THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIU'llSDAY , MAttCTT 2. 1893. SPBGlfiL NOT1BES. nwENTu TOII rniwis AUvriti < takpti nntli IS Mr m fur tlio t-Trnlnc n3 cr.ti 8 V f m , fur the morning or Bundar Mil ' * nflvrr ifumnnt Uken for leu Ui n & centt for the n ; t iimprtiun A Bdtrrllornirntn In tlimp pnlnmn * 1H rem a w ra for tlie tlml InMwtlon and 1 c-nt a word for i racli mljwqucnt Inxriliin > r II.SO IMT line I > rr month crnn rnnh In bOrnnm lMtlal tlRnr . rjmr e arh e unl a word Aflvprtli- , hicnumi.m run connecuUTcir AB ertl orii lit rp input Ra a ruinitxirBfl clu-ck run have tliw Irttprs i l < t a numlx-rMl lutter in cnrn-f THf UKL. , > o ndflreo'Prt will be deiivorrd on the | ite- i jn t f. tlio chock SITUATIONS "WANTED. 14. WllAri'EUS , t _ lr Oaklcr boot. 24th thlldron iclotlilnc -WANTED AI'OblTKlN AS h L \ > j experienced male opurator | Addrcaa A M lie * - ) . I-OB1T10N AB Cll'nt E AbfelSTANT und monocriiplH'r AfldroBii A U Hoe. _ 71 1 WAN KI ) MTI ATION , 11V K : . /i t jutit InrJT Bteuocraplier und typewiltnr can c iiprala ituUii 1'ieuilur or llemlnt.tou. AddreBB , U S1 Ken. ' * * -ttAf.Tr.1) POSITION lit Yorut xAi > r AS bookkeeper Btenoprnphnr nnd typewriter Iins fcod recommendation from litnt employer Address dross B .lorgenfen BUB B lUtlnU 7M ! T WANTED IWIT10N lit A YOUNG MAN J wlto underBlnndB bookkoeplnc ntilek nt flpuri * * fair punnmn gonfl reference * Vi ill Ix-jtln til the bottom nud work up Address .lolm lulbott , AHBOU 31o 111 A TIIOIIOT C.H C1TV DllLO- xt lur comlne y > .nr Addruns II M , lice 4 * WANTED MALE EEZ.P. 1 > hAl A lit t It COMMISSION 3O AtiUNTSlO -I'lmndle lif rail-lit Uiemlrul Ink Rrnnor Pencil TUP mo t tiwif ut nnd novel Invention of the nee 1 ram-fi Ink luornuctily in two rcconda Works like ninclc. am tu * > nor rent iirciHl Aeonti rnnMne JSU per week W B nl D wnnt a cunerul iicont to tukn clianre of territory und nppolnt HII ! > UEuutiw A rnro Llinnctt tn limkii iiiiini-r \ \ rlluferternut nnd nfin'cl roencf i-rnMne .Monroe KriiBliiE Mfe. Co. , T , Lu ( tiiMn WIK > X1 \ -TOt.NC , MAN. I > 0 VOD WANT A I'OSITIOV tliat pnr upwards to II BOD pur year' For lull { mrtlculnrs nddnSturllnc Bilvor Co. , riilcnpo. - LAllOUEIlfi AND 110CKMEN ON THE II 4 M. BLAllOUEIlfi cxtnnoltin in HotitU Dukotn Utoaiy work , f roa JIBBI. Urnmor & . O lluarn , labor agency. < 10t h lltii rl M717-6 * BALUHMAN WANTKI ) , 1X)11 IOWA and Neliraikft l > y Ilonton nianufaetnrei rnaklnc men lioy uud youtlin' nlioiIn rlicnp and /imdluru crndi-ii Only tliose with experience in t ! jltncBlioe > nn tlie rcnul nnd willing to neil on vouimlB lon , tn ed npply. wltU references to 1 * O box 21 j lliiBKin , MPBB M770 ! f -WANTED. COACnMAN. MUST11AVK GOOD city references Apply 1BZI Davenport ntrnet. A17BI - . IILACKHMITU TO DO I'LAINOIIK B-WATED. lilnLkBUittUInc Aflflrem K W. lecb ! , iJougluB , Neb. glC-B * 1 > WAN'IKI ) , IIFJ.UHLK AND CKiUOC7IC J > bii lnes man to tuke the niuimcement of uu omec liiiBliii- In tills city Bnmll nmount of cnpl- tnl required I or partlc-ulnr * cbll or uddrnHB \Toitnni ItuBlneii. Acuncjr 31U > ow York Life uldc -n-LAHOIlFHW AND TI.AMHTE11S ON THE JJliock Island lly extension In luxnn Kreo pnsn , Ivrnmtr & O lltaru , lahor ucuucy < M3 botith 11th titreot. > ll > 53 r * -WANTED , TlNNUIl , Ml PT Sl'EAK r.FHMAN J 'nnd hii steady nnd sillier Address D Vi Elliott , I'leice NuK MKU ! Z- WAWTED-FEMALE HELP -WAM'FU , COM I'lli ENTCiI III , FOU f.EN IHIAL Ohousework. Mrs H Host-water 1711 DoURluo st /1-WANTr.I ) , O < Ol ) GIIIL FOU UES DUAL V hotiBework K001 1 arnum St. M7IC : /T-WANTKI ) , A GIIII , I'OU GUMUIAL. HOUSB- \ wort 17lo North IHtli ulruut S1774 V WANTKD J.ADIKB AKD GIIILS WE 1'AT you $1 t SID per wetik to work for UB nt your i n lumien no painting or cnnvnsnlni ; , xund BClf nddrrBBed einiilupe. ( .eorce v I'.nimuuii \ Co .ccir nor llulteryiuurtli nnd \ \ uter BtreetB Huston Mn B M773 8 * \NAATll ) , GIUL roil GEVUIIAL UUUbi : (1NAATll work umiill family , 13S7 o ttl 19tli at 7Ba f \ QIKl.ViiNTnn , GENnilAL I1OUSEWOKK. V Bnmll fnmlly numt he lulr rook , woalior nud Ironer lira. W Lyle IllcLoy , 1115 B. Md at. 609 S / v-\\ > nai ) . AUIAMUBUMAIUANOTO HELP ? ' m' " ' ' * ' ' * " ' " * ' " " - Cun Bliup utliome. 7J < B Ittb. 812 8 * CAMED. . nj.i'Eiiii rrD OIULFOUUEN- Vifr lliou o orklnBmull family. Must lie Rood coote 124 b 24th utreet. bl 3 -A COMl'UTKNT GI O , toil HOUSKWOltK. Mu Bt be n food took Apply N VT cor 2 > tli nnd Joni'B MSJi V FOB , B-ENT HOUSES. -FOR ItKNT , UOU&ISS IN ALL PARIS OF D 'city ' The O F Dulls company , 1S05 tarunm st. rvITA1B. ! . IIWIIUAAGB. COTTAGEb. IN ALL J iinrtB nf tun city Kilkenny & Co. , iloom 1 , Con tluental block ' ! 4 -FOR lilCNU TWO 6 ROOM COTTAGES ON I ) 'notor ' I all at southwiot uor I'th aud Douglas 7S < 1 T-V-STliAM IIKATK1I I'LATB K1LU1NNKV 4 CO JL/ituoml Cotitlneutnl liloct 7:5 "TVroil 11K NT , NEW 13-IIOOM I1OOSR , ZW1 | JalBO ID room liotiie. Ili'l Capitol iivenuo All inudurn Colii-"J Cnpttol nvenue 11. 11 llolilnon il - C-1IOOM COTTAOKS. r > TA KOltl ) CIUC1.E , T ) 'new ' ; modem. C. b. Klguttcr. all live tilde 311 TH-LARGELIST HOUSES PAUL , IKto FARNAM. JJ M.72 ! M1U rCOTTAC.K , Til ) ANt ) CLARK. INQUIRE l. ' > 23 X/JackBon aiPM TV 7 ROOM InU.'iK , ALL MODERN , LARGE . /yard , shndp trriM. near Hauseom park , E& > per month Inquire R Ib , Barker block. 4a > - KENT. DESIRABLE UOUSEb , C AND 6 D. rooms . luqutruHilfi Capitol uvonuo. M&U32 * B-KHi KI.NT , B-UOOM MODIUN COTTAGE vrltli barn , nice lawn , tmtu. eUtcrn ! bll ennven Irncai , t'&W ) Apply un premtioH. 8J2 b. 3atb avu. IxinvonwortU rnm uue nltick nouth CiUJ T ) AMI UK AN HOlJhE , VtU JIOiKiLAH fcT , tM .i pcr mouth J M llrunuer , 4 < 2 Hue ImlldmR Mai M2 < * Tt > It ( IV I-LAT , MODrilN IMrilOVKMKNT , J ilib 1 til Klreet. CXI 3 * J ) IKIR RKNT CENTRALLY LOCATED HOUSC , modern ; Itnprovumoiits 70S N Huh t. Jlui4 HOOM COTTAGE AT NO 1116 b UTU ST. , Itvp-roomrottBgo No .13 a Sbth ut. . ut n L ( Jrpen , Barker block 7ta v-IlUKK IHU K , Kfl.L , LOT AM ) IU UN SJ luiiilieij'.ir Ilrlatol ntrcet. M7iiV * D t UOl'Jl iVrAUT-Mn.Mi STKAM HEAT , iUT ereiireB ri'iiulred. ' Von Horn block M7W DKOR RENT. FURNIhllED CO1TAGE. DE- slrable Inuntlon Roomy lawn untl good shade trees 74J7 Ilercn street kll ! ! l-l HAVE FOU RENT THE FOLLOVY1NG J rirBt eliMHt houses near Hunspom park Jo S02 ! 1 opp'i'tun ' avpuun hrltk house , 8 rooms , with bath fumacn ta , couth nnd east trciiit , Mirnur Poiiplvton uvouueand J3d trppt MJOO JCo C3B Poi plmun HVCUIIP now frame IIOIIBC S rooms modiirn built furnace , bath otc , rouOi front ( Ml 00 Jto auOaPixnlheHri'ia Oun of the tlucst flnlihed MUdotiHluiit liuunfs In Omuha , b rooms all minium conveniences , fuU UU ) > or month Kpyauunho ohtnlntd ut my pftlon ut any lime George N Ulufc , JU6N \ 141 e hulldlug M& . ' IS J ) KIR HUNT. uMALL lXTTAf.E. CORNER 8lh and Intan , K1.0U Hicks , 3U5 N Y l.lfu. MBTC C KENT FCTHNTSHED BOOMS. W HUA1.D 11 DEsUSUD last Dndgo M IXi MB * EHOOMF 1-Y THK DAY Oil W KK CIIEH.U ton h u > ulJth nud CuoUol M5W r * EPA KLor. ANIJ ALrorK. " 130 EJ--OH IlKNI IHjHUANTI. FTUMSIIHU ht'lT of room * with unc ot plane , refercuec reuiilrud KZS ho lath vt ' ujfi 2 ELV I'l llMEltXD 1'IIOXI HOOM. no ! rf'nth . Bt. M7 l 4 Ert'llMhIIHl ) JlOtiM CIIKAI- , Ol'l'OSITr ! llnimcum park , call HUil'nrk Ave 7E7 1 " " " 3 ? . "htiTt"K "sLnBl'lNo 7. . . AT j\V orld lair ' ' a 'Jo'm naiunable AdHrrss O O. lollow * UnclnuVI E-tm UINT , i-i.r. Ah AOT SOUTH FIIONT with bay window suitable forlgpntlemcn. juodcrn lrupr- m tits. SJH tiu-uumstr Mt M8I3 4 _ _ _ _ _ T , -S1EAM HKAIED UOIf I L RMbUm KOR JjhOiuokDeplnf 1714 Nlcl.i . las MSSSl' rtTBJflSHED ROOMS AND BOABD. ' loiTNfc WOMfcN'hHOME t MUSH CAR EOF J. Wouiana ( hrlttlau assuclntlon , HI fco. nth at T -TUEDOLAN.a AND ll } , TJS F Full HI-NT , H'RNlsill-L RiKIMS WITH U.Blfl , s' m UB t. Utopia ITi r * | Uavonponat. ' r ' "isuED UIKIUH"riru Pi KJIl J'INT \riru , , JtUaitl. . lUfttrKDCM. ajlUirZUlku-niB. turn J i FPBJflSHED BOOMS ANP BOARD. J1CUIY FFKMSUB1) THONT IIOOMB with iKinrd Call nt 3107 Ixiaglns MM * 9 - UBNT , N1CHLY FUltNtSHKD FRONT Trooms atthe wrlwter & 1 < anaSlBX 1Mb st. I7-HANIWOME FOUTU 11OOM. WITH -I trfetencea , 18BI Cbleago it FOR RENT-T/NFTJRNISHED ROOMS GlNFtHMSHED mifTH FIIO.NT ROOMS No Iionsckppplng SKW liouglo * MSOT 2 * FOB KENT STOKES AND OFFICES J ONK W > t H STOUY IllllCK 1ILUJJ1NO SS KEET wide HOT Ilnrney lit 7V 1-ixm HEM TJir.4-sTouy IIIUCK IJULDING JWO Knrunm ft Tlie utilldlnir has n fireproof re- uieut liiwmont , eomtileto fleam lieatliiK DxtnreB wntor on nil the lluora cm , etc Apply at llie . of Tlie llee HID "I roll 11ENT GOOD KTOKK IIOOM WIT U MCE -I ttve room flat rorner ( uniUK ) und MBta atreet , Junt outBlde city liuiltB I or ternik , etc nee Ueo N lllc 3Uj N 1 Lite Hide MSM. C i AGENTS WAKTED T (76,00 TO KV CO CAN Ilk MAUU MONTHLY i 'worlrlnc ' for II ! ' JobUBon4 Co No X So lltti ] MliiAMZ * T-taWTO fi.00 A DAY SlzMI OUTFIT TUCK 'Work year round for man or woman Write nt once Kxcelslor I'ertrnlt llousc 44 N Clark st , Clilcuco M12B Ms * 1 I rAGENTSWANTED MALE OH FEMALE. TO ' ' " nerept u peed position with UB to fell our ' "Ilri ad , t nkL nnd 1'nrluc Knives , uloo ' 'urvcr ' lilcceBt luducomtnt evi r offorud. No enpltnl re quired Adrtrvcfi wttli Btnni'i , ClnniB blieur Co. 1 * o llox ! ! M * KnnB Clty SlD niiMl-niM * 1 WANTED , AGENlb TO r-HLL TUP GUANII 'H ' Patrlrk'f da > orunmentB fo.W to IUUUinnde ) without troulili twodltlL-reiitBBinpleii , lOc lnve tl- ente now AI 1 rn , Llevelutid o M7R7 t * 1 A ( > LNTP WOHIjI ) t ) lAlll ADVKllTISINO I ' umchliie. 126.00 dully StPBdy work A l lt PtoreB i only , btutuii bumiilcs .Ari't Co. , Itucliif WANTED TO KENT KWANTKI ) . faMALL FAMILY NO ClllLUUES. renpotmlble partlen Ix-Bt rafernneea , want fur ciBlied cottaizc l > or 7 rooms for I , or" montUB commeucluit April 1st or sooner AuBwcr II45.11 ou AI 7fly z * K IF YOU WANT YOmi HOH nS IUCNTEI ) lUtwlthJ 11 1'arrottu , Douclni blockMiSll MiSll A2 ' HOAltl ) WANTED roil VOVK IN 1'IUVATB L-f nmlly. Call nt once , 607 Browti tiulldiuc STORAGE. M -BTOUAGE. WILLIAMS 4 CltOSH 1314 Ilnrney M DON1 HI0111 ! UOrSEHOLD GO JUS WITH out roclnp our stornco department It Is the bent. Omaha btove Ittipalr WorkslrJ7 Douelas7.TC 7.TC ' STOItAGE FOU HOUSEHOLD GOODS. M : Jloau and chonp TateB U Wolli , 1111 tarn am SUJ WANTED TO BUY. KOII Fi'iiMTriic iiousnnoLD > poods , etc. . or will Mill for owner lu our nuptlon snles Itella 1111 I urnmii VJ1 fC ANJK1) 1-Olt CAbll Cl'SIOMKIl COT- .1 tiifie nioduru ImprovenieutB oust of 2bth Boutb of Cuss street , beorco J 1'aul , lujj 1 nrunm Btrt-ut. SlliSB 2' XT1'AUTIEs 11AYJNO S3OCK ItANCHES OH A > liirce liotlles of Nebraska or\V > omlnc luud fur suit * will do well to nddrcBB Gvo N Ulckft reul eHtuto nnd linestniun uient room SU5 N \ JLlfe bldR , Ouinba Neb 7&V C V J WAN ! MJ1B CAIU'ETS I'OLDINI. 11ED > mill otber furniture far bousuLeeplui ; Must lie nice ft Ut Uee B1K S _ \\AMJ5U 'IV IIL1 1 Ott ( ASH ODOD fl1- 1 > rlpht piano must IIB tlrat'Clnss lu peed order and \ory rhenp Address glTlne full particulars w Ith price , H M. llpe olllco BUi ! AL OFFICE FL'UMTLltK DESKfa , chairs , typewriters etc BJ8 N 1 Lllo Building FOB SALH-HOBSES WAGONS ETC. P -FIltSTCLAsTLlVERyi bTOCK COMl'LETEJ twenty-live bend horses licarsa. hacks nnd bag gaga wagon Address B 5U , Bet < oHlte JlbOJ b * TGOOD ItOAD HOUSE CHEAP. SUM WOOL- -L worth are MIiu a * FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOH SALE. THET HRICK THAT IB TAKUN nut ot the county bt pita ! . Inquire of the foremnn nt the hospital 731 FOIt SALE. A SECOND HAND. Si HORSE- ponur Woodbury ppglne nnd two 40 horsepower bollirs , all in good ordur Not needing them In our new locution wp will Boll them ut u bargain Omaha 1'rlntlugcompany. No 10U5 I nruum nt. 732 -THE STANDARD CATTLE COMPANYOFl'EH baled hay nt 15 OU per ton , on board cars at Ames , Neb. 1 his prim mny be withdrawn ut any time , 7 AH NEW rillE-PllUOl bAl . CHEAP. AMI BlSE. M1CM 10' Q FOR bALE GOOD bECOND HAND bTEHLING pneumatic hlcyolo ut u barcjiln. C. A AtLtns , I ouncll Bluns , lu M Ma JOll SALE OR TRADE , ONE ACRE WITH Q hennery. Address H. , KS. ) Cantor street. Oniuha. QQ iV.I Ml ! ) * Q -I OR BALK AN EDUON 1'HONOGRAPH , 734 North 21th bouth Omaha Neb 1.27 it * MISCELLANEOUS. T ) ELECTRICITY CURES NEURALGIA AND -IVrheumatism 'Jry wilt not recret H. C. I.SIut'pur Co. , 2Uh uoar Cumlug iliUO ; CLAIBVOYANTS. S MItr * . NANNIE V. WARRF.N , CLAlRYOYANT , - reliable business medium fifth year ai ill ) N Itith S-MUS 1HLM. LEaRAVK , PROPUETEbS. DEAD tronco clairvoyant &ud life reader ; tells your llfo from crudle to grave , can bo consulted on nil uQalrs uf llfo , has the colebrutud Egyptian breast plute to unttu the separated and cause murrtagu TMtu one you love Come one pome all and e cou Tinned of her remarkable powers onice nud rest diuioti417b. llth tit , , hours V a , m tou p. m Strict llfti tbart aud iihoto of your future wlfo or bus bund sent through mall for ( JDJ , chart nlone ( S ( JO All letter * coututnlng 4 uauts in Btamps nrouiutly answered Mir.1-nU' _ MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. T \ TArGE TREATMENT ELECTJUL TUEH nial hatbB Bculp and hnlr troatuient mnnliiure und chiropodist Mrs.l'OBt.SlVh , b.litutthnull hlk ' | t-MMK CARS IN 1UI DOUGLAS STKEEr 3D J floor , room' , massage , alcohol , autphur nnd suu bnthn fi VADAME bMITH , MS tf. 1STU , 2 VI ) FLOOR , -L Room E. Massage , ulcohol , sulphur and sea baths. MI3 4' " "PERSONAL. " IF YOU hARM3 TLY INTEND TO MARRY Quick , wull , lionorably Bond lOcfor Mutrlmontal News Mercur , nmllfrt in plain sealed envelope Mercur 2588th st New York TJjiuU' ' INFORMATION IS WANTED AS TO THE vhiirtubouts of H Bennlng n Gerrann , AS y oars old 6 feet P or P inches tnll , wulght ubout 15U | iiunul last hoard from August I 1UUJ , ut Hutol Arllugtou , bt Paul Minn. Address all Information to C J Durtlimuu , room U34 , Guarantee Loan build Ing , .Minneapolis , Minn M7V1 3 "IttUBlc , ABT AND LANGUAGES. V-G F GKLLENBECK BANJOTEACUER N" , TV < curuvrltth uatl ilaruvy Haruuy itruol entrance _ I4 V-11A11RY WILLlAMb GUITAR AND BANJO teachpr , 1C3 I arukui street , Itoom 1. Mitd MU _ \T L'AMEV , DIE hlCU EINEM NFtEN ( lOsnngrvreln unsclillpsen wollen Bind gubcteu slch tu moldtm bet I'rofissor Petcmon , W5 Hhuvly block , orifunlstrung Murzdeu Utuu Abend B uhr MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATET V1DUUTY TllUtST COM- vi pany , ITU3 I-arnaiu Htrent. 7dC \\T-MONKV Til LOAN ON IMl'ItOtKl ) CITY 'I property , low Tatrt. A. C. I rust , Duuvlas bis , 757 \V I AM > z YEAH IXIANb ON CITV AJD A.IIM ' ' martcBiie * lieed & M'lt'jS44 ' lluard of U'rade 73S AIT CENTIIALLOAN JkTllCliT CO. UKK 11LDG \\r ANTUONYiOANANDTUL'ST CO , 31S N V > i l.lle. lend < nt low rnien f er cliulco mourity un Nebrntka or Iowa lurmt or Omntia city property \V-c-1 UAitiiisu.N. N Y OFi J2 [ 7 i AV 1.OANS ON IMPltOVUD ANt ) L'MMPHOVED city property.tlJWOand upward * to'jiar nent No delays \ \ tarnam bmttti A. t.o.lMh nud llaroey 742 \\TMONET TO LOAN AT LOW KhT KATEB > Tlie u K l ) Ti Co . Ii06 taruam tr et 74 > AIT- WANTED A'i UNC.U. LUANB ON IMI'llOVEl ) ' Omaba property low rales , ncelltr 3Yuat company I7U3 Kariiam at TWI \V-LOANH. uouhEs TO KENT AND ixsuii 11 ance solicitor Ueo. W P foatvs , lez rarnaro. XT'UOUTUAC.K LOANS LESS THAN T J'CK II cunt , toclodlnc allcliargei CliatlM W lialflsy , OmauaNat. tiaukUlaj. .It , ' /gONEY / TO LOAN- REAL ESTATE. \\TFlltwTAHBrOMtilOK1OA9K LOANS ON ii rmaha property A on farm" in adjacent onnn 1 ties head full dvBertptlon Alex Moore 4U1 Ueo bide i 14B ' \V-OMAHA 1A > AN & TIlfST COMPANY , MTU il mrtl IHltutlas leans money on rtly nnd farm , property at low rates of Interest. .VJUSilll | \\r-MOXHYTO LOAN. HMO riltVATE KAfiT- i1 ern money on improved tmaha er Oo llluffs ' real estate one or more loans. Addrois A II l. eare of rnrrler No II Omaha E \V-TPKlirENTMONFT NIT TO llOltltOWEHS ' 11 on Omaba eltv property No extra charmet nny kind \ \ liv pay lilcli rates1 Money Is cbeap toucan pot full benefit of low rates from Ulobe Loan nud Trunt l u Ifltb nnfl Dodcu 747 \\T OMAHA bAVlNUH HANK MAKKS 1XJAN8 11 on rcnl estate at lowest nmrket rates Loan * made In smnli nr larce sums for sliort or innc time No commission 1 cbnrced at d tbe loans urn nut pold in ilie east , but run always he found ut the Imuk on tbe corner of l.HU and i'ouflup streets \\-LOANB G u WALLACE , 812 nIIOWNBLK ! > 74 \\T-MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA AND CWX- II ell Illutlsreal estate and Nebraska and Iowa f arum nt from 64 to C | * er t ent Intcri nt wltli no ud aitlonal clmrpes for comail al ( ns or attomeys fees W 11 Melkle J t Not 1 bank lildR , Omauo.4fiU \\T- SIDNEY TO LOAN AT IjOWHST HATKB ON i Ipmroved nud unimprovvd real estate , 1 to * - ' Farnnm 7.IC ypnrs I-ldelity 'JTust Co 1701 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X CALL AT THE umCE Ol- OMAHA SlOllTQAbE LOAN CO. : INCOIU'OHATKI ) . ! ' ' ' " " " " IF i of'WAN r IIO'NEI , Iciu cun borrow on I10HSKHOL1) ITUMTCIIE AND PIANOS. , WAOO.NS A.SD CAItKIARKS , ! 11KCKI1TS. MKHCUANDISE , lilt AND OT11KU hBCUKll'V Wr will lend you nnr nmount InimflUiw to Fl.UiU. ON THK IA1vit AilC t\iH IT without imhllcltr or remoTnl of | irojiort . You can pnr the money back In any amount * you wlnli nnd nt uny time , und puth | iuymcnt no Hindu will rpduru thp rout of th lonti llunipuihor that you huvo the nnp of liotli the rro ) > urty und the money and ] > ay for U only an lone ns you k.pcj > It There will bu no criipnxp or charep kept out of tlicnmouut wnntod , but } OU will rrcclvu thp lull amount of tin ) loan llaforo borrow Inc ulorwhcrp call nudBi'C oiuud yon will tlnd It crpntlr to yonr adTnntneo. OMAHA MOIlTbAUE LOAN CO. , JUO HOt'Tll 1CT lIBTUnhT , nrBt tlour nbovp the ntrvot THE OLDEST LAUGKST AJstl ONLY JNCOIU'Oll- ATEl ) LOAN COMl'ANY IN OMAIIA. 751 X DO YOf WANT MONEY ? THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , HOOM 4 W 1TUNELL BLOCK , SlPlt SOUTH 15TI1 , COltNEIl UAUNEY ST WE MAKE LOANS ON ITUMTUK1C HOUSKS , CAHUlAGtIBA11EUOUSE HF.C ElI'TS Oil J'JSll bOJiALPllorEUTY OF ANY KINil / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / /TOD uu , / ones nitsT / oa. / OUlt TE11MH WILL MEET lOlMt AIM-UOVAL. on pnn pay the ruouer bncfc nt nny time and In any nmount you wish , nnd thus reduce thocoxt of cxrry- luc the loan In proportion to amount you pay IF 1OL" owe n balance on your furniture orothnr property of unj kind we will pay It on for } ou nnd currj It ns lone ns > on dpxlrfi 10T CAf , JlA\K 10111 MUMCY IN ONE IlOtTIl ntOM THE TIME YOU MAKE Al'l'LlCATlON No publicity or romornl of property BO thnt you BPt the tmo of both money nud property 1 ou will also tlud us In from 7 to I ) n m 753 x J E. VAN GILDCIt , 112J7 , OMAHA NAT'L UK MI&5 Mtf * X I'KITCHAllD Bl DOUGLAS I1LK 1C & DODGE. 7&4 X WILL LOAN MO.Vin ON ANY KIKD OK BE- curlty strictly pontldcntlaL A E Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 753 -MONEY , 40. M , W ) DAYS. CUEA1' HATES and cay payments on fnrnltnre , pianos , live utocfc etc. without delay or publicity , cash on hand D Duff Green room b Darker block 753 a BUSINESS CHANCES. ' NOTrE ONLY lYUG "fl'ilE : IN TOWN Loss of health cause of selling It will he coed place for a doctor. Address A A Jloe oQloa. 140 MB \T KOR bALB OH EXCHANGE. A I'ATENT X rlEht for Nebraska , out of which a rustier can make money Address 212 MoCucuv Hid * 17 Y WANTED. A I'ARTY TO LOCATE A FLOUH mill at Axtoll-Ncbrutku For Information write A Ilpckfltrom 42L 2 * V rtm SALE , UETAIL HAUDWAItE STORE J do 1 lie u peed business. Address Lock Hex 100G , Lincoln , Neb Mill ) 7 Y FOR SALE , ESTABLISHED HOMNESS IN Omaha Bargain Small capital required Terms cash Address A 33 , Dee MCbC 4 * T-FOH BALE. ATA UAHGAIN. ONE OF TJ1E bestpaylncsBloonslnl-outbOmaha : peed stock and fixtures L.C. Gibson , 24UUN. Bt , South Omaua , Neb Tin AT 1'OULTKY FAHJa FOIt bALE. W1TULV 35 i mlnutps drlvp of pnntoflice , conslstlnc of 1 room house , barn. well , cistern , uew brooder liDnno , Incubator room and other bulldlncs Iticn bators etc. Latent nnd best appliances through out. Locution cannot h exeolled for raisin : all tlndu of poultry 1U or 2U ncres crouud on lease nt low rental ITlce Tory low ; must neil Address I1 O box Gl , On.uuu MTIff ft" V FOUBALE CHEAP HHICK YAHU. TOOLS , X luam und wngon Apply at & > J1 Bloudo street , M71W " Y GENERAL STOCK. MUST BE BOLD. MAKE an oner.nn 1'utton's lluslucss exchange Hoard Trnda. M804 4 * F1UST CLASS ItESTAUIlANT AT ACTUAL - Tnlue. Write It 48 , line MS ) ! a" WHOLE OK HALF INT REST IN - one of the bust country newspapers In Nobrur ka : business fiUW per year with less than HIUO office cxpeuBcs. Address B 23 , care Bee. U17-J * \rFOR hALE. AT TO UU uWN" 1'HICK , BODA J apparatus complotu , no ccncrator A C. Mokes , Harvard , N b. BI&-0 * FOB EXCHANGE. Z CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL M'D'b'F. WH.L take real estate & money , llorrji.lrunkfurt. Ind I7 46U ACRES OF CLKAU LAND IN OVE OF /-Jtliu best winter wheat dlHtrlctn In KOIIBUB to ox clmlifu for ID or 20 uoru truct near Omuhu city llmllsM11 pny raBh dlflvrpiieo If propertj Is Kood Addreiis , giving price and locution , Oi'L. llpe zu& -I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS k Dakota \ \ til null cheap , or Lxcnunge fur . , horses and cattle Adit , bux 7L , Frankfurt lud Z FOIt TRADE FOR LANDS AND CAM1 A clean stock of general merchandise Adaruai It WuUliis A Co. , 1-rant-furl , lud K.Vm4 * Z 1 HAVE HOOD BUIL1UN ( > LOT. RIST AM ) l-'rnnkllii ( f l.UW ) , for small Block of tncrUiundls ; ) In city or country. E \Mlluu south Omaha. MUJ7-M4 * 7MMOT. > * IB03IN DRY GJDIH , HAT-i. CAI'3 Shoots shouM , notloni utc , for desirable N - hruKkaluud Addrosi Ford & 1'dci , Stromsburj ; , Neb. Mjiitf Mil' ZGOOD OMAHA RENTAL I'UOI'EKTY TO Ei. clinnRB for property In or near Los Augnles , Cat Give number of your property uudniive lime Ad dmsHoxt > .KI , Los Aniiolea , Cnl ITJ8 " 0 Z BUSINESS 1'llOI'lSRTY hOll GOOD KAUM land In Nebraska or Iowa. G U. 1'etonon 1412 b th MW1 MM y TO EXC I1ANUE IC.UOO i-TOCK OF ( .KNLUAL morchnndUe Want clear Improved Ipnd or western laud and cash Address Box 42. What Cheer , la. y-FIRSTMOim-AOE AND CLEAU I'llOI'EUTY f-lior Nebraska land. W Illinois 4 Mlttan. Moraine building , opposite uostoQicu. 7Rt Z Z IHH LI. AMI tURMllKK 'JO UUADC I UU land In Nebraska , Iowa or couth Dakota 3 , E Matlmny \VUtineU block 811 r FOR SALE EEAL ESTATE. ELEGANT CORNER FOR RESIDENCE. Ifi FT sq. I1B.UIO. handBonicresldHnce , Wft. lot , HfiHXJ. tin * farm 12 miles out , fCUUU F K Darilnc , Barker block ; 67 r:0 ACRES IN ONE-ACHE LOTb.NEAIt HOUTH Uamaha.wlll I * placuduponthpruarkvt March 14th No mortgages or taxes upon this property , ubslrapt free. Within 16 minutes rldv to ! 4th nud N Btreets Healthy location good rualdeucu place tine chance to raise vepmableii , poultry , ote. a'urnn uasy I'er- ons & Berry bouth Omaha. 31 ! MIS A -FARM LANDS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS AM ) LSouth Dakota for sale on longtime , easy terms and low rate of Interim Liberal commission to ngciits bund for catalogue. D Hayes. Manager Muscatlne Mortcace and Trust Co. room ! , 1119 bo lithntrt-at. juu , M18 'PWODESlllABLKIMI'HOVEDFAUMbFOUhALE iSJO arresln Douglas Co. , IS ml leu west of Omaha. 430 acres tu W ushlruiton Co.,1 ! mlles nonh of Omaha , lor prices and terms apply tu W B Mlllnra. Omaha , NPU MilS Mln I'OUSALE-fAllilB , CENTltALAKl ) EASTERN Ncbruka. E. C. liarrln I , Co. Bhuuly block block1'TIS 1'TIS FOR SALE. THREE ACRES CLOSE TO RUbER'S hotel west of llanscom park , has trvcs and run nice water tlrst class plaor for chlckuna. etc , only li.BH ) Gnu N Hicks au& N Y Ute bide TbS J AUU HAltbAIN 10) ) ACHES IN CKNTIIALNE braska X mllrt trom good town OB H & M K R Improvement * huu > a stable corn orlb pruimry hoc house , good pump ana wtnainUI , bf. acrus under cultlvntlou pno JllJil i > r acre. U llllams .V U It tan , McC irue tulldlnc , opposite uoBtotuco. JlC J FOB SALE-HEAL ESTATE ( < < iiifnhr ( t FAItM FOR BALE. H SUVTVJION EVEItY FOOT rmirt partly Iniprorpfl au ) > 6 spttirnipin npvpr niortgaiiflA uiust rail nt iMiiwJur half print fi 00 per acre Fldollty Trnm rd pir : rarnam Bint SKVEKAL ULU0ANT HOI > < RS M lt SALK NEAIt ' . tlannponi park nnd In VTtirt Knd low ncurps. pasy trrms small rash pathient to right parties lleo N Hicks 3B N \ Utnlildit 7X CORN I.AND-THRUE ARE VMM. A FEW tbouimnfl acres of oli9lu j4and In the areat Mis * sourl valley porn belt that -tciin bn bought nt from f UU to HI 40 an npre ( hat > MIX county Houlh Dakota , pontnlri ? tlip bnt m tbe p lauds An < t n l p list of farms for nal Jnr rpnt In < harlci Mtr nnd L'oticlas counties Hl < Vvn year * n resident npre llolersnren glvpn t rr'uiaps nnd pnrtlcularit call on or writp t IrvlniP U Wulch Udterton tharles Mix ( a H. II < awtul- H , BAHRAIN-- COTTAGK NO Mil CAP Itol BVP.UUB. aubdontlally liullt only four blocks wpst of High school , wllhln easy walking dtatnnco ofbuslnp s portion of city I'rlne , li'Ml ( Gpnrge K Hicks. 2J6 New \ ork Life building 7o : A FARM ton 11ENT AND OVE FOU SALE MAH -liliall , room 010 N Y Ltfp bide RR s * T7OII bALK.SJUO LIIO1CE ll WAND rlEBHA'iKA f farms If you wish to buy Bill or borrow money nn farms , write or call Bugri i 11111 , Omaha , Npb 141 Mi _ FAllM LAND FOR SALF. 1ZO nenr Irvlngton f IUU ppr ncro 147 ucrps IS mileof 1' o r7tou 1M 10 miles of I * u ( l& per ncrn. 1ZO , 7 tulles lit 1 * . O ITU un ncre. 40 near I loronce. 915 un ncrp IK ) npnr Floretu-6. (70 nn nrre J11J. in millof I' o M ) unncro SO 11 nillpi of I * O Hftnnncrp. 155 ncres IP nillos of F ( ) . , TC.UDa ) | JJ. li milts ot I * o , IX ) au 2WI ir miles of 1 * O Kit nu ncro. 4SO ( nss c * unty 9M > un nore 240 W nshlncton county (87 an aero 21 : . Otoo county F42 un ncro ini. knox county tlfc nn acre 820 Htnnton , ( un acre 22U , Duwson. f > lb un acre C F Harrison 1112 N. 1 Life 780-2 A KM LANDKI ! SALr.-BURTON S. HAKYKY of OrlenUB Neb , oflcr for sale over twelve thou Band acres of their own Inutls In l-rpnklln llnrlnn , ] urnus Red > Mllow Ultthcock t'hclps Gopher and I routlpr counties In Nuhraskn nnd Kppubllciin Hooks , rhllllpB , Norton Dppntur , Huwllns nnd Clipyunne countlci , Kansas lying near the Hurling ton Hock Island nnd Central Brunch railroads 7 firms to suit purchuitirac loaned ( ZftUOUUOon farm land * and obtained title to many tracts dur ing the depression of a few years ago and at nuch valuations UB enable us to soil at very reasouablo prices For price list descriptions , etc. , call on or luldri-ss Umiv Burton Orleans Nab , or A E Harvey , Room 7 , Academy of Music , Lincoln Nob. JStf-rn ! 01 ACHEi 2 HOUSES. ORCHARD SMALL FRUIT and grapes , i t miles of 1 * O. V37j O ) per acre , easy payment. 6 acres on 44th st t2ll)0 ! ) terms easy J IL I'arrotte , 23 Douglas block MU35-M4 d100 ; CASH WILL SECURE IfO ACRES HKST PclBfls land In pastern Nebraska , balance long time , C per cent interest The O. r Davis Co 15jj { arnani st. 191M la MODERN BUILT FRAMr HUUSC , EIGHT rooms. No S3Ub I'nrrplnton uvonuo with furnace naco , bath , sewerage , gas otc can give possession nt once can oner at B Ion IIpure. Gco N Hicks , .105 N Y LUo Bldg 789 i CM 800 BUYS A NICE HOME OF BIX UOOMS , LOT V30XUQ * r block trom motor In Walnut Hill (100 cash balance Sift tit ) per month , only b par cent In tcrcst nmnhaHoal Estate & 'irust Co. , room 4 , Bee building UI7 GO WEST KO ACRE * CHOICE LAND COWS , nar ° s horsea harupss wagon plow , nil for f 1,600 Address A I' Ellison Lust. \ \ vo voM77B2 * WANTED FARM NEAR OMAHA FOR $10,000. i W nnted 80 ncrpB nuur Omaha , H.OOU Wanted H soctlon cheap land W nnti'd fnrm for city lot und cash W nnted (2,1)00 ) ut 7 per cunt tiest security ) Wanted , IIOUHO for clear lotiund C 000 cash. Wanted ncrcs for fnrni nnrt uaah Wanted 4bOncrus near Omuhu W anted , 10 to < 0 ncres for LUHI \ \ anted HiO acres lu Fawucu county Wunted IN ) ncrcs lu CumlPE ; county W anted , (11.000 at 7 per cent It.cot security W anted U section between Omaha and Kan City "Wauled land In Dawson pnnnty V nntpd cheap farm In lowaj C > UarrlBOn , DISK Y Lllu 78G-2 \'OW IS THE TIME 1 > ao BUY ACREFItOrEHTl JlSTWElTOf THECITi LIMITS THE GREAT J'LATTK itIVER CANAL AND WATER I'OWEH ' Will make It advance rujildty In value 6 ACHE" , closp to city ( J.IOU. 6 ACRI.S with small cottace CB3D JO Afltl'.H , Dligant tract l 100 10 ACUES , with pottngo , ( j ( IUO 23 ACRES choice piece only ffl.OOO , 26 ACRES , nice garden tractfT.W ) 40 ACRES , splendidly located ( in000 HO ACRE" finest around ( Juiiua , ( .13,000 22(1 ( ACRE' > close to ncw ± utr grounds , WLnoa THIS J'ROl'EHTY Is west qnd outbwust of the city limits , pnupuc | nil city tuxes IT OlIEKb as opportunity for the aafust nnd best Iniettment now ou * ie .market , aud with the BEGINNING OF WORK ON THE GREAT WATEK 1'OWKR bYBTEM It will advance from 300 to NX ) percent Within tbp. ucxt Elxty flnys' prices you will see a preat chaiige tn Omaha realty. Call nnd let us Bhow you the bargains we can oner. GEORGE N nines Heal Estate nnd luveitmont Agent , JOS Now 1 ork Life Building. 783 2 100 ACRFS IN SOUTHERN ANTELOPE COUNTY , 75 ucre * under cultivation , prove , fruit trees , all good Mortgage (1,310 DO2 years time , Furm worth more than double the mortguee , but I will take tltO 00 and give wnrrnnty deed Address B tu. Boo. M601 r SHOB.THANDAND TYPEWRITING. SHORTHAND BY MAIL WITH ANY OF THE standard typewriters at home. Grout chance for those either in city or country who cannot attend a regular shorthand school Address Tan Bout's hUiool of shorthand. > U N Y. Life , Omahu MVCi PAWNBBOKESS. T 8ONNENBEKG. DIAMOND BROKER. 130S tl .Douglus Bt. Loinsruoner on diamonds , watches , etc. Old gold and silver bought lul li > S 150 SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. BOYLE.- . BABB. DKALEB8 IN TYPEWRIT ERS All makra bought , sold , exchanged , runted UU N Y LUebldg Tel Sag 1ITT MU _ TTT DK'RT A TT'RTt.R A TJT1 T TVI Tt A T . W. B AKER ( FOlVM E RLY vn H J NO J J A < cobs , dpceased. later with MOM BUl ) , unde taker and tnbuluie < - , all S lllth st , tel ( i % 000 FOUND. FOUND - POCKETIIOOK CONTAINING JEW elry and tuouey Call nt 2320 Pacific street M827 2 * Louveii CHICAGO Hl'ULlNUTOYlTuArrive Omaliu | Depot 10th nnd Mason Ht | Omaha POWERFUL PROOF. Indian Sagwa A Reliable Remedy of Rare Value. The Professor of Physiological Chemistry at Ynlo College Ana lyzes Kickapoo Indian Sagwa It Is Pronounced Purely Vege table and Absolutely free from Mineral and other Harmful Ad mixtures A compound of Croat Remedial Value Nature's Clff to Nature's Children. To prove thnt KlcLupoo Indian Eagwa 1 worthy of pnbllcconfldcncc , and thnt It IB t remedy of remarkable curnttrc value. JlrBBra. llenly It Blpelow of New Ilmtm , the npcnts for the Kickupoo Indlnn Mndlclnt Co. , requested that an analysis ot Indlat Sagwa sliMild be made by tbo Professor ol Physiological Chemistry at Vale College , considered one ot the highest authorities In the country. Thl he flld and reported as follow * : "After a. chcmcal ! analysis ( if Indian SaRioa , and examining tlie various mil" flanrcf entering Into its coiniot < itvnJ find it tu be an Extract of lloots , JSaris and llcrbn , of Valuable JlcmrdlalJlctioiiit < ltti- otit any mineral or other drlelcrtous ad mixtures. " Ho had no suggestions to otter which could Improve flagwa , as Itwas n rcmnvknuly pcrluct ccnnbhmtlon , und it Is Buf e to Bay thut no Imrirovcnient could bo tntxdu Thousands of cures attest to its remarkable curative properties , The health nnd longer , ity of the Indlnn proves the poten cy of the Indian's medicine. Indian Eacvca keeps him well. If joufecl "nan down" or lack appetite , don't I sleep veil , b ve ' a bad tr.ute in le mouth , pains ' in any part of the ( body , respond to the cry of nature , unit Trltn Klckn- Chlor'TV-hitBulTttlo" pee Indian Bagwa AtredllOjc-urB. cloanvo and tor. Uty your system and cast off Elcknens. Don't delay I - -4. Take the remedy In reason. It mny BOVO you a month's Elckness , a month's loss of time nnd u month's exponves for a doctor. Kemcmbcr , too , that in taking Kickapoo Indian Sagwa you are not filling your pyHtetn with mineral poison that "braces yon tip" for awhile , only to lca % o you worse off than before. llcvtarc of mlnoral mcdlclncnl They tr * dangerous I Thry often kill. Kemcinbcr , Ktclnpoo Indian'Sagwa contain * no mineral or other harmful ingredients , " saye the hlghuBtuntl unprejudiced authority. Bngwa is a remedy for all time and for all neasonB. Jt restores the stomach , liver anil kidneys to a state of ported health , and if those organs ai o In peed condition you need not fear disease. Rheumatism , Dyspepsia , Liver complaint , Disease of the Kidney * . Nervous troubles , Scrolulo , Erysipelas and ull blood disorders are cured and prevented by the harmless und valuable compound of roots , bulks and herbs. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa. Cleamet , furifict , 2lenmatet and Invigorate ererjijiart of the human tj/ttaa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ' $1.00 per Bottlej 6 Bottles for E5.00. If Your Cistern is Out of Order or Soft Water is scarce , don't worry yourself for a moment go right ahead and use hard water \viib WHITE RUSSIAN and you'll never know the difference , The clothes will be just as white clean and sweet-smelling , because tfo "White Russian" is specially adapts foi use in hard water. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago- Dusky Diamond Tar Soap.BMt If j ou don't want to buy a Dansmaro Ty po- wrltur don't o\anlno It , Mascuth Stutlon- ory Co. 1J04 Paruam M. , Omahu , Nob. "Improreacnl { he Order of the Age" It Is unnecossnrv to mention the points of su- jiorlorlty ioa t'HseJ ( by tlie IIR It U now so wo.l "known. Its Record of Success Is Its Best Re commendation. ben It was nuiouttio niiirUnt rivals said It woula not wnar T tno bus Bhown them wrens Inn vnry imrlluu ur nnd IIKH nrovcn tlmttho Sniltli frnnilnr iSTHEUr. T nnU hTKONGC-iT TVf'EU'KITnK EVHt IN- VCNTF1) , AND TODAY ITSTANDalAB AHr.AI ) OP ALL COMl'KTITUlIh THE SMITH PIIEMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor. ITtb and Tarnum Bts. , Omuba , Nab. LYU. MA libW. Manucer PATENT BUREAU. CUES it CO..Solicitors , Bee Building : , Omaka , Neb ( yciarfiCxnnilucriTJ S. I'at UOlce AU vice tree PEKSIQHS ! CLfllHS ! Notli u tu Sun KliulUura. TliP unnual nicotine < if htcirUlioldi-rs at TIIL ] l > -Ll'ubllsliinzrnnirti ] ) ) w 111 ! h"ll in tbdir citlirr vorniT 17th utiU 1 unmni Htr > < i'ls uu Mon- Uny Mart b t ul < t o < lur U p m Jir tlie ilcc- tion of u buurtl tit Ulrvriors und hu b oilier nus m sus nmy l > t ] ire fiit d for rju-.iut.ra- tluu Hi orUrr ol tinprusidi ut. UEOUQE U TZHCUCCK , SorrctJiry K < v r r Syllnlil In TIIBPB K > ri < ntlr I > ftf > rmlnr < fl by Nc- Imisku'alllclxwt Tribunal. LrtXOOLN. Nob. , Mnrah 1 fSHXlal | to Tur BDB ] FVUewinc ure the nyllaW ef the decMUms rceoaUy rendered by the styiremo Gannlro YS Willy Error from Tha.vor opunt.v Afllrnietl OjtiuUm by Mr Juitift ) Korvul A rounty murt bni Jurisdiction ( if on artlun lirotirbt ujMin n l rty wall nert-wiicnl o r > - ovnr one-bait OnoxtiPiiM - of liulldlnc u liHrty WRll wlirn1 tbc niiHitint otiuebt to IIP racot urva duct , not nxmtcd tlio JurlKdirtlunul limit of mirli puurt 2 W horw u iiarty purcbnw * a lot on whlrli tliiui' 1 n imrti vslllmllt by the ewnurol Uio nd.lolnliic lot , wltb notion , rltbor artual or const rurU\ . of ft wmtrarl lM-tvit > ii bis crntitoruiid Hurli nflhrtnltiRlot owiior. tliat the cruntor will IIHV niio-liatf HID o < wtn of mn- M.rurtlnc tlio wall wliontMur hn hhull u e It , Hit iiertH-int'iit timber Ntlimlutlnc that tbu cotoiiunti IbPrvUi Hbull t-Mi'iid to und lx > blnd- Inp upon I'ucb party , bis heirs , luhuliilstrHtorB and iistlRin , such iiun-lmicr IB llulilc for Uif uniotitit azroud to lie ] mld by bli pruntor in mso IIP mala * UIP of the w nil 8 TJu1 l > ro | > pr rpel .t ration of \rtr-wall | ucM't'iiipnt li roliitrurtho notice to all pur- thust-rs of tbp rutil UMtntp ulTprtnd bj tbo icri'i'nirul. utid Ktit'li noticu Is as I'lhK' aud liliidlnc ax tu'timl notli-r \\liiTpajiurpbaKpr of liroiiorty tmvs tbp iruiitor conildoratlon tliurcforo after bo lias rcroltd actual or n intrtictlvtuotlcv of a prior rlsbt or i-qulty be Is not I'litlth-rt to tbo | irot > pl | n whlcb tin- law affords , uu Innocent | iurr > luisi < rfor > aluc fi Hi-Id , tbut tin- proof Mipport-s tbp voullct Omuha Southwosluni Hallroiid C3oinmu.v | vs But'Hon Urror irom Cuss nmnty Afllrniod Opinion bj Mr Justice Post A railroad coinliany wlilph has appropriated jirhaujnopirt foi ilclitof v ny iiurpom-s , on uppi-nl to tbo district coiirl from nti award of iltmmpi , Is inn on tit led to 1m vo u tblrd purl } sulistltutt'd and iiiadu a patty In U * stead on the ground thut Mich pi-i-son him aciiuid to In- ( U-ninlfj It foi money tixpi'tided for rlpbt of V.UJ ii To rntltlp n tblrd partj to liiti < r\otii > In au ucttou lu > must baxi BOIHI' lutcrem lu tin- Mihjt > ct of thu contro * orvy A limitcotitln - KOIII llablllti toutihwtiroviir to the defendant vllliinn aiu privity Hli the jilultitlll Is mil hUlIIClfllt 3 In hUu-rIuU'iidluc ) the finpannllni ; of a jurj SOIIIP dlscrptloti Is iipcpssuilly confided to tlip court , aud tin * c cuslup of a Jutorforeauso will not bo bold ground for r verbal unless tbero aiioar8 to have beuu au abuse ot dlt- cretion. 4 Where on a trial an Inspection of the prymlm-s In quohtlon Is proper , but Impractlca- lile or Itupotrtlblp , a pbotopnipblc view thereof Is admlssbile 5 Ou trial of a condemnation proceeding It v as not error to admit evidence tending to I > rou that tlie jiroporty In question ( a tract of twenty-one acres adjoining the city of 1'latts- moutbiviih su ceptlbh' of subdlt talon into Hinallcr lots , bj roiisou of whlcb It was more laluablu , and that in Ponst-tiupuce of the con struction of the railroad tract , subdhlhlou tbeipof was rendered Impossible , wberebj tlio value of the truct was grt-atlj Unpaired 0 lusucb case pi oof of uunoj ance by MnoVe aud aslies Iniin passing trains Is admlsslblp where the railroad tracK is constructed near the dwelling of tlie property owner , not as. au independent element of damage , but UK evi dence tending to pro\ the A alue of the prop- erti after tlie construction of the track 7 \ here a witness voluuteen , testimony not responsHo to an } question and w bleb l& imma terial under tbo Issues , the complaining party should object thereto or mo\e tomilKe it out of tlie record A ne trial will not b alloned ou account of bucliolunUer eiidunce when no obiectlou made to it at the time of trial H Wbere a iiubllc blgbwaj is vacated and abandoned as hticb bj lawful authority the land Included therein reverts to tbt abuititig jiroprletors , and cannot be ajipropi iated bj u nillroad companj for right of wuj without making compensation to fcucb proprietors 0 Eidence examined and beld to prove a mere expulsion of opinion of parth-h named In tiie lecoid and not an oiler of compiomise aud Is therefore admissible utidur the ibnties 111 Instructions set out examined and held not subject to criticism by the plaintiff In erior _ _ Griffin ts Chase et nl Appeal from rill- nioro countj Afllnnod Opinion by Mr Chief Justice Maxwell A national bank received certain real efc- stati mortgages and notes foi collection and to remit thu proceeds to the owner when col lected This was done ltli all but two mort gages , w hlch were collected by the president of thu bunk The banli failed soon after the lust collection spoken of und had been lu- sohuut for hCAetul months before that time. Held , that the hank was the agent ot tbn owner of the Instrumcntfe abo\o set forth and that tbo money derived thorefjom was a tiust fund , whlcb did not become a part at tbo uusitiB of thti banl. and thnt the receiver thereof had no right to Hald fund nor any part thereof 2. Held , that n mortgage executed by J. O C and w lie was , made to secure nionij s receh ed by.T O O. 3 Tlie light of the wife to have certain real estate of tbo husband applied to tbo satisfac tion of the nioitgago liefore resorting to her estate or tbo homestead , held for further argument and consideration. O'Grady vs the State , Error from Johnson county Reversed and remanded. Opinion l > i Mr Chief JusticeMavHoll. Intoxication ! s no justification or excuse for crime ; but evidence of excessive Intoxica tion by which the party is wholly deprhed of leasou , If tlie Intoxication was not indulged lute to commit crime , may bo submitted to the Itirj foi it to consider whether In fact a crime had been committed , or to determine the cle- cieo where the offense consists of several do- 2 Instructions set out lu the recorQ should In ( jualllied as abtne. Kitchol vs the State Error from Douglas county. Reversed uud remanded Opinion by Mr Chief Justice Maxwell In a prosecution for obtaining mflney by false pretenses , the grUst of the oHoiiso con sists In obtaining tlie moiic. ) of another by false pretenses with the Intent to cheat and defraud U The proof tends to show that the accused acled in good faith and in the reasonable bullet that the draft would bo paid. Reuber vs Crawford , Error from Hall county Reversed aud remanded. Opinion bi Mr Chief Justice Maxw ell. In au action upon apromlssoiy note one of the defenses was that the note had been ultertd hi the insertion of the figures 10" to indioate tlie rate of Interest. Held , that a preiioiideianceof the ex Idence failed to show such alteration und that If the defend tnt's tes timony was true tlie note would di aw J per cent. i ; A part j on entering Into a conti art with an alleged fence company to net UH ItH agent wllbln a certain township foi one jj-tii ga\e his negotiable note for 8120 with lu pui cent interest tor the prospect e ptotlts to tin com- panj , the note to returned at the expiration of the year less the protits on the fence sold. If sulllclent Jirollts weiereeelMid to satisfy tbc They Had a Taste of CurlsLad Sprudel Salt. All the world likes it. All the world takes it. Goethe , Beetboven _ , Bismarck , kings and queens innumerable , nearly all the minds that have changed the course of affairs for centuries , havebeen to Carls- had for hodily aid. You cannot go but you can have the benefit of Carlsbad at home. Take the imported "Waters or tlie Carlsbad Sprudul Salt , or both , if you want an increaRod action of tlie same. They are natural remedies which are alwnvs effective in all disordeis of the stomach , liver and kidneys , in constipa tion , gouty and rheumatic affections. Bo sure to obtain the "genuine , " which have the signature of "Eisner & Men- delson Co. , " Agents , New York , on every bottle. n triune HASC rtmrrtntD INDAPO Till CiUUT HINDOO RCMCDV nuiiivre * THE AVDVI HESri.TH In 00 1110. Cur i. . . Ncrruui IHseaies. - ) J-alllnfr lemury fnr.j.1. , RI""leMIie . , WefcRnCVftf } * _ _ * tL nudtjuicklT ; but | purely re tur l.o t % Uullly In > tdorrnunc r.aitllr carrlun In rni purUut. J'ricc , ei.l l | iark [ Tr bil | irSI..Iil wllliu wrlltm cuur- prJnclulMd drurrl't ) ! ytiu ony Jrtndi twttatluu In alst 01 , liuvlnr IMIAI'O mine ntlur If 1m IIAR nuf Fet It , VB | | | reiidlt bj mull iiiun rmolpt ut iirlc , atnlililt t lu nali a fn\tlo | - frttt dlri. ( Orletitul Mrdlrul ( u. , fcli rUnouIti I'lupc , fhtruco. 111. EuU ) bjr Ku.m & Co Cor nth and Douclat Su. , nnd j A Fuller & . Co Cor I4th and Douglat S OMAHA , Ktll > l > y 1'aul O Schneider ut Ilroadw > y and 6 J'earl .1. COt NCIL ULLFrS. IOWA , and otiicr LcadUie Orucfiiiu. note In full The notr vn duly endorsed and trnnxforriHl & ffw darn utter It wan mnflc In nn nrtlon by HIP lioldnr ncnln t tinmuktir , liela , that H prt'pomlnraiirr of the pmof bowea that he wni a Imua Jidp bolder and Mitlticd to o Error from I ancastcr rtiuutjAnirniPd Opinion bv Mr Vhlcl .lustk-e Maxwell ThiMitn it railway of the rltv of Lincoln ID MI fnr under the control of tln > nuitilriiiality tlmt the latlnr nmr fix tlie riivot. i > f fHrr fir pn"j i e over unm railway and may roquini tlrkt nlx fnrUI > riilN to br kept for Bale by each conductor of u otwt car 2 A ntrt-ct rHllwa.i hnvnn dejKit * Ji s oiv plnc pmrt * nro on each rtreet corner aud It lift lunlnrvt with tbp tiubllr In Ita curs nnd UN tlcUetH slumlfl Iw kept fur Rain \Miero it transact * liuilmw * ulth tbu publli Hire VB Stat . Krrur from Lancaster ootmti Anirmed Ojiiulou bi Mr Chief Justice Maxwell Tlmmic tlon * Invuhod InthlscuBi are hlon- tleal ltli tbose In Stern berg v State , Just do- i-ldifd , and filename judcment will beuutcrod Shwdy vs Sbeody Apix > al from L.tnca U\r county Kevorscd nud dismlastvd Opinion by Mr Juitioo Post. Ou appeal by the executor or hnlr-at-lnw from an order of the county rourl juaklnc an allowunrc iiul of tlir fund of the i tnte of a dt-ceastid person for tne Htipporl of his widow tbc district court \\lll try and determine tbo lnsue in volt ed In the Fame manner im on np- penU In civil cnm-s. It li error In Hticb case to refiiHti u jurj trial upon tlui lUniuinil of cltlinr jiarty to the contixm rsy 2 E\idciirt > exumlnea and held not to Bun- tain tlie Undine and Judgment of the district court Richards vs McMillan Error from Dawcs couutj Hevcrsud and ruruanded Ojiitilon by Mr .lustico I'oit A countj board li not authorised to declare * vacant a cnuntj olllre and make an niipolut" intuit to 1111 micli \ ucanci on the sol" K round that an odlcer-elect is inellplble andthnrt fore unable to quallfj The Incumbent of xtirh nlllce liii * n ilprrMo qualify within tun days after it Is ascertained tbat hl successor- elect Is ineligible and upon quallf ] Inc In the manner provided bj law will be entitled to bold o\ei until aHticcessor is elected and qual- llind. 1 ! Where a claimant of an ofllce sues a ( le facto officer to ieco\er the emoluments thereof recohed bj the latter thp plalntlff'H title to theoDIre Is put In IKHUC aud In order 1oreeoxei he isn-qulred toproxo that he in the do jure officer. ! l Evidence examined and beld not Ktifllclent to sustain a Undine tbat the defendant lu error qualified BH treasurer of I ) county lu the manner und wllbln the time prescribed by law HO as to entitle him to holdover UH bin own Kucccssor , the treasurer-eh-Cl having linen ad- Juded innllglblr. 4 Held that the judgment iu the state ( if Ni'brasUu ev nil lUcbardb > n McMillan , U3 eb a.ka , 3S5 , Isconclushc of the ( jtiestlou of tlie eligibility of the relater therein to tbo oilice of treasurer of Dawcs county by election at the general election hilHH.'i but not of bU ) eligibility to fctiUl olllre by appointment in the month of January , 1BMO. Pollock VB Bo.vd Appeal from Cedar county. Afllnued. Opinion by Mr .lustico I'ost. A court of enulty will not enjoin the collec tion of a judgment at law on account of inert' Irregularities or errors on the part of the trial court Errors at tbo trial or In tbo pro ceedings must bt corrected In the trlai court or bj till net proceeding In the appellate court 2 One V obtained a judgment by default against I' in tlm county court of t' county. \\lthlntiMi dujs theroafloi I1 Hied a petition to vacate said judgment for Mtrloug reasons , but containing all tin allegations necewsary to entitle him to lm\e it Net aside under the DproUslons of section 1001 of thu code A summons was Issued for V aud personally serAid gMng him more than flvo days notict of the time set for hearing said petition At the time named A' appeared and demuried to tin petition , but matlu no objec tion on the ground thut 1' bud mistaken his remedi The court hm Ing ordered that the judgment be sot aside and 1' allowed to an swer , the case was continued from time to ttmn ou ibe application of V , and Dually dis missed for Munt of prosecution V subse quent ) } executed an assignment of said judg ment to II , who procured a transcript of so much of tbo proceedings In the county court as Included tlie judgment , and caused it to be tiled and docketed In the olllco of tlie district court of said count ] , and demanded and thieatened to procure an ixecution thereon and cause the land , ot 1 * lu said county to bti sold lo satisfy said pretended judgment. In an action bj 1' to enjoin such execution and le\y , nnd lo reimne the cloud upon his title caused by said pretended judgment Held , that the action of tlie county court lu setting aside said judgment upon Its1 petition instead of a motion wiu , a mere Iriegularlty ? and the ordei in question is not \ old for want of Juris diction. B Evidence examined nnd held to-Kustain the decree of tlio district court- Giles \s Miller Appeal from Phelps county. Appeal reversed and decree in this court f or plaintiff. Opinion oy Mr. JusticeNor- val A homestead maybe claimed In lands held iu joint tenancy. Li. An undivided Interest In real estate accompanied by tlie exclusive occupancy of thu premises by tlio owner of such Interest and his family as a home. Is Bulilcleut to sup port a homestead exemption. 8 Upon the facts stated In the opinion It was held that neitliei the plaintlu" nor bis grantors are estopped to claim that tbo property in con troversy was a homestead at the tiuio of tht > coin eyuuce. 4 untlei tlie homestead law of 1B79 the pur- chasci ot land held and occupied at the time of the conveyance as the bomestcad of till ) grantor , and which does not exceed in % alut > tlie sum of tii.OOO , titkes the sauiofieo from the lieu of u judgment docketed prior to such purchase , but dutlug thu existence of thu homestead right. Flanuagun vs Edwards. Error from Doug las Affirmed. Opinion by Mr , Justice Post. EIdeuco in the record held sufficient to sus tain tbo verdict and judgment of the district court. _ _ Of Couruw Vou Jlnul the testimonials frequently published in this paper relating to Hood's Sursarparilla. They tire from reliable- people , state simple facts , and Uiow beyond a doubt thut HOOD'S CUKESVhj don't jou trj this uiediciuoT Be sure to get Hood's Constipation , and all troubles -with the df- pestive organs and the llvor , are cured by Hood's Pills. Unequalled us a dinner pill. The following marnarje licenses were is sued by County Judge Eller yesterday. Name and address Age 1 John Meyer , Omaha . 29 I Mao Kurasud , Omaha . i2 j Jcsst , U llartlett , South Omaha. 21 ( JSlarj llernasek , South Omaha . . . 'JO j William 11 Arrowsmtth. ralrmont. Nub 27 I Claia htentou , Exeter , Neb . , 25 I Jacob .lorgeiiKen , Omaha . 2B I Mnllht Larson. Omaha . 20 J Chailes Anderson , Omaha . , . . . . 2B i Mar > Hast Omaha . . 22 j Nooman McCoombs. Grand Island , Neb I iMdlie A\j He , New Harmony , la. . jAithurll llalrd , Alortie. Iu 27 t lima ( jlophoM , Slorne , lu . . . . 10 f Edward T 1'rlcr Wllnmt. fa. 1 > . 8B l Mary C 11 otson , Omaha . . . . . 110 Beocham's Pills soil \\cll because the cure THE KKALll .HAUKUT. INSTKDMENTb placed on record March IB'JD M AitnAMT ncms. E A Oobb and w Ife to \ \ II Kerry , Iot4 , block 0 , J'otter i. Cobb' udd to South Omaba . . . i H7& Martin Anderson and wife to J IVI1 - cox , lot 5 , block 1 MorrlHon's add 1,200 Charles liloc.k and wife to 11 lleyman , undS of w 4 lot 19 , Daienpnrt's sub l.OUO Ilarnard Koiniev aud wife to L b j'lor , n' , bw7-lD-IO 2.BOO Aunin Calm et al loJC Satmoa , lot \\lndsor J'laceKxt 1,400 rrank Elmore to.lacob Keiidls , lot 4 , lil'ick 1. Newport BOO r M Arbuckle and husband to O L Green.lots 1 to 12 , block 1H. Mor o & . Hrunnei's add 1,000 M M and A L Ueed to Maria .lohnsuu , lots 11 to 14 , block 3 , lieed'fi llfth G 1'htebblns and wife to samp , lens 10 and Hi , block U Helrsof Ilyron Keed toO I1 stubbhih , lot U , e " . lot 17 and w V , lot 1 H , block 8 , satne . . . G t Iluse to liuiiii bcliomer. nw hr/ 18-10-12 2,500 M' b banders to tirllllri Uro\e Laud Cki n ' - , of s It of n H sw and n S of H V , of w 2&.U acres of nw so U2-1&-1B 17,208 QUIT ni.AlM l Er.IS. G II Eastman and wife to llallou Hanking Co. , IOIH 10 and 20. blnuk 7 , lots 13 14 , IS ) to 2.2 , block i lots 7 B IS. 14 , 17 and 1H. block 10 : lots & 0. IB and 20. blot-k 14. lots 17 and 1H block ID , Omaba Height * ) lot 0 , Archer I'lace. lot : n , blo"l. 1 , llrlggs 1'lac" , lots 7 and B , blncl : IU , Central 1'ark ; Iot4 1 to D. U to 14 , Komlngton'h subdlv In tlUti' add John 1'Jj nn and wife tn M I' O'Don- nnll , s 40 fert lot 4 , block Z , 1'lrst add lobnuth Omuha JK Megeath mid wife to I'rniik' El- uiorc , lot 4 , block 1 , Ncwjiort O A Ilenni'U 'slmrlff ) to Collmrn lllrlit A Co luth 1 Id and 11 Ludtrlck I'lttt-e 80S feuniotoJ H Mtllurd , truKter lot 6 , 1'ruyu s sub lu Millurd i ( s udd 1 200 Total ttDiount ot tranne ; t ilil.bSift