THE OMAHAi DAILY BEE. TWENTY-SECOND YEAH OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 22 , 1893. NUMBER 2-16. omtn TMIM TMITM' P r vifTn SOME D1MEREME EXISTS Lancaster County Lsgislatora Tangled Up Over Penitentiary Appointments. MISUNDERSTANDING AS TO CANDIDATES \ntl-Moimimly Meamiren Ilnro Quite an In Ilir Scna'eSeveral f.iw to Itegnlatn Corporation Charges .Started Alons Ilir Groove * . LN. Neb. . Fob 21. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Considerable comment has bcf'n created by the action of the senate In adjourning this afternoon immediately after the receipt of n governor's message had been announcd. . The message contained the ajv iwlntmcnt of Elder Howe to bo chaplain of Mate penitentiary and Dr. Houtz as physi cian of the same Institution. The message was sent to the senate shortlj after that body convened at 2 o'cltxk , but as the senate was in a commit tee of the whole at the time the executive communication was allowed to lie on the president's desk until o'clock , when the committee arose. The lieutenant governor then announceel the receipt of the mes sage and handed It to the secretary to read. Senator Moore of Lancaster at once sprang to his feet with a motion to adjourn. The motion was carried without dissent although the somewhat unusual proceeding caused several senators to look at tach other with surprise. Fortunately , no one attempted to make a bad situation worse by opixjsing the motion to adjourn. It is opined that an embarrassing situation for some of the senators might have resulted had there ) been a discussion as to oppose the motion to adjourn , Why Adjournment Wa * Taken. Senator Moore was seen by THE BEE rep resentative Immediately after adjournment. He explained the situation in a few words , hut deprecated nnv attempt to make the history of the case public. Ho stated that some time ago Governor Crouuso had agreed to apiraint to the iwsitlons named any one the Lancaster county dole- ration could agree upon. The seven members of the delegation held a meeting and n week ago gave the governor the name's of Rev. Dr. Howe and Dr. Sim mons. Today it was learncl that the gov ernor had apiwintcd Dr. Houtz to the posi tion of physician instead of Dr. Simmons. A number of the representatives from Lan caster county went ntonco to the governor and asked for an explanation. The povc-rnor expressed little surprise at their mission and Informed them that Mr. Oakley had told him that the delegation had decided to substitute the name of Dr. Houtz for that of Dr. Simmons. Acting l > ou this Information the legislature sent the name of Dr. Houtz to the senate. Inas much as the Lancaster delegation has held no Meeting since the name of Ur. Simmons v-as agreoel w > on , the chance in the names was not only unknown to the members from ihis county but a complete surprise. Nothing Serious Anticipated. . , . - nil5 Ts the explanation volunteered by t-xinator Moore. He states that hn believed that no trouble would ensue , but that he merely xvnutcd an adjournment until a better understanding could be reached between the Lancaster county delegation and the chief executive. Seiveral of the senators claimed ' that the senate had given the governor a de liberate slap In the face because of a sup posed breach of faith in the matter of ap pointments. The governor was asked about the matter L this evening nnd he said it was all new tc I , him. He had not heard of the adjournment | > until that time , anel stated that ho had not I h ard of any trouble. Ill-feeling or misundcr- I Uunding over his action. l\ \ Ohjectlon * to an Appointee. I * A great deal of adverse comment is heard I. regarding the governor's appointment ol fc Moshcr to the position of chief janitor of the n state house , owing to several scandals with Kwhicn the appointee has been connected. He Hwiis at one ( line connected with the State : B Industrial school at Kearney , and the Board Kof Public Lands and Buildings experiences raoro or less unpleasantness because of it , Moshcr , who is a florist , was also c central figure in certain charges made some time ago about the desecration of graves ir the cemeteries , which were despoiled of the frames of fioral emblems left by mourning friends above the last resting place of the m < ! nst. of their dead. It Is stated that several able-bodied remonstrances will be filed , de- t mandlng the substitution of some othei I name for that of Moshcr. , First Anil-Monopoly Kound. ' * _ > Today was anti-monopoly day In tbe sen- . The first for the i ate ; victory anti-monopoly k people was the rejection of the majority re E port of the committee on miscellaneous cor H poratlons on senate file No. 54. This bil was Introduced on January 20 bj j-Scnator Dale of Harlan county 'it provides that it shall bo un lawful for any live stock exchange ju ! the state to charge or receive for the salter or exehanco of horses or mules more than $ : | > er head , for cattle of all ages. 10 cents pci jead , nnd in no case shall the aggregate , -haive exceed -$10 per carload , and for hog ! I and sheep 8 cents per head , in no case the I aggregate charge per carload to exceed $ ' I jier single decked car orS per double docket ! I car The committee , of which Scnatoi I Mattes is chairman , recommended that the t bill bo indefinitely postponed. Senator Dale t objected and called for the reading of the I minority rei > ort. which ordered the bill te ' general t'le He then moved the adoption o ! I the mlr . 'rity ' rei * > rt. That report was adopted by a vote of 15 to S , the followlnc . senators voting against : ? Jcbeock , Kggles I tot > Hale , Matt- , McCarty , North , Pope nnd Thoirsou. Republicans voting with the . , inlcpcudents were Graham , McDonald ' Mi.ler nnd Scott. The cnuouenunt of the result of the i-ote was received with manifestations of evident approval by the Independent * ' .and a number of them ex pressi 1 their satisfaction over the action o ; the four republicans iu voting vith them. t Senator Stewart of Sioux count v pro rsj cnted the first new bill of the day. It was f a bulky document of 175 pages of closelj written pages. Its title disclose * ! the fad that it wa s a maxmum rate bill. Speaking of the measure during the noon recess , Sen ntor Stewart said to THE BEK that the tirln cipal f.atm-eof the bill was the method o classifj Ing the railroads of the state. Hod ! Titled them into three classes , the rates or the suialVr utKl weaker lit-es being highei than en the larger and stronger lines. Hi beMcvod that the a\enigo reduction of rate : would lx- about the same as the reductiot contcmnlMciT by the bill Introduced txirlv it the session by Senator Clarke. His bill "dlf fered from the Clarke bill , however. In tna lie wo'.u-l aKiUsh the State Board of Trans jrtatlon and place the enforcement of thi law Jn the hauJs of the regular cxceutivi officer * of the stnto If the Clarke bill carn < up for consideration he would vote for It an < JIB liellevcd that every independent senate would vol ? for It. Chatlnc the Corporation * . Senator TxiUvk fired a bill In the directioi of the sleeping car monopolies. His bil ] which wns introduced and read the firs tine , prvvides that it shall bo unlawful fo any company owning and operating slocplni cars within the state to charge a greate rate than $1M for a lower berth or $1 for an upper berth while sucl cars are running in Nebraska frou 0 o'clock Iu the evening until 7 o'clock in th I morning For the day use as an accommo k dntion to passengers the charge shall be " cents for the first 100 miles or fraciloi thereof , and 15 cents for each additional 10 mile * or fraction thereof Any company vir , , laiing the * ot shall be dt-cined guilty of : violation of the law nnd fined not less than $ 100 nor more ttian toOO. Senator Egglcston also offered n telegraph bill fixing the rate to be charged by all com panies tiotng business in the state It pro vides that no telegraph company doing business In Nebraska shall demand , receive or charge more than - " > cents for n message of ten words , and 10 cents for each addi tional ten words for all distances under 100 miles , nnd ! C1 cents for ten words , and 5 cents for each additional ten words for all dis tances over 100 miles and under 800 miles. The penalty for the violation of the act Is a fine of not less than $100 nor more than S. > 00 , one-half of the fine to bo paid to the In former , and tne other half to bo paid to the school district in which the violation occurs. .Mny Save the Iloiird. There Is likely to bo a lively fight In the senate when house roll No. isd comes up for consideration. The bill was introduced in the house by Sheridan of Red Willow county and abolishes the State Bewird of Transi > or- tatlon. It is freely predicted that the senate will not concur with the action of the house in abolishing the commission.s nearly as can bp learned the fourteen republicans are friendly to the board. Even the republican senators who are su pected of havlnir antimonopoly - monopoly sentiments have expressed them selves as favoring the retention of the board. Senator Everett declared himself in favor of th"-1 > ! 1 in debate on the lloorof the senate las' i"rsday afternoon. Senator McDon ald said today to THE BEE that he was heartily in favor of retain ing the State Board of Transporta tion , especially in view of tne fact that the present session of the legislature is likely to pass a maximum rate bill , as such a board will furnish the only tribunal before which the people of the state can bring their com plaints and have them adjudicated without expense to themselves. Senator Dysart threw a bombshell Into the independent camp yesterday afternoon by declaring his friendliness to the State Board of Transportation. Ho stated after wards to THK BEE that he would certainly vote- against the rejical of the act creating the board. Senator Han-is , another independent , said this afternoon that he was not in fa\or of retaining the board under the present law , but that he would vote for any maximum rate bill which included a railway commis sion in its provisions. Pnekwood'.i Vletorv. Another signal victory was scored by the anti-monopoly senators later in the after noon , at the conclusion of the debate on Paekwexxl's bill to require railroads touch ing at common pohits to maintain transfer switches for the "benefit of all shippers. The contest over the bill was exceed ingly bitter , although conducted In the best of good nature. At the end of a two hours debate the bill was recommended for passage and ordered to a third readine. The most important feature of the bill failed to elicit discussion during the afternoon. The bill prohibits a charge exceeding the sum of the two local rates on a shipment of freight over two connecting lines , and requires the receiving road to give a bill of lading quoting the rate at the shortest distance. Senator P.ickwood , the author of the bill , was fecline particularly good over tne success of his bill. He expressed his satisfaction at the action of the republican senators who had voted with tne independents all through the contest over the bill , and stated his belief in the success of the anti-monopoly legislation this session by the help of these senators. 'KIXLEI' IIAXKHVPT. He Will Lose All JIU Property nnd Will Hnvo to Itetlro From Politics. CUICAOO , 111. , Feb. 21. [ Spoclal Telegram to THE BEE. ] The fact has just developed tnat N. N. Kohlsaat , one of the proprietors of the Inter of this city , as the result of aionferencc with Governor McKinley of Ohio , has consented no act as trustee in the' settlement of his financial difficulties. Kohl saat says McKinley's estate amounts to only $ -.20,000 , which he will turn over to the cred itors ; that his wife has property valued at $75,000 , inherited from her father , which , though invalid , she insists shall be used for the same purpose , contrary to tne earnest advice of friends. So far the governor's lia bilities contracted for friends amount to $ .15,000. The governor insists on paying dollar for dollar , and as he will be left penniless and still In debt , even after giving up his home in Canton , Kohlsaat says there Is nothing left for him but to retire from politics , rcslcn the governorship aud take up again his law practice to earn money to pay his debts and make a living. Kohl- saat declares the governor Is the victim of most aggravated treachery. He had no idea of the amount for which he became surety , relyin ? on his friend and signlnir the notes , supposing they were renewals of former ones. CLEVELAND. O. , Feb. 21. Governor Mc Kinley is still here arranging his business complications. He emphatically denies the report that he intends to resign the gov ernorship. YocxnsTOWjf , O. , Feb. 21. Investigation into the failure of R. L. Walker shows that Governor McKinley's liabilities amount to $100,00010110,000. intECK OX THE H'KtT S Broken Hall Cuune * an Accident of Which Meaner Particular * Are Ootalned. RociiESTEit , N. Y. , Feb. 21. A passenger train on the West Shore road was wrecked at Palmyra this forenoon. It Is known that three passengers werekllletl and fifteen were injured , some fatally. The report says that none of the occupants of the sleepers were killed , but that the day coach was full of passengers. The superintendent of the road has sent here for doctors. The train was westbound from New York. The accident was caused by a broken rail. The two passengers killed were foreieuers traveling second class , and are said to be Germans. The tram consisted oftwo en- I gittes , three coaches and three sleepers. The train rollenl down an embankment eichteen feet high. One of the killed was from Chicago , but his name is unknown. The other Is an unknown young man ; also a child. There are numerous slight wounds among the passengers. tVlt 31IXEHS Kll.l.Kl ) , Whllo Setting Timber * the ItooCUlvei Way nnd I'alU I'pnn Them. Jorux , Mo. . Fob. 21. Hy a cave-in at shaft No. 3 on the South Joplm Mining com pany's ground this afternoon four miners were killed and another hurt. The killed arc : JOHN KItOKUChMx ! . ground foreman. HESllV f'VLk. w. ii.Mnrnr.i.L. R. H. Cov ls the Injured man. The nociiient occurred In a drift while the iiicti were engauod putting In timbers to sup port the roof. The tof gave way without warning , aud ull were buried except Coy.'ltKU.lKU'S rUXKli.lL. UK Will lln Itest Tomorrow nt Ne Orlt-nim tilth .Military Pomp. Nsw kxs. La. , Feb. 21. The funeral of General Boaurogard has been fixed for Thurs lay evening , February , at .T o'clock , j General Glyuii will be In charge of the ar rangements for the cortege and will In.1 assisted by Mayor Fitiutrick. The various civic societies will bo Invited to ihartlciputu and members of the city , state and national governments will bo Invited. It has lioen arnuuwl that the body shall bo escorted W lnwlay forenoon to the c-It.v hall b.v the Associ Uum of thn Annv of this Tennessee , under command of Vice l'rcsl < dent Alleyn. and a detail from the Army ol northern Virginia. All military honors will be shown the illustrious warrior. Movement * at Ocean Steamrm February 21 , At KInsale Passed Anploman , from Bos- ton. DAt Boston Arrived Pavonla , from IJver- pool ; British Queen , from London. At New York -Arrived 1-a Normandle , from Havre , Vigilancla , from Rio de Janeiro ! Alliance , from Hlo de Jancrio. IN HONOR OF MR , MORTON Cleveland's 'Secretary of Agriculture Ten dered an Enthusiastic Reception. NEBRASKA CITY GAILY DECORATED Citizen * of Different Portion * of the Stiite , Jlegarillc * * of 1' Affiliation * , Congratulate the ( Jciitlcin 111 on III * Succe . NEBRASKA CITY. Neb. , Feb. 21. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Nebraska City did itself proud today in welcoming home Hon. J. Sterling Morton , the next secretary of argiculture. The city was In holiday attire , flags and bunting being liberally displayed and business houses closed. The reception had been carefully planned and was faithfully - fully carried out. Lonz before the of the train a lanro crowd had as33mbleJ , which increased with every momont. The gathering was entirely nonpartlsan , republicans aud democrats all being anxious to welcome their distinguished fellow-citizen. As the train approached the depot it was greeted with the ringing of bells , firing of anvils , shrieking of whistles and music of bands. When the train stopped and Mr. Morton appealed on the platform he was greeted with a wild burst of cnthusiains last ing several minutes. A procession was at once formed , compris ing many hundred citizens on foot , city ofll- cials and gjests in carriages , civic societies and firemen , and to the music of their bands the secretary-to-be was escorted up town. After marching through the principal streets a halt was made at Government square , where Mr. Morton made a few re marks. He was evidently much affected by the demonstration in his honor and s.iid he held this welcome hizh above omcial promo tion. Hehl an Inforiml deception. After the procession disbanded ho held an informal reception , greeting many old friends with a hearty handshake. Never in the history of the state Ins there been such general rejoicing over an honor worthily bestowed. That the people of Nebraska City are trfoud of the honor and its recipient was plainly set forth. In the afternoon about l.VI Omnha visitors arrived and joined iu the celebration. They came ovrr the Missouri Pacific in charge of J. O. Phillippi and included Dr. Miller , Gov ernor Bbyd , Judge Wakely , E. A. Cudahy. A. C. Foster , Kuclid Margin , Dud Smith , Jules Lombard , Harry Deuel , C. H. Brown and other democratic war horses. The Lincoln delegation arrived at 9:30 : over the B. i ; M. , including Lieutenant Gov ernor Majors , J. C. Watson. Church Howe , Representatives Leidieh , Sinclair , Jensan and Wiihnell. ex-Governor Furnas and Sen ators North and Mattes. They were met at the deiKt ) and escorted to the Watsjn house by two bands and a crowd of citizens. In the evening the opera house was crowded The exercises comprised short speeches , vocal and instrumental music. Acting Mayor Chapman delivered the ad dress of welcome. Matthew Gerine of Plattsmonth made a brilliant speech , which was enthusiastically received. \Vlnit It Signified. Dr. George L. Miller of Omaha was greeted with great applause , his presence being taken by the audience as mcaniug unite'd democracy. Dr. Miller's tribute to Mr. Morton was beautifully expressed and evoked great applause. - Mr. Jules Lumbard , Omaha , followed with a solo which was loudly encored. A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln referred to Mr. Morton's peculiar fltncss for the position with a short sketch of his early life. Mr. Morton was introduced as Ne braska's first cabinet oMcer. He was unable to speak for ssveral moments , the applause being deafening. He said he had been the recipient from the press of the state and friends of so many flattering notices that he would enter upon the duties of the oflice with some misgiving , but if he discharged his duties as well as Governor Boyd had done in the state he would be more than contented. For the first time In 5'ears duty called him away from the scenes familiar for years. He should always be glad to meet Nebraskaus , not us demo crats , republicans nor pooullsts , but as No- braskans. Hi ) was loudly applauded. The exercises closed with "America. " the singing being led by Mr. Lumbard. Mr. Morton leaves Monday for Washington. Seventy-five per sons were seated at the banquet at the Watson house. John C. Watson presided as toastmaster and happily filled tha" . position. Toasts were responded to by Churcti Howe , Lieutenant Governor Majors and ex-Gov ernor Furnas. Society I.eatlcru HUturhetl. NIOIIIUKA , Neb. , Feb. 21. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Early in the winter a family named Hallet , with several grown sons and a son- in-law , came from Hartington to this place to reside. They wore good clothes , the young men gained their way into the best society of the town , and the whole family being good musicians soon found their ambi tion in this respect gratified. The head ol the family has a mall contract between hurt and Bloomfleld. and surprise has been fre quently expressed that he was enabled to support such a large family out of a con tract paying tfJ cents a day and all llvo on the fat of the land. Friday the boys at tended a party at the residence of one of the best families of the town. At the close of this entertainment they started in anall - night game of cards and several hundred dollars , it is said , changed ( .hands before the game broke up. A prominent federal ofllcial of this county was taken in on one of the games at Ver- digre one day last week to the tune of $ * 0 , and all along the line their work has been slick aud always to their advantage. The circumstances are the town talk. This is the winter pastime of these men. but during the summer they travel with a circus. They were driven out of Hartington for the same kind of amusement , it is said. Suspense Was Too ( ireat. CHANT. Neb. , Feb.'I. . [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ) D. Schroder , a bachelor of 50 years living twelve miles northeast of Grant , committed suicide by blowing his brains out with a shot gun this morning. He had a claim in this county , but was not natural ized , and a fear that he would lose his land Is supposed to have been the cause jf the act. act.FAiuiH'itr FAiuiH'itr , Neb. . Feb. 21. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ) Last nisht Henry Hagry , a farmer living near Daykin , com mitted suicide by shoatlng. Ho was about 45 years of age and in good circumstances financially but had lately lost $ l.tOO : In land deals and also had domestic trouble. He leaves a wife and two children. Pl-ATTSMOtTii , Neb. , Feb. 21. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] A 13-year-old son ol D. H. Erb this afternoon took a duse ol laudanum with suicidal intent. The boy's father had threatened to send him to the re form school. By prompt -action the young fellow's life was saved. Tom MaJor'nSueelsl Train. LINCOLN , Nob. , tVb.21. [ SpecialTelegram to THE BEE. ] There was an exodus of the politicians to Nebraska City this evening tc attend the Morton reception. At the instiga tion of Lieutenant Governor Majors a spoclal train was made up by the B. X M.and left at70p. : : ; m. Anion ? thosa who wont were AV.ors , Howe , Watson and two score ol leaser lights. Captain .Nuth inii'l llerron'n Tunertl. BEATKICB , Neb. , Feb. 21 [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE ] The funeral of the late Captain Nathaniel Hcrron was held here this afternoon , and was the most imposing funeral demonstration ever held In this city. Tbe Beatrice fire department hook and lad der truck was transformed Into a catafalque and the casket carrlod thereon , the fire de partment numbering over SOO members , pull ing the funernl car. Tho- funeral was at tended by the maypr , city council , all the city departments , officially and the Grand Army of the Itepublfc members. I'lAtUmonth' * Delegation. PLATTSMotTir , Neb. , Fob. " . ' 1. [ Special Telegram to TUB SES. ! Plattstnouth sent a large delegation of citizens to Nebraska City to attend the reception to bo tendered Hon. J. Sterling MorlnnJonisht. The delegation was headed by Hon. "J. M. Patterson. of THE ui.nnxa. Itccent Development * Strengthen the Koail'n Seeurltle * a Little. NEW YOHK , Feb. 21. When the Stock exchange gavel fell at 10 o'clock today the bulk of the ciowd of brokers on the floor closely pressed around the Heading board anl operations began at once with an uproar that caused the un initiated In the visitors galleries to think the bottom had dropped out of Wall street. But the thron ? of traders was not so great as that of yesterday , nor were opera tions nearly so heavy. Heading opened at a slight advance over yester day's closing , viz : 1 per cent to 31. The hammering which began as soon as a voice could be lifted and hands upraised quickly nullified the Imnrovcmeut , and In less than three mluutcs the unlucky stock dropped down to 24. In ten minutes , however , the Heading crowd melted away to about thirty operators , who maintained the war with visror. Thfn came a short breathing spell in which prices ranged-from 20 to SO1 . None but small blocks were offered. First income bonds dropped from 55 to 51. Tha general list shared In the depression , though the sales were not heavy. New England in iho meantime opened at 40l-j and sank steadily. The transactions in the ilrst fifteen minutes ' reached s'i.TOO shares. less than half the number sold In the same time yesterday , which was UHUOO. Later the pressure was removed , and Heading .rallied 1 per cent. Lackawanna liccame very weak , declining from H9 to 145 . Delaware & Hudson broke from iro1 to 12b ; Jersey Central from 120 to 110. Purchassrs nt the bottom yester day began to sell to take profits , and New England fell from 40 > to 8Sl.j. Northern Pacific lost 1 psr cent to 43 . but recovered the loss. Near the end of the first hour the market became quiet , and at 11 was firm at the rally. There was good buying after 11 , during which most of the early losses were recov ered and some stocks rose to a higher level than the opening. Coal stocks were rather weak on a rumor that th 're was to by a break in the price of coal. At noon the market was firm and generally a shade above the open ing. _ IN NIW YOIIIC STATI : . Mr. Platt Ilcnle * a Statentsnt Receivers Ap pointed In Thftt State. NEW Yonk , Feb. 21. A. J. Artello , one of the Heading board ofmanagers , says the Reading's floating debt is only ? C,000,000 , half of which is held by Speyer & Co. of New York , and the other half by Philadel phia capitalists and all-are secured by collat erals dei > osited with them. Concerning the effect of the receivership Samuel Sloan , president of the Delaware , Lackawanna < fc Western , said today : "I cannot sec that the sittiation has undergone any great change.Tlie Reading system is under the same management as before , only with more limited obligations. How long tne receivership will last It is impossible to say , but undoubtedly | t will not last long. . Qn the leases , us for instance that of the Lohigh road , the receivership can have no direct influence. But there is an inci eased chance for an opportunity for that road to break loose from the system. The coal situ ation will remain unaltered probably. " In the United States circuit court this afternoon. Judge Wallace , on the petition of Thomas C. Platt , appointed Archib-ild Mc- Leod , Edward M. Paxson and E. P. Wilbur receivers for the Heading ? road within the jurisdiction of the southern district circuit court of New York. The receivers are the same as were appointed In Philadelphia yes terday. Each receiver qualified in sureties to the amount of $ 100,000 IlcccUera Have a Conference. PIIILADEU-UIA , Pa. , Feb. 21. The receivers at the Heading road met at the general offices of the company 'this morning and are now going over the affairs of the road. President MeLsod said ihe promised state ment of Heading's affairs would not bo Issued today. Later however. Mr. McLcod , concluded to say this : "Outside of latifyinc the deal with the finance committee of the Pennsyl vania we did nothing of Importance or of a definite character. We. expect to get down to this iu a day or so , wucn wo will probably make some official announcement. " A circular siened by the three receivers was issued , stating they have taken posses sion of the property .and effects of the Heading railroad and tfie Coal ana Iron com panies , and that the business of both com panies will be conducfcd by the receivers , and all onlclals , agents and employes of the companies will be cdntinucd in their posi tions. All overdue wages will be paid in cash- Due notice of the time and place of payment will be given. It is reported hero that one of the first moves comtemplated by the receivers is the wiplns out of the preference bonds. It is said that the worst Reading loan , the one which brought about the trouble last week , was called by the Farmers and Mechanics National bank of this city. The amount was S-'OO.OOO. It was paid. Other loans were then called and the company could not re- swnd. | , _ IIU I'riemU in Control. NEW XOIIK , Feb. 21. Mr. McLcod still claims that he and his friends hold a con trolling interest in the New York and New England and will depose the Parsons man agement on March 14. " Ho announces that the disaster that has befallen the Heading company through nls ambitious schemes will not deter him from the attempt to carry out his plans in New England territory. Mr. Parsons refuses to discuss the subject and the result will not to. knbmi until the trans. fer books of the New England road arc closed .ITTIIIHVTIM TO fllK /.VW/.I.V.S. DUnppearanre of a Snolh Dakota Cotr Hey KegnnleilrHitli Suspicion. RAPID CITV. S. D. , Feb. 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ) Information re ceived from the Cbeyenao river near View- field , about twenty-five miles cast , states that Henry Brewer , a cow boy , has been missluc from the Holcomb cattle and horse ranch for the pasV two weeks and it is feared 'has fallen a victim to Two Sticks' band of tnurauuloK Indians. Brewer left the camp about two. weeks ago to round up some stray horses , aod as those Indians were seen In that vlcmitjr at that time near Sulphur creek. It Is thought he was waylaid by them. His partner , mimed Brisrham , also employed b.v the Holcomb outfit , has started out to find him. Itrortranlird the Hank. CITY , S..a"Feb. 21. The Black Hills National hank of this city , which BUS- landed Dec-ember 13. was today reorganised solid basis with a capital stock of "Women on the Stmce. " CuiCAf.0 , . 111.Feb. . 21. Mme. Modjeska , the well known actress , will deliver an ad- dn-ss at the Columbian exposition ou the subject of "Wonwn " on the Stage. The sublec-t will also be discussed by other actresses whose opinions are of value. Mme. , Modjeska was requested to suggest the names of such actresses , and lus accord ingly prepared a list , including Mmo. Janau- | schek , Agnes Booth , Mrs , D. P. Powers. Ada Hehan , Clara Morris and Georgle Cayavan. RECEIVED WITH CHEERS Srmy of tie Federals in Eio Grande do Snl Marching to Victory. WILL CAPTURE SANTA ANNA FIRST Their I'orce < nn the Frontier Preparing to Striken DrcNUc lllnir In Conjunction with the Troop * of Gen era ! Tavaref. Jama Gnrdin Rennttt. } VALI-AUAISO , Chill , ( via Galveston. Tex. ) , Feb. 21. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald-Special to THE Br.E.-Wlth ] an army of 4.fjOO , which has been mobilized under the command of General Tnvarez , tbe federal revolutionists of Hlo Grande do Sul , Brazil , have bcrun tbe inarch toward Porto Alegre. This Important news has just Deen telegraphed by the Herald's corre spondent in Artlgas. General Tavarez began his forwanl movement today. His flrsv ob ject Is the capture ef Santa Anna , which was fortified by the Castllhtstas a few days ago , and when that town comes into his posses- session he will establish then ; his base of supplies. Tlien General Tavarez's foiecs will march toward Porto Allegro. The plans for this movement have not of course been made public , but It is believed in that he will attempt to effect a June- rion with the federal troops further north and then proceed to Acoqia and secure pos session of the western terminal of the rail road which mns to Porto Allegro. The federal forces along the frontier are preparing to strike a decisive blow by gain ing jKisressIon of Urubu , which is destined to be the western terminus of the railroad , and from there the march toward Acequia is ex pected to bo comparatively easy. A largo force is gathered near Santa Jcresa , while 1,000 troops are at Cabeda ready to pounce down upon the Castilhistas at any moment. All along the frontier there arc small bodies of federal troops who seem to have overrun that part of the country. The Herald's correspondent In Artlgas predicts that the inarch of the federals toward Porto Allegro will be a victorious one. Ho says the Cistilhistas are making little resistance and that the federal troops are received with enthusiasm in all parts of Rio Grande do Sul. A dispatch from the Herald's correspon dent in Buenos Ayres , Argentina , says the archbishop has signed a petition for the re peal of the law authorizing civil marriages. Dr. Decoud , the minister Irom Paraguay at Buenos Ayres , has gone to Asuncion to take part in the c-omingpresldential elections The governor of Pampa. a territory of Ar gentina , has reported to the government in Buenos Ayres that a Chilian army officer is in that territory in the capacity of a spy. The Chilian officer reports that his object Is to buy a ranch , but this is not believed by the governor of Pampa who insists that he has been visit ing points 'on .the boundary line between Chili and Argentina for the purpose of ar ranging plans for future use against the lat ter republic. Typhus fever is Increasing in Buenos Ayres. cro's Afiirsrs i.v ritouni.E. Colombian Cowboy * Kefiiac to Itecognlze the General' ! , Authority. [ Copi/rtoMcil by Jamet ( 'union lltnnett.l CAICACAS. Venezuela , ( via. Galveston. Tex. ) Feb. ' . ' 1. [ By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald Special to THE BEE.A ] bat tle is reported to have been fought between the agents of General Crespo and Colombian cowboys in the Colombian state of Cassnare. Farmers in that state attempted to confiscate cattle of which Venezuela claims ownership. The cattle were uriven from the Venezuelan state of Tacira by the contmuista governor , General Cistro , to graze upon lands which have since been decided to belong to Colom bian territory. The tight resulted from the effects of Gen eral Crespo's agents to gain i > ossession of the cattle. Several persons were killed. Baron tie Espejo is said to be organizing a syndicate , which pro [ > oses to start a new ag ricultural bank and flood the country with paper money. A dispatch from Valencia says that nn in sane woman in that city murdered her 12- year-old daughter with a macheta. The girl was cut into forty pieces. Ge.ieral Oitez , ex-contlnulsta governor of Orinoco , returned to Cuidad , Bolivia , a few days ago , When he landed from the steamer ho was surrounded by a mob on the wharf and badly beaten. BOGOTA , Colombia , ( via Galveston , Tex. , ) Feb. 21. [ By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald Special to THE BEE.J The Colombian government has sent a re quest to Bogota that an expression of public opinion be given in Panama on the advisability of granting further con cessions to the Panama Canal company. The governor of Panama has requested the Chamber of Commerce to call a meeting for the purpose of securing an expression of pub lic opinion in regard to the question. The British minister at Bogota has assured the Colombian government that England will aid It in maintaining Colombian rights on the isthmus. This aid Is to be extended by virtue of the provisions of the Clayton-Bui- wer treaty should the French government undertake to interfere with Colombian rights. ii.tiiiiibos's HOME cumxo. Indianapolis Citizen * Preparing to tilve Him i Heart ) ' Welcome. I.s'iiUXAvbLis , Ind. , Feb. 21. The commit tee on arrangements for the reception to bo tendered President Harrison on his return to this city for residence has decided , in deference to requests from the president , to make the affair as informal as iossible. The president will arrive about noon of March C and a few of the members of the committee will meet him at a point on the road a short distance from the city. At the depot others of the committee and members of the different committees , as well as all the civic- and military organizations that desire , will meet the train. At 7 o'clock a public reception will be hold at the state house. Governor Matthews will make a brief address , to which the president will doubtless respond. The public will 1 e received after these ceremonies in the gov ernor's parlors. The various public buildings - ings , as well as the stores and private resi dences , will display bunting and flags in honor of the event. Wyoming' * Stock CoiumUtlon AhoIUhed. CHEYEJCXEVyo , Feb. 21. Governor Os- j borne today vetoed the item of * 10,000 in the general appropriation bill for the Wyoming stock commission , which Included the Item I of f3.000 to pay H. B. Ijams , secretary of the commission , for salary for the past two years , and the items of II > OJ and $1,500 for contingent e cp nses and salary of the state veterinarian. The bill was left in the hands of the governor at the close of the session and his action is final and practically abolishes the stock commission and the office of veterinarian. " J" KXniXKEKH VUMl'LAIX. town Member * Appoint n Grievance Com mittee to AcIJunt nxtrn Time Difference * . Orrotw.i , la. . Feb. 21. [ Special Telegram to THE Bet : . ] A committee of middle divi sion Iowa engineers of the "Q'1 met here today and appointed a grievance com mittee consisting of 'A. T. Stevens and Thomas J. Curry to go to Chicago and confer with Chicago , Burlington & Qtilncy officials In regard to delayed time. They claim they should bo paid the same as the conductors and brakcmcn , the latter being paid extra for all over eleven hours for a day. The engineers have heretofore been paid so much for a trip and it was necessary they should lay at one particular station two hours before they got paid for one your overtime , therefore they ask to be paid the same as trainmen. This committee leaves for Chicago this evening. My tcrv of n Double Murder Ktpl.ilneil. Siorx CITY , la. . FCD. 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tup. BEE. ] The sheriff's officers have just made public a confession obtained by them in July , Ib'Jl. from James Mclnt.vre , that clears the last suspicion of doubt as to the responsibility of one of the most atro cious murders committed in Iowa , December f > . 1MW , when William and Christian Oemiir. wealthy tenement house owners , were mur ] dered in their home in the east part of the city by a burglar. Suspicion pointed to Mclntyrc. and he was arrested aud convicted of murder in the second degree and sent to the penitentiary on purely circumstantial evidence. There was always doubt as to his guilt. Knrouto to the penitentiary Mclntyi'o confessed that he went to the Oemigs' hume to rob them of rents they had collected that day. The Oemigs were awakened and grappled with him , and to escape ho shot them both. Me- Intvre dicti in the penitentiary last week and today the confession was made public for the first time. The only excuse for not giving it out sooner is that Mclntyre. who hud consump tion , requested that it be kept a secret until he died. He came here from Washineton county. Ohio , where his father uud brother are coal operatives. Charge * At-.iliist 1'ollci' Officer * . Siot-x CITY , la. . Feb. 21. [ Special Tele gram toTus BEE. ] T. H. Felter , John Roy- bnuld. Wide. Hick Falland. machinists and L ouis Wagner and Ilichard Fitzgerald , mer chants , toda/fllud affidavits in which they charge that when arrested by the i > olice they Mad considerable money , and when re leased they were toH they had no money and were maltreated when they demande , ! it. They say they will secure a number of additional affidavits to the s-imo effect. The matter will bo investigated. Individual suits are also being filed to recover property. IV11 Through the llrhlce. DES MOISE < S. la. . Feb. 21. [ Spcial Tele gram to THE BEE. ] About daylight this morning ; hc dead body of B. F. Wamsley was found on tne ire under the Hock Island railway bridge. He was last scrn alive yesterday about r > o'clock in an intoxicated condition , and had evidently fallen through the britjtre. He was about GO years old , and hat until recently resided at Wintersst. la. He was a tailor by trade , but of late years practiced dentistry. Ho had served a term In the i > cnltentiiry ! for passing counterfeit money. v _ , . . ' - . - - - Harrison County K < Mt Contest. Miorni VALLEY , ! a. . Fob. 21. ( Special to THE BEE. ] The county swit contest between Missouri Valley and Logan is now under con sideration by the Board of Supervisors , who have for the past week been arranging the petition and remonstrance in alphabetical order preparatory to counting the names thereon. The petition for removal contains over .1,000 names , while the remonstrance has a few over 3,000. It seems probable that a vote may be ordered. Sentenced it ISrute. Siorx CITY , la. , Feb. 21. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bcr. . ] Samuel Mitchell was today sentenced to one year's Imprisonment for assault with intent to commit great bodily injury at th" instance of the Humane society , which prosecuted. Ho pounded his 8- year-old son into insensibility with a board , and the boy has been confined to his bel for two months because of the injuries. .Missouri Valley Pjthlani. Mfesoriu VALI.ET , la. . Feb. 21. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Auction loJge No. GO , Knights of Pythias , entertained 200 guests last evening at the anniversary celebration. The banquet was one of the most pleasing events ever held in the city. MIDNIGHT BLAZE. "The .Mnnehester , " Formerly the "Creole" ite ort. Destroyed. The two-and-a-half-story frame buildin ? at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Chicago streets and known as the "Man chester" was almost totally destroyed by fire last night. For at least six months this building , wheh was formerly occupied by the -'Creoles , " has been vacant , and the owner , Mrs. Lewis Slobcvukl , who lives at 2323 Wirt street , has em ployed a watchman tc look after the place. Apparently the watchman was notattoiilinir to his duties , for otherwise the fire should have been discovered sooner. As it was. the whole affair was a mistake. About half an hour before the lire in the building broke through the annex to tno building an ox-policenrm named Graham , who still retained a fire key , pulled the box at Fifteenth and Chicago streets. When the department arrived Graham asked Chief Gallkrun to ire down the street and inspect a building. The chief saw that Graham was intoxicated , and after question- I ing him closely and gaining no information ordered his men to their houses. The big bell had hardly struck "all home" before another alarm from the same -box sounded. By this time the flames could be seen. In a very short time the tire , which started In the rear of the building , spread upwards and the roof was soon ablaze. Ladders were run up and hose lines laid in from seven com panies and the building was com pletely flooded. At one time It looked as if the big house was doomed , but the hard work on the part of the firemen - men , who threw streams of water from above and below at the same time , held the flames In check , and thus saved the base ment and first floor and part of the second floor. The house was filled with elogaut furni ture and was fitted up from garret to cellar by the owner in luxunous style. All of the bedding , the splendid plu h furniture uud the two pianos will be a total loss. Very likely the loss on the contents will foot up to nearly $3,500 , as very little of the stuff can be saved. The building will need a thorough overhauling , a new roof and a new second story floor , which will cost proba bly t-,000. To Suppre * * .Mob Violence. AUSTIN , Tex. , Feb. 21. In the senate to day Mr. Baldwin Introduced a bill to sup press mob violence , to provide damages for any person killed by a mob to the surviving relatives , and to duilne , prevent and punish official neglect by removal of the sheriff. A concurrent resolution was adopted by the legislature endorsing Hon. C. B. Gllguro for appointment as minister to Mexico. Will Not Sell Thrlr I-uniU. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Feb. 21.-The Shoshonc Indians , from whom a government commis sion has been trying to purchase part of the Shoshone reservation , have refused to part with any of the lands in the southern | rt of the reservation. As this Is the portion particularly wanted by the government , the refusal blocks all the negotiation * by the present commissioners. Tfl PI TTT t\TATIIPn OfV t TAIA TO ELECT AMITIILR SENATOR Republicans of Kansas Determined to Con test Judge Martin's Claims. WAGGENER OF ATCHISON THEIR CHOICE ThotiRh a Democrat lie U Treferred to the 1'HTorlteof ( he Poiull | < tn .V roil That He Will llo iiceteil. : TOIT.KA , Kan. , Fob 21. [ Special Telegram to THE BBE. ] At the conclusion of the re publican senatorial caucus last night a com mlttee of three was npiiohitod to confer with the democrats and request them to agree on a democratic candMat" for United States senator. Tonicht the republican ! committee was hanJed the following communication signed by Cham bers of Commauche and Meagher of Lcaveti- worth , the democratic me'mbers who refuse to recognlfo the populistshousjoivatiization : "In compliance with your report the demo cratic members of the house of representa tives unanimously submit the namoof Hon. B. P. Waggoner for United States senator and request your co-operation In his elec tion. " Edward Carroll of Lcavenworth and Colonel nel A. A. Harris of Fort Scott both with drew from the race toJay and tonisrht Car roll went before the republican caucus to urge Waggoner's romination. The republi cans are Inclined to support W. H. Rossing- ton , a democratic lawyer of this oily , but the democratic members arc confident that they can force them to eono : to Waggoner. Mr. Waggencr is the general attorney of the Missouri Pacific roatt and one of the leading lawyers of this state. I'litnru Course of the Itepubllcans. The republicans claim that after the su preme co'irt has decided against the populist house organization enouxli members will come to the house to give the republicans a clear constitutional mntorlty and that a senator will bo locally elected. With Chambers and Moagher the repub licans have eighty-two votes , one less than ft constitutional majority , but they assert that since two seats have been declared vacant eiehtv-three votes are not necessary. It Is claimed by the friends of Mr. Wag goner that the scheme for electing a United States senator originated with the demo cratic leaders in Washington nnd that the senate will seat after March 4 any reputable democrat who can get a constitutional majority of the Kansas legislature. It is further asserted that President Cleve land has been disgusted with the fight In the Kansus legislature and had intended to np- ppint ex-Governor Glick as secretary of ag riculture before it arose. Hi3 appointment of Morton of Nebraska , who fought fusion In that state. U taken nj the friends of Wag goner to mean that he is opiosed to the popu list way of conducting political lights. Dr. S. F. Neclv , mayor of I/cavenwortb , who has been with Senator Martin iu Wash ington , arrived here tonight to look after the interests of his uLlef. In an interview ho said that each member of the democratic senatorial steering committee had assure * } him that Martin had legally elected and would be seated. He further asserted that Senator-Martin had held a long confen flico With President-elect Cleveland that the president approves ! of the deal In Kansas. IT Isi NOW I.V COUKT. Kaunas' Politic * ! SqnaUhule in a Fair Way to lie Settled. TOPEKA. Kan. , Feb. 21. The supreme court this morning took up the case of S. C. Gunn , who ap plies for a release by proceeJiujs In habeas corpus from the custody of C. C. Clcvenger , sergcant-at-arms of the Douglass or republi can house. Gunn. U will bo remembered , obligingly agreed to place himself in con tempt of the Douglass house in order that the lawyers of the republican state central com mittee might make a test of the legality of the Douglass house. In the supreme e-oart this morning , when the case was called , the little court rooin was filled with interested spectators , among them being the principal orMecrs of the rival houses and prominent politicians of both sides. The famous controversy in this case was stilted by nn attorney representing the petitioner , then F. Garver followed fir the Douglass house , and ho was followed by Judge Dover for the Dunsmoro house. Judge Dover asked upon whom the burden of proof would i-es.t. Chief Justice Norton held that it would rest ui > on the petitioner. Hero the lawyers for the Dunsmoro housa entered a protest , arguing that the burden of proving their case should rest upon the republicans. The attorne.s for the Douglass house took the contrary view and Judge Webb for the Dunsmorc house closed the argu ment by reading the statute on the subject. The argument seemed to put a different phase on the situation , and the court , aftet a brief consultation , ordered that the burden rest upon the Douglass ludse. This was a , point for the Dunsmore house. The examination of witnesses then pro ceeded. Frank L. Brown , chief clerk of tha Dousbiss house , was examined this morning. This afternoon Speaker Douglas , Messrs. Cubblson , Brown and Bt-n Rich , clerk of tha populist house , testified In the cass. Noth ing now was elicited by their testimony , anil court adjourned until U o'clock tomorrow morning. It is doubtful when a decision will bo reached in the case. There are so many law yers that if all avail themselves of the right j to Interpose objections In examining wit nesses and make speeches , they may bo able to drag the cas ? along for a week. This , it is understood , will b3 the policy of the populists , in order that they may pass all bills on their caucus program , nnd adjourn the legislature without delay before tha court can reach a deislon. . I.AWSOVS NIHVI : : wo.v. KITorts to Oust the Speaker of ( ho South Dakota I [ OHM * Defeated , PIEKKE , S. D. , Feb. Ul. ( Special Tclsgratn to THE BEE. ] The most interesting incident of the session occurred this afternoon. At U o'clock , the hour of special order , the speaker declared the house In committee of the whole , on the World's fair bill and called Price to the chair. The clerk began to read the bill. Packer. Hooker , Belk and others dcnlexl that the house was in committee , ' , stating- that the ] > ewer to effect this was In the house alone and not the speaker. A short , sham wrangle ensued and it was moved that the bouso go Into committee of the whole , but Hoe | > cr denied that any one was lawfully In the chair and moved that the house t-hoosa Price speaker pro tomporo. Lynch seconding. Things looked squally. In another minutu the speaker pro teiniwe would htivo been elected , after which the ousting of I xwson would be easy. The latter possesses con , summate nerve , and with long btridcs ha reached his desk , grasjied the travel , struck a resounding blow , commanded the house to be In order , and , expanding his resonant , voice to its full capacity , facing Hooper , with stem searching glance , he deliberately and with every word emphasized , stated that he acted fully within the mils and In pursuance of dignified action of the house yosterday. The opixmltlou melted away , and the speaker was master of the house. The house then resolved itself into tec of the whole and the debate ensued. The house in the evening sobslon tonight I | iassed the World's fair oil ! appropriating | fJO.UOO and appointing nine men and w < .meu < commissioners. The vuto stood GO to ID , the. . senate having passed the amended bill till * [ afternoon. It now goes to thegovcrnor , who will sign it promptly. It is understood lhat. the old commission will be reappolnttxt ,