Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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K. UOHKWATKtl Editor.
p nllytu-o ( without Hundny ) Ono Year. . I fl 00
Ji inllvnmlHiimlny , Una Yunr . 1000
Hlx Month ! " . . BMI
Tltrrn Moulin . . . . . ; | * >
Onn Year . ' " '
Kmidiiv Her , f
piiturdnjr llee. Onn ear. . * ; ' '
\\cnkly lice , Ono Your . l uu
OITKF.8s ,
Omn1in.TlioHi eHiilMtii . '
Poutli Onmlui , corner N iniil 2IHli SlrcoLi
Council IllnlT * lalVnrlStront.
riilrnrn I > nii' v317 riiniiilKT of Coinmn reft.
Now York , Kooms 13 , 14 unil 15 , Trlbuno
WiiMilMStnn , fil.l Fftlirtwntll Street.
All rnmmnnloil Ions re-hit Imr to now * find
rdllorlnl matter should bu addressed to tlio
Editorial Department.
AlllmslneMletteis mill remittance * should
I > cnl8rc cd toTlio Itco IMibll.shlnz Compriny.
Omnlin. Drafts , checks nnd iioslofflcn order.- )
1o lie tr.ailo puyublu to tlw order cf tlio com-
Btntoof Nebraska , I
County of Diiugl.Vi. I
Ornrno II , T/schnck , scrrntnry of Tnr. W.v.
I'ulillslilnc company , docs solemnly swear that
thouotimrclrciilatlonofTilK lUn.Y HKK for
the week cndlnrf March , IBOa , was ns
Sunday. rebrimrySO . 2' ' . ntr
Monday. rVbriinry 27 . SS'aSi
Ttirselnv. IVIirunry U9 . SVT.iS
Wednesday , Mured 1
Thursday Mnrrli 2 . Hij'nn
Frlilny. March : i . SV'SS ?
Saturday , March . 24.0JG
Sworn 1f > bnforo nm nii.l sulHcrlbnd In my
ptMenro thin -Hli day of March , 1B93- , , . . .
[ Heal ) N. 1' . ! > : " Notary 1'ubllc.
AvrrnRi ) Clrniliitlim lor I'nbnmry , 81,3011
IK Tin : overhead wires are not put
under ground during the present year it
jvill bo evident that popular sentiment
tas no power in this city.
TIIK bill to exempt -100 acres from tax
ation for cemetery purposes strikes us
ns a scheme for evading taxes on tracts
of land that are to bo laid out in town
lots in the sweet by and by.
THAT Konato sifting committee resolu
tion had just seventeen votes , and seven
teen is the magic number that can hoodoo
dee all legislation that does not meet
the approval of the combine.
IT IS evident that the railroads do not
oroposo to encourage people to go to
the World's fair. They could make
aionoy by putting their rates down to a
tow llguro , but they show no disposition
to do BO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IT IS a good thing that congress has
finally adjourned. The people and the
wires will now have a respite from the
Btorics of invaluable services which our
representatives have rendered at a great
sacrifice of health and exhaustive intel
lectual exertion.
THE number of retail liquor shops in
< /Jhicago has decreased by 1158 since last
year In spite of the brilliant prospects
for a lucrative trade during the fair.
But that does not signify that the town
Is going dry. There are stil 0,800 saloons
in Chicago licensed to do business the
present year.
THE United States supreme court has
decided an important case Involving
48,000 acres of land in Texas in which a
claimant demanded possession under an
alleged Spanish grant. After twenty
years of litigation the claim Is denied
in the highest court of the land and the
title of 2,000 settlers is thus determined.
The bogus claimant who trios to get
something for nothing , regardless of the
rights and interests of others , deserves
to lose his ease nnd all the money that
lie puts into it.
THE BEE stands corrected as regards
Mr. Cochrano. lie was not lost In the
shuffle , but succeeded in getting himself
commissioned as consul to San Salvador
'by the superhuman efforts of ox-Senator
Paddock. This does not signify that ho
will remain in San Salvador any longer
.than lie has remained in Arkansas since
ho shook the dust oil his feet in Nebraska ,
but ho has the satisfaction of making
an interesting junket to the tropics at
the expense of Uncle Sam. Nebraska ,
of course , will feel highly honored , as
she always does when somebody is
THE state senate has voted authority
to Lieutenant Governor Majors to ap
point n sifting committee composed of
nine members. Such power never was
intended to bo vested In the lieutenant
governor , who is not n member of the
senate and therefore not responsi
ble for .its action. If there
was to bo n sifting committee
created the senate should have selected
It just as it has selected its regular com
mittees. The vice president of the
United States occupies precisely the
same relation to the United States sen
ate that the lieutenant governor does to
the state senate. But nobody over
dreamed of giving the vice president the
power to appoint a committed to sift the
bills pending before that body. The
fact is , the appointment of sifting com
mittees is a monstrous abuse that should
not bo tolerated in any legislative body.
THE late secretary of agriculture
urges the planters of the south to raise
other crops in place of cotton and rice.
What -the planters want most of all Is
just what the wheat growers want the
old prices , the prices which wore ob
tained when the European demand for
cotton and wheat was heavy and the
American supply limited. Can those
prices bo restored by any ordinary social
or commorclaj eonditlons in the United
States ? It is not natural to sup
pose that they can bo , as compe
tition is cutting prices in the whole
run of Aaiorlcan products , and itis con
tinually affecting the man who has the
least to buy with and returning loss
profit to the middlemen who supply him.
It maybe , for example , that we in the
north do not know how to eat rice , as the
southerners ay , hut the more wo leurn
to use it the more rice growers there
will ho who will want to sell it. Now
factories will consume more cotton , but
planters will rush their crops to moot
this additional demand. In fact , iti
respect to all our agricultural products
the tendency is toward lower prices.
The southern people must recognize this
t , and BO must the western farmer.
11 Is to bo regretted ttiat republican *
In either IIOIIKO ot the legislature sliould
divide on party lines in voting for or bills that uro not ] > oltttcal.
Kvury measure should stand or fall upon
It * own merit. The Idea that republi
cans must oppose every thing that Is pro
posed or supported by democrats or in
dependents whether good , had or In-
IndllTercnt Is calculated to place the
members and the party in a wrong light.
There is no reason why republican *
should stand us n body for or against any
particular bill or resolution unless it is
purely political. Men are sent to the
legislature to represent all the people
and not merely their own party. They
are expected to vote Intelligently accordIng -
Ing to their Individual judgment and
they cannot of capo this responsibility by
charging it to the party caucus. This Is
especially true as regards railway legis
MomboiM of all parties are Individ
ually and collectively pledged to vote
for a reduction of local freight rates.
They are expected to vote upon some
bill upon which the majority can agree ,
and they will not he cxcusad for voting
against any railroad bill because it was
fathered by members of tlio opposing
party. No subterfuge will pass muster as
an excuse , and no man will bo absolved
from his obligation by placing himself
on record for a bill that manifestly had
no chance to PUSH. On tills point tlio
[ > ooplo will not allow themselves to bo
iioodwinked or humbugged.
KXl'OSUlli : i > F .1 J/O.VOJ'OM' .
It sometimes happeii-t that monopolies
overreach themselves. This was the
case with the Pacific Mail Steamship
company when it applied to congress to
interfere for its protection against tlio
competition of a rival steamship line
which had secured from the Panama
Railroad company privileges which the
Pacific Mail company had lodt through
its abuse of them. Congress appointed
a committee to investigate the matter ,
and the result was the disclosure of
some highly interesting and important
facts not at all to the advantage of the
steamship company whoso affairs were
subjected to investigation.
It was shown that the Pacific Mail
monopoly lias not only por.slston.tly ig
nored the public interests but has also
violated contracts. The vice president
of the company admitted that while the
company received $180,000 per annum
from the government as a subsidy to en
courage marine commerce , it entered
itito a contract with the Transcontinen
tal association under which it received
$900,000 to refrain from entering into
bona fide competition with the overland
railroads. Iln also admitted that the
Transcontinental association had used
the Pacific Mail as a club to drive oil
the competition of clipper ships. The
counsel of the Pacific Mail company ut
the same hearing acknowledged
that the subsidizing of the company ,
and the discouragement to competition
thereby effected , enabled the transcon
tinental railroads to enjoy an annual in
come of § 15,000,000 to 810,000,000 , instead
of one of $ . - > ,0 ! ,000 to $0.000,000 that
would have fallen to their share wore
they compelled to moot genuine com
petition. It thus appears that this com
bination has been plundering the con
sumers of the Unite ; ! Statoj to the ex
tent of about $10,000,000 annually , and
at the same time one of the chief par
ties to it has boon enjoying the special
favor of the government in the form of
a liberal mail subsidy.
Of course after such developments
the committee of congress could not do
otherwise than make a report condemn
ing the Pacific Mall and sustaining the
position of the Panama Railroad com
pany. With a view to preventing such
combinations in the future tlio commit
tee also recommended that in mail sub
sidy contracts made hereafter with
steamship companies there shall bo inserted -
sorted a provision abrogating the con
tract whenever a subsidized steamship
line shall enter into any combination
with competing lines to regulate rates
on trafllc. This is perhaps all that the
government could do in the way of
remedial legislation , but whether it
would prove adequate or not is un
curtain. With the immense benefits
which the transcontinental railroads
get from discouraging water competi
tion they coild ) easily make good any
loss from the withdrawal of mail sub
sidies , and it is not to bo doubted that
they will make a strenuous olTort to
maintain the policy that has boon pur
sued. If some practicable way can bo
found to prevent those roads , which are
heavily In debt to the government , from
using any part of their revenue In the
way disclosed , a complete remedy would
be supplied. Meantime the rival com
pany to the Pacific Mall may enjoy with
out hindrance the prlvlV o.s It has se
cured from the Panama Railroad com
pany. _
The now member of the supreme court
of the United States , Justice Jackson ,
said at a dinner given him by the Nash
ville bar just before his dupnrturo for
Washington , that his appointment
marked "tho close of that bitter partisan
and sectional feeling which has so long
and so unfortunately estranged fellow
citizens of a common country , while dis
turbing the peace and hindering the
prosperity of a country struggling to
recover from the ruinous elTocts of a
gigantic and destructive civil war. " Ho
expressed the opinion that "tho belief
that the worst democrat is hotter
than the best republican , and the
worst republican bettor than the best
democrat , " is dying out , and that wo are
entering upon an "era of good feeling,1
like that which prevailed under Mon
roe's administration. Similar observa
tions have boon made in connection with
the social Incidents which marked tlio
change of administration , in tlio cour
tesies extended to Cleveland by Harri
son and to Stevenson by Morton.
Except the most ultra and Implacable
partisans , and such are still to bo found
lit both the great political parties ,
everybody will welcome the indications
of a continuance of that bettor and more
patriotic spirit in politics which
really was first distinctly manifested
four years ago and has Iwen
growing over since. The campaign of
1888 was memorably free from bitterness
and that of 1HD2 win equally o , They
worn distinctively educational cam *
mlgnn , In which appeal wan inmlo to the
Hobor judgment and the fruo o Jiisolonco
of the pojplo. Questions of public policy ,
md not the character of candidates , ab
sorbed the attention of voters. Confi
dence in the patriotism und the Integrity
of purpose of the chosen leaders of the
jreat parties was general. The admin
istration of President Harrison was
conspicuously free from anything to
irouso or to justify partisan blttor-
ness. Thus the era of good fooling
lias in fact been with us for
several years , and what has recently
been witnessed is pimply evidence of its
wholesome Influence rather than of Its
beginning. There is nothing in tlio ex
isting situation to discourage the hope
that It will continue , and the country
may confidently expect "the amenities of
last week to bo repeated four years
lienco should n republican succeed to
the presidency. There will In the mean
time bo frank and unsparing criticism
of the acts of the administration by re
publicans. The policy and aims of the
democratic party will encounter vigor
ous and firm republican opposition. But
this is not at all incompatible with an
acknowledgment that the intentions of
the administration and the party
may bo entirely patriotic. So far as
sectional feeling is concerned It is not
the fault of the republican party that it
did not die out years ago. President
Hayes made an earnest and honest effort
to put an end to that fooling , but
southern bourbons and demagogues
spurned the offer of fellowship lie hold
out and rekindled the smouldering em
bers of sectional antagonism. There are
still some of these left In the south , but
their power for mischief is not so great
as It was a few years ago and their
number is decreasing from year to year.
Washington warned the country
against the baneful oil'ects of the spirit
of party generally , and nothing bettor
could bo wished for the republic than
that the men of today who are charged
with the administration of the govern
ment will heed his admonition. Political
bitterness and sectional strife cannot bo
favorable to the security of republican
Institutions or helpful to material
progress and prosperity.
President Cleveland will probably
name the new commissioner of Indian
affairs tomorrow. " To tlio people west
of the Mississippi few olllces within the
gift of the chief executive are of more
consequence than that of Indian com
missioner. Missouri is the only state
west of the Mississippi which has no
* "
local Indian problem. As thero"is no
unexplored or uninhabited region re
maining to which they can bo banished
it becomes a fact that where the Indians
now reside there the will remain until
absorbed into the population of the coun
try and are lost as tribes and savages.
Hence tlio west is peculiarly inter
ested in the Indian policy and the In.
dian commissioner of the now adminis
The resignation of General Morgan
took clTect March 4. Ho was probably
the most efficient man who has over hold
the position , and n host of his friends
besought him to consent that an effort
should bo made for his retention in the
olllco for another term. Ho steadfastly
refused , however , and has entered upon
his now duties as corresponding secre
tary of the Baptist-American Homo
Missionary union in New York City
His administration is history. It is
marked and prominent for three great
facts , viz. : An improved morale in the
Indian service ; a great advance in the
work of allotment , and n most remark
able development of the educational idea
as applied to this vexed problem of our
civilization. The vigor , enthusiasm and
success with which ho has conducted his
duties are acknowledged. Entering
upon his duties with a fixed policy and
meeting determined opposition at every
stop , Jio retires from ofllce with his posi
tion endorsed by public sentiment and
the approval of a first unwilling congress
in educational appropriations the like of
which wore never obtained by a prede
It is hardly probable that his successor
can undo the work accomplished if ho
shall be so disposed , but it is to bo hoped
hat thorowiU ha in change In the
policy wrought out by General Morgan's
energy and ability. The solution of the
Indian question is found in education ,
and the Harrison administration has
established schools und brought to
the Indians facilities for educating
their children which make it
possible within anotlfbr four
years to bring every Indian ehUd in the
union under the influence of the indus
trial school tcacho'r. In the west whore
wo nro brought face to face with the
problem wo know that unless the youth
now on the reservations are taught to
work , to road and write and to imitate
the arts and decencies of civilization , wo
shall bo confronted with a serious condi
tion of vagabondage and hence wo hope
for a broad minded , thoroughly compe
tent , aggressive and persistent commis
sioner. General Morgan was a western
man. His successor should not bo se
lected from among the theorists who do
not know the Indian by actual experi
ence , but should bo a man already fa
miliar with the situation , and if possible
one who by direct contact with the wards
of the nation is not only conversant with
the dllllcultlcs of the anomalous
condition of our savage population , but
whoso heart will dictate charity toward
a weak race of human beings forced by
no fault of their own to throw them
selves upon the mercy of an all-conquer
ing and. not always considerate race. A
more politician at the head of this
bureau will bo a calamity. A religious
fanatic will bo worse. Wo need a busi
ness man with intellect , conscience , in
dustry , perseverance and knowledge.
Shall wo have him ?
THE precautions against tlio introduc
tion of uholoru which the Canadian
government proposes to take will un
doubtedly bo olfectlvo in keeping the
disease out of that country , and at the
sumo time It will simplify the work to
1x3 tlono by the general-ami state govern
ments of the United States in quaran
tining alcng the northern bonier.
There was 8 mio apprehension that the
Dominion government might bo rather
iidlfforont loU\ , \ | > Important maltor , but
it appears to Itayo oommanded qulto an
much Inton'Ml1 ' there a ) In thin
country , the ( iillitdlans | having naturally
no more deslro to expose themselves to
the plague thntftho people of this coun
try have. AfjjsY n as the United States
had taken decisive action for an olToct-
Ivo system of" qfja"antlno the agitation
for Bomo similar moiisuro of dofcnso
begun in Caniiilnf and there the ques
tion mot with hVy difficulty because the
whole matter ' ls in the hands of the
federal government. Nine maritime
quarantines have .biicn established and
others will be , all fully equipped , while
as to land quarantines It Is pro
posed to 'Inspect all trains crossing
at the principal points of entry
Into Canada. What our northern
neighbors fear Is laxity at the ports of
the United States , but if they will do
their duty they will bo in no dange 1 of
cholera Invasion from this country. So
far as provision for adequate precautions
Is concerned the situation is reassuring.
Mu. BKCKWITH , appointed United
States senator by the governor of
Wyoming , and Mr. Mantoll , appointed
by' the governor of Montana , may not
got their seats , and probably will not dose
so without something of a struggle. The
question has been raised whether the
governor of any state , whore the legisla
ture falls to elect a senator , can fill the
existing vacancy by appointment. The
constitution provides that the sonata ,
shall consist of two senators from each
state chosen by the legislature thereof ,
and It is Held that this is not vitiated by
the clause providing for a tem
porary appointment by the governor ,
because it says : "If vacancies happen by
resignation , or otherwise , during the re
cess of the legislature of any stale. "
Both of the above appointments were
not made during the recess of the legis
lature , but because the legislature re
fused to elect , though in session for that
purpose. The contention of some is that
by its refusal or failure to elect , the
legislature had voluntarily renounced
the claim of the state to bo represented
by two senators and the governor had no
authority to appoint. The question
seems to bo a now one and the decision
of it by the senate , in the event of an
issue being made , will bo awaited
with considerable interest. It is possi
ble , however , in view of the fact that
the appointments will make no differ
ence in the political complexion of the
senate , that the ( fuostlonwlll bo dropped
and thus a precedent established recog
nizing the right of a governor to appoint
a United Stuto i senator in case of the
failure of a legislature to elect one.
Still it is rather to bo expected that
some stickler for a strict compliance
with the terms' ' of the constitution will
make an issue.
IT IS said that there are forty or
more now hotel enterprises in progress
in the vicinity of the World's fun
gi-omuls inChicago , and that a
largo proportion .of them are frauds ,
having no more , uub'stantial foundation
than may bs found in circular letters
soliciting cash subscriptions for alleged
stock. Those enterprises purport to be
co-oporativo hotel schemes designed to
supply the demand for accommodations ,
nnd the innocent victim who is asked to
take stock is assured that ho will have
cheap quarters during the exposition.
It is a good plan to steer clear of such
enticing schemes. The man who sub
scribes for stock in an enterprise that
exists only on paper is sure to lose his
A BILL has been introduced in the
Now Jersey legislature making it a
penal offense for any person to bequeath
more than $1,000,000 to his or her heirs.
The question is how is a dead man to bo
punished for willing $1,000,000 ?
llonry' * Hip Hurrah.
Hurrah for everybody , whlto , black , demo
crat. republican , populist , and oven u merry
bcaltor to our usually long-faced iriond , the
prohibitionist 1
Tlio CimilfiliUn ,
n'ashtngton Star.
Ho comlH with care out of bis hair
Tlio hayseed that bo word of yore ,
Thntu'h onoo hu hud to bavo It ihuro ,
Ho dousa't iieucl It any inoru.
Serving Notlco on I"ltUUtn.
( Italic-Democrat.
Mr. Cleveland's remarks In favor of n
"sound and stable currency" moan tint ho
will veto all the wildcat bank measures
that the western nnd southern democrats
pass. _
Tlin JiickHoiiIiin McMlcl.
A'cw Yinli TrllnmcMi. .
Sixty-four years ago today And/ow Jack-
sou , the father of modern democracy , took
the oath of ofllco. and broadly enunciating
the doctrine , "To the victor belong tlio
strolls , " besan to put it In practice. In
elKhtccMi days ho made 2,000 changes in the
civil service over 100 a day. In memory of
whom a crcat many ardent lovers of their
country stayed out late nights last fall singIng -
Ing , "Adlal , got your axl"
Safety tor tlin Inilopoiulpiit Voter.
lVi/dleIl'iil ( / ) ' ( Leilyer.
Tbo party leaders who have been studying
the municipal election returns hero and ulso-
where In the state Jiavo como to tlio conclu
sion that the secret ballot is a dangerous
institution for them. The workers have
learned at last that they can cut their tickets
If they chooseto dd so without being de
tected , and many political debts will bo paid
hereafter at the polls In a way calculated to
keep the leaders nvako at nights. Inde
pendent voting Is in. Its Infancy , but It will
grow under the Australian ballot system.
A Nutf/in * of ToiullcH.
II'dtNfiiufori I'ott.
The torrent of slobber now llowing through
the columns of tno1' newspapers is rank
enough to gaga graven Imago. Never In the
history of the country has there been any
thing to approach It , oven distantly. In
times gone by wo have had enthusiasm.
That sense of favors yet to como moved men
to the extent of gush-occasionally. The In
coming president and vice president have al
ways been big mcrt'uaiout ' tlio-Uh of March-
properly enough. , DiU this year the records
of the past have bccrl obliterated by n How
of hog-wash so thick , so turgid , so nauseous
that sensible men must feel llko taking up
the nowspapcr with a pair of tongs and
holding their noses while they open it.
The Now 1'ori'St IJrsi'rvoj.
i\Vu' Yurli Tlina.
Ono of the most creditable acts of Presi
dent Harrison's administration , for which
lie , and especially Secretary Noble , sliould
liavo hearty and unstinted commendation ,
has been the reservation of enormous forest
tracts In various parts of the west. The
withdrawal of thcso tracts will nnko them
available in somo. eases for existing national
parks , In others will found now pleasure
grounds , and In nil instances will preserve
for public uses regions of great value ,
whether for their scenery , their remarkable
tree growths or their Influence in preserving
the sources of water supply. This good
work was mailo possible through a wlso
provision In the act of IbUl for repealing the
old timber culture law , which provision gave
the pro.Mtlont the power tn withdraw forest from nciulnlUun | for private uses.
This power 1ms boon use 1 wi'h great eunrtU'i
mid Bomotlnu'.i ngnltiat th" I nil unices brought
to bear by ( tattlers , nhrcp hcroVr.t , miners or
other persons Interested , from iiorsotmt and
pecuniary motives , In preventing Us oxnt-
unco ,
Dprnilrnro of tlin llomorrney.
lliilttiiiiiicneiltitn. \ \ .
In the report of the hotel accommodations
of Air. nnd Mrs , Cleveland Is thr following ;
"Mrs. Cleveland will use a Icnlfo , fork and
spoon which wore once the property of ICm-
prcx.i Hugonlp , nnd President Cleveland will
drink his coffee from a cup which Proprietor
Koosslo guarantees at one time belonged to
Napoleon Homparte. " Oh , democracy I Oh ,
JofTeraonlan simplicity ] "Where are you
Tlin Telephone ! .Monopoly.
Detroit Fire I'reti.
It Is true that the patent used by the Bell
Telephone company expires this year , but
the llerllner patent shrewdly obtained in
1M)1 ) is a virtual renewal of the liell privi
lege for n trrm of ilftoen years. The govern
ment is trying to annul this second grip of
the monopoly , but it at present acorns to
have the bettor of the controversy. Mean-
tlmo the liell stock Is paying unnual divi
dends aggregating moro than the whole
capital invested in thu telephone business ,
ICx-Vlcr I'rotlitxnt .Morion.
( ViiYni/ii Trl/iiiiic. /
Mr. Morton , the sole survivor of twenty-
two vice presidents , vacates the chair ho
has occupied so long and so well. As the
presiding oillcer ot the sunato ho Ins com
mended himself to every member of that
body , without regard to party , by the un
varying ability , urbanity and dignity with
which he has held that position and admin
istered Its duties. The most intense p.irtl-
san will not yield to the most zealous friend
in according to him a tribute of respect and
admiration. His accomplished wlfo , his
beautiful daughters , nnd himself will leave
Washington with the best wishes of the
whole pnoplo for their continued health , hap
piness and prosperity.
Shitinod the Wlmlo Ktuto ,
Fremont llcrntil.
Mr. Tom Majors ( who is the patron saint
of some of the luilf-cooked politicians of the
state ) is getting more notoriety than ho
llgurud on from his connection with that
Morton banquet at Nebraska City. No iiapcr
has quoted yet what ho actually said that
excited so much comment and disgust , for
the reason that the postal laws won't admit
of it ; but it imiy bo enough to say that the
waiter girls wore ilrst warned to get out of
the room and the doors were closed , and all
of them who wore unfortunately locked in
side are too much ashamed to repeat it.
They can't avoid thenhamo , however , shared
by all of us , that this man is lieutenant
governor of the state , and will bo for two
years longer if ho isn't promoted higher.
Under Two Administrations.
. Inilanai ! > i > tli Journal.
The republicans turn over to the democ
racy a prosperous and united country. When
they took the govoi-nment its 0 per cent
bonds were selling at a discount of 1'3 pur
cent ; now a ! 1 per e nt United States bond
would go ( pik-kat par. When the democrats
left the government half the country and the
outside world held it in contempt ; it Is re
turned to the democracy with a prestige at
homo and abroad which none can question ,
and an authority which is obeyed. Hcamo
into republican hands a broken nation ; It is
returned to the democracy the most poten
tial nation on the globe. It came to the re
publicans with depressed industries : it is
turned over to the democracy in the full tide
of a prosperity such as no other country has
ever enjoyed.
A Sound Currency.
Clitcatio Tribune.
President Cleveland cannot bo too warmly
commended for his pledge that none of the
powers with which the executive branch of
the government is Invested will be withheld
when their exercise is deemed necessary to
maintain our national credit or avert llnan-
cial disaster. Hs declaration that nothing
is more vital to our supremacy as a nation
and the bcnotlccnt purposes of our govern
ment than a sound and stable currency , and
his reference to the danger of depreciation
in the purchasing power of the wages paid
to toil indicate that ho has thought wisely
and well on the subject. President Cleve
land virtually has promised that the pur
chasing power of the dollar shall not bo ro-
duccd by one-third at the request of'the free
silver men if ho can avoid such a disaster.
STOCKHAM. Nob. , March 7. To the Editor
of THE Bun : The State Normal school at
Peru is , according to reports , doing good ser
vice in training teachers for the public
schools of the state. Its location is most un
fortunate , nnd its usefulness is largely cur
tailed by reason of it. Out there In early
days , when the state was almost entirely un
occupied territory , and when the local
statesmen of those times were dividing the
scant raiment among themselves , it still
maintains Its hold on the state treasury nnd
is of largo value to a few counties along the
eastern border of our state.
As if to cmphasl/.o its local character , the
members of its governing board , have , with
one or two exceptions , been residents of the
Missouri river bluffs two being selected
from the ono county of Neinaha. Wo should
hardly know that it was n state Institution
but for the annual taxes paid for its support.
Hepeated attempts to establish ono or moro
normal schools at accessible points in the
interior of the state have so far failed. As
a consequence wo see numerous so-called
normal colleges springing up , which are
largely patronized by the youth of the
state at great expense , who hardly know
that Peru exists. These schools , as a rule ,
are inferior to the Pern school or to any fair
state normal school.
Jf Nebraska Is to have only ono normal
school and that ono located in the moat inac
cessible and inconvenient place that could bo
selected , it would seem that in order to ex
tend its inlluenco , the governing board
should bo widely distributed over the state.
In illling vacancies on the board it would bo
proper , it seems to mo , for the governor to
consider this view of the matter. As long
as the state supports it , the different parts
of the state ought to bo represented In Its
management. Each member of the board
would becouio a center of inlluenco In its bo-
half. Why not 1111 the IIowo vacancy from
seine interior point ? Policy and fairness
both point that way. *
KEUU.IHKA . .l.VXKllit.lSK.tXli. .
The sheriff of York county sold the old
Jail at auction the other day and it brought
The Long Pine Chautauqua assembly will
open Juno 110 and continue in session two
C. II. Israel & Co. have issued the Ilrst
number of the Pioneer nt Trumbull , Clay
Fifteen watches and f. > 0 worth of other
sundries fell Into the hands of thieves , who
entered \V. I. Kayncr's drug store at Hardy
nnd escaped without detection.
A company has been formed nt Butte to
build an elevator and mill. It Is Intended to
run the mill by electricity and also furnish
light for the county scat of Boyd county.
The ICoarnoy police have a man In custody
who surrendered himself to them and said
ho was a horse thief. Ho gives his name as
Albert Botsford , and says ho stole a horse at
Elgin , 111. , eight years ago. The authorities
are investigating his story.
Stock in this valley Is looking exceptionally
wull at this time , says the Bayard Trans
cript. On the 1st of March not a pound of
hay per head has been fed to cattle and none
to horses unless kept up for uso. Can you
flnd a better showing In any co untry. Great
climate , this.
Whllo driving a fractious horse down the
main street of McCook , John MoAciams lost
control of the animal und was thrown to the
ground. The old man was badly Injured ,
two ribs being fractured , his right ear being
nearly torn from his head and hU body was
painfully bruised.
Kandolph people are "all torn up" because
a high live club has been organized whllo a
revival Is In progress and for the further
reason Unit a doctor has been arre.itod on n
charge of concealing two turkeys belonging
to a neighbor. ' Excitement runs high , " as.
n correspondent remarks , "and the end U
not yet. "
Frank Barclay of Beatrice believes ho has
Invented a smoke consumer that will make
him famouv. For twenty years ho has been
studying the smoke problem nnd now ho is
sure ho has solved It. Already no hus
prwtoil t furnnoo In llcntrlco nnd tciled his
device , whh'h oMntlrs | on the following
iirlnelpto Tlio Introduction of pnru air
InnUed to hlith temperature uniformly ill *
trlbutrd over the llvo coal body unlto.i with
the pmes from the coal nnd produces per
fect combustion. It li claimed that by this
method n saving of from so Ui ! 0 per cent of
fuel Is effected. Mr. Ban-lay has scoured a
patent on his dovleo for both stationary on-
gin03 nnd locomotive boilers.
T.ii.ic.iimin1'Kui'i.K. .
Undo Abtjah Wnolden. who was a const
gunrd In 1S1-J , celebrated his 100th birthday
In Lynn , Mnss. , a few elays ago. Ills fellow
townsmen prosontcd him with 11X ) silver
Mr. Turpln of Alabama , In whose favor a
contest of bis suat has boon dccldo'l , un
seated by n like contest In the Flfty-llrst
congress , though ho hold the ecrilllcato of
The shah of Persia travels with n sulto of
1,000 people and ! UK ) wives when ho takes his
summer trip In the distant prov'ncvs ' under
his control , and ho borrows the money
needed for traveling expenses.
( Icncnil Beaurognrd built the Ilrst cable
railroad In this country. The road was con
structed Just after the war nnd extended
from the city ot New Orleans to the suburb
of Carrollton.
Thomas Nast , the cartoonist , may bo soon
frequently on Broadway , New Yorlr , but Is
entirely unknown to a majority of the throng.
Tlmo has whitened Nnst's hair and wrinkled
his face , and his lingers are not so nimble as
they wcro a quarter of u century ago.
It Is said that Keseoei Colliding was almost
the only public man of note who hated cartoons
teens wherein lie llcured. The sh-ht ot his
nose In high colors always made lOvarts grin.
Ben Butler collected every ono wlioro hU
game eye cut n tlguro , Dopow dotes on them ,
Senator Hill says ovcr.v ono of them means
votes for him and when the report wont
forth that Peffor had trimmed his vagrant
beard the caricaturists all agreed that ho
had shorn himself of what reputation ho had
ICx- Judge S. C. Hustings of San Francisco
died about a week ago at the ago of 70 years.
Ho was a native of Jefferson county , Now
York , and received his early education in
CiouTcrneur academy. Soon after this ho
was practicing law and editing a newspaper
in I/ciwroneoburp , Ind. In 18117 ho had estab
lished himself In Iowa , but In IfWll bo removed
to Bcnlcia , Cal. Ho was the ilrst chief
Justice of that state , and afterward attorney
general. Upon retiring from this latter
ofllce ho devoted himself to money making ,
and although no gave $100,000 to the Univer
sity of California fora law school nnd was
liberal in his gifts to his children , ho loft an
estate valued at about ? 3OOd.OOO.
Somervlllo Journal : Thocludo has his use
In this world , after all. Anything Is coed ,
they say , that hill a tendency to excite a
hi'iirty laugh.
Washington Blur : "This , " said Farmer Ho-
go-ill , who had lUteneil to cheers (111 ( ho hiid a
liumlauhu , "Is another rumlmlur of tliu hollcr-
nes.sof Hfol"
C'lilcaso Tribune : Always Heady "You
travel M > much on the cars 1 .should think you
would go armud. "
"Ariuod ! " oxelalmcd the suburbanite. "I
do. I never trtivol with less than Ilftoen or
twenty pounds of heavy bundles that 1 could
mo In iin "
Now Orleans Picayune : It Is pasy to limug-
urate nn era of good fouling on the part of tlio
man who guts an olllco.
Troy Press : Should physicians innko It a
rule to lot well enough alone tholr Income's
would Miffcr u liuavy shrinkage.
Olovelatid Plain Dealer : Of coursn ehnii- !
liig administrations Is n bl tlilnj , ' , hut the
olllcoholdur dousn't bcllevo In bulng disturbed
about It.
Christian nt Work : HrldKOt Whnt Is the
result of casting bread upon tlio wator.s ?
llrooks In our house It returns the second
day as u pudding ,
Washington Star : "It's an 111 wind that
blows nobody good , " said llu musician who
received his pay for blowing sweut sounds
through the tuba.
Philadelphia Huconl : "That was a bitter
disappointment , " : is llttlo Johnny WaKfilns re
marked when u plain quinine pill was bub < tl-
tnted for his usual sugar-coated one.
I'lick : Justice ! How do you explain your
bulng found Inside Colonel Ulnxur'H chicken
coop last night ? Leftover Jai-.ltM > n lu Irult
Is , ledge , I made all ma 'rangcniunts tur git. up
'arly In do inohnin' . and 1 wanted tur tlcu ; )
whah I cud hcah do roosters crow.
Pi'cw .Tow Herald.
For davs he sought for HUPS to snow
His feelings In soniu slight dogruo ;
And then within her album wrote :
"When this you see , rainumbof mo. "
She said she would and now they are
Imbedded In bur memory's bump ;
For every tlmo she views thu page
She softly murmurs : "What u chump ! "
ffcw 1'orlt AAeertlter.
( March 4 , 1803. )
The awful moment has arrived ,
A bush falls on the surging crowd
As silent as the .snowy flakes :
Tlio multitude In nrnyur Is bowod.
The man on whom the country rests
Stands forth In all his Koleimn glory ;
With bared head , uplifted uyoa ,
Grout Urovcr now Is llunkldorl ,
Lo. henrtliQ murmin-liii ; mass complain !
Ho whom they thought was Consecrated
Today iissumui tlio reigns of power
And lulls its bo Is Dedicated I
What means this sudden Mirlnkngo Had ?
Tim nation needs much medication ;
For tlfty thousand "tilunks" pur your
\Vo simply have u Dedication !
Something Concerning the Distribution ol
Federal Patronage in Nebraska.
Itrpulitlrnn * nt AVmlilncton Neit Anxtnut to
Ulvn tlio AilmliilUnitlon uu Oppor
tunity to imlmrrit4 : Thorn br
IliifiMlnR I'avuri.
filil Kot-iiTKr.NTii STIIHKT , >
WASHINGTON , I ) . ( . ' . . Mnix-h 7. |
It would scorn that the democrats of Nebraska -
braska are moving In a fog so far iu
the distribution of offices Is concerned.
They are Just now llshlng around to ascer
tain who Is to bund out the loaves and fishes ,
The means employed to secure this Informa
tion are both annoying and useless.
Democrats are writing Senator Mnndcrson
nnd other republican members of the Ne
braska delegation asking tholr services or
tholr Inllucnee or both in securing olllco. It
would appear that In many instances this
was encouraged by some Nebraska republi
I All letters relating to federal patron-
ngo which are sent now to republicans from
NebrasKa and other states are simply re
turned to the writers. This is now n demo
cratic administration and republicans In con
gress have no Inllueneo in securing favors nt
the executive departments , nnd especially In
the way of nfllrcs , and the democrats should
know U. If the.'do . ' not know who to address
their letters to It would bo well for them to
write any democratic member of congress
from their state or ask the chairman of the
state central committee to advise nnd co
operate with them. Republicans are not
supposed to know anything of the affairs of
MUiTllimrmi" .
Hoprcsontntlvcs Perkins and Gear left for
their homos in Iowa this morning.
ID. W. Hurlourt. editor of the Aurora Sun ,
called at the bureau of Tun BKI : today.
Kx-Senator Paddock leaves lor New York
tomorrow. Ho will remain in the east some
weeks before returning to his homo at
J. S. Lehow of McCook Is in the city. Ho
says ho seeks no oftleo and ho is hero simply
on business iu the executive department. In
the menagerie ofdemocr.UsLehoiv Isa freak.
Charles Van Oden of Audubon , hi. , nnd
his associates have applied to the comptrol
ler of the currency for authority to organize
the First National bank of Auduboii with u
capital of ? : > uoi)0. )
General and Mrs. UV. . Colby of Beatrice
entertained a number of friends last night
nt their residence in honor of Helen
Gardener , author of "Is This Your Son , My
I/ml , " etc. A number of Nebraskans were
It is stated that the senate in Its re
organization will drop Sergeant-at-Arms
Valentino among the very Ilrst of olllcors dis
posed of , as he has under him the bulk of
patronage. 1' . S. H.
INiiiHlnn INtlmiltes.
Mr. Edward Atkinson , who has been fur
nished by the pension office with all the data
nt Its command , takes a moro cheerful view
of the situation after examining them. The
conclusions reached by him nro that the total
expenditure for pensions during the calen
dar year will not exceed $180,000,000 and for
Ib'JJ ' 311)3,000,001) ) ) , about one-quarter of that
amount being for back pensions the Ilrst pay
ments and the rest the regular pension roll.
By the close of ISill Mr. Atkinson estimates
that all claims will bo llnally adjudicated nnd
the number of pensioners will begin dimin
ishing lit the rate of thirty-llvo in the 1.000.
Hence ho Is of the opinion that the pension
expenditures for lbc.)5 ) will bo but ? U8,000OOll
nnd for 1SOOH 1,000,000.
It Is estimated by the commissioner of
pensions that 'IIC.TilO names will be put on
the rolls during this year and next , and tliaji.
the total number December III , 181)5 ) , will bo
1,171,5)18 ) , after which the number will de
crease steadily
> A Grcnt Many Children
have l > ccn cured' of scrofuia
nnd other pkln diseases as
, . well as thousands of grown
. .UWpeoplo , by taking Dr. Korea's
Golden Medical Discovery.
I Kvory disorder that can f > o
I'Piichcd through tbo blood , yields
to its purifying ounllties. Be
sides , It builds up wholesome flesh
nnd strength ; not merely /ei { llko
Cod liver oHs. A scrofulous condi
tion of tbo blood invites Catnrrh ,
5 Bronchitis nnd Consumption.
We're nil exposed to the germs
' of consumption , grip , or inn-
, . \larla yet only the weak ones
.VsufTer. When you'ro weak ,
I tired out , nnel debilitated , or
when pimple ? and blotched
, npiwtr heed the warning in
( Imo. The "Discovery" Bets
I nil the organs Into healthy ac
tion especially the liver , for
that's the point of entrance for
I these germs , then if the blood
MS pure , they'll Ira thrown off.
There's no risk. If it falli to
, liciicllt or euro In nil cases of
/Impure blood or inactive
your money is returned.
tartest Manufacturer * an I Halation
of oiohliiK lu tin \VorU. \
We're After Him.
Just wait another winter till that season gets
around when that
hog sticks his nose
above the ground , for
we've organized our
forces and we're sworn
to find him out , and
the man who comes
upon him will smash
him on the snout. Then nevermore hereafter will
he work his shadow trick , because when once we've
met him he'll be very , VM-y sick. Long wil
live the recollection of the year of ' 94 , when the
death of Mr. Groundhog brought mild winters
evermore. To us will bo the glory of producing
early springs , and we'll sell the thankful people all
'their clothes and furnish-ings. Ladies and gentle
men , our ambition is not to become wild-eyed
poets , but our spring suits and overcoats , which
have just arrived , are the very essence ofpoety
that's why we became poetic.
tl ttn I S. W , Cor , IDlii and Douglas31