Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1893, Image 9

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lash Dress Goods.
New spring wash dress goods now on
hatcuns are in great demand nnd
will bo very popular this season. Wo
have contracted for a , largo quantity at
the old prices.
Wo are displaying a beautiful line of
navy blue Sateen in all the ullTorcnt
strlpfsnnd figures nt loc and 2.5c ynrd.
Wo are showing n Inrgo assortment of
now designs in dark grountl Sateens at
ICe , 2Cc and 35e yard.
Wo alto have a handsome line of
tinted Bhndcs light colored Sateens nt
SWe ynrd.
Mill remnants of the finest American
Sateens at lOc ynrd ; tegular goods of
this grade are worth 25c ynrd.
Black brocaded and striped Sateens ,
fancy weaves , the handsomest styles of
figured and brocaded black Sateens
over displayed , they are fast black and
soft wool finish Sateens at 35e yard.
The largest stock of plain black
Sateens over offered by any house. 32-
inch wide at lOc. 12jc , ICc , 20c , 2oo , 30c ,
S5c , 37jc and 40c yard.
Wo are showing a groiit many novel
ties in Sateens which are selling fast
nnd patlcirns you will not find Inter in
the seiibon. Ladies desirrng select
styles will do well to make tholr selec
tions early.
Printed dimities , a very popular wash
fabric this season , look them over , only
3-jc yatd.
Printed India lir.ons , now styles for
J803 now coining in : wo would like to
( show you our line nt 10f , loc , 20c and29c
Largo assortment of dotted nnd fijr-
urcd Swisses , lOc , loc , 20c , 25c , 30c , 35c
and 40c yard.
Very line grade of tarlatan , all colors
to select from , now on sale at 20c yard.
Wo are the only hoiiho in Omaliu
where you will find "Japunclto. " Jnp-
nnetto is an imported wash fabric made
in Manchester , Eng. Tnoy will take
'tho ' place of line zephyrs , being some
thing entirely now nnd all soft shades
and coloring. They are very desirable.
Onlv ono piece of each color or patterns ;
116 two pieces alike. Several pieces sold
out the past ween. Mail orders are
coming In freely for them. These goods
cannot bo duplicated , as the ontiio out
put of the mill bus ocen placed before
the first of January.
Hayuen Bros' , price on Japanotto , 25o
Llama cloth. Wo contracted for 0
cases of this popular and'durable fabric
in Dcctmbor last , all light ground and
tinted ground with neat little to medi
um figures , fast colors , wool finish , hen-
riotta twills , 30 inches wide , on sale lOc
yai d. The wholesale price today on this
fabric is lOjc yard , but as long aa they
last you can have them at Haydcns' lor
Canton.dotli , Hrandonburg oloth , tis-
utH and pongees , etc. , etc. , in great va-
-iflrtti styles , designs and prices.
Vvo are showing more ginghams and
zephyrs than any house In town , Wo
bilek'lhis assertion by stock In sight and
lot you bo the judge. We buy direct
fioin the mnicor and in larger quantities
than any homo in this city , thoioforo ,
would it not seem reasonable to you that
wo can give you a bettor assortment and
make lower prices ? Look over our
fctock nnd compare prices , Cc , 7c } , lOc ,
12jc , loc , 18o and 20e yard.
Just received a now shipment direct
from Manchester , Eng. , of Kncltsh II an-
neletto. suitable for line house wrapper * ,
I tea gowns , etc.patterns copied from
jFionch all wool flannels and finish theme
mo ; they are fust colors and on sale at
(25oynrd. (
Our prescription department i.
incomplete and all prescriptions filletl
Bat lowest prices , and by a register-
led pharmacist Call and get out
( prices.
'Colored ' Dress Goods.
Now goods ; now prices. Thousands
of dollais of now spring goods in stock at
the very lowest pi ices.
48-inch nil wool very line serge , in all
\colors , 91.
' , 38-Inch all wool imported whip cord ,
30-inch all wool changeable whip
'cord , fiCc.
40-inch all wool changeblo beige , Ooc.
48-inch all woo ) beige , the finest good ;
liiitho mnrkot , $1.2o.
> 30-inch gloria silks , all colors , $1.
f 40-inch changeable mohalrsall colors ) ,
COc.40Inch all wool suitings. COc.
38-Inch Jamestown suiting , the best
vnluo wo ever ollorcd for the monoy,2l'c
, 38 Inch ohnmoleon suiting , change
nblo olTccls , ! ! 3c.
BW inch plaids and chevron suitings ,
woi th 2oo , special fo * Mondry loc.
! } ! half wool cashmeres , all colors
Cl-Inch all wool llannol , worth ( He
Monday , 40o.
51-Inch all wool llnnnol , worth 30c
Monday , 20c.
WALL PAPhU A larger stock
5 better quality , and still lower price ;
than we have over offered.
Black Dress Goods.
40-inch small figured fancy black , COc
Pi 30-Inch hcnriotta , worth oOc , Monday
40-inch imported Gorman hcnrictta
satin finish. COc.
118-inch black and whlto plaids , 30c.
-inch black brllllantinc , bouutifu
luster , COc.
48 Inch bhick bi lllliintinc , 7Cc.
38-inch all wool stoim serge , reduce
CCc to COc.
40-Inch all wool gray nnd black crop
finish , sum i thing now , $1.
48-hifh all wool imported fine twll
serge , $1.
48-Inch double warpdrapd'almn$1.7t'
40-inch all Wool French bongalliif , $ ]
40-inch all wool oropo cloth , $1.
: Dress Linings
Now stock of silesia nt ICe yard , al
colors , just received. Why pay other
ICe for this same grade ? All color
cambric , fnncy porcallno und fane ;
printed slosia ( , canvas ducking , wndding
padding , collar and bcltcanvns , farmers
katin in black and colors , serge , fane ;
Blcovo linings , hi fact , ttio moBt complete
ploto lining department in Omaha ; al
nt Uuydoiii' well known popular prices
Monday wo will have a towel sale Unit
will create quite an excitement in the
towel biwlnefs. All the open stock of
line towc-ls that have boon selling thia
season tit 17c , lc ! ) , 25c and 30c , most of
which are a llttlo mussed or soiled , will
bo pinned on center tables 10th street
building and bo on sale at loc oieh.
Among this lot you will It .id some of the
best bargains ever olTored in knotted
fringe line dnmns't towels , largo crepe
nnd huck towels ; nil go at loc each.
20x40 hemmed buck towels loc. 21x42
fringed buck towels ICc. In addition wo
place on sale for the first time nn entire
now towel made In thU country 21x47
size , extra heavv , full bleached , 200 do/-
on in crepe , buck , blrdseyo , matellasso ,
etc. Thm towel is made lo sell at 25c ,
but in order to introduce the same wo
will ollor them on Monday nt ICc each.
This towel you will find only at Hay-
dens' and this towel sale at loc each you
will find only at Ilaydens' . Wo will place
no limit to quanttiyand at the same time
give other dealers a chance to gat some
of these special bargains. Open for all at
0 a. in.
Special bargains ottered in white bed
spreads nt COc , Ooc , OOc , 75c. SSe , Doc , $1 ,
M.lfi , K1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00$2.602.08 ,
$3.10 , 53.50 , sN.OO , $1150. $ .5.00 , etc. The
argest assortment wo over carried. Our
increasing business compels us to carry
larger stock.
Our linen department is becoming
more popular every year. Our sale of
damaik this season surpassed all expec
tation. On Monday we will otter some
extra good value in lunch cloths 2 to 3
\ards long in plain white , fancy border-
cd , turkey red and cardinal , fancy dres
ser scarfs , etc. It will pay you to look
them over.
Trunks and Yalises.
If PO , listen : All trunk nnd valise
makers have notified the retail trade of
aa advance in prices. From now on wo
shall have to pay more , nnd of course
wo shall have to ralso our price. But
all wo now have on hand shall go at the
old price. No raise in price here. You
can save money NOW by buying your
trunk , valibo. tolosoopo ca e , or any
thing in this line , from US NOW.
NOW is the time.
Trunks , good zinc covered , from $1.50
up to $10. Canvas and leather equally
low. Bags and valises any price you
WALL PAPKR A larger stock ,
better quality , and still lower prices
than we have ever offered.
Wo have a few loft of these /ill wool
ingrain carpets at 6oc and OOc.
Also , a very complete assottment of
Lowell's extra super , the finest carpet
made , and all the lower grades of in
grain , from loc per yaid xip ; something
very choice far -lOc.
Every grade of Brussels carpet m ido
from 50c , COc , 05c , 70c and 75c up to the
finest goals.
A few days moio the snlooi these rugs
at 20c and 35c will soon bo gone and can
not bo duplicated.
Our assortment of fine Smyrna rugs is
very complete , at $1 less than any price
Fur rugs , to close out , at not cobt.
Paper Patterns.
We are making a big cut in paper pat
terns , one- half olT regular prico.
On Monday wo will ollur a full linool
Mcf'alTs patterns at half price. That
means a
Hie pattern for 5c.
lee bittern for 7jc.
20o pattern for lOc.
2"jo pattern for 121c.
30o pu'Uorn for loc.
Hoc pattern tor 17c.
Now styles and warranted perfect fil
For one day only all of our largo stock
ot 2-5o pu o linen hand embroidered
handkerchiefs < ro at 15c each. Remem
ber , ono day only. Not over ono ha'f '
do/.on to a customer.
" Paper patterns at half price on Mon
WALL ( 'A Pint A larger stock ,
better quality , and still lower price. * .
than we have ever offered.
Books and Stationery
Wo are clearing up the balance of the
Wyman otock , and on Monday you can
buy paper covered books worth 2.5e foi
Paper covered books worth COc for lOc
War of the Rebellion , by Col. Roboi
N. Scott , with olncial records of uniot
and confederate armies , $1.23.
Albert Ross' novels , 30o.
( ! . A. R eongs , 5c.
Musical Echo.
Unabridged dictionary } Webster's ) , 75e
Dickons' complete worku , in 15 volumes
Thni'Koray's complete works , in 11
volume * , $3.23.
.Shakespeare's complete works , in
volumes , * 2.23.
E. 1' . Hoo's works , 45o per volume.
Chambers' Encycloojcdia , 12 volumes
$8 1)7. )
Schrol tablets , 3c each.
Playing carclh. Ho po.1 pack.
Pen holders , lOo per dozen.
Note papnr. lee per pound.
A full line of ofiico supplier * ; it botton
Remember McCall's patterns tell a
half price on Monday.
Drug Dept ,
Payne's Celery Compound 75o.
Hood's Sarsaparllla 76c.
Wright's Samiparilla OOc.
Ayor's Sarsaparilhv 75c.
Ayov'sllulr Vigor Ii5e.
Favorite Tollot Cream , the boat prop ,
aration for chapped hands or face made ,
lOo bottle.
Pure wines nnd liquors for medicinal
uio'nt lowest prices for fine goods.
We have PIANOS from $155 up.
ORGANS from $35 up. New pi
AND- anos to rent. Rent applied on pur
chase price if you buyyvithin ( one
Here's an opportunity
rarely offered :
Violins \\ortli $ tt.SO for $ 1.75 Violin Stnullnarins ; $7.50
Dow wood $1.50
Violins worth $ 7.SO for $ : U > 0 ( hine Wood t.\ $1.50
I Set Strings Kxtra $ .70
Violins worth $12.00 for $ 5.50 1 Box Kesin $ .10
Violins worth $15.00 .
for $ 7.75 .
Outfit Complete $11. ! )
Violins worth $ ' 25.00 for $15.00 Now on special sale for $ ( > .75
Violin Stnulinarhis $12.00 Violin Maggini i $25.00
Bo.w-Sn.ikewood $ * > . ( )0 ) 15ow-IVrnainhueo $ 1.00
Ca > . -Wood $ : } . 'j = > Case - Leather $ 8.00
1 Set Strings Kxtni $ .70 1 Set Stringslixtra $ .70
1 Box Uesin $ .10 1 IJux Kesin $ . ! ( )
Outfit Complete $ 17.05 Outfit Complete $ iJ7.S ( )
Now on special sale for $ 10.125 Now on special for. $22.50
We are sole agents for the World Fanous
We also handle several different makes of. other well
known standard pianos , in all styles of cases , every instrument
thoroughly reliable and fully guaranteed. Old , * instruments
taken in exchange. 'I
We sell for cash or on monthly payments. Call at music
rooms and get our prices.
The great atpicton ! AVC have to offer tills week
is 25 pieces genuine Japanese Habatai printed silks ,
' 21 inches wide , choice designs , . " '
Tartan and clan plaids in surah
and taffetta silks a beautiful va
riety to select from
We have , also , sonic exclusive patterns
waists in brocade glacu taffettas , '
that you will consider the best values for the money
offered in this city. f
Grand special sale on ruchlngs.
On Monday wo will olTur our ontlro
stock of ruehings at cut prices ; nothing
reserved ; they all go.
Do not f irget that McCall's Paper
Patterns are half price on Monday.
Our prescription department is
complete and all prescriptions filled -
ed at lowest prices , and by a regis
tered pharmacist. Call and get our
Laces and Embroideries.
The latest novelties in fancy colored
laces just received.
Lot No. 1 at 15o per yard.
Lot No. 2 at 23o per yard.
Point do gene lace , 15e , 2oc , and 32e
Antique lace tidies at lOc , 15e and 23c
Cotton lace , 3o , Co and 80 per yard.
Job lot of fancy embroideries at lo , 2c ,
8c , 4c , Co and lOe per yard.
McCall's patterns at half price on
WALL PAPER A larger stock ,
better quality , and still lower prices
than we have ever offered ,
i ' J
Vei'ings. ' ; ,
Wo have a very Wge , stock of fancy
veilings and will makb peclal prices for
Monday , via :
Job lot fancy sowing silk veilings , all
colors at 13c , wortli 20o ,
Fancy silK tissue votings , all colors ,
Fancy Columbian veilings. 2oo per
Our prescription > department Is
complete and all prescriptions filled
at lowest prices , and by a register ,
ed pharmacist. Call and get our
Fancy Goods.
Half ounce knitting silk , all colors ,
15c , every bpool worth SOc.
Silk llosi , 3-yard spools , nil colors , Gc
per dozen.
Silk arrasono , lOo per dozen.
Job lot fancy ailk cord. 4c | per yard ,
Job lot fancy felt table ecarfs very
cheap to clean up stock. 25o to 7Cc each.
McCall's patterns half price.
WALL PAPER A larger stock ,
better quality , and still lower prices
than we have ever offered ,
Special Sale
Of Ladles' and Gents' Furnishings Mon
1 case of children's Imported cotton
hose , full regular made and extra heavy ,
your choice of this lot , 12o } per pair ,
just one-half price.
1 CMBO of Ladies' fast black cotton hoe ,
extra quality , only 10o per pair.
100 do'/.on Gents' fancy night gowns ,
only 4oc citch. Snoelal value.
60 do/.en Ladies'niglit gowns. COc , ( ! 0c ,
7oc and $1.00. About 40 per cent less
than regular prices.
1 case of Gents' line seamless } hose ,
only lOo per piir.
1 lot of Gents' British cotton } hose ,
full regular made , only 12Je per pair ,
worth 25c.
Special prices on Ladies' opera gloves
in silk and kid.
100 dozen Ladies' corsets , perfect fit
ting , our regular 75c corset , on Mon
day all day at 60c each.
1 cnso of Gents' negligee shirts , now
spring goods , COc nnd 76c each , it will
pay you to look at these foods.
100 do/on Goats' unlaundercd
Rtilrts , double back and front , linen
bosom and cults , only 80c each.
Cloaks and Jackets.
Most attractive and decided bargains.
Ladles' $0 jackets at $3.
L'iuie ' $7 oO jnc.vets at $5.
Ladies' $12 jackets at ? .f > 0.
Ladies' $15 jackets at 7.60.
HoO ladies' c.oaks worth from $7.50 up
to $2a Talco your choice of the entire
lot at $1.75 each.
Surprising bargains in children's em
broidered cashmere cloaks.
$ . ' ! long cash mere elo.iks at Ooc.
$ -r long cashaero cloaks at$2.)5. ! )
$4 long cashmere cloaks at $1.7. ) .
$0 long cashmere cloaks at $3.2o.
$7.50 long cashmcro cloalts at $ l.7o.
$ i ) long CAshmere cloaks at $ } . 'J3.
Immense line of children's garments
of every description at less than 50c on
the dollar.
Ladies' wraps and tea gowns at , SOc , at
03c , at 7oc , at 87c , at S)3c ) , at $1.25 , at
$160. .n $1.03 , at $1.87 , at $2 , actual
value $1 up to $5.50 each.
Silk fringe shawls at $1.1) ) . ) , at 32.2-5 , at
$2 6u , at $2.75at $3 , actual value $4.50 up
to $7.75.
Ladies' spring and winter skirts at
47c , at OJc , at 7oc , at 87c , at $1 up to $10
Special inducements ollored on our
whole Ino. *
13 styles of chairs , which cost us from
$12 to $15 per dozen at factory. Wo in
tend closing out all that are loft of these
chairs at 8'Jc each. > Wo have 1 , 2,8 , 4 ,
0 , 8 of a kind. You can have as many
as you wish while they last.
UKD5TEA13S 8 styles , 3 sizes of each
f-tyle , at $1.05 , SI.05 , $2.25 , $2.50 , $2.80 ,
$3.25 , $4.60 ; as good and well finished a
line < Sf hard wood beds as over cuino to
MATTRESSES-Mado especially for
us out of the best ticking , at $1.05 , $2.2o ,
i2 50. Hair mattres'-os made at a saving
of10 per cent over usual prices.
BEDROOM SUITS The best line
extant , finish , workmanship , wood ,
style , all first-class ; price the lowest.
choose from ; prices from $3.50 up. Our
$3:60 and $1.25 0-foot tablon are the best
made for the money ; 48-in h quarter
oik ; polished tables Irom $8.50 to $10.
HALL TREES 30 stvlcs , from J0.50
to $25.
SIDEBOARDS Prom $15 , $18 , $10
up to $3-5 ; quarter oik , French plate.
Our prescription department is
complete and all prescriptions filled
at lowest prices , and by a register
ed pharmacist. Cull and get our
Butter , Cheese SL Meats.
At Hoydens' you can buy country but
ter for 12Jc. lot117e and lOo pot1 pound ,
llomcmbi'i * this is all fresh country hut-
tor. Wo have creamery for 2lc , 23c and
2.5c. Dnn't miss this wile. Como and
yet homo good butter at the above
prit'e. " .
Prices away down on oliccho. Wis
consin full cream , "c , ! ) c and 12jc ;
eastern process full cream , He and Kio ;
brick cheese , 12ii' , He and Jlic ; limburger -
burger cheese , 12je and loc : neufchatel ,
7Jo per package ; * .ap MI O , So per package -
ago , Swiss cheese , loc , 17o and lc ! ) ;
American Club House cheese , 2Sc pur
jar.Applo butter , oo per pound ;
mince meat , Co per pound. Don't for
got to call at our meut department ;
everything at the lowest price ; head
ehcoho , liver sausage and bologna , fk
per pound ; wo have the hum tauagc
for 7Je pei1 pound ; bacon , 13c. boneless-
rump and plato corned beef , 7ic per
pound ; sugnr cured ham , 1 Ic per pound ,
Highland brand evaporated cream ,
12jo per can , sold all over for 20 < ; ; Co
lumbian brand evaporated cream , 12je ;
Economy brand evaporated cream , 7o { ]
condensed milk , lOc per can.
At Hayden Bros , you can buy any
thing you want in fresh , sniokod or
salted fish , Tloro are the prices : Fresh
laKe herring , 5c nor pound ; ring porch ,
5c per pound ; the finest lake trout , lOc
nor pound ; white fish , lOc per pound ;
northern sea halibut , 12c ] ; smelts , lOc
per pound ; red snanpor , lOc ; sun fibh ,
So per pound ; Columbia river salmon ,
12Jc , and all other kinds of fresh flsh.
Wo hnve the smoked sturgeon , 17o ;
smoked halibut , 15c ; smoked whlto
fiih , loc ; the finest smoked salmon , 17Jc ;
Columbia river salmon , Baited , 12Jc.
Wo have a Inrgo Norway mnckorol
for 5e each ; Norway bloater , an ex
tra whlto mnokcrol , Iflo and 12jc per
pound ; the finest Scotland shore
mackerel , loc per pound ; imported an
chovies , lOo nnd 12jo per pound ; St. Law
rence river oels,15c per pound ; Hamburg
eola , smoxcd , 20c ; the very nicest finnun
huddles , 12jo and 15 per pound ; extra
fine fnt rallchor herring , 0 for 25c ; Ber
lin roe herring , 7 for 2oc ; Swedish her
ring , 8 for 2oc ; n very nice herring , 10
for 2-5c , and a lot of other fish too nu
merous to mention. Now when you want
any fish , fresh , salted or uiokcd , don't
forgot to call.
268 pairs of ladies' fi ic $2.50
and $3 shoos go on our bargain
table Monday at $1.75 a pair.
Come and see them , you will
buy a pair ; they are the great
est bargains in Omaha ,
$1.75 , worth $3.00.
300 pairs ladies'light croquet
250 rubbers , gc a pair.
500 pairs ladies' New York
storm rubbers. 350 a pair.
160 pairs ladies' line cloth
top patent tip $4 button shoes ,
$2.95 a pair.
128 pairs Brooks Bros' , make
ladies' $5 hand-turned shoes at
$3.75 a pair.
82 pairs ladies'mat kid $1.25
house slippers , 980 a pair ,
$2.50 , worth $3.5O.
120 pairs men's zebra skin
shoes at $2.50 a pair. Every
pair of these famous shoes are
worth $3.50. The leather is
soft and line and has no equal
for wear. If you see them you
will buy a pair ,
100 pairs men's fine cof-
dovan $3 dress shoes at $2 a
par. ; They are line and every
pair warranted.
96 pairs men's fine mat kid
patent leather , lined cloth top
lace shoes at $3 45 a pair.
Shoe stores get $5 for them.
If you want a nice dress shoe ,
see diem.
211 pairs of our fine calf $5
hand-sewed shoes left to close
out at $3.95. This is one of
the greatest bargains we have
offered in men's shoes. All
sizes , A to E widths.
$2.45 , worth $3.00.
Men's rubbers
self-acting 65c
bers at 450 a pair.
Men's best light rubber
boots , $2.45 , worth $3.
Women's best light rubber
boots , $1.65 , worth $2.
Boys' pure gum rubber boots ,
$1.95 , worth $2.25.
Misses' best light rubber
boots , $1.35 , worth $1.75.
Children's best light rubber
boots , $ i , worth $1.35.
$1.25 , worth $1.75.
72 pairs boys' fine $1.75 but
ton shoes , $1.20 a pair.
50 pairs youths' fine $1.35
button shoes. $ i a pair.
120 pairs misses' fine $1.75
patent tip button sho2s a
$1.25 a pair.
90 pairs children's fine $1.35
patent tip button shoes at $ i al
P Mail orders filled.
Groceries ,
Hayden Bros. ' best 6X Hour , $1.2,5 ;
< est superlative , DUo ; snowllako , 05c ;
rye Hour , Hoc. $1 and $ ! .lo ; Aunt .loml-
niu'ri pan cake Hour 3oor7Jefor ! 2 pound
mckage ; Aunt Sally's pan cake Hour ,
iSf or 7jc 1 pound piicleago ; Liob'a
Itycnlnjun Hap jnok p.incako Hour , ito
or Victor 12 pound p.ickage ; self-rising
nickwhoat Hour 3o or 7Je for 2 pound
Finest home-mado catsup , in bottles ,
Two pound can corned beef , loc.
Bologna n usage , fie.
Liver sausage , (5c.
Soda crackers , 6c.
Oyster crackois , oc.
Sweet cliocol.ite , oc.
Premium chocolate , 17jc.
20-pound pail very line fruit jolly , 75o
Imported chow-chow , liio per pound.
Imported mixed pickles , 16c per quart.
Imported olives , Hoc per quart ; they
are very line ; would bo cheap at 75c.
All kinds of wash powders 22c per
[ ) acltngo.
7 bars best laundry soap , 25c.
California dried gVapos , 5a
Imported Valencia raisins , 12Jc.
Tnioriod | seedless raisins , 12c. {
California loose Muscatollo raisins ,
lOc ; these all are now , and the finest
that money can buy.
3-pound can now California apricots ,
put up lu pure granulated sugar syrup ,
most delicious fruit , 17jc.
3-pound can now California peaches ,
.n pure granulated sugar syrup , lic. )
Very line blood-rod salmon , lOo per
can ; they are delicious.
Sardines , 5c.
Mustard sardines , lOc.
2-pound can very line gooseberries ,
2-pound can blackberries , 72c.
2.pound can raspberries , put up in
pure granulated sugar syrup , 17c.
2. pound can strawberries , lu pure
sugar syrup , 17k' .
Under democratic influences sugar
lias dropped and will continue to drop.
Wo will give our customers the benefit
) f ihls drop and Monday wo will sell the
best grade of granulated sugar21 pounds
for a dollar. 21 pomitla for'81.
Our prescription department Is
complete , and all prescriptions filled -
ed at lowest prices by a registered
pharmacist. Call and get prices.
Tea and Coffee.
Wo continue to ivo very low prices
on teas nnd cotToes.
Monuav wo have cracked coffco at
12Jo , 15o and lOc.
Cracked Java and Mocha , 20c and 22c.
No. 1 Rio colleo , 2lc.
Golden Rio , 2-3c.
Combination Santos . and Mancabo ,
27 jc.
Guatamnla , choice , 30c.
Old Government Java and Mocha , 35c ,
3 pounds for $1.
Try our celebrated cocoa , it is do-
Japan tea dust , lOc and"125c pound.
Choice sun-dried Japan , lOo , 25c , 800 ,
5'c. (
Pan-fired Japan , 2-5c , 3.5c , 45c.
Uncolored Japan , 35c15c , 50c.
Spider-Log Japan spring lonf , GOc.
English Breakfast , 3Sc15c , , 50c.
Formosa < 'olong , OOc.
Moyuno Gunpowder , ooe.
Pin-Head Gunpowder , -ISo and 58e.
These goods are the best and war
ranted to 3uit or money refunded.
WALL PAlMiK A larger stock ,
better quality , and still lower prices
than we have ever oll'ered.
House Furnishing Goods.
Patent cake and broad knives 50c per
set Other dealers and ( Mnvassors are
asking SI.00 for the same knives.
Koj'htono CKK boater. 1&D3 pattern , 75c ,
just received ; a great improvement over
the old style.
Cups and saucers , 20o per sot.
Wash bowls and pitchers , 20o per sot.
Chambers , lee each.
Pioles , 2f , Ic- ana fie each.
Slop jars , O''c ' each.
Tumblers , 2e each.
Flanginsr lamps , with extension
npr'ngs ' , $1.(10 ( each ; worth $ o.
Stand lumps from lOc up.
Syrup pitchorDo ,
Cream sot' , consisting of sugar bowl ,
cream pitcher , butter dish and spoon
holder , IDc per sot.
Suit and popper shakes , lie each.
Wine glasses 3o each.
Dccor.itcd cups and snucors , C9o per
sot.Sauce dibhes , six for lOc.
Albota tea nnd table spoons , 2o / per
sot , as good as silver.
Lamp chimneys , Oc each.
Good'set ub brushes , 5e.
Wo have a few more 100 piece Impor
ted decorated dinner nets at $7.05 ,
worth $15.00.
Wash boilers , copper bottom , 40c.
ColTco and teapots , lOc.
Milk pans , 3c.
Pudding pans , uC.
Dust pans , Cc.
Pint CUPS , 2c.
Covered palls , Gc.
Copper bo ! lorn tea kettles , 20c.
Wash biisins , 3c.
Flour sieves , Co.
Nutmeg grater , Ic.
Can openers , 3c.
Clothespins , lo per do/.on.
2 packages tacks , Ic ,
Mouse traps , 1c.
Teaspoons , (1 ( for Cc.
Tablcspooi'B , 3 for Ce.
Tea strainer. Ic.
Wooden bowls , 3o.
Dover egg boaters , Sc. THE GENU
INE. Mrs. Potts and Mine.Slrcetor sad
irons , $1.05 per sot.
The largest line of clothes wringers
ou over saw , from $1.60up to JJ.OCoach ,
Ink , 2c per bottle.
Mucilage , 2o per bnttlo.
Tncks , lo per papor.
Best sperm sowing machine oil 3c per
Perforated chair soata 7c each.
French blacking Cc per box. Rogu >
nrly sold nt ICo.
Toothpicks 2c per box.
Scrubbing brushes fie each. .
All bl/.es lamp chimneys 6o