16 THE OMATTA DAILY BEEt SUNJDAY , FEBRUARY 2B , 1803SIXTEEN1 1'AGFA Cortioelli Spool Silfi Oc a spool. . Twist , tf spools for Coats9 Spool Cotton . 4c a spool. ci dozen. C IIJ. . GRKATER THAN EVER arc the bargains. Never before were fine Carpets anil Curtains sold so cheap. We are crowded all the time in this department. If you expect to need earpets this spring why don't you leave your order with us ? You can save fully US to 50 pet- cent on the bill. We still have a good assortment and from now on prices will be cut still lower than ever. We must clean out every yard of carpet and every pair of curtains. Cost not considered from now on until all are sold. We arc positively going - ing out of business. Towels IS' ' The orcntest towel bargain over of fered. CO tlo/.cn nil llnon hemstitch tow els , nil our SMo and ilflo towels now as long as they Inst lee oaoh. Towels Iloro'e a bnrgnin. 05 dozen , all our flno satin damask and buck llnon towels that were 85c , 40c nnd GOc , now all atone ono prlco , 26c. All Llnon Crash < yard. Glass Toweling 0C Yard. 30 pieces all llnon check glass towel ing 18 inches wldo , all our 16c quality now Oc ynrd. You will never buy such toweling ngain at Oc yard. Bennison Brothers. Sports Wow Hnvo a Ohanco to Swear Off on Snow Balls. THE FISTIC CARNIVAL AT NEW ORLEANS Opinions of Sporting Cxperts an the Ills of the AVcolt A moil K the llorio- luen WliUparlngi of the Wheel Cononit Athletic News. CHICAGO , 111. , Fob. 24. [ Special to THE BEE , ] Next Wednesday the first of the ser ies of athletic contests to bo given by the Olympic nnd Crescent City athletic clubs of Now Orleans will bo held. The inaugural event will bo between Tom Rynn of Chicago , the American welterweight champion , nnd George Dawson , the Australian top-notcher. The contest is to bo fought at 140 pounds , weighing in at noon , nnd the winner will get (5,500 of tlio fO,000 purse hung up by the Olympic club. On Thursday , the 2nd day of March , Ern est Roobor and Evan Lewis , the strangler , moot In a wrestling contest for a purse of 13,000 nnd thu heavyweight charnplonsnlp of America , mixed styles , best three falls In five. Preceding the wrestling bout , Billy McMillan and Billy Hinds , two 145-poundcrs , fight to a finish for a purse of $800. Friday , Joe Goddard , the Barrier giant , nnd Denver Ed. Smith , heavyweights , como together for n purse of $10,000 , , the long 'end of which , fSr < 00 , will reward the victor for his work. & The star event of the tournament will occur March 8 , when Robortf Fitzsimmons , the Cornlshman , and Jim Hull , the AustralIan - Ian vanquisher of Ted Pritehard , will face each other in the arena of the Crescent City club for the largest purse over offered for a pugilistic encounter In this or any other country-flO.OOO. Six weeks ngo n canvass by mall was Insti tuted on the probable result of thcso con tests , und the result makes interesting read ing. A Summary. The canvass shows that the average American sport thinks Goddard has Smith whipped already , since but eight of the 100 prognostlgators pick Smith as a winner. A summary of the opinions reveals the follow ing Items of Interest touching tno events as named : In the Ryan-Dawson match , cloven think that the American champion should retain the title , but full to estimate the num ber of rounds In which the Chicago boy ehould do the trick , while the same is the case ns regards Australian Dawson. The guessing on Rynn varies from elcht to oventy-fivo roum's and on Dawsou from nlno to forty-flvo rounds. Goddard-Smlth Ten think that Goddard should win in anjmstutcd number ot rounds , while in Ilka manner two assert Smith should capture the honors. The estimates on rounds In Goddard's case vary from two to twcnty-flvo rounds , and on Smith from eight to thirty-seven. Hnll-Flt/simmons Four say that Fitz ehould win , without hazarding their reputa tion on predicting the number of rounds , while the same Is the case with eleven who plcic out Hall as the prospective owner of the $40,000 purso. The seers have Fitzsim- mons the winner In from twelve to thirty- five rounds , and Hall In from nine to sixty. Hero Is a tubulated summary ; Contestants To Win Av. No. Non Com U'ds. mittal. Ryan , . , , .67 20 17 Uuwsoi ) , , . . 'Jfl J'J UoddnrU 70 7 13 Smith < 8 12 Hall 63 17 14 )1tislmmoiix..S3 ) la tawlH 60 34 Houbor 10 l-l'rof iil6nnt" Kipert Opinion. Jainca J. Corbett , heavy weight champion Jlyau , lu from ! ! 0to 35rounds ; 10 to U In favor el 1)4wson. G'OHltlard , lu 0 to 6 rounds ; 10 to Curtain Stretchers $2.OO Gilrny's patent Inco curtain stretchers wore 83.00 , now $2.00 a aot. Bed Spreads $1.28 The very finest nnd largest crochet bed quilt inudo.lt's n beauty , ( jood value at $2.00 , but wo must clean" them all out now $1.25. Turkey Red Damask 19 ° Yard. Colors guaranteed not to fade. Table Linen Yard. Wo are ever loaded on flno cream bleach table damask nnd have cut the Dricos down again to 50c nnd 76c yard. Great values , only i icgular prico. Napkins $1.2O J dinner nnpklns were $2.00 , now going ntSl.20. Bennison' Brothers. 8 In favor of Goddnrd. Hall , 10 to 12 rounds ; 10 to 8 In favor of Fitzsimmons. Lewis in the wrestling match ; 10 to 8 in favor of Lowis. Jim Hall , the middleweight Toss-up be tween Ryan and Dawson ; Just as soon chance ono as the other ; hotting should bo even. Goddard in 0 rounds ; 10 to 0 in favor of God dard. The aspirant for the world's middle weight premiership then tips himself to win in about 15 rounds , but insists that the betting should bo 10 to n In favor of Bob Fitzsim mons. Lewis on an oven money proposition. Alex Greggains , the middleweight who fought Buffalo Costello the long drawn battle , nnd who himself is a candidate for the middle honors , thinks that tlio Ryan- Dawson fight will bo a long ono , in which ho Is unable to pick the winner , but on form thinks the Australian should bo favorite 10 to 0. Goddard in 4 to 0 rounds , at 10 to 4 in favor of Goddard. Hall , in about 12 rounds , at even money. Doesn't know anything about wrestlers. John Donaldson , sparring partner of Cor bett Ryan , in 40 to 45 rounds ; even monoy. Goddurd , in 15 rounds ; 2 to 1 In favor of Goddard. Hull , In 30 rounds ; oven. Lewis , at 8 to 1. Billy McCarthy of Australia , who fought both Hall and Fitzsimmons Dawson. in 0 rounds ; 0 to 4 in favor of Dawson. Goddard , in 8 rounds ; 10 to 1 in favor of Goddard. Hall , 18 rounds ; 10 to 9 In favor of Hall. Lowls at 10 to 8. Johnnlo Kline of Bclolt , trainer of Jim Hall Can't nanio the winner in the Ryan- Dawson fight , but it will bo n long ono , and should bo even monoy. Goddard , In 5 rounds , nt 10 to 0 In favor of Goddard. Hull , no round limit or odds mentioned. Lewis , in not less than 2 hours. Dannlo Ncedham , ex-wolterwoight cham pion , defeated by both Ryan nnd Dawson , tips Dawson to win In 40 rounds nt even money ; Goddard , In U rounds at 3 to 1 ; Fitz- simmous , In 25 rounds ut 10 to 8 : Lowls , at 2 to 1. 1.Iko Iko O'Neal Weir , the "Belfast Spider" Ryan , 25 rounds , oven ; Goddard , in 0 rounds , 0 to 1 ; Hall , 110 , oven , "Am not much of a Judge of wrestlers , " Jim Burgo of Australia , the "Iron Bark Man" Dawson , 8 to 2 ; Goddnrd , 10 rounds , 3 to 8 ; Fitzsimmons In 15 rounds nt lMo ( 8 In favor of Fitz. "Do not know the wrestlers or their merits. " Jack Dempsey , the Nonpareil , ox-middle weight champion "Ryan or Dawson inside of 35 rounds ; no odds cither way. " Goddard , 7 rounds , nt 10 to 5 ; Fitzslmtnoiis , in 20 rounds , oven betting ; Lewis at 10 to G. Pnddy Ryan , ox-heavyweight champion of America Ryan in 30 rounds ) 10 to 8 in favor of Dawson. Goddard , In 15 rounds at odds of 10 to 7 in favor of Goddard. "Hall nnd Fitzsimmons are so evenly matched that It is impossible for mo todecldo in favor of either. The betting should bo ovon. " Lewis at 3 tol. tol.Jack Jack Wilks , who fought Ryan at South Omaha " " 10 to 8 In "Ryan easy" , favor of Dawson ; Smith at 2 to 1 on Goddard ; Fitz at evens ; Roeber nt evens. Reddv Gallagher , the middleweight "I think Dawson" nt ovens in 80 rounds ; God dard in 0 at 3 to 1 : Fitzsimmons , 20 , at evens ; Lewis , at 10 to 7. Andy Bowen , llghtwoiprnt champion of the south Ryan , 84 , at 0 to 5 in favor of Itvnn ; "Like" Smith , In 10 , at 4 tel In favor of God dard : Hall , In 2t ) , in nt odds of 8 to 5 in favor of Fitz ; Lewis at ovens , Charlie Daly of St. Louis Ryan , 23 , ovens ; Goddard. 7. nt 10 to 0 ; Fitz , 15 , ut 10 to 8 in favor of Fitz : Ioober. ovens. Billy McMillan of Washington Ryan , 24. 10 to 9 on ; Goddnrd. C. 3 to 1 on ; Hall , 10 , 10 to 8 on ; Lowls at the same prlco. Henry Baker , trainer of Tom Ryan- Ryan , 80 round * , 10 to 8 in favor of Dawson : Goddard , 10,10 to 4 In favor of Goddard ; Hall. 10 , at 10 to 0 on ; Lewis , at 10 to 8 on. Pntsy Sheppard of Boston Dawson , God- dard. Hall nnd Lowis. Bobby Burns , the eastern featherweight Dawson. 15 , nt odds of 8 to 6 In favor of Ryan ; Goddard , 6rounds , 3 to 1 ; Hall , 35 rounds , at even money , Prof. James Robertson of Bay St. Louis- Ryan In 20 rounds , 10 to 8 in favor of Dawson - son : Qoddard , 9,10 to 7 in favor of Goddard ; Hall in 23 rounds , oven money ; Lewis at 10 to 0. Billy Myer of Streator Ryan In 18 , at even money ; won't express an opinion on either the Goddard-Smith or the Hall-Fltz- lmmons contests ; Lowls at 5 to 4. Howie Hodgkina of Boston Dawson , in 45 rounds , even money ; Goddard , 10 rounds , at - -4 ---i . fk- v. * The most wonderful sale oftfiifie Dry Goods , Carpets and Cloaks ever known in this western country will bo on sale tomorrow. The greates.t of all sales. Now the time has come when we are forced to sell. Everything must go with a rush. Read ever.ytitem carefully , then come in Monday and we know you will go home loaded down with the greatest bargains you ever purchased in your life. We mean just what we say. The stuff must go at any price at ya and % actual cost , as we are POSITIVELY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Ladies' Vests 20 dozen Indies' sprinp weight lonp B'.COVO. Egyptian vests , just what you need tills time of year , now only i price 26c each . Kid G-loves 78c Pair- Another big reduction. All our Indies' genuine Derby nnd Aloxcndro kid gloves , in black and colors , with nation stitching on back , were 81.50 and $1.76 , now the entire lot , only 7Cc pair. Gents' Ties 28' : c ' Our entire stock of gents' 60o ties , nil now spring goods. Those goods were bought before wo had douided to go out of business. They are now all in but wo must clean them out , so offer sntlro lot at half price , 25c each. Corsets BOG Pair. Still the excitement continues. Did you over imagine or dream of buying Dr. Warner's coralino $1.00 coraots nt 60c pair ? It's i fact. The genuine Dr. Warner's coralino retails the world ever at $1.00 , now at half price , 50o pair. Windsor Ties 2Oc Beautiful gooda. Boy's nnd girl's all Bilk Winsora , in plaids , stripes , chango- ables etc. Only 0c each. Bennison Brothers. 2 to 1 ; Hall , 21 rounds , at 10 to 0 in favor of Hall ; Lowls , ut ovens. Mlko Haley of Norfolk. Va. Dawson , In 30 rounds , 5 to 4 in favor of Dawson ; Goddard , 10 rounds. 10'toT ; Hull , 25 rounds , 10 to U ; Roober , at 10 to 8 on Roober. Steve Brodie , the bridge-jumper Dawson , 24 , ovens ; Goddard , 13 , at 10 to 7 ; Hall , 10 , ovens ; Lowisnt 10 to 8. John A. Colllys of Detroit Ryan , 20 , oven money ; Goddard , 9,10 to 7 ; Hall , 18 , evens ; Lowis. Joe Corbett , brother of the champion Dawson , 20 , 10 to 9 in favor of Ryan ; God dard , 3 , 2 to 1 on ; Fitzsimmons , 10 to 7 on ; Roohcr , at 0 to 10. George Lavlgnoof Saginaw , featherweight Ryan , 80 , ovens ; Goddard , 7 , at 2 to 1 ; Hull , 28 , ovens ; Lewis , nt 10 to 2. Mike Norton of Cincinnati , bantamweight Ryan , 47 , at 5 to 4 ; Goddard , 7 , at 2 to 1 ; Hull , 13 , nt 0 to 10 ; Lewis , ovens. Jerry Daly , the bookmaker Ryan , 10 , at 5 to 4 ; Goddnrd , 0 , at 3 to 1 ; Fitz , 27 , ovens , and Lewis ut 3 to 2. Frank E. Burke of Kansas City Dawson , 25 rounds , evens ; Goddurd , 7 rounds , nt 2 to 1 ; Hull , HO rounds , evens ; Lewis , ovens. Dan O'Lcary , turfmun Ryan , 20 , at 5 to 4 ; Goddurd , 8 , ut 3 to 1 ; Hall , at 5 to 4 ; Lewis , at 3 to 1. Sam G. Morton , sportsman Rynn , 35 , nt 5 to 4 ; Goddard , 20 , at 2 " to 1 ; Hull , 10 , at 5 to 0 ; Lowls , at 10 to 7. "Doc" Phelps Ryan , 10,10 to 8 : Goddard , 5 , 2 to 1 ; Fitz. 25 , evens ; Lewis , at 10 to 7 - Malachy Ilogan , fight follower Ryan , 40 , 10 to 8 on ; Goddard. 10 , 2 to 1 ; Hall , 25 , 'J to 10 ; Lewis , at 10 to iyt , Harry G. Sommors , treasurer MoVicker's theater Ryan , 11 , ut oven money ; Goddurd , U , at 2 to 1 ; Fitzsimmons , 14 , even money ; Lowls , ovens. On vid Dee , sport Dawson , 80 , oven money ; Goddard , 8 , 2 to 1 ; Fitzsimmons , 25 , even money ; Lewis , ut 2 to 1. Hayman C. McDrcory , amateur champion bllllurdist Ryan , 20 , at 10 to 0 ; Goddard , 0 , nt 10 to G ; Fitzsimmons , 18 , at 10 to U against ; Lewis , nt 10 to 8 on. Eugene Gelinas , East Saglnaw Dawson , 40 , at 10 to 0 ; Goddard In 20 , 10 to 8 ; Hall In 30 , 10 to 8 ; Lewis , 10 to 7. William Beverly , bookmaker Dawson , 80 , 10 to 8 ; Goddard , U , 4 to 1 ; Fitzaimmons , 25 , evens ; Lowls. 2 to 1. Harry Holland , bookmaker Ryan , 8 , 2 to 1 ; Goddard , 0,3 to 1 ; Fitzsimmons,25 , evens ; Lowls , 2 to 1. . J. S. Roach Ryan , 15 , 2 to 1 ; Smith , 37 , 1 to 2 ; Hall. 154 , evens ; Lewis , 2 to 1. Jumcs Brady , bookmaker Dawson , 15. oven money ; Goddard , 12 , 3 to 1 ; Fitz , 25 , 4 to 5. Harry Hoffman , turfman Dawson , 10 , 7 to C ; Goddard , 12 , 5 to 4 ; Fitz , 15 , 8 to 5 ; Lewis. 3 to 1. Joe Ullman , bookmaker Dawson , 30 , even money ; Goddard , 8.4 to 1 ; Hall , 20 , oven money ; Lowls. 2 to'l. Leo Mayor , bookmaker Ryan , 25 , 10 to 8 ; Goddard , 8 rounds , 4 to 1 ; Hull , 15 , 10 to 0 ; Lewis , 2 to 2. "Handsome" Dan Boston Murphy , Ryan , after a long fight , 10 to 0 in favor of Ryan ; Goddard , 5 , 2 to 1. Hall. 25 , ovens ; Lewis , ovens. "Tho Hall-Fitzshnmons fight will be a battle royal. It will bo desperate and worth going miles to see. The public is mis taken as to the fooling existing between these men ; they cordially huto each other and either would lese his life rather than lose this battlo. " O. W. Rich , Rlchburg , Miss. Ryan , 17 , 5 to 4 ; Goddard , 10 , 8 to 1 ; Fitz , 12 , oven ; Roober. Hy Bowman , Cincinnati Rynn , 15 , 10 to 8j , Goddard , 10 , 10 to 7 ; Hall , 80 , even money ; Lewis , 10 to 7 > . James A , Taylor , Jr. , Olympic club Ryan , 21,10 to 8 ; Goddard , 8 , 2 to 1 ; Hull , 15 , 10 to 8 against ; Lewis. Arthur Willlums , Olympic club Rynn , 20 , 10 to 8 ; Smith , 10,2 to 1 against ; Fitz , 30 , evens ; Roebor , ovens. Walter Taylor , Olympic club Ryan , 21,10 to 8 ; Goddard , 4 , 3 to 1 ; Fitz , 14 , evens ; Roe- bor , 10 to 7 against. Follx A. Gonznles , Olympic club Ryan , 18 , 10 to 8 ; Goddard , 8 , 10 to 4 ; Hall , 14 , 10 to I ) against ; Lewis , even. O. W. Doborty , turfman Dawson. 28,10 , to 7 npalnst ; Goddard , 7 , 3 to 1 ; Hull , 18 , oven ; Lewis , 6 to 4. Howard Baldwin , Denver Dawson , 27 , 10 to7 ; Goddard.SSj a to 1 ; Hall , 83,10 to 8j Lewis , 10 to 7. Larry ICIlllan , Boston Dawson , 00 , oven ; Goddurd , 4,3 to 1 ; Hull 20,10 to 8 against. "Have no opinion on the wrestlers. , " Domlnlok C. O'Malley , Now Orleans Kress Goods and Silks Tills is the time of year now when you want tv now wool or silk dross , nnd just now is the time to buy it. You can now buy a flno silk or wool dross nt i nnd i actual cost. We arc goinp to clean out i every yard of dress goods nnd silk in our store. Down pees the prices a ain. You will noror again have a chance to buy a fine dross pattern nt such a low price. Coinoin Mondny with the crowd. Everything you s'-o will bo bargains. Bedford Cords @C Yard. 15 pieces solid colors cotton bedford cords , was ICe , now they roust go , Go yard. Black Lace Flouncing Another big reduction. Wo nro forced to soil theui now. You can buy any yard of black lace flouncing nt just about i actual cost. You will never again have aujopportunity to buy a flno black lace dross j t such prices. Cotno in and sco thorn. They are beauties , nnd it takes very ilittlo money to take them away. ' Bennison' ' . Brothers. - Ryan , 85 , 10 toO ; Goddard , 3 , 5 to 1 ; Fitz simmons , 13 , uVcn. No opinion on the wrest-1 lors. lors.James James C. Peyton , Olympic club Rvan , 37 , oven ; Smith. 13 ; Fitz , 25 , 10 to 9. Fred 1'folTcr , ball player , Louisville Ryan. Godilard , Hall and Lewis. Ed Williamson , ball player Ryan , 23 , .10 to 8 ; Goddard , 4 , 10 to 3 ; Fitzsiminons , 15 ; oven money ; Lewis. Ed Gulnard , Olympic club Dawson , 20.10 to8 against ; Smith , 15,5 to 3 against ; Fitz , 13 , oven ; Roober , even. J. M. Foster , New Orleans Kvau ' , 15 ; God dard , 3 ; Hall , 10 ; Lewis easily. Barney Fagan , minstrel Dawson , long contest ; Smith , 8 ; Fitz , 15 ; Hoobor. Detective A. J. Cowles , Saginnw Ryan , 10 , oven ; Goddard , 7 , 3 to 1 ; Hall , CO. evens ; Lewis , 2 to 1. John D. Gilbert , comedian Rynn , 10 , oven ; Goddard , 9,10 to iyt ; Hall , 23 , oven ; Lewis , 2 to 1. James C. Kyan , fprinter Ryan , 30 , evens ; Godclard , 10 , 2 to 1 ; Hall , 10 , 10 to 9 ; Lewis , 10 to 8. J. 1C. Dslley. turfman Ryan , 22 , 5 to 4 ; Goddard , 9 , 8tol ; Hall , 30 , 5 to 4 against ; Lewis , 'J to 1. Dan O'Brien ' , Chicago Ryan , 10 , ovens ; Goddard , 0 , 3 to 1 ; Fitz , 25 , ovens ; Lewis , 10 to } { . Eddie Fey , comedian Dawson , 20 , evens ; Smith , 12. lu to 4 against ; Hall , 12 , 10 to 8 against ; Lewis. Harry Varnell , sportsman Ryan , 75 rounds , oven ; Goddard , 10 rounds , 8 to 1 ; Hall 35 rounds , even ; Lewis , 3 to 2. John Condon Rynn , Goddard , Hall nnd Lewis. Louis Cohen , bookmaker Ryan , Goddard , Fitzsiminons and Lewis. "Young Grlffo , " bantam , Australian cham pion Dawson , Goddard and Hall. S. M. Herman , sportsman , Now York Ryan , Goddard , Fitz and Hall. Stanton Abbott , pugilist , London Hall , In 10 rounds , ovens. Joe Goddard No opinion to express. George Dawson No opinion to express. 3 Tom Ryan No opinion to express. Robert Fitzsiminons I hope to bo in the race nt the finish. Ed Smith Beg to bo excused. Jack McAulIffo , lightweight champion Ryan , Goddard nnd Hall. Dick Burgo. lightweight champion of Eng land Hall ; don't know anything of the others. Frank C. Ivcs , champion bllllardlst of the world Rynn , Hall , Goddard and Lewis. Jacob Schaefer , ox-champion billinrdist of the world Rynn , Goddard , Hall and Lewis. J. J. Quinn , backer of Ed Smith Ryan , Smith ; no opinion.on the other contests. Hilly Madden , manager and maker of the champions 1 pass. Bud Rcnaud , sportsman Scratch mo. The Spotting Proi. Ben Benjamin , Snorting Editor San Fran cisco Chronicle Dawson , 30 rounds , 4 to 3 in favor of Ryan. Goddard , S , 4 to 1. Hall , 15 , 10 to 8. Lewis , lOitoO. J. J. McGlntyDally Item , Now Orleans- Ryan , 14. even ; Qoddard , 25 , 10 to 7 ; Fitz- slmmons , 20 , oven. Nelso Innes , Boston Herald Ryan , God dard , Hall , Lewis.MI have never seen any of the men fight , and form my opinion on what I have heard and road and on previous performances. " Oscar F , G. Day , ; Mlnneapolis Tribune- Da wson , 12 , ovonf Gpddard , 6 , 2 to 1 ; Hall , 10.10 to 7 against { Lewis , oven money. Hugh E. Kcounhi Chicago Times Ryan , 45 , oven ; Goddard,30 , C to 2 ; Hall , 40 , oven ; Lewis , even. Dan J. Saunders , Boston Globe Rynn , 35 , lOtoO ; Godrtard , 0 , 10 to 4 ; Fitzsimmons , 20. 10 to 8 ; Lowls , 10 to 7J Frank Hough , Philadelphia Press ' -Know nothing of the relative merits of Ryan or Dawson ; " Goddard , 8. Si to 1 ; Fitzsimmons , 20 , 5 to 4 : Lowls , 5 to 3. Harrv M. Weldon , Cincinnati Enquirer- Ryan , 53 , oven up ; Goddard , 4 , 3 to 1 ; Hall , 9 , Oto5 ; Lewis 10 to 1. Sandy Grlswold , Omaha Bee Ryan , 18 , oven ; Goddurd , 8. 4 to 1 ; "A toss-up between Hall nnd Fitzsimmons at oven money ; " K W. Kelly'Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal Ryan , 25,10 to 0 aalnit ; Godilard , 8 , 2 to 1 ; Fitzslimnons , 18,10 to 7 ; Roober at 10 to 7 aBJ. cl McNeMus , St. Louis Globe-Democrat Ryan , from 6 to 80 rounds , uvcn money ; Goddard. 6,10 to 0 ; if everything Is straight , FUzsltSwons , in 20 10 to 0 ; Lewis , 10 to til Y. W. Harris , Chicago Herald-Ryan SO , . § 62 * - ' " ' * _ v Xiousdale Muslin .C Yard Afjniii Monday vou can buy the pomt- Jno Lonsdalo muslin , nil you want , GJo yard. Don't puy others lOc. Cotton Batts C 2 5000 rolls snow whlto cotton batte ; our regular Ifio baits ; its a beauty ; now at half price , 7jc roll. Shaker Flannel 6C Yard All our 12jc whlto shaker flAnnel , beautiful quality , now Gc yard. French Percale 3 Yard. CO pieces 8G inches wldo the very fin est imported French percales , beautiful designs , was 18c and 0c ; now they must go 12jc yard. Pillow Case Muslin C 42-inch bleached pillow case muslin , all you want , 7Jc yard. German Print 1OC All our finest quality extra heavy 30- inch German calico , was ISc , now lOc yard. yard.White White Flannel 21 ° Yard Stricly nil wool white flannel , wns 35c , now 21c yard. Bettor grade at 25o , UOc and 35c , only half prico. i Bennison Brothers. 10 toll ; Goddard , 8,10 to 8 ; Fitz. 35 , even ; Lo'wls , 10 to 9. Lou M. HOUSEMAN. SCIIUKTKNFKST. Preparations for Holding a Natloiml Tourna ment In Oinnliu. While the eyes of n largo portion of the population of the globe will bo looking tq- ward the big city by the lakes during the progress of the World's fair , Omaha will attract the attention of 4,000 men , women and children at least for a week or more , because Omaha's contingent to the National Riflemen's association ( Bundcsschuctzen verein ) contest held in St. Louis two years ago worked diligently to secure the next ono for their city this year nnd they carried off the prize ever the inducements held out by such cities ns Milwaukee nnd Chicago. These contests take place biennially. The association at the place so selected is then charged with the duty of making all prepara tions for the meeting nnd the election of n buncics president , secretary and treasurer to assist in carrying out the program. F. L. Blumcr of this city was selected for the first mentioned ofllcc , while Louis Ilcluirod took the second ono. Ever since tlio St. Louis contest the mem- ship hero have been deliberating whether it would not bo ndvisablo to purchase n tract of land for future use instead of holding the competitive contests at Iluscr's park , where nearly $13,000 , has boon expended by them In buildings nnd other Improvements. Ono of these stated to a BEE reporter that It would have been far nioro profit- table to the association had it contracted for a park of ton or more acres at the time of forming the organization , because the money paid out so far at Huscr's park , which will be wholly lost to it , would have gone a long way toward paying for n tract of land nnd making necessary improvements. No def inite conclusion has as yet been readied in this matter because no suitable pleco of land , at a reasonable price and on favorable terms , has been found. Tim exact date at which the contest is to bo held hns there fore not been fixed , but several members give it as their opinion that it will take place in August or Sep tember , thus giving thorn time in case the purchase of a park is made , to complete buildings and make other neces sary preparations. At the mooting to beheld hold on March 7 all thcso matters will bo finally decided. The first day of the tournament will bo devoted - voted to receiving the crack rillo shots and their families nnd-friends , the second ono being the day of commencement , when the cro wning of the schuctzon king takes place , and prizes to the .vinners on the different targets are awarded. Next a grand ball will bo given. After that the delegates present will ballot for the place where the next biennial meeting shall bo held , and then conies the election of members of the bundesvorort , to whom all questions about shuetzon matters nro referred. Just before the participants return to their homos another ball will bo given , The Omaha association also had under consideration the postponement of the tour nament for ono year on account of the World's fair but this has been abandoned , the members having como to the conclusion that the attendance hero by reason of the Chicago fair , would rather be increased in stead of diminished , as fares on nil railroads will bo considerably less , nnd , Omaha being centrally located and within n short ride from Chicago , a number of people would take advantage of the low rates of fara and visit hero. About 1,500 hold membership In the national association. I'rlnrc Under n Microscope. Jack Prlnco is still swinging round the circle In the sunny south nnd dazzling the Imaginations of tno natives with his stories of his performances on the wheel. The following extract from the Florida Times- Union was apparently written from ono of the full dress photographs which Prlnco had taken before he left Omaha : "Tho cham pion bicycler , John S. Prince , is n splendid specimen of physical manhood. His proportions tions are wonderful. His height is 0 feet 10 inches ; thigh , 23 Inches ; calf , IB Inches ; weight. 170 pounds. His muscles are double and as bard as iron , IIo hai an expansion of Monday morning wuolfcrourciitircstnckof ladies' , misses' , children's , hoys' and men's hose at another big reduction. X w they must go. You can now buy any pair of hose from our stock at one-half actual eost. This will without doubt be the greatest hosiery sale ever taken place in tills city. Ladies' Hose IOC Pair. GO ilo/.oii nil our Indies' fnst blnck cot ton hose , our regular 2Uc quality , now tit half ptico , lOc pair. You will never again buy thorn at such prices. Ladies' Hose Pair. 48 dozen ladies' fast black hose , full regular made and a very fine gunge , al ways sold at 35c and -10c , now at ono prico. 25c pair. Men's Hose IOC Pair. 85 dozen gents' clouded mixed hose , full regular inndc , in tans and grays , our regular 20o and 2oc hose , now nil atone ono prlco , only lOc pair. If you need any this is a big bargain. Gents' Hose IcDG Pair. This is a stunner. All our men's fin- CRt quality half hose , full regular inado , in lust black nnd fancy stripes , woro2oc , 35c and 60c , now all at ono price , only 16c pair. They como in all sizes , 0 to 11. Bennison Brothers. eight nnd one-half inches to his chest ami can so 'draw together his shoulder blades that n dime can bo firmly hold between them. " The article concludes with n description of his race with Howclls. In which ho "made tlio mile in 1 minute and 30 seconds. " Evi dently Jack's summer stories go for good orthodox doctrine south of Mason and Dixon's lino. TH12 JUNK MKUTI.VO. Tlireo Dnys of Kxccllimt Itncm Promised l > y thi ) Ilimdntcr Cluu. The prospects are bright for an interest ing racing season In Omaha during the com ing sunnuer. In tlio years past there has been n noticeable lack of interest in racing events In this xcity but the success of the Gentleman's Roadster club last season has induced them to prepare ? for entertaining the speed loving public on a larger sealo this year nnd arrangements nro already in prog ress for a number of interesting events. The driving matinees given fortnightly by the club last year served to develop in creased interest in the sport and the manner in which they wcro conducted could not fail to commend itself to the general public. Given under the auspices of nn organization composed of the leading business nnd profes sional men of the city , and kept free from the more undesirable features of the race track , the tendency was to create a con stantly increasing interest which should re ward the efforts of the club with n largo patronage this yoar. At n meeting held last week the action of tlio committee in deciding on n purse of $5,000 for a Juno meeting was ratitled , nnd Gcorgo M. Swigart was elected superintend ent of speed. The racesiwill begin cither Juno 18 or 14 and co.itiuua three days. The secre tary. Mr. H. C. Terry , is already in receipt of correspondence which warrants the belief that a field of horses will bo entered that will satisfy the most sanguine , nnd the reputa tion of those in i-hargo of the enterprise is a sufllcicnt guaranty that the event will bo conducted in n satisfactory manner. iin Club Plans. The Omaha Lacrossoidub has concluded arrangements for the use of the base ball grounds during the coming season nnd pro poses to give the Omaha public a full oppor tunity to bccomo acquainted with the merits of a gnmo which In the localities where it is better known is fully ns popular as base ball. The secretary Is also in correspondence with a number of towns through the state with a view to the formation of a state league of six or eight clubs. Tncro are now four clubs in Nebraska out side of Omaha which nro located respect ively in Lincoln , Hustings , Fremont nnd Grand Island. The object of the local club is to arouse sufllcicnt interest to place teams in thrcoothcreities If possible. Whether the scheme Is feasible or uot will bo determined before the annual mooting , which occurs April 1. The interest in the club Is rapidly increasing nnd every week brings a number of now applications for membership. It is expected that tlicro will bo fully 800 mem bers by the time the season opens. Tlio present officers of the club are George H. Leslie , president ; Dr. Anglln , vice president ; F. J. Peddle , secretary , and M. A. Hall , treasurer. i.nio i OMAHA , Feb. 22. To the Sporting Edltorof TUB BEK : Replying to Mile. ; Armalndo's article to the Chicago Times published in THE REE of the 21st , I would say that I am willing to meet her in a sweepstake race and any time she Is ready to post the money the arrangements for the race can bo completed. In the meantime , us I bolluvo in less talk and more work , I would remind her of what she should , ns "the pioneer of bicycling , " already know , It is customary to post n for feit when making a challenge. Very truly , Li LI.I E WILLIAMS. A l' nv C'rnnki. It Is reported that Charley Cushman Is trying to urouso enough base ball Interest in Milwaukee to put in a team for next season. Must bo going to play solitaire. The contract of Campau with Now Or leans has been approved ana barring accl- Children's Hose Pair. 70 dozen child ren's fust black heavy cotton ribbed hose , all sixes , f tu 8J , wcro 1/ic. / now at half cost , tic pair. They will upon your eyes when you sco thorn. Boys' Bicycle Hose ISC Pair. 68 dozen boys' heavy fnst black bicycle hose , nil Hizes , 0 to 10. This is our rec- ular 25o lender ; now they must go only 15o pair. Children's Hose 2P3C Pair. Tills lot coniprisps nil our finest im ported fnst blaclc misses' , children's anil boys' jersey ribbed fnst bhiclt hose , all sixes , 6 } to U } , were oOc , Me nnd ( ! 5c , now your choice of lot only 25c pair. Infants' Hose ' 88' ' Pair , Our entire stock of infants' finest quality imported cnshinoro all wool hose in pure white , pink and light blue , with silk heel nnd toe , were 7oo nnd $1 , now all at only I55c ijair. sizes 4 to o } . Bennison Brothers. dents the Creole beauties of the Crescent City will hare an opportunity to feast 'cheir eyes upon the count's classic mug next sea son. son.Willie Willie in Now York last week President Robinson of the Clevelaiuls gave Mr , Hodcn to understand that ho would taito Kelly if the Boston club didn't want him , providing the salary question could be settled satisfac torily. Only a short time ago thdBoston magnates were offering Faneuil hall and Hunker Hill thrown in for the privilege of seeing Kelly in a Bemitown uniform , and now Manager Soleo declares that lie wouldn't have him anyway. What a transformation. ButJsow York is good enough for Kelly. lloi'Hcs ami HorxDiiK'ii. A purse of $3,500 is offered In Russia for any horse to beat the mile record of UiL'SU. , made by the stallion Whin. Salt Lake City will hold a seven-day meet ing this year ; beginning Juno 17. Six events for $1,030 each are among others announced in the program. William Licrlc , David City , Nob. , owner of Prlnco Vole by Antevolo. dam the great brood marc. Princess Medium , has leased the David City fair grounds for the unsulug year. N. I. Honin , Fremont , Nob. , will probably purohaso thoil-yoar-old Pnutoluscolt , Packet , that was raised by Dr. Lester , David City- Nob. Packet lias the reputation of being a trotter , Council Bluffs horsemen are arranging fern n meeting Juno I ! to 0 , or the week before the Omaha mcoiincr. The Oiniihn races will bb the first in this state , and the Blair mectfiisf will occur on the following week. G. W. Curry , Aurora , Nob. , owner of On line ( 'J ) , 8:11 : , 1ms a colt a year old , by Wood- lino'J : 111 , that is reported to bo a wonder trotter , and if handled in his yearling form , which ho probably will bo , will beat a 'M , Theodore Beebo of Oseeola , Nel ) . has pur chased the bay colt , Ilnrrv Holton 14MC.I , by Dictator Wilkes , dam Jenny Holton , 8 88'4' . This colt is u good sl/ed , rangy fellow , and like liln dam is n natural and fast pacer. The first dam of Dictator Wilkes Is the dam of Nancy Hanks. 8:01. : ( JllCHtlllllH 1111(1 t NOIITII Pf.ATTi : , NJI ! > . , I'eh. 21. To the Sport ing Killtor ot Tin : Illii : . To decide n lint will yott state In your next Hiuiilay's Issue whether Voter Jm-lyson mill Joe MrAulllYo have over fought together , nnd , If so , when and who won ? Ans. They fought In San Frunrlsro December - comber 23. 1B83 , nnd Jackson won in twenty- four rounds. OMAHA , Neh. , Keh. 23. What Is the fastest time hy u yearling ? Ans. Belle Ai-ton , 2:21.54 : , Witchlta , Kan , September ! ! 0 , 18W. OMAHA , I'oh. 22. To tlio Sporting Kill I or of Tin : HEI : : I'leaso dci-ldo thu following hot In Hunday'H paper : ( live the nxuet dutn of inontli anil wfnit year Sullivan ilefeiitcd I'ndily Itynn for the world' * hoiivywulKhl championship ut Mississippi City , Miss. A elalm.slt wim prior to the year IKHi ) . II eliil.ni * It was thu year 1BH1 or iSd'J. Who wins ? Am. It was February 7 , 1833 , nt Mlsls- sippl City. Alil.lMlTON , Nob. , I'Vb. 23-To the Pportlng ICdltorof Tin ) lltii : Your opinion on tlui fol lowing In niixt .Sunday's llei : ; will much obllKot In a Kiune of hlKh-tlve , iiftnr trump U made , Ilio opposition uccldentiilly discards it trump. Whul will be done In this OIIKO ? J. U. Ans. No player can discard a point. If the car 1 Is not a point ho cannot return it to his hand If any other player objects. KIM.-K I'OIIT. .Mo. , I'Vli. 2t. To the Bportlng Kdltorof Tin : IlKi' : To ( k'cliki u wagur , pleasa unswor the folliiwlii In Sunday's Htx.i A hots 11 that ( Jlovolund's majority over lluril- son In MUsoinl will lie Kic.iimrtliun Iliirrlbon'a nmjorlty over Cluveluud In lnwu. T. A. lliifloy. Ans. A wins. Sioirx CiTVIu..l'tb. ! 23. Toitho Sportlnif Edl- torofTiiK HEI : : Would you Idiully Inform muui to who In the niEiiinuer of the Omaha 1/nerot.so rluh an 1 am Kinnewhiit liitert-sted In that line. I noticed un urtlr.loln your puper of HOIIIO time K" calllnu for u inoethiK ut. the 1'iixtoti hotel , Ho I tiiku thU moitiiH of muling out whu thu In * coriorutor | nro. Will ll.O'llrliin. Ans , See nrtlch on tills page. OHANII IBI.\KII. | Nub. , l-'ub. i3. ! To the Hport- InK l'.dltor of Tin ; IlK.K : I'leusu answer In Hunduy'8 HIK : If tlioro ever was uciiblnat po sition held hy any ono west of thu Missouri river ; If HO , bv whom and from whavtuto. A Header of Tin : HKK , Ans , Henry M. Teller of Colorado was \t appointed secretary of the interior by PrciU , dcut Arthur , April 0 , IbW. - J