THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : SUNDAY , , JANUARY 20 , ISflS-SlXTEKN PAGES. W. It. HKNNKTT CO. lithe * for Momlny Or ns lonu no tlio ffontlfl lust In our fnrnl turo , crockery. tlt'iitf , Htutloni-rv , candy , dry ifooilH , notion ' ) , in fact nil our do- pnrtincntH. Cuinu onrly tind sccuro seine of Urn driven. PUltNITtTHB DKPT. Annex ba o- mont. ComfurtH Wtc , former price 8. > c. Othei'H fit 7Cc , Ufio mid upwurda. All nt cut prices. Blanket1) ) ( white ) 7Cc pnir , former price We. Blankets ( white ) 08o pair , former price $1.12. " ) . Blankets ( white ) $1. : pair , former pf ice * 1,48. Blankets ( white ) $2. ' pair , former prlco | ! l.7ij. Lap robes to clojo $1. . ' ! " ) , were $1.8. > . IMP robes to close Isl.fiO , were $1.0 , " ) . Bettor goods at greatly reduced prices. Winter hoi > o blankets tbat must bo Bold. $1.2. " ) ones now U"e , others at $1.2,1 and Sl.fiO. All great bargains and tlio better grades at co-it to close. Same prices will prevail at our har ness wtoio , Nos. 111 and IlfiN. I.lth st. A FEW of tbo-o "LITTLE WONDER CENTER TAHLES , " only 2.e > : probably last no shall bavo of these at this price. LAST CHANCI * to get ono of those plllowsham-holdors at lee ; as long as thoy4a- at 1'ic. Soinotliing now in a never tear hat and coat rack with looking glass : ask to bee thejo. Chairs .Tic eaoh ; < 'anc seat eliairs only 7Gc ; higb back chairs. ! ) . " > c : few plush and tapestry rcckers , bought for the holiday trade , going fast at $1.0. ) and $ : t.OO. Linen windowcurtains , NOT PAPER , understand ; ours are linen , at 'toe , IlSc and 48c , and all kinds of trimmings. Largo line of the BEST furniture , pictures , etc. , at cut prices. CROCKER V D EP A RTMENT. 100 piece porcelain decorated dinner net to close at tlt.lW. others to close at $10.50 and $12.r > 0. All rare bargains. Tea s-ots , fid pieces , luster band , only $2.08. 'I'boy are elegant. Chamber nets , ( ! pieces , ' ! styles and 0 decorations , only $ I.S. ! ) 10-pleeo sot , only ? 2.l S. 12-pieco M3t , only \M. \ Count the pieces in the .sets offered you and see if our prices are not away below other dealers. Teacups and saucers , 'We sot. fi-inoh plates , 40e do/.cn. 7-inch plates , Oc each. 8-inch plates , "c each. Wash bowl anil pitcher , bath for 75c. All our goods in this line are the best poods , RUN OF THE KILN. No thirds in ours. Largo lamp complete , l.'ie ; largo hang ing lamp complete , very nice , $1. . " > 0 ; kitchen reflector lamp , only -I2c ; fancy cuspidors , only 2.1icbottle ; ( glass cas tors , onlv 27c. DRUG DEPARTMENT. Large lOc bottle vaseline , our price , . "e. Largo pot metal cover vaseline , only JOe ; usual price , 2 , " > c. Toilet heaps at 2Jo , DC and fie. All great bargains. Bennetts' patents are the best ; $1.00 articles at CMC , fully guaranteed. Bennetts' bay rum , J pint glass btpp- per bottle , onlv 2. > o. Bennetts' Canadian fur cough b.ifiam , without doubt the best cough and c'lld cure made. Every bottle guaranteed , we make It ourselves , 2Tio and fiOe per bottle. Sbandon Bells i iCc cake. Most complete line of all pat ent medicines made in this country , all sold at Bennetts' cut prices. Extract of beef clam bullion , cherry i cofdial , all nerved in this department 'FREE. Call and got a cup. Essence of pepsin , a great thing for a . / weak : stomach , $1.00 sue bottle with us VONLY ( We. Bulk glue at one-half price , only loc. V .STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. . 2Ti high cut envelopes only . ' ! c. 24 sheets of paper only Ito. Bottle mucilage and brush , He and fie. Bottle ink , lie and f > o a bottle. Box paper and envelopes , a lOe box for Co. Toilet paper. . ' ! e and M package. Roll toilet paper , fie. Roll toilet paper and fixture. 5c. CANDY DEPARTMENT. Sound , sweet Florida oranges only lo Gum drops f > c. Mix candy 80. All other candies at cut pi-leas. DRY GOODS , NOTIONS. Best makes thread 200 yards , 4c spooler or 45e do/.en. 100-ynrd MIOO ! silk , He each. Additional shipment of those fast black wool hose just received ; will go at lOc , regular price 2,1c. Bargains in suspenders. 2.c ) pair. CIGARS AND WOODEN WARE. Cigars at le , 2c. lie , 4c and Cc. Largo line of tobaccos at cut prices. Bargains in spice cabinets , 48e , former - price ! )8e. ) Wash boards ( good onqs ) , lc. ( ) You never saw as good a one as. this for lOc. as long as they last at that price. Market baskets lie each. HARDWARE. Few kegs mixed nails at Ic per lb. , as long as they last. Quart tin covered pail , only fie. Quart retinned dipper , only fie. Tea and cotTco pots , lOc each. Copp&r bottom boilers , O'Je. ' Copper bottom tea kettles , 25c. Screw drivers Ic each. Good ones. Tacks lo per package. Ilarncf-s snaps lo each. Whisk brooms fie. Scrub brushes U and . "c. Sink brushes . "o. Great line of bargains In hardware. .JEWELRY" DEPARTMDNT. Our repairing department demands your attention. Bring in your watches , clocks and jowclrv and lotus cstiniatoon what it will cost you to have It fixed. Skilled workmen , and Bennett's guar antee put upon every job. Largo line silverware , jewelry , clocks , cutlery and fancy baskets In this department. - TEA , COFFEE AND SPICE DEP'T. Japan tea , good value , 2oc ; Oolong , English Breakfast , Gunpowder and Young Hyson , extra values , I18o. Broken Java , only J8e ; good Rio , 22c : and 2.'m ; best Mocha and Java , U"ic ; ; i pounds , $1.00. All our colTces are fresh roasted dally ; all our spices are pure and guaranteed. Boston crystal table jolly , all flavors , is really elegant ; a lOc package will make ono quart of the most delicious jolly you ever tasted. BUTTER AND EGG DEPARTMENT. Wo still lead in butter and eggs. But tor , He , JOe , llc ) , 22c ; eggs , 24o do/en. All eggs carefully candled and butter assorted. Meat department doing wonders. Prices advancing , but oursaro btlll low. GROCERY DEPT. Laundry soaps nro going up in price , our prices remain the sumo. Bennetts' Bargain , ; io bars , $1.00. Bennetts' Map , 8 bars 2. " > o. Bennetts' Fern soap , 7 bars , 2oc. Church's boda , fie Pkg. Pumpkin , three It pound cans 2oc. . Laundry starch 4c. Cornstiirch no. Axlogreaso in boxes , Illo each. Soaplne , lie pkg. Lye , fie box. Elegant comb honey , full pound sec tions , it is really fine , only 20o each. Caulillowor In English pint bottles , it is tine , former price 2. * > c , to close , at l.'ic. FLOUR. This article is also advancing. Our prices are lower than over. Wo begin nt ( We , 73o and ! Kc ) and the boat Hour made in the world at $ l.l.v per Back. W. R. BENNETT CO. Peacock is tlio best soft coat. Sold only by Jooea , opposite powtotllce , GIVEN AWAY Hundreds of Yards of Dry Goods Given Away Yesterday at the Bell , EVERY THIRD ARTICLE GIVEN AWAY i\cryThlrcl : Vnnl of Dry tlaoiUVn * Given A tiny Yestcnhij Conlliiiinllon of this Orcnt hnlo for Munittty Only nt the Melt. With the exception of our grocery de partments , drugs and domestics , all other departments in our mammoth es- lablishmont will bo represented in this now and novel sale. By purchasing 2yards of goods you are given the third free of charge. You get a li-yard dress pattern by only paying for 1. In our cloak and shoo department wo will give h off. Goods always marked in plain figures. Every third yard of dress goods given away. Every third yard of silk or velvet given away. Every third yard of table linen given away. Every third yard of wool flannel given aw ay. Hvery third yard of ribbon glvcnaway. Every third blanket or comfort given away. Every third pair of gloves or mitts given away. E\ory third pair of hose given away. Every third undergarment given aw ay. Every third gent's neck tcarf given away. Every third gent's ovcrshirt given away. Every third gent's undershirt given away. Every third pair of suspenders given away. livery third pair of half hose given away. Every third liuon collar given away. Every third arliclo in our crockery de partment given away. One-third off on ladies' and misses' cloaks. One-third off on ladies' and gents' shoes ono day only. T1IK HELL DEFT ST.ORE CO. , Corner 15th and Dodge Streets. o "Tli 1 lrkc > t- : > r-l.t\ > \o Mini. " Commoni'Ing tomorrow , nt Wonderland and IJIjoti thc.iter , the HIjou Stock company will present the celebrated English inclo- dr.min , "The TicUot-of-Lcavo Min. ; " This will bo the first production for many a of this play in Oimih.i , and no expense will bo spared by the management to make it ono of the best shows given at that house Mr Wcssells und Miss Ettini ; play the le.uling parts , and the other membcis of the compiny have splendid opportunities to dlspKij llu-ir ability in the other roles. The specialties which pre cede tho/ should also provo an attract- l\o feature , as thcuic , said to bo abo\o the average Thcj include Arthur 1'ryor. the world's greatest trombone soloist At the late Patrick Glhmirc , Signor Llbcratti and Director Sousa all saj so Next season young Poor will bo the trombone soloist with Sousa at the World's fair. The War ren slsteis will introlnco a daring Hying tr.ipc/o act , .lennio Sm.Uho will appear in character SOUL'S and dances , Madame /Cecon- dla , a female Hercules , will exhibit her won derful strength and also glvo a clover performance - formanco on the bilancing trapeze , and Few ler and West will introduce their com- cdy sketch , "Germany ts Ameiica. " The llcnt Train for Chicago Is the Burlington's No. 2 , leaving Omaha at 1:45 : p. m. , daily. Magnificent sleeping cars ; comfortable chair cars ; perfect dining cars. Tlio Burlington tilt > o offers unequaled double daily b6rvjco to Denver , St. Louis and Kansas City. Ticket olllco 122.'U''aniam street. Ilookx ! Hooks ! By special request wo wjll continue our gteat book sale tomorrow , the weather.being too inclement Saturday afternoon for customers living far out to attend the closing up sale. A great many choice bargains are still loft at Oc. at l.'ic , at 28e , at ; ic ! ) , at fillc , at 70c , at ! )7c ) and $1.18 ; the books are actu ally worth from 2."ic up to $ y.fiO each. 20 per cent olT all sets Monday. N. B. FALCONER. ICrsolntloiiH of Kcuprrt. WIGWAM OK OCALLAI.A TmunNo.4 , I. O. K. M. . Kort Onmliii , Nob. Whorcas : Tlio Croat Spirit has called to the liuppy hunting ground the wife of our beloved uliiof , Ilciulorson Lloyd , uudWhereas Whereas , Thr * tribe desiring to ex press our sympathy to the chief in his dcop allliutinn , and kmuving that by the death of his * beloved wife , have sub- tamed an irreparable loss. Hesolved. By the members of Ogal- lala tribe , that we tender to tlio bereft brother our sincere and heartfelt sym pathy in this liis hour of Mid uflliction. Hesolved , That a copy of the o resolu tions bo transmitted to Brother Lloyd , under the heal of the tribe : also ono copy each , namely : Daily World Her ald and DAILY BRR at Omaha , Neb. , to the American lied Men of Dos Moines , Ilk. , and at St. Bethlehem , Tenn. , for publication and .spread upon the records of tlio tribe. Groiwiu LurrLRn , Wir.r.iAM A. MAGUU , ii DAI.TON , Committee. Clirnn Kxcnrilon to ( 'iillfornln. Tlio next I'hillipd H-iclc Inland per- boually conducted California oxcui-bion will leave Omaha on Friday , February . ' ! . Through Pullman tourist sleeping oars to San Francis-co and Los Angeles without change. This is the most economical and pleasant way to reach the Pacillo voant. For particulars call on any Hock Island agent , or addrcbd Chas. Kennedy , ( ien'l N. W. Pasa. Agt. , 1002 Fai'iam street , Omaha. Money to loan , lowest rates. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam street , W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages. Klogant modern built cottage for cnlo near ilaiihoom park. Must bo sold at onco. Call and tee it. Hicks , flOj N. Y. Life. IAST : oit SOUTH Via the U'aliahli ItouU- . The short line to St. Louis and quick est route south. Only 117 hours to Hot Springs. Only 37 hours to Now Orleans. Only 'I8J hours to Atlanta. Only 52 hours to Jackt-onvillo. With corresponding fast time to al points east and south. Hound trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Galvo.ston , Sun Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles. San Fran- clsco , Mobile , Jiickhonvlllo , Tampa , Ha vana and all the winter rcburts of the south und west. Reclining chair cars frco to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman buffet sleeping cars on all trains. Baggage checked from hotels und private rchldcnct's to destination. For tickets , uleoplng cur accommodations und further information call at WabuHh ticket otllce , 1002 Farnam btrcot , or writ * , Q. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Ornuha. BOSTON STORE DRESS GOODS Tomorrow We Reach the Point Thnt is Next to the Impossible , DRESS GOODS BARGAINS TO A CLIMAX Soiling Sfio Donlilo-rolil ltre rinnncU for Tc , Alt Wool DrrM floods 37o nml 83,00 Imported Dress ( leeds lor THESE STARTLING BARGAINS From the great Underhill and Scud- dor sale , _ on which wo bought 20,000 yards of line dress goods at one-tenth their value. They go in three lots. Lot 1. Double fold black and navy blue dress flannels , 7s a yd , worth 25e. Lot 2 An immense assortment of all wool ladies' cloak , 42 inch line Scotch cheviot novelties , fid inch all wool camel's hair , tricots and storm serges , all wool 4 Much novelty plaids , elegant homespuns , in fact over 25 different styles of regular $1.25 goods go at 37jc a yard. 200 pieces of the finest kind of Imported dress goods including silk figured crepe-do-ohines , 50-inch wide wale storm serges , diagonals , rough camel hair effect , imported serges and other high grade goods worth $2.00 a yard go at 50e , EMBROIDERY BARGAINS. Tomorrow wo will place on sale 20,000 yards high grade Hamburg edgings and line embroidery. This is the greatest bargain wo have ever secured and wo will sell them out in lots tomorrow at fie , lOc , 12ie and Ific a yard , and it will pay you to investigate BOSTON STORE Where the great bankrupt shoo bale is now Northwest corner 10th and Douglas. Look Out lor Colil UVntlicr. But ride inside of the electric lighted and steam heated vestibuled apartment trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul i ail way and you will bo as warm , comfortable and cheerful as in your own library or b-mdoir. To travel between Chicago and Omaha in these luxuriously appointed trains is a supreme satisfac tion ; and , as the somewhat ancient ad vertisement used to read , "for further particulars see small bills. " Small bills and largo ones , too ) will bo accepted for passage and bleeping car tickets at 1501 Farnam street. KIIIIV : , snoiit : & co. Lust Two Days oCOnr Discount Sale. Wo shall continue to give 20 per cent off on all our winter goods. And 50 per cent oil on our entire stock of fall and winter mantles and jackets. Remember this talc lasts only two days longer Monday and Tuesday. KELLY , STIGER & CO. Corner 15th and Farnam Sts. Now spring ginghams and now wash goods on sale Wednesday , February 1. AT 4'JC. ' 100 pieces of choice patterns in India silk , now being displayed in our corner window. These silks will bo on sale Wednesday morning , February 1 , at the unprece dented low price of49c. 49c. Actual value 7. > c. KELLEY. STIGER & CO. , Corner 13th and Far'nam Sts. Samuel Burns has just received another lot of those "Mat Gold1' dinner bets , $11,73. See his front w indow. If you want money on real estate don't fail to see Fidelity Trust company , 1720 Farnam street Low Itato i\ciintlon. : Thursday , February 2nd , 1893 , our fifth special party will leave Omaha for Houston. Texas. For further information call on S. M. Crosby or J. R. Cameron , filS Board of Trade Hooks ! Hooka ! By special request we will continue our great book sale tomorrow , the weather being too inclement Saturday afternoon for customers living far out to attend the closing up sale. A. great many choice bargains are still left at ( Jo , at 13o , at 28c , at 3e ! ) , at O.'lc , at 70o , at l)7o ) and $1.18 ; the books are actu ally worth from 25o to $3.50 each. 20 per cent on" all sots Monday. N. B. FALCONER. Big bargain , forty acres close to Omaha ; can sell all together or In ten- acre tracts : must bo told at onco. Call and got price. Geo. N. Hicks' 305 N. Y. Life building. Frescoing and interior decorating de signs and estimates furnished. Ilenry Lehmann , 1508 Douglas street. "The I'ulU of Niagara" is the title of a now book , beautifully printed and elegantly bound , containing some thirty dillcrent views of Niagara Falls reproduced from the finest instan taneous photographs , and accompanied by descriptive text from the pens of dis tinguished writers , extending from Father Ilennepin down to Charles Dud ley Warner and Sir Edwin Arnold This sumptuous little vol nno will bo sent to any address on receipt of the publishers' price of 50 cents. A similar volume , containing twenty largo plates with de scriptive text , forming an admirable practical guide to the Falls , under the appropriate title of "How to See Niag ara , " will bo sent for the same price. Address , enclosing money order or postal note , Brentano's , 204 Wabash avenue , Chicago , 111. Real estate. Bargains only. My word is good W. G. Albright. 521-2-3 N. Y. Life bldg. Tlio agency for the sale ot Dr. refferis' Diphtheria remedy is 2404 Cuinlng st. nfallible ouro. No physician required. T rnty-ll\o Hollars To North Galveston and return , via Houston and Galveston. Stopovers al lowed and tickets good to return until Juno 1. First class accommodations. Special party leaves Omaha Friday Jobrimry 3. . .Apply at once to F. F. Williams , room 522 First National bank building , Omaha , for tickets und sleeping car reservations. JMI.CO.NHH'S CASH HAMS. .1 Ufcjs More. Only three day * more in which to buy 40o dress go < xls at H5c per yard. ( iOc , 70o and 80cdress goods nt 3to ( per yard. $10.50 , $18.75 and $22.00 cloaks for $10.00 each. $25.00 and $30.00 cloaks nt $15.00 each. $10.00 , $12.50 and $15.00 cloaks at $5.00 each. 20 per cent oft" of notions. 20 per cent off 'of art goods ! 10 per cent . off of our regular stock of hosiery ; JO per cent off of gloves. Dent put off. Buy now. SPECIAL OFFERING OF SILKS. Lining silks in cream and light shades , worth 50c , Monday 29c. Handsome black ground silks , colored effects interwoven , worth $1.50 , Monday 7 o. Heavy surah in changeable effects , worth $1.00 , Monday ( ISo. Ono lot of velvets and plushes , worth up to $1.50 , in this sale 40o. Remnants of silks at prices to close them out quick. Dress corduroy in Into shades at 75c , worth $1.25. N. B. FALCONER , Til 13 Mr. Lomax , Rcucrnl passenger agent of the Union Paclilc road , announced } esterday that Mr. J. N. Drown , his acting assistant , had resigned in order to take a much needed rest on account of 111 health , and that Mr. C. MaclCenzle , who has been chief clerk of tlio department for a long time , will be assigned Mr. Brown's duties. Mr. S. II. II. Clark's Journey to Denver now turns out to have been a mission to meet President Mnnvcl of the Santa Fo In order that some aprcement might bo reached regarding the exchange of freight business between his road and the Atchlson. While nothing definite Is known It is understood that an agreement was reached between the two presidents regarding the freight situ ation. The passenger situation was not dis cussed at till Mr. Clark was accompanied to Denver by J. A. Munroc , freight trafllc manager , S. W. Eccles , assistant general freight agent at Salt Lake , and D. W Hitchcock , goner il agent at San Francisco. From all appe trances the railroads run ning into Chicago are soon to bo made the objects of Inrr.issing legislation that will make life a burden to their ofllccrs. The people of that city are awakening to a real isation of the fact that they are in perpetual danger of being run down and killed or maimed at ono or other of the numerous grade crossings. The frequent fatal acci dents on crossings of late have sot them to thinking that their turn may conic next , and in their anxiety for protection they seem likely to go to as great an extreme in the direction of caution as they have in the past gone in the way of caielcssncss. In no city in the universe has the slaughter by railroads ever i cached an\ thing like the awful proportions seen In Chicago ; but if half the proposed legislation for tlio protec tion of llfo is successful In getting on the statute books , a railroad train will bo ren dered as harmless as a baby carriage Among the proposed icmedies aio the follow ing : All cars to be moved by horse power within the city limits ; all gates at crossings to swing across the railroad instead of across tlio public road ; all trains or locomotives to be brought to a complete stop 1200 feet from any crossing which is used by any kind of street car , and the engineer to assure him self that all is clear before proceeding. Tlio object which the lawmakers have iniow is to force the roads to elevate their tracks within the city limits. The lirst road to conio out with a definite plan for the World's fair passenger rates is the Atchlson , Tlio plan divides the traflio Into live classes , based on the time the pas senger is allowed In Chicago. In the lirst class thero'will bo a reduction- 10 per cent on round trip tickets , the tickets being good for six months /from Uato o sale. In the second class tha , tickets will bo limited to thirty days und will be sold .at aieduction of 20 per ct'nt. The thin ! class carries with it a reduction of iio per cent , the tickets being good for only fifteen Oujs. Fourth and fifth class tickets are to bo sold only on special days and for special trains. Fourth-class tickets will be sold atone ono faro for the round trip , giving such transit limits as will allow seven days in Chicago. Fifth-class tickets will bo sold for a cent u milo of distance traveled and will give the holder threodajs In Chicago. The same class of equipment w ill bo used on the trains for all these classes. To passengers from the Pacille coast the rate will bo a cent a mile , and a longer stay than seven days will bo allowed. Mr. 13. Li. Lomax , In talking yesterday about stop-over privileges ( lining the World's fair , said : "It is much to early to be thinking of this question , when rates are still unsettled , but I think that Omaha be ing the end of a division will have an oppor tunity to euro for all those who desire to spend twenty-four or oven forty-eight hours in the city , as all tickets are generally good for stop-off at division points , unless they are limited , and for continuous train service. In case u one-faro rate is made for the World's fair I suppose I will have a continuous train ticket printed , but otherwise I don't pro pose spending 1,000 or M.OOO for a lot of World's fair tickets to have to destroy them on the termination of the fair. However. I shall do all I can for tlio constituents of the road , and w herever possible have stop-over privileges , for cities like Omaha , Kansas City , Denver , Cheyenne , Ogden , Salt Lake and Portland have rights which ought to bo respected. I anticipate thcro will bo several rates decided upon , and should a one-faro rate be put In , tiic use of the ticket will have to bo continuous , but on regular lound-trip tickets I can see no reason why travelers should not stop oft at Omaha. An honest pill IK the noolcst worlc of the apothecary. DoWitt's LUtlo Karly Hiscrs euro constitution , biliousness and sick hc\ul- uehu. Auction I'lrn Cm pets. The Orchard fire sale will begin Mon day next , 10 a. in. , at Natitorum build ing , l.'lth and Howard. It consists en tirely of carpets and rugs , and will positively bo sold without limit. Any one wanting a line carpet should attend this sale. The goods that will bo of fered are in good condition. R. WELLS , Auctioneer. No Ilciil Illiiil Yet. World famous Eli Perkins says : "Af ter people havo-gono over all the routes to California once , they bottle down to the old U. P. This road will always be the great transcontinental lino. It has the best track , the best equipment , the best eating houses , and It teaches the traveler more history and geography than any other lino. It shows you his toric Salt Lake and the Mormons , takes you through the * great Laramie plains , the Humboldt fbasin and the Grand canyon , over the very stage route that Horace Grcelpy and Artemus Ward rode. Once on the Union Pacific It goes everywhere. It Tims to Portland and Pueblo , Helena and the Yoemito , Tacoma - coma and Seattle , Los Angeles and San Diego , and is thu only route into San Francibco. It has no rivals yet. " Send for our California Sights and Scenes. E. L. Lomax , G. P. ft T. A. , or II. P. Deuol , city ticket agent Union Pacific Sjbtem , 1:102 : Farnam street , Omaha. owder The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alutu in Milli-4is of. Homes 40.Years the Standard. BARGAINS IX CREATPROFUSIOX There Were Crowds nt the Continental Fire Sale. CLERKS WERE KEPT VERY BUSY After Works of Wiiltlni ; , thn Orrnt Sulc The Scene * mill Incl- dent * Attfiiillni ; tlio OpciiliiK' . After weeks of wnltlng tlio lon < ; ox- > octcd Contineiitnl llro t-ulo opened vos- ertluy morning. The crowd Unit lined ho building nior than mot the uxpcctu- .ions of Manager Samuel ( ! amblo. and the forty clerks on duty had to be hourly reinforced , until when the stoio eloped list night fully liH ) Milosinun were on luty. All of thorn wore kept buiy. In tlio children' dopartmpiit there was a multitude of fond mothers mid their olT- sprinjjf , and as fast as one customm1 was satisliod there \\oro many more clamor- .iitf for attention. In the mcnV department was iv pushing - ing , eager crowd demanding Iminodiato ittention. Though the management employed every clerk and every man Millie iontly gifted intolloetuully to perform the luties of a clerk who was willing to work that put in an appearance , still there were not enough men behind the counters to attend to the eager hordes if purchasers. Many men who came to buy clothing were offered , positions as salesmen. Anything was bolter than to keep the crowd waiting. Tlio prices of everything were plainly marked and each purchaser could determine the eivt of the article ho was after with out asking the clerk. Hut though the system of .selling was simplified in every possible manner , the distracted clerks could not fit all the anxious buyers who clustered about the counters. Mr. Loomisof I'Ycolaml , Loomis & Co. , owners of the Continental Clothing house , was present when the great lire "alo opened. IIo saw the crowd gather abjiit the various entrances of tlio big store long before the hour for opening had arrived and witnessed , with the zest of ti connoisseur , the grand rush when the portals were drawn aside. Ho saw the bewildering , exciting , purposeful and eager rush of the multitude of bujers and saw tlio army of energetic clerks powerless to meet all demands. Then there was a consultation with Manager Gamble. Some means of relieving the overworked clerks must bo settled upon. Between the two , after a very short de liberation , it was decided to every man into service who was willing to work. Prices were so far reduced that a man who had no other occupation could make a garment or two by his day's work. As the crowd pressed through the doors , men were offered po sitions as salesmen , by which they could earn enough money to pay for what they came to purchase by ada\'swork , or a part thereof. Seine men were so anxious to get at tlio bargain tables and see what was there offered that they llatly refused all offers to work. Very few men would become clerks. Most of the visitors to the store bad good jobs , and what they were after were bargains , and nothing could stop them. They found bargains and revelled in thorn. DSoino of the buyers were induced to sell goods. There was only one price and a child could soil the mountains of clothing on the tables at the Continonnl store. Even with the increased force .of clerks the crowd of buyers filled the store , occupying all the available spaco. Every where thcro were men and women and children demanding immediate at tention. They filled the aiblos , jostled the clerks and were everywhere in the big store where standing room could bo found. Very soon after the doors were opened in the morning it was found that some system must bo adopted to prevent a ' "blockade. " After the store was full the doors were closed and placards posted announcing when they would bo opened again. This was absolutely necessary. The people inside bought and bought quickly. 'Tlioro were many , many bar gains and the customers know bargains when they s > uw them. Clothing , neck wear , shirts , collars , cufTs , and every thing else sold at the Continental were snapped up in very short order , and as the crowd outside saw the crowd emerge from the inside with bulky packages , the impatience was well nigh irrepressible. Hour after hour now crowds were admitted. Hour after hour crowds departed laden with purchases. ' The fire sale ! " When the wearied , per&piring clerks saw the doors cloned for the night they chorused a deep nigh of relief. It was , indeed , a hard day's work. The public wanted bargains. Bar gains were found in great profusion , and snapped up in great confusion. The stock in the Continental was turned topsy-turvy. It was uprooted , torn up , thrown aside , to accommodate tlio eager buyers. Clerks had no time to straighten up stock. It was impossi ble. Just as soon as they got through with ono customer they confronted many others. Manager ( iamblo , when the hard da 's work was done , sent them all home. Monday morning they will straighten up stock. It will probably not bo before 0 o'clock Ixjforo the doors are opened to morrow. Plenty of bargains are left and the early comers at tomorrow's sale will go away rejoicing. I'or u I't't Stiii'k Show. The breeders nml fiwcieis or pure brul poultry residing In Om.ih.i and its neighbor hood will hold a poultry show at lllllt Far- nnm street commenting February 0 nml run ning three daj s. All peisons interested in iKHiltry are invited to lie present , anil to bring their UirJs , for which no entry fco will bo charged. An expert juilgo will bo on Imml to score birds placed In compollon. The object of this exhibition is to promote inter est in blooded poultry , and to place persons interested in touch with ciu-h other. I guarantee 20 per cent saved over hard coal by using gas e > ke , $7."iO ton. A..I. MoyorUlJ.S ! l-l.wlthMoiint'&Urillln. Mr. and Mrs. MORAND School Masquerade TOR , ADULTS , ARMORY , ThURSDAY , FEBRUARY 2. I'rosont Mini former pupils uonlUlly lnHod. . TffkotH adinlttliiz liidy iiiul ituntleiimn , ll.UU. 1'ull orchostr.i. D.iiicln : ut S.JH p. rn .Mmli > ) ur A. nu'"i'iU fur III * ce lull nil nil lllninonil iid Noii > riinnirn- hl .spectacles fur Oiiiiilm , .Ni'l. . 'Ihfin Spec- t n u I n ure Kimrunteoil In norrvct uny ilefeol III tln > " ! ' "irulilo MAX MEVEH dt BRO. CO. , ONLY , W 7 Como aud Soronm nutl EiijJy nu CvcniiiBaf Honlthy , Hon t , Uiirostruiu i Sir. Charles t'roliin.tii s Imust Coinoily Suoi'i- , "A JOY PUIJSKXTIJ ! ) BY TillSTHONUKST : CO.MHHV COMPANY IV AMERICA. JOO N 1(1 NTS IN 1 ON'I ION' . iv ) N on IN is Niw : VOHK 100 MUlIl's IN MOIIl'd IN t II1CAOU Pont * . are . now " on sulo nt llio follo liu scale of prices ! ! > ' rat lloor. MV , T.o 'inn 1.00 | balcony , - und > ! pullury , iV , YOU CAN GET A GOOD SEAT FOR 50c. POPULAR. I PIUCES. ' 7./7.-0 Huinolf /loiu/i /.CVK/S f o tlio Ilntino of Si/oopss. MATINEE Beginning , Jan. 29 The Beautiful Singer nnd Harpist , In the Greatest of All Irish Dramas SEE SILVER PELL QlJARTETTE , New Song8 Dances. = = Jfew MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. NEW TWONIOHTS& MAT THEATRE TWO NIOHTS & MAT THEATRE TWO MIGHTS & MAT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY , FEB. 3 & 4 1'AruNi : I'AIILISP. UAUj IIAI.IJ PAULINE HALL I'AI'MNi : \lAli\i \ \ 1'AUMNi : ' * I'AUMNH i'N I'AUMM : TWO 1'AUMNK HA IJ * OOAIIO OIMI < A 1'AUMNK 1IAI.L , HUOOI.SS a PAUMM : IIAU , I'AUMNI : IIAU * HAM * FRIDAY EVE 'nnd HAM' Saturday Mntliioo , IIAU ; KK.M I M K ERMINIE KKMIN1K RUM IN in r.ioii.Mi ; RKMIMK : llairv I'oulloi KUMINII ; ; nml KUMINin n. JncoUowsbl's RU.MINII : I'uiiioiis : i-a KKMINli : . HUM I Nil ! KUMINin PAUUNR HAM * RUM IN IR IN IIEU Original Creation as RKMINin RKM1N1R KKMINli : 1MTKITAMA SATURDAY EVENING , IMJ1UTANIA IMJIUTANIA I'UUITANIA FURITANIA IMJKITAMA PIIKITANIA IMIKITAMA I'UIU ANIA " IMIKITAMA : 0. Al. S. McLulliin IMIIMTANIA ; and 1MTKITANIA : Kdcnr Btllliiiun Kolloy's 1'UKITAMA . Upal'.i , " acts , ( I scones. IMJKITAMA I'UKITAN'IA PITKITANIA I'UKITAMA 1'AULINC HALL IMIKITANIA AS IMJH1TANIA VIVIAN IMIKITAMA TIIC liAKL. IMIKITAMA l ffi ll-ANV-Mr.rnnU IN Till : COM I'A NY Mr. llarrir Miiudonon ; ; ) ! IN T1IH O ) MI'ANV Mr. .Incqnc" ! Krusur IN Tin ? "QMPANV-Mr. John llraiul IN TIIK COMPANY MUs IIo en IN 'I 1112 COMPANY Mlsi Mahol StnuLs IN Till : 1'OMl'\NY-MlM MucAlvlii IN TIIK COMPANY Mlsi I'ulmor Assisted by a Chorus of 1'uity. ERMINIE A ( T I VlllnKO of I'omvprt en fete ACT II llnllrooni Inllmloiii I'uiiivPrl ; ( Into-iu I'omvurl A < T III lorlilorof I'rncliiceit wltli nconory , ncti'Miirle * nil lostiimos muili ) from IhuorlKlnnl ili-sUnn ANI > AU'IIMISNI'KII OUUIIKsTllA. PURITANIA ACT I- loni. Slmt .HUi ! Al T II - ) llo I , ' ublTrnncan Clminljor In the rnliun of Klni : Clinrlon II of Kimluild Scon I ) ' . ' Tlirnno lluum In tlm I'uliirc I're enlud nltli nil Ihu orltliuil nconcry. a < crmor IcJonilo iitnmci whUli Imvo cliaraolurlioil Hie pro > ( liicilon The > 'ilu of aents nlll open all ) o'clock 'Jhuradiy innrnliiij BOYD'S New Theatre. WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY let. MX'I'IMIK AM ) LMJNINO Onl/appenranrunf the Ohrstrorn-Renard Lyric Artists tossisnso OK- Augusta Ohrstrom , I'rlmi Dunim Soprano. Mnrtlnn Johnson , The Kninons Violin Vlrluoio direct from her recent - cent nupcenos in llerlln and ( onilncnlal Europe. F. Donnoll Balfe , The ( .rent Anierlcnn Mcsio Frank Porter , Toner Iloliusto. Mamlo Stunrt Owen , I'lnnlit nml Acrompnnlit Aeott-rloof roncmncil Rrtlst In n niaxninrent pro- xruuiof popular upcr.illo unrt clnnnc mtiilc Omnlm IUTUM of lil.'hir onler of n.uiloul nrt flioulrt nnt iiPk'loct tlila opMOrtiinllir of hourln thii tiutt rtl U who will urubaUly vtilt tliuclt ) ilurlnK thmeaion Boyd's New Theatre Qs < vltlo ! > TA TINfJSrNIAY. ) Cl NlgntS KEBRURAY 01 uud 7/ocy , And lliolr l > lj ( Coninany Mlnnjo FrflnCll ! 4l ! pi'onlo , IncliiiiinK luiuuiu iiuuuii In sorlos"of ) lloyt' best play , APeirlorMe "I'he Man wlio IjroUo tlia bank at Monte' Oai-les MnnlolpauV "Not tlio Only Uno. " i\erylliliu- : fromst-irt toflnnli. llux ilieeH open t Urd r nicirnlne t llio follow- Inf prloo. Hr t Huor , Wo , < 6onuUII ( XJ. L l < onr , IM nJ J.'o gnllerr. ' SPECUWf ING SUCCESSFULLY.t00'krJh ; t SiDd for book run. U. B. Agtocr , Mt. Veraon , N. V , Perforijtnijco iu it Htrllciuf ; foaturot fotf the Konoral publlo , and special attrnqA tloiiH for ladloH uud chililron. Such aa outoi'tatuuieut is always to lie found - AT - ONDERLAND and BfJOUTHEaiRE Cor nth St , anil Capitol Am , Oinaba. The Model Thc.iter ot Omaha -Contlnuout Performance from 1 to 10 ! ! * ) j > m. DRAMA AND RKFINMl ) VARIETY Gr.iml Double Hill , willi Now Features Uvery Week Tim Ai-me ot Hotincd MleKJiii-'c' Wbolesomo Amuse- incut for tl.o Host Cl.issi-K TipgiiiniiiK Monday , . .lnniuirIKIth , THE BIJOU THEATER STOCK COMPANY - IN TH1C - CELEBRATED ENGLISH MHO-DRAMA , THE TICKET Of LEAVE with Scenery. IClrtfnnt i i Costumes imil SuperbSinge 1 Directs. ' ' OLD IIKAO AM ) YOUNG I IK ARTS .Suiprised I Astnnlshcil ! And the Biff. ( ! ( > ( . " on'e OUr Variety Artists. ARTHU R PRYOR , The World's ( iriMti'st Troinbuiio late Trombone Virtuoso of dijiuoies a and SIUHI'S Iliinds WARREN "SISTERS , I..O 1'otlto ( ! . \ nm.i' In Mnrvi'lli. is inanco on L.i I.X. Iwllo , orFhinj ; JENNESMYTHE , Charai'ti'i1 sniitrs and O.iin i s MADAM ZEEONDIA , TIII : KRMrn IIRUPI 1 1 'A Woman ulth a .law of Iron and . \\ondcj on .1 Halum-lnt ; Tr.i | u c FOWLER & WEST , Jn thulr Iaugh.ililo Shutcli , ( JUi.MANV AMKIUCA _ _ LADIES' SOUlfENimlS FEBM 3dL A llenutlful SnuTonlr for Kach l.n'ly \ Icllur DflY Adoiliilon fur i hllilion Only ten Cvnlm. POPULAR PRICES. Matinees ' 'Oc in all p.-.i-ts of the house -20 % EVENING. linlconj. 20c Koscrvcd I'.iniuct seals ! ! 0c. Y. M. C , A MESMERIC MYSTEHIES. Prof , John Reynolds U iiloly racosnlzo J ni llio eru.ili it living MESMERIST ! Will gtv n scr ci of his Mirthful , MyitloaL Mjrtoloui l.iilortaliiinuiitv. Prrsnni couiinz vo untnnly from the audit riicu , If found mmoptlble. will tin inaile t floso tliolr oy s without boliu a > > lo to opaa Ihniii. they wl llioiiiido to stainrr.or , fori > their iniinea , Uiitih. cUnso ml > | IIK > their rol. nntarv motions "III bucomplutuly rontrollei } . 10 that thov cannot stand or lt , Wutor will liu chnhxud to wlno , codec , olu. Th y will b liown the t'alliiof M ? ars. taka u rldu In bnlloon , nnd other Intorestlne Illruloni. Adinlnlon K5 * 1 Soati nowoniaU ltc crvcd Ho&utOo. | at Cliaao * Kdd/'fc