TITK OMAHA DAILY TPTCRIUV. MA11PIT 7 inns ACCUSED OF JURY BRIBERY Ecnsatlon in a OOBO Against the Street Rail road Company , JUROR VAN ALSTINE WAS ON THE RACK JIo WIM Clmrjieil with Oirorlnc Ills Follow .Miriira 8100 Tor i Verdict Ho Hit ) * ItViin Meant ni n .lolic. JuJpc Ferguson's branch of the district court witnessed t > omctlilti ( ? of a sensation jcstcrdny. A. , T. Van Alstlnowns charged with attempting to bribe n Jury , and his con duct was Investigated by the court. Van Alstino was n juror In the action of C. K. Unman against the street railway company. The plaintiff sued for f > 0,000 damages for being ejected from a street car and last week got a verdict for $100 Yesterday morning C. A. Haldwln , attorney for Hainan , tiled an nflldaUt alleging that during n rrccss Van Alstino went to the oOluc of the attorney for the defendant and staged thrro for some titno , that on the llrst ballot nml for twenty-four hours thereafter the \oto In the Jury room stood 11 to 1 for returning -verdict for the plaintiff , Van Alstino being the man who hung out , that while In tlmjurj room , deliberating on the case , Van Alstino ofTcied * KK ) to the other Jurymen If tliiw would return the \crdict for the stieet railway compin > The nilld.ult also sots foith the fact that the other men prcp.ned mid signed a paper stating the proposition that Van Alstino hud made , that when ho saw the piper ho told thoothcr men that If they would tear up the docu ment ho would agicc to aerdlct of $100 to bo rendered In tn\or of Hainan and under this agreement \cidlctwasiotutncd Into court. Van Alstino 'vas seen and In gUlng his \crslonof the matter said that Mr Halduln had licen misinformed with legaul to the facts. After the Jur\ had boon out tweho houis the \ote stood 4 for giIng 5 cents dam ages , 4 for gi\ Ins -X ! ( ) and 4 for giving S100 At last the H ) men said that they would come to the 100 men if the 5 cent men would do the same thing For houis the matter stood in that condition when nt last the foreman s.ild that they might compromise bj making up ? 1X ( ) in snrnowav. In reply to this , and us a Jolte , Van Alstino said that rather than to staj In the room any longer ho would gi\c ? 1H ( ) . but to whom ho did not say. After another lound of talk the ? 100 vcidict was teat lied Judge reiiruson had the Jurors called Into couit jestoidiy afternoon and inado a thor ough im estimation of the case Jurors' stittt-mrntft. Louis O rantwas the first man to go upon the witness stand. He said that Saturday night Van Alstino said that rather than to bo locked up another night , he would rather pay $100 out of his own pocket On ciossoxamaimtion Mr Grant did not think that Van Alstino was trying to bribe the juijas heicgarded itasmciely talk. Juror Doll heard the jury room talk and also heard Van Alstino siy , "I will gi\o $100 Ifou will \o\.o \ for the defendant " The re mark was applied to the other luiors Then Mr Van Alstino toolttho Juror and and made him sxy "You salmon would not give a 5-cent cigar to InlluciiLO the Jury " William Moilison another juror , was sure that Van Alstino said , "I will give jou $100 If ioil will come o\er to the defend int " G. F Ticmaino siw Van Alstino Jump up , nnd say , "If jouwlll gi\o the defendant a Terdict I w 111 ph o $100 " An hour later Van Alstino was accused of corrupting the juri , when ho said , "I would not gho a ! > cent cigar to ha\o a ol dict returned for the defendant. " Van Alstino agreed to u verdict of $100 , but not until after a mpcr had bcon circulated , in which it was pro posed to report ttio pi oceedings to the u. irt. " John W. Uiott hdaid Van Alstino say. "I mean business nnd will ii.iy$100 out of my pocket to ha\o \cidict returned for the de fendant. " Croft was the man who wrote the paper which was to bo presented to the Judge Nine men signed the piper , but when Van Alstino agiced to the verdict , it was dc- stiojcd. Hero Van Alstino took his inning and put Juror John Collins on the stand. He hoard Van Alstino say , "I would rather give $100 than to stay hoto over night. " The witness did not toiibldcr it a bribe. Van Alstlne'n Story. Juror Van Alstino in support of his posi tion took the stand and told how the Jury stood during the numerous ballots. There was a story detailed in the Juiy room about an old Juryman who used to say : "I'll pay this so wo can got out. " Then witness as a Joke said. "Hather than to stay hero over night I will pay $100 out of mv own pocket. " Mr. Van Alstino maintained that ho made the rom.uk hi u joke and that no harm was In tended. "Did.\ounot go to Mr AVebstor's office at the noon hour on the second daj of the trial ? " asked Mr. Ilaldwin "Went that afternoon , " answered Mr. Van Alstino. "Did jou say thatjou did not Intend to bribe the Jurois until after jou suv them signing the paper to bo sent to the Judge ? " "Tho remark was made two iioms before the paper was signed , " responded Mr. Van Alstino. "Did j ou not ask Commissioner Llvesoy to put jou on the jury ? " "No , sir , I think not. " In explanation of the visit to Webster's ofllco Van Albtino stated that it was for the purpose of getting some information about the appointment of an adminlstiator. He did not stay In the ofllco for Webster said : "Van , I don'twant to talk with jou. " In summing up Judge Ferguson said that thcio was no doubt but that Van Alstino made Improper icniarhs when ho stated that ho would give $100. It was not only strong language , but It \ \ as highly Improper For a Juror to take nn oath uml then go to his room and sajf , "I w ill give HOO If the Juiy will llnd for the defendant , " is not only im proper , but must bo condemned The Judge then fined Van Alstino foO for his indis cretion. I'KKHO.VAI. IVHIKIiS. : lloiuy Suits AKuinst KiillroniU lor Alleged . Criminal ii'KllKrnuc. The case of Lucy C. Tucker against the Omaha Sticot Hallway company Is on trial bcfoio Judge Ogden The plaintiff Is an elderly woman , who was liadly bruised while gutting off near In South Omalia , nnd she sues for f 15,000 damages Patilck McCnithv is bofote Judge Davis and the jury explaining w hj he should re- veer from the Hock Island Uallroad com pany the sum of $ i",000 for the loss of his left log 'Jho case was tiled one j car ago and at that tltuu the \ cidiotas for Mc Carthy and was for $15,000 Tin co j ears ngo McCarthy was n laborer on one of the compaiij'a cr.uel trains , woiKIng in the \iclnitj of Topc'ta , Ivan One day the con ductor told McCai thj to Jump upon a moing train. Ho made thu Jump , but ho left one of his legs beside thc iaeUs. Itolilirr Ilnml lli-ol.rn Up. Cad McCiiiiro , the leader of the North Omaha band of robbcis , jcstcrday plead guilty tobmghrizlng John Hoffmin's stoio. Ho got tin co.ears . for robbing the Kennedy grocery , and j esteiilay'b confession added two jc.us to his sentence. His brother , Doug , who was con\ii'ted of burglary a few dajH ago , will h.uo to answer to a chat go ol perjuij nextwcc'k , , fiiurt Cnlomliir. The call for today is as follows : i.tw HOOM .NO. a i Him t. scorr. 20-217-llelwlil > * Tri'lt/ . 111-310 lliimlliibplvlo. . 81-lull ram < i\sSilKlo | , 28--JI7 HolttU \ 'lli'lt/ . ai-auB-Vornbroun I'limltine company v Bnlple. ill-UNO Orah.un MI Cot ton. S'J-ll : Days Adams. 82-41 Kennedy Koptld. H'D4liaiiipl ! < iiis 1'nigy. 82-7U-ElBiittn DrUimn. a'J-03-MnpoaX Lleey v lIuulicH 3U-08 Mnrttn Vb Omaha Mi cot U.illw.i ; c ° ' 3uVfalay' Fails Hurt. 82-104 TlinimiHsTliorimi. . S2-17U borcnson vaUrandvlew Illicit com Pnai-i83 Shea v Swift A Do. 8JI-187 Luugdgu vs llunj * . 112-201 McIntyroMi 1'nlon Pacific Railway company. IV.J-2.1U Jllohrl TS Union Pnclflc Hallway ompuny. ompuny.LAW HOOM an. 3 .luixir. IHVIS. 29213Hayes v Illcki. 2'J-27O-IMslap \ ft Midland MlnltiRcompany. 29367Vnrtiiir v * Onialm Nntlonnl bank. 29-300 Wood vs Unmlia Tlnwnro Jinn ufae- urlmt company. 30-0 Nebraska Land and Investment com pany vs .Minor. 80-04 Manlny vs Clarkp. 80-07 Miidolnmn Sullivan. 30-71 Waller A. Wood Manufacturing coui- p-uiy vs Mollne , Mllliiirn , Htoddard k Co. 2M-2G4 Anliuusar Iliisch Ilruwlni ? assocla- Ion VM TlHiinpHon. 2J-2HO McCarthy \sriilrao ( , Itock Island A. I'aclllc UnlhMiy coinpniiy. 2G-1 Downs vs Kitchen. , LAW nnoM NO 4 junon I-EIHIUSON. 23-280-lllliknvfiltflliimn. 24-1.1&-/.lrRul \ s Hackett. 24-220 Anboln UiiKiliii. 24-311 Sclmller vs Nason. 20-101 SwfiveysSlllht. . 25211UiislsOlbbon. . 2D-243-Gyldstoln Ulll'in ' and O'Hrlon. 21-120 Iuv I \H Umalia. I.IW linOVM ) ri'-JIIDOE OnilEV. 28-128-Tuckor vs Omaha Strcot { allwny onipiny as-lOU-Unlted States National bank vs OllllSON 2H-17J .Mexico Tire llrlck company vs Johu- on. 28-240-rishcr\H Tnloti National bank. 2H337UlightsJnfobs. . 29-2U I.VHCII vs Omaha fctrcct Hallway com- inny i0-nH-ITrby ! isKnleht. 2'J-8H-CiiiilrH'r Challman i15JC.niUKUiKli ! ) iVTlioinas vs ndncy. 29-1U7-Mimtguinury vs Patrick Land com- ) .iny 2U-208 McIColl v s Lev ttmston. U9-UJ2 I'ovvcll vs South Umiili I. rivnIIOOM .so 0JIIIKIB iiii'K\viir : , . 28-349 llatiiplon v Jones. KJIJITV HOOM SO 7 JUIK1D IIIVI.NC. No call until March 8 Piles of people li.no piles , but 1)0 ) Witt's Witch Ha/el baHo will cure them. II. I'ALCOM.lt. ) ur Sjicclil Salrs nn Advertised Sunday C'niillinio 'ludiij. SILKS. In silks wo are ottering values that It vill bo bimply impobttlblo to dupHeato ator In tlio season. Sl.fiO licavy twilled wash ssimih silks sue iiiK now ut 90e. Figured cliiiui silks in beautiful assoi tinont. $1.00 liiulitics aio K lng at 07c ; , ' 12-lncli China silk , blue in omul with white lolka dots , boiling everywhere at $ l.fiO , or this opening fc"lo $1.00. In rich It ess silks wo aio ottering a handsome ino of hcrminias , actual value $2.2o , at 81..T5. Silks aio the moat populnr dross fab rics for the season. Don't miss this chance. DRESS GOODS. 75c quality of Imperial serges , for this sale G8e ; $ J.50 cork tciow suitings , special this week at 31.75. Wo have a ot of odd lunjrths in fine all wool liess fabiics , Ui to 7 yuj'ds in each ) iece , goods that sold at f > 0o , 7oc , $1.00 ind $1.2j ; they all go today jat 2oo ) er yard. All bca enable goods. SUITS AND WRAPS. Our ollorings in spring wraps and eady made tints aio drawing the crowd o this department. LINENS. In linens wo aio oiToiing as a special cndcr 50 8x10 extra heavy , damask able cloths , jictually worth SU.OO , AT il.75. 5-8 napkins to match , at $1.75 ) or dozen. 3-1 napkins at $2.25. N. B. FALCONER. Hpcclul IlniKiiliiK on Sale. Mill remnants of muslin , 2jc. Mill leinnuntb of calico , 2c. } Mill remnants of checked nainsook,2jc. Now spiing styles outing llannel , 5cyd. White Shaker flannel. 5c yard. Now stock of towels , 15c , JOe and 25c. Closing out odd doron of napkins at less than cost. Summer Balmoral skirt patterns , 25c. Letting dow n the prices on wash drc&s joods. Remnants of the finest printed satino only lOc yard. TommotTOW wo ieduce the price on all our line printed dimities. They are Imported and there are no better in this city if you pay double the price. They at o being sold at ; i5o , 4c ( ) and 50c , our price tomorrow only 25c yard. Keep yourself posted ; examine these dimities ut 25c yaid. Wo also place on sale tomorrow for the first time plain white corded dimi ties made in this country. All wo ask for these 7io yard.IIAYDEN IIAYDEN BROS. , Headquarters on Wa&h Goods. AVant mi Ilxporiltloii Hull. A meeting of the executive committee of the Manufacture-is and Consumers associa tion was held jesterday afternoon for the pmiposo of aiianginK for a building for the coming state exposition to bo held in Omaha. Mr Houdor , icircscntinfr the owners of the Coliseum building , was present and sev eral propositions for the use of that building weio consldcied at length. The owners of the Coliseum , however , ap peared to h.no a more exalted opinion of the worth of their building than the manufao- tureisand no agicement was reached. It was llnally decided to postpone the question until next 'Ihursday , which will give both parties an opportunity to think the matter o\er. Plies of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cuio thoin. : .V IIUOS. Cutting Trices on Simps Proper and Deeper Tlil * Wunk. LUDLOW'S $3.00 SHOE $1.03. Grcntcbt Halo on line shoes ever In Omaha , this ueok. Selling 1,000 pairs of Liullow's $3.00 make ladles' line shoes nttiacts crowds to our shoo department. Every lady knows the famous Ludlow $3.00 shoes. Wo are Belling 1,000 pair for $1.1)8 ) a pair , every pair warranted. If you cannot attend this great fealo send in for a pair. You will ho pleased \\itli your bargain and wonder way Ilaydens can sell Liullow's $3.00 shoes for $1.08 when others ask 93.00. K\ory pair stumped Ludlow $3.00 shoo. Ladica croquet rubhois , 15c u pair , worth 2. " > c. Ladies' line "Now York" storm rnb- hors only 3."io n pair. Childien'b line light spring heel rub bers 20c tv pair. Misses' line "Now York" spring storm rubbois , liuo pair.IIAYDEN IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Slices. See the celebrated Sohmer piano at Ford & Charlton Musio Co. , 1508 Dodge. DEATHS. XoUetx nf flee Itnti ni lea uniler Mils head , Jltlu rent * ; cic/inlilJIoii ( ( < illlne f ' ou/Match 0 , 1803 , after'u suilous Hlni'ss ofsix months , aic < 1 junr luturiiient 10 u. in. ut I'otcsl i.iiwn cuuio tery , March 7. POSTOFFICE IRREGULARITIES Inspectors Scored for the Arrest of John H , Plate. TRIVIAL CHARGE AND NOT A GOOD CASE Inspector * Think They Have Unrnrtlird Another - other 1'ctty 1'lllcrlnp Nchoino AinoiiR Clorki A I.ont lloRltcroil Letter Ainu 31nkcs Trouble. The arrest of John II. Platz , for fourteen jcars n trusted cmplo.voof the postofllcc , ap pears to bo ono of those petty cases worked up by the Inspectors of the postal depart ment to make a showing of vigilance. The complaint Hied with Commissioner Oustav Anderson bv Inspector Sullivan ui > on which Mr. Platz was arraigned contains two chaigcs Ono is to the effect that Mr. Platz sent c bill for $13 'J to the Tirst National bank for postage for the month of Fobtuaiy , when ho knew that the amount duo was only $1 ( U. The other chatgo Is that Mr Plat/ sent a bill for $ -l. " . " > to the Omaha National bank when he knew that it should have been but $1 111. These charges aio nude bv Inspector Sullhan. Speaking of the case Commissioner Ander son slid "It is an outiago for these sleuth hounds to ruin a man's reputation upon such a tihlal and iincci tain matter as that. If I had know n that thei e w as so little to the case I should Inn o urged Mr Platz to go ahead with a hearing at the time lie was brought Into in.ofllcc . , but he waived examination and I supposed there was some reasonable foundation for this sci ions charge. It seems mote than probable that when ttio iccoidsof the ofllce aio examined this whole business will bo proven to bo a mistake , or it may bo a blunder on tno pait of the Inspector. " "Tho airest of Mr Plat ? was not my work , " said District Attoinoj Baker. "I don't believe In Jumping upon a man and besmirching him until there Is pretty con- clusho e\idenco that ho h is done something wrong But these inspectois seem to think that thei must cinch somebody now and then and they have taken this PlaU matter into their ow n hands I refused to make a complaint and I am frank to admit that with the piescnt cudenco it will bo a very slim case " The carileisdcpaitinent is not the only wing of the postolllco in which there seems to bo a spasmodic eiupHun There me whiffs of suggestive smoke Just at pres ent rising out of that which seems to be a sliimbeiing vo'eauo ' in the registry depart ment. The immediate cause ot the dlfllculty is u matter of ? li but thcie is a long stoiy connected with it It is claimed that the detectives in the employ of the go\ornmcnt discotcied some weeks ago that some of the employes In the icgistry department weie working a schtlno by which thei defiaudcd the govcinment. Another liiHlnuntlon Aj-iiln.st Clerks. The scheme was a simple one and it is alleged that it was worked successfullj Instead of allowing the people to place the necess irj amount in stamps on legisteicd letters it had been the habit of these shrewd clerks to take the money necessary to purchase the icquitcd postage and put the stamps on themselves When it c.uno to putting on the stamps , however , it is claimed that old stamps weio used and weto so completely daubed and bluircd that It became almost Impossible to detect the fraud. Iho money was chucked into the pockets of the emplojcs who worked the scheme. As i ct no ono lias been absolutely caught at the business , but steps luuo been taken to pi event the cmploves fiom stamp ing letters in the futuie. Lost Letter 'Miilit'H Trouble. But the dlfllculty that promises to make things rattle in the registry department is over the loss of a lottei containing fO. The letter was , by mistake , it is claimed , for- watdedwhcnit should not have been , and as a icsult It fell Into thohands of thowiong person The rightfu' owner came in and de manded that the loss be made good. It was done , but the question of locating the blame Is the i ub The iKJStoftiee inspector assessed the loss equally against three of the em ployes of the registry dcpaitincnt. Two of them , Miss Scott and Mr. PhenK. rather than lose their positions , h.no paid their W , but the other one , Tom Kllingwood , declares that ho will not submit to the imposition Ho saj she had nothing to do with the loss of the letter and ho doesn't ptoposo to lot any man , largo or small , scare him into paj ing an unjust assessment. Postmaster Claikson has demanded his resignation , but It has not been handed In ; neither will it be. Speaking of the matter the gentleman In question said : "I have nothing to s ly about the matter nor will I ha\o , unless I am discharged If that thould occur then jou will hear a full state ment of the matter. 1 am loidcd , but prefer to say nothing unless I am driven to it " Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch ILuel SaUo will cure them. A fine upright piano , used only bix months , at half price. Foul & Charlton. 1503 Dodge. _ OMAHA MAY HAVE IT. Next National Convention of the Klettilo I.fKlit Association. City Elcctiician Cow gill , who attended the national electric light convention at St. Louis , says there Is an excellent prospect of securing the meeting next jcar for Omalia. The imitation of Major Bern is was received by the convention with enthusiastic ap plause. The selection of the place of meetIng - Ing is left with the executive committee , which will meet within three months. The St. Louis convention was an unquali fied success , nnd not before in the woi Id's history ImAO there been gathered together such a number of people interested in clcc- tilcl'y in all Us bearings. Next year It is expected o\on a larger number will bo pi cs- cut , and exceed the -100 who weio at St. Louis. The time of the con-ventioii was do- tcd to the discussion of subjects interest ing to the members , and some \ety able p vpers weio lead and discussed. Pet hups the most notable was the lecture dollveied by Nikola Tesla , the icnovvncd inventor , at Music hall , to 4,000 interested people. Ho oxpci imentcd with altoinatlng currents , and permitted hundreds of thousands ofvolts to pass thrcugh his bodv without doing per sonal injury or suiTeilng perceptible shock. Although 1.500 to 1WK ) lts is considered in capital punishment hi the medical fiatemity to produce instantaneous and painless death , Mr. Tesla permitted hundreds of thousands of volts to pass through his body while standing before the vast audience The explanation of his immunity from harm is not due to unj peculiar charm or faculty which ho possesses , but rather in the enor- n-ous rapidity of the oscillations' of the cur rent emploicd and the exceeding small quality of current passing , notwith standing the enormous voltage used The alternating cuirent used by Mr , Tesla in his experiment had a fre quency \ibration too rapid to affect the nerves that would bo paralvzed by the cur rents emploicd In the lighting stations or in the executioner's chair , and It was duo to this that ho escaped harm. Ho also fully demonstiated that glas Is a con ductor of eloctricitj , notwithstanding the popular belief that it is a nonconductor Many went to St. Louis for the express pur pose of hearing the lectuto and witnessing the almost marvelous expcilmcnts Ho will bo piescnt at the next gathering and deliver another of tils famous lectuies , Je only 1'urc Creurn of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. 0 ed iu MilliTas of Homes AO-Ye % { Standard. THE MAN and every other man who is a judge of good Tobacco , praises 'No other smoking tobacco ever equaled the universal popularity of Bull Durham. For 25 years it has been the prime favorite with veteran smokers in every walk in life. Sold everywhere. Made only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , Durham , N. C. Llm Are those ignorant pretenders who , without any qualifications , any ability , any oxperiouco , any skill , claim to possess the power to euro all the ills of the human race. But their want of worth soon becomes apparent to'their would-bo dupes , and these conscienco- lessquaoks ara > soon consigned , to the oblivion they so richly-merit. In strange and strong contraatwith these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted leaders of their profession , Who , during the past 27 years , have abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the worst forms of those del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHROHIG AND PRIVATE DISEASES. I Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation froo. Call upon or address - dross , with stamp , Drs. Betls & Beifts , 119 S , 14th Street , Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA , - NEB. DK. K. I. . SK.Lltr.iKs. Consulting Surgeon. Graduate of Ituili Medical Coilozo ( LON- itEi : ) . I'or the troiitment of AND Wo onro Catarrh , AH Diseases of the Noso. Throat. Chest. Stomach , Dowels and Liver. Blood , Skill ami Kidney Disease ? , Female Woukue vo , Lout Mauhooil CURED. 1'Il.ES. USTUI-A , FIP3UUK , permanently euro I will out tno uteof knife , ligature or caustic. All maladlen of a private or dellcato natura , of tlther ex , posltlTelr cnrcil. Call on or mlJross , with > tamp for Circulars , Free Book and Keclpei , Dr.Scarlcs & hen Door to Poitomco Cortlllrnto at I'lililltittlon. onioo of Auditor Tubllo Accounts State of Nebraska. . . Lincoln , Tob. 1. Ih'O. H Is hereby certified , that tlio uitlzcna lire Insurance Company , of Now YorU , in the state of Nun York , lutb lomollocl with tlio Insurance Inn of this Btato anil Is niitliorlzoU to transact the business of IIro Insurance In this itato for the current year. \Mtnos3 my unu 1 I'm the seal of the auditor of 1'ubllo Accounts thoduy and ISetll ynar uboTii written. 1 EUGUNE MOOUE , Auditor I' , A > Cortllli ilto of I iilillrntlnn. Ollkoof Auct tor of I'ublle Accounts 'tito of ZSobraik.i Mnioln Tob 1 , isni It Is hereby certified that the Hanover I'lro InsuntiP'i coniuiny , of New York , In the st.to of Now York , h is LOtnullod with the Itmiranco I iw of this state und Is niitliorl/.o 1 to transact the htiiiliics3 of fire ln ur.knio In this state for the current ye ir. \\ltness my h ind anil those il of the auditor of public accounts the day ( coal , ) and \ oar ul nvo written , EUOKNE MOOItn Auditor I' A. < ri-llllniti-cil I'nlillr itlon. Ofllco of Auditor of Public Accounts Slntn of Nebraska. Lincoln , 1'ob. I , lsH It Is hereby ccrtlflu 1 th it the Merc intllo t'lro nnd Marino Insur.inuo < oni | ) uii of Boston , In the state of Massachusetts has camp led w th the Insurance law of lint , st ito and H author ized to transact the business nf IIto Insurance In this stale for the current year. Witness my hiirnl ind the seal of the auditor of nubile accounts the day and ( Seal.par.iboowrltten. ) . EUGCNI , MOUIti : , Auditor I' . A. Ortifli , itc ot 1'nlilic itlon. Offlcoof Auditor of 1'ubllo Accounts State of Ncbiuslui Lincoln. I eb I , ivil. It Is htrohy certified that the 1'lrc Assocli- tlonof Philadelphia. In thost ito of 1'eiinsvl- vanl i. has compllul with the Insurance law of tills state and Is authorised to trans ict the business of lire Insurance In thlb state for the current yuar. \V Itness my lnui.1 and the soul of the auditor of nub Ic accounts the day und ( Seal ) yn ir alioNO written : MOUlir , Auditor. I' . A. Curtlllc ito ot riiblUation. CUlco of Auditor of I'ubHo Accounts State of Nebraska. Lincoln , 1 ob I , Jb'U It Is hereby certified tli it the C ipltnl I'lro Insurance compimy of Concern , In the state of Now Hampshire , h is compiled with tl o Insur ance law of this state and Is authorized to transact the bus ness of III o Insurance In this state for the current ye ir Witness my hand und these ilot the rui'JItor of uubllc accounts the day and ( Sc il. ) veir abo\ written MUOKi : , Auditor l > A. < * rtlltr.ite of I'nbllc.trlon. OfTlco of Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts State of Nebraska. Lincoln , 1'ob 1.1 > < )1 ) It Is licrcbv certified tli it thoConeordla Tire Insur nice lOiupuny of Milwaukee , In the stito ol Wisconsin , li is compiled with the insurance laws of this state and is authorized to tr.insict the business of lire Insurance In this state for the current year. Witness my hand nnd the seal of the auditor of public accounts the day aud ( Seal. ) your above wrlttnn KUUKNC MOOKi : . Auditor I' A. Ccrlillc ito of ruhlli rttion Ofllco of Auditor of 1'ubllc Atconnts-Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln , fob. I , IMll. Itlshornby certified , that the Uoriiiinln- siiriinioComp invof I'rpODOil.ln the st ito of Illinois , h IB compiled with the Insiiraniu law of thisbtuto nnn Is iiuthorl/Lii to tranaiiLttho business of Hie Insurance In this slate for the current ye ir- \\ltne = 3 my hand nnd the seal of the auditor of public account * , the Uuy and [ Seal ] yoir above written EUGGM : MOOHU. Auditor r. A. Cvrtllloto nf I'uhlliatliin. Offlco of Auditor of 1'ubllo Accounts-Stitn of Nebraska. Lincoln. 1'ob. 1 , IbUt. It Is hereby certllled. that the Hartford I Ire Insurance Coiup my , of Hartford , In the st ito of Connecticut , has compile' ! with the insur ance law of this stito and U authorized to transact the business of lira Insurance in this etato fortho ciiriont your. Witness my hand und the soil nf the auditor cf public accounts the day and ( Hoall i cur above written. n MUOHU Auditor P. A. Ortillcutn ol rnlillo.lt ion , Ofllco of Auditor of I'ublle Accounts State of Nebraska , Lincoln. Tub I. Ib'Ll It Is hereby certified , that the H ulo I'lro Company , of Now York , In the stito of Now York , has compiled with the Insurance law of this state and Is authorized to trinsaot iho business of lire Insurance In this stulo for the current year. . . . , . Witness my band and the seal of the auditor of public accounts the day and firoall year above written. EUGENE MOOUE , Auditor I' . A. Curtillniti ) or I'ulilluitlmi. Offlcoof Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts-Statoof NebrjBka Ltnco n , I'oli J , l 'll ' It Is hereby certified , that the Duelling House Insurance Oonpany , of Iloiton , In the stuto of MassaehiisottH. h in compiled with the Insurance law of this state und Is authorised to transact Iho business of lira Insurance In this Htiito for the curnmt year. Witness my hand and tinBO il of the auditor of public accounts the day and ISoall year above written EU6CNEMOOKK : , Auditor 1' A. fortllleuto of I'liMlratliin. Oftloo of Auditor of Publlo Accounts Stain of NebrasKii. Lincoln , I'ob I , Ir'U ' Ills hereby cortlflod. that the Dolawuro In sur uico Company , of Philadelphia , In the state nf Pennsylanlu. . has compiled with the Insurunco law of this slate and Is authorized to transact the business of lira Insurunco In this state for the current j oar. Witness my hand nnd the boil of the auditor ot public accounts the day and iSoal ] year above written r.UUKNi : MOOUi ; Auditor 1 > A. < crtlllo ito of rnbtleiilloii. Ofllco of Auditor of Public Accounts-Ht ito of Nebraska. Lincoln , I'ob. I , Ih'ti. It Is heioby cortlflod , that the Detroit I'lro andMirlno Insurance Coiiipiny , of Detroit , In the Btato of Mlohl.nn has complied with the insurance law of this state und U author ized to transact the business of fire nnd ma- rlno Insurancu In this state for thy current Witness my hand nnd the seal of the auditor of publlo accounts the day and ISoall your nbiivo written. EUOEM : nooiu : , Auditor P. A. i'urtlllcatn of i'libllcntloii , onieo of Auditor of Publlo Accounts. 8tnta of Nobrusua. Lincoln , 1'ob. 1 , IhlU It Is hereby ccrtlflod that the Cltlzona In > siiranco Coinuany , of I'lttsburi-'h , In the stito of Pennsylvinla. has compiled w til the Insurance - anco law of this HUto and Is authorUed to traiisuet the business of lire Insurance In this Ktato for the current 3 our. Witness my hand nnd the seal of the auditor of public accounts the day nnd [ Scall ypar above written EUGENE MOOHE , Auditor I1 , A. HA MOM ) . IV TOVELTIES in Silver enameled scarf hold- -L J ers , shoe clasps , whistles , match safes , hat and book marks , suspenders , hand satchel ta gs , novelties that you find nowhere else. RAYMOND. FtrTUISTII AND I > OUlt\3 , OMMIi. LISTEN TO THE REPORT OP \\o claim OAMOLE JllXIl'EU Is the iriosl wonderful female compound over discovered. And wo Kiiar rutee It to euro fiMnales who hu\ ulTcrcd foi years with fomule coniplatnts. B QAMOLE JUNIPER Is a success when all othcis fall. If you urn lrroulnr you can rely on OAM OLE JUNiPEIt. ii n otlmr. SU.UOllo ttto. Hold bj all druggists 131(3 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. DR.R.YI , BAILE. ToalU Fltlol Will out Pain Of t u lion. Tooth Extractotl Without Pain jr Danger. A Full Set of Teeth on llu jr far S5.1) ) . Perfect flt Rimrinteol loofi oxtrictal In thi mornlnf NOIT onus Insortoa In tlu ovoalni ot ijij bc'o Miocliuoni of HCMIK vnlilo llrl U9 HofpciliiUHiHol MuxlUlu Llutlo I'll. ) All work wnrrnntol n r pruuntJl Offlco Third FloorPaxton 31 ) " " " ' ' - . i"r"1' 1,0110 t , ci a " ' i mi : CHLI- HKATKI ) NON- UIIANI.LA- ULi : bPKC- TACLKS and KycBlasi- is for g ilo In OMAHA II Y Max Meyer & Pro. Co. QNLY. OR. SVScGREW THE OPECIALIOT. In unsnrpasBod In Iho troatmcut of all RP'VATE ' DISEASES m and Dl order of 1H } oars expcrlenca. \Vrito for rlrculars nnd question Hat froo. 1 Jtli and Fornam Sta. , Umalia. Neb OUR EMPLOYMENT DEP'T while costing the employer nnd employee nothlne , has nnublud us to advance thu Inter- cstaof bothnnd ulto our OT.D , by securing bolter reautta with Ihe machine. Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedict TELEPHONE mi 1TIJ PAItV \ M 3 I ? A. H. DYEK , , Kloiitnrivnri > lioM < ' , Irtctory liii. und all work rriiilrlni ; n tlioroiiRli iind practical knourlmlgn ol eoinlructloii nnd tronctli of inaterlulH , n upcrlalt ) . r , U , llox 334 , I reuiont , Neb. MARVIN TRUSSES H The Best Truss Made . Private room i-r and i.llocta mrc fnrlUtln trusses L-vJy In attendance for lady customers THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , l Instrumt'iits and ModUal ' iiPP i-i in - nth hi. , no\l Pustolll o w PCM rncli I rnnitian CAUTUO3 l-vv , un < ) IK I I Kimtuiitfi U. a i A I 111" * * mil ( Ivalurr nui- 3lc llli , Slr nclli , and Vl ui. I < f land favfsalitfitil AddrossVOriMOIILCO. . ll > i > iricAi ir U , CUeJuuli. Utta FREE ! GIVEN AV/AY ! FREE ! THE WONDERFUL - TWELVE-ROW PUZZLE ! W * oner Valuable Prizes ( er lit Solution ! llaia You Marl One ? H not , call at once upon the Leading I'urniihine Goods Drains of your city who will supply you Fret , ol Coit. V/HflT / BRflllD IS OH YOUR COLLilR ? ' IS * . & " 3&J1i It oiiRht to be , If you tkMV PfJ veal : a to-ctnt collar ; &lirj &xa& Jur this Irand of collar * IT n fea lr is the \er > beat value * _ 'SiSSrHB- thai can be hall In col * TflE CLUETT , COON & CO ,