Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Visible Supply of Wheat Uneipectedly
Showed a Decrease Yesterday ,
Dtcllne In the Price of Hog * Wni One
Jlcnion Amilned _ for the Weakness
In I'rovliloni Elevator Hootn
llccomlne Very .Scarce.
CHICAOO , 111. , Kob. 20. The visible supply of
wheat unexpectedly .showed a decrease todny
and turned sentiment to the bull side. The
market closed nt an Improvement of % c. Corn
wns weak under continued Now York liquida
tion of long dtuff nnd declined /ic compared
with Saturday's closing prices. Provisions
were weak and lower all the session , nnd
rested wllb losses of 20c In pork nnd 2Wc In
lard und rib1) .
Wheat started off extremely weak with but
little business ! cables were lower ; domestic
markets heavy. A considerable Increase in
the visible supply was expected and the New
York stock market was reported rather
panicky. All this affected the market hero
qullo unfavorably , and there was quite free
selling for n tlmo under which wheat went off
to ! Jc below the panic Ilguro of last week , and
It looked for a tlmo as though It was bonded
for a still lower level. Later thcro was a sud
den change for the better , and n quick advance
of le from the lower point , but much of the
mnrovoment wits lost.
The advance' wns almost onllicly duo to the
surprlM ) furnished by the visible supply ,
which , Instead of showing an Increase , made
a ( lecien ti of 760,000 bu. Tills created mo-
mcnlnry nlnrin among those who had sold
curly , nnd thcro wns something of u scramble
to get back Ibo whcnt. The ellquu brokers
eninvil to bo buying a good dual of July on the
wi-ak Npolx , bitlon llui rallies sold moderately
of May. The opening wns nbout tboiHiinni ns
Katurday's close ; ruled weak nnd declined \ffb \
aO , then bernmu stronger , nnd ufler one or
two fluctuations ndvnnccd le for May and H < -
for July , then eased oil' V , held steadier , nnd
IhuclosliiK was iC for May undue for July
from hotIdii , UKUIUS.
The ii'porl of the I'orn Tnuln News that the
Argentine shipments were 2,2(10,1)00 ( ) bu. the
past forlnliihl , Iho largest on record , bad u
Tlieie wns home reference to the clovnlor
room bolnjr scarce , that probably not to exceed
nbout 1,000,000 till , working capacity ro-
innlned In the elevators beio and that vessel
room was also pretly well taken up. It wns
also icmarkcd Hint. It wns on the belief that
Moragc room would be soon all taken that the
combination , If any existed , n as bnyjng wheat ,
thinking that the market could bo thun con
trolled IIIOIP easily.
In corn there wns a continuation of the de
sire to lliiilditi' | : noted during thu closing day * *
of last. week , although the decline brought fair
covering of short lines which .showed a prollt.
The weakness in the stock market mndo itself
felt nnd outside .speculative orders were
largely on the selling side. May delivery was
u part of the time relatively weaker than
July , the dlft'ororico widening lo % c premium
for the latter.
Longs liquidated freely Inoatsnnd thowenk-
ness In corn nlso alTcetcd the market. There
wns good buying by shorts , nnd after a decllno
a rallyof M < " followed , but thu close was easy
nta net loss for the day of } fe.
The reports from the yards of a decllno of
from fie to lOc In the urlco of hogs was 0110
reason assigned for the weakness In provisions.
J'nrdrldgo was a vigorous pounder of pork ;
Logan , Mllcliell nnd Scliwartz-Dupeo were free
Fellers. Nelson Morris , I.nmson llros. and
Kwlft wcro the most prominent buyers.
Kstlmnted receipts for tomorrow : Whcnt ,
200 cars ; corn , 400 ears ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs ,
15,000 head.
Thu leading futures ranged as follows :
llAlll.KY No. 2 , C4c ( No. 3 , f. o. b. ,
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 365.Gc. )
TIMOTHY Siisi > 1'rlmu , J2.00S:4.40. :
1'oitK-JlesH , per bhl. , J18.75 ; lard , per
100 Ibs. , 912.85 ; short ribs sides , ( loose ) ,
8tO.30M10.4U ; dry salted shoulders , ( boxed ) ,
! J.87i'10.00 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , $10.00
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
SiraAns Unchanged cut loaf , 5H@5ii- ;
granulated , 5ic ! ; standard "A , " 5c.
The following wuru tlio receipts and ship
ments for today :
Omaha Cniln.
The weolc opened with the market quiet. In
ympathy with the eastern markets. The
grain business of the whole country appears
tobo passing through a period of dullness.
Not long ago country buyers were receiving
any number of bids dally where they are not
now receiving any.
The following prices are for delivery at
Mississippi river points ;
WIIBAT No. 2 spring , 68'Jc bid ; No.
spring , 58cbld ; No. 2 winter , OBc bid ; No.
hard , G3c bid.
UVB No. 2 , 62c bid.
OATS No. 2 white , 33c bid ; No. 3 white ,
82c bid ,
COUN No. 2 cash (10 ( days shipment ) , 37J/C
bid , St. Louis terms ; No. 3 or better , cash ,
B7Uc bid , 37iu asked ; No , 2 , March shipment ,
37Mc bid ; No. 3 or better , March , 37c bid , St.
1/ouls terms.
Among the sales wcro : BO cars No. 2 corn ,
Omaha terms , April shipment , 30c.
II. E. Dunphy of Seward was looking over the
A. I ) . Sears came In from Grand Island to
look over the situation.
Mr , Smith of the linn of lllgger fc Smith , Lin
coln , was among the visitors on the board.
8. A. McWhorler has returned from a trip
to the Hot Springs , where ho loft ills family.
Ocorgo Sims of the llrm of Sims fc Iloughton ,
I'ortbmouth , la. , was among Iho visiting grain
James Hodgoof the firm of Paddock , Ilodgo
ft Oo. of Toledo was looking over the Omaha
grain market. ,
Omulm Produce .Market.
The week opened with Iho usual featureless
market of a Monday. 1'rlces generally were
ubout steady , llay , however , made a llttlo
better record for Itself.
Al'ii.KSStocks held .
- are at ? 3.60a4.00 for
fair to choice stock.
IIANANAS Quoted at $2.0032.50 per bunch
HKANSCholco navy. $2.25.
IIUTTBH The arrivals are considerably
larger than they were a few days ago and
tliero Is an easier feeling In the market.
1'acklng stock sells down to about 18c , while
good country roll goes largely at 1020 ( % An
occasional package of oMra Cholco roll brings
CAUtOHNI A ( 'AIlllAdK 1'er 11) . , 2MC.
CKI KH YI'er doz. , 40c.
t'ltANliKituiKsHull and bugle , $10.50 ; Jer
sey Capo fo l , J0.60.
Kims- The majority of sales were made at
23e. Heavy receipts would tend to lower the
market very materially.
11 AMU- Small rabbits , J1.50 ; Jack rabbits ,
ilAV-Tlio market was a llttlo tinner and
dales generally were made at f ll.02&7,00.
lllliis : NH. I green , 3Sic ; No. 1 green salted ,
45c ; No. 2 green hailed , 3Uc ; No. 1 green
nailed , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 4U i No. 2 green salted ,
25 to 40 Ibs. , 3 e ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. ,
7'iflNo. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. . 514CI No. 1
dry Hint , tWic ; No. 2 dry Hint. 45Vic ; No. 1
dry united , Siftie ; nlrt ; cured hides H per cent
per p-itind less than fully cured.
lIiNiv : fholco to fancy whlto clover. 18 ®
i0ci ! fair to good. KMTilttc.
I.KMONHChoice , M.603. 75 ; fancy , J4.OO.
MAIMIIA aii.u'is-liiodshlpi : ( > | [ igKtc > olc , } 3,50.
NK.W VitiKTAiil.l : > s-Lettucij , radishes anil
jmndoy , 46i * ix-r iloz ; green onions 4Oo.
NDTHLargu hickory , 11.60 ; black walnuts ,
. . .
ONIONS Homo grown , f 1.20 ( 1.25 per bushel ;
rijuin > . | iaMTcruteifl.'Jl > a'J.LKi.
OllAMIKS l-'loi Ida fancy , per box , 13.50 ; flvo
ti ) leu box loU , f3.25 ; rilssotts. t3.0lX3
a.25 | Mexican oriinu'dx.hliighi ) > o.\es , (3.25 ; live
til Ion hot loin , tU.OOi fullfornla mountain
craiureH , 82.60 ; nu vols , 4.)0. (
OVBTKIISOyhturH are bolng olfored at 1C ®
gfMiiorrim. nhlHi Uu reduct oiii.f 4c uercan.
I'oi'l.THV ' flioli'o and hinull chickens , l ( > ii ;
lurtfo uud lou-'h , tiuOct choice turkeya
inflHci rough nnil poor , 12ftl3et RPOIO nnd
ducks , choice , lliilici tioo r , U 10c.
I'OTATOM-Only amnll lots moving from
utoro. Wciturn Nobrnskn stocU U ouotrd at
B&c ) UtAh nnd Colorado , ll.Witil.lo ; choice
nntlvo. 76 80c.
HWKET I'OtATOMThorc ftro a few lu the
market which aronclllng at It. 50.
TANOElilNi:8-In : half bo r < $3.00.
VKAICholco and amall fat voals , 7ffl9ci
largo and thin , 3&Gc ,
Ncir York , Uirketi. :
Nr.w YonK , I'ob. 20--Ki.ouu llpcolpti , 24 , .
040 pkgfl. : exports , 1,020 bbls. , 17,142 SICKS ;
fftlRs , 0,260 pkgg. ; market ncKlected , weak ;
winter wheat , low grades , e2.102.65 ; winter
wheat , fair to fancy , J2.6&fl2.75 ; winter wheat
patents , t3,85@4.2& , Minnesota clear , I2.6CK2
8.60 ; Minnesota straits , l3.OOUJ.OOi Minnesota
patents , 14,2535.00.
COHN MuAtr-Uull , steady ; yellow western ,
HYK Nominal ; western , COSCSc.
11AIU.EY Kirni.qulof western , CoaflOc : No. 2
Toronto , 84'i585c. '
IIAin.r.Y MAW Dull , steady ; western , 06 ®
86c ; city made Uanada , $1,00 ti 1.05.
WIIKAT Receipts , 6,426 bu.l exports , 83,000
bu , ; sales , 2,010,000 bu. futures , 10.OOO bu. of
spot. Spot market quiet , steady ! No. 2 red ,
in slorij and elevator , 70e ; alloat , 70' ' < c ;
f. o , b. , 78 > ift 0c ; No. 1 northern , 84Jc ! ; No. 1
hard , 87Jia8c ; No. 2 northern , 3c. Op
tions were fairly active and Irregular , declin
ing ? 5J'c { on easier cables , weak west nnd free
selling , advanced ? > ' < i iO on expected huge de
crease In visible , declined ? fQ.'io on largu Ar
gentine shipments lately , advanced ! < c on
shorts coveting , closed llrm and unchanged to
'iC under Saturday ; sales included No. 2 red ,
March. 77Uf'77Ic { , closing at 77 ic ; May , 7U i
B803-10c , closing ut 80c ; July , HO'iiiial'ic.
closing at 81 > .tc. Slocks of grain In store and
alloat I'ehrimry 18 : Wheat , 12.294,716 bu. ;
corn , 702,103 bu. ; oats , 1,4711,800 bu. ; rye.100-
072 bu. ; barley , 334,601 bu. ; malt , 27,130 bu. ;
peas , 18,401 bu.
UOIIN Keceits | ) , fi4,800 bu.j exports , 30,601
1m. ; sales , 825,000 bu. futures , 55,000 bu. spot.
< pots very llrm , scarce and dull ; No. 2 , 624c
n elevator , 53ic ! afloat ; steamer mixed ,
61'462'ic ; No. 3 , 40JJO ! < c. Options were
active , declining on easier cables , weak
west , Increase In visible and freer offerings ,
idvanced ! gc and closed llrm at > > ® IiC below
Saturday ; March , 51'i < a51iC , closing at
5Hic ; May. SO'jiftSO'ic , closing ut 60 ? c ;
July , 6oi ( jrjle , closing at 61c.
OATS Kecelpts , 50,700 bu. ; exports , 0,931
> u. ; sales , 40,000 bu. futures , 130,000 bu. spot.
pots steady , active , easier ; options dull ,
UNIT , weak ; March , 37 c ; May , 377i38cc ;
closing at 38e ; spot , No. 2 , whlto , 40idi40ic ? ;
No. 2 Chicago , 38ic ! ; No. 3 , 37c : No. 3 white ,
3U3440cj mixed , a7i3Q'fCi ! whlto western ,
HAY Firm , fair demand ; good to choice , 76
imrs--jimii , weak ,
limns Moderate demand , steady.
CUT Mi.VT.s-t > ulot. steady ; middles dull ,
easy. Lard , ( inlet , ca y ; western steam closed
J13.10 bid ; sales , Gf > 0 tlercesatll3.10@13l'J'J ;
city , $12.51) ) , sale * , bO tierces. Option sales ,
lone ; Maroh.f 13.10 ; May , $13.10 ; July , $12.70.
I'ork , quiet , steady ,
lltrrrnii Qulol , steady ; western creamery ,
-Moderate demand : steady.
KflilH Kali demand , steady ; leceipts , 0,005
pkgs : western fresh , 20c.
TALLOW I'lrin ; scarce.
COTTON SBKD OnQulct , easy ; crude. 57o
asked ; yellow , 03c.
l'KTiior.iiiM-Qulot : ; steady ; United closed
60'ic for .March.
KOSIN Quiet , firmer ; strained , common to
good , tl.4D&.1.60.
Tuni'CNTiNK Quiet , steady.
HICK Active ; llrm.
MOLASSKS Now Orleans open kettle , good to
choice , good demand , llrm.
SuoAit-Haw , quiet , steady ; fair refining
33 3-lCc ; centrifugals , 00 test , 3 ? ® 3 13-lGc ;
sales none. Kollncd , easy , quiet ; oil A.4 5-10 ®
4fic ; mold A , 41i5 1-lOc ; standard A,5a ®
4 13-lOc ; confectioners A , 4'j4 ll-16c : cut
loaf , 55 ! 7-10c ; crushed , 6'4j.6 ( ( 7-lCc : pow
dered , 4 % @ 5 11-1 Oc ; granulated , 4 . ® 4 15- lOc ;
cubes , 4 7-1G615 11-ltic.
1'ifl Iiio.vQuint , steady ; American , $12.75
© 15.50.
Coi'i'isn Dull , steady ; lake , 111.05.
I.KAD Qalot , demand steady.
Ti.v-Steady ; Straits. $20.20.
St. I.ouU
ST. Louis. Jlo. , I'ob 20. FLOUU De
pressed by icceiit weakness In wheat ; patents ,
$3.403.nO ; extra fancy , $3.053.16 ; fancy ,
J2.GO i2.70 ; choice , I2.25S2.35 ; family , $2.00
WIIIIAT Opened 'i'fc higher , slid off ? i ®
ijc , react oil JtC , relapsed and again shot up ,
closing l-10u higher than Satiirday ; cash
G7ic ; February , G7c bid : March , C8Jic bid ;
May , 70'ift719 c ; closing , 71'ic ; July , 71.ii2) ( )
72'ic : closing , 72'/5c.
COII.N Swaniiied by liquidation ; closed ? ac
down ; cash , 37 ? c ; February and March , 38c.
OATS Active , lower ; cash , 32c bid ; May ,
KYEAND IIAIILP.Y Kccolvcd no attention.
COHN MBAL KIrm ; J2.05ft2.10.
1'liovisiONS Very dull ; shaile easier with
no quotable change.
RECEIPTS Flour , 10,000 bbls : wheat , 42,000
bu. ; corn , 201,000 bu. ; oats , 51,000 bu. ; rye ,
none ; bnrloy , none.
Siiii'MKNTS Flour. 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 11-
000 bu. : corn , 124,000 hu.i oats , 7,000 bu. ;
rye , 2,000 bu. ; barley. 1.000 bu.
Colteo .Market.
NEW YORK , Feb. 20. Options opened barely
steady , unchanged to 15 points lower ; closed
steady ; 16 to 30 down ; sales , 22,500 bags , in
cluding February , $17,15 ; March , $17.00 ®
17.15 ; April , $10.75 ; Mav. $10.051G.85 ;
June , $10.557410.75 : July. SlG.50@lG.65j Sep
tember , $10.502110.55 ; December , $10.15 ®
10.30. Spot HIo , dull , nominal ; No. 7 , $17.75 ®
Rio DP. .TANniuo. Fob. 18. Firsts ordinary ,
14,200 rols per 10 kilos ; good second , 13,000 Hecelpts during the week , 75,000 bags ;
purchases for the United States , 25,000 bags ;
shipments for the United Status , 60.000 bags ;
stock 207,000 bags.
SANTOS , Fob. 18. Coffee , good average 12-
200 rels per 10 kilos. Kocelpts during the
week were 70,000 bags ; purchases for the
United States , 24,000 hags ; shipments to the
United States , 02,000 ; stock , 102,000 bags.
Cotton Market.
NIJW YOIIK , Fob. 20. Hubbard , Price It Co.
say : Until the l.ibor troubles In Lancashire
are settled , splnnors are but moderate buyers ,
though their purchases of 8,000 bales at 1-lGd
advance compare favorably with their
takings for many weeks past. The future
market opened llrm , but lost the Improvement
on reali/.lng .sales to secure profits , closing
steady at last night's prices.
Nnw OIII.KANS , La. , Fob. 20. Good demand ;
middling , Oc ; low middling , 8 < 4'c ; good
ordinary , 8 ? c : net receipts , 6,108 bales ;
gross , 5,338 bales ; bales , 9,065 bales ;
stock , 338,037 bales.
NEW OHLKANS , La. , Feb. 20. Fair and
steady ; sales , 00,200 ; February , $8.02 bid ;
March , $8.828.03 ; April , $8.9038.99 ; June ,
$9.100.12 ; July , $0.170.10 ; September ,
$8.87 , bid ; October , $8.87 bid.
llrltlill Uriilu Tr.ldu Kovlew.
LONDON , Fob. 20 , The Mark Lane Express
In Its re v low of the Hrltlsh grain trade says :
Kngllsh grain is firm , Gd to Is lower than
early In the month In forty of sixty markets.
In London there has been an average
advance of Gd. Foreign wheat is steady
In London for red winter and Calcutta ,
but weak for California. American Hour
Is 3d down on the weiik. The homo
deliveries ot wheat and flour have
amounted to 37,000 quarters. Wheat Is ex
pected from Australia to the amount of 200-
000 quarters , and from Hussla to the amount
of 66,000 quarters. Corn has risen In eight
markets out of thirty. The demand exceeds
the shipments from America and Kussla com
_ City .Utrkots. :
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. 20. WHEAT
Steady ; No. 2 hard , 50BGOc ; No , 2 red ( on basis
Missouri river ) , ti2K@ < S4c.
COHN While steady , mixed He lower ; No. 2
mlxoil , 34c ; No. 2 whlto , 35H35'Jc.
OATS-Slow ; No. 2 mixed , 20'/J30c ; No. 2
whlto , 31i1t32o. !
HIITTKH Steady , unchanged ; creamery , 24 ®
27Uc ; dairy , 1720c.
Kods Active , unsettled ; 20a20'Jc.
UKCIUPTSWheat , 40,000 bu. ; corn , 13,000
bu , ; oats , none.
Silli'MKNTS Wheat , 00,000 bu. ; corn , 10,000
bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
New York Dry ( iniuls Market.
NEW YOIIK , Felr 20. In dry goods
was affected somewhat by Iho return ofsuvoro
cold weather , following a heavy MIOW fall , hut
the orders by mall were numerous , showing
the breaking up of blocks lu distributors
hands. Wants wotegemiral , embracing almost
everybody , and of moderate sUo. Slocks are
light and there is enough doing to keep thu
market In good shniK ) and Him In tone The
tone In all woolen fabrics has Improved of lato.
llufclness In clothing woolens Is about over.
l.lvurtiiol .trir.cuU ,
Livp.ui'OOL , I'Vh. 20. WIIKAT K-isy ; demand
poor ; holdurs oll'er moderately ; No. 1 Califor
nia , Gs 3ditGs 4d per cental ; No. 2 red , winter ,
Ds'Jijd5s lO't.d ,
COHN Qulot , demand fair ; mixed western ,
old , 4s Gd percental ; now , 4s ? 4l. (
LAUD I'rlmo western , tllsid ; ! pircwt.
LlNtiEKl ) OIL 22s 2d per cwt ,
Cincinnati Or.tln Murkrtt.
CINCINNATI , O. , Fob. 20. WIIIUT Quiet ;
No. 2red. 7ia72i ; .
COIIN - Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 43f444c. !
OATS btr.mgor ; No. 2 mixed , U4c.
WlllSKY-Flrm. $1.17.
l'iMrli ( irnln Alarket.
I'uouiA , 111. , Feb. 20. COHN Active ; No , 2
38'iCi.No ' , 3,38c.
OATS-Activc : No. 2 , whlto , 33i34c ! ; No. 8
KYI : "b
YUlhlo Supply of drain.
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 20. Visible grain supply :
Wheat , 80.210,000 bu , corn. 14.708,000 bu , ;
oats , & ,0t > 7,000 bu.j rye , 017,000 bu. ; barley
U.lOS.OOObu. /
MlniiiiaimliM U'liPiit Mirket.
MINNKAI-OI.IS , Minn , , Feb. 20-Tradlng was
maiki l clo-eilronslderably lower No , 1 north-
urn , t&lic ; No. 2 uurlhfiu , 03c. Kocelpts , 4'J
. Olowt Kobrunry , 041ci May. ct
70WC. On track i No. 1 n ij A7 * * . } No-
norlhorn , 05Hci No. 2 northern , 0203c.
riiltadclpliln Ornlu iiiirkot.
I'niLAnRMMIIA , 1'a. , Fob. 20.-\VllKAT-
iRht nnd of a scattering . uaturo today , fash
hill and lower ; No. a red , February , 75 ? <
CoiiS'-Ontlon-i weaker ; No. 2 mixed , Fcbru-
" ' '
'O'ATS-III car lots qulot but stcaily ; notlitnit
doing In futures. _ .
Itnlthnoro Ornlu .
iu : , Mil. , Fub.20.-WiiKAT-Irrcgular
and lower ; No. 2 red , spot and ! $ > * " * * * ; % :
Con.i-F.asy ; mixed , spot aiidMarch , 47i ? ®
CJAT8gtcady ! No. 2 whlto western , 41o
Toledo drain .Market.
TOLF.UO. O. , I'ob. 20. WitEAT-Actlvo and
firm ; No. 2cash and February , 72c.
COHN Active , steadyt No. 2 cash , 42'ie. '
OATS Quiet nnd steady cash , 30c.
HiiHlnenn Uriel * .
W. II. Hecves fc Co. at Gothenburg Is selling
0. II. NIckodemiH has botisht out Arthur
Gibson's stationery business at l < rcmi > nt.
Thomas Fur o , In the boot and shoo business
it Alma , has been succeeded by M. .1. 11 urse.
A. II. Clark has been succeeded In the hard-
vato business at Wlnslde by Tracy fc Dlxou.
Inglls Hros. . carriage makers at 1'awneo City ,
lavoglvuna bill of sale covering tliolr stock.
The Hullder Supply company of Omaha has
ncorporntcd with capital stock placed at
I ) . W. Hlslng fc Co. , In the general store busl-
iosiat Hlslng City , lias been succeeded by I ) .
W. Hlslng.
FHKMONT , Neb , . Feb. 20.-tSpaclal to Tin :
IKK , ] The J. II. itremor sta-k of dry goods
and Bhoes was this afternoon sold to Joel A.
lalley fc Co. of Philadelphia for $5,277.5010
satisfy several chattel mortgages.
Inorinocis Liquidation of ItcadliiB the
IViitiiro oftlivU.ty.
Nnw YOHK. Feb. 20-Wall street was
reatcd again today to a continuation of the
enormous liquidation In Heading and the
transactions lu that stock were oven greater
ban on the preceding two days , very
closely approximating 1,000,000 shares In
hat stock alone. The further concessions In
ts price were on a parity with the amount of
Hislnessdonc , 8J ? per cent marking the ox-
rome ducllno and at. the close It was only two
percent better , showing a not loss of 0 ? per
cent for the day. There was an active busi
ness In the general list which nt any tlmo
would have made a largo day , but the Interest
n the Heading episode completely eclipsed
hat In anything ulso.
Itoarly became whispered that a receiver
ship must follow and u decline of nearly 7 per
cent was established , but reassuring ills-
latches from Philadelphia started a covering
if shorts and a rally of over 2 per cent was
> rought about. The olllclul announcement of
the fact followed , however , and a drop of 4 pel-
lent to the lowest price of day was the
mmedlato result. The excitement attending
ho enormous transactions was great Indeed ,
nit was not so pronounced as the Immense
Igures would bcem to Indicate. Wall street
s , as It were , a spectator of the contest and
seemingly has nothing to lose whichever party
jecomes the possessor , and three days of ex-
treino depression In Heading and its allied
stocks , fallowing a period of depression among
: ho Industrials , has failed to cause a bingle
lallure on the street.
The feeling , It cannot bo denied , was rather
panicky , not only In Heading , but also In Now
England and Northern Pacltlc preferred. At
the opening New Kngland on comparatively
small transactions dropped oven more rapidly
than Heading. At the decllno Ityas met with
oed support and recovered nearly the entire
loss , closing at the highest prlco of the day
with a net. deellnoof only l't. Northern Pacific
preferred was sold heavy early in the day on
the developments between the stockholders'
committee and the management. An opening
decline of nearly 3 per cent was fallowed by
further recession to 43 , nnd although the
pressure to sell was abated , the stock rallied
feebly , reaching 44'i at the cloo , which
showed a loss of 4J1 per cent for the day.
The receivership for Heading was Interpre
ted us marking thu final end of the coal com
bination and Iho oilier coal blocks , especially
Lackawauna and Jersey Central , totlred
sharply , each losing about 4 per cent. Few
other moments of Importance were seen In the
railroad list , but .Manhattan was weak again
and was driven down to 157 , but It rallied 2 per
cent and .it 150 showed a not gal n of 2U per cent.
St. Paul was especially weak and after a sub
stantial rally showed a loss of 1 percent. The
industrials , with the execution of Sugar were
not especially prominent In the dealings , but
considerable strength was shown in Cordut-'o ,
which rose lf percent for the day , while Chicago
cage Gas receded 1 ! > per cent. Sugar.sold
Heavily lu the early dealings und dropped
away from 123 to 120 , but Itisldo support
was forthcoming und it rallied to 125 } < j , being
the strong feature of the lute dealings. It
was uuablo lo hold the entire lully , and at
124i ! was up only ! i per cent for the day.
The following are the closing quotations of
the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today :
Atcblnon Murtburn i'ticiuc. . . .
Adams Uxprous. * . * . 15'J do preferred . 4IU
Allen , T. It U. 1' . Den. & Gulf. . . 15
do preferred 150 Northwestern . 112 %
American Kirpresi. . 117 do preferred . 145
Ilaltlmoro A Ohio. . VI N. Y. Control . 10SM
Canada Pacific Ki N. Y. AN. K . 40H
( nnnilu Southern. . . 65J1 Ontario A Western. ITU
Central 1'ncltlc 27 Orezon Imp . 20
Chos. & Ohio 2.hi ) Oregon Nar . 80
Cblcuito Alton 142 O. H. L , & U. N . 80SI
C.II.&Q 07 1'acino .Mall .
Chicago tins 8iM 1'corln , Doc. & 13. . . .
Consolidated On. . . l.Wii rittsblirc. . 155
O. C. 0. A St.A 51 I'ullman Palace. . . . .
Cotton Oil Cart 47K
Del. lludion. . . ! 1A4 ) ' IMcbmond Terminal 'JH
O. I , . A W 14H do preferred 35
U. Alt.O. pfd & 4 lllo 'JrandeV 2' { Rco 37 do preferred 0
KaHTcnn 4 Hock Island B3) ) {
ISrlo 23T { St. I. . Ac S. V. let pfd 75
do preferred ! > ! } 4 St. 1'nul " 7U
Fort \Vayno 155 do preferred l'-
Ut. Northern ptil . . 143 St. Paul & Omaha. . 6314
I' . & IS. I pfd 1U2 do preferred i8 !
IlncitliiK Vulloy. , . . . 23 Soutbern I'.iciac. . . . 31H
Illinois Central IH ? < dutrar Ilcflnery 121 %
at. I'auli Uuluth. . 43 Tcnn. Coal .t Iron , . 35
Kan. * Tor pfd. . . . 24K Texas Pacific 9
LakoHrleA West. . TiH I'ol , & O. Cent. pfd. 78
doproforrej 77Mi Union I'aclUo S | ) > $
Lake Shore 123 U. a. Exproin W
Lend Trust M W. St. I * ii' 12
I.ouls. A Nash. . . . . . . ? 4 } | do orofcrrod 24Ij
Louis. A Now Alb'jr. 231 $ \VollsFarKO Krp. . . 14B
Manhattan Con I5SK $ Western Union 5W
.Memphis A C 40 WhaolliiB A I * K. . . 111
MIcblKnn Central. . . lll ) ! < do preferred 61 %
MUsourll'nclHc W Minn A St. U ICh ;
llolilloA Ohio 81 I ) . & II. O ir.H
NaihTllloCliatt B8 General ICIoctrlc. . . . 100
Nnt'l Coriliiuo now , . 65J National Linseed. . . 36' '
do pruferroil . . . . 112 C. Fuel & Iron C9 > J
N.J. Central 1ZO ! < * do pro.erred Ill
Norfolk & W. pfd. . BJV Hous. ATor. Cen. . . UK
North .yucrlcan Cu 9 ?
* Asked.
The total sales of stocks today wcro 1,407,000
shares , Including : Atchison , ti.SOO ; llurllng-
toti , 0,400 : Chicago Oas , 18,000 : Cotton
Oil. llr > OC ) ! Lackawanna , 14,000 ; Distilling ,
10,500 ; Erie , 7,400 ; Louisville k Nashvlllo ,
0,300 : Manhattan. 3,300 ; Missouri I'uclllc ,
4,000 , National Lead , 0,200 ; National Cordage ,
17,000 : Now England. 70,400 ; Now Jersey
Central , 0,000 ; Northern I'acillc , 34,000 ; Head
ing. 058,000 ; Kock Island , 0,300 ; St. I'aul ,
41.000 ; St. I'aul & Omaha , 8,400 ; Sugar , 144- ,
000 ; Western Union , 10,000.
New York Money AInrkot.
New YOIIK , Fob. 20 , MONEY ON OAM ,
Was closer , ranging from 2M to 7 per cent , last
loan 2H per eont , closed at U'/4 p r cent.
1'ni.MR SlcitoNTII.I : 1'Al'EH 5S6 per cent.
STEIIMNO EXCIIANOE Quiet , easier , with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4UO for
sixty-day bills and ? 4.87ai for demand.
UOVKUNMKNT llo.NUS--Iull and easier. . Stata
bonds neglected.
The clohlng ( tuotations on bonds :
11. H. 4s rex . 11. ! Nurtnorn I'uo. inds H5 s
U. s. 4 coup . lli N. W. ronsols . 13S
U. H , t'4t ' ro . do dobon. 6s . Ill
I'aclllabs of 'Di. . . . S. U A I. M , ( Ion. 6s Ill8J
l.oulBlniuufpjd 4a 91 rf. U A 3. P. lion. M.
Tenn. nevr B3t Hi. . . 101 St. Paul Consols , : 1211
Tonn. new ot5s. . . 10J t. I' . U. A I' . lets. . . 117Vi
Teun. IIUIT . . 75 I' . I' . I. , ( i. Tr. Hcts. 7111 ,
Canada Ho. Inils. . . ! 0i ! { T. 1' . II. li.Tr. llcti. 27
I'un. I'aclflc Ists. . . . lui ) Union I'aclllolits. . lOil
I ) . A U. ( i. l ls . " "
I ) . Alt. Ii. 4s . . . U. V. lui.Y" ! ! 77M
Krle''udi . Atch. 4s * " 83W
M. K. AT. lion , fa , , 81 Mci ! 2Mis , clans A. & 5H
> l. K. AT. lien 5i. . 81H'.l | i. . II. ft H. A Cs. . . . 103
Mutual Unluu Hi. . II I ilJ 2il . " 13 HI
N. J. > : Int. i.'ort. . . II. AT. C. B 107H
.Nortliorn ! ' I H 'I. ft r. I ! fens. f.s. 107
Huston niuu.i Uilocltloiu.
HOSTON , Mass. , 1'ob. 20. t 'all loans , C7 per
cent ; tlmo pup-r , D'iUO'i pur cent. Tlio follow
ing nro tin ) closing htojk ( | uolntlons :
Atclil on * . .i'alunu > t , t llecla. . . 3IU
notion .t Albany. . . 217 | Franklin 13
lioiion A Mnlno . . . 217U7
( ' . , H. Jty U7 Oscjulu . . . : SIX
Knutern it. K. Os. . . 121 yulncy 134
Mtcbburv II. u. 'JJ Tauianirk 101
iC , M. J.A I'.ll.'n ISU' < Annlbon Land Co. . 23
I , . H. A Ft. r < 7 . . . . U7S , 'lloston l.nnd Co. . . 6
Jinan. Central 1'JIt 'an lik'uo Land Co 11)4 )
N. Y. A N. Mnjlan.1. 4U Went Knd Land Co 17K
do 7" Ill ) licit Telvplione. . . . 201
OldColonr 'Ml Lnmsun floru f 2.1I (
llutlandpiil 72 Water I'owor 2W
WIs. Central coin. . . II ' . .M , u
AIloiio M,1 o.njw ( ) tt V. K. T. AT 18
AlUntla vn II. A 11. Copoor 10W
lloaton .V Mont ! 3 ifn. KU-e . llrt
London Financial Itrvlow.
1X1,1 liy Jiinie.t nmilnn Ittnntlt \
LONDON , l' li. UO. [ Nuw York Herald Cable
Special to TUB llii.l : : The Mock markets
have not been iluvold of Interest , and while
business as a wholu lias b--eu qul-'t there has
been u good deal of f.\clt 'ini'iit in direc
tions. Consols nro ' per cent lower and In
dian Sterling M percent. 1'oiulgn government
n'CiirltlrscloMi r.nhur uu crialn. Asiegardu
H.tiili Amorlciui Uiu < > , Argi'iitlno , IWHO. imvu
way 1U porcwiit ; ArfciHluo fuudud li !
) or cent , nnd t'rugimyan Ii no 1 per cent
ewer , llonio { tallways Imvo bi-pn
nomuwliit duirr till any nnd nt the
nmo tlmn lnn-tlvp ( , no that changes
'st.ibllshed In prlcnsiCro not Important , There
ms Ijcoiii considerable u.tcltement lu Amerl-
cansatidat one fpnrliid In the nflornoon It
approached to aliliill/a panic , duo lo the heavy
selling orders frouYNow York. During the last
lour tha market twcntue quieter , nnd the ton-
lency nt Iho close , jvns slightly Improved , but
bore has not beiyi much rally In | irlcos. Phil
adelphia ft Hoadliirt , aTti'rtonchlng lO'i.closed
Ibt , bolng a Tall of 4 < l per cent.
\ llko docllitn was also estnbllshpd
n Philadelphia .V Heading first Income
> ends , Norfolk"1 tt Wcslorn preference
l > i per rout , Illlnrtld Contrail per cent and
1 to 1W percent In All others , Canadian Hues
uive been Hat In sympathy , Uruiid Trunk
Irst preference shftKlng a fnli of IS per cent ,
rand Trunk feriiU ) | , pioforonco H { porwnt ,
Orand Trunk guar.'uitt-oiUJ nerccnt and Caua-
11'in I'uclllc ? .i jier crnt. Mining shares were
very quiet. Jlonoy was lu good demand ,
'hort ' loans woru-thargcd l' { to 14 ! pnrci'iit.
n the discount nvnrkitt a fair number of bills
wore brought forward ; two and three months
were quoted at y to IS per cent.
Sail I'raiirljico .Mlnlii ) ; Stocks.
SANKllANClsco , Oal. . Teh. 20. The olllclal
closing quotations for mining slocks today
were as follows :
Mtn 16 Uixlo A.Norcross. . . . iu ;
lulncr 10 .Mexican 189
lelcbor 76 Opulr 215
lest A Ilclclior 170 I'otoM 130
lodlo Con 6 Savnuu 1'5 '
hollar 6' . Slcrrn Novnita 1:13 :
Ton. ( M. A Vn 265 Union Con 110
Crown Point 65 Utah 15
ioukl A Curry uj Yolloir Jnrkct l
Now York Mining quotations ,
NEW YOIIK , I'ob. 20. The following are the
closing mining quotations :
Jrounl'olnt H ) I'lvtuoutti i > 0
'on. Cnl. A Va 233 aiorraNa da 120
| ) e.idwond 1,10 standard UU
Jonld and Curry. . . . BO Union Con 101
Halo nnd Norcroas. 110 Yollon Jacket ( > 'J '
llomestnku IIM Iron Silver 65
Mexican 110 Quick Mlror oUU
Ontario IX'J do preferred 1490
Opblr 183 llulwer U
riunnckil Notes.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , l-'ob. 20. Clearings , $1-
1'Aitis , I'ob. 20. Three uer cent rentes , 08f
16c for the account.
Nuw YOIIK , I'ob. 20. Clearings , $80,420-
04U ; balances , $4,808,400. ,
HAI.TIMOUI : , Mil. , I'Vb. 20. Clearings , $1,900-
702 ; balances , $252,092. Money , 0 per cent.
LONDON , Feb. 20. Amount of bullion gone
nto the Hank of England on balance today ,
I'liii.ADKi.i'iitA , Pa. , 1'eb. 20. Clearings ,
$12,849,990 ; balances , $2,209,107. Money , 4
> or cent.
NEW OniK\N8 , La. , Feb. 20. Clearings II-
)22,323. New York exchange commercial ,
70o per $1,000 premium ; bank , $1.00.
1103TON , Mass. , l''ob.20. * Clearings , 813,447-
580 ; balances , 12,018,113. Money , 0 per
cent. Kvchango on Now York , 20300C dis
Sr. Louis , Mo. , Feb. 20.-Cloarlngs , $4,417-
039 : balances , $525,010. Money quiet , 07
) er cent. E.\cliango ou Now Vork , OUo dis
CiiiCAdO , 111. , Fob. 20. [ Special Telegram to
I'm : llti.l Exchange was quoted as follows
loday : Chicago , 70 ( > i8c ( ) discount ; Itoston ,
10S20C discount ; St. Loulf , 60c discount.
L'lllOAOO , Ill..Feb.20.-Clearlngs , $17,780,042.
Now York o.xcbango , 70S80c discount. Sterling
exchange , dull ; $4.80 ? for sixty-day bills :
4.83Ji for sight drafts. Money steady ut 0
® 0 cent.
per _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Good Hocolpts , Dull Trading nnd Lower
1'rlcos Open the \Vcok.
MONIIAY , Feb. 20.
The week opens with a fair average run.
Cecelptsof both cattle and hogs wcro some
what heavier than on last Monday , while
there were fewer sheep on sale.
The heavy run of cattle In Chicago and the
ewer market there acted as a millstone about
: he neck of the trade hero. Hacelpts were too
Iglit to admit ot u Very sorlou s break , but
lotwlthstandlng a very fair general demand
prices wore oil Oc to' lOc on about everything
, n the beef cattle lliu , GooJ 1,200 to 1,400-
, b. steers sold at from $4.00 to 34.75 , with fair
lo good 1,030 to 1,200-lb. steers at from $1 to
$4.30. $ CommonUb light stuff and odds
Hid ends sold down as low as $3.05.
UuslnebS was rather slow throughout
but under the circumstances there was a dis
position on the part of both buyers and sellers
to come to torrns-abd 'a ' very fair clearance
was finally effected.
Butchers' stock and dinners changed hands
at fully steady prices. There was a good line
of buyers ou Hand and the movement was
active from fctart'to ' finish. Hcally choice stock
was about us scarce as really poor stuff.
Prices ranged all the way from $1.75 to $3.76 ,
with the bulkof the desirable offerings at from
52.30 to $3.50. Good to choice veal calves were
In active demand and stronger ut from $5 to
fObut thcro was no particular change in the
common largo stock , which sold Indifferently
at around $2.00 to $4.00. Hough stock of all
kinds was in good demand and llriu at from
$1.95 to $3.70.
Business was very dull In the stacker and
feeder line. There was a very limited country
demand , and us the offerings happened to bo
unusually liberal prices went oil anywhere
from lOc to20c on all grades. Represen
tative sales ;
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
No.l ' . 940 3 65 34. . .1021 4 00
l ! ! . SCO 3 00 2. . .1100 4 00
2. . . 790 3 65 13. . . 983 4 00
6. . . 760 3 00 7. . .1024 4 00
o " . 790 3 70 21. . . 090 4 00
. 820 3 75 35. . .1070 4 10
23 . . 951 3 75 2. . .1410 4 10
13. . .1070 3 80 3. . .1200 4 15
17. . .1128 3 80 0. . .1120 4 20
2. . . 880 3 80 23. . . 1003 4 20
. 077 3 85 19. . .1174 4 25
. 703 3 90 12 " .1189 4 20
.1040 3 90 19" .1277 4 25
25. . 037 3 00 22 . 1120 4 20
1. . .1230 3 90 20i ! .1233 30
1. . .1200 3 90 G. . .1010 30
8. . . 078 4 00 21. . .1110 30
64. . .1108 4 00 20. . .1147 30
10. . . 078 4 00 20. . .1233 4 30
2. . .1070 4 00 25. . .1144 4 00
24. . .1085 4 00 31 .1228 4 50
14. . .1122 4 35 41. .1314 4 CO
21. . .1207 4 50 39. .1301 4 70
11. . .1320 4 50 38. .1420 4 70
10 1032 3 35 23. .1020 4 25
1. . . 8GO 1 70 0. , 1134 2 55
1. . . 780 2 00 18. . 1063 3 65
23. . . 810 2 00 1. . 900 2 65
1. . . 990 2 00 3. . 1040 2 70
2. . . 810 2 00 16. . 1073 3 70
4. . . 700 2 15 3. . 960 2 80
26. . . 814 2 10 4. . 002 2 80
7. . . 707 2 20 22. . 875 2 80
31. . . 774 2 20 2. . 1485 2 80
5. . . 888 2 20 6. . 950 2 80
2. . . 910 2 20 10. . 634 2 85
1. . .1000 2 20 1. . 1340 2 85
0. . . 700 2 25 2. . 830 2 80
0. . .1030 2 25 0. . 975 2 90
5. . . 904 2 20 8. . 860 3 00
3. . . 830 2 30 1. . 1100 3 00
2. . . 875 2 30 1. . 970 3 00
' . 892 2 30 4. . 825 3 00
is ! . . 909 2 30 19. . 682 3 00
1. . . 780 2 35 0. . H08 3 00
2. 810 2 30 19. . , 991 3 00
10. . . 820 2 35 18. . . 890 3 00
j ' .1080 2 30 14. . , 034 8 00
2 ! . . 805 2 35 , 920 3 00
9 . . 804 2 30 is ; ; 852 3 00
6. . . 640 2 30 49. . , 855 3 05
3. . . 876 2 35 4. . 1107 3 15
18. . . 870 2 40 3. . 1033 3 15
740 3 15
950 3 10
9SO 3 10
985 3 20
982 3 20
1320 3 25
800 3 25
1000 3 25
920 3 30
1071 3 40
1080 3 60
12eO 3 50
1138 3 50
991 3 50
1114 3 50
813 3 00
1142 3 50
1073 3 50
06f 3 70
1140 B 70
1056 3 40
U05 3 U5
130 5 00
210 0 50
186 5 60
13U 5 50
100 0 00
107 0 50
103 6 60
170 0 60
150 0 00
140 0 00
1190 2 85
1200 2 90
1350 3 OO
1000 3 00
1360 3 00
1800 3 10
607 3 10
1050 3 15
1000 3 15
1461 3 15
I13U 3 15
139tl U 25
2050 3 25
HlrtU 3 25
720 3 25
1&70 3 35
1 1420 2 70 21 no : i 40
1300 a ; n lu .1553 9 60
1 1080 2 75 . . .1020 n ro
a 75 . .1020 a 70
1 . . .140O a 80 l . . . .1730 a b5
1 . . . .1300 a HO
1410 200 1 1440 00
10 -KM a Oo 2. . . . 700 n 2
10 , a ID 8. . . . 723 n no
2. , 4H5 a 50 1. . . . 780 3 flti
7. , 002 a oo 8. . . . 770 0 36
12. . I4H6 a oo . . 850 n 35
20.n . , 704 3 15 311 . .10M3 3 75
n , 702 3 Id 1. . . . 850 n 75
17. , C > 42 3 26 20 . . .1098 3 05
1. , 720 a 25
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
27 fdrs..001 3 75
1 lees The hoc market wns lower nRnln to
day n decline of 16o lo 25c In two day. . All
eastern markets were lower , and nlthnugh the
offerings hero ( fresh nnd stale about 3,500
bead ) wereiiot at all heavy , with no shipping
and but llttlo speculative competition , local
buyers bad no dlflleulty In poundlni : thu mar
ket llo ) to IDc lower than Saturday's nverairo
trade , The rnnneof prices was comparatively
narrow. Choice heavy IIOKSold as lilitli'im
JSUO wlth common llKbt .stuff ns low nst7.85.
, however , It wns n
1..53II 5 50
SIIEKP Itecelpls wcro moderate , six loads ,
and the quality In general fair. There was a
good demand and prices ruled , strong on
desirable muttons , about lOc higher limn last
week. Homo 94-lb. western wethers brought
$5.00. Fair ( o good natives , J3.76U5.00 ; fair
to good westerns , $ ; ) .60 5.00 ; common and
stock sheep , I2.2.V33.76 ; good to choice 40 to
100-lb. lambs , M.OOS5.60. Koprcsontalho
sales :
No. Av. I'r.
30 77 3 50
1 buck 150 3 50
18 bucks 1211 8 00
1 buck 200 3 75
342 westerns mixed 102 435
200 western owes 07 460
57 western wethers 05 600
172 western wethers 04 600
Kccrlptsund nUpiMlllmi of Stock ,
Olllclal receipts and disposition of stock as
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the forty-eight hours ending at 5
o'clock . in. 1'ubruary 20 , 18U3 :
MOOS. sill ; 1:1 * .
'arB. llcnd Cars. [ lead
110 2Go 83 2.2IT 0 810
Omaha lacklng Co 31 ! 00
TtioC. II. Hammond Co . 2'JO 442 87
Bwlft & Co 732 442W.1 342
The Curtalij Packing Co . 4S'.I to3
A. Haas tS'J
It. Decker Jt DOKCII 40
Vanuatu A ( 'aroy. . 27
1.80 Uotlisclillil 6
Shippers nuil feedem
Leftover ! IOO
Total. 2.71ft 2.738
Chicago l.lvo Stock .Murlirt.
CHICAGO , 111. , Kob. 20. [ Special Telegram to
TUB llnu.l Cattle sold from lOc to 15c per 100
Ibs. lower. Such cattle as sold at frqm $3.75
to $4.85 on Krlday last were slow today at
from $3.40 to J4.75 , and cattle that were
saleable at from 15.25 to ffi.lOworo today
quoted at from 15.10 to $0.00. The murkul
was slow all day and weak at the decllno.
Good hogs whether light or heavy were
steadily held. Only a small part of the re
ceipts graded above common and as the
Inquiry was generally for something better
the inurkal far "off grades" was lower from
6c to lOc lower than Saturday. The close was
firmer than the opsnlng because of the fact
that the arrivals proved to bo .something like
3,000 head loss than the first estimates. There
was nothing here good enough to bring more
than $8.50 and only hero and thcro was thcro
a sale at better than $8.35. From $8 to
$8,35 took the largest nart , light weights soi
ling principally at from $7,05 to 18.10 and
from $8.16 to $8.30 buying most of the good
and medium.
The sheep and lamb markets were active
and firmer. Good sheep generally .soldfrom
5c to lOc higher than at the close of last week ,
and the advance In Iambi was oven more
marked. The receipts , which early were esti
mated at 12,000 , were pared down to 9,000
later In the forenoon and the close thero/oro
was quite strong. Choice to o.xtra sheep were
quoted at from 45.25 to $5.50 , and the best
grades of lambs were up to from $0.25 to $0.40.
I'oor sheep sold around $3.60 , and then light
lambs could bo bought at from $4,25 to $4.60.
Kecelpts ; Oattlo , 21.000 head ; hogs , 22,000
head ; sheep , 9,000 head.
The Kvqnlng Journal reports :
CATTLE Receipts. 21,000 head ; shipments ,
4.000 head ; market dull , 10fi4l5c lower ; best
. .0035.40 ;
kcrs and
lloos Receipts , 23,000 head ; hlilpnn ills ,
8,000 head ; market slow ; steady to lOe
lower ; mixed to goon packers , $7.957(8.25 ;
prime heavy and butchers' weights $8.30 ®
8.60 ; assorted light , { 8.0038.10 ; other light ,
$7.607.75. pigs , $5.501/0.50.
SIIEEI- Receipts , 10,000head ; shipments.600
head ; market steady ; natives , 4.2590.40 ;
westerns , $5.16@5.35 ; lambs $4.0030.25.
D. D FitAZEE , H. U. liooae Jr. , JAS. K Hoooi :
Pros. Vlco Pros Hocy & Treas ,
Capital $25,000 ; Omaha and Sioux City.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks and Bonds.
Room 212 New Tort Life Building
lown State National UnnU ,
Sioux City ; Commorelal National llauk.
Special attention clvon to outside orders ,
Corresponuoneo bollollo.l.
Jfnw York l.lvo .Stock Murkut.
NRW VOIIK , Kel ) . 'JO. llr.tvm Ki'rolnts ,
3,390 head , Including 45 cars for halo ; market
opened active. 10f p-r 100 Ihs. hlxlit'r , rlosi'il
dull , with advance lost ; natives , 94.OOfeC.GO ;
Colorado S1.0UQ4.20 ; Inills and cows , $1.70 ®
4,30 ; drcsxeil beef , dull ; blilOilc peril ) . ; bhlp-
My doctor nays It acts KtsHy on tha itoroaeh ,
llvrr and tcldnrrg. and Ii n plentant l&iiUye. TbU
drink la made from lierlx. and U prepared for tua
. It H railed
AII drueciMi sell It at toe. ami II A package. If you
cannot crt It. pnd your ajilrriui for n free wmplt.
I.nne'n I'nnillf Alt-illdnn inovr * I lie bowrli
cnrl ; < lnv. In orlrr tn lie liraltliy tliUU liri-tutrr ,
AUdrcau OllAlX r.F.
mcn tomorrow , 700 beeves null 4,053 ittnr- |
tors of beef
I'Ai.VKd Krorltits , 6,101 lipitd : umikct nrini
vonli ; . 3.00i4U)0 ! ) i > or 100 lln.t and
wostoriiciilve.i , t3.00i ( {
Sunup AND TMMHSllocclpts. . ni.lOS
markptslow bat mondyi sljcop , t3.OOSO.00 per
looitH.j lambs , 5.6 ( > ild,7fi.
lloos-lteci'lpin , 4,892 , InctmlliiR 2 cars for
sale ; market llrnii tHOlvtO.OO ; pur 100 llJ.
HniMiM t'll.v l.lvo stock Mnrkot.
KANSAS CITY. Mo. , I'eb. -CATTI.K -Ho-
COlpUi , 3,800 lioiidl shipments 1,000 linuilt
mnrlfct Kenerally Mondy. Hi-presontatlvo
saloi : Ptrort , $2.9jJJ5.40 ! rows and lu-lfers ,
2.2OB3.90 ; smokers nnil focilers. I2.COJ14.40.
Iloos-Heeclpti , 2,100 head ! sliluincnts , 200
lioad ; inarkel steady and stronu ; all grades ,
tO.UOas.'JO ; bulk , * 7.90as,10.
- , 2,600 , bead ; shipments ,
1-900 bi'iid ; tiinrkotslow and weak ; iniitlons ,
* 4.0030.00 ; top muttono , t5.25j lambs , JO.OO.
SI l.oilU I. U ( i Slock .Murlu-t.
ST. Ult-is , Mo. . I'Vb , 20-UATTi.i-Uei'olpts : ,
2,000 ; slilpini'iil i,400i no Rooil liallvi-Hon sale ; , lOc lower ; fi'dS3.70iJ4.30 ; grass ,
- - , 3,100 ; ( shipments , 3,400 ;
market lee lower ; heavy , JH.OOB8.40 ; mixed ,
J7.60 H,20 ; llKbt , J7.80-icH.16.
SiiKii'--Uecelpts : , 200 ; shipments , 600 ; mar
ket steady.
Thirty years n o Isaac Cook started the
cclobrutpil Imperial Champagne. They now
make 10,000 bottles PUT day. It's oxtni Ury.
7IK.V t'Jilt I'UO ri'.STS.
Her Cltlr.cns Pn s Itcsolutloim to Urgitril to
Aclldll ( if n Itorcnt . 'Mob ,
DUNVEU , Colo. , Fob. 20. A incctttiK was
lichl at St. John's Kpiscopal cathedral , at
which wore present a lar o portion of the
representative business men and citizens of
Denver , to take action on the re
cent disgraceful Blithering that sur
rounded Kov. Dean Hart's homo a
few Sundays ngo and expressed its
antipathy at the part the dean took In the
closing of Sunday theaters. The mob con
sisted principally of boys , and no damage
was done beyond the Indignity offered the
dean by the presence of such a crowd. Sen
sational correspondents exaggerated the re
port of the mob's action to such a degree
that thu Idea spread throughout the east
that Dean Hurt's life was In dangerand that
property in Denver was unsafe because of
mob law. ] , etters are still being received In
this city inquiring as to the safety of life
and property.
Judge Moses Ilallet was made chairman of
the meeting and Hon. Plait Hecers , the
mayor of Denver , ColonelJohn II. Plat t nnil
Hon. George K. Doaledrew up resolutions de
nouncing the action of the mob nnd censur
ing those correspondents who sent false and
misleading accounts of the affair to enstern
papers , as enemies of the name of Denver.
The resolution goes on to say : "The city
owes Dean Hart a debt of gratitude for Ids
eloquent fearlessness and great catholicity
as a preafber and teacher , his courage in
defense of good order and in denouncing law
lessness , his support of everything tending
to good government , and his self-sacrllico in
aid of the poor and helpless. "
Thc.v close by expressing renewed confi
dence in Dean Hart , and calling upon all law-
abiding citizrns to disabuse the minds of the
people of this and other countries of any
impression that they iiinv have gathered as
to the loyalty and the right of Denver's citi
zens to bo considered as enlightened mem
bers of society.
Salvation Oil , the people's liniment , is
guarantied the best. It will cure you.
\Von it Fortune * In nn ICiiKllnli Court ,
r OI.XBY , 111. , Feb. 20. Eight months since
\V. II. Cornell of Olnoy secured evidence
going to show that ho was the sole heir to
an estate in England valued at SSOO.OfMJ.
Cornell borrowed money , went to England ,
and for eight months has been lighting his
case. A cablegram from England announces
that he has secured a compulsory writ from
the courts to enforce payment to him of the
Bcecham's Pills arc faithful friends.
T'nlHuncil by ICatlug Apple lluttor.
WATEKLOO , 111. , Feb. 20. Last fall Mrs.
Lorez Zels cooked a lot of apple butter in a
copper vat. The first week in January a
daughter of the family barely survived a
that is the best place
to keep the hugoold-
fasliioned pill. Just
OB soon as you get it
inside , it begins to
trouble you. Wliut's
the use of suffering
with it , when you
can cot more help
from Doctor Fierce 3
Pleasant Pellets ?
These tiny , sugarcoated -
coated granules do
you permanent
'good. They net
mildlr nnd natur-
nlly , and there's no reaction nttcnvnnl. Con
stipation , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , nnd
all derangements of the liver , stomach , and
bowels nro prevented , relieved , nnd perma
nently cured.
They're the smallest , the easiest to take ,
nnd the cheapest for they're piiaranfmt
to give satisfaction or your money is re
You pay only for the good you get.
Nothing else urged by the dealer , though
they may bo better for him to sell , can u
"Just as good" for you to buy.
, . , Illness , A woelt
. . _ . . „ . Inter Lorei 7lf
died nnd n weele Inter a son , aged BO , died.
iwp other members of the fnmllvrtronovf -
seriously III , It Is conceded thnt the npplo „
butter was the cause of the lllnrss In each
cnso , nntl thnt It wns iwlsonod bv bolng left , !
In the copper kettle , In which It was cooked. f
. *
overnight. _
An honest pill Ii the noblest work of tha '
npothccnr.v. lie Witt's l.lttlo Knrlv Riser * .
euro constipation , biliousness nnd sick hond <
JfS'l'AXOTllKll llUXIt J-'AKK.
Secretary of llm Trosniiry I'ontor A till n U * *
nlrt the l.nlrnt Itumor * .
Nnw Yonu , Keb. 20. ( Special Telegram to '
' 1'iiE Hen , ] The Sun's Washington special {
says : Secretary of the Treasury Foster de
nies the truth of the published report that
ho has made arrangements through Novr
York bunkers for the placing of $ W,000,000 ,
In bonds In Knglmul. Ho declares that aa
his term only lasts tvoechs'ho ' eould lane
no event Ifuio : without consulting his suc
cessor , nnd It would bo next to impossible to
pet the bonds out now before the 4th of
March. He sees no call to Issue bonds , doca ,
not believe the shipment of irold hereaftee
will be so heavy , nnd has i-3.OOU.000 of frcci
gold In the treasury , with the prospects ot
an increase , rather than u decrease. Ho
thinks certain American capitalists who
have been using foreign bankers In Wall
street to send gold out of the country am
trying to put the blame on the agents , and
the latter nre not Inclined to shoulder It ,
but feel like refusing to ship it freely hero ,
Perfect nctlon nnd perfect health result
from the use of Oo Witt's Little K.irly Risers.
A perfect little pill.
Would Not Appoint n Kcrclrrr.
LiTTi.r. HOCK , Ark. , Feb. 20..Judge Carroll -
roll of the Pulaski county chancery court
refused this morning to grant the petition of
the Thomson-Houston company for the ap
pointment of a receiver for tinC'ity Electric
Street Hallway company of tills city. Thu
case has been before the court for the l lat
two weeks and has attracted much attention ,
over $1,000,000 being involved in the litlga-
If you have piles Do Witt's Witch Hazel
salve will suivly cure jou.
or Sojt Water is scarce ,
don't worry yourself for a moment
go right ahead and use hard water with
and you'll never know the difference ,
The clothes will be just as white ,
clean and sweet-smelling , because the
"White Russian" is specially adapted
for use in hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago ,
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap.IUal liKd. * " rt1
A. H. DYER ,
Klovutors , warehouses , factory biilldlngr.
unit nil work requiring u tluiroiiKli i"
practical knowledge of ooiiHtriiutlun unit
strenirtli ot iiitturliilH : , u npc'cliilty ,
1 > . U , llox ut-l : , I'-i-cliuillt , .Nell.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ofnaha.
licet Cattle Ho nnd hhcop market In the vroit.
nous ; ; .
Wood Brothers.
Llvo Stock Commission Merchants.
South Omaha Tolcpliono 1157. CUIcilO
JOHN 1) . DADI M AN , I . . - , . . . .
< " > "
WAJ/1'KK K. WOOD , f
Market Koporti by mall and wlro choorfullyt
nlsUeil upon application
Manufacturers' and
Omaha Tent-Awning
COMl'ANi' .
iiousu roVH'.n ,
Oinilia Baj M. 0. Daxoa ,
Importer ! nnd man-frs. Dlcycloi old on montlilT
Hour Bftck ) , burlapi ,
twine. rurmonti 123 N. 15th.
RQDTo U < ! ) Sinn ,
Mors8-C33 Shoa Company ,
Howard -trojt.
Factory corner tltb. nnd DoiitlniStrM'.i.
Wo nro mtktnifClOM prlo > s to cull biiroM. nil are
.olllnB ucla.i of Jod. whluhl , very m.laiblo
with morclir.nti.
Kirkondall , Jones fi Ame ? . Hand-Sowail
COMl'ANV Whuloi.Ko HIIOKI'O. , buoti.siimi
mfr . iumn " ' " " an.l ruliUjr Kujtli , UJJ-
Ilubbpr Shod Lo. . IIJJ- Ull ) Hartley SU
1IOI-IIW llir.ior St.
CG A : , ccm. oormj.
OmaliaCoal , Coke & EaglaCoralcJ Works
I.IM1 CO. , birJ and so ft Mfr .
coal , S ) v cor. liitn mil curnlo. wli U * o P ,
Do u ills riti. ructnlllo kvh bU , etc.
Rector & Wilhelray
Dcnlorn In hardware ant
Corner 10th anil Jackson mec.iaiiles tool !
.SI. * O3ti. 1IUI Doiulaidt ,
HATS , En.
W. A , L. Gibhon & Co , Omaha Safe ani Iroi
Wholesale WOUKH
Hats , c.t | > i , mriiw goon. Palosvault * , Jail worlc ,
Klove . inlttuni , 21.1 Iron HbuttorB and tire ei *
and Harnoy Ms. lapcx. Amlrojii & unr
11 , llth andJackiim.
. -1
John A. WakeHald , Charles R.
Imported , Am jrlo in I'orl In nair J )
liuid omant. All ! v.ul- | > eli .in I piri l j *
keuom'Jiit nndij.ilnu/ Homing ,
WllltUllWJ. dtli nnil Do.iult * .
Frick i , o1) ) ) . ; ) : i
n ; ) ) rt tn nn 1 J ) ) >
Wtiolesnlolhuor Jo il nf mill Inury. notl >
.Mull orl urn piompU
1IXI ) Farnam St. Vti-U ! d. llt-i .St.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co , ,
( 'Mil a full ntojk of
prlntlnK , wr.ip : > liu nn I llottnoil and
wrlllnx tupdrj , cur.I
niipcT , ota elli , nile woaie , oto.
Brans' ! & Co , , Jas , A. Clark & Co. ,
1'iodiice , frulu of all Duller , rhcmo ,
liuultrr und Knio ,
klnili , nyitori. air H. I.HII M
Omaha Sfw
\V.)1IICJ , ttnro rii.ulrj of
und water utli3lnnj IK ilonr < , lilIn 11 a !
( or unr "I.'J of "tJ'J in lilhllrld , brj-ll of
doj ,