r TTK OMAtIA DAILY nitt TUONHAV ATAUniT H IQCVI MUST SAVE FALLEN WOMEN Only Christ's ' Gospel Oan Wlpo Oat the Social Evil. NOT LESS LAW BUT MORr. LOVE AND MERCY ChrUt Holvcil the Problem \Vlu-n lie llrouglit ErrltiK Women to ItcjxMitnnce Chrlii- tlnn Women Stint lleli.So | Their Sisters. Kcv. D. K. Tlndnll of the Sewnrd Street Methodist church preached last evening on the subject of "Christ's ' Attitude Toward fallen Women. " Ho had for his text the Master's words , "Go and sin no more. " "Just how to treat fallen men and women Is n very line point for the consideration of Christians , " said the speaker. "Jesus has In this as In nil matters of duty sot us n plain nnd worthy example. Where ho.lcads wo may nay , must follow. Ho always con demned sin , but held out pardon nml mercy lo the penitent sinner. To the fallen hut louhtlcss penitent woman , ho said : 'Go find sin no more. " Ho told the Samaritan woman of her sin and she , too , doubtless re pented when He forgave and saved her. Mary Magdalene was saved from all her devils nnd unclcaniicss when she came humbly to Jesus. Wo nro as Christians to go nnd do as did our Master. "It has been a tiU7/.lo to mo to know Just how to treat saloon keepers and others In disreputable ) business , but 1 believe that this same example of Jesus applies to these nnd nil other such cases , and that while wo are to condemn as wrong and harmful their business , wo are to treat kindly the men themselves. Wo must remember that the laws of our land protect and make resnccta- blo the tralllc in alcoholic spirits as a bovcr- nco ; \vesliouldalso remember that thn drinker who makes the saloon a necessity Is ns much n sinner as tlio ono who sells the drinks. Many of these saloon men uro otherwise good citizens , husbands , fathers , nclghbots , and are kind hearted. Many of them can be saved bv the gospel and become active and useful , and exemplary Christians. "Fallen women can and have been saved Chief of Police Crowlo.v of San Francisco save tlmt 75 percent of them can he saved to purity nnd virtue. Only the devil and his angles have had no salvation provided for them , and they once had a chance for eternal life , that Is , before they fell. "Fallen women nro as good ns fallen men. There are about two of the men for every fallen woman , nnd they were the cause of her fall. Christ's method was to save fallen women. This Is the only way to break up the social vice. Jesus came not into this world to drive fallen humanity from ono city to another and Dually Into hell , but to save it. Neither can churches , city author ities or citizens save these fallen ones by driving them from ono city to another. This but drives them to desperation. Cer- tninly the law must bo enforced concerning nil crime , nnd the penalty should bo exe cuted , otherwise anarchy would reign. Legal suasion wonderfully helps moral suasion. But this will not stop all crime. It will only restrain It. Human nature must bo changed. Not less law , but more mercy , no less Jus tice , but more love Is the crying need of Uicso times. "To break up a house of 111 fame In one community is but to establish It in another If the sinners are not saved. I do not say , that It Is not better for such sin to bo prac ticed in one locality than in another , that it Is not better for the virtuous , but I do say it docs not tend to stop or destroy it. What n burning shnmo on the ministers and churches of I'ittsburg , who , last December , according to Bishop Haygood's report , made n raid on the brothels of that city and turned the transgressors out of their sinks Jf iniquity , but turned from them and sought to do no more for them : and when these /alien ones asked for help tlies'o Christian ministers replied , 'wo can do nothing for you. ' I once saw a gracious revival nearly broken up because a few fallen women bowed nt the altar for prayer. Some of the mem bers were nfrnid It would break up the meeting , and it did in their hearts. When will people learn n , little common sense ns well as piety ? "When Mayor Bcmls said a short time ago that it did not become n Christian people to drive fallen women from ono city to another , I felt surprised and shocked at such a state ment from the chief executive of the city. 1 thought that It might bo at best but a senti mental gush ; but whatever ho may have meant and I wish not to impugn his mo tives his siying contains much matter for serious rellcction. It should not bo dis missed cursorily. I bellove that most of what is done for fallen women and men is done by Christians , but I do think wo nro not doing what should ho done. If these fallen women are to bo saved nnd the social vice broken up our Christian women must do It. They , llko Jesus , must not bo afraid of soiling tnolr beautiful garments while about their Father's business. Jesus came Into this corrupt world to save It and wo must not bo above trying to save each other. " ritACTIOAI. . MOUAI.ITY. Itcllelon tlio Only Sound UnsU for the .Moral Virtues. Uov. F. S. Stoln of Lincoln preached nt the First Methodist church .yesterday , The morning sermon contained no distinctive flights of eloquence , no stretches or strains of fancy , but It was brimming full of palpa ble , hard hitting truth , The scripture les sons bearing upon the subject In hand were found hrPnul's eplstlo to the Colosslans nnd in the gospel according to St. John. The thcmo was the relation of true religion to morality and the evidences of vital Christi anity as manifested in the lives and hearts of men. At the very outset the speaker said that Prof. Itichard Ely , ono of the foremost writers of the present day upon social prob lems , hnd In a recent book made the state ment that bo buliovcd that one of the great est needs of the present ago was n genuine , old-fashioned revival of religion , ilo made this statement as a philosopher , not as a Christian wiitor. Such n thing was neces sary for the put-pose of lifting the human race out of the ruts of selfishness and greed into which It had fallen. "Puro and noble morality cannot bo main tained , " said the speaker , "without the as sistance of religion. "Wo have oranges hero in Nebraska although there are no orange pro\es in this part of the country , but that does not prove that wo could continue to have oranges if the trees of California , Flor ida and other orange growing countries should fall. If the orange trees were gone wo would soon have no oranges. If religion were wiped out wo would soon have no morality. Marked decllt.es In religion have always been followed by corresponding de clines In morality. During the latter half of ttio fourteenth and the llrst half of the llflccuth centuries the church of Homo sank Into the uttermost depths of wickedness until It seemed that a premium was Bet upon crime by the sale of Indulgences. What was the result ? The terrible collapse of morality , lasting over a term of years known to history as the 'dark agCH,1 Ono hundred years ago Franco was induced , through the seductive voice of Voltaire anil hlf contemporaries in lnlldellty.to do away with the Christian Saub.tth , to wipe out , as far as possible- , all evidences of a religious Kcntlincnt. Hehold the result. The reign of terror came upon them , NaH | > lcon was obliged to walk into the Senate nnd demand tlmt the Christian Sabbath bo restored , " The speaker also referred to recent utter ances of Prof. Huxley upon tho'subject of religious teaching as being the basis of all correct morality ami behavior. Speaking of true Christianity , ho said : "Wo read In llomer'sOdysseythatUlysses was obliged to close up the cars of his war- riois as they passed thu island inhabited by the sirens to keep them from landing and brlii ) ; destroyed Hut Orpheus adopted a hotter plan lli > furnished music on board hi * own craft that far surpassed that of the Mrcns , nnd thulr * efforts to win his men were ufnomtill. That Is tlio way trilu religion , h'lmulaU'ii the liumun heart lo withstand tle ) tl < t uf ilioiluvll. it puts u bolter u/uf Into tin/iK'Utlm of thu falthtail than I hr world m u fiir i h When 1 see pro- I rhi1 tiju IwiuliiK for the wicked burvof til * world I Know tlmt thuy have t . UxJ tlmt gi-uulnu fruit of the Hplrlt. " 'Jliwccan bo ILO true morality without I , uiid H It jut us true that there canl | 10 no true religion without morality. Tliuro Imvo liocn no rlmiiKOS In the fiimlnmoiita principles of rlKlit living Rlnco iho dccnloguo mil the Acrtiion on the mount were given to tnnn. Homo i > ooiilc tnlatiikc the formalities ofho rullulous worship for the pcmilno fruit of ho Spirit. They scorn to Itnnplno tlmt If hey wiilk sedately to church on Sunday morning , carrying a gilt oJpcd prayer hoolc inul learn to say promptly In chorus with ) thora , "Oh , Ooil , fortflvo us , mlsoroblo sin- iors , " they nro living Chrlsttiin lives. Too : nnny of them scorn to forpet that they tight to quit uclnc mlscrnhlc sinners. " The speaker said ho bullovcd llrmly that icoplo were saved by faith In Jusus Christ , but it wns not n dead faith. It wns a faith .hat worked , that regenerated the cntlro icing and brought forth righteous fruit. Ho ivnntud to BCO a revival of practical morality na well as a revival of religion. They must go hand In hand , for ono without the other wns useless. The world had n right to ex- licet n higher grade of morality from Chris- .Ian men than from those who do not profess Christianity. The professed Chilstlan > ught to bo a model in business nnd imlltical ntcgrlty , as some of them wero. What the world needed was nioro unswerving honesty n the over.v day walks of life. A revival of ; rue Christianity would bring the desired result. In the evening Hov. Stein preached on able icrmou on "Tho Alystertes of Life. " ClIltlST IN HUSINUSS. .iiyimm Talk of Iti-Hglon In Tlu-lr Ktrry- liny l.lfp. the Immnnuel liaptlst church , Twentyn fourth nnd Dinney streets , lust night the series of Sabbath nnd week dny services si continued. "Christ in business" has been the topic of discussion by the laymen at thcso meetings , and last evening Mr. H. iV. Hnynes talked alwut the ofllco man. The speaker told of his experience in an olllco nnd illustrated the difference between the work of n man who was guided oy Christ and the ono who lived fur this world only. He urged ! 11 these present to embrace Christ and take Him Into their daily life. Mr. tt. C. AlcCrny then addressed the eon- regatlou , choosing for his subject "All Sorts of Men. " Mr. AlcCrny gave his experience among men , the Christian business men and those who lived nnd worked purely for gain , "lo mentioned several instances in which lieu took Christ into their business houses is well as their livis and said that lie thought every one should do the same. rracllcul Christianity. The Episcopal mission closed last night with a crowded cathedral , and hundreds ivcro unable to gain admittance. Alissloner "rnpscy preached u powerful sermon on lighting for Christ. The clergy will meet at the cathedral at 10 o'clock this morning to consider plans forthr establishment of a mission clupcl and a " : iouso of refuge in the "burnt district. " A business men's meetiir. for the same purpose will bo held at noon in the New York Lift building. KlieiiinatlHin Is a symptom of disease of the kidneys. I will certainly bo relieved by Parks' Sur 'Jure. That headache , backache and tire 'eeling comes from the same cause. Ask fo Parks'Sure Cure for the liver and kidney t > : irlco1.00. All druggists. o PLATZ MADE ILL. Clulmn That Only u Trillins Sum Is In Dispute. Mr. John II. Plat/ , who was arrested yes terday by the United States authorities on the charge of defrauding various merchants the collection of overdue postage , was said to bo very sick when a reporter called lit his residence , 12M ! ( Alnplo street , yestcr- lay. Mrs. Plain declared that her husband was In a critical condition and she Beared .hat ho could not live. His previous sick ness had been aggravated by the trouble of the past few days and he could not bo seen. In regard to the accusations against Mr. Plat/ she would say nothing , except that he was innocent. Although she refused to re ply to a direct question , siio implied that the arrest was ttio result of animosity and that it had been expected for some time. Mr. I'latz was afterward seen and refused to make any statement , saying that ho was too ill to talk. Mrs. Platz 'added that the trouble had worked upon his mind until she was afraid that his reason was leaving him , ivnd all for J'J.IO , which she said was the unount of the alleged fraud. s North GnUoston Schoola. NOIITII GAI.VCSTOK , Tex. , March 4. This Industrial center , which is rapidly donning the garb of a city , will have ample educa tional facilities. On March 1 schools were opened hero , and in the near future North Galvcston will have an excellent business collego. Truly , North Galvcston has every thing in its favor nnd North Galvcston is de termined to take front rank among the cities of the south. lluncvulcnt. Washington Star : "Look hero , madam , " said the tramp , "yer say yor ain't got no plo ? " "None. " "Nor no meat , nor no cake , nor no por- tatoes ? " "That's what I said. " "Well , I'm ffoin" tor tackle do house nox' door , an' if I gits any tiling I'll bring yor back somothin' tor eat ; buo ? " We sell Parks Couch Syrup on a positive guarantee to euro all throat nnd lung troubles. It has stood the test for many years nnd to dny is the leading remedy for the euro of colds , consumption nnd nil diseases of the throat nnd lungs , Price jjO cents und $1.00. All druggists. Antrlopo County's Contribution. The ladles of Nellgh have ordered of an Omaha dealer a full sized figure of an unto- lope , cast in hard burned terra cotta , the Intention being to place it nt the main entrance of the Nebraska building at the World's fair. Thollguro suggests the name of the county in which Nellgh is situated. Croup Strlppril of Its Terror. Schiffmann's Asthma Cure promptly re lieves the most , violent attack. Alothcrs of croupy children will fliul it handy when needed. Trial packages free of druggists or by mull. Dr. U. Schiffmann , St. Paul , Minn. N's rAitmits i\cimsioNS Stop ut ( iotlu'iilmrc. There is such a desire to bco the great water power enterprise at Gothenburg that Mr. W. II. Greun has concluded to include Gothenburg in his fanners ox- j ' cursions. llo makes a rate of ono faro j for the round trip , and in conjunction j with the Commercial club at that place , promises * nil who take the trip a most interesting visit and remarkably cheap excursion. Rates and nil information can bo se cured only by writing him or visiting his oillco in the Kurbui'h block , Omaha. The next excursion leaves Omaha on March 14th. o Frescoing and interior decorating de signs and estimates furnished. Ilonry Lehmanu , 1508 Douglas street. Kates to Texas From Lincoln , March 8. Address La Porto Land Co. , Lincoln , Neb. o See the celobratoo. Sohmcr piano"at Ford & Cliarlton Mtibio Co. , J503 Dodge. See Deutlbt Kelm1U , Jc 41 Barker blk RNTRllPlilSR Nobraskn , the Transmhsissippl Granary , Favorably Compared. WATER POWER AT GOTHENBURG Tlio i : < | iml of lllrmlnglinm , Nlngnrn nnd Volnnco Her Factories linn With Water Power Transmitted by iioctrlclty. : One land company nt Birmingham , Ala. , nvestcd $100,000. Out of the sales it has paid more than STi.OUO.OOO In dividends. It lint nlso spent & ! , r > 00XX ( ) In Improvements nnd Its remaining assets from thu original Invest ment amounts to $ r ,000,000 more. There were nt the time the Investment was made hundreds of towns in Alabama more attractive than Birmingham. It is pertinent t < > ask what this place hud , more than other places , which permitted such colossal proilts ? The answer Is. rich iron ore , coal and gypsum lying literally side by side. Iron could bo made thoroeheaper than anywhere else in the United States. At the mouth of the Bnuos river In Texas n town was laid out less than two years ngo. Tlio J land on which It was located cost fS.OO an acre. In less than one year the town's founders sold $1,2.50,000 worth of town lots nnd the population of Velascogrow to more than two thousand busy people. There are hundreds of towns in Texas many years older which have not ono thousand people. What made the place grow so rapidly I Why , nt that point they deepened the harbor nnd made a p.iss through the sandbar nt the mouth of the river , which allowed dccV dr.ift . ships to enter. In short , they made n better port than there was. at any other place on the gulf co.ist west of New Orleans. Hecognizlng the advantages for commerce which Volaseo had thus acquired investors from everywhere rushed there to secure a part of Its certain future prosperity. The fruit farms immediately adjacent to Niagara Fulls could have been bought two years ago for ? IX ( ) an acre , now they are soil ing nt from 81,000 to .f''O.OOO per acre. What his : brought uliout the change ? At last the great falls of Niagara are being harnessed. The Impossible has been found possible. Enterprise has turned the dream of the root Into fact. Niagara Falls , heretofore only n pleasure ground , will now become no doubt the manufacturing center of the eastern states. They have developed 100,000 horse power , and offer it nt a cost ono half less than it can be made for with wood or coal ut any point in the United States. When the never great and now rapidly llsappcarlng forests of this country are en tirely used up , nnd the nowhere ample coal Holds are wholly ox ha listed , the mighty fall ing weight of Niagara river water will bo inking power Just as cheaply us it docs to- lay. ICnoh of these three places made great irtunes for the first investors , because each > sscssed a great commercial advantage. There is another place now Just assuming 10 same conditions. The rich agricultural .ate of Nebraska has no coal mines nnd is ntirely without forests. On account of this i.inufncturlng has been simply out of the .iicstion. It has been accepted as absolutely .navoidable that its products would always iavc to go out of the state to be manufac- .ured. But suddenly n great water power lias been developed. The wonderful Plntto river , which Mark Twain described , with al most as much truth as humor , to bo u stream 1.000 miles long , one mile wide and ono inch > lcep , has , at ono point , boon given a great and new use. At Gothenburg , 2.0 miles west of Omaha , in the heart ot the granary of the Trans- Mississippi , n water-power has been devel oped which engineers say can be Increased to 100,000-horso power. The experiment has been made. The fact has been accomplished. In that new town factories are being run with water iwwer transmitted by electricity. Houses are heated and lighted by electricity made by w.itcr power. The Gothenburg Commercial club offers to give free information upon application , nnd the enterprising capitalists who own the canal and power plant offer frco power and locations and liberal business treatment to othcrmills nnd factories It seems certain that what iron ore was to Birmingham , deep water was to Vclnsco and waterpowcr to Niagara Falls , the newly acquired water power will bo to Gothenburg. Cius. I * WOUTHAM. WORLD'S FAIR RATES. 3Ion Are Not Yet Over Their Surprise. Local railroad odlcials are discussing the action of the presidents whoso lines nro represented In the Western Passenger asso ciation und wondering what the outcome would be. It scorns' that the World's fair rate committee- bad Just settled down to business when word came that the presi dents would relieve the passenger men of their task" , which left the passenger agents without a Job so far as World's fair rates are concerned. This is the first time In the history of western roads that the presidents have seen fit to relieve their passenger agents of duties directly In the line of their work , nnd it necessarily caused considerable talk among those interested. It is understood that the "silk hats" will make a basis of rates higher than contemplated by the passenger agents and that it will bo largely along the lines laid down by the eastern presidents , al though the general reduction will bo larger and will apply on a larger percentage of trains. Provisions also will be made for running cheap excursions for workingmen within a radius of 800 to 500 miles of Chi cago. A gentleman who is near the head of n great railroad system in talking about the action of the presidents said : "So much time has been wasted over this question of World's fair rates that patience has ceased to bo a virtue , and railroad people outside of passenger agents have become dis gusted with the whole situation. Every body has talked nnd talked , mooting after meeting bus been held without any progress being accomplished , nnd I believe the presi dents have done Just exactly right in reliev ing the passenger agents of thu whole ques tion. The rates may bo somewhat higher but they will bo made so that everybody may go to the fair without spending much money for transportation. " Charles Kennedy of the Rock Island in talking about the rather unusual procedure on the part of the president said that It had the element of novelty nt least about it. But It has good sense behind it , " said ho , "for rates made by the presidents of tl o roads in interest will undoubtedly bo main- tallied , and that Is what wo are after. The rates probably will bo somewhat higher but by no moans beyond the modest income of the artisan who desires to spend a week In Chicago. " The World's Tulr Cannot remain such without the blooming look and radiant complexion which health nlono imparts. Parks' tea , by clearing the blood of impurities , makes the complexion regain the hue of youth. All druggists. . i .v.v u v x UJMI\ . "Miss Helyott , " which comes to Boyd's theater for three nights , commencing to night , Is not comic opera nor farcical com edy. It blonds music by Aud run with David Beiascu s adaptation of thu breezy fun und wit of the boulevards , The heroine is a little PennsylvaniaQuakeress , traveling in the Span Ish Pyrenees , who meets with a droll adventure , resulting in most perplexing complications. "Miss Holyott" Is alnlxturo of prualshncss und coquetry. In Its inter- Hie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum 0ied iu Millions of Homes 40.Years the ( rotation hero wit ! to 8ren a company of rorty , Including Mm * Smith. J. W. Herbert. , ! { . A. March. Oi'ik-go I ydln f , N. S. Hum- mm , Fnnn o U. IUIIItl < ottn Nlcol-Furnt and ulso I sllo-Cnrtte. of course everybody ms hoard of the f mous Miss Ixittlo Collins. In her original "TUr-ra-rn-liooin-do-ay" she will dompnstrnlo Junt how her rciulcrliiff 1ms defied nil the effort * of her many Imitators. Iho return of thh favorite comedian. H. i-j. Gr.ihnm , to Oinhbn on Thursday , Friday ind Saturday meet , when ho comes to1 Joyd's theater In Ills new musical comedy , Larry the Lord , " will bo tin important event to play gocra. His performance of 'Larry the Lord" ii said to bo equal , If not .o excel , his well known Impersonation of General Knickerbocker In "The Little Ty coon. " Upon his last nppoaranco hero in Jiat successful opera , Mr. Graham made nnny friends. His performance of LarrjV while differing from his former role , give ilm the same opportunities of Introducing us Inimitable talents as n comedian. Ills rrcat topical song Is entitled , "I Wonder What Next They Will Dof" In nil there ire twenty-two musical numbers In the comedy , There nro three things worth saving i'lme , Trouble and Money and Do Wilt's Ittlo Karly Hlsers will save them for you. These little pills will save you time , ns they ict promptly. They will save jou trouble ns .hey . cause no pain. They will save you noney as they economize doctor's bills. COURT CALENDAR. .1st nt llvimU In Which I.iwycr : Are In- tcri'Hlod. The call for today is as follows : LAW HOOM NO. 2 JUIK1I3 SCOTT. 30-77 Omaha 1'Hntlng company VH Gar- ll'Illl. .11-UTi Jensen vs Anderson. 31-32-Klrst National bank vs E. M. Hulso ompniiy. 31-77 Leo , Olurk Andre-son Hardware com- mny vs Morilson , 3I-lH4-'lalllln & Co. vs Stonohlll. Sl-UM-llulstuIn vs Doros. 31- ' _ > & 0 Illnuk vs Slonchlll. 31-205-Slilney ! VH ( llhson. 31-U74-\Vesl vs Omaha. 3I-3'JH HedMin vs Moyor. 31-333 Tinman VN I.enls fa Son. 31-3-iO-Ilainlln vs Hpli-glo. 31-3-Kt-Jultur vs Poster. 31-3il-Sumi ( vs Hplisle. 2H-U17 llulwlK vs Tivitz. 31-305 Vornbroon Furniture company vs Splclo. 31-3HO ( Irnham.vH rotten. 32-31 Iay vs Adams. 32-41 Ki'iiiiody Ivopald. 3U-54 Champion vs For y. 32-70-iiKutti'r : vs DiMmii. 31'J2 ! .Milpcs i l.lcoy vs llutrhes 32-OH Maitln vs Omaha Street Hallway company. 32-111 Murrlll vs Union 1'aclllc Italluny company. 3U-11M Hayward vs Adams-Smith company. 32.132-I'all xsllart. K\W I1OO.M NO. 3 JUIXin IIAVIS. SO-2-13 Ilayos vs Hicks. 2U-27O Illslap vs Midland Mlnbii ? company. 29-357 Winner vs Omaha National bank. 20-300 Wood v-t Uni.ilm 1'lmv.ira ' Miinufac- iii Im ; company. 30-0 Nebraska Land and Investment com pany vs .Miner. 30-04 Manloy vs Clarko. 30-07 Ktndelman vs .Sullivan. 30-71 Walter A. Wood .Manufacturing com- ; > any \s Mollne , Millmni , Stoddard tc Co. 28-204 Anhouscr Hindi Ilrewlng associa tion VN Thompson. 21-280 McCarthy vs Chicago , Ilock Island 1'aclllc Knllnay company. liAW HOOM NO. 4 , IUI(1K ( FnlldUSON. 23-27 Emer-on , Tnlcott .t Co. vs Hanna. 23-2Ha-llllko ! vsllollmaii. 11-290 HiimiMi vsOmaha Horse Railway Co. 24-130-XlcKc ! viSni-kutt. 24-153-Ulhson vs lloirman. 24-220 Anbel vs umalm. 24-2 J2 Seavi-y vsSteole. 24-311-Si-haller VH Nason. 2i-193 ! Sweivoy VH Stuht. 25211OastsUlbbon. . 25-243 Colilbtcln vsOIHan and O'llrlen. 21-12G Ijovl vs Omaha. LAW ItOOM SO. 5 JUDOK OflDKN. 27-311 Out/chmann vs Wyeth. 28-128 Tucker vs Omaha Street Railway company. 28-lG'J United Status National bank vs Volution. 28-173 Mexico Fire Ihlclc company vs John son. son.2824OJKIsharvfl Union National bank. 28-337 Wrlsht vs Jacobs. 29-20 Loach vs Omalm Street Hallwny'com- > any. 20-58-Darby vs Knluht. 20-H8 Gardner vs Challman 29-153 GavutmuKh .tTlmmas vs Edney. 29-197 Montgomery vs I'utrlck Land com- xiny. 29-208 McKcll vs Lovlneston. 20-222 I'owoll vs South Omaha. EQUITY UOOM NO. 0 JUIKJB IIOl'Ctt'LM , . 28-349 Hampton vs Jones. KQUITY UOOM NO. 7 JUDQC IIIVINE. No call until .March 8. Cudahy's "Ilex" Hraiul Extract of Beef is Lho best of food products. It's convenient , lienlth-giving nnd delicious. A fliio upright piano , used only six months , at hulf price. Ford & Cliarlton , 1508 Dodge. "Give its a licJc. " It is common enough for one boy to ask another boy , tackling a colos sal apple , to give him a bite , but it is only of late years that young people have taken kindly to forms of things which were always sup posed to be nasty. Pills are sugar-coated now , and so the bit terness is concealed ; castor oil has become so popular that chil dren cry for it. Cod liver oil has been so perfectly blended with harmless syrups that there is much lingering over the spoon ; and Malt Extract is so fascinating to the taste that there are fre quent struggles for a share. It is well when it is so. If medicine can be given in inviting form , if the mind assents to the potion , so much the better.It is a distin guishing feature of Johann Hoff's Malt Extract that it is a favorite remedy with all classes of patients , from the very fact that while , it is pleasant to'take , its imbibition is working wonders in emaciated broken-down consti frames and - tutions. Debility , atony , exhaus tion , and the-various stages of re covery are all among the benefi cent objects of its attack. Be sure to obtain the genuine , which must have the signature of "Jo hann Hoff" on the neck of every bottle. Eisner & Mendelson Co. , sole agents , New York. ARE TROUBLING YOU ! WcMAS n'a our-i'K im-noN" Hl'KOrACl Kd of BVH if I.AS * bE-llm beit Iu the world. U ro4do not neu 1 K n 3 wnwin tplirou loanlulvtio roj irlint loilo. UOI.II 8 "KOTACJiKS or KVB ( JUAsSKd KllOM M.IJ Ul' . I'lsin rae u. blue or wblia/Uum , for pro igellnz IHJ i Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. Faruaw and tfifwoutstroot HliTTliRl \ } \ ON YOUR GUARD Three Un Pomillilllty tlmt n IZitropciui I'.no- my Miiy Invililft It * Ajfiiln Tim Your- n In Time. The Intent news from London indicates the prevalence of u a rout Ooiil of Inl1iion7.ii , nut only i In Umtoltr mitiliiiiiinhnut Kiulnml nnd r.uropo. This Is the w i.v the crip oulilumlo of Inst yunr started nnd It Is the hitflioit p.irl of wisdom ami common sonio to keep the } stem fortified RKiUiut an attack of this torrlblo comiilnlnt , Tliuro In un tnmsimt amount of coiuhlnr , ancuz Mir , headache. puln I i the muscles , m- noolully iirnund thu slioiildors nud aims cold tent ; In fact , nil the usual r i > symptoms. i ou iniiy nay. I do not fo.irthoKrlp. llutilo you not fear tho. torrlblo things which crip may brliiR ? Ksuoclnlly pnuunionla , which limy comunlmost In n mumum iimla.iuso your death within tulny ? Moro peopled lo HiiUdon- ly from piiuumnnln than fnim nny other known complaint. Why ? Ilecniiho It comes jnio'cpocloJIy , beciuisu It gives no wnrnln-1 , ha no symptoms. othurthin ttiosost.itcd.anil yet It Is the most fatal of all known discuses. In view of those solemn fiu-tt. what shall nny sensible man or woman do who muds these words ? Manifestly srunr.l iiKalnst the coinlii'- this danirorousdliu'iso. How ? Not by doslnu- with iiulnlnu but by stroiiKthonliiR , uy toning the system with Homo pure xttmii- lant of tonic power. Tliuro are iniiny which olnltn to possess this mitxllt v. but thoio Is but ono which does iiruuUly possess It. Th.it onu Is Dairy's I'uro Malt Whiskey It has stood the test of yours and IH the most popular pre paration tpilny known to the American pee ple. It Isucnornlly mod and It Is universally nilmlttod to possuhsciu illtics known only to llsolf. Do not pornilt , your drneijlHt or erocur to pcrsiiiflo you otherwise , but Insist upon having what you call far. BEWARE OF QUACKS AND FRAUDS WITHOUT DIPLOMAS IIP CI-rtlllMlH orrcRiatriitliin , AltTMJM ink tO MM ) their cic- < lpltlHl , SCC If they Imvo u rlylit to prxc- tlco In NuliniK- .1.1m. ! M > 11 they | nro prlnclpalH u r in c r I y agents. ( ! o to tlin rroiirilor'n olllrc iintl < ( ! It tliFjrmo ri'C- Istcri-il. UK. r. I. , si : viii-i. : ConauU ns Surgeon. Graduate of liusli Modlral Collide ( tO\- MJl/l'Aiio.N KKKK ) . For the troKtnioatof AND Wo euro Cntnrrh , All Dlio.auos oFtho NOHO Throat. Chost. StomiioU , Sovtrols and Liver. Blood , Shin autl Kitluoy Bisoatai , Femtilo Wcnkuossoi , J-.ost Maiihooil CURED. I'lLE" , FISTULA , K1SSU11K , porraanontly euro ! wilt out the use of knife , llir.-uuro or cauitlc. All mnladlos of n prlvnto or tlollcftto naluro , of cither sot , positively cured. Call ou or ndilrcsa , with stamp for Circulars , t'roo Uook and Heclpcn , Dr. Scarlcs & Next Door to I'ostotllca GUITARS , MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS AND DRUMS. We m ke a Mrlrtjr from IU C1IKAI-J8T 10 the MOST ELKUAM nd cobTi.Y l.iitrumfliti. .JRvcry Instrument full ! IV urriinttMl. OUR LATCST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJD , Endorsed by the RCST Playerx Sttui for Catalogue ar.i mention the Instruments rt\ think of jmrchar.ng. JOHN C. HAYNJ3S k ' KENNEDys CAUTION. KENNEDY'S UST INDIA BITTERS Are NKVKU Sold IN 11U1.K , ONLY IN BOTTLH3 WITH TRADE MARKLABELS Architects , Surveyors , Contractors We have n full supply of "JVIathie- pnatical Jpstrurneptaj n > ra"W- Ipg | = > ape-S | Jpj-aci-pg Clottt , ? Tra'Pslt8i B ° ds , Cbatps , Uev- cls , fapesj Squares. Illus trated Catalogue free. * 1EWE1IDC ( ) 114 South 15th Straat , to .PostoiTic © . Omaha's New33t Hole ! COR. 12TH AMD HDWAB3 3T3. < 0 Uooms nt C..W per dT. . 10 1 ooma at $1.0J par dnr- lOltroms witti Hath at $3.0) parlir. 10 Rooms with Until nt 13. ) to 1 1 5) p ir d u AUGUST 1st Moiluru III Kvnrr Kospcrt. Nu ly I'lmiUlimt Throughout C. S. ERB. Prop. Tno only hotel In tlio o'ty with hot and cold wiitor. nnd stu un no a In over/ rae in Tubio mill dining room service unsurpassed. BATES $8.50 TO $4.00. C. t-uoclnl rutos on application. B. SILLOWAY , Prop. OUR EMPLOYMENT DEPT while costing the employer and employed notulnc. ! na enablud us to ntiranco the Inter- ostsot bothund also our own , by bocurin ; bettor results with the mnchlnu. Wyckoff , Seaman & Densdicl TELKl'HONE 17J1. 17U l-.Vll * \ . I S f DR. R. W. BAILED Teeth Fills \Vlti otut > atn ot u tion. Tooth Extracted Without" Pain jf D linger. A Full Sel of Teelh OD RrtJjr for $3. $ ) ) . . Perfect nt guarantood. Tiiolb ettriotJJ la thi morning , riew oooi Iniortea la tlu oraaliu of mil dr. dr.reo ipeclmeni of lleraovablo llrlU > I ee iporlmeoi of Flexible UlattlJ I'l r. ) All work warranted B > roproiontjj. Off lee Third Floor Pnxton 31 D ) V TclenUono 1WJ , Kth and Knrnaai Sli T ke olcTator or talrnorirom ItlU ateatriaj ) . DID YOU that fancy pin head cheviot suit that hangs on the wall in tha window the one marked four-fifty ? Do you know that it's as good as it is good looking ? Did you see that handsoms gray checked suit in the third row marked seven twenty-five ? Do you realize that it was a regular ton dollar all wool suit that you were looking at ? Did you see that five seventy-five checked STO in the second row ? Did you wonder how we could do such things ? Hundreds of men have looked at these three suits and the other forty that we display in our big show window today , and said to themselves and their neighbors , "I wonder what it means. " It msans that "The Nebraska" has started the spring campaign in earnest. It means thattheseforty-three suits simply give you a taste of what we're going to do this season with the great lever that moves the com mercial world PRIOR. Open till 8 p. m. Saturdays 10 p. m. 43ocs your system Need a Stimulant ? Of soy use AMERICA'S FB1MEST WHISKY ? For Sale at all High-class Drinking Places and Drug Stores. If your Dealer does not keep it , write to DALLEMAND & CO. . CHIOAQft ItAVMONP , THI ; JUWEI.EIU HpORTOISE SHELL Hair Pins and Combs A the genuine article nothing you couid buy would please your wife more than these beautiful tortoise shells. RAYMOND , FIFTEENTH ANI1 IUUU.A3 , OMAHA. PERMANEHTLY CURED Or WE REFER YOU TO 2,500 PATIENTS. Financial Reference : MI Hank of Commerce , OinaliiL No DETENTION from business. No Operation , Invustknto our Method. Written guarantee to atnOr lutoly Curu all kinds nf KUI'TUHEof hotliBOXoa.wltrt * nut the use of icnlfo or tyrliiKe , no matter of how lonjt tandlng. tandlng.BXAMJNATION The 0. E. MILLER PAHY , 307-308 N. Y. LIFE DLDO. , OMAHA , NEB. H n < l for OirouUr. 5INorvo Seeds , " the wonderful remedy li sold with a writ * Sen mmrnnter lo euro All nrrroui iJlienid. lucb ai W ak Menorr. Iois of llruln 1'ower. Headache. Wakefulnen , Ixiit Manhood. Nlthllr Kmlf > tiona Nervou nc3 § . l' > ltudi'alldrilni and loaiorpnworof UieUoneratlt * Oru-ani In rillioriazcniiieil by ovur cjcrtloc , youthful rrron.or vxeenlrr inodf tolmccoopium oritlmulnnti which § 0011 lead to Indrinllr. Con uuip tlon Hllii linntiltr. 1'ut upconrrnlefiitocarrr In vnl i > ocket. til perpact * - - " -R ASD .UT * " ' " ' ooaliTlimiliOfii'fi. . ( in./f Idimonei/ . Circular With avert free. linrrtor Adrt'f w J > irivr a written " . guarantit . . ( 'Mcncii. Ueurl * , For Sslo in Omaha by Sherman < fe O'Connoll , 1B10 Dodpo Street STRENGTH , VITAIIH , MANHOOD W.n.I'AHKKK , M.I > . , Na.411uinncJi t. , .liJSTOif , Utas. , cMrf rontultlna pltyilclan o/ tnt llKAHODV IEIIIOAr INbTITUTKtowl."J va ewanJed the QOI.U nm > ir. by the NiTinN * ! . lEOICJii.AM < KUTloMfo. Ibul'ltl/.i : KRHAVon ' ' ' < , < , u , and all J > lna..t and Wtaknni of Man. nlinro Ibo young , Iho miJdlt-agid nnd old. illHrX < 'onrulUllon in penwn or by letter. JUIILO l > , oteetut , with tcttlmonlali , KIIKH Urgabook. 801KNCK OF LIFE. OK SKI.F- I'UK.SEKVATION , SCO pp. . 125 Invaluable pro- icrlpUoni. full g-.lt. onlr tlM > hv null , toalvd FREE ! GIVEN AWAY ! FREE1 TUB WONDERFUL TWELVE-ROW PUZZLE ! Wt Oiler Valuable Pilzei ( or Hi SolullonI Hat a You Had One ? If not. call at once upon th Leading 1'urnlshlne Goodt Dealers of your . city who will upply you Free o ! Coil , WflAIBRBHDISOHYOUliCOLlllR } IS if ft ? It ought to be If you wear a ss-cent collar ; for thli brand of collars Is the vtry best value ( bit can be hadjor as cents. CLUF.IT , COON ft CO ,