Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Great Northern Railroad Will Bo Welcomed
by Omaha ,
Views of tlin Itiimnrml nUcnulmi Southward
Kx-C'h ilrumn raltliiivn Talk * Ith
llofrmliliiK rninkiirM About
Tlio rumor Rl\cn icstculnj by Tun Brn ,
UirouKh Hi WnshltiKton i-oricsixjuilcnt , Hint
Omnliii is likely to liavo direct ttuough r.ill-
roail connection with South D.iUot.i ilmlnj ?
the present > , Is received with rejoicing
In r.ilhuiy ilrclcs outaliloof those who would
tmtur.Ub h.ivoto inuot u founiil.iblo ilval
Among those the rumor Is dlsoredituil and
nil soi Is of arguments are adv.inued to show
that tin1 GroatNoiheinlmsolhrr "llali to fii"
tlmn to bo ( Mstlntf 'sheep's oios'1 tuuuid
Omaha and Nehr.iska.
Hut It 11.1 fait tint .T. .1 Hill , president of Northi'in , has met with wonderful
success In sec mint ? mono } to build thos\s-
tem which now extends fiom the
lakes to the i'at ille , and ho has aspit.i-
tions to still further extend the line.
Sioux Palls is the present tct minus of the
Great Not them on the noith and the line is
beiiifr nipldlj extended to Yankton wlicie It
will ( oino in competition with tlio Klklioin
and tliv Milwaukee.
Mr A S Potter , piesidcnt of the Om ih.i
lirldgonml tompim , in spc.iklug
about the telcguim s.iid "I hope the lumor
Is tiue. for Omaha needs a line fiom the
north and this seems to R\O ! us an outlet
that has been closed to us except through
( .Gitain ( .Imiinels It would bo a godsend to
the < lt\ and uould bring us n that is
already t.iking.iggrcssUo steps ag.iinst its
older in.ils , the Northern I'.uillo
and Union Pailile , and foulnff them
to teims A spiiit like of
Mr Hill's would ccit.iinli help to build up
thlf titj whoso future Is most brilliant "
Mr ICennedv , gunciat npent of the Hock
Islind , in Hiking o\er the situation said
' 'Jho building of the is among the pos
slbllitles It would leit.iinh help the Hoik
Island if it were built Jim Hill is a i.iihoad
wonder and his lem.uKablo success in
the elides of iln.imo wauants him
in doing almost an\ thing in i.iiltoid
constiuctioii Willie it Is ptuelj pioblem-
matic as to the com so the GicMt Not them
would follow , it seems natural that it would
join with the Sioux City & I'aciilc and with
the SiouCit.v & Noithcin might bo able to
get into Omaha \erj easily Of touisc , tills
talk nlMHit the Ilmllngton or Union Paciile
Kiting the Noithem grain and other
commodities for tianspoitation Dulutli
and water lines is all poppjcock , but sliom
of tliis feature itho scheme is sliilicientlj
plausible to attention.
"I do not know that the icpicspiitativcs of
thp Sioux CitGieat Noithcin ex
pressed a wish to hate an independent line
to Omaha in older to scenic an outlet , which
is at present denied them under existine ar
rangements With the close tiaflie agire-
mcnt between Not them and Sioux
City & Noithern at present in existence ,
which gius the Great Northern a line teSt
St Paul fiom Sioux Uity. some
such mo\o on the pait of Jim Hill
is not at all impiob.iblo. "
Oulto Miru Til it Itullroildn Arc Nut . ' \lu\rtl \
by riilliintliioplc Mntltos.
Mr .T N r.iitliom , late of the
Western Tiaflie association , now vko prcsi
dent and general m inager of Street's West
ern Stable Car company , was a South Omaha
tisitor jesteidaj Spoaklngof Mr. Skinner's
plan to district Omaha and Ivans is City ll\o
stock tctiitory upon a mileage basis the well
Known railroad matrsaid :
"I know so little about the matter , except
ns I gathered the scheme fiom a shoit con
versation wltn Mr Skinner today , ( hat I am
not in a position to express a positl\o opinion
On guicial piineiplcs , howo\er , I bclie\o
that markets such ns Kansas City aim
Oinalm arc bolter oil when thei are upon a
friendly'oasis , lather than at swoids' points
constantly. As both maikots uro open to the
company I repicsent it would bo the height
of folly to say whether the schcmo is feasi
ble or not. Ido know. IIOMover , that tail-
roads ate not philanthioplu and that they
arc actuated by puielj bollisli mollies in
their elfoits to sectuo business. To ask
some of these roads , therefore , to iclinquish
their ll\o stock business fiom certain points
in favor of the sthcino seems to bo asking
JUst a little moio than the most optimistic
could expect. "
Speaking of the peace which has comointo
his life shite He laid aside the mantle of an
nui\o arbiti itor of freight tales , Mr
Faithoin remarked.
"Whllo I canto in contact with an exemp
lary lot of men , still it was an endless round
of contention that I had to pass uK > n in my
capacity of chairman of the association Mj
present position is bj no means a ptiimoso
l > .ith , but its wonles arc as nothing com
pared to the months of incessant toil Just
laid aside and I am In Omaha simply to look
after the business of the company , to famil
ial ! /o mjself with the needs of Omaha and
to become acquainted with the packers and
the n shippeis who use the Stteet stable
car. "
* Italluuy Notes.
N. K Jamison , general stationer of the
Buillngton at Chlc.igo , is in the citi.
C. H. Fcaio , passenger agent of
the Ohio & , Mississippi is in Omntm.
F. J. Clarke has been appointed live stock
agent 6f the Northwcstein. with headquar-
tets in this city , MCO H W Jonnson , trans
ferred to Deiucr.
II. T Haines , northwestern passenger
ngent of the Knns is Citv , Poit Srott &
Memphis i.iilwaj , witlilu > adiuartcihat ( Kan
sas City , is looking upon a live town
The California lines , part Its to the recent
trnnscontiiicntal assouitlon , will hold a
meeting at the Hotel C'nronado , ban Diego ,
to discuss tlio ( luestion wliother they shall
adopt the now t.uitl iecentlpiomulgitpil
ntSt Paul bj the Gieat Noithein , Noithoin
Parille nd I'nion Pacillc Mr J A Momoe
of the Union Pacific will attend the meetins , '
and will next week for the coast
K 13 Wilkinson , gi.uul mastei of the Older
of liailwaj Trainmen , who had boon in
Omaha for twod.ns left last night by the
Hock Island for his homo in Galesbuig , 111
So\eial confeionees weio had with Union
Pacillc tiuinmen , but their itnpoit could not
bo learned It Is piesumcd , lowo\er ( , that
they were in connection with the proposed
amalgamation of all tallwuj oiganlzations in
one compict body
HrleiiclliT firm-nil llrooltd Will r.enil the In- Dii ) Procession
General John K JJiookecommander of the
Derailment of the Platte , iccclvod
jcsteidaj at noon n \ery com-
pllmentaiy detail from the armj
hp.ulquavjcis at Washington Geneial
McMahou , who has been selected asgiand
imushul of the inauguration p.u.ide , sent
General lirooko a mess igo jrsteiday asking
him If it would bo agieeablo to him to com
mand the llrstdlUslon of the United States
troops that aio to take part In the inaugura1
tion parade. General Uicoko leplicd that II
would , but , of couise , in aimy nutters pi > o
plo cannot alwajs hn\o things as thoj do
sho. In this instance , howo\cr , the irihUs
of lit least thieo men seemed to bo poifectlv
in liiirmony us the following message wil
show :
' Urlgadier General John H Brooko.Omaha
With the approval of the seciotary of war ,
the major general commanding the nrini
( jouiepalr to Washington and
ropail at heail < iuai tors of the in my for duti
in connection with the Inauguration of the
president , and that on completion of the
duty contemplated , \ou leturn to joui
pi-opor station. Ho fmihcr direct
liiatjou order jour pcibonal suit to tie
company jou. "
Geneial Hrooko was seen by a Hue ic
jwrler MWII after the iceeipt of this message
The general said he would probably taki
with him only his aides. Ho will probablj
depart tor Washington about the last o :
J'Vbruaiy Ho regards the detail as aorj
jjrca ; 'compliment ' , as it U something tii.v
nrmy oflloPM are alwajs proud to look back
upon HA a pirt of their ofllclni work
Tlio Rotond division will bo commanded by
Malor General Snow den of Pennsylvania ,
and Xho third by General ritz-llugh Ixo : of
Virginia. _
Dully ( luicttr.
WASIIISOTOV , D. C , VaV 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UEE ] Armj * orders Issued
toduj1 were :
Captain James W. Allison , commissary of
subsistence , wilt repair to Haltimoro and
rc | > ort in poison to Major Charles IJ Pen-
rose , commlssnrj1 of subsistence , purchasing
and depot commissary of subsistence in that
city , for temporary dutv.
' 1 ho resignation by Major John H Uabcoek ,
assistant adjutant general , of his commission
as captain Ninth cavalry onlj- , has hern ac
cepted bv the pi esidcnt , to take effect Febru
ary II , 1MU
Leav o of absence for three months , on
surgeon's ccitlllcato of disability , with per
mission to Ic no the Department of ,
Is granted Major James P Kimball , surgeon
Tlio leave of absence on account of disa-
billtv gi anted Seiond Tjieutenatu Ambioso
1 Aloilitt.v , Ninth Infantrj , October 15 , Is
extended two months on account of disa
Chaplain Ollen Ainswoith. TMonty-fouith
infantrv , is detailed for dutj pertaining to
the U'oi Id's Columbian exposition , and will
report In person to tnc commanding gcncialt
Department of the Missouri fordutj aeeoicl-
Herrmann the Great , whoso claim to the
title none dispute in his professional line , '
will bo the attraction at Ilojd's next Tucs- !
day and Wednesday ; speclil matinee on
Wednesday. His latest and most wonderful
deception in Ills leportoitc , called "Ya-Ko-
Yo , ' ' Is thoiesult of two of constant
stuuj. U is nothing moio or less than tlio
disappearance of a human bein ? almost in
tlio presence of tlio entiio aiulienco The
mis en seen consists of two largo tea
chests suspended one from either side of the
stage Thej nio open and subject to public
inspection A Chinaman cntets one , making
his ascent to it bv a ladder , the dooi is
closed , and almost momentarily he appeals
in the other lx > x This the professor calls
the undugrouml invisible reid from PcKin
to San Francisco Several explanations
have been irivrn of the nmnnci in which the
tiick is done , but none so far have even ap-
proxlniatclj' solved the solut ion of the dilli-
cult problem
Sue U mechanical devices us -vanishing
' -Ta-ta " done to death ,
ladjTata ra-boom-de-aj
etc. with all the professoi's inelango of
tucks , will bo intioduced dining his coming
staj in the city
On W ishhif , ton's btithdaj a special niati-
neo w ill bo giv en
"A Busy Daj" is a hilarious , scintillating.
musical concoction ealculate > d to please , and
notwithstanding the fact that it is Vailed a
f.iieo comedy , foi want of . i better designa
tion , it is as unlike the general stcrcotjped
older of that cluss of plav as night is unlike
daj Tlio best evidence of this is that most
shows of the kind have no plot , and the en
tire faicie-al pait of the peiformanco is ton-
lined to but . i few of the actois "A Busy
Dav" opens at the F.unam Stieot theater
Suml.ij matinee , Kebiuaiy 111 , and continues
overj' cvcnimrduiing the week with Wednes
day and Sa tui daj matinee
Vlio English rcidincwoild is familiar with
the gieat woik that Mr Gtoigo Kennan , the
Amei lean journalist , accomplished in bibeua.
Mr Kennan will bo hoaul on "Hnssian
Political Hxlles , " ( lllustiated ) at IJojel's
theater , Thiusdav evening , February 'i !
Seats will bo on sale in advance at regular
pi ices , as usual
Chaplain DilTcnbachcr will give his lecture
on Washington this evening at tlio Lininger
gallery , and it will bo handsomely illus
trated with btereopticon views. The enter
tainment is for tlio beneht of the Homo for
Aged , awoithj charltj.
The next icgular concert of the Apollo
club will bo given Mondaj night at Hojil's
theater. Parties can puitha o tickets at
the hot oflico for the balance of the bcason
onlj' two concerts , two tickets to each ton-
cert for > 4 A few subscribers who aio un
able to use their tickets have left them at
Forel & Chailton's music stoio to bo sold ,
and am ono wishing to attend this conceit
can get tiekts thero. None but season
tickets will bo sold at the box oftlce , e\cept
to the gallerv. Iho club has secured the
services of Mr Fied Hess , violinccllo - virtuoso
tuoso , and Miss Bella Hobiiibon , pianist.
rurnltiire Drpitinont. .
Pillow feluim holeler and towel holder
with every bceliooin fault.
Bedroom btiits , I ! pieces , from $11. oO
up.Our aim is to gLvo fust olass goods at
the lowcbt pricu possible ami we arts now
lowing a line of thii -eight dillerent
suits that wo ehallenge e-ompetition at >
to style , finish , workmanship and cabinet
Largo suit luii dvv oed , 2 JxJSUbovel plate ,
0-foot bed , I feet C inches vv ide , 4-inch ,
cap on footb'jciid , at $19.00 , icgular piico
8 different styles of hedsteadH , si/cs
of each style , now on special sale , - full
cars of bedsteads alone just in.
Kindly remember we carry a e-omploto
line of first class fiunltmo , beating the
smallest margin of prpiit of any line in
the west. 1IAYDUN BROS ,
Dry goods and f m nltui c.
A $1,000.00 baby grand Cliiekeiing
piano for $175.00 , tukon in exchange
upon a Wegman piano. Boll Department
To llointiin , Tex. , unit Ki'turn S i.1,00 ,
My tenth spewal excursion to Hous
ton , Tex. , will Icavo Omaha Monday ,
February 20 , 1SO.J. Ticket' , good to 10-
tum until Juno 1. Transit limit 15 clays
in each dii eetion and good to stop over
at pleasure
For all p.u ticulars , nddicss R. C. Pat
terson , 4i" > iiiimgo Uuilding , Omaha.
The Only Dlulni ; Tar I.lno to St. I.onls
Is the Burlington Riuto. Its St. Louis
night express leave- , Omaha at 9M"i p.
m. , and i caches St. Louis tit ,1 the next
Note further Tlio Burlington is the
only line op < nuting tlnotigh sleeping
carh between Omaha and St. Louis.
Tlio Burlington ulho oilers uncqualod
double daily --ervico to Chicago , Denver
and Kansas City.
Ticket oillce , 12l : i Fat nam street.
A Kimball upright piano for $00.00 ,
taken in exchange on a Wegman. Bell
Dopiutm'cnt Stoio.
Frosjcolug unil interior decorating designs -
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lelunann , I50S Douglas street.
See the celebrated Solunor piano at
Ford & Charlton Music Co. , 1503 Dodge.
New second-hand organs , $2o.OO. Bell
Department Stoie.
See Dentist Kelin , 10 & 11 B.trkor blk
Mrs. Anna Kinkcad Tried Before the Police
Judge ,
Cloud Church Mcmhom .Mnko Contrnitlrtury
niH-nts About the ltccor l A
1'ul or the rilinllain'rrs
U Tnkcn lilt
The entire time of the police Judge jcster-
diiv afternoon was taken up In listening to
the testlmonj in tlio case of the Park Avenue -
nuo United Prcsbjterian church against
Mrs Anna Klnkead.
W. A. Spaulding , clerk of the board of
trustees , was lecalled. Mr Spaulding has
been ono of the principal prosecutors of the
case , but ho appaicnllj' left Ills memory at
his grocery stoio when ho started for the
eouit room jestordaj'
'Ihe witness swoic that the church iccord
of the session , which was offered in evI-
dcncc , contained u full text of the trial and
thu action taken in the matter since Julj ,
IS'.ll , when the case was llrst brought to the
notice of the moderator and tj > session
After a great deal of hard pumping by the
attoinejs Spiulding said that the session
had not icquested Mrs Kinkc.ul to staj
awaj fiom all meetings , but Had requested
her scvcial times not to take a leading part ,
as her Influence might bo bad.
Witness also said that the session did not
want the defendant to attend pi aver meet
ings , neither did it want her to lead in
prajer at any meeting of the chuich or Sun-
daj school. At n meeting hold just previous
to the communion Sabbith witness had been
delegatcel to pi event Mrs ICinke.ul fiom
Joining the otheis at the communion altar.
"A meeting of the session was held last
August , " slid the witness , "a jear after the
suspension , te talk the matter over , and wo
agiced that if Mis Kinkead would icfiain
fiom taking a leading part in the uoislup
wo would icfuso to piosecuto her for dis
turbing us bv her picscnce "
Ml bpauldinir declined to s ly positlvcli on
cioss examination whether they wanted de
fendant to s'aj aw.ij entirclv or not To a
gicatmanj other questions the witness said
he didn't know or had foigotten ' _
Hint Called In tlio Police.
Detective Vaughn said that he was at the
chinch ouo Sundaj last August Ho had
been icquested to be pr'scnt to pi event Mis.
Kinkead fiom tieUing a disturbance. Heforc
the services opened the onicer had visited
Mrs Kinkc.ul at her house and icquested
her not to attend the church or pirtake of
the communion , as the chuich olllcials had
leportcd her to the police and asked for pro
tection According to Vaughn's statement ,
Mrs Kinkead replied
" of ' hirelings
"Sojou aioonc Seavcj's dilty
lings , aio jou , and have been sent bj these
people to warn me ? I will go to the church
if 1 want to"
The ofllcer testified that during the com
munion Mis Kinkead giabbeda pice < 3 of
bicad fiom the plate and thievv it on the
At this point tlio detective's testimom
was choked oil , as his statements wcieail
concerning tioublo last August , while the
complaint specified .l.inu.uj ' .1 of tills \ car
Nextcamo OeoigoP Spaulding , who saw
Mrs Kinkead stait down the aisle owird
the altar lie also s.uv his biother , W II
Spaul'Hng ' , trv to prevent her by standing in
fiont of her and placing his hand on her
shoulder Notwithstanding tills action
Mis Kinkead tiowdcd past and took her
place among the other communicants
Dr John T Matthews testified that the
defendant had been expelled and had not
been permitted to partake pf communion for
full.v eighteen months , also that Mis Kin
kead had Been served with -written notice
of her suspension and h id been requested to
staj avvny and that she would not bo allowed
to cnjoj the piivlieges of the chuich until
she had set herself light with the chuich
Witness ad nutted that somoof the actions of
the session in the case had purposely been
omitted fiom Iho u-coids , as the olliccis did
not c.uo toiefleit upon the btanding of the
church by spreading the reputation of the
Kinkcads unon the i ecords
This testimony about the records contia-
dicted Cltik fapaulding's statements , and
the couit so noted
Continuing the w itncss told how Spauld
ing had tiled to stop Mis Kinkead in the
aisle , and also told how on a founcr occasion
defendant had pushed him away when he
tiled to piovcut her fiom going to com
munion. '
I'nstor lliiiclcrnuii'8 i\ldoncc. :
Ucv John A. Htndcison , pastor of the
chuich , stated that ho had publicly an
nounced fiom the pulpit that the session had
suspended Mis Kinkead until she ) had sot
hcisclf light Defendant was present at
the services at the tune this announcement
was made Ho had often talked with the
suspended member and uiged her to either
stay awaj or bettlo the matter by confessing
and asking forgiveness.
The case was tncn argued by the attor-
nejs Mr IMP Smith , counsel for the de
fense , from tlio Presbjterian discipline
the lulo laid down for a tiial and suspension
Ho then computed these with the iccoid and
called the comt's attention to the fact that
the iccoidb had not been made in accordance
w ith the laws of the Prcsbj tciian assembly
Ho attempted to piovo that the Kinkcuds
had never appeared before ttio session but
once , and did not have a trill at that time ,
and that the iccoids showed that each time
the e iso was sot for tiial the session had ad-
Jomncd bccauboof tlio ubbenco of the de
Mr Smith also cited a decision of a
Pcnnsvlvanl i Judge , who had ordeied a poi
son lelnstnted to membciship because tlio
tiial hid not been in accoulanco witli the
rules laid down for such pioccedin s The
evidence was h istilj levievvcd and then the
attoinev tinned his attention to the mein-
beis of the sebblon and the eldeis Mr
bmith sild ho wondeiod what kind of
Cliustianitv thov wcic dealing out at the
Paik Avenue United Piesbjterlin church
and sue ! th it Judging fiom the actions of the
uiembcib thoj appealed moio like the mob
whkli followed Ctil 1st when ho was on the
doss and ciicd "tiuclfj" him
The case then went to the couit , and
Judge Hcika announced that hooidd len
der n decision Mend ij at - o'clock
A icqucist for a glance at Iho iccordswas
made bj the lopoitcr , but Mr Sp lulding em
phatically declined , sij ing that the books
' ontaiiicd notations which weio not for tlio
IsOW Il'S A TltlO.
Confederate of the Vormtllo Sulndlers Is
C'lipturi d.
About 1 o'clock a in yesterday a man caino
to the police station vvl'h n pickago for
Hiodcn and Little , the men who weto ar
rested Wedncsdaj for passingfoigcd checks
Sergeant Ormsbv went upstaiis and donned
his citi/ens' clothes and followed the messen
ger to Thii tec-nth and Douglas stieets wheio
ho was Joined bj another tellovv whom the
oftlcci placed under aucbt. He admitted
that ho was a pal of the t\vo men in Jail , but
claimed that thej were none of them anj-
tlilngw01 so than card sharps Ho had met
the other two cloaks on the coast and thoj
had traveled together as far as Omaha Tlio
police aio of the opinion tint the suspect ,
whose- name is Gcoigo Adams alias Uii-h , is
as bid as the other tuo , and will keep him
in a safe place for a while Tito pickago
only 1'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
Used in Milliis of Homes 40 Years the StandanL
sent to the staUoii contained a number of
opium pills.
IWthr T
Dick nurdUhVtiiloon at Tenth and Dodge
streets was robMU Wodnoiday night of $15
In cash and a ciumlty | of liquor and cigars
OGcorgoHtovciLuwas arrested jesterday on
a charge of steallqg harness from the Hurst
Pie company.
Iho vags and ( drunks who stood up before
Judge IJeika yesterday morning had on n
funny stieak , nnUttiis honor had the painful
duty of passing- petty sentences on Orover
Cleveland , hill JVleKlnlcy , Glaus Spteckols ,
Judge Qrcshamiiiul Hobort Uiiunct.
Although many remedies arc pushed Into
the market by spicy advertisements , Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup still takes the lead.
riihi rixiit ruiit
At Ilajdcn Bros.1 you can buy any
thing you want in fresh , mnolcud or
alted ilsh. Iloro arc the prices : Fiesh
lake herring , fie per pound ; ring porch ,
" > o per iioutul ; the linest lake trout , lOc
per pound ; white Ilsh , lOc per pound ;
northern tea halibut 12jc ; smelts , lOc
per pound ; led miappor , lOc ; sun lish ,
t1 per pound ; Columbia river salmon ,
12Jo , and all other kinds of fresh fish.
Wo have the mnokoel sturgeon , 174c ;
hinokeel halibut , lee , smoked white
Ilsh , 1'c ; the llnebt smoked salmon , I7jc ;
Columbia river silmon , salted , 12jc.
Wo have a largo Norway mackerel for
" > c eacli ; Norway bloater , an extra white
inackoral , Klc and 12Je per pound ; the
finest Scotland shore maukurul , l.'io per
pound ; imported ancliovies , lOc and Il2jc
[ ) or pound ; St. Lawrence river eels , lee
! > er pound ; Hamburg eels , mn iked , 20c ;
Lho very nicest finnan baddies , llljc
tnd Lieper pound ; oxtia line
'at milcher herring , 5 for 2oc ; Ber
lin roe herring , 7 for Hoe , and a lot of
other iish too numerous to mention. Now
when you want any fish , fiesh , salted or
smoked , don't forgot to call.
( . 'REAM.
Highland lirnnd evaporated cicam ,
12o } per can , bold all over for liOc.
Columbian buind evaporated cream ,
li e.
Economy biand ovapoiated cream , 7jc.
Condciibcd milk , lOc per can.
gr , ooo SHOD STOCK 11
Tor Stile In Lump I
Tlio stock of boots and ulioes of the
Geoi S. Miller btore , Kill North 21th
sti cot , is for sale in a lump. It is a good
rencral stock. Bids for the same w ill
) o icccivcd up to Monday evening , Feb
ruary 120. 18SU , at ( i o'clock , by agent in
) ossession of stoi o. Stock open for in
spection fi 0111 2 i ) . m. to . " > p m. of each
"A ( iond rlnio Cninlni ; "
Was the remark made by W. II. Gieen ,
the well known leal estate dealer , at his
ollice , No. 217 Karbach block , today to a
3Ei : reporter.
"What makoH you think so ? " was
"Well , I suppose you w ill laugh at mj
superstition. " ho ansvvcied , "but I have
i dear old giandmother who ib in he'i-
Kliil year , who tolls me to alvvavs buy in
t'b and 4's , and to be suio and sell iu'7V
[ lm\o be n following Unit out and am
'on top ; ' is thatevidence' : " '
The icporter u > bentcd , abMr. Green is
ono of the most con-soi vativo and hiie-
Cbsful dealers in the city. Mr. Giecn
lias been an extensive traveler during
the past two jears , with an eye to find
ing a It cation that ofToi ed moi e induce
ments than does Omaha , or oven the
state of Nebraska , and lie bays that
Omaha has. more to offer today than auj
other city1 that ho has'boon in.
The 1'rosldent Coming to Omnlm.
Wo received a telegram from bt.
Louis , Mo. , that Prof. Hli-bchberg , prcsi-
ilent of the Hirtchberg Ophtahlmic In-
btituto and of the H. Illrbdiberg Oitical
company of New Yoi k and St. Louis , has
consented to visit Omaha. Tlio professor
will bo at his agent'b , Max Meyer , Bio
& Co. , Monday , February 20 , and will re
main ono week only. Those buttering
from any defective vision or disease of
tlio eye should not lot this niio oppoitu-
nity pass , but consult the lenowned ejo
expoi t.
Joliann IToff's Malt Ex
tract vs. Me. It is claimed for
Johann Iloff's Malt Extract that a
do/cn bottles of it is equal in
nutriment and tonic qualities tea
a cask of ale. It is well known
by almost everybody that farina
ceous foods form starch in the
human constitution. The starch
assimilates with the system in
proportion to the degree of solu
tion. And it has been proved by
experiment that whereas London
Porter onlyxlissolved 25 per cent.
of the starch1 , Johann Iloff's Malt
Extract dissolved GO per cent. ;
and it enjoys , moreover , the
superadded recommendation of
containing .no alcohol , or at any
rate the merest suspicion of alco
hol. And therefoie the most
scrupulous may take it without
hesitation. The result in dyspep-
bia is relief of pain ; in debility
a restoiation to vigor ; in weak
ness after an illness , like " La
Grippe , " a sure means of building
up the lost power ; in all tenden
cies to atrophy or atony a perfect
form of nutrition. It is simply
marvellous in its effects. Beware
of imitations. The genuine must
have the signature of "Johann
Iloff" on the neck of every bottle.
Eisner & Mendelson Co. , sole
agents , New York.
Pain v
A Full Scl of Ted1 ! on tor for $3. $ ) )
L-imr.inteo I Tooth oitricol li tn
w 2""nmlM la tu j oT nhu < i a J
i'ninaclmcntot llemovxblo lrU.J !
l tl\\w \ \ Sen. of Kleilblu KH tU i'l i-.i
AlliorVwarrinteil " ropruiunlal
OHloo Third FloorPaxton IJa-.v
'lekiiUono ! * > * ' " " > ' " 1 tunu-u sti
Tike elVriior or lUlrnirfrgmlOU at
Qirl = Life in New York City
The arrival of a refined
Western in New
girl York 5
her first days in a city boardinghouse -
ing-house 5 her introduction
to city girls 5 at her first
social reception 5 pictures of
girl-life in New York City ,
as presented
"The Coast of Bohemia/ its chapters in the ,
Ten Cents
Send One Dollar for One Year to
on all Ncws-standa
- The Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia
Arc NKVIMt Sold
k l.S 1IUI.K ,
AlmiMt n lc ( i >
sco their cic-
< ll lltltlll. . V-Olf
the > h u \ u n
rlclit to | IIHL-
tlco In Nnlinis-
Un. > < o II thpy
uru pi liiclpiilfl
o r n > r r < > 1 y
agcntf. lie to
thu ipcortti't'rt
nlllcn mill sec
It di yuro rfg-
UII. P. I. . SKHtrI > . C'oiibult l
Oriiliuto of liiuli Mcdlcnl Collozo ( i ON
- > UllAiu i ritllK ) . Tor tlic treatiiiontoi
Wo euro Catarrh , All Dl&oascu of tlio
Nono. Throat. Cheat. Stomach , Bowels
ami Liver.
Blood , Skin and Kiduoy DIscasoi.
Foiualo Wcaliucssos , Lost Mauhoo.l
ril.E1 ISTIII.A , 11PSUHB , pcrmnnontly enrol
nlthout tlic uno of knlfo lluntnro or Lauitic.
All ninlndlci of a prlvnto or Ucllcato rmtilrj ot
cltt.crpex iiosltlvoly cured
( nil 01101 nddreis with stamp for Clrcnliin , I'roj
Hook und Hcclpca ,
Dr.Swrlcs & Scarlcs,11 , ? , 1
Neil Door to I'ostomoo
nu c
OKK wo.
tliu fu-
IIIOII8 f'lll-
o liopliysl-
c I u u of
O in a h i.
li n a oxer
1'UU at ite-
in o u t H
ITH to f n I
put ion tb
wlio lia\c
beencu rod
by him.
tlio most successful puyslolans In Oman i to-
cluy U Dr. C. Goo \\o. who for tlio ] ) iht to
> u.irs bcoa doiiiK inoro Rood for sulTcrliu
hiiinunlty tliun all otlitir spuimllsls In the
The doctor cm successfully tiont you by
mall and cure you. us ho h is douo thous mils
of others , witli his wonderful Ulilncso roiuo-
dles Do not delay until ioiu disc iso Is be-
yondatl help , but write to him Ifou o innot
uall upoiih Him at otico , and ho will uho vou
Ills candid opinion of your e.ine. I'x.iiiilna-
lotns free and It will co-,1 you nothliu to ton-
suit w th hint Question 1)1 inks sent iiuon ap
plication Addiuss ,
OlO's N IClhSt. Oniilu
Elastic Stock. ! nj
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottle
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S.lotiV. . .
Next to PostofflGB
C'nn you Answer
Consult Frco ,
G , W. WILLIAMSON , M. D , ,
AND III" ' " ! HUM -
ne M r ury , but jiuw.
Biicco rul reineillM. A euro
. . . . , .
„ „ „
QUICKLY K"nruiit 4il. Aliiininilohtruni :
CURED I oinalo winUinnna pennant
ontly r ui cil. rilc-s nud Ituctul LU er ruri-il ,
nu kniroorraiiitlci. I'litlcnli ucr ? fully
tit-nttil by uuill. AJilro.H ,
IU1MOM ) ,
Till , .ID\\Ll.i ; . ! .
An Optical Allusion.
It would seem as we have but one pair of eyes
that we'd be more particular who fitted them with
glasses. Don't ruin your eyes , but save them
Our optician makes it his business to perfectly fit
the eyesight. No charge for testing.
la remarkable among ; whiskies for
Purity , Rich Quality , Smoothness and
Delicious Bouquet.
Sold only at High-class Drinking
Places and Drug Stores. If you *
Dealer does not keep it in stock/
Write to
All cannot possess a
( This sum was paid for the first World's Fair Souvenir Coin minted. )
in the shape of a coin , but many can havefac-similes of this valuable work
of ait only special coin evei issued by the U , S , Government for $1 each-
United States Government
The Official Souvenir
of the Great Exposition
5,000,000of which were donated to the World's Columbian Exposition by the
Government , are being rapidly taken by an enthusiastically patriotic people.
As there eaily promised to be a demand for these Souvenirs that
would lender them very valuable in the hands of speculators , the Exposition
Authorities decided to place the price at
and sell them direct to the people , thus realizing $5,000,000 , and using the
additional money for the fuither development of the Fair.
Considering the fact that there were 5,000,000 of these coins to be
distributed amomg 65,000,000 people , in this country alone ( to say nothing
of the foreign demand , ) and ( hat many have already been takenthose wish
ing to purchase these mementoes of our Country's Discovery and of the
grandest Exposition ever held , should secure as many as they desire at once.
Realizing that every patriotic American
an enc or more ° mcsc c ° ms >
orcjcr JQ t aj.e jt convenjent for
him to get them , we have made arrange
Everywhere ments to have them sold throughout
the country by all the leading Merchants
and Banks. If not for sale in your town , send $1.00 each for not less titan
five coins , by Post-oflice or Express Money-order , Registered Letter or Bank
Draft , with instructions how to send them to you , all charges f repaidt to
Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition , Chicago , 111.
"MorvoSeodw ,
the wonderful rcm
. .
UBITUU w t m r * mr " * .w li SOllI Wlttl ft tT
ten irunrnnUr to euro all m > rrous i. lucti aiV k
IxiMof lliBlii Tower , llcadache. WakefulneM. Ixiit Manhood. NliiUtlf ffml
tfont NcrTouaiicM. / Mltude.alldrtlni and log.of power of the Ueuet ill
Oriant In oitlior er ciuie I br overexertlor , youUiful rrron.or ricenltr
uibof to > ftccooplum or llmulanti which eon lend to Inflrnillr , toiifgni * .
. ' In ct twcket. S porinck.
AtlonanaliVian M. I'ul upconTcnl niocarr7 §
atoffm"6to'K. WlA evoryl.cmUrwj 'atvt a written ffuaranl. * toevjrt
. " ? if utkd IM nwmy. Circular troe. A < 14ris A ! r o c-a Co. . < Jblc B . IB.
For Sale In Omaha by Sherman & O'Connell , 1310 Dodga