Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Acting Major Walters Orders a Eaid on
the Gamblers.
Seven IllnrlmrRoil Sit llrlil fur Trliil To
morrow I'rctillnr Acllotm of Miiyor
Walter * Arcmril of FavorIng -
Ing Cerlnln ( lamblcm.
Councilman Wood's Ilttlo hatchet , which
ho wielded in the city council Monday night ,
brought down the dead rlpo fruit more
promptly than had been anticipated. In loss
than nn hour after the council adjourned
George Dcavers and an even dozen of his
patrons were behind the bars charged with
Immediately on the adjournment of the
city council Acting Mayor Walters In
structed Chief Bremiiin to pull the
gambling house of Oeorgo Deavcrs ,
over Wordeman's saloon , at the
corner of Twenty-fifth and N. Officers
Tangcman , Emmlnger and SK | > ctler were de
tailed and together with the chief made the
raid , capturing the players without the loss
'of n man. They gave their names as George
Graves , Frank Karson , George Braslleld , D.
Haymnnd , George Deavers , William Nice ,
William Woods , John Harris , Bert Older ,
Jack Smith , I. . . D. Uoyd , S. A. Sax by and
Jim Coon.
By ! iU : ! ! o'clock n. m , the headquarters for
the llrst time since South Omaha began busi
ness as a municipality was fitted up with a
complete outfit of gambling paraphernalia.
Piled up In ono corner wcro two crap tables ,
ono hn/ard , two roulette , ono faro bank ,
while in the property room reposed ! i,000
chips and numerous decks of cards.
Mr. Dcavers , the protirietor , promptly
went bail for six of the captured gamblers ,
putting up $ 'iO each for their appearance at 'J
p. m. yesterday and $ ) for himself , and the
.seven men walked out in the free air of
heaven with a cloud hanging'ovor them.
The other six prlsonois , being strangers to
Dcavers. he was not willing to gamble on
their showing up at the proper time and
place , and they wcro locked up. Judge
Fowler gave thorn a show this morning , and
all were released , either on their own recognizance -
cognizance or were vouched for by friends ,
to appear at - t ) . m. for a hearing.
It is strange hou- Innocent those men
proved to be when questioned by the
Judge , with a view to allowing them to
give security for tbcir appearance. Ono
was a single man who worked at packing
houses and on grades and never gambled a
lick in his life. No. 'J was a single man ,
working at Swift's , a mere spectator whenever
never gambled. Xo. : t was a painter who had
painted the tables and was there on a col
lecting tour. The next lived in Omaha , but
never gambled a little hit in his life , and the
man next to him lived in South Omaha and
was n grader employed by Jim Mann.
The sixth ono was out of luck. He was
a stranger from Missouri Valley , and appar
ently had not a friend on earth , but Attor
ney Montgomery finally secured his release
until the hour of trial.
I'ublic opinion : ts to the motives of the
mayor will bo largely formed from future
actions , as there are a number of other
gambling places in the city equally notorious
and run equally open with the one pulled
last niuht.
Dick Berlin's place , near Twenty-fourth
and X , is probably the best known of any
place in the city , yet it vns dark Monday
night , as were otheis well known to both
police and citizens. It is common talk that
the tip was given to all but Dcavers that
night in time to escape the officers.
The raid is the omy topic of conversa
tion on the streets. Mayor WaltersC ac-
tlon has been interpreted at least 1,000
different ways by this time. There are
tlioso who say that the acting mayor is
In earnest , and means fo execute the
laws as they exist , and there arc many
others who openly charge that some ono
is getting a rake-off from all the other
gambling houses in the city , and that
Dcavers was only ordered pulled to'
make a shoiv of enforcing the law ,
choosing the latter place because its proprie
tor has refused or failed to whack up with
a liberality equal to others , . This view is
confirmed in the minds of some by the fact
that , as they say , the gamblers some time
ago made the proposition to pay a line of 75
n month for the assurance of immunity from
police interference , but no attempt has been
made to license them.
Outside of the gambling episode , which
came on so suddenly Monday night , Mayor
Walters is the subject of much adverse criti
cism. About two weeks ago ono John l-'o-
gnrty answered In police court to being an
inmate of a htmso of prostitution. In fact , ho
was credited with being a "professor" regu
larly attached to a Railroad avenue dive. Ho
got off easily , but was warned to bo careful of
the second offense. Monday ho was again
before the Judge with the sumo charge op
posite his name , when ho got ? 10 and costs.
Yesterday morning Judge Fowler received
the following letter :
Soi'TH O.MAIIA , Neb. , Fob. 20. Hon. J. M.
Fowler , Police Judge South Omaha. Neb. :
Dear Sir By the power Invested in me as
mayor of South Oinuha , I hereby remit the
line of ono John Fogarty , and demand his
release. Yours respectfully ,
J. S. W AI.TKHS , Mayor.
John Staplcton , arrested on the lOth of
February for the same offense , was released
by Mayor Walters without a hearing. On
the other hand , the acting mayor charges
Councilman Wood with creating n sensation1
for political purposes in order to secure his
re-election to the council.
The gamblers had a now deal when 2
o'clock came round , seven being discharged
and six held until Thursday for prosecution
under the state laws. Assistant County At
torney Troup drew up the papers.
lei City < loml | > .
The city exchequer is flush Just now ,
SpiUer .fc Co. having paid over $ for .
The public schools of the city are dismissed
for the day in honor of the birth of Wash-
The Fourth wanl school rendered a very
interesting program under the direction of
Mis.s Jcnnio Allen , teacher , last night.
W. B. Cheek , Ah Waggoner and other dry
nnd hungry democrats of this city attended
the Morton reception at Nebraska City last
The Ifi-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lhttner , Twenty-ninth and UolTman
streets , died yesterday and will bo burled
today at U p. m.
The members of ICnoxail council No. MIH ,
Hoyal Arcanum , together with a few invited
Riicsts , spent a most pleasant evening at
high tlvo at Masonic hall lust night.
Mrs. Melissa Markcson , ' . ' "i years of age ,
wife of Chris Markcson , Twenty-third and O
streets , died Sunday at II p. in. and will bo
burled at Unurol Hill cemetery Thursday at
U p. m.
Oarbago Master Sulvcly has forbidden the
Cudahy Packing company from dumping the
contents of paunches at Thirty-third and U
streets , where about a block has been
About dusk hut evening an alarm called
the lire department to the Omaha Packing
company's phint.but the lire was out almost
as soon us the alarm was turned In. A lamp
exploded In the arctic room without damage.
It was rcKirtcrt | at iKillco headquarters last
evening that two negroes fought , with knives
at Twenty-eight nnd U streets , and that
Ono was killed by being stabbed in the back
of the head. The police Investigated and
found that the man was not hurt , but the.
linlfo was In bad shape ,
The ICpworth league of the Methodist
Episcopal church will glvo a musical and
literary entertainment nt the First Presby
terian church , Twenty-Fifth and J streets ,
onTliuisday ovcnlng , Recitations by Miss
Kniina Crooks of Scrlbuor , Neb. , and singing
by n class of deaf mutes fioin the Nebraska
institute will bo union. : the interesting feu-
turrs. Tickets only M cents.
Olllccr ICmmlngcr went to Council Bluffs
last night ami returned with Charles S.
Culbcrtson , Culbcrtsnn some live weeks
npo was a trusted hasher at the White Elephant -
phant restaurant in this city , but ho
got flossy nnd , taking another man's
overcoat from the house , went to a
barber shop to shaved preparatory to
going to new and more pleasant hectics. Ho
liuifi ; his Ill-Koitrd ovoicoat up while under
going the tonsorial operation , and nt its con <
clutum made a mistake uud got the barber's
coat , n tiutch licttcr otic , which hung near It ,
The barlmr'n coat cnino buck with Culbcrt-
son , both consenting without n requisition.
Wo often hcnr people nay there Is only ono
good cough n.udlclno nnil that Is Dr. Hull's
cough syrup , llio only Infallible remedy.
IIAVI > IN : niio.y.
Note Tlim I'rlrr * for Tomorrow.
10-4 lileiiehctl or brown sheeting , 17lc.
i"4 > blenched pillow casing , 8jc.
18-lni'h blenched pillow easing , lOc.
Mill ruimmntH of unbleached iniiHlln
tomorrow -Jo und Be yard.
Stiver wedding and gold wedding
bloaulusd muslin , 8fe , 12 yards for $1.00.
. ' 10-tneh whlo bleached inunlln , fie yard.
7i ) ( latimsk tomorrow f > 0o yard.
1-1 fringed ohonillo cavers , $1.00 eaeli.
( i-1 fringed ohenillo covers , $1.S ! ) each.
8-1 fringed ehonllle covers. $ . ' 1.1)5 ) ea h.
Apron cheeked gingham , fie yard.
Turkey red figured prints in remnants
only Be yard
Outing llannelottc , fie yard.
Now Mitlno , 10o , I > e. 2. > e und .Tie yard.
Printed dlmltleH , Itocyard.
Printed India linen , lOe , Ifio , Mo
and U'Jc. '
Another towel sale tomorrow , at Ifio
eiu'h on centur aisle ; wo will add -00
do/en of towels to this j-'ale : among them ,
theru are towels that will make this
Kilo Interesting ; wo have too many
towels , and If you don't got u bargain in
towels at Ifio each tomorrow it won't bo
our fault.
MuMoyir , Prof. Illrsvh-
Pnderowsky said that a great many
artists do not perform well on the piano
boi'iuifo their eyes do not allow them to j
read music distinctly , and for dillletilt |
pieces it in almost impossible to learn
them by heart. The mm-chungcublo
lenses of 1'rof. Ilirschberf1 ; have now
done away with this dillleulty , as there
is no error of rofi'aetion or acconiodii-
tion that eould not bo eorreeted by thorn.
If you want to have your vision brought
up to a standard eonsult Prof. Hir.soh-
bor r. who is now at the store of his
agents , Mtix Meyer , LJro. & Co.
I'nlli'il Stilton ( iovcrnmi-iit Itoiitu Chicago
lo WliHliliiKtnn.
Prominent government oflU'ials re
turned to Washington from the World's
fair dedicatory exercises at Chicago via
Pennsylvania lines , the popular route
between those cities on which to highly
enjoy a trip to the inauguration. A
very low rate lias been made for that
occasion with stop-over privileges at
Baltimore both ways. Four fast daily
trains from Chicago with Dining and
Sleeping Cars. Address II. II. De-ring ,
A. ( ! . P. Agt. , 218 Clurx st. , Chicago , for
The success of singing mainly depends
upon the reading of notes. If you can
not rend your music distinctly consult
Prof. Ilirsehborg , the Now York and
St. Louis eye export , at his agents , Max
Meyer , Bro. & Co. Ono week only.
See Dentist Koim.10 & 41 Barker blk
Ciitftiillc I'rli'stH Will .licet In Chicago In
Father P. .T. McCarthy , pastor of St. Phil-
omcna Catholic church of tins city , is taking
aa active part in calling the Catholic priests
of the country to moot in a clerical conven
tion in Chicago next May at the time of the
Catholic congress. The plan was first sug
gested a few months ago at a meeting of
priests in Iowa , and it has proven a popular
' The intention is , " said Father McCarthy
to a Bur. reporter , "to 'have a gathering of
American priests in which wo shall all fool
free to say what we like upon matters of in
terest in our work. This , you know , is an
age when people of every class and condition
gut together and confer upon subjects of
mutual interest. Other people Had it ntlvun-
tagieus to hold such meetings , and it is rea
sonable to suppose that the priests of our
church will also bo bcaellted by such a
meeting. "
Speaking of the efforts that will bo made to
agree upon an oftlcial residence for Mgr. Sa-
tolll , Father McCarthy said it might bo possi
ble that a strong effort would be put forth to
bring the oftlcial residence as far west as
Chicago , but as yet it would bo impossible
to say what the prevailing sentiment on that
subject would bo. Ho regarded the vigorous
and prompt action of the apostolic delegate
in settling disputed Questions in America as
of great bcucllt to the church.
The fact that the pope is so far away
and that it takes so long to got a disputed
question through the labyrinth of official
tape has had a tendency to prolong and ag
gravate sonic of the vexatious situations in
this country , which I think would have been
avoided if the , parties involved had realized
that they could not maintain their position
very long. Now that it Is an easy matter to
got a final decision upon all disputed points
promptly , I think there will not bo so much
inclination to quibble over small things , and
where there is reasonable ground for com
plaint or disagreement the parties interested
will not have long to wait until they arc sot
right. "
I'urlts' Cough Syrup
Has been so highly recommended to us
that we now ask our friends who are suffer
ing with a cold to give it a trial , and If it
does not give satisfaction your money will bo
refunded. Kvory bottle is sold on a positive
guarantee. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Al
Frescoing and Interior decorating de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lohmann , l.'US . Douglas street.
I ( turn I.nnil tiriihher * Iliillii'd.
Sheriff Vic McCarty of Sarpy county was
in the city yestcaday , looking up soinn of the
parties who have been illegal fanciers of
sonic of the fine horses that roam about his
bailiwick. The sheriff also declared that the
si'homo of some of the Iowa farmers to turn
the course of the river to this side of the
blulTs was as dead is a door nail. Not oao of
the men-ho said , had showed a Head since
Judge Scott issued the restraining order.
The people through whoso lands tiie great
i-anal was started 'havo turned out and llllcd
it. with earth , logs and rubbish , so there is
but little danger of Us cutting through when
the spring Hoods set in and the ice moves
An honest pill is the noblest work of the
apothecary. Do Witt's Little Early Risers
cure constipation , biliousness and sick head
The following nnrrlago licenses were is
sued by UQunty Judge Eller yesterday :
Nuimiand address , As o
l Thomas . Jones , Atlantic , In 'J4
i l.mivima Smith , Alltintlc , la 'J7
) John Wubkn. Omaha i5 !
I I'ruiiL'ls Malli-y , Omaha U3
t lltilph ( ' . JOIIFH , llo'.toii , .Mass 1 > H
i Joliniina Kiel , Fort Madison , la J3
i Louis Itlclmrdson. Klkhorn , Nul ) 3d
t Kvallna Henry , Klkhorn , Nub < u
I Itiftsmlis M. Dunlel.son , Omaha . MO
I Kmllry .S. JohiiMi'i , Omaha . 'Jl
Constipation cured by Do Witt's Early
flla Brother's Kindness Onuses a Curious
Series of Misfortunes.
Nmr Tlirrntciicil with Arrest nnil Kstrnill *
linn to Irrlund Di-iiliriu of I'lorenco
llottomx In Court AnkliiR Dnumgrfi
for I'vriiiiiinl Injiiricn.
When in 18T8 William Hooney , just prior
to his death , which occurred In Strati-
racr. Scotland , called hl.t brother. .lames ,
now a resident of this city and aa
employe of the street railway company , to
his bcdsldo , the thought , perhaps , never
occurred to him that his legacies would
ci.uso the latter no end of
trouble. Ho never dreamed that
they would ruin his brother financially and
cause an exchange of communications be
tween two different governments In order to
settle difficulties arising between brothers
and sisters of the deceased.
The Hoonoy family wcro sons and daugh
ters of Erin , but William , it seems , had for
saken Ireland and found a homo in bennie
Scotland , where ho amassed a for
tune. Being averse to paying the sub
jugators of his country a portion of his
wealth , which the union government would
proceed to collect at his death under the
legacy and succession duty act , ho author
ised his brother .lames to draw from certain
depositories the sum of SIO.OOO , and dis
tribute this sum equally among the three
remaining brothers , ono of whom , Patrick ,
is now ami has been for tome time a resident
of Nebraska's metropolis. Aside from those
four were two sisters , who , according to
William's will , were to have e'lual
shares which the landed estate would bring
over and above the sum of $10,000.
Slxterw ( iot r.cft.
The land was valued at 15.000. James
claims to have carried out to the letter the
instructions of his dead brother , and boforc
final settlement of the cstato to have ad
vanced to a married sister in Ireland and
another one in this country iji ! > 0 each , as a
loan to bo repaid as soon as the bcipieathcd
property was rcall/.cd on. Up to this tlmo
the sisters remained in total Ignorance , if
their version is correct , of the $10,000 divided
by .lames , anil when later on the realty was
sold and brought $10,000 , thus depriving
the weaker sex of any share whatever ,
the married sister , jvho is still an inhabitant
of the Green Isle , waxed exceedingly wrathy
when sfio gained information as to how the
first mentioned sum was disposed of and
appealed to the courts in Scotland for
redress and an equal share , alleging that
James was a deceiver.
The British government also stopped in
and announced its intention of prosecuting
liim'Utider the legacy duty law. By advice
of his counsel , and , not wishing
to antagonize a powerful govern
ment , ho satisfied the demands of the latter
in this respect. But "out of the frying
pan into the lire" is an old saying , which held
good In tills case , The payment of the gov-
ernin cut tax was an admission that such an
amount was left by William Hooney , and
Scottish courts Decreed that James , in the
sister's suit , was Indebted in the sum of
$10,000. This Judgment was transcripted to
Ireland where the llrst
, mentioned owned a
reluablc farm.
Sought Itcst In America.
The latter was sold on execution , and
James Hooney , with only $ his
pocket , came to the conclusion that it
would perhaps bo bolter for him to seek anew
now country and establish a now
homo. Accordingly , ho loft the country
of his bitter experience , and about a'year
ago set his foot on the soil of free land ,
where ho hoped to bo unmolested from all
future persecution as ho considered it. Such
did not prove to bo the case however , as the
police here , several weeks ago , were re
quested by the Dublin authorities to give In
formation , If James liponoy was in Omaha.
They wcro also apprised that the charge of
embezzlement was' pending there against
this individual and that extradition papers
would bo asked for in Washington.
The answer was returned that
ho was a resident hero ana
could be arrested any time the police of the
capital city of Ireland desired. Itoonoy's
dream of future rest from further molesta
tion was therefore dispelled and again ho
had to apply to a counselor-at-law for pro
tection. T. J. Mahoney was applied to and
ho immediately sent a request tp Washing
ton that before extradition papers wore
issued ho would like to bo heard on behalf
of his client.
Insufficient time since then has elapsed
to have heard anything more , and James
Hooney is kept in suspense in the meantime.
1'rcil Ilejrrr'g Threshing Avongoil by n Ver
dict for Wii.fiOO.
In the case of Freil Hoyor against Gustavo
Co&scman , which has been oh trial In Judge
Davis' court for nearly a week , the Jury yes
terday returned a verdict , Hading for the
plaintiff and assessing his damages at
J.r > 00 , Just one-half of the amount for which
no sued. Tito lawsuit was the outgrowth of
a long fought and hitter family war , where ,
for a number of years , guns , nsts , clubs and
brickbats have played many star engage
ments. Both of the men live on the north
bottoms , in the vicinity of Florence , where
Cesseman , during the summer season , oper
ates an infirmary for the dispensing of a
curative for saako bites and Hcyer looks
after a truck garden. The places are not
far apart and whenever Ccssoman's hens
have dug up Ileyor's garden seeds there has
been a row.
This Httio garden patch has upon- numer
ous occasions boon the cause of bloodshed ,
but never until now did the trials and the
tribulations of the two men become the 'sub
ject of judicial investigation. As long ago as
1S)1 ! ) the fight started , and , as the story goes ,
one summer day Cesseman was driving homo
from the city. The road led around Ileyor's
truck garden , but there was a shorter route
by driving over the potatoes and turnips.
Cesseman was the larger man an.l ho took
the short cut. Ho was about half through
the garden when , gut. in hand , Hoycr rushed
out and commanded the neighbor to retrace
his steps. Cesseman said that ho would bo
blanked if ho would over turn his back to
one of the Huyors , and then the fun com
menced , There was-but ono round , and that
ono laid Mr. Hcyer low. " He looked as
though ho had eomo in contact with the busi
ness end of a threshing machine. The up
shot of the whole.matter was that he went
to bed and stayed there for nearly two
In making up the findings , the jury took
all of the results of the fight Into considera
tion and assessed the damages accordingly.
.Suing u Street Car Company and n 1'iieklni ;
Judge Irvlno was engaged yesterday In the
trial of the action of James Hogul against
the Omaha Street Hallway company for
$ > 0,000 damages.
About ft year ago , whllp riding on a Sher
man avenue electric ca'r , ho fell or was
tht'own from the platform us the train
rjuniicd the curve at Clark street and rolled
under the trailer. 'I ho wheels passed over
his loft leg , causing injuries which iccessl
tatod amputation.
The case was trlo.l at the last term of
Hie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
Jfoed iu Millj-4is of Homes 40. Years the Standard *
court , but the Jnrjr lUsn reed , although ton
moinbers voted fonJu * plalntllt ,
Thocaxoof .lamua L , Olscti a nlnst the
Omaha Packlni ? rinnimny was on trial before
Jiulpo Scott ycstotU y. The plalntlrt was an
employe of the defYJUntit several yo.trs apo.
Whllo at work no-nrs seriously Injured by
the fnllliif ! of a Iwam , anil In the present
suit ha asks for $ IB5 | ! damages.
You don't wnnt-iv.torpltl llvorj you don't
nnt't a bad compliexlon ; you ilou'.t want a
bid breath ; you don't want n hoattarho.
Then use Do WltW.LIttlo Early Hlsers , the
famous Ilttlo pills.
Goo. J. Pitul , UiOTi Fumitin street , wnnts
nn nppllcntlon forahirtfo loan on busi
ness proiMjrty ittti tollpor cent Interest.
Sec the celebrated Sohincr piano nt
Ford & Ulmi'lton Musie Co. , 1503 Dodge.
Today Herrmann , the Krcat , will plvo two
holiday performances at '
. Uoya's theater ,
presenting an entirely dllferent prosram at
each perforinanco. A si.eclal matlnco will
be ( riven at SiJlO tills afternoon In honor of
Washington's birthday. The matlneo prices
liavo been ilxoil at the reasonable sealo of
SIS , fill and 7f > cents and \ , so that all may bo
satisfied. The engagement will eloso with
the evening perforni.inoo.
An exceptional attraction and ono that
will certainly appeal to the lovers of music ,
has been secured for lloyd's theater on
Wednesday evening. March I. Oil this oc
casion Mine. Lillian Nordlca , Mine , Kotla
Scalchl , Miss Louise Knijel. Sip. Campanlnl.
Sit ? , del I'tionte anil Kmil Fischer will L'lvo
an npcratkentertaininent. . Not aora of
cominuiit is necessary in mentioning the
names of these artists. It Is the strongest
organization over gathered together in this
country. A miscellaneous operatic program
will bo presented , consisting of arias , scenes ,
etc. , from the celebrated grand operas , anil
also the quartet from "Uigolctto. " Aside
from this the entire opera by M'lscagni ,
"Uavalleria Uiistlcana , will ho given in con
cert form with the following remark able
cast :
winttiyza ! MIIIP. XordIrn
Kola Mine. Holla Scnlclil
I.ucla MNs Knjii'l
I'urlildu sij ; . fainpanliit
Alllo SB. | lol ) Pitonle
The Transoceanic Specialty company that
appears at Lloyd's theater this week , is posi
tively the largest and most refined vaude
ville organization ever presented , under n
roof , canvas , or within doors. The leading
feature of the company Is Trovoy. Ho is a
fantnist , humorist , shadowgraphist and Jug
gler , and is surrounded bv such artists as
Mnlvlllo and Stetson , topical vocalists , the
Allisons , fancy dancers and vocalists , the
Brothers Dixon , England's musical clowns ,
: ho Kobetta Xanfrcttn pantomina troupe of
icrobats , Wbittey and Leonard , Irish come
dians ' , and many others. The sale of scats
11 open tomorrow morning.
At the Farnam Street theater flro nights
beginning Sunday matinee , February ! ) . " > ,
with the usual matinees Wednesday and
Saturday. The Wednesday matlneo We any
seat in the theater. The Philadelphia In-
liiiror says : "Mr. Potter of Texas" renewed
tiis acquaintance with the Philadelphians at
the Park theater last night. A crowded
liouso gave him a cordial greeting , and the
clever drama was enacted with a vim and
accuracy which hns made the piece a suc
cess. Henry Weaver , Jr. , lllled the title role
in a manner that wns immensely fresh and
entertaining , and 'Hugh ' Gibson did well as
Baron Lincoln , a retired chief justice of the
queen's bench , Miss Stella Bonifaco as Lady
Sarah Anncrloy dltl some good work , as also
did Miss Georgia-Murray Busby and Miss
Millie Cecilo James. Charles F. Tingay as
Charlie Errol , was cordially received and
did his part well. The entire cast was good
and won enthusiastic applause as each tell
ing i point was mado.
llnthor .Stoi'p
Than take in any other f6nn is what many
people'thinic , nnd Parks' tcajsimado for Just
those folks. It cures constipation , and though
not a cathartic , moves the bowels every day.
All druggists.
Photographers Choio Olllcers Will Meet In
Omslin Ageln.
The Nebraska photographers were late In
getting around yesterday morning nnd
they straggled into the hall as if
they baa other things to think of
beside dry plates , hypo solution ,
fixing baths and developers , for all of them
had developed headaches as the result of the
banquet given in the hall at Tenth and Far
nam the evening before.
However , the president managed to have
a quorum present when ho called the meet
ing to order und after the minutes
of the afternoon session were
read , committee reports wcro heard
and generally accepted without debate.
Some time wasspontin discussing where the
next meeting should bo held and the time ,
but as everybody had been invited to have
All Question
Dr. Price's Delicious Flavor
ing Extracts , "Vanilla , Lemon ,
Nectarine , etc. , are beyond
all question the best and most
perfect of any flavors in the
market. The are the purest
and most economical. They
are of the highest strength
and the saving in this direc
tion is no small item. If
something pure and rich is
wanted to flavor cakes , pies ,
puddings , sauces , frostings or
creams , get from your grocer
ir. Price's Delicious Flavors *
"I havehndiaJlong experience in the
treatment of Kidney Jisc < ises with
LOXDOXDK'RRY * and am pleased
to add my testimonial , although I
think it unnecessary , from the fact
that the effects of the water speak
more eloquently than any words
which I might utter. I prize it very
highly in all cases of Chronic Rheuma
tism or other manifestations of the con
dition known sis the 'Lithic Acid
Diathesis. ' I have us ill the water ex
tensively in my practice , and intend to
continue the use of it. "
I'rom r. X. PANPOIITII , A. Jl. , Jl , I ) . , Prof.
I'nllio'ony an < l Kfnal | Hs"n. " . Women's Mnl ,
t'ulirgr , Clili-ugo , SpeclalUt In ICIiIncy DUcas.'J ,
Londonderry Lilliia Water Co. ,
la imsnrpnsnod la ttio
treatment of nil
in. . .HW akn SJiiplJ
anil Disorders nt nitII
18 years experience.
Wrlto for circulars
and question list free.
14III and Fnrnnm Bt . ,
Omaha , Nob.
their pictures ttilicn by Mr Klnotmrt the
nirbtliiK ntljourncil until -J o'clock.
Tliocmly business of Importance trniM.tctptt
nt the afternoon session was the uloctlon of
onii'crs ns follows ! President , Dr. A. II.
Corbott , O'Neill ! llrst vleo president , T. W.
lYilltnnn , Nebraska City ! second vlco presi
dent , Wlllhin Orlnin , Hobnm ; secretary , I * .
Krltz , Fremont ; assistant secretary , Frank
Reynolds , D.i vld City ; treasurer , A. Smith ,
Omaha was chosen as the place , for hold-
IIIR the next convention one .year hcnca.
A lllch f.trrr
Usually has a bad live.Ho Is bilious ,
constipated , has Indigestion and dyspepsia.
If there Is no o t-f runic trouble a few doses of
Parks' Sure Cure will tone him up. Parks'
Sure Cure Is the only liver and kidney euro
wo sell on a positive guarantee , prlcal.OO.
All druggists.
lli'pnrU from Scvj-nil Muli-n on the Trout-lit
Outlook for tin' Crop.
CHICAGO , 111. , Feb. 'JI. The Farmers Hc
vlow tomorrow will s.iy : Hoports on the
winter wheat show that In most of the
states ( a critical point has burn readied , and
on the next few weeks will depend the future
of the crop.
In Missouri a few of the correspondents
report wheat in Rood condition , more report
fair , and many report the condition as bad
or doubtful.
In Kansas and Nebraska the pcncral out
look scorns lo bo Rood , but there Is so much
uncertainty about it that It will require a
few tla.vs of warm weather to reveal its true
In Iowa the Holds are still covered with
snow to such a depth that it is believed the
crop is yet safe , but the Hanger will come
when the snow ijocs off. The same is trno
in portions of Minnesota.
To quickly relieve neuralRlc hcadtielio
Use IJrom.o-Sclzer. Trial bottle Hie.
"Only tJiis and notJihiff
inoi'd. " There is this to be said
about Johann Hoff's Malt Ex
tract that those who have once
taken it discard all others. This
is clearly indicated by the rapid
increase in its sales. When pa
tients everywhere have once
adopted Johcinn Hoff's Malt Ex
tract the difference between it
and inferior extracts usually sold
as " Hoff's Extract" is so mani
festly apparent that they will not
bear even the mention of any
other. And the reason is that it
is not only more grateful to the
palate , but its action is imme
diate and its results permanent.
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract for
the space of nearly half a cen
tury has been a blessing to myr
iads of sufferers from dyspepsia ,
sleeplessness and general debility.
Had it not been so , it would have
been a " dead letter" ere now.
Beware of imitations. The gen
uine must have the signature of
"Johann Hoff" on the neck of
every bottle. Eisner & Mcndel-
nn Co. . sole agents , New York.
We nnko a variety from tU
_ _ CHfArMT lo the MOST ELEUAM
and COSTLY InttrumciiU.
Fn , J very In trumcnt ftillj
ro Wurrunivil.
Endorsed by ihs BEST Playen.
Stml for Catalogue nni
mention the Instrvmentsi'oi
think ofjturchaf'.ng.
GW. Williamson , MD ,
Ifyon arc atferfnirfroBi tnjkof tlio followlrir ullmenli lo
DOtdetptlr. batcoaioltf pcriODilly orbj mall , Ihe
MAIN ENTRANCE116---0- ' ' - '
- - - - -
FrlvateClironlr , ? ' "ervou diseases no mat-
tTir how IOMIT htnmlliifiSrxuHl il ! oril ra
iWmuiiiiiitly mill < | iilrlily ciirnl. 1'ilcs , l'l -
tiilaunil Ilcctsil I'lrurs ruri'il without imlii
ir ! ctoiilloiirriiinlitit-IiirHH. irj-drori-lc.Var-
Icoreliiniul ViuU-osot'lrcrscured proiniilly.
UyplilllH coinplctcly removed from the ( , VH-
toni hv our Intrst nnd Improved veKctnlilo
remriUe.s nt ( inc-ti'iith tlm eont of u Hhort
vlnlt ticlhollot SprliiRs. CnreH ] > prmniicnt >
Advleo fiee. Send Mo slump for iiurtlculum.
Treatincnthy .Mull.
Teeth Filial Witi
oat t'na Of 111
Tootr > Extrnototl Without Pain 3.-
A Full Scl of TecU od li'i'ibjr ' for $5.1) $ ) .
I'crfoct tit ifi r.intaij < 1. 'IViafi otlri-iljl li thi
mornlnif. .New unei In lerloa la ih ev.ulJU Jr ta >
tt'u M.oclmeni of li'omr.vablu llrl li ) .
t co Bpcclmuns of Floxlblu HI i : l'u'J l
/l | url wnrninto.l in ruproiuit.3l. :
Office Third FloorPaxton 7li-.v
Tclonliono llBb. Miln" I I'Virni-n ' Hi *
Tnko clcvnioror Uilrwuyiroii Utl rtt. oitrvnai.
'I'llOM VS 1 * Sl Ul'3 JN. WiKlilnitlo I'
PATEHTSE C. No ntty ftio until I'm U oh
.Uiu.l. Wrlto ( or IiiTuntorj U u Id
AND WDUIM AT OHCt. Mttier local or tr vellnir ) la
ftl" Jnl ? u. S.crl"c. < tl nl > ute our | .rjnle < l nutter ,
.ml Introduced our cootK StrailV cmplovmrnt
QnTA MfiUTMSALARY rj AHo'timisrs Two \l U i
I to ccmintpnt rcr r.nv r > < * n' ' , l Uy a moment l-uiwrlle J
MEDQ.ELECTRO PAD CO. . Cincinnati. Ohlo-i
a Kcntly-mndtJ
Slilrt to suit
O you , got the
Walch our advertisements next week ,
Cluett , Coon & Co. "
3 Special bargains in
Kid Gloves
AH our $1.2r MOUSQUK PAIUK3 In colora
only , 8 Inch length , go at ( WJe , *
A lot n Irmittful line that htxs just coino
in HIAIUU'iV kids In till the now shades
English rods , hollotropDS , navy bluoa ,
preens , tuns , browns , potrl TX.VB ; nnd
bhiclc. By nil odds the host glow wo over
All our genuineJOUVIN Idil cloves , in
lirossod nnd undressed , blnekd nud colors.
Good value nt Si
The Morse Dry Goods Co.
Announcement :
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. are going
out of the retail jewelry business , and
from this on all' goods go at cost A
call will convince you that by purchas
ing now you will save from 50 to 100
per cent As they are to remain in the
wholesale business everything sold will
be guaranteed as heretofore All goods
in show windows marked in plain 'fig
ures and if compared with other stores
it will seem almost like giving them
away Solid siverware $1.25 an ounce.
Tin : JEWEL 1:11. :
A Package of Pins
A golden Hair Pin is "a th'ng ' of beauty and
a joy forever. " Our Hair Pins , as well as Lace
Pins , Scarf Pins , Brooches , Pendants , are subject
to the same guarantee as everything we sell -as
to quality and Iat2ness of style. The Swoard Hat
Pin is the latest fad.
AV. nU for , null liinlut upon liavlnff
\V. Li.miimijAH tSUIIKH. Nonoaeii-
ulno without . Li. Jtnualna nuiiio
nuil prlcu Htumncil on bottom. '
lor 11 wbcu you buy. FOR
tjulU everywhere. H
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ GENTLEMEN.
A sewed shoe that will not rip ; Calf ,
seamless , smooth inside , more comfortable ,
stylish nud durable than rny other r.hoe. ever
sold at the price. Kvcry style. JJtjuals custom-
made shoes costing from f. { to 5.
Tito followlnt ; are of Uie same Wgli standard of
5 00 nnd $5.00 Flue Calf. ' Haml-Sewcd. 1'olicc , I'aniicrs oiul I.cttcr-Carrlcrs.
$3.50 , t"l Ja.oo ( jr Workliifr McU.
"j.oo nu'l $1.75 lor Youths ntnl Hoys.
$3.00 lland-ScwcJ , j F5JL. ,
$2.50 and a.oo UoiiRola , ) LADIES.
.75 lor Misses.
IT 13 A DOTY yon ewe yourself
to get Uie best value for your
roonoy. EJoonomlza In your
tootwonr by purolioalDK W.
IS THE " represent tUo boat VQlno
at Uio prices advortlaeA
aa tlionaandn can teu-
< . . , , , - ' "HOP li , " ' ' ' * v tlljr. Do you wear
SiHEm- ; " -
Will irlvo excltixlvo into In ulioo ill-filer * mill ffrmirnl inrrrlmiiiN wliero I luivr no
BBpnt . WrlifTf euiTiloJuo. II mil lor-ulo Jii rcMiiM'Inci. .eiiil .ilrrrt I" I'UL'lory.Blatluir
Kind , Size and wliltUvrunlod. 1'iiKtnifO i'rro.V , Dounlns , Jlraclctou , .llano.
M.iL'iiirV'btor. ; . Kulloy , st ? cr & Co. , f J I'lirlson , Kil-is 4 > cn ) i. I naU Nowinaa
. W. Ur. hsy , t-uiith OmiUio.
181(3 Douglas Street , Oninhn , Nob.
. .w. . . Sootls. "
. . the r.onilerful ri-Bieilf
! w n w * * * * .WB * p- * - -in nMj ( with rrlt"
n Diiitrnntrr In C'jro All nvrrou * lilm-an'i , uch i W k Jismorr ,
i/ o "lir ' . llpmlttehe. Wnkofuln * . ; . Ixj.t Munliood. Nlyhilr KoH-
iuini NerVn f.f. iltuilo. lldrslo and loiinf poiirrof lh O.ner i tu
" lAiln citrierioVcmuieil byoveruiertlm , youthful rrrorn.or * ice il
- tolineao . . opium orntlniulanli wlilrh noon lead lo Innrmllr.Coniuiu
\--.S ! cut upcoiivcnlenitocirr/In ro t iioekft. r l uur.ick-
i , Wllti e * rir$1onlerwn. > ntBnlliii gvjranki ' " '
i-o. t. Circular irve. AddrtU Aervuticcd I'o. , C'ltlCMC" . 1U.
For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & O'Connoll , 1810 Dodge Street