Nr.w VOIIK , JIareh 7. Optlonsopenedsteady
5 to 10 points higher ; closed Inactive , 5 to 10
points up ; sales , 7,250 bags , Including : Mareh
* 17.40 ; April , 117.05 ; M-iy. f tO.HDTMn.'JO : July
* 10. 5 ; bepternber , $10.55ffilO.GO ; Spot Kit )
nominal. _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Xnw York Dry ( ioods .tlnrknt.
NKW YoilK , March 7. The dry goods mar
ket wns iiulet at llrst hands , hut with dumani
a llttlo light for some articles. Agents ad
vaneeir tlio following : Atlantic 4-4 browr
sheetings 7iC. ! Atlantic to 7c , and It. It. t <
Clnclnniitl .Markets.
CINCINNATI , O. , March 7.-WHEAT Nominal
No. 2 red. 7Oc.
COHN Dull : No. 2 mixed , 43c.
\TS-Hteady ; No. 2 mixed , 34 < 4c.
WHISKY Klrrn ; In good demand ; J1.17.
lliiltlinoro ( ir.iln .Utrkutx. :
IlAr.TiMOHi : , Md. , JIurch 7. WHEAT Easy
No. 2 red spot and March , 74Ktt74lic.
I'oiiN rtriii ; .March , 47' ( n'.481io. (
OATSjulot ( and steady ; No , 2 whit o western
41Q42c. No. 2 mixed western ,
Toledo ( iraln Market.
TOI.KDO , O. , March 7. WHEAT Dull. ( Inner ;
No. 2 cash and March , 70 > ic.
COUN Dull ; No , 2 cash.12ijc nominal.
OATS Quiet ; cash , 35c.
Indmtrliils SulferKil u rrc h Attack Yegtcr-
ilny a * u Ueatilt < if High Money.
NKW YOHK , March 7. The severe stringency
in the money market call loans having been
sold as high as 'i piy cunt per dlom un.l Inter
est equal to about 52 per cent per annum led
to a fresh attack upon the Industrials In the
trading today. American Hugar Itoilnln ?
broke G'j per cunt to UOS mid the others
yleldud unywliero from 1 to 3 i nor cent.
Many holders were alarmed by the high rates
exacted for money and bold out.
The railroad. lUt wus quiet and held ro-
markahly firm , the only notable exception
havln { boi-n New Knaland. When the pjiiulnr
. . fboi-atnn prevalent , that the N w York ,
New Kngland .V.llartford will net ( ho road at
Its own price It broke 4. ! !
As thu day wore aloru It bcam > evldt-nt
that the Ktrhuoncy In m nicy wn : du < In part
lo manipulation , and tlds , tether with a
further decided dropliiKterlln exclriiiito , had
u tendency lo restore conlldJiici' . A recovery
iet In and It ausuinod more Important proportions
tions as thn ease In rnoiuy b"cama moro pro
nounced. American Hiixnr nyaliu-d nllof Its
early him on well authenttc'ited reports.whlch
wcie afterwards fully h rno out , that an extra
dividend would hip.ild on ths conimon stock ,
U was ollh'lally announced later In the day
that the directors In addition to dcclarlm ;
the usual quarterly dividend of l-nl trjr cent
on the preferred had raised the qimr-
torlyratoon the common of from 1'i ' to ! 1 per
cent , and In addition had awarded the stock
holders an extra casb dividend of 1(1 ( | > T cent.
It Is stated that after paying all tlioso dlvl-
di'iiilH the company will have a cash surplus of
HCHIIO tft.lMHi.lloo.
Outslilo of American Sugar Kcllnlmt the ad
vance from the lowest was equal to from 4 par
cent to 24 p--rcent. A majority of the rail
way shares , like St. I'aul , Itoi'k Island , llur-
lln ton , I/u'kawanna , LonNvlIlo , t Nashville ,
Union I'aclllc , K adlng , .Missouri Taclllc and
Atehls in , closed with not gains of the day of
from > i to IU percent.
There wain lot of buying for the long ac
count an well as to cover short contracts ,
owing partly to reports that Secretary Carlisle
would , at an early day , announce an Ixsuo of
bonds by the govurnmont of * JUOOUUUJ. The
market closed llrm.
The 1'ost say.s : The real clement of Impor
tance In the monetary situation Is the question
how far the banks , In and out of N. < xv York ,
am or have boon partlcliritlru In ( Iu gold
-c-ire. In this city tli.-ro U no ground for say-
IriK that the hanks have been lionnKng gold.
The clearing hduso banks combined hold iJ ! ! ,
011:1,000 : lossspoclo : than they did a year ago ,
while their legal lender account Is llltlo
changed. Only ono conspicuous bin' : < has In
that tlmo materially Increased Its specie hold
ings at the i'\iense of Its legal teii'Iers , and It
Is nrobuulo that for this exception there are
special reasons. Whet her tlu nccu.nulatlon
eNow here of gold , or of currency oxclmniri-ablo
for treasury gold , has Inli'nsiik'd the usual
March demand for Interior banks , tlio course
of all'iilrs later in the week will show. Mean
time It ccrtnlnlv cannot b" di'omcd unreason
able for Imnks to hold their money reserves as
olu-oiy as p wslblo , pending some radical action
by the new treasury secretary. If the govern
ment Is tonccuinulatoii'' ' more money
i It.s specie re.s > rve It Is hluhly
ire the ban\.s ! e.vtend their credits further ,
nit they hho.ild know whence the money Is to
e drawn.
The following are the clo-dm : ( imitations of
lie ieadini ; stocks on the New Vork Htoak ex-
hanuutoday :
Ichiro ! ) 'i'1 Northern rnclllopfil l.iJn
iluma HAprjss l.'i ? du preferred 3'JH
ltoi. : T. H 4J U. I' . , l.'on. * ( iidf. . ll ! (
rte preferred . . . . 1. " > J Xortliwest.'rn 1IIU Kxprom. . 117 du pivlrrrcil 140
altluioro A Ohio. . . ' .U .V. V. Cent nil 103
nniiil.a I'aclllc 67 N. Y A N. K
ulii Southern. . . & ' ! ' Ontnrlo & Western , I'nclllo 27 fgjn Imp
ties. & Ohio 2.1 Orcifun Nuv
hlc.ixo Alton 141 O. s. U * U.N
* U. , V Q 911 1'aolflc Midi
IVorll. Due. A h' . . . . liiH
onsulhlatcil ( ins. . . 12.'i KM ;
\ 0. A St. ! 49 1'ulliii.Ti I'alaco Hi i
otton till Cert 4Si | Ke.ulliu
ul. lluilion I27'V Klchiiiunit Turmlnnl
) . 1. . , V\V IIP ) ilo p.-eferri'd
' . A It. ( i pf'd ti'Ui lo tirnmloV
i. A r. V. to 3iH do preferred
: atTcnn 4 Itock Island
dt. 1. * . K. 1st p'd
rte iirofer'Od St. I'aul
'ortVnyno 165 Uo pruforrcd 1KM
t. Northern pf'il. . . 14U rt. i'liul AOninhn. . .
' . A. K. 1 iifd UIO do profurrcd
tockiiiK Valley. . . . Southern I'liclllc . . . SJ
Hlnol * Central UIOIS'4 Siunr Itutlncry. . . . . . . 120J4
t. I'aul .t Duliith . U Term. L'onl Ac rrpn. . 2J ! <
Cnn. A Tex pf'd . . . ' Pox us I'nclllc n
iiike Krlo A West. . . IS'4 Tol. Ac O. ( Vn. pf'd. . 7S
do prufurrcU I'nlon I'nclllc. . . . . . . 7S37H
nko Shore U. S. K.\pre.s9
ndTrunt \V. St. I. . Ac I'lifd. . . . ni <
.oulH. A Nnsh do proferrud 211' 1
.ouls. A NawAlb'y. . \Vullg Knrgo i.xp. : . . 111) )
lunli ittin Con \Vpxtorn Union I'lK '
li'ltiphls A Clia'n'n IMS
'MchiKan ' Central. . do preferred
'llssiijurl ' I'-iclllo . . . Minn A-s-t. It
ilnhllo A Ohio I ) . At K. (1
. 'MKllVlllC Clllltt ( iunornl Electric. . . .
s'atlonil Cord KU. . I.lnnL'Cil. . .
do pruferrotl 110 r. Kuel , t Iroa
N' . . ? . do profcrr.'d
Norfolk AV. . iit'd . lions. & Tex. Con. . .
North Amorlcin Co Tol. A. A. .tN. .M. . .
The total sales of stocks today were -l 12,800
ihares. Including : Atchlson , 4,000 ; Chicago ,
Inrllngton * Qulncy , 11.000 ; Chicago Oas ,
J.'JO ! ) ; Cotton Oil , J-IOO : Lnoknwnnna ,
3,700 ; Distilling and UaHlefeedlng , 10,700 ;
Krlo , ' 4.700 ; General Kloctrlc , 3,800 , ;
Louisville & Nashville , 5,200 : Man-
latlau,4.200 ; Missouri raclflc.4,100 ; National
Lead , 10,300 : National Cordage , 1,50. ) ; Now
Kngland , 40,500 ; Northern Pacific preferred ,
9,000 ; Heading 01.1)00 ) ; St. Paul , 10,301) ) ; Sugar ,
85,300 ; Western Union , 7,4)0 ( ) | Hock Island ,
London I-'lniinchil Kcvloiv.
tS'JI by Jtimei Onnlnn It'.ntl'.tt \
LONDON , Micrclr 7. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special toTin : IlKfi.J An ubsoncoot business
characterl/.ed the stock markets today. The
prospect of an early Issue of United States
gold bonds caused consols to glvo way ' to
. ' 1 1-10 pur cent. 1'oroign govornmerrls .secu
rities close somewhat Irregular. Thn full In
Greek bonds was reduced to ' ,1 tier cent. A
1 rilling decline was established In Italianwhile
Kgyntlans were ! . ( per cent hotter. Spanish
bonds are down 3-10 per cent. Among South
American Issues Argentine were \i to ! per
cent lower. Venezuelan have also given way
1 < 4 per cent and Uruguayan H per cent , while
Hiazlllan bonds advanced to 1 per cent.
Homo railways were more or less dull
ill dy. . In the majority of cases
a decline of H to ! < per cent was
ustnbllshed , but llrlghton deferred Improved
M on flno weather. Americans have boon rnoro
bid for during tlio last hour and the closing
may bo described us lirm , an advance or ? i per
cent being established In Norfolk & Western
preference , ! i pjrcont In Union Pacific and
Louisville & Nashville and H per1 cent In
Northern Pacific preference , but .several others
still show a trlllluir decline on tlio day. Cana
dian have been bid for and leave oil' strong ,
Jrand Trunk first , preference being 1 percent
up ; ( irarid Trunk third preference 3i per cent ,
( irand Trunk guaranteed ' / per cent and
Uarmdlan Pacific ' per cent. Money was In
oed demand. Short loans were charged Hi
to Ia4 per cent. The discount rnarkot was
( Inner , two and three months' bills being
HioU'd ut l'/i to I'g per cent.
Xe\v York Money .Uarlcct.
Nnw VnitK , March 7. MONKY ON OArr <
Was Irregular' , ranging from 4 per cent and
Interest pur diem to U par cent par annum ,
last loan 3 percent , clowl at. ) percent.
1'HiMK MKHCANTIM : PAI-KU 0 ner cent.
STKIIMNO KXCIIANOK Heavy , with actual
business In milkers' hills at tl.84 > i for sixty
days anU4.8j3Jiit.831.i ( for dunrind.
tldvuiiNMKNT 110ND3 Steady. St.ito bonds
Tlio closing quotations on bonds ;
U. f. 4a rev Nonli'jrn r'lic. i'lcda
U.4i ! coup N.V. . Consols
U. S. 4S 8ren N.V. . liobon.Ss
raolllciis of "J\ , 1US ft. IA l. M. Oon.Ss
I.UtllHlniKl Ht'pOll 4B. ' . ) U t. I , A , < . K. ( i'll. M 111
.MlBSOIirl I'H 102 St. 1'niil Con
Tumi , new net Us. . 101 tit. t'.O. & 1' . lntH
Tcnii. now 3Jt 3s. . . 101 . ! . U ( I. Tr-Hcts
Taaii. ner sot ! 's. . . T. I' . It. ( ' , . Tr. Itc'ts. 211
Cunailiino. Viiila. . . . Union IV.cltlc Ism. . * *
fi-ri. I'jclllolntJ 1U1 hlioro lata . . . IS
II. \ It. ( > . Uts 113 U. ( i. VV.lBts
I ) . & It. ( i. 48 87 Atcli. 4a
KrluSnils 10' ' } Aleli. tiljn , cluns A. .
M. K. & T. ( ion. 44. 81 . II. & . A C.s lOU
M. K. \ T. ( ion. SSiiB 44 ( i. 11. AH. A 2il58. . . 107
Miituul Unloads. . . . 113 II. , tT. O. 5
N. J. U. Int. Cert IB. 111 ll.&T.L'.Con. C
N. 1'ac. Uti 111 !
Kostori Stock OiKitatliinn.
HOSTON , Mass. , March 7 , Call loans , 7i49 par
cent ; tlmo loans , GQ 7 percent. The follow
ing are the closing stock quotations :
AtchlauiiToi > oka. Calumet ft Huclii. . . ; ti'i
Huston k Albany. . . Prnnklln TJ !
llofton iVMnlnu. . . . 103
c. . u &y SO
Knstorniis ISO Qulncy 132
r-ltchburxll. U IBIS hnnti Fo ( oppcr. . . 132ft
I , . 11. A Ft. t "TiimaracK It ! . '
.Mum. Central IS Annl < ton I.anil Co. ii
Mox. Con com lloiton I.nml i o . .
N. V. A , .V. Wont Knit l.ruul Co.
Mo It 18U I5oll Toloplionu 2UI
Old Colony I.innKOii tturoS. . . 2UI2U
Win. Central com. . . Wntcr I'owur 2
.Mlouoi M. C. IIUVT. . ( .1 ' . M
Atlnntlo II. A 11. Copper
lloiluu & .Mont. . . . ( it-D. lUec
Xotv York Allnlai : ( Jnot'itlnriH.
Nuw YOHK. March 7. The following are the
closing ruining Quotations ;
Crown t'olat 4'J I'lyiuoutri " 5
Con. ill. A Va V.VJ Merr.l .Novadu 11.r >
llrudtvooil I.VJ -tninlarJ 1(0
( Jnulil.VCairj 81 Union Con M )
llulo A Norcrusi. . . . 110 Yellow Jankot M
llomuntiko 11UO Iron silver 40
.Mcilcan IU ] Quick silver SOJ
Ontnrlo KM ) no preferred 1XX ! )
Oplilr. lim Hulwer VU
1'llKtlU'lll Notes ,
NKW Our.EANS , La. , March 7. Clearings , $2-
1'AiiiK , March 7. Throe per cent rentes , 08f ,
4c for the account.
NKW YOHK .March 7. Clearings , $150,070-
040 ; balances , Jli.GOU.OGr. .
OMAHA , March 7. Clearings , 81,252,772 ;
sami ) day last weok.f 1,107,124.
It.M.Tl.MOliK , Md. , March 7. Clearings , $2-
OU2U04 ; balance * , $203,420. Money , U per
I'linam-.MMiiA , Pa. , March 7. Clearings ,
HO.401.41i ) ; balances , tl,310,3G2. Money 4
MKMl'llts. Term. . March 7. Now York ox-
clmngo soiling at J1.50 , Clearings , f3U7,000 ;
balances , f&2IJDl ,
CINCINNATI. O. , March 7. Clearings } 2-
033.300 , Money. Wr.7 per cent. Now York
exchange , DO&bOc discount.
HOSTON , Mass. , March 7. Cloirngs$17,003- : |
Or > 7 ; balances , HH17.nOU. Money H'iMll per
cent , K.xchungo err Now York , 303-1 Oc dlH-
count ,
St. Louis Mo. , March 7. Olcarliigs , { 4,741-
RO ; balances , I.130.H1T. Money qulot at 0/47 /
IM.T cent KTclinngiV'tlh New Vork 25e dis
count , /
HAVANA , March 7. spnnl h cold , 13 40T&
2.4'J't. Kxchange , w ( < nUt on the 1'nlted "tales
short sight gold , Hir < MV > tircinlum : on I/ondon ,
lUtiUlU'ii * premium. Sugarqulet.
Nrw : VOIIK , March , ? ) [ Special Telegram to
Tin : llu : . ] Kxclmmtu.'Vrns quoted as follows
today : i him go , HIM discount ! Itmton , 30 %
40c discount ; Hi. l.ouls , 25c discount ,
CiucAqo. HI. . , 7-Cloarings , $10,055-
n0. Now York ( .vxi'Oaiiu'e , HOe discount.
Hlorllng exchange , Un > . ttledj ( H-d-iy ) bills.
4.83 ; demand , J4.87. Money strong ntV67 (
ercent. , \f. \
2attlo Trade .Steady ton Illino l.ouor llogs
Unevenly Active.
Ttn'.siuv , March 7.
Hocelptsof all kinds .vuro fairly llbaral , the
wo days supply showing an Increase of 3,600
attlo , 3,200 ho s and 2,501) ) slit-op as com-
tared with the llrst two days of last weok.
The supply of cattle was hardly up to dealers'
xpeotallons , and the general quality of the
IForlngs was decidedly Inferior to that of
londay. There was an Indifferent tone to
astern advices , and a corroip.indlng lack of
nteresl on the part of sp.-culatlvo buyers.
neat houses all wauled some cattle , and as
lie receipts were none too liberal there was a
easonable amount of activity at the opunlng
nd on the handy killing grades at least prices
Mled about steady. Other grades wore weak
o a dlnn lower than Monday , The market
atlier weakened with the advance of the
lornlng. and closed verv slow , lc ( ) to 15o
> wer , with quite a few cattle still unsold.
I'ulr to eliolro cows and lielfers sold freely at
ully steady prices , thn oirerlngs In this line
ot being over a fourth of the antlre supply ,
'onimon and canning grades , however , had
radically only ono buyer , and prices con-
Inue on the decline. Tlu're was no particular
hango In the market for rough stock , and the
alf trade was moderately brisk and fully
There was hardly enough doing in the stocker
.nd feeder line lo make a market , ( lood to
holce , well bred , lleshy fe--dets are wanted
t fully steady prices but other grades are
ard to move , even at considerably shaded
u-leos. Hepresentattvo sales :
i nnr.i' .
Av. I'r No. A I'r.
. 045 W 50 18. . .1071 $4 25
. 7(12 ( 3 GO 34. . .1IH8 4 25
. 093 3 G5 10. . .117H 4 25
. 040 3 75 1. . .12HO 4 25
. ! I2 ( ) 3 75 15. . .1113 4 25
.1020 3 H5 0. . .10.Y2 4 25
3. . . OS. , 3 00 21. . . 995
7. . . Hfifi 3 00 11. . .1000
1. . .1180 3 03 51. . .1190 4 25
7. .1041 4 00 10. . .1110 4 25
3. . .1317 4 00 21. . .1112 4 25
( ) . . . 980 4 00 23. . . 1032 4 25
0. . . 011(1 ( 4 00 24. . . 1170 4 25
H .1005 1 00 21. . .1100 4 30
0. . . 905 4 00 30. . .1095 4 30
8 . .1005 4 00 7. . .1083 4 35
U. . . 1203 10 4. . . 975 4 35
4. . . 9H , " > 10 HI. . .1195 4 35
0. . .1000 10 11. . .1023 4 35
41. . . OfiO 10 18. . .1100 4 35
-1. - . .1155 10 10. . .1255 4 40
28. . .1173 4 15 20. . .1247 4 40
1. . .1070 15 15. . .1200 4 40
H. . .1030 15 18. . .1053 4 40
0. . .1118 15 4(1. ( . .1214 4 40
0. . . 97U 15 11. . .1219 4 40
4. . . 1033 4 15 12. . .1070 4 45
1. . .1100 4 15 37. . .1200 4 45
7. . .1037 4 15 20. . .1209 4 50
4. . .1105 4 15 20. . .1212 4 50
( ) . . . OC > 5 4 15 21. . .1242 4 50
H7. . .1101 4 20 23. . .1215 4 50
8. . .1021 4 20 20. . .1248 4 50
4. . .1121 4 20 HI. . 1229 4 55
21. . .1110 4 20 20. . .1340 4 55
0. . .1233 4 20 17. . .1315 4 55
5. . .1171 4 25 11. . .1293 4 00
G. , .1139 4 25 ' 15 . .1319 4 00
11. , . 1070 4 25 17. . .1205 4 75
31. . .1058 4 00 17. . .1272 4 00
48. , .1130 4 00 54. . .1382 4 70
10. , 1155 4 10 111. . .1208 4 70
7.r . .1154 4 25 10. . .1309 4 70
r > . , . 002 4 25 GO. . .1309 4 85
4.1. , .1090 4 30' 20. . .1401 4 85
8. .1171 4 50 20. . .1378 4 90
20. .1158 4 55 20. . 1308 4 95
8 . 1250 4 GO 18. . .1441 5 05
. 938 2 85
1. . . .1030 1 50 10. . 9 : > G fl 10
4. . . . 000 1 7oM 3. 590 3 15
( i " . H10 1 75 I 5. 810 3 15
7" ! . 831 , G. . . . 985 3 20
1. . . 940 1 7Ji 1. . . . i)20 ) 3 25
1. . . . 840 1 75 1. . . . 1030 3 25
7. . . . 972 2 00 3.7' . . 793 ! l 25
1. . . . 090 2 00 1. . . . 1130 3 25
7. . . . 972 2 00 1. . . ' . 1100 3 25
9. . . . 038 2 00 1..I 1000 3 23
21. . . . 718 2 10 7. . . . 1238 3 25
4. . . 900 2 10 1270 3 25
4. . . . 8G5 2 20 12 H95 3 25
1. . . . 970 2 25 4. . 1310 3 25
1. . . . 070 2 25 1. 1140 3 25
1. . . . 950 2 25 11. . 1113 I ! 30
4. . . .1010 2 25 G. . 1113 3 30
1. . . 050 2 25 7. . 1137 h 33
1. . . . P70 2 25 24. . 903 3 35
G. . . . 873 2 30 3. . 1097 3 35
13. . . . 933 2 30 1. . 1020 3 40
12. . . . 917 2 30 G. . 010 3 40
0. . . . 740 2 40 11. . 9U4 3 40
ol" . 045 2 50 3. . 1173 3 40
l" ! . 800 2 50 7. . 1111 3 40
o .1010 2 50 1. . 1020 3 40
3 ] ! ! . 000 2 50 9. . 945 3 40
13. . . . 875 2 50 18. . 1101 3 45
oI " .1030 2 50 ' H. . 1000 3 50
I ! .1030 2 50 13. . 1148 3 50
21. . . .1005 2 GJ O " 1300 3 50
21I. ' ' .1005 2 05 14" 1113 3 50
I. . . .1120 2 75 12. . 1075 3 50
1. . . . 1)80 ) 2 75 1070 3 50
1. . . , .1050 2 7.- > 1082 3 50
3. . . . 993 2 bO 1170 3 50
12. . . . 947 2 85 905 3 50
13. . . .1021 2 85 5. 950 3 50
11. . . . 771 2 85 4. 1042 3 50
12. . . . 088 2 00 15. 973 3 55
10. . . , .1100 3 00 10. 938 3 55
4. . . , . 915 .1 00 4. 1202 3 GO
15. . . , . 711 3 05 11. 1180 3 GO
1. . . . . 790 3 03 10. 082 3 03
1. . . , .1210 3 10 21.G. . 1070 3 05
3. . . . .1010 3 10 G. 1117 3 70
5. . . , . 930 3 10 37. 991 3 75
27. . . . . 879 3 10 7. .1014 3 85
IICIFF.ll ? .
3 4-10 3 23 20. 1002 3 80
780 3 40 ' 23. 999 4 00
903 3 70
1 cow and calf . $28 00
1 cow and calf . 30 00
1 cow and calf . 40 00
1 springer . 30 00
1. . 350 1 50 1. . 170 5 00
1. . 200 2 00 5. . 148 5 00
0. . 353 2 20 1. . 320 5 00
1. . 430 2 25 1. . 90 5 00
1. . 4BO 2 50 1. . 110 G 00
O 295 3 00 1. . 270 G 00
r ; ; 3GO 3 00 3. . 187 G 00
oI. ' 435 3 25 100 G 00
I. ! 110 5 00
.1000 2 2T ) 5. . 570 2 85
.1340 2 40 1. .1400 3 00
.1310 2 40 1. .1510 3 00
.1300 2 40 1. .1300 3 00
. . .i.w . 250 1.l' .101O 3 00
. . .1475' 250 l' .1540 3 00
4. . . . .15G2 2 00 1. .1400 3 10
1. . . . .1700 3 00 1. .1300 3 15
1. . . . .1120 2 00 1. .1820 3 25
1. . . . .1240 2 00 1. .1790 3 25
. . . 040 2 05 1. .1500 3 35
. . .1210 2 05 1. .1420 3 40
. . .1770 2 70 1. .1770 3 40
. . . 020 2 75 3. .1577 3 40
. . .1200 2 75 1. 1420 3 50
. . .1520 2 80 * " 1. .1830 3 00
. . .1550 2 85 , 1 ; .1500 3 05
.1320 3. . .1003 3 70
1 1230 285 * 1 1990 3 70
. 443 3 00 ' ' 1. . 020 3 35
. 507 3 DO451 * 5. . 772 3 40
.1000 3 00 : < A 28. . 7(1(1 ( ( 3 40
. 400 3 10 'i 10. . 025 3 GO
. 410 3 21) . - It ! . . 82O 3 00
. 800 3 25i. . 12. . 727 3 00
. 700 3 25 Ti l 14. . 051 3 70
. 920 3 30 V'l' 0. . 1042 3 80
. 585 3 35 J 10. . 1071 3 90
. 700 3 35 "
No. Av. I'r.
18 hayfed steers M 12H4 4 00
coi.oitXno CATTJ.K.
48 steers . . , ' 1100 4 10
lions The hois market was unevenly lower.
Receipts were 03 cars , ' a very fair run , out buy
ers all complained of- the generally Inferior
quality of the olforlnus. There were no strictly
choice heavy hoiss hnre , anil the light weights
ran to extremes of good and bad.
llnyers for eastern houses had good orders ,
and thuro was a moderate amount of speculat
ive activity. There was al.out the usual In
quiry from meat houses and on this ac
count , although Chicago was reported Ho )
lower , early sales of good hogs of all weights
hero wur tU $7.75 to 17.80 , or about
a nickel lower than Monday. Thu ordi
nary run of Unlit and rnlved hogs were
pretty close ton dlrno lower from the start at
IroinY7. > 0 to 47.70. As fresh meat and ship-
pin" buyers dropped out anil as reports fion
liotli lioxs and provisions In Chicago bccnmi
moro unfavorable the market experienced a
sllll further decline. Packers bid on am
bought fair to good light and mixed hogs nt
from J7.45 tof7.05 , or lOo M 15j lower thai
yesterday. Trading practically came to r
standstill and the market closed very bui
with fully hogs still In llrst hands. I'nlr
to good hogs of all weights sold largely at fron
17 GO to 17.75 , H.S against $7.75 to $7.85 Monday
and $7.7O to a week ago. Kupresenta-
tlvo sales :
No. Av. h. I'r. No. Av. fib. I'r.
HO. .1H5 100745 05. . . ,225 $7 70
1. .2bO 7 60 4. . , ,370 7 70
8. 1Ha 7 60 81. . .211 HO 7 70
02. ' 174 120 7 60 82. . .205 80 7 70
12 ' 234 bO 7 60 71. . .238 100 7 72 !
; ; ; 7 03 C0..i235 120 7 72J
24 22R 7 fin fi4 245 80 7 7 < i
5 24H 7 5.1 O'J 227 40 7 75
0 . 210 7 f > 5 05 23(1 ( HO 7 75
. .21(1 ( 755 07 24H 40 775
49 .11)5 ) 755 50 , .2t7 HO 775
0 . . ,220 7 55 54 . . 215 120 7 76
DO . . .197 40 7 f.7 | 25 . . .253 40 775
73..221 120 700 60. . . 253 100 775
81..199 80 700 03..219 U ) 775
DO..240 40 7 00 72..201 7 75
J . . . .222 700 50..224 40 7 77"-J "
80. . . 193 100 700 74..230 7774
70..195 80 7 00 03. . . 269 120 7 77'i
20..315 40 7(10 ( 03 . . .290 HO 7774
73..214 80 7(12(4 ( 01..263 100 7 77'i
0..207 120 7 02 > i 70..244 80 7 HO
it.248 ) 120 7 O2'i 61..25O 7 HO
' I..241 120 7024 00..229 80 780
7..208 705 85..214 120 7 HO
7..230 320 7 O7'i ' 00..255 7 82'- ' }
71..219 100 7 07'i 04..285 100 7 82' }
15..251 80 7 07U 05..290 120 7 H2 < 4
85..232 200 7 70 75..228 7 85
2..238 80 7 711
i'KIS AND ItoUmi.
1..400 4 00
SHKKI * There were plenty of ohocp hero and
: ho offerings Included some very deslruhlo
nut tons , ( iuod .stuff was In actfvo demand
mil llrm , some 115-lh. native wethers selling
it } 5. Common stuff was.slow sale , but hardly
amiably lower. 1'alr togood natives. $ J.76'i6
6.00 ; fair to good westerns , ? 3.605.00 < ; com-
neil and slock sheep , J2.25tt3.75 ; good to
Iholce 40 to 100-11) ) . liimbs , J4.003.0.00. Hep-
rcsentutlvo sules :
No. Av. I'r.
307 rmtlvo wethers 110 JO 00
Itcrelptiiitul ll pn ltlill ( of Mock.
Oillclal receipts and dKp.xltlon ofttoc.k as
shown by the books of the Union flock Yards
ompany for the twenly-fourhoursendlnguto
> 'elock p. m. JIurch 7 , 1893 :
ril'VKH.S. .t. irons , sntne.
linnlm I' to
rim ( I. II. UnmmomlCo. . 8. u "Ul
Mvlft&Co . HI ; tlM 1.VI7
rho Cuilnhy 1'acldni ; Co. . "is CM
lulni I' . 8 < | ulrc < , V Co .
Kperry A II .
A. Unas .
I. Hooker , t1k'k'm : .
' X Cnroy .
.00 KotlischPil .
I. Lehman .
ildppcra nml fueilera .
.uftovor 1,4'JO ZS3
Totnl . 8M ! 4,47. ) I. KM
Chlciio ; l.lvo Stock Market.
CmcAno , III. . .March 7. ( Special Telegram
oTin ; llii.1 : : To-day's cattle market had the
ippi-araiico of extreme quietude , but a firm
one permeated the market. There was a
urge sale of Kansas cattle at ? 0 and a few
ransfers were made at from { 5.50 toJ5.85.
Not many of the olVorlngs , however , were good
notigli to bring more than ? 5 , common to fair
1,000 to 1,350 Ib. sloers and cons and hulls
constituting the hulk of the .supply. Ituyers
were looking for pretty full receipts for \ved-
icsday mid Thursday and were Inclined lo
lour the market. C/uolatloiis ranged from
11.75 to St. 25 for poor to choice cows , heifers
mil bulls , from J2.5O lo i(4.0 for Muckers ami
feeders and 13.75 M $0.25 for common to extra
.Iressud beef and shipping steers.
Tliefc was a serloin ilrag In prices for hogs.
So fur us local packers were concerned there
ivus practically nodcmund , and although east-
urn buyers wanted a fair number , they , too ,
insisted upon buying the slulT cheaper. The
market was oil' any where from lOc to 20c.
( ioo.l lard hogs .showed a decline of not rnoro
than lOc , but common light and light mixed
were not easily moved at a reduction of from
15c to 20c. There was ono sale at in. 35 , and u
few at fs.25 to * 8.27' ' . Hut prices below JH.20
carried oil' most of the ho s. The elo o was
extremely dull at from J7.40 to * 7.9i ) for light ,
from 7.75 to Ss. 15 for mixed and medium ,
and from f7.85 to $8.30 for heavy.
The sheep market was less Hrm than re
cently. At the beginning steady prices wore
laid , but more sheep arrive ! than any one
lad counted on and even the llrst estimates
were about 20,1100 head short of the actual
arrivals. HUH there was no serious decline ,
as high as $5.75 being paid for a small lot of
fancy IGl-lb. sheep and a sale or two of lambs
making at $0.50. The greater part of the sup
ply , however , went at from $4.85 to $5.25 for
sheep and at from $5.75 t. ) iO.2 1 for lambs.
Kecelpis : Cattle , 0.500 head ; hos , 17,000
heud ; sheep , 12.000 head.
The Kvcnlng Journal reports :
CATn.B Ilecelpls. G.50.J head ; shipments ,
1,200 head ; market slow , weak ; top steers ,
J5.600.(10 ( ; others , 4.0J' 5.15 ; stockori and
feeders , , * 3.00 2-3.25 ; Texans , J2.90tJI.15 ; cows ,
Iloos Kecolpts , 17,000 head ; shipments ,
9,000 head ; market 101il5c lower ; fair lo good ,
$7.503.7.90 ; prlmo and butcher's , J8.0038.2J ;
light. * G.
SHKEP Uecolpts , 12.000 head ; shipments ,
1,400 head ; fancy natives , 87.85 ; others lOc
low -r ; natives , 14.00140.0 ; ) ; western. J5.4O ; fat
Jllpped Tcxans , S4.GOS4.G5 ; lambs , U4.5O30.50.
Now York l.lvo Stuck .Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , M.arch 7. HFIVES Receipts ,
GOO head ; no trade , reeling firm ; dressed beef
steady at 82-0'ic pjrlb. Shipments 518 hooves
and 1,400 quarters of beef.
( : Keeelpts , 500 head. Market firm ;
good to choice $5.003,8.00.
SlliiKl * AND IjAMns Kecolpts 2,700 head ;
market .steady ; .sheep , $4.502.5.00 per 100 Ibs. ;
lambs , $ fl.02'i&G.75.
lions Keeelpts 3,023 head ; nominally firm
at $8.002(8,60. (
St. I.onls l.lvo Stock .Market.
ST. Lours. AIi ) . , M iroh 7. O.VTrr.K Kjnolpfs ,
4,200 heud ; shipments , 500 ; . market steady ;
fair to good native steers , $3.005,5.00 ; butch
ers sloers , ? 4.00 < i4.G5 ; Texan fed steers. J3.00
(24.25. (
lions Kecelpis , 5,100 bend ; shipments ,
500 head ; market 6 < TfilOc lower ; heavy , 7. 70
G8.10 ; mixed , J7.4oa7.00 ; light. S7.50Ti7.80.
SiiBlU' Kecolpts. 300 head ; shipments , none ;
market strong , S3.60&.5.00.
It'AXT Otlli.ll'JlIt
Kansas City I'rraclierH Condemn the Tend.
4-ney Toward Display.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March " . The Ka"Siis
City Ministers' alliance , composed of all the
loading preachers in the city , in a meeting
declared for certain funeral reforms iu the
following language ! :
"There should bo a reform In the matter of
expense at funerals. At all our funerals there
Is too much display. Kxpenslvo llorul offerIngs -
Ings should not b : > used. Khnvors are alvvuys
In place , but two carriages full of lloral do-
slirns , 'Oaten Ajar , ' 'Cross and Crown , ' etc. , Is
carrying It too far. A Mmplo boquot of
( lowers would bo more In taste.
"We ought to speak out boldly and unitedly
against Sunday funerals. The minister never
bus time to hold a funeral service on Sunday ,
and tin' people who have tholrdead to bury
ought to consider this anil cheese some other
day. 1'orsons engaged In business have the
funerals of deceased friends arranged on Sun
day In order to lose no time from business.
Our people should get Into the habit of h Idlng
their funerals some other day than Sunday. "
D. D PHAZEE , II. I ) . HoonsJr. , JAS. F Hooiic
1'rcs. Vice 1'roa Secy & Troaa.
Capital livOOO ; Omaha anJ Sioux City.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks and Bonds.
Room 212 Work Life Building
UEKEKKNOKS : lowaStato National lUnk ,
Sioux City ; Coaimorclul National llank.
Um.ilia ,
Special attention given to outsldo orders *
Correspondence soilalieJ.
A High I.ivor
Usually 1ms a bad llviv. Ho is bilious ,
constipated , has indigestion and dyspepsia.
If there is no organic irouhlo a few doses of
Parks' Huro Cure will terre him uii. Parks'
Sure Cure is the only liver and kidney euro
wo sell ou a i > ositivo guarantee , price ? 1.00.
All druggists.
Total l u or CITIES
Corrixponilcncp lollcllcd.
N.W.HARniS&GORlPAIiY.Bankers ,
101-109 Dearborn Btroot , CHICAGO.
19 Wall Btraat , NEW YORK.
70 OtOto9t. . DO8TCH.
U thi' l > rnpc of Tun Young I'rlminrrn
Councilman Wyniun ratswl a hrcczo when
ho moved that the escape from the clt.v Jail
of Jack Sullivan and , ! : imcsO'Uellly bo nmdo
the subject of a special Investigation \ > y the
committee ou police.
Some tlmo ago James ami William
O'Kollly ami Jack , thrco
beartllcss youths , worn In Krnd Arndfs
saloon at Tlilrty-tlilnl nml I > strcots ,
drlukliiR and having a penoral good
tlmo. A yoyiiR lad who drives a pop wapon
for Htidolph IlarU drove tin to Arndfs sa
loon ou his dally rounds ami went In to till
an order. The tlircu Jolllllcrs were In a
mood for fun , or oven soniothtnp more seri
ous , and bcirnn tormontlii ) ; the hey by colni :
to his wagon and taUltnr from It bottles of
pop. The Iwy was frightened and tried to
pot away , hut they prevented him from
doliitf so. rinally they told him that If he
would "sot them up" ho might go. Ho did
so and paid for what they got , but was still
not permitted to go In peace.
William O'Keilcy was arrested and paid a
line , hut James and Jack Sullivan cs.-apcd
for a few days , when they were arrested for
another fracas and tried and cotnlctrd for
the former offense. Thov were lined f. > and
costs each , to stand fomttiltt'Hl until the
same was worked out on the streets at the
usual rates. They refused to work and
swore they would rot In Jnll rattier than
work ou the streets. Thei" friends In
terceded Iu their behalf , but tone
no avail. Sunday evening the hoys
were taken out by Jailor Spoctlor to get two
buckets of coal In the rear of the building.
and while the Jailer was locking thu coal
house door the prisoners set their buckets
down and skipped. The olllcer claims ho
followed them but could not overtake them.
Chief lirc'iuian says ho has been to their
places of residence but fails to 11 ml them.
The public believes that they were per
mitted to escape , as Sullivan told his mother ,
who visited him at the Jail that day. that ho
would bo out in the evening. Wyman wants
an investigation.
i > i Hpiiiiitgi ! nre.
Ed McCusick was arrested for maltreating
his wife by dragging her by the hair across
the street arid ou the sidewalk at Twenty-
seventh and K streets. Several witnesses
testllled ns to the playfulness of McCusick
in police court , and the result was thirty
days in the county jail for McCusick. U
seems Mrs. McCusick has been in the habit
of visiting a family of shady reputation.
named Williams , iu opposition to her hus
band's wishes , lipueo the domestic infelicity.
Music city ( iuHtlp.
Kendall it Smith had three ears of fancy
fed cattle from their Woodlawn feed yards
on the market yesterday.
The Juvenile band bjys are preparing fern
n ball to bo given April H. As it will bo the
llrst social event in the city after Lent. It is
expected a largo company will bo present.
Kobert Winklor. the IH-vc'ir-old
- - son of Ed
Wlnklcr. a milkman residing west of St.
Mary's cemetery , lost three lingers of the
left hand by having them crushed in a feed
Mrs. Du IJois , wife of Prank Du Hois , died
at her home in the rear of Hotham's saloon
Monday. A subscription was taken up. yester
day to defray burial expenses , as the family
is verv poor and llvo small children are left
I'rof. Torrens of Omaha has organized a
choral union at the Itaptlst , church in this
city with forty-eight members. Uev. Thomas
Steplienson , pastor of the Ilaptist ehurc'f.
was chosen president ; John T. Weir , vieo
president ; Miss Seykora , trcisuivr ; Mr
Francisco , secretary ; Mann , llaskins an 1
Dr. Caruthers , directors. The union will
meet at the Itaptist church every Monday
night. The organization is opan to all.
o -
Mississippi I do , n of Justice.
JACKSON' , Miss. , M irch 7. [ Sped il Telegram
gram to THE DEC. ] News has been received
hero of a sensational killing and illegal trial
in Simpson county. A neirro , suspected and
against whom there was strong circumstan
tial evidence of having entered the bedroom
of a Miss Tulias with the purpose of crim
inal assault , was hunted down and shot to
Is the licst Illood Medicine , btcaiiso
it assists nature to throw elf the im-
pnritlesof the bloodand nt the s.iino
time tones tip the entire organism. IMt in just
contrary to tlioclVcctof the unions potash , rner-
curv , pareaparilla mixtures which bottle up the
impurities In tlio system , thus producing much
sickness and tullerhig. Therefore , for a
yon cannot do better than taloS. P. 8.
"As a pnysiclan , I have prescribed and used
B. B. S. In my practice us a tonic , and for blood
troubles , and have been very successful. I never
nsed n remedy which uavo such general satisfac
tion to myselt and patients. ,
< 'L. U. UiTcnv , SI. O. , Macliey , Ind. "
Trca/lsoonUnod and skin diseases mailed freo.
SWIFT Sl'KCIFlC CO. , Atlanta. Ga.
death by her thrco brother * , Jiistlco of the
roaco Slaughter tried thn.voung mengiving
them the benefit of a Jury , ami of course ac
quitted them very promptly , as Is the cus
tom hero In such eases , The peculiar part
of tlio proceedings I * that the Justice hail no
Jurisdiction whatever ,
Contractor * Who Have n Hand In Nc.irljAll
1'iihlliWork. .
The Missouri Valley Cut Stone Contractors
and Quarrymen's association began a two
days session at the Murray hotel yester.lay.
There will ho In attendance about sixteen
members of the association from the leading
towns and titles of the Missouri valley all
the way from Minneapolis to Kansas City.
The ofllecrs are : Charles A. 1'felfTcr of
St. Joseph , president : AlexSchallof Omah ,
vice president ; W. M. Kmery of Bedford ,
Ind. , secretary , and Henry 1 . Droxcl of
Omaha , treasurer.
The other delegates rrosrut arc : Wllllau )
Worthy , Chicago ; H. M. Abereromln. SJ ,
Joseph ; Lawrence Hrui'o , Warrensburg ,
Mo. ; Uoorgo W. Hussey , Topeka ; James
Cuthhut , To | > eka ; Henry t.auer. St. Paul ;
nenjainln Medqutst , Omaha ; William
Whisker. Omaha ; Albert Fowl , Omaha ;
A Sutormelstor , Kansas City : W. H. rimer.
St. Paul , C. J. 1 . Youug. St. Paul ; tra P.
Uowley , Indianapolis.
Itfsolutlons were adopted favoring the ap
prenticeship system and the amalgamation
of this association with others of a kindred
nature . The secretary was Instructed to ob
tain reports from the various looal organiza
tions relative to the iiumberof men employed ,
the amount of work ordinarily furnished and
further data , the main purpose bMng to
enable the employer to liud help and the
employe to llnd work.
Semi-annual meetings were abolished , the
association having voted to meet but once a
year hereafter. The chief business this
morning wilt bo the election of olllcers.
I'.iiKllsli Sillor ; * Try to l'ro\ol < ti n right ivlth
Our SrniiiuM nl Iliimdutii ,
SANFUANCIS'CO , Cal. , March " . --Advices
from Honolulu say there was a narrow
escape from a light between drunken sailors
from the Hrltish war shin ( .iarnet
and sailors from the American .war
ships. The former had been threatening
to "doup" thu Americans. On the night of
'the ICth they began singing "Britannia
Hides the Waves1 and daring tne Americans
to take it up. Only the conlti"ss of the petty
American olllcor prevented a bloody conflict.
A line upright piano , used only six
months , tit Imlf priuu. Ford & Churltou ,
IfiOS Dodgo.
Lowest Hutos to Texas
From Lincoln , iMii/ch 8. Address La
Porto Land Co. , Lim-nln , Neb.
It Cures Coldi , Concha , Sore Throat , Croup , Infla-
nta , Whooping Cough , Bronr.hltU and asthma.
A certain cure for Consumption In first > tiigci ,
and a cure relief In advances itaf ef , UK at onci.
You will eee the excellent effect after taklnj lh
flrit doe. Bold by dealers cverjwhtro. L rg
bottler : ! > ? sts nnS 4I.CO.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South OjnaVia.
DcMCaUlo Ho anil Sheep murkot In th3 trait.
Wood Brothsrs ,
Llvo Stock Commission Morohunti.
EoutliCmnlia Telephone 1151. Chlc z
JOHN l > . IIAUI MAN , I , , - . . , .
WAI/1V.K U. WOO. ) , j-JIanaiiorj
Mnrkat lloports by mill and w
nlahuil upon npiUc | tloa
Omalia Tent-Awnln * Wolf Bros. & Co. ,
COMPANY. Mnmifftcturorii of tonU.
HwnliKi. ulo , 101 and
IIOU8I3 COVK1H. 7U > H. 10th ntrjot.
111.1 Kama n xt.
U OmVu Bij M , 0. Dixon ,
Importer ! nnd man.fri. Hlcjcloi eolil on monthly
twlno. Hour incki , 12) N.ISth.
Ilimanl > tro > t.
Factory corner lllli ml Doui' '
ivc ro making ole 3irlo | 11 to oni ! tiii/o.-i , 111 ara
< iofuoo.l whic'iU vur/.a
with riierclmnts.
Kirkendall , Joiw & Anur. Hand-Ssw3d
CO.Ml'AXV. Wholuulo KI1OH CO. , hDOti. liol
rnfrn. ajat lloitjn nad rubbjrKOJJi , IJJJ *
Itnbber Mhos Co. . IIJ1- UIU ilnnior SI.
llUI-llli llarnoy St.
CO.M , COt ! . I
Omaha Coal , Coke & Ea CornioYi'orXs
Mil's CO. . burJ nti'l toft Jfr | . unlTiuiliel Iron
coal , S K cor. ICui umt curnloj , nl i IJVT Dip' ,
nidlitldo ikvl ic'iti , eU
IllJ-lirJ D' > ilKJ .St.
M. E. Smith & Co , , Kilpitric'i-KojrDry
iiou : > s co ,
Dry Kooiti , notloni , fur- Notloni. icuiti' furnliti-
nliiilnK u'J'i.H , ujrnir " 1,0Jr. till nut
I Ull anil Hotrar.l Stk
Omaha Upholstering Ru/ai
CO. , upliutitoro.l furni co. , ai co
ture , 1UJIIOI Nlcholai
bt. anil 13ti ! Sli.
Rector SL WHIielmy
Ooalor In lunlirara j
Corner 10th unJJnoition mt'cii.-inlos' tools
rfliujti. .
W.A.L.Gi'jbon&C ) ,
Who Jiulo WUItKS.
Ilnti , cnp , ir.iiT go > 11. SafesT.iulti. Jill work ,
Kliivus. mltleni , Id iron thulturi an 1 tire al
and Ilarnoy 5t3. tapoi. Aii'lrein '
tt Htli
John A. Ciiirlej R. L3) ) ,
ImporteitAmjrlont'jrt- lIur.lTuoJ ii n'jir , trjl
liiii'l ' oiu J.-U , .llll ri l- c.-triuU .tnl piriui
kejO'jMijiit unay ulnj/ tluorlnif ,
nliltollicj. Dili unJ
FfiC'i & C )
linpartiri anl jobburi
Wholesale liquor ilsilari of niHIl lorr notloni.
M.iH orJerj p-u.n.jt Ijr
1001 JJi-JUri. 11 iu JU
Carpenter Paper CD. Standard Oil C ) . ,
Car/j a full > u > 3'x of
jirlnllnit , wr.ii-plnj an 1 llonnol unil ubrloulif
wrltlnu PJIUM , carl
paper , eta ull ! , niln craiia , ul3.
PR33JU C3M.YI1 13111.
BiMIJ'l & C ) , , Jas. A. Cliri & C ) , ,
1'ioduco , frulti of ull Duller , ctiii3 ,
riuultrr nn t xuo ,
klnils , nyelori. 317 A l.llli t
STOVE REAI11. \3i.Jllt
Omalia Str/3 Rii' ) ! M. A. Din,1) ) 7 1C )
W.JlllW. iWTO r .iilri of
anil r tar atuolitnjiu tloori , tilln I ( iol
for an ? klua of ujrj ni'iulilln/i , brjruU ot
Uo ) , UlUaa.lU.iril ,