Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    eB ww * ' n fmft"wKtyyvy v rynrvf / * * vs' < *
. BEE-liTVIilDNESDiVY. MAKOII 8 , 1893.
Imports of the Committee Investigating the
( londitlon of the Treasury.
of ( tin .Minority of the Commlttne
Not In Accord with Thosn of the Mn-
Jorlty 1'lffiircn from Hoth
Iho Jtrpurls.
WASUIXOTO.V , D. C. , March 7. The major
ity nnd minority report of the committed on
ways nnd means on the investigation Into
the condition of the treasury made by the
committee wcro today presented and sent to
the in In tor. Appended to the majority report -
port , prciKued by Representative Springer ,
Is a copy of the statements sent to the com
mittee by the Treasury department , nnd of
the testimony taken on the subject.
Mr. Springer in his report aajs , assuming
the statements mndo by Secretary Foster
mo correct , on the BOth of Juno next there
will bo nn estimated cash balance of 20-
IK > 2,37 : ! over nnd above the legal ( told reserve.
It will appear from nn examination of Mr.
Foster's verbal statement to the eommlttco
in explanation of this estimated balance tlmt
It li probably too large. The balance will bo
reduced by the payment of the Choctaw
claims $ ,1,000,000. It will also bo reduced by
nny unestlmatcd nnd extraordinary expense
which may bo incurrednnd also by any fault
in thu estimated receipts from customs , in
ternal revenue or other sources during the
time indicated. The majority nro of the
opinion that at the close of the present year
there will bo nn available cnsh balance in
the treasury , aside from the old reserve of
* iot over ? 17,000,000.
CiiRh llnlnnro for 181)1.
As to 1891 , Mr. Sprlnper says that , accord
ing to the treasurer's statement , the secre
tary estimated an available cash b.ilanco of
17,787,420 , but this b.ilanco is chargeable
with contract liabilities already appro-
printed to exceed 8-10,000,000. It is impossi
1)lo that nil this ninount will bo called for
during fiscal year , but this is the
amount estimated 05' the department , nnd
the available casli balance would bo reduced
to 17,800,000.
It nlso appears from this statement thnt if
the liabilities decrease $31,1112 the Hem $10-
11R.7W ) will bo called for in 1804 for rivers
nnd harbors. Of this amount $14,100.1511 has
IHJCII appropriated for in the sundry civil
lilll for Ib'Jl. The charge upon the
treasury for thnt year must nlso bo aug
merited by whatever deficiency appropria
tions may bo requited , which , including
pension deficiencies , have averaged during
the past five sessions 325,000.000 each year.
To this dellclency may bo added the amount
of miscellaneous appropriations , which for
llvo sessions past have craped $7,000,000
each session. From those estimates , how
ever , It is probable there may bo some sav
ing on estimated expenditures In the actual
appropriations. Under the most careful
estimates that can now bo made , it is
out , says the report , that nt the end of the
ensuing llscal thcro will bo n ncilcicncy
amounting to Irom $ ! U,000,000 to $40,000,000.
Uriiilromaut | of thn Sinking Fluid.
In these cilculatlons ro account whatever
has been taken of the requirements of the
sinking fund The requirements of this fund
vrero not mot during the past llscal year ,
no efforts being made to meet such require
ments during the current llscal year , nor can
nny of Its requirements bo observed
( luring the ensuing fiscal year , unless tliero
is n largo Increase in the revenues of the
government. The balance duo the sinking
fund in 18W was ? 1107.825. ; ! the requirements
for 18U3 are estimated at $43,09:1,000 : , and nt
the end of the next fiscal year thcro will bo
duo the fund n little over $100.000,000.
The majority also do not concede thnt the
secretary of the treasury is correct In charg
ing against the fund 510,000.000 paid for the
redemption of national bank notes of banks
which have gene into liquidation. It thinks
that such payments should bo made out of
current receipts lu the tiuasury. ' This
would make nu estimated amount duo the
sinking fund JunoilO , 1804 , of $110,000,000.
In conclusion the majority clto Secretary
Foster's statement that , in his opinion there
would bo a delicti nt the end of the fiscal
year 181)1 ) , and that the receipts of the eov-
ornmcnt should bo incicased ut once by
$50,000,000 to meet the treasury conditions
09 sot forth in his report , nnd to Increase the
gold reserve fund by $25,000,000. ,
Minority llrport.
The minority report , which was drafted
by Koprcsontativo Payne of New York , nnd
is signed bv nil the republican members of
the committee , says the conclusion of The
majority from the evidence seems wholly
unwarranted nnd misleading.
"In fnct there seems to bo n lack of evi
dence to Justify any criticisms of the major
ity upon the statements of the secretary ,
which showed n sharp decrease on Juno SO ,
1603. The statements of the secretary , sup
plemented by the evidence of the treasury
exports , are evidently of the most con
servative character. The estimated receipts
are placed nt n minimum , while the esti
mated expenditures nro placed at max
imum. "
Speaking of the Cliootaiv claim the
minority say that the majority are very
swift to charge this $7,000,000 against the
estimated balance for 181)3 ) , but nowhere de
duct it from the estimated payments for
18U4 , in M hlch year the secretary estimated
it would bo paid. Upon the deduction of
this Item the majority sav the balance of
31,000,000 , will bo only S17OuO,000 , thus de
ducting $4,000,000 from the secretary's esti-
mite , which is unwarranted. The malorltv
are correct In changing the current liabili
ties of 18H ! of $40,000,000 against the op.
parent balance of $47,000,000. It was quite
evident , however , that the secretary does
not believe this $ 10,000,000 will nil bo paid
during IS'.U , and ho has no doubt hut that
the condition of the treasury will bo re
lieved to n considerable extent by the reduc
tion In payments on these contract accounts.
Mndo n Duublii Cliurfro ,
The majority would nlso charge in addition
Slfl.Utij'M ) for rivers and harbors , but this
has already been charged once , and the sun
dry civil bill , moreover , carries only $14,100- ,
1K1 for rivers nnd harbors.
The minority next attacks the mode of
averaging deficiencies adopted by the ma
jority as grossly misleading , for the reason
thnt there is such n great variation that
tliero van bo no average. The large pension
deficiencies , v hlch wcro made up of a p.irt
of this average , arlso from the chnngcs of
law nnd from the effect of such changes. A
inoro reliable way as to pensions It says , is
to take the statement oi the commissioner of
pensions , which does not Justify n higher
pension deficiency than * 7,700,000 , nnd in
other matters of $ S,000,0 , < X ) , would make n
totnl deficiency of $15 , < xxX ) ( > 0.
The average of miscellaneous appropria
tions nrri\i.ul at by the majority is also at
tacked. The minority say the fnct should
not hnvo escaped the majority that during
the past two or three years a now jwllcy had
been Inaugurated , and bills for public build-
lug. light houses , etc. , no longer receive di
rect appropriations nnd are now largolv car
ried in the sundry civil bill , so that the total
of the last miscellaneous appproprlation
nmomitcd to about $11,000,000 , n > ere than half
of which was for the World's fair.
. On the basis of the statement of the secre
tary of thu treasury It would seem that the
, amount of either surplus or deficiency in the
treasury Juno 80 , IblH , would bo very small.
The revenue from customs , on the lusts of
percentage of Increase each year , ought to
bo larger than estimated by $11,000,000. Cer
tainly there is no justification for the major
ity deficiency , estimated at the close of IbUl
of from SSO.WJO.OOO to $40,000,000.
rTho remarks relative to the sinking
fund are commented on as follows-
"Tills credit could not bo made to that
fund from the current revenues of this
year without increasing our taxation
sunleicntlv to retire $ , V,000,000 ) of bonds per
annum. Uo the majority of the committee
advocate nny such changes j otherwise , why
do they bring the matter into the report , for
they certainly know that prior to July 1 ,
1801 , the requirements of this act had been
nearly f ) . "
In conclusion the minority report says :
tl\\o cannot escape the conclusion that the
majority of the committee have , whether In
tentionally or not , put the worst possible
| ihf\so upon the condition of the treasury
jvcrlooklng tlio Important points the secre
tary of the treasury and the exports exam
ined -in arriving at their unwarrantable
conclusion * . "
TOOK roituAij rossr.ssiox.
Air. Clovrlniul'i Cnlilnnt Onlcorn Kntcr Upon
Tlirlr Outlei.
WASHINOTOS , D. C , March 7. After being
sworn in today Secretary Lament went
over to the War department , where ho had
n private conference with Assistant Secro-
taryOrant , Thochlnfsof the various bureaus
wcro then presented to the now secretary ,
The secretary of agriculture , J. Sterling
Morton , arrived at his department about
noon today , coming direct from the Depart
ment of State. The chiefs of divisions and
their assistants wcro presented to him by
Assistant Secretary \Vlllotts of the depart
ment. After the presentation ex-Secretary
Husk took farewell of his late employes.
Secretary Morton nnil Mr. KUSK after
wards drove to the weather bureau , where
the former met the odlcials of that branch of
the department. This evening the olllclals
and employes of the Agricultural depart
ment met at the residence of ex-Secretary
Husk , and Assistant Secretary Wlllctts pre
sented him with n beautiful silver service of
llvo pieces , salver and lamp. On the salver
was engraved a picture of the department
. Mr. Olnoy was presented to the United
States supreme court by the retiring attor
ney general , Mr. Miller.
Mr. Olney was then introduced to the as
sistant attorney generals and all the clerks
In the department.
lloku In Chtircc ,
llokc Smith was formally inducted Into the
ofllco of secretary of the interior this after
noon. After Introducing Mr. Noble to several
friends who had accompanied him from his
homo in Georgia lie immediately entered
upon the task of shaking hands with about
2,300 of his subordinates. The performance
occupied fully an hour and when all had gone
Mr. Noble spent some time with his suc
The outcoing postmaster general , Mr.
Wanamaker , called upon Mr. Btsscll , his
successor , today , and at noon accompanied
him to the department. Postmaster General
Blsscll was presented by Mr. Wanamaker to
each of the cmplovcs In the department ,
numbering In all ( > fi'3. Sixth auditor of the
treasury , General Coulton , called and paid
Ids respects , when Mr. Wanamaker said
goodby all round.
Secretary Tracy severed his official con
nection with the Navy department today and
Secretary Herbert took charge. Ho had a
final conference with Mr. Tracy relative to
various matters now pending. After the
conference Mr. Tracy presented the various
bureau chiefs to bis successor. Secretary
Herbert spent a couple of hours at the de
partment this evening receiving visitors and
signing his mall.
Orcanlzntlon oTthu Nuxt Senate Considered
Tlii'StonrltiK Committee.
WAsiuxaTox , D. C. , March 7. The demo
cratic caucus , which met In the senate
chamber this morning , was well attended.
The action today indicates that the populist
senators nro to be ignored. Senators Kyle
of South Dakota , the old populist , nnd Mr.
Allen , the new populist elected from Ne
braska , were not invited to attend the cau
cus. Martin of Kansas , however , although
elected by fusion votes , is considered a demo
crat and as such was Invited. Mr. Allen , it
is said , will vote with tbo democrats when it
comes to the organization.
The caucus was orgaui/ed by re-electing
Mr. Gorman chairman and Mr. Faulkner
secretary. The session lasted four hours ,
the only actual business transacted being to
authori/o the chairman to appoint a commit
tee to dovlso a plan for reorganization and
report to the caucus upon the call of the
chairman. Much t'mo ' was consumed in n
discussion bearing upon the standing of the
senators who have been appointed by gov
ernors , tbo cases in point being Senators
Bcckwitb , appointed by the governor of
Wyoming , and Mantel , appointed by the
governor of Montana. A spirit of opposi
tion against seating either of these
apjKjintmcnts was evinced , and In view of
this n number of old decisions in senate con
tested elections were quoted. It was claimed
that Inasmuch as the legislature of these
states had not exorcised the prerogative
belonging to them the governor had no
authority to fill the places , nnd the states
should remain unrepresented. A precedent
for such action was cited from an early Cali
fornia case. It was finally decided , however ,
that these matters , together with the case
of Mr. Martin , should bo referred to the
committee on privileges and elections.
After the close of the caucus the "demo
cratic steering committee , " consisting of
Gorman , Brlco , Cockrell. Ransom and Harris ,
repaired to the committee room of Mr.
Hansom and remained in conference for
more than three hours. At the conclusion
of the conference Mr. Gorman announced the
following subcommittee : Messrs. Black
burn , Hansom. Cockroll , Harris , Brlce ,
White of Ixjulslana and Gorman. This
committee will probably begin its work to
(3old unit the Condition of the Treasury the
Huhjeet of Ills KemarliH.
WASHINGTON" , D. C. , March 7. Ex-Secre
tary of tbo Treasury Charles Foster said
this evening { ho treasury was down to bed [
rock when turned over to the now secretary
. Mr. Carlisle yi
today. will llnd himself con i-
fronted with a great responsibility to main
tain the gold basis , nnd n man of less ability
might find tliu task n very dlfllcult ono.
Probably before ho has been two days in
oWco ho will find it necessary to choos'o be
tween Issuing bonds and trenching upon
the gold reserve.
The ox-secretary said the department now
had practically no gold reserve , there being
less than $2,000.000 free gold. lie did not re
gard the situation as alarming , however , as
nil the excitement about gold shipments
appeared to have subsided. It was. ho said I ,
in better condition than ho expected to find
it at this time , and did not look as alarming
as It did a week or more ngo.
AVhen asked if ho did not think bonds
would ha veto bo Issued , ho replied : "Car
lisle might , instead of that , use some of the
reserve. " Ho said Carlisle undoubtedly had
the right to use a part of the gold reserve if
ho needed to do .
so. Besides the gold re i.
serve , Foster said , he would turn over to the
now secrotarv about $2U,000,000. consisting
of national bank reserve nnd subsidiary
coins and disbursing ottleers' balances.
Against th's are outstanding drafts covering
most of it , but not liable to bo presented for
payment at once.
"Congress , " ho said , "should have in
creased the whisky tax 50 cents and given
us a chance to replenish our stock of money "
"Tho fact is. " ho added , "tho acmand for
gold is perfectly regular. It is not speculat
ive. It is a natural demand , foreign coun
tries needing gold. The only thing artificial
or speculative in the situation was the effort
made to keep gold hero. Our bankers bor
rowed $10,000,0JJ of gold to keep it hero.
That , of course , was to kcep'tho market
steady and not to meet business demands
However , there is nearly $ T > 00,000,000 gold in
the country , the public mind is
lively easy and I have no doubt but Carlisle
will bo able to put himself in n position to
meet all demands for gold.
Consolidated Their Interest * .
WII.MIXOTOK , Del. , March 7. The agent
of the National Cash Register company of
Dayton , O. , received information today that
that company , the Lamsou Consolidated
Store company of Boston and the Cash
Register company of Now York have consoli
dated. The National company is to control
Approaching Political Struggle in Lincoln
Will Bo Interesting.
Question of rilling n Number of Unices
Creating Much DUcuMlnn Cnndl-
( httos Sltttljltis the Lnvr Touch *
IIIR the Hubjoct.
.x , Nob. , March 7. [ Special to Tun
DEE. ] Local political circles arc greatly agi
tated over the announcement by Mayor
Weir thnt ho shall Include lu his proclama
tion for the city election the water commis
sioner , city attorney nnd city engineer , to bo
elected at the coming battle of ballots. Up
until two years ago these- were nptwlntlvo
ofllces , but by the charter which was passed
at the last session of the legislature they
were inado elective. The charter , however ,
was not signed by the governor until two
days after election , and Mayor Weir names
Messrs. Bullock , Scott and Dobson as water
commissioner , uttotney and engineer res
pectively. Last April they wcro succeeded
by Messrs. I'erclval , Abbott and Dohson , who
were elected by the people. The question
now turns on whether or not they wore
elected for two years or simply to 1111 ti
The mayor said this morning to a UEK re
porter that ho had taken legal advlco on the
matter and was convinced that the election
was merely to nil a vacancy , and that when
ho was fortified by a legal written opinion
ho should include them in his proclamation.
The call which ho has prepared also Includes
the name of the police Judge , who has been
elected on off years for some time , but ho is
not sure whether ho will Include it. This
point Is being looked up , and if the mayor
finds that it Is being covered by the law
governing the other cases , the city will have
the biggest election of Its history on hand
next month.
District Court Now * .
A little romance in the history of Zacha-
riah Wells , u farmer who died about two
years ago leaving an estate worth f 15,000 ,
bobs up in probate court as the result of a
filing of a petition by Mary and William
Wells of Alcorn , ICy , asking that they bo
permitted to share in the estate as son and
daughter of the deceased. It appears that
AVells was married in Kentucky many years
ago , but after the birth of two children his
wife died and ho moved west. The children
wcro loft in the care of relatives.
Hero ho was twice married , and the fruits
of the marriages were four and live children
respectively. All communication with the
Kentucky relatives had been cut off , and the
latter children never know of the existence
of the llrst ones. The heirs have had a hard
fight to maintain their position , it transpir
ing that Wells also had four daughters born
out of wedlock. They asked for shares , but
wcro cut out by the court. During the hear
ing the truth of their Illegitimacy was llrst
learned by them , and thcro were some unusual -
usual scenes in the court room.
Frankie MeNolll asks Judgment in dis
trict court against the city of Lincoln for
$ y,015 for personal injuries received by a fall
through a defective sidewalk.
The Phoenix Insurance company of Brook
lyn was cleverly knocked out this morning
in a case they were defending against the
claim for lire damage of John D. Slusher for
the burning of Henry Burcham's elevator.
The principal defense was that Burchnm
had misrepresented the amount of mort
gages against the property , they being
greater than ho claimed. They wcro pro
ceeding merrily along on this hypothesis
when' ilurcham Hashed up the release of the
mortgages , which had not been filed , and
their case went glimmering. The jury gave
the plaintiff Judgment for $2'J91.G4.
City In Uriel.
The democrats and independents are shy
ing around one another with the evident In
tent to .amalgamate on n city ticket. The
independents have offered to name the mayor
and allow the democrats the clerk nud
treasurer , or vlco versa.
The Union Veteran club elected the fol
lowing ofllcors last night : L. W. Billingsloy ,
president ; tl C. MoArthur , vlco president ;
Brad Cook , secretary ; J. S. Cochran ,
urer ; J. S. Barwick , marshal.
A mass meeting has been called for Friday
evening at ( ho court house to place in nomi
nation u nonpartlsan school board ticket.
The experiment was tried for the llrst time
last year and proved successful.
Edward Perrin , the young fellow who was
accused of stealing a hide , was bound over
to district court today In the sum of SoOO.
Ho was committed In default of ball.
Fred Pollock was sent to tbo county Jail
for lift con days today. The young fellow
walked off with another man's coat at the
Capital hotel last evening , and when nabbed
claimed that it was a case of uoar-slghtcd-
ness , as ho thought It was his. Inquiry de
veloped that ho didn't have an overcoat , and
he went under.
The ease nguinst W. C. Archer , the dentist
accused of selling mortgaged property , was
continued for one week. The defendant's
friends laid down a $1,000 bill as security for
his appearance.
Dr. A. G. Warner , who resigned his posi
tion of superintendent of charities at Wash
ington , D. C. , arrived homo yesterday , but
leaves tomorrow to accept a position in the
faculty of belaud Stanford. Jr. , university ,
Ton Jluslncss Houses unit Ono Itoitldonoo
Ciintaiiiod rullorl oil's
CIIEIOHTON. Neb. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] A destructive flro occurred
currod hero last night. The flames con
sumcd ten business houses and ono residence
located in the very center of the city , corner
of Main street and Hedlck avenue. Had
brcezo been blowing at the time tha flames
would Have swept out half of the town
The estimated loss is aoout 925,000.
FuLi.KiiTox.Neb. , March 7. Nanco county's '
court house was entirely destroyed by flro
Sunday morning The building waa a frame
structure , built in 18S2. It was valued at
$4,000 ; insured for $3,200.
The vaults and safes stood the test. The
records of the probate court were destroyed
the ollico of the county judge not being sup
plied with n v.iult.
WKST POINT , Neb. , March 7. [ Special to
THE UuE.l Saturday night the residence o
Mrs. Fred Schmoln was partially destroyci
by lire. The blaze is belluvod to have been
incendiary. The damage Is covered bv In
Nudileii Di'iith Near Crawford.
CiiAwroitD , Nob. , March 7. [ Special t
TUB BKE. ] John Marx , a German about 7C
years of age , was found dead on his placi
llvo miles southwest of Crawford Sunda ;
morning. These who found him think hi.
had been dead about nlnuda.Ns. Marx hai
been in Crawford nine days before ho was
found and had purchashcd some bread am
meat , and thcso were found untouched
wrapped as the dealer had prepared them
lie was lying on his bed partly undressed
nnd it is supposed his death was suddenly
Marx was very poor and lived alone.
llu.'Urlco 1'ulltlrn Warming Up.
BEATHICE , Nob. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The republican city con
vcutlon was held in luo Auditorium this
afternoon. The following city ticket was
nominated : Mayor , L. liVulkorj treas
urer , J. S. Grable , clerk , J. T. Phillips ; members
bors of the school board. J. P. Saunders , A
U. Dempster , Orlando Swayno , E. F. Davis
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ml K O. Hnrt ; cofltiUlmcn-nt.lnrKO , First
ward. E. W Clancyytffccond , 11. F Smith ;
Thin } , D. W. Carrot Fourth , W W Scott !
Ifth , James folmmi'liij Sixth , Samuel
{ Inaker : chairman of" the city central com-
nlttce , F. N 1'rout. > '
number of dlsgruntjcd republicans , with
i considerable sprinkling of democrats and
ndcpendcnts , tonight1 Issued n call for n
Ulrcn's convention , to bo held March 1C ,
o place in nomination , a full city ticket In
ipposltlon to the ticket named by the rcpub-
leans. The moveihtill has considerable
orco nnd is liable to mhko it very Interest-
ng for the straight republican ticket.
Croirilft Vl < l { Clovclnml ,
WASIIINQTOX , D. Q , , .March " . There was
steady stream of ofllco seekers to see Mr
'lovcland ' all the forenoon. The president
vas in a Jovial mood and cracked many Jokes
\ llh his visitors. With such n crowd , of
course , it was Impossible to get the prcsl-
lent's car for any private purpose , so the
visitors contented themselves with merely
laying their respects. The president was so
jusy it was impossible for him to leave the
ofllco to go to the east room to receive the
hundreds of people who lllled that opart-
nent. The crowd became so dense that it
was necessary to form a line nnd keep them
novtng in order to allow these outside to
got in.
Mr. Cleveland received the public twice
luring the day , each reception lasting less
.him an hour lo { shook hands with about
1.000 people , although 5,000 passed through
the white houso. At 2 o'clock the doors
were closed.
To Ptirrluise llvntrlcoVntor Works.
BEATUICE , Neb. , March " . [ Special Tele-
? ram to THE BEE. ] A proposition lias been
nado by private partltos for the purchase of
the Beatrice water worlcs system from the
city. The price offered was 135,000. It Is
thought that the lively political campaign
now on in this city has something to do with
the matter The system has proven a rather
IKior investment for the city during the past
llvo years nnd a very unsatisfactory quality
of water has been produced through the
mains. It is thought that if private parties
can secure the management of the works an
ampfo supply can bo secured and the system
put on a paying and business basis. The
present water commission has demonstrated
by a careful collection of the water rents
that the system can bo made to pay and the
number of consumers largely Increased by
proper management which the department
has not enjoyed heretofore.
Itellcvue Jmpruvomontft.
Br.i.Lnvuis , Neb. , March 7 [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Mr. Henry T. Clarke of Omaha
Is hero today conferring with the village
authorities relative to the cutting of the
timber from the streets in the north part of
town and other proposed improvements for
the coming season.
Communion services wcro held at the
Presbyterian church here today , attended
by the baptism ami reception Into the church
of cloven members. Through the untiring
efforts of the pastor , llov. J. D. JCerr , many
souls have found their way to Jesus during
the past year and the straggling little con
gregation that llrst greeted him a Jittlo
over a year ago has almost outgrown the
building and a larger church will soon bo a
Lincoln' * 111 Vlnduct.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] TIO ! Board of Public
Works tonight made recommendations to the
city council in the matter of the contract for
building the big West O street viaduct. The
Milwaukee Iron and Bridge Works company
was the lucky bidder at $128,303.2-1. The
main structure is to bo steel and Iron at
a cost of $100,700 , f 10,000 for piers nnd ma
sonry of Colorado red sandstone , with 10 per
cent added for onghieering. It was passed
upon by a board of exports , and referred to a
councllmanle committee for a report at the
next meeting. All talk of a combine of
councilmcn in favor of a Leavenworth concern
corn appears to bo ended.
Ilurnml Up n Court House.
FOLLEIITON , Neb.Mnrch 7. Nanco county's
court house was entirely destroyed by fire
Sunday morning. The buildlugwas a frame
structure , built in 18S2. It was valued at
S4.000 ; insured for $3.200.
The vaults and safes stood the test. The
records of the probate court wcro destroyed ,
the ofllcc of the county Judge not being sup
plied with a vault.
I"or the South Onmha Murltet.
PIAINVIEW , Nob. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] That this is becoming a
great stock country is shown by tno number
of cattle shipped from here. This evening
ten cars loaded with cattle loft hero over the
Elkhorn , destined to South Omaha.
See the celebrated Sohiner piano a !
Ford & Charlton Music Co. , 1503 Dodge.
a oo man.
Kxorbltnnt Interest Ilutos on Wall Street
Cnimu Liquidation Shipment ! ! of Gold.
NEW YOIIK , March 7. The shipments o
gold today were $2,300,000. Arrangements
are being made to ship $2,000,000 more Satur
day and $1,000,000 next Tuesday.
Many banks and capitalists marked up the
price of loans today , at ono time one-eighth
per cent per diem in addition to tbo legal In
terest of 0 per cent paid by borrowers , or 52
per cent per annum. Some refused to stand
the "shavo" and liquidated their stock ac
counts , which added to the bearish feeling.
Their Clothes Caught 1'lro.
CI.AHKSVII.I.E , Tenn. , March 7. While Mrs <
J. W. Jones and daughter were in a field.
their clothes caught llro from n burning
brush heap and both were burned to death. .
One of the largest successes
in. the way of Flavoring Ex
tracts in the world is the
Price Flavoring Extract Com
pany. Their success is
attributed to the perfection
of Dr. Price's Delicious Flav
oring Extracts. This perfec
tion was 'made ' possible
through theV new processes
discovered by Dr. Price for
extracting from the true fruits
their natural , flavoring proper
ties. Any housekeeper that
will use Dm Price's Orange ,
Lemon , Vanijla , or any other
flavor , will pronounce them
The purity'.of ' , Dr. Price's
Flavors offers the best secur
ity against the dangers which
are common , m the use of the
ordinary flavoring extracts is
the market.
Well.romo anil have them otamhial br 'ir optlclai
ruoofclmrta'.anil.ltiia-Duur/MUoJ with ntmlrof
our"l'KlthhrnoN-HPKCrACl.Kdor KVK ( ) ! . , \S-i-
BK-thu boil lu tliu world. K you do not IIDJ 1 Klatvti
wo will lollTim sounjstrbi ) you irtml to do. HUM )
bl'KCTACl.KS or KlfK UI.AiHtM KltOM I.J > 111' .
1'laln , smuku , blue or wUUunlti"oifor priUuctliuitu
t'jrus , Irom &jun pair u.i.
'Max Meyer & Bro. Co
Jewelers and Opticians.
rarnaui and riftooot Street
Baby Cured Scall Head
Und CIIHU. Two Doctors No Good.
Tries Cutictini. First Set Helps.
Four Sets Completely Cure.
Otir baby Pearl wus born Nov. 29.Mil. ( Krotu
tor birth she hud Hpull Ilcml until slio nns
four months old. then * It bocnmo worse unit
oatno out In small while pttnulos , nnil then
pproail to bo inrno yol-
lowscab * . NS'o tried two
doctors , but they could
not do It nny sooil. So
wo tried CUTICUIU HKM-
KDir.y , giving her a tlior-
oilKh nnRhliijf tliroo
times a clay , nnd tlion
using the CUTICIJIIA. The
nrst Botwntrloil holuod
her. nnd before wo hid
used ( our set * slio was
votiiolotoly cured. At
tbo HBO of six months
nurlmbyoiRliod thirty-
four pound" , llur skin Is ( air nnd smooth ,
nnd siinlu perfectly well. Portrait enclosed.
1 would not ila without CUTICUIIA ItKMr.iiiES ,
mm rocntntiicnd thoni in most oxcollunt
MIIK. dP/TIt JUDD , Vnndurbllt , Mich.
I mod the CUTICUMA ItrMr.niKsfur iiliout two
months , and the entire expense was hut J.VOO ,
which noonuttould ronrct ( or u nlcn smooth
akin. It loft tuv fuco In the licit of condition ,
free ( mm nil pimples nnd blotches. 1 still tiso
the ( 'UTicitiiA SOAl' ntid ulwatHNhatt ,
11 UUKUS TliOMI'JON , Voiiiwstown. O.
Cuticura Resolvent
The now lllood nnd Skin I'ltrlOcr , Intnrnnlly.
nnd CimcuilA. the Rroat Skin Cure1 , nnd UUTI *
CUllA SOAP , an oMjuUlto Skin lloiiutlllor , o\-
tornnlly. Instantly rollovo nnil speedily euro
ovcrv ulsoisuiinn humor n ( the skin , scnlpnnd
blood , with losj of linlr , ( rom Infancy to ago ,
fioi'i pimples to s rodtln.
Pold everywhere. I'rlce , G'tmcim v.i c : SO'AP
2" > oi HKSOI.VKNT. tl. I'ccpnrcd by the I'otter
Drug and Corporation , Ito-iton ,
rer"IIow to Cure Skin Disposes. " fi4 p.iaos. 50
Illustrations nnd lot ) testimonials , inallud free.
E ABVI0 Sfiln and Scalppurlll and boautllled
DilDl uby CUTictinv SOAI- , Abaolutuly pure.
Hack nche. kidney pains , weakness ,
rheumatism nnd muscular pnlns ro-
lluvoil in n mimilr by the Uutl-
curii Antl-l'iiln I'luater. 23o.
nit. r. 1. . KK.VKf.K * . Commltlng Surgeon.
Gradunto of Itush MudlenI College. ( CON *
SUI..TATIUN KUKIJ ) . Tor the treatment of
Wo euro Catarrh , All Diseases of the
Noso. Throat. Chest. Stomach , Bowels
nud liivor.
Blood , Skin nnil Klduoy Diseases ,
Female Weaknesses , Lost Manhood
1'II.ES , FISTULA , FISStntK , permanent- ! cured
wULOUt tbo uao of kulfo , lltfaturo or c&uitlo.
All maladies of n private or delicate nature , of
cltbcr BOX , positively cured.
Call on or address , with stamp for Circular ] , Free
Book and lloclpcs ,
Dr.Searlcs & Sc
> iuxt Uoor to I'ostotllca
Here's the Idea
Of the Non-pull-out Dow
The great watch saver. Saves the watch
from thieves and falls cannot be pulled off
the case costs nothing extra.
The bow has a croove
on each end. A collar
runs down inside the
pendant ( stem ) nnd
fits into the grooves ,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendant ,
so that It cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Can only be bad with cases
stamped with this trade mark.
Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are
now fitted witli this great bow ( ring ) . They
look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost
only about half as much , and are guaranteed
for twenty years. Sold only through watch
dealers Remember the name
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
10 Itooms at S2.V ) per day.
(0 Dooms at $ .100 par day.
to Itooms mtb Dath at J3 00 perdir.
10 Itooms with Uatb at 13 a } to tl S ] par d r
Modern In Uvnrv Iteipcct.
ie\vly Irurnl9hod Throughout
C. S. ERB. Prop.
Tno only hotel In tbo city with hot and cold
water , unit sta mi nu it In uvory raa m
Table and dlnliiR roam sorvlco unsurpassed.
BATES $2.50 TO $4.00.
Special rates on application.
l' < tHlti\'olyOttroa
irlJr , Hitliioa'
> / > oo/j'/c.
It can bo Klvon In a cup of coffooortea or In fool
without tliu knowleitvu of tbo patient ItlinOsi ) .
lately harmless nnil'will effect a permanent anj
poedr cure , wbcthsr ttja jmtlnnt Is a moderate
tlrliikcrorau alcoholic wreck. Ithas boon ulronla
thousands of cases anil In every Instjnoj a parfuct
euro has foHowoil It norer ( Alls. Tha > yjlem
oncu Impregnated with thotipoclllcIt booouman
utter Impossibility for the liquor appatlta ta udit
MUI.IliNbl > iUiriUUO. : . 1'ropi.Clielnnitl. O
< 8 pace book of particular ! fraa. I'o bo uvlof
Uuhn .V Co Uth auil Douuloi HtiVlioleMb br
lllake , llruco & Co , and UlcbaMsoa Uru < Co , ,
Ciunlm. iNou
A , H. DYER ,
Klnviitur * . warehouses , factory Imllillnfri.
mill nil work reijulriuir u thorough unit
practical knnwleilcn "f construction mill
atruiiKtli of umt rlul , u upecmlry.
1' , U , It in UUl , rreiiiuut , Neb.
( Jo at prices lower
than ever. Gold , Sil
ver , Filled , Mckle
all makes and do-
sluns. Sou our Grand
Display In ( he six etc-
ant show \vliulows.
All articles con
tain u d therein
marked in
' 200 of the above style filled case watch , stem wind ,
AValtliam or Klgin Movements ,
Gents' f-old filled watches from $12.50 upwards ,
Ladles' gold tilled watches from $11.50 upwards ,
Gents' solid .old watches from $22.50 upwards ,
Ladies'solid f-old wathes from $21.50 upwards ,
Gents' solid silver watches from $8.50 upwards ,
Ladles' solid silver watches from $1.75 upwards ,
Nickel stem-wind watches from $ U.OO upwards.
Sterling silver ( English , you know ) , 5)25 ) Hue , goes at $1.25
per ounce. All flat ware at the above price. All the latest
Patterns and Designs.
QUITTING Wholesale
Wo claim OAMOLE JUNTPKU Is the most
vrondorful fcinalo compound ever discovered.
And wo guurantuo It to curu fdinnlos who Imvo
iilforcd for yours with female coinplalnta.
OAJ101.T : JUN'Il'Ellls a success when all
others full.
If you am Irro/ulur you can rely on OAM-
OLR JUNU'HK. 'inico in. other.
' , ! .00Mottle. SoltlbyttU < l/uslits. ,
Financial Reference : Ml Bank of Commerce , Omaha.
No DETENTION from business. No Operation.
InvostlcntoourMotliod , Written punrnntoo to abso
lutely Cure nil kinds of UBl'TUHEof hothBoxos.wlth-
nut the tiso of niilto or syrliiKo , no matter of how Ions
Tlie 0 , E. MILLER
307-303 K. Y. LIFE BLDB. , OMAHA , NEB ,
Fend for Circular.
5'"Nerve Seeds , "
'tbo ' wonderful rcmcilr
3l solJ with n written
All . sucb as Weak Mcmarr ,
ten truitranter to onre nervous dljoojes.
Ix > o "llralii 1'offcr. lloadaebe. WakofulnoM. Lost llanliood. Nlubtlr Krals-
sions Norvousnes . LnMlluUonlMraln nnd loss of power of the ( Jcnerat fo
Onotni In intharBarcnuieil byOVITexertion , youthful rrrora.or xccs lvr
usool wbiecoroplum or stimulants which Hoon loeO to Inflrmitf.Con.unip-
tlononnliiXn tr. I'ulnp convnnlons to carrr In vent pocket. 1 per pack-
'SS. Wltb e crrSlorlorn .r < ti.'jrr.W . ywyanttt tooiw
fuU. : ClrcnlK'- ' " ' * A < Wf ' > ' - r . fhleart"- .
For Ssle in Omaha by Sherman & O'Connell , 1B15 Dodqo Street
Architects ,
Surveyors ,
Wclmve n full supply of IVtatlie-
fnatical TpatyurneptSj Draw-
* T > g Papers TFfac'pg ' Clotrij
fprapo'toj ' FodOj Ghalpsj Ucv
elSj H'apcn , Squares * Illus
trated Catalogue free.
114 South 15th Street ,
to JPostofTice.
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In the
preparation of
tvJtlch i * nliioltitcly
jiiirc anil soluble.
theitrenyth of Cocoa mixed
jAvllh Starcli , Arrowroot or
'Sugar , and is far moro eco
nomical , catting lets than one cent a cup.
It i * delicious , nourishing , and EASILY
Sold IJT Ororpnt orcrjnlierc.
W. BAKES & CO. , Dorchester , Mas *
> TV. IT. PAItKKlt , Jit. n. , No. 4 Itlllllncli gt. ,
UusTof , if jus. , chief roniiiltlnij p/iyitclan of I/it
Was awarded the uoi.n > m > Ai. by tliu NATIONAL
, and all JHita , , i and ) rVflin of .I/an ,
* ne 'jounij , the mtJiltt.agtd and old.
< 'oni < nUa'.lou in person or by letter.
1'roajcctu * . with testimonials , FHK11
hook , KUlKNCi ; OV 1,11'K , Oil BKLF-
VATJONi SCO jip. . 12S Invaluable pro.
full e It on'r 1 DO hv mill. n > lnl
la unsnrpofsoil in tbo
treatment of all
and Disorders of
18 roars exporloncn.
Wrlto for circular * :
on J qneitlon list froo.
14th nnd Fnrrmra Bta. ,
The Original and Genuine
Imr rt the most dsJIdoua taste and uxi ti
era I.UTTEU from
TLKMAN at Mud.
rasto hln brother FISH ,
May , 1B5L HOT < k COLO
LEA & rEimiNS' MEATS ,
that tlinlr BJUCO is
hlKtily entocmed to GAME ,
India , anil it la my
opinion , tbo moj * . \VKI HII-
palatable , as well
as tbo moet whole RAUHIIITS ,
some nauco tint it
jnade. " dee.
Beware jof Imitation ;
BOO that you got Lea & Perrine' '
Bltnutnro on every lK > U > aof Original & Qonnlno.
Can you Answer
"What KOI ? "
Consult Free ,
G , W. WILLIAMSON , M , D , ,
AND Of tlmtlMiillermtit Dlood Jl -
r p cam1. No Mercury , but new ,
HucccuBfuI remmllc * . A euro
r\iitr\tn \ /
QUICIIL.T cunriuitced. Men iimdnKtrnnff
CURED * * < Mimln MrnkMcBdon iiorinuii-
entljr cum ! . 1'llrs unit Itnctnl Ulrrrn enroll ,
no kiilCourratisllcs. I'-UloiiU Kiicrr fulljr
treated by mull , Addrcna ,
Is a womiurf uilv slclllful prou-
nratlon of UXYUKN-n. do-
llKhtful truattnont for llron-
cliltis , Astlitnu , Uhronlo
COUK'IS. ' Consuniiitlon , lluad- ,
aohunnd NervousI'riHlMtlon.
CIAI. AUXIIIAII * .S ui nuop
Bonted Uuturru la VKIIV 011-
Try hU soiontlflo brsathlni !
treatment It's wondoifttl , awlft and sure.
"Oxygon Book" and 4 Trials Free !
Suite bit ) . eely Uldj , OruaUa