V OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. WENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JANUARY 29 , 1803-S1XTKEN PAGES. Nt'MKEK 222. jHAYDEN BROS ! Colored Dress Goocls SPECIAL FOR MONDAY [ Wo will place on alc Monday onobun- iUcd pieces of alligator chevron suit- ingri at 60e on the dollar. [ SO Inch alligator chevrons worth 53o a [ yard , go on sale tomorrow for 2'Jc. I 60 picoc-H of all wool suitings worth Ooc I n yard , go on sale tomorrow for 37c. I 76 pieces of wool mixed suiting * go on Icalo tomorrow for 17c. I A Sale Of [ Millinery Goods. I No goods will bo cirricd over in this I department. Don't bo bashful. Name | the price you would like to pay and take I the goods. Furniture. The fact that wo are doiug a first class business in January proves that wo are I on the right track. i Small profits and first class goods are the two winning c.irds. 1 Wo have two floors given to our fur niture department and carry a full lino. Do not buy a mattress of any kind un til you have hcen ours and got ptieei. SPKCIAL OFFEU. L-irgo nlognnt bed-room suit , bevel plato mirror 2x0 ! ! ! ; bed ( > feet high , 4- (1 ( slat , -I-inch cap on foot-board , hard wood , line llnish. regular price $ -5 , this week and until all are sold , $1 ! ) . Another suit at S18 50 and $18. I Lounges , bookcases , o.xtonclon tables , I con tor tables , chairs and roukorfl , all at I prices to sell tl.om. [ Trunks and valises of all kinds as [ cheap as it IB possible lo make them. i Pillow-sham holders , 15i' , our regular I price. I Jewelry Dept. ( Gouts' gold plntod watch chains 45c , I worth $1. I Oonts' best rolled plated watch chains , I warranted to wear live years , Ubc , worth I Sf2.60. } Ladies' best rolled plato Victoria | chnlnn , with beautiful charms , very hit- I oat dosigiiH and wari anted to wear 5 I years , OSc , worth $2.50. I Ladies' and gents' so'id gold band I rings , brnutifully chimed , $1.50 , worth I ? : t. I Solid gold band rings < > 0e , worth $1.60. I Solid gold baby rings. So , worth 50c. I Solid gold toothpicks Hit' , worth 50c. I Solid silver thimbles , lee , worth 50c. I Opoi a glasses In moiocco leather I Qnhos , ( ilo ) , worth SI.60. B Gents' best rolled plntod patent lover cuff buttons , 26o , worth $1. Nckol ) ularm clonks , good timc- keepers , G3c , worth $1.2 > , Ladles' and gents'solirt gold und gold- filled watches , with all the line standard [ movements Elgin , Snringflold , Wiiltham , I Columbus and Hurapden.at half jewelers' I prices. ' I Silver plated butter dishes 79c , worth I $1.60. I Silver popper and salts , loc each. I Solid silver souvenir spoons with gold Lowls , 08v worth $2. Watch and clock repairing at half 1 Jowolors' prices. L Extra Super Carpets. 1 We nro showing some extra bargains B In our drapery department. m Among thorn are a lot of curtain scrim in short lengths at 3u per yard. Sllkalino from 8c to 2e ( ) per yard. Also , n liiu ; line of China Blksfringes { and everything pertaining to a lira class curtain and drapery stock. Chenille portieres , $1 and 55 per pair Lice : curtains from 60c lo the lines HtEtido , Some extra bargains from $1 to $2 per pair. Floor Oilcloth , Rugs. Do not fall to call and BOO our stock of matting rugs , shades and curtain goods. Wo are polling a good floor oilcloth at IDo square yard. I Special Sale. Our Rpccinl handkerchief sale con- tinned for one more dayVo still have n few doyen of these rare bargains in ladies' and children's Handkerchiefs ; nnd will continue the wale one more day , viz : Childoil's ) fancy bordered handkerchiefs - chiefs 0 for 60. % Children's fancy bordered hnndkor- chiefs 2e each. Q Children's hemstitched and bordered handkerchiefs ! ! c each 1 Children' ! ) line fancy bordered hand- korchlcfs le cnqh. B Ladies' line linen hemstitched hnnd- korohlofs , worth IOo. f Ladles' line embroidered hnndker- 1 chefs ( ! u , worth lOc. H Ladles' line omhrbldorcd nud corded j handkerchiefs 8c , worth 20c. LudioH * flue embroidered and corded liandkorohlafs , with drawn \unlc , 17e , H worth 35o. Ladies' very fine hand embroidered liandkorchlofb 28c , woithoSc. H Lndlos1 very line hand embroidered handkerchiefs , hholl pattern , 4'Jo. Job lot Indies' silk handkerchiefs only 18c , worth 35o. Very fancy lot line silk handkorcnlofs only 'Mo , wo th If-c. Fancy chllTon handkerchiefs , hemstitched - stitched , utilv DC. fancy chilTon hnnduorehiofri , em- broluercd , only l'c. ) Fancy chltTon handkerchiefs , embroidered - broidered , very fine , only2la Thovory finest ehltlon handkerchiefs only 3ic. ! Those are the boat bargains over I offoiod in handkerchiefs in the cuy. I Cull nnd examine. I Notions. I Notion ! ) in retail quantities at whole- 1 enle prices : I Hoivy : seamless dross shield' ) , oo per I pair. I Crochet cotton , 3 balls for fie. f 12 ilo/oii Ivqoks and oycs for 5c. . I Corset Hooh , 4c per full1. 1 12 cot not luces fur 60. I All .kinds of sow'lng needles , Ic. I 8 UilmbluH , oc. I 0 pneinujos pins for So. O. N. C. red llo s , lOo per do n- Ladles' hose supportct s , oo per pair. Misaos' hose rtuuporU , 5o per pair. UiilIo ) # * hone supporters , 60 pof pair. KnUUnjj cotton , 7 for 2 c. Cbl ) | ) lp < 3H , 2O CHCh. 1) ess htays , Go per dozen. Curling irons , So. G rolls bluck tapir for 60. HAYDEILBROS 9c Each 19c The Towel Sale OF THE SEASON. In main aisle of HHh street building vo shall offer tomorrow nil our crepe , damask , huckabnck , blulaoye and till ancy weaves in all llnon towols. plain ) lcached or , unblo ifhod , fiinav stripes and fancy printi'd Turkish towels that iivvo been bulling at 1'Jc , 2" > e , 2c ! ) , 35c , lc ! ) nnd lOc each nil In one lot at lOc each , no less than llc ) by the dozen , and : n order to give all a chnnco we shall linlt the s.ilo to one do/on to each cus- loinor. Thuro are over 300 do/.cn towels , n this lot and if any are loft over the nalo will continue on Tuesday. Wo vnnt to close them out before wo invoice , which Is next Wednesday * Wo have lots of odds nnd ends in lunch cloths , trav cloths , drcssor scarfs , etc. , eonio of which are more or less mussed or Boiled , which will bo closed out before wo in voice. It will pay you tolook thorn over. Also remnants of damask which have accumulated during our rush In our linen silo : the piiat thrco weeks , nil re duced to prices that will close them quick. Gut our prices on white bed spreads : wo will save you money. Buying them in larger quantities than any other house in this city , and from the mills direct , wo are pfni'i'd in position to make you the lowest prices , and vo do it every liny. Our incroasisg bimncbs in this line shows plainly that the people nro becoming ronvinuod that Ilaj dons' priooa are the lovicat. SPKCIALSALCON Brushes and Combs. Wo have n very large stock of these goods nnd wish to reduce it before in voicing and have taken the sure method to do it , us you can BOO by the following prices : Lather brushes only 3o each. Lather brushes only 5c oach. Lather brushes only 13o , worth 2-3o. Fmo bristle hair brushes , 11ic. ! Fancy wire hair brushes , 9c. Fancy wire hair brushes , 10c. Fancy wire hair brushes , 12c. Fancy wire hair brushec , ltc. ! Fancy wire hnir brushes , ISo. Job lot very line hair brushes , slight ly shop worn , 50c , worth from $1 to S2 each. Our heavy rubber back hair brush , 42c. 42c.Tooth Tooth brushes , 3c. Tooth brushes , 12c. Tooth brushes , 18c. Tooth brushes , 22c. Clothes brushes , tk. Clothes brushou , 20c. Clothes brushes , 30u. Clothes brushes , 40c. Shoo brushoH , ISo Shoo brushes , 20c. Shou brushes , 2oc. . . . . 5c line combs for 2c. Oc fine combs for 4c. lOc line combs for 5c. Horn course combs for 60. Horn coarse combs for 7c. 20o rubber coarao combs for 60. 2oc wire coarse combs for 7c. 5o tound combs for 3c. 8c round combs for oo. lOc round combs for 7c. Taking Stock. All Winter Underwear To Be Closed Out _ At Less Than Cost , Gents' camolV hair shirts and drawcrb nly .lOo each , worth ICo. 1 cabo of gents' jersey knit ovorshirts 3c each , reduced from S18c. Gents' cumcl'ti hair box only luc per iir. 50 do.on ladies' black jersey ribbed ights only lSc ) , reduced from if.75. ) 1 case of ladies' cnshmoro hose only Co per pail * , reduced from 2."io. 100 dozen ladies' night gowns , divided nto 3 lota , oOc , 7nc and DSc ; special value. 50o HhlrtB and drawcr.s reduced to 25c. Guilts' natural wool 5 ho o , worth 25c , low ICc. 100 do/.cn ladles' mlrsing cortots , miken hi/en , worth $1.2.i. rcducuil to50o. 1 lot of Indies' cortioU , fl. & b.ortli $1.00 , reduced to 50e. Ladica' line black jeivoy ribbed wool tighth , worth $ l.7."i , i educed to ! )8c. ) 1 ciVsO of chililren'-j wool hose , loc per iair. iair.Ladies' Ladies' 5-hook Vhiciiit kid glovcb , $1.00 per pair. 100 do/.on gents' Hlat'kbtono unlnun- lorcd bliirts , Kow York mills muslin , loublo back and fi out , only "iOo each , Lho best shirt made today for the money. Onecnso of ladicV natural gray and camel's hair umlorwcar only oUc , worth o. 600 20-Inch Miteen umbrolhis. fancy dandled , only . * ic ! ) euthorth $1.K ( ) . Special Sale on Plush & Fur Laprobes The Puritan light brown colored plush robes only $ l.'Jo each. Dark green colored plush robes only $2.25 oach. Fancy striped plain black bnck plush robot ) , sK.2i ! eachi Double plush robes , red or green on ono tide , lined with black or grucn on the ether , good sl/o and weight , at $5 and $5.05 oach. ' Double plush robes , green on botli duj , at $0 each. Double robes , grcon plush on one side and green broadcloth on other , $7.05. Double plush robes , both sides hand some dark shuilcs o ( Jiluo , at $5.76 ouch Double plush robes , both sides dark shade of blue , bound with blue broad cloth , $7,50 each. Fanoy mottled plush robes , hnndsomo pattoi MB , black backs , 'ro and iO.75 oach. The f\vorllo : ombro plush robe , black back , extra largo sl/.o and weight , only ? a60 each. Gray goat and fancy plush lining only $8 ctiun. Black goat and gray mottled plush lining only $0.75 each. * Now is your lime it you want ft bar gain In ululi or fur robes , as those prices are all Itolow their value. Wo call your attention to two linen of hon-o bliiiikotf which wo ate closing out in tiio s.uuo way , both regulation size , shaped and buckled , ut 8J and $1.5ouch , worth 91.60 and $1.75 each. They are a bargain and will not lust long ut thcso reduced pricoi. HAYDEN BROS SPECIAL SALE ON Embroideries , Laces and Art Goods. Hamburg embroideries at lc , 2c , 3c , 6c , Cc , 7c , 8c , lOc , 12jc and loc per yard. If you need embroideries , buy them now. Llnon torchon Incos , all widths , nl 8c , le , 60 , Ha , 7c , IOo nnd 12c. per yard. Cotton torchonlaccs at 8c , ICe , 25cand 30c per do/on yards. Cotton lace tidies at loc , 20c , 25c anil 30c each. Black and colored wool lace at 5o per yard. All colors fancy cords , 4c per yard. i ounce knitting silk nl loc on Mon day ; this is the biggest bargain1 over olTorcd by any ono in these goods. Silk llos , 6c per dn/.on spools ; this is our standing prico. Stamped linen splashers and tidies at 20 per cent off on every yard of rucli- ing purchased on Monday. Blanket Sale. Cutting down the prices in order t6 reduce stock. Letting down the prices on soiled blanKcts In o.dor to bell thorn. Money losing salo. 10-4 white blanket1 ? , 60c pair. 10-4 white blankets , $1 a pair. 11-4 white blankets , $1,25 a pair. White blankets at $1.50 , $1.75 , $ ' , ' , $2.50 , $2 75 , $3 , $3.50 and * 3.75 a pair ; all reduced prices. Sample line of line blankets at about one-half tholr value. Forcing down the prices on gray blankets , 60cC5c. 75c , $1 a pair and up wards ; every pair sold will show a loss to the house , but wo are overloaded , and nro compelled to cut down the prices and force the sale on blankets just now in order to make room fora now depart ment which will occupy the space where the blankets now aro. * Comforts. Largo comforts , 05c , worth $1.60. Fullbue comforts , 75c , worth $1. Saline comforts , $1 , worth $1.75. Satino comforts , $2. worth $15. Down comforts , $4.60 , worth $7.50. Down comforts , $7.50 , worth $12. Flannel Skirt Patterns. All wool flannel skirl patterns , plain styles , fancy styles , stripes , plaidsfancy woven borders. Largo size , alf wool , that sold ntl 25 , $1.60 , $1.75 , $2 and 82.25 , take your choice on Monday pf the entire lot tvtSl each ; a good selection to pick from. Wo make this deep cut in order to close thorn out before wo invoice , which will bo on February 1st. Outing Flannel. The demand la on the Increase for out ing llannol. \Vo place on sale on Monday 50 pieces of flannelette , dross style , 6c yard. Now sprln g style in outing llannol at 80 JOc , 12c } and 15c yard. 'Baby flannelette , lOcynrd. Fast turkey red printed outing flannel tit 12Jo yard Now style of ouline flannel for dresses for street or house \\oar , only 12 Ju yard. Carpets. . Closing out some short lengths of In grain , Brussels , Wilton and Axmlnstor carpets , at very low prices to make room for now spring goods which are arriving every day , A good velvet carpet for 95c. A good body brussels for U5c. Tapestry brussels , 50c , OSc and 75c. Wo have all the now patterns of the celebrated Lo well 3-p\y \ and extra supers at the old prico. Sewing Machines. Wo have a now lot of the celebrated Nobriiskn-inado sewing machines , and will soil thorn for $18 each with a 5-yoar guarantee. Call and BOO them. 3d lloor. Books and Stationery McCaulay'a history of Englaliu' , com plete In 1 volume , SI.40. Byron's complete ! works In 1 volume , $1.15. The Suviigo World , illustrated , $1.00. E. P. Roe's works 40c per volume. Oxford S S. blblosl.)5. ! ) Commercial note paper 20c per Ib. Irish linen note paper 20o per Ib. Envelopes ! ! o , 5c , lOc and 15c per pkg. School tablets lie , 5c , 7u and lOe oach. Students' note books 6c , IOo and 15c. Plajing cards 3c , So and lOc per pktr. Wo carry a complete line of olllco sup plies in lodgers , journals , cash books , day books , etc. , und oar prices nro below competition. It will pay you to look over our stock If you need nuythlng In this line Artistic Wall Paper. Our spring stock of wall paper has ar rived and we can show the largest as sortment of any house west of Chicago. The best white blank paper for fieanil the bettor grades of gilt and embossed at equally low pi Ices. Tea and Coffee. As usual , wo continue to lead in giv ing the best goods at lowest prices. Monday wo soil cocoa shells ut So pound. Try our celebrated cocoa , only 35c n can. Crushed Java and Mocha , lOc nnd"22c. No. 2 Hlo cotToo. 24c. Choice Golden Hlo , 25o nnd 28e. Combination Java and Mocha , 27ic. Guataumla , choice , 30c. Santos Poaberry,30e. Bu.st Old Government Java and Mocha , 35c , 3 pounds for $1. Wo make the very lowest prices on teas , Nice sun-driod Japan , ltu. ) Fancy sun-dried Japan , 25c , 35c , 60o. Choice spring loaf Japan , COc. F.nglinh Breakfast , 30c , 45f , UOo. Formosa C olong , 60c and COc. Moyuno Gunpowder , 35c. 38o , 45e , OOc. Trj our own blend mixed tea , only 40o pound. HAYDENIiBROS HAYDEN BROS STOVES AND RflNGES , Wo are prepared , to glvo you gasollno stoves at prices never hoard of before. Wo carry the Challenge Junior , Monarch , .Ir. , Hogal Monarch , Monitor , Award oil gas burner. In fact , we carry the largest variety of host known makes in the market. If you want to see perfection in n gasoline steve como and see the Mon arch in operation. Wo will sell you a good gasoline stove , ono of iho above makes , now , for 81.95. Our stcol ramies ] tnp Homo , has swept everything before It.Vo have testimonials menials on lilo to suUstautiato everything wo say. The public says as follows : "It is the host baker I eVer saw uses loss fuel than any range I over had I never enw a range with bolter facilities for regulating the even than the Home. " In fact , can show you a hundred guch testimonials , and not alone giving you , without a doubt , the best rancro tnnde. Look at the price of this solid stool range , with water front and poiinoctioni'$27. ' > iO. Other dealers ask $45 to $50 for rnngeb that can't compare with it. You inuy nsk why wo sell so cheap. It is simply this : Wo carry buch a largo Vttiloty pigoods that wo can allord to soil at 5 per cent where our neighbors have to nsl ; 60 nnd GO per cont. Our cooking nndiiieaUng stoves are right in it , too. Wo carry a full line of the P. P. Stewart thiiKC. An A 1 oak stove.5 , < i.45. ' . An A 1 cook stovet $7 45. An A 1 cannon stqvo,41.05 , etc. I YOU'.MUST COME AND SEE THE NEW CHINA SILKS ARE OFFERING 49c , 59d PIANOS ORGANS . * PIANOS AND Sold cheap for cash. Sold cheap on monthly payments. Old instruments taken in ex change. Pianos and Organs rented and rent.allowc l as purchase money on new'instrtiments. Look at Onrliist with the World Famous ChicKenn at the Head. Before buying aphi ) ap or medium grade piano , got our prices on the CHICIC- ERING , known and ognlxed in every country on the face of the earth as the best piano made. NEW ENGLAND PIANOS. They nro made to v oar usi well as to soil. Over 55,000 now in use in the homos of refinement , tnsto Ktul musical culture. They are recommended bjTbmlnent rnusi- clans. They combine e oganco and TJui ability , power , richness and purity of tone , and moderate prices , 4 CHASE HKOS. ' PIANOS Enjoy a high reputation. Brilliant and mublcai in tone , In material , workman- ship and design they ; nroainoiig the best. MeCAMMON PIANOS. These instruments have been manufactured and fold for 00 years , They are well known among the loading pianos of the world. We also have the .following first class pianos : STItlCII & ZEIDLKIti. These pjanos ni o every ono well known MALLET & CUMST.ON. ind are strictly first class ad regards .MATIIUSMEK material , workmanship , nnd quality THE LESTER of tone. Our pricns dofyi competition. Every instrument fully warranted. Call or wrlto for prices andvcaVilogues , Drugs Hood's Barsaparilla , (75c. ( Wright's Barsaparllla , OOo. Sulphur bitters , 75c. Grav's vegotublo tea , 20c. Gurllold tei20a Scott'H Emulsion , 75c. . Red Cross cough syrup , large , 35c. Beef extract , sate. \ Beef , iron and \vjno , Soc. Nails. To Builders , Contractors , Carpenters , Etc. Ol'cl , fiOd , 4Cd , S0d,20d , HW , ISd , I Oil. 8d , d , 4J nuiln , lc par pound , bholf nnd buildcrn' bordwuro nt correspond ingly low price ; Get our tlguree. Ladies' l < s and Jackets. Closing out winter costumes. Jackets worth 10.50 reduced to $3.50. Jackets worth $0.60 reduced to S'l.OO , JuekutB worth $12.60 reduced to $8. Jackets worth $18 reduced to to $12 60. Fine fui-llmmcd jackets , worth $20 , reduced to $14. $15 plubh cloaks reduced to $5. Ludicb' cloaks in all prices ( torn $1.60 up to $15. These g-umonls are less than one-half regular prices. Crockery , China ) Glassware and House Furnishings Cups and snucoi's , 27c per sot. W.ish bowls and pitchers , 2io ) per sot. Chambers , loc each. 1' ate , 2i' , Ic and 6c o\fh ; Slop jars , O'lf ' o ich. Tumblers , 2c oi\ch. Ilunginir lamps , with extension brtiigs ) , f 1 00 each ; worth i5. Slind lamp-i fiom lOc up. Syrup pitcherHe C'i cam sot * , consisting of ugar bowl , cream pitrhar , butter dish and spoon holder , lllc per sot. * Suit and popper shakes , He each. Wino glasses 3c oach. Decorated cups nnd siucors , oOc per s-ot SiniPo dishes , six for IOo. Albotti UM nud tnblo spoons , 2"c per sot , as irood ns silver. Lamp chimneys , 5c each. , Good SIM ub brushes , 6c. Wo have it ftiw moio 100 ploro impor ted decorated dinner sets at $7.03 , worth $1500 Wash boilers , copper bottom , 40c. CoiTce and teapots , lOc. Milk pniiri , 3c. Pudiling pans , 3c. Dust pans , 6c. I'iut CUPS , 2c. Covered p ill ? , 5c. Coppt'r bo to i tea kettles , 29c. Wash bnxt , , , . ; { L. . Flour sieves , 6c. Nutmeg grntor , lc. Can openers , ! tc. Clothespin0 , lo per do/on. 2 packages taoks , lc , Mouse traps , lc. Teaspoons. 0 for 5c. Tablcspoors , 3 for 5c. Tea stiainer , lc. WooJon bowls , 3c. A full Hue of the Rochester Stamping Co. copier and nickel goods. Butter , Cheese , Etc. CUTTING PIUCE5. Country huttor , loc , 17c , lOc and 21c , fro.sh every day from our Nobrnska farmers. Creamery , 2o ! , 2oc and 27c Uomumbor when you got butter hero von are buj ing tho'imre products of Ne- hrusku dairies and creameries. Wo are the leaders in cheese ; full cream , 80. lOc ind 121c ; Jeri-oy cream clu-cso , 14c und lOc ; brick chccso , 12c { , Ho and lOc ; Ncufchatcl "Jc per ] ) kg.sap sago , 8c per pkg.roq no- fort , f)0c per pound , limborger cheese 12 Jc and 15c ; ujiplo bntterr 7jc per pound ; mince meat , 7jc per pound. Don't forgot our meat department : cooked corned beef , 7-Jc per pound , 2 pound cans for loc ; boneless rump corned beef , 5c per pound ; broakfiwt bacon , 13c ; Frnnlcforts , 8Jo ; bologna head cheese and liver saiibugo. fie per pound ; all other moats at lowest prices. ( . 'till ' 'tit our flail do'partmcnt for nil kinds of flsh. Great Fish Sale. Norway anchovies in spice , IPc per pound , sold all over for 16c ; dried Nor- wny herring , lc each or 12c } per box ; Mnriauotted Hamburg herring , a very f n > llsh , 2 for oc ; WaUfolT Swcdisli her ring , 8 for 25c ; domestic Holland hoi- ling , 8 for 5c. Wonavo the llnost St. Lawrouco river cols for 15c per pound. Imported Himburg smoked eels , 20c per pound ; chicUen halibut , 15o ; finest Blackwood - wood sturgeon , 17 c ; smoKcd Castport white fish , 15c ; Columbia river balmon , 12jc. Wo have the finest mnckorol in the city. Shore muss mackerel , largo. 2 for 6c ; No 1 Norway mackerel , lOc per pound ; extra No. 1 Island shora macker el , 15e per pound ; Bay City white lish , IOo per pound ; very best family white fish , 12jc ; largo Grand bank codfish , 12jc ; .Towel brand in 2-pound bricks , 15c. When you want anything in fish bo pure to como to Hnyden Bros' , fish depart ment. Groceries. Hnyden Bros. ' best 6X flour , $1.25 ; best 'superlative , OOc ; snowllaUe , 05c ; rye ( lour , 8oc. $1 and $1 15 ; Aunt Joml- ma's pan cake flour 33cor7icfor 2 pound package ; Aunt Sally's pan c.iko flour , 3So or 7jc i pound package ; Liob's Uyeninjun flap jncUpincaUo flour , 3Jo or 7Jo for 2 pound packngo ; bolf-rislng buckwheat Hour 3Sc or 7io for 2 pound package. Finest , home-made cnlsup , in bottles , IOo. IOo.Two Two pound can corned beef , 15c. Bologna ausugo , 5c. LLyer H.uisago , 6c. Soda crackers , 5c. Oyster cracko1 s , oft. Sweet choCiiiutt1 , 5o. i'roin urn t-hocolato , 17jc. 20-pound pall very fine fruit jolly , 75c each. Imported chow-chow , 15c per pound. Imported mixed plcklos , 16o per quart Imported olives , Me per quart ; tnoy are very fine ; would bo cheap at 75c. All kinds ) of wash powders 2Jc po package. 7 bars best laundry oap , 25c. California dried g'rapes , 5c. Imported Valencia raiains , 12jc. Iinporiod needless rainlus , 12Jc. California loose Muscntollo ralt < ns , 10q ; these all are now , and the llncbt that money fan buy. 3'pound can now California apricots , put up in pure granulated sugar syrup , most delicious fruit , 17Jo. 3-pound can now California poaches , in pure granulated sugar syrup , IOo. Very line blood-rod salmon , lOc per can ; they are delicious. Sardines. 6c. Mustaad sardines , 10c. pound can very flmr gooseberries , bio. 2-pound crn blackberries , 72o. 2. pound can raspberries , put up in pure grnhulnted sugar syrup , 17ic. 2 , pound can HtrawLun ios , in purn sugar syrup , 171c. Candy Department. Mr. Il'irt'i Druoo , wno has had charge of our candy department for the last two years , needs no Introduction to the Omaha public , because when you olTor anybody Drtico's c.uuly thono perfect ly satisfied. Our candy is made fresh every day from pure granulated sugar nnd the finest f'ult flavors : London mixed lc ( ) i\or pound. Log cabin mixed IOo per pound. Cocoanut and peanut bar * 16o per pound , Wo carry o'or 600 dilTo ent kinds of candy of our own make , and anything wo have not got , wo will take pleasure in making for you. . HAYDEN BROS PRIGESGUTDEEPER Than 73vor On Shoes frdijx the pest : MniU fnclUrcrs Were ijeVer offered so c It cap. I ead carefuilij. Mai ) Orders filled as as these Bargain No. 1. 102 pairs of ladies' fine French and dongola buttqn $3 nnd 4 shoos nt $ l.p7 a p.iir. Wo ltc ! ) these goods from the best of our stock and put them on a la bio in the department. Come o.irly Mon day and get choice , for they nro rnro bargains , and will soon bo gono. Bargain No.2. . 84 pairs Plllsbury Bros. ' make ladlcsi French kid hand-turned $5 shoos at $3,75. 65 pairs Hrooks Bros. ' Rochester make ladies' $5 l-'uich b shoos , $ I.75 ! : every pair of thcso n big ar gain all sizes A to H Bargain No. 3. 70 pairs ladies' French dongola hand- welt $1 shoes , $2. ! ) ' ) . 68 pairs ladies' Fionch dongola hand- turned $1 shoos ? 2. ! ) " > . These are chuap , and wo warrant every pair. Bargain No. 4. 120 pairs ladies' flue hand-turned kid $3.60 shoes at $2.76. These are genuinehandturned shoos at a great b.irgain. Bargain No. 5. 09 pairs ladies' , fine cloth top $2.60 bullon shoes at $2 a pair. 120 pahs Indies' I hid $1,50 shoes at Ooc a pair. Bargain No. ,6. Ladies' Now York sensible rubbers at 35c a pair. Mon'a bolf-nt'ting eindal rubbers at 410 a pair. " Bargain No. 7. . 3J2 pairs men's finest luind-Bowod calf Jobhous ati 3..5. ) Iftl pairs mon's fine calf hand-wolt $1 clioos at ? . ' ! . b'i ' pairsmcu'sllno B call $2 shoos 81.60 a pair. Bargain No. 8. HI pairs Infants fine patent leather 60o shorn at 210 a pair. 125 pnird children's fine dongola anil goat $1 thoos at 70o a pair , sizes 6 to 8. 00 pnl'8 ' childrenV fine dongola patent tip $1.25 shoo-i at 05a a palr.Hb.oM U to 12 Bargain No. 9. 102 missou' fine dongola patent tip spring-hcol 81.75 shoes at $1.25 a pair , sizes 13 to 2. b ! ) pairs boys' line B calf 81.60 button shoes at $1 a pair , HZOH ! )2 ) to 2. 00 pairs bovb' line B calf 91.75 button shoos at $1.20 a pair , sizes 3 to 6. Bargain No , 10. ( Hi pairs ladies' fine opera $1,23 to slippers Oriu a pair. . 3d pairs ladles' fine French strap $3 slippers $2.25 n piiir. In ordering by mail plcaso glv ba gain number.