THE OMAHA DAILY HISKtJftpN ESDAY , FEBRUARY 22. 1803. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Was Firm Though Ontiido News Wns of n Benriih Nature. OPENING ABOUT THE SAME AS MONDAY Corn VTm I'.my nt tbo Start on th Unary l.ocnl Itrrclpli Ilnciime I'lrmor Later nnd Again De clined. f'lHCACio , III. , fob. 21. Them was a rather firm tonn In wheat to.lay , notwithstanding the fact that nearly all of thu outsldj now * Bccmnd of a bearish natiiM. The talk of fdirlukngc In storage led a good many to think , thnl If the crowd was so largely short as many liellovfd , and thecllquo huld so much of the wheat In htoro , It might ba dllllcult to get enough wheat to supply tbo needs of the Khorts , and thus glvo the cllquo a big ad vantage. This cnu cil some of the shorts to cover , and , as Hniro was less selling pressure , the demand caused cimsldcrabiu firmness for a time. Another thing which helped the markut mis the fact that Hoyden , Parker and som.i other clique brokers were go jd buyer * on soft spo.ts , Cables were weaker. The amount on ocean passage was 14.0JJ mi. larger than a week ago , and the wealhur In the west and southwest was vailable , with receipts ovury- wheto gencroiis rhero was some selling pres- Hiiro during the last hour. In which Pardildgn was conspicuous. The opening nas about the same as yester day's closing and with slight fluctuations prices were ndvtinccd , c for May and " e for .luly , then eased off fioin ' .c to * dc , fluctuated Hllglitly , rinsed at about ' , e higher for May nnd unchanged for July , compared with clos ing figures ycsteiday. Corn was easy at the start on the heavy local iccelpts , but hcciimo firmer In sympathy with the strength In wheat ami the apparent desire of MHIIC of the shorts to cover some of their pievlons sales. Condon and llartlett- I'ra/.ler were moderate buyers and King and llarlowo weie also among tbo more noticeable of the early puivhasers. Coimsclmnn A Day weie among the morn conspicuous of the sell ers , llnslno-s was not heavy and the market easily -.ponded i to any utlemptat an e.xten- hlvii puichasc or sale. Fluctuations were within 6c rnngo and the close was ? > c lower than last night. Oats developed no striking features. Price changes did not Miry beyond siniill fractions. Uliotat Ions nt the closi ! were about the Inside nnd fiom " , e to 'iC below yesteiday's close. Provisions were slow , The holiday tomor row teudi'd lo restrict business. The market opened rather easy at a decline on all the lead ing articles and was dull and dragging ( hiring the greater portion of the session. I'lutuatlons In prlco were slight , compared with last night , pork Is 5e lower , laid about unchanged and rIlisolV2'ic. Kstlniated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 210 cars : corn , 250 cars ; oats , 120 cars ; hogs , 23.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : AIITIl'I.EH JOIT..V , IIIUII. LOW. CLOSE. VKSTV 77-K t& 751 ! 40K 4UJSM SO RO 30 30 SOW ! : 19 IS 10 ST. ' * U > 15 19 2. ' , 193 ! ) ' - f1" 12 S.'i 12 BO 12 95 12 B.1 , 12 44 12 W 12 42 ! > j IS : i5 > i 12 VH > .12 15 12 Uh 12 15 12 1-Jd 10 20 10 2S 10 1 10 25 Cash quotations were as follows : KlAH'K ' Neglected , unchanged. WllKAT No. 2 spring , 73a73fc ! ; No. n spring , 07c ; No. 2 red , 73it73 ( > ( c. COIINSteady : No. 2 , 40Uc : No. 3. casb,47c ! No. 2 yellow , 40'ic : No. 3 yellow , 30 30'ic. ' OATS No. 2 , 3U > ( S130'sc ; No. 2 white , f. o.-b , 86-c ! ; No. 3 white , 31c. HVK-No. 2 , 52cr llAHI.KY-No. 2 , G4c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 4403c ! No. 4 , f.o , b. , 3B1/.51C. FLAX SKI-.D-NO. i.n.aavs. TIMOTHY tiiscii l'rlmp , $2.00. 1'oiiK Mess , per bbl. , $18.75 ; lard , pot 100 Ibs. , $12.85 ; short ribs sides , ( lee > .o ) 110.200,10.30 ; dry salted shoulders , ( boxed > , H.87jaiO.OO ! ; short cluar sides ( boxodi , * 10.0l ( ( .0,05. WHISKY Distillers'finished goods , pjr gal. , Sud'.UisUnchanged ; cut loaf , 5JS0.5ic ? granulated , 6'sc ; standard "A , " 5c. Thu following were tlio receipts an j ship ments ( or todav : ' On the 1'rodiicu c\chango todav the liutte market was easier ; crcamerv. 10Ji27tc ! : dairy 10tt25c. Kggs , iiilot | ; strictly fresh , 2Ja23Jc ! The maiket was iiulet , and there was llttl trading. The condition of eastern market nnd the car famine Is u great drawback to th trade here. The following prices arc for delivery a Mississippi river points : WIIKAT No. 2 spring. COc bid ; No. 2 rc < winter , OOc bid ; No. 3 winter , r.2c bid. KYKNo. . 2 , 53cbld ; No. 3 , 40 bid. OATR.-NO. 2 white. 33o hid ; No. 3 white 82'-c bid : No. 2 mixed , 20c bid. C'ou.N No. 2 , March shipment , 37 Jc bid ; Nc 3 or better , 37c bid , prompt shipment , Si l.ouls terms. Among the sales were : 10 cars No. 2 con March shipment , St. l.ouls forms , 38c. DOAIIII IIHIKl'S. Frank raulkner was on the market froi Schuyler. There will bo no market on Wednesday , ! being a holiday , The seii'-atlon of being a grandfather wn too much for Harry Miller and ho bad to gi u substitute to do the calling. "I daronotbuy or sell , " said u promlnor praln man , "on account of the scarcity of car : About all wo can do now Is to wall and sc what the outcome will In1. " New York M-irkuti. NKW YOIIK , 1'eb. 21. Ki.ouil Uecolpts , 32 803 pkgs. ; exports , 2,002 bills. , 17,058 sacm sales , 050,000 pkgs. ; market dull , weak. Co.'iN MIAI : < HtL'iidy ; yellow western , ? 2.7 flAHi.EY Dull , llrm ; western , COasOc ; No. Toronto , H4 85c. llAUl.r.Y MAI.T Hteady , ( | tilet ; western , 05 B5c ; city made Canada , fl.OOQ 1-05. WIIKAT Uecelpts , 0,075 bu. ; exports , 1G.OC lju. ; sales. 1,100,000 Im. futures , 210,000 bu. i f.iot. ] Spot market active for export , blghi with options ; No. 2 red , In store and el vator. 7Kit70Uc ; afloat , TO.UWO'Jc ; f.o , I 78K6lHO' < c ; No. 1 northern. H4'/Q8 yc ; No. hard. HbiiH8 ( , } c ; No , 2 northern , 83't4tH3 > i Options were moderately active , opened at decline of ' c on Increase In passage , decline Wt o on realizing , closed firm at > io advam with trading local. No. 2 red. March , 77V 7Wc , closing at ITic ; May , 70'iT/.80' ( > c , closb ut H0 > , c : Julv. Hl'tlKHl c , closing nt 8134c. CoilN Uecelpts. .15,1100 bu. ; exports. 35,21 bu. ; sales , 370,000 bu. futures , 28.0UO Int. spci Knots firm and dull ; No , 2 , 52'c In ojovato DiUiCatloat ; ungraded mixed , 40Q53csteam ; < mixed , 61 < 362 ic ; No , 3 , 40'51Hc. ' } Optloi were nulet , advancing early 'i ® ? c , fell ' 401 late months , nnd closed steady , with ear iiHiiitlis 'ic iii | , linn nioiitlis unchanged to1 down ; Kenrnary , 52' ' , < if5214C , closing at 52'/ March , 51\(8.514C. ( closing at rjl ? c ; Ma COVasi l-lOc. closing at 50c. . OATSllecelpts , 10,800 btu exports , non sains , I' bu. futures , 01,000 bu , spc Snots dull and firmer ; options firmer and dul March. 87'.c ; May , 3Hic : < a > ( c , closing at 38 tipot.No. 2. white , 41 4Pc : No. 2 Ulilcuw S'Jc : May , 37 ( c ; No. a , white , 40c ; nilxi western , 37iiu,3aic ( ! ; whlto western , 47'iC. HAY llrm , fair demand ; good to choice , ' 8o Mill's Qnlot , easy. HUIKS Quiet , steady. Wooir-yulet , llrm ; < loinpstl.i fleece , 2 7S32 pulled , 2OU37C : Texans , 17a21c. CUT MKATa-Dull , steady ; middles < iuh 1 Aim-Quiet , firmer ; woslorn steam closi 113.15 ; sales , 100 tierces ut J13.15. Optloi Miles none ; March , J13.16 ; May.tl3.15 ; Jul PoiiK-Steady , nulet. IJUTTUU-Kasy , liberal receipts ; Elgin , 2f * ( iiiBKRK Slvmly : moderate demand , Ediis Moderate demand , easy ; receipts , ; 637 pkgs ; . western fresh , 28tt28'ic. ' TAI.UIW Scarce ; firm. COTTON Sunn OnQuiet , easy ; crude. 50c. 1'KTlioi.KUM-Tliu scarcity of oil fordellvc bad the effect of further advanclngquolatlii for the certlllcates today and with thu sv kldflicO of the excitement In Ibe stock I moro animation marked the dealings , Alt Consolidated eM'Imngo It opvneit strong ut Cil an ndvnnco of , epver last night , und furtl 1 OKI lo ( ' , ( ) ' , c , closing firm at OOiic. On t Htock exchungo , however , there were no trai actions. UorilN-Qulot , firm. Tlllll'KNTINK Hull , easy ; 34ft35c. ! KICK -Firm : active. MOI.AHHKHNuw Orleans open kettle , good choice , llrm , HIKMII HUHiulutruQuudiiulut. ; . easy ; fi running , OiP a-lGai centrifugals , OU test , 3 ? BIB-lQc ) sales mm" , Ufllni'd , easy , quiet : A , 4 J > . | IVrt4Sci mold A. 4 > , tt5 l.lCcjbtandii A.O'.a-l ia-lUctronfcctloiioruA,4UOi4 11-11 cut loaf , fcXtti 7-lOc ! criuhed , 6Uiia 7-lt powdered , 4' if > ri 11lr > c Braiinliilnd , 4'i l IB- ( ' , Cllhen , 4 7-lr > 'iA5 ' 1I-10C I'm LION -Steady , ittlet | | Amorlcati , H'J.75 Coi-l'Rii steady ; lake , MI. 0.1 , I.KAIi Dull i tiomnttlc , f.07J. : TlN-Quet ! , steady jHtralH. t'20.20. Oiiiiiini I'rodni'n .Murlict. There was very llttlo In the way of news de veloped by the nroduco market. Most every thing sold at about steady prices. The long expected heavy run of eggs did not material- l/e and accordingly there- was no break In tbo market. It Is considerable of a puzzle to dealers why eggs do not corno In moro freely than they are doing nt the present time. They ar'o agreed , however , that when they do com mence to come .there will ho a rusli. A I'l'i.twStocks are hold at.J3.50U4.00 for fair to choice stock. HANAXA * Quoted at J2.00a2.60 per bunch UKASS t'holco navy. J2.25. IIUTTHH The arrivals arc considerably larger than they were a few days ago and Iboio Is an emli'r reeling In the market , Packing stock sells down to about 18c , .while good country roll goes largely at lOTfjoc. An occasional nackago of o.Mra choice roll brings ( 'AiniAon I'ur lb. , 2J4'c. ( 'n KIIYI'er do40c. . CltASnnilllllW--llell and bugle , J10.50 ; Jcr- fev Capol'od , tO.SO. Ildds-Tho majority of sales were made at 23r. Heavy receipts would tend to lower tbo mar'.el very materially ( > \Mi-Sumll : rabbits , ? 1,50 ; Jack rabbits , J3.50. llAV-Tlii ! market was a llltlo firmer and sales uen-rally were made at J0.50t/,7.00. llllinsNo. . 1 green . 3'xjc ' ; No. 1 green salted , 4'ic ; No. 2 green salted , 34C ; No. 1 green sailed , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 4Uc ; No. 2 green sailed , 25 lo 40 Ibs. , Il'fc ' ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 lo 15 HH. , 7'te : No. 2 vealcalf , H to 15 Ibs. . 5'ic : No. 1 dry film , G'fj7'ic ; No. 2 dry flint , 451ic ; No. 1 dry lulled , 5flOc ; part cured hides percent per p'liind less I ban fullv cured. llo.Nivcholco : lo fancy white clover , 18 ® 20c ; fair to good , lOftlHc I.KMII.NS Choice. I3.5iv.3.75 : fancy , $4.00. MAI.AIIA ( IUAI > IM ( looil shipping stock , * 8.60. Niw : VKiin'ni.isLettuce : , radishes and parsley , 4.V per do/ ; green onions 40c. Nrr.sI.aige hickory , tl.OO ; black walnuts , $1.00 ii. 1.25. " -Homo grown. < 1.20IJ1.25 per bushel uer crate. . OIIANOIN 1'lorlda fancy , per box , $3.50 ; ( Ivo to ten box lots 13.25 ; rns-ctts. HLOOti 3.2.1 ; Mexican orangns , single boxes , ? 3.25 ; five to ten bo\ lots , $3. Oil ; California mountain i ranges , J2.50 ; navels , $4.0(1. ( ( ) VsTKlls--ysers ) | are being olTered at 1056 3Hr per can. n lilcli Is a reduction of 4c nercan. I'lil'irnvCholco and small chickens , 10 , ; large and rough , 8fSOc ; cholco turkeys , 1 3II4c ; tongli and poor , 125 ? lc ! ) ; geese and ducks , choice , HT41i.'c ; poor. O'tslOc. I'orATOKS only small lots moving from sloie. Western Nebraska slock Is quoted at 85e ; 1'tnli and Colorado , $1.0oai.lO ; cholco native. 75M8UC. SWKKT I'OTATOKS There are a few In the market which are selling at $4.50. TANor.ums In half boxes. $3.00. Vu.vir-Cliolco and small fat veals , 70c ; large and thin , 3'tiOe. The J. r. Roll Milling company at Ithaca has dl-MiIvcd. Morris I'rlend has sold out his general store business at llumbohlt. .1. A. Trommorsbauser has sold his publish ing business at Kwlng. I ) . ! ' . 1'lammer , hardware merchant at 1'aw- neo City , has sold out. C. I ) . Itoblnsou has sold out bis dry goods business at I'awneo City. .1. N. Kanoir has moved his bakery from Pawnee ( Jlty to Table Hock , Attachments are out for Tony Cornelius , In the saloon business at Kearney. \i. I ! . Stewart , druggist at Kennard , has been succeeded by W. 1 , . Walker & Co. .1. K. CJoodrlch has succ-eded ( loodrlch llros , In the dm ; ; business at North I.oup. ! ' . II. Kernohau has succeeded to the general store business of Kernohau llros. at Wescott. ( ieorgo A. Derloth has bought tin meat ni'it- ket formerly run by Dcrletb & Hall at Ash land. Morgan , Oleson & Huth , Implement dealers al Newniiiu tJrove , have been succeeded by Oleson .t limb. ( JiiANT , Nob. . Teh 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB HII ; . ] .1. C. Cattern's saloon at thl- place was closed totlay bv tbu Citizens Kx change and Farmers and Merchants banks. St. I.inis Mirkrtti. ; ST. Lotus. Mo. . I'eb 21. KMWII Ptoad y : patents , $3:40 3.50 ; extra fancy , $3.05I33.15 : fancy , J2.00S2.70 ; choice , J2.25Bl2.35 ; family , WIIKAT 'ic off ; cash , G7 ? c ; February , ( jTic : May , 71 ? c. COUN 'nC down ; cash , 38338ic ! ; l''obruary 3Hc ; May , 30 c asked. OATS Itarely steady ; cash , 32Jic bid ; May 331 331(0 ( bid. HYIJ-NO bids. IIAIII.KV Moro lively ; Minnesota , 5455c. HliTTEit Unchanged. Kiis ( Unchanged. I'oilK-Old , $10.75 ; now , $20.25. HKCr.iiT.s- Wheat , 13,000 bu , ; corn , 145.00C bu. ; oats , 2G.OWJ bu. ; rye , none ; barley , none Hour. 3.COO bbls. Siiii'MB.vM Wheat. 35,000 bu. ; corn , 100 , . 000 bu. ; oats , 23,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu. ; barley - loy , 1,000 bu. ; Hour , 8,000 buls. In tlm I.iindun .M Lo.snoN. Feb. 21. The chief Interest on tin Stock e.vchango todiy was again In Americai railway securities. Prices moved rapid ! ; througnout tbo day , yet within moderate limits. At the oniclal closing Piilladclphla j Keaillng "hares had fallen llj vsr cant on tli < day ; first Income bonds had declined 4'i po cent. The drop In the oilier railway securltle averaged ! pur cent. After thu Now Yorl quotations began to como an actlvo buslnes was done in the street at enhanced values , am finally Philadelphia & Heading- shares showoi an advance of "i per cent on the day. Chlcag & Milwaukee common showed an advance of ' pirconl. Illinois Central , 1 > { pur cent ; I/iki Hioru& Michigan Soutborn. ' . par cent , am Louisville i < c Nashvlllo'g pur cent. Plilladol phla & Keaillng llrst Income bonds and North ern Pacific preferred remained djprojsud. KiinHin : City .Markets. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Pol ) . 21. WII'F.AT- Actlve ; llrm ; No. 2 hard , 5oaGOc ; No. 2 rei O3' ' , ( i4c. COII.N Quiet , but llrm at yesterday's price ; No. 2 , mixed , 3 tc. OATM-Slow ; easy ; No. 2 mixed , 29530c ! Hvp.temly ; No , 2 , 52c. Dull , steady ; creamery , 21U27 < . dairy , 151419C. Kdiis 20c. HKCKlfi.s Wheat , 40,000 bu. ; corn , 15,00 bu. ; oats , none. HIIIWIBSW Wheat , 73,000 bu. ; corn , 12,00 bu. ; oats , none. Liverpool M'irltoti. LiVEiipooi , , I'xb. SI. WIIKAT Hull ; holdoi oll'or moderately ; No. 1 California , Os 2di 3d per cental ; No. 2 red , winter , 5s 8idji.r ! O'id. Receipts wheat past three days , 132 000 centals , Including 07,000 American. Con.v Dull ; mixed western , old , 4s G4i mixed western , new , 4s 4'id. Receipts Amorl can corn past three days , 3,000 centals ; pom Canadian , 5s 3d percental. H.u'ON Long and short clear , 55 Ibs. , 53s pi I cwt ; long clear. 45 Ibs. , 40s Od. If LAiiu-Prlmo western , 03s per cwt. Ciitlco M.trkct. NKW YOIIK , Fob. 21. Options opened stead at HI points decline to lo points advanci closed steady , 10 to 20 up ; saley. 22.250 bag Including February , (17.05i617.lU ; Marc (17.tKir417.15 : May. $10.05S10.75 ; Juno. ( CJ10.05 : July. $10.50(610.00 ; Septembe $10.45'i61G.55 ; October , nU.aUitUG.40 ; Novell her , * 10.30 ; Decomlur , $10.20iil0.30. Sin Rio , dull , nominal ; No. 7.417.871 > . Mlnnu.ipnlls Who it .M tricot. MiNNKAi' , Minn. , Feb. 21. The rana was very narrow and trade light ; the cash ma ket was stronger : No. 1 northern sold at OOi No. 2 northern , 03c , Rccelnls , 2H4 cars. Closi Fobriiary , 04ic ! ; .May , 07iic ; July , OO..J. I ] track : No. 1 hiird.liTc ; No. 1 northurn , 03 > i No. 2 northern , 02iifl3c. .lllhv.uikeo ifrilu .it irket. Mll.WAtlKKK , Wls. . Fob. 21. WllUAT Qlllol May , OH < ( ? ; No. 2 spring , 07C. Cons K'lsy N 3 , 4llc. OATS-Quleti No. 2 white , 34ic ! ; No. 3 , 33 33lC. llAUI.EV 03C. KYK-57'jC _ Cotton Murkut. NKW OUI.KANS , I.a. . Feb. 21 , Steady ; gO ( middling. 0c ; middling , Oc ; low mlddlln 8 c ; giHid ordinary. 8c , ; ; net receipts , 8,01 bales ; gross , 10,250 bales ; exports to Ore : llrltaln , 4,250 bales ; to the continent , 7,5' bales ; sales , 3.2OO bales ; stock , 337,303 bait IMilludelplilit tl nil n Market. Piiii.Aiii.i'iiiA ) : , Pa. , Feb. 21 , WIIKAT Firm , advanced ; No. 2 rod , February , 70'4c. CoiiN-Optlons llrm under light offering No. 2 mixed , February , 407i40 ! < c. OATS ( n car lots , steady ; futures dull nt easy ; No. 2 white , February , 40ii40ic. ! Cincinnati Oritln .HiirkfU. .CINCINNATI. O. , Feb. 21. WIIKAT Eas No. 2 red. 71'ic. y Cons- Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 44&44KC. IS OATS- Strong ; No. 2 mlxe'd , 3434Jc. ! WnisKY-Qiiiotat nV , t u Hultltmiro drain Murkot. . ' . ll.u.TiMoiu : , Mil. , Kub. 21. WHEAT I'lrnio r ; < o. a red. .spot und .Miirch , 75M7D , f. o runxSteadyj mixed OATS- Quiet and b toady ; No. 'J wlilto wci crn , 4lo , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Toliido ( iriiln .tlurKet. .Toi.utKi. O. , Fob. 21. WIIKAT Dull , stcuil ho. 'Jcash , 7'J'je. t'ou.N-Acllvu. easier ! No. a cash , 42 > jc. OATrt-Qulct ; cash , 35c , Wool Market. PllH.AI > KU'IIIA. J'n Fob. 21.-WOOI Qillut ; nrlcen steady and without change. Mo tuuu , loa'J'Jj turrftorlul 13U21C. STOCKS AND IIONIIS ( ' . .million of HIP i : rhiii : n Ilirnmliiv Mora NorinnlSltiritlmi l llendlnif. X\Y VOHK. Kob. 21. TriuIlMH tin tbo Slock oxrhmmo returned to gomothllK Ilku IH w r- innl cnmlUlon toduy and lln dealliim wcro re duced to over one-third of whit limy were yesterday , riiietuatloiH. Uimuh , worn wlilo nnuniRst the eotU stocks , but Industrial * were scarcely out of tlio mini tin ? . Th-\ fuel Is Hint tlio | iliiclniof Heading Into tlio hands of receivers practically takes It , for lit least some tlmo to roiue , out of the. spjculatlvo art-mi ami the forced liquidation lielitt complete , tlm street Is no longer ufriild of any sharp move- inunt which would disturb values In tlio gen- OIAs for Kenning It seems to bo tbo opinion thnl tbo receivership was n sharp movement to lirnd oil tlio enemies of the management In thiilr attacks and has been so far completely successful , while tlio status of tbo coal Irado In general Is bi'lloved to ba r.itbur In clu niter , and Hi ! ) feeling was III substantial declines In tlm other coalers : any serious Klintiga In thn tnulu Is not expected. \ \ Ith tlio subsidence of the incitement , the condition or the exchange market nnd tlio fntitro of tlio money market at Ibis center attracted more attention. Tlio 0 pur cent market for money predicted some tlmo into si-ems to have ar rived , iiltlioiiKli tlu'ro was plenty of loans made , both yesterday and today , at low rates. Tbo hardening tendency of money acts to depress press exchange , and though o'.l'orlngs of com mercial hills are still small , bankers' bills Is sued aMln-,1 the lute gold shipments have sup plied the iimrket to such an extent that rates eased oir materially today. nd It Is felt that no more gold will KO this week. Trading In stocks was today largly profes sional and covering of shorts comprised the bulk of the buylmr. At tlio same lime tbo sell ing was largely for tbo account of local oper ators , who bought nt thu low prices of yester day London sent some buy Ing orders In three or four stocks , among which St. Paul and Ijouls- vllb ) were prominent , but those orders were soon executed and tha pressure to sell M.OII weakened the entire market anil a general de cline took place all along thu line Tin-re was a mild recurrence of the excitement In HeadIng - Ing , but It lasted for only a few minutes. I bo largo trading In tlm stock was all done In the llrst few minutes and during this time Its low est price was reached , which was only 2'4 pur cent below Its llrst price , which was 1 percent better Hum Its last night's closing price. A healthy demand was developed below 30 , and after the llrst decline and rally It never got far from that point and closed at 20' . , a loss of'a per cent for the day. New Kiigland closely followed the course of Heading , ami It was only Up.-rcent lower at Hie end of the day. The other coal stocks , however , were nll'ected impiiri-ntly by the be lief that the disruption of the Heading menus lower prices for coal , though the denial of this by the president of the Lackawanna should have bad some weight , l.aektuvanna , however , retired from 140 to 145U , .leiNoy Cent nil from 121 to 110' ( . anil Delaware & Hudson from 110'i to 128. All except the llrst named practically recovered these de clines , but tlio loss of 1'i per cent In Laek- awanna was the most Important de- cllno for tbo day. The bears made a drive at tbo Industrials , especially Sugar and Chicago Gas , and although the former made a feeble recovery , It closed 'ic lower at 123a . There was little disposition shown to clo busi ness In the general list and until the elTeetof the Hurry has passed away a dwindling vol ume of business Is to bo expected. The temper of the general list was unusually tlrm and many llnal advances were recorded. Northern 1'aclllc rose 1 per cent and Manhat tan a llko amount. Increased strength and animation In the Richmond & West 1'olnt stocks was a fcntiiro In the late dealings , though nothing was made public to account for the Improvement , After the rally of the afternoon prices wore held tlrmly until the close , which was fairly actlvo at Irregular clringes for tbo day. The I'ostsayn : A feeling was reflected In the slock market today that monetary condl Ions are In a somewhat acute stage. In view of today's shipment of gold , one phase of the governments financial condition presents an Interesting study. The chluf solicitude of the secretary of the treasury .si-ems to bj to close his administration without Intrenching on the * 100,000,000 gold rcsLTVC. The fact that there was some frCo gold has hacu the ostensibly reason for not Issuing bonds , but the declara tion has been made that the gold resurvo would be kept Intact. It Is a question , In view of today's shipment , whether It has not al ready practically been Intrenched upon. The statement of yesterday showed that the government had $7,012.074 free gold , In round figures $3,410,000 was with drawn from the sublreasnry yesterday and about $300,000 was turned In. This would leave thoamountof frco gold about$4,500OOO. Itut It must be remembered that $0,000,000 of this Is practically a call loan from the banks , belonging to tbo banks ana so not n real part of tbo government's free gold. It follow. ' therefore , that the amount of reserve Is now about 81,500,000 below the $100,000,000 that Is only $08,500,000. Tbo actual conditions will not bo known until the Friday reports are made up. Tlio only unknown quantity Is the amount of gold probably turned In at tin treasury and other snbtroasurlos. Tbero Is bowover , a very slight possibility that 91,600 , . 000 will ho turned In so as tobo Included li Friday's report. From the available data 1 would seem that tbo gold reserve Is at tin present tlmo below the $100,000,000 limit. Tbo following arotho clmliu quotations of the loading stocks on tbo Now York StocK ex change today : Tha total snlus of htoolcstoiluy wi-ru 500,0(1 slmros , Inclmllni ; : Atohlxin , 3,300 ; C'lii'sn punku & Ohio. 4.500 ; llnrllnaton , 14,000 ; Cli CIIKO ( ius , 8,000 : Cotton Oil , 3,200 ; I.ucki wiiiuin. 11,200 ; DIstlllliiK. 5.HUO ; Erie. 12,001 I.onlsvilUt &Nashvlllo , 3,300 ; National Con IIKU. 7,000 ; Now KiiKliunl. aj.OOO ; Nortln-r I'liclllc , iircfi-rred , 15,100 ; Kuudln. , 233,1)01 ) Richmond Torinliml , 7,000 ; Kock Nlnni 3.800 ; St. I'anl , 20.80.1 ; Snxar , 03,200 ; Unlo I'liclHc , 11,000 ; Western Union , 4,300. Now Yor ! < Money .Uirkot. Nuw YOHK , l\l ) > . 21 , Miixev ox OAM- I'lnn nt 2'i to 0 i > ur cent ; last loan ZVi pi ct'nt , closed olfured nt 2'4 prcimt 1'iUME.MunovNrii.B I'Ai'Kii jft'jvj pnrcunt. HrciiMMl KXCIIANOB Qnlut but stonily , wll actual l > nsliiL In bankers' hills , it $4.80 fi hl\ty-ilay lilllsnnd 24.B75. ; fordomund. ( lOVKUNMKNT lllNIH--lllll ) am ) btUildy. SlUI bonds dull und htuudy. riio closingiuotitions ! OM iiotnU ; ftlmrc * iif I'll nil 10 tl ] * > ld nt 46e A imntl lot of Illmetalllc Kiilil lit f7 ti ( ) , nnil tlio Imlnnco of tin1 tnlnltiit innrkufiRH very tiulet. Urimltci Mountain Mock wiuitri'cly ulTercd ngaltl und wi wan Amcrlccn Nettie , yuotiulonsi London I'lniinrlal Review. tSO.1 b//tmc. | < tfmilon tlcitil'tt ] LONDON , I-'eb. 21. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB 1IKB.1 The cour o of the stock market today has been unfavorable. Now engagements haui been restricted and outstanding engagements freely clo-ed or re duced In vlow of the settlement which com mences tomorrow , Funds urn unchanged. Indian rupee paper Is U percent lower. Tbo mar < et for American railways has been free from excitement , the effect of the ap pointment of receivers for the Read ing company having In some degree been discounted. Heading shares fluctuated a good deal. After being bid for at over 10 they close nt 163 to 15' , , being ' 4 per cent higher than In the street last night. The tlrst Income bonds , however , hnvo fallen 4'i per cent. Krlo shares were offered at the close at ? .i per cent lower and a few others at 'i to \ < ' , percent. Illinois Central recovered I1/ per cent , Lake Shore 'j percent and Wiilmsh de benture ' ( per cent. Tbo general tonn Is rather uncertain nt the close. Cnnadlan lines have been very quiet. ( Irand Trunk Issue mark a small Improvement , the weekly tralllc statement being better than expected. Money has been In good demand , short ! Ioans being charged 1'f to 1't p.'f cent. The discount market continued firm , two and three months' bills being quoted at 1 0-10 to 1 per cent. rinancliil Motes. NKW OIII.EA.NS , I , a. , 1'eb. 21. Cloarlngs $3- 120,074. I'AUIS , Keh. 21. Three nor cent rentes , 08f 7'aC ' for the account. Nuw VOIIK , rob. 21. Clearings , $101,887- 570s balances , $8.648,323. UAI.TIMOHK , Mil. , 1-Vjb. 21. Clearing , $2,075- 005 ; balances , $380,878. Money , 0 par cent. CITV , Mo. , I'eb. 21.-Clearbm , Jl- 71 1,822. Mxchnngoon New York , 85c discount. I < o.viiN : , Fob. 21. Amount of bullion gone Into the Hank of Knjlniid on balance today , JBlo.OOO. l'iiii..uii'.ii'MU. Pa. , I\ib. 21. Olearlngs , $10,13 1.005 ; balances , $2,010,175. Money , 4 per cent. CINCINNATI , O. . Fob. 21.-Clenrlngs $2,413- 400. Money , 4'i ' < 5,0 per cont. Now York e.xcliange , ( > 0c discount. MRMCIIIS , TOIIII. , Feb. 21. Now York ex change selling at $1.60. Clearings , $445- 050 ; balances , $140,110. Sr. rouw. Mo. . Feb. -Clearings , $3,849- 047 : balances , $304,047. Money quiet , G7 per cent. Kxchango on New York , 75c pro- ndum. NEW YOIIK. Feb. 21. [ Special Telegram to Tur. IlKK.1 Kxchango was quoted as follows : Chicago , 80 to 85c discount ; HI. I-ouls , 76c premium. CIIICAOO , III.Feb. 21. Clearings , $14,714,815. New York exchange , 85c discount. Sterling exchange , weak : sixty-day bills , J4.80'J ' ; de mand , $4.88' j. Money steady at 0 pur cent. HOSTON , Mass. , Fob. 21. Cloarlngs , $17C3G- 135 ; balances , $1,050,772. - Monuy , 0 pel- cent. lOxchango on .Now York ; 25Q30c dis count. Call loans , CS7 percent ; time , S'JSiGU pel1 cent. . _ 1,1 VJ5 S rOUIC MAItlCliT.3. Ciittln Trade ITnav < july Dull anil Lbwor lli.KH Tiiinl.h , Another Dime. n' ' TUKSDAV , Fob. 21. llocelpts of cattle were fairly liberal , but the offerings of hogs andvhoup , wort ) hardly up to the average for ii Tuesday. The two days supply foots up 7,030 cattle , 0,240 110,51 , arid 1440 sheep against 4,704 cattle , 7,044 hogs and 4.GGI sheep the llrst two days of last week. Tboro were 1,503 moro cattle hero than last Tuesday and the ifijity ; | | as a ruto was not very good. The market was slow to open and thu buyers appaared to bo In no hurry to fill thclrordars. Somocoiinpatltlou from shipper * helped tbo markut on the heavy cattle and thu bandy fat s ( crs > that 'Just suited tbo dressed bcofrtrado sold at not far from steady prices. All other grades were Indifferent sellers , and ntprlccs pretty close to n dlmo lower. Hough heavy cattlo.lnract , cattle of nny weight that were not fat , were not par ticularly wanted. Good 1.25O lo 1,400-lb. steers sold at from $1.50 to $4.03 ; fair to good 1,100 to 1,250-lb. steers at from J4 to $4.40 , wlih common to poorstuff and odds and ends from $4 down to $3.23. Other markets were lower , and , although tbo feeling was decldedlv weak , tbo movement was reasonably actlvo throughout , and little of nny consequence re mained unsold ut the close. Cow stuff sold ut prices steady to ashado easier than Monday. Offerings were quite lib eral , but they did not Include tbo usual pro portion of good to choice stock. Trade was not exactly slow , but the activity that , characterized tbo markut toward tbo close of last vreuk was conspicuously lacking. Good to choice lots were generally steady at from $3.25 to $3.75 , medium grades easier at from $2.40 to $3 and common and canning grades about ( ho .samo at around $1.76 and$2.25. Hulls , ONOII and stags sold fully as well as on Monday , largely nt from $2.00 to * 3,35. Good to choice veal calves were In active demand and strong at from $5 to $ G , with common to fall- largo stuff steady nt from $2.50 to $4.50. A modornto business was transacted In the stocker and feeder lino. Offerings , both fresh and stale , wuro quite liberal and whllu there was considerable improvement. In the demand from the country there was llttlo nollceabio Improvement In prices except , perhaps , on the best grades. Homo good quality hayfcd west- urns brought $4.10 , lint thu bullc of'iho fair to good stuff changed hnmU at around $3 and $3.00. Heprescntatlvo sales : PUUSSEO 1IEUP. n no n no n no 3 60 3 60 3 00 3 00 a 05 3 75 3 40 3 50 6 00 5 00 6 25 6 25 5 60 5 60 5 60 t , 60 6 60 6 75 6 75 6 75 0 00 2 00 2 00 a or. 3 00 3 00 3 00 a oo a oo a 15 a 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 00 a oo 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 III ! 3 35 a 40 3 45 3 60 3 6O 3 6'0 3 00 3 75 3 75 3 82'J WVOMIM1 CATTI.i : . No. Av. Pr. 2 steers , hay fed 1440 M 35 30 steers , hayfcd 1317 435 lOcows liml a 00 Iloos The simply was about , 2,0)0 ! ) heavier th in on Monday , but about 2,0.)0 ) lighter than on last , Tuesday. ThU , however , failed tostlm- nlate prices any and the market went off 5c to lOc In sympathy wlthotber places. The ship ping demand was comparatively light , fresh meat orders were hardly up to their usual standard and packers were as usual very bearish. Advices from Clilcagowcrj all lower and thu seller had little or no encouragement to look for anything but a lower range of prices , Good to choice butcher nnd heavy weight hogs sold at from $7.0O up to $ H , while poor to good light and mixed stult' sold at from 87.80 to $7.00. The market certainly did not Improve any as tlio morning advanced and closed very mean , but with practically every thing out of first hands. Hales wuro largely at from J7.85 to J7.05 , as against $7.05 to $ S Mon- SllKEl' Receipts were fair and the markel steady at ye.storday's advance , Kverythlnj ; otrored met with a ready sale. The demand I.s brisk for both muttons and fceder.sof the right kind , and moro than are now selling would it'll readily. Pair to good natives , I3.75ic5.00 ; fair to good westerns , I3.50&5.00 ; common unJ stock sheep , $2.'J533.75 ; good to cholco10 to 100-lb. lambs , $4.0025.75. Kupresontatlvo ales : Xo. Av. I'r. 10 . 100 $4 00 14B western wethers . 112 5 00 1JO ! ! western wethers . . . . . l'2 ! 5 00 Ileculptsanil LUi ; jdtl'Jii of Stu3k. OITlclal rjjolptia-i.l dNpoiltloi of stoik as shown by tin iioa'ciof tlu Unl'jnSt33' < YarJi company for the twenty-four hours on Jlns at 5 o'clock p. m. February 21 , 1803 ; JlECEll'T.S. I'lvn Stoclc Market. CIIIOAOO , 111. , Kol ) . 21. [ Special Telegram tr TUB llBli.1 There was not much change b prices for cattle , but the tone of tbo market remained weak for steer.s' the fresh and slah offerings combined making a greater supply than the demand called for. I'ut cows am heifers sold at steady prices ami the botte grades of bulls were also In demand at Mon diiy'H prices. Iluslness , vas done largely a from ? 3.75 to J4.75 for steers and at from t'2.11 to 3.40 for cows , belfors and bulls. Then were sales of extra cows and heifers arouni $4 and extra steers were quoted at from J5.HI to $ ( > . l-'codcrs continue to command gooi prices and so do good to extra calves , the lies of the latter being In demand atfiomG.5l to7. A few sales of heavy and medium weigh hogs wore effected at prices only a trlllo lowe than prevailed yesterday , but for poor am common grades the market wasextrnmely dul and fully lOc lower than of that day's dost making a decline since Saturday of from 15c t i5e. ! from $7.bO lo * H.05 wuro the prevallln ; prices for light , while mixed and medium soli principally at from $ H lo M.'JO , and beav. weights largely at from JH.1O to JH.35. Th quality , thongn a trifle butter than for the da. before , was very far from being satisfactory t buyers , I'oniDar.itlvely few of tbo olTeHin : averaged above 250 Ibs. Theextromo tango o Males was from $1.75 to J.'i.l'J'i. The llrst estimates of today's receipts o I ) . DKHA/.KK , H. l > . It ionu Jr. , JAS. V Ilnoor I'rcs. Vlco t'rea Secy & Troai HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO Capltul $2.\000 ; Omaha and Sioux City. Grain and Provision ! Railroad Stocks and Bonds. PRIVATE WIHF.H. Room 212 New Yoifc Life Buildlni OMAHA. ES : lownBtrito National IlsnJ Blonx City ; Commercial National Hunt Umuhu. Bpoolul attention glvan to outildo order ; Corrcbponaeuce sollcitoJ. worn niounil 1.1,000 unit ( ho mnrkct l xlciuly A UtilK Inlrr Intlic inornlnit worn liliiilinit from lihto ir > , - ni < r 100 Iht. nwcr. for It wim illvovcn-il ( lint tlu < nr- rlynU woiilil tun iii | to 17,000 or IH.DIMI unit tnlRht roiu-h 'JU.tHH ) . At tlu < rciluci il prices ( jioro wns an nctlvo ilonmtid , hul n i > iiouili Klii'Mi for tomorrow's mijiply wctv left In idl ers' liniiiN tlm ontliMik tit tln > close wits Imd for the M'llln IntereM * . Sules were Inrselv ' fi m * 4.5U to for sheep nnil nt from J& totd for lambs. Hej-elntH ! Cuttle. H.OOO hoiill ! IIORS , VJ.OOO lieiiiliHliei'p , 1 7.00(1 ( iieiul. Inn l.venlti'.ldurnal reports ; OP-JTTIR Kccelpts , H.OOO heud ! shlpmentq , 2,000 heuil ; msirkot slow nnil weukert no top MtH'rs on miloi L'ooil to eholce. } r > .0.1i7.ti.'ji ; fair to itiioil , Jl.tillitl.others. ! ) ; . $ l.'jiai,50 ; fed nnd feeders , . , 10.000 < , . lii'luli iniirUi-t active anil KM lower ; ml\ed und packers. * 7.tOitH.o : > i prlmu heavy iinilhn tellers' weights , } rt,107f.H.irii : iirlmi- Unlit , _ | ( iKti'-loi'olps : 17.000 head ; shipments S.OIHl lioiuli niiirki-t 105/.l5i' lower ; initlves t-l.riltb.'J5 ) ! ! fed Texans. Jl.dOU.I.Hri ; fed tto-t- erim , ta.OHgn.'Jtit Imnlis. l.r.ORO.'JS. Cltv I.IVA Stit.-k .Mitrkr > t. KANSAS CITV. Mo , , I'oh. 'JI.-I'ATM.K - celpls , 0,800 head ; Hhlpni''tm , 1'JOO Imam steers dull , r > ftlfn' lowur : oed t-ows , steady ; otheiN , lOc lower ; feeders , weak. Itepresenta- live sales : lri ) > ssi < il heef nnd slilpptin : steer- , * 3.noa5.00 ; stoi-kers and feeders , t'J.rOi,3.fO. lionsHcculpts , 7,100 head ; shlnments , none ; op.-ned rjftKK- lower ; closed lo < Mic ! lower ; all Knules , J5.0oa . 'JO ; hulk , J7.SoiS ( : : ' - - - ! , 200 he-id : shipments. < 0 ( ) lii-ail ; uood , stron ; others , dull inn steady ! muttons , 3.&OiM.06 ! inlu-il , 5'J , ) . N'euVorl < Live Stock Mirlci't. : Nl'.w VOIIK , I'eh.UiiliViN ! ItiM-elnts , 170 head ; no Iradlnu' . feeling dull ; dresA'd neef .steady , Hlii'Je ; shipments lodiiy , 7m ) heeves and a , KM ( | iiarers ( ( tomorrow , H3O beeves and fl.GOO iiiarlers | of heef. CAI.VIWUecelpts , nil lie.ut ; market wi-ak : veals , if j.Of.u.OO : ) ppr 1(10 ( His. SIIKKIAMI lAMiis-Uec-lpts. 1,300 head ; shipments , none ; sheep , JI.OUBij.iiO ; lanihi. ' Ilotw-Heeelpts , 3,300 head ; nominally llrm at J0.lloao.00. St l.ouls l.tvn stock > l < ir' < ot. . PT. I.OIMS , Mo. . Fob. 2l.-HTrr.T ; --celpts ! ! , 4,700 heail ; shipments , 0.300 head ; slow , fulr to ( rood native steers , f3.OOUtl.40 ; Texas fed steers , iJ3.OOffl.GO. UodS-lfveelpts , 5,200 head : shipments , l.dOO he-id linver - . - . ; ; he-ivy , if7.80it-i.20 ; mixed , J7.5071H.10 ; Ilirlll. * 7.70ttH.Oll. Sinii'-ltecelpts : : , 300 head ; shipments , 1,400 head ; llrm , iincliniiKUil. If you have pile * Do Witt's Witch Hazel salvo will surely cure you. flutter Matera Kriid This. Kvery butter maker Is Invited to attend the meeting at the dairymen's department at the World's fair grounds , Chicago , Tues day , Juno 22 , 18K ! ! , to complete an ortraiii/.a- tion of a National IJutter M lifers associa tion. Juno M will bo devoted tomikinr butter with black pppsin. of farmers are iisln ? black pepsin , a tunspoon- full of whleli , added to each callon of cream , will more than double the yield of butter , as It unites In the form of butter all the suirar , cheese and butter that milk contains. The butter looks , tastes , keeps and sells as well as creamery butter. Juno 21 will bo devoted to creameries and the best methods of extending the creamery system in the rural districts. Perfect action and perfect health result from the lisa of Do Witt's Uttle Early Risers A perfect little pill. OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN. Mrs. IllcKlii Is HnvliiKiin Experience In Cut liiK lor 1 hem. Mrs. P. Hlsiflns of IJD'J South Twentlotli street llnds herself with an eleph tut on her lands in tbo form of another woman's 1-monthn-oM baby , which she wants the ) olice to assist her in returning to its right ful owner. About n month ago Mrs. Hlijglns' niece ilrod Anulu Pollard to work for her ami the alter was allowed to leave her baby at Mrs. tiipKins1 house. After the lirst week the mother disappeared ami none of the family liavo seen her since , iti the tno.iiitlmo Mrs. Higgins has eared for the Infant hoping that the mother would turn up after a while. The Pollard woman is well known to the police , who do not give her the best reputa tion. One stormy night in the latter part of last November she applied at the police station for 'shelter and aid to go to her parents who live near Columbus , Neb. I'ollco Matron Cummings secured transpor tation for her from the county commissioners and that was the last seen of her until Now Years night , when she again turned up at the station with a baby in her arms. She claimed to be a married woman , but never said anything about her husband. Her parents are said to be very respectable pco- l > hJ and are willing to give her a homo if she would stay there , and she has a brother en gaged in business in Council HlufTs. Ignorance of the merits of Do Witt's Little Early Kisers is a misfortune. These llttlo pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious- WAWTED . Total Issues or CITIES COUNTIES , SCHOOL _ l DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , ST.R.R.COMPANIES.eto , Corrcspondcncn solicited. N.W.HARRIS & COftiPAfiY.Bankers , (03-109 ( Donrborn Street , CHICAGO. 15 Wall Street , HEW YORK. 7O iittitn > ) t. . BOSTON * SOMRTIlTfta UNUSUAL. V n n mixllclno , lj Vs. Ir , riorro'n Golden -VX L Medical Dl.covcrr. t And , l-eomifo of that , thorn' * tomo- tiling utuiMiol in the wny of nclllng It. Wlicro every other medicine of Pits kind only jironi- ist l this Isiinraii | - fnlln to boncnt or euro , yon have your money _ It' the only punrnnteed remedy for every cnnsixl by n dlsonleitxl liver or Im- pure blood. ypiK-psn , lllllousuesg. tbo most stublwrn Hkin , Scalp mid Scrofulous Directions , oven Consumption ( or Lime- scrofuln ) in ita oarlles singes , nil nro ciirwl ItJT i t It purlflca anil etirlclioj the Mood , rottwa every organ Into healthful action , nnd ro- Mono strciigth mid vigor. In building up Iwth ( IcRh nnd strength of palo , puny , Scrof- uloua chlldroii , or to luvlgornto mid lirnca up tlio system after " Orlppo , " pneiimotiln , fevri-s , nnd other prostrating ncuto diseases nothing can equal tbo "Discovery. " i. ou jmy only for the good you got. Are thooo ijpiornnt protontlors who , without nny qualifications , nuy ability , nny experience , nny skill , claim to possess tlio power to cure till the ills of the human race. But their wnnt of worth soon becomes nppnront to their would-bo dupes , nnd those conscionco- lessciimcks n re soon consigned to the oblivion they so richly merit. In strnngo nnd strong contrnstwith these miserable boasters is the quiet , digiiillod yet courteous demeanor of hose noted loaders of their profession , Who , during the pnst 27 years , have nbundnntly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the worst formu of those dol- icnto sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHftONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES. Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thysolf. " Consultation free. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , . 119 S , I4tiistre3t , Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA , - NEB. SOUTH OJUA/TA. Union Stock Yards Company , South Opiariai 1'cst Cnltlo Ho nnd Slii-oj > mtirltot In the \yojt. COMMISSION NOUSES. Wood Brothers. Llvo Stock Commission Merchants. South Oiualin Teli'plionu 1157. - Clilcaz JOHN I ) . OADI MAN , I . . . JII > n" * ° " WAi/ruu u. WOOD , f Mnrkct Itoporti by mall and nlro choorfulljrt nltibeU upon apiillontlon HARDWARE. Rector & Wilhelmy LoM&Lill , COMPANY , Ucnlam In hnnhrnre ml Corner 10th luvlJnckgon mu-Iiinli)4' tools Alt OJll. ItUI Douil.u.St. HATS , ET3. W.A.LGibbDn&Co. Omaha Safe anllroi Wliolcialo WOllKS. Hntn , cnpi , Btr.iiT Cutoi.Tauln , Jail work. Klovon. mllteni , lv.\ Iron nhiiUor * ami tlrooi nnd Humor si * . iiipuj. Androjii A. llof tt , Mill andJaokson. LUMBER. John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. L03 , ImiortodAiiiQrlcinl'ort- | laml oomjnt , .Mllwu'i- oitrpeli .in I piri li k uco'ii3iit nndijuliu/ llonrliiK , wlillollme. 9th and Do.ultl. LIQUORS. MILLINERf. Frlck & HrtJ'l ) , > rtirin \