'HE OMAHA DAILY SDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1893. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL m.UFFR Ot'KK'K ; NO. IS 1'EAllL. STUKET. ly cni-rlrr Io nny part of the city II W. TI1.TON , - MANAGER . - ' THt.-i * ( j < iKlt | J.O. 23 aitxun , Mj.v N Y Plumbing Co. Council Hluffs Uuiiiner ( V > . Conl A C'ochron of Pontnnnblcnu Is in the city , n tfuest of the Grand hotel. Clinrlcs M. Halley nnil Ida . Maupln of Haliiio , Mo. , were mn rrk-d yesterday by Jus- tlco Meld. Clinrlcs H Hlooof Pottnurnttnmlo county nnil Mary Mitchell of Omaha took out a H- tense to marry yesterday. The executive committee of the State Bankers association has fixed upon May 1 and 24 for hold Ing the state convention In this city. Henry Schmidt , aged 78 years , died Tues day afternoon at ft o'clock , of old ape. at. his residence , corner of Thirty-tilth street and uvenue C. Uvular session of Harmony chapter No. 2. > , Order Itaatvrn Star , at Masonic temple this evening. Visiting members cordially invited. Hy order of worthy matron. Special lucctltit' of Miipah temple No. t > , 1'ythlan Sisters. Thursday afternoon. Iiiis- incss of importance. All are requested to be present. Mrs. O.V. . Itolwrts , secretary. Mrs. .1 S. Westcott met with a serious ac cident last evening about U o'clock. In going out of the house she slipped and fell on the hard frozen ground , fracturing her limb badly. Them Is talk of organizing nn association of retail clerks In Council Bluffs for the pur- IKISC of securing better wages nnil shorter iiours A meeting will probably bo held soon to take definite action. Josephine Grovier died at ! > o'clock yester day morning at her residence , 2il'J : South Hlxth street , agc-d 70 years , of pneumonia. The remains will Ixj taken to Ueltn , In. , for interment this morning. Justice Vex performed two wedding cere monies jcsteniav afternoon. The parties were Alonzo D. Wroth and Mary I'ecbas of Omaha , and John M. Hardin of Council UlufTs , and Syrena P. Browning of Hartford , Kan. Kan.The The evidence in the Ed N. Brown attach ment eases was heard Tuesday and the argu ments were made yesterday in the superior rourt room before Hnferce J. J. Stewart. The case will probably bo submitted this morning. The Clover Mandolin club will give a con cert this evening at the Broadway Meth odist church. It is compospil of Miss Eva V I-ouls. and Miss Clara Bedlson , mando lins. and Miss Nettie Loui ? and Miss Ada Bcdison. guitars. A social will bo given in the Grand Army hall on Wednesday evening , February U-i , by Bluff City council , No. 7 , Junior Order of American Mechanics. A literary and musi cal program will bo presented , after which there will be dancing. Miss Minnie Tanusea of this city was mar ried last Tuesday to Mr. John Moran. a former resident of Council Bluffs. The wedding took place In Chicago , where the young couple will live , the groom being en gaged in the plumbing business. Judge MtCiCO has set apart Monday , Feb ruary 27 , as the day for the hearing of the case of the city against the Omaha and Council Bluffs Bridge and Hallway company , In which the city is seeking tq recover ,000 for intersection paving and grading. John O'Connor , the Burlington fireman who was Injured In a wreck on that roart about three weeks ago , died at St. Bernard's hospital Tuesday afternoon. The body was taken by the mother and brother of the de ceased to Creston yesterday morning for burial. nOgallala tribe " "of Fort Omttlin , and Yahnundahbis tribe of Omaha , Improved Order of Kcd Men , visited Pottawattamlo trlbo of this city in their h.ill last evening. A most ( njoyhb'lo social evening was spent , W.H)1 ) t'tirn and venison for refreshments , and the plpo of peace for dessert. A leaky gasoline steve caused a fire nlnrm last evening at 10 o'clock. It was in the bachelor quarters of A. Lavenburg , over 120 Broadway. The Inflammable fluid eaught flro and blazcdiup vigorously , but a tea kettle full of water extinguished it. The fire de partment did not arrive until all need of its services was over. The Commercial Pilgrims are making arrangements for a banquet and ball to be given at the Grand hotel in this city about April 1. Invitations arc to bo sent out to the traveling men of Lincoln , Omaha , Hast ings , Norfolk , Grand Island , DCS Molnes , Sioux City , Marshalltown , Cedar Uaplds , Oskaloosa , Burlington , Waterloo and other Nebraska and Iowa towns. The pupils of the Western Iowa business college gave a Valentino party Tuesday even ing at the college rooms. There was n largo attendance , many of those present not being connected with the college. Ono of the fea tures of the evening was a postoftlce , where valentines of all stages of the beautiful and ridiculous were distributed. Another social will bo given next Saturday evening. The democrats have changed their plan And will nominate candidates for aldermen in the Third , Fourth and Sixth wards at special ward elections next Saturday evening , the polling places being left open from 5 p. in. to 8. The elections will be held at the follow ing places : Third ward. N. Sehurz's otlice , South Main street ; Fourth ward , sujwrlor court room , county court house ; Sixth ward , Broadway near corner of Twenty-first street. Arthur Ewing , a 15-year-old toy , left his homo In Shannon City , Uinggold county , and was found sleeping In a Wabash freight car yesterday morning. Ho was taken In charge by the imllce and a telegram was sent 10 his father1 notifying him of his capture , Ho claimed that his father continually growled nt him and he left homo in order to get some place where he would receive better treat ment. Ho spent the day making the rounds of the city with the police , seeing the sights , and manifesting the greatest wonder at features of city life that he had never heard of before. At the First Baptist church Evangelist Thompson took for a text at the afternoon meeting , "The Parable of the Leaven and the Meal. " Ho said there is nothing in the natural heart like the leaven , "Yo must bo born again. " The talk was n very practical one to Christian work ers and tin , ' truth was emphasized that the leaven must bti implanted in the heart by the Holy Spirit. In the evening ho spoke of Christ weeping over Jernselem , as found in Matthew 2i : ; : t7 , and dwelt especially on the calls of God as general , personal and alarm ing , and showed how many times these vari ous calls were given and In different ways. His sermons are Interesting , pointed and full of serlnturo. Services every day at 2:30 and 7:30 p. in. _ Piles ot people nave piles , out DoWitt s Witch Hazel salvo will euro thoiu. Wutoh tomorrow's paper for the an nouncement of the llnal clearing bale of hosiery and underwear at the Bjaton Store. Gouts' , ladies' , misses' and chil dren's nil in this Nile. BOSTON STORK , FotlioringluunVhltcluw & Co. . Counell Bluffs , In. Coal and wood ; best and cheapest MihMmri hard wood in the rity ; prompt delivery. II. A. Cox , Xo. 4 Muin. IIivvc your prescriptions 111 led ut Duvis' , only pure , fresh drugs and chem icals in stock. itisux.ti. r.iit.tr.it.irii.i. Miss Grinith of Iowa City Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Frank Wright. Miss Maud Morrison of Fort Madison , who has been visiting Mrs. Albright , loft yester day for Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs , W. F. Sapp. who were called to Denver by the death of their uncle , will not return until the latter part of the week , owing to the death of an aunt , Mrs. H. C. Brown. Constipation cured oy Da Witt's Early Risers. Entertainment nnd oyster supper ut the Bethany Baptist church , corner IGtli and High streets , tonight. Everybody welcome. Goto , coal , wood , 37 Mala. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS' ' Approach of the Caucuses Brings on the Dis cussion of Candidates , WHO WILL RUN FOR THE CITY COUNCIL Tlirre Wnnl Mrmhrrn anil On nt l.nrce toIle Ilo Clionrn AnplriinU Already An nounced Compared Candidate * for the School Hoard nre Scarce. The spring election is only a little more than two weeks distant nnd the primaries of the republican and democratic parties occur two weeks from today , and yet , so far as ap- pcarances'lmllcate , there Is so little interest being manifested that people who are not on the Inside might supjioso that such a thing as an election has never been thought of. But considerable work is being done on the quiet , especially among the democrats , and If there is anyeouneilmanie lightning tempo rarily out of a job it will do well to keep its eye peeled for openings , for they are bound to como to light. Councilmen are to bo elected in the Third. Fourth and Sixth wards to take the places of H. II. VanBrunt , K. 10. Maync and George Graves. A couneilman-at-large Is also to be elected to take the place of J. II. Pace. Mr. Pace was formerly a candidate for rcnomlnatlon by the republicans , but he now announces that ho has retired from the political arena. He requests Tin : BEU to state for him that he lias not made enough out of the office to retire iiton | , but will return to his old busi ness. Kepublicans are mentioning C. Straub as a jKissiblo candidate , while S..S. Keller seems to have the inside track ut present among the democrats. Will Iliircu Itepcater. In the Fourth ward K. E. Mayno is anx iously looking for a renomination , but whether or not it will bo given him is yet to bo determined by the republican leaders. If he receives a rcnumination it lotiks very much as though the tight of a few months aso will be repeated in the Third ward , for.L B. Atkins is being men tioned prominently by the democrats. The election where those two men were pitted against each other was one of the uu st hotly fought contests ever seen in Council Bluffs , and It resulted in Maine's election by a majority of two votes. This was entirely too close for comfort , some of the republicans think , and they want to put uu some man v ho will stand a chance of carrying off the prize by a larger majority. No more satis factory candidates have como to the front , however , so far. In the Third ward two republicans have been mentioned , E. E. Hart and F. O. Glea- .son. either of whom would meet with the entire approval of theimbltc. W. H. Thomas , formerly county recorder , and J. H. Plumer , formerly county treasurer , are candidates 'or the democratic n valuation , the latter eljing largely on his resemblance to Alder man Van Brunt , the pros--nt incumbent , and Having shaved off his moustache in the en- leaver to Increase that resemblance. Where. Democracy Only Count * . In the Sixth. Graves wants a rcnointnation , lUt two other democrats have come to the front to contest the place with him , J. D. Nicholson and J. W. MUtescll. In this ward a republican never even gets a smell of an office , so that If there ; s a republican candi date in the field he doesn't count. Some trouble is anticipated in gettinir any one to run for the office of school director , as the present board has resembled an athletic club too much to suit most Jiicn of peaceable tendencies. Mem bers Wells and Wnite were elected together three years ago , they have been thrown together with more or less force at almost every meeting for the past year , and now they keep up their record by going out together , and it is suid that neither of them aspires to a re-election. So far the only can didate mentioned at all prominently is Rev. E. J. Babcock. and whether ho would take it if it were tendered him nobody knows. IHIAWINU TO A CI.OSK. The Ulg ; * Will Case ( iocs Into the Hand * ol the Jury Today. The taking of evidence Jn the Biggs will case was completed In the district court yes terday , and most of the arguments to the jury were made. At the hour of adjourn ment in the evening John Limit was making the closing speech for the plaintiff , and he will resume this morning at 0:80 : o'clock. The case will undoubtedly go to the jury by noon. noon.No No more ghosts walked , but otherlnterest- Ing testimony was introduced in the shape of a letter which the deceased had written his daughter about live weeks before his mar riage with his second wife , in which he referred to an invitation ho had received from a woman whom he referred teas as "Miss Annie , " that ho como and live with her. This bit of writing , coming as it uid upon the heels of testimony of other wit nesses to the effect that the deceased had always boasted of his popularity among the ladies , created a riuplo of amusement over the audience. In his letter , however , he stated that he saw at once what "Miss Annio" was up to , and accused her of want ing to get hold of his property , whereupon , after some hemming and hawing , she ad mitted that it was tne almighty dollar that she was after. Ho further went on to say that ho had determined to leave his property to "Danny , " his grandson. An ante-nuptial contract between Mr. Biggs aim his second wife was also intro duced in evidence. It had been drawn up and signed about two weeks before the mar riage , and in it each party agreed that neither should acquire any title or interest in the property of the other through the marriage , but that each one should continue to hold his or her property just as though the marriage ceremony had never taken place. Salvation Oil has cured many of rheuma tism when other remedies failed. Price 25c. Watch tomorrow's paper for the AN- NOUNCEMKNT Of tllO litlill COAT SALE at the LtoSTON STOKB. Greater reduc tions than over. This includes ladies' , misses' and children's. Fothcringham , \Vhitelaw & Co. , Council Bluffs , la. Taylor & Compton have removed their grocery from & ! , " > liroudwuy to the Peters buildiu , opposite side of the street. The now room is larger and finer and they will have a better chuuco than ever of pleasing their trade. Too Cold lor ( iliustn. The proprietor of the Tremont house has received a rather queer Inquiry from A. S. Judklns of the Soldiers' homo of South Da kota , asking for the particulars concerning the reported haunting of a house In the vicinity of the hotel. This recalls the fact known to many citizens that nn old brick house stood for yeais at the corner of Sev enth street and Washington avenue , whlcti had so widespread a reputation of being ten anted by ghosts that it was difficult to gei any other tenants to occupy it. The anxious inquirer is now Informed that the house re- fcrreil to'has been torn down , leaving the lot vacant. The ghosts probably were com pelled to look for new quarters , as this win ter has not been very comfortable for an out door residence , especially to these clad in ghostly garments. For hoarseness , sore throat ami cough , take Dr Bull's Cough Syrup , the specific for aiTciitionsof the throat and chest. liouriclua finds out that Stutsmnn Street Is nil right for the piano business. , just look at his new bigns. Do you smoke ? Hu\o you tried T. D. King & ; Co.'s Partatrus ? it's u charmer. Juat light one. CltJlinemen. . In the eagerness with which the citizens are discussing the motor question , some partisans have indulged In a wholesale de nunciation of all the acts of the present ad- ministration. In view of this fact It Is sim ple justice that the taxpayers should bear in mind that Mayor Lawrence and the coun cil , who were elected on the understanding that they would reduce the city's current ex- prnsrs. ! have met this feature of the public expectancy They point with prlao to the figures showing the cltj's running expenses as follows : Apr. 15 , 1891. to.tnn. 31. 1R02 10fl.2flO.00 Apr. 16 , 1802 , to Jan. 31 , 1803 74,270.71 Iocroa ) e J21.080.80 1'cr cunt of decrease .22 So far , so good. Now the citizens propose to pledge the Incoming officials to the policy of protecting the city's interests as against the motor .xnnpany and all other coriwra- tions. If at the coining election inch are chosen who will bo as faithful to this new pledge us the present administration has been to the jiollcy of cutting down running expenses , another step forward will be taken. A I'opnUr Itemed } ' for ColiN. Mr. J. II , Copcland of Meycrsdale. Penn. , who has been outraged lu the drug business In Kansas , New Jersey , Florida , New York and Pennsylvania for the past nlnctoun years , says : "Chamberlain'sCough Kctnody Is the best selling cough medicine I have ever handled. " People who use this remedy are so much pleased with It that they recom mend It to their friends and neighbors. There Is nothing better for a bad cold. It relieves the lungs , preventing any tendency toward pneumonia. It is also a pleasant and safe medicine for children. 50 cent bottles tles for sale by all druggists. Watch tomorrow's paper for the AN- NOUNCT.MKNT of tile iilllll COAT SALK nt the HOSTOX STOUK. Greater reduc tions tlinn over. This includes Indies' , misses' and children's. Fothoriiigham. White-law it Co. , Council Blutls , la. Now that diphtheria is prevalent in Council KlulTs nnd Omaha every family should bo provided with Dr. JelTeris' in fallible diphtheria preventive and ci- " > . It can bo had of Council BlulTs di v gists or tit ! M04 Cnining street , Omaha A social gathering will be held in the Broadway Methodist church this even ing. A short , choice program that will plea o each listener. Refreshments nnd a general social time is promised. Pub lic invited. For warming guest chambers , batli rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are just what you want. Look at tliom. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. 13. Gas and Elec tric Light Co. Suit AjjiliiHt tlu < .Motor Company. The motor company was made defendant In another $10,000 damage suit yesterday in the district court. Charles Malstrom , who was knocked out of his wagon with three of his friends , almost under the wheels of a motor , at the corner of First avenue and Pearl street , is the plaintiff , and the acci dent took place January l l. 1MM. the particu lars having been published at the time. Malstrom alleges that the motor company is operating Its line without any franchise or authority from the city , and that the partic ular motor in question was running at the rate of about thirteen miles per hour at u point where It could not be seen by people coming down First avenue , on account of the buildings. He demands a judgment of $10- 000 for the Injuries he received. Beechanf s Pills for a bad liver. Watch tomorrow's paper for the an nouncement o"f the liual clearing sale of hosiery and underwear at the Bjstoi Store. Gents' , ladies' , misses' and children's all in this sale. BOSTON STOKE , Futheringham , Whitelaw & Co. , Council Blutrs , la. The snow and cold weather docs not diminish the demand for acreage in the Klein tract , 2 } miles east of the post- otlice ; . ' 100 acres yet for Milo in from one to ten aero tracts , suitable for fruit and garden. Day & tless , agents , 'J'J Pearl street. Finest Arista cabinet photos. S2 per doz. Ashton's studio , 18 N. Main street Mmc. Helen Merrill , hall-dressing and manicure. Room 312 , Merrium block. Another impro\cment to the popular Schubert piano. Swanson Music. Co. Foil SALE Citizens State bn.uk stock. Submit cash offer. E. H. Sheafe. Stop at the Ogden , Council BlulTs , the best S2.00 hou.so in Iowa. Tnylor-Kvans. The marriage of Mr. Willis A. Taylor and Miss Ivatherine Evans of Council Bluffs was solemnized at the rectory of All Saints church , Tuesday evening , Hev. T. J. Mackay officiating. Mr. Taylor Is chief clerk to the chief quartermaster of the Department of the Platte , and well known in army circles. The ceremony was witnessed by a number ol the friends of the bride and groom , who ac companied them to the Hotel Dcllone. where they have erected their household goods for the present. Anybody who loves the theater is bound to enjoy "Fantasma , " which opens a four nights engagement at Boyd's this evening. It is not only liable to move it might speak lines uiwn provocation. Surprise is success In the theater. The people don't want art unless art counterfeits nature. "Fantasma' travesties nature. It reverses the law of gravitation. "Fantasma" will delight chil dren , for children love the fantastic and im probable. So do the old folks , if t'lo truth be known. There is so much reality in "the store" that they long to escape it , There is so much disappointment in love that they rejoice in seeing lovers triumph ever bigoted parents and malicious friends. You can see these tilings in "Fantasraa. " The scenic tricks are surprising and bewildering. They bear testimony to remarkable ingenuity. They keep the audience laughing until a change of scene actually becomes a rest. The final transformation is novel as well as striking , because the idea is new. Original ity is always recognized. Messrs. Crandall It Xoellner have In pre senting their farcical comedy , "A Busy Day , " to the theater-going public , sur rounded their star , Mr. Harry Crandall , will well known artists , ana have so cleverly in terKlated | ) songs , dances and other special ties as to form on the completed whole an amusingeutertalnmcnt. "A Busy Day" will bo the attraction at the Farnam Street theater next week , com meiu'ing with matinee Sunday , February 19 It is one of those farcc'comedies ' that has Jus' ' enough plot to permit of the introduction o secialties | without in any way interfering with the general purpose of the play. Mr Crandnll has for some time been the reprc sentatlvo German dialect comedian of this country. Ho made a great reputation for himself as the German grocer in "Peck's Bad Boy , " a similar part to that which ho enacts in "A Busy Day. " The play is wel staged , the costumes are now and beautiful and last , but not least , the girls are talentci and decidedly pretty. Matinees \\VdncsJaj and Saturday. WcdncsJay niatlnco aui scat in the theater : . ' . ' * . Mr. George Kcnimn will be heard at the Boyd theater Thursday evening , February SJ. on "Uusstan Political K.\iles , " illustrated It will ho an Intellectual treat of thehlghcs order. The advance s. lo of reserved siats at regular prices will -open at the box ofllcc Wednesday morning , February i. HU faith U'clll'ounded. BISSEU. . O. . Nov. LMJ , isyj.I desire to saj that I have great faith In Chamberlain'i Cough Hemedy for the euro of throat ant lung troubles , ; also for croup. E. W. McCol lum. There Is peed reason why Mr. McCoi lum should have confidence m this remedy It will cure a severe cold In less time thai any other treatment. ' 1 here Is nothing tha will loosen and relieve a cold so quickly. I will not only cure iroup , but If used us soot as the first symptoms appear it will proven the attack. 50-cent bottles for sale by nl druggists. Natlonnl I'ndcru rUfni' Union. LOVISVIU.C. Ivy. . Feb. 15. The Natlona UnderwrRcrs' union met In this city todaj with sixty-eight insuninco companies in nt tendance. Nothing of Importance was done. Perfect act.jn ant periaii hoitth rojul from the usoof DJWitt's Little Karly Ulser.i A perfect llttlo pllL CORBEfT STARTS HIS CASH Io Delivers a ManSfwto and Puts Good Jfoaey Botiind It. WILL FIGHT MITCHELL AND JACKSON i . refer * the r.iiKlliliiuiii , I'lMt , with Next December nit the luc ( Ho tt'lll Tulto the Australian , In .Seven .Month * After. NEW YOHK , Feb. 15 William A. Brady , tlio manager of .Tamos .1. Corbott , champion heavyweight pugilist of thu world , called tit the World office toJ.iy in company with William Dclanoy titid dejjosltcd one check of S10.000 to bind a match with Charley Mitchell of England and another of $2,000 to bind a match with Peter Jackson of Australia , under the terms of the following statement : "In accordance with the plans laid out for myself on September 7 last I take this op portunity of announcing that I am now pre pared to defend the title I nave. In evidence of my good faith 1 hereby deposit $10,000 , and have authorized William A. Brady and William Delancy to meet Charley Mitchell of England or his representative and arrange a match to box to a ilnlsh for the champion ship of the world , $10,000 a side and the largest purse offered by the Coney Island Athletic club , the Olympic Athletic club of New Orleans or the Crescent City Athletic club of the same city , the contest to be according - cording to Marquis of Quecnsberry rules , the club to have no power to stou the same or declare it a draw. It must be to a finish. On account of prevailing contracts and the necessary three months I will re- iulrc | to train , the battle will have to take place next December. If Mitchell accepts this proK | > sltion T insist on his depositing the whole amount of the side bet ( SIO.OOO ) at once , and also that he agrees to the dual stakeholder when the articles are signed. I make this unusual demand because I don't think that Mitchell Is In earnest , and can only judge him by his previous actions. He signed a contract to box six rounds with me last February and deliberately broke the contract after I had started to train. Will .MHO M Mt , lnrl on. "I hereby accept Peter Jncksoii's'challenge of recent date and today deposit the sum of SJ.fiOO as a forfeit to bind a match under the following conditions : If Charles Mitch ell docs not accept my terms for a contest with him , I am prepared to box Peter Jack son to a Ilnlsh next December for $10,000 a side and the largest purse offered by the Coney Island Athletic club , the Olympic Athletic club of New Orleans or the Crescent City Athletic club of the same city. If Mitchell does not accept the above propo sition I will make a match immediately with Peter Jackson to light seven months after I meet Mitchell for the amount offered in his challenge. If Mr. Jackson so desires I will Increase my dciwslt to $10,000 at once if ho will do the saint1 , salil amount to be forfeited in case either ol us shttll not act in accordance with the agreements. I am lire- pared to sign this week or. turther if Mr. Mitchell shall design .to'meet mo and then Hunk. Jackson is at' liberty to take his ( Mitchell's ) place next December. . , JAMM'J. COUHETT. Brady has named two places where he will meet Mitchell or his representatives and slsn articles. Mitchell Is on board of the Majestic which was sighted off Fire inland this eveuing.i IIII.I.Y SMITH ItNOCKHU > UT. Twelve Hrutiil Ilniiinl , Nepilcil to FlnUh the Ilurly Au trallnn. SAN FiiAXCisco , CalVF.pb. ( 15. Billy Smith , the Australian heavyweight , and Frank Childs ( colored ) of I os Angeles met in a finish fight at the California Athletic club ' tonight for a purse of | 'l,3o6. It was 9:30 : be fore the light commenced. Childs landed a straight lefthander on Smith's jaw in th ยง llrst round and there were several exchanges which did little damage. Childs countered heavily on Smith's chin in the second , and the latter went down in' the end. There were several hot rallies in which the most vicious blows on the jaw were exchanged. Smith landed one or two terrible punches , but the colored man stood up under them. There were two knockdowns in the fourth round. Smith went down from n counter on the chin and Childs from a slight blow on the side. Childs was in better shape. Childs drove a half dozen richt and left swings into Smith's jaw , which made him groggy. Smith also received a rap In the mouth which made his nose bleed freely. Smith looked like n loser. In the sixth round the colored man did all the forcing. Childs was wild in his swings. In the seventh Childs tried hard for a knockout , but the Australian took his pun ishment well. Smith's eyes were now bleeding. Smith went down In the eighth , and when he rose Childs pounded him un mercifully and finally sent him down. When he rose to time Childs went after him again and pounded him all over the ring. Smith was barely able to stand up , but he fought Childs off until the enti of the round In the ninth and tenth rounds both were too weak to light hard. Smith went down again in the eleventh from n short arm blow on the jaw. lie arose weak and Childs teen sent him down twice more. Ho took nine seconds on the floor each time and rose b'oody and weak. Call of time saved Smith. The twelfth round settled the fight. Smith was scarcely able to stand , and Childs soon landed a right hand blow on Smith's jaw and sent him down and out. Smith had to bo carried to tils comer , and it was several minutes before he could be taken from the ring. CV SUTL'MI'Pli D10.VU. ( irlin Dcnth C.eM I ho ( ireat Sluircer on u Foul Tip. Old Cy Sutcliffe has been called out for all time by the Almighty umpire. Ho died early Monday morning at Ills home in Wheaton , 111. , of Brlght's disease of the kid neys. Sutcliffe was well known in Omaha. Ho was the premier catcher in Dan Shannon's champion base ball team and Isst year caught for the Baltimorcs. Sutcliffo ) vas formerly connected with the champion D troits , also the Chi- cages and Clovelands. ' Ho was qulto a char acter in his way. and wtre it not for his in temperate habits wuald undoubtedly have been the best profesjlauul backstop In the country. As It wasi\\w.irregular \ \ habits Im paired his efficiency ) id it was only at times ho was seen at his best. Ilo was quite a wit.and was celebrated for the way in which he i ; ' < wld roast an umpire at the saino time kccpiog his eyes in an en tirely dl.Terent dircciiim from that hull vidual. On ono occasion , during a game here. Sut jumped ontp Jving Gaff's neck after this stylo. But ( iaffnqy was onto his little game and stepping up to. Cvrus he tapped him on the shoulder twu quietly remarked "Old man , that will Juatcost you $ 5. " Su ellffo looKcd athim in well feignet amazement , but Ulscqvnrlup that Gaff touli not bo worked , SutT replied : "Well , . ' meant just what I s-aUl , that the rottencst umpire in the business I'ouLsn't do a bit bet ter than you ; you pait't help It. " dZ3 Sutcliffo had many friends in this city in the days of his residence hern , and the news of his death will IK > heard with much sorrow and regret. Ho was a young man yet , in his ! ! d year , and looked good for fifty more up to within ten days of his sudden demise His funcr.il bikes place at 11 this morning. I'or a N'Honi : i .r < Miiua' < : ojnminonl.r Cim AUO , 'U. , I cb. U. f $13,500 can beAn An Epitaph In a Cemetery. Hero liea John Sfnitli and liis three daughters , Who died from drinklnc hydrant waters ; If they hi.d stuck to the ponulno Carls bad Sails , They would not have been lying in these hero vaults. alscd to guarantee expenses , a national fire neu's tournament will bo held during the World's fair This was derided today nt a meeting held here. Among those present at ho meeting today wore : O. A. Lincoln , G. W. Notilc , Iowa : U A. Bcntly , C. F. Cor- \ > ran , Nebraska , and F. Smith , jr. , of the iVestorn Fireman. ( lolnir nt Oilttrnhiiri ; . NEW YOHK , Feb. IB. The following are Guttcnburg results today : I'lrst race , tliroe-qunrtt-ri of n mile : Mar- cpllliH 01 to DMOII. Indigo id to 11 second , .Union' ( II toGi third. Time : 1'J2 : > 4. Second race , live and half furloinji : Xzniclil to 3) ) won. St. Patrick ! " lit & ) second , Tlilcr * I(4 ( ( o ll third Time : 1 : ! - ( > ( . Third race , MX and u Imlf fiirlomt * : LOS- IT ll tit 4i won , A Inn llanoU ( > to Dsoeoml. Sirrentoil to 2i third. Time : Ii31 { . I'Otirtb race , one and om-ilxit > enth nilli'.f : jaunt S (7 ( to 1) won , Orecnwlrli (12 ( to 1 ( sec ond. KIckoviT (3 ( to ( i ) third. Time : 2:01 : . I'lfth race , half u mile : Ilvinn (1 ( to 31 won , Noctiiin (7 ( to Q ) MMMIIII , lUtoimilU to iMhlrd. Time : 66 i. Sixth race , five-eighths of a mile : Tns o(12 o til Htin , Comforter M to 1) ) second , l inl of Inll.irjin ( U to 1) ) third. Tlinu ; 1:4" : ! < . Itnclng nl New ( lrleiin . NKW Oni.nAXs , I a. , Feb. 16. The track was heavy today. Klrst race , live furlongs : I'ny P (9 ( to 10) ) won , t'onstatillo ( pveni second , Rebecca (100 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:00 : ( . Second race , live and a half ftirlonps : Ited Wing (5 ( to 11 won , Maud (3 ( to ll second , An- gerect ( into ll third. Tm ! > : 1:33V : Third race , - furlonas : Vlrden CJ to 1) ) won , Alllu Ktnney , (25 ( to It second , IJiilen Ilrown < 0 to ID ) third. Time : 1:2J. : Fourth race , on > mile : Alpiutnsp (10 ( to 3) ) won , Crey Duke | C , to li * > cnml , Itiishilglit ll loll third. Thai' : 1GO : > | . 1'lftli race , handicap , -Ix furlonz * : Iteacllna oven ) won , J. II. IVIion iin to li second , /.aiu- post (4 ( to 1) ) third. Tiim > : 1 :3Q : > ( . Will Preside ut St. l.miln. ST. Loft , Mo. , Feb. 15. President Holla Wells received a letter from B. W. Wood ruff of Chicago this morning , In which Wood ruff agrees to officiate as presiding judge luring the St. I/juis Jockey club's coming spring and summer meetings. Woodruff has officiated at Ed Corrlaan's West Side Chicago cage track , New Orleans , Chicago and Den ver. .V/.V/i1 IIL'ltT. l > UistrniisVrecli : of n Croat Northern Train In North Itiiltntti. GuiMiFoiiKi , N. IX. Feb. lit. The east- Jamil Great Northern train , from the coast , was wrecked by a broken rail near Bartlctt. ind nine people were Injured , two seriously , ncliiiling a m in irun.-d Cairns of Osuabrock. N. D. , probably fatally. Convention of llnllilliiK Cnm'iilsiliinrr * . ST. Louis , Mo. , Feb. 15. The national convention of building commissioners today elected John S. Davill , Boston , president , ind James F. Tilly cot Omaha one of the vice presidents. The national convention of builders heard the report of the treasurer , which showed the association to be in a flourishing condi tion. tion.Chairman Chairman Stephens of the committee on lien law reported tint it would bo inex pedient for the association to frame a gen eral Hen law. lirnoklyn'H Imllutril O Ilk'UN. BROOKLYN , N. Y. , Feb. 15 The county and Jail officials have been indicted for fraud In connection with the Columbian exposition came up for trial today. The council for the defendants argued that the testimony given before the grand jury was illegal as the de fendants were forced to give testimony against themselves. After all the affidavits had been handed in , Judge Moore stated that ho would give a decision tomorrow morning. A Child Kujoy * The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need of a laxative , and if the father or mother bo costive or bilious , the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that It is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Smallpox I'lildenilc In Long Island City. IXJ.NO ISLAND CITY , U I. , Feb. 15. There are now thirty casts of smallpox in the city and great fears are entertained that it will spread. MKJICI ! the Oiiiirantlui ! Hill. D. C. , Feb. 15. The presi dent today approved the quarantine bill , Gdssf For POTTSTOWN , PA. I was a sufferer from 10 neuralgia for ten years ; tried all kinds of reme Years. dies without relief , and had given up all hope , I tried a bottle of ST. JACOBS OXX. , and it effected such One wonderful relief that I -4 recommend it to all. _ | _ CHAS. LAW , JR. Bottle. Furnishes the Best and Cheapest Method ol FIRE-PROOFING HOUSES. Write for caulojue of Lathing , i'cnclng , Stable rUturof , etc. N. W. BXI'AXDKD METAL CO. , No. WJTwenty Sixth St. CHICAGO Agents Wanted Everywhere. THE RENOWNED COAL SAVER a"C9 ono quarter of roar eon ) blh , prevents snot and cinders , destroys coal ens , produces perfect comtii'tlon keeps boiler tliios clein mikes hot Gro In live minutes , acts equally neil on hard as on soil coal Ono pnckacc costliic . Scents Usuftlrlent to treat ona ton of cost For further Info , mutlon call on or addrois with stamp , L. S. ELLSWORTH & CO. , 406 S. 13thS. Omaha.Web. We will send you the msrTelmii J French I'rcriirittlon CAt-TH'i J five , snd a kcil Bunraulrr Ibdt t t ALT1IOS Mill Uvslurr .lour" 2Irultli , .Strtnclli aud Ylrjor.il I 'tf iland faviftatnf.rJ. U AddroesVON WOHLCO. , C a > l < Iniriiui lr u , CUiiouU , Okla. U th'jiteiuach.liTcrncTIUiwclj , purl , Llood. are fate iuid etttcuialt it tnrdicinelujowufor ttlloup . Hf * - " . "vlM * * , cou.tllwllun. djrilp > U , f .IJ * WSv ' tlVv breath , brKiarhf Lo nl > tirn , lufjcf f * /i-vl ? y ftrrii ; * , ii.tfnt lOfpuwJun , iixlijlul z & 7 dltttirtn , ptnplci , Mltow cuinnif i r 0 - J Iwi.onilcTeryoJriaioreiuUtnprfroiu * Inipum tl od.nr a fiUlura by tue .V > rnvh lifrrorU > * \U-sllnct to perform tbrtrproiri functlcn.i. rcnri. * . ( Mv u toorercAtlngur l nMiWdtrr UVlnvcn.ikftu'C S'fllPXXS CHKSt'll'AI * ( Jo.firpfracett Jj.f'w Vert OVIDE VIEW , Justice of tlio I'oace - - 413 Hro.ilwav. t'pstalrj COLLECTIONS A SPIX'IAl.TV. S45 a Week With $200. A safu conserratlru and practical lnvt tment lloitf'K infallible h-indlcapplnt systini on oasleru rtcri. oc'inrt succB.ntuI yeir. llafcrencei from subscriber * . I'rusacc'.uj liil fre , U. I ) , nVB. . I" , o. llox IJ7. IlrooUrn N V DISORDERS An.t . all tin tram ol KVILS. WUAKNUas , : * , --1.M'V I | | , tir ' . , to it ai wmimny them In m n Ql'l KUV an I 1'cillMA. NKNTI.V I LIIKK. Kull STIlri.i'UTIl anj tou : Blren lu er-ry part of tbe boly. I will soiJ ( curulj pitusxt ) KUBIS to aiir saSar tm priiorl- lion taat cured ma ot taese trjjalx. Adlrju , u A. UUAULhIV IIATTLI CltKIK , tUCU. ofllciall.v known as an "Act granting nddl tlonal miarantlne | wcrs and f tlonal duties ujion the marine hospital sor- vice. " DrM'lotird Coushlcnihlr Npprit. Nr.w YOHK , Fob. IS. The now wn t\vlso Mcnmor Kl Hlo ilnvi'lopcil nn trial toiltiy a spceil of sixteen knots i > or hnur. Kl Hlo Is tin1 last built steamer for the Southern Pnrltlc Steamship company. She Is ottu of the largest Amerlcnn stwimors at present under the Hag of this country. To Connil ) New Yiirk'n ( In * Supply. lioHTON , Mass. , Feb. 15. It Is ofltolally ilc- nUnl \Vai\lAilillcksof the Hay Stnto Gas company Is orxanUInu' u f 10,000,000 con struction company to control the entire g.is Interests of New York. The treasurer of the Hay State company , Atldlcks , said today that the report Is not true. l'lilllln | ItrooUr'n IMulc. HOSTOX , Muss. , Feb. in. It Is annouiiml toJny that Phillips Hrook's estate exceeds Don't Ho Om > of Thrill. Ail c.\luniitlon ] of the 01 i iti anil iiieun- d of the oxprcMlon "ply-hctrletl" Is n thus : "You net u ] ) ! ; In a potato inttcli , open ti nap in the fcnco and try to drive him out. He will sec that ( 'ap as well as you , but he'll run ptiit it a hun dred times and r et your soul on lire. Finally he'll walk iiuiotly out. That is the ineaniiitf of pijr-headed. LHs of folks are pig-headed. " is often equivalent to getting ill. If loss of flesh can be arrested and dis ease baffled the " weak spots" in the system are eradicated. is an absolute corrective of " weak spots. " It is a builder of worn out failing tissue natures food that stops waste and creates healthy flesh. Prepared byScottA Bewno. Chomlits. New York. Sold by dru cisu everywhere. [ TRAliF MIRK KmidTFRED.J MADE A WELL MAN DI ME. " IN DAP0 TIIKGUKtT HINDOO REMEDY JT.ODV ES THE > I > O > K iisri/rA : in BO DVVH. CHIM i. . . Ncrtotia l > i rnci'S , Falling Mrmorv I'mots , Stt'ritlr iu' i > . Wi ftLnetKCu. * ' * .niulqnl kir but MI rely riMoii'it I.otmIKyln ( > UJ or youtitf. Kat-llv cuiiicn in v * * t purkct. J'rlc i f.l.tio a pacVatr- . Six for 5.no u llti \vr1ltcn euitr * RuleInnirr ur iiioniy r Tuiif1it1 * l > t n t l t uny ! > pilnelulod tlriipc' ' * ! ' ( U } ou nity khi < l\tf imitation. In- elft on havftitt 1M Altf-noiif oilier. If lie has nttf it , wen 111 M'iitl It by tnnit ui > i > n rerflpi or pric * * aint'ldet ' Iti pcnlil f n\olt > tif * f i . AcMri x * > rlenol Atfilirnl Co.tfttt Iljtttoutti I'ltu-Ct Chlnifgo , 111. SOLD by Kuhn & Co. , Cor. > sth find Douglas Sts. , and J. A. Fuller & Co , , Cor. nth and Dounlas Sts. , OMAHA , NEB ; by Paul G. Sclmeider , 521 Bioadway and 6 Pearl St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1O\VA. and other Leading Druggists. Omaha's Nawsst Hots ) COR. 12TH AHO H3.VA1J 10 llooros nt fVV ) per d ijr. (0 rooms at M.OO pur da ? . ro Ilronn Tilth Uatb at 13.0 ] per dir. 10 Itooius willi Hath at VS.iO to 11.5) vlr d 17. OPENBU AUGUST Isb Modern In livery Kesprct. Newly Furnished Thronshout C. S. ERS. Prop. Tlio only hotel In the c'ty with hot and cold Whter. ami steam ho it In every room Tulilo nud ( llnlnK room service uTiiiirprisscil. BATES $2.50 TO $4.00. Special rates on application. B. SlLLOWAY.p. Pro A. H. DYE B , Klevntorx , warehouse' , factory Hint all \vark rriitirint ; u thnroiish anil practical Jcnmrlrilce or const ruction anil of materials , a penalty , I * . O. llox : I4 , I'rem-Jllt , Nel ) . Million Is durable , pro luces cloin ; worn , rives i.-itlsfii-tlon nud mil.Inns uro soul. Wyckoff , Seas-dans & Benedict i' * : i M : nn. m : i'A K NAM s p 400 intOAI\V.VV. COUNCIL Money I/ouieil on Diamonds , W.itaais , ot : . HiS bargains In unredeemed pledges. DUFFY'S PURE PUREHISKEY FOR MEDICINADUSE NO FUSEL OIL I'or chrrliln ; n ciilil , prevrntlnu the crip , avoiding | innninonn nnil minting on th lint nt t { on of roimiinpiloM , iht trhltkrj , MhlnliM Ihn only ntrletlj- pure ineillrliml whlnkey In the iitttrkjl , tins never liren ecimtledi | I'or nlitlncr ilnhllltntoil mm , for itrenctti- enlni ; ucik wninnn mid rendering them in or , i nttr.ietlve , it tiliid iilnnr. It linnlil lie taken on thf llr t Indlextlon of the ritnt- I lit ; of it mill. Do not itllotr .1 our ilriiBglat or cruecf to neil you nn.vthlni ; else , dniinlliff Hull It U "Jimt n cooil. " liil < l upon Imvtnj- t he purest mill hrnt. Send for nn llltMlrntril | mmphnt. ! IIWI'I MAI.T WIII KIY CO. , ICochrsler , N , V. Beef is Cheap as Everl Hut pork , hams , lard nii < l bacon , whllo way up In U , are cheaper ut Mi'M-liemlorf's market than any other plaeo In tincity. . The place to gut your incut IH where you get thn best and tlu > most for your money. I.ooU at thpsu prfcoj anil recollect that merythlnt ; Istliobost thai Swift .t ( Jo. slaughter : Plato Hell an J ITIanU Boil . -to She Wer Clod . Co Shon'-tler Stimk . Oa Hiocldur Ko.iKt . o Oa Corno-1 Deol , nlate an 1 tlanlc . 4a Corned Clo Is nu J R't up i . 6 a KiiKoast oof . 10 Sirloin dtoalc . lii'to KoundStealc , 8 Ib for 25c . lOa Port rhouso Steak . 12'jo Alt kinds stowi , voil. mutton & beof. . bo VenlKo st . IQo Veal Steak . 12'Jo ' Veal Coqivi . 10 Mutton Chop-3 . 12'o ' Mutton lit'us . I0o _ , Now Comes the High Pork. . Pcrlt Chops . . . Ifio 1'or.t Loins . I2io ! Pork Butts f.ir roast . 1U O California Ilams . 12'jo ' fc'pareRibs . lOo Pork Tenderloin . 20o SnKPork . 125'o Pork Sausage . lliiio GEO. H , MESGHENDORF , Wholesale nnd Retell 333 BROADWAY , Council Qluffa. THKKXr I.SIO I IIOMIC IIAKKIt ANDIIOASTKH ( none irjn.iii ) w tliotit br.m HttliiKi ) our mrpo Improved sijlo , l > aoollil tuiikjt. linn deep Hung * irons hut Intih.'roto , nii'l cloiuj porruclly tUbti tnvos 3.1 per ojnt nutrition ! oluiuout . Kull d . ecrlpllTO circular on application. AGHNFS WANT ii : > lnuverr coiintj In tlioU.S , Aridri > . CIUIIUF.3 ' 8 ijN. Mtlndt. . Council Hints , In. Parties Anheusor , Budwoisor , Faust atin Palo BEERS , EITHER BOTTLED OR IN KEGS , can leave orders nt No. 213 Mala Street , Council BlulTs , Iowa , or Telephone - phone 3 J. Goods delivered promptly. SOLE AGENCY FOR MHEIMKH rWlil ] flBTL 0 ! SHOW , M ) . pecial COUNCIL BlUFr3. IrnproTcd residence propurty for cnali wlien the price U low en u null. II. U. Mctlec , 10 M tn it. AIlSl IIACTS nnil loans. Karin and oltr propartr honglit anJ nolil. I'ussr & Tuuam , Council llluffa. STUDENT nur e wanted at W. C. A. hospital , corner Ninth street anil r'lltb avenue ; muit bobetneen 20 and 3J n'nra of ago , IicaltUy and of iiooit character. < UOI > accountant , collector and solicitor , nanti ( -leltuallon ; cuu furnlsu bust of reference ! .tail sccurltj. AdilrcMtioofKC 10 , Uee , Council HIiiOi. m ACIIK > 24 miles from paitoniio ; largo ll puio ' bnrn nnd other Iniprovumoata ; upplcn , ernpoi nudimall fruits ; for unlu cheap. Urcensuleldi , .MchoUon A Co. tMCVKUAl. * 0-acro trnetu near city limits ; flno ii fruit land ; will lell ; worth tuo money. Umm- thleldi. MclioIionftCo. 1 ia-A'ItK well Improved farm In lovra nt m. (00 J acres Improved Stl linrden anil fruit larin near Council lllufla , M ) . Splumlld tW-ncro fxrin near ( ilcnwood , KiJ. Knrms. uardcn and fruit lands for ale. Johnston A Van I'.iUen. OlOACllKHIn Ilnwhon countf , Neb. , at KM. 0(0 In Frontier. 1510. Improved 320 acres In Buf falo rouitr. JI7.M > . < ; ou < l ItU tbreo miles from llloondiiKton , Franklin county. H. I.OUO other farms for sale. Johnston i Van I'utten. TN K.\7nAXBIC Hne brick liousj. eUlit rooms. I block froui center of Council HluH ; tine Tlevr of city and llmalia ; trade for land or lots. Call or address M lllulTst. 1'OH ItKNT- acru farm near tbo asylum ; no Im urovemcnti. Address O. H. LuffcrtJ , room 51 Usldvrln block. _ 1 > AUOAINH-Kor sale. 73 by SW ft. on Franklin JUaTP..H.500. 22)1 ) acres between Klrst at. and Franklin are. lcn ! pluttlnn property In the rity. HJ.WI. Two lots opouilto > hint st. school , 11,5.10. One lot \Mlson Yerrai-f M50. Ihrce lot ] cor. Main ft. and U'th arc. llejt tlto for Implement houte In the city. (7.VXJ. I.ount'0 A 'lowle , :35 I'oarl st. pije Works- C. A. SCHOEDSAC1C , Proprietor. Dyeing , Gleaning and Jtcflnlshlng OP GOOOS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omnha olllco , 1621 Furnara St , Telephone 1621. Council Kluffa olllco and world cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Telephone 810. Sand for Irculara and price list ,