THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBHUA11Y 22 , 1893 , WORK OF THE LEGISLATURE Populists in the Senate Give J. Sterliug Mor ton a Turning Over. DARNER .LEADS A FIERCE ONSLAUGHT Qnmlin Sppprli of llio Conilnjr Scrrolnry I'lirnKlicil thn Text Anti-Monopoly itliin of Various Kind * Coming to Hie Surface. J.iNCdl.Jf. Nob. , Feb. 2l.-SpcclaltoTnB [ BBB.J The feature of this forenoon's session pf the senate was the attempt of a number of the senators on the independent sldo to prevent llio adoption of i'opo's resolution of yesterday congratulating Orover Cleveland upon his apiKilntment of J. Sterling Morton to a place In the cabinet. Senator Darner led the opiosltlon | in a speech In which ho blttqrjy censured the Sago of Arbor Lodge. Immediately after the senate was called to order and the usual preliminary exercises gone through with In the usual perfunctory manner , petitions were submitted from farmers in Johnson county asking the legis lature to amend the Australian ballot law so that the ticket of each party shall bo pre sented in n separate column with n suitable emblem nt the head ; also asking for the passage of a maximum rate law ; also protesting against the payment of a state bounty to growers of sugar beets ; also asking for a law providing that all moneys derived from saloon licenses and taxes on railroad property shall bo used for the supiwrt of all the schools in the coun ties wherein such saloons and railroads are located. Senator Hale , from the committee on high ways , bridges and ferries , reported back sen ate file No. W , by Everett , to amend the road laws so as to provide for the employ ment of men nnd teams by road overseers and for the letting of road work by the job , with the recommendation that it bo indefi nitely postponed. At the earnest request of Senator Everett the bill was placed on the general file. Senator Mattes offered a resolution per mitting the committee on ilnance , ways and means to visit the several state institutions to study their requirements for the ensuing fiscal period. It was adopted without dis sent. To Mullein Hullrimil. Senator Stewart offered the following reso lutions which weroadoptcd with but ono dis senting vote : Whercii.s , The congress of the United States has appropriated 40,000,000 , to make a deep wntcr imrboron thoOulf of Mo\lco ; and Whereas , The construction of .such deep Water harbor would bo of little value to the great Interior basin of the continent without , a north nnd south railroad to sufil harbor ; and Whereas ; A road costing $27,000 per mlln could bo constructed from the north line of Dakota to thu Gulf for the sum of. { 27,000,000 ; andWhereas Whereas , A tax of 5 cents iior aero on thn Inmln of the ton states lying In the great Interior basin would construct said road and leave n surplus of over $ 'J,000OQO ; and Whereas , The exports of wheat , cattle , beef products , meat products and breadstuff of all Klnd.s amount In round numbers to $470,000- 000 annually , on which them would bo a direct saving In transportation equal to 20 per cent , amounting to { 04,000,000 annually , or sutll- clcnt to pay the cost of .said road three and one-half times ; and Whoioas , The furnishing of said Interior north and south transportation would at tract the great manufacturing Industries to the great Interior valleys and make them the 'most , populous , as well as the wealthiest , portion tion of tint country , MI that Nebraska In ten years would have 0,000.000 people , with m my prosperous dtlcs like Lincoln and Onmlm ; and Whereas , Hy 'said transportation facilities the Valuoof tlio arable Iniuls of said Interior states would soon bo enhanced In value at least 25 nor cent , and tlio vnlnoof other prop erty proportionately Increased amounting In alltonRum 100 times greater than the cost of siildj-oad ; now , therefore , bo It llcs7ltT l , by the senate of the state of No- brYisku' ( tho. house concurring ) . That It Is the liorisq of this legislature that the .said ten states should Immediately take measures for a co-oporntlvo effort to build siild road , with Its necessary branches nnd feeders , ami that when the same Is built It should bo'onned by the people of the said states and opurated as n single line at cost for the bunollt of Its owners , vlall : the people. Kcsnlved , That the governor of this stnto bo requested to communicate , with the governors nt the states of North and South Dakota. Min nesota , Iowa , Missouri , Arkansas , Texas and the territory of Oklahoma and propose that a convention of delegates fiom each of said states , to bo appointed by the respective gov ernors thereof , ha held In the near future at fsomo central point to discuss nnd mature ways and moans for the construction of said north and south roads , Iluriior ItonstK MortoiL. Senator Pope then called up his resolution of yesterday congratulating the president elect upon his selection of a Nebraska man to a place in tbo cabinet and moved its adop tion. tion.Senator Senator Darner said that bo was sorry the resolution had been presented to the sonato. "I pondered this over all night , " said the senator , "and I confess It disturbed my test. 1 cannot stultify myself by permitting this resolution to pass without entering n solemn protest. To thus endorse a man who would go out of his way to maliciously slander nioro than 70,000 people of this state would bo to stultify the party I represent. I desire to read from a speech delivered by this man at Omaha on the IRth of last November and after I read it no independent senator can blame mo for taking the position I do. I read this extract for the purpose ot throwing back to him the stigma ho has cast against 70,000 people of this state. " Darner then pulled a small scrap book from his inside vest pocket and read a long tract from Morton's speech , delivered at the democratic jolllllcation in Omaha , at which time the prospective secretary of agriculture handled the populists with unsparing Invec tive , Continuing , Darner said : "Now , Mr. President , 1 want to say that a man belong ing to the Independent party who will vote for this resolution will stultify h's dignity ns a senator of the state of Nebraska.1 "Amen , " shouted Dale , who immediately moved that the resolution bo laid on the table. The motion to lay on the table was de feated and the resolution adopted , Senators Dale , Darner , Dysart , Gray , Packwood and Young voting In the negative. Senator. North offered a resolution to the effect that the committee on ways and mean ? bo instructed to return house roll No. 07 to the secretary of the senate and that the consideration of the same bo made a special order In committee of the whole on March 1 , at" : : < 0p. m. , at which tlmo the superin tendents of the various state institutions may bo present. The resolution was adopted , but not until tlio republican and democratic senators had defeated their Indoiwmtent brethren in a sharp parliamentary skirmish. Victory for the Antl.Momips. Senator Mattes , from the committee on miscellaneous corporations , reported a num ber of bills to be placed on the general llle One bill , scnata llio No. 51 , was reiwrtod with the recommendation that it bo in- dellnltelv postponed. The bill i\as Intro- troduced by Dale and piovldcs for the regu lation of tock yards and Mxing maximum .charges. It was the llrst stock yards bill that had emerged from thu committee rooms the present session. Senator Dale objected to the Indefinite postponement of the bill and ipoved as n substitute that the bill go to the cvnoral file. The yeas and nays were de manded and by a vote of 18 to 8 the bill Vias ordered to the general file. Among the republicans who voted with the indepcnd- TOts were1 Senators Graham , McDonald. Miller and Scott. Bills were Introduced and .read for the first tlmo us follows ) Hy Stewart To regulate and establish reasonable maximum charges for the trans portation of freight on railroads within the state of Nebraska. Hy Scott Six bl'U ' to amend the code of procuduro. Ily Kgglcston Tn fix telegraph charges on all telegraph llnei doing business In Ne braska. Iy ) Moore Relating to tbo transfer of personal property under chattel mortgage. By Lotiock To regulate and lix charges ror tletplng can operated In tbo state. XIouio rolls No. 183 , providing for supreme court commlsilouors , No. 89 , to abolish the 0tU Hoard of Transportation , and No , im. for the payment of salaries of st.ito ofllcora , were read the llrst time. Senate flies Nos. 200 to 'Jl'J were read the second time and re ferred , after which the senate took a recess until 3 o'clock. Immediately after recess a resolution was offered by Senator Dysart and laid over under the rules , reciting the history of the deals between the subsidized Pacific roads nnd the general government nnd calling on the Nebraska delegation In congress to work the matter up nnd take the necessary steps to collect what is duo the government from the railroads mentioned. The senate then went Into committee of tlio whole , with Senator Mattes In the chair , Senate llio No. 41 , by Scott , was taken up. It provides that a registrar of deeds shall bo elected In all counties having a population of IT.fiOO Instead of 18,00.1 , as at present. The Judiciary committee submitted an amend ment making the required population 15,000. The amendment failed to carry and the com mittee decided to recommend the passage of the bill. It only affects Ulchurdson county. Scott's bill , senao llio No. 40 , providing that the State Hoard of Health may revoke the certificate of a practicing physician In this state who is proven to bo a chronic drunkard , was recommended for passage. Senate llio. No. 1. by Everett , providing that amendments to the constitution may bo voted upon at a special election , was recommended for Indefinite postponement. for Transfer Swllehcii. The debate of the afternoon came on senate tile No. 0 , Packwood's bill , requiring all railroads touching the same point In Ne braska shall build and maintain transfer switches for common use in transferring freight from ono such railroad to another. The bill was stubbornly contested from be ginning to end. Senator Pope moved that the bill bo re committed to the committee on railroads and that the representatives of the railroads bo Invited to appear before the committee. This motion was voted down and the op ponents of the bill mustered all their argu ments against it , while the senators on the independent hide defended It with more ability than they have displayed on any previous debate. Senator Stewart offered an amendment providing that transfer switches shall be built on the order of town boards In towns Interested , but ho afterwards withdrew it. Senator Dale offered an amendment slightly changing the phraseology oMho bill and it was adopted , The motion was then made that when the committee rise it rec ommend the bill for passago. Senator Tofft offered an amenduent rec ommending the recommitment of the bill but he could muster but eight votes. 1'asse.l tlio Hill. The committee then rose and recommended that the bill do pass. The opponents of the bill made a final effort to defeat It by mov ing to table the motion to adopt tlio report of the committee of the whole. The motion to table was defeated , Senators Corroll , Ever ett , Lobeck , Lowloy , McDonald , Miller and Telit voting with the Independents. The bill was then passed. Several reports from standing committees were received , and Senator Lowley offered three bills , which were read for the first time. The president then informed the senate that he had a message from the governor. Scnatot Moore Immediately moved that the senate adjourn. The motion was car ried. Tomorrow being- legal holiday , thu senate will not convene until 10 o'clock Thursday morning. The message from the governor , which was not road , contained the information that Uov. P.V. . Howe hud been appointed chap lain of the penitentiary and Dr. W. O. IIouU physician for the same Institution. IXTIIIMIUIISK. Mr. Watxoii Spends Sumo Tlmo netting the Itccord Straight Koutlno Work. LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 31. [ Special to Trie Den. ] The aftermath of last night's stormy session was manifest In the house this mornc ing before the body got down to business. The rcauing of the Journal brought it to the surface. Watson called attention to thu fact that the minutes did not show that the previous question was put , and moved that they bo amended so as to bo correct. Barry hoped that the gentleman from Otoo would not precipitate another fight , and in order to avoid a controversy flatly contra dicted Watson's statement by declaring that no motion was put submitting the previous question. Watson asked if it was not a fact that tha republicans demanded it , and Curry ad mitted that such was the case. ' 'Then lot the records show it , " said Wat son , "as all the newspapers so state It. " Stevens tried to make everything clear by stating that the previous question was ordered , but not put. The speaker vouchsafed the information that the statement that the previous ques tion had been put was false. The minutes were finally cobbled up to suit the dissatisfied ones , and Stevens , by unani mous consent , introduced the resolution concerning - corning the north and south railroad which was passed by the senate. It was adopted. Hud Ills Suy Out. The relief was short lived , however , as something was burdening the mind of Mr. Watson , and ho rose to a question of privi lege on behalf of himself and forty-six others. Ho wanted to prove to the house that the position taken by him lust night was the correct ono , and he had a number of .authorities that ho wanted to read. Ho "reeled off a few sections of Wilson's digest to show that when a call for the previous question was made and properly seconded nothing further was necessary. Ho also had a copy of Cushing unabridged and cited also from the action of the national house of representatives. Horst attempted to head off the Otoo county statesman , but was unsuccessful , nnd Watson discoursed on the subject near est his heart until ho was tired. When ho considered his course sufficiently vindicated ho sat down , and the house heaved a sigh of relief nnd proceeded to business. McKesson presented another municipal suffrage petition , and Hall county was heard from through a petition asking the defeat of the sugar bounty bill. The committee report recommending the indefinite postponement of No. 1'JS , Johnson's bill increasing revenues for road purposes , and No. .111) ) , Jensen's bill providing for a state laboratory at the experimental farm , was adopted. The following were recommended for passage : No.'J10 , Ames' bill requiring the placing of safety valves on all vessels containing carbnolc acid gas or other gasses under pres sure. No. 2M , Pulton's bill imposing a fine of $15 for elllntr liquor to any Indian , Idiot , insane person , woman. , or habitual drunkard. No. ai8 , Brown's bill prohibiting the point ing of lire arms was returned without recom mendation , ojul was placed In the general file. file.No. No. 2SU , Schlotfoldt's bill amending the statutes regulating the election of state and county officers , was recommended for passago. N'ewburry'a Famous Muature. The Nowbcrry bill came in for considerable attention , the committee recommending it for passage after having had several amend ments tacked off. Porter thought that the general sentiment of the people of the state called for n reduc tion In freight rates of about a 20 pur cent. Elder was opposed to rushing the bill through , nnd thought it should take its regu lar course , Felton wanted tho. proposed amendments printed at onco. In order to let the bill como in anead of others. , Elder evinced a consuming dcslro to have all action on the bill strictly constitutional , and entered another protest against having it railroaded through. The amendments wore ordered printed , despite tha objections of the ox-speaker. Purely 1'ernoiml I'rocodllng * . " Oakley raised auothor breeze by demandIng - Ing , ns a question of personal privilege , that btovens state why ho objected to Oakley's acting as clerk of committee on claims. faUjvons sent up the rule providing that the only time for raising such an objection wasatttho tlmn the objectionable words 'vcre used and before any other business had been transacted , and claimed that the reso lution was out of order , inasmuch as several days had pawed. Oakley replied that thn. clerk had no rec ord of the event , but desired to sUto that if the gentleman from Funias desired to sneak and skulk behind the rula ho would intcr- pose uo objection. Stevens overlooked the insinuation of being a sneak , but the imputation of skulk ing was too much for htn , and he demanded that the clerk take notice of the word "skulk. " "I will give you somothlng moro to sliulk about bo fore this session Is ended , " retorted Oakley , who had waxed qulto wrathy. No blood was spilled , nnd after waiting long enough for the belligerents to make further advances , had they been so disposed , Felton asked that the suno be taken with one of his bills ns had been taken with the railroad bill and that the amendments bo printed before the bill was considered fli committee of the whole. Ills resolution was laid on the table , much to his disgust , nnd after adopting Goldsmith's resolution , pro viding for nn adjournment over Washing ton's birthday , the house took n recess until " o'clock. Ilcrrlved Sumo More. 1IIIU. Ninety-four memoirs answered roll call on reassembling , and "Llttlo Sara" was ten dered the two of representative hall , free ot cost , for the purpose of giving bar entertain ment In honor of the members of bathhouses next Tuesday evening. The following bills were Introduced ! By doss of Douglas -Fixing street rail road fares , regulating transfers from ono 'Ino or branch of said street railroad and fixing a penalty for the vlolatlou of the provisions of this act. By SoJcrman To amend section o.V > of the statutes of 1VJ1. By Sutton ( by request ) To amend section .T30i : of statutes of Nebraska of 13'Jl. ' By Smith of Holt To prohibit iho sale of si'hool lands. Ily Khodes To amend statutes of 1891 en titled "Chattel Mortgaes. " By the committee on banks and currency To establish n state banking board to do- line and designate state banks and to regu late said state banks , whether commoiolal or savings ; to provide fora secretary of the state banking board and state bank exam iners and define their duties and provide for their compensation. By Lockner To amend the statutes en titled "Corporations. " By Goss of Douglas -To regulate and pro tect primary elections of political parties and to punish offenses thereat. By Goss of Douglas To amend the code of civil procedure ; four bills. By Hove To punish persons entering , starting , driving or owning horses , in races for which entrance money is charged at the gate of any race track or In contests of speed for which purse prizes or stakes are contended for and to provide fines and penal ties for the same. By Barry To provide for the levy , assess ment and collection of taxes In cases where injunctions have tioen decreed against thu levy or assessment and collection of tuxes heretofore levied nnd assessed , and to de clare and enforce the liability of railroad corporations under the laws of this state in respect to such taxes as shall hereafter bo levied or assessed under the authority of tub act. By Merrick To provide additional land and construct and Airmsh additional build- ' ing.s at the Nebraska Institution for Feeble Minded Youth and making appropriation therefor. By Sutton ( by request ) To provide an assistant to the judge of the county court in counties having a population of over 150,000 inhabitants , and to provide for paying said assistant. By Felton To provide for the appoint ment of a board ot examiners to examine persons making application for license to take charge of steam engines and describing their duties , and to provide penalties for violations of the provisions of this act. By Goss of Douglas To amend sections 541X1 , 5l'j : > , 5401J , G49S , 5491) ) and 5500 of the con solidated statutes of Nebraska of 1801 , and to repeal said original sections. By Smith of Holt To equally distribute the money derived from the license of saloons in the various school districts of the state. By Kruse To compel railroad corpora tions or companies to comply with their charters in the matter of building their various lines and branches to such points or termini as designated by the terms of their charter or charters. IteHolutlons Knocked Out. Sutton offered a resolution for a committee of eight to bo appointed by the speaker , three Irojn the independent party , tli-ee from the republican party nnd two from the demo cratic party , to visit the Union Stock Yard company's plant and make a thorough in vestigation of that institution. Tlio resolu tion was ruled out of order. Watson offered a resolution to the effect that tha Joint resolution adopted by the populists and .democrats declaring for free coinage bo recalled from the senate. Kruso raised the point of order that the house could not recall a resolution or bill after it had become the property of the senate , and that as the time hud arrived for the special order tbo resolution was out of order. The chair ruled that as the hour had arrived for special order the point of order was well taken , 'inlcss by unanimous consent the special order might bo delayed. Watson moved that the special order of the day bo passed without losing its place until the resolution is acted upon. The motion prevailed , receiving 5(5 ( votes. Barry moved the previous question. A motion to table was lost on a vote of 45 to 15. The resolution was submitted and failed to carry on a vote of 48 to 4S. The re publicans had succeeded in getting them selves on record , however , and were satisfied. Ovrr the StocK Yards. The stock yards bill was then taken up as the special order of the day , and a red hot discussion was immediately on tap. Sutton again crowded his resolution to the front and endeavored to stave off considera tion of the bill until a committee could bo sent to South Omaha to look over the ground. ICesslor made a vigorous and logical speech , in which he sot forth the situation as it now confronts the stock raisers of the state. Ho stated that the powerful stock yards had employed the same tactics before to defeat legislation along this line , and it had been done successfully. Ho hoped that the members would not again allow them selves to bo led into such a trap. Ho said that tlio solo object was to delay action. The situation was dispassionately discussed by the speaker , and the urgent need of the stock yards legislation was clearly set forth. Nason took the other side nnd asked to have action deferred until the stock yards company could submit facts for the informa tion of the members. AVmits Facts nrul Figures. Elder also made a plea for delay , but felt called upon before doing so to say that ho was not there in the Interest of the stock yards company. Ho said that "if" It was the truth , as alleged that a co . , mny In Ne braska had watered its stock.of.spveral mil lions , and that "if" it was true that a com pany charged more than was fair , ho wanted to know it , and in order to know it ho wanted thu stock yards cpmpany to bo allowed to submit "llggors that air facts. " Jensen insisted that a man who could go to South Omaha and toll the real statoof affairs in ono day was an export of the most extraordinary kind. Ho behoved that every member know what the situation was , and Just how ho wanted to vote. ICruso thought that the house had batter let 'er go and make tha bill a special order for Friday afternoon. Barry declared that If this was .attempted ho would demand a call of the house , as the plan tp postpone was to catch the house at a tlmo when several of the members would be away , and ho did not propose to allow any snap Judgmcnt-iu the matter. The opposi- sltlon desisted for the time being and a mo tion to recommend the bill for possagc re ceived W votes. The committee immediately rose and sub mitted its report. Jensen moved , the adop tion of the report and Nasou amended with a motion not to concur , I'oHtimiici ! Final Action , Elder offered a substitute recommitting the bill to the committee until Friday after noon ut U o'clock. The substitute received llfty.four votes and the agony was over for the tlmo being. The house accepted an Invitation to take dinner at the Homo of the Friendless on Thursday. The question then came on the appoint ment of a committee of eight to visit- the stock yards and secure data. It.carrled by a vote of 54 to ill. The chair named Elder , Dobson , Olson. Kessler , VanDuyn , Coolley , SchlotfoMt and Gerties. Elder declared that he was undoubtedly entitled to tha chairmanship of the com mittee , but ho didn't want it , and asked that ho bo allowed to take second place and that Dobson's numa bo placed at the topi of the list. list.The The request was not granted , and the houso. adjourned until 10 o'clock Thursday morning. . Sick headache yields to Bccctiam's. Pills. BEST POL EVER ISSUED Feast of the Nebraska Lifo Underwriter PREMIUMS AND TOLICIES FORGOTTEN 1 OT Annual ll.uirntct nt ! io Murray l' * t Night Uooil Thing * ut'Vlici Tuhtn rollcnveil liy iiiiitipi't ? "ami AVIlty The second annual b.-Miquot of the Ne braska Llfo Underwriters association was given nt the Murray hotel last ovenlug , and , as on the occasion of their former effort , thu members entertained their guests In a manner that gave birth to many pleasant momori&s of cordial huspl tality nnd social good fellowship. The affair was perfect in nil its ap pointments. Tasteful decorations , excel lent service , oxqtilslto music nnd a menu at once elaborate and dellcous combined to make the occasion ono long to bo remem bered , and those who were fortunate enough to share to hospitality of the old line insur ance faternity of Nebraska will long remem ber the enjoyment of the evening. A reception committee of cloven received the guests in the lobby of the hotel and con ducted them to tlio parlor , where the or chestra discoursed music , while the banquet room was preparing for their prcs once. Soon after 0 o'clock the guests were seated at tlio long tables , and the festivities of the evening lasted until the early hours of morning. The dining room was arranged In accordance with the exam ple of the National Underwritersjnssoelatlon at Its banquet nt the Dclmonico in New York City , the speakers occupying a long table atone ono end of thu hall while the other guests were disposed at four tables extending at right angles from the speakers. Iiisuranuii Men mid Their Giir t . Mr. M. L. Hocder. the president of the as sociation , occupied the seat of honor , and beside him were Hon. George P. Bonds , Mr. Edward Kosowater. Hon. John M. Thurston' , II. II. Baldrldgc , Hov. Dr. Leo Franklin , II. D. Kstabrook , Uev. S. Wright Butler , G. M. Hitchcock , T. J. Mahoney , Hon. Eugene Moore , Uov. Father English , W. D. McIIugh and E. O. Parker. Around the other tables were seated Messrs. W. I. Hawks , Frank E. Moorcs , Charles Offutt , W. F. Allen. H. S. Winston , C. S. Elguttcr , D. Silberstein , II. L. Burket. T. C. Brownleo , F. S. Brownlee , II. H. Vandccar , Dr. W. B. Hogo , II. F. Limbaok , S. 1C. Spalding , J. II. Mclntosh. II. S. Ford , George N. Hicks , E. C. Smith , Morltz Meyer , H. K. Burket , E. C. Brownlee , II. J. Matthews , J. Jones , II. D. Boydeii , C. J. Bell , C. J. Ciiuan , Max Meyer , Ir. O. is. Hoffman , Dr. A. W. Hilov , Doll Akin , J. J. Moncll , George U. Voss , A. .1. Vierllng , E. M. Bartlett - lett , Hon. Frank Irvine , G. W. Ambrose , F. 1C. McMullen , Kay , Nye , It B. Schneider , Hon. J. S. Hartley. Ifon. M. Doolittle , Hon. G. > J. SternsJorff.1 ' 0. T. Pumpolly , E. Hodgins. It II. Olmstcad , John L. McCaguo , D. J. 'Collins , Dr. I. Gluck , William H. Brown , Alfred Thomas , Hon. F. E. White , T. II. Pollock , C. C. Parmaloe , D. C. McEnteo , F. F. GJJodson , F. It McConnell - nell , J. W. Maloncl'K. ' ' Walsh. J. C. Altemus , II. A. Lyman , II. DNeely , , Dr. J. C. Denise , Dr W. O. Henry , JqoJKlein , A. W. White , T. M. Patterson , P. E. tilsasser , II. S. Mann , Gcorgo Victor , A. iMaudelburg. S. Goetz. F. A. Jackson. Hov. Ffttlior Moriarty. Dr. W. J. McCrann. Kov. Father McCarthy , II. K. Ma- haffoy , M. A. Lawyer. ' W. E. Brooks , H. C. Picullol , C. E. Currier , A. S. Green , W. J. Bradbury , Hon. C..H. Withnell , O. II. Jeffries , Hon. A. UJ Wyman , Charles F. Calhoun - houn , Hon. R. F. Kloko , Dr. ICohnstamm , A. W. McNcel , F. E. Flint , A. Schafer , J. W. Madcria , E. Floreucti , Oscar Wassou , Dr. S. D. Mercer and Fni'nk.yha Veehjeu of Chi ' ' cago. , t , -i' y ; , In the alcove at the rear of the hall the Seventh Ward -band of eighteen pieces was csconced behind a bank of ferns and smilux and enlivened the courses with strains of music that blended harmoniously ivith the spirit of the scono. The long tables were arrayed with intertwining streamers of.smllax with hero and there a bun.'h of fragrant roses , and beside each plato was the customary boutonniere of hot house flowers. Divine grace was asked by Uov. T. E. Cramblet , and then a menu of choice viands occupied the exclusive attention of the com- . After tho. coffee and cigars President .oodcr called the banqueters to order , nnd said : I'rcslilcnt Ilooder'H Welcome. "Tho pleasant duty devolves on mo to bid you a hearty welcome to thisl our second annual banquet. Rejoicing in increasing membership and overflow ing treasury , why should we not eat , drink and bo merry ? Assembled hero I see a representative gathering of our best business men. I may say without contra diction that the representatives of the old line companies will compare favorably with thosu of any other profession. No better thrift has been developed , the benellts of which endure after death , than life insur ance. "I am reminded tonight of a scene which occurred during the late rebellion. The two armies wore encamped opposite each other. The bands of tbo army of the north played the 'Star Spangled Banner , ' and these of the south played 'Dixie. ' Then the northern music was changed to 'Home , Sweet Homo , ' and in a moment the southerners had joined In the strain. Then all hearts beat in uni son , as ours do tonight. AVe tire all working for the benefit and protection of the homo and the loved ones on which depends the happiness of all. " After the applause which greeted the president's address had subsided , the secre tary read letter of regret from Presidents Charles Dewey of the National Lite ; Pres ton , Travelers'Lifo : John A. McCull , Now York Life ; James W. Alexander , Equitable Lifo ; A. G. Bullock , Mutual Life ; M. P. B. Eckcrly , Massachusetts Mutual ; Hotnans , Providence Lifo ; Ir.i B. Mupes , Josephs. Bartlett and W. S. Wilson. Governor Crounso and Lieutenant Gov ernor Majors wore unablu tobo present , and Mayor Bemis was introduced to respond to "Omaha. " Omaliu unit 1.1ft ] Insurance. The mayor began his address with a brief review of Omaha's remarkable growth and progress from the Indian's tepeu in 18.1G to its population of HO.OOO in 1890. After tell ing. In a spirit of prophecy , what its future achievements will bo , ho turned to the in surance men and their interest in the great lrf ° ' J inland city. , "Tho Increase Intho rowthand prosperity of Omaha , " ho sala/"Vhcans nn increase in the business of life' insurance , for who over know of a life insurhlico man who did not take advantage of < roHT opportunity to in crease his business ? 'The ' advent of 850,000 people , which Omab'ji'is bound to witness before - fore the close ofjtms century , will afford them a Held whluh , ' It is unnecessary to suy , they wilt-'work to its full limit. ' I will not unflor'tako to quota sta tistics to show AfTiat percentage of these ! 150,000 people will probably be written , because you know niohj about that than I tlo , but my only purntiSjJ Is to give you fair warning of what ttfttcfcct , so that you may clear the decks for action. "Llfo insurancd ' 'tins done much for Omaha. Thousands tnd tens of thousands of dollars are dividirtiHp every year among the widows and orpjia/fs / , placing them beyond yond the reach of poverty and degradation , making them hotter men and women. ' Most of. the largo loans upon our finest buildings are placed there by life insurance companies. Ono of the llnest bnlldlngs In our city , the Now York Life , was erected by an Insurance company , "Tho life insurance agents are among our most prominent and Influential citizens. All of them are wealthy and some of them are millionaires. They have the material prosper ity of the city at heart ; they raise largo fam ilies of children to swell the census ; uul spend money lavishly. I believe , If the matter was mentioned wo might got them to buy or build for us water works , canals for ixiwer , gas and elcctrlu plants , street railways , etc. , and give us a 8-cent fare on the street cars , low rates on gas fin n word , make of our city an ideal Atlantis. "I understand wo are Indebted ( I ) to the life insurance companies for--thu Gould regime of the Union Pacific. Through the Intermarriage of Sidney Dillon's son or. daughter with the son or daughter of the president at the Equitable , Dillon and Gould were able to use the Knuttnblo millions to buy upn majority of the Union Paclllo stock "riio-llfoliiMiraneu companies also own a largo amount of our clty.lxmds , thereby en abling us to carry on public Improvements , "These companies carry out , In a practical manner , ono of the leading principles of the communists in dividing up the millions and billions of the world's wealth among the l > oor and lowly In return for the payment of mnall premiums annually to these giant companies. Omaha has had , and will con- tlnuo to have , a largo share of the wealth thus distributed. Some of our citizens are paying for from $100XX ) to $ .yxKX ) ( > of life In surance. I am paying out nn-share of pre miums on almost flOU.OOOof Insurance , but our premiums will all come back In tlmo. "Wo are not behind other cities in having life Insurance companies of our own. The Union Llfo Is an Omaha Institution , and wo all wish it abundant success , and hope to see it reach the proportions of Its giant contemporaries. " The mayor hero diverged from Insurance matters to urge united and energetic effort on the part of Omaha's friends to carve out its rightful greatness , and In this connection llred this shot at recent events : ' 'Wo must not allow ourselves to be come narrow-minded , uncharitable or tin- cliristlanllko nud make of Omaha an asylum simply of fanatics who would bring back to us the days of witch craft , the days of bluo-bollied laws and theo ries , * * * Wo must elevate the slums , christianize the unfortunates , stop for nwhllo the building of great churches for the rich and build Industrial schools and temples of godliness in the slums. " In closing the speaker said : "It is usually customary for tlio mayor to extend the freedom of the city to visitors , but In this case I think I need not ussuro our friends that the town Is theirs , but to all of you I extend a hearty welcome. If you don't see what you want you have only to whisper yuur desire to an Omaha man nnd your wish shall bo granted. " Witty Kitnlirook , iii : > ciiL'iit Tliurxtoii. Mr. Henry D. Estabrook bad for his text "Tho Lifo Insurance Agent. " Ho said that in point of persuasion the lawyers yielded the palm to the life Insurance- agents , Ho presumed that his friend John Thurston would admit this after Ills recent efforts at persuasion. Ho atoned for his apparent satire , however , by paying an eloquent tribute to Mr. Thurston , which was received with prolonged cheers. The speaker continued that the logic of the Hfo insurance agent was somewhat dif ferent from that of the highwayman but it was equally effective. The one said , "Your money or your life , " the other , "Your money for your life. " Ho related at length his experience with life Insurance and the narrative abounded in mirth provoking bits which were greeted with continual applause. The "Past. Present nnd Future of Life Insurance" was discussed by Hon. John M. Thurston , who said that the past of life Insurance represented a uow investment for human effort , anew now experience in human affairs , a means of Investment within the reach of all. There were now comparatively few men who were unable to arrange their affairs in this world so that they could go out of it leaving their wives and children a means of support after their departure. Lifo insurance represented an investment not for one's self , but for those who were near and dear to him. him.The The present of life insurance must bo profitable , or why should all these able , en ergetic men leave other avocations to engage in the solicitation of risks. The life insurance business of the United States was in the hands of men of the greatest capacity and ability and was surrounded by all the safeguards with which human ingenuity could envelope it. In the last fifteen years nearly all sorts of invest ments had shrunk from r to10 per cent. The insurance investments alone remained without a discount. Continuing , Mr. Thurston took occasion to compliment Mayor Bcmis and the city of Omaha. No man over came west of the Missouri river to live unless he had pluck , energy nnd enterprise , and the business-men of the west were , as a rule , superior to these in the charge of the same interests in the c\st. : Ho concluded with an expression of the pleasure which ho ex- perlfcnced 'at being present at tl is and the previous banquet of the association and wished success to the fraternity in general and to the Nebraska underwriters "in par ticular. Practical ISpnoIItx of insurance. "The Benefits of Lifo Insurance" was dis cussed by Air. Edward Uosewater. Mr. Hosowater said ho had perhaps as extended tin experience with life insurance and agents as any man in Omaha , as ho was carrying $280,000 insurance on his own ac count. With the exception of $ ! , ( > UO this was placed with the old line companies , nud al though the pecuniary benefits of his insur ance were as yet invisible it had secured him many a good night's sleep. The investment in life insurance paid in a business way , as it was so much security that whatever happened to the individual his family would bo protected , and the fact that ha had tills amount secured to his family at his death had a tendency to improve his credit during his lifetime. Mr. liosowater at tributed a part of his own success in carry ing on largo business enterprises with a comparatively small capital to the fact that his life was so heavily iusured , which was a guarantee that no matter what might occur to him his enterprises would bo suc cessfully consummated and the labor of his life would not bo wasted. At the conclusion of Mr. Rosowatcr's ad dress Prof. Herrmann was introduced and amused the guests by a number of his in imitable tricks , plucking glasses of spark ling champagne from the pockets of the gentlemen who sat at his elbow and making a $5 bill In Mayor Bemls' hands change to f 10'J before tho- eyes of the bewildered be holders. The remaining toasts were rcponded to as follows , tbu speaking continuing long after midnight : "Scllishness of the Uninsured , " Rev. Father English ; "The Press nnd its Re lation to Lifo Insurance. " G. M. Hitchcock ; "Tho Origin of Lifo Insurance , " Rev. S. Wright Butler ; "How to Protect Estates , " Hon. T. J. Mahoney ; "Education and Life Insurance , " Rav. Dr. Franklin ; "Law Its Relations to Lifo Insurance , " Hon. II. II. Baldrigo ; "Tho Insurance Contract , " Hon. W. D , McIIugh ; "Thu Successful Agent , " E. O. Parker. Thu Munliuttaii I.lfVi of Now York , organized IS.'O ; Brlco & Was- son , general agents for Nebraska and west ern Iowa , iM4-'Jll ) Bco building. AVe want good men to represent us as district , local and traveling agents , to whom wo can offer exceedingly liberal contracts. XJSirS O.F * . Doini'stlr. The Quarryiuon's National association Is In session at Chicago , 111. Washington and Montana havoasyat , been unable to elect a United Htatcs honator. CongrusHtnaii Tur > noy of Mliviurl , who has boon seriously 111 In Washington , Is much bolter. Thu Information that Mcr. Rntolll would niiiUu his otllclal rcsldunco In Washington , U. O. , has been glvt'n out from a rullahlo sourci' . Kuuoni ) Itowurmait of St. Louis found his wlfo amITIm Kcaitan In a compromising posi tion. Ho shot urul probahly fatally uoimdod tlinni both. The Dally Tolcsraph nf Macon. On. , has boon ordered to b sold on Friday , March'3. This will bo the third tlmo this property has bcun olfored for sale. Thu Imllur In the grain olovntor of McOor- iiilclc&JoncHat Wcatllno , Mo.uvplodod. Rob ert Davis and E.G. McMillan wore killed mid Nohon McG'orinlck mortally hurt. Twoothor employes of thu linn wuro seriously Injured. The doll-sates to tlin ninth annual conven tion nf thu Western 1'nckors and Canned Unnds association havu nsiuniblud at St. I.ouls , Mo. , and nil lurraiiKiuiiunts ai practically com pleted. Thi ) convention will bo called to order at 11 o'clock today. Tim municipal election of Plttxhunr , Pa. , has ended. The result on the mayoralty Is still In doubt , with the Indications pointing to thu election of Human ) Mckunim , democrat , over John ti. l/.uublo , republican , and Messrs. Kerr and Uolnhauor , Indupomlonts. Mr. 1C. J ! du Klmhurly. an Englishman , a resident of Honolulu , Is In Ht. 1'iuil , Minn. , unroutu toKiiKland. Ho tulU an Interesting story of tha revolution In Hawaii and of thu opposition mnt with by the friends of annexa tion from Knxllshmen and ( ierinanx. The Hrooklyn , N. V. , C'ltlzon , which In regarded - gardod In Hrooklyn a thonumthpleco of thu Tocul democratic organization , In Its IIUWM columns , nnd In nn editorial , says Hint the KIIIKS county democratic organization , toil hy lliiKli McInU2blln , has decided to break with the regular democratic organUatlon of thu state , and will form a comblimtloji with the anti-snappers. I'oroleu. Tha Berlin correnponclmit of the Standard snyu : * Thu.government has consulted with Hxpitrtson the question of regulating cowui r- clul relation * With America.1 FOILED THE BANK ROBBERS Loccbburg , Pn , , Oitizoni Qivo Dattlo to a Desperate Gaug. ONE OF THE DESPERADOES CAPTURED In tliti right Cniinrllinnii Nrlmollrr N Killed mill Ono of thu Hung Wniitiildt TJio 1'rl/tuner / Thrt'iiteiK'il ulth Pirrsutmo , Pa , , Fob. at. , V Post Leech- hurj , ' , Pa. , special snys : "This town was thrown Into the most Intense excitement this evening by nil nttomptcd bank robbery nnd the murder of n prominent citizen In ut- tomptlng to capture the burglars. 'One of the men was captured and narrowly escaped lynching. About 7 o'clock n number of boys on the street saw llvo men trying to force nn en trance Into ono of the luck windows of the Lccchburg bank building. The boys ran up the street and gave the alarm to Con stable Collar , S. S. McCullough and Coun cilman William Scluioffur. The three men hurried to the bank building nnd went nraund to the rear door. Just as they arrived there , ono of the burglars came out and was ordered by the constable to surren der. Without saying a word ho drew his revolver and llred. ScluoITer throw up his hands and fell dead , shot through the heart. McCullough returned the burglar's llro and shot three times. Just then a second robber emerged from the building and started on a run for a high fence near by. McCullough opened llro on his man as ho ran and brought him down. The mini fell on his back , but before the ollleers could come up and capture him ho jumped the fence and made his escape. Onn ol flu ) Kolihrr.t While the shooting was going on eight shots were llred nnd a great number of people ple collected. The man who shot Council man Sclitioffcr was caught by the crowd ami hurried off to the lockup. At least 100 citi zens formed themselves into a posse and started after the other men. The murderer was locked up and the prison was surrounded by a crowd of armed men and threats of lynching were freely In dulged in , but the cooler heads prevailed and the crowd disappeared. But httlo can bo learned about the gam ? that did the business. The man who was captured refuses to say anything about him self or oven give his tuunc. Inside the bank building was found a black mask and a brown hat which tlio burglars loft behind them It is certain that the second burglar was wounded and the rhancc of his capture are good. There is great excitement in the town and all the citUcns arc scouring the country for him. Itlntlnru Wi'ilnrniliiy. Sco Tlurry Crandall and his biff com pany of comedians in a now comedy , "A Busy Day1 at the Fnrimtii Strcut then- tor. The comedy is full of line Hinging , dancing and other hpeoialtiorf. You can got any reserved beat in the house , liou. COLORED AMAZON. Shoots Her Landlord Whllo Culling nt tlin House. For some tlmo past a colored family named Anderson have been living in the rear of Gordon & Auiiis1 feed store , 1307 Harnoy street , and of late have not boon paying any rent. Yesterday afternoon Messrs. Gordon and Annls called at tbo Anderson house to servo some papers and Mrs. Anderson refused to allow the gentlemen on the premises. When Mr. Annis tried to explain matters , to the woman' she produced a revolver and llred a shot , which struck Mr. Annis in the hip. Fortunately the wound proved to bo only liesh di-ep. Mr. Annis was taken to his home , 2)7 ! ) Davenport street , where Dr. Lucko attended him. Tbo woman was locked tip and charged with shooting with intent to kill. She does not deny the shooting , but. savs the men tried to force their way into her house. I'EKSOXAL I'AIl.Kill.irilS. Lieutenant Bookmillcr of the Second infantry loft yesterday afternoon for Fort Dodge , la. , on business connected with the regiment. At the Murray : Joseph Ehrltchs , Phila delphia ; William Hardwire , Now York , C. E. Wilson. Chicago : C. Wilder. P. A. lianon , Kansas City ; J. W. Massanco , Herman Adler , Now York ; W. C. lillcduug , Chicago ; F. W. Fuedhoff. New York ; C. F. Busch , Wahoo ; C.W. Block&on , C. B. Thompson , St. Louis ; E. B. Osborne , New York ; F. C. Scott , David City ; W. II. Browning , DCS Moines , la. At the Mercer : W. J. Laurence , Spiing- lleld , Mass. ; A. U. Hill , Boston ; W. A. Denny , Henry Newbergcr and Tom A. Dean , Chicago ; V. H. Correll and wife and II. P. Johnson , Davenport , la. ; George Falkcnhamo , Dubuque ; Frank Baughman , Kock Island ; W. K. Heathcoto. Hanna , Wyo , ; J. II. Barnm , Lusir. Wyo. ; L. Korn- inan , Hedtlold , S. D. ; Mrs. J. M. P.u-ker , Aberdeen , S , D. ; M. F. King , Lincoln ; Otis Turner , Sioux City ; George Terwllligur , Wayne ; William Smith anil wife. F.iirbury ; II. P. Shumway. Wakelleld ; F. C , Scott. David City ; William Fotzor , Boyd county : Mrs. M. M. Tyler. Fremont : W. S. Spear. Geneva ; G. Is. White , Chicago ; J. M. Graham , Eckloy , Cole , NKW YOHK. Feb. 21. [ Special Telegram to TitnBr.i : . ] Omaha : " C. G. George , 1'lnz.i ; E. S. Gatch. St. Denis ; Miss E. Hunt , Weit- minstcr. Council Bluffs : W. C. ICeuno , I Broadway Central. McCoolc , Neb. : 13. K. \ Lawman , Miss S , W. Lowman , Westminster. J Nebraska : H. T. Oxnard , Hoffman ; D. | Smith , Metropolitan. i r.ou.ti * HitKririKS. \ Three repair permits , aggregating a total \ of Slim , were Issued yesterday from the olllco of the building inspector. Plans and specifications for the super structure of the now federal court house and postofllco were received yesterday by Archi tect BolndorlT and the bids for the construc tion of the building will bo received up to March 10. Ilriikon llnnoH. F. L. Sherman , a compositor employed on TUB BCE , in getting oft a street car at Twentieth and Cuinlng streets last evening had a severe fall , which fractured thu hip and thigh bones and caused other serious injuries. I'arroduau Jut I /.ctillcr Of tlio Hrooklyn , N. Y. , Police Force , teitltlos to tlio merit of Hood's Sarmparllln. Ills wife takes It for dizziness and Indigestion nnd It works clmrmltiKlr. "Tho children aim take It with KTf\t lienelit. HH without doubt n most excellent thlnic for Thai Tired I'rcl- lin ; . I clioerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood' * I'lIU to every on who vrhhei to have health and cqmfort. " Got HOOD'S. HOOD'S PILLS cura llvar lilt , cotutlpatlon , Vllauinoii , jaundice , and ifcU hoiJaclio. \ . r OF NEW YORK Ornatilxacl ISOO. ttrice < t oricriU'osfrri for NEBRASKA AND WESTERN IOWA , 2-M-2-1G BEK BUILDING. Wo wnnt Rand men to represent u < ntdl * wo I WAS BIG. I WAS PAT. I PELT MEAN. I TOOK PILLS. I TOOK SALTS. I GOT LEAN. Hnndsomo Women Con Looo Weight Fnst. Homely Nlon Look Better If Thin. Try Dr. Edison's System. No Dialing. Bond worth Twice the Money. Onion of II. M. Itiirton. Hardware , Cary Stn- tlon. III. . .Ian. 14. Mil. Dr. DIKon Dour Sir : I am well pleased with your trtmtnicnt of obesity. The bund li worth tuleu tlio money it eo-.t , ( or eomfoit 1 h vo reduced nijrwuiglil luu pounds. I weigh ! Bi now , mm I dlU weigh 21" ) , Yours truly , II. M. IIUIITON. They Are Doing Mo Good. KiirlTlIlr. Ill . MnjrZ1 ! 1832 Coring , \.To : Inelo > o < I tlnil f..riD for nhlch pleinr nunit mo the other two luiltle < of Dr IMHon'n olios Hy rill * . 1 Imvu usud ono nnil think thny nru doln. ' thuuork. a. M. llAl.m , I1 l > llox 75. Talk So Much About Your Pllla. Tcorln , 111 , , lnnn I . | soj Donr Sirs : After ho.irlnir unu of my f n ml tnlK no much nljont your Oboilty I'lIU mul thu boneilt hu In rtorlrlliK from Ilium I think I will try tlu'lii myself I'lciiau suml mi ) d bottle * O. L ) . I' . , nnd obllco , J. Mounts.ilHi 1'urry Street. Fool Bettor andWclgh 13 Pounds Lose Rnihcn , Iml , Sont. IB. 1892. ( lontlnmon : Incloioil I m'tnl you ( I , for which 7011 will T'li'niu ' xuml inotlircoliottlc' i > Iho ciUnjlty pills. Am tuklliL' thi ) fourth bottle nml fi'iil \ory much bettor mul wuUh lit pounds Ions tlmn when 1 bc iin houi. 1 Hill rontliiuu your treatment. Mils. J. U. MCI'ON.V , fcouth fclxtli Street. An Imllrldiml whono lioUht la ft feet 1 Inch ahouM WI > IKII l-'i nmnJ ft foot Slnclun ira 5 loot 10 Inches " " IW - ! ! Dr 1'ilHon onm : "It mny ho well to point ont , thnt In my uxperh'iiro , nhlcli N nccoranrlly voiy conslil in bio , ninny trotitilusomUHkln < | | SOIICH anch , ns column , n/onu. psorlml , utU-arln. etc. , nro prim i.rlly ciutail by ole lty , nnd in thu fat nnillljnh In reduced l > r t'u ) pllli nnd Uboslty rrult Cult niiit the nrtlon tit thu hand tui'flo atlecllons liuvu nlmoit 'Ilia Obesity Km It liultli uaoit In connection with the I'lUtur Hiimts. or both. Onu ton'poonfnl Inn tumbler of w.xtor mukea n Uellclout aod.-i. Tnslea Tlio bniiila tint Si.50 oaoli fornuy lonxlh up to 3iS luchcs. but fur ouo lurjzir thau iti * luchuj aild IU ceiiU oxtrn for o ich vdilltloiml Incti. I'rlcocif Krult nlt. KI.UU. rilla 11.60 I'cr liottlo , ori : Ilottlos lor fl 00. hunt liy Mall or I'.vpious < "ut this outnril kuep It , nnU.uiiU for our full ( i column ) urtlclu on obesity. Loring & Company. 2 Iliunlltoi PI. . Doiit. sii , llo-toii. In s. , ll.'i Ftnta rt. , Di-pttl , riilcago , 111. , 4UV. . Una bt. , Dcpt 11 , Now Vork City AMUSEMENTS. NEW Illermimn. THJ3ATJ3R I Tlio Oronf. Tuooday , Wednesday Evoilnga , ( iranil ; j > ecl il .H.itln3.i ; < lilnuto.i' IllrtliJar , FEBRUARY 21 , 22. T//.I.V In Ilia Inlmltnbln onlurt iliimont Including the rttartllnn riutuiitlon Ta-Ra-Ra-Bocm-DB-Aye Done to Daath. - - - - - . 'run o//r.vys/j .If VSTKKV , Andn iHHiiiol of novoltloj 1'rlcon KvimliuI..V ) , ( I , "So ; SUu ; mattnua $1. riu. Vu. ) ttr Tliu aalu of .if.ili will open at U oViock Monday iiinniiini _ " NEW ( iot n GOOD THEATRE SI-\T for Mo. 3 Nights 2 Sfiaiiness ; Safurday-Sunclay Inter-Oceanic Specialty Go , HKADHI ) HY rp'DTT' TXT"H "V Touctnur with the r.iir JL JrCiJJ W111 JL unit nnd Mo t Kii''INM : > YAHIKl'Y C'O. IN THE WOUM ) . MJOOItiiimlny .Wiif/wui. fiOo Io ! onod to nil purls of the li nii Scili'l hiirjilnj ciornbu rrlcu > I'Tat duorUIJ , Tic lint SI , Inilconr Wonnil 75c , allurv2.o J , i * , ttnt'i ! t"n.'t ' IIIK ! 7 fie , TONIGHT III "A JBI/SY PAY. " fJranilMallnuo. Washington's Ilirthduy , Weil- , 'i" > o my In tbo honti ) . apd Bijou Theater- Ail till * WCO' OATM All 'I tlio Atlantic Novelty AgRi-cuatto 1'opnlur uriciH 20 anil f ) cent * . MA'ritilSI ! DAILY. Every InUy , ovorv diiy , nt ovorv uo imoe , receives a honilsonio trllu-sllv6i | ) puuar Hlmll. YOUR EYE ARE TROUBLING YOU ! Wr II , come * n < t turn them oxiunlne I by oir opll < M i revof charm , nnd. If nnmiitrrlllt l wliu nualruC our"l1BHKfith'ION"HrKUTACKSor ! UV tfl'AiH- HK-thu biiat In tha World. If youiln not neu 1 ttlm i' wu will lull you d unit n I vl u you what to do. UOM > hl'ECTACI.KS or BVK (1LAJ1.1K4 kllOM tl.'ll Ul * . I'laln , amoke. blue or xnltn Klanoi. fur prulootlns tt > ere * , J rum 5M * pair up. Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. Faruamamt Plftaaotfltrijtt